Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1878, p. 2

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an gang grim gf mum-Arm.) undo-.1106. o.'n- Htoh gA-Aoc'ot ghvmdlhi {paw-had. As. a: With ngud to Mummy!!! i xwlhucy, relating to thc (madly dammit!!! m, and m good rill of tho British Gonna-nut, I [an to your Mac, In dame IW any "limo an be plant! upon the '00.! till Why-0rd: may; humontb om haul, good I' really with 01 MI, dun it In. noc bun manifold : by no axiom wishe- upland Ind the - W, by the British will. during the In! luv you! to tho oailll of this God-gunned Covenantpru- Inns!- which from Mr nun" it this God-gram uovommunpn- pot-ll which In impouibio for th- to con ply nith." The Auto! instant. the MINI dawn! for tho who of his imprisoned Ion Ynkoob Kh- Ila condition of British [rim and ID- urtu: when m noun! can: (munch . n; mmnl-im. which oonuin no "Mono. of the Home. Mr. Forster replied in dam-ii to Enrl Stanhwpel speech. Ila laid Hut if the laupporbers of the relolutiun 'm in nmmr thev would aim at "news with Iru inluncl In "I" ' uni-g I mun lot 0% 5. s... uin Ionic-ton- uu: llum noun! other [munc- of complan which of good will, but which wore M70. in incl-suing the anion and Won dually entertained by the whij of thin Godgnntod Gov-mount." The ; Amen also guys: I auuroYunr Excal- loncy at the uioiglg of this Godwa Guummont, in repuloing the Man, H... mm inumnod by any hand]. or in- Gases-unseat, the Pin-Inn, were not inuenced by any hostil- m' imicsl feelings towsrdl the Bah-h Gov- ernment, nor did they intend thst_my insult or s'ront should be o'sred; but t,th were sfrsid thst the independenos of this Government might be s'ected by the .rriul of the Mission, sad that the friendship which hss new existed be- tween the two Government: for loversl I years might be snuihilstod." The I Ameer states that the pmgrsph in the Vicerog' or saying that the Amunr Wuuld r .1 r vmn-ible for my injury that mlgal ibes who noted a: guide: to 1:. nstied the spprs hensions 0! Lin: 1. - of Afghsnistln. Had the object of the Mission been really friendly, and had no force or threats of violence been used, the Mission would,u a matter of course, been sllowed free passage. The Ameer declares that his Government cherishes uo hnstility t0- wnrd the British Gavernuient, and says: lf the British Unvernment should cle-1 sire to send is puron friendly sud tem- porary Mission tu this country with a small escort, not exceeding twenty or thirty members, similar to that which at- tended the Russian Mission, this servant uf God wull nut oppose its progress. London, Dec. 9. Sir Stmtl'urd North- cote, replying to an enquiry in the House of Commons tn-lluy, said that the Russian Emu-y at Afghanistan had re- turned to Russia, and that Count Schuuvalolf had so Informed Lurd Salis bury. Ilanhl 1" [UR DNA n\l\. .u. um In the II vusc nf Cninmons, Mr. Whitehreatl moved a relolution diaeppruvjng of the cnndnct of the Gov- nrnmenl in regard to Afghanilhn. He said the (lovernlnent had adopted a new policy against the advice of all experienc~ ed nllicials, conculud n. from Pnrlinmont, and attempted to carry it. out by throu- nnd unworthy means, and that having a. cnnnc fur complaint against n strong Power. they xed a quarrel on a weak one. and invalved the country in wur. Earl Sinnhupe, lnder Secretary for India, dtfundctl the Government. He repeated in substance the Itrictureu on the pulicy nf the Liberal Government contnivml in Lord Cranhroolt'e deep-tell, and mid that, the present. Government dl l IL", desire power or annex-lion, but. we bound to provide for the security of the frunlier. Mr. Trevclyan and Mr. Clnmberlnin anackml the Government, punning the mun] lines of nrgument. Mr. Chember- lnin announced ihnt he had withdrawn his Inpplementary vote nf comm-e. be came it. wu inmusintent with the form- oi the Home. M. w....n..- .....|;..l :n A... In R-rl ' lupporbers or me reloluuun um III power they "pesos honunr," 5nd take the (mt opportuny of coming to honour-bis term. by return- ing to tho polico ml the format lndiln Viceroyl, Lord Muyo Ind Lord Nottin brooh, and nunring (he Amoer spin-t my unprovoked Runim stuck. The debs! Ill Adjoumod. (By Tolqmph To day.) Tomato, Doc. l0Tlo suiting nip: nuke" no ntill out, and new to he I tot-lined to ght it. out n: the end. A mutiny)! the shareholder: o! the coup.- ntin hour, will b. lulu] ail uni... Ibl tho puli-imli- Iill b0 Md and nch" Wed. Tho Kayo! In! boa mad with I quince. uli hi- to an s in 8:. Andnv'l All for o dwmluuuumurmr e.- Wodant minim aw nil wuuwkum-wumm bio-o. mam-mumm- mm, at! Ibo-Hit um. spin. Ionidthtbon'idouodlmintho ubothnbdo! Wow .o_,.___- Cigar Maker? .s'lrU-c ~AIderman- u Elections- A Call Retired- I V - The Mayor-any. London. Dec 9iIn the House of Lords. Lord Cmnbrook, Secretary of State fur India, in moving a resolution that the expenses ol the Afhnn war he defrayed from the revenue of India, said that the estimated Indian surplus was 3,136,000, therefore there would be a substantial surplus after paying the war expenses, which were estimated at less than 1,250,000, fur the present nancial year. Lord Ureubrook declared that the lovermuent assumed full responsibility fur Lord Lyttun. There was not room for both England and Russia in Afghan istan. 'lhe Amecr's letter was no In- swcr to Enuleud's ultimatum, but a mere evasion. England must be paramount - in Afghanistan, which must be A friendly janitor to the doors of Indie, 01' England must hold the key herself. Vim-mint Halifax moved nn amend- mam. cenaunng lne uovernmenr. Lord Lawrence, formerly Governor Gmeral of India, deprecated pushing for- ward the frontler. Under any circum- stuucea, he thought. the war should be concluded speedily. Nothing should be exacted from the Afghans, and they should be assured of nid against foreign hum-hm If Enulmul dill um nnv .1! the should be assured 01 um agmnsn lorelgn invasion. 1f England did not pay Ill the coats of the war there would be indigna- tion and despair in India. Tmrd Derbv said the Government. in Han and ueupmr 1n 1mm. Lord Derby Government, only rummumng Parliament after wu- wu declared, placed the country, which Flu-{eased to bu self-governing, in I pecu- iar pnsitiun. He pointed to the differ- encu in the Guvurnment'a attitude townrds tho Ameer of Afghanistan and towards Russia. Ho was of opinion that there had nevur been any cloar wilh to avoid the war, and the wnr was not unconnected with prujec'n for the rectication of the frnnlinr. ' lruntler. Lord Carnarvon dvclared that the war was irreconcilable With any Idea of justice, And the policy in the furtherance of whicl. it has been undertaken was dangerous and delunivu. 'm... Ann... '1': llunn ailinnrnml hold the key horse. Viscount Halifax moved lhe Government. Lnnl Lawrence. formerlv ml deluslvu. The debate was then adjourned. Hiking In. magnum. Th pnNiotion o! Inorl man the bod-a- ol tho Iota Mugol tho St. W's Ruthlth Moon-31.n- m to Aug; -1 - -M An' nail-\- and... and upon-o of bonding. And on than unn- will no duubt b. Inge], paran- inod by Gandhi: shippen. 1h..sui .otC hu .hthimlgu'hml luv. ur. mun-n. ox vn ue-ll amok! Chard: of thin citr. in tho I mp . . . Church at], In 1 II.- D-n Bond. Binhnndu a. g". d quih' . .0. J. viu um. ml"- mid ags r-Smitty I183. A mu Illde J. B. It- rind in the city In! nigh Gmd Trunk train from the want, an 'rg from umll pox. Nona of his [allot punugm aeamed h be Arm of hi. C"Dd;ui0ll. B- ung he was from Uta... the Corpora- non of which city Ind lurnuhod him with n pmago to Sore], where he intends to go bod-y. .1119 mm actually opped It 3 hotel during the night. than upm- inr other ocnmntl of thn ohm to the u now uunug me mghl. mm ing other ocnpantl of the plum greats dunner. Thomu Whila. M. P.. hu none to ml city, an a. Dun Bond, Bishop an. A from Imam um "I I'Id It - meeting W m- 'n Kit-u W M light on A- .44... J Lin-nth ' gnaw-c unmet. Thomu White. M. P.. In: gone Wuhiugton to represent tho Dominion Bond of Trade, at a meeting of the President: of the American Bond- of Tnde, which begins there tomorrow. Mr Einnnl nnrinn (dark in than Ml Tune, which beams more tomorrow. Mr. Edward Dorian, clerk in the Mnil Doputmont between [thud Pond and thin city, In robbed in Inhnd Pond on Sand-y night of a gold wutch and mouoy. The robber, who had been under hi. bed during night, was named John Douglas: and was arrested. Montreal. 1 Bank of Montreal131 :H. 138 l 4. Merchauta Bank~81 1-4. 80 1-4. Raul: nf annunaron -Nl.'n 3-4 103. d II. D"!!! In" yuan-cu... u. Or-p-Olnnd .1] in thumb-mo willed. Ht. 0. J. Devlin, um I. n- M at having given ,,.~x_ :_l__-nhu. u. a. m Merchauu' liank~51 1-4. Bank of Commerce 405 3 Ontario Bunkex div.. 8 Bank of 'luronwMked. 1 Consolidated Rank 43.1 .1, llnlmn'n HunkRx. Iliv, Cumwudnted Hank 43.1 .14, HI Molsnna BankEx. div. N4, 8231 Bank (111 Peuple -u'ered 57 12. M- Jacques (Eartha-~35 1-4. 35. Union Bmk blank Unjnu Bmk blank Quebec Bank~~ex div ()0, 00. Exchange Bunk~71 ] 2. . Montreal TEL CnalOJ 1-2. 108. City Gas (30109 1 4 1m. Dominion Tel. ('1! -b:% Cit rm Ky00. 75 H. Ric olieu And Ont51. 50 1~.. R0 31 Canadian Inn CJ- 8334, 82. Cit?) Passenger Rai'wnyST. Glo elJJ 1-2. 139 1-2. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT Hm nHn-n nf Ilm (311v Enninnnr On Saturday. [4le lieccmber,l On an Kingston and Phllllpsvllle Road, near the Village ol Morton. HI ANIUAL llm'o lb W MEMO. Ii" h N" 1M Gall- IJn Bitch. - WHDA! IVIIIIO Dan-hr the chem- down-i ' m hll stands-Ice In . 'I. "III". WW ' up. D. 0mm,1P.,m 001w bil.udool|.md8rJohn Indonld, I in.- mu to Oman to Inn-mun ol dilpah Minn the Dominion Ind Pro. who. mind. Tina'ch um.- am it 'u ru-oud that It. would mnpwy Mr. Mama, but tho upon 'u unfounded, thunk it '10 063mg", inundod that It. deom should go. the Local Panic! contending ux Ibo district Ill dandy nbly upto- and It (Juan in Sir John Lindon, . A .L-. n... (9--.. unhhuh should be. limiisigm ml Oawezo. Dec 10. Wheat rm-White State at. 1,03; prime whiten 28:) to SI, (urn steady [- Mv. Btu-lay unchangedextru bright (hum a held at 870 to |.C0. Recoipta 18,000. Rye 5w. 7 r $.. 77 [I iawpayerN-urlio hare not yet paid their Ci I y Taxes are reminded toxlo so at once and save costs. HE LADIES 0! ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH int-andhohling n bale of Useful 'and Fanny Articles, Cake, 6m, 1. Quantum... .--- \--.-. Admian Inc. The progmnmmia excellent. Give In I crowded humus. A, R LINTON. Plum Ind Ipooicatiom to be run an; t Bngmurl ofce. dr. covnmu: [Kingston Being Associatinn.| I HI AIIUAL [311170 oh 53 Hall- Black In. NEDA! IVE-Ill]. SalenfUsduudfahayhhicis 3f; nasmv AND FRIDAY. Dec. 19th and 20th. w LUNCHEON and TEA wnll be served bothdays. Oysters and Refreshments intho oveing. Nov 5th. 1878. w Coma um] Ace for yourselves. I hum a uuod Stock to (hoosn frullL A on will con- vince you that, l mu golng my Goods Cheap. urvnvn.mnrnvn~ n.\n~.y rum:\nln I On Friday Evening, lice. lam, Arbu migmmcs FOR CHEAP GOUDS THIS SEASON Alnn't fnrrrnt Hun. I am mniiuo Great Reductions in all my Stock FOR CASH. ....v., JV- ....... . ..... .N. ...,. ..., um... yumr. KIRK PATRICKS FANCY STORE, Dec lOLh. lnnceu Street. The E!ocution Associan 0I" QIEEh's C0l.l.l-JGI'I, l llIIBLlU J.BIC;&])ING>-l | Klugnm. Dee l0, I878, mud on": In 3" Joan "no..." but an:th Cabin, which should be, cu unnpnuuud the. ......J- '- Unnstmctinn of a Bridge. TENDERS- 1n." PctM 0! UUIJAI UUUUB THIS 51)! don't, forget that. I am mnkiug (a, M; May.) "- Alh- h I FAN CY S DRE. hg'mmgn 83. TL l.1101-4,1l71-2. 3.4 H] wl. Minn. wmd The hiluro of the Tilloy loan in hud- uuotonnl lot, and it mull. bothar the pm: supporting the present Government w explain the nun-tillqu rerulu o! the Fm;an Minister'l million to Eng- had. It cannot be laid tint he Ind my oburuclion planed in MI 1",th hi! non- ion, to the mpnnor In which tho low I plncod in the mukot. Whit Mr. Tilley nll now do we cannot conjecture. Ho bu only raised 3 Decient unnunt to moot pruning indobtodneu, luving tho present and future demand: wholly un- provldad lor, a rule of affairs which Ill Cuundincl mutt regret. apart from poll tier. The dale of oating the lonu mm- to hue udded to the uni-fortnro, the nuwinl dept-cuian of the English Inn'- kot being Iuoh u to lead to apprehen- Iion ; but the stop having been decided upon Mr. Tilley proceeded, with the re- lulu Ilreuly intiuuted. u 0- ..v ,-__,v .v L- M ll mmuly due, in our npin- b MbUIAI V b 'Ilw Euulnrer, Oawezo. Dec 10. Ito 1.03; prilw . COVKRDALE, City Engine". u mam unmsmasl I'm cnoxcssr GOODS 1| HAPPY m 1 HOLIDAY A 33 lm, STEREOS C 0 PBS. Handsome Motto, "nun "88! u 31% each. WORK BOXES, Iran-o- uny- an 7. In gamut. H. HENDERSON. thul Appear u i! tho pliant invent- tion will Imam" to nothing. The clung. m the Wu Dopulmcnl i- thought to b. unwise had yet tho Indian Bumu hu been ohm with all mm of you mi.- mam'oncni. Whit II to In den. 7 But one count mm. to ho opentho crut- mm of tho India with th-t common doc-"y Ind bounty which nhonld prevail in thodingl oi ono min with mother. Only thin ind nothing more. I... .. HENDERSON Book and Fanby Stores Chrome: and Stationery, Writin Desks from 75 cents to $1 lThe New Brunswick Gabinet ofl Gonna-m.. l'l'he New Albums for Ohstmasl nnAn Very Large Assortment of 'Xmas and New Year Cards. The Largest. Stock of BIBLES. including 15 varieties of the Teachers Bibles {tom $1 to $6 New la: ge Type Bibles and Prayer Books. The Smallest Readable Bible," new neat and handsome. Pocket and Olce Diaries, 9. fulll cfnnlr nn hunt. no? .w -....._l ...... ,, .. ~v ludinn ltfaiu are in A very Mid-c- wry mm in the United SW. nil contended that the rod Don I" 1" hirly or yjultly Rented by the IBM " nun-on..." .nd it nu netted 9' Ag... Canadian Almanacs. Toys and Articles of Jewellery and Fe.ch BI ationery in immense variety. I [Hi SELF-RAISIN') FLOUR In an Invalu- uhlu hl'liflb Inr pro-lacing In a few minutes bythe mlduim. of cold wawr unly, Without yeast or min. the moat nutritious Brand. Alan Bin-m, ancs. Pantry, hm, rendering It of grunt 1m nrtunm u. huumkco n. The SELF RAIHIN FLOUR will be ound decidedly THE CHEAPEHT that an bu mod for bonne- hnhl mrpones, savm II) per cent in lintur nnd gin, and mnk n the molt nuperior Bread. right Putry. Pu dingn, 0w. 1': II. A I! n I I fl IOIL, WAT!!! 00110251; nn MAI! mun Ulla, "Al-n wwu, unil- un- Oll PLAIN mun: nhb-anuMmblu Illustrated Almanacs, AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODS, l! SELF-RAISING FLOUR Invnlu- nhln erioln lur nmlnnlnu In 0 Given I6 par cent more of Bread um: Flour riuen with Yout. AIM) - Self Raising Buckwhaat Flour 1.1mm"... .. MI; m. . nhlrt, All null: THE Tomi"??? 'Fi'ii'un sum: [3 ROCK STREET. My justly "cued by we ww- Doputmont, Ind it nu "netted that I. bluinm should be ergo-{erred to "Int 0! the Army. TMI ha been oppoud by an Commission now enquiring into the Iubject. at WMhington, the chairman be- lieving that in live you" time, IIIdCI' the unparvi-ion of Christian discipline, the omire lndinn race could ho civilized [or one lull tho Amount of money which would nemarily be expended in the event of their h in; M undar the ruling of the War Doputnonl. It would inning:- '1' ho ,,. .-- AL-..-LL 5,. h- * mines" Irrimuun's Cast-OWearing Apparel a" NO"; THE ADDIIII , I'll Iv! vvu vvy UPPOIITI WILCH'I Imb- 0' "Ilcm "ll". lfilstllnlmo'gtahsl 375% Don't wpit to the last moment. to select your purchases. Now in the belt time tu sea the Uoodl to advantage. I). LUWA'JLHS unvn n uvwv - AU: AI bamlyu n pocket on n shirt. All randy for mm and (mi nwnilin. to be triad to be highly valu by n ducarulng. Ippro- Native public. vul- TunnuTn l'l nun nfnnr New and Second Ind Goods of "an dunripot boll Ind .014; A LARGE STOC 0' NEW (man nn- (mindful-lo J chi: Henderson Vienna Self - Raisingl ;M. N;OF{RISON'S her) Iumcm-epcr Pleased and lmud of It. [IheVienna Self-Raising Ham (1 z... PRINCESS STREET. Dec. 10th. U ID" Dl'llu Stationery. LIKED uuu ULUUB U15 Stock on hand yet. ARE NOW FULL 01 PRISM M I-.L gangsta-rs "0.- -___ MEI! Alis DEFENCE. SUITABLE FOR E STOCK NEW novonhndfuuk. alrtsq low .0. m. m .um - -..:'~' -5... MW WWII. Gum-m Wm. Dn- sm. 5|; 6%.nowldliunh. V _-._ 7 7", .un. -' I! a Guile-ado White In... Bhllh null, soul u!.l.,mullilgdu. (humour- Whit. Dun Blatant-ally mud n 01.50. no- ling a two. Gun-M's Whih Dul- Shh-u mull, told u. 8135. low tolling N 31.35. (Madonna's White Dnu Shirt: anally sold at .2, now swing At 81.50. AI _ I," n. . . V V 11811130335- Eurn Priu Mem' Cork 8an rivet Boon, Pint do do pegged do Sncond do do uwul _ do Finc do Lidia' do do Pint dn do pegged do Em. do Iii-cf do do 1 A n (in n-ul do ton-o a! Hutu PRINCESS STRIKE n . .-.- I! mummun Uhuw Mullile wank:ou This lnutitulion Wu regularly incorporated b the Legislature of the Slabs {or Edua'lun - md Clnriublo purmses in 1863. with n capiul 0111300000. to which it hu mm added A reserve fund of $350,000. 118 l~RAND SINGLE NUMBER. DISTRIBU- TION will take place monthly on the Wlll 'lwln . h never scaleaurlmaqmnae. Look It the allowing di-Ix'ibutlon : HADI'IAI. PRIZE. IMDM. OP MENH. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN! WAKE. all of Illich an Imainlly nude ho oralnr,wlth wlhl Leather (Janna-u. and the public cu: mlyon 5 31nd ntlulo no close gum nun n n n" leadMining misusing cm i," _V V_, w- V -v-... 'u Aha h In Stock of Linen and Pup" Collul. Um 0215's. Hazmkmhiafn. IR. PE-FAIEDINERI nrunuw VIEUBIUIVidi TO WIN A l-OB'IURE. FIRST GRAND DISTRIBUTION. (ELMH A. 1 NEW 08- LEANS, TUESDAY. JANUARY Huh. 1879. 10m. Monthly Drawing. l The Louisiana sag-Lottery Company TM. In-Hmvinn Ivn mnlnrlv lmmnmmml micggc rm. 1857 Prim, nlnountiug to .. 9......m .1 Ida nnI-I-n- nnn A in 15:)! rural, Imounuug KL... .... 'IIUIIIN Reaponaible oorrupondiug ngomn wnnwd it. all prominant roluu, to wluun n liberal oompouantion wil be paid. A unlit-mum] for ran-n m ulnha should onlv he THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY BEG?! mu lm hu mule pxmnuh'e I'm-chm! Aw-rdd It II!- Im Hula-d (ennui I'll! lie following Prim: u we lollowlng uumnnuon; CAPITAL PRIZE. ONLOOO. [00.000 TICKETS at TWU DOLLARS EACH HALF-TICKETE. ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZE. I AnHAl PnuL _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ..Im.000 oompouauuon Will Do yum. A plientlon for ram-n 10 should only mufe to the Home Ofce in New Urloang. m-u.. -I---I.. nun...- l..ll hi.-.- I... fur. made we we noun: umuc m now urmuua. Write,olurly stating full uldrou, fur fur- ther inform-lion, or send onion (0 u A A mmm or to H. L. PLUM, 319 Brondvny, New York All our Gnnd Extraordinarv Drawings are under the personal angel-whim: and minima- mom. of Gen. G. 1. BE UREOARD. and Gen. J UBALA. EARLY. lFour Thousand Pairs| Juno I III'I. Bloc: on Linen und hp" Coll-u. Linux Gns, Bunk-much, Tm. Sun-{a nu! Brecht. A full ock of Hui-or . Lumb- Wnol Punt: And Shirk, loth ands ring Topped, Gk no and Mitt; Al null- in at annual) lu' prion fur wk on v. do do do pop-a do - do do CMIdmu pegged do do do do and do W The public a. judgo {on then-elven. APPROXIMATE PK! 9 Approximation Prince 0" I 9 Approximation Prime of 9 Approximation Prize! of FALL TRADE. 109'- 06 17th. 108 Princess 83ml. Doc. 1031!, 1&8. - LIST 0] l Cspiul Pm... l Cnpital Prlm... l Capital Prism... 2 Prime of 9.500.- 5 Prison 011.000" 90 Prim- of 500.. "K SUBSCRIBER REBIECI'FULIIY ["908 mu ho hu mqu uni-chum ll Yula; A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY n mm A Lnn'rnvn! IIRRT GRAN Inn-m; nun-urn WIRDmSIIiI-h III ndmo, now-dqulb. .-|l-.....'. mun- h---_ n..,. MEWS SHIRTS! 300T AND 8!")! [IKE C. 'L."l-\'I_(V):ITI;()Y. DIUI'IIIIIIUII' UI' Dull Uflll'l! W M. A DAUPHIN PO. Box 699. New OIIMIII. Lounianu. has of 10 APPROXIMATE PRIZES: nrnxhnntlnn Prim): n" 3300.. '0. la. IOLMY, "I A." A? m FROITEIAG : .fcwl' - "mug-II; mim- lonli-cu-ion do! mmathlnA lunh :tt't'ilii'hjr Mm-.3- man I: . 10.400 . urn-Mud . 5,0) . 10,000 . "1,000 A l0_000 ' sumwhiib'rm rm " GMEALIJ, ~ Thursday Ive-lug. hoe. mt. .PBDGBAIIFPART I. I mm... H. ............'.... .. Il-Ymm Dun" I un- I w III UNI-Wu vi. 5-. admittinL, in}. _-. 'n n.- ma... Invin- d lh. 2. cc... 0 I d my 0 $ 1 - v a Innho M d:m........m- . IrJVJLSt-I . . _ h i hum . shutDuh- J on Old W " Mlmnad K. walk III-Wilson. ' Mi? ll. ' l unvno~oo I lmmmknd \vam. """ IV DrWJWH.OIOIOIOi\ a - a ,a Maa-ms UM ailing. 3331.3. a Rowling-N. Ir. Kuhn. 4 Song-Bahiaa Iotnrn..............M Illa Furl; 3 bigAWDfUu-vnv- nu-u. llr. Womble. Ilr.Wuthlo. ._ r sM.c-occ...:uunit-oaung-nuwk Ilia Bum. F menu's2: em [or ooh u Iii-wt A. mud H. Noldholmun. Imu- min A. I ll n-.. _._-.. 1L_-_.A I- BAZ_._A_.AR. uncut-11mm nbbho-CHMQ. A-lq IL- -_hA-_ Donne: mnny moor AI'IICIOI. People having goodl to dilpola of at Anctiun will do well to call on me, eithu' at my Auction Room or my Sscond-lnml Store on Irinoeu Street. II I intend to toll on lunll Commission and unto prompt mlnrnl. Room: upon for (he reception of good: constantly. WM. DAVID, lrnpriotur and Auctioneer. Kingatin, Dec. 9. 1878. THE XOUNG LADIES" All) SOCIETY 01 lMPEBlAl: f? PnrtIm winhhm ohl Piutuma (ml-mod ml cuinmvl Fhml'd gins all a PI. CONVEX IVORY TYPES. .- I' v V- II. w. "In in w Ihid 1. II. gonn- otl lot any cut-lint. [nib timi ,, , ilel {iho'Tiiar'Lglways Aume II. In". H. MUIUHHIIHVI Doors open u Doll-Pm noun. (numb man. all. r- 11.- ml-___ m.--n._A_ A- L n...) -- no sum. Phaeton. a he nude- u- oonuuhklnd loudly Heartht 8. Nordholmet. ' Dan M. v IN 'lIIL} ()Il'lX HALL. AT ..?3._.Fl:OH I U ll U U a ' ' ()TICE In homhv zlvo-n Hut the Napalm ulnar Improvement (,ummny III! ply to the laulnhmm uf Um valtu-n of Ont-Ho. at In no Boa-lawn pm an AM to Imam] "I. Act. of Incorporation of Elm Company. ty grunting to the (Inmpuny power In appoint in own Anon-or. Inl tor 0|th pal-noun. It! to monolith the uul Ann of Incorponol. J. BAWDEI. u... an "an, KuHcnl for Ammuni- In BROS. I!" now nth-outing M wmmwin vary I no Poem}! - tan-IMO. Man, II you b 4 I Ho 1.: I BAZAAI. you on go! tho I. with n. IV LII-I I"! Ivn vnw, VII" OOIIOII'AILI Blucl DWI! mm. m cud-mo hone My. Anna N Am: w . vnnmtwn'u. I. am. ran 5:31.233 TO LET. I 7", III" I- II lTE new Acildu'ii .l. IIUIQ ruruuure, 001,110! besides other nuclei. Paonln lmvina nond- tn d 0:)- A handnoum pair of Slipper. prw tented by Mr. O. Molloy, will be givnn in competition tnthe moat pu uln- cmdidhlo in Kinnnton Iortlm lmcul .ouiulaturo. The Balance of l-inuSlnulug I! I It I) S PHOTO GRAPt'c I Finhhml In Crayonl. Pulol, Wumr Colon wt! Ink pronnunm 11mm nuellem. Always Ready: In the In. wlllch we. will HUM-up. GREAT REDUCTION! muln In use ptlou of IMuuu kc. It All work mm!" in our lm]: All warranted. l. W.'BROWI I. 00. um: 7n. On the Huh: Squire. hau boon opnml. IN! the at sale wag hold on Bummlny Int. u.. HE Sale will consist chiey of Houn- lmld Furniture, both old and new, honidpn mnnv nthnr nrtmlcu II I" I." u. nun- lulu-Iv '- .3 W may out which my a:an nod, both. unwed Id - d- . And (mini-had lm THE MART. Sjti'EerON and DAVIS. THE mew AUCTION noon IN MITRRAYS 0M) STAND, l"IWW In. mam-",- M... u: ILLl Jnlv b. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Dec. um. anal I7. 9' ALI. CUN'IRHIUIIUNS thankfully romived. Nov a). 75- M :33ng3 I V l g... s. OlaOmmr * V__ '- v "Md-l (hm Nov. 20d. I now, nun -- uurvw Mind-1 Mdnnddimini-bod than ugh-- - i-nnn-nd .I Am Int. OUTTBBS AND SLIIOHB mam rbi" . Iv-n' Ann-AMAII.E mum! nil I v n5" u , 1 '0. :vwou MCI. lull 3-H? ma In luv. Inm- ., . 1. J. WHOGWILJ" --_ I-l ST. CONCERT 'E HAVE NOW IN OUR HHO\V Koovnl, the but. Stock 0! . WILL IHC (PLEARHD ()U'l mug... ............'.......y mutual-d In"; ......-......&.m .bmmm" L --onocn..n.oo$$.m*ml lib-Bun. H II F1 1-! I l-Illllllm um lad, I buton lo M hulk add how by u- und comma-nim- Ilou blind Mica it And Nu ou'oido valid Methane-In thug um Khyber P 11:. glory of the PMI teamed to 50 d. all. lulu-I'- mambo": power (M) in the Mghn n: Ibould Agnin Islam of it in tho development of n policy uid: may not now be fully . maul-Md 11-. spin-l Pa. 0111' TO RENT. yum-- manna. h 1.} AE-LY'S C ATHEDRAL l-Oll A FEW DAYS. J. E. HUTCIIENJN. Auctioneer. Notice. m Imn-hv Mn-n Ilu 0? 00. . o u Ill} Wu'dglu. 39.9199pr I 703]. Kailcuur for Applith fr...- lw a 3m nJJauq-n, J. lacy-on. A. .A. III) Ill Y. O'REI LIN. tbs-M4073? Whig. Dusty-(hm Hahn-5h: II! no ur- a the hub. Ibonnpon the not. at! indulged in 80.9 It" Aoat (From our own Uorrupundenl.) Conan-I has utlleil down to regular work very soon thin year. It is not usual * to beer from web men n Blaiue, lluod, Hde,Oox and Gereld on the rst day of a union, u we did lut Monday; not is it generally the cue the: in strong, in uentinl, weighty speech in delivered as early u the neoond dny, Inch as Stanley Mntlhe" give in on Tuesday lust. He epoke upon the Tam-1 and Pacic Rnil- rend Billbrought up from last. leaniuli's onlendar~nnd wilh greet earnestness and weight, u we: evidenced by the attun- lien pnid to whet he laid on the pan of other Senntorl. He argued well and renounbly fur the road. showing that in construction would save $2,000,(X)0 nnnullly for the Unverument besides being a mutter of justice to tle Southern Staten. To prove the saving he referred to, he mentioned the great expenses incurred by the (lovem- ment in transporting troops and supplies to Antone end elsewhere. and llIUWed thnt the coat of opernting the Turn: Pwilic would be lu- lhen that of arm;- ing the Union end Centrel lncilic lunula. . From tint the dunk-r called to mind Ills 'lulal. A uriom stump! m incrow- the number of grain- in the lundnnl dollar to tho number connincd in the true Jollu'u mnhmplntod, several hills tn In 0. EOVing unouly l-man inlrn dud in cm thu week, And nnmhcr clan 'lll ha I. to compel Secretnry 8m .0 m. Amount of silver coined to W per monthm protect mull w, o! the mlnu. Sunday and t bouquet mu ginn to Jon. McCullough. Uon. Shermnn raid. tad chh won and: hy undo. Hill", Soc. Shormnn, "IIIIIF, "mini" Blackburn and others; Dating Slain-fl romuu he uii. with load of VI! Lil ham, to the South Mod oomph! . 80 In u M Ill con- sent] he won! uncanny. tho dovclup- .o-t 0! sh intdlipoco at tho .0th god akin!- nod DIM in Inn of inulloct t z: [Elk-Id Wham, to whom ' when he a to of Im ' than red? hmm-m'mnd nigh, Iona! allt pllclunru Mpr. hmhmmnmd Inh. ii I. two gan- Ildr the a. It min-m. ll. mu.- .- um, and- (m Juurood to tho [Andi Khan Kohl, ubon anh, o dimmeo 0! mqu th- tlitty niln. TI:- mbes who own' it or. collectively known to tho Khybotll linden. From Dakh to about forty miles beyond Jellal-bnd tho country in occupied by tho Shinwari 69', Mb, tho nib. o! the Ningnhlr and tho Jolhhbod, who no controlled by tho Amur'n rogulu troops stationed o: Dokh md Jollnlnbad. The romain- A__ _-.A:.._ .1 AL- .0-) tannin-V .Illl'I-l I! unu- lnu aural-m. um um... in; portion of the told to Cnbul traverse- the puree of Gundnmuk, Jugdalak, Tmon and the Khoord Oabulall nude in [none on account of the dimton which then betel the rerun-nu of the army of u Indne during it. retreat from Cnbul. The concluding renurln of Dr. Jardme, (5nd given in A sketch of the address m mother pm of the piper) will nd a reed] ruponu with the majority of our radon. He holdl thnt the poucuion 0f India by Englnnd has been to the advan- tage o! the former, ad the: it Wuuld be nothing Ihort o! I calamity were it, In pm from under Britninl j'lrindictiuuw that, indeed. it in theEmpire's place tn rot-in it, and give it the benefit of that. christieniziu inuence which the Anglo- Saxon no. In. our exercised with the ..n.- .m-nrviml IDIUMI. youn WPIO. Incmulng ll HIYKO l]llh|)Lr of de uuntel. , Sir Edy-rd 'l'horntun's funniy luu returned to Wuhington, and vull bu Among Attnctiom in lociely this winter Luly Thornton Ill missed and mnm-neJ in society circle. hate last wintrr u mncl u Mud-mo Mnnlilln will be this. The Mino- Thomtnn, hnving brcn presentnd to the Quoon In: winter, Ind been thm' a London union, are now ready to for- unlly onto: Wuhihaton Iociety, which they will do thin winter, an} wnll. of amino. b. bright puticular nun fur one nouon It but. They are called very pretty Ind uncommonly genial. Them In" bun xmnv coniectnres pron, Ina uncommunly genuu. Thorn nuny mnjectures relative la the mlnrxuveringu of the Pur- ul' Commute. in the fmure. The nmtlor hn boon hkon up Ilremly, and in mm under cunuidantinn. Gen. Gurlivld ml! ninh, at In only due, the tutinwnv lm bog-n u Athntic 0in Int Innuuer, which nu mkrruptod by his ludllen illness. Th. alecmnl vols bulimia is alw under Interrupted Dy ml quuen Illness. Thu elecwnl Vol.0 under anoidmtion and vill wan b0 (liSpUBml at, u the mun features were lgreed upon [at winter. A ---...... in... m Mann". Hm m; "I. Umon ma uenmu rncmc mums. 2 From me tho Ipukor called bonou um mm inevitably accrue from | the contraction of Inch A mud in contract in; new trade with Mexico, and opening her Northern But to industrial colon- in. H-Mkn- i. .n hunnnh'nn nnnnlnr nor nonnorn sum to mammal onion- in. Hank." iI an interesting speaker. .ud when. u III true in this case, his heart in in his subject, hi: words curry n volume of Weight. g Sad-Iv in hnninnina to stir ilnalf, And I volume 0! weigut. I Socioty in beginning to stir itself, and on. bunch hu commenced. operatium by darling I aerial of German: amnng youn people. including a large number m. nu-.. vim,.mn...-J i...) OONOBlHlhl! ausou 0mm) THO}'.N- mxn mu. M U'" a m. ulna-yin: "nulls. W Woo.9... _..____. 'HlNHTON Lb"! TER. GI, Paul I. r v. -l "FIT- mdlb "L,L__ MAMer- eli OutDin!" at Mam A WI 1'1"}! ""'I"I n, Du. 1031590 Hotho- Church's: - to if mm "I may. ll. wlr y my Minnow umber. flu unn pituita- Ion mulls, baton Justin Bony, 159.38an MyW,unWthi pa. Ila-ll. aground Githh-ir mnuyukodlorudmoouthgmud. um they huh-an improperly aw. nu Babb Wad ninth: lot" unit-i WIS. Ir. Julia Burynid In! wouldbokintohouu,ui&vuiu-! Korma on, but MI W dawn; u! nut nun-dad hi- ium All not but [an till "39mm not M ii. jun-iniction. uljoumunt took plu- until four o'clock. when judmt. Ill inn nabvonblo to] thorium - pillow. who be d nur out. I Mn. Robina": to tho lullonin lut inning: Yum], am! no one. ii. In Instill be. i could but tho . u--. -Inun- nln did not an onL 8b. Irwin. Inn... __.. -_-_, had he. tho. Non dawn; III. did not cry out. um did UM h id. 1 on a a nbouc lulbpnt low. I hunTMu uy 'Spuk to no. "you in": I'll a your throat? 850 iii M reply. This ho unhang bury Wuhan-id l hue uewr teen anyhing l0 horrible' laid Coroner Culhmnn liter he Ind made nn Autopsy on Mn. Duqning. The Dawning: lived on the Iecond 8mm There an unly I little apnea halide the bad And here Mn. Downing had crouched after her husband had nlled her in the floor. He must hno ticked her muiy limo-Jar her had I" partlybenuththe beau-ad and her fee! In. nut the door. The pillowl lookod palme Imooth Int] the mun bod clothing In only 1 little munod, but not "I. foot bond van a confined hohp of clothing, tofu 1nd Iuinod. It. in bablo, Jo judp from the (emrinv ich Downing tn hold by his Iih, thnt when he 09ro born. on Tue-1h, also had undnnud and that M be wand the, in order to escape iho dinplounro which the hand, ind iump- ed into Nd. She Ind not touch the I pillo'I who be dung-d hur out. Mn. following Wm IlII'IIIIII III II.- Inn-unu-v-v .- tho prison Tb- om 0! a. Gonna: Gonna Foot Gand- In" been invited to din. u- Bjdnu Hull un lhnrldty m0 Sir John and lady on , Hon. m, mm! In Tumor. I. Jnotioo Show. Sir John and lady mound, non. Dr. nod Ila. Tnppu, It. Mt. Junie. Hum-y, and out" Judge- of the So no Conn. will be guests a. Ri- dem this owning. The I)th of Apiuultun hu re~ mind I able mall-l. from England I real. Tho pmprietor of the Alllr-Ameri an Hotel, Datum, hu u'ernd his crodt tors 2i cums on the dollu. Tbe Mont] 011 Star records the death of Dr. J. H. Mailleur, the rst Superin- h-ndent of Education for the Province of Quebec. an... MA... nnnl nnnlnnrv (1mm! of Aluminum an m ' ooived I able W England which states that. In Imporinl Order in Council bu jun. been paid muting tho Ihipment of am. from Cuudim Ind 1-..;Mn mm u form-Iv. Thi- mun- E.._.u_ -7...WV. . -._._....V...-,_. m It. Wat-lo. nun, n- wbwumnw In: It. 1011.0!th Wadi-Ian WW Quebec. The Mount Royal Cemetery Cum~ puny, of Mantra], hive presented SIBU to the family of their lute Iecretary, Mr. Turner, who committed Inicide. -Mr. O'Conlnr Power, Home Rule member for Mnyo, denounces Dr. Butt, Lheleaderuf the Homo Rulers, an a traitor to the cause. ,,Jlhn .lnkAnhu-an nf nunlm nihr -ivl traitor to me --'Ihe debentures of Quebec city, -is mad for the construction of the new Du'orin terrace, are to be Iold in this cunntry, oerl having been rmived for them. ' A kin-Hun nnnidnnf nn nnnh'nnt 15 them. A blasting accident on contract 15, Canada Pacic Railway, blew up two man. One named Hauley has since died. The other, named Goggam, lion in a critical condition. h.. nvnnnoml Hun Hm anrnlw bnnrd. 'I'he Mv'mphis Cutimns' Relief Com- mittee wound up their affairs on Sltur- dny und distributed the balance on hand, $7,253. pm mm among fuur orphan asylulus The 1,500 ()ovarmnent touts shipped to Memphis during the epidemic Will be burmd. 1).... 11...... I... knnn Sn-ioml I." a year. Mlle. De thhuchild has been sut~ aiently uhriatianimd to marry thaDuke do Gmche, am] Friday they were made man and wife a Perth. Sho wu under the special cars of Romm Catholic pro- late for some time, and has lornnlly ranuuncod Jud-ism. mo Inlvlllclll 0! I3th uuu- v..- :- - _ 7 America) pom .- formal . that cutl- exported from mad: as no! nI-nnd an the unmotion Ii. sud thmby CHHCBI camuuun. Itis expected that the McCarthy murdertrinl will be nished next weak. Evidence fnrthe defence in now being heard, but not-hing extraordinary has transpimd. -'l'he Pone'a income from Peter's transpired. -'l'he Pope's pence produces no little that the con- gragutiun of cardinals is necking to devise same new moms for replenishng the treasury of the Vatican. _'lhn Muntraal lust deals with the n! the Vatican. 'lhe Montreal lnw-necked drew mandatond thinlmthe ladies will follow the dictum became it in (he cuslom. Immodellly in not the custom with ladies. __.'l'lm (hulmn Fran-oh Unnanrvntivan mm lumen. 'l'he Quebec French Conservatives name that. the Lieutenant Governor will be dismissed before the end of the present month. The Englilh supporters of Sir John Mlcdnnnld effect to believe that Mr. Labellier will not be interfered with. 'l"ln a... (ham! ";1:ur;n hi- rmont W l'delnillo 1% up an M 'I indium aqua-bud Minuteman-m cutout-Ibo! ththmhdnldoo- A. II- 1.. mad: m (ab: dd be hlled Without reloronco to renglon, {ll'llmtkin that We all prayed to the 'uma God'Wo in moaques, you In churches. \ A n :- Imim' nirnnlnbml fur churches. -A petition is being circulned for signatumn in Charlotte county, N.B., asking that. the sentence of Eliza Ward fur the murder of her husband as an uci ceasury nfand, be commuted. [I in recuiung many signature; _A Onlmlrmn from the unotain nf the WI be human. Uen. Grant hm been invited by Secretaries Evert; and Thompson to be the gum" of Admiral Pntterson on the ag-ship Richmond, which Inilu from New York this month for n voyage to Asia Grunt hn bled hi: ameplnnce and this will prolong his tbsence about Mlln_ 1). sul- exported men nap pkood on the caption "hated from the execution oi the clause of the Cont-giant Dinne- in Animuls Act. ordoriug the slaughter of foreign cutie on thoir nrrinl u the port. 6f em- hark-Han II! on El buhtion. .3JYICIIIG III- . uv v . _ . . . V, M)" . grit: zrchlnh' Bonk of Prince Ed. urn-d [sf-ml nu mauled. -Rmmn FAHOWI vutordly opened the Isfuul manna. -Bigb9p youtordly new Rafonned Epigcopnl church gt Mont. rnn' new 1 real. Mr. hammer wlll no: he xnmrmrea mm. The new Grand Vizier in his recent reply '0 the Armenian Patriarch, declar- ed that all the Governmeml poau would belled without reference to religion, n-mnrlzinn Hm} \Vn n" nrnvml m the recunulg slgnalurea. A lelagrmn from the captain Britxab troopship Orontes, dated Malta, November 61h, says there is no truth in the report that a boat'l crew from that ship had been lost. in attempting to [alone a man who had fallen oven Ln--A roman any: nun-nu... .. " udlol I good my citiuu on I... M in noting nhou'iptiou can talk-i - hi on bob-ll 0! an (and [or III. pay-oat cl a. bin Illa pen-send u. A_,_.__._ . A .n ;. oh. mush-I an. [ensue baud. of am. [tom Unnmum mu um mtll- axnorud . -Syucul ha I 68 rrnvn robbinl. (B! ray-u; Mm .- nn l _nnundn .__..o___ (rhut- In the Mates. CURRENCY. .._ of Attempted BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. 1:20 a; w ---I." 7 " 39.71? '1 me in Inf-5:1 Parlia- ' , ml Yesterday-EM (I W Ame-u I. m u! nun-u. .Ivv urti- illu-uiou to II. pp. m lid It. Dunn, and in I pupal ___1_;:A.. on Oh h All FM

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