Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1878, p. 2

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wunuu, nuu uv-u-I-uu um uu-uuvu vu- viun. This, huwover, in tho vary thing lhoy did nut do. The Uunurvniu puly bu lor yun been :luminuil in Quoboc, and the [no Dominion olectionl won! in ion llut they lull lunultain thoir patty mpnmacy tin-re, ycl the Hon. Mr. Joly, liming to ilm lull :ill Ielpuullhlllly lur um Linn, .Howrnur'l mlion,wu suluilh ed by I majority :1 lb. polll. It in nlwi that llrgo numhun of Quebec Cunurv'n- tlvu vuud Imli-coulidlnco in tho De lhuchorullo Ministry and ury pmli- ally declined tint Mr. [Atollin lud mud in tho public intomt in Ii-penning with the lemon ml 1 clique of vunld-bo irmopomihlo do-poln. The mlion nl "in Honour nu Ilul nu ml iyruiuy. Sn hr from this II. III an intervention MI to- hlll ol Hm pooplo'l Himm- nml y'muh, Ind (ha only wny by which ills nice o! (h. people could he olicl'lod on the .010- nl IllpOI'WII qualiqu whivh on vitnlly combed than: at th. limo. 'lhm iho HaunUil-lhwornur'l union merely hudod out tho whnlo mute: in Uir olncwn Iho -locl|nd ~ by hu- mrmw I unjorily doun't unlw (In in I ilu mil Iii-l hi. u-Klniuu-I IIIO in (in tron. And yo! the [Minimum no. common: in boil-g hcdpnl by thrlr ulurpamuu to punish Iith dionuul n Wriutic Gunman 'hl). only oll'ouc. :- am In oomclly inurpubd a popu- II will in mud up tho tyranny ol liin Mini-Ion, and an I). [I'D ll popl- tho oppoanin ul pounding than Oil. mm Ibo Ioulul m the populu rhhh, and who run, hula, mndnct tho public "thin" Iitl bounty, pn- ilomudomoomy. Linn-IM-(hnr than. Jun - nob-pl MN. M Q .000- Ihichhol. no dill ,,-__A And " ,_:L:I:._ L- AL- 11, pay... "rt..." London, Ko'. 211-1... m hull H" o'- m 0! Mri- d u. srllng and Ikanklord. (limi may.) . H... M_Iu--h_ Ircles. Nov. 13!. l'he ['ull .Mall Ha iug edunrinl, referring to the scunccming Rualian Russian an m Alqhnn nnira. an" : v AFGHEILSTAN. Yqun. in. u lighf Plnre _ A CItIclIu. Could the Bulgar- ) mum to 'Iiunovn Fl lUl u:- nu." . . w . __ .,,,_ length at In. hwy. Ho droldfully un- ho cnmchod And mmglad, um the wt!- turod nunqu could with dllculty be cullwtod and dcpmite-l in I Imgll box for tho iu-poctiun u! the ournnor'l jury which at upon the cue. Hue man! to boda- nvul (rum thi- incidom in thu mono, hid much bollor be mad lhnn holrdod ; the olhvr ubvmlu launn II qua which our Col} morcblnu WI uhwrfully "pl-in And Apply. .v- .. -w.. 7- . trot-Tho ano 1" on Well-uh] I. a mid. You : Um lllu'. IIIW 3-.) "I" V-" 0 it conmoneta moving on an NorthKippuu, Md that our Iinol um h-o Ihighin: bu boon good. than bo- il: Italy (to [on a! not in none . The luke- md-Ilull nth-n- in duloulny mnllnoun Ipud I... not and mu prom for (In lm-AW: 0-2194. \n-y .nuy...,,.. -.,.-.:,., Toronto, Nov. 30.An ()nngo Society "a a bcll In night in ,St. Andrew'- I", And shout "a n'cluck this manning Iona Young Irilhlnou nude An invasion upon the put, and I lighl omuud, in which tho invndcn cum of locum! but. Thin morning {our 0! than were More the Polio. Hui-Into And nod nrioxu amount; Th- alumna "ll-um Fulani" nli" In. amount; The balloon: Hoan Fulgu" dill r0. Inan allow, and than do.- not r to In much chum (-f Him hero . mum alum, and more no. not to be much chance zoning hora Sum-mu Fr TIIBH'IA'L-A gnu-- Ilouon who bu jut returned [run the Um (nun mm m; um. nah no moving on the. pose. New York, Nov. JillThe Sun says: One of the first duties nf the Home of Republicans, which ought not tn be put- poued une hnur alter the ceremonial of organization will be to an uire into the nuthenticity (if the Cypher telegram, pub- lished on the eve of the recent elections, their correctness, their lmnnlntium, and mum by which they Were obtained. Thil in due to the public morals, and it in due to pmtiea whose names have been bandied so freely uvor tho cullntry, that they should hue the opportunity to vin~ dicnte themselvon i! that be possible. If not they must suffer lhe consequences. #7:... (Hy 'IquruM: To day ) Quebec, Nov. lyQT'no invrstiuatiun into the recentfurgeries in the Deparh ment of Public Works wan cuntinued yesterday. Hon. Mr. July testied that hil name at the fool of the xhevluen had been In forgery. A lnrul meal wnl dimvered in the been lorqery. A largn seal was tint yuturdny at Hillary Cnve. Joseph Dube nml Chonlivr nucueetlsd in wound- ing the Ininml, uluch, however, elcuped until uppoliu- the city, when it did 1mm the affects of the wnund. It Ineuured eight lee! in length. The two vounu ludies who took the eight me! In lengm. The younu white veil It. the Unuhne Cunvenl. nn Tlmrldny were Mun Liven-non 5nd Min Magic lintermn' The black veil wu received by Mus Chacn. daughter of Hon. Sonnet Chatlern, uf Manuenl, aml Miu Roy, daughter of Mr. Roy, M. l. of River dn Loup. Should [ha riuunlly Mid cull-liluliun- Illy dangerou- party'uhrut lodilmiu tho me.Huvorlmr. he carried lulu r'oct, III ntlompt mll lonhtlon he xumlo tn jun My it. uh th awn! him having din- uilud Ihn a liouchorville Mini-try. Nothing amid b. wider pf the mark thnn tn Imagine that Ihe expulliun n! the LiouunnuHinvornur would be a daun- ed ropriml [or the diuniual of his Minin- .-.. 'lh- IM." In 0h. nhnar nn-nr nf Orange liMli-Iarry' Invasion- Flued for the Im: . \'/nl _"'J' "I 7 J I ' New York,Nov. 30. The Times Wash- ington special any: the sensational ntories that the Red Cloud Indiana will be starv ed, are denied by Commiauuuer Hnyt, who lddl that the constant iteration of the lndilna about gmnu on the war path, would not be kept up if it was for n pur- nmln (,apfurr of a Seat Taking HM l'nnw. (0' 7% Ml.) JumdvTh Icahn to- about ' M. flintth- M M ht tb- funk din.- il Man with tho II.- lhgllneopjon. Th8; Anita's hll ammuoclockxmm d m: com- or woman. In nplyng u .0 an nmod the Main npoko hut in Lidia' Eduncwnd Auoduion paint 0:! u: add.- to th- Prinz- Loni-o, "queuing hot to become thoil . The Priuoul gnciou-ly woordod the da- lirod flvor. H. R. H. loohd ' and thawed no men- of htign. fro- Int ni-ht'n (ml-AL The Vino-Raul nu" Iill and woven ugm ol nugua Km- nu nixht. ordul. Vino-Regs] rt thin Afternoon drin 0m to Vi o uric Convent, Mann-lulu. where a lplnldid reception will be given them. and on this return will vilil McGill University. who Faculty will prueut In uldnu to the Marquis. Their Excellenciu will attend St. _A_nlrowu Day sort-ice at St. AndnwlmObomh of Sc-nlnnd u: l p. m- to-du, Christ Church Cnlhednl Sundny morning. .and St. Andrews Church Sun- day .homoou. Studdnrt'n iewolrv atom on Blourv It. (By Ttlegrup/t Today.) Ottan, Nuv. 30 -A nxmllnrmy of carpenters aria buaily engaged in pmpnr- ing the welcome arches for the Vice-r931] reception, seven in number, some very nllgnicoul. In the CIVilServico Deput- ment uuo hundred ags will b5 med in dncorntiou . [nnniu (Mm-uldn Hurdnn nal: thu dncornuou County Constable (Lu-don touk tho prisoner Cameron, who with his brother- rubbed R rbult Cummiugl some week: ugo, to Metcalfo yesterday, where they fuund the cab box and not. I which he hm] hidden. The Hutu wcmfuundall right as walla: 501113.82111. The prisoner was romandod unul Friday next. At Hm nanlinn nmulmu room has bee n I romandml until r nany next. At the pavilion standing provided for 801) pars nun. Iml a platform arranged for le accommodniun of 300 children. The emitral space will be car petod, and chairs for 3.30 persons placed. Admiuion to the galleries, wherein Itamling accmnmodntien has been pro- vided, will be by crud, the Mayor and each aldcrnun being put in possession of 150 card: tn distribute among the rule- payon. The pavilion will be decorated with evergreens, tings, trnnapsranciea, etc. The rai-cl dai- will his an elegml a'nir cnvered ith a beuuiilul canopy. The delegates run the ditl'urent Scotch societies In the Dominion, who '8 tu pre- sent an address tn the Marquis of Lorne, will be entertained by lhe St. Andrew's Societyaml Calednnia Club to a dinner nt the Rideau Club. Two thousde mu no um grounds. m m We! W-l uquuupunu. Tum. Alan-I'- [Ill Muhat4oelock;m., ltd III a amt-m A! 10 o'elnek tad-.- th- mmsqo'mtm., III gnu-ocean. At 10 oclock to-dq no aqui- ol but hunk) nativ- dupli- l-tiou {animu- nf [wanting lain-a. u Stallone, wu nttind in th- Gout- Iwuonn-ln uniform, my! candidly nhook had: with .11. Adda- nu mind 'nn link-u of uh; Luv-h n, IIIOOI num- IIIII Ill. anal- punt-lulu: W06 tho Church of doodmd. Pmbvtuim Synod. But of would: on now or an mum ol doodmd, Pmbytuim Synod, Kontml, Ngtioml thry W], M Corn- of Conant. In nnlvin- h in 1-: Wonnu, -uv luau, u. u. Nuioi'i'-Jy nality, Corp- nplyin' M nmad. the Mummi- nnoko ninth in My ulunoon. Stoddnrl'n jewelry Bleury wu burghriud on Thurde night. 81,000 worlh 0f uluuble goods were no- en. The thieves are no: known. M. nuunI-nn' Aalinnw uaunn mn. Tue uneven no: Known. Mr. Douqlul' delivery "axon, con< tliuiug I Inn-go number of slippnn made to order (or the lnlrolll of the Ball, nu Ilw robbod of its contents the Inme night while adding at. A door. Souetyaml Unleunnm UN!) to a uumer At. the Chine-e lanterns and one.hundrod laulpl will be used In decorating the Parliament nrnllnda Indian Sensational Siorim--'lloe Cypher Telegram s. Preparing for Cu 11: m i nus lamina! non-Mind. diode-(oththme MI J Bali: All oddly out u r "3 *FW afghan out! AMEmcmVEsiafcnzs. (By Tckgraph Tuday.) .A- \Y..- on In II-nnn- (By Telegraph To day.) 1039510. WEE- Du 'ert' n- The Robbery. Hung-.. nu MlumwuuDFr-wv My 0! Rodin quid], owning .ml _l.-d-. in m Ila-'1. VII" OOIIOIIAILI BRICK DWIL LII. uni mo bile M..- Mhd you Apply VuDIWATII h lll'ltl, V co-(M In. -uu u. w... m Nina and a In Adam on Regent umt' Imuble for a market unlon. n u , IL, ._ _.L ___--_.l ...r . unau- n u um"- -u- ......._ av "Ona'r and aim Am- ol Loud. just beyond aw Vllhgn oftmuqui. ' n n uJll I (r. W. ROB INSQN. 'llICIII .75 KIIOITOI. HAVE ON "AND THE LARGEST AND "ES 1 STOCK 0F SLEIUHK ANDCUT- TEKH IN THE CITY. which I IIIle the nubliu' to ml] and exmnmo. [3'] Involun- tho publh' w] ed a Inrgnswnsrooru. not Adjoining luv olhor building. when I can keep your Cnrriagen for the wimrr m roman-bio rnul Thu- can bu immred if desired. 11INE "KICK COT'IAGE on Alfred Itmt, sanding In quarter Acre] at. Everything in good order Btlmr Mldonca on Quun unetmonuin In. 9 moms. Hill-room. Wand Shed, he. CITY HALL; -- {ight Only. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 41'". = ](_B| LIl ulmmsl ll IDIII by." via-t; Von-I'ou A gram] oollmtiuu of FEMALE BEAUTY. Firm prmlm-lion a! nu orluml nurIrnquo. wuh popular Innur, lparkling Dht~ Immunnd Imml [ailmmlnpmd "eruo'aw IUIIU- ado-oat can. can. LL\JLAJA411VHVA Concludng with tho lam: Euro can sou-Mina 'l'lld'. NINEIIN DA CE. n 0}... Act". l-I-n- -'I\"I-ll n' lllu lnll UIILUD. Nutwilhalundiug the aura lugs expanse a! rim orgnuizuliull prises remain u Inual. lt-wrvml Acute; now on ulo at. '0 uloy'u. Nov 311th. I In: ulmnuam, In muuluuun Miss May Fisks nu uml Orioilml Trmlnn nl' Enall-h \2:13.:{#3333'3323933!I SLEIGHsicUTs I 7 HE FIRST LITERARY MEETING 0|" . le ulmvu Anmminou will lm lmM ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT,| w Td. 0011. 12. I. (3" Gt- Col. I. Deadlin- '1 00-84 (X! P- Rv-8L7& I. ("V W. '13... 231m 5," RIP!" 5. mw 11:14,:- ad-m... . va ~-- raw- , umn mo. IOV. mm. Gallulhustomaalhn Men]. 03.1.1513; (ozuo Bucking: the; MM. hum-50mm luauWhat. for n . 75 to we. MthUohuosmnl-evl: Rand to I5c ; Rye L'mlcu (n-Comma; 0.:- Mr. Chane 7:090; Pouloaunu Whilh;lnth5koperlb.;aoof.llo moo. Turin mtoO|;Chiekcm mum ' woodN. for ham Butter 15:. can 3' WM. DAVID will open In Auctioneer Shop at Wm. lur- my's' old stand in the Met Square, in a few days. A- I-.- 8 mm oumln. nvonrd upoia. At npnucemn Nov Lfnh,the wife 0! Ir 0 Z Parr , ofl son. At (nunnmnm an NIH: Eilqu ch. -Iln nl'l A DAY TO AGEN'IS.~Sothing new. Outt (men Address RIDEUUT h (20, Box I I20, Mumreul, Qua .. V n v .wvvn - u"_ ..w( v... . (.ARva-Ritlmst thing out. ll you want to haw fun, buv [helm:30 for 25 cent... 20 Ior IO mum. SIKVENS 5! CU , 2 Morlaud strwt, Montreal. P0. , ,n H of uh1 II. 147 1-! Id-IE Bank.14, 8- mammu. III. M Ma din. 1-11.11. nk d mm [It CW hi; I 6. .3. mi EllkIx. div" 3. M yank M 57 1-!- Acqu- tter47. Ullol Elli-Hulk. QMn: div III m w: nun; In!!! a w ! 50 to ' wood . perlh. my now. __ Olwo .Novm. When limbWhite State 6 M; rim white It 280 to 0|. (3qu Dual! 0 0. H0 unchangedum brag: Curd. hall a IJ t. 1.20. Receipts I . Bye 51o. At W. 8. GORDONB Grace . Princess 8t., willbefolmd auxin of Groceries and Proviuons on the close cutting cash princlple. DIIII III A: annuoe. on Nov. 3rd, the wife 0(1er 0 Morgan, job printmaof a daughter, teu Ind but oumln. avonrdupoia. Apnuoemn Nov..fnh.the Amli m At Gammon ue. on Nov. LJud, tho wife of T R Brouglx,ofn daqhter At Trenton. on Nov. lth. xho wife of G W Oatrom. hurl-intent)! a sun. In Kingston. on Nov. 2011:. :howife o! J D Chmiu, ofa daughter, mmnlunu. y the Rev A L Clumhern. of lormn (in run. at his residence. Nlplneomn Nov. mill], Mr Roborl ') Gully. ol'Adolphuntown, :0 Min Mnrgnretyluue Groveml same plume. * In Svllug our RUB 8 IN STAMPS, Atllhthfl-NFREAL Nov: '11; 1" I" I-l-I a. A 33%.? "mum. u nu . nu... w v. Double Frnma Tum-mm "mm on "elm mt, nniu- nrw. Neal lrnm Human: Inna-rd m[._on rerun Jr.) dun-on and Alfred taro-II. Nov ISL illnlp Grand Slwclalty Company. A unml onlhmtinn nr FEMALE BEAUTY. (Mm Nov 301b, stash-I h a s1. GEORGES soclmf " TF0, LET on Foil if n "Inn! un- warn-Ll BRICK DWI l-Inzmm und Origiqu Troupe of English II. I I'll ING STAMPS, Outt free. Addie-m. Munmsu Novrzur Conn. nutrml. P1), Iv III l i '0. J VAUGHN TIIIACI. hull not-l until In luv. Anly u - u mvnnnrv WIMI u -a . H. u. llcUlhh, Run. lant- Ann-1'. Clmnea thsot,0llh MOI. r FOB ~S_AI.E. Hum. Munrmun NOVELTY l1, P1), AU)UAINTAN E AND ESCORT Mn! 1):" To Rii vnnunu "HEAR: h Imus-nun... . MithJ-G my. u- u... --I -~ m-th-W m a: Inn-hi. mi up-d, phi-I nun-I h... M kid- I 000*. uncut IA IIIII. ing by Mr. M. (Iago. All no mulur munir, lparkling DU u. null hits. mllpbell IIUIII the Opera of 11 Y A I 7 n 1 MA liltlEl). A 1 1-1...._\....._ _ hum]. .. u- .. m_.: . nmhter y. ."I I- 1'. J. DONOGHLE. anathema... 30mm! but; Butter [5 we I 10. s. 0. "comb, nu. Inns Ans-1'. IllW Waln- cl' ' in. Inm- L I r RUBBER PRINT- xMPS, Out! from . OSBORNE. Hon. Mammary. ACOIVOII'AILI It Dwain" on www.muwum P. ud u In"! W. Amt. ll. "m. II the cm. which Ia will nllCIw-p. GREAT IlDUCIIOlI und- in the We. a! IM-m to. erllvwk undo l- on M warn-ml. THE IOUNH LADIEH' All) HOCH'ZI'Y (IF DUN '1 FORGET KIRKPAYINCKS mm "ORE! VERY CHEAP lOT 0F WALL BRACKETS,| Imlth btifa. wuh thu vnlunhln Pin 1. Lathe, Pllners. ngme nlnl Boiler. Drill. loriug Illll Senaw Cutting MBI'hiIIM, Ladies. lvlulu. l'ul- "run, 2 Forum; with Sam 0! Tools, Hum-h View and otherTmls. Circular Saw Works, I Tracing and l nrup Mill. Shipu' Cnputulnu mul Bhlpl' Pumm. St. Imp Mac-Ilium, Hurling Huw and Mundrill. I Iran Safe and ollmr 0mm Furnltnrm dun. du- CLUCA HELVE. he.. left yet, Navy to your mm to huy,u you mm 't In! lllt'h u rhnna lgun in WALL BRACKET". fancy Good- Itoro. Im-mur- IwCI, rum. nun. Nov 2min. lAIways Ready. N TUESDAY. Um I'lth day of Da'mmlmr, at I. m., on the premiums. on Ontario Street. Kingston, will be sold the lnwlvanlu lutarnnt in the pnncrty known In the AT~ LAV'IIC l-OUNDR and Machine uml Black- .mnh lm a. With tlm vnlnnhla Engine Drill. Ioriuu nml Furnitu ro. Gun, .0 The prnprtymn lu- vmwml nml culnrn obtained on ppm-alum to nixed Fur lurllu-r infornmliun m BAZAAR. [FANCY GOODS IN Til 1'} CITY IIAIJ in, a; J.9ARDINER ! ManiSilequblicAucliun _ .w-- A THREATEIED OUTING!- . Esn'rl or JOHN DROKENSUIRE, In AL, lnnulveutn. Ma Princess ilreet. Mn 1; splendid unortnmul ol' 'IUILET SEI'N In new and elegant dmngnn. Nov 30th. A Large [Juantitynf N ew Goods FOR EVENING 11A. WHICH WE OFFER AT EXIRdMl-JIA' LOW PRICES: White Dress Salins, While Dress Silks, White Irish lopllns. Pale Blue, l'ala Pink, lulo Green and ntho delicate Shades uf Silks fur bridal, dinner or evening wear. All M the above Shade: in Sntinl furlrinuniny purposel. White and Coloxed Tulutnna. Gilt and Silvuretl Dru: Lifters. Sull Ribbons in white nnd light. Shmh-n At low pricna. l: mu,............ Kay-an. 807 9. I87; W... .. ,-~._. THIS WONDERFUL ELIXIR HA8 JUST BEEN RECEIVED I an: 1121111)! 7THE.:1.?HARMAGY'I TEJTEKiiBI'N'E. White (irenldinon. Whito Swiu Muslim. Inn-w 11061 on wu. DAVIDRI - I'D-If niimiglcd Bait. I [m m m'i "LIFE! 'lll CIJCA ILIXIR or JOSEPH BAIN, PARIS. Promom ohoorfnlneu and langovil . fuck lit-lea Dlgutinn. nmuxu ull Norma- ul- na... incum- lluoulu Activny. ulmnluu the lonul [Pu-um". Mumm- nudity and Momuueu. aunblu old pwplo lo rncovcr 11w vigour of youth. mnl. Ilrnunnunnl or IV": unu Innu- III-TEFMGUNMI Two and four Buttnn Kullovu- in while. Ind light Open Shades, It 500, 751: Ind $1 per pair. new FEATHER BEDS!i IWS.!5am"9le I" 1th w ALL (YUN'IRIBUIIONH thankfully rm-I-ivnd. . W" EN l gill Kingston, Nrn 17":3 MONDAY AN" TITBSIDAY, Der. Hull mul I70]. Au innpeotivu invited. '8! 101 Bush. Hrrimiynm prh'u, OUT?! All) BLINK! Nov. 281b, l878. unla In 30th . - ___v '0. w, W Tom". John-- M munch l-I-ra Pal-m. Pun-do- ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL M. KIRKPATRIGK'S gnaw and - -mi 0m All "IIALI'IY: non DOUBLID I! BULK. Minn and round an an '19 "AVE NOW IN ()l'll SHOW looms. tho I... Monk of. I)RU(} ( } ISTS. HAVE RECEIVED l. W. DUI I co. ii... J... an? 7.7.; Z'TJJLZ all no at th- to the lethal I... II - .- mm .m- I... M- nil: ow no In)! IN" YUUK I'KIHKNTH. n the but value in llw city. I have mum of that A SPINAL limo will be bald in the lad luau. ON I norm" Im: so. bum. INN-hm. A [Ill-Immune but haul-on in manned, .- tho in. b fur imp-inn: but Mun-nun in mun-ted. the in imparts-t flu. y and of the W... JOHN lclLROY. ' Seoul-u "ii iii, PA-l.l Ian- 'IO Liv; rill ad nut l'l0l- x" Pal-a. Pando- "ly to J. ltlnyn. I. , , , I, ' J. IICIIIOID? AMEH AiNEW. (mlch Amalgnno. VI. VII". Van Vain ml full plllh [In- ululwx Iv unn, 0. ! VAWKI'I'IIIMSI. It Multan-I. huh-H 3...: nuqluurm. .r tum-u 0mm , now nun, MEDICAL HALL! Basmfar rii' And Hum Culture. WWI-"Jill'ul IIIIIU UV I 0F HARTFORD, CONN. (Yum-l and Hurpluu 00,540,206 Llano" nu In If Inn or" - 1.0.0... 5.0.0.... of wllvh In- ya hr Ibo I... mo 4 Douay hue- II um. THIS (.UII'ANY Ill. WI Call. Mal-a- ln (nal-luv {in yun Muldnrlll Ila a Na mud tho Mb tau-Mam law and Iibqnl unlumntof "0:1th I dun. null-n polity Ml-lm my mun-u! lay dope-ad 50,00) um. um "morn-Int own. Po. bah. un vlum II. this Anna's-A mu .- 0,000 Iqu m "momma-l Inn's. re, tab. In vrltuu It Apia! 1-4 [IOU Cl 7 an. .- {nor-Mo .- ny only Inuk- (la-m1. anonmu. Double um um 'I am In van-ll I'lnmn upvlnlnol LIMLOWM. Anllunllnrunm.. . ........ lrwl Ifumln Inn-Meal In (flnwlu. . . . . . .HK). . luauruum uninu hum by Fire wanted II tho luwmltnnmlt rum and (-lhhnulu'lllul with out rofmuoo to the Board In London ROBERT BIHMH h 00., .GKUWIK DENHUIJL Urn, Annm- {MU-nul- . EmuRuraanoy., HARTFORD. Submihod (lupin! ........ .. .. . .umomo m 'l'oullnvutnl Flnnln upwlnlnol 2,9M.000M[ Annual Int-"mounv . . . . . . . . . . .. roman. Wmlhl "mat. rmpm-Hully Inl'm that Inn On wall mmnuwl Photographs in the Most Artistic manner and at prices which defy competition. H GUARDIAN Assurance Company, I LHNIHIN KNOLANH, JARIM, Cl IHI LA R." POSTERS, PROGRAMMES. um... . n . |vl|r.\1 pizu rm Hire-1| um] llnlnll 'u' Iml n InkJuI. .r( rnnm nunin MART Tn: samba In. hm hm m n. ma... fu- th wall thaw. violin. manual-in; lm. m ALASKA run mm, mam." n. .' \)U.IIIUIF" : iouth Seal Mun. South Baal Hulls and Don, Innlh .nn an "an. rur hum lull unuueuon 0 "Car. Extra Fine and Dark link mu, Rod 0m:- Bum. link 80: one. Pol-Inn Lunb and other Gaps. Ru) Dog Skin quues. Ermine Opera Cleats. Immth Bu! Blk Bur Bobcat Also Lined Bullqu Robes, Gonuemen'u Red Benet Gotta 'lmxolher "uh I full and mmmlam mkmnnl Plain and Ornannontnl BILLS 0R CIRCULARS! -_-_ -._-'.- ' W'I vuv, 1030 o, m OFFER AT 1%?an AUCTION, "III MRI MK 0 vaun- nna-I nnuua null W", gout]: 801 Soul Caps. For hulk and (imminent Wm. '-..n 'i-- --A I.-_I- "3-1. --AA wnuumen I I'll autumn U0." 'lunolher wmplnlo mutual of lhe Dower [dm 01 Fun In no"- and II I. Hump. Mm . I'nll unortmeut of (IIII - DBHN'B II'UNH. The Ibova wrv vnhnhh u- 'I'ho above Hum prwmnt an o vpurlnnlt for lnleudnu- purolmnom of muly l-lll (ILAHS IIURS ol hum-Hing them-alw- thi- urun wllh FINE FURS ut prluol fur beluw'. their real vulua. no lho outiru almk will poul- livel, be cloned without Iwervo. I Lnr lhn Illnnnnnmlnlinn nl' lull-n nI-n 1. ch Mm oi as; MAJ u'w. BtuI would drab tho notion ul mmwwmwinnm dghudqo-tbmollngnd PinM lion-name uvul uu llunou Wullulll ninervo. 3' For the u-wmmodnliou of India. rho Ire spool-Hy invitml lo .mqu thou salon. we hmu murvwl mm. laxaggngggggg TuesdaV. Dac. 3rd, 11 wu-n . ha... .. n 1 TWO AND KEVIN IZM . AT THE STORE Ni DUMBLES "INN K K'kli HF'I' lll\l\ l\ llilrul. I? (load: In viuw Hm dnv lwlm-u (loud: \\ urnuu {ml M rupmwmm , In". {WI I m m > RIC BILL HEADS OF ALL SIZES. "mm IIMTAIT 4 UnresewedAuctiunSale l or 3ch up IOSl'u' [FURSI Magii'isilliun, (KIIPIIRIHD - _ [rho-ml. Mao full CHIL- DRhN'B Tho wry Vila-bk stock In: all loan rm'nla up um put.- out of tho uent and hem Skins that the Burr he" of Europe: and Alunrim mm dual. Old lha luauufuturhn ul vhkxh lmva bum: and tho auporrhion 0 one of mu mm! uklllful Mu rian In lha Doom-inn. and warn mule unl um auponhiou of uf the mum bud tumult-d In the most, llmmugh and wurkmnns like quunel'. Ii TL- |htll HI-. n... ._n_ Tm (roumuv I... he loin. bun- In we! dim-1 sh. an Lowest Ljyingr Rates. _ .UEUKUK "KNHULu. (h-nA nut-forUuud. VANDKWA'I .K k llh'lf, Axanu for mutton Klljll I-rrh 7. "(all "Mada an}. Illv lllllllll'l'. * n- Tho above 85km rpm-Inuit (ILAHS sum-lying: THE BRITISH WHIG OFFICE Illusl rulml In BlllS 0F FARE I-Uli IIU'IELS AND IU'ZH'IAUNAN'IHV W. P. BELL , Mooulell nmllyund [mum-ll; and al] wxu'u nlv Hm million. ()ur cunfrere is too noverc- m: royllty, nml upecinlly Lm seven: on Princou Loni-o, but it admits that the dilpolltion to npe royally, to court Htlau. to hum upon nobility, in an llixhly alavul- oped unong- purl ol nur uwn lmpula- tion In Anywllcro clue in lho gluho." [ml lhnt oonlulion nilonco llmao urgnna whivln ha" boon lately mmnling thenuclvca with tho pulse: of an over-ewunnlell domucncy. Cunadn has n Marquis nml n lrincou n the ropreaonnuvcs ul' 2| noble Quinn, llld u Canndlnns vulvrlam the Inuit pmlonnd relpcct fnr or May jut], no they will, m- are persuaded, rupoct hot vicarny and dnughtpr, lmlll .1 I uhnm an. anal-0...! -hl. ... nun all-nun: luv wallulu nu~ 1 Hum Culture. THE BEST APPOINTED g wurk ol Il'n I) ml Iu-In llm lungs mmurluw WOOD LETTER, nmpmmlly IuInI-m I wnllwru mrml lu ALL l H HI lBIPRIBIUG JAN, KWIDT. Inuit 'l'y |m ImL ( ll-ywv u.- -u,uuv_y an unuunyn, wuu nl whom no credited with MHliciont gum] Ian-o In no MID! their runpecxim poai~ tionl u that than III-ll be but nm kmd of regret when they leave the ('uuntry "nu-mm let the relations of nu- tlunul Ind akin] Me hue Ln h.- nvnll'rll by the Inpto nf nicinl lumar. 'mul lls, Hm public 0 x m' u In Au nrticla from the LUINJJII N/ulltl/H! Ian-1y quoted by one u! our exchange: div cunan the queuinn n! the great mnrtulny Among member-u! parliament, and (mm-:4 much of it m what (Hid-(one calls "(In- unn uhuutiuu when cnnleq'lem up protracted Olpcchlimn." We cummend thin uprning tn the cmmdenuun u! the uplnng young ihHleuulcnt undudnu- l-w |ho Inrqu ul the electors n! this my lot lb. nu! .luumq In: '1] lu-vnlulurd He in It pmm (hr- . ws um Hldlllt' for the Tory undi-lntnro . when he gun Ihnt ho II" have upon him the mum at prolnaud upocutiun of clot-tin". After the ction than will be the inonuhlv radian a! diuppoinlmom. II in thuuglu tho young gentleman who has annunuwd billqu for pulinuuuury hum-urn can Odllf. both pron-cud nnd defeated ex- pectation imh much morn oq-unmnty tbm other lo! uplrnnh the mg, n.- ttoubleul with I nnmtive shrinking {ram dam. Unr Tory Mond- Ihouid he nin by this lamimliun, nu! gin- ' air noninwon w . pmlomuu whu a. but Mun I mating {roomingur Inch Ii 50 t5. boviublo [an 0! the uppnuam 0 It. Roi-nu in the non load elec- Iiol. um IN unlonunue may prun- A_L , nu-w can- "u, .- W bio with many of our American i W which In" boon laurely eur- cild out thlocuolnonurt It mw w. But tho, Ihould not nunifnt my Indium lnd dillrus. WP linpe M in no occasion [or it. 'r shnuld (hilly han roam tn n-yrot the pre- noon 00th tpirit 'l-lcll Ii writer in the Novch number oi l!!url..rmd: inti- m u having an oxidant). in the larger citi- ol Alluriu. Thin ntirint, in an urtth A new moth-xi of wcial evolution," nil- dooply into the medium 0! than who u. otonully onduvouriug to adopt th mnmn Ind customs 0! ul- locndu of 0th" anionic-rm contract Intri-onial Alliance: with them, And to bow bofon them. Why, thodemmd fur fordgu titlu. ore-tn, nuptial bearing- . oumpcd no pupor and decontzd dinner mmm, beanie w oxtendod that two hor- nldl' one were nctuslly opened in n 'uhionsblo put. at New \ork to meet it, when cou- oi Ifnll, cmu, md muttuec wore nbtninod to unit the mute. tutc. rank ud pedigree 0! the purchaser. An in luck up two hundred you: ago no grout I philosopher u Juhu Lth recur uimd thin latent tnndaucy in the cough!"- tion which he draw up fur the ruan c luny of South Clrnllna, no nt thu prun- nium n! which ntahhnhml n Mlle: r-f loon, composed ul throa order! nf nubi- lily, gelnornlly outitiod Laudgravun, Pnla tin", And Unciqum. the lmudgravel to uni with English Earls, lltc lldilhf with Enghlh Vilcnuntl, and the L'dCIqIIEI with Engltlh Burma. 'lhia spirit in the Amen icau Republic :leuccndod to the pn- mil day. Ind through all chum, 0m tlmt uruuu wv every nno, however remotely nr nhacure-ly, can lly claim in any milltnry, pwlmml ur judicill title. cab-nan If. called Kentlmnen. und lmln~ dresses and nhop-wmnen mull hull-'3 nnrl alas-Indian. Culture", rwmgumn; this upwnrd tendency nu the part nf tho Arum rican lnldilr. pu-ed a Ipecinl not alter the clone of the civil war, uttlmrixing held nicer- all the army tn nluun tho titlu nf their rnnk, and hence tlm nmnlmr mi north, llld Colonel: and Ill-Jun and Unptainl~ few :5 low In U-ptmn -wlnch on. meat: dlily. Eran Hrnnt, the ax- Irnidont. llll utnuudml the world with the Itemneu with which he mains pull Iocinl precedent, in which he can lay nu claim, the gnco with whirh lu- {Accepts tho honing. of thugs whuui he consider hil uncinl interiors. and tho saw with which he :dnptl him-ell tn the habits and custom: of tha Iriltucrncy of Paul! mum- try he vilitl, with u pruml enunciuusncsa thnt it in the ulna tu which he instinct, iroly bolougl." But it is unnecessary to proceed further tn convince nur Amari- cm coulinl that ii any people are swayed by lilobbilh notions that ponplu lun- within the bound- oi the mljauent | mun The lnlrrUrean nuke! the canle ML 1\,._ A , r 'i'hnn, r-ve-n Imrtarn .unl Wolsnmnggdlukqhm bu nod-chitin} Mb" hhmuh-mhMu- ....L....'.._...l.h._ 1;... humww-Mu huh-.mm on 0L6. n-I U, -- WVU V- Uln UV Watch-nth]... todd- u- nit-by, IEHBMMM Miami-sum Thcuri- ulnli-uoddmi- Omani-lot wwIwwIyuu' in, bu 1M: luau I. Inc, in daltinod to In 06 nd, Ind not nucionl In! it. Molt-plum of (In! ppirit n! sicken- in my III-id: Iukouod intellect: In bit 300 a! to cultivate, PM, 6...! Mbm wounn uko M {an- -in. -nnu 1.! .m- Armada- the mum. tho .0- ..uhlhmnliovdditvha NI ___ ll;...4_ _.. nuhnh -_A _...L Inmd H.311. Prisca-latch- __l_--_lmbni-mdp_ I- vaa- " m' bthmbu-d-o- hhh- __- lh (ht-"Inn. "3:; rhudltydr nu. :- Julia-J [lull lhlstlt n vilntum m. .0": an won manor page. Tbo bric- o? the princile imme- t-m in m. Coll... ol Inuit in Cindnnui an ' ll [outwituh Thou, $10,111); Mr. Sing-f. 2.51): If. Whiting, .4,- 000; Super Villa and Vi... 4,500; It. onbm. Jill. l'ucql, Be- ad. thn an m nitrit- nod running upon-II. lot 'Iioh shot 50, mu ha hon humid. (or. theme-11 :.I tun-"Im qr nun Mm... tho Joni-qu I-lIum-V"m-yu- dado! a. Home: w I woman-Damna- buy. m. dun-ind ukuh. gun-dA-n- -I- --hl- L- . Inn-m] IIIIIIUC pTIIIIIIO" UI "0|. The lwrd Chief Janice of Ireland wu mum; in the Appecl Court 0! Dublin n for Jun mhenng In impolnt rulvny we. h lulu hm! bow nuuad u vaty heavy upomo Io tho litiganu. Ihon.|uddonly hil Laid-hip remarked, Blou mv. I forgot that I owned null- slun- min? Baing than m imame Indy, the who]. one Iill hue tn ho spin Hon mother judge. -Tbo Drinciml No slnu. Phys-Tho population to! ugh-nu- il mud. in tho ma.- Iuely mild (at do 8 Hillary Wangummy). Mann lath no. Mai-a Mi- chelin-11. Thol'chuud Hilda. lot-u- launching-acidit- mm ALLA-n, IL. m w Disraeli is seventy-three, He's a liver ul-l buy at his ngu. ~Nlneteen deaths from small-pox in Mnntreal last week. V'lh. Globe (his Inmuing in indignant uvul' the rumor that Mayor Beaudry if Munlreal in to ho knighted. A sneak thief yesterday stole 32,000 wm-lh nf jewelry from Mr. Stoddurl, bury-street, Montreal. It in thought t.th [he Government H reuIEy cunsldering the advisability of changing the C. P. R. terminus. A(lil:nel at which about iive hum]- red were presunr, was given to Mr. J. U. liykcrt, M. 1 , in the Welland Huusie, 5L Catlmrinel. |{ev. Dr. Gwen and wife, of Town- to, gimd nld fmliioned Methodists, have cumplewdnhu liftielh year of their nur- rlml lilo. 'Ii... .lau unn- Mu. Funlhl nrriuml maunnry. NFIuIiI a readable article in the Mer- y-mg/ wv leuzn thu (hulph erecteJ new buildings dmiua the lust twelve months In the uxlont ofuver SIWJXK). Robert M. Still ha bean committed lur trnal at Tumnto on achlrgs nf pru- uuliug an abortion um I woman named Mmry Collins. with whom he haul been criminally inllumle. Mr. Belfurd. who has been editor of lhn Mm! for neveral yuan, is Ill, and It in mud tube luubtful if he ever assumes the pqu he has been ("unpeth tompuranly to vacate. ml '0. ~'lhu day after the Enulhh arrived in Cyprus they played a cricket much. and on lha 13th of Scplelllber they had a hun'nn rum, vacate. 'l'he Tichborue claimant has putitiuu- a-d the 0qu Secretary that hil two lan- leucen mny be ulnted concurrently. If mewlwl 1.. he will he released In August 01' m-xl. -7'lherr zve thirty-three cruising ven- neln in the n: y and seventeen more can I) g-Il ready III I few months. There are fteen Iumumrn and hm torpedo hunts rudv fur Iprncn. neon lllllllIHIrl lulu II" mrpuuu [MI-u Trudy fur urncev Tha Iluul n! the Cnmelite Convent, llnchelnun. are nearly nll on khe lick list. Sumo nf them, it in allogod, no lufl'ering {rum oxhuution eluted by the severe regimen lira-scribed by the rules of the hnuu hnuu. Hun. Dr. Tnpper II n plodde total all-tun" from the use, A. I beverage, 0" till inlnncuing dyinkn, lining (Allan lho plodue' n Nabbilll. the 10th inst... in the linpxm Church. Amlunt. Non Scout. _1{.pnrted that Mr. Dymond, or M. l.. lnr Nurlh York, and furl lung time connected with the Globe, In: with- drum [rum that paper. Ill. not known whether he inlandl to rn-enm the jour- nnlunc prnhulon nr nm. Tha Janice ray, and consisted (II a clnxnsun velvet cnurl train with ruvera :nnl tabller uf whim satin richly embro'dumd. Au elo- guntupara cloak of while: mtiu clubrnidi ured in colon WM wuru in the church. Washington, U.C., Nov. 27th, IHTH. not Ministry-um and nut muvhmpolhuuhuud- limbythdt mull-folk l-mmm-ummulb _ll. I\. Duku ui U 1.. H... mu Into-nu uporuoluu as... laud-n. o! It. Alumina-l m... A: oh. I... n... Rm...- l tenor to [Ill oun Department. The mlrriago of Admiml Ihdford'a daughter Lu a member 0f the Russian La- qntiun, which wok ple lat. weok, wan the rst mm event of note that has oc- Lnrrenl here nincelnt winter. The big bugs 0! the cupnal were I in uttendmxce, Mrs. Hayes, Unbinot members. diplumn- In; curpn, bend" uur few millinnaires and ner numerous Intent/i and other not uylas. The bride's costume WM we walthy hf Attentluu, nml was universally admired. 'l'hu wediinu rub. was uf while satin with long trail), heart shaped m heavy Lnuudnr IIII. l he undo: mu- thur was In [marl colurud lilk draped with blmk Illutll lace. The handsome toilet \vurn by guest was that! Madame ()ut- and consisted of velvet mum mm. with nnsr :unl < '-' . ._I u lilo-um tum-II} nur'n ' sumon! new. I'm. W m 0 no mull!!- tiou At the lad. ' Sow-hr, 0! Wu dint! [.11 his :1]. mad Alum my! non. Wat McCray, Ind bin my mural upon. h in do! long, had per no u impart: "III hi: you'- n rt, which dull loco-Int with m .r quaitionmd tho uncalth my in than south, but it bu manhole- nova mint-o! Ingrid inn-allot! lunar-l Bonnydnnl :3. .15" natuth noun: ' point. I in m In . pl'ihlic. " Tao opt-linu- of liner-rm, during tho put 09 an minvod, and I in this noan My McCray hp um! stron- n curt-in annu- Ihich ho quotes the reports I (loner-ll Slurnnn nil Shula-n reluin tn the condition of the service, in re. quit-menu and in nun-ed inadeqnncy lu perform the duly required of it. Ano- ther point which he prunes in roanrdinx the page mullahs chm in tho In! Appr-prlnlion Bill, which, he can- wlon, plus: the my undor sunburn-meat. He Wlllll dongreu oilher to repeal the clause ncd nll'm the President and Secretary 0! Wu to me thc any n the Conltitution nulhor izel, or to nuke the mowing of the clnuw more clear and ezunarnto can when the "my any bound to luppreu (luturbnuee in nu me to the CI of Civil authorities. In cite- the riot. and lawlessness in Nov, Mexico, Tan and chowhure, sud lays that while the civil suthumiel were umble to Iuppreu them, they could At once hnvo boon put duwu ul provented, hld not. the army been nmhibiled from inlet-fermion. manual-rm. lemma-nu who) Judd banana-Muslim 0L .lh W..- m [ham-lino! [NI ruprini II" II": uuuuu- u- -u- y...- un. 'lhe mm, by the sheer power of their brute furce' majority, were nuteri- ouely overriding the libertiee at the pen- ple. They new resorting to direct ten- tion, and are cunlly proposing the spoil etion a! nil niuniuipnl right: by the tyran- nical extortion u! (nude, with the condi tlou n! whom grunting tint hed delibe- retely neglected! muply. Wouo than nil. they were logmmting wey nll right of popullr appeal tn the cunrtn of law Ageinu their rubbery; and, lastly, they were linking the lmmtunmt-(loveriwr~ end thet, tun, withuut Lunltlltlng him relpoulible lur liu full ehlle 0! their Iihhnndeil prncoedinga. Under Inch dream-uncut the Lioutemuhlloverlior heal no pouible mode of Inc-ping permu- el complicity with him Mini-try in ell they were propoeiug tn do except by the Map- tiuii ,0! the cuuru which he pureuetl. Hy diemiuing ht- ininieterl he merely imlnt- ed him-ell from their policy, And gun the peopla elm an npportunity to pro. nnuiico upon it Had the elec- tore of Quehec boon to liepoeed they could hevo rohukenl the Io-cellod high-handed prucoedlnp uf [In Honor by the new Mini-try hu lwl culled to his counctl, And reiiieteted his ill-mined nul- .n.:, L _A_.A_ __ .1, .u-.. .|.:.\_ duwu r provemeu, mu not. (no my been prohibited Touching upon the Indian qua-(inn, while describing whst the my hu done in re- Ipoct In hostile Indium, the Secretary Ihon discretion by not entering in my degme mm the eminent: between ui- cura of the army And the ndian Service, nur duel he in my way nllnde M the pro- pnued chilluu of Irlhlfurtlng In 1 care of the Indians (ruin the Secretary of the In- terior to hi- apartment. lhn mnrriaua of Admiml 10 "A \"S hLEANI N (33. Immune! mm we. . ll. l'riuce Leopon uni the 3mm might have been Advanced md ur Supreme degree in Free. mg 3mg wma. wath ovmhtii 296, me. L , A;, A -m, ..-... L , A... W a .,n::5; _._A 0- I" ' '" ' uni-l. 1.3.501 Wmlorno gullth ha ud' nun whidukaphamtdatho- IMM'I Anglia: Mitch land. on Toe-dqu Th .nol gob-thou]! hon In. '11. LL -__ h- ,_A n 0.....- n1 Il. qu-uon II Ml II I)... '11-, has Math-Dd hyze ambulth g ' he to {h Sidnoy Quint-ant ? lrpk- f till not 11.3,. b. I minim. It Iillbouumiii: iadopl'inddlb ca- doc-cut. Vann- 1 mm uuum "J (In lug-um u "-3,. Imu SALThe Churchlvmlonl o! Surlmg hue iuued In extnordinuy plmphlat, cnnlsining a Iuppoud hiltory of their pannh Ind the Funkford endow- ment, and, in puticular, ubuling Canon Blonds. l mppuae you will 1min I copy, :- they Will be mm to All the dclov gum and new-papa" of ho diocese. Thnre is on. mutter. however, no! yd clearly shut", that the church in Stirling In never in the town-hip of Sidnoy, though I part of the towmhip In incor- porqu mm the Village in 1858. T30 only church in tho wwmhj at proton: in the one M. Funkfnrd. wu one near Halluillo, but n In. been pulled du-n. St. George's, u Tnnton, vu built bfore the vi'lm 1n- incorponud. Tho globe had from think an endow lulu tn furund in Iilubd shout two milu from anllorl. I cannon.- that chin Stirling ha I. the fund, only that (h. llnnkfovd Inn-ion In a on. tine ntlachod. The ankford people. I know well, Inn: mulling to do will Stirling. The question in not u .0 than: Ban-ling hythe ambulth W ' Taxpayer-not. mm pot WWI-cuff. rounded lnl .- 1! out: and anus. (By 'Irlay/ruph l'o-Day.) London, Nuv. :m._A despamh from Lahore lays (ien. Browne's communica- tion has been tunpuranly cut by Hell men, who are constantly attacking the outposts and cnuvcren. Khyber Puss, between Jamde and Ali Munjid in tom- poranly cloned, and (Jamel-in ammuni- tinn has been put hack, being unable to force a passage. LOnlluII, Nov. .iU.The siuution of n: ..... ..| n... -' . {ml-nu. :- muninnrnd siaieuieuu cunccming mmun nuaamn intervenliun in Alghun n'nira, says llussin cannot sull'er us to prosecute our nuccelaes in Afghanistan to wlntevu issue we umy think tit. 'lhat action will be tnken summer or later ll certain. The Tina's, in its loading articlo on the Afghan correspondence, says: "It must ull'unl great satisfaction to tho public to nd tlnt theiu exiltsnune of thlt violent contrailictmu between the ulumpliona cm which the twu (juvemnmntl havo noted. which thetune nf Argylo'n letter might have led us tn apprehend. They are subslaullnlly ngraad on the state of nllairn with which we had tn deal. The point they differ on I! the conduct Um lllCll (-nndim n of affairs requirol. Thin i... r,.. nrnnli/nl hulamano h 6. I'rlncdil [)8 Bid. Jnnapicunus Social Democntu in Bar- Im have received orders for their expul- lion from Germany. including in number are Deputiol Herr Hasaolnmnn 3nd Dr. ' Frioahlo. lko Lvl-nrlhirm lranhy kahuna" Rnnin ' r noamo. The Extradition Traaty between Spain and England has been utlicinlly u:- uounced. nnnm, ml Mm. 'M JT'lrm Dun. Iorcc General Bruwueu force: is considered aerioul, and uqu great deprenion .and much unanimous in governmantal and military circles. Landon, .Hr'x Isa-ing nu-inn [ennui-n I .lnlulon, 50'. 31131 III II- My ovum ol twain-cl tho Po-mcnnh M. 0.. d Ibo-i. "gnu. and Hazing; Mike madam of the crow. Hi: mt mm 0: me out. nu my shoved (M 03;. Sch-can hob-M lawfully throughout tho kid'ka "dud. It. Blight. mm at the Pan-unli- 113qu way. u. Ivy-I'll I' w.- viou "ich Budd the anon out and thoir bows-Ind bedding into-d of uni-ting the W Th. uphi- k this post. lihn nun, but noonodu (7an Sch-omen, in mar 00 An ooquiry of Blight to! u coIlilion. Hid Ilia chic! 0000! had Ht him. The Inn engineer In" me unyslciau. London. Nov. 3L).- ~The result ofConnt Sehnuvelu's interview With the Merquis of Salisbury uh Thurs-lay, is reported to be thst the Marquis stated explicitly thst Greet Britsin Would not rmit on say account the slighteat infringement of or ' deviation from the Berlin treety. nor my prulungsti-n of Ruseisn evecuetion of Bulgaria, nor my intermedierv interfer- ence in the Afghan affair. The Merqnis further expressed llll surprise thet so able n statesman as Schonvslo should be 63qu. in such s useless eu- dearur. The Count. seeing thst his miuiun entirely fsiled, Ivill probably leeve London at so early dey. There is some lounu'stion for the report that Gen, (:rsnt has been proposed es s csudidstu {or the throne of Bulgsris under the provisions of the rst end third articles of the Treaty of Berlin. Bulgsris is constituted an autonomic principality under the suzerainty of the Sultin with s Christian (lovnrnment and a national militia. A prince is to be elected by the pnpulrslion, and their choice is to beep- proved and conrmed by the Porto. end by England, France, Germany, Russis, Austriannil Italy. No member of my reigning dynasty is eligible for the post, sud this pruvuiun has greatly limited the number of eligible candidates. The re- putulinu uf Heimral Grant as a soldier and ruler has led the Bulgarisn nobles to llitlh at him an a most desirable Prince. It is urged that he wuuld be most. emi- nently titted [or the peel. Under the [il'uvihiunl uf the Treaty uf Berlin perfect equally in puliticul and religions rights is to he extuiulod to all the inhebitsnts of lulgarm, and u foreigner like Grant can best secure the uxncution of the laws. It lH thought tln- General mll decline the 1.1m...- Jne mum gays : "Luum Lne nulgnr- iaun imluco (lmut. Lu some Tiunovn and take charge nf their bmnd new mon- uruhy, it would be a lucky (lny for them. llr hu often been thought that he would make a gnud kingnnd we believe he would in Bulgaria. ' lmmlmL Nnvl illll(larmnnv hu Dm- no -Iulun lll punIII. sunu, Bonus-in, M Turkey, m I doing Maintain sinn- mud- tho the NIH-0M o! uTnuy. the Cw hing W with mphuic expat-ion. to My to it. Thin in runningfor III. mt. We hue no doubt tho uo- Iii. Imp-rot till about" tho trusty jut no long II it win him And no loopr. 'l'hTmtyol Pub III ":7 and in 11qu0.1 In could M It with ill. pushy udw it will In in who. at Lino via tho Tun]. . A--w. . uounceu. Constantinople. Nov. 3U.--'I'he Porto has suppresseditnlogntion at Washing tun. Gen . Browne Tu "w Edy/Hr Of (It! rind! hr... u...- Tk- lhnan-l enqtu or nugm unl- a. cannon. In in the lat bout penilud in pulling ol' Ihll. there In room for neural non people. Although tho inquiry "Illin- upon, the jury rendered l rudict that lbw pol-lun- drowned an. to this but in ounuquenco of n collision u 393,11 use of which hu not bun Ibo". Lmdnn Na- 20 IIm Inn-t Addi. WUIIIG ll] Dlllgll. London, Nov :uLHermany pro posed that the Congress of the reigning lrincuss be held. (L. U... Q. 2-! Ilnmnn--4- in AD. Pomerania A Midst-Mm! SMW Grants null-d Pom. m which an um. Dun luau. Landon, Nor. 30,1110 In. Addi- tiounl puticulul obtained regarding the II. Pommeuuia dilator allow a mul lou 0154M. of which 21 were bin pan-angels. 16 steer-2e, and 17 of the crew. Amung the ofcer- of the [old drowned were the tint oicor, ho 0M0! engineer and the physician. hmdnn. Nov, 3! [- -Thnm1nlt olConnt pUlnl may umor ll Lne conuuu mu aairo is a mum-r fur practical judgment. It in here. and here unly, Lhtho grant con [rim :5; ariwl. Tho Times conclude: u full-m .e; The general result. of the paper: mmmt be ngarded with ntilfnctitm I" Lr as they rein"! tuihe gononl conduct uf Iirilish Howrnmontl in the put. but II is not unnliufnctory M regard; our mind-Int in lhn nun-nil ' Nov. 29. IRTB. 15 UL UHIIIIIIICIUI 'nnduvt m the prewm. ._._. -v p A canon. illuuntiou ol the (any 0! nhdly economy in fumiolud by :- n~ ant tat-l weidont in tho city 0! Toronto. An old midom 0! tblt city, tho on", too, 0! comidcnblo rod tau, md this 5 good mm of money to his credit It Ibo blok- bonidu, Inn in the habit n! pthor- in; the coal which dropped [rum the on- uinu slang the truck, to uvo him-all tho exponu uf buying. Whila cog-god in this Ily A day or um I), he wu struck down by s train, the nhuln 0! which pg! our hm bend and tho Ilwle A J ,_ l .A-....l_..l .1.-. IL- .n-L

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