Tho muck duel between 1nd Forum hu bean my]: the Iuhject of enn- nidorgblo monument nml laconom criti' In. The code nl honour required [Mt they .buuld uchogo thou. an! an, did, taking plaioul gmd can to Mac. a. chmcu 0 guide! to l hilt-um both in the choieo of weapon: had of du- uno'o. uch andoqu aiming uywhm but M bu wtnuouial. So (u that hu- nwo Ind uulloun dncllinu um win. And prudont, Ind Ihoir upmar- ol I to- pnhoumblo practice to public ridicule cu not A bad plm of exciting again-C it ch. mnuupl'uf all "lactic. non of a... and honor. Unlorhllnhl, hov- om, than no In cub uni-DI, out ch, ha. y [IIIle ext-pk. Ii" pu- nuuly ulna md initinu the bad M w tho good. Thin, on h o! t). Gabon: hm In nll he who but. hu- long. Wool In anti-o clan in Cidbomg, Frauen, moldy h It. in mm! 0! on. ol the. u .5. In! In. Pro-All 0! think it would w M haunt dim it n .- hm din-up n: quail-N. pu- & h w w on viii-Ila- ht}- ~ 9.- V- Au Explanation. ms or m m; Jvlllrlulllll uxperlencea. Inisturs lurl proved able '.' He should be careful :. tho Conservative organs | for the Ian. ve years )ubrius Minister: with Icwy reunue. ', denies, in toto. the I member of MI Cubi- n boar the Vice-Regal reports sent to Can by the at er. t Omar-d up: [or Lul gift clarit- -uegu1 Con- 'M-r" 1...", '"II, '9 luau min]: 130... Olki-u,l angina-tyne. ' .Dcc.3.Tbonlnpn all. uh mypntdanuub- huh-Mo'qu- hn hail-iv. W OT-thum- I. Who-,- to K. M], ml "I an mun 0' I) nukes-out in niac- in a W dylo. W- Du; 111- ml- nor. Tho Rania! (tournament in con.- plntin imposing A duty on :ottou. Doria, Doc. 3.--30ciulilu, than ex- ' Iron: Berlin has boon ordered, u but! I Indium denying the M sham 30-. London. nan. 3.-Anmlnl nil-tn up lguuu "III. London, Nov. 1-Anmhu milauo bu ban in. by Dr; But, of Ila-o (Ily Tdryrupl: Tu-day.) 8t. Potonbu rg, Doc. 3.- In I apooch doliund by the Cu:- at Moscow Int nkh; Hi. Minty exproued tho hop. lint n do the treaty olpuubo um Bil-in 3nd Turkey would soon be signed Ind Rani: would doulopo hot [Intan- in n porcelul Ind "gala sun I lengtn and breadth oi the land speak Vf Lord l)utlerin. It needs with . on no tiluler memoriala, such as the hem of the streets and bridges, to commemorate the name of Ixiln who not only adorned all he touched, but by his eloquence and his wisdnm proved of what incslculeble advantage to the State it westu have in tho ruprcsmlhtive of the Sovereign one in whnw nature, judicious- neas and impsrtielity. kindneu, grace and excellence were no blended that his advice wee a boon equally to he desired by ell, his approbation a- prize to be cu veted, and the words that came from his silver tonguewhich elwsye chsrmed and never hurttressuru to be cherished. 1 sm condent that the land he served on well knew how to velllu his presence, and that you will always Iouk upon his de. perture with the regret prup'irtiunnte to the pleuure Ottswn experienced from his sojourn smong you, 1 sm con- dent lhst we shell nd with you a gener~ cue sod kindly deeire to judge well of our efforts to fulL your expectations, and ellhough you speak of the recent growth of your city, and cuntrut it with the pleccs lhlull hsve become funoun in the world, I need not remind you thst there is e special interest and signicance in outing in our lot with those' whose for- tnneit is not to inherit history, but to metre it. lacoept your expression 0! can- dence. end promise thstl shsll do my best to dour" it. - (Signed,) Insult. Russian (_ zmn Mycrch Somalia" Denial-- A vmlhcr Manifesto. wwyslllluuu. His Excellency replied as follows : 11w Mayor and aerorilIion of MI: City 0 Ottawa, GurLlMlN,It is vith the greates satisfaction: that I accept your loyal ad- dreu and hear in it those expressions of devotion to Her Majesty the Queen, which indicate the feelings which rise so truly in the hearts of every man, woman and child in Canada. and which do not only prove the natural impulse of all who enjoy the birthright of British citizens, but demonstrates the national convictions of s people who. in the knowledge they have acquired of the political institutions of the world, cling with a tenacity and rmness never tn, be shaken, to the con- stitution which their fathers moulded and under which they experience now the blessings of freedom and the tranquility of order, beneath the sceptre of a gracious ruler whose throne is revered as the symbol of constitutional authority,an whose person is honored as the representative of benignin and virtue. The attachment which bin is the Provinces of British North America to the llsg has never been more striking- ly shown than during the past year, and we know that the readiness displayed to shsre the dangers and to partake of the triumphs of the Mother Country is no eeting incident, but a sure sign that the people of this Empire are determined to show that they value their common heri tage, and that the strength of the union and the honor It :hc Sovereign will be up- held by her s ilnjects in every part of the globe. We have now traversed in 'coming here some part of the important Provinces of the Dominion. In all places we have visitedand I regret that it Was not in our power at this season otlhe year to visit niorewe have met with the same kindness and the same hearty cor- diality I can assure you we are deeply sensible of all that is conveyed in such a receplion, and it has been, as it will be, a pleasant duty to convey to the Sovereign a just description of the manner in which you have re- ceived her representative and her daughter. It is with a peculiar feeling of pride to the grandeur of this Dominion that I accept on the part of the Queen the welcome given us at 0t.- t\ws, the capital of the greatest of the colonies of the Crown. It is here that we shall take up our abode among you, and the cordialin of your wurds make me feel that Wlllt'h l have known since we landed, that it is to no foreign country that we cmie, but that we have only crossed the sea to lind ourselves among our own people and to be greeted by friends on coming to a home. in entering the house which you have assigned to the (lovernor-cherai I shall personally re- gret the almenco of the distinguished nobleman whom I have the honour to call my friend, and whose departure must have raised among you the sad feelings inseparable from the parting of one whose career here was one long triumph in the affections of the people. A thousand memories throughout the length and breadth of the land speak of Lord I)" tlnrin It nnndl suit I. aux-mule my. e large menu of citimw, anin ol the tub aeeen It Deept and n vel- oone to Hie hallway and the enthuueeei of Ihwh the leape- and ohillileee of the dayeouldnot in the lean rennin. At 4:25 at the winding ol the log Ihiatle anticipation nu huh, excited humanity made a new meh for the Italian pladonn, and er pouhle _ advantageoua poeition in the '11in III occupied. The arennea were all block- ed up. and the Mayor and city then were puqhed to the edge, end almoet taro-1d oil the plaeoeet aside for them. Axum-t this scene of confusion the ruyal train drew up at the platform. and a cheer {ruin the med rent the air. lul- loved by the mining of the Royal etand- ard, and a Royal aalute from Nepeen Point better]. The hand then etmck up The Campbelle are Coming," and the chem-1h; Ill renewed. [n a moment hie Excellency appeared nn the platform of the car, elueely followed by H. R. IL, holdiug in her hand the magnlcent bou- quet preeeuted by his Wonhip the ' Mayor. Thu was the aignal for an out- bunt ol enthnaiaam that lasted for love. ral miuutts. Both his Excellency and her Royal Highness acknowledged the compliment. "in w'nalIn-nu un-Jin. .. l..ll.t._- . w I m on. an 0! th- ud anal, 1- 1* to any can! mun-o in Ihil fu- tuu, t with-hiding mun-pt' - dou 'Mulll', 1h. unfavorable condition of washout the condition-(or tuntho d1]. lugs moo-n. of citizens Ind. can-n minl :1 Mn. min (hm M.) Gamman. '6.- one lanaib with nwmumwu ' OI pit-Om "HM, haunt, may In not ("and with Que- rather. ml in u.- do'lphlllolil. neodymium-(m, in Ill unh- u) ate-pt the eonpleun of the _unlmh utterly mde m Ilse-[91 Eunggm. III-w- m toer me people. of inl- nun]. .- H... "hunting-mm..- I. that r... 'q I lama. 103!!! a undying was... uni-lunar to null". If. m bh out;th hbouv. _-o.o- or us. pony not If. we do! II dunk. the lad-uh stoni- I0 mm whqu to think I a It. Huh-do would other-i. rdimkbd I pad which, whys. no man III II 0nd: could have llod to wall Iii, u do no tim, pudding ova and m- in. (In Md: 0" ti. and W to! tho Com-Id. An- d-i-Hnm bull-n It. We hh-mnIHi-MIhmh v lemony! Im. ldun 'Itl people'- lumine- Iulu to be I. a [Ivoriu necupio-lith the old! ion pot-0nd org-III on both lid". U than exist: I amt-l Mil; um. Mot-on thu it in :1an In! tho 00-00% nl [I'm mi (I... I. mk- .L-hl -A um u I. (lme In! up mom 0! am part] mu Ir. Bide Mk! d-rhh-lhn Minsk-min mm 74-.--~--m,.... ,mlt mo, DIG. 8. 1m , , , _,_._ A u . -..._ .,__.__... pouunn no not not pummlm, granola over such claw-lion: book's. n In propuml. Muy we I). pomitud to ro- mind tha Nata Illnt the question of the londorshipnf the chm put, in one um aspect-ll} ooneonu an Inc-born ol the putt] ~thnt it in' 3 (mil, num jnu In much I: III than-Ionic. of It. Morti- by in mm pm lo "I for Int Taronln In order to hurt. On ' Ai- uublyl nm' Iddling it! other lmolc'n Innin- mm In in an. n (Free hm.) Tho Coner ntivo pro- in menu, con- cerned at. the prospect 0! Mr. Blshu "venturing politic-I life a the lander o! the Uppmitiun. The Kingston New lung looked upon u the pomml orgm of he prenent l'romiu- devout comi- demblo Ip-co of the aubjoct. It calla Hr. Blake nn Iduncod lhooristf van. to know whn the am think: of "I. do- mnnd of run] Rolovmm tint Mr. Blah lhl" occupy the pllooo' Ill. lwkmio. declare- the it in." very well to my that Mr. Mukenzio would humble -bntu - rule man in Mr.Mnc|unzo'- pouilir-n do no fool particularly qrmblo clnnliom bank-ud- n um. uiuu triumpnnnuy on Dept. 20"), 1578. George, barn March 6th, 1856, rue the twin brother of Duid, Ind the only friend nenr him when he brutth hi1 lut in Colorado on Nov. 24th, just two month: after the denth o! Joesph. He held the position of local preucher in the Methodist Church, and we. I very ml. cu- and active member in any mutur which was fur the glory of God And the welfare nf humanity. 'lhul in one your three lie-lthy, activer promieing young men have been removed from the Church Militant tn the Church Triumphmt. $.We [Jelvelk {or the mrviving friend- the nympnthy and prayerl of s christiui cumiuunity.~J. F. t IUI' UUU [00K NH. Jumph was born Much lat, 1854, And was Man A member of the name church, which he continued In Adorn by a. life 0! perfect cnnsiutency until he oxchnged mortahty for life. He nu a (lulu-ta or the UmnmorcmlOullege, Bollavillo, Ind had bright proapoctl bolero him; but How frail [t belt in dying mm; how vain are all hit hopu and lean." Ho died lriumphnntly Sept. 25th, 1878. George. barn March th. IRM u.- oh. [no name- 01 mo young men were: Juhn, who wu hum Augult 12th, 1841;, the eldest of the three. He was I preacher on lllll In the Methodist Church of Cenmln, and labored ln hi5 Manor's vinyard until failing heelth compelled him to reure, but he left the wall: of Zion with the trump of God in his hand. During hll illneu he WM graciuully unstained by the grace he had preached unto otlqu. He lingered until March 26th, 1877. "when he wu not, for God took him." Iran-J. m... 1.... M__..1. 1-; 10:; -_J 1 u utc mulor 0] me lirtluh W mg. SimAllow me to chronicle a chain of must ultlAnclIu'y and painful dome-tic afictions, that happened to the family of Mr. Wm. Strcttun, of Pitteburg. Many of your readers are acquainted end WI deeply sympathize with the bereaved f|~ min in their irreparable lou. But a short time ago Mr. Struton had his four unmarried suns at home with him, In healthy, tine-looking young men ll could be found; but n3w three of them are calmly sleeping with the lilent dead, and the fourth hundreds of miles from home, having gone to Colorado, hoping that the change of climate might save him from an untimely grave; the grief-urican pn rents, their hearts crushed, their hopes blighted and their house desolate, forci~ bly reminding one of that pangs of scripture, Rachel weeping for her children, end would not be comforted because they were not. Concumption, which has made such and hcvoe in thin family, due-s nut nppenr tube hereditnry, but was caused by the eldelt of the three (John) taking a severe cold, which he no- glected until it bee-Ina chronic, the oth- era contracting the (license from him. The names of the John. wu hum Anon-t 1). nucu He was a staunch Uuuaarvauva. The Guzeltc cnudumxu the conduct of the pctilionms in making His Excellency tu commute thu uuutuncen of Farrelland Contafroluz. _...._ only. The funeral of Hun. Loni: Lacoata took place yeatordayut Bnuchorville. In po- tics he staunch Uuuaarvntive. 'lhn (:ArpHu nnndunnu Ih- (nu-J... nl ---.- ... w- ..............~.' ., 1111130335. IVlIIIIlreal, Uec. 3.~A mun numed Lu- belle, uf 'lwu Mountainl. wu drowned hut. night 01f Richelieu pier. In the prosenlmauc of the GrandJury yenernlay, mention wns undo uf the in- creuing dimensions of the criminal cir- cles, especially among tho youth of the cit . '{:hn funnrul f LL." LAM. I n-1,. a..._l. To the Etlilvr of (he [{I'ilialt Whig. chrnniula n cl over which the Ilfeil' took plans. Frsnk Smith III this mowing ehlrged with drunkenness sud amended, u I witness testied to hsving seen him knock down and brutally kick en old men who cannot be found. The witneu, while the assault was in program, went for I police~ men, And when he returned no one Ins found but the prisoner, who bud sought refuge in a heap of mud. A greet quen- tity of blood we: found non the-plsoe. end there were marks as if e severe strug- gle had tsken place. The mysterious purl: of the affair is thet no trace of the Old man can be fnnml l-w Hun mlim. (Hy Telegraph 15-day.) Tumnm, Dec. 3,lnnk Clvmhill, the mun chung with cunning the duth of Juaoph Grinmaun, ha been oouuiuod to the Anise. on the "diet 0! the Con nor'l jury. The Crown Attorney In I it in equivalout to one of and", In will to brought up on the 11th on I chnrgo of stealing the parcel of groooriea over which thd I'nir took plans. motniml chum-d Drowned 7 nun-nu un- Oo-puny and Minn The defendant- rully "pun-qt the im Mb 0! Italy tho 'hok nth! plain. M of tho country, And i! they Ando- leuhd in the plum! uui: it is chimed that 1 pm! 0! from 050.000.0110 to .75,- 000,000 will be pmliully would. m '1! Nu punk-d. 11.. Board a! Tad. in duo-I in a condition a! panic. New Your. W ConLli-g "lied for than for a. no. Way More Judgo Bhokfodtjn sh. Th. npnnu in- ,N- why ma mu... Committed forMurdcrA Man Missing. pneu. . Fi Yorg, hov. 31 '00. Olga-go Way-Jul. In. In unvdmuwlul in d In III) Kn. 2 what In .inim hunk hu- mind vim 81560 No. 2'1". 1. [Tub .0001- ..Ino .boou Hal-min. mnam... ..o ma. (1 '3 1" I. [go 1Jnul W III-pup by mum a W mum... an tummy-spur Mum-a 6... Ohio and lid-am 9?- tolouor an mien. Montreal, \nlln I 1... 'rIEkErm Leadershlp. _..<.. A Sad Vlsltatlon. u amur ll um trace of I be found by the police. -ooo , Dec. 3.-A numed Lu- vu If [{ilhulinn nint- [mu-um, Dan..- I. l. (hmIr. 11...).- a. it'd-w... kiwi-2rd. A ""2, 7 FM ueral Severe N". I". maggo. Cen- vu- runny-Iii. I but .-.homdwg 0;! d'ur lunatic-Duh: 5mm. Icahn at Mon .d In... mime land and)..." I: 9%-- Iv I IIITHIII 0' IT. Joll LODGE, '0. 1h.'. L. . 0.10 no MI-Mb bod nub. At It. Ilan Ila". In. lulu. 0. My, Beulah. at. I no]... -.- . b m..... .l-nn_x__ oom- unny other trucks. People blving good. to (Ii-pow 0! At Auction will do coll to all on me, oiIInr 3: II, Auction Room or my Snow-th Stan on Prinoau Stud, u l imud to all on mull Couniiol Md nth [no-wt Mlmu. o n (or the Inception ol good- eun-un 1 ll! tlr narrow. _ THE all. will con-in chioy ol lluuu- hold Furniture, both old And now, Mide- other trucks. People hllina UN-l- h. .04..-- .1 -Al _._-....._ .1 van: IIIIIIII" 0n the Markov. 8!.0l70. will be opened TOMORROW, Ind the in! 81'. bold 0| BIIIINIIY of thin Weckw at I. LII. THE NEW Armxnoou IN IIIJRBAYH ow HTANID, n- A..- I. I . 1 -. curvy-cut. VI ml Whit-Whoa. Such nmlwbphnl. ihlloul with. i... malaria-mun", .- - Tnveiaw Anglo" than; CHRISTMAS CARDS and (,hri-u ul'lll kinda. Of Cull Ind unmino our lm-k. It In tho bu: mortal In Central Canada Lyttou'n I) "mule Worh. Elugmn Glft Bookl ofn" kind; Sunday liquine. Chamben' Cyclopmlil in cloth and hlfru. Scott's Noveln in Clnth um] Imlfculf. Mmullyl England and limp in cloth nml hall calf. 0 Life And [4'1er. Duwu be Daylight. Thackerayl9 vols. Imlfcalf. Barnes on New 'l'enmnwnt, ll voll. French. Italian. Euglhlh, Hwins uud Pit-Our:- Outlines of Sermons. 5 wk ,3 tlietanl. HUUUILINI Illustrated by Burn, llvl I w vv .31. WW. sunburn-d, ch. royal-r inbr- lo lull in. Ana-um... ol hum, DH. #QhudntBI or b.1 -.A.. L..__..:_- , Gluml 'n PhymcaAtkinmm'u IIdil iu Arabian N ghts. Pilgr ilm' lrogn-nn. I Dana'- Elemuuus ol (leolngy inrriu'n Lila of Christ. Hrs. Human in Red and "Inn Lino Pun. -vu Iuw. WM. DAVID, . Pm}:ka Ind Audion-u. KIM-M. 0m 3, 1m. _ As a Day ol'GENlIJRAL THANKSGIVING. Gwen under my hand this lm day of 0 anher, I878. r \ Tollmlglny God fur the manifold hlnniugu received at. His lwmla. and especially for Lila abundant. Human. and the continuum of Peace with wllivh lln lmn [viewed the Pruvim-o during liw p aunt your; A"! x, ,,, .. .. ._ ,. ml, ....v r w. Jun. , And in pursuplma ul' mid Prm-lnumtion. the cilizann ul'h'lugsluu are heragy rmumlml to observe Wednesday Next, Dec. 4th. _. "no, Il_0lIlMI hit- Ihh'J-poduuu clarion- whbh _.:_lL._L_,| n, WHEREAS. THE FOURTH DAY OF DE: CEIBEK INSTANT. in appointed lo be! ounrvml u :3 day ul ipnncLAMAHuu .I] Dec. 3rd , 1878 Il-luu. In the Township of Storrinzton, uu Month-1v, Dec, 2m. Mr. Michael Knunady. an, lormerly of County of Arluagb. Ireland. aged 'Jl yrs. uuuca m rupvouuuy mvuotl to lawn At. Elginbugn. on Dec. In. Mr. Brewer.ugml yearn. Thn fnnarnl will In}. ulnnn nu nun: Ian-war. "(an no yearn. The funeral wul take place on Wodnuduy mornlux at ten o'clock, Iron: Mn Inta naidenoe. Friends Ind wqunlntauouo are Invited (0| Amanll, Molmnc Bunk-EX. div..8, 84 Bank du Peuple nal 59] 2. Jtoquea Cartier-37 L2. 34L Uniuu lhukblmk Quebec Bankex div 00, 00. Exchange Bank 74. 72. Mnan Tel. (Jo-108. 107 1-2. City Gas Colll. 11014 At Ml roqidanoo. Earl utmt, at I n.m..nn Tuudny. the 311! Inst, Ir. Jnhu Elliott. mod 48 years. . A fun-ml HI Anl. ..l....- __. ml _,,| 1a yrunl. The funeral will take place on Thur-1h: alternool at two pm. l-riemla sud Icqualn- tam-.08 no mpeouully invitod to unemL Al. Elnilnlmnrh nn Dun In M. lu..n- l- w vvu I. In W "mm-nu I), "I. Uri-I. A. it would I. Mguou to m night to jun], Mod a uh ..- m phi-JAA-Ll -_ --wv.~- Himhbu- it-nob. Mammal. Dec. Buak of anked145 12. N5 1-2. Mmhnh' Bunk-85 12, 85. Bunk at Commons -H012, ll0. Ont-tin Bukx dlv.. 72 l 9. 72. Bank 0! Torontowukal. I20 1-2. 8 l 2. Consolidated Bank -69. 60 Molmns Bulk~EX. 8. du Paunln -nMl mu a m I 0 wnu' ovum runs was All}! of gigglyanqu 'Heagyallfwtml Beam. w-nmer, I615. ' JOHN Mt'lN'l'YBE, Mayor. Mayor's Chambers, City "all. m Hamilton. Bankrupt V Stock [mum nun Goons Amino Amos: inf} A living mun mun-in- in and noun-in. an! .n IL- 41.... ouch. American Pictures. ._.. -. - .vuuvu-u {rim-class nan-gains in Dry and; ILIVERP 0013 I. i vi... Conn And in tI-Iinnul A - I'll}... mt, Tueuhv. the 3rd man. Ir .lnhu r '4 - IIIIII LU'IM'H D 3 2., Human! non..." 10:) Prince.- Slml, 8600:. Above _ I III "uncut o! I unlt II hrid ground, I: po- w h H lb Ink IIde n! 3. Mimi-Al, lould tum Imn- in I). wil M to hp "medial by the Mal... A. it In. D. .......'...._..- ._ GENEBIL THINKSGIVIIG THEE] MANAGER S. WOODS. mu. mu IAIIII. Mn: 84, to living um- nri laud ' ouhihhm ' a. Wight-l- Pm. ' ' "'0' te , manhmd " yquthmindq 3011.00", > hwy - \ 110 mu, W n W. mot-miadm all, all. Ruins ind nonunion nuan- Mom Juno: ran Yomnus wanna-mimosa) nun-H.911. |\ lining noonphh luau-noun: tn pr containqu In In" am to conne i: {or on. month log", public in .0 ' . ----> 1h lulu" Chapel. TI. 0, mm In mlnnnod Hm W *0 lb. Mama 0! uuk I- \L- .11 ML]. L_._z_l _,,.,, l. G. '. "mm, I-o'ypn In. In 3. Hi. 145 L2 long, L'v, l'hllip we an Inn, Unit-3: ....... DC? I. 0? TBS Tn-morrow h. been lppointod by the Dominion Government u a day of Thulhivlng, lnd Civic proclamation direct.- that the oitiun oburve in u u holidny. Thm is much to be llmnltful (or, my umponl us: well u npirmml blmlngl vouchuhd .lllfllu; lln [nut year, Tho omnion in Iuggrune of ell-my, bonuulonco ind good null, at well u thu oxprguiou ol grllolulueu fur lruvndon M an. Thou in poverty and Iull'erlny, but than in Also pommd plenty, am! I. clean 0! n Inner-l depreuion uu Months I.- lllk Envy one would [on] thankful, [or All at doblon lo a more. 0th! but. hil- thna mindful ul coo-don cl Mullah, lot the hurt. re Int tho fooling: by which it in alnimntul, 3nd lot tho Voice 0! the mullitmlo on a... It!!!" fit. with tho Inn II (Inc whim, yr-in. (M [mu whom all Mening- Iov." ._. w-u-wv IN CASH DIM'IUIUIKD. TICKETS )NLY nu a. Hangman! m mi tho 1. an Drivhn . : u Tron-Juno! lamina". 'l'. A. "nub and am. It (In -. ml other nil-CHI- unu- ol- Ionian y. l- "I. l'. In Him" I. [Mil-villa. 33., .- Inll. J... m. In lull-g 9 la Paw-WU run. um :- mu. By Authority of no (hunmwulth of malt .erll by Hon. II. (J. Wuha- . 150... Moo! 0m]. math-tal- unauu DI. fut-U710! Commonweallh Dishibutinn Em, llv mllmrllvn! u... Unmmnninnhl- 1.: It..- 1 II I IINBFIN IM Milt. loumhuandlng Illa nuns lugn "mud 3M. mull Sou pru mum A. null. Balanrau now on ml. at. In uhy'n. ov . n. L '1 n u J. 1') V'\J LUl ' Conclndln with than lltr I'Zurn wan moan: I he llquIN m (11:. Int-llhnAnAI-m oh. nu... L...n --...-.. -1 IE Grand Hpcclalty Company. Annd mIMMIon of FEMALE BEAUTY. ; Int produnuun M An original hurl-aqua, with pupuI-r mmir, npnrkung Du lolue. and lnt'll laiuc, Ill-[IWI I 1mm 001mm 01' inn A t Air/\v A. IN"! I! IJIHTI 0 i F-R-A DI-A-V-IO-L-O! I Cmmlmllnu um: lhn In: Furl-A... unnu... it ie more than probable that very ehortly, at any rete before the Quebec Legieleture ngein memblee, ell danger of ndeed-lock, or of A government defeat, will be removed by the action of the courte in the conteeted election caeee. Several eeete hue been Attacked by pe tition.the mejority of which are at pre- aent held by Conaervative alias taxation- iet member-e. The anticipated result of theee election triala will be, in all probo bllity, to give the July Government a fair working majority on a strict party vote, while their public policy will he s unex ceptioneble u to command the general enpport of the House, ae it did but see- Iion. entirely regardless of party conside- retion. The very threute to tlepose Lieu- teneut Governor Letellier are a substan- tial confeaelon of Tory daapair, of bring-A ing about a Liberal defeat in It represen- tative end conetitutioml way. We have no doubt whatever but that Sir John Macdonald, not only in obedience to out- eide clemour. but from the promptinge of hia own pertiun inatincta,will edviaa thin high-bended piece of tyranny. We lmve no idea. however, thet the new Governor- Uenenl will degnde hie high (iice by acting upon Inch vicioua advice. We are fully per-unded that a severe enub il in atore for the Dominion Government, ahould it proceed to the unprecedented length of impenching and attempting the removal of the Quebec Lieutenant Governor. But even in the improbable event of his forclblo reumva| from I poeltion he line done nothing t-i forfeit we do not believe the Quebec peo~ ple would tolerate a change of provincial regime. For n Coneervetivu community like the people of Quebec nothing could I be more deciaive than their repudiation of L the De Boucherville Minlltry, and it is C hardly likely they would Willineg revert to the corruption and taxation of which they '0 recently eapreeaed their distinct l dieapproval. By the employment of 11 popular, but apecioue and fallacioue cry, the Tory perty aucceeded in watching n U victory for the Dominion llnuee, but the repetition at no euch trick is puuible in U provincial pulitice. The next electionu will ahow I decided preference fur hulloet Liberll Government both in Unteriu and Quebec. 5 r H--- , Ill l nu unmuu 0| Mmmrlmm Miss May Fisk- Iumnm mu] ()rinlunl Tun"... ..r v..l.u-|. WEDNESDA V, BE. (Ill. THE TORONTO FLOUR STORE Self Raising Byskwhpat my!" 0 Gina l6 par can! morn of "read than Flour rhmu with Van. Aloo $113.40" 0 CAI" [)lhl'klllt'l It!) HE EELI~I(AIHING FLOUR In an invalu- Ahluhrtit-le (ur pmllm'inu in n 1'." m... hv Hm :ululium. nr ....I.l _....A.. .. IIE BELFJAIHING able hrtivlo turpmuluning inn minute: by tlnmultlilviun of ('ultl wuivr unly, wnlmut van!- or Ball, lvlm moat lllllrilimu "Wild. Alan Biwul. (Makes. Pantry. an. n-mlarin II. of grant hupnrhuwe u. hon-alum mru. The ICLU RAIHINU FLOUR will Ina mlml deuidndly I THE CHEAPEST thuu-mn be mm] for houn- IKAIHINU 16mm: I. found hohl )rlrpooel, nvmg 30 per cum. in Humor nml cma. nml makin llm 1mm: nuperkn' Bread. igM Pantry. Pu (Hugs. 6w. we- - - "Illl UV'II pnllllCIl grunge- Ild night 'or revenge with impluehle bitten... Witneee 1m exemple hie con- duct towerde the Hon. D. A. Smith, _ who. he not forgotten not forgiven be- , oeuee during the Peeic Seendel crieln thet gentle-en relueed to condone thet greet politleel crime. o- deep eeeted thu vindictive heling ie me, be judged (my the oethnret of ite nye It the clue of leet Ieion elter mouldering for ve yeere. The experience of Hon. Mr. Cert- vrilht et hie hende, eince that gentlemen oonregeooely ehook 03' the tremmele of the Chielteine corrupt leederehip, in en- . othereeeein point, and eo oi meny en- _ other inetnnce oi hie implweble reeent- ment,emong the meet recent of which no any refer to thou: threete of revenge which he levelled et certein gentlemen who contributed to hie lete defeet in this city. air John bee eerned e reputation lor be Minnie; it hee enited hie purpoee to be genial; it he been I mum: of per- eonel end politi-l etreugih to him While we concede the poueuinu uf thin pereonel eminbility. however,it cannot be denied thet he hee eleo provon himself to he poeeeeeed of e spirit of unnlumbering vengeenoc towerde times who have croee~ ed hie peth end by thwarting hie pur- poeee heve incurred hie really dire die- pleuiue. *0... _._ and E u. ilun 1 ixht Hug-J Iherenna Self-Hgising Flour Ill-nu. Ion;- ol Ila Pm lawn-II. ~ Every Housekeeper Pleased and Proud of It. M. MORRISONS VlrE'NiNAMSEVLF-RMSNG- I'll-OUR ' R. &_ {ARDINER' | "'""' Gentleman's White Dreu Shirts. lold at 3200 Imw In'nnu .0 l , u w-uu In on Gemlemen'l White Dreu Shirts. mus", luld ll. 900, now selling M. (330. l Gontlemon'u White Dreu Shirk, mutlly I sold It 3L1), now wlliug At 900. | Gentlemell'l White Drona Shirts. u-ually Icld M. 81.50. mm telling at 81 11). Gentlemon'n White Dru- Shirll. madly nold It NIP, now selling 11:81.35. Ila-ulnm-..l- \IIL.~ IL, 1. . . .. h H... a" yLuu Alla-A luruo Stock of Linen and lnp' (.ollnrl, Liuru Lutl'u, Hundkerchiefl, Tia, Sew ' :v (I ltrnml. A full Sock or, Huaiury, lmmbu Wool In"..- _. .I A mug-w]. mm 01,-! a! Vows-nu h cumulat- b w to Hill. Milli-dim: H- d IE 7 In. him him "out I w, III 0 I... W m in in i. 1 Iain. mioo to his Milly-t1. in Parliament. Tho Riv-tin chic pod 3m one: 01 hi; polilhl Wig-hon ithiiicwihd his "rpm. to In kindly, by no Incan- W. H. to In In forgiving to hi. on:- Iiu no] 0! hi. Molina would luv. an Italian. 0:! tho century hi- trut- uut of and an Inn incurred hi1 real dilphuuro hupmvon bin cup-bio at tho lost nulotgiring mutant. For you b h- auled oven political grudge- All! ml '0' III-lluu n. in. i-nnl...hl. a um um or, Huawry, W1 Pants at d murls. Lined and Unlined Cluth Kid (iluvol. All! m -:w -I' - ."u ' and Original Tman u! Enullnh W A amen macaw arr for em Which Iva hive the planned offering an Iha following greatly Induced price- : .... v. u... u. \uuvun- )1? All offered at extrumely luw priool, FOR CASH ONLY. GENTLBBIBNS fwmunmsssmnm. - GRAND DllflllUIION Au lunpwthn Invited. Halon Iur mull. 13mm;- ovm prim. [or use high] _-v p " Dec: 3m. 1375. HulkJd-w u u but-mum, ulna, manual-q. Mud-ha.- nII And m. '.--h...-....x- .lenllemon'l White usually $2.00, Imw arlling 11:81.50 Al... I I..- .u u a . . ._ 1 3rd. u have patch-sad at Mauufutuun' Stock uLWhilo Dmu Shir, It Thu mutant 0! onntlonu _ __ - , - nmmugmnuln d of at, Driving: .... mm. 1.94.... I! [00K 8 TI! l} 197', u- -' WU "mm 10mm, I 3 door: above Wellim m I5. PROVINCIAL PDLITIGS. - 09-7-. 7 Fred Dungluu tenders mine eeneibl and rnuunnhlu advice to hie colored culnpltriutl of the South. Hedeprecetee All lorciblu rm ntznenl of white tyranny, end edviun lime and patience end the court: oi I" M inliuitely' prefeuble 7 wenpom o! resinlnncu, Ila predicts the! the rivnlriu which will inevitably Ipring up between able and ambitious white lenders lurninh the desired oppor- tunity in exact and cnmpel the canon- nion of [lime right. which the cuiiltitution theoretically granu to tho liberated line, but which it in claimed hen no in been denied him by hll lets local match. It in not. to be expected by the moet dent nholitinnint llmt a breed emencipetion of [our llliliiolll oi - 'l'fl WIOIlOd by the power of law and lhe fortune of In from their late nwnen should work smoothly all In once. Such I revolution must liecurnrily iu- Intended end lucceed ed by mnuidurziblo friciion which time elene cen be expected to remove. w~-..-- *Iuaplgcwmc. In" Q. Id . 7! p... Iva-Mun. 1 1m WI Io nu w Um savior. nun; wagon; Iv. 'M CI u . run. an. ' ' numb-d M Imi- unsq. Halli*1 In..- ,, uon. a 100.7}. Illl m. ' um nio- M i. (mp .cn' aid. at ll o'clock. l'niol Idiots! Su. in the Hyde.- h- Bind (lb-vein 03... I Th" Ii In an A... l!.;.. 0,114": flu-rel. 3."; 307.1. x. o. mob. pod. ' 'Ml-ill Unin- m, i- (RAJ . ~ I winking uvia- vill be bold in Gleaming lm II. loving Lonn- m... u, u- " cum-u. DWII| II. L|llly, um than Ii" ho noBurmI Wulo, boat. "on a poor printer has nothing to ho thankful for. but than till he spit: "out to 0 up (at the Ion in ti. loole 3054* Ind tho Blood. 3. no truly gnuml. mum din, rm: ()ioo will b. cloud u I!) n.u., aml othor public oocl will not be opened at all. u. .7... .. .,.. ~'ut dam will ho union by nnrly nary donomilulion, and IN you. rud- er, nhould uncut! ll Ion-C on. 0! than. And try tn be and About It. l--.l_ LA AL- _:n L, 7 n,,,, ,, hull III-I" ll... IIU Illl IIII"I- ~Tbut there will be no school, [or which. M but, inch-r- nnd uholm Ii be truly ghkful. TI... 51%. 0...: 31-- -2 L- _L-_; .L juluef llll Ion: Invlu quu 'Illl unnu- in innitumal (km, the loundu- would novor have permitted him-ell to bus hul n widow at all, but would, iupropria pcrwnu, hnvo exemplied the life pro- longing pmverl u! bin own discovery. We commend 'lmrlueltmn to the debuting dopmmuul uf lhu .Enculapinn Society. Where doc-Lem mil in aura ta dier wo lhl" not venture to decide. -~ -- 99-7-.7 nun-nu. r-Thlt nu legal hnlidly you 951mm! to ubnern it, wholhu lhmkful or not. 'I ha! it in a bunk holiday. Ind you can leave um no till Thur-d1]. ._.'Ih.6 I... _ill L. .. LAAI l..- r cu: -. Na 6], Munio O'Rilcy; 2, Louie Mnrton; 3, Katie Romy; 4, A. Uefuge; 5, Emma June-u; 6, Ju. Snell. It means lint you nre to be truly thankful. Sully; 1i, lledy; [1, Febro. Donnelly; Mnlunu. 5, BnbnnL u - No. 1], John Nnncollu; 2, Alphm lirabnnt; 3,M:lry Emmi; 4, Elizabeth Lewers; 4, Kan CUnuinuhun; 6, Julia Cu-heon. u .. . u. n - u n n I. . VII-IIUIJII. Nu. 2~l, Wm. Cunninghlui; 2, Rubt. I Donnelly; :l, Snub J. Smith; 4, June: Kelly; 5, John Kunuedy; 6, Julie Dix. N0. 3- l. Dora Malone; 2, Ell: Jones; it, Mary J. Smith; 4, Arman Rogey; 5, Chrinin- Milligm; (l. Goorgo Booth. No. 41, William Kelly; 2, Maggie 3, Annie Smith; 4, Laura David Lebebro; 6, William Imuulu mcmumn, " I: vger Grier, nllowod. Robert Baird, Jr. And Sn, Allowed. Juhu Funnon, allowed. J uhn Uridilord, Henry Folgor, no nation. J. A. Brewster, Uhns. (loyotta. l). Dunoghue, Henry Henden, V, I , - 1., .. mututmv nounI mml unvo- m. luau-unnnv r. .1: runvallUn-J nu Sidney W. Souls, Alluwud. Wm. Carnegie, John Hanley, W. H. Sullivnn, Jereminh Mil-no, U. G. Oliver, John Mellon, UlurgrDrummund, Fleming Rowland, .l. A. Hendry. Percival Plath, Jamel (lormley, by C( John Keys. Illowed. Henry A. Batel, no motion. J. h'. Henderson, Allowed. Patrick Deny, Philip 80-well, nu ution. John Robinson Edwnrd Du', Donald McMillan, I! .unr (Eu-3n- .lln-.l ._._.# 0... Thu Widow of lhhuelnnn, the (nuner of Homuuopnlhy, ddentely in the uino~ ty eighth yen 01 her ngo. Whether or not but extant longevity cu duo to the rogulntion Of h'or hnbiu by tho unim- ud virtue. of her downed huhuul'l moducnl (Mary, in I paint on which tho vourin u! the old whool Ind tho I" [my Ln expected 10 diugroc. Diotiah will cuntond hr the afrmative, Ind pmnt In Ihiu m5an a century of oxiltonco an their proof in point, while the alloph- Um.- uceplic II ha ready with the re- juiuder that Ian: there such vital virtue L-.I h. _;.I.._ "A .II but unuhl innrnnn'a l n. r. ulogu, .lnnwl WIllh, Itruck o. John Snunden, John Parker, no sution. Mmin O'Brien, struck off. Than Gersldi, Peter McKim, no acIiun. John A. McMahon, struck off. I'etur lienureux, nu ncliun. Wm. (iarrignn, struck off. Fred. Gravel, no action. Dennis (hlliun, struck off. lntrick Dellnoy, no lotion. Joneph Din, John Msyell, S. H. Blondheim, (:90. H. Bowen, James ll. Burke, struck 017. Thomas Briggs, Alfred Muxam, ulr. John Bruce, no Action. u w mm... H noury U'nnon, no sauna. Henry China-on. no action. Ihol. Gtimnon, ruck 01!. Ch. 'IIompaon, John Hmylh, by content. Pat. Fallon, took off. Wm. D. Derry, no action. Thou. Hull-ghor, struck o. Wm. 0. Gibson; no wlinn. Jul. Groves, dud, no action. Ju. R. Crook. Owen Jonu, Ilruck of. Henry Singur, " Chu. H. Curtia, no action. Thu, John-ton, struck 03'. John C. King. - Wm. Newllndn, jr., Itruck u'. Geo. Welch, no Action. 0. E. Biddlo, 'l l1r;ln-nnvn u u. n. mualo 'l. Gum-non, .lu. L'nomu. " (hm Woldick, muck all. John Trwy, lu-ul Guy, John Wilmot, no Action. Goo. Cannon. ruck ol. T. J. Damoghuo, no notion. Juno- Hunt, Ihndl. Hour, O'Brien, notion. Honrv Grinnon. nu mtinn. Jul"- lulu, F. W. Stockwoll. no action. II. R. Smith, ruck o'. Chu. Kappa, an action. Henry Tandy, Than. l'nndy, Ju. Thom-a. not. rm " John Bight, John W. In, no nation. Pu. My. Ind. wm. rurnr, no moon. Julia Sum, struck 0'. Julia Kiln, F. W. shack-all nn min Th Proud-Inf- lino-0 to can... :- oloogthydocn-olt.nddoohvitlom tidy of questions a! gown] in, but upwidl, 1 wild imparuuoo to tho Amo- ricull. Ho touchs- npon tho loo-which tho country will 0-33.: by tho hut opi- do-ie. Advocate. o notiand minty od- nlniuruion, Ipeoh of tho m mgr-I, of tureian vol-lion. Ind othor notion; but Ibo M notoblo point 0! no oddrno is lnl rolonnco to tho South- Cn olocwnl [rs-uh, Ihioll will likoly oouo on caloric-l And potty oxplooion in Conn. The Iddro- in too long to out: outline in them column: today. ru. van, no man. WI. My, CM Hutch, that ol. Goo. Hula. " 7~-. I IIANKSHI ! IN DAY. l. Eliza Collendon; 2, Edith , Wul. Hymnal; 4, Esther Ken- , Jul. Brnbnnl; 6, en. Lo ~... Inn of lama. HONOR ROLL. nu court. that 'smsa mm; mm hn a, m V conuut. "m1. murltwlqd-ul m ,Jul' W Hpa. ' u" lawyer-m mm Mudrcltyruuanmdgdd to do no at once and ran can. .... .. w. Sicko- prov-gl- am; M "noon a Dull, [mm mm (c spa-ht- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u 1'. [Upload do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 in: an noting . . . . . Tm. McGuire, do . . . . . . . . . . .. C. F. Smith, 10.. . . . . .. Gnome Dunniaun, wndtiu . . . . . Saul Long, sundry ulna-on. .. John (imnly, du . Jouph Syroulc. do . . Ion. Tel. 00., ulognphing. . . . . The agent 0! Mr. John Mcory, ILP. mturm the following I'm. of expense. in- curred in the late electiun : Shunan & Meek, printing . . . . . .75 00 Templeton J; lineman, do . , . . . .. lo (I) Henry h Bro., printing . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 Puppal Crmier, do . . . . . . . . . . b (I) Willon 8! Dnvil, ham him for Ina-Imi- n -.v.-_ .v u 4"!va u_; iur uriinlt 7 my. Sm,ln a cnnimunicetiun to a late in- ane Mr. Kidd Anya: "ln the county of Frontenac, where Dr. Agnew presides, teachers examine their own pupill' pa~ pens, assign marks and grnnt certicates." lerniit me to any that neither the under- signed nor his assuciute exeminer, the able Mathematival Mantrr of the Colle giate lnntitute, ha- ever tuken the Ilight- est part. directly or indirectly, in the ex- aniimtiun of llll own pupile papers. From my knowledge of Mr. Kidd I feel lure he will deem it hil duty either, to withdraw the statement or produce the information run which it in band. Your obedient servant. J. E. ltunumx, Head Mentor High Selim-l. I Sydunhum, Dec. 2, 1878. . 7 rormer -Lonl Duffarin, in his Belfast speech referring to Ins Canadian experiences. laid that his Mniisturd and lrwatwurthy. should nut. in cuntndw: which have been live charging Lord Dilbrius Ministers with being both fool! and rugnes. ~,_7 70 Hu Edur fl/tr British "hlg. SIR III A mum-uninnli..n IA _ unneml mm a pnncely retinue. llun. Mr. Jully, story that he or any Cl um, wal slighted on Vice-Re train. as alleged in reports to 0 Iarvntivo journals. A (lanthanum m, Ruminmmm. 1r. uvureu Deldl'e July. F1vo thousand seven hundred Ind flyluigrnnta arrivsd at Cutie Garden, New York, during hut month, being our 1,200 m'br'o than during November, 1877. The emigratbe this year exceeds that. of last l)y'15,600. lt anal: rnHInr nnl.m..ln... Al.-. Illa Uy 1;),0UU. -lt been"; rather anomalous, that while nationally and individually we are making such u hue and cry over hard times, everyone should be dancing deli riuus over the advent of 3. Governor- Uenernl with princely retinue. Jullv. demon, in mm oh. Lt W. 8. 60300"! (km mat.,winbofonndul of We: md Provim on thocloucutungalh M 1mm lo we use In umbcient. They luvu got a reformed new-pupal man in New York who in ctuaing a great nonunion. He has gone three dayl with- nut announcing the nding of Stuart'- body. uuuy. -A rm in England in negotiating with aTuruuto export rm for 20,000 head of gnde Durham ends, and 00,000 Cotlwold and Leicester lhoep. to be do~ livered befare July. nevan hundran A ._A 14 ya man. arm-lot der, pmwu 1 m w 1-.- night a hour 0! the . , .a It h ping hil wife, .uu. . .act uv word to the wine is umbcient. -Thav hum an! . min-mu"! II'OII Ina Lpper Province; ~Mulic unfurnished antic b} l9th Batuliou Band at the supper I Rykort, mm] the players were not a anything Lu eat. A farm" writ. in....:..:.... -I unyinlug no can. farmer write- inquiring lib-t he nhould gel, for kicking can. He ought to got five year: in the paniuntiuy if he kicks the u ovary milking tune. A 14 annealed for mur- and It the home whip- 4-. uvod him. A tha rim is mums-m oelmuuo, on me mu mum . -Mr Spun-{eon will not mp0. I his pom-n] unhi- oongrogniouuu g of 825,000,an will turn it into I dun Able fund. A Modoc India: who bu] ukon fuming, ukod 3 white neighbour, 08 do whit. man cook corn lu he drink In our. of n bottle? The steamer "lolynul.n, flu unlint on Saturday, tmk to Lintpo eight cur-Ion!- of fresh but Illd Inqu from the Upper Provinces. In humid-ad on. h- n - manna to deliver a l \lep i nnmnA ---wI-l'uu ll. mm, OK my I temponnco hum for tho Workingmpnn Tum penne- Altruism:an Bellovillo, on the 9th instant. -Mr Nnnnmn -HI 'In -A.-_A :_ am on l- mu:- M II (In-- Bip Van Winkle." Tllil h In 081...: Im- llll Inn [or some yum M -'lho heavy rain. .3 0.9. Vioant loud. My wot in tho I I. chum, mdlhmtnlmdadndhimd. -A ligu ul the lm. In All-uh, G... n clothior dronin- to unit ,1 gm; gm mm. um. I cwnlor mum..- a patch. of all kind- for If n'lt int. "5.!" m; d m i t cudidsu (at m .1 don't like with, aid 9:. *3. pocket to W. Eva in. him Im- aural. -llo.E. In" Brink, in do go about-link, Bip Inn-1:."mp Van WIOKIO." than only (at W (50, ImWa-oolmnmui. ldlllunformoyunpu. 1" I 01.n- viml ___-__. ll mt Ilk mt II my ng. Barnum! K. Mod, of Linda, is o tampon-no. hum for u - 0 Adm-{ton Expo-us. WWI Iin his I. I?! Pistol Practice.