Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1878, p. 3

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V_...-.. .1"... uvvlllllK. Vory pour market ta-day, all beef, mutton And potntJea. Nu turkey: for Thmkuiving. 71". 11......1... U AAA A A - .rvlvulo Vulllhu- Temponmco meeting at St. Pauls Church this evening. V..- _,__ _, "I . . . .. . . vv'wu|lll' . Minionury meeting in the Queen gtroet Church. Divilion CSun nt to-day. '1no Voton Court will not likely sit to-monow. n. .J ..-u nun." nc "HIV. The funeral to-murrow will be largely Attended, {or in this way the people of Frontenac can Mtoat their reverence for so frtgnnt a memory. ~m u .- wm uuuuuuy Ur sun. ch any man. He WI: an upright nnd yielding a neixhbor n be we: n generous hearted Ind Chrinlinn man. Ha leaves behind him I loving wife, who has felt the sun ' Ihine of bin kindly Affection moat appre- ciably, bee-nu of the blindness which at- tacked her fifteen years ago. His chil- I dun hive grown up I credit to the good- i I, life which he bore. | ll... I..-..-_I A, ....,__MA, 7-" I I ()f th - pacific character of Mr Brewer'- luu there can 5.; no daubt. He never hu' 3 legal difculty or suit with my man. "a mu m: [nu-L. ma .,;-I.I:.... .. a" V, _, _._ ..... _._. l|\'ll I;uvu u" Levo' no. in very :..re, and Lumen u an ex]! turf recnrd. Vho iq [here let" in tno cruntry about whom as much can b_ nid I - II-IU. The I. Mr. Brown wu 1 non of n U. E. Loy-lint who uttlod at Culunqui along with a). Wm inmin in the In! untury. Sixty-two yous :30 the do: and moved to the patent uttlomont o! Elginburg, nod bognn life by hewing hi. log cabin sad the Apnea uound it out of n demo but He had nothing to um with an indnury sud pluck, but they IN I ooMler'l fortune, and he turnod than to good account. The put nixly you" ha been In unbroken mecca-ion of hud work, louenod with good duds. Though he accumulated much fun: pro- perty ho-did not hoard wulth, but ihnred , it with tho uncut needy and unfortunate: The paper who oegged n his door never went away unniised, or if nick wu never can. elf. Seven poor wanderer: whu came to bit that at. various time: died on hil handn, nnd were buried with n Friend's care. line Irvinnl were Itougnt I p '~ bin 10- '10! v Cth :\n 5mmt kin 2mm 32 his own. chl'rlre .juch b lll --__.._ u. munIII! Wm 'Toonopnpuod unions, bynlifo' Mat-mud, sudden death bu lambs; Whom whichthoLihny who. Ill topnytobodolivoud; in Iii-emit. Ill PIIUBVUZONE, jmlk-iou-ly maul, will ullly the perturlmtiun of the mrvon, mist. their "I "I'll eurrontn. null Improvu their nmrilinn. | Chm humrlug the generation of Iuimm-t, new "votn form fur u! uxigvm'lalvffmi. A "PHOHPUZUNM" can be had from wary Charm}! and limgyist lhranyhuul the Do- .inilm. [W t 81 per Battle 0r ti: for '5, - - III. III. 'Toonopnpuod. o! Mil-uh. ....m. awnmm. It. WOOD-law, who Hm hon ink-- in his life. MM-hailich- d W In. yum ago. Ho II.) lly III. In] hath! on Sunday 1 hmmnmmuntblu'oodl adding-Anything! About the plan I which hinindnmynd Ion eluqu W-wum On Sun- duy luau-odd mic-nun PM Chapel in Mai; and humans! In bonus upon hi. Mum. Whiloin lu mid-t 0! I bun, dinner durum hialludlollhrwndmdhodiodinlhnh- Mn- 11:. s YMHWINMM. ltd-h... uu. nun. 1...... _ mun JASON. vim_ WI .V l) WA F'I'S. 1'0 lvn inch be~ , ....__ _...--.---v. CLOCA HIIKLVEN. .h-n kl! yet. No: L. you} Hm I lu|_v.uyou wan-3 not Inch n HIth III"! In WALL BIACKITS. uw l- V-I_I-m dun anti, puma-u Dani-idiod Md) 3* lbs din *- H hm-_l_n_.__u4 '_"" u- m. If. W, [L linpyo.0dhuwol Cuto- q as. M.hlnotiledlh_oCit,CHMm com-non.- huqu and... tho Muhammad Illa thumhla-uhduiu What u [nut-1;; tin. nticipu- odhum uh- plan. Ir. W. B. limyo.Collcuor d 4 n... L__-A;-) .L,ns. .- . . DISTRICT SUBSCRIPTIONS. The lubscriptiunl 1nd collections of tho Diuzict have been good. the Indian in mo men being the camp-non, and some u! then: nude mom enoorqin. Ind excellent return. The rocapitulltion lhOWl the following: The fty fourth annual report of the the Methodist Missionary Society of Church of Canada has been issued, end it in an interesting study in connection with the anniversary meetings now being held in the severe] churchee. From the unions printed reportl of the Kingston Di-trict we nd theee results : Thet in {oblin the public and eociel menus have been fairly ettended, and ebout a dozen member: have been added to the church, but owing to removals a. decrease hes oc- curred ; members 110. On Amherst II lend Methodisn is doing a good work for the truth end for tempennce ; members 45. In Batteries the Church'l loss has been great : present membership 80. [u Lenndowne the circuit has been re- modelled so that all claims on the min- _ eiun fund in future will be relinquished; membere 210. Centreville needs e greet revival; members 70. In Herrowsmith the yeer now closed has been one of bless- ing end prosperity. Scores of souls here professed to be converted; membership 168, an increese of 33. At Tamworth the lttendence he been good, end a good in- fluence hes been et work; membership 104. In Arden the years lebours have given cease for greteful eclmowledgevl mont; member: 59. Seeleys Bay he: completed the erection :of two churchee,et ecost of 83,500. Special servicee hsve been held, adding to the membership, which now number. 90. snuurnnunns 0 I'll. UUUNUIL, lly but lheCmucil would, no doubt, through , its shsres, exercise A strong inuence on ds. the Bosrd. The idea of plying inmstes ro- seems hsrdly in keeping with the objects, '31] and might csuse an importsnt distinw [8: tion. He Asked, under these circumstan- ver ces, how the Government grunt could be ver obtained l "The Kingston House of In- hu Justry snd House otx Refuge is men- tioned in the Charity Aid Act," whieh is on advantage, snd if the institution is to oeofe siuilsr chsricter it msy be sided also. He ssks if whet might be celled a private body would be able to csrry on the House of Industry better tnnn the Corporation 7 But he added that it must be borne in mind mm. the law gave the Council authority to niensge sod control it, and the Council may as- sumc its sole management at any time. It was for the Council to say whether and upon what conditions it will secede to the proposal of the Directors. The Act, it would seem, is not inoperative, that the Council shall msintnin such sn institution, end therelore, it msy, if it sees t, Lgree that another body may do Io, but they should see thst this body is fully prepared to do it efciently. We may remsrk thnt the Directors of the House of Industry meant to take no sd vantage of the Council, or to deprive it x of any inuence in the wly of msnsge. ment, but they sought, ss we understood it, by moms of incorpors tion, to place themselves in s position to protect them- selves from imposition, and prubnbly sdd to the revenue of the institution. l c UGHINVI". . . . Huron-with Tnmvonh .. . Arden. . . . Sonky'o Bay. . van-1.. 85th.... Amhont blunt. Caunqui Butler-n. '_- , nnwrm ; . Gram {no . Llnldn'n. m Reside-e39 and Iain. m .nnr Llnldo'n... Pilhburg v. IV-..I_...;II- nemy. . . . . . Roblin...... Nolburgh Wilton . l ..l---. Kinglton . .. Porkmouth. ... angnu. . . . Morton Ind Coupon. sefbv....-......._, 0...: Selby. Rohlin _ Told . w v. mul- u! HIV IlUuIII' to pnnnt tho Diuoton of tho Eon-o of Indian and out." lu-n mung n chsr at of inns-pond if thy snhnctibo snoiont slack for tho pnrpou, and he I tho stops poinbd out by the Act, but he was inclined so think the Hons. of In- I dusky could not be inocrpontsd. II it Ins. mnnioipsl institution and would nqnin sspooisl Act. 3. though do- tsils should b. furnishod to tho Council I baton my stop- .vou than. The real propotty Ill "stud in the Corpontion, but in intact night bu contorted into so oqnivslont number of slums of the capth stock of the society it [La city so choose. In cue of incorporation the body soit.ourpontod would bs IIIIFhl-n-u-II AII I-u- 4......n... ' -1- u- lupin-I, In. no . hunc- N do by givingan I balm-HI. inow-i- In. I'Mvitlmtnqnopbd ' ctional-IL Ho uyd "M. in con- 1 plinmwilhthOuheroiml-uock lot- tar-Mt Ad, incorporation night I obi-ind Ivy-n] nn-bcofpunouhot Initial: In)for anyqu 01M tummy-Minor; 11000-- plnyotoeiuyoolobo incomes-India tobohuodonuook hold by tho-spot. Iona: mun... II. a: mum..- I l i l I "" ""'" VWI I. IV", mun-humane! mum-0d lulu-h- na. :.....;.-.- ._1 __ __ Mlodrmhhnh- Itll". lbyldidmupu tenabde Ova- lad Cling, mlmmhJ nun-mg "IV CHEAP [01 W WALL DIANE, m mm: mm; Tuition. mama}: amid. M E] HODISI MISSIONS. A Mun. 33:! w 2 80 I42 95 42 66 lm Iv, OilPl- 80 av nothing .. n: n.. 1:--- .1 KIIKPAYIIIGK'S FANCY STORE! _... mm. -Iul_ qu ulxllg m o... 1 "inn-WM Ivlookilaon and min- mun-n nu... 11.. __.. I"""-- Ul- w ll- m - tho-why d the chi-tin chm, Ind wink millio- wgulhkil hto a... nl ruin-nun. hhmbh-._ -_J M d! 0 "50 Ilia-Sonny, Ind Ill '0 hubim o! chili-mo. ;" And a... .3. won they to allow tho-ulna h lull h: .... gnu-u nl noun 1! mm acuity d d! tho hum nl akinu... .'I -_.I -A.__ us w'u. uu-n lull "IO, 'OIO "I010."- The Anglo-Sum: not own out-fth of All the world, and con-Mute one sixth of thopopnluion, an! own our one-In]! of tho Ihipping. Tln old u Ihich hrl bnnd a thou-ml you! tho but]. Ind the brmo' in the [Min of tho Minion-q in dist-at buds. Dr. Thompwn o! the Anne: Fanin His-our] seem, up did when"! ' tho British an; ou- it acuity god 3." h Iii-inn." and In A POWIII "ux mun: no am, And if thay wen cold-hearted tho Mun wont down And tho] won "10",; - nulmnim -_.. .._._ A- a... . u. ' ' " I There wee n tremendous reeponeibility, |_ he mid. upon the Church sud people of Cenede in regerd to the mieeionery cepee end if they did not do their Christin: duty they should inevitably reep the disgrsce. The genial of Chnetienit] required Ihem to he liberal in their support of the mleeiouery cause. They were living in times when christieuity is looked upon es one of the greeteet things 0! the present day. No men on read history end diuregud the necessity of christienity in oivilizetion. The telents which God hed pieced with them should be devoted to the nu of Hie oeuee, the money which they msde should not be need entirely {or mercenery purpoeee, but he devoted in pert to tho oirculstion of God's word end truth among than who ere in benighted lends. It wee remerhhle whet power christiens heve in the world. The christien church to-dey held the belenoe of memevu-l! 1031":- O I) D ) I l I l I HIV. MR. auw's minus. Rev. W. I. Shaw, Secretary of the Montreal Conference, uid he could Ipuk I great doll better in many other churches thnn in the pro-em, one. For there, in this old unctunry, he was born of God. 1nd looking over the nudienoe he luv his first Subbnh School teacher end elm leader. He we: planned o no the great improvement: which had been mule to the church. It looked beulti- ful in its new garb. He congratulated hi: old companion Ind playmate, Judge Price, upon the high punition he occu- pied in legal cirolu. Ho wu glad to bu present at thil mialionnry meeting. L- _A: x -- h- - - WHEN HELELTIN" "OUR FRI-188m. I "Ir-Inn III. has "Inn in the vlly. I ham mum 0! tbs: w... anui uulalull-I, ulnilpl'. "Oh the glory of the Lord" wu by the choir. rwy... nuuuucu (.0an we aulemmu tion of Gods truth made throughout it. He hoped that King-ton would be valiant and come up to the help of the Lord in thin great miuionuy cntorpriu. ()h a... "In" M n... 1mm .. . . . . - uvvl will I . The choir lung Great and marvelloul ere thy works, oh God !" Dr. Skinner commenced by laying he was glad to be present on thin nulpicloue occanion, and to nddrtn them upon Inch In imporunt subject. They Were there far the purpose of misting in spreading the Gospel to all lands. God had placed 7 gm responsibility upon them li i p56- ple in this work. They bed A large eld open for them in the buck country and n. was their duty to see that it we: properly attended tonnd the diuemiue. Hnn n5 luv. e_..AL _-J_ .LM ,, u l -. 1 1 "mu, 0. uuuumgnlul, Ul. J. Trenimm, W. Skinner, .1 Ovetend. W. J. Crothou, Alex. Bnmford, Trouurer; Secretary. '1}... Luz- _-_A, u Inn IIHOHTUN coun'rin. Th9 following gentlemen compose, the Kingston Minionnry Committee: E. Chown, Dr. Skinner, A. Ohown. J. Shaw, B.M. Britton, B. Bailey, J. Gnr- diner, J. E. Clarke, W. McRouie, F. G. Rudd, J. Kidd, A. Shun, H. Cunning- ham,J. Cunningham, Dr. Mchmmon, J. Moore, '1. W. Bnihy; Dr. Lavull, Sacral." ..___v _.. 7... i The income of the Society from I mums- in. $141,475.12 Expondiluro . . . . . . . . . 150,973.24 Deciency for the you. . . . . 9,398.12 Total indebtudnm of the Society . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 63,093. 82 The Kingston brunch pnd kn yelr from all lourcu 82,324.50, which wu ten . per cent. above the proviou: you. The Sunday School. luppljed 8340.56 of thnt ' l lmount. , x z ' g Iudinn Million-m... .. 44 30 3,013 Japan Minion- ... 4 4 100 I Germnn Minion...... 5 3 284 Funch . .. ... 9 9 274 Ht Broodl Miuion.. 24 23 1,320 Dumuu'o 409 422 39,165 The gnnd tat-l of million-tie: em- ployed and pu'd from the lundl of the Society in 496. This includel um native Gernllu win-nt- And ve native mist- nntu in Japan. Society _ 5-... -ll -k A._ 7 i l l l i .nnuulu I'll lllluli'l'. Dr. Luell pmnud the mum] uport, which Ill adopted. The following in I brief Inn:th of the uni-dad put: w about uh. an padded with liked by the Con-in. but-Incl: hue Adult] Mum hodid hi upon thin occasion Iith plan-um. E. III [M lo no no maypmnt,nudho hopodu" would lobe-or .to their pro-once. 11:. I Iubjoot Mon than n- on. 0! (not in- i 7mm. Tho that! tho MWSo5 ' old] In one o! auburn-mt, uni it nu: duty to unis! in plucing It on I sound bail. The choir than lug, Bonutiful m thy tours, oh Zion." o t r I I Amount-u huh may)... nial-Inks. Id bun-Mm. Gdinitthlnnouhudhho- dud Jud.- Pria .- thank-no! MONDAY ANI) TITESIMY, "er. lmh and Will. w ALL IUNI'INIIUI'IONH thankful!" mulva. M A nunuuv WanInt a lion-incl mmmdow did! Ohm-h n:- Lm a- 4L- n_n__1 u unusual:~ mm was and . an IYIIIII. IIADIIG I'll klrol'. AI." nn-_A._I .L m iii-roam mo FANOYWGOODS y the A lam-g Mr, 6! men-Imam}; " ""'" Thy Ion huh aivn, lo. that my duv- O knon ant-mad with u and old. Dach God "Add-y Idiot. light d-kd? Hugh" when live-mud. Ind dark. And v Inl- Though my o'm have {Ad-d {mmmv lilo And cloud- ohlcun the tn- of it: aky; Though Ill on tho 'I Inca-dug M!- 1 Imuummwudutlu d. gnby, 3 WW'W 9:... m: m. nu! v n v p.- 3 harvest Mr, of hid-n. uh) m Riva. than In." an. molt gmngl. The choir an another Ippmprinu pim,thooollootion wu ukon up and that he benediction the congregation dispel-nod. .u. nauuu mmiom, whuc 1,500,000 of them II'B in tho china and bonds of Roman dnrlmou'l It was hurdly time to do it now while the scenes of Oh, Hui- bard, Mq we" fresh in their momma. They did nut know where they could ro- trench, Ind they had to put their him in God and pnlh forward. Ho urged them to give in faith Ind God would replenish their Itore. It in not 1 gift, it in I i :an which will be returnod to you nt the [at great day. Mid will be one of the lull in their disdain. He cloud with 3n urxent sppenl to thqu prount to be libem! in their giving-1 Tha nlmlr nna unnm- --A--'-A mem eome one to tell them 0! Jelul and the anb. They bed minionniu who were doing the work of two and three man0roeby,| Green, Tue, Mlll l'ol- Ind, and tupr other: among the Indmns And Chine-e in British Columbiaall doing en endlele amount of work. They could not think of retrenchment Imung the Indiml while they no crying for the way of exam-l fe. Would they red we the French miniom, while 1,500,000 annn A..I,....--q n _ , uuul no Wu uuaoie [0 II]. but In mmer be war up in Mueknln. end he found townships there where the goepel wu never helrd from one yur'l 0nd to the other, end thin only 15.0 miles from the capital of Ontario. He could point his nger to a hundred of Inch place: that are waiting for the gospel. Thin country ie Lblo to eupport millionl upon million- of people, end were they to talk of re- troncbmem while there are pouring into the country? Should they reduce the lndinn minioml If one could hear the eppeell which we remind from thoae in the for off lend, crying for the. bread of life, it would touch their heart: end one would endeavor to lend them to tell them Thav hid minninnnvi-n Jun ,,r -_ vv,vvvV\I\I .nurhl. I I The miuionariee there had bnptieed \ over 200 persons, and llld About l20' members of the Church; three churchel have been built and thin yenr ve native unistante were taken on trial. It in as wonderful how many of the netivel Ire qualied In preach, and there no Ieveral who are now under the imtruotion of the ministers there. It in the cheapest mil~ nion they have; it cost us duly about 8400 per miniounry. We have a grand work on this continent. nd they could not think of retrenchment. The Ielfeacri- oing miaaionuiee are labouring in the Far Weet, British Columbia and other plwceenmd getting an an average only 3400, and our of this they had to keep a horse, clothe their familial, feed them- selves, &c., and how they keep from debt he wee unable to Lent l up Mu-knh .nd 1.. nnntl THE "I (JUNO LADIEX' All) SOCIETY 05 wnlcu wuuiu ue coulidered an excellent. contribution. Many object to give lxo- l dense they say that Minionl had been open! which should not have been. annn In in the mind of name, no doubt, but it was After much con-iden- tion that]: was Opuletl. The nger of God wu pointing to in, 3nd we could not with ncleu conncionco refuse to send com. missionaries there. They llld won some glorious trapliiea in um COUNTRY or 35,000,000 noru. .w. nun-n uuu' 0r nllr mint be incurred, .nd the debt. wu di- vided into four iululmontl. which mun. be raiwd. The rst. of 816,000 mutt be raised this your, which would be About. 125 per aunt. more than the amount Iub~ acrlbud last year, which roportion to Kingston would be about ' . King. stun should rnise this your About .3,000, which would be considered null-n H... -1...1LL ll' ....... 5., u, . wruoll to be ueed in epreeding it. Equality wee e principle which ehould he preetieed'. The rich geve out of their ebundeuee, end the poor their might,eud it would beec- oepteble before God They wented .200,- 000 to carry on the Miuionery work of the Methodiet Church. During the put yeer the Society bed been in en ember. reeled condition. end the eeuee wee the umon which took piece in 1874,when e re- dietrihution of dome-tic Miniane wee per- fonned.the taking in of the lerge Mining 7 elde of'the Eutern Provineee, opening new min-ion elde, end building humble plecee of worehip in theFer We. When the Miuiunery Society mot thet you it wan found that the money on hend would only ellow 50 per cent. of the emuunta granted, end tho leymen aid that the Tree-Mere muet edvenoe enough to make it mg per cent. of the greats. which was accordingly done. Thin year when the Board met in Montreel, they very carefully went over the work of the Society end end that u..- ...n... . _ , Hm" "InImmune 00! dealt Ihi. nubile-u. eerioue meuer. It wee laid (loin in the datum Boek ol Henna. tint-e christian their duty tee to lay up lithe- unto the Lord, Ind O! in olden nee. one-tenth wee bid by on the lint thy of the took to be devoted to the purpoeee of the Lord, eo they eeonld be diligent in lying up eoueching (or lie cease. . The morning 0! Divine 'anidenee should urge neonverd in our duty to- Verde God. The Bible aid The, ehonld goiuto ell nation- Ild preach the Goepel. end this III required et the preeent day, end it required money to do inure] mun lute it "Preach the Goepel to every oreeture," end it muet be done, end people in then deye "W" h! b] I portion to he need in ennedina it manna- _-. _ __-, ,. . --- nun-u ww- tilmanual Ibo Mada-dbl- m not pn- mt. buttin- tlmmm-ot b. dultwithuymtln i! any... '5': Nth-1W burl-ni- in: do. hill- n n..- a- u- _2; , ~~~ 9.. _ < __ A fmnv POEM. luu ('I name, rmuch l. L, nnd a '9. l~m.:""tff'l .BAZAAR- .inm iii"m" | Ton-Rum OI Ida. Iuuor rung-chi In. I; M, In 9, WI. '1" BOOK 0" WI. DAV!" cum All IML'I'I'. HINDI! Ill! W0 ll am. hubr- 1m. "and... d" NEW FEATHER BEDSII ' m. A. r. m, u. Mini-lull . Kelly'sSleamHeioialuI . which vo VIII 0N! mad. in d ((000 [u the alt to. H' All work war-mud. I ! l 'Alivaygoady.{ um.- nu qu AUHI. w LUNCHEUN And TEA Illl banned both day ()y'nton-and Bafruhmanu In tho ovgoing._ V IN '1IIlCUl'lY IIALL: 11m; LADIEB' 0F 81. ANDREW? CHURCH intend holding I aloof Unent and anoylnlolu, Unto, her. ' nmnmdf "o :"-m L I HE LADIEB' holdings balonfUIefnl nml Iumvnhl.. n-l.- 1.- ._.. V ..--_, ...uu-, vD, um, 6N TUESDAY um rmou A- 1ML -__I AAL Salenfugelffancykmclesi . v - ruuvvua Ill 070- Alu a uplandhl Moortmnnt of TOILET BETTE in new and olegnt dengu. Nov 30th. THEfEFARMAGYi Nov 1th "Av... vl Julllll. THIS WONDERFUL ELIXIB HAS JUST . BEEN RECEIVED BY HEATH a GUNN, DRUGG ISTS. I You can get the Myrtle Navy ? 'lllli CIICA ELIXIB OF JOSEPH BAIN, PARIS. __ Promom cheerfulueu and hmgevlt . hob- Iitataa Digestion, remove. I Nervom uh nan, immaqu Muscular Actlvxty. nlmulawa the Mental Facumea, bani-hes anxiety Ind Momseuou. enable: old people to recover the vigour of youth. mun: \ununnnnn. .. -_._ .__ , ,,, , a \u on. nuu vuuuunul sweeuNll of which we will make up Gannon on our u house In able w do. READY MADE OLOTI Furnishinz Gmuln, Rm. .1 0.... n. ........ I. , "r.-. --_-.-.vvqu-UMIIIPU Gannanu our ulunl rst clu- Itylo for loan Inonov than my our" CLOTHINGour Stock of Rudy Ind. Clothln . Gout"- lturnishin Goods. Han and C. a. In very llllgn u-vrl well waned. Ind will be not! ht I! VERY WEST PRICES. REMEMBER THE PLACE- Z. ann-m lll'naiu --__ _ _ THE NEW ELIXIR OF LIFE. 1 now up uyw wooing; Nov h,|878 :- xuu WANT A (#001 wing, at low when. , you will nd the L RGES ..-.3... -_.I 11-..- An: you wm nnu we m mmsr AND MOST COMPLETE Wick-Bi "mm" "W" "m Foreign and OmadiuTweedalom. Fancy coatingupvorooatlnuc Pgwgggljut all}: moan than nnv nth-- hnnnn In 11. In An DD A nv u A nu :- ,_ IF YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT. Fuhiombly Cut,e min. lurk-en. {on must go to the gum vnn will nd Hm I. unvu Al'n n. nn--. .._ . 7...... .ur um nun any Imys at. the NEWwi'aRK CLOTHING STORE. Brock Street. FourDoors from Mum a... IIHY sunk: 7..." "0"..." .nwuo. noun-mus l'lllJ HACK- z. PREVO-T. "noun nun. 1 t This in the place to buy the cheapest Clothing. The | CUTTER! AND Small no!" we pmoe to wcuro Bargains. THE mart.5; CLOTHING HOUSE, 21 Brook Street (ant to Int--- .. mulk . queu V8.3 . . . . . ....... Wmte Shuts Shuts nd Drawers A lame stock 0] FLANNRI. mums nu urawers... . large PLANNEL SHIRTS ( LARGE MEN. It Don't onssnvn ms. LOW Overcoat: from ................................... .. Men's Good Working Pants from ....... .. Good Canadian Tweed Suits, all Wool l'ino Pants ........................................ .. Tweed Vests .................................... .. Wh itn ski-s- 7- -__ ~I'IV nu 110 Please take notice that big Stock 0 well made, and equal In over: I, and you Elm the mlvnn of buyIlug them At nunncrunumcm You Can Save 25 par Gent. by calling at Livingston's but]? If? 5th 0' READY-MADE CLOTHING (- n..- u..m..-..u_n_n_.. I- IS] DETERMINED T0 pries- and iv. mom I... u .A.. . _ m- _ vcHEA'PWEHIIi c. Livingston, 2:1: Brock Strong, SELL RRADVJJAnm urn-mun". .. -n Oct. 30th. WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF GI'I'IING THE NEWEST AND [081 FA8K~ IONABLK GOODS It price: a low .0 my och" bonni- |ho any. n A ported Fitgumnmd or non-lo. [LEAyEyUUH ORDERSFUHEIJU'THING cumuumomou-nuau. fall-aw; 'r-nymxoummamta-gws uTupho-NoIBMMmMMfw-cquK ' Nowudlndmodoud foul. lNuOolomAu Wadi-pn- Sight-upm- New OobnAIIWodlnpmc Mint-uric. No-ouBhokAllWool, clinch-whimumo. oo. TwoOue-Kniohrbookc Good bury WinnuGMBqulJoud 150. (inn, Bmmehnk .nd Whit. 0. Yum-.14. hm: pdoo. 100 pain Blvd BunionI glut . E HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW Roommtho but Stock of. T'ITFWENDOUS BARGAIN'SAINMDRFSEGWS A'I' WAIDRONS. .VHUUIII 5 In]. Dec. 19th Ind 20th. LITHIYHIZ'HH -..A 1-; _.n L {Cutie-u! durnngenml. I of lugs organs, M tln Mun-ll; livrr, Inc-art, h 1' .will induce nlaoluhma' nun. and is attended wlth many norlom colu plkuiom: Iml while it mu m uuny iltlnfll be but a nympluumnmng otlmrl. cfnn Erma-He and "lull-Ind hervum nynwm if not minted, Md nutrlllon inerenuul. it. may prove the lmnrunner ul wriouu ell-nan. in the brain or upiu-l cord. M3f Princess Street. n __,u_~n. - l DEFY 1. VI. "DWI 0.00. , __ _ \_. Great Bargains far tligoNext Sixty Days at the .W van" - A-IIl-l- ~__ . Al: the Emporium of Eli-1.10% RE vnn nun gnpv nu- nmvun an- _....... ._-_ _ A _~- w vulva-LING Street, (next to McKelvoya: Blrchl.) CHARLES LI VINGSNN. . vnn UI-Ul ruIIu 3 Brock Four'Dom from Market Square. ~oo-- . NT A mmn xnrr u..-:.;.m..._._ n... ,, , u A nuuu null". amounny Cumemellom worka ow on 0 above well known a AND M ST STOCK Ol unminn Tuna. m..n.- --_._n__..,, .u "an". Sale Comm-mean headar. Dec. 3rd. Al TWO Al I) ILVHEI P.l.. ATTHE STORE NEXT 'IUMBLE'SI UN'N K 'iZllEFT. , .._, v--.v.. n \1:.:\ Ill-III "I we only. COMPETITION IN PRICES All! WORKMAISIIIP. PRICES: Merohgnt Tailor. muulun "I l'llllit' III! Al L con-mull: on hands EXTRA SIZE hO'lHINQ FOR fail to remember the plum concurs Burplnl. " C- - A_7~ ~J v'l!.l-l6 Ill! uluusuwuo ! CLOTHING tn new. Vs-Mommy Cut. n every mpoct to HOUSTON WORK mm! In the alt]. ."I'Ih Ill __.-_- _--_ ,,, - _.. -v. SELL READYJEADE CLOTHING AT LOWER ti??? SMESWN in In any. n he unuurmmm .n n. .- uwvvwlwlll'lwm I. WALDRON. Vibe-9.: Buildings. m 1mm away 0. waned ruinous moon's. -' for "m ummmM-llnn of hull-l. w! m upmath lnvlwJ 1. land the sale-.1 Inn mural nun. y'all-uh MORE YET : Atom. bum-l In of 05m- 0nd. '1 Band ofHope Review British Workman, ' Childrens Friend, Family Friend, Infants Magazine, ? Child's OWn Magzne. Childs Companion, ; Little Wide-a-Wake, Chatterbox, Quiver, Henderson'sBuokstore. PRINCESS STREET. {ANNUAL VOLUMES! 1 FOR I878. mm with VINE VURB .6 prk-u r. M nu! vnluo, :- the out!" most I VOL! I dwell without 1.- 9... IL. .n..........;l_.1n_ -1 I n t, exlaellom workmmhlr. lint olua 'l'rlm- uovo known Cloth a; Hon... when KTE Ol' II. 0 Ian fro- lulu lunar . but vnluo in Oval-cosh. um uuu rumu AT LOWER Elle munfnomm nll his- 5 of buvlu 'IICES. K ~~$ 5-00 upwards. .. 2.00 luv-man's IOU mum: 00. Tm with Hull and oonplou ml of. luvu [rad-m I'an in no. And III In Mina. Aha I (all anon-non: of C" .- 1)Ill'8 PUUS. The lbw very valuable M has nll boon mule llp mm anon on this In: M hon: Skim um the nur- ol Imp. nu] Annie. can Joni. ud Ibuannfuturla o! wMoh have bun under the alumni-inn a one of the moat mum: Fun In the Dommiou. and worn undo and III-Bad In We meat thorough And workmun- like Ilnltlf. 1 Il- l'lu .I.....- u 4-- .___.A A in "II .Inltl, J n' The lbuvo Edo- prueut III 0 Ior Onlmdmy punch-urn or ran] OLA VIII M an lying than: can with NI: v 1 n n ma..- .ST. MARYS CATHEDRAL A common Tab-Mo WHEN for the rut mm a unm'. Wm. lxtnnondnuk linklcttn (Mariana Winona. Mankmbnndothcraps, Ia! negatinqu hmme "allocating! llklurlobu, Also Lined Damn lobes. Guthmu Rod Benoth Outs Tank: . fall conicts ml PHYSICIANS KNOW THAT I" Insuuuu. "Ill 'IUMILI BNN'K 'i'A'REF'l r; t; ,odn on \i.-.w the d' v below nah). oodn LIITJHL'd ..l"lill 10, ten LXI-full W : imb-cu mm. mm lulluldlul, mum%M'n' Put -wuvw-w- -- "'7", 1010310, n ma AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ....- -- w- v- mbt Pun, CHI Pll ._ PHOSFOZON E ! ' h- I! autumn-n. n a. THE ALASKA WI HOUSE, NEON! n. fmeseuedkuctinn Sale or ncl up can! I IN GILT LETTERS I'J.A()ll IJ,U(}. DUN 'T FOIKG ET mu mnmn vao auc- prueul ovpurtnnn my to. FIRST! 88 thamw'vu thi- I VINE V 8 II fu Ila-low nluo, '1 pooh mod III I . [Altar (Bo-W'- War. In .I lind- 1-1. 4- COIPIJIIIO .-I I- -__ -_ . WI. "own; URSII W to WI. "mums. khan- I. A. "ROPHY, .- A. U'BKILLY. J. E. llUTCllESON. A nu: iunmr n upurt unit all FIRST nmn'un- ".3 . .uuau um : auwu. -n uppuu lion for communhon o! the duth- aru- tuo In. (an Cutolrolu, the Lion". urdmr, to impriuonuam Io: lilo, III pron-med on Sand-y to Hi- Executor, an Uovomr Gourd by Ir. 0. 0. Hr null. Vie. Omani of Inna. The pa" (Bani-MM mmwwuimmd Jmhudhdgulbytww hallo-tho Jinn-idol lbontllo,lllq-1 ham-nondion- Iunnohl ' phahunjulliotinu. this MU bu awhlwthuunohvb- up! M. The print-apn- u Chow-l (all. pund Applause- Numb-human Mintblulinubd-udu- Inu. Ila-plotting - hbilu inn-.- I 1 I 1 l I i u-uvwuu u'rm' Ullll' V I wluuluulw tion In um m lha Council mum-ling an! such Idiom w "M b. immune mu. Io- lho clniml wwvo onmpromiud. Ild u no "Moment n n clocked the mud Into won Hod. Tho Inyor Lu been Imuou to dot-ad the min. ACTIONN Ion DAnAum.Wo umler And that. the Attorney for Mn. and Mil; Furril hu notied tha Mayor of hit in- tonu'un lo we the City for dun-gen, for injuries recoivud by an Accident cnuood by thoir imm,nhying And ups-cling the vehicle in Ihich they were driving on tho nurmv roadway was! 01th. Grand Trunk Brewery. sum. time ago I communica- iinn --- um [A n... 1...m...l :...;___..__ Dunn or Mn. FluentMr. John Elliott, mind of the Ito-nor Mnud, him not llll'VlVOd tho tolan of ill health, Ind toduy hi! death in Announced. Few men, panning w quietly and lino-unh- tiuully through lilo, have been l0 gono- rally liked. He lnd An invning, friend- ly nature, which all who know him Ip preciuod, while he wn skills! but! upo- rioncod in his bulineu. Au mark ol roapoct (or him the Ag! were hoi-ud ll. lull mu: on tho numer- uid Ind Pioneponl body. He will be buried with muouic honon. w- A Goon [DIA.A new and unful u ticlo hu just been introducod hero six wuun. (ANTIRN for sewing machinu. Every lowing machine should hue uni nm, and in unniahed without them. They avoid l pouibility of Indian injur- ing theimelvol, or breaking or tucking the muhino in moving it. The muchine will stand perfectly ltill, while in use with themwrliu in. Tim wz unnu- 111. They save your machine; they an your carpetn; they uvo time. 170,000 Ioldiut you. Do not fl to get I u! when the Agent, Mr. J. Noolin, mill. - o.- "ansu run PAIDol.Ln applica inn 6m- "nummum .J oh- Ann. u... Dun linvuw."Thia lftarnoon we rcoivod the mitinl number oi tho lotr- boru Daily Evening Ifwiew. lhhil num- ber in In augury of what it is to be, we will be molt happy to rank it among our changes. It in lupplied with a good ualection of mlid reading matter. Peteb bum requiru a dilly, and we feel uni-- ed that the Rwizw will be well luahin- ed. Although politically oppoaod to in, we wish it Iuoceu. lwcLAMnlox.A moeliug of the City , Council wu not hold lut evening. A: 8:15 the following only were pro-em; Mayor McIntyre, Aids. Allen, Alumina, Canon, Dronnnn, Dupuil, "arty, Mooen, Wnlkom and Woodn. Tho-e present, however, (licking but on. of a quorum) authorized Hi. Wonhip to iuuo thonlunl proclamation, calling upon the citizen! to observe Wednendny (to-marrow) u n holi- day for thanksgiving. I S-um-nn. The autumn in About cloud. ' The :nsurmcea have expired, Mid paliciel now out are iuued at. Ipeciul run. "Law Are a fan wane]: running Wilholll inmmncu, but very few. The harbour is lined with craft which have gone into winter qunrtarl. 0 ' Tuu EwtmrnSvrrzmJudgn Price. in presiding Mtho Miniungry meeting Iutevening. expreucd his diupprobntiun of the envelope quem. He thought if the father guru [he fumin ocrlng the thu clnldron vmulnl rot be [ruined to gi'w .- .l,... .1..,..l l .... 'll1n BLosnu.Mny Fink'l blond.. . variety companyhold the board: of the 0in Hull (or tu-momw ovouiug. They are going to bar. a Inge Indiana. Mnny um Ire ulreody mpg! It Mcv Auley'a. _n to. h. Lmu-ruo nu Btu-n. ~11 people 0! tin vilhgo of Purtomouth are no. on- joyihg lboluxury of lighted um, Chm lnmpl having been erected. The clung. in quite cnoerlul and duly nppruinud. . WILL II IOU) on mum. Damn. nu hum-.- o- uordon um: bu... John-u Much. Nu. m, xu .1 A him m o! In warn-mun nigh 01'! pct m. and In alum-u. hunch-u. pantry ud collar. "no-don m-IM ban on noun, lat-Mu ' gob-Cunning. no! an MI. I honking-.nd M Ind-an n- . h Mum. Mud plaid ,_ y. o. ' and u out. r 5 ~ m A! I 5- II n. No PAPll.Boiing respectfully to thocivic and Dominion proclamation- Io dull churn w-mom' u n holidly. Our radon III! than up. no pspor in tho .Vlllill. _ . ManningW than, liming , to when: and tomb-at.th "nth", poodbly slut or snow in Northern 0::- ud. Storm lim continued st Ink. Inn-h In. In III' uyurl BOI- II" no ll don rm. The building IE ow about the and 0! lb. mouth. u: u. IJVUIul u. lulu-u m- ,ingoldquu-u Boluriholnka Ila-II Ilh-n-ln- m- L_;u:_- _:n L, .. .-.~.vu wvl I the] lhuuH I le 1'. Infu awsai' m! [Paint Shop Renault, 'ipmwgruhm ma] L'ITY AID 71011117. room It In- I u a at no; Gnu Hanna-Tho hutl m and ll.- 0.... n-.. .1 l, L: --* 4 TUEth me, D. 8, m . W I. c. m. MINI!!! Lawmkuut cumin-g [Hr L-udgu reached to give in umnruary mom in Min-kn H." un Thanh; Inning, Dec-abu- I'th, {or Ihi:h 3 god mn- Ii" be Announced. The lunch] nub-on: Aha-0d surplus at .00.. Ibodobtol Iona. hill being coma within (to yuan. Owing to I50 all-pol Inninrury, the pro-oat clan Mn land only Ii: not-tbs, And m am hi "coin. n-oloehd 1 hmmmrnulmuloh'aDayl sum. rum-u; I h.- W ILnn- -v n will b. u-u wlul quuuuu. - Seven] Wain hinder: ire milling thou: thrhctt. h" L A Iltvr my: Ih Iho hzcnnu of "Men .1 Jun to Mr. WI 1. G I Dummy nl Flushing. Ho hu ind-loo} r my a Lie at 9h: lake. H. {I h lint. An enterprixing blblinell Lu! summer. wd Increase tunic nn thh Ki'm vtnn :nd Ppmhruku R-ilwny, halides III-n, Shumtt {Aka a .uoro plouwl use". Wo suppose we lhl hlVO to publish I court circullr' daily now, u in done in London. Hero's to-d-y'n . "The Bor- nu'd pup pnuented to the Prince" Lou- 'u, on taking hnr departure from Liver. pool. in hid up in inrmary It Ridenu HA with inuenu." c____AI u- -- v n um um... xlu-IILIHUIUI uroxen nune lying on tho outern ward. nppmprinted It. once. The] hvo in great part been paii for. Dr Arc the carts too busy on (iron mm 1 n1 I_II Ilulllu- ~Muddior lhlnover. Why Are not the great quantitiel of broken nune lying on Ihn mhu'n -...I. .. ..... ..:-....a -. 'lo~murrow we'll hone uur carving knife, With brow I) "out and murk ; Then. without thougth Ion ufvlife, Wc'll plunge it in the turkey. The News man Ihould read up on the woighh Ind manure- bill. SI! John will not forgive hil ox-homu organ for in In! bangle. _I.I...l,l:-_ AL- -_ ,, nu lIuqu mu: nu ma non. ll enough. Mr. Ryan wu elected by acclima- tion for Marquette, Mnnitnbn, on Satur- day. Hohld xuigned in favor of Sir John. To~murrow bljnw Inurkv; unu- uumu Ill blul uuullY. L9ndon Advertmr:The Kingston New: the only roligio-u daily in Ont-- rionnd one o! the sort is enough. Mr, van u nlnnl-J I... -..-v-__ lllllllw on ma Dull U90. It in propused to close the public dwelt in plus: in NY. State where dipthorin il prenleut. _ln lu'fn n.-- _:n L, n u-VVAAVII- ll Plu'lluu'l. In 1879 there will be three eclipleu one of the moon and two of the sun- none viuible in this country. I _l.nn(lnn AJ---:.___. rnL. "- Lon-m. 1 .Il-llI-Il'llls. lho Cumulus Spectator in nearly a you old, And feel- henlthy enough to l onlsnzo and improve. _Qm.n. 14-4. A,- . , vul-lv nuu uupluvc. -South Whtorloo nomilutes for the Loctl Logiullture Doc. 12th, and Eat Turnnto, on the 14th Dec. , i , I its : . n . n . , -4 A u. Klnxnfmcx's 0y Good. atoro. IGAIIUR I ILANJI. run-cm nun"

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