Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1878, p. 3

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v-.. ..- u.- ..n- v-..-vm uv- "Iv "PINMPUIA )NK' mu hr had/roan "cry W and 1mm throw the Do- m. PH!" yum-wad: fort-5. uu- urn-nus. -Nufout bdl mnlch yelterdny. The Culvbn club didnt put in to appear - Luern hwe upward fu the New: burg Rtnur/cr miwc .' 11;; a {111le from Bill: 0: mywh: ~o else tlmuLI: New. bug .3 IL. XV- l)....l M. "Iv-II... I ~Moetin? of the Public School Bond thin owning. _N.. In... '\-ll m-|..l. Him-ll-.. 'ILA "nu-J Did you go to Church, or to m the Blond. I ' ' Ivy Ilu- lulu. '7'" l 7" luv-nu mddht beingwrid tohilholu ho unwind ubont thuo boon. Burgiotl nuisance can prompt], obuinod but to no Inil. Conan 'u about ky ve you-sol In And love. 5 wife and {our -LEIAu_ Enry mid. of clawing III completely strippd Iron him. Who be It: found . .-A .ll.- hi..- u-J.) b. L;- LIIA L- u... , Pivluln of (h: Vice-[legal rot -pliou Hinhru B'C primed. Su- Juhu, 1 hi; Wir to: uniform. look: .ike a circus ring I'll-:nr w.q,--. "Um I MIMI. Mk7 dnhodvio- layaiutlhoornnd joint- above a duh, hunting a. priodpl homo! both Willa (instill Minion-bin. unbou- ohholdt Indium int-nu! injurhlintho Mufn. "Sword rib-won A. A;-tI-.A In... AL- I...L luau. ..v-uP- lv-III. unhgobiqunlnuing attitudes-Wadi. um- llthIIp-l ninm. Hideaw- Ian nan-L. I.- - and _- lab..- nus.- l'-I Hymnnu dachAG.Bmh-'I Ahab-ll. About pd maddest Goa-cu I... .8.- Oh In. J - .L-li mi.- -ILVUAl-TAICI AID um"? .Illlkbm (2: out. ll ml Michal! thou. ' 1.25.. .8IC It. 8" "Itcojluh-dm' - mm mm- MY - IJIOID. _ www.mI-w luau... Conley-pads. nl I4....:- A n uhL 45...]- ...m --Noxt holidty:;hriltmu. 8!rool an did I good business you- .uJA- Amman man. __..._._ , Ir. Glldersloeves Card. rF mu- Mbygut - IL- .hh .n I!!!) "Am .W. Matter. ..D. Master. mm Gummy-Ir. 1-; 0n], Int-at tho IiI'I-o Poli la... b. w-m- V-Io-n. vh- pd * The bunch of the Church at Enqltnd Tampa-moo Society, in oonnooho- with St. Pnnl's Church, In roorgnnizod on Tuenduy evening Inn, with the following oicorl oloctod: . Ivnr- .- _ VIoormlclontJlr. Jno. U. Hooper. "Mr. W. J. Woollu'd. J'M"f. E. J. Guava. ()rglniuMlu Romy. CommitteeMn. Sir-non. Mina Janos, Bum And Woollud Ind Mm Handlu-unnln Kn... mu] nun-n. norwy, mummy, up no Ania". Tho-tiny numb. hcldin the Sunday School room, Ibo third Thnnthy in cult month u 71 p.l|. a Lut evening May Fisks Blondu np- peered in the City Hall, having an audi~ once larger than we here loan in that place for some time. There van a perfect jamof men, the opposite sex having but two or three repreuniativu. 0f the performance we say little of a compli- uwntary nature. The Dailey'l were very good in their specialties, and Min Rich- ardl pang well. but for the rent their figures and paint were supposed to make up for all deiicienciel. The management in not too honourable either. Hone-t bills were questioned and dilputod, and in one case a debt was repudiated al- though contracted by the agent. The Blundoe travel upon their name, not, upon their meritl At the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, there was A good sttendsnos. Four sddiiions were made to tbs roll. The Society resolved on distributing again this you an sbundsncs of Christmss cheer. The list. at benecisnss hn grown so large, however, this: outside lid has to he enlisted, the wide diffusion of clarity this Fsll having uesrly u- hsusted the Society's funds. A null contribution will be sought from non- aillsling Englishmen in the city. Christmas greetings were pusud to Ms- jl Barrow, and will be (uracil Lu his _l nine in Erngund. Excellent. pupm on . (he pupoud George's mortuer and Sick Benet Society were rosd by Messrs. A. LeRichoux Ind-W. H. Godwin. A musical prngnmme succesdod the busi- n...- Years 'sgo Kingston concerned itself ' sctively to promote the construction of roads in the County of Frontenac. Noth- ' ing has been done of late years. The farmers will nut combine, because every man thinks the road through his own settlement of more importance Ilnn sny other. The city must lead in the move- ment if it is deemed deslrsble to encour- age country trade. Hard as the times are the city can sord to spend $100,000 in mscsdslnizing roads through Stor- rington, Bedford and Hinchinbrooke. There are thousands of tons of phosphsto, which can only be brought to the msrket here by mum of rosds, and without roads the phosphate will remain in its bed. A big push to extend the mesns of communicstion between the city and the rear of the county would do more to bring about a return of good times thsn all other contrivances. 1n the lung De- cember evenings the promoters of enter prise should assemble and discuss this subject-[Con vulvle v-w-w . PawnRudy W.B. Cm], M. A. PruidamMr. E. Rm. ' ViooPruidonwr. Jno. (I. Hooper. Wanna-d. woman's- nun-dink" Juddeuh-uuhgudohlhc- ingu- ow-dunes: mu alumna- Imm- on. -___I I!_L~-_L _- -4: m BRITISH ma. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5. [870. lulu-mum in... w, ___- w- ;UHDAY AID INDLY Decthudm w wuclmm utl Tu nu bola-nil Hill- Onun n04 Mimi-nu lath. Iva-ht. "n. noon, no: maul. Chu. Cranky, Goo. Cameron, Illowod. John W. stidnon, no notion. Chu. Thump-on, sllowod. Dennil Sullivan, no Action. John Cameron, John MuClmmon, Juno- Pm", Amold Lovey, F. S. Soobell, Elward Ginrd. nllowod. PM. Bradley, " James Williamson. reached. Rubt. McMuhun, no action. J. J. Morton, allowed. Henry A. Miller, no notion. Henry Fuluer, Thou. Scale. allowed. Rev. S. N. Jackson, no action. Jullll Mikhell, Wm. Roach, lune H. Radforu, (Jan. Morton " Rabi. A. McMahon, Paul Semen, u. avor-not, was. Daniel O'Donnell, lunch olf. COSIIIVAHVI APPLIOAHOIS 10 ADD. IA, IV LI, ,),. 1: I St. Georges Society. 'lo-pennoo Society. The Iounty Bonds. IVIIlml la) my RIAVIIINH (IIIH at the I'mvim-inl Rmihiliun hold in 'lnrnnn. Sept. IB'IHu All who tlmirv I rst Elll ("I at I low in will nd It. in my EXTRA XX Incl XX X 'l'h-unu (liln will nay Iilnpid in In most uvrrn l'ulll wmlhvr. My Hurrrln lwnr my original trule mark \VUHKH nu thr Dun River. nnnl Front. Sta. ()lcr. H (hurrh ulna-t, Toronto. (I EOHUE I}. STOCK. lhe Blondea. "fl". 3 (u hbultddltbpdnn- plum-mm r-____._...___ Inc-rut... l-FIII, lwvo v:- C Magi-Inn hulk mantel hum-'0" mmmuuhpd; *hmfo mhhhlu hA-LI-L- Auhol. Mm lavis- midi h the IiutOowo-dmnd a II I... an. Links, in than- hJ-hm-m-l- The llev. A. Wileon preeched from , Peelm 24, end let veree, "The eerth ie the Lord'e and the fullneee thereof, the world end they the: dwell therein." The rev. gentlemen, in introducing hie enb- ject, quoted Ineny pueegee ef ecripture alien-t identical with the text, end eaid he believed they were placed on record thue often beoeuee teen hed forgotten the truth they contained. He then di vided hie text into two heede,(ret), God the mekei of ell, and brought out the feeling of men in thie reepeut; by cit- ing the ceee of e little boy end hie toy cert, end e little girl end her dolle dreee; if you go to interfere with either in the use of theee erticlee, you ere met et once by the worde, theee ere mine, I mede them ; '0 it wee with the fermer end hie ecree, the merchent end hie goode, theee ere mine, I eerned them, forgetting til the time thet The eerth ie the Lorde, end the fulneee thereof ; (eeoondly), God, the enthor of ell thet eerth producee. In proof of thin divieion he quoted eeverel pueegee of ecripture, Peelne 65. 107.end Acte14th chep. The preacher went on to eey thet the text, being true, the ret lesson we ere teuqht ie that ell :etione end kingdom ere oerteinly under Gode control, end ee he hee exercieed hie pow- er by eweeping whole netioee oil the feoe of the eerth in the peet, eo he any do egein end none dere eey whet dueet thour i end we ought to be thenkful thet we be. long to e chrietien empire, end one thet God he proepered eo much. The ee- eond leeeon, we ere teught, ie thet we ere only etewerde of ell thet we ere won't to cell our own. The third leeeon, in- eteed of givlng the good (hinge God hee eo rioth ble-ed In with in ntiefying our. own deeiree end Ineking idole of them. we ehonld nee then for Hie glory. 'Ihe rev. gentle-en cloeed hie dieoouree in theee worde, Ie'the eerth then the Lord e,' : he eure he will overturn, end evertuin, end overturn. until He cornea whoee right it ie to reign. Let God'e people rejoice end he gled todey. remembering thet the eerth end all thet it oontrine he been given to Chriet, end He ehell oo-eend pone- it. It ieonrethento tryendneherinthet hep" tile,end it ie 0an to prey for it. an. -n - .en ell-le..- and He- luv-u- at run} Ian I. hm no a pod Mun. ad the chair a! the chants my a . voluntary, vii). (haul-dinn- Numb-up. tho nth... Bdm John-5- trial 1...- I -J nu h l." I-i- mu- Iwmlml MM'IIINE OILS at the Sept. ." "w. m' C... I III- htooo. 5.! 1 it lull judo. Thin in. Union union 0! a. umuu, ownin- lml... The Iermon was not. a Thanksgiving sermon in one lame, but. could be con- strued into one. Through unforeeen cir- cumstances the reverend gentlemen said, he could not prepare one. The col- lection It the clone for the poor use a very liberal one. uh: "I un. vvuuuu. W9 ggn qnly givg an outline oi thev narnmn which wu one of great urneat- new and delivered with the spaakor'a usual effect. v-evel Cur-uh, IIUu-l- II. VIII-Mll- Tee Unioncviee of the Ketbodiete took piece in 8mm 8t. Church .end wee model-eter tended. The hymn 587 wee enng. preyer wee olered by Rev. Mr. Gelbreith end en eppropriete en- thelll wee lung by the choir. Rev. Mr. Jeekeon evoke from the Epietle of Epheeienelu. 19th veree: And to know the love of Chriet thet pe-eth know- : ledge." Ken'l mind wee nude for con- templetion,end nothing eonld be of more prot to onnelvee then to nuditete upon the love which God he for {ellen hu- menity. Hie love tome the pith end merrow of the book of God. The exelted neture ot Chriet he mmined. Among ellbeinge gredetione occur. Some heve better preeeptione, end higher knowledge which either edde or detreote eooording to it: ueege. Men who Itend out in bold rellef are not even to be compared to the engele ol Gode eeenctuery. Even emon'g eugele we nd gredetionl, for eome oocu~ pied enperior poeitione to otben, but Chriet in far ebove the engele. He in ebove everything. The inhebitente of this world ere ea nothing compel-ed to him. He etende in thin exalted politlon pre-eminent ebove everything enimete end inenimete. Be il the Everleuting Son of the Fether. He in eqnel to the Fether in neture, euenee, power end wiedom; et Hie commend the brightest intelligence. were creeted end etood in ewe of Him. They could not comprehend Hie love; it I in too broad, too deep. too long and too high. Ite breath embrecee ell mankind; es meny an ere periehinu ere included in Hie love. It: length in train everluting to everleetiug; while time ehell lest the love of Chriet can never be exheueted; there never we: a period in which the love of God wee not known. In depth no one known, it in deeper then hell for it her plucked meny e men from there. Men in his deepeet degredetion he: been lifted from hie sinful condition end hie feet have been pieced rmly upon the Rock, Chrilt J ewe. The heighth of God - love reechee to Hi: throne end He pre- peree ue todwell with Him at the greet dey of Hi] coming. In 1.. All nine an nutlln- n! eln flu-I Iii-l- I". I'm In durum pm. in the dual, Rn. F. W. [Mp-kick punching u on in hoping with tho obj. ol the nor nuvv-v-u- IAN-m I union mum 8L mummy: all... hin- ll-4| 'lh... -... .i. Ina- Amm null-u- mnuibdinlhbodxolthohuch. [nth-uninju'ltm nnhd n-:- -n. L. n. m D...- A-..l. AL-| ml. hILGw'IWnlnuihdI-b viooollhlqlchnh-mhklu clon- odnt. ho Gui-Ila! clau nullln ' 1 than. Anna-I 4 First Prizes mullhe Gold Medal lath I uni-u alludingdlhdiuu Ind-avia- JmHJ Mu- at. m u nuns no much. out - mum [tr-Quad: Pundi- Inh- dml w. m i-nnI-gl 6- t. (.ll'lll' nuun III VII ncn 1n WIII', '1'. dam, unjust], And in tha Mention 01 mile. Ipnriu who bow belore tho Hume. Hi: In '0!le pin-n]. on human poor wuaimu by Ixidont, u (Ii-lupu- ogty of och-II, unlortum npoouluim, u, may bring pour", but Chin bo- uncpooc in [be numplion 0! on me turn. E. III made I hula [our um: (I. much [at tho when; of chub, that o, by tho [rm 0! God, night tub ninth to: our, nan. n. tum II: this undonqu I: Mannmun- 3 _v .. ,. 'lllrec Rellllllrrs uesuu Dy UIUK UDPUIHI, 10 GOVBlomenl of the countrys resources, snd the in- creased skillfulness with which work is prosecuted. Our shiel occasion for gre- titude, however, is the abundant hsrvsst which has been gathered, for with all our power, weslth, wisdom and sliill we srs dependent upon the products of the earth. Kings, philosophers and srtizsns wsit to be fed by the horny headed husbsndman. Yet how useless are his lsbours without the spproving smile of the hear. us. This yesr we sgsiu rejoice over plenty, so thst there is not only enough {or all but its sbundnnce, by chespsning it, brings it within the reach 0! all. 'l'riily, then. in View of sll this we must sey the Lord is good, and call upon our souls imd sll within us to bless His holy nsme. It is ours to give thsnks to Him with emo- tions of gntitudo And love, by our prsi os. by loyal lives, by faithful service end by our offerings. In our grstitude to-lsy let us remember the poor, the strsn er, the sick, the suering and the dying! in the llospitsl, besriug in mind that Cl rist said, lnumuch ss ye did it unto the l.:s.st oi these My brethren ye did it unto lls." Inn-nun: -l.lllullll nun-run. Thin union was hnld In the eve. ing at 7:30. A very good congregation wu preuut. MnJolli'e (mourned nn 11. Con, 8, 9; Ycknuw thc grace of our Lord Juul Uhrin;lhough he Ill rich yet for your Inke- ho bocnme poor Hm yo through hiI poverty might be mh." Ha aid the grandest truth uf our mm- Inon Cbrintilnity in In ever-living mm! In All-uniling Chlilz. In the Bible, in tho Christim'n experience, wd in hil Intici. pationl for the future, Christ in tho mu- In. the sun. the liuht. the iov. Funk. pnuun- wr we luture, unrm u the In. nun, light. the joy. Funk, Chriul origin-l cunditinn Ho wu lich. Sooonn, Hi: volunury povony He he- cuno Door. Third. tho [anon whv aooonn, m- vomnur, povony me be- poor. Third, Ian why thin In doneth yo should bounds rich. Chrim'o pro-03mm is taught hora [or u I mm on oath Ho wu poor. We look in "in for my ricth enjoys] by Him, whothor '0 and Him nu bnbo in Bonhlchun'l my", the child in the cottage of His nu M. Nluroth, the toan Ill cm in the dean, tho "unblod vapor in the (Sudan, or the din lubm'tuu on the tut. In Hi. dnino nuuro I). In rich in pour, vil- dom unis-u. md in In domion nl yearn HIVOCIUIW, Wlll lly me [ounuluon of incremed prosperity in the future. Moreover, the fact atill remninl that "on during this dnrk period there has been I steady increale in national wealth, n at - tenod by bunk deposits, the dovelopment the cunntrv'l relourcos. in- camber la" wun we some period we ple- vlnun year we nd that in Canada the number of fallures has been 131 19", and the amount involved less by 81,123,047. Then the decreue in the number of trad- ing rms, the weeding out of the weak to well u the great economy which then you hnvocauued, will lny the foundation of incremed uroloeritv tho futuml wnlun l0 recently Vlllbeu lunagow. Ella. in general those in our midst. who hold high positions of nancial trust have been faithful. It. would seem, too, that these dnrk cloud: which have been gathered over us the past ve years are breaking. In comparing the qu-rter ending in Sep- tember last with the same period the veer are semen. 1 nsnxxul. inuesa, snoum we be to-duy that the fetal destruction of epidemic diuease hes not muted within our borders. We have seen it waging its diro war on our Continent, and the cry of thedying and the wail of tho mourn- ers have been ringing in our ears [or weeks, evoking our supruinsst sympstLy, yet it has not come nigh to us. Though the nancial storm which has swept over all and brought ruin to many, was not yet stayed its progress, we have reason to be thankful that we do not, like some, feel its hurricwe violence, and that there are signs of its sbsting. We him been spared such disaster as thst which so recently visited Glasgow. snd. Lia}. nunhinn. I uunniul hums Inn". in... 1n power um ugnlcy vmn guoe ymueu to the dignity by napping down llld out 'l'hough during the present your wars have been waged in Europe, Asia and Africa, the blood avenger has not pur. auel us, for which we may be dovuutly thankful. More than thin, international onnlruveraies and claims, which have been causes of perplexity and irritati nn, have tluough wise (liplnmacy been re- moved, Inn] by jualdealinus allclnims aeulenl. Thankful, indeed, should In. "UL... u... .5. nm run.......;.,.. A: III", W'I' Cl- 'm - FIN-II end donut mute inloogmlon with life, hedth, home and iljel. How fer beyond apron-ion ere the Neuingn of e Ipiricnll mute ehioh Ie line enjoyed on Hie Bebbeuu, in Hi- Ienotuenn, by Hi: ordinenoee. through the Goepel and under the inuence 0! hie lpire. It in ' no mull bleleing lint we enjoy no clue politic.) relaeion to the British Empire, e neli-in to true Ind thong, or tint thie ruhtion in lo harmonic". The result of this in n perpetual gnenntoe of per-om]. politics! and religion- lneedon. We dwell unong our own peopb end worship weanling to our own ooneoienoe in per- fect security, yet with no le- perfect freedom. There in cnnee for gniitude that our Sovenign'n representnlivoe hue been men who ere to honounble, wile nnd gond, md tint now one Allied to the throne in mar uu, and Uni Iho who Itandn at his aide in ILR. H. the Princeu Lnuiee, our Queen'l child. Long any we have oocuion to prey God blue the Marquis of Lorne and the Princes. Louiee. Among nzher mtioual bleuingl we may then]: God to-dey the! the prin- ciplen of responsible Government have been In perfectly wrought out fur us and by us, and the! they are followed in all delity. This bu been recently illuntnwl, for it In mph Inna since our cmnntrv nmuuul I I! I) 06911 rueulluy llllllll'lwl [0" II in not lung since country paused thruugh acumpletu political revolution, which wu accomplished without the shedding of a drop of blood or the exer- cise of any terrorism, or the violation of any hunnm righta. It was a conict of the ballot box, and those lm were high in and dignity with yiclded diqnilv bv Itennimz llld out. n. nun. - w, "nu-I.- cw gnutudo 09:, Decision, '0 In. Michd u and gonad WV- ing. who-vb, III poplo Iomy cppmuh God in manhunt of nation] harden. Hot ground nullihrioa- no the uku- ciu which we have "adv In God line. out In! unud ' any than m thick Matthieu bought-nu". m..- .n C..-& II.- ML- .1 M -_1 mul II vulll "w,". I WMIMWWUGMI .0 who! thin duty 0! WM TEE-Manila Ind-.- hing-n- 3n- I'llUn- l'u Ill1 I II- Plglq'tht .- mini-tho Ludhinpoduqudfchhm walnut-w holildnaof lil. A|_- AL-L :A -L-..I.I L- -A l_ A,. ,, m-*"'_ n-" M- m lLd - mu - Oh l I. muthiulhutob nulnonthHhu-htbd: v swlw w . m 5.1 l2 __..:_. .Lu__L AL I mun-Mlh,-hnhuuq U gin-Inni- ub tic lad. l! u- .a__.. Ah. AL:- I L-- A- L. m... "mu .. nu. mu, quusu .m nu ; nga In. rd turn with M - mick, i, but be PKIIITIVE I ETHODIIT L'HLBCII. nu, ,,,A.,, 7,,L u , .I , Milo [hack- for 3h lanl 143M VIII uh plus. wmm I'M lull... l in; to m Iho llama of that, Innpr I'm up: talc-alumina. postdoc luvlnldnml an I will moo-cosm- uulauva'u ofthocllyh ufudul I not Id-ill wu poomou on that l have ul- iad: durum! than about! IIII follow on I II a. nun Itrdghtforwml court". I bun III". [mum-l. Inning n cy- Ilngk to u prosperity of tho Province. lb. Mum-omen ofthoa'uy. nn'l apt-vial to the Valium ofjmy Inow workmou NH. ROSIXSOI. u ___A. \r , r Iu'u [IN THE CITY HALLI l3 f -I Inn 700 uni-1w IOOIII'YOVI II GILT 1.3mm: ON EACH PLUG. on which we will make up Gunman on our ununl r" elm Itylo for loan money thuu my othor homia able on do. READY [ADE CLOTH [NOour lith of Bondy Mule (,lolhln Gontu Funniahin Goodl, Hit.- Md 0- a. is var lnr e and well snorted, md 'I be no u, . VERY WEBT PRICES. R MEIBE T {E PLACE z. ino-T, IIOCI l'l'llli'l'. 4 Icon mu lulm Ill 13 This in the place to buy the cheapest Clohing. Tho but value in Overoontl. mi' THE NEW ELIXIR 01? LIFE] Promom cheerfuan and Luannme mam Digentlon mmovu I" Non-vou- Mk- 'neu, increma lmolu Activity, nimulnm Lbe Menu-l Faculuu, bluhhel Anxiety nnd Mormnou. enabch old people to rooovor the vigour of youth. THIS WONDERFUL ELIXIB HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED BY lTHFLEMNAGYI I43? Princess street. Alan I splendid noon-no of TOILET smu In new And clap" denim. Nov 30th. --" _ 'l\l\ VbVIllllIti 3 Brock Street, Four Dom from Murkn Square. _00 F YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT, Fashionably Cuthoellam workmnnnlm). mingn. low when. on mun o to II b you will nd me LXRGES AND u 81 cov 330?; mm Int-aim and nnnulhn'l'mml- Man.- l-_-_n-_u_ .. llnvin; hm: reqnnto-l by I Inge Ind lnuwltiu! uumborol' tlm Elmlo'rn to reproach thin city in HM "Ml Parliament. 0| Ontario, have very great plenum in moonlan to the toque-t. null il vlwlul plodgn mymll to do 1|! in my power to mlvuum the but innate-l- of thin my mum: (-ily. u,_|..nx.._ .I. TIIK LAUIKI UV '7 ANDIRW'S HUN!!! lab-Al Wiagnmh of Until 00 'uayAnk-Im. Unto. he . A... .-. -. _.__--_ "rut alul Trim- At [ha above well known ClulH ll . I '"l Mg! COMPLETE STOCK OF ml "mo '1. Foreign and Owndlan'l'woedllotha. Fancy Ooatings,0verooatinp,&c of which to wilenke Gnrmauu won" 9.1.... .n- min-u- L__.._ 1 _ _ _. _ n. V... .. . m. ... .,.....___ . v. m...- Iqu vannu A wuvuuuuhl. l uncy 00813an will make n how 1': ablolw go."BVEAD_YhIAD! Booth I Till CUCA ELIXIII 0F JOSEPH BAlN, PARIS. HEATH a GUNN. ' TI-vt II Inns Ill MIC NEW ii V613;m he STORE. Brock Street. Pom- Dnnn {mm Mam-4 cm..- 1m" SHOKE Younangatthalyrtlelaml oassnvs THE Low Overcoats fr0m ................................... .. Men}: Good Waging, Pym from... ..... .. Good Canadian Tweed Suits, all Wool.. Fine Pants ........................................ .. Tweed Vests ..................................... .. White Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Shirts nd Drawers... A huge Stock 0| PLANNEL SHIRTS (w v leyon In LARGE HEN. H Dont. I44] :L mumubel v r. w nuvulu I; THE PEOPLES GLdi'HING HJSE, 21 Brnnlr Strut Innv. h. M.... A. n1.1n _-._ -_._ ....... _- rv- uvuw "J uuu'us (Id Please take noting that his Stock of READYIADE CLOTHING In now. well mule, and aqua in every respect to unyCUB'IOM WORK mule! 'lo llle Electors or the City 01 Kingston. I nur IUI'UHEKB' PRICES. 7 You Can Save 25 Far Gent. by calling at Livingstgxg vlogice bhpt Stock CLOTHINR I. nn- Human-I- loan! at runny, Don. I I I'M.- 3 ALL Want-u nun-m "" l Lao I Inn-a. ISL mi. GE-AWP viIuTER bLoffE LiVilnlhgftgl'l-ZI Brock Street, u nm'lhnllr v [S] DETERMINED 'IO price- and ve more value WHERE YOU ARE SURE 0F GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FASH- IONA BLE GOODS at price- u low so any other home in the city. )5? A porle Fit gumnteed or no tale. m 'l'oll place. New Bleck Uuhmene At 360. lower price II 450. New end Bend-one Colored Sergee It 25c. {armor price 350. New Colon All Wool Emprcel Cloth At 350, former prich New Color- All Wool Empnee Cloth At 400, former 500. Newest Bleak All Wool, uy 42 inchee wide. It 80c. Q .00. Two Cue: Knickerbocker Wmoeye, bend-one ehuwer, ct 17, former price 250. Good heevy Winceyl It 50, 8c, 100. 12 l 20 end 16c. (ireye, Browne, thk Ind White Fin Bring Yun- At 81.00, former price $1.25. 100 pli Dem ed Blnnketee greet $111!). 50 piccel All 001 Glued: Tweed M. 500. former price 750. iLTAvT YUIJRTRDMEHS [rum'3 CLUTHTNG _h On. One Handsome Colored Oahu". At 260, {oi-nor print 350. Twonty picco- Now Blink Ointmen- st 260. bran print 350. Ton pioou New Blwk Cuhmom 350. format ptioo 45c. Colond Sm n 251:. former nrim 3M. PHYSICIANS Km HAT I'l'u n 3 TREMENDOUS" BARGAINS INMD'REWSWS 60058 .A.'I' WALDRONS. Oct . 30th. 1* plus. ml-,3" :m hump-sou. no ' o announce to um 'n no to We no detailed mu. It, It". ning Ind u couplets augu- qf our tn per mum-c Ola-dug Eula. .- inn doddd to connan it for one month long, ta [In a public in pain! First-01m Burnin- ln Dry Goods. m D run: 090 mu MWYMY. m WW5 A council Toll-coo WHEN for the m prion "In-Im- MMM to DI WI. I. emu. 0. club: Ecru- u m WWI-25m:- -U 1.- mm ma.mmnuu.'aa'a m NW ' at Mr. "than: in yellow mm Bold by: LIVERPQOL " HOUSE, genius in h- i-vinn. an. All In ml'iml m: MI llnn. . th Ann-t - n - CITY OF KINGSTON. 81'. mm mm. j um-mumm EU 'IU SELL READY-MADE 0] price- than any other Store in the alt}: Gouda, and you have the advantage of buin IANUFAC'IUBERB' PRICES. n "nn (1...... nr ..-_ "AHA I A: III Sooiuin banning. MMhmvaurMmouI-pdh e y. ' CURED FREE If 11.1" mm AIIOIIL [in-hm.- lthnlt high. lull m rm DRUGG ISTS. - m... u. ullv VII-J . IDEFY COMPETITION IN Pllc All! WMKHISHIP. PRICES: mig'uir: At the Emporium of Fashion, Great Bargains I'Er Next Sixty [Days at the Ell! hall I A-----_ _.___. v_'--. VUDH Ero'ck Street, (next to Hoxelvoya Birch'a.) CHARLES LIVINGSTIDN. mu" m, .u. u. .._,. Holwmm: Hm aumgen and inuence of ovary . ..A. n n WW \ IIIII I I-UHIIWW Hurpool Emu," 106 Princi- Stud, 8 doon than Wdlingbn 8g Meychpyt Tenor. VIII-llllUl' "I rn'u. PRICES: ..u- . . . . . . . . . . . . A ,, , v 0 v 7 a CLOTHING luhlonnhlyCuc. s mule In tho any. >'m-lnh .A- _ _ . _ __ _ 7A, - __ ___ -, SELL CLOTHING AT LOWER Ltrhmg qtherismro any. a. be manufmtnm I" M. .- __ _- .r , .v._-. r-lv vv. B. 'AMDIION. Wilson's Buildings. m unUl-Flnum uuulnuu A'l' LOWER. her any. manufacture. I MI 9 buying them at TUBERB' u "- blind: ETEA HIZE CLOTHING POI mumubor the place to secure lingual. m... a. 3. Mint. awn-c: ma. M's-m (b-3* m 0&- un lune. Una WW II- M A]! tub- m I. H- I 9 MM! M I. mm . hut-P. nut-mam. .. DONT FORGET KIIKPATIIIOK'S FANCY ITOIEI mnuu nun nun-u..- .....-_ _A Vi" BIEAP m I Ll MKS". . n- -n-. c M. EGAN... [FANCY Goons 'bm-duuhhn-du. WHEN SELECTING YOUR nun-u. l [var-owe the boot ulna In tho any. I Mu none of that CLOCK mum, a... M! (at. low I your man to lama-yon "I and I W7 Mu I... Slog. VolI ~ J mun w :. um... own m. IllAl/l'llY. BEBIDES BEING DOUBLE!) IN BULK. Feather- woluhodynggrlurnod ulna day [Telly'sSteamHeuvalm NEW FEATHER BEDS! I ,,,, :NEW ROOM OFF WM. DAVIDB Kinnm, Nov 29, "7!. l'ctlm'l IDCI, nun. pun. Nov 29th. rm: mmm diffs.me and Ma 1'pr a hr-Int m. Prion-nuns. cm 1. t. oxoellonl. workmunnh! 1. 913 19!} 19mm: Clulh Ill Hon-m vlmn M. KIIKPATBIOK'S or Good- -0... nanny thin}? I Stud. nhon Wdlinm IAKES OLD AND (bed And ntur l|ll.0l .. 5.00 n wards. "$72.00 p u UNA-III King-m, Bent. : w- v w. wu-ua' I, I K_Mle_>(fl!u.hlngI . . Proprietor .toro. a nun. Nov 27. Ullc. duhu VII-uh- hog-pl. m WT_- -T.___~.._.._... ll-la Gr IUIIII I'll"- .n ma AIM that tho. aim lawn" C arm. v . , 3 f , ... .__. , mm ant5317:43- om; VA V Iain. M mopWalla. Kmpwu. Not if: HUI. Iv I'hill o. a'vwcu rune: in: mm inn! lulu. Ania O I Mum-n- :Msremi-mm '7:::',."." :1:1:J PHOSFUZQN ET rout- l'or .lJO pur yuur. lllll hunino roan. lushlau lunuu. pantry Ind Mllnr, Tho when Inn! for NIH-web And Iuvn nil roomn, boy-idea the nlomtu, psuman null collar; There In a Churn in nab huuw, mul lmnl and mft II- ur pump! In Inn-hon. Good Shed. and plunked var-h. umllunlon to ch house. Also Ilw two ulylilll Brck hon-um lame block, nearly I'Inhhod Thny main 1 menu ouch. hmhlm Cline,palllMJllllll sud good rm]: and almlu. Inu- IDS: foot doop. Further plnwulun on nppllou lo WM. SIOWDEN. )hnum throat. I ml! null tho llmhlings Ilnxly or Altogether. Dec 3nd M.QUAIITAICI AID 5mm. th- .... I. .... _... TO THE ILIL'IOIS "FOR SALE, TO RENT; 'AIn-I --Al" L JAMES II. IETCALI'E. r..- u-.. WI nu 1. WW . J. DOMUK HY. SKINNER, A _--L Iz:....-A. mug otharl. dam h I uysuuu II rut mined, IMAchEI .plwuoul ; and whlla i he but a lympton. nmul Ind "Dun-Ind norvmu . IJIII n nu, Agent, King-ton. OIL 7' ' I and Lots OlaY, dunno. quit. db-on no and b, a. m" d ' M". I. I. u uniting n- w tho Albio- Hdol and down no m.r.c.cum mm"... bun-o m hiking in it. Am... ....,.,..v.v._. ".mu'... "17 Nhn'ou i. the Alth- Bucluo-uanhunpu... n. Win-hum. inhyouqmndthhnnh dthpln. Ronni-bile. that. hold! Int-350. m A QUIII DALYucatan, In a quiet day-Inch :- Thank-[hing dlyl ulully us. Nothing occurred boyond the hold- ing 0! union in the noun] Church... 11 cumin-Men I'm Inch thu bolero the do at tho day most a! the pooplo um uunul for naming. but I. doubt it the Injuin 0! than u I. Uity um um MINI {at tho ovonihgn m... ~79. SAL! or FL'KS.Uu Tue-d1, Mr. J. E. llulchown sold on! ",000 worth ol good: ll the fur ule. The attendance in the .nemoon was thought to be very good but st night there III I jnm. There in aunvh axiom-ml fur the goodl, despite tho hard Units. {but a second comiqnmonl Ian M u telognphud hr. Munslnlu prints :51 nro being urn-1n i .n. of n, romnnnt of the rut utocL. | V- H.-. til: Hum Sun; -The tynam of utm- in: MI- lh' uld be Ibolhhod or I mam nhould be dovilod fnr linking Ibo public mlpoct the authorin 0! those luring tho mun-punch: of public cnbunmwh A: it in - per-Ion may secure u out. And yet another mly occupy it And he cannot be Ijoctod. Thin n .\ condilion ol thingl no. u I" duinblo nod nfoiont in it..." to Inu- my anticipated plouuro. PIIWDOZUNE. Jmu-mu: 1y mod. will allay. tho porltrlmtion of the nerves,th their La tIrul turn-In. Incl Inpmvo their nutrition, I. hunting the noth a! oulcleuln- You have for [be enigmatic of Info. manna-4n. :u A.- o->~ Tu: AsuLnrlxxs.ln reply to our anquiriu we have received A lids record of U. E. Loyalil of thin man. Beside- lhoao in King-totwho have communicat Lateral letters ha" been received from Erna-noun. The head of the {Imin not- tled on the old York Road, {our mile- abovo Odes. llrunksrluu VixwmThe Canadian [Illulnllul News of this weak his I num- ber of ne View. of proceeding- connected with the reception and program of the Governor Hanan! from Hnlilu to Mon treal. 'Iho nketchel give one I much bet- ter idea M the scenes deletide by the newnp-pen. BUMNIHLMr, E. Cook, grocer, is huing erected two brick bonus on Elice Strut, Idjoining Mr. George Swnna Iture. Mr. Willinm Min hu begun the erection of two brick houlu with Iubthntial fuundatiom, adjuining hi. ruidenco on Colbomo Street. -~+.-o Quinns C()LLl(xI.-Tho meeting an- nuuncod for Wodnudny evening, it Ut- luu, in Connection with thn endowment of Quoen'l College, In ponponed until thin evening. Tho Principtl of the Uni? venity. Rev. Dr. Grunt, will deliver tn addrul on the occuion. THE STKIE'N.Yesterdny, pack, in tho Ilternoon, the teat: mumod quite nn nuimued appearance. Troopl 1;! gnllauts paraded with fair dam-ell, making everything look quite pleasant. lhe lumliiiie of thunkfninou' Menu-mi itch pervade ovary countenance. +.-. - a.. TAu Anocr Wiu. Mr. J. Craw- ford,ol Tilsonbnrg, hu iuuod npnm- phlet, in which he dilcuuel the um 01 wine, And instead 0! total nbninonco he Idvocatel the consumption of the nu- lunl in lieu of the fermented article. A. .__ Tn uommw being the rst Fridly in the luunth, in the date of the Womanl Chriltmu Temper:th Union muting. There in only one meeting per month thin Ion-on, inuleml of two, In formorly. M Mmonu- FUNERALTho rem-inn of the late John Elliott were buriod thin thermmn with Masonic hnnorn. There I nho a very large allendnnce o! the triendl of deceued, who in life was very popular. _o~.o- LluulmmluhThu mulut in row .Iite Jim-1y. ()ne clergyman Jone bu Harm] fum couplu llnca Fntnrdnypnd further cu: upon him have been arrang- A 1 Dum'nou. Tho director- ol the Home 0! Industry gntofully whaowlodgol cub dun-tion [or their institution from Major Mcxll. 'm: umlur m n mwnml our-m Ind Inuvnnlch Gain. in ---O.o PIonn.-Ilodonu to [rub north- n-mly to mum's-ted] wind. pcnly cloudy wanker with light mow in none localitiu. .-.-o- Punuc SCIOOU-M forty uppliu; tiom Inn boon undo by teach"- !or on- pgoml in 1878, nod-WCin Board. Th: city 0! Kingnon will be cannu- eJ in a low hiya for tho celebrated lit the] sewing machine out". Every muhino should have I uh. o 7 ELL. 0' DII".-ni uuuwu-uu- luv Garcons-500M01th ubi- bio. (or do. cutout-all. . -0.. our AID "011117. radii-m Yuk dlouluklool Tan .1. of ray-Tu} h. anti-nod m- oaning It um; o'clock. The new no.6 4. I... atria-ll 'vmu I. vvu www- lip-cot ha urind. E9 N133?! m. (smock Hal WW [.8051 v TEUISDAY WHO. DEC. 5. 1878. ________._.._-w~_ oo-o- v SALI or BumM [law- Inc- I,_ _,,_- _ A_. I. _l LL.)- 1- _ -uni, [TunaYuma Alan I lunbor on. whining Chm oocoponu on opio- Ibowol PtinooooondKing Mob. Thine! the! at tho roam Ion-o no. ham tho toil-cl tho m all, (in tho coup-Ito o spilt- od pond. Ono 0! on remind digit tofu-ion. ning bio lg hroiood and do. id. at Mo khaki-nod. No (In-o.- nubomouum- h tho poch tho owing loot. it. Pat's Scum. CountTo- unmade-Wad cim-uv-inu hams-soak, cup-hbbn Wu H. his,th n.0qq-jl-hpnI-n. veal mdnnli-gd .- "HMJL. Dlnnuu Wm: Vinson-An Ion prophet up: Dccamlmr will lm very cold. the temperature goinu bola! zero ought ti-u, the hunt being lrn or fteen, with but I light or model-w mow (all; I Ipoll of rum, tinting weather in the central port of the month. After the hut took n! Jumury, gonanlly 'Il'll, with bus ground fur the next r'i welsh or no monthl; horo Iiil bu suqu culd days in the latter part ul .lnmnry, nn-l a lpcll ol quit. cold Icalhor in l-ubruuy. In Karel: than Iill problny be two Ink. 0' cold Iinm Icahn. It. Von' "Wu: annually noun wiator. uro. J. macro . . . . n . . . NW. Master. Han. Iogne . . . . . . . _ O. Living-tun . . . . . . . . . . . .Chap. Ju.Shnw....V.........Treaa. Ju. Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . .Suc'y. Wm. Hall...... of U. " Ju. Blnck. .. n . ..lut Can). Man. Wm. Manumu...2nd R. Duuglu . . . . . .3rd A. Rankin . . A.4th " h. Sloan. . . . . MIMI Ju. Shnw, Trultee-re-eiecled This Lodge meet: on the rst Tuesday of every month, and il in n moat prospe- roul condition. r v'vluwu nun \lllu u. um All Hulleg-3Cadea, .ld f'urinz le on lanai": monk cu: "I'lofv'l "on at him. winked. rud mule refuronc-n .u r' maxing than rt" '3. A perfect. 1 ro a wan (.c'usmnad .Phen lo,drl I'I w in on on, n unglng her kiu'w y 4;: ir'imatwl that ha ner loud Ion: might. ink: tho ['-|Mf1rl[1 1:! can he. ll ho wuh d and lhe latter lands a math-em to tha effect. The .310: U! :u And the a u'ionru generilly oujoyod mo cunlreloups. fuml'nmnl In-rm 10 met. t of Inge DIKIIII. u Ibo n, _ n,-,~. L , _-|-| LU. J, u-- Sunny In LonaAt the City Hall Int evening onenf the Blundu manifeuod :- docidcd liking for one at th, Military n.llnnln.ln . "I Ann..." .L. .u. .A.... To-dny we print the cud of Mr. C. F'. Gildonleove, Announcing himself an a candid-ta for the Mnyonlty. We look upon him election In I sort of foregone conclulion. We know he hi! received Iuicient encouragement and assurance 1 _.--...t n- in -_..:...'.... at -..,.L -.. .'.. ANNUAL ELEUHON.AL the regular monthly meeting of L. U. L, No.31li, held on Tuesday evening in the Orange Hdl, the following ollicers were elected for the ensuing year : Hm I Mm..- ur M ...A_ -umv.-." -umuunbvwwu all wlulullyv to wnnnt us in arriving at such III in- feronoo. uu-uv vv-I nuunu "noun-Any , - Gran. difference between the morn- ing Ind tflemoon ltreet appearance yen- ' hird'iy. lntlio 'iiiorningfheperson- on he attacks were eating their canes and nger naill, and waiting for some person to at him to dinner. In the Ifternoon everybody had his hands in his pocket and looked smiling, as much as to nay, No thanks to you, weve had turkuy." .__..._._ -n u-u nun-Ill - IIJUIIIII. Mr. I. H. Brock, late of the Ottawa Free Press, in to join the Globe editorial Itu. The late Government gave him an oce, but their successors declined to recognize the appointment, in which there wu some informality, __nm.b durum... 1mm... n... m.._.., "Fell are entertained that the achr. Belle, of Mill Point, with 500,000 lath, for Chulotte, has been lost in the Inks. Nothing has been heard of her for nearly a month. _M.- I I1 u.,.,.l. L4,. Ar Ll... nu-..... -u.-u. uqu -r uuu 'lhe pufumunce of Hm Blundcs was not In immodest u some expected, and it In we, Iiuoe there were so many Church-going people in prmninent gents. -Newburg Reporter : Mr. Kidd, the School Inspector of Kingston, in deserv- edly popuhr, 3nd dischargel the dutiu of hi- oica with delity and natisfac- tiovu. u: nu- Bro. u u u u [I a nu uuuulux J J. Moore. Living-b Ju. Shnw. Dough Hall. Blnck.. McNm \ J":qu qnly of our fwr city said uh: hde lhll weatherit. Mn no em- br-wing." i'lm-e must have Men n cout- Ilelve near u hand. an I p.. III 1 Salenf Useful fancylnicls

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