in an: The Principqu on ill {Dy 'Jelograpn [ll-My.) London, Dec. 23.A Vienna dupnuh uuu lhlt. Italy hu propoaod Hill. In the aunt of tranquility not being rentorod when Roumen 3nd Bulgnrln are "u ousted, Hut 3 joint occupation be under- ukon by the Power: not prinuily in- terested in the Eutgrn quutlonmmely, France, Italy, And Gummy. Tho ides u in form liqueed ht.- not hitherto found much fuonrin my qunrter. A Berlin mrnmondont lute: thnt a] found much tour In qunrwr. A Berlin cone- ndont n tolvgnm from delu mnounou [hut prepnrstionl us being made for tho re- turn homo of 100,000 of General Tulle- ben'l men. This in reglrdetlu a nun; Iign of I denivo Turco-Ruu'um Trenty being nelrly concluded. 7v... (By 7clajruph Today.) Bellevillo, Dec. 24,The river mu rnpidly on Saturday night, and the ice broke on put of the stream, owning ollght change to I table a. lhipponl ashery and I hon-e Idjuining. my collnrl under the stores on Front met In ooded, but the perishthlo good] were removed in time to prevent mrioun Inn. The water fell two feet yaatnrdny mum- ing, but in still very high. Sudden Bin 0(7):: River Ce Ilarn Full of Water. (By Tollway/t Today) Toronto, Dec. 24 A large nhipment nf choice cattla and Iheep left [or the Liverpool market this mnrning. It In eatimnwd lhnt there no mum had of cattle and 500.000 sheep feeding for ship- ment in the Spring. The nfcinl return of the election in A Shipment of (futile-31W? Lille Elm-lion. men! m the 5prlllg. The oicill of Enat Toronto giveo Morri- n m-jurity u! in A nu- lntomting church can, s'eck- mg the piloopnl righu l0 (up n Pllrun~ mm in concerned. was commenced before Epiioopnl righu In: palmn~ a is concerned. anChmcellor Irnudfoo on Saturday. (l "I Chrlpnumzml human h [olmllllun In our tint tree, will be [h winch ah. nvu the! age in concerned. commenced neiore Vice-Chancallor lrnudfuot The facts of the case are as follows: In September laat the inculnbency of St. (leorgee,0ahawa, became vaonnt, and as the Bishop of annnto wee absent in Eng- land, the appointment of another clergy- man to ll hle place was poetpmied. In the meantime Rev. A. L. Furtin, of Sand, Quebec. WM invited to minister to the congregetion. 'lhie he did no accepta- bly that the congregation determined to aelt the Billiop to give him the appoint- ment permanently. On the Biahop'a ar- rival intilntario the request wee made, but his Lordahip replied ateting that he lied to hegoverned by the Canon of the Dioeeee, which euthoriwd him to make an appointment after consulting with the church veetry, beaidee ihet he maintain- ed lhet it an nut the plwe of the voatry tn nug'geet a name to him, but that it wu hie place to euggent e nema'to the Vestry. In the correapondence which fullowed, the name of the Rev. C. O. Johnaon, of Port Perry, waa mentioned by the Hia- hop. and it wee Iteted by him, u well u by Archdeacon Whitteker, who wea act- in: with him. that it was deeirable that a clergyman who wae reeident in the dioceee ahouhl receive the Appointment. The congregation etill objected in the appoint- ment of Mr. John-on, but nally hie lieenee waa iaeued, and on December 8th he attended at nehale to take charge of the Church. When he errivod there the eherch-lMOIIl W. Glen. M.P,. and Dr. Martindead the dean ageinet rived at by the veetry not to let him en- ter the church. Mr. John-on. thereupt I: held eervlce in a hall lot that day, and in the following week applied for an injunc- tion in Ohenoery,compellina the church wardene to give u l the key! of the church, the edition einz, an be claima, m void in him ee recur. Rev. Mr. 0 u ilan hvangelml Churchman, and itie eeid that Rev. Mr. Johnston doee not belong to the Evangelical 1; hence it ie believed that the eeit 1e reell a whet ' between the [ligh and w Cherehpertiee. 'lheeaee will be en- elndedeome tine alter the Uhrietmu Inn-hi him, a determination having been ere-r mason. v Tho/0105135) the To ronto oloulion .6 folio"; Ahcr making .1! din-A..- hath Inna] canv- Il-ich LIT-"thud and III-i - " u. ""' w . talk Elf-uh)- lj him-In a- dud: 0.. THE EASTER! oussnbn. (By felogmph Today.) u. n..- In ,1 v;.nn. d w.-- ___ CHURCH DISPUTE. Il'll 'I'MR Inqu nun-u n, ..... .._. __-V no If 1h: modern luvcllcr. Thu KIN-u luunn n1 tho thy 10 III in null o-nveyul III (ha burden of that earn! m lhlch m ndvel mu lint prnollimed. "Pom nu rm, gum! will In man" Ihld lul| he the rcfrmu olemry Chgt. mu sung, and Ilnplru the roll. July of I Muun m cunluu'llun nth "cry (thrill- mu j :y Fl! lune tn hummr Ihi. .lnnn L! .11 thoChnIll-u grncun, by hintshillg UM dolnull of duo-rd, flplllng "M n.- iugn ul [moon-om [or rul of unqu 'umgo. mm] In, muoen-Iv cullinlilg that you Hll [rod-1W of lhicll the day i. go .ppropnuc n nmmdor. To nul- il. n tun. ul gaunt-l rejoicing tho mum of 0m dny o! 'Rnod Ii hund- .m' thunk! roan-l I" 'th h". "to mum u: n ll (hour bound: duty I. "ho" hum 0! dl not. thin in I. m Ihon the [gm 0! a. rich should melt Iilh . IM, lot tho poor Mud needy. Au 14.. at hum Mum-thud u apoci-lly nu... . , I .LA 4-..... n' lhnl "ImAh. cipuluu -- Ien. Todlebon the love. lling But Ton-lo. col m as am mu lint lhi-oouna oath. put of tho Conn-on; In: been mdorod pot-pul- nwyh coo-equine. I no dot-ruin- odcl'onl ol the pooping! I. [kind 8! 00 mummy diva-t the M ol the lunch-Wm thrungh that! cilia. 'nlrctioulolibe road to b. I I0! no. mph! the pp bow... Ru Pomp and Iogliah Rinr. Tho rousin- ing pectic-ultimo mm], from Winnipeg (0 kn Pm on the nut. Ami from Fan Williun to English Bin:- on the out, Are Alum ootiul, 3nd in vurking order. TM til. the n:- caption 0! tenders for tho Bridal! Colum- ' bisn necliunl of the road bu 50.0m- ' ed February 12th. In connection will. the intended malt 0d February mm. In connection ling by the Government of Mn Clut- lobuil. Flam] & Co.'l contract for 10 Hourglan my Branch of the CJJL. which mumsan Vlllh Mr. Wurthington'u contact. it in unwed by the (iovorlmam .pologiau that it in only the puticulu- muh'ihich in to be nbnnduned. TL. Hun Mr 'lillnv in It in lnva route lunch I- to be nmnaonea. Tho Hon. Hr. 'Iilley in aid to hue find It New York, and will be in 0 tan to-morrow evening. h. i. 0- mum! that .1.le Lannie:- in tan Io-mormw evening. It in now stated that Ju-lgo thanger not to be super-unusual, u wu {ornuarly Olmnosd,but thut he is tn descend from tho Bonch Altogether, And to Iucceed Mr. Mist u Lieuteumt-Govoruor 0! Que- hno. Th0 Amusement in regard to Mr. llodolgdl, of Three Bun", yill b0 the tune in oithor event. n.-. I). ~14 _ In Hm Runhmnmr mu," um . _ Iu unumwa n In onhar event. Ottlwu, Dec. 24.In the Exchaquer Donn yutord-y, befon Mr. J u-eioe Fonmierr judgmem wu given in the petition of tho right one 0! labester u. the Queen. Tho appellant claimed some $8,000 fur damages ruulting from dehyl in receiving material, also clailm for ex- tn Wurk. Judgment wu givon in fnvor of the nppellmt for 35,721 Ind two cents and chain 01 v. 1 and c and coats | Bil Excellency the Governor Gonenl ut fur a purtrnit n the 'lupley Itudio yeuerdly. buing the tint since his u- rivnl in Canada. Hm- Ruynl Highness Inn Man consented to give a lining m. an early date. Am lrm-edenrr in Four! Etiquette Military] Mu!!m-s--Scrmml Girl Question. Momreal, llc. 1:4 ~'l'hu (intent. eul- turially counuentinu upon Sir Michael Hicks Beach's lulu letter un [he aubjuct of procedencea, says the public uf Cnnmla has had of late many very curinus conr luunicatinna upon the subjects of proce~ dance in Court eliquctm and dress, but the melt peculiar of all is the letter from Sir Michael [licks each. In fact I. no inormcd llnat Lard bulletin had mm! 1.. manlmu Ilnr Mn wumcatinna the Huhjtcl 0i proce~ made nrrnngemcnts (,u disobey ller Mn jolty's wrumnmll on a matter of prorega- tins, and that Her Mijus'y'u principal Set-relary of N ale fur the Colonial ap- proved of the I rue-ceilings. Lint evening Hun. Mr. Manama, Minia- tur uf Militia and DefllCB, inspected Cul. Stevenson's liolil buttery, and at the conclusion prcm'lllml n mudnl and eight badges won by the lmttrry M ()uuboc. Mr. Mun-(m wry highly complimented the battery nn ilinir elliciency, and urng military drill of schuul children. He re- turned to Ottawa in day. In renlv tn tlm nlmrm n of Immiizntion mrneu to lluawn m nay. In reply tn the clmrg Immigration Iuenlsinducing Acrvnnt girls to coma tn Canadn undt-r [ulna rvpmaentntionl, u pruminoLt mmnher uf the apartment throws the realmnnlhility upon the ship- ping Menus. huse I-I.l_y ulvjmct, he myl, in to bag the cnmunuiun. The case of a Lnucuhire girl, aupporto'. by St. Georges Society in Turnntu and this city, in the case in point. (By TllfyTUph Tu~Day.) Snludor, Dec. 24.~The lulest news recoived from this republic in In the ef- fect that the vulnnm of Santa Suul in still in eruption with ceaseless activity. The clouds of dust and aalwx which issue from it no said tn bu Identical in character with those vmniltell from lznleu volcano. The dust in very lino, mnl la fuuud to [mason pnculmr lHP(llCll|Rl prnlmrtiea. pnrticulurly in the cure (If wounds, Jun Am - Au lplu'm'ul of 1):! and 1 Wheat Itvuly wlnw Rum; EN- m mu, rod Slate {ID no 'l7r (urn Randy I! 13v. Bull-y unclmugNlNa. I bnthlunmla nLLv. In. WHIIllN :- -|-v-- nu... bond the chun- ol that My dealt! in hut-II, roe-animal. 1. had 01 Chmtun chlrily Ihmld Iy will. up. in the bout-nun: ul Chin... bounty It Ibo two] ul th- doilm . AM. In M..- III. :5... ch. .l, an docs-d tho sou-aria at In, g, " nothing 0! the [whim of the Juneau chap-gals... & a... Ibo hell! ind, .j _. .4. .1.-. A. uni-4-5.... h ova-ill Ola-nu uni to [in handing j VIIIIO. u U chock. lot this planar-u of unit! ll ODonnnlu of enrollm Univ (NCO-mint. of gulp-:0! will ' of mill-g mummitw n I. milkuplmu .' k. Ann-Wm Mic-la! nan-M I- "m' ' mos. noon, l).- lth, In Kingnummn I)". lllh. the who! r I Wnldrou, I I :quxhtrr. Illusion and Bull: "dad Company, THIS ANNUAL II'ZETING 0| the King-ton Ill Bath Join! monk and Connpuly Vi bouillon TUESDAY. JAN. 7th.! 71:. 11.. CITY HOTEL. Kinguum. u 3 p m. Jnuu mun; 1 III HI! a. mum My WI: mluluuJ; lulu. club-v Ola: Ill-Ia! W with villi-undo bnnndodnbb mun-I ml . 32.0% & =AL4AI. null-lb. i Mechanics Institute. 11:] 1 ruwum lu'uuy.[ Montreal, lh-c. 134 Thu (7mm, edi- . . Hiv- Minhnnl tnI;lIw mun-um" loo-n of HM lnalllute on THURSDAY :VIIIIO. chock. tho In; APUILIC lll'lu will he bald in 00 1 mums. iiim, | no.- m-Il-AIIJ mm It -0- VOICINIC Human. (Hy 'l'rlcgruph mey.) .ml IL... u; 'mm nun-A sum jg Lit. MONIEEIL. I. in .u y m. JOHN Hum-at, Mnluy. lth. um Sam's an] .uff * . m cummingi 3m. sour. \. 3 non: mr. mum Dual. om rum, _ __ -- ~tvv ' PIE! NICE 0. 08mm 1| w- "v. English snug-ow; on fun. M Odd and 81103;. M nun-n I nut: .u "nu-nun. n:- lminnmimunsmnit The Vienna Self-Raising marl Tim lpprobatiol of tin! public hauled .hV I .Imy inc-reusing dalnnud. In lgol. overythln lhut HURRISQNIIOIID in going 08 we y. NO was IKDICATION OF 1'!!! SU- M uni popularity urn: mm. than u inseam: public dmmd. Such in the cm viii 100 bbls hucy Flour Ranch w mun :nuvy I'qu Received Yumrdny 100 bbls Patent Puried Flour u___;..-.l v--o.p.I-- AllGoodo um um could no: pudblyddi'er 0| Bum-d wilh three hone. lio- pm a! busilmu. ware deliver natal-Jay. And If III errors or mistake: occur our omwmen I'll will please lorgiva us. We do our but to dolinr all Good. pron-pd: Ind mmtly.und ltruu IO! U! P"" '-' "- w- wry Whthodmmdm hmuumhtndiuiuw gi- upimlhtnlhdthdqo uh cannula-[inu- A-__h J plum prom t all wilI he ran A Merry Christmas ad I In! New Year. |THE Tqouro FLOUR STOBEl III'L' UIVIIIFII, [noun IUI'KIVG I. "O 0 our 5 m IIGIIVII' pron-as" um edy. nml l mullmyonuo- men will onioy In. monmsonJ uv u > Don 94th. Customs Sale. IN 'IIIE VACANT 81'0BE, lmnewz 3.9?P_.939.1'_111W Lockets. Rings, Brooches, Chains, Ear-rings, Studs and other things, All or TIIE llknl' uIIAIAIIY, "The (numb M i \ And the inllul I" Auanlily of Valuable Jewellery Also. a. lot of Spoons, Spectacles, 8w, &c. Also, one BOLT CUTTER. on. an. - - : Rell. Frontena'c Loan & Investment S( )CET XV. __ ---, YUl'NG MARRIED COUPLE lrodenir" uunufnlumluing hoard in n privrn fnmlly' ley would llkn u humus in 5308"!!! lot-Anion H [Iuwilllu The ' want u. Inge nurlmlmom and n arlur (Mer with term "A U," mun u! imrlsu Wmu FHCI. k' nnnnnn Hm- Jl 1H7. cLAnK wmcnrs. l H. B. won-z Add this: ROBES. BUFFALO HOBBS, lined and un lined, at bottom prices. Mums" 88. Seal and Autumn Jacinta. mun! m Racoon and Buslo Goats. nu. Buckskin cloves. a9. EElQGlJYif-i 93.5%; 1. 848. Bed, link nd other 03;: .- 9,... p '0'..- r V. m' M! ESoImol at ladm lama! mam-o "A" : Inn-II. hu- ad MiaAn" l-ln lulu" mugs. ,........I.I.m walnutyou..- Prin-Ibuaqubyhlfuu '- "'"' ' "m am an m mid. Mink 8e}! and pyogi omi nirr'eLTQh 35;; Children's rancy am. in mi: vmety. Dec 24th. ~41 po Next to his Auctlon Boon, Brock street, u up. .u. .77 , ml let the lradnliunll lmrtl 0 w um lulu Invoroign over the -. J ymuut 01 old And young. mmma f. numl inuna nf the low mu nul [It'IIA which have In wed Hm ruthqu rnvbgea 0f zen-wooan hdghud I'nh um I Mammoth-and joyonl W than duel m happy Chr'uunu lilo. { Mm the Incl: And u In", at the n am; you um mun: ammo upon .11.. ho- : but" world's Inated panic in clam-1. ol Mo, "(n-hing wilh is. usual ghdnou tin: unwind spirit Ind Mlhkuiug into mun thm um: "ay- day bounty Ibo jnyl Hut chum mind u haul,- rullla. From 0de lb. in: great Chrntmu, when u OHtid chuln from Iha Illumth human sn- - 1..-. ,J .L. inlnnl Ration! PU. CLARK WRIGHT. Nov 9th. . . I 'M Strut. 0TH?!) In hereby given that I Dividend of Four per cent uKon the Unpiul Stock of in lullilulion. for t a current had your, hu "a: ' v AL half-punt Bevan iu the evening, A N ID 0'"! I'll! 130008. PATIENCE [B A VIBTUE. I 'llvl I U I LV'II VI B ROCK ST EbT, ilulum. for the had our. hol hm II, and Lbs: Hm man wil be puy~ Hm Mrrntnryn ulw (m Incl iter CARD Linnea. Ind I my men enjoy Waited," M A Illilh'll llllllll II ISI-lllkl|lllll III -II- u... ! WI ulm hard IIIUIIM the u. 1hulmu Mlumpl to do- , we lmhevo n II survive Mu] prove to he immorul! ml In Imppy nuociuiom y Inn-ranvovn with the Mr- I :x..:| hulhll Imllnctl uf qumn "Murmnnd In! Aunny IHmt. 'anllnnn upue rmuryn Incl n 71h thy of .lunuurv . 1879. 'IIHIMAH muan IS! "I loll lively. r. lumrtln 'o-Ilinglnl H. 7 III Iuvu I All Received Yum-y. umlulinu fur I-lVI annm modamm. HKIUUB. Inn-(er. ' dhhhuhhp'iud ' AprdenOa-huuo. 06 In u wanna. "nun-"v.- u tln- [unwhallnlod Chritlr nun-cod by the bubuonl 1 u. I.....ll,.- gwwmm-M 'Btnd if leool Mill ' pain. ' Alum SmekolullWoolOuI-uud mun": mamum "column-au Wycyl. Ally-Shake!!! Silks-Haul! AlugoStockofOoiot'dSilhuloIpdul Ahrgo_8oek of R00] lrith PJpliIIIt low ln- yawn! "Pu-nt- to: .11 from be nah-pk fly dollnn. AI lunatic-1W. Sd lot and. mu... pd... GRAND DIII'IIIUI'ION CommonwealthDistiibuipnm, By mummy of the Commented of lo.- lucki. Drawing and Don. under super- v non of omlnent eman- of Ion- tno 1. II thn any at huhvuln. win-nu-Tvv IN CASH DISIRIBUIID TICKETS ONLY .2. l Priso........ "1.000 :u- up: I Prim......... spool 500m... 20 " 10.000 I0 lrilel.m00'ch|0,000 I,w0 IO " 10M 20 Prison 500 minimal) 9 Prim $300 each. Appmximu'u Print .2300 9 Priwa 200 ouch. " Lin) Raul the [chang bur-In I! of Prlul for the Junury metng: ,, , ,_._ . -.~.A.I._-- 200 Mob. 9 Prim [00 each, nnit-ha] hum! l a vmn- Hunt in 27 Til'keu, 'IO. 55 Tlokbu, "(ll Ram". I) out Onion Ionny order. rev-tor. ed lather, nk duh or exprou. llull lit 0! dmwluu ublhhod in Louisville Cour-m Jwr nalnull av.- York Herald, Ind mulled to A" ticket holders. For Nuke And Infornntlon mldm- (:ouuonwmuu Dunlumzon Co. ur 1. J OOIIERFOID. Rouv.Conrier-Jou r unl BulldinnJaullviHe. Ky. Dec 3rd. ms. L960 Prism: mom; Whole Tirkelmfl. Half Tirltatl, .I. Til-koala. I50. Tlokou, uoo new HA'f" sron| Immense Hales Mplm'the Dull 'llmes! EMPLOYER; WORKING NIGHT lull DAY to supply the demMuI fur That um FRESH, wnll made And wnrnntod to purehuen. IFURSH PRIZE ll A'ITERB AND DUBRIEBS. Corner Print-w And Bngot Stream Doc ZOih. maxi-Tum InsurancLCompany :5; 7333731.?! pod bompuy. 1Uan um, . . . ., nun-mum which h-Julinn in tho IInut-A I] nil] mucuwn' In the uf lholu, Indeed, $1IE'460 IN CASH DISTRIBUTED. HEAD OFFICE - - - . . 'IOBOIIO Church MMJXWIM o! 00an t. BOARD OF DlBlGI'OII Goo. Povniul Bldout. Koq..ovmol Pow Pun-on, Do my Gov-rut. I. u. Rumbabtd. -. o- m: (MI-y A Thou. D. HIV!- 20 The Brim-h Amorlou Alumna Com y mun nail and will Vo-oh, thlrhlg 0 01 our ;by the tnp, month. anon or you. nltlouordun ohyliro orthode o N" idem-"ho ovutromnununruu Thin mpny unann- to Inn" building- uul nllother decal ion of Proper! qua. Lou or Dun-g; in man 11:. rm vboru earl-l And In 0 luau-s e and n, modompuy- _ #_ ILRuLbormtd. lie um Wu annoya- Hurri- Tub as. Tho "on 0430 W. Allmhotltm; II! J [mun Bolnimton, Goo. Boyd la". Inn-u- Mnno Dopmnt.WIn. haw-rd ledlouly hop-11W II CANADAJTIITID I'I'ATII 1) IUIOPI g.. |167 Wellingtqn Stregt,| lPaitents oflhvention| u. "any..." -..u mcmnt gloriel, m m null hnlo an!" ll-r, 0m. OM. Inn-Ia! IIIW, U '0' m. Inn lulu-u. . Cvmam sniffs 1- 963'?! . DY-R. 90.. WILL IIIOVI ON UR ABOUT II III 0" JANUAIY 10 m ;."."" J. 3:. 1 32s.. - "I." Illunllcld lumen 01th Pop-[u brawl-p. MILLS BROS. Latin Rollin-non, Burl In: ar Mame D: .,T. Birohnll, l a nrlmh Amorl III it an WMVIID. I'lhnrulay, Jan. 301... I870. nu MAN". I Nn Pmtmnemam l FIRE dc__h_IIABINE 0141a! Chartered Canadian (limpany. \n-.- In Doe loh. "I IMMIIQ Jia 0", I!!! No Win; I No Puntponemom nun nu) n: IULL. Ladlci' and Gentle-ens (nn m n. woonn' IOOIII'DII.) n Ind- nnd BUSY AS L.. I In-..- I looplmooo .. 5m Prim 10.000 K]. m 0 1A.. A; BEES ' .v order. rener llampouigo. 3" 33": '32. L"; w 'w "" 31 -.. .41 L. AL. mall-ll mum III Han-Mm. i. u m au' _-. nun-I. Io- magy. the m- [uh-t. - &I am .1. m 0.11 luv-u mull; luau. you. v- tau-q. ulv UII- IIIU. u- can 9W u.. I an. mm... ner-m. out! luau. you. 81'. mm TIE AMT. ram. n in. of mun-(Io. or no war uhlplul And [Imam 0mm" for tuning luonlo you. Lnelent St. Johns lulu. No. 3. LI. ad I... ' III-W v, u-u vr-T- l' - mmmmwuwi thick lhwhbthayd Puni- |,p|...4 mmubolhnovum ant-mo! h6- nppint-cuuu th- n.--l.._ 11-,Jh-nmn I: and .l. Lod No. 3. m IIme ind m uhrl fommuiq It. the IA 311: ALL. A .-, Ihlpfnl Ml had II! I cunning you. I .__ -_ Pnan to the no Inc-0M anti the Broth-u rm Dill mph .3 I oolook pm .1 the Ill-lull Auden Hotel. ThisHl.bO.eul In hill II Brother D-vh. A{ram the 801:1." amt. tho mind on nus-SS. ' - Il- A-J-I A, Oh; I H . on [rich]. December 27. AT Illll I, IEHRISTMAS "SALE anoomuns, mun-rs, Golden @Elnceq. punume'ium ' J' pd a. Mann" a w h lm: or- Fresh & NewGroceries Hun and. I talc to REDUCE 'll P310! 0": WW9- 4U"! to M guns-Amid. ' u Bun-ha Emperor i! the NM __ L--- 4...: L. IalIJmndQl. chuln [rum um luullnuvu nu"...- .. noqu [ha advent 0! lbs innt Buionr' dull: "unugh all lho .30. ha thin been "jaded u (be glndde 0! all Christian lutinln. h in the uuon which bu out ban chum fur the [amnion of lou- puudl-muin who come together to 01- ch.n.o ground the lull! hard And the hnmuwud hennhumne their :1 ulull rcminuceucu :1 Um recent or more du- um put anpy nre much gr)an u h. not been unvulcd by Daub, who, hanng 1H Irwml hr hm own, bu, may- hnp, brukrnmmhy a lunlly circle who: membrun my meal [number It Ihia mhonue happy Hum, will muurnfully mm the nlupnrtel, and lung again [nr Growrlqo. lnltl. Sag-n. .n'J 141... I. I f 1 AT mm mm: About It. poor II "II utbo'lloh A Gommlft'iora MT. ,IYH. .' w; I; Tcfui co. hawk-10nd. tattle-ting. The Walt. . r (VIM w Imu By order of tho W [I JOHN IIITI' ' TO RENT; " . N 4;me DUI. I:- I FESTIVAL IHI BITTER ol homo It. Johno No. 3. hull" nun-Ind I. uh n; ma. In: BRETIIBIN No. ml:me unn- to u- }dthc ulmrlfommunwll W o uu If 5UP ll I-u- I'Plv I. luv. 600'! be well-(unwind. m nhonl bun... 11.. Mnjeaty the (innity! tho with wife of he! Idiot-con m aid to be I)!" bxtnvagnnb ly cordial. Wm'el hu induced thin benign-bait] it 'u putty nut nriou. Eh it axial- and um 1h crcxtiou hf MI Indian Em" out oi the 0 we: of Eng- lusd Ill dn to the Roy-l determination __. .- ...._J- ._ .L- a....|n.p (.f [ha II "I. W In. our: Stuntman. 'ml. WI. Mum Gandhi-nits. OBI-LI. yuan. l. IM III (III W mo nay-I uuwu nun-mum. not to mod. In an dwghur of the Rania- Enpolor A procodanoo u Court mutilate-thou Princes- of Eng- land. WW an odor lo lulu: him King, or "that Prince, 0! Bulgui. will you pdntlblo to the' Duke of Edinburg or not. "main- to be won. in refund 0! the prulorred honour, il it be one, would crane no unprin Alter hi. docliustnre of tha throne ol Groomn much non honour lb]. union. Thom any be reason- why he Ihould now weep! the rapomibmly of government which did hul. exist in lhs (lrecinn cue. Among them: reasons tho Hunter I: which we have hintad might llirly be annular-ted. He is laid to be living up. from his wife who certainly did not also very kindly to English ao- cioly. especinlly Ii. mutt, and thin infall- cnoul It. 0! Illain umv pollbly be unnothed Alown And the chum ml 3'!) n- llull btidged over were Shay to lwconle the joint rulerl of a wmi-lluuiun princi- pdily. A conrmaliun of will be looked for with IOIIIO interest even by Unndinnl, who nuw very Imtunlly lake I livelier concern thin ever in all that relate: to the children ul' tlwlr Queen. tho rumnur .- -0. It in worthy of remark that. tho lirul "tampon Midi-cu delivered by Lord Lame in Cumln. wu to the pupils of the Ottawa public cllUUll, till the accu Iion of his presentation of prizes to the Iucceuful cympetiuin. lu uimplicily uid ploulntry, charged, wilhnl, with Ilrung puctiul common legume, the, ut- terances of Hi: Excellency were ppl'u- prialu to the occasion, Ind will be read with plenum by Ill, but wnli a spacial interest. to I who are nclively conneclcd with our educitional system. is enlu- ,, 4.: u; _._-._... ....II I. .'..5-n...l.. "run; WILII Uul WbllrlUU-I lyuwlu. .\ g, (If that "Item wull be intentler gum fyiug to than who spent In much anxious thought. and indunlriuus labour lu bring- ing it to m present. perfection. His cou- grntulllory Illusions to the Cuwhnu Educationnl exhibit at the Purim Expon- lian, 30 lo Ihow Ilul Canadian a'mrs do ....A ..-...r.- H... unmuinn l Hm lhnli-II ' nun, gu w Illuw um. ya... not umpo the attention of Him llnti-h people, null Ila! in thin partirular nine tho excellence of tho dinlly was calcu- lntod to arrest And improu the attunliun of Vinita". We note wilh pleasure the high opinion formed by the llnvallml (loner-I'M our I" but faultleas scu-nl nyalam. We have scanned tlu- Vuc Regal apooch in vain for any complaint nbuut the requireluentl of the law In to tho qiuhticntion of teacheni on tho Iliglltut hintu tn tho nucunlly of lowering the Itmdsrd tu amt the whiml of when who low their Itntun by taking thing! any in Munrdulc mth the convenient. acriptuul injunction which denlnma that "much Itudy is n warms to the elh." Nu; there is nuthing in Hill Elcolloncy'n utterances thnt doe- not laud our Iystem in it in, Ind lhnt would not crmwmplnte nuch a luity .- ndl {our with A few of our citiuiu, with marked dimppmhntinn. Everybody familiu with lhn recent hm tory 0! our whool system lumwn full well thnt lines the olention n! the standard at qualication '0! certicates there has been I more tlun corresponding improve mount in the odicioncy 0! our lcllouln, and in lb. uhriu- of the profession To go buckvnnln in the matter uf tho llnndurtl for certicnm IOuld 50 the aura precur. nor of nlmgrmion in tho Ihula ayatem, of who cicioncy. tlnt standard in the but guuutoo. The public mind in pru- pmd tor no Inch rotation. nnd will ex- toad no IlWhy lollqu whu fnvnnr it from potions] rounnl. The efforts nl all wnoomod Ilmuld be united in ntill luflhlr pulsating. nyuem Ila-m ulliciency, us we have noon, com-mud: the Admit-tiny. ol Hump. Kiel-n. -~c.O.oo An oboorum Ipeumur will hullco an: I. ne uor winduwn c-f a Inrgo hon u tho author of Norfolk nth-(1'. lmndnn, proton n peculiar immune. Thr shallot: no a , Ind _thay sro cavern-l thickly with nut, whiln thruugh the chinh on. to non tho blindn, Ilau unck with (humid mouldurin mny with lg-'. 1'th chum-I Iml biin I hue been m can, tho an. pacic, untuuchetl, in; man In It!" "In. During (Ian and], tho pocmon. umuucnm, m, nmro am [My yam. During um. no Hunm [00 h amnod um room. And the mo in thiu. Forty pm qovno thn tony Lord Dyun 'u .23.. toll. Wed, lha d1, nd, the I dig Mun, the bmk- lut an; In fig! u Ipuciou- a undo , 50 Monroe.) m My, _ , 'hon it mu m 3 M. In mmiw . _..- x. M liltin- Ill [mm-l ul diam-d 3|. 'mo [mung A m in m I in um hum-l ul dud m 0 ,bfiey Mun-- in. tin M uh Ind olopod am .oh._ tidbi- butme an! plum Jul-n1 m iiltod bfidt- 10qu! um, on a, tad "nun scnom svsrii. A Bounce In Ital Mfr. T... I, Ipoutho managing-do in nu *mdem uhhn ' a "W . . . 04,000 at r... 316,000 u 1.. "m- ielm record. Julle .Iolwuu,uy-l-v nelmncord. " 7Tbde I... 0' Mum-va mu. o! no . , ., \ 'lho new 01 no "Earn- Oonuiuioun to we tin (hook iron- tior qua-un- in. bun maimed by tho Sulun. " CllMJnatioo Richudl in not likely gontum to 0am proton, smith- Sanction Court till not hold n muting in .lu-nm A My I new Ion, prplnl u the Tremonl Him-o. Baum, VII chloro fonmd and robbodol' money Md ju- In: Ionne airy. Milleuo, 3 Montreal friu'. In. bun ned .5 And emu, or 8 mn imprison- ment. for violently bod-in Ipupil a! nine vunolum. maul. [of VIOI an of *Thorm Mngu uf mm the HhMIrA H yun 0! a. -'l'ho mm 0! th- Bon. PM Hitch- el! in freely Inuutionod in mnecliun with the Superintendent-hip o! Govern ment Boiling. gThe lnla Gooer Halli. 0! Port:- RIIII. ;Tho George Mush, mouth, N.H q hu left the Illln (.I {mm $50,000 mswopoo [or u erection of an Episcopal church. I #11": mounted reduction 0! 12} per Epiuoptl church. The proposed cent. In the In of oolliou in Hoqu v...|...h.m -ml mu- ugh-am. n'ocu Inn. um dined iiTh. 'lhe electric light in no! Ipplied tn hycmlu in Englwd. Ono light in aqull to [20 candlel, Ind light: I dunno: of 200 yard!. ~~Portv~eix out of sixty of the candi- 100,000 men. Judge Hiltonil informod by le Direct/J;- of Mount Sinai Jewish Hospi- tal. that Mm. Stow"?! donnun in do n];-IA.I ~~Porty~eix sixty date: who underwent the High School uxnununtiun at BolluVIlle have been pro- vmmmlly ulmitlod. "A mumcut. ads in Halifu [arbor the o! contor- In mum Yotklhimpnd out]: chphin 4mm uilmni- by the vlunlmlly Idmitted. A south-out. gde lasted for seven hours, and caqu con uderable amotion' Among the vessel: in pun. The Hon. Eliot Yorke. member of Yorke, Parliament. in England for Onmbridgeu shire in dud. Tho (leaned untried one of the Rothschild family not, long since, HMr mul Mm Holmol. the noted of the Rothschild Inmlly nor, long uucc, HMr. and Mrs Holman, Splmulliuic' modiuma, hive been de- tected in their trickerythin time by Iioaluu reporter-n. A new and hundwmo ofce in to be erected for tha Toronto Mail on the lite of the pretent oioe And some property adjoining [Italy wqu'u'ed. "Danbury New::#A Norfolk mother gave her dunghtera black eye became ahu would um. wash the dwhen. This in one of tho effects of n alriclly sh diel. __ivu mm. Mun of New York. was effect..- of urwuy uln owl. Min Edith Mny, of New York, umrriwl last. Thursday to Clpt. Randolph uf the linmh army. What will J1me: Uurdun Bennett. (my now"! w.It in mull that a Lh American Uurdun Donnell. now: -|t in mud that all tha lbbuulel whu went to Brazil to war: on the Clmmdra R. It, either dawned or starved to (tenth, and their places were IuypHod by maven. The hall It the (:nvurnment Ilouse. 'Iuruntn, fur which invitations have been named for the 6th of January, is. postponed to tho evening of 'lhuladny the 30th of January. -lmrd Lnrnn hu been 0:806an With of Jnnlury. ~Lurd Lorne has been presented one hundred and whirtynine MRI-ones .im-n ha Innllml at Halifax. Ind he hm hundred mm uunynme mare-nun since he landed at Halifax, hpm just made up his mind wlwthor to paper the wondshed with them. at lay them nu. l-urnulu when Im nurt- w Inuu the woudslleu wun mam. or my mum umlvr the carpet; when he Inn: to lung up linden; Hall for the winter ~Amung the recent divorco cue: in the Lumlon court. In thnt of Major- (lvnvr Mncdonlld, 3n old But Indian uHIluf, who charged hi- wife with im- 5-r vynl intimacy with a Mljor Nnres. Hm dungth lused on hi.- nido, Ind the divorce was grnnled. _A. Mr IHHI'III nnlv nut n maimitv divorce grnnleu. An Mr. Morn- only 3.! majmity In one nf the {our Wll'dl of tho Ruling, the inference II that ha ha been re turned to represent only thu one wud. But hin mnjurity in Lhu 'Ild "upped Mr. lmya' majuritiel in tho othor three wards. h ;.. ..........m_l n... 'l. PhaEr-nn. . wards. 7 ll in preIquoJ thu Tl Phairwn, lruteuor of Strong Languages, hu ben buly ever since Mr. Murrin' electmn by 40volea in But Tumult), in discolnn- mg the unmaphero in Hm U, E. Club, winch I! only a uucml' inuitutiun you know. AM. nld-iu Smith uvn that of Mr. Goldwin Smith up nobilny, In Canada, Ithem in nuthing now but I knighthood very Ilnall in number. nn upnn which the I'lcie Sand-l Pm. out no deep 1 Ihulov that the Home (:nvurnmem, tlmugh inclined that wny, 90mm shy u! venturing on more cron- aum- make." . ' " ' ' ' Tho new 0! the anhi LI-l-linm In 1]. (h M' l have no nbjecklhum to A man purl- inghin hair in Lha middle, but. I ah. Alwuu inlist upun his tunnhing up the Job b| vie-ring a uhon own And potti- kotL 1m... i. nulnh A thing .- ho much an- Thurs i7. lulch u thing In ho much en cry. I hue non thou who were like I yung bound in tho chuo, get In, thud of die fox. Thnrn Ira a nun mun: rnuh III-t. loud of tho lax. Thu-o us a gala mmy rund- ill-t load (1) haven, but after yu got (hue, only one gateway In enter. H In would on]! 0336 hi our own (Manny In enter. If we would only pmt onerioncec w the exporionm av othm, 1t 10an b0 AMI-oat lnpouiblo [or "on lightning lu strike u; but nther than do this via perfn to Imok out III-l. N ham. to huh got butth nomobod n nun null, and on hot] ubolll an run out of row- to" M- 010 mnlico of lnrmno. In... I. nnthi-n tint n h." nut. Iu gut lo mucn ov, a urulnlmy. In in tho Hula hm w thing- nhnt rm and worry m; lo hn dodge An olophnnt, hm It isn't I y. n .i..'t m much tho Imonnl n mun or [no mince Ul mrumu. The In nothing tllu n have gut Iu link 0!, And labia to think '0 hue much uruinnlity. m: tholmlo daingl but Inn's ny. ll uin't I0 much tho Imonnl hman tho .bity to any what he do.- kno It the right than wd phat, um mun hu- A WI". l hnvn h-an lnum to nd out Mr tho hu- I have b-en trying on; th- lut (on, yun II whrulhno of life 5 nun us than, ilh, ' n u Iridequ 10th t",- hudoll mmmeonvinuhuou. 'bo Ign- to uqu yn any. Do nu loop the Abbott ' 0! your H" Ind W lulu-(M nhul your biotin no (out. Fill 5 it. Ih nun-.- Han-h mum-inn gin-i.- Thu Chnmmn hmohunnmu 11 hr mrvwed 1 modern mlvmm duff any I muted m I Mother-1mm a the knllo u! m... hand of pr-vqrva In use nu In. lV-. In. lip-nu .}mvin. sic-ills word-huh. lid! an en but than, dvloMrMuh duality bL- I'L- thing. In. I M -9 e Him-0. B( Josh llllurs Philosophy. mud W ' Ba. 0.- .- Inn-II.- York, stoppinl 5 Fin-hm. III "I|xll|ll_9n nllwn uf hfu': y< mu In the Illllw corniqu ave-m Minnow-I thande Thom-announ- Brig-h i.- Afgbmiatu. soil it. pm M' lvhich mu M and: tnl 'Iothct contributed A- A- may 1m- __:.I-..-...l 1h. a: noun a. Fling"!qu Inn unu- it night. Inns-.4: pk-nut eun- plieuinn; hi hall-n to. I'm" I to N null I W W V midvy n. I Cindy put-m tion. Apia. the non lung. ' u- of the internal .m- o! M h d web I lulu" u to tank. inhiciblo tho pacic undone, ofvthu Cranial-out. quorll no full of the panne- ot the Nihilist Ipoctro. W no! or :......a..... a. "mu. i. ruling! in. and Rihlliu spectre. WW nu or . imaging, the speck. is bound in. mud 3W an aid. to hunt. in do" by 1 monum- ol "pm-ion. all god! of j Nihilist donome m npprohodod. 0min aid to ho plunod For Dec. 26th, cl. Inninl, a! the outbreak on tho Ice-do- ol the Ingmar dexolu in 1826. no hay ovequhm tucking W 561! with!) the lat not - nub-t dun-u m aid to Inn boon pale. Quiz: ,1 do in ash min-t Ibo link) via unted lo pro-om. . petition on the heir Ippuent. It 5- even rumoured that the Govern- mont in seriously thinking of cloning the lniMI-liu lu- lll'l nu. Tb. Don in in uriou-ly aiming 0! M93 ma "innings {u- Lhia you. '11:; A hoe St. Patanburg no chiming ll upm- niu maulniom in their power. "3011' BB. hamburg m Gnu-17ml nu luvs Ii'. regulntion. pow", snot}. mom m inkrdict from arrylng ma. 0" I "lull! ux ...J v V. V the bin/Jug health . .1 . ,L