Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1878, p. 4

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Bull) IEING DOUBLED 1N BULK. FOO-thou Ieiglml 3nd relanqu mm- dav l"k0l SbMETtHING NEW Useful and ()rnamntul. FOBWEE CHEAPEST AND BEST No. 2| Brock Street. A an. IMn "www.7- OIIY 10 unl- ~ncnl g... - mm vrvu comm: LION BLoch LA MAL g 4' l r g ' --- " : [INC-mum Ivory' "0 it! tell u give all-tutu... PRINCESS STREET; CITY HOTELNo. W. Ivl nu nu: Pruan Htrmt, tho mun comm] Hon] m "I. City. u rlur woommodnlon {oanuu Ind .pwhma Amrlo Rooms for Comment! Tn van-n. Umnlhun lid Bagglga Wagon-tn nll'lrninn. ['7' A Livery ublo .W .13. JOHNHON. Pmpnemr. DUULUMlUU, | AND RELIABLE. Itll. Ah. Illll' L'ln Wu :4, ECONOMICAL, l nun "UL Um 1 sad 00001? CAKES. IW duang ilVVllly and Dining Room. _ Jugs OLD AND .mlm Lam-Whwa '33 Hall all Tninn. w v.8. JOHNNHI uronm any nun-r. gono. OLIFF. ' I . Proprietor 66m. .inmn. 1.]. 'L - "upwan, wit-- as 3 - (hip-y." {iii-:1 u M1.- 1d,! dwupym [talk-m: m4. 1, no. I Ami-IM! M III. I. In, Act-lulu. I Anna-Jul. M153. 4.. y" HOT i: L H _ G UIDE- M Jil- ly IUO. Apol- Jn. lag IUI. WI Jul. 1 nonhuman. V Assets Jan. Int. 78 l 1 TM: Com ynow soda in thin: nnk amongrm mum Campaign of this coun- try. n Colinmy on M non comma in Policy holder-Jot it It"! hoidl to no prim GIN] of avoiding All but. im Com manned bush..- in "33. And have recently Com "33, plwed Kn the hand of the Cunth Govern- ment IIWJXJO for u! pronoun: of Cunth P011" Holder- nnd have recommon bul- nc-u in (lands. inan sud man a! Manon study your own interest and call upon the under Iixuad, when you can h-vovyour property inmmd by experienced Agenu, And on tha moat [than] wrmo. Palioiu mulled 3nd I" bndnona done in con- Palioiu nwtiol with the nbove Company at. this oiue. "A It 11-117:me A. In!me I -11 UV vvauu u: an. a -I" Leneml Agent for Central Ontario. OFFICE190 Ontario Street. [Mn 7th: 1878. LiverpoolLom! ondcrry& Glasgow GRAND TRUNK WENTY Island! lmn Bteamnlnpu, I'n" powered. onble laughed, Clyde built: I parunlnn I Nulmilln A w w u. w, Parisian . Sordin an Polymn'an, Burma liar, (Yt'rcauian , M oram'am A cadian m mu 0' fl!- LIVEB 00L MAIL LINE Gnu..." nun I.ivnvnnnl Ivar! THURRDAY I-I I IIII'IIUI- "Itll. lull!- Sn Hung Mm Livorpool ovary THURSDAY and from Halifax ovary ATURDAY. vun- quIAln Peruvian... Sardininn . . Pulynesinn.. Sarmatinn. . (-nn- n WinterA Hangements 187879 rnmt 1me. Peruvian. . . . .. . . .. Dec. 28th l . . . l . . . . . . Jun. 4th Polynesian . . . . . . . . . . .. Jun. llth Sarmatim . . . . . . . . . .. Jan. 18th Circmaian... . . . l . Jan. 25th Moravian V . . . . . . . . l l .. Fob. lat Lurnvinn. . . . . . . . . Feb. Rth Snrdinian . . . . . . . . . . .. Feb. 15th lulynesian. . . .. .. . Feb. 22nd The Smnmam nt tlu- Glnagow Line will Mull from Halifax for 'he plydo on or about vary Thursday. Nov: Realism... . . . . Dec. 24th. Hibernian. . . . . . . . . Jun. 7th. n_.__ .. IIImm.- Innerman . . . . . . 11-. um. Rates Pun-Ange from Klugon: (.uhin- -Kmnwn to Liverpool or Londondbrry .66, .79 and 89. [mama/hum 00 Liverpool, Landondon-y or Glugnw. .46. Mommy to Liven-me Londonderg, Glnzgow. Qummgwn.'olfnn or Cardi , l, . ETURN TICKETS. ('nMnKingamn to Livarpool or Inndondorry um Rum-n, .124. ONE. And .l67. w ma! flu-lo Gem-cue. lauolu wishing to loud for thou- friend-m nhtnln Fungatfndonm At love-t rum. The ckotl no good for one your mad the lmount ll rofuudod loan a nmul deduction. il not umd. Full information M m roturn tiahu and all deduction. it used. Full nutter. of pus-age will be given by the A 10mm to m nmuuy oortieaten to be obwned In or der to Normand to thin haunt. l-nr Tinkau md mv lunher imam-hon up- Input-3.. 31pm. . IINI . . . . . . . . .. . J. THENAIAN. Ration nnd ROWE. UH. lulu-medium... . . . . .. Stet-rage vhllifu . Mamitlod to m honuz. For Titian my r?)- ply $0 H BOURLIER. Gnnnnl Agnnt. a~ roam. FOLDER h. HANLEY.Agonts. Oioe. root of Brook Street. In: 95 um, I Kingston. tape Vincent, (lur' den lsmnd, Wolfe Island a , Gananoqne Steamboat Route. ~ ( NE of tho shown Sun-man rill luvs Kinglton fnr Capo Vinmnt. an! Inn- dan erupted) M. m.. VII-kin; rho-unmea- uou with the R. .& .lhilrosd. Northern RETURNINGwrung" Capo Vincent on urivulof Train- 5! 9:-'r|.m.oolnomlng IM 0 T. R.. Ind 857 of Qnmto Btoamon u King-ton. A \I nlnrun Inr Lupu vuuanr. null. null- .hOJ-ilmad. bin-rune Rnilrmul and N. Y.C. Baum. Pull- m" [0" "0119 C INCH Will, Dnilv. It 8.1!) sud lbw-m. mu! 3:!) .n. IEIUIHIHO-WIII bow Walk nd a." u 92I5 tn. und 1 p... SNDAYOWm Iona ling-m u M Jr. II. and I2 I... Remin- n SUNDAYDWm Iona [Int-m M .- ,H Izl5 p... Returning man I.l!1.|21m and 3p.n. Will In lint-ton NI OAIAIOOUI. Lin, Phil) and 3 pJI. Will luv. Kin OAIAIOQUI, I. ,ullin ova hind. 3-9 p... ILmu gave Guano-nodulth 7 Aug Rev 0. my. "Inllllppl Ilngltun u 7 [Lin I'm - s 'mgzw v M '- I.- (min R.W.&0.Hnilnud. Hymuu hum m.n (7311 EM! "NI Wan. I 1 Lens for Wolfe a Garden Illinan o... Icnygpnl 591W Luvan him Julia - do. an) DAY. 2?. 7' DAV. A M1'IDAI Daub; I. u. calling at uh'o land. In It. A Ind-Ind uni-1...! u b H i Maud, Eigr}pont uni Geneva.j Sanahuddg. ALLAN LINE I Elmo-5.. IDNM. . Iii-II... "V v' v t 7 '1 AT M'IJLLANS nauqu - Fill. h mi.n EM! Ind Wan. RETURNINGwrung" Capo Vincent uriv-Iof 9:{.'r|.m.oolnmln1'| tw- wnm we shove company In um; cum VAN DeWATER as BETTS, .,_-__| 1-... I..- th..u...l lnOn-hl MI-mV' V" ; innit-n. M- Prepaid Pun-o Cerulqu m... ri-lun- m and (m Hum- (nan I. ht. 159. k. In, 137:. L In, If, Inn-no. . Bum. I. lat. W5, I. In, 1877,. uuDUIu unnuv Peruvian. Scandim'n, Prusn'an Crupian Hibernian N. Naoan A m! rum 23,055.00 $116,050.00 $800,070.00 $1,003,386.00 31,028,269 00 m$1,000,622.00 19511 inrsg DECEMBER "23 137:. _ :. nmmvmmrgr .w . Sl.058.l57.00 mwmm 50,221.00 . 902,038.00 W600 03.0%.! . sumac I, \IIJ E "II" In Nata-fan Canadian Corinthi'n M uni tobau W Hawaiian Hum/chm. I M...I......JIM ' Huzuocm. I N ewfomuam d IA")! 1 hump-0 T3. h III-din; \ho land-u l Provim . . . . . . . . . .. WEBER a: 00., 309413001 0'. In: DWI-M l a 1'15 Pm E. AND BIL En MEDAL: 1mm MEDALZOFZHONOJ? _, AND DIPLOMAiOFIMETiTl mini-de mule-Id is m Plum :- the Dual-pond m 1c: 1.131,... .pm 0610.187]. 91-minut- ed tho show I. to Exhibition. but. am from 9 ooh. being . proofm Candi-n- llmt Cam-d. on pro- houht nwr the moat urchin Mm n thWorldo hair would I uh! Mr Hull have bern A Iota-do Milo-Id be. ported [name-u. 1H. B, RATHBUN& SON, Lumber manufacturers, or mu l'ckzt, 0111., 01m- lor In, root of Queen Street. 3 11. ALL DESORIPH TIONB 0' LUIBBR and HARDI'AOT RED MATERIAL )ID link! RHIIJHND A'I' IJIWIRT DATlfil AGENTS : rm inc A. ROYAL ILISURANCEWCOMPANY or Exam. Pinion dumm- o! [mum [Bd-llgnod. Oice, Olav-om Strut. .. Wmmorfr I... him. "cums name's cmononvne HL'IKUDYNE not: Illa u warm on unrrumn, and I! um Ulll) xlumr 1n mum-m u Dyuntery. CHLORODYNE etfeotually out: abort all nuke uf Epilepsv, Hysteria, Pdllnlutmn, m Spams. NHLOBODYNE in the only pulllative in Neurnlgia, Rhanmatisnubmu. Cumer. Toollmrl laniunh, 4w. From W lems Pelligrew. MD" farmerly Lociuwr nl SL (lam-go's ImpiluL [,mnlnn. lave no benltntion in statiugthnt I haw Irvnr mm will any mmli. ilm an r-niv-un-imm us Anapumodio and Sod-tho. [ hawl unnl It in Connuulplmn, Asthma, [)inrrlum amlnth dines-on, and um perfectly utlnod with me results " "EArlllmlloommnnicaud to tho Culh-ge anhvuirmnn Ilmt lw rw-u-ivml nth-Hpmrh fr. um perfectly utlnod with the results ' 1 Her Majeutv'l Consul at Manills tu Lhu aoat, [In-u cholnm hu tho on] ramedy ofuuy sax-vim wan ClllA)RnD\'.\'E."Sm Lu w (M TlON.BEWAHE 0v PIKMY ASII Immune. Bond of lnlnna Kevenuu. CAUTION.Vioo Chancellor Sir Pug!) Wood stubs-1 (Ln! thut l undoubtedly thoinvnnwr of UllkaMNK. that tho story of this delibonwly untrue,whicl1,he ragmtmd to saw. Ind beau Iwurn In Sold in bottle: It In. 1i:l.,2u.$hl,, 401.6(14 and Hi nch New I - DR. J. COLL! Bnowun'a (,uwmmvxu" 0.1 the Goverunumt Slm tuumon woomplnlea each bottle. Rm- ANIYPAIHURIRJ. T. DAVENPORT. .LL xrem. V ClllA)RnD\'.\'E."-Sea 1m and. In: I] 0A HONBun: IMITATIONS.Tho p tioned; aforgnry of the government. atmup Inning come [0 Bond of [nlnnb Revenuu. lAlTlll)N,vim Clmlmannr 811- Pan l)r tellimony wooin] Sou Muor bury, London. AGAINST WET FEET. COLD EX PREIE~ TIES AND MUDDY ROADS "is now cha most popular Ind sensible demand made by all olumn of the communityold 5nd youugmmla and famnlt. Gm. and Tory. __ ___.___--- _ . oInn Commercial Union Assurance Company an ENG]. A \m to nll by wearing my New Styles of Boots, Shoes 1nd Leather Hoodludusigued for tho Fall and Winter trade of I87M0.whirb Ild\h hue-m manufactured of well tanned and oilml umter inhof workmnnship [Int mm be relied on. uml with a View I." wComfnrc, Em. Durability sud Cbeapmu lm lav-rd mm 7 Roth-r1 And (Mn-o. 3-D p... lulu-lit! i- mmbKhP. '25 p,-. 'Wholesale and Retail, Dealer, n. r. Ansrnouc, lenDoor-bove lie (lly llolel, [lint-I. 'UVll-Ill D Wu vwvv vat, of". duo-3.60- nu the hon lie-mm the Domin on. anonla nwndnd w in in, And country on who most roman-hie tarmn. BY. BRAKE. I.._ In |I1A Prices Lower thantha Lowest. ' Knop- eon-um! y on hum I urge mu unau Increment of Furniture. Underan ntmnded sell: I m brunch. loopsonhn Huge-normth -,m , M -_..I II--I.-L.. Keeps on man I Inge unorunom u: Cofns and Caskets, -v---....n...|.nn. nu thn Heamm [660. Thor-nuggon & 00' April 4, 1377. ' vw ' ' ~-v 7 v v v 7: --_v Oll ENGLAND Punk. dodrou o! Insuring on depend upon low rates Bud lmr dvulmg by trmtingwith thn damned. \- STRAIN}! I STRANGE UNDERQQKERJ m--_-- Dun-n..- Air or- III Ileell. 1331ilfEF717iw HYAOINTHS. Double and Single 1 (moons snow mop; #3365133 * " Wines- and Liquors, I_-nd DIM hm Prince of All tho W In?" an -luv. -1 [W Direct hum ll ' diluent III-d. of 'Ila. O! M. Al- I. I Pam I I'll L "-4-. My Colo-rill. EmlhsurancoCoy., ! 0" mm. MIN. wwsunuuuww I 0,! 0" HARTFORD, (DIN. Mum-wranmm Hy: 3.124393; MEDICAL ' HALL 1| U . HLORODYHE ofeotnally check: Ind "realm those too c Fever and Croup. Azuo. nHLJRODYNE I'lke charm Diarrhuau, and is ll P [C]! L 0 1.I877. I U evrr dbcovarod. [ VHLOEODYNE in the beat knuwn remedy for Congha,C0nsumptm j | loop! annually hund Inge And varied 1 uortmam Fumltlgrq. _ h > I I I lay 19.1811 \HLORODYNE in admitted by the Pol'euion who the most. wonderful and vnluublo rm. 1 discovered. o-vu-o "on modulo uneven-vain I Intu- Uluuu-un"l can" III-ou- alum-ulna: Mrecu. lo. a. King... Onl- Yunnan a. PEMBROKE 3.5.1 INSURANCE? Assets - - - - - 825.000.000; PROTECTION GRANTED 35 PRINCESS STREET. - rm Manufacturers. KINGSTON ONTARIO. {MAW IWJm-y a! the WWW Fair, DIJIJJJ-Ll- g.- lldu Din-n. - (successor to {henna Wn- III-Ix.) "PROTECTION' ' k I . I _' -*'_-.___ Cabinet laker IUD 0V6 two. Vown ,And House (fultnrc. 'woompnniea MuorurwnluJ. DAVENPORT, :LL Great. 1 u... 4. Hour! 00' Atrh-ln And "sputum h Ih nun anmn. Mount-l Time. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Um) ouu IV: VUMU an [DOB HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. R. CRAWFORD & GO. do 0. B. HOBART. do Ju. sun. 15 so. . 5 1 in}; Largest. Most Stylish [Ilia Best Stock for all Pur- chum-rs in the City. KINGSTON POST OFFICE GUIDE MI THosTEEALE, Merchant Tailor, Clothier AND mum; Ill. G IJN 1 l A E 31 LIN 'S Furnishing Goods I l)l)l\'{h'uu u'l' v " _i-iu _ v v ' : PRINCESS STREET, {Nearly Opponlr the City Untrl, Ki-Aqtll. UENTH FURNISHINU G00 nripnonu and In great. vurwty, lhand. . 1!an : IAIIICTBL nllll JIIDHIV I'll! Styles, Bnlmhla for thu prawn! : - IN READY-MADES tlmHlm Imnuivenrtrclua in alyla and I At. very n mlaram [wit-(>0 lwnuvmbnrw'lua ll] Flyl In Illlllly,llll I var nmlurate wives 0E THFUR ISIIING GOODS nf alldno nrinnoml and arm. vnnnlv .-nn-tmnlw 1m Tht-Large-st. Iflwmwstium Boat 1} Selection ol nae-RN." Ind o" plvcurn h mh No. Pm. . post (In. Yearly Oil. nth an nn- 0 I'm. IIn uplandid nil pit-turn, MJI 0!!! .nd TIIE LION] BRIDE. "III hm not. on nun Tun-nun- Inllwurm I "lllllllllblll Ill "(mth "I um Latest and Most Fashionable GI-vlnu IGIILPALNWHQK. And Boom Paper Depot, BAGOI STREET. BETWEEN PRINCESS AND QUEEN STREETS; w 0178! AND SIGN PAINTING. (Inla- lnz. Glnhlz, Pun-r lhnng nu! Cu!- mm hula. mac-Dd on an: Tun-port. I a mum. thud NI (Hull .14 - nun AM"- In sum: DIIHM. I I? Inc mu In: N V n. ml {nil Innu- uni uvuuu v rvvu-vuuunv COWIHKOJALCOYLVIXH h PATHIH'G 'hnd-r Ind nun! him. (5-. And COWIIIOJALCOIIN'IXH h PAWIHIO MI; and pun! jib; dun and gum nudge.- u sll Mvm hm so with am vat You and dill-y (lupu- or Vin In. W. JON,- Ml- -AL'. I-'hh Wank: Pilln lRobM PAPER, "A [rum communion 0| [0. 0n"?- uining. the useful sad the l-nliful. this he lel vlln nnd oil you Yurh I MMROBINSON noel OF AGE! nnd TIIF. LION'I BRIDE. III m... can! Tun-port. th- [nu-mind mm- . kn. Add". W. JKIIIIGI Dllm. ' [not H 1 no! {nil Iona.- the l and hug." Ill-mu. U thvv- I M It; 5! "*9 Cl nun-nu. hul- cl - . i chi * ' cm In, My. . Jun In.- ta Wohh'n Kart-Ia World. PM It. Dau't for! Jon: the: III. to. clan-h. . ' on In. I (VI 3 I. Apr 01878 Boom Paper. :iAiWIRiDEf P HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. (In lug. (ll-dug, Pup" lhngin minin.&n . done in I a but He um! on I! nhumt notion. ImonasrTMomuLv I ___. 'A grind combination of [no enter 1:..th wmnwnsm? 31"" Il' fll"l\'l\' - b ('entrnl (anmla CITY HOTEL-N0 Prince ooul d lmr dvulmg by trmtlngwuh STRANGE & STRANGE AGENT! .-4 __,__.A_- _L4 , llusncll . fatal dim-mum. Diptlwrin. THUS. SEALE. prinnnn- ] Htrcet, Blooms- [m I. [A most ex- ml quality,um )8 01 I disc ennstantly on 1mm wmunmL nurum 30m lined ud'ui- " lined. ntbottom prices. m.- nl mintylaw; Id "1;! W. Clo-ml p. tr: 3-. Anton! l-d JuanaTum. In manila-thy. Chm-7s; who u la n womad Juan?! A. mom I , 9:57.739: Eng gm when Mint" '7 ion-dad WWW 0mm" manageaim vsriety. y, a . minimums Racoon and mm 00; | Fine Buckskin mom, mm, ac. 8 8. Seal, Mink and other Gaps. Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. fiepairing -And Reina5mm?! FURS. ("I A II \URIOHT A:d{:grtisemegts.i .-oH Th In] anderbm Sat-ended. gown-an, - u I l n will during the HOLIDAYS dhpoua of 100 IIANUS and ()RGAHS at extraordiunr Low Prion; Iur rmh. SPLKNDID ()HGA S 2 3 a new of [Twig .115, 3At3u_ vilh_ @e'rim A EREA'VIHOFVISVIEQFE "A- h- - .- PM. ()HGANS rveda 3 Meta vilh Sub Bull Ind Coupler 90. 2 arts 50. I In .10. I not .36. 7 Mm-u all Rom-wood PIANOS Nil), 7 I 3,do .50. I .10. I .36. 7 81 I0. wnrramul lor nix "urn. A rauuwanwd. Illugtrumd Untuozm'a Mmml skunk At half, - 7 7 I'lll' mmrlnulmn (nllllrlJllg bll PINE AND FARMING LANDS ~\v|-I II II n I I- ._I L- oLn Amllt an WM. L.WEBBER. Land Commission'r hAi'I L'Anlxu u! \lllll 40xmr VISITING Fur'unh lulluu: 1! 'Irwk (Jurdn. All Mum pm 11 anu Inlilullu unluu II1(IJN'I'IAI4 MICHIGAN. lur sale by tho Film.qu l'oro Mum-mun Razlwuyloulp y Alhllrau $7 2']! mnl (I1. What]? I- ?_n 5" . .. 'olfolz-L....... 2:109... Z Mnunilin- \thnu [Ir-Mun K V 20.1% u 11.." 40mm. l-Iurul. L't . Cards. with name, 0mm I00 Vnnn & (furlorth Chnthan W MlXILl) CARDRWMI name, I!) '1()A;1~|1:tnnutlit in L. JONES & NuAmHL N Y. nu. - ~pwlpnpil .hln rllglu. [lure-I. I. prnce Mru-I. hr" Iork. In. H -. " m a sign? ET.HL!QB!9.....,E}.!Z;"R" Fur nulng Uigontlnn, nronnimz 'I'Orpl l Iver! m u ht'uJHu artiun. vurlng Jnundk. regulat- ing Im "0me purifyian Blond. banishinf "Yrpl'pm Mymplullw. In m'AppatIta. ic Howhu'lnu Lunguor ur hvpn animulnd in Ihair Int-ml givI-n [Mn null Renewed ENERGY and VITALITY In the whale untom. I. I A ":__V_ 15- A_- n \ I [ALI I 1 l0 um wnuw "mum. For Sale at King's Drug Store at 50c and $1 per Bottle. In the lulu! lulrmnuwu uuu I Medicines . "main" annhl I [van ---- may "TRIP Dnnm Irufnunrnf ChemistryQueen'a Collage, Kin nun A 0m. _,V _7W.7._........77V... J A M ES R El D. Cabinet or. Upholltcrer ma Undertaker, Inn Prime..- lit--1. Will... T:Mn 9.6M"; IMH . . . . IIJ'55n Mal y W manhunt. Chantal-sat: l'rnfcaaur Uupmn opm:on,or me loovo mum-d Illtllicillt,aa n CHEMICAL COM- lUl'NI), in M follows: I Dunnmrwfullyexnminod the mmpmhlou nfn 'l'unu-(umpnuml knuwn M the SPANLEY ETIIIH'IC IZLIXIR. and have found II in- grmliI-ntnlu [we who ngeuhle. And of ropulr ml mmlirlnnl mlue toonminn no inmmputi w A NEW nullsme but u ebony. And an fund-h Punt-ll u tho no not. dull: man. In! 1 IIH nnlu'linz in the cum M Ill W. Ml d upghnu- t'l-nna In chhthc-h-h l uua- in Inbjaot. It JR and mun"- .u alum-don. no! u can any h! rvlhd rm. 10 MARRIED Inle . as a... m U pub. W I. .- l . hrtk'rar J.-_- In. ll. K , Hut A InnanCUFHNB,CABKITI.IHIOUD| in. hm! muumly on land THIS INVALUABIJS ullvlll I! "I I" ihl Ill 1' mmhmu M- . 169 l'hc urn-fin retail; _ Remap! And mnnv album. Kingston. Aug 1.1878. I ktndno! mwvmssnxmmnmm tomb-mt mutual NW HEAR! but:- may. Ind ll nan pougaa"iuu. INVALLABLB MEDICINE I! nnlnilina in m. tun-Inf I nah-kl nu! Hug- v- I Fur Digtntln ll 3":H): _..__ lrufuanur Dupllil' opiuion,o! the Above Inlnl-l] llHllilillh n5 V A DAY m Aga-nln canmulng for the FINES/DE VISITOR. Tm'mn and (mm. Anhlz'nu l. (J VlCKERY,Auglmu, l IIIVI IV InII\I In the lulu! inlrmlumad and a r-a- I!_]__ CITY FIHI, ALARM. H q l ll Hunutil'ul ()hrumo Cards. with -.|.oatpnid. 000 1. Reed 6; 00.. ('ARDS. I push at n- IMIIIN. I pack Wizard! pout [mid for HM silver m. AIIIII'VNH IIHYANT 5: C0 CLARK WRIGHT. Walliugtou Street. CARDS, WI) can. unlit luv, (10.. uncou- KINGSTON Gui] Hir'ninil- bilPf);ll) Ennis. 200 J. K. HARDER. Mulder) Junuuua uaimz Torpid I [ver- :1 swam m4 Invaluc TO mill I the 0mm lmnu auiydu l mum-cm In Illum' (Ia-Nu. h... "It. 8083 WRITING LAC]: Ul'I'lunl ad cloned tho-H and than to thin old n rolth uublhlmt. when thoyou be Indotoloot equal to vhdl hou- none... .11 kind-Good. I be mentioned CLEANED All) I) .Il wlo: In the but Iter and on the sum not y colon III [M "II II]!!! III on . I-ru nouoo I mmwmph-uhhnotkowlm the oak Ono. Dye: I u any. . t LAC! uuunmn tho-Id thin u: mm-imam. (but! {11. MONTGOmY . a.-- m Dvor. ' James Swift. STLAWRENOE WlIARF, KINGSTON Wholesale Ind Retail Dulu- In onAL _DEPo-r' "1| VUUUIIHIIVII- VI 'v-Iy For Houns I-uruane. Black-mm: Ind lam bout use. The beat description ofoulo Coal knpt on h-nd under cover ; screened Ind dollv nrvd m order M the lure market n... I? Count." ordorl will we've pranvt It BIWI~\I\I\u- ' wrruw u 'vooa on ml Olden-dished duo-o nolvdbynl My... .0. in": Clau llnlnl In ma any. uuuu )lo Room: Pirnv. aim Livnr In connec- Tenu- modarsw. W DAV] Proprietor MIIIIJII-Iu u"... "v. . ..V_.-. All Doacrlmlonu of Coal.l , n,_,. I. ...... -A- nl-..L....u|...-.4I .0-.- nu! colored should [lvo uh I call. w Partlm whhlnl old Plotnm anlugod CONVEX. IVORY TYPES. umw a. neunmi V Cast-OWearing Apparel EEO-roe,in I New and Second [land Goods . r -.,..-.. a-...-|..n.m Imnnm .ml nnld (7" ll UUWIIII Il-uu vvvuw of ovary description bought and told. ) A LARGE STOCK OF NEW CLOTHES now on hand for male} E? NOTE THE ADDRESS i I w w I m w ...,M.B;..:J.RNE-m I'll Iv. vv-v, OPPOSITE WELUII'B OMARHLE CHOP PRINCESS STREET. AIAL WHU l IIMPEBIAI. '56'fb'5pns A- n-nu n.-.- . ('nl'nur nr' Earl nnd Huhu- Mum; um-n'n (,ollnga (Into. wnmg'a Brewery. King Shoot] Dr lmnzuu. K|nx throat OI (Illlilll I rim-had In Crlyonl, Paul, Wntor Colon and Ink pronounce them excellent. igggliom and DAVIS. CW?TIVE1$TABLES T. RIGNEYJOI t'nv u 9" Gavan-"us Tm hunch. ....0rnuo. _L_ Wyn-Imm- camgmtummm ' Princes: Street, -- - K,Il'.lo If OFFICE-U C, Kohl. 5 lo 0! at,qu on shod radon v IGONPEGTIONEBYl on ll-v.1 . ww . Sta-m Dvor. I ".1878. GOING EAST. Arrive. Do rt. ..... .........2:I0 1.1.. ....21r;..ml ..........9:0]LII.....&10 pa. . . . . . . . ..ll .m .. 6 III. lAIAN. JOSEPH HICKBON. Station Inc", 001'] Humor Pamnts of Invention] and the luwut man In [7' Country 3! union J. W _h J. REID'S. 0110103 GANDHI "All. narr- Wholesale lld Itch, -Ah sill-hum: II III!!! mum-.4 ToIIIiTshik. hr. 1 Unix: t 7 unit hum, wing... unn- um [C OF NEW sale} GOING W EST. Arnva, land, W w W anner-I1 math. n mt and In) to tho We! tho can. 0! H. duin A chantry which atop. doubt at thoCuoton Home in lika- Iold l on III in Inland with in In; but no Iona. Th. 01th. cum on I" tidal with the II! I you only Ionian your position by hotnying youth. If I m eon-nod] lulu-oi u Iothohcl, no doubt thatch non. nin- llhoh .dmuwndu which th- Do-inlonun havin ill stud)- EH to tho nutter will u one. at right. Th0 wlwitudo tunnileatud by tho loun- od Puck-or {or 1 {tea nod untnnnollod dual-don ol hotowdox works, In shown stove, and his neon: Iu tion in dd of Ir. Pringlo'n dolomoh 0 NW glut, would suggest . sympathy to! that kind of huh. But to knot the Paola-or in dial in tho lull-0t also at tho tum. 0nd would want. ol thought under my condanqu U [PURCHASED to: 0" roll I WI - Ann-9| lice-0................. 30 lg Malawi-M... 1m h- In anon-Ina. ad with mule-obit. m ' mulltm. GIOIOI mom. man-a. GUARDIAN Assurance Compan y lo! W00]. mum m um MhWII-hqvad-dtm.mli Aunpllm....-............ mu. Mn hand all a ush-dot PA INT LAWI, Mum I to. luvnln-I ml! A. n- LVWHVJ. U050. no, um. lnmobmbc p. y u Bola. anon. th. Paul maroon Inhale! m and secure heat. more pro-aptly. udvub broader col-Ann. the thou who no romou 9,007un. GUI)? EAST. Arrive. Iron: W unluwu x o M'- and Advil-u In ablmy. mwmdm-Iuo: I. Pilat- ukuwa l v- Md hum lam pro-Ml]. and 1m! from Wulunou. T1TTIS1mnT PL, _ . u - Ill WW6 Iml Iov?and N0 ORA-3019 [I SECURED. We n!" m ohhll In I] Erasmus; WWII). um w oohll the Patent. Ola. :0 our olhnu ln ore Stile o! the Daron. to your Router uni pin-cunt". In Cannon. Upoohl rotor-noon given when dashed. Adan-I. C. A. wow. C0. Unp. PM: omoo.WuMn.mn D-C. WW .__.. UNDERTEIIACI, thomd foul-tool dn un- pu o In one bu- tlo. In the War n ""2. in on clad Ion Pan-lo- of 38 per nonlh Imm am of: pron] 01 Act. Wi owlohohuen :- have dlr snot Ilmhu wrvioo. no matter what vu the data of mu- riggo w the soldier, monmled to chum Poo-tot. No other urtlu no entitled. All Ill) ounbonaldmppd on tho Roll. not-nun o! llloxod diulnyslu are tutored by MI I! Pomkmendmppd no. no loll. Illegal diulnyslty by till. Act. . Ammo-unn- lm be amnmd baton Ill Hill Appllonthnu amntod In aoat-oft court 0! romrd. Bond to m {or uyintomon 0! Huh ludod. All Ikllllul m lpulluuu. ca 11! , Bank , N.Y.. mum renter Iuocm in n l-y their new Combin- fulcnlmg, By thin nyl- . I thuunndl of cm IWHIGWORK lu thin put onto (In! III-011m for doing work of 5" ad! In moat complete. lt'o type the brunt limb N. H.111 ul Ornamonul And .11 Hindu of Kohl |nuiudln both Plain and l Dtywduwmonvho In mu BILLS 0R CIRCULARS! Illustrated by Wood Cuts, wm Ind have the hum 1nd molt "nod nuanmont. CARDS, CIRCULARS' POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, rw I 5". rnvanuvlmacg ,, D Em, executed mtly Ind 'prinpuy and I. In]. at the 3m. nuns or ALL um. ' mm of m: mn "mm; AND MAHIIAITII. m m, 1 IO! M m snocx mm .010!!!" . . dnlv I who! the! ad 0. u .1 You! undid. 60 I. .- Mlololnyt IMF-M v- I Vun'L'L-I my" amWM"$-. .u mam Post on... b w M cm or nutty - mLWJE' lho Wail] Iraq WM! thMml' Lowest Living Rates. THE "BRITISH WHIG" OFFICE I'll. III VIII JOB norm AND MAUIAITB. -... avg-q W -vwv m HVWIWS THAT RAVI nun 1 n mnmnhb A- -4--. ram"fizi'vilq 11 Ill um I Vin. uoumgf TEE: 17.66%. Arrlvo. . 4: gm. . "405 Inn. . 9,00 run. 9 EAST. m IEII' momm , PUBLIC WILL IA?! "ID? good about II I kind- a! 0!! JOB! 0 ANY KIND WOOD LETTER. LIITII READINGS. 3362;. GWOIK & 00., m l' Strut, KW. Wallis-mull G w; mm . EHIJpn. lo pm. 9.00 p... . Iz") p... 7:w.- bv the Pot. Ola III mu. p. cm. Ill-lblllt . a... m. | PATENT pWIOI ad 109 I Inn-l h. u... BAIL'A Y Whoa Commodore Vnndorbilt wu running uuunboau, he boil nll rink by crowding on can! to Ibe ulna-t, 3nd ovon running dnvn hh enemy if mou- ury, to nccmnpluh I triumph. When he went into rulrunding, he do M I much nhnwder And mon Iuocoufu wny, I.- nnicina rut lino. Ind their tribal. M p... 5'5. p... was. It. l. [:50 "42 LII. ..4:l0 pm. "(am pm. [mmmww yum3. - Ipahl (onion give- lo "ammo! Duel I Plhe Building! will: Shall. I not . W. w - upooiahy 0! tin: bui- 3 ODW . .. mm; {rid r; ( 7-me nu .,v*-' C. Cannadian Siove ' De \ot,| Inhomlhexesi 3mm} into railroading, u- luv m - y, by uniting 'll'. ri- iimlcr his own inlnagomonl. thul upturing I riull, by during lilh than the immenw prmlol prnu um Ivar- msdo by hi5 nkillful mnii'i'pulstinn. Munr- Iglrelice t) _ E All! WINTth WINTEI. iTHE SPLENDIDl a; rumour; on: 3! {GI-:0. cut-Ts, Baton vol nuke I non .nwhem The leenld u. bayou .ll queadon.the nan Hull 3nd Parlor Dmv or invenwl. [mamm- mu sub-unthl impromonu and ulvunuzea ovnr nnvm" feeder not in mm. 7 Only call and use it baton you purchase any other. I nun (.va Cull Ind m the Crown Jewel Rawrtihla Flua HALL AND PARLOR HEATING NTUVE, the men anaconda] Move sold. W Every 8w" gut-maul. Also the s'rovEs. STOVES. Rawrcihla l-Iuo HALL AND PARLOR STOVE. Crowning Glory Wood (ook Stove. um: L--- _-_4_u- ~I_1_L_l k... A- n____ nut v o, Wlt hr fmrhlrle planiahwl rapper Rmr voir; combines more import-m leaturan (hm my other Beauvoir Cooking Stove. and in the only low portable Reservoir Cooking have in the '0! with winning oven undar the rs. l4". Oily. Exnmlno my Stoves before buying elsewhere; _.. WM- :BUNN, n I {@0388 STREET. 1mm mm mm |8u1tabh for Drawing Room, Library -_.1 m-:.... D-.. They no tted with In inside Reuormxir, which can be mmovad and replaced at plenum-e. Call and see them at Coll-Ida. Stock ud pace-boer HORSEYS,I an! "I VIA DY nn'n git-77017:: s: Hall, Parlour and Guam-oval IIVI_. Qll"El/Mmnqk Innulu 'Ilh [he tr-vn-Iliv-g public LL L119 loom;an 595 ms. __ 87 King Street. \Valm "mm; I our STDVES TEN PER CENT CHEAPER than nnylmulm in the rlty, A lnrxa stock of CUT NAILS {or ml. bonp Nov 9th. "I ~ .- oec up; 1873. Ke'lvSHSanPvvatmi H. ROLE. Full! QVMIUAI. A III! ml MIT" AID COKE MUD INEw FEATHER BEDS! mun unIES' bousi nm- Iolscrvuory cl Ink. mm, Ten- Bedtu Nov. 180. (:LlAN AND IIBAL'IIH'. among mm DOUBLED m mmx. I lehnn Imuhnl And n-lnrm-d lbll dai l KingstoiamBakery. lmu Wham. nnuwn olulu III (run-Hip; ny Clau "Mal in 39108001! - v-v-v___..v WELLINGTON WIRE. innit ) ' ant-lad null. MIMI!!!) ll CHAIM NEW ROOM OFF WM. DAVID'S: null svumu. A (III Won 0 l III... III. slur. l H. & W. J. Crothers, ntan IN ETD ILW fire lnsfgnaai Oct. Irma Oct.:3rd.t STOVES. u-g bnly ample a Non.

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