" '2'. A! mm - .-_k,,-,1 -_ Seid e country debtor to a Kinglton creditor the other dey, I went to pay whet I owe, but my best crop in hey. If l we: cued ever '0 much 1 could not get out 400 lbs of hey on a. Waggon lrom my place except in Ileighing, And if thin win- ter will be like Int, 1 may ac well dig out." Thin man lives in Hmchinbrooke, I townlhip contnining a large qunntity of excellent land. The town-hip of Kenne- boc beyond it ie a thriving part of the forest outskirt. Twenty-live mile: of mmademized road, from Burlington pout oioe to Arden village, would open up a large trlct 0! country, till it with flrmerl And ldd tn the wealth of the city. Twen- ty mile. of meccdunized med are required from Inverery village to Opinicou Lake, and forty miles from Perth road past oh ee :luo north through Bedtorxl and 030. All thin could be attained at I cult of $18,000 3 year. It would pay itself at the uul of 25 yesru in the increuod ve- lue of land within (our mile: an etch Iide of the roed, not to speak of the effect on lend more remoteCom. La: owning the first nieetmg of thel Mmicnl And Literary Society, in connec- ' tion with Chaiuwn' Chrroh, [00k place. I The moeting uponetl with the singing of the C. Psalm, followed With prayer by Mr. A. Mucnlistur. Rev. Mr. McCuaig, President. then delivered hil inaugural Addreu. setting forth tho object of the Society, and the spirit and feeling in which its n'uirn should be conducted. The nddrou occupied nbuut twenty min- utu in delivery. Ind wu exceedingly nblo Ind interesting. The choir sang How lovely in Zion," in excellent time And tuto,and than Mr. A. 1. Knight rod The Christmas Dinner," from Dickens. Mia: Gallon-y sang Foar not, little ower, and Min Dickwn [Ive n solo from some Italian piece, both 0! which were varme npplaiided. Mr. E. H. Dickson rend fbpe'a Hummity, after which there was a discussion an to} the manner and matter of reading at the meetingl. Thin dicuuion wan participat- ed in by Mpura. M. Gag, E. H. Dickson, A. 1. Knight. G. S. Hobart, and D. (l. McFlrlane. The entertainment closed with anothor anthem by the choir, Blot-0d in the man thnt provideth." i t e .V.r_...- -__, ' In. h. I Btu. 'I'I'I ova-in. tho bull Ind lup- n-nllh _I_... .J bl.- If;-A- L r-vuu -Ono of the Putter Infety twitches has been placed on the IL W. Jr, 0. Railroad It. Wnlerlown. We learn that Mr. Juhn Rourk, of this city, Ihuse mind is always chlrgod with new ideas, has 8601 red .1 pan-Lt fur a ne.: Hutch um 31 pruuisea '0 be extrelt uiy "16th \' u up: it will 11an bu leuneruhn. A big hole, which wu cnund by gun workon, in in the middle of the Itraet car truck, um Mantra-l ntreet. and ovary tune a our page: the horse has to be unhitched, which make it very un- plan-ant. Ann.:.|_-nu - "w wan-nun; culqu muting. O|wego Fall: The report that Louise inundn to do her ovn work in denied. The Mlhluilintonda' to ndvertile for a domeuic A: wen n he get: wttled at. 00- min, Iv'l Iwu uvlu'I. --Tho future engagement of : number of school when will depend largely on the Bttunlay evening muting. ()lIlian Pnll- 'l'lu nun6 lL..A l ,...:h How would you like Ajnlt lthmugh u country not. We hue to he 3 Ind our, two honn. _.'l'lu Ina-.. -.._-____. p , nu'wuuwr pun III "10 pl. 'llon dutioncqu III-bun toned 18$: John Mould. T|Io Putin! of the lamb Con- aptinn take- phoo next Sunday in 8:. l Cathodnl. it- __ w):__ 17,, u ON TUESDAY AND IRIDAY Dec. 19th and 20th. 9. l nvnlllnnu __.1 mo; _.n n A __A,,, n ' A5 I. piedioud, Lorno' viii-key now the thing. Always drink for-Lama- mun- -u Wo to". loud out Ill, vicar bu MI. in. II III W "I, by Illa-Ibo! fun. -Thmlhplmunbunnuh{ notion Brecht. by an Introduction mumm- m...- 4cm}... in it. an all a. m u a. 1.0.; u. my: about no Inn old, ymw-IIW Monmoutth - Jim-nod owning-d dam-Ill. Tlu count-r pcmion in the King- induction hump-dmb MI w.a-aunminm ~Duuhovuy-IH-Ilunpc- The County Roads. Counterfeiting. The first Heeling. .u.-. wanna... u... Imyllvv u-vu nun-"v... I. Insuring the "nonunion of mutant Ml- km for lho Ignacio- 0! life. :.n...n.-..-."._. . . . . :- hmS n rniul W13 mmu on uv; cuumf pi lg t'. in, tin un- mterfei In-d-.lhre 4. din- lcx i. b . Whlth :ontlinod [runhol u! beans, Ink) nlm mtity of Izlldl, maul, Mu, , "In! In making thu bogu- > moulds w-ro found, sud in. '0d that the cnuht'hltefl} of Pan Maul-k, 'hirh won "Harman-Io nu daunh,nlan night Ibdt (Edgardo-talcum olmhubot hwhumuhikl tho Scum-lob. 03'..- h ind. 0uuo bu junk than. in plant]. Ala: and. Invo hoon undo, And yet n....:. I ll 0-1!..1 4 AL- .4--__- I-w nun- unv- II"- -Iv, _ vn Cupuin l. H. Ballard. of the about Prim Alina," triu- to tho mu. J1... . -'lho lmlo van-l l'nion, Ihnt wont uhoro n J udd'l Point ho or In. Inch n, and Ill pulled off by the shallot Piempom, in agmund min mu Sandy Crook. ! The uhoomt Annuudtlc, uhoro nut the nld fort u Nag-n. ha been abun- l doned. SaleofUsefulfancynicles "Ullllvll -llu u-wu "W'Ile The Treuuror'e report wee then reed, ehowing that with eli expeneee peid e hendeome baienoe wee left to any on to the new yeer. The President, Mr. P. J. Berry, then delivered hie ennuel eddrree, which mu well received. He reviewed the working of the society from the time he came into ofce up to the preeent time. lie thanked them for reeiecting him rmeident {or the year of 1879, end hoped to prove by hie ectione in the coming yeer ! thlt their condence wee not misplaced. Alter mme other important bueineee the meeting edjoumed. Harry mu m. J. U Uonnor. Financo' Uommitteo W. Mchil, J. Donnelly and June: Hagen]. Th 1.-........'- -n--. __- .I.-- --_1 At a meeting of the Young Irilhmen'l Catholic Benevolent. Auociation, held in their hall on Monday evening last, the fullowing oicerl were elected for the ensuing year : lrelidontP. J. Barry. lat. ViccePrelideutA. Euuil. 2nd Vice-IrenidentJ. Hog-n. SecretaryO. Clelry. Financial SecretaryM. J. O'Connor. Tree-um John Innel. MlllhllP. Devlin. Sargennt-nvArma Wm. Coohrnne. Delegate to ConventionD. Sullivan. Visiting CommittingJ. Bah-n, Chu. Crowley and . Loughern. lnveatinlin CommuneRI Run Inventigltin CommittuvPJ. Bury, A. Ennis and R. OConnor. urowley nnu wugnern. I Puma-bu ...nmiob..,,, I I'm; D l v A. 1mm! and n. u Uonnor. Property Cummitteowl Enniu, P. J. Harry And M. J. O'Connor. Finnnca' Umnmiuan_ \V MnNnil J uuuuu, u . Ul-V-IUI This lodge moot: on the (int. Thursday 0! every month, and in in n ourishing condition. ....,.....5 J... . Bro. J. Lovick..... . . . . . . ..W.M. R. Cruig............... ...D.M. T. Robin-on. . . . . . ......Ch|pllin. A. Swnnlton ... .. . . . Tress. Wm. Pugh .............Socy. John Potts . . . . . . . . . . .D. of C. J. Loviok, (re-eloctod)...TruItee. Committee~Brm. David Cunningham, F. Homibrook, W. McCartney, W. Rol~ linson, J. Buckley. 'ILL, Lulu... mm..- ._.. AI... 1:... mL..__.x_h l } LO.L. No. 325.Ata regular monthly meeting of L.0.L. No. 325, held on Thursday evening in the Ornnge Hull, the IOHOWing otcen were elected {or the ensuing year: Lovick..." .. U I) f-..l.. nu Tait-nuts... but had Io an hr, nl. nigh. ILJQ-m ANt'llN'l ST. JonN'l LODOl.-Lllt evening the cloction of oioorl took place, with a wry unlnimous fooling. The pin... nun Motion (lat-"gonna Inf largo urgaus. nth. Mach. Hunk-an. .kv ,\\ ."l dum- nluoplou' ull, ml In tended viii. luau] wrioun com- ylhtlonl; And while I: m A] In many Insunoon ho hut alymphon. among othau, of An lrrilulzle Ind unlimited norvouu nynunn If not uni-ted. qd nlllrmun mun-awn]. t. my prove the 'onmunor a! rim change- In the bnln or aplnnl cord. IN. to write KP. alter hie hssltill n-eifithednotbeestorOenede'eOwe, who .yshe wee ' y eon-Maud by Sir John onsld to "distinguish the Grits, which he did to his own Made-trunk." Thismorm is. Mr. Counter was very glad to see _ the students, end the etudente were sp- pirently very [led to see him. His fsee wee lit up with e rsdisst enile. his eye meniiested thst peeulier eperkle which givee the men distinction, end I Lorne collar and Louise necktie p" the person s Vino-Rep] eppeersnee. His lee- ture wee e manieent elort, eherly de- monstretin. that he hse geined ln pewer end uency, while his hnguege he be- come mueh gander thsn ever, the lead- ing ohsrecteriatic being his mixed mete- phor. The subject was, Is usual, very ebly butchered, md religion sud politioe were blended ss only Mr. Counter esn blend thing. The students epplsnded the speaker throughout snd nppeered to be very sorry when he ceme to e close. They were glad to beer, however, thst he wee en route to Ottewe. there to receive the rightful rewerd of his poli- tical services. Charles ought to have a seat in the Cebinet. We numluete him for such a place, trneting that if Sir John dares to give him a billet on the Csnel he will file in his dignity snd blee- the whole concern. .nu-ll uuu. W. Master43m. H. Nuttlll. S. Wgrdeuliro G. Durnfurd. J. WardenBro. G. W. Olden. Chnplam-Rev. Bro. Garrett. 'l'reunrerliro. E. R. Welch. SecrutuyW. Bro. J. Sutherland. TylerV.\\'. Bro. E. Ball. pinc. Binothth Nomhnoennd,oww m Humps-l Infant, in Ihi Chill-In hotookm sclinpm u tho MIMIle ad cupportor olHr.den W1. It. [My haunt-brie: South Him, but domhtdhin would have boon -LI- A- _._&AA I. :1 41:4- L1, l, Auk"- Mum-MI" W autism. run-orally w NI lot-in. than Candi. Dumb-l... .nal nag-IA] m BRITISH W119. FRIDAY. DEC]! MB ER 6. 1878. Inn-ooh. 3' Hack-- A, kw-Lamina. u. r m " tun-famous... H, --____ ._ ELLUIION 0!" OFFICERS. munching. lnrln Nola. Pnosvozoun, judiciome mod, will nllny Ibo porturbaon of tho norvu. mint their n -__| _..____., -_,I W,,,,,,. AL,.,,,.._x.x__ - MIu-rl VI-v III gim annual-undisci- tin hrhouJyvbicpJnnalud rind- ad-Ai-d--_ mammmuonuuum Ipirit anddequ 4. Wombmyocycotldl Io human-y In vau- their pinto was: con-Inf gut-t all udl exhibition a ban and, In Inn-l IL. n-Llin Inn's- .-J 4.. m. mrm a. mum and amusing not exhibit m3 In no lo- pnjurlh'nl Io tin in. mom a! tin nah than tuniqu the Ill-Ii. and M.- nl ml-I dinin- m w w ox an lulu-u m, 3. king tho until-ml. inh- oocool u pan. '0 to Monk it burly oo-opantion in boon-W anon-d 'I mun-moshing: m mm... a- m romuu oulod an "my Inn'- Blonds," III I uriom Kano. quill" good monk, wo fool cdlod upon to ox- prou our Iolonn conviction tho: dl lull indoliono exhibition. And vnlpr innuon~ doo- m inch on iluult to thoinlollipnoo nod nonlity of the community on our, good china is bound to hunt. I: in thou-slur. noolved; 1. That I. pledge canola-to mm comm ond oonoortod Action in naming tho public spin: the donor-Edna inows-o inichd by Inch such unumpulouuand innodutponom. 2. That we rupootlny nk u Dirooton of tho Mochaniu' Hall to '1!th our moon And oonociontiom coda-won by tho unveil. of o unlul diletinimion Idnu I not cow-noun u an mm In of an inland Charm, 3 king th- nnnn-Qimnhln in.-- III In!" y-nlruuu'n lnl upynvllluu lo WM BIOWDEN, Johnson Street . I will null Illa llulllliugu. nlngly or nnogothor Doc 9.1m. ' invslcmis mi 'fH'AT We hue been requubd to publish the following preamble And ruoluliom, puud by the Eungolical Allinnoo of Hamilton: 11 uh uni-nun: . Whore-l we no led to belie" by the reports of the city piper: Ind cumut rumor Hut tin. the ontortlinmont bald in the Mechanism 2h, 0! thin city, on ch. evening of thc lOth ult. by 3 troupo of mud.- cdlod m. Lay rum Blouda." uriom Iona nus-m Bn mumno Odnp n. II- nan-AJML. m-- David Guy, allowed. J. P. Gildenleeve, Wm. Power, Thou. Palmer, Goo. Hon, added to voten' list. 0. E. Taylor, corrected. John Smith, Peter McDonald, no sction. Pntrick Doyle, " Wm. J. Ami-l, Wm. Outer, nllovod. Psul Im-Vin, withdnwn. Jn. innit, struck of (No. 4.) Thou. Pukin, (No. 10.) no union. Puriok Duly, Allow-d, (Frontal-0) Chu. G. Culligw, (inoomo.) A. H. Bamud. A. 11. Damn", " Geo. Milli, Allowod. Mulin Wnllh, no action. T. D. Klnmgh, Allowed Consul. UH". U. Uolllgw A. H. Bornud, (im Milli. lllm .mnn uomm, max on. J. J. Christie, Juo. Cowan, dud, John .Iewoll, no notion. Joseph Denpu'oil, ltruck of. Charles Bult, Albert Lndd, J. J Manon-MA A100"; man, J. J. McDonIld, Wm Ping, Jr wm. rI , .1 Andrew on, John Bomln. John Wnddell, C. B. Williams, Wm. Forrest, Allowed. Charlo- F. and, Allowed. nnrunl ulhlbllul Au Ml Wm. lnttorlon, no action. E. K. Rouoh, Hugh Taylor, John Sprowell, struck o'. Geo. Dnviduon, John Butlor, Henry 0. Elton. no ution. Jr-hn Collins, Itruck E. l J nhri-Hn H WILL BE HOLD or. rmlonlhlo tel-Inn. Hm no Duellinga on Gunion root, lmlween Burl nmlJohnaun tum-tn, Non. 1'32, 234 Ind In. Tho Imam are of lln'a Input-Inca; one but! for .120 per year. And has nina rooms. hid" nhwu. pantry and collar. The olhmu. In! far I' each and ham all room, benn'oi noth .pnmrmu and collar; There in u 0W": |n tam-Mqu", and hurt] and 00 Im- I9! quI In kitchen Good shed andplwkod yo 1. Hmallnnlvn to each house. Also the iwo nyliuh brick home. In lame Mock, nearly linlnlml. They contain 7 mama mu. bouillon clung", pun!rlu,anllnrl lull good rad. d Illlll. Lulu 10": feet deep. Further plrticulun on IDPHOIHOII to W" RIDWIHIN um. John McKinley, nu action. Pater Clllk, Ju. Brickwood, R. Halligln, John Higgins, Wm. Uridiford, J. Reynolds, E. McFldden, John OToole, withdrawn. Wm. Pnrker, Gould Molloy, Jamel Hun, " J. M. McDonnell, .ddod. Johu Mudio, Wm. Kidd, withdrawn. Wm. Reid, Wm. Osborne, D. J. Hugerty, Jamel Pyke, Geo. Nowhndl,Jr. Jno. Newlundl, Jr. . Michael Mormon, nllowed. Goo. Coombl, no mtion. J. b. Woodl, " Michnol Dal-.1:I Thol. Hunt, rrol. wullunlon, Illovod. Juno: Kn". mound. Bury Kidd, no mtion. Dania! ODonncll, no notion. Wm. WM. allowed. A. Robinson, no notion. J. Dough-a, withdnnn. R. Thomplon, " Thou. Hnll, Thoma: Johnnon, nllowcd. H. l". Blogg, Allowed. Andrew Ron, no notion. Thou. Dunn, Theo. Hinckloy, nllowod by ooment. John Blnltely, withdrnwn. John Donoghno, anoil Murray, John Gratton, G. E. Ashley, Wu. Horton, W. B. Dnltou, John Muokluton, Wm. Mnnhul, " David Spouoa, Robert Bullet-n, no nation. John Hnnlin, Andrew Dronlet, Walter Shulobothnm, Allowed by con- lent. mmaihm it'qu may mum-donut. bun-I lot-mm In. 11mm, " Wm. Ssnndon, Jouph Donut, " Goo Richrd'on, Allowod. Ju. mull- Inn-ml nn- nl uoo nonunion, IIIOIMI. null, nurqu, now attack 00'. Prof. Willmuon. Illowod. Kan. Alla-art Our Naughty mm." 1W run-a. '1 Hum" Wind! Tu-km, 2 Half Tirkrtl. OI. yarn-km, so. gnu-uqum OH, er (Mk-o Money order. to inter- odlouer, nk draft or "press. Ifull into! lnwln "MI-had in Louisville tuurior mer nalu an Turk llrruld, Ind [Illnod w I Mole. ledera. l-ur lkll Ind Informnlon ultim- Conumwuun DIITIIHUI'ZOI Co. or T. J, COIIEHVOKD, oc'v.Conrier Jour- ul Bu|ldinn.lmu|aville. K1. m mu... II. [not and, lot ooldn, an Mun-l. etc. 25:. pct hula. ' at.- m the but. .0! I child's ox- -A__ __. D_-_-_'_ WA_ 1: n I -~ coo. A 4081 OOCOchu-omunptm audit-M We: all m cm than! an I: _~m. lgasw W'~ Little Fish but. I [0]).! idu ol hali- BOI. Not hing ub to do but", they sun on I null lulu. A "dd.- oold in I. little sh" of dim-a, u it sum on I null sale-ml noqu in the [rub cu Ind malt-hub. droulod nl Ill dim um-mhm 'l.. hill Md- 4|... .s-nu luau-Urn. ("Wild l-l ill du- nnoconun- ion. Tu Isill this don- 'rou hub " nu Hag-M'- Poo- on Domain. cw. he. homo. idantsu. Put-'1 Wot- Poidm , .... _. ow little we know ofmh other ! , Ae we pue than I- lheJonrney of lite. , With iuetrmlee. - {eer- end temptations, I In been braking um end he etrifu. Many of cultured end deueet friend. ' often lu'er untold egony, when the ro- pet remedy the proper time wouldpre- I move their pain A. it by magic. For rheu- mntiem, nenrelgie. Iron bitee, belle, lur- fea wounds, to" Hegynd'e Yellow ()1! ie one of the oet eerlul nmediee in nee. For eele by I! deem-e. Nlond Pill. m our-Iv rmehhlenml _ V v , Three Residences and L013 to: an by nu noun-I. National Pill. no pun], vacuum-ad not directly on tho blood. Sickneu prevails everywhere, and everybody cumplnina of mine dinenae xl-m ing their life. When lick, the obj-- t is to get well; now to lay plainly that no mm in this world thnt is suffering with ylpeplil, Liver Complaint and its e'octa. much u lndizention, Cuttiveheu, Sick Hesdnohe, Sour Stomach, Hum Burn, pdpiution of the Hurt,Depni pad Spiriu, Billoulneu. eto., cpn lake Gnlns Ammu- FLOWER without. get Ling reliol Mid cure. I! you doubt this, no to Heath & Uimn, or H. Wade, nud gm 3 Sample Buttlo {or '10 com. And try in. Regular size 75 cent". Two dmu will when you. .__.Ar 7,, u. 7, Tm: CanaanHand linking is 1 the go just now, but let not the ut :r titted credit tho student; with overnn; 1 affection to: the election of ofcers tho Alm- Mater Sociaty for the em i your occun to-uight. qul'VI-l. The Chairman reported recent action, jointly with tho Inspector, regarding teachen examinntionl, Ind Dr. ()liver moved, seconded by Mr. Allen. that this Board mums the ntrn expemu entail- ed on the High School Board in the ox amimtion of city tenchers at the up- pronching Iitting; 3nd that thin Bum] approve of the action of the Chairman in hsving laid cumin-lion held in the .ity inltend of It 8ydeuhanLCarried un ui- moualy. All;nlirI|-tl uu uvuuukuwu. Two familiu from the Military College, or Point Frederick, applied for admission for their children to the city schooln, they being within no municipality. and hning no military Ichool now in the gar" rilon to lend them to. lermisaion was granted. At the same time it was puiUl. ~ ed out by members of the Board that twenty children out of the Tate llll luut Barracks were :ttouding the schools free. and on motion of Profmor Watson the Secretary in: directed to apply to tho Minister of Militia for a grant to remu nerate the Board. The lchOlltl will not be disturbed if satisfactory answer be received. Aun . Amour. Several accounts were referred tn the Finance Committee. It .1. | _. Mr. Allen reported the tempnury up- pointmenc of Mr. W.H. Godwin to We. lington Street School. It gave great satia- notion. m. . . .- A uwnuun, ur uvuuu u. nun. LIV-us]. Dr. Oliver moved a gram of 820 for extra services for the caretaker uf Cala- rnqui School.Cnrried. A . .n-.. n... a... wan; I-uuuu. The department of Queen Street School, under Mia Givens, was stated to be_ overcrowded. m,, r q- 1- n Irv. n n uuvo Uuwuvcu a 5n).- lwrlvvvuaullh. The Committee on School: and Schunl Property were Iuthorized to get enli- mateu of the coat of planking over the muddy plut in front of Queen Street School, OII motion of Mr. Honey. I\_ l\l:. \A'Inl .- nnnnl . 0") 1'. In! II unluvrr I a un wuuvn. u:u - Avu. A similar grant (01' Wellington Street School guardian was passed on motion u' M r. Rage rs. L'... I ...u. 1- ._,._. .L, -..J In nL.. vu nun uuv lulul nun..." v. ullv 'JUOIIMQ A further gram. was paused to the cre- dit of Frouwnnc Schml [or late im- provement-n. The work done thefrp, under the direction of Dr. Fee, Wu limited (I) hue eected a great improvement. rm... Ammmm M. thnnl- .ma MW. IIITUIJ- The certicuee of teacher: applying for engagements were ordered to be present- ed for the information of the Buard. Ar.| \. .n nsnuus um quuuu. The Impoctor'l report for November shaved thlt there were 1,654 puples on the rolls, Henge 1,304; teachers absent 7 dun; teacher: late 4; trunnoies 8, An unuuunlly lmall Ittondancg in Gordun Ill-set 3nd Williumville achooia was at. tributed to want of sidewalks in those localities, The night school works ad- minbly. Thu M-Hn-tn- nf Ononhnr- nnnluinu for uu1 vvnu Illlhuu. Mr. Irving ntntod tint tho Committee, on n union of ill-traction in cooking for the public uhooln, won not prepared to report, but he moved for printed in- formation. After I dincnuion u to the nine of the information, the Bond vuth ngnitnt the motion. '1... In-n-nLn-- mun-6 11- NIxIAlI\||.I nun-1 . Adj ou mod. .quu IVK I III IlIII Street School, And Moth-t loll netting forth no unnuiubility a! third clu- teach on for city schools, were referred to the limo Committee. ' ll - - A j .l,. u..n,_~,,9u Ulllwl- "ll 1-, 'M III III... II Stands; tuning Ind report. A letlor from the, Daputuont of Education, to- guding 9 certied. for Honolul- of Quun Rh! Hat-MI nd .nMII-p IM-I uni-u- mu Illlllll' lvlv wui lmlvw all ur- fornd to u Ooh-it. on Tunnel-u, Ocou and Bahia, who will moot on R-n....l.. -....:.... .-.a and A In.-- "I, III-In. Appliuom for employment uudnr tho Baud during 1879 won mind and n 6...) I... nu hin- nn unk-.. "13....u NH, 300 PFXMI.-w "I, H ..... , THW' .30.) Pruzn 'N " I0, LWJOo't-hlo,00( LWO " I" " IU, Mailman-11mm '7". )" each. Appmxinml u lrlzeu 5'5. Plo. i'll nch, " " l. Prisc- mum-1.. " " -<. III-wt, -|uv-vmu :7. Tho our-z. and a. a. a... u- of honor Icial (In em Han, and Mix Ill and MIN-o- (0:51,. A lotto! from Mr. W. B. Broke-um". reg-ding nu top-ring md pwtacting of unhool pumps, m "(and to Mr. Hor- : nu In. A "Mimhkwpul muons, with-pummel I'L- BL-:-_._ A. AI.-L AL- .I-.. TJZJE'K'W: nu)W-. mum's-g3. V. Rog-1,1.WMDLMP.BU- ju, Dr. 013m. R. I. Bonny, Willis-I Ina... A mom)... 1- W 11.19... 1",:- VII". Uh -. W. "Ill! lilg. A. Why. T. W. W, W_ Alb, ls yourwilvvzlzlrld C?!an 1 m I013! WON. A cm. _-l._I {mm-ml all I}!!! Prism. Win-I. 'I" .ur vch [IN THE CITY HALL]- (BAZAAR. I '1'! 'IUUIO LLOI. Am locum 0' u.ku nu yua- AIM :| aplenth vnortmnnt a! TOILET Slil'l' mm and clean: dougna. No' th. [wHY SMOKE TEFIEEARMAOYI IN GILT urns: ON EACII PLUf}. Promotes (-hoorfulnou 3nd Longevitkfwl- tutu Digestion, removal I" Norvonl ul- nous, Illcreaun Manual-r Aotlvny, ulvnulnm thu Manul Facullim. hurl-hes musty Ind Mommneu, enable- uld people to recover the vigour of youth. mun-u lit/\lvn'nuu .x... OI'T.J. 800'] I Bulldiuanmnllville. K1. Dec 3rd. 1878. THIS WONDERFUL l'ZLleR HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED BY I HEATH a GUNN, j You can get the Myrtle Han? uu um unll um unuvmu nuu nual' UUMFLEIE STUCK OU " JForeign and Canadian TweedmOlothu. fancy Outinglvorooatingsc nf whivh wn willmak HR gymfuyjllwgriugull rlt olua style for loan monnv thnn mv ml..- 0F JOSEPH BAIN, PARIS. g u. v.5 u uuu vauuuuau L "ovumkull. I (may U1 wn will make up Gnrmonul on our usual y house in uth :0 d0. READY MADE CLOTH [NO4m: Scoot Furninbing Gouda, Hut.- and Ca 3. In ver lar e Ind well a VERY LOWEST PRICES. H. MEMBE T [E PLACE U. ann-m --A.... -_____ _- 'I 000- Great Bargains far tie Next Sixty Days, the NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. Brook Street, Four Doors from Max'th Square. Th 1le 'ANI A l'llll\ll uln'r I.\..L:~,II, n . .. V , F YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT. l-nhionnbly Cut, excellent worlmhnahl unngs, at. low HhP. all must 0 w [ha above well known Ulolh you win [ind the L RGES AND M 81 COMPLETE STOCK l'nrm'on and nnnrh'nn'l'umml. (Ann --_...n__u_ __ -,,, . . - :. lint elm 'l'rlm- n; Home. vhon THENEWEmm 01? um, HONDAY Al. INCIDAL II... M .I Ital. r ALL conrm-I W mow-l. I. - uom. In 28. I. A. mun. wvuuwv-v-u v--- ---__-._v- _ v. mm; 0! tho Uommonwulch of Kalb tmiyauponxual by "on. R C. Winter-"min. .1 Tu sun 0! Kenluky..0an. 1'. A. [lurk Iml (loo. H (in . Ind other minnmcl than of Kama 1,!1 the Pu ll. Library Mull. Loni-VIII, Ky, v h... .m-uu- Innlvun. noun-Inna l'lln rbAUIS Z. PRWO.T. IIOIEIL II'llll. c Boon fn- lurk Iqal- far This in the place to buy the cheapo-t Clothing. The but Blue in Ovaromu. 1t V wwuwulvu I .III. THE PEOPLES ~c6EING busn, 91 nrnnlr Qty-M} In--o . I.-Ir-l_-_ ; nu . 0 pp I ousnnvn mu LOW Overcoats from ................................ Mens Good Working Pant: hon: .... Good Canadian Tweed Suite, all WooL. Fine Pants ........................................ .. Tweed Vesta ..... ........... ................ .. White Shirts . . . . . e . . . . .. Shirts nd Drawers... A large Stock of FLANNEL SHIRTS Luv-,1! mllynn In LARGK MEN. 1" Dont l.le :u mmzuubol . . . - .. v. . v .. .u-uu nu: vuv Izan . K3 IDEFV COMPETITION IN PRICES MID WORKMAUOHIP. PRICE!!! ninth? * mm " bLoTHTi G. Livingston, 2| Brock Street, [SE DETERMINED 'I'll QIIIJ. l)v.nvn1.nn nvnmn. MANUFUFUBERS PRICES. 7 You Can Save 25 per Gent. by 09.11ng at Livingstona Plenum Inky name that his Stock at READYIADE CLOTHING a. n... mu. ......... .. I __ - v-Ivv- IS} DETERMINED TO SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER prim-a and iw mum vnlge than] any Miner Show in tho city. a. he munnfmtnm- nll hi: .I WHERE YOU ARE SURE 0F GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FASH- IONAULE GOODS A! mim :- 0' u an. nrhnr hnnnin H.- n- In ht. Ono Cue Bond-om. Ooloml Mm at 850. pd 35. Twenty piece. New Block (Jth at 95. hing: pm. 350. Ton piece. New Block Guhnom a 35. fox-nor pun! at 456. New and Bond-om. Colored Saga 5: 250. former pne- 360. New Colon All Wool Elnme Cloth u 35o, former price 50. New Colors All Wool Emprou Cloth At 400, format '0. 500. Newest Black All Wool. any 42 inohu wide, 3% 800, 00. _ 'Iwu Cues Knickerbocker Wmooyl, hood-one Ihqur, at I70, (omul- price 250. Good heavy Wincoys u 50, 80, 100. 12 l 20' and 1601 Greys, Brnwm, Black and Whiu Fin ring Yum It .111). lormor prioo .135. 100 pairs Dom-god BhutanA grant tin. 50 place: All Wool Connda Tweed at 500, former print 750. II 7 I "IDA" mu- __I_A n_Ahljl_, , (LEAVWUMR UHDFRS qua CLOTHINT} TREMENDOUS" excAINsmTEs" s'co6""s AT W ALDRONS. Oct. 30H]. ' NEW All) Im 000 m0 moo! IV! I. Alii amt-pouringth union-I. - n W Thopmhlb,ndovqomomnumhndnblmm >Wo Ire down-ind to In. lull. Having Ind u cot-plug me! out he pot outow-t 0 n have decidod to continue it for on no. land, h n the public in pun! Plrst-Olas- Bu'alnl in Dry deeds. A common 'lobwoo WHEN for the um. and-- aw. mm mm {QIVERPQOL HOUSE, aim: in boliavinn. Com. m h- orn-visas! tin. nap [hul- m IL- n TIUICETS ONLY .2. LAME AND ICK HORSES ' mmm mum nu mm 3 um mwun nu 'I'U SELL READY-MADE vnlue than city. minufmtnrol I" M: A Goods, and you have the advantage of buying them at MANUFCIURERS' PRICES. m. n. (Lu-- 0" um " '_ _vvvv- Seeingil bolicvinl. Como-hi ummuwmmumh t .. u; u A V y M... V uvaw CUREDFREEOFOOST ems- umn tom Elam spun. We: cundvlthmII-llh. Senator u' h infnpn-nn 01: n. 'I I 'lll (IIICA I'JLIXIR V __ rv- 'U-IUI a lake notice READY-I we made, and aqua In every respect 1/) I D121 H *G ISTS. u 3' Princess Street. I 1-: 1w nu sum mums ur'uus'nmu Tun; NEWESTAND MOST I GOODS It priool u low M any other houloin the city. NP A perfect Fit gumnteod or no title. m Read the following ultrurtim Lat 1. tho January Drawing: I It... A ,,tllflll "nun/mu: At the Emporium of Fashion, __ vv-uabu VI-Ilia 21 Erock Street, (next to Mcxelveyaz Biroh'u.) CHARLES LIVINGS'NDN. Jiib'bn tsunami uuumuu 1 weeuINloull. rancy ummmpvorooatingao the style mono than my other Stock of Randy Hula Iothln , Gent'- me! mortal, And will be and at. o 'RICES. TIE II- . li'm" Merchant Tailor. vuI-llllIll' "I .-- --_-. uJ vwll as an unlusuvuuu ; CLOTHING in new. Mlonubly Out. | respect AnyCUSTOM WORK mule lmthe 0|". .... _ w nun...- ruw Ivy. u: wanna. Wilson's annulus. mm limw "Sana Ul-l-l l genialnnwgahUisliiou Amman duo Io-lad. 0.0. I); '* * ... ... U. " baud: EXTRA SIZE CLOTHING FUR the place to secure BII'IIIII. Ilium [Ed's-Illa Rem: : KIRKPATRIBKI '0' "all! urnu- uni [Ia-Ills. _....- ____, VERY BMW [01 N mu mom, 1": lm Illnl "-- n , . A. r w _-- -. m... m... wafiwzbzn u. Ian 4. In: I. m w I In W" mam. . - M. IGAN, ........ . Kingston, Nov 29, 1878. '7--- 'v-I--' I--.. WHEN IELELTIIO YOUR Plum. 1 gnumtmthobou "In la the city. I, , In" none of M Komuuk]. In tho Public Library 0. 'I'Iudly, Jun. 30th. 1879. In oulinn | Nu thmmwmnnl I I own um Inn". BEBIDES BEING DOUBLID IN 30% Ira-thou weightlifting-returned ulna dl FANCY GOODS INEW ROOM OFF WM. DAVIDS NEW FEATHER BEDS! [Kelly'sSteamHenovamr Inlvn- any PRICES: -IADE CLOTHING Mlonubl} ) any. "anon MCI, muo- nun. Nov 29th. M. KIRKPATIIGK'S may Good- -g... l. l. 1%agmw " PH OHIOZONI'." {useomfs IIEIIIIY I. I Stud. 3 door. above Wdlimhn lAKES OLD AND DONT FORGET {lied 5nd rain: Ik0l- .. 5.00 n wards. ..$ 2.00 p ".30 BULK. mned I!" WILL BEHOLD reason-Mo Hm lino Dvallinu uraot. lmhumu rum ml the Gold led-J will: CHINE OIL. d the 1 min hold [I Tum. ._ All chedda- man-onus ,vllld uh n! KXTBAXXIIJ H. Mthwmnynwuhmm 5; ywwnyakhIItndo-uk ' WOMMMDo-thmldlmtsu I achGth-ch 4M,Tm mnun- I! QWVII 9. "wall: III-I, nu (710110! B. STOCK. Iv IIhII in 3 VAUGHN TIIMCI. hull run! I! in In. Apply Io II. I IM\M-\lnll? 0. . " m John. Iii-t. ' ti. '3 I'll-In. Pinni- m .: a: dug. "1y I. J. Isl-Inn. . "I"... l' J. RICH-oil). $115400 l.\' CASH IJIKIHIBUTIJ). thud Wan. ' m-I_L --ll mantwmmww m. . ~53 Vach In "In. W... L . n. J. "Willi. IIWWUI 50w. swans umu- lad-s, Clu- b W. hum WM all In PHOSFOZONE! : . 5. JKUIIIY. IIIIIIAIUI mm. Anna-cm 3.104.- m . GIAND DISTIIIUTION I IIHUII' CI"! Ivtlll No Scaling ! Nu Pontjmnumanl I m1." MID Id vaL. F01i it; IA "(Inl4"\nnn a... -I .l'v' IUIII m QVDII. w LUNCIIEUN und TEA will be urvod bud"- Upton nod lhfmhmonh in ti. on; A lav um TO RENT. unnaqu Irv-nu.- I. '00 OAK BUY 80.. la. . A.-- L l Jllhf! Ill'lbwlu; $l)000 IMPrIuewIQHK),QIOOOO Fungalw H.000 7TH l'l nilf-IIIJ .1. apply '- T. J. DONlXil'E. l 000 HMPrIueomQHK PM. Q. 5.001I .r... w- -V . "canbc hadme "cry .'..I [Inn-Ln! AL- 1).. av. sxmnn, Amt. Kingston. ' A nu 10 mum} mum." . n.- , 0mm um. Advlluu BIDEUCT It Co. ll. IoI'mMJ-s mom mu u. an IN'ZIMEH mun- Ian Hulls. 0mm rm. gum. IUIIIAL Nnvujr ('JIPAMY. e 'opnllr lm I II w. iWmwi. bk lltmiwn which dnth-h chi h twigqu In; Ankhgn d- .._|__ 'I"'".III dub cl tho I. "duh '- Iol-d slid bythIEIl-dh ghwum Mull-W. and hkqivthnus _mhl'm-_n IHCMHCEWI Ln- -mn._...n__n LIIIII me.-Among tho antica- in tho (Mann Guam, (lot gho nut muting oi the Provincial l'arliunont) we Ind the hunting: To leplin sud w Wish the tonal dam sad improve- ..." on FM. Crook, dam on lot 29. in 8 M 01 Auk... M Long like in in on lot a it 7th moo-io- ol Aging, in the Countyol AM. Ind hr Mylo lad II. had. ghoul-d Ho. 0:. lid Mull-I. lot a. pup-III ol the dd In... acid by In Ruth- 6 l._ ._.I 11.1.... L n. _... _.L ww.- uunv um, I" In. abet-Mums.- '-----.u Huhmhl l u vnr llllvl' n (In. W qul 1mm Bury W and 714qu throughout Me Do- Iinlmo. Pr! 2 '1 wr Bum: or d: for .6. Cnuul or Pwrunou Tho Wood- rn' Hon-a, Wnurlown. N. Y., will have n clung: o! pmprmlun Fobruury lot. 1879. Mean. Buci: Ll Song", who have no lung and Ara-opt.ny occupio It, will vac. at that ' me. The, inn rot. decidvd 33mm tluy rill nut Into. Montnu, tun, Nu! York, ache-tor. Albany and Syrlmu owl: proton! Huh I. openings fut them. _._..-o.< . _ V-.. Tnl CAMPimN.Ther ie not much timeyhelweon now and the dey of election of municipel repreeenutivoe. Alreedy candid-tee Ire looking to the elector: end but I Iew day. inn-t elapse before the public ere in the thnee u! the cempaign. The public are yet in derknoee About. the deeigne of mm. men, Iinee they have not through the newepeper indicated what. they mun to do. v 0* Foot-BALL lhu loot-bull much which In to bus taken plnce on Thmkn (iving DA], will take plnoo on 'qudny, the 170.11 in. The ii-Appointment on Wodnuday wu canned by the principnl pkyorl of tho Carleton Ulnbboing mpg- odoluwhoro, And they couldn't Inn-tor . good enough team to come to King-ton. Tho untch will Ilka place on tho cricket eld. .__....F__ EXCITING. - -Some nnfortunete deblun Ibout the city hue been unneoeeurily lured by being served with notice. re- lembling Divilion Conrt summons", the receipt at which hu a tendency to mike the deliquonll ply up quickly. The City Solicitor tu-dny gave us iueuncee which hero Amusing, M the me time a Ioriou- offence against legal authority. _.-o__ ~~ Knuy. E. W. Heaven, M.A., form- erly Incumbent of Arnprior. has under- taken the ro~nrgnniution uf thb Minion of Kitley. lhe minion been for over I you destitute of the miniltntiom of the Church, in Int miuiunuy, J. R. For- Iytho, M.A., having left it after the un- fortunate dutructiun of the panomgo house by re. W 'I'uwv Bumnxuu.Fortho inform:- tiun of those who he inlde enquiries ti) that c'rct, we may any that the Tundy Brother: have made the following on' guemenu : Clinton, Dec. 9th; Petrnlia, lllh; S tralhruy, 12th; Sarnig, 13th; Wouduock, 16111; Listownll, 18m; F6!" gun, 19m; Guelph, 20d]. ._a4.>. Dun-H or M IL. FunkToday in unnounced the dauh of I genial, warm- bomod rocident of Pitt-burg, Mr. Hugh Farley. He Ind spent thirty-seven yuan in the town-hip, And In I bud-work- ing, independent (menu-pacth by hi- neighbon nml beloved by his funily. -h..-,.___ CHILttxltDDMN'I'. The Querist thing in thowwld in that a cerlnin uno nymou: letter in numnimmmly ascribed to an thhc of the Collegiate Institute. A atom thrown in that quarter in return might. make a big Imuh of glul. 00-0 W__. TAMTA SAsu RIBBONSTwu inch ribbuu to much the Victoria. Clan. Hnnucu L'ruiu), Thu Clmpbu Clan, (Mm-pill ul Lorne), The Royal Stu:.rt, (lnnueta Luuuo) the Argyle Clan. (Mur- ..h. l' ......_x up A u,..,.' T-I (Inwwo [humTho [ropellor Uswqgu Belle" ha: been no to Mr. Andro'af ("no of tha owners,) for 812,- 000. In the spring 325,0) I'll offered for tho "Haungn Belle" And relulod. w V "5 LADH'ZH 0" H1" ANDREW'I CHURCH lntund holding I an!!! of Unent 4 Im, Anlolu. Cato. to . A.- --.--A- --- ____._ .__.- Tm: MuonAL.- Mr. Alex. Henry, a! the anunn Standard, in I candidate {or the Mnyunlty of Nap-nae. Mr. (iii-lernleevo is actively cauvluing for election for this cily. v.. r . Lo-.o Pmnnuu.Modonu to (rah westerly to nurture-tori] winds, cloudy or partly cloudy weaker, with mow urrioo. No decided chmge in tampon- lure. Ill. wu'lvpuuu' III UIl Church, Sunday caning. tho wngroguion," in Sydenlwn stud (nu-I- null-n nay-min GunmanTho B". Mr. Gdbnith rill ddinr I unnon to tho would! 0! ,_ n 2.. u_.)-_|.__ cum.-. --o-.o- WALKuu.Xil Baths Vubug, I profusion! Mo, will lib], mu King-ton. She Inke- quit. n DOW when"! uh. goon. Sun or Baum-K. Could lung, in in oath Bid..- Uuul, nu sold M, to It. Job. Buick 10:300. W 1 7 MALIr. Chi. Douuv, I. L. M. D., P. L, unturned to tho city -1... - -m nlmt nan-nu nnnnt a ACQUAINTANCI AND swon'T c 'IDGBivhul thin out. I! you VIII! is" (In, luv thanI fur 13 can. Ll) me am. up" VINSH Cu . 2 um quI uml' . U. I Paipt Shop Removed. l our um "out". tram II In ha a a at loot FBIIMY "30. m 0. W8. _________- I. 0. mm. I flaw-Ah... lot 1m in *qumdydh Dd. n.~,._l,.l.o- 4. all-lun- built-Il- An-n- u--l- .VU-Iu' - I... m "ly pacic-Mold IEth hm.ll,ulum u "l'l Ila-1.85m; luillbouuod. d by. hep unit, by to. ho- CQQVMIw-ubaty. H. 8am Inux-W. ban and"! IMMDLApovkur tyldul M,h' nan-H luau-paw. [I'm-"cut- m. . Flu-o tho Odeul manufmluren of bogus monoy settled in Bu'ab I It vould mm ID by I rosding of the follow- ing in tho Ntanduvd : A den of bouncer- Mur- Ivu broken up in Buff-lo, Monday morning, by the police. The oicen re ceived inform-lion that putiu living in a "ruin haul: h used hngm hulf dul Inn At lh hu the place A 'u'; nilhod cmmlmfei ha"-dulhre JASJIB' covered hiv'zltl i . b- about hwllnlulhel found 1 quantity Ia'ldl. him-Len, km, mmny No 1. cunl'ccul'od thu mad. plan-r l'am mm! !s, which pn-mptiy dnlrnywl. Thn win: he the ute n! lsflu. ml 5er v *ry mod iniwim All the ureual pund- Ion Candiqu Ih-I hal been xu the city but nix tech. The ducriptmn o! the work own-pond- with dust perform 1 5 mm, 50 Onttrio M of tho "W. m, than may no but. '1: Er um I "Ii LADIES III. I'm: Ankle; (12km, Am