Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1878, p. 3

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-S&. Junea' Church concert on Thun- day evening. ._I- I- an... -n,._ ....\n,.-. L- .." "u"... all. Lyon, your ln-m pr-rpxcuy ha,| II.- 11910. -lh {Int-l of tho In. Mr. Tandy M ulna In ll.- v. -ho Ii-aunt mumhvm mum-nu 1 Acting upon this information one of the "BIG reporter- went to the Penitentiary thin morning to uncertain if such was the can, end interviewed the Warden. That gentlemen uid thnt, as yet, he had received no perdcn from the Mini-ter of Juetice in the one of Berber. He wee Itlll there. A: far he Mn. Devin wee cnnoerned, he knew nothing of the rumor respecting her. She in ml] in the female prison. A lhort conversation took place between the reporter and the convict DlVil, the huebend of Mrs. Davie, whn aid he hid not heard anything to the eect thnt the we. to be liberated, but he hoped it would take place. He said she ought not to be in prieon It ell. end he would he exeeedingly well pleased if the rumor Ihould prove true. We cannot nuderetend how the reports rel-live to the liberation of these people origin-ted, endleut or all how they (lined luch ground in Tomato u to be telegraphed All over the Provine. Whatever may be the efforts of the convicte' lriende to here then rein-ed, therein no evidence At the Penitentiery of their Iueeeu. A anoutoltelognm lo-day announces thnt Huber, the defaulting Bunk nf Montrulclork, has been set. at. liberty from the Kxngltnu Penitentiary. and is in the Staten. It in also rmnurcd that Mn. Davin, one of the aborhuniats, n shout to b. libented." n_.:__.A, . Yenterdly this paragraph appeared in the Walt); The naturalization papvrs nf Mr. J. Levi were read and admin-3d. nullt I Gannon, u. UMOII, mar man, George Con , George Dar-on, Juno. Inuit, Wm. naked, Wm. Emu, Hy. Erma, Robt. Ferguson, Levi Hugh-on, I Richard living, Thoma Hutchinaon. L. Johnson. John Janey Kean. Ju. L on, 82,, Walter mic] Milton, illilm Melon), Dnniel Orr, Chulou Oust. John Pipe, W. Purdy, W. 1!. Raven, Rob'. Rood, Williun Rubin- JOB, Bobt. Robinwu, Henry Scan. Robt. l'. Slim-mu. Ju. H. Shun. hue Smith. WI- :1. "urns-u. Tho can. on the civil docket Ire : Buillio n. angoner, Hunter VI. Sloan, Briuon u. Laval! at. Al, Hurley 17. Mc- Cullough, Cluk at nlu. Barry, Robert- Ion VI. Guy as I, Gsuldi "Jeff. 8! ll, Scott. H. Burns at IL n- '1 1L,,,,:,,,, ALA n---) uuv__syok' Kohl. momma, uonry Mun. 3mm. 1". Shannon. Ju. H. Sbnr , Smith, Williun 8 nor. John L'ulker. David Still, Du~ Thompson, William Wud, Coors. A. Wmman. 1'].- M... m. H.- ninil (Innlmt .m- un- uuuo, m apn- Inna. B. A'. Wuhan. Path JuntaSaunas! Irma. u. A. "Inn-n. Pom JuntaSamuel Abbott, W. Bb- cock, W. J. Bajnl. C. 0. Mot, John Baking, Goorgo Baal. Wu. Ban. 3. Burl-y, T. A. Game, H. alumna, 2. Charlton, D. Clurlton, Law Clark, WI. m,l'mlll; Jon mm, M Ada-I, Wu. Burr, Hy. Bowler- haa, M. Onldnll, NMiblB-nrly, Willi-n Ocular, WI). GADnig, Wu. K Dalton, Put-ink Donn, Henry Dugddo, Our Kips, George Kilhnn. Jonnbn Knit L kn. hub. Jonah Lingo. John mm, w In, Joupn ungo. Joan Kali-y, J Roddpu, Thou. Nullon, Jun-I Raldoo, In Splord, Milo. VII!- lnnn. B. A'. Wmm wva uu-v lv-I- The Hill of nppeal clues then came up. nu. uumlvl Ju- In! W ninm-t- m night 1 oat-adhqu not-mg .34.. al.- l..n....'-'._.n_.. - Tho low-l or any londar will not new: urilv be mplocl. ,. WI. mull], Foo-In; John Bnheoak, Mind Ads-n. Wu. 8m. Ev. WIND WUIS. 19., W um, Jom , k Ia-io, Jon-pl: Lingo. r. J n Rnddnn. Thou. anIon. 10] TRUE. - - "w", ---- V'- w-r-'- W rwv' much. with ol Hindu history In found hing." hp], in tclood. Tho min-.0! Alan-dc th (Ir-l that it. magnet.th him. Alan-dc n. m litto- m'meM-Vl Au. and Ah. - LJJ .m .1;- ._.. -...... -..._, _._.. dihud M ninth-intuit. 8i: Willi-n Janqu L-_:-_ u-un. _-l._ ____ a .__. Aunloll ll an puud through it, Md unused with.m enormous um] the Indus in 327 8.0., oven pouch-ting ll hr u Alldnhod. Hadron upon the Material important of thin inn-ion. The whole Indian hil- tnry, from beginning w end, in only I uric- ol mint and min-'00. With nil tho Ability dilphyod by tho Bub-aided -_-_l AL- L-) .A AL- 1-...IL_ b- .- Hpeoxnoauous nucl eondmom ur Contract- m., In by! on lpplh'nmu to u: Bur-ur- of the mmtlvolmmulknn. or w the lnnpochr of Prbonl And Public Chum". Pul'uunoul Bundling, Torontu .m, , .. a. . . _ - nu mu", u-rl-l" v; -v vuuuuun pooplouwy Ind m the [malty in pa- uru . M o! d. and "can, Md, .- 1 null, when on. two-phi! to pen.- .-.- .L- .5... .1 mun... Lu. 1.- "sow"vuu-m-uu V'- un My Db uluellullu uuu ulou u. uuv run-vulva... doctrine- and mennera and customs of the people of thlt encient time. In this poem there wee an interesting epic, [hith end Siete being the hero end heroine in the romence, of which he gave a synopsis. This etory come down from antiquity. from In time fer eerlier then the introduction of the Brehmin recs int.o Indie, and a eugqntion made to him in reference to it wee this, that we heve in this romance I kind of forenhedowing of the etill more importent event accompliehed in Palatine eome centuries elterwerdl. There we. I remarluble degree of morel ex- cellence contained in the epic poem. lt wu Itill cheated in name villegee in India, end recited on many public occl eiuna. He peeled on to recount thet in the Bnhminicel period a greet revolution took plme. There wee e kind 0! reection neinet Brnhminieel tyrenny. The Breh mine eetebliehed eprieethood, end epth this there wee e determined oppoeitiou. But epin the Khyber Peel ceme into prominence when mother nee of people found their wey into Indie, end when Invu Ur yuuy-o, qu Dunn-sun u. Allulln The latter were aucceulul And then there wun general fusion of the conqueror. uid the conquered. This condition of things continued in the north and west of India for men] centurion. It would be impossible, he laid, to trace in detail the hiltory of thin ancient people, but he referred to two or three things which were known ramming them, and which expl-ined the condition of India at the present day. There we: I remnrluble book which was written and chanted by the bards of the Brehmim. It was in the shape of an epic poem anynnn in which they had a picture of the religion: opinions and many of the philosophicol Juno4n... c.an nun-u- .ml [nu-inm- n Luv uuuvuu uauwuu luusuln'v. Auw- locating in the country the Brahmim cnmo into conict. with :nother and lower nee of people, the nboriginoa of India. mm, 1,. ............ .....| A u... nu... n "- un-uu-u Inu- moved towards the Khyber Pun. It was not exactly known when they mnmged to obtain entrance into this importmt Pass, or when they occupied the country beyond, but they knew that those Brah- minn were a highly cultivnted poople, there being ntill records of their culture and learning in many books written in the ancient Sauscrit language. After I......n..,. :n H... nnlnluv cl. llrolunin- uI-vvu-u "Irma v; vuw \uv-vlvll' um"... some of the important ingrcuu and conqueJts which have boon accomplished through the Khyber Pus. Turning nt tentinn to a poriod of grant antiquity, he referred than! to the time th 1. Mono: rm engaged in accomplishing tin won- derful exodus of the Isrnelities. From that time there had been in the Moun- tains of Central Asia an important raco of men. They were of tho sumo origin as ouraulven, rst cominl of the Suxom ind Cells, the eurly inhabitants of Soot- lnnd and Irelnnd, lho Grooln and Ro mans. The-e people lived together on the north side of the Khyber Pm. About tho time Moses wu conducting the oxodun of the Iarulitiol mum Inlbllb-h nasnnuxn to the north west of Indis. Hence all the conquerors of that country, with a few exceptions. from time immemorinl, emu down from Contrsl Asia 5nd gained access to it by moms of the Khyber Pus. Through this Pm Indis had been govern- ed from the rst period of its existence. Ho intimated that he would discuss the historinl aspect of the question, noting ..... .J u... :...-.-L_..5 :nnw. -nA v- I" we - In! Ive-cum, une- Gledetone end other- gnelied to form opinion; he did not think it becoming to introduce lush queltione et e meeting 0! thin kind. Nor we: it hie intention to treet the subject from I military point of view; thet he would leave to Iitery' en. He thought the Aeeoeietion end the eudienee would be intereeted in her- ing eonething ol Indie end the Khyber Put, the poeition of which wee each u to Deed him to believe thet it wee the meet importent point on which hie dieenuion might centre. He reminded them that for I long time the civilized world lied ecoeee to whet ie now known as Indie through thin Peel. 1- only timee nevi- getion lud not reached the perfection which it he.- now etteined, ounuquently eny Power deeiring to obbin poueelion of that pert of the world lied to enter upon the conqueet of it through the north. welt pueegee. After giving the bound- ary and geographical position of India he remarked thit the Khyber Pee: formed the ' IL-u'r nn urn-n. DUTDAHI'I Iq III-v. cu. anwuu. ul- u-uun- 5- Inudlhcxpodtimolhia theme. Ho nith IMW qumbcr' handed Illhoupoetstionol honing. potialddnuuddmin Mm loch mama in tho Min um tho-pintovhiehwobdmililw I. Such Im not his inhaling-ad than who had pocket! not would an hillyhdi-ppohud. Not Dal-gup- litidln hdidnottulhi-aapsbloo! M the at qua-{ion- vhich di vidonchmulurd Bacon-eld, It. III-n..- -_.I 4.5L... --I:l.4l in 1..- J. W. LANGIUIB. Inventor of Prison and Paula Churltiu. Puhnem Budding- Toronto. Decemberth 187s. m I amen wme. TUESDAY. 1mm 10. um. picrun. up an: n. Whit. n.v; Begumnldnnuml'dlu a old,oldsm,"nduldingnad W I'm-ni- ll I.-J:M_. m I.- DA- - I balmxarmum Rn. dehgu-Mdl onl- hphludaudndandum Pan. and. naught! to .y. I "11.... .41... ... 1...- m- ....n. . III rat I": m m m Am . " -- r":- . Judiu on.- - I Tho ashing In acceding], abort- lived. 0m 1 In" tho pluipn ol coaching you homo I" in tho uuy tho bop pm tho quution to the girl: In they duos-d u chunk atop. II in Mu-(MM tho nut union 0! the Onnrio Hon. will be vary Ibo. And cm the Mom till 00.. on in' Mind, M Bov. l'dhu w. the M d scam hand in tho Working- mu Tonya-Ia Ian, Wk. Int night, a bi Mil... > 'l'|o nu. lath Wabridp's clue-I lion up... in (ho a. dado. our ht - Wat M only Inn-ml to mm. human. a. no cop-u m It. unk. f- 1.1 II.- II uwmwm_-l :ua magmas. um and a. 0m Ind-bunny an. ni-A-d-n-llhn-JHJ w-pI IIcI III, I p, I",Md'h~dl an. uo- nl lb 0. dhma. IIo Intelle- wlll lm raquirad [or theduo lullllmam a! the Consrmu. .n, .-.v . . "qu'wI"w'" tho Imago-av. Adlb Ila. Min-Mull.qu 0! m .1.- L:-. thunk. "w I _-~, mispth 45- .. nowa ind-h... M A. v v--: WQulv- \nry-uu-v- I 'A very keen] vote of that. we. moved, to which Dr. Jerdine replied, um which the Audience deepened with the duxolog and bepediction. w", Ull-l WV Ill-ll, - l-I W. all. full ch. Christisn commission, "[0 yo into sll the wotldnndpusch shs gospsl to every custuro." (Applsnso.) 's n.- 1...... no. no 4).-..L- _-- w Wllllllu-VIVII ll-V wa'lvll "W W be tnkan from the Empire, chioy be- cauu it would app." thnt w Englmd It the preaent dny than were committed po- culiu' privilege: md ruponlibllitiu. If no to onmlvu we should do All Hat _- ___ A -__-_.I nL- A_._AL ilf,l In. w v'lI-Iuvv- w- Inuqu uu Ill EIIII: '0 cm to Iprud the truth which we pouou, thAt we Ill-ll, a fur u In on, lull Ah- ru..:-u-- u... ...... -- n__ __ luluu llv AM uuuuu IIIUMIu III-- foel it. her duty to retain [Jo-union of this outcrn country. (Applnuu.) It hnd bun given her for a nobln pnrpou. It would be sgrut callmitynot only [or Indin but. for the worldif by my politi- cal combinltion thnt pououion were to k- nu... 5...... m- Fund..- -L:_u.. L- 40 your ago, when the English hsd the tint coll'uion with the Afghanl, which rev lultul no dimtroully to the former. Since thnt time intrigue. llld been con- ducted by a powerful untion to the north with the tribal in the north went at Indin, but whether thin nntion will ever puuh onIurd until the Khyber Pun il basin nude 3n entrance into India it _-- immnkl- 5A .._ ll .... -_ AL-A u'I-u nun-v -u -nu-uw Iuw Auunu n. nu impouiblo to In]. Honour that might. he laid Enghnd should :Iwnyl {gal in I..- Jnh. m uh. mun-n... .J " Illull tllu vuucu. 1U. JIIUIIIUUI'I III the Company were known a: the mer- olmnt prince: of Englnnd. They ex- panded and obtlinod aunt: of land in Mldru, Calcutta and Bombay, until they po-eoeled the greater pert of the Penin. lulu of Hindustan. There could be no doubt but tlnt the advent of Englishmen into Indie led to the antebliehment of I dierent order of things. Computing the people of fol-marginal with than of to- dey led him to the conclnlion thet the change of Government was a great blou- ing to the netivu of Hludoeten. He concluded by ndvorting to Butchers Meat, Butter, Flonr,Oa.t- lumen: Meal, hime lieu Pork. Domed Beef, Ham:,Bucon and 00rd Wood, ' which appesred to hsve settled down on the world during the middle ages of the christian era were broken in upon. They hsd as evidence of the sctivity the revi~ val of the ancient elsssics, the discovering of the printing press and America. Indie Ins reached by see vie the Cape of Good Hope, whereas formerly the only prscti- eel route use through the Khyber Pens, by land. The improvement in nevige- tion stimulsted the British merchsnts to send ships to Indie to obtain some of the vslusble products of thet country. In 1600 a clisrter wss grsuted by George 1., which authorized e certsin compsny' known as the Esst Indisn Merchants, to despatch vessels to India to engege in commercial trslc. This wss the initie- 1 tion of n condition of s'sirs which gsve I the death knell to the Khyber Pass. All 1 knew the progress of the Company. It I wen a wonderful career of prosperity which they enjoyed. The members of i H. nnInn-nnv .--n L ..... .. AI... n.-- m: IASSKS snouu sun I: wunzzn fav- tho purpole of keeping up the luxury of the for. After spanking of the seclu~ lion end degnduion of women by Me- hommedmilm, the Ipeeker nddod that during neai'ly 800 you", running between 1000 A.D., Ind 1760 A.D., the Khyber PM: rowhod the heighth of it: gloryu a puuge for oonqueuu. After that. in importance diminished. About the lfnh or 16th century there was a gradunl n3- vivnl of learning and Activity. .Isu .- qu an. uwups-u ll, Tsrtsrs. Ho nods rsl'mnos to tho ssts blisluunt of the Uspitsl of Dolhi, in 67, sad to the hot that sova cup-rots hsd sumssinly occupied tho throng, smong others ths Gust Mogul, those :1st wu synonymous with 0mm; brillisncy And splendor. Ho slludod slso to the gorgeousnoss of the throns. the precious gems sud stance of which it In composed being valued at 6,000,000 sterling. It was Wonderful thst such weslth and luxury should he msuilest in s country like India; but the principles of Mohsmnndauism were that .wu. gnumunLII'I-li, anon; th- th detain. 0! tb- Kern wan-N. my kuw tho Macy of III.- dnotri-utbu my not: b. ur- I-iod by In. lb. word. at by any 00hr pow. or inhumanIo who: tho Tum Moi-timed with Lb. principhl 0' out they and. mi way into uri- om- oonntriu, into Syria, Atrial, Egpb Spin and India. Thin wu tho bwgin- ning of tho Moorland-u conqan which continued for alnustuthounnd ynuw. Now Cb. Khyber Pm wu in Ibo hoigbtb .of in glory. To the wait 0! it wu tho Afybnn unitary, whom the wu- iw It prune being curiod on. That county wu oocupind And in Mill boil; oocupiod by Tami! ". --t|- In-An 6n 6|.- 0. -D-w. yum, WI mdhmI-Mn on lap-hind. Bataan-sumac.- ilgrhlltl'lnlhh "an any by hudemmd-g dovnthnyhuP-n. hm Humanism-m. Aboutth than us growing up no" the min of Catt-[Alia lind- ol poop]. whom not long. -Ai-lni- than]... :- bin-6 h- In. L_ m. '- Win-"nu" .1 n,,.,,, wm-q-m tmmn;t~'b~ Int-nth MIMY'B IBIS, 'lo llw [trimming Iv m 1859. VII :lhe Anvuw Toronto. London. Kin, 8801!!th minded lanai-italicised phat who" MWMPipu cuddly-Iain. moundth Maddalon dhm'illbondoon W ll! tho-Oomola . il not ofoandwu' J. Wlml. M,K.W.W.V0u- 'I- A. In IIITEHLIIIIEII! Water quks N otico. v........ ... ._- -_w.. u, m, _ wv .- Propsmd oolol byJ. H. Rona-oi, Flu-mu untied Choral- ,Bn. John, 11.3.; for nlo b Dragg- Ind Galen! Baden. Price 011% per 001- III bottle- for woo. To an, OK uoamAqn ovnn APPROVED D'A' 'SIUA v unuuvlun n VIM Il REA ESTA". Intent! low. Apply In, ho done to mug-to, to mum. to rec'd. lye. and "on to arm All can "do nab dutruotlvo o! hum-n III-India." ll- expor- Ionou of fty Ind. him to noon that tho "wt y. m Quanta! ad more aloo- tul than y othquCod Liver 0". But. who on uh I m" Phuphoud Month duo/OMLWOUIMMP [Mica [Ann cont-inn All the virtue. o!Cod b vrrO . 59. VII :-'lh8 Aug-nun 1.. form-tn. London. hluuwm "(ml-Jin- Central Prl .nn. 1 vinoinl Roformntory. I'm-um Illwuou for the Dem! uml mayonuwrou u MP hateo m , In 1 form nod oonblnulon non dealt-bio to obtuln It'd tulle-I oocu. Anybody on an n by [seg,_ooo} AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN of [Argo ox' penance who has made Pulmonuy Commm . tiou alpoolslity, a]. thn "slum I: i4 t o worn and mod. npid foml of ch. in. In bnve NI] moonfou that medial-I h I'mou .oworlou. yet in than lou overwhelming. an! In those more ohmic. which hop) canal- wworlou. yet In "was In. ovmheluiny, And bop, canal- ate a {It (ta-tor IIan of can we h". ban this to adduc- my proo- dm much be done mug-to, In. mac "III mbu Curs.Tho but. thing we know of to has! I cut or wound in to bind UK the injyred part uith a cloth mum! in Perry Duvis' Pnin Killer. Help or We Perish. Thin ie whet neglected teeth would eey if they could remonetrete with their ow- nen; end Inn-k thin, the teeth cennot perish or become bleak or yellow if the SOZODON T in need daily./. Whooping Cough in Iuoomfully tmt- ed by leptrning the puientl beyond hou- ing disuuoe of each other, had by tho omlioyment of Fellcn Hypophoaphim. Whooping Cough in I nervous diam of ID Ivmnhnhatic n nnlum. that m:- w noopmg uougn u mum on lymphlthotic n nnturo, thnl porox- iuml maiy be prod uood in one lumphblo by limp y hearing the cough of lnotnor per-on. The nbovo mmod noun-out ha: bean found ninnnlulv n'nctin. person. no Ioovo mmoo run I ha. boon found singularly chain. -... Little Fish have I roper idu of buli- nou. No3 being 3b a to do better, they start on a mall node. A luddn cold ii the little lh of dines-u, :- it mm on 3 null lulu and ranks in the gmh all: and malt-m-bodrudod of all dil- euoIconlum tion. To kill thin dun- geroul "little huh," use Hngynrd'l Poc- tpral KAI-am, the great Tamedy for colds, coughs, hoamneas. etc. 260. per bottle. Worm: no he bane of a child's ox thrill to Noon, 0! 'IIIUIIHUAY, the mu: Dean: I. from much panama u uuy he III]!- III to lupply 00-1 Ill, noamneas. 810. 100. DOIIIB. orml no the bane of child's ox iatence-uao Freemun Worm Puwden. mo. ror sale oy an action. National Pills are purely \'egohblo,|nd act directly on the blood. I (hm. In I. In --m [low little we know ofeiwh other ! As we pus throu l| the journey of lilo. With iuacrugglea. i fem and temptations. he hen", breaking one. and it; strife. Many of our nearest Ind dearelt friend- often suffer untold agony, when the ro- per remedy at the proper time woul ro- move their pain in it by mlgio. For rheu- matism, neuralgia. front him, bolll, lur- fuce wounda, 650., ngynrdu Yellow Oil in one of the moat powerful NIIIOleI in me. For sale by All deelon. Nutimml Pills are numlv rmmtuhl. Ami . The Bat 8:170 in the world to: Cub. Bruises, Sam, Ulcers, Suit. Rheum, 'Ietter, Chaprd lide, Chilbllinl, Coma, And all ind: of skin otuptionl. Thin Salve is mutate-d to give perfect anti-faction in every one, or money ro- fundod. Prioe25 Cent- per box. For sale by J. G. King, Kingntou. m There is no medicine pram-nd by physicians, "or eold by drunk. um carrie- euch evidence 0! it: eueeeee "Id Iupperior virtue u Boecnn's Gnle Snur for Info Coughe, Oolde settled on the brout, Con-um lion, or any die- eue nf the Thu-on and unge. A proof of that. hot in that my penon Aiobed, can not 3 Semple Bottle for 10 cent- Ind tryite superior 0330!. before buying the reguler aim at 76 cents. It In: letely been introduced in thin country from Germany, end it: wonderful cure- ere Mtonilhing every one um use it. Three dam will relieve my one. Try it. Sold by Hath h Gunu end H. Wede vul' Alluwr-uywt. '1';qu III III lint meeting on bola" oi the endowment wu hold in Kingston lut Juno, and line. that. time no 1'.- thm 01404110 out oI the required 50,0 II! but mind. And the rounindu no upset-l to I). dun from the oasis. jaunt dim trick. v- --uuwwuv-'.I-.FII III" Intibod bot-con $2.0!) Ind .00). Subscription at will b. It on. oped. sud, [notwithstanding tho laud till-I, On": in upon-ad to do in duty. In a convomtion nth tho Globes corn-pond- ont, Principtl Grunt, uplan that ll nk mutiny. nu hL-I' nl AL -nAn--nb gnaw-mi." '- '- hmdtill nut um. u that the "It. Ihouldboptooodd'ilum 4M widow. nu uni-only docidul Mil viow d. ION. up mphmbydhupubd than unworkth Mk! II. 00. pmdod withud a vigou- alt-I I'M-Ilium. m A. l- M yaw-u Inn-n I "gun! unv formlnuiptiou nub. Mu W n! -hn h M L. A--- AL... ._...A -..I._ "Ii INSPECTOR nl Irimm Inxl Pnbho Chm-menl'or()ntm|o,wul receive TM. 1krlugnwuon, m THURSDAY. tho nub [mm L much lmrmnn u mu lm ulll- nullII? w. "ill '1.- Immutable-QM: aub- mill-(I Mn... mm ".1 1mm lukllynunulhnt-Iu- in. Ho and knob! Khyb- in hollow-nth. Iuh nun Quantum-alum. hub! II...- M 5., J--2.I- -LJL ._ mull-Fitnrilm- 'QmlOollqohOIhum 50 - l_-_1l till _--0 -__ _. IL .L- _.-I. Alidc-d-uzg-dnh than and m dQII-uo-an '- wumxa-uumaq . .mA._ _A.;_ -_ ~n. AA in 7- A- < with, m - KW Gunght-duh we'll-t is bunni- in 0th" an I. n -_.-:-AI_ __--__j A4 .1L.,_ ~ _A- JAKE: 20:58, 7 " wan-de _*m Bucklons Arum Sal ve. The People In! Pml. _ guano-luau. a I. lady. -.. l Wellhea- he. v m Irv vino-ll. w UH. OH, euarul Axnutl for Central Oulnrio. OFFICE-190 Ontario Sun-t. Dlw 7th; I878. FORM mum-u lots [Iain-Im... ('1. IA!!- l' IUU WA" Yourleme mm" mvm'scmpq. ", n 100 um Ann-dou- Mun-Id n mAcmnlg'fu " PUBLII} INSTITUTIONS. FOR 1879. P YOU WAIT l' I BII'I' OIDII adiab- WC DA DI, 9 In. M. m. oyp ll '00 um You In: I. lid sad at. b can: ucx'l " Morin 15m Iooondlnd Olotungdmllm. I A Splendid Oolloction of aged. for I U COKE AND BEL. ISAAC DAVID,| noun. HEW EDITIONS OF ALL THE PORTS In lomoo. full bound, and In Clonh, mu gut. Books tor the Young and Old. Canadian Almanac, FOR 1879. . um... u... um... . "nu-Mom. runny uoatmppvoroownpo or which we will make up Gnu-mant- on our mull an: clu- style fur loan money than n, olhor hon-o In nbla to do. READY HADE CLOTHINGour Stock ul Handy lulu Clothln . Gent'- Inmhhln Good-Jitt- Ind Gaga. h vs lune And well umrml. and will he nod It I VIBY wm PRICES. B IBIBE T E PLACE- z. rmvo-w. IIOOI l'l'lll'l'. 4 Inn on lurks! anp Thin in the place to buy the cheapest Clothing. Th- but nluo in Oumnh. McAuleys Bookstore.| pu- 'bHRlS TMAS GOODSI V--- _.- m...v- wuuv: -oo F YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT, Fuhloubly Campanile workmuhl min, .3 low tries. on mun o tn the Above well known Cloth: you vllnd tho L ROEB AND I 81 COIPLETI STOCK 0" 'm-nhn ll' "Ahm'nn'I-A-II- nL- --_._n__Ln_, H, A yvu 'l Illlll I" annular All) .0" COIPLETE W- V V v w ' ~ - l'oreizn and Ounuunn 'l'woodlloths. [may Costlnnpvoroowmo 2f whifh fie wlJIp-kg 3;} 99539.19}! 99133995173": style "mu" mm. "mm...- _-_- -__...-. .v. vuv IIVAII nun: [rays Illa "It? NEW ionx CLOTHING STORE. Brook Street. I'm Door: from Markat Square. -oa- Ti You WANT A nnnn nnrr n--u___u_ ILA ,, Dec 7th. 0n. Cm Hand-om. Colored Ouhmom u 260; former price 350. Tnnty piece. New Black Ouhmoru It 250. found? price 3150. Ten picco- Now Block Cuhmom n 36c. former price At 46c. New And Hondlomo Cnlorod Bo M: 25c. 'ormer price 350. New Colon All Wool Emprou 10th at 350, fomer price 50. New Color- All Wool Elnme Cloth st 400, former ricc ne. None Block All Wool, n 42 inchcl wide. It 800, .E00. Two Cues Kniohtbookor alums", hondlnmo shower, at 170, founer prioe 250. Good heavy Wincoya u 50, 80, 100, 12 1 20 And 150. Groyl, Browns, Block md White Fin ering Yul-m at 1.00, former price ".21 100 pnin Dunn-god Blmkobu grout glitz. 50 placec All Wool Can-an Twood ct 500. omer price 750. n IIYAInIIA" mnn_,, . .- ...- WW [LEWMWUHCLUTHTNG ,, .__.____ WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FAMI- IONABLE GOODS At prim A. low In any other boat. in the city. l- A pot-fact Fit gumntood or no Ialo. H .AJI' WALDRONS. ' Ilcll In Canada. ll'bnnnern and ovnarl of Residents" Itndy your own Interact and call upon the under Ilan when you l'J have your roperty Int-mi hy exponent-ed Agenh, an on the non Mme lermu. Some .1 the but Inn-galls over aloud In Goat's Fur-null. 00881811110 0! Hot Ribbed Shirt- tnd Dnnn It 750. worth 960, All 00] Shim sud Dru-an at 750. north ma. LIVERFQOL Mun; m 0n the lath 0! thin monk It. will have Tn: norms chbriiwiiaisn. ' 1 Drunk M Inut Om Armin-L lauw. \ (I M 0-00 0 Ms-"ind. Inn '31:: normua mu ' 'hnmu toqu M! ' UNI In. hook at tuna. "In" mil Shirk Illa i 11 w:- n yo ow W ' vw Vvv '~v v ' NEW!) 10 IIJ. Run 411)! We AT Lawn Ids-Id inmmh-youzuhmommum-hk hWMtI-u ' You 60.11.8319 25 par am. by mung at Winstons Plan-om Ida u- u d mnv.lAnl mm I. n- ME-1L _-w v --- :u my: I; mu. " unit-.m- Mm-uunmumm-Imommmhm. on mum-um:- ilth mom. wonaha. . ' t! '3' III" WIPI'I'ITIOI II HIGH All Mllmvr OBIIIVI ml um Dunn... . an u-couoooulnnvotltI-II Ill. mum.- . m yuanuuuc-u.wuuuu mm lm 1M x Com Any now and. In the nt nnk Mu m; ml) nummco Cumpuba u! nil-coun- try. Nu Com my on uord not. noourlty to u- lullvy hnl on, (or It nlll hold: to "In prin- mpnl of aiding all bunuu hmrdl. Com nuanced buoInn-nin [85:1, and hue recon", phood In tho hum] of the Cnnmw Govern- lI-ml. umiom for the promotion of Gnu-dim Puliov Ho don Ind have rocommanood buli- nend in Cuumln. ll'bmnern and 0:11an n! uid-mm- I'm!- GHEAF mufn mommy l0. Livingston, 2| Brock IE. n-nnmn m 'III I n- _ nu, -n._ .. -__-_-. A _. ] LAME AND STICK HORSES- mnm mum 1 1mm- nu rubbed unm- nd Damn It 75c. worth 960. 5nd Dunn st 750, vorth 950. Fine All Wool Shirts and Dunn st 760. wodh .1 '35. mm. Huvy Doublo Emma sum. n .1. worth 1.50. Huvy Stock of Scotch (Lorne) Lumba Wool Shirt: And Draw": at bottom prion TO BE HAD AT THE AREIVING EVIIYDAY. At the Emporium of Fashion, RF. Vnn ADI anon nu- nnmr\vn um... -........,._. A; I Prlnooss Street. v'_ * -900~ <: Great Bari-Ins for the Next Sixty Days at the Eu: hall I A------_ _._A. I! 10-5 7"" ul I. 1...: _ Gnmnnma lllxarul l'ollelea nuuml llnll all buliuou (lane in con- nection with the Above Company at thin om. ll! -mnmun L Inn-nu- u m ltroot, (nut to mum's ma.) clans uuuas'rox. '1'. MoAULlY. Merchant Tailor. II'IIIII" ll TIM. "- OBIIIVI Tl w' PRIOR: (In Nut. W ' IUI'I, Cut, swollen! . nt olul lm'- I mic cloth 3 Route. when 681 .u. uu 1'. a... gas. luv. u. unmwx. Wllson's Bulldlnls. 5% bulge. ' Till WONDII'UL lelXII I 0" III! IIOII ID I! l'll cum null or Joana nun, PARIS. Assets Jan. Mal-rhino.le bet- mquMo-mdllmm at- 0 hand 15.1mm..th ud Mmoamhbmmm nun-tn a om. DRUGGISTB. run may or m. Young Lunar Journal. Christmas Cards. nLJ..-- V- '- 07 ALI. KINDS. .' INTO. PIICII. I and st Home in cloth (In and I h" ml! Idd Elliot, 425 of lowdo- ' British Juvonile, Osnadian Alumnae. Ohdronl Prise. hard: and cloth buy of But The Prize. Good Words. hm? our in cloth gilt And I"! [ fHENEWBUKSTUHE Doe. 7th, 1878. Anna in. I 8? T. L". s. woons. ll. MDWNIIIS. v u. Chi-lulu Goods, .... .. 5.00 .... m . . moo Luau Jun. 1 Aldoan AIM Jun. | Am Jan. I Ann-hm! haul-Ll PHYSICIANS KNOW THAT Aunt-Jun. In. I, ' Mot-J... In. lass, V I I wanton. m. 880' u nua- all nun- th rm... mm-m. put Inu- nan :- m ml. I, In, i "A... rah-II. M up. I. A I- am IIh-I . I m an. nu, ma, d. 4'. JIFMY. KIWI m. Mung-Int Int Cl.- um. m It! 316 III-In. All 5*.' In I- I WIMmlou-u. 'nlim m: m Agricultulal Insurance Bompy. Inn-lain Iv 1.x. onfii. WT me. ~- mm Vanni-I t "It. www ' pu gmmzwm PHOSFOZONE! sPLIiaJs v 'v 1-. .v. - u-ngu-v \II "In. "PI! OSFUZONK' mnblhadfron "cry M and 'anm MW the Do- ubt-n. We "Emmerich-.6. Whul VAN DeWATER & BETTE, "Aunt-ml Ammo- In.- lnmml nun-in l-Iw m .1! put ut- yuan : . 1n. C. c. I00! ha. huh, .78 87,764,00 $541,357.00 $623,055.00 $715,450.00 $800,010.00 003,366.00 $1,028,269 00 $1,050,022.00 'lomnlo, the Pro~ I uhhno. the lu- umh, Bellevlllo, ll. PIIUFOIONB. Judtriounly mod, wlll silly the pendulum or the nerves. all air In an! cum-u. and mpmvo Ihelr nutrition. nu [mun-h; the mic- ol ulna-t Ian I vou km for the ooulu of "to. unlnnum.1x u-- . . - cumsozoo. macaw $250,221.00 Ommcoo hdodnulhlthqanllm car, on manhunt-nu. limi- m U.m.~l_!dl~m, hAmuumM-u an llh.hub-by,uly Khmwhhn. you-nvu. Il--U-'m'.." in. Menace-dunks?" who *pdtbm; lamb Int,l Mutiny-unattth _1-' Uh-um-l M..- 15..., v. 5- Hula-aha. vu u-yyu-vu w w Wm Hum instincts, md "mind: 011.0! the middlo qu- nthor than u! the civilian. inn- oooo of tho )9: Mary. Goll wrm 1n BwlDuTio lulu, nulod Uomnn, clog And mp ducal-I. In. loft Ottawa 3nd goo. with thn Blond... hum; undo cow-nut with In] Pink, tho "ml," looting (ml. who stand- At the door and just]. th- rough, for on. you 5: good nitric. Wall, the Blond. 'MN addition 0! non. hint in odd that the public It! got tho ulna 0! Mt my. no nutty gills expat thit batty to nth :p In! Ill duds, ad but know Nun tutti-p cough in I. damn-h -4 9.. __ lxwmrms.Thia "mu-(hqu immu- Iion ha been nvivod in Oaweao, n little girl having been Ituck with pin: by h" ochool unchal- until the blood rm. Than an be but on. opinion mpocting Iudl conducttin! il in unboooming in any on. Inan In in M n. in".-- RICOYIRINC Bnowuu- Rev Prin- cipd Grunt. of Queen's Collego, yelhrJny in. lo in improved u to bo ambled to lone his room. He nppolred to b. quit. choerlul, And eager to rocommauco hi- lnboun. Hil medics] Attend-lit in ul opinion (lint the Princile will be able in return to Kingston on Thundny, or It Ieu: by the and of tho nook. A con-cl Tulane. "IN {or the a.- who m can not tlslglmla Navy? Wuullvv -- -- unmllllll. III III, mwppoudtobopouc-gdolhum Emu-mo. uni nn-.;-.A- _. -l .L- __;J2L -vr Tu: SCHOOL BantuThere Iiu be I meeting of tho School Baud this Honing to receive the report of the Committee who have been ongngod in locnting tho tuohorl {or 187 9. 'hlt that "port will be we mnnot u, until it in ofcinlly and. known, but. to npprohond I number of clungu af more or loan importance will be undo. Sr. PAUL'H Cuuncu AssocunoN.At I meeting of the Executive Committee of thin Auoci-tion, held In: night, it u- nnnnimnully Agreed to poatpono the next regular meeting from Thundly next until the evening of Maud-y, llio 16th inst , on account of St. Jamel Con- cort being held on Thursday next. -._. STANDARD [RANKThe Reformer. of Monck have chosen Mr. Richlrd Hur cuurt u lhuir cmdidnte {or the reprmnv tatiun of the c: mmnency in the Onhtio Loqillnlure. Mr. Harcourt in tho Ion o' A former member for Huldimlnd, from which county put of the electoral dil trick of Monck wu lak en. Tl: ()PIIA HauntTho Mutin- In pushing thin uilding to I completion. Work in being curried on It night .1 well :- day, and such hu been the Iuccou that it in expected the opening will b. mule auzplciqully atom the end of the present mouth, and during the holiday "IA-Ill" '~vw Svsnxnm. The New Dominion Monthly," published by Hours. Dougnll t Son, 0! lb. Witum, hn boon Impend- ed, Inning proven a mncnl fuilnre. Durinu the eleven years of it.- intone. it had involved n [on of 8l,000 nnnullly. _7~o.., RINAWAY.Thll morning Mr. Mc- Sourley'a team ran away from "me Punt Oioe. They ran up Clarence street, and then wheeled into Princeu root, coming into contut with nlamp-prut oppo-ite N. K. b'oolt'n grocery, demolishing it. --~. Smut CAm.The street cu- did I goud bu-ineu w-d-y. Neuly ovary cu- wu comforubly lled with plunge". The rain in a grad halp to them. _.. Pox.th CountThoma- Mitchell, Frederick Leadbentot, Thom-l Wan-05 disorderly, dilchnl'ged; David Grey, re- filling to pay Wgrl, adjourned. o.o PlomanIu.Brink .to high candy to northerly winch, cloudy westhu Iilh notion] dmngomnco! lugs orgnl. u m. Munch, livenhwt. he .Iil! induce nhoplou. I... mo! is handed wth mnny oooua com- plmUono; Ind whllo II In; In mun;- [nuance- hu but a sympton . among others. tfnn trrltotlo Incl "hm-ml nervous Ipnm I! not minted. III-l Intrmou inert-Mod, It may pron the lomfllnner nl Mun. chum-u In the bnin or splnul oohl. 0.0_ Rzmnu MannaThi- evaning the Reform Allocinion menu for tho eleiou of ofcers 3nd fur the lrnonctiun of im- portant bulineu. Kur your eyes opon for the put crockery nud china Ink. * O-.-O-- Kimonos in being annual for the colobuted Iix wheel lowing mohina en- t". Eur, machine nhould luv. u not. WISDAY EV'NG, DEC. 10, 1878.| lav 9M:?ff?1~l w, w" Patina. on. dual..- AT nunurr PIICII. 184 Princes- St. 1!... An. lmse'omrsl I'Iafl. Plated Wan. nn_n-L .AII. [Bantam ertl (x; _D., [I 011.! m 0N EACII PLUG. '1'qu In mm at s cm loo; swx :- Nov. 4!- CITY AND VIOIIITY. YOU CAN BUY IUII was. C" RIIII. Iro- nd Steel. in; ac. . ~I_ Ann--- lamp. l III- VI ill- .6. ml! ICU, plus, to day. ~11. Ida-lion Day-uent in vary Mn in tho W ol ontilioatu. who lo catch on [Ah ()ntuio M 0*- tln III"!!! out hon. m l-w tho poor m not ho- llgnmlo. 'Mdl you an W". '5 -h. M hula hunk-Id ~~Mhm bnMOHbm bh .J m. It hon hi: in hw-Hcmymom kwhcu'xm. Its-u A.- L. .4 L... _I..AA1 rung}...- sale

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