Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1878, p. 1

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, 30116:"! Annul- ol A" kinda. Sunk] Ioka Book. III fume-unruly. . Gold You. Penciln. Pen lid Panel} combined , Bpommona slum!- on new. Ian-on an: oor. v01; XLVI. BOOKS 0' All. II! In Lenka, Hm, Fm Cal! and Cloth Minn. PRINCESS STREET. 0 16th. lmmwanux-smnn Dec. 20th, 1873. And our lyric-m Ire lawn than any u'ber Iimllu ulnhnlune. in tho city. GIVE UB A CALL. Extra nut-aloe uni prompt. htteuduum. unl- ol A" Hung, I tune-coining. I!!! llel 001'!!! on Alrrod umo, Mlli qmr Acre l at. E'erylhln. hgoodonlu M_JMnmmi mum" in. 9 III-J. Hated Wan. lith IkIIS. Out hulls, Iron and Steel, 1 ' $119.4 ' S. WOODS. nxcv gun. YOU CAN Bl'Y mm [lunar Il| un- \ m TEAS V urn..-- 1-1-5... 1 u, lh-nl Estate Agent. Jan. I73. n. E. "IRIS. 0.9.8.. 1.0.8 DEN[IST- V'VICI AND RESIDENCE. Prince" 8: I Wm. lmuml Ind Sytlonhm Street... Cmful nus-don paid to tho correcting of 'Ir; mill-I'lth a! the tooth. 1R1 FICED V V Ipeomeu Douro-a nur nu mun u. qu J u. 0:: the Out'u'd Puuge from noennhm w New York or Benton. arousing loridhn of 50 u 43 Lat , or nothing to the North 0 411. On tho Homeward Pmpmmuing who Ioddlw of .50 u. 42 Lut..or nothing to the North 0! 49] Through Bill. of India; pun tor ban-u, uu Omdnent; sad for Madmen-nun pom. For Freight, and Pumo.npply It Compwyl The CunardISteamship Company,(Limited) FROMNEW YQRK. FROM NI A BYSSINI A . . . .W'ednanday, ()ct. 301.11 11' L'SSIA . . . . . Wm BOTHNIA . . . . . .Vedncsday, Nov. 6. SC YTHIA . . . . . Wm ALGERIA . . . . . ..Wednesday, Nov 13. And evarytotlowtng Wednudzy fom Now York. lune: OI ruuuga l B Steamer. carrying Swomge, 3'). and $100 gu'd. wwrding to nooommmlntion. ilo Steel-ago. dv Shame" not carrying nmrngeJSO. "00 and $130. gn'd. moon! mg m acmmmndatlon . Tickets iuued at a special rate M 850 gold. during the Fall and Winter gout), m to Putin $15.00, Gold, uldltlonll. Return Tickets on favorable mnul. Shun It very low mum montage Tickets from Ln-rpuol and Quoenstown and I och. pun- oi lure Iowa-t nm Bil of India; for Belfut,Gluxov. Havre.Amm-rpsnd athor pom o. u). lodltenuwgn pom. China House. TBEHE IS NOTHING SO IMPORTANT New York and :CALLING AT And nothing prove: ndityllke pnhlw nppro- ointmn nn no! ring proves public sppmcintion like nip-on u-Id ml nlnrltlm .- 5!). 7|. My npilly incn-uing salon in Tru then in my Alguxncnt in fnvur of u: uupnriur ex cvllence nf Inv lJ. BEDDEN, Teasand GeneralGroceries. lm and ELEGANT DESIGNSI Toilett Sou md Vuol. Gut 01m and Gilt Toilet Bottles, Morocco Toilet Cues. mARUI lll ununa run no. You Gan Sava 25 per Gent. by 03.11ng at Livmgstons. M nwAnvMAhR (ILOTIHN'G i; Imw. Fuhlonlbly Cut. bubin'm Pinr'n, Cuudnyn. Rignlud, Rim. Allimn'u md Hondnu -----~---;- I rnqu-m o SPRCIALLY PUICHAIED IIOI THII HOLIDAYS. BY I Inna-1'11 a com. | INU' Dodo: In New and Second Hand Clothing of 311 Kinds. cHEAP' WINTER GLoTHIi G. Livingstonfil Brock Street, ,.- .mnnu umnvunw rln'llll} A'I LGWER UDDLBVD IIID uuvv Overcoat; from ................................. Mens Good Working Pants from........ Good Canadian Tweed Suits. all Wool.. Pine Pants ........................................ .. Tweed Vests .... ............................ .. White Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Shirts nd Drawers... A Inga Stockol FLANNEL SHIRTS curmmnllyon [1. LARGE MEN. "Don't. fuilturnnmmlml THEiligorpn's QPQTHING HOUSE, A - -_-.. D. Dinnka \ W THE UIIEST STOCK 0F CUTTERS MD SLEIOHS IN Kll'l I" nnnIYIHIID DIDIV I". Ell-h" vuvvn v- -v---- --- -_~-_..- w, , V STYLISH PLEASURE ELEIGIIS. EQUAL TO ANY IN THE PROVINCE. EOBTY NEW MADE CUTTERa 0! BEST STYLE AND QUALITY. 9' [man living also. All work guaranteed. Repairing in .1] it: brancbu. W. ROBINSON. 15 59Q9 5| 1'. '13. Ol MORTGAGE om APPROVED AL TATE. 1 III. A h ulna 378m mm! & I Ody. . WM m "QUALITY" m GBOGERIES. QUALITY! QUALITY! " IA MEREFEHRISTMAS WILL ll BOLD on renumgbla lnrmn. Hm I! Dvollllgl on Gordon ItrootJmtvoon umJohn-n 3mm. Non. am, 2;" and 2. homo no at line nppomncu; one Ink for IIJ) nor var. Ind hu lino roouu. [ROBINSONS CARRIAGE, WORKS] CHINA TBA HOUSE. Nov 23:22, 0 ct. 30th. r 0 I). I mummy: _ / _0 __ 71'! the new at diminishing the (hnunoa of oolliniou.the ateumml of this Lino an n specied oonm Ior an muons of the ymr . um (Inn'an Puma Onoemhm And Beautiful Colors. tx'rznsm SALES! I. Ullu UNIU uu In. uuuuu uJ vw.-..-D - __.__. _ _ _ __ 0 take notice that his Stank of READY-MADE CLOTHING i4 Imw, Fuhlonnbly well mad", and aqua 1n ovary respect to guy CUSTOM WORK qudu in the clay. 9. The how line I. tot .IJ) per our, holds. cloneu. pun ry nnd collnr. 'llw ullmra II f0! .95 each And hum all rootnl. beau!" aOuIl. puma and nellnrl. llu-rn in n (on In nub hon-n. Ind hlld nil Ion wu- m an. In kllchcn. Good Shal- md plunked rst. nulludou to ouch home. All. tha two nylhh Buck hmwa In ulna Nook uuly nhhul They oonuln 7 ram: ouch. hikin- clolotl,pcntu.mllnru and good rum and Ihodl. Lou H-J (on: doevt Further pucnlm on Ipplmuou lu WI. SHOWBEN, lnhnmu throat. and I lplendui munch: of IDEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES AND WORKMAHSHIP. (DESERVE THE LOW PRICES: DRU(}G ISTS. . 12m, -vv-v- GIVE TIIEI A TRIAL. I'I'l'lES! - DIVIIIII Al. F unav- - w '_ 7,, _ _ W 21 Brock Street, (next to McKelvey& Birchs.) CHARLES LIVINGSTON. KINGSTON. CANADA. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23. 1878. n Inn. .'M I Irllllv" III rnlvnv n-vv OBSERVE THE Wuann-uconmmu v mlhm.Wood Shed, tr. boubk Inn. Tuna: Home on Nahum autumn. not -l__ --.I - L." Ann.- an n..an llr. , suui'rs ammul'n'ynu [mmh EXTRA SIZE Chomnuuon u- Dou't fail to mnmmber tlm plncu m locum Bargain; Rates of Pentagon .n. I 3100 {NHL wlwrdinz us than any mlmr hlore in the NW. as n 1 you have [ha advantage of lmvmg t MAN U!" \CTUREKS' PRlCl'ls, .. . I n n- 9 n y|()fce, No. 4, Bawlmg mn. an York. CHAS. G FRANCKLYRL PA RKHILLS PARKHILL 3 THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF A HAPPY NEW YEAR ' vmfhiux Iwo. ulw - . ll" sad I hull Acre- on Regent urn! IMHO [u 3 but union; . n..- _ 1].... _|. __-__..J mt - PARKHILL'S [Holiday Sweetie; and llqumsl lMake a. Note of It! IT- Emma-.3314 ll trying MI 151- (UIVIZL'I'IUNEIY and BAKING lumm AIM, In no Bloch u - hand at and. w odor. w lanai VIZ-85nd god. umcnmx .1 dl hullu.- - ll! TIE HARKBT swan! LUNCH)! at dl hull-III. IU- . Both-god Col-'0. MI... I. mam-p who, huu and .0 M! "Min 0! Cal- n-l Nh q-lly. I? rm mm- b an: ad mu Wedding Inn . u. Doc lzh. PAHKHILLS. U- law-"u, PBYIICIAK AND 808030". bu removed u "u corner a! Quon And Bum nets. OFFI'W Hath h Gunnl Drug Store. Nov 3 In Iovufol m thM-A-l - .mp- - I' I I' w, er OOI'OI'I'AIIJ mu 0", 41.0. m cur-o ht. M.- NEW YORK. I" a I 1' 5 Am- lef t m. For Genuine Liquor I. u: nus u W ROBINSON. uuuus. Live r pgol CORK HARBOR. For Cheap Fruit. For Pure Oo'oe. For Fina TEAS. IrSAAC " DAVID. BROKER. --nw p19"! 1 u N .l thn. .. Wednesday Nov 20 Wednesday, Nov" 27- T. B. BAWLIY. upwards. VI. Agent , Iituskd not! the Perth Rood. live Inlch (mm King-ton. Thoma In good [Ilile nd shout bres-an- ol GEM hgood baring order. For tann- Apply to no Iton. mntnining 50 Acres of loud cultivwd IAnd. Thumm no two Dwelling Hon-on, (oc< Cnpied) {our Well: at inter, ad 4 Acres of In Orchard. in 00d condition. with fruit. There In one new lm, Intel humming 40148, the best In the Township. in vnlmhlo Property In nitunod I) the Perth Road. vo milel from Kingston. Thu property on be oh: ed by paymg one third down Fur f er pu- ticuhrn u to terms or otherwise. apply to the owner. ON the Southwest Arm of Lot 24 In the 51h (loncenjon n the Town-Mp of King- mnuining 50 Acres of good cultivnttd two D'olllnn Han-on. (oc- uwuer, WM. DAVID. (In. Inlrr. Fri-ecu mt. lily-u- FORTY ACRES of good culnted Load. mum the Perth Rood. ve miles fmm lamina. mood bniIJinal WI. auowunn, Johann I will all the Hulldlugl Inglyornlwgmhor. Doc 3nd. I VI I Vr__' 0000 BUSH VA". cum-h that on huh-ad And not] was. n I. . new Prune Dwelling bers. for will nonlv w the ownr, Prune [)vall .pply (N ENTLEMEN.At the nqnnst of anum 1 her of my friandn. Man Elwtorc o! the Ward. 1 now beg respectfully to solicit your voron Ind innonru II thn torthoominz Al- derlnnnio election. If letumed I will do my duty to the Ward and the any genenllv. AIDE!!! "ID'I'TH - vv vv- v-wn --' ~m'v 87 1'8! QUART. GALLOI, or BARREL It n Che-p r... Apply :0 III! III. Ann ' Algkrmc: 3Amg': l 1 a or non puod M man- with 'I. In. .3... I. i- ! o! lo- to h In 'I. DAVID, m. d I had-Manna . uncut. ln. lm In" M an, To the- Electors of Frontenac Ward. ENTLEHEN,l respectfully um: no In- form you Hut I will be undid-to for In Ion It. tlm Council Bond a Mpmnutlvo of your Ward. lmnv not be able to mono!) vour pemunv. but. notwldntaudlng I" that l unmiolpsm a liberal Hippo" from the doctor- of Cnaruqui Ward. Vnnr nhadinnl Inn-III. ' um my nwve guy. Spinning the lingo. and inuence to! every citizen fnvonble to honest and pure Govern- mout. ENTLEMEN.I mpt the kind invita- tion of large uumbar of Your bodv, ind have Insure In plmin myulf in your Innda H Al annuo undldtfo tor I09. 17.15; mm 07 mm. Ward. have vorymt plmre in aoooadmg no we request. Ind ifelootod pledge myself to do n n my power to Advance the but intent of this nwve 78pm:th thga pulfrggea 3! i6 thei Elcctrs of Bldeaul n7_1 ENTLEMEN.At the no nut 01' I. large number of my frianda In t - Wis-d. I beg lane to oer myself-- 3 Cnndldne for. but at. the Council Board for 1879. Should I tune the honour of being return-d. I nlnll me my boot and: mute to main. in the plow Adminis- tutinn of our civic am'rs. To the Electors of the Cltt Klnzston. I uh I haunts , Having been 3 neetnd by 5 large and inuential number u Elector! to ropreseu this city in the non Pun-Human: ot Ontario. have plenum in aoooadmg to the luv unwan- m Advnnm the inmrut To the Electors of Rldeau Ward. tube Election for m Loml Legislature will take place withln I few month. 1 be; to Inform the Elector: of the (my 0! King-ton Ih I will main be nCundidum for the position I now hold. 5nd dint I will commotion u por uonl onnvul of the city In of"! d- ; [rest my chim w the petition on what hove Il- msdydono. Ind when elected will follow on In the name unlghtfonuvl ooune l hove shun panned. having on eye Ilnglo to the prooponty of the Province. the ndvumoment of the city. And spoohllv to the wolf-re ofjmy follow workman. WI. ROBINSON. King-ton, Nov l5 l878. -VII-ll l nul- vv g ARBIIITEB. AmBNlYAA-LAW. 80- LlClTi II An. ()PIIUEPrinooa Street On r 01'. IIinnnu Drug Store. I t b M. II". }oITv or chsrou.| [bate-mm m- MAYOR'OI I09. To the Electors of the {City 0! Kingston. oumusx sw'eat Cider for Sala mum-AHA" AIIn- ._ IADDII Kinyamu. Duo. H, 1878. Your obedient servant, JAMES ll. IIE'ICALPE. King-non, Supt. 23. 1878 ml, than", WM, DAVID, Thom 311*".an IL. Imp... N Mh Concession vi '- Doe. 5th. 1878. Iv-uq-uuw- 'r-, . WILLIAI DAVID. TthupBroku.Prhnl It .lllm Ahayifeady. ENTLEMEN.At the of anam- r my ENTLEHEN,l ! von L W 'lltw' you-Jim mum-cur aunt-humpouohm. To my humans I, l have the honor to be. Your obedient JAMES II- HETI. FOR SALE, ... arm.an an... no 1 A. m Fi am ("FQR BIKE; II III! DAD. n- ._- G. E: GILDEESLEEVE. II. J. snuunius, u.u.. MINI 07 Till: Bonn on.an of lama. Englwd. tllvlflftll: AND IMIIClr'ulhnon Imus. lulf In! MIMI! William um! Earl Strum. ("VICEAt DI. Ym. Burger]. lav nd. Wanted. | EM nun-n ruru lull Due on] gularluv. guru MARTIN. WILLIAM DAVID, Nun.- in Y1... WM. SNOWDEN. uululw 101' In! :1. EDWARD LAW. I In" u. a'aonluson. wiifmgjmn y" Water Works Notice. gure will nd it in my EXTRA .\.\ Inll XXX Those "ill! will any mph! in the mm". mere cold wulher. My Darn-la ln-ar my original trademark WORKSnn the Don River. and Front Stu. Ofce. 14 Church amet. Toronto. nnnnruu n ('m1\lll ONSUMERS are hereby reminded to bus their oellnn nnd plnoev where the Water Pipel enter their promiul u once secured from front. Ponilively no allowance will be muda on amount: for the nu; )ptge of lupply, if such stoppage I foun .tu exist tritium! (he lme of atrut. J. WILSON, Manlgu K . W. WWI-o. UIIIUI'. I! Vuumu lurch, u GEORGE B. STOCK. ITofon 'ciiOEEIiYSTAuBl NH! _SALI. BA 1 VALUABIJL PEEKHOLD le- PIRTY o )nhrh not, hown u the ONE! H U, A nab-mum stone bandinnu Brisk (m0 Ind [M that. with Mom maul-g. 'l'ho Homhlltod on ml with van and gun, Md hon tho but Minu- m of 0am "etude-uh the lily in; ad um i broke [all c In non. 'nalndl-puubio. For wus- lm enquire ol the "no: on tho pmth 10")! GIMME. kov 1:. Hum. 4 mm Prizes and the Gold Medal awnrded to my MACHINE OILS at the Provincial Exhihiliun held in Toronto. Hem. 1878. All who desire a nd. ohm 0i] ata Ivw will nd it. in EXTRA XX null YYV Thun- ilu will luv limnhl in llw mum'. M nook? Oyster! daily direct In. Nth m We will have A VIII DP Y In! th- HOHDAII. hp} rd m.| v XXX mum r Oysters, Oysters. REES BROS [BEES BROS| Inn-mun".- mm I167 Wellington Street, l Three inch And upwmll. 82.60 per keg of 100 l pounds. Sliver Ware. Bronzes and Bo- hemian Goods In great vuriuty and M, exceedingly low prices. A.A A- NOTICE OF REMOVAL. DYER. than WILL REMOVE ()N 0!! ABOUT THE 151 01" JANUARY TO New York (Huh. Acme Club And many other puttva too numerous to mention. lawn! in. 3051:. m1! And mlke your purchases from one of the bent Stocks Kingston hu ever 9?. A mngnicent Stock 0 WATcHE AND JEWELERYI The undenigued ha- : lugs A-ortmont o! on bud. suitable for (hrlntlnn presents. in' u Iiu: the following [mutton]; : r w. Tint m FRESH, well nude nd vaunted to numb-nan. Ice King, gov: Nlizl GAGE BROS; Plile H ATTEBS AND [-UBRIERS. Corner Prince-I Ind Bum 81M. EMPLOYEES WORKING NIGHT And I)" to wpply the demand [or MM' and Gentle-ens IFURSII A Merry Um'istmai nd a Happy New Year." c. I. um. I.D., non; 1.. (Id! W you Irish-cry.) new In on! AUBIIT. Ole. u Ila Dru. ' luv. l6 Who-:0 m. Ilium, Nov 27. Nov. 4, 1878. J-UH-l-fIU JJlUU lamurlu m Du ma. naw . uitf stonq (lzxr T0 3. woom' Doc lady" MILLS BROS. u' .._.-.. I, {0. I VAWII TIIIACI. hit and dial-v. My. 1'. 1. 001mm h- I vuiviagonten daily direct [ml DE II [P Y to! tho BOHDAII. HA'X'I'ERS AND FUBRIERS. grime-I Bigot TO RENT. ; vumn mun: hall I l... cull-Tu WJMSVW 4 '0'. Ole. ran-1mm III-UM h [lam All Clamp. N BXb, "'itrw A5 iii CALL AT HY. SKINNER, " Agent, King-ton. lMAEHINEI OIL Iffled [0f '00.]an 'lU 'Orll (I pro- perty {rt-m: {nun-r. Tli'ejudun nltlio neiulilnwlmod won I urluuad his guilt, 3nd woulin ununood him to rmin thirty-bin. luhu at the pu'illc whipping post. which 'i- the mun-l pull; in thin Commnnweulth for ret lumen]. The puni-hmout In dn, inicted by tho countable, Ind st in termination Ford exhibited ilw Iildool. emotion And loll uith the greth pmiplhtion la home. A doop name 0! nomoalm mud to tile upon him, and In In parked, II'BI'hOIDd. Ho spoke blah math" calmly, without. nautical the M. ii- which In Ind boa u jute-l, and -.ll.4l I... III- an- Ill- noL-p L..ng Norfolk, VA" Doc. 20,A Itnnp tragic oocurronoo l00k phoo a Backbon, in Nmumond county, yon , which Ibo-l up the n Mun I now nod oxtnurdinn ML Mom Ford, who Ill employ-d u 9 II to 1:50": on the Sonbond a Remake Irocd, VII '1th for stealing .10 Int; oi nortv lrnm: {um-r. Tha indun of Hm vvvvmcn I. mu m: In]:ij Cm ullod for u. gin. an new in hunch. mmn. Ib- MM dz! Awnnmoolmm w.m0no lumtho vapan,IbIhOWM "I. mi yud,ouldho .d the nun- ! ! il M nub 7.: if: 5.]. : Tao-EM. In: eh. mu 1m, autun. u no nun- Inn of hi. {nail , :05 W m maul. u! the gun to II Ion M. pulled tho urine: with ' Ii- !o'u. Uh um- ouuod DOWN-b. ho ood nmniuu. an brnhl "Mind-d own-inn stood uninjured. . rudjuuod tho 'oco and It auin, at. tin. with [nu onion-unknown o! the skull wu blown uny nod thud out the ground, pro-Min. mat nvolqnind o. ' ' to I My m In. ; M n in in Illinois:- an. m- CtIIOG [Of I" [-0. . .0 m lumtho'apon IDIMWM I. but mamma'nnam u nun- o! I lla .nlnnkl. m 3'. mun-n yddbhlwluity. npprouonaoa. John Epporwn mmndoml hinul! to the wlhoritiu, but In mquhtod, th- ouroner'n jury nding thnt, in killing hil father, ho only and in ull-dolouoo. A .v-u. .-. After committing thou Itmoioul crimes, Thoma.- Epporoon do from tho none of murder, and bu no yet boon Ipprohondod. In}... Rump-nu lmnAAIAt Linn-ll In ; .wnn-n nnv IA.- -- I-vnn Without an innmtl pan-0 Alb! tho oomniuion of thin Imdilh not the murdonr continued ring a il broth" John, whom, honour, hohilod to hit, though he hit. moth" brothcroomo Ep- perwn, through the thigh, inMlng n uvoyo esh wound, And with unadul- bullet Ih'gtiibd the knoo of bl" [of hi- uiuten who up in tho room, the horried mtneu of'tho bfobdy loll, though pow"- lou wprouut them. It in fund the girl cnunot recover. A IlVn "v"- lvlnn- -lhlllll II A wn. Soon utter the IbOVO accumnco moth" sou, Thoma Eppum, mammal homo, And using no. atldonool U! the bloody tragedy before him, ukod 16111: if he took bin hater"- min the ght with their motho in brother wanted, No, I took mother'l t. Thom.- thoroupon rejoiuod, hm t till his [nthezn pnrt,nnd, raving- piltol, bo- gnn ring u hi: hrd Ear, who nn into the houlo, Tin-mu following. The mo thor Mumpted to keep him from outer. ing, but, with all hi. wont puliw I smuud to the higheat pitch he niud Ina Arm nnd red a piltnl bl thromh hor breut, from the e'octa of which shodiod In slow momma. munmo Ion-mm Alumna luv- ina home. On Wodnudq nor-Ina. how-"Lb. returnod bad it 1w not long befonho .136 Ml w". train quu~ rolling proceeded to blow. At :hi- juncture John Eppemon. none-armor! Ion, ondouwund to protect his mother, when-en on bin lather draw I pookukn'lle And in ictod four wrinul woundh on hi- romnining arm. A fearful strugglo omuod, in which the non moch In wreltinujhe knife from the gulp of hi. hther, and immodiltely do. I. old mun nlnhl blow, the blldo ponotnt- ing the heart nnd producing imam denth. A most Ippalling tnpdy occurred between the run-lb." o! I (sulin umed Eppenon. ruidingin tholouor put. 0! Hancock county, Tenn, A low mlloo from Thornhill. non the loan. of "10 Lo. Ind Leger murder-I, whilh occurred 5 you :30. It IPPOIII am from incompnibil- ity of an ruuant, ornmo .quully ulid ecu-e, 1'. J. N. Eppunon And lm wife could not live haunt], on" in their old Ige thong" the :- ol 3 Inge hmily, and l I. on Win :hc resulttho loll-dim hunkbd luv- inn hum. 0n Wain-uln- mar-Ina Baue- arm We: My nun-rum. nun. [Ida-x ho Imm mblo in m" nun-m {n nihil- m II. whin- H;FWK=FWV v w _.-.._ pun. 93"qu ' PM... Wig: AM' (and 0: II gravid I]! wall; Like own M Oman gun. Ieouldmmlpo.m _ Ivond-ot inn-t Thu hid-n.me told; My mother'- lonwuldul be but. knot-'- up. ""m" 3? Betta-Anny an vu. Ila-l] my mini-{Aid ho! hum dou moth. our) uh _.__ .__._._Y___ xenon hm, mo. 2:; 1m, d. uva-wthomfu-h. I'd love has- fot M m Mutt That hid In," VIII!- Ih told; I mow ' It I still glow: :: ur 031:5. Lad (v-WI creditor-kc. [lolly must-aid bed At your mount, our, nigh. Bade harm girl. a (col IF out new KNEW. DOUILI PAIIICIDI. LAND IU'I'IIII Ill-LID All) run AND IIITIL shot. Suicide from lune. NO. 300' Sore Throat. It never 1.!" In ('roup, I'. wlll cum 5 cold or rough In twrnh Junr m forty-main hours. Una bunk: luu cured Bronchllll of 0| M you! utunhng; n-uum, cue-no mud n Ihmw nu {mm It hm- ro-mnd tho volra whnro lb:- ponum luul Iml Ipokon nbova I whiny" In live yum. A: an outwud sppuuou In I can. of [min I [Amoco-a. uothln. like It hm Hvrr Iu-u-p. howl. Oubotdn vm onto my mum M lune Book or Cnal In the: Buck lfnr 1h- o-lo-n! the Spin: Ind Contruunn of u- Haule- N hIanqllllhd. In I 'Imln m- ay olhor pun the nd appliulmn um-n you 004. luau-altar Aom ml Hm [min I . In In Ham nuutu. and in ulu gm hrr Hm halt Ind cheap! modtnm- "var u-u, u. the Mls. the aha-[mt hrl'nuu- ll mm. m mu. tad you good. IL La mmpuwl of nu at u but oil-known. Ind nnthmx but lllll. In toning well!" In old. Why not. Indy 0: m. duh-A. l. Dalton mu-mun pawn-mm, 0 race! I. Hun will cure on, FREE OF UHABJE Thin rout rum y wudtumvarul b'l uifllnunry In South America. Bar-I . .0 Idde unvalo m w the HIV. Juan" 1. lllu.8uuon D. Ihb a Home. In: Yuri City. w M Run 1-m- Twuclbnve w thirty drop- ul Tnouulcucrmc "IL. wdl ('urv- mnmmu Inn Throat. It never (III: In (mun In. dayA. I. [kahuna-hunt pawn-nu, yiflo. P Q. writ: - " Thin n mun l I. IleI it I mum: mun-h ul nod- In tho .ltmu whirl) l hnvn moan-tum loud. All hvtng uml h u [diluent 0|" M II.- 4?". mm" M u nance-plu- 1 on um Mn only Mrs]! I bul- lih l on com and-rout I! youwI"Iov. J. lulory, ow It! 'ln'tl 'Dl. Tho-n locum 0i: "Mimi-m: In one want mop lnmnon A-| to: Drfrhmm and .0 MM". In wuh' mo! [mutton Dr. km on. B. I. tho nun-lurch! I. N. Ml II OI li- vnpp". and um num- m mmt lan- no blown h. u. hmllo, and nu to mu. link! by I "unlit-m- m Print 5.. Ion-nor a Lulu. Tmb.0n.. lot th- Dmlnum lon- ud [loud-J. Incineration: 0! only doc", ion 1 receipt. that. only a noel I URL E. In. niflnnnr' 1 w. uni p amoral. 0-- Im... It". ad Iu-I'dublobnu. .- I no u u III-II II"- M who. III-u'n'molhn u! imam gun-mg..- w. n I- Ih up n ".4," in", null-No Io de:aMl-uuuw n. a lab- 'M will Own-MID. lb inch not! act Inu- O unm- min-p u.- n. by (In- uno- AII Ant-an m Iltbom nu cab-l and. that": b mo 3h link-l H d onnhlmg u 3" allth lulled- 7M u:- 5 km and... ' d A FAMILY FILIIHD.-N0 flmlly nhmnld be without. Perry Duil' Vogutuhle I'nm Killer. It can be given to th. inhml Im- the Colir, 1nd to the Idll". for rhuunmnnm. There in Icaroaly n disease to which u. an, not be benecslly appliml. ll column: no dolohnom drug, but may Im nun! fur the urinul nilmeuuuf "Inllkllul. -w AVIth C. gnu "bl. rm: f rm 0'" won an. . uMh-lra-Jmoziml. _._,_._.___..._.__--v H'IIIAV; In. Items. (hut-0 o Ind Quboollmhorqnho .lCol ha. of yum And Outta-II d um III Quota) Ply-win. Samoan. Aooom-beur Ola: Prim .010! aha-h Dru; swro' 0.0 II. 1871. II. .I.siunnsns,'u.n;. " 1' III n. 1'! m'AL COLLEGE' I. mo- trial. . an! Int-a- Jabs-unju- WWI Inn- {~ public u-M) I m h. an" mt, yam. Eta-c h It up, all-o huh-'- I Tllnl in no remedy fur lauqu cum. gum. In good an Vim-nun Btu-nu and VA Una]. Altvr iu um lur A law days, the whole ayatom seems invignrutml, Hm pallid pl and choeln Ioun Ihnw a may tint, and ohonrfulnru driven awny llm sickly fond And Imrvmm pain- whmh (lu- tloy the pleasure) of Ilmm wlm null'n-r from the peculiar C(nuplnluts ul tllu um:- tler nu. Fur Sula by Ill Druggiuu m King-tun. _ a...__ ,,,, ~rimr ~~ a A Poslnvn FlaxNewman: u tlm lenao ol fooblonosn, nr le luck of Its!"- lity of the nervous system, as du- tinguilhed from the rent of the body. It in pro-eminently a diueuu,nnd muro willo- ly Iproad through the Nonler mud Eastern part of the United Slam-u mnl Dominion of Canada than in any ulvhrr part of the word. We will not unl. in My why this in the can, but we in en|~ hatically uy tho Vlorvlu 0mm: w 1171' or Hvrnrumrnn-ln will ho hum! an invaluable madiolne for all pnru. n aficted with Nurvoulneu, Dylpep-ln, Consumption, Defective Nutrition, l:~-n erul Debility, or Weakness of lllu wl. ln Iyuom. One of the lint effect: in nu l orcaao of the norvmu or ulul ulluluy, followed by a fmlmu of unnalml enmlnrt and Itrength. Fur Halo by all Druugmtu in King-ton. nna urengm. Kingston. Tho Belt Salvo in the world fur Cull. when, Sam, L'lcurs, Sn. Rheum, Toner. Chnpped Hands, Chi'lluumV Con-I, md I kinda of nkm mupliuns. Thin Suite in unnamed to give pvrfvcl ntinhctlun in every cure, or money r. lundcd. Price 26 Conn per bux. Fur 1:10 by J. G. King. King-ton. nonoy,ana 'll any 0! Dirk llnlluw. Thi- odition at n. Southworth'n buokn in printed on tho inou white pup-1'. u oomploto in forty-three volumes. bnuud in vellum, bhck and gold, with a ml uilt book, and in will At the [ma prim m! 81.25 I volume. or (752.3 fur n lull nv complete not. Evary family and xv y)- ibnry Ihould have in il mule, If Ilul I complete set of Mrs. Suulhworth'u bunks. Thoy will be found for ula by all nuk- ullon, or coplu of any one, or more ur All 0' them, will be not to any nus, In Any plnce, st once, per ml, poulp-ud, on remitting 8) 718 for such on. wnnml. in a letter, 60 lbs Publisherl, T. B. Puwrmu & Broth-n. Plliluinlnhi; PA lower, w me ruomnerl, 1. IS. a Brothel-I, Philmiolphih, Pl. and live. '11:. Dunn! Wilc, "PM Thu. Buntin, Tba Fug] Scent.' Tho Phantom Wodding, Vivia; or. Secret of Pour, Prinoo of Duknou, 'Tho Fnul Mnraqo, 'Lonu labor Wm, le Gypuyn Pro ooy. nunud Hume. M,' Tho ilo'l Vichq, 'The n- therimhm' Rribuliou, "The Twin siltotu, Indit. of Paul River, 'Curau of Clifton. Dinoudod Dnughtor, 'Allworth Abbovand Mnhrv of Dnrk Unlinw, bat routs, in. diamante mung. (hurtling incidouh, mum, mu 0! when. ad Dd puc- Mquiohq the palm llld thrill tho out with_ law and Thou in tho N mommy in t noun-notion III. Dopth. I RM; or, me the Dupthu. BAN 80 Won Hor, Fu'r Pluy. Viotor'l 'lriumph, A Buuliful Fioml. 'Tho Mining Brude. The 8 metre Luvar,' I'll. Ankh Love. A ohle Lurd, Loot. lieu- of liniithgov, hind Fur Hot to ' Cruol u the Gnvo, The mud Mao-s rh. Family 000...: I'll. Uhriltmu Guoot, 'Tho Bride'- Fuo.' Thc Chuugod Brida, Fnllon Pridu," The Widow] Son, Brido of Lovellyn."1hd Fortune Baku-3 "lho bolt Hoinu, M of "I. Ille. Thu Bl'idll Evo. rlod Wife, "lhe 8.:rol. Phgnmm Waddina ' Vuir mp RAH-mo .J uni-.7. To I" who am nuurihu from Hm Amara Aml lnducrallom of youth. norm. wanna... pal: of mnnbood.ku. I will nunri I menial will cum me FREE. Uh o~o- m numbluv Tenor, phyaic Mun-aqua, Id nun norinr walla-mold huh-vii for than i no um the .0. Ill who. mm... in... III I" III-p MU; '3;er r: lb. 1., {ll-um. m m lb weight In old. Why | i-A.l. Q. - l'hmn Bucklens Arnlu Salvo. A CAR". .vnll (rouIL It. (I) 1 'II. mu? Wuanwjrn l Vul _n L In- i3} "u. n. W. U5 1 . lmslOoo Mad mldonoo. Dr. Samp- Ion'l once. oornor of King deiIli-m m. onondu Duh Ynm. ""MNLET. 1: am xbw nu on snow loo-uh In! hat on a. U. Manny, '8: [run Aom. rp; am, noniiii smw. nnrrvn Amnnkv. LLA I run gm. own-u- I. -un'. wlww alum-m o! bud. jun bayond cum-L a n AIII I na. 3. w. nnf IT -mnm I 'alllt WALK" from [0 arm . u h-A-a'Al-I Jun-l I DI. mum. nun nnnnwn b... n 11' to? 7n" .4 n-...l. _n.l-l a I. '{III'I & 0.. _I_ B. C. 3100th an. unmuconuiuiu 9 lhad. Iuhv,l Ali than who lino moond Clothingjor othor Good- lo ill-90.0 of, will pious call on Chap Jul. Ila lull p.11 Ibo highs-z p on for them lveqbody In in ad to come in (a n u- ph from ISAAC DAVID. General Broker. [ Wmm'thstmt.Klnnwu. In at. CHEAP JACK. Lou V0310; and '17, noth 9111100! Sixth Street, ountnlning n [mum lwvlliug hnum, with IL! roommbuide; kiu-hnn Good well. Can be bought (-lmnp. Pnrtol Lot. No. 2:). fronting 0n York and Can be bought (-lmnp. PI". of {milling Yul Chub": Stroeu. containing over (ma Lot of an acre. To lm had at a burxuin TO RIC RAH HAVING pnrchmd the Bankrunt Mock 0! Hanan MrN.h.Cmmpmn. Farm: 6:. Co, 0! Muntrenl. at. 33 cents Ill [ha doll-ve can .'urd to give the public lb!) benet of our nmhuo. Cub (ma-qqu bargain Apply to J. P. GILIDEIISLEEVE, I) AI L_I_An A..-_ B30900 Ilurd K pmhuo. It] 1:30! um Hum. \r Raisins andCurrants mm um noun! .r nrnnnrlinnAllvIn'vnm hl IIIUID auu villlvc uflhe Huron urullonm. No such 0 portunlty of Inyiuu m thuir WINTER STUC nf Grocer- iol has ever been punt-med In thin city. lvl. Inn-Au . I'he props-1y forming the Gore, betwun Bari. Onlmmoe uni Yo: k Street. containing tour tenement dwnllmgn Aasessod for $1,600; will ha told for $1.000. The um liwa brick dwelling, being No. 2, Sahutn l Terra-e, King Stmm. A briu dweliimz house on this north lid!) of Prinoeu Hzmt. Williamsville. oilht rooms Ind cellur. Mill frauu- tabla. Good all. Buildlll iou N05. 63,": and 6150, Priucou Bil-vet, near the Itouo bridges. Lou Von. Jti and '17, noth side of Sixth - ' I ma WAIT 'l'll- mun mum in m. Iotld b1 Ihohu. Qunrt or Gnllun, 'go to [mu DAVID'I, was luoul sum. 1? YOU WANT You It'- mtly Mod nod not. go to CHEAP - JACKl Wu can and will 90 lower than say Whole In house In the city. I n . "Wlwillw Wu 1 In- a w- '- Will he u'rrml It [troponinnnllylow gum. The Sun I: inoludm a chain, uleciun of _ . ,, .1 Al!__ - _ Imam? WEI {Ti {,1 DONOGHUE & oo. I" lau- . Thn Flu over deounoll a; Mudio'u Of- w. Clmnnn Utmt, allowing Manure-l Te- lugrnph Onioe.oonulnlng Altliug rcom with grumdlninz mmwo Ml rouus Ind kiln chan. 'llh cupboards in uh; water and per- Innnent. ml;- in when ; varauduh In rear. A most oligibla reahlonee where nituution near the water in humble. Than lhmum Lha Inuth n'nln uf Kiun Street. dourublo. The Ihup on the wuth Aida ufKiug Street, thlnl door below 5pwgunhurgs anellary Store. FOR SALE : n___A_._A_ L n.. L.A_--._ We can Mail :1 [triers that will OPEN THE IH'ES of the "we. Our new - . . ,W__~ Ine sun I Iluluul'n u \ mm In urlr uun v. Liquors and Wines fllllltjlilvt. vh oppormuity RTIN'S CORNER. o pooh Iho Anion llolel, PRINCE STREET. U 011., WATER COLOR, INDIA INK n nu .Iv Lucian! 1" IUU "A! I In! Tub-Ind Bmol nap-[rod go to ISAAC DAVID'! Cooper shop. _ IF YOU WANT, All (I other 34 a Tooln ground 30 [o [HAO DAVID' 26.5. umnsnson's FS!F!?fh99phs Ulh, nnlnn Lunu.., nun ...-. UR PLAIN FINISH ! it him I: [Am :3 They Can be Ind. iimmmksoml w [Adieu nod gentlnruen requiring alngnn Pmeuh mu alwayu bu accommodated And our nriuu lawn than an u'ber Land ggenc krnnseniomrs] CHRISTI! AND NEW YEAR CARDS ofenryuylo. CATHULIC PRAYER HOOKS in Clulh Morocco, Silver nud Gold Platinum. ac. Vuee, run, BUuutnrie, Tnnlpmncioa. Three Itogldoncm um] Lots I Conviction, Album, Autognphl. Plan] And I ' p I . St. ______._.A_,_ ___... -_..._ _, __. lKIRKPATBICKS 0m 0! Po. Author- Ind Quouthu. Bump, View ud limpet. Eur-via", Englih Chnmou. llaognplu. (Jud Cue- in bath: Poul And loroooo. Blblu. Fri or Boob, Church Service- 5nd "ymulyl. I. I, II. DWI! &c.. #1:. _P.lnt-. 01.)- a 01-.- unnxnun Pnlcu I A M -___ -1. 17p! cnur Goons this annual h'l hi0. Ital I - nth. [OB CBIAI' (Mum Tum autumn h] m nth. lady's Communion in ELI-tin Ind Lather. Work Bezel, "stoma Ind Flue, Goods. Im-Imuyelvn m lune. Puma Chm In. Dominoes, Plum. CudmCribbnge M. U non Mun-.0 6.

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