Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1878, p. 2

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The impertinence o! a St. Patersburg journol in claiming {or Russia solo ro- oponlibility for the Ernbuloy difculty, and imputing cowardice to England by docloring thst Ill'J ovuidl the otrong op~ ponont end Lilla Upon her weak neigh. ~ hour" is simply I piece of grotuitouo in- ternatiuml itioult. The public nvowol of Rllllutll responsibility for the come of the war may all be believed, but the im- putation ol cowardice ogeinot (.reat Bri- tain ll entirely unworranted. 0n eeverol Monotone during the Berlin Trooty nogo tiotiono Englsud presented, with o char- setoristic bluntneos which use scarcely veiled by the courteoioo of diplomacy, the oltornotive n! or or the obstoment of Ruooien demando sad the surrender o' Bullion pretentious. ll thorh woo ony oomblanco of cowardice, than, it was on the part 0! Ruuie, Although we hold the letter woe to he commanded (or any reo- oonahlo sacrttice in the intemu of the [oneral pence. lh; tsunt of the ltuuien journsl ebova qun' l carriee no book to the origin of lhis Aighou difculty, I brief remote of which may not be uninteresting ot the present juncture. The dospatch or Lord Cflnltruult tu lultl l.vtton, (lover- nor General 0! Indie, on the eve of tilltios, pointed out the canoes which hod procipitstod the: war. In briol. tho Gov- onmont of the Amoer had peniotently rened to roceivo the British Envoy on tho ploe that ho could not gus- rontoo his sotety, while he hetl wel- comed with appearance ostentation In embssoy from the Our doopatched to his court at n time when there were indications thot the interrup- tion of friendly relstionn hetwoen Eng- lend end ltuimn might. be imminent." logretttuile is onoml the chsrgoo in the British indictment sgainot the Amoer, inoomuch no he hod been the recipient of All poosihlo protection end support [rum the Britioh Government egaimt bvery species 0! furoun nggrooeiou ovor since his ocoouion to the throne, o treaty sub- oisting between llll Government And that 0! (:root Britoiu sincr 1555 binding hi- to be A lrieml of our iriundo and an enemy of our uremia." l'nder thooo circumotenom the refusal of tho Adm to receive the British Envoy, in view of the upon Irma lelzulno extended to the Ruesian embassy could not be othoroioo construud thsn on n dnliborsto insult to tlreat Britain for which the Emproos n! lndie" woo pertoctly justied in do. mending reparation. Hence the coercive moasuroo rooorted to by the Britiah to rooout the imult so noodleuly ond deli- bontely oorrd by the Amoor. Botidoo, thot it is not s morn sentiment-l quarrel to cloorly ehoon by the invidious favour evith ohrch ho tmted tho Rue-ion repro- ooltotivoo The whole 0! the dilution otooeo; oompirs to show that the Armor. though so lonely indehtorl to Englond. had rooolvod on the tronolor o! hie alli. woe to Brilein's noel patent sud dong-r- ooo rival, Incl the British Government therotnre clones to hue tound it hope- tivoly ooooooo to bring the troochorouo Amen to hit oeneos or else inporil the oepromacy of tho Britioh name throughout sll India. Then out be no doubt that Rnsoio oo ohoro and is re-pouoibl- tur all the lioohist. I'eiledand curbed to e very serious or toot in tho matter 0! the Trooty el Bor- Iio, tho Muoomito hoe token thio indiroot neo- ol poyiog o! tho Britioh (toure- uoot tor shooting hil out at at least 'oo-o (tho tmito at hie late ooreyao tho Porto. Inc: the W sod ox- ].dthoghan var willie oooIroo Jnlmmll-m ovary of Ilorc Royalty-"The Plump/cafe RegiouATlm Telegraph System. \u, .mumru ... um, Queboc, Dec. 6,[t in said that their Royal Highneues, Pliuce Alfred and Ar- thur, will viuit Canada next Summer. h-nnbn ... Alla-illlinr l,n-n-A nf ol. [on on his lulallon. The Hon. F. U. Murchand, Provincial Scmnry, is in town. ' * Hun. Mr. Premier .Iolv also arrived in secretary, x5 In wwn. Hun. Mr. Premier Joly also nrrivad in town yesterday morning, and a Cabinet meeting Ivu held in the evening. It. in nid that the oating: debt of the moanng mu new III we CVCIllllg. It. in aid that oating debt the city. hold by three lucal bankl, amount ing to some $150,000, will In: paid at!" tudny by the Uurpornvinn, with n por tion of the prncecdu or the city's hut loan. um. 11.. mm mm .mnm Tm... loin. Hon. Dr. Furtiu will deliver on Tue:- dly morning next. at the runum of the Quebec Board uf Trade, a public lecture upon hil lyntem uf tulegraphy tn the lower St. Lawranca. 1n and arounu an city. London, Dec. U. IV. In reported on the Stock Exchange this afternoon that. the West uf England and Suuth Wales Dia- triot Bank, having its hem] nmce in Bril- tol. in in difculty. London. Dom, Ii Tlm ntnnk mnrhsthu tel. 13 In ulmcuuy. London, Dec. lie 'I'he stock market he: become exceedingly at, owing to rumors of business lruublea in the north and west. It in nid some large Manchester concern: are involved. l m; 1 m "I ~ULEIIN. I During a recent enjonrn in the town of Port (libeun, Mine, 1 wae tho witness of acte of lawlessneee end unneconary cruel- ty th l Would diagram in Modnc Indian. The gheriff of the county attempted to erreet one Harrison, or Ai'rieon Pena, on a charge of murder, on the plantation of Jamel PageJether of Arrieon. 'l'he latler wounded' him mortully, and aleo killing one o! hie deputiel outright. Thie part ' of the etory I heard from an outeide party; the reet I law. In leee then hell an hour 100 men. fully Armed, mounted, end eqnipped,were on their way to Iaaee plantation. Then brgan a Icons of out rage and VlOlIncl that the moet vivid imagination cuuld not realize. Pege hen e large p tatiun well etocked, end wee considered. in every wey, e man of neene. l leern that he wee lormerly Truequ 0! the county, alweye took a leedin part in politice, enjoyed the con- dence of hie reoe, end wee reepected for hie homety by all, but feared hy the Democrate beceuee ol hie known political inuence with the colored people. 'lhle may amount for the eoparently eettled determination of the Democreu to get him out 0! their wey. When the armed petty reeched I'ege'e home their ret act wee to put the torch to every home on the place, and, u the inmatee i-lted lorth, totally unenued, they were ehot down like wild beaete. Neither old not young were epeeetl. Page. himeell, ie a nanepperentl about 60 or70 yeare at age; he fell ri led with bullete. All thle la-Ily were made reeponeible for the act done-tomb". and tuna-en with e wily. living et lent he" e nil. Iron hielather'e hooee. There wee not the elighteet intimation that Jane- Pege how anything about the deed named by the eon. But, the-Identitiean eu-waederete one-armed eotdin aeeert, the Page-or. Iaethe hotel: undue elly eey m d u it eeetivelyhntl Mel. ' Iy week eeterninete the whole bleed. v nelwe-Jddnldm. Andlwl'il! \..;, ...r:,...,,.. .u-m.,,., London, Dec. (3. ~Thsre are strong rumours of an early dissolution of parlia- ment and an appeal to the country. St. Penna]an Dan. 6 i'lh Czar van- 'w-IW II mvv auuwwdhuuau up-hollolm-upo hhuydugudlhthm uent-bimbo MIC-l and. 1 British India on, MMMMM _A_Aa______ LL. __1_ -_..J__ mom nnu appeal no me country. St. Petersburg, Dec. (if'lhe Czar yen- terduy reviewed 35,000 troops atntiuued in and around this city. London. Darn U lv. roLnrtml Rumours of Dissolution--Stock latters Tim Indian War and meuws. "' 1mm ban-u in! mummmm Quad. lava-lb. m, volts, mum: Am I urn-i W0 is in being done, for. th- I. Fro. INT Mn can tn uh I mi-mm 5'3" , O "'7 "hula-n. , ly "Mo cull-m. m no man, III, and chains: And I b l_l A-.. .n;.. _____ -A I--. Am __ :- unnu- 358nm I ISSISNIIII LA W LESBN ESS. (By Telegraph Tu-da q.) -n n..- 1'. H .n gait! b}... . w run. lw . Moa hand.-. IH. all W.mmu.w ~.mh luau-6 It Auk-l -ln-n-n. (By Tulegrrlph 1 I\-.. A, 'l ( 7h: Int;~Occan.) - ......... . -M _..-_ :n 5L _.__._.*_VA _.,#_ Eun_oP_EAu. "dug: usnaua nan Bummer. .wmsiuner Lesago, of the lupurtment, has been de- ml'oc Gommment to visit maphatve Region, und has loll. I To- Day.) 1.-- .. dty. sho'Dr. row... In. M Guy, oftth Duly A nohoubuth, Inn-mi inducity. ad thunk-hubb- utn million an to an Manon look-o! uninufa. JP. Jun.- Bty, 0.0.. aimgct Innity. dun-suing tli t, and attached a lat-on on notied rl-mwFl- m . Ir. JIM-Ia Dun-d.|l|vychn, in mm bin-no ism national in mutation with m WillisI robbuy. MN MisterInnue- nm Man. London, 1)... 111.. iuiuimrm as. at Consuminoplo has produced I very unfuvonhlo impruiou hon. Khuirn- dnn. th- na' Gnud Vision in on. autumn mproulou non. unturn- don, the new Gnnd Vision in on. of Aunt/rif- bitten-t. udururiu. Bo uruod the Sulun to forde ruin the Anna-inn occupation of Tut ' tox- rltory. Hoi- ngu-ded hm u nu nu- m-ropuloul when", cap-bl. of III-toning Turkey to her ruin. Tho oh: 0 of Ministry in helix-wad to b. May at- tributable to R': will: intriguu. .* (By Tdcgraph Today.) Ottuu, Dec. 6.Hin Excellency the Governor General hold a lone yelbal'dly Ifternoon in the Son. Chamber; Hi! Excellency and ntntl united ct ve oclock , prociuly, md the whole ceremony In concluded in lean thm hllf m hour. HI- Excellency stood on the throne md bowed to ch gontlemnn a he pulled. Hon. L, IL Manon. Minhtar of Mill- Governors Levee-u! Mull of Mr. I Manon. In Pittsburgh, Doc.51h,lr.Huzh Farley, I aged 64 years. The fun-mva will hxlnn nl-um nu HIInd-v after. Managers Hamilton Bankrupt Stock. "an 8th . ' N REIIRING FROM BUSINEBSI return warm and nlncere Lharkn for the generous support extended to me lurlng the put, luur yuan. I also beg to any tlmt I no trauma- ed the husimans m man hamln. Mr.Thomu H. lluwley will curry it. on at llm old Bun-e on King utreut. iu the Mnrket Square, and I re cunnueud him to [hu l'avor ofmy old 1132mm. uuvluun Icnwnum LOST, about noon to day. 5 long blind Ikye TERRIER DOG. colour rulty blmk and grey propped earn and tail. Anna to the nuns Illnua In Kingston, on Friday. 6th inlhut. Anni Elinboth Tureen, med IR yearn. I'Im funny-n! will tAIm nlmuu nn IAtnnlnt It 2 nut-now 'x'ureou, ugea In I The funeral will take plug on Stun-day. 3t 2 o'clock, from her late,midonoo,Dmon 8!. Friends and acquaininuoel no invited to attend. ugeu 0-1 years. The funenl will take place on Sunduy nfteh noon at l oclock sharp. (rum his Int/o residence in the Gore, Pittsburgh. Friends and Icqunin- tnnuea are invited to attend. I Wanted Immediately. [ A GOOD PUSHING DRY GOODS SALESMAN APPLY TO GRAND CLEARING Auction Sales of Furs. T0-MORROW, (SATUIHDAYJ We beg to ml'nrm tlm public that the bnlnuco ul Hm Stocks will be u'ared and sold TERRIER DOG. colour rulty blmk and propped Amvorl ol Mun Any person ramming him to tho uullcmizned will be rewarded. Moan-I retnml undersigned .l. P. GILDI mans: nmns 1| ALL IN FULL HUNG. for rule by DI'IVIM auto for :- raw days. At. my Aucou noun a (lull uml we them AM they as I line lot. I D Human-nu to non gentlemnn no puma. Hun. L. R. Manon, Minister of tia, urrivad in the city hut night. * FURS, FURS| THE MART. h. PagtG A Large Lot of Flue Canaries. ALL IN FULL HUNG. for ulo by nrivnm a mm. It luv oomn E 13bi'3ale by 'Pibnc moi. |0n lomlay Next, I lut..| um.- I AT THE GRAND TIUIK 'IIIOBI Ill!) J. l. RD'I'OIIIUI. Dan .50.. Am. .- smmy' or m- Week, I u I A... rum" no I For Armani of Whom I! lay Concern : FIVE CASKS SUGARII Fansm Allin!!! um.| FwyM '15 Wanton-tic mind 3 _nA-_A_. I_II4LI-A _I..... ll..- _l THE NEW [(5110); noon I IN .URI .ll. "AND. 34' Thin in positivolv the hut chance of ne- uurmg A FINE SET OF FURS at. about half its vulue. I J. E. HUTCHESON, hm. m. Ancilonenr. I 0- &0 lab. Egan. IA" Ill! ovum. ago-Ime _ n_A__.IA_ A. ALIA -_-I_ Du Humuhip ' thichl. (lunged by wuer. WOUND. in the Market Square, A PAIR . OII SPECTACLES. The uwuerwill nd mm at. Hm an (n-lmx. R. J. BOWES & 00., spicuclgg rouun: _ BARB OFlHANKS. WHHDUT RESERVE. TIIE "OMAN WAR- -.__ "on-m a. (37 TW 7040-) Int. nmm Lama.- n. (MamF today.) not: 3931. HAVE RECEIVED tulip. ___.v orgy. 'J Lcaw. 1 lo A.I,, be rewarded. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. DIED. In..- a. run .- hula] us I Inns Wu J. E. HUTCHEBON. Auctioneer. REMINDRM. -o Boys Heavy Cloth. Ulsters; A! $5.00. REALLY WORTH $10.00. mull.-u an Mann 0! III-- Wm: 0" .{q Wily: , now vow ud lulu-ro- h an babe-null; Al- ain-Alia one... If "turned 1 will do my duty to the Wm! M the any [our-Y- Atlnlu Ilnn'nl' Hamilton Bankrupt Stock, ~ 0"]! ms W8 A QUART!!!" T. m .m or note-ac. Ind. [mt ogyi- l I cmcnr. UIISDAY, tho truly ll 3 In: In, of lumbar. CHAIBIIS. A.D.. I810. , BS'I'WIIN | new; 3'3".5391393; | Upon the Ipplicatlon of the above named Plulntl". and upon heating renal the doc ml- llonn of the shove bum-d Defundnm.1mo~ then: R. Putnam: ml upon hearing the 8m licitoa for Nun npp lawnIt. l- ordered that the oorvioo of on Mon copy of the lull of com- plniutmndom ln monnhnce with the general union of [Mn Court. and a copy oftMI ordur upon the Dolonmmc, Tlmmheua E Pomeroy. be doomed ood aervloa upon the Dolonduxl. Martin Lut or Pomeroy. And N. h rum. nrdnnll that H1. axial n..- Colored Toy Duo in, at all priccl. Thu Nov Chap Edition of 'l'ennynnn in hgndlome binding. I - iln-nlly Ii.- , biota-km Wamibtit undulybuvvu, bjm nub- ' ism-Mn! than m., lJohn Henderson] llll'll l-IIINIQI' romeroy. And it in further ordered mm the aid Do- feudmt. Martin Luther Pomrroy,xlu on or harm. the 18:]: day of February next, water or dunnr to the hill of complniut in lhla (mum. (Sh-nod) R. V. STEVENS. To the l'olmwing hmtimtioun. for Ilm year I8-9. VZ'Z-Tlle Aaylums for the hmum at Toronto. London. Kingston. Hutumnn und Orill'm. tlu Central Prison, Toronto. the) Pru~ viuciui Hofonuuoory. leauu uinlmnn. the In- stitutlon for the Deaf and )umh, Bolluvilw. Ind lur the Blind, lirannlord. And are being opened out an Inn as time will permit. They com- prise as mun! a splendid assortment of Juvenile Books in immome variety. The Pooh, in Cloth, Morocco and Gulf. Set.- of Stmdud Wurh. Tho 'lucherl' Bible. in vnioul nylon- ury chenp. The New Soup Album for Chriatmul Cudn. :0 GI.- lnhhuh Ind Paper Wtigbtl. m-Iwtu mun-vu m (Wu-obtain wmdoW-uhn ded Mum mind-Um Marie-sud dmuylo'dulity shouldth- dmdumbyuun neriud Monte-truly mum. of [tom-p.091; Audit will ho. A ....|........ "HIM- -311..."- uh m ;;:;;.;'W" ' 7' 37.7.: , W, And Iiih thud.) hp. at Ll- .nul- uu-n-im- mil-- Im-itin- m- To,- d cm W. hull-q do I IACDONNELL h. M UDIF, Pl-Inlil Solicitor. 30th November. l878. den (.0an, ol THURSDAY, the Nth Deuem or. from such person: M any be will- ing to supply Butchers Meat, Butter, Flour,0at-. Moalorn Meal, Prime Mesa Pork. Corned Beef, Hams,Bacon and 00rd Wood, Spamoationa nud eondhimu of Contract: "my he Inn] on Ippliunion m the Bururs of the repeotivo lunututlonn.or u) lho III-pector of Prisons and Public Charities. Puliameut Buildings, Toronto. lho hunt or Any Tender will not. I wllv be acceptod. 1 u. . .un..u-- !Hendeisun'snnkstme. PR1 NC ESS STREET. | MOST or m Imle sumlss I Pocket. Ind Funin Buhlu. New Scrap Album. I. _m or WWII-II- Is Ps' non-t ioototioo may our people, who, oho o-ooolly toy-l to tho Britioh Om old lupin, how. on ineonblo cook-pt for courtly shuns. There in jl I all at in tho ntlnnot innu- ooou of on, intoution to ponder m thio nonwoan nonooooo tho Vic..- Regs] psrty my Mum sly do thio very thing. Jnot one! lg so their Exoollon- oioo on from o otmoophoro where pul- torio and nor, spooioo of courtly coro nary io In sosoodomo with the customs 0! no innonoriol, thatoloro seem- to chad with tho otornol lms: at thing, thou lo o [root dongor that they no] unconsciously onoourogo the pre- toooiouolour upotott ond oolf~dubbod "hottor ell-co." It will his vory little Vico Boga] onooursgoment to do it. Such intimotiono (or olomplo so that from Hio Excollonoyo Secrutnry, accumpnny- in; tho odvonoo onnouncernent ()l their orriul ot o certain point tho: the lmlieo ot tho roooption must wear luw necked drooooo without court troins." besides oounding otronge upon Csnodion ears will be sampled on quite o sufcient juitica- tion {or sll oorts ul extravaance and nonsoooo. We trust much to the known olrong common oenoo of our new Unver- nor Gonorol and his good wife to repress, inotood of to onoounge. the craze for show sud courtly humbug which seems to have Ioizod snd oonverlod into a set of uukoyo o oortsin clue of our fellow oitiuno. There are, to be sure, o four in ovory community who will play tho fool, Although tho oxtrovogance required to do it ohould involvo the bagguy of their li- mited iucomoo in mointaining the neces- oory otylo. Let it he the duty of all who vsluo tho rool welfare of the people to diooonrsgo the inauguration of a ridi- culous mockory in this country of habit: whleh no foolioh snd impossible, for the rosoon thot thoy will always look the trulitionsl procodent and environment which on tho oxcum for their exis tonoo in tho lsnd from which it in pro- poood to tnnsplont thorn. PM. mu... 0.... Puddle; Work an... mu; amp-ion, a; m. Manon, crummm, h. not" than. nan. IMlmquln-dsecl AL M A 11..- IPUBLIG INSTITUTIONS,| .. .... m... .........-. Two sulellel will be required {or lhexluo lulllllment of the Contracts. J_ W. LANGMUIH. lnlpeotor of Prison: Ind Publlo Churitien. Parliament llulldlngn, Toronto, December mu l878. Christmas Miscellaneous Books. Pnyor ind Hymn Bonk- lur all dammi- mlionl. Photograph Albuml- 1300 in stock. We linmroly hope that the naval ex- porionoo of strutting nbout in I the gnudy mppingl of courtdross," has not luggoued to Lord Lama's adviser: the idea of conferring imliscrininutely the honour: and titles which it may be in Hil Excelhlwy'a gift. to bestow. lt ha been more than hinted that tho May- an of certain cities are likely tn be dis: tinguilhod by the honour of knighthuml. Hudly unything cJuhl bu more illnd- viud in that. lino. In many instances they owo their politiun to the must acci~ dontll conjuncture of circumstances, and pro It lent not. my more deservin; uf luoh distinction thnu mores, my Imn~ ~ an... Antognph Albums. r HE INSPECTOR 0f Prisons and Pullllo Charities for 0ntario,will receiva Teu- donn wNoon, THURSDAY, tho mu Damn: er. Hal-mm unv be ' baseman. DUI vnunu Una-v.) Timothonl 0. Pomoroy, and Christopher Strum, DEFENDANT, SUPPLIES Luci-cu: I. Proms. rum-m : . All FOR 1879. I Writing Duh. II! All: 00 O, Flor-III. mALFRED mm. .uull ul..lllu.lvu- III-II III, Ill] Illlll duds, of thoir follow citizonl. lnure no vary many member: of parliament in both Hon-u, (or onmple, who should take prooodonoa of the civic dignitariel iv titlud honoun mint. be made Io cuuimbn plloo u to be than indiscriminately he- Itowod. We will not. concnal our Llllllke of this form at imperial rocugnitiun of ooloninl urvice nnyway. We think auvh hone" no ill-ndnpted ta 5 thin people, nmon whom it will prove impuuiLle tn establish I titled nobility. We further think that the tint attempt: to du lllll thing won Iingularly nnlurlnnnte in Cwnds, And that the rocipieutn of these honon have reected Anything but credit upon tho 'ordorl' to which they weru olovuud. U, however, these mark: of distinction rim-t. be awarded, let the first coulidotstion be to bestow Ultlu only upon thou who fully deserve the hum-r, 1nd who will just.in itn butuwment by blulnolou public behaviour; Mad in the nut plm let. the Imperial honorl be In Iplruly bontowod llut they shall mean A genuine compliment. when they are nd mini-land. We All! lure that neithnr of L thou consideration- wmild be ubanrwd by neutering thou honuu nmong more you n such, md w. therefor:- deprer nah tho ohnponing of the honor, which Inch In nppliation of it would cortninly inpl y. Presents ! ken-co. Uan m, DEFENDAN'IS. ROCK OI AGES and THE LION'N HEIDI} l5x2l inches. mum-w: on mnvu. Tun-pom tion we oxtrn. 80ml mntnlurd fur fnll u!!- nulnrn, Allah-nu W.J NNINGB DEMO "1'. l7 Must Mlh Knee-1.)} Y Do not fail uth Iplonllhl hmury Numlwr. )NSUMERS us hereby remindod to hnvo their oolhn and place! who" the anr'Pipu onur their prumiwo It one. murod lrnm lrmt. Positively no dlownnco will 'be 1110 up woonntu [or the Ito plan a Iupp y. i Inch no a fountrm oxiu will:qu, (he (inc 0/ girl. I nut 11- m magma Gmiiiiti I" x 1me muss sums. w FIKHF-CLABH P Open um 7:30 u'ulock Admissionlb can. Doc Jnd. Lr._,..4_h -- Way-llth lam-nut "hmwmum th- an. was In It. UA grand combination of tho antar- ln|n|ng. an awful Ind llm beautiful. with ne art. aninvlngn and n" pletnn-u in ml: No. Price m. pm! free. Yuri; 3, with mun- oqullod )mmlum, tum lplnndhl oil pic-tum, ROCK ( I THE LIUN'R BRIDE, lxll mount-d Tun-nonn- Bonds fut Cold Weall'itr A T 1 I 1. NEW HAT STORE hr Manna Outs. Print In! mu. In. hub Scotch Cup. for [has W 0". mm sud GLOVII of our, du-_ amnion. nmon at tho W M LII! :0: My of Halli. ~ 1 IAuuw 'vvv- mmn no will? Prim-n III PIP-II.- to hi M nth-clih'vf AT 0 I. , In In, ' , x We [mo pnnhud M Imuhotnliu; Sinai ml Whit; than. lLl-n. -A A unenmscom when: _ ngllomonl Whih Dun Shirts, mull, V told as 900, now Idling u 051:. Gonuunou'u White Drou Shirk. mull] '1 mid n 81.25. now ulliug u 900. n__,u~ _..l- II,L3A_ IL, . nl- . n _ __ --V___ _-.. _.._. -. w. Goutlmonl Whit. Dru: Shirk. mull: acid at 81.50. now selling n .1 1%: Gentlemen'y Whit. Dn- Shim, mud?! hold at 81.75. no! Ilium at 81.36. mnuolnen I want UN. Bullll. ulutlly 91.75, ailing at 81.36. Gontlcmon'u White Dress Shim. mun": cold at 02.00, n'ow ulling n81.ka > ' .2 \ In Sunord and Morton du \ uumluuu a nun. I On Bauqu Int Cut-in Mm! left they ol Toronto in the ntnunch nc'lr J. dun-ad but. In] fur Charlotte, Ihich lie. I! I. Inuth of the Hum-un- Rivor. The rather, duhmuh lllmo- that cold. I'M elm, nd it no plan. ' ailing until the IMP had arrived Within tinny nil. of hurt port. Then, hul- our, . furiou- Iumu arm lud- doul, in tho out, and cmnpel]:d the cup- uin,du nun, onduvurinu (u unh- uy bond-by, to put About nnd lend for it '1. 00 W Ind the men In!- hud (may. Todd to thoir damn the on"! head In! Add. but by good luck they undo at Pier- (an 0' on Homing-ti highly glad to du i0. Thopbuuoli, sud tho u. but an and mum tho captain Swlu anily. Robinson do Montmll Daily and Waokly Wllnou. Ilul Gama-13 luau-MM Hm". 3 Call and use our Hawk. the lurqut and. [mutant and beat. umortad In Kingntml- mom AND READINGS; ,__._~ _ .,_ WIITEh:wInilfEh! . Water Works Notice. Which In luv. the lean}. at x 1 At the lollovipg gpmtly MM 1, r . puoea :- ' AllaA lam Stock at Liilon and Collm, Linen Cn's, Hludkorollipfl, Tiu, Souf- nud Brion. A full Stock of: Ilooiory. Lamb-I Wool Pant. und Shim. . R. (2; 51193131an All the Clulllmu Annunla. MM"! Eon-nd .d-n-l MAI MOI mm In own. gu In. just vulido. in u mm of the min. Al {nut Robinson Cruwnln wunln ofuuo n llnhlo Mother Goon] Tulan, lnmlnomnly hound Ind illustrated. Over 200 Vol. Bunshlu mul Frunklin Bqulr. Lihmrleu. Little Prlmmm. Little Mnylmd. Hula aunt No Not. Wilkie (Jullihu' No Nnum. (Duly I00. Paul Clifford, hv luml Lyllun. (July I0. Ail tlm PM in Clulh, half (full, Morovuo lnd Pm (Inn. l-urrur'n Infu ul Chrint. FRIIMY. [DIM/11M I!!! Ill. Lined and Unlinrd Cloth Kid Gloves. W All olfemd at extremal ' low prices, FOR CASH ON .Y. Chrlntnms Cards, Christmas Books. Christmas oods, :uv n I I I.l\ll\u Fans, Violu: .. Fluwvro. New Styles In A I [00 Frank l.oal|e'..wm. full Illustrations ur the Row-mun ul' Lorna and Imulw. iTHENEWBUUK-STURE 31% .._111L.-_111{Qu [VFIRHF-CLAM PROGRAMME Doors men An inappclhn Invited. ~ Euler Ior ouch. trlolly one prlco. Dec. 3rd. 137a Nov. 4, 1878. II I. "1 nothing. "lad to (he Ln-h- n- L;- nun-alum until o'docktho'hl -__I ST. PIUL'S SCHOOL ROOM. D cc. (uh, 1878. user Hooks, - Hymnnln. .Ldi V._.,,#A |8PLENDID HOLIDAY ATTRACI'IONU suonasr'fmourll l mu; gnaw- chk at Whit. l 7." mm S. WOODS. O I, Church Servivun. Hymn Buuh, J. WILSON. ' Mcnagu K.W.W. 0w "w W lot-mg. AI mur udtotho manhunt, and. bull; up his uchon. m mint- nny one- not: Mr pad: 3"" n u . tour. "to n-hH-IHH in bad no no." I If. I mdp-Ilhuthovild '3. 3: norm. unto-min hun- In". Hon t8. till. This II I'- n. his aha-l -WWIII Ila-Iv, VII. .I- ulku- lulu-uncut naile- d dignity I. ml Ody ury glut diluent ho- uuuuhuut from the Bond: and . III-Ill. from 5 MWWMI Glad! o! m, lad: to to: tho po- liticians. lti-onool do you which involve a diltincon Iithout 54W. _1'ho tppointuunt of Hon. u- u...:- .A' 0).. l-A..-Lh. .- nub... Till PENIS 0]" TI) IMJLI' ~ CIVIC KNIGHTMOOD- ("alumni Timu.) "-4.-- --n (h. o-:.. M WW -Iu U. 'III "0 - U- M] will Ion! uh not .5] mm]; hm. - mi. m 0| me At low - nlL-Aal y..- un. -u- m" inyon lulu-1H: ".II. M _D- m -r.s.uwomom '55.. I}... In. -_n. Ill-A.- -m- D my. su- uyyvunlil'u- w uvu lr. Ioni- ld the Indesan of MP")- viuill Uppodtiou in s loft-Inn eon- ,lbcu to the mum-u Tory g-nu, it. hadn't, Muroditlumsol, tho I." lion planing then-oin- on Hui: pn- o-hnu Mum aw min the politiul no. a! thc "on. I. C. Unmar- on. Ho-aver. n lnynlty lo ptny it mouthing with our (Janeen-tin lrianda, $5.0 (ii-Appointed expect-nu in the .41 11...... ......o "nah-0 on. .01.... .ml l- ,"l " w . "econ Emu-80v. Dr. Just-on, {Ilium minty-r hrdudaunllnmin thorium VV.._._._ . OwnA w..- is aid to In" and on Sunday hhpllpi! It um music should ha 3 loco-duty condan- tion, and cm it should nun: In slloIo-l to rho in the eonpqntion's cumuion than tho moon Md payers. Eur, we will alum. to thin, but nuppooing, u might, porhupl, luppon It pom. tune Ilnt the man In u vary poor one. Whlt than I" nu - I! . 7,AAlA The Intui- mid. given chin: Iouhy uf notion. My patience on nun] oc- cuinnl bu boon Hui. when 00min minin- 4 ken nuke thoir ontnnoo upon tho pulpit plltfurm they (omibly nmiml me 0! cu in Jmmry, and their patching has the affect of Inuooiib. Md Ina-It- tho unit of dipper! aid the 'mud of n couch. Which think you would be the moat nonl- ntirring, u unnon delivered by wall pr tor-,0:- it the clan of the service the ringing of the folio? hymul. when :p- plied to luiuble in ii: ': Look. ye mining the sight in gloriuu: ; - See the Man of narrow. nuw : _..4 v.._,,...u .u. -.. v. -7 Rare Me the putornl larvicen which would give Iuch soul nil-ring, inspiring experience: an Iuch hymm, lung to ap- propriate music by the efcient choirs possessed by Kiiuzaion. They would be hummed slung the highway. and from kitchen to garret, while the sermon of the day might be in the land of Nod. Yours, om, SOLON. Kingston, Dec. 6, 1878. at [irrsentuianxs 1.0 in: IlUul'uIIV-y on our late fellow citizen, .lohn Watkins, lsq .-inay I respectfully suggest that this money might be ill st appropriately applied to ii department (if liuspitul cha- rity urgently needed, which would be a great boon to the sick poor of the city of Kliiustml. The poor of our own cizy form at any time a comparatively small proportion of the inmates of the Hospi- ml. which is largely lled from the sur rounding country. But there are num- bers of cases of sickness among them which it is not expedient to remove to the Hospital-Inor indeed would the Hos pital receive them at all-in which never theless, medicines, more or less expen- sivn, are imperatiwa needed, And lo-n poverty is so great that necessary rm! cannot always be prouured, it is of worse simply impossible to procure neeil- L'l medicine. Either the patient must do without itposaibly to the great ag- grevatinii o! the malady, of the much tan-d doctor. if a human man, as he generally lHA-mult give the medicine in iiddition to his gratuitous services. This is hardly fair. To meet such cases, which in winter are especially numerous, owing to cold anddraughty houses, insufcient food, exposure, etc., most city hospitals have established a dispensary, in which lloth advice and medicine are given freely to outdoor cases of sickness among the poor, the medicine costing the dispensary n more fraction of what it would cost to buy it in the ordinary way. Sometimes even heefAiea nn-l other restoriitives need- od are provided fawn tiie dispciis-iry's friends. Any one who visits among the poor and knows how numerous are cases of sickness among them even now will remignize at once 'the great benet which such a dispensary in Kingston Would be to the many sick poor, wh pm the hospital cannot receive, and the manifest appro- printions of giving s thanksgiving otl'er- mg towards its support. Vnnn ntn "Emmi-W' . Andal'mhyonuiqthmhd kw-pvt. bails-mlwa To HIP Editor of the Mid: Whig]. SlR,-Il. was Announced 0n Thanksgiv- lng Day that the colloctinn at the church services was to at) to the fund! of the City Hospital. A: that institution in not, I believe, urgently in need of funds at. [instantthanks to tha liberalily of . may ..;n. nrunll.ll nnmlarl which would he a Hf com-Io everybody would be pleased to In Mr. Blake agtin in the nuns of Commnna. We want all our but men, md whether he becomes the losder of the ()ppmitiun ur not hil untural plnce II among the luv-givers of the nation. The { reu mny be left to time ILd opportunity. UHuwu [hm/r1. I The question of the loader-hip Illl be Iottlcd without. any trouble bet-non Mr. Mackenzie Illd Mr. lake. Moth have the inumu of their party too deeply ml. hunt to sllow of my (inference ol Opiu- ion. Since the Isle elections there has been no leader, and it will be for the momberu ol the Home 0! Common: to any who shall occupy lint petition. Hmlph Mtrcvry. There in A probability mm the omtcll in But Toronto will b. trinnaulu'. Mr.- aning being the third cmdidno. Mr. John Layl hu woopr tho Rolonn no- mination condom] Mu slur Mr. hoe-'- rafunl, an?! In. nlrudy onhud upon A ngnrum ampxn. Hr. Earth will get In Iork ulna-in! u once. Tina II w III-up Dav-o ~- I amp-m, dun-Id In. Hwmuhwpd 'Olkh. hourly-nthqu into, n-th-nI-lnnlnlth 11ml m autumn. III. lnrl vul go: to Ion-k cans-in: In livcly in End Toronto for (be next no waitRum. If and: outqu lur India in Cal. Huluonu do: pmrib- should bo- cono futiouilo It the (kph-l, tho folly ll! and tin-(bout loath-ad In nuoudod with manil- M In glut to b. {and in in (min. As yet i in mind I0 loothold in Clio eon-try, Md ithlohdmnlyddndmuu con- dc-naion u "ouch-to nothing Ii notch i\, Hmkiiguihmluhe Mexican... ... Dr.TuppvuynCllllah-Inm but (MM. 2:1? Dr Tuna-ch" s 'n " . and hi- lrkmlu in M lulu Im path by m the m put .Il lunar-r1- M and Hark ! than bursts of welsmutinn ! hark ! those loud. niumghmtrlmnla ! Jesus aka the highest muon ; 0. what iov tne night b'ords ! Look. mam-rune sign: In lm'luul ; ufwnom From the ght returned victorluuq, Every Imus to Him Uh! bow ; Crown Him, cr )wn Him; (rownu becomes the Victor u bruw. )l' \Vc an- living. we Are dwelling. In a grand and awful time, In An age on ugeu telling. To be living is sublime. Hark ! Iron-eye ! will ye fold your RAM: clad arms in [my look I l' :,nh up,tbou drown mldier, \Nurlds umhhuging or the shouk. " Kingston, THANKSGIVING COLLECTIONS. Jenna him: the highest 0. joy night Umwn Him. crown Him. Inkling-Wooten handbook by W. Hon. Ala. Ioni- (a 1mm, vitblviovtoh'l hadn- .L.I_' J LL- '_ :ni... : AL- [ml 0. night Idiom Him, King of kings, Iml Imnl of Lords. Bllllll' Ol TIIE FRI-25H. ,l)ec. D, 1878. [NI 1.. Your: etc. , H U s1 5 1'0 uni BRITISH wnw. FRIDAY; Mama 0.. 1878. he Qua-18,; We. UMMAW ' (By TM 154-7.) u n -A -JA.____-_ AA-I_ Instance. Earl Grey moved an amendment to the Address, expressing regret that. Parlia- ment WA! not summoned as loan as pou- aible after war became probable. Thu Duke of Sumernel cordiallv IuD ported the prusecution or me war. The Marquis of Salisbury. Secrotnry of State for the Fnreign Doputmant, re- pelled the personal charge: that he hnd deceived Parliament by denying tint them had been any change of policy to- wards Afghanistan. He said they were brought forward by Lord Granville to diltmct the country's attention lrom the fact that hi1 must nttached political friends were siding with the enemies of their country. Lnnl Hencnnaliclil than addrelwd the. all vaonphind 01 will mid-mint align-chm. hlyolomdnymdl Iain South Atria-huh Iuviud with pumiot'y about: u- udnhd with that 9000). . III-id h id not intend to move any manhunt n. n.- ..ldmn, hunun d lh. Immun- nl lwI-Uv,-Iu-Iul u-v-I -1:- u. My much. paddo- In! may lldby Hon. Ir. low-t. I- ah nun-00.. A. nan-Eln- [I Aint. .- did not Intent: to en, em; to the eddxeee, became o! the latene- ol the pebliutioe of the W concerning Oentnl Ade. It could not mete my greet dim to Reliant whether it met now it next February, ee lu- ueny inuence wee cancel-lied thet it could exercise on the m, which lie. already been commenced. Nobody doubted the ebulute Mud the ' Crouto make wet or peene; hetitie perfectly certain that I continue] your. reuee 0! Inch eurprieee will aerial-l, weaken the foundation: of the prerogative. He repeated the neu- ntiom that Lord Cnnbrook'e deepetch .miueprelenled the conduct of the Glad-tone Government, end thet Lord Lyttonl communioetione to the Amen of Afghanistan were birth and indieereet. He concluded .- followu-Hueever un~ necessary the ear iii-y heve been, how- ever much we any be convinced that you have completely pllyod into the Innde of our greet rial. we urge this Home to en- operete in the etrongeet manner with the Home of Common- to made the meet ample provuion for the eelie of our gelllnt troops. We trust the Govern- ment hu nut made fallecioue eetiuutee, underrating the expenditure. n in the Abyssinian war. Lonl ("'mhrnok, Secretary of Stete fur India. i 1 that. he eccepted tlm entirercag . w v . ' his deepezch, end would not w ;leeeuteuoe. He made a detail . Ali. in juetiw tion, and particular yuinted out thet Lurd Granville, in 1873, declined to inti- mate to Rueaiu thet any aggression en Afghauiltml wqud meet with Britilh re eietnnco. uble aner Decmne probable. Thu Duke of Sunmrset cordially lup ported the prusecution of the The Marquis Salisburv. Secroury their country. Lord Beaconsiislil House. He criticued the attitude of the Opposition in raising personal questions, and challenged them to atth directly the justice and policy of the war. He suited that the inspection of Cyprus by his colleagues showed that that island snrpsssad all the Government's ex- pectations. and would soon be recog nized as one of the most inuential positions in the British dominions. He expressed the opiniau that the result of the victory of (ion. Roberts in Afghanistan Would be speedy and satis- factory. He believed that the worstof the commercial depression was over, and expected that in a year the position of snirs Wullld be very ditierent. .Hl Added, in reference to business prospects, The recent words of the President of the United States, coining {ruin such It quar- ter on such a Sllbieci, cannot. be treats! with too much consideration. The enter- prise of Ameran roncts on that of Eng- land. I look forward With much cuntl- dance toilie inuence of American in- dustry and enterprise shortly producing more lBVOIII'lJle results than we can now estimate. In cnnclusion, he mid the Government were prepared to meet Par: lininent's decismn, howevur it might at- fect the Dynisty individually, but he hoped the House would decide to main- tnin the Empire, and not sanction a po- licy which Iuistukon tiniidity for wisdom. 'lha ninnndnmnt nmved bv Earl Grey wlueh mistaken tnnluny tor Wisdom. 'lhe amandumnt by Grey wnl rejected, and thn Addresa was Adopt- ed Without n division. Hnnae 0' Unmm-rnu, The Martini, uf Hm-tinuton made a de- clarnlinu almier tn that of Lord Granville in the Upper Hnuso of tha intention of himself and his friend! not to hamper l'le Government in the conduct of the war by any attempt tn uppwae the granting of supplies 0 laid the war having been commenced, if necessary, for tha nacurlty of India, 1'. shuuld b 2 ctnmlucted vigorous. I" HI I was naked. Sir Stafford Northcnte, Chmoallor of the Exchequer, generally reassured Mr. (ilndatune and Lord Hartinuton u to the Inhjectu which Ihey cumplninad were not mentioned in lhe Queen's speech, particu- larly u to the war in South Africs't, nd the reforms in Crete and Ali: Minor. He denied that the Unvernment had pur- lmnely picked a quarrel with the Ameer or deemed an extension of territory. The Athlrann wan ulnnmd hv the Hall I ly. Mr. (Pladat'me Ipoku briey, expreu- inq the hope that tho House would have more infurumtinu before a vote of credit naked. ua- u...'A.-J NnI-Ihnnln hunts-"n! n, deslred an unenmun ol wrncory. The Address was adopted by the Hump without fl divisiun. , |.. n... Hm.n "r (V.....mm.. chi. .hAr. Without lelSLUfl. ; In tlw Hnuso of Commons this Indr nunn l} Ill h'tnnhope. Under Secretary of State lur India, give notice thnt he wnul i, on Monday. submit a motion tint !h" expenses of Illa Afghan war he den {nyed (mm the Indian revenue. Mr. Henry Fawn-ell, Liberal, give notice that I he Would oppose the motion. prnrn the name a! the Addrom in Il Ill-PWUIIEU ll-le-ul. lu luv Home mm! pocket the drum Ind pay their sllqianco tn 1h. Ex-Oonrnor In their new leader. H the 'l'u'riu im- q'ino they no (wing to carry the Pro- viso. by thin mum, howovar, tlwy will nd themulmu ogqrogiounly mistaken. Tho I. Dominion election will furnish no criterion wbulnvor for the provinciul contest. Then Ill be no protection cry lith which to beguile tho poopla,who will mildly rally to the support of Mount unl honut Government. he Would the mnuun. Before the passage the Houecuf Communl Mr. McCenhy Downing, member for the county of Cork, mmpleined of the absence in the Ruyel Ipeech of any prumieo to redne- lrinh grieunn-u. Men-re. Power end Bulliven, lrilh members, pruteeted "mm the Afghan war. Mr. Green, the Homa Secretary, prmnisod lhet when I list of meuureu fur the union Ill dnoed it would be fnund lhet lrelend bed I not been {ox-gum]. I The nail AVA" underlde all! Vil- I boon forgateu. The Daily New undcntandl enuut Hdifu, formerly Bocntary 0} State for Indin in the Home 0! Lurdl, 3nd \Vhihbrdld, Liberal mombor in the Home at Common, will Gnu-oan reso- lution: but. to lhoMghIn policy 0! tbs Government on Tuoodly. lmdnn Dan I; 'Ihn London m- Government "finally. London, Dec. 6.Tho London correl- pondopt of lha lmburgh'Smumn my! at in inuenli quart": n is believed um unnpuenll with Russia {or the uulemont o! the Cantu! Ani- qua-on in on tho the upil, nnd llkely to 3.- the for. 0! I putilion ol Alghnnisun. Th- nan of Ihe Con-ennui. My nut-,ku ml wall-pun- u I", suiting Mi-nu "ii-I. 1U dviulqho-uhliuu- h; budauhlubo mpyhbmbduq' the for. 0! puuuon 0| Algnnmlun. Tho again of lhe Comerulin qony haw blood a circuln, (mining the or] Inn-non in the country to be pupuud [or the "mummy n! I xenon] election. Lani Cnnhmuk in tho "nu-o d Ludo, Ind Loyd Suuhtp: in tho Con-om, Iill on Monday man a moi-u it In the debate nn thu Address in the 1.....- .J Il -' :"Ru. Dutch-I. of .A kJn I -_A___u_ A- L... iiirm" 11mm; Oau-ma' Wm MW 1; V." m'mb: his. 0. ms. Inn-nu nun-mayo... My to ad. duties-u lye ' in ii-4M5 dug. a. of an hum-[m dulbnouolugubym mhlknilnylluuqmdum. mm to: In par tho pun-mun bound flight pun], 3nd do. an mkupnptho-nbonnd pouLJ no, thanking of out bound W nu _ a a... Human Ludwinh. has. for New York, Dec. 6 -A story in pub- lished in tha Tribune hmlny if the Id venturol of the Union Bank, of London, forget, Hldlay, in crossing the continent. He gives some striking portrait: of I cer-' tain clan of detactivea and police ofcers of the present day. He nyl the datum tive who gures most largely in this nar- rative confronted the furver with an order of arrest on his my to Denver, accompa- nied him to that city, kept. him steadily under sniveillance, and bled him of thou- uudl of dollars, even going 5!) far, accorn ding to the forger'l complaints, as to take his watch and chain. numg or cut noun- nu lui'h Korma Lad-uh. Ant-up vith thus mm all . out at thirty nun .boud, in not the. noun:- out. and kappa-Ml who Isaiah Iluonhn in Ir-l- in m in th- mm um won-om [or mu: notion, and the strength 0 tho eon- iuntion is questioned. rm, cant. worth of liquor than" (our times: dny. the forma- int-tan in Jul-tics Pinckney'l Court up he and to bring to tho bench to the Justina. Ea lddl that ho pdd bony inn-menu monthly tn the clerk, Dans. Whenever mans Hum 3300 won demanded Dun aid Piuckmy '1. short. A- vnrlr an I} _Rn'-rI-inn in n Ileana aeopewn in: "13!". any mu mm per-one hue been meet-ed on Pongnl frontier, having in their puma-ion docu- meutl emenuing from Inhmelioneliet Centre in New York. Prominent Sociel' in uye the deepeich cannot be corrected became therein now no Internetionnliet Society in America. It wu die-aired eomo yeen n30 in Phil-dolphin; eVidently there were tome mistake. In thin coun- try, Socialist lebor partly be. rele InumationieSocieiy, and Socialist: have nothing whnwver to do with them At- lompted Auociltionl. New York. Dec. iiiAl n maeiinl of tempted annual-mom. New York, Dec. 6.A'; a meeting the Mediooolegill Society last evening Dr. Leo slid it was marvelous that. infunticide in New York ranks far ahead of citie- of old world. The uni-tics from Coronorn' oicos Ihow in .1873 there were 113 cale- of infmticide'; in this city in 1874, 112; in 1875, 102; in 1876, 101; and in 1877, 0K layout. m unppuuc who 'thcil Murphy in likely to up in tho any I" View. Tho Board of Coal Control in inmd ho allotment to! DOC-Ibo: nlaunMEml gull Hm mum-ll n! 0-- min. mur, wul vmn uana Deputy Cumuvlasi Public Works lhpn puted by the Q 1 31! the Ottawa Pump}: left his minion. 'm. u,m n 1: I Ina nucan uu snort. New York, Doc. 6 Roforring to I Mull-id dotth [at night. that three our-on- Formal

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