uummmgn, IDOUI IlX 'QOKB 90. Some L'llllllulntl light hal been thrown on the identity of the gang of pickpo:keu "rented by Detective Banning, on Wed- neadny night. Since "resting the pur- ticularl a deacriptiun of then In been furwardod to the detective: in all the principnlcinel, which hm alreuly elicited the following information from Allan Pinkerton, ul Chicngu.. Tho telegram is I follows: i nave been rounu irreconcilable. The Irish Home Rulers, in certain oon- tingeucies, llllgll. be able to hold the ba lance of powe . but the Government has caused them l I understand that if they give no unnecessary trouble the session shall not end Without one or th of the measures of Irish reform which they de< manu being granted. An exceptionally well informed English politician stated to-dsy that lieacunslield'e administration never had been so strong in popular sup- port as it was now, and that Gladstone and other leaders of ditl'erent factions of the Opposition were everywhere discre- dited and out of favor. Same surprise is occssimed hy Bearnnelield's remarks in the House of Lords, respect- ing the favorable results to England from expansion of American Commerce and industry. Commercial and manu- facturing circles here, and north. and northwest of England. The growth of manufacturing industry and of export trade from the United Slates have been regarded as inimical to English interests. Beeconleld'a statement, that this growth of American industry and enterprise, would produce results favourable to Eng- land, is regarded as s miuwhat enigmatie. A nglins A ppointnwnln Cam-ell- ecl ('aplu re of Expert. Th (rm-am A (1' rent Haul. - \W'W-r-Irrl London, Duo. thoouu at "I. walkabpnun mun www.mmm- Fwdm Alghn m,andutd ol uppomhnuuolu duke indi- mum. 8i: WNohook Ihid bacon!!! mputpoootho dinuuiono! "1000'- ;nunuu roulnuon xed fa'mr Hon- AI. upon um anon-1mm, uom unn- ' ingkm Ipponlod to the Guam-oat to gin place to It. Whit-brad'- moll- an. ug- name [.0 Aluminum. Snr Stafford Non-moot: ultimaon yield- ed, and agreed to poltpono the rope" on tho Addreu until Month], when it will In tho r Iubjact to be dxwuuod, md Mr. Whilobmd'l mulution will be mnvn An In Amnndmnut Hun-Ah: noun .- In Imnumenl. thereto. Lord Burlington give notice of the in- tontion of himlelf And hil follower. to II] on Mr. Whitehead'u ruolution. r, Rnurlua "ml-r meim. Run-uh. luun m. w nneneauu resolution. r. Bourke, Under Foreign Scent-q. Itatod llll! the Foreign Ofce hm! receiv- od no continuation of the All-god nddreu of Gen. Kluflnnnn on the ooouion of the presentation of I sword to the Amour. Sir Emmi! Northmta amid thn mfnr nu manner or the lndmn pnaseulona. London, Dec. 7. It: the general opiniun in political circles that the much threatened Opposition to the policy of the Government has already pmcticully cul- lapsed, and the Government, during the present eeulon of Pnrliament, will have nothing to fear. The Uppualtion have again demonstrated their inability to agree to act under one leadership. and the Government feels condent of its ability to fully justify all its nets to the complete satisfndtinn of the country. Eorte have been made to effect the ra- organization of the varioul factiunn of the Liberal party under the leadership of Gladstone, but the result in that the dis cordant Views and wishes of the faction- hnve been found irreconcilable. 'mm 1.4.}. 14,... n..i.... ;., ... 1- Wu ;:aonb be lode 0- lud-r 011mm.- nu. nun-1.1. I Quit; grim mm: raunuon nod (um-u lon- d: . . 6pm- thin mum t, Ind Hm- iggwn sppqlodjo thoA fang-outt non. , Kr. Glad-ton. porhd In! lt- inglon: but Sir 8 0rd NM and Nut n Gouramont': mo ' Iota-nt- nn'l- manning n. nllmhl' o - ...A. J um mo uuurnmoml lotus.- urily manning to charged] 0* 0! lb. an to Indin, h. could not con-Ho adjourn the disounion. Mr. Clnllmhin {Ridimn n" In. uw an In maulon w Ilr. wnnonuu'r notion, taking the Alleged uncon- tutionulity of tho Government's promul- iugl raklivo to Afglnnilhn. Stafford Northnnta nltimntnlv vinld. presentation of sword the Amour. Sir Stafford Northcote aid the rotor onoe in the donpuch of Lord Lytton to the pouibilily of a direct understanding between Englnnd and Run-in, for wiping out Afghaniltnn, could only be roguded u the par-om! opinion of the Viceroy u to the probablo result. of the Ameer'n policy. There was no ground for Hip paling thnt it. referwd to any direct or formal proponl. Lord Cranbrnuk, in (ha :lnnn nl [arm-u proponl. Lord Cranbronk, in the Home of Lords, Ind Earl Slanhnpn, iu the Cum- Inonn, ml], on Monday. move: That. Her Muiastv lmvinu dirmtml 1 [110115. WI, NIOIIURI, luv; That Her Mujasly having directed a military expedition (if her force chnrgod on lndisn revenues to be delpstohed against. the Amour, [hi3 House consent: that. the revenues of India shall be Ip- plied to defray the expeurs of miiitsry operations carried on beyond the exter- ml frnnlier of the ludinn pnsaeuionl. London. general "Juan: we mwuumn. Chub-thin (RM gun no- tice of In addition in Kr. bbnadl nntinn, ntmltin- tho All-anti nnmm. mr. w nuooma'n mullnlon movod .- m tmandment therato. Lard Hurtinninn "gum min. 1 nmsa Mum. w 'F'Vv-w WV "7' I Matrimonan loan a: once Juneau. m gm m. (Du rim: ted-n In. - t 1. AL- u- orlwn. (In "Ur-r- -v'-l-I - Bun, Brunch-d. Du- 1.-ll b- ' sauna-Mami- Esmumhmmam. Buff-lo, Doc. 6,Then m manur- hcn [hat tho old Feninn org-ninth. which were formerly very strong in Bul- hlo Ind Rachesur, an about to I). Put npin into native upontion. landing men 0! the Society do not bulb to lay thnt strong hnpel o! (noan Inland by (are. contort-ind, In Vie. of I Ipective cullioinn lutwun Eng and and Rump, which they boll-u to In in- OVlllblu. They claim to have omb l'uhod a uqu sllinnce with non! OocieIin boning othor IIIIIIII in Cuna- (ll, Ind elpoct, in the "on! a! OIWII'JO niu the ag 0! muoxuion in CM, in me ha that the ln'otity at tho will I Iy noun!) it. is Also aid Ill tie-um- uiud by tho And... Go- Vommlln 1866. you quietly u-uld w rout..- uouu. in than can they not-. Th0] ulyon't M aka-la: 0! their Allith Odalh. and quit. 1'06! in the blade?! M Cain, is ripe for nan-nun. no AmIICz-Ol of Hume- W Hula. (Hy 'lelryraph Today.) Chicago, Dec. 6.-'lho ntrike it the Stock Yardn continual. Thil morning Armour & 00., learning that their men proposed to quit work, immodintoly dil- chnrged them rind hired others. Thu-e are 75,000 hugs on sale at the yurdl. The Stock Yard: Tran-it Compsny have noti- ed all railroad: to take no more hog- At places ofcnmigument until further no- ticn, thcre being no nocommodstion [or them It the preterit unprecedentedly low price of proviniom. Packer: do not cut to Hug-go moro heavily in bunineu thm neceunry. There in no prohbility of the striker: getting the tuna from them, and it in reported the men nro only imit- ing for some nduncol from employers to get back at the old termn. 'llm .h-ilnn at In nlmlrmu-il- mmml get back at me on: tel-ma. The strike" at the Itoolnyudl m ad more reuunnhle thin afternoon, Indh expected lhoy will go to work in the morning It the old rum. The Packing Company hu nrrmgod to lend ill bou- to it: home in But St. Louis il tho atrike continuel. pure-1 or. Berlin, Dec. (Llmizervilited the Open and Royal 'lheatrs this evening and met with a grand ovation at each J place. . Lundnn. Dnc. 7A-A SL Patenbnru Gaul- i- new, Mind the ago to Ibo man 0! jnunilo and. culture, but 0513. Kingston in thin Input to [ninth nu ol amorphou- notnon [Moot-bl] dun-lunar! 1 50 on. Ibo hawk IIIIIIiIII about it dani- tho only updtldo o! childim {or am. Ordina- y Ibo mm (or tunic will dualopo in." M o! the pout a! Ipuoh. It in on 0! lion thing. (In: come from nature. All tho mainu in nation will not lup- ply tho nnznul deciency of voice, oinm Innn' (I nu. 'hiuh If. m place. London, Dec. 7.-A St. Petenbnrg deapntch auyl it is generally believed there that. Rnuia has intimated that the will occupy Merva if England Annexes any portion uf Afghanistan. Lundon. Dec. T.-A dennntoh from poruon m Algnumslan. Luudon, Dec. 7.-A delpntoh Lahore lays Hanoral Roberts will winter in Shutar Unrdan. Thirty thousand Shiahs have saceded from the Amoer And make extensive offer: of Afghan unil- tance. The importation of live tile from Russia. Austria, Italy. Greeco,Mon~ tenegro,kuunmuia and Turkey have been nmhlhitml. prommteu. Londun, Dec. 7.All new-piper: this morning refer to the ombnrrumentl of Joint Stncka Bank in We. Eugllnd, but don't mention any nmne. A report hm seriously affected business Ind banks are again strengthening thamnelvel. lhe SIN/ac in flu} Ohwago Stock- yards. Random-a of Reorganization-.- Bnylna Ame. muwr- momma or [one their places. New York, Dec. 7.J(Ihn Dwyar, prizo ghter, says he accepts tho chullengo of James Elliott and will ght him for 81.000 a side nutho cinnamon-hip, 1nd WI deposit the money to-dly.- atoppeu mr three uuys. Berlin, Dec 6.lhe Emperor has con- ferred the order of Hope of Hohenzollan upon Herr Hallianr. as rncwnitiun for his bravuryin his attempt to uncut Dr. Nubling, the Wuuhl.benuunin of the Empuror. It will be remembeer that when the enraged populnce broke into Nobling'u aparlment he dischu'ged two chambers nf tho revolver n them. Herr liallfaur was shot and uverely woundod. The crowd eeing him bleeding luppolod ha was the nauwin and fell upon him with great fury. He was I0 roughly handled bofore tho pauple discovered their mistake that in! life wu den- puired of. Berlin Dem [Llmizurvilitad [he lenegro, mm prohlbited. Londun. I mu. New York, Doc. 7.Th0 Worlds Boo- ton upooi-l ya the fact thnt Republic: lenders. \Vnhington no preparing to unite war upon the Sum]: been. of nllagud interference With right lurqo, brings into prominence ; number of one. in Benton where negro hue been bull- dozed by their employer: and compelled to vote the ticket put in their had. by their white mute". Two colored man in the employ of inuentinl Republican- At l'lie Highlands are ready to make onth thnt they were compelled to vote as thoir mutar- dictntsd lone their places. York. 7.Jolm Duvar. nrizo (Ry Teleg/ruph To-day.) Paris, Dds. 7.Tl|ere were heavy mow falls and avalanchrs on the line between Turin and Hurdoueclm. Tho snow was throu fnet high and communicatium mra stopped for three days. Berlin. 6.lhe Emberor WWI-cl Writ] .00! mm basin-on nullity, lth-Dry. - I mom mu country mr about 3 your. New York, Doc. 7.Tho untide dociuou of the Supreme Court in aid to have just. canned Prince Bury Gouot'c ight from thgicity. Gone Its-comic:- ed during 3 sarong impala which led to the prosecution or I the man concerned iuchonling tbc city df New Yuck. Hi! own particular fraud wu the duplicntion of bills for the building of Hurlom Court Home. lie nu under name bill for trinl. A"... VA..I, n E 'lk- n7.._Ln. 13..-, Now Yolk. Dom Jun-n . Hunk-ad Ipu'al an Gun-oh ' ' "Ion, tho :1qu the -' Railroad. Ind Kr. Hick-III, the Grand Trunk of Otldl. in gain: Vandcrhin. hu- urine-d w nuke. main mu chub, tho Wnbuh dull nil: Mann [LI-noun!" mmmmmumed u them-Continua, in Airguns! 1nd. to Ihid both and. no panics, Md bring on Inches-pun! In. maul 0! UNION name and mm with tho inhon of o ' I an. Do-oeno puny, which dull Ind. tho upodll chmpion of ham righh. Anothu Wuhington lpooinl to tho Tn~ but: up Gcnord Grant bu nally con- cluded to viii! All: helm hp alum to the United Shun. A cubic tic-puck bu bun moivod from him in connection uith m mum mono. A oouo doopotch boo cannot-Hon with bio inbndod voyogo on the U. 8. our ship Richmond to lndin, Chino and Jo- pon. Thin will prolou Gnu: oboonoo from this country fur n u: 1 Yul-k. Dec. 7.'l'ho omide Heavy Snoms- Recognition ofSer- l'icc~-leceptlon of Kaizer. w mm, mm Imago-nu than, gain. Mm (Rana-City Whin gnin shipmolh to the cuboid. Bil though, ha-um homo-- ,mynnu h .... m..c........vi- i. pun, um nihmd uu. The mm. V I. liq-ul- nl m Rmm... Ws-hum M. . Q ' u tho (dend- ot Gonoml Bath: ou'dit hi: Iifh Ch. inhlltiml n, nun-lining - n.- mmcu ppmms. -m-.~M._:,_ .. __ ......_...._....___ tummy m6, m. 1. m_ m ram: Mu.) nm...|..1 h.- 9! -wp mun [gum unanimous. 806W. EURQPEII. 'll baud-y- uan-a! an JIM: nah 533's M I.) aha-0.0 .427... b dun-o . u munch-I h aloud! lint. his: to G} i. b Mia-Ii hthw Jun It.le gumbo dull-luck m III.- at. Hmbwmndu. a l Jud. Phin ll'lll Tcillod Unbleached Shootingu. It 26a..30c. and 35a. Pu yard. Pillow Conun- in "no!" 'ldlhl, u 10:, 423:. Md 15c. Faun! Tickinp, M. 150., Mo. Ind 260. per yud. Alla. I la;- md chap ock of 'hblo Nl'kil, TIM. Uncut, lowollinp, I... II Muslin Curtain. Int, lucipo. u! Dvy Good. at. not Mn sold at loin-ion. In. a J. GARDINEBI I 'Ul] Illllo' wwv- Ill Imu- l- the shove dopgrtmont. which Hm oer ul. In'rrnvtlltLY LOW PRICE l- the shove uopgrlmonl. wmon In" our uv. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Whit. Cottom, very good qullity, 36 incbu Wid, It 80 per yard. Whiu Cottom, superior qnnhty, 36 in. wide, M. 10. per ylrd. H5" Blmhod White Oouonlnory heavy, It 13k. and 5c. 'por yard. Unblnchod Conant. ull 13rd wide, at 76., 8:, 9c. and 10c. pgr yud. Full Blunlud Shootiny, two yard- wide, at 200. And 26:. per yud. Full Blouhod Shootings, 'two And A qunr- ht yud. uido, 300 Id 369. per Ind. HAVE RECEIVED A Very Large March of Goods. I- n.. nI-nvn dnnannuxnl whim): Hmv nnr m Housefumishinguods 9- & EABPINER I V II DUI OTICE la herobv given that no Nupunen [liver Improvement Culuvany will amply~ to the Legislature of (110 amino ofOnt-rin, It in hex! Seuion,to nun an Act to rmond the Ann of lm-orpnmtiun of the Company. I y gmnng to the Cnmpany power In uppninl it: own Ansouor. and lor other pufposoa. and lo consolidate the Mud Acts of Incorporation. .1 HA WDFN ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, I Addreu by REV. DR. JAR India, uuw onuNm'a Collage. 1., . nu- mun Ill-ulna!" ........, -v" ..-.. _. .., v, Subject. ()N THE KIIYB 1R PASS. The public are .uviwd. W. OSBORNE, Mann-d. DI Rink 0! HonMNJ 1 2. no. Much-aw Bunk~88 1-4. 81. M dCoqua-oo 409, 108 3 4. Ontario Bulkex divu 68 34. 67 1 Bank of Tonmtonkntlm. ll7 1-1. Con-08d. Bunk-439. 66 Hal-our- Bub-Ex. dim. 33, 8. Huh dn Purple end 57 )2. M. leuMCurtier. 35 L2 link dn Purple wand 57 12. l' Jun-lunCue'rl. Union Bmkbinnk 3:101:00 Bulkex div 00, 00. .xchmge Bank~7112. 70. Montreal Tel. (tn109. 1061-2. City (3.. (mane. 109 1-4 Dnminion TeLCuSi on Pm RyOO. 75 1-4. Ric elieu Ind Ont-51. 50 101i PmmnBarlny 80 lo 90: Rye 45 to Ho ; When 80 to 850 : Unta 30 to 330; Penn {in ; do Muck eyed. 75; Cou 50s Buckwheat We; Flnur [2.11). Potatuea 50 to 550. llnnnvvu l .- _LI-lm JR 0.. 'n. nn- ILA n. U. IKE DI yours. The funeral will tnlm pltce on Sunday nfteh noon at. l o'clock uhnrp, lronu Mu Into rcuulence In the Gore. Pittsburgh. Friends and Mqunlu- tnnnnn urn invlhul n AHA-HI At. Richmond. on Dec 4th. Cathel of Wm G Ami-tine. Aged 5.1 years. At West Lake. on Nov 9511.. Geo 0! Wm G Ami-tine. Aged 53 you Lake, 95%.! non ufJohn Cole, ngml 2| you". .10., UGO. l-L~lln. I" IIO" nu MMMMn inward over ,MO Hum: nix-n Mon. Th. d-lh of DL J. Hulk. 1!. th- rim muw mun- unn mun. 1:110 doorgaof. Dr. J. Miller. at tho rip. o q. Rpm-ted. W. J. Bugs... at New York, popuur American you: 0! ho Boyd Candi Imuunoo (louptuy, inland. A In occurred in Qho Mull-able Iron uuuunoo uoupany, and. seem-mi in 0110' Mull-thin Work, 8:. Goorp'u Street, lat night. 3:)! Hand dining. to tho oxtou: o! .10.- Mlullnlull 1H. 4' 5, 1- Ont51, Rnan Cnnmlinn Inn ( A" Richelieu Urn51, l~2. Royal Clnmlinn Inn Cr 83 3 4. R2. :- Illur ..\ll. ruuulmn EN [0 .)-K. Bnocxwumr um '28 to 300, Fans 50 to 53m, Rve 45 w 500. Barlov 40 1.0 61k. Drusad "(I)" 4.00 m 5.50, Chm-so 8 [n :h. Butter in hulls 13 no No,do infl'ubn 10 to I40, Wool 2. w 230. Potalom per bush. 15 to 50. May .8 toOIU. Luub i) to 8., Mutton 6 to 70, Pork 7 to We. Eggs If) to 920. m Miu habelln Tyoudiunga. At Tamwor- 'lyoud iuuga. Tamworth. on [00 41h. Mr John CH", of anuneo. to Minn Emma Augusta Freua. In Pittsburghmn Dec. 5111, Mr. Hugh Farley. aged I34 years. Tim fnlnnr-I will f-Iul nlnnn mu anluv ap. MARINE". A1580 hiuburzh. on Dec 4th. Mr Sumth Milton voua to I in Martha Jane Penrsoll' At Nu uuoe.on Dec 4th. James Barbeu to 1!qu lln Millar, both of the Township of W irtation. . M M Mn also. "" ' Inn Wool Vuhdo. with, Idia' Kid Glou- fm. 350 9 pair, Indiu Whit. Frilh u 2 mt- . r V Fin, Pain-ion of on manning. FUD. GOODSM than our. 11.}. BOWES&CO., . . - . ~79- SPECIAL BARGAINS Tout -- A'l' Till Halml'ton Bankrupt, Stick" (KTL KYTT r Q'LT T Dot. 7. 1.7!. mm HEM!- Addreu by REV. DR. JARDINEJnto of lndil. ofOuNm'a Collage. 0' I w I" ",I Hound. Doc. 10.!an and Mo nm In. In: hon beak-n inmmd In" THE AFGHAN WAR. gonna-nu 0 Mar: may.) _I n... 7 ~mInn- .- Notice. I Imrnhv alvnn Han noninf DIED. nun ul Iucurlmrnuuu. J. BA WDEN, Solicitor for Applicants. Bloated. Doc. 7. l2. 0. RullDlRl. . FI- --- mudwhmd leu'alduu d (bah-po- A . v-I-vug vwv Man-M5 0' ALL I. Brim Juvenile. Gandhi Alumna. W5 Prue. boirdl and M my 19! m m m. Good ham. _ dammit: \ rein; Mid Jun-y mm, mots-nag ' COIB All) IKE. \ A Sphndid Collection of Goods for 083151! Book: lor the Young and Old. fIATEINITY. Canadian Almanac FOR. IH'TU. NEW IDI'I'IONN Ulv ALL THE IOm In lumen-n. full boaml. Ind in (Hull). v n. uv u no... w an: All, General Agomn {or (Ionlru10nluio. OFFICEI90 Ontario Street Dec 7th: IG'IB. .A V r . . ..r...___ mutwannxl'sa' This Dom any now Mull-In in th llrat uni ' muou the murunoo Uompunion nl llnhwuu- try. 0 Com my mu: Mfunl morn security to in Puliuy let or... fur u still holds Lu Lhn prin- cipal of nvuhllng ull hummus Ilnurd. Com- menced hullnnlllin 1851!, nml Imw recon, placed In the lmml of the Cnnwllnu Govern- mth .100 000 for the prom-1m" of Candi-n loliov H0 den: and have racommauood Imll- nus in (,unmln. your own inn-run mu] 1 nlgned when you ran inuurmi by expurmuoml mun. lzbernl term. Pnllnlnl lot-um and all I lzbernl Poliolu mauad and all hunlmmn done in on:- nncliul with the above ('onumuy n thhoh-o, "A- -mnmun I. II-ln OHIZIS 'I'MAS GOODS Assets J an. 1 MCAuley Bookstofg: -.Il" nunn gnuw or Mb. lunch batman-min; hwwlymm h-n-w-h- ...- ..v_-v --- u-III'IIIW uuu urn. The punk am at pro-cut land for I N!- thnr harm of three yom~ PamelOno u a yearly mum] of 0900 Aid Luxe- Paml Two at yearly mum! of N50 Ind. Ines. v Preumen IN nituulml 21! mile: from Rhyme. and seven 1mm Tmnwunhmmoulbh by good man 'IERMHTnu par cont. l'llll. the llllluto It expiration of one umnlh them-or. III an other traumth Illa Innu- nml mm- The followini bud: and Premium in TWO PARCEQK PARCEL ONElat la. in the m: Cw Mo- ot Malamute-mu 9100mm but. hull ton Iokl to suhuol'lrnuau). Ac!- olurdl It) not land. 50 Acres 0! which an Inn! wooded. On this nal in air-m Hanna um! Bun Wood bonus and Driving Home. All In [00 rap-Ir; wall uttered. nAnnIEI Hun 1n4,.- u n. U. . .. .l--. . u"... wuuvu. PARCEL TWOWant hulfof In: l6. II M I: Gemini: 0! Shalom. 100 Aomfwlup ed, umniudor I:th land. on this Parcel In I Log Home Ind Burn, also one wall. nu. 4,7,. unit-utqu of taped: the mum and madl- uonl 01qu wi I ha the utnmllng condition- of the Court of Chsnoory. _ Ruther- puv-IJoularn Mu lm had from Noun. tho Dunn of Chsnoory Funhor v-I.loularn Kirklnnlrio. h Rn en. Ind B M l!rillov..lnq., Kingston, .ud of! to Ancummor. Dated at tho Muller's nllicu. Klnxnlun, lllh 29th dly of November. A D , [878. (Signed) JAS. A. HENDERRON. Mum'. KIRKPATRICK 6: ROGERS. anlmn Sulix-ivnn EXHIBIT or THE Agriculimi nsurance Camp'y. I' I'IIu. IP'IIIN I \' Shuwing the uniform and unemmplod gmvllh of un- ohl onl-n'nutlul Company. luring II pun uflurn.\1~nrn : PURSUANT [Ollie decree Elliott?! and Inning data nun amt I! all". h. Ll). IND. than v"! be I it mhcion of has" Maud ll .' nil-o. lunar of thin Court at Hulk. 3 Jun Allen. ut the Tutu: Hall. tn 0:. 10" Ruin, at tho hour at one oclock pm..- , Saturday, the 28th day or Dm- hr man-l nun In (,unmln. knrumru Bil-l ownnrl of Bouldeme study your inn-run ml call upon the mud: nluned lmvu ymIrJIropoy mmrod Auantn, an on tho mun. on tho [Int 0! till. month vs III! have KW IDI'I'IUNH OF ALL Tlll "II In lumen-n. full bound. Cloth, full gill. .. . u. "nay..." VAN DeWAI'ER. damn, {I .... rul Ann.- I...- lnnlh... n..n...b. S. WOODS. ARRIVING EVERYDAY. 'A'II'I TOWN. NJ. ICK 6L ROGERS. Vomlmn Sulicitnn. . lat. ' I I'll. I'. "I I". dung-uni g- . chimed emu. n! to the corrup- I- w ho ol the Hunt 0 O in". lilllmu m m m We. 0! the old hi I w d.- conuption u do .... 1.- I-J- u n... .3: 1-1-. I ;, lam. my cum nu. but next; '78 1'. 1mm. $95,572.00. $117,607.00. $153,077.00 $250,221.00 $302,038.00 $353,076 00 $406,098.00 $437,764.00 . $541,357.00 $623,055.00 $716,450.00 $800,070.00 $1.003,366.o_o $1,028,269 00 $1,050,622.00 SI,058.I57.00 - wIwnupuuu- ull "thy will onlylct h,&1* but she-um be A... A. _A_ In _._u L- Li. ..___: _ - I". WI, hmqpm-m. III-w." l... .mu! mlwl [10 m 0 on Iain: 30! M I." A_A .__ AA ,t,, Wham-15. Huh-din WM! will hill-innu- .r n. m x. A. 1...-.. bwd-bbmh ALA- L_J A...-; .1 -_ __._.nn, Why did not Sir John Muinunld go ion. with Mr. TllIey and w l tho right lo the title of l'rhy Councillor? For I Iuinionlly obvimn [won ho hn not. (lured I, present him I." {or this honor, since the taint. o! thu Paulo BAH", covrubnu IM (Lem-d I'ol him by indublmblv uuduro. a In I don. (loci-red thll ho Iould do I a noon .- tho pooph rehabilitated him m, In chi-n, lhly hnvo now dorm. {Hr ho ha All along [Jeni-(Ml in the canton lion M I. could mpel tho (.nnndmn Mk) II! their ulvelw duisiuu of lad. no um virtunus of Tcry join-b still way dony mm the lam Moll an I! III to be inlorpreltd II a madman o! the gm! mudal. Hn I in point, the. tiny Ire u djmcluinun l M their Click-in. Should their cnn~ dried-I ha Rh. comet one, Sir Jnhn i1 a hr ol the My! Bottom u not. It IoIII In tho mum; portend triumph .1 Li. LA- I. 4.... IL- la-;.;-l. A... 'W- w .- 'I'IIII. y'l'lllll |Il|llll|lll uni-hut lilo-hound m Briuuhbon . ,nn, 1, ev. " us- uvsee were, .uu usww other hi1 shred their politicsl exile, m lathe MIDI thlt the receiver wss sheds-thew, ores consenting sc- ccmplim slter the feet. In short ~the head otleeile Reilwsy conspirators hes been restored to power, not, it is claimed by some, es s animation of the crime [or which ve yesrs ego the people puii- iehed with'politicsl oetrscism, but to entry out s scsl policy which the pun ple hue been used. to believe will con dues to the genersl interest sud restore prosperity to the lsngeishing coun- try. Admitting thst the etixms of suede-Mon for their put cor- ruption is not removed by their restontien to power, end that they ere- plseed where they ere merely to give ef- [ect to thst protective system which they found it to their psrty interest to stim- cste, whet gusnntee is there that the min] of corruption will not be revived nuw thst the restoration of these danger- ous men hes plsced them sgein within the reuse of temptstion to repeat the political villsinies for which they were once ox- pellsd from power by s long suffering, but It length indignsnt, people. None what- ever except the gusrsntee of an etliciont Opposition in the House of Commons. No more then thst the leper can cheiige his spots, here we my faith whatever in the conversstiou of the Pscitic Scandal o'euders to politics! purity, honesty, and economy. The chief conspiratur in that ink plot, glib promiser as he is. has not even promised smendinezit, hut rnther glories in his shsine, iinblushingly relin- distcs his crime and brazenly tells the people they hsve cancelled it by putting him in power again. circiunslsnces the necessity of the safe- gusrd o! a strong and efcient opposition to this dengerous regime will be itlmonl nniversslly recognized. We say iilmnst' for the ultra Tories have already shown their dresd of such s thing by pitileasly sud bitterly opposing Hon. Mr. Cart- wright in his victorious endeavour to re- geiu, in Centre Huron, the perliamur tsry ststus which over condence cost him in Lennox. The same party which [ought to the loll. ditch to keep the ex-Fiusnce Minister out of Parliament is just now indulging in the expressions of s cheep end hollow desire to sea lion Mr. Blslre beck egniii in larliiiiiientf Such men as he, say they, can ill lm spsred from public life. Quite true, itself, is this statement, but very [air from true when tslsen as on expreminii of Tory desire to see him back egnin in the House. At the last election they showed how intense wee their desire to see him in this new Psrlisment by opposing him in his sickness Ind absence and by cman- sinq his detest to the eternal sham-i of the riding he hsd repeatedly honored Iuder such perilous with his rspresentstion when he might l essin hsve est in Psrh'snient for another. yes my snother, constituency. That they would oppose him again is clearly enough indicsted by their recent upw- sition to Hon. Mr. Cartwright under plt cisely similsr circumstances. lliit iis that opposition to the exFiiieiice Minister proved perfectly futile. eowill it in the case oflhe Hnn. Mr. Blake. The utmost efforts of the Tories will not keep him out o! Psrlilment. Willi on. Messrs. Blake, Mulrenzie, Cartwright, Mills, and other lesding Libersls iii the run of ii cointh Ind sturdy Opposition the coun- try will hsve some guarantee at leset that the rsinpsnt corruptionists, who, to their own surpriss,hsro been oated into pow- er, will not here it sll their own way, but thst they will he turned to ply some res- pect to the deeencies cl politics] rectitiiih- or else be speedily relegsted again to the cold shsdes of opposition. The greet pi, liticsl necessity of the hour is n strong Opposition, sad the prospect is good that the Libersl psrty in the Home. WI very shortly turnish the deaiileratiiin. -7 AM-o 7 " mu .Iv I... m. Thai-WWW kmnmhybdd into mdmyihanothddin ub-WHWu-Oppod tin. luau-,thblnpt-onin- I. th- at tho punt mount. "A." .1 Ah .- -h M in m... h.- IIWIWIII'IIIv-Iu Mhlhmofomdth Ndpol"uluiulmmplicity, h la. h It "(at Momma- lrdd b (I: W Empire, and the .AL. L. A-..) unz. duh-I -':l- m - '- rI mu. Udtdompmntinponchn utmoww'ucmomm' l-n-nnl-Jni-L-n-nlnnd Inn. MDT YE! IIGELNONORABLL' r Hymn:- n'p moon. u wu- mu- pom. cunning Mr popil'l paper- .nd admin. nub them, I give a .00! unqualied denial, :- not pupa" u. Alway- bu- cluinod by use other Icahn 0! lb. Board, std not by on. Mr. Kidd, on tho emu-q, that 5. In: nmqpha-of tin-bu City We! Ix- ! mmwmm :1? | can. "III-um wu-nnumuhpd. hWMUmb. m [liven-unit ll..- vbhnhaw- h, 4. alum-uh duvimtuu-hm 1b.. .ML _A_.A__u L) mun, tum-l low and Dip-is in IIW 0' on. diduu to who. ho ' givn "Inuit-Ind... ll- gh- OL-l "I MI "I V- I ll. Inch-I'M hues-Inna!!! "u- lh'I-uwmdudloamhm 31W-lwlm may a.qu u... 0. db: hulth "null! lllll- Ho Illa sum 1h in the County uf Frontcmc, whtro Dr. Agnew proud". ten-ban wine their own pupil's pipes. mign lurks. at] gun; eon-Menu." The I hm rota-rod to. l prom-no, m Kr. onion, 0! the Collegian Inui- mu, Emma, and It. Byrd. at tho Syd: :- H School. '0' than norm. on. in. pupil's mun. lenntend, Ind ull candid thinking per- mm till Agree with no. that no person can cnnduct I written culmination 0! bu ween ninety mud on. hundred candid.- md prawn: than from 00 ng or llllng ham or book. 1 Mr. idd had um i ngmbor under hi! wk chug. Int July in inntuio Hull. .- ...~ .1 n ,A., 1 3 ny nuns Mr. Kidd states that there was only one candidate from the ci'ymat the ex- amination held last winter, so that the bill could not have been very large. To this I assent, but he very studiuiialy mentions this one case only of the cost of the examination of city teachers to the county. Why did he not also state the number of second and third clans candi- dates from the city at the examinstiona of 474, 75. '70, 77, and '78 before the . County Board I The expense of all these the county has paid. He also states thut "at an examination held in Unm'io "all last July there were nearly thirty mmlidates from the county, and the Public School Board paid the account, yet Dr. Agnew says the city has not paid any share of the Cost of these ex- aminations. I again ilnhenitatingly as- sort and can prove that the city has not pld one cent of the oust of the teacliers' examinations held before the County Board. The examination referred to in his statement I presume to mean the ox zuninstiun tor admission to the Kingston i Collegiate Institute. It so, the counly has nothing to do with said examination. nor have they a right to pay one cent of the cost of it Pupils in order to lie atl- i mitted to the Institute inust plus the ex- amination l'orndinission to it. Ifsuccesa- iul at the examination these pupils have to [my twenty~one dollars per anniiin for the privilege of attending this school. "autumn-nth the Board of Trustees of < h) Mr. mm]. ,. Ho IIIO llnlel that through uni-repre unutiun- made to thoAMininur of E'lu cation. Dr. Agnew has It Inc succeeded in obuining' from the Departments let- wr oxprouinq disapprobalion of certain mutiny. which he hu boon kind ennugh to aurxbuto to ma." I most. emphnicul- ly deny thnt I hue over made my min- in- mutant-mm- to the Minister of Educ.- l n. The show lunar nut to lha Dex pulmem shown mulling but thu naked truth. I Mn.-I\ll .n. .H nannin Huh-kin.- nu- emrnnce eun proof there u-v (Intel from thm held in Marin h) ML Ha IIIO Illel lhe pnvuege m Iuenalng mu ocnom. canuluenlly the Board of Trustees said school should pay thecut of these enlrnnoe examinations, I can furnix-h , tudh; .uLL.A.. -A A..- I-IIII u- uuuw-uuu. u "mun-on III" to Joe! thin you. Mom. I both: phn could not he adopted than to Mad the-ulna .- Cumin, pm. And lillh pk, Ihthor by birth or Adoption. ll, Uncut, lvinhmon nun constantly to- an the doc old Ind 0! their 08- hnol (And no on. will blunt than i! M do). than I tho ("nation of ulion I. alith ontinly in unit Idiom] n-Inion, inc this daily in the root on which "my have molten Iplit. To soar bin .1] tho allude. d to dud. I the dung". and dick-nu.- o! I Went! oi m. Had. Ill "ll-id: Own- din" Ami-(ion might M II! no uuh don't-dim no n in. jut Md, with. of count. mm gig-uni u .J-...l- -.|_J_4l n_.L iguana-4mm my. I 1:.- -_w..n n-uau. ...._;. .. emu-unmanned:- unied. lint Influ- thme uti- Odohc Int um bonded I: allow, Fit: _Iu-uub- (aw (Eh-Cot- um 3PM Tm, nun-ham I. 1378. would be nppommu. if Mr. Kidd did not intend to preside he would have sent tn thu Hluuatiun Dc pnrtment the name of his substitute for tho apprnval of the Munster or Deputy, not later than the 17th nits, in compliance with the nicial regulations. but he had nut done this up to the 21st nit, the date (if the letter sent him by Dr. Hodgius, which stated that unless a substitute hu uppuiuted to preside at the examinatiou mum of the persons who have received in- struction from you as reported can be permitted to attend at the examinaliun to 00 held at Kingston. Further, if Mr. Kidd had not intended to preside, tho expousauf the examination would have been, exclusive of stationery, fteen (lul- lars fur a substitute, instead of being 1' melhiug less than three dollars as stated .lur lunn nleuu arm warm," Doe-bot. um. 1878. gm."Hannah-eonq Iidlth 8mm nnd the gym: ' u unim- nnl examination a! W lot Pub. lic School Tucked Second-Oh- Cuti- lkatu will In told in at County nf Onurio, consulting on loud-y, 16 h 000.. u l p... All nmviou- notin- for than cumin:- you. n 1 p. . All proviouo notice- for tibnl [paired by mo and "that any mun behold ot the County town." In woooqnouco at tho change In tho notioo Ion. main Octobor hot, undonlonding tho Mr. Kldd nd boon givon inotmo lion to noun! 0! the oi tucker-Ju- tenuing to prooont thouolvoon thi- oumimlion, ond in orda- to love u- ponu to tho County, I Mimi-tiled Ino exsmiuotion of oll second-clu- oondidotoo to be held ot Sydonhom. in connection with the lntonnodioto Exminotion of the County Hi h School. Whan Mr. idd mllnd noon menu at me nlngstdii Uullemate Immune. To this [protest on the ground that Mr. Kidd is now and hu been-for some years past their private tutor. If they WI be permitted to Ippear before hiui, then I cannntsae why High School mm- tera should be prohibited from being pm- sent during the examination of their gui- pila for the Intermediate. 1 have the humour to be, Sir, Your ochient servxnt, JOHN Amuw, MD, I. S. Inspector. Frontenac. The Despity Minister of Education, Education Department, Toronto. i . u. on all. I Mr. Kidd states in his communication that there are now live applicants for certicates, and tho expense of their 12x A auiinuliun will he somethingJesa than two dullars. It was never intended that those teachers should appear under me for examination. Before they made ap- plication they were told that I would not bu the presiding examiner, but that one would be appointed." If Mr Kidd nrosidc me voumy L n beacon. When Mr. I'dd called upon ms nu the 13m ultimo, I Ihtod to him that I could not In: 11th the ndvortiumont, md tint the city teacher: must go to By- donh-m weanling totho terms of the advertiloment. After ho left my ofce I um the (alluring latter to the Deputy ' Minister of Education for informtiun : v Manna Ir, .,,, 1n.L xv. ~"u 013 . Will you plan. infonn 1110, per ielo- gnph, if the teachers of the City of Kingston can write for n secondchin certicate at she Intermedme Examina- tion hi the Kingston Collegian institute, on the 16th proximo, lha examination for mid clan of certicutellor the County of Frontenac Ind City of Kingston hav- ing been udvertilad by me, to be livid in the glnnn'y High School Building, Village of Sydenliniu, ' Mri Kidd. Citv lnlnebtnr. has inst m ayuennmu, Mr. Kidd, City lulpehtnr, just now informed me that the city teacher: will not go to Sydenham, but will Writs Iha Klngstau Collegiate Imtilute." Tu Hui- lnrntnlf on tho. arnnnd that 5-FIl. '00-. \u w, "Jim Mummy.de .deudoohdlmm cl Ila oldhnd It nomads. his 1:.- dash, umwmwwu mubuw,w ~~udltu,'bmh~ Ml.- ..n... L. m.;x.. n_.,_ mun-w: ul uuuwvluu .vn unvuu.uv-. - No. 50020. Kingston, 13th Nov.,'TH Sn: } .n-u . : a . I, nmmauons. I mrmm mm not nearly thirty candi u: county at the enminminn rin I but Jnlm Lu dalml | county II. we enmlnannn v ) [lull In! July, as stied run nmlsn wmugwmm. magnum: 7, um. m, -m;wr Anmllnvox. Yotk, Dec. 5.-Triuity Theological 80-i- nuy. at this any. I- (In wool. gr . . I M a b A nu run 1 DUI. woman-un- land. Apt-v. inow. mun-any. 5:3 83-. Jon: FuuumA did aunt :- v- hm. but cut. by a ul I odhz 317. ~~ Ind-III kaolin. n It. gunman-and A movement has been suggested by II correspondent of one of the Toronto dsilies, which csnnut but commend our dis! end universe! sympsthy. It is sug- gested that e Reeoiicilistion Society be insogursted, whose object shell be to heel the dissensiune sud disruptions of the Irish rece in Csnsdav The member- ship meterisl for the Socier is proposed to be drawn from the Ursnge end the Green sections 0! our populuion, sad its objeet is to be the couple burial of the deed put, with I its [Action end lie-rt nndings, end to promote s spirit 0! tole- nlion sud good will Among sll Irish Csnsdisns. The only thing we object to in the Society is the pmposed mine [or it. To dub it s Recuncilistiou' Sooie Cy," while it would keep before the minds of its members Hie commendable object 0! Its slutence, would Also be I parpelu. sl reminder 0! (ha feuds which rendered the: existence I Iiocvssity. This it were very deeirsbie in evoid. To cherish sny ressonsble hope for success the very inqu ol the pest. with :11 its bickering must be oblitersted. If lrishmon wish ,- ,s ski, ,_AA. runs" . .A 'l._mw "I. V loll-haul Rubin. Ill and. Bldyd'l ing-d.- 1 Ibo Bl-ll]. ........._ ml nun ma Inn A: Apnl. The city in lling up fut. Eva, In- onn'mg Wu bringl notch a! union vili- tol'l. Thou no many angst. In drain-ad mot. uo ddly Arriving. Aluvodmr, tho tinker prom-a more than and linlincu. Du nan-n mmer ll our. The lawn of cold in u turd] uwu the uppunnca of the hated bun fut summer. Dandelinm are him-0min] in the public pukl lo-dny and the nir in u loft And Apfll. ' Th. aim in llina uu fut. En" "um unauu u, u-nu once. merday nmnyt ed mlh bnquels M: The Hausa, MIN :5] Ins-J [0 wall upun I recnauf an hum-.1 the Senat wk 0| ntrs. But. hile th poses. The introduction 0! than recolu- liom thu- carly in (he union mum bminru, Ind no doubt mun, importh measure. will be dispuud oi before tho Iimar in In. INN." HOUSE! Wlli [JECKGU lull. 1116 [nor uf the Home uf ltcpresenlntives presen- ed the lame IllnSlllllV hue that the whole day"wa.s full of. One would think dear- est friends were meeting by the cordial handshakinga, beaming smiles. kindly words, und agreeable compliments paid on all hands. The hum of twice: was almost deafening when prumptly at 12u'clnck, tho Speaker's gull denounde promptly 0n his desk. Then for a few uecohdl there was dent] silence and then the hum went on, though somewhat aub lluod. It in strange that such a crnwd in Always in nitamlincu at the convening of Unngrezsi There IS nbs'utuly nothing (If iuturest transpiriug then. The usual uponng prayer in In Me, the usual calling of the roll (which uccupieu an hours time in theLowur Juusn) taken place,nnd Com- mittee: are uppninted to notify the Presi- dent that both Houses have been or- glllllltl and are ready to receive any communication he may he planned to mnke. Then 11 ramps is taken until the President's message arrivel, when it i- reml and [lint finishes the lirnt day of n session as a usual thing And vet them I'Gu RUG [Ill]! "Ills-WED [no "Ill (13y 0' session as a uaunl thing. And yet there la a charm in the Whole scene that al- trnctn nnrl draws punple to look upon it and lmlen. xhnngh thu latter in in vain for little can be heard save the loud, loud buzz made by many voices Ipeaking all ll. ONCE. nadadhtuthlin. ma"! 6*. u Eng-ml III- Mumbli- Ill. IlliUI-l u-I-kuu, v. wv-vu' tiuie, tune' end eer, which are eonelneteocee denied to then who en nevertheleee tenteliud with e etronu de- sire to excel in thie divine Art. Such ceeee, hawever, where the wieh ie not comp-med by the capecity to gutin it. ere heppily me, and low there ere who it caught only enough" ere not empec- tible to the proveer charm of the cou- oonree of eweet enunde. When the inn- eieel powere are at ell marked they ere likewlee very eerly in their development. For thin reeeon. though ell forced in- etrnction ie to be depreceted in child- hood. yet the inneioel culture of children ruy begin et leut contempomeouely with other brenchee oi inetruction. The enrgeon to the Britieh Netiunel treiniug eehool fur Muric decluee thet e pupil ehuuld be teught to ring as eoon u be con rend. The lee-om rhould he ehort~ not exceeding fteen or twenty minutiae in duretiou, but. this prooeution ie eqnely eppliceble to the leuoue imputed to young children in every brunch at theil mental Culture. The singing of hymne and eclmol wage, in our juvenile depart. iuente. serves as a welcome relief from the urdinery clue exercleee, though it ie to be leered thet thin very reluetion, when cereleaely conducted,ie reeponeible (or the dnwling end other bed Inn-ice] hebite which heve to be encountered end corrected when the inn-ice] educa- tion ie begun in eel-nee: by come one whu epprecietee the importenco oi the tech. In many plwee in Cenule the ech00l nuthuritieu ure ewek- in; to the importence 0f thie enbjeet, end ere inlieting on reguler ettention to the mueic cultm \ of children he one at the most. indiepe' Me of the brenchee of I public echrwl macetion. Very wieoly 1 knowledge of the olemente of mueic in now created from candidetee tor all public echool cetlliltnltl that. are worth the holding; end our local echool euthori- tiee ehould eee to it at thin provleion in the edneetion Act ehould not lepee into n deed letter, but thet all public ecbool when ehould be required to input whet the law in reg-rd to their quelilch tione expect- them to know. ilutm: nix; m." wwunt opus-u. In Juli. 1877. non-hm mil- "I w -"w mu log-1:1 cub-o it I. noon-hr, t this- my - unies! than In M by HomnNe u Him 0! I'd-dbl I long" or shorter ' "00111023116011. In 1.80thde all I ' vinhingin ornate, and {pm} :3. Iinintcr oi mm a con-alt Iith him .hout than upind ou- tiottu. 1 mud to him um I could mt mnninnnulv "mm-In. IL. huh... I here was almsmnu In mu hearts 0! men, too, if mm might, judge from the beam- ingcuuntcumucusnf thnse who thronged the streets. The attraction: of the day cemred in the Capital, of course, 3nd Lhitharwnnl mu the livian stream. Hours before the limo not for the convening of Congress the: (hpnal corridora were well peopled, and before nonncvery gallery of 1mm Houses was packed full. The oor uf tlm Hnune hf llmnrpsmnlntjvnn nrnnan. canmcawa. l have been censured by name of the city trustees and tenchera,fur thuaa mach- ura not. receiving a renewal of their carti- licntea. but I cannnt an whv l lhunld be 01'! HI. rucelvuig renewal OI Ulelr carn- licatea, but I cannot see why 1 Ihonld be so censured, when l was willing to recom~ mend the ranawnl of their certication for a limited Luna 15 soon as I should raceive the renniqite information from Mr. Kidd, but he has not yet. condescendod to give it in me. A Iluulbcr of the city trulteeu and teacher: can currnborute my stats- inenta with rUfHI'QIIC, to those statements. Thanking vim, Mr. Editor, for your kindness in showing me the privilege uf so much space In your paipor to put thin dioputu in its [:rupor light bpfora the mihlic. A fairer day than ytstcrday never dawned upon an assembling Congress. It mined All Hundny night but the sun ruse clnar on Mundny, and 'the whole earth seemed new and fresh and sweat. There sunshin in the lwurta of men, L... if In i...l ... 5mm... kn Lam-n, uncut-e, rm to mm In. 1 tool! not eoneeientioully reeommend the hold- to! theme- I knev nothingehout, them .- Ieeehen. end reun that Mr. Kidd'- reoommendetioe in their behalf 1 should be taken inetud. The link! of Education replied by listing that we do not recognise City lapel:er I: Go- vernment school ofcers." and that the reoomuundntione in their helmll ehould me through me on Count Inepeetor. the recognized echool oezr for the County of Frontenac and City of King- etnn, and that l ehould obtein the uqui. lite information shout these More from the beet sources in my power, and then Incorporate it into my own reportto him. On my return to Kinglton, not then heving time to lee Mr. Kidd. I oell- ed on Mr. Haney. Chairmen 0! Queen Street. School. In I III on my way to attend en appointment at lerhem. in the Township of Hiiichmbrmko, end re- queeted him to cnll on Mr. Kidd and gel. from him theiuiurmetion required by me to mint in lling up my report to the Minister of Educ-Minn. Three deye afterwards, on my return from Pull-m, l called on Mr. Hursey for the aid infor- mntion, which Mr. Kidd promiled to give Mr. Horsey on that tiny for me. I dld not get it, nor have 1 yet received the infurmntiun, and consequently nine of the cit} ' -ra are at present teaching withom . w- 'z'wilaol qualication. l receiwu i ; - inlarmetion from Profeuur 1 ,z. irevioul City in- spector, on boliau. at two of the city teachers; these i reported to the Depart- ment, and obtained a renewal of their certicates. I tuna knm. "nu-nun]! tn -1\mA nf Hm a lIIlIIIUII [In]. 13 BIN)" iufornmt yet. cm ( cur referencu I AMP you] public, I am vnu I'M Washington, Dec. 4, 1m. wwwsmquII-r anuly, 1877. tel-o: not. all behind illn- until-h hi u. l bred WV -- 'AHIIINUEON. I am ymua relpectfully, JOHN Aosuw. ; ml. 1L... 1QTil Chicago, Doc. 6, 1378. Dun-nu Banmsn, Ottawa : Paddy (-uoriu ia a monk this! and r. pickpockot. Hi: pala"aro Ron Sal- bury and Billy Burke. concernod iILa big jewellery robbery in Chicago; have been in Canada since. (Signed) ALLAN l'mxanrox. The telegram doea not id onlin any of tho primnun, but Detoctivo Banning in aa'iaod that. he hu caged an export gang of thinn- aoon unravellod tho mya~ tory. Banning called at tho Canadian oxprooa ofce, when he procured from the agent of tho Company a copy 0! a rocoipt dated {ho 3rd inn, which than that a man named P. (luarin had (or wardod to Mill M. Cornell, Cuu'lgn, A paciago laid to contain money valued at .500, but which, it in knoun, contained at [out trobk that amuuyh Mr. Ray oallod at the gaol yuhrda], who" ho ldontiiod Kill, the man who had a, on his potaon. ao tho individual Ibo-oat tho mono, to Claim. Tho apt-to 0! thin gang by Banning woo moot elonrly mph-bod. Bo found I It) in cub upon moi! m. I 1 pecuve norms. William and James Cameron worn youordny unloncml to three and two yearn respectively in the penitentiary, fur stealing $700 from Mr. Cummings, about six weeks Some L'Illllluhll liuhL hal haan thrnwn The AWVZO 7;: Ankara! In I _ (Ily 'l'rlr'qrup/L Tu-Duy.) Ottawa, Dec. 7..\lr. lntrick Clark, of the House nl Unnuwua. has received instructions that the nppnintmeuu made by Hon. '1. W. Anglui,duriug hil llll. visit to Ottawa, are not. to be recognized in anyway. Acting on lllue Instruction! Mr. Petrick lma relieved lm gentlemen tppointed by Mr. Angliu from their duties, and they have left for their rae pective homes. William James (hmnrnn warn