Dunn, ECONOMICAL, Al\ . zi Brock Street. not-n mo 1. sons. M. -o_... H. L PLUI, m Mum. ll" York Hana-Inn "mi." 1.- \ ANDJu-ILIABLE. Ivory 7 save .gll-l-I--_ -7... Connorv . . Olnua Expro-u.. nun-u . 4.1).!!!) tram-murmume ~wrw- "Kaufman-an- museum-In b- The Buckie .wm. . minus-unvqu WmuM 5'. Tchbct'li 3W - . , , _ - .- Inn- Ll um null VVIIWC nu can... Io-dr of yquWmnW (Owner overho. "enema! II thin cy l l'r: qt; npicoam 1:. 00.] The Intel Iii-II w.- . In quM on an! Wines 91'... IAIIJ Mn)" 0 113. u: n-lmlmu the gunman IW'MII' WP-l In In Rom. a, to ")0 All m. Iwuoscnmutcuml CAN COKPEIE WITH ANY IAHUPAC- TUBED IN THE PROVINCE. | xx and xxx Ales and Portenl $69,_2oo| UN MORTGAGE OVER APPROVED REAL ESTATE. 9.11.1: Ehunk Blewely.l lmumou. McKAY & KELLY,| Cipro . Klpma Ullml. XX52292933ml HUPPLIHD IN W00 0H BOTTLE. Order! wiluiled. and thou to aim! by uni promptly nttamlod .4). April 31. IBTR. w -,_____=-- . x IMPilAE l I "Viv- " 'I'Ic hull-I Dem-ml will be In mm of I. A. IAI-ll Prim It. Apnl 29, I878 PHOTOGRAPHIG I 100 -- v- u ; Nov .mh. ' II". 'IIIII- I --w - v... I. 1,... Cl? Cull)! X l-inialml in Crayons. "Ital, Vito! Color- and Ink pronoun). lh-ll$. HELDON and DAVIS. Unuyp . Cabinet Maker, Upholstonr and mam, KINGSTON POST OFFICE GUIDE A kinda a! (,UFFINBABXEIS, SH 3000! km. ken! ooualmtlv on bud. A Imul Dl,\llfllD,l/ADV\IIID' nnnuuu Am kept oouanntl w A NEW llAkl,t 0 but!!! the). nu! ma run-m. Ivunonla u the nut ran-on lple mrwl E" Parties wishhiz uld Picture. winged mul colon"! uhuuld give In a (-all (JUN VEXVIVURY TYPES. Expeditions um! Properly Sound In CANADA, UNITED STATES Ah!) EURO" w P-mupmnmdotnoohro. M {1):me iunledou. Apnqu over-dos for mu, II I. "II MRI-L I.Y. DI '59! ude hum-n Numba. Patents of Invention nun-up. nun. Inch-mm! Eng-nan Holqu I'm PMs-m. Druu lmumun. "A gnnd mmbinuion of M. onto-t- wining. llm ull'llll and tho lm-ntlful. vilh lo nnNllVIViI and (M plenum In ark No l'nrn 25 pm! frrn. You], .3, with an nn numb! min. two Iplondid o" Dian-I. l'nrn 25 Your], 3.1, with nn- him. bur-I. ROCK ( lv MIEB Incl THE MON'B RIDE. llnx'll Inc-hat man-nu! nu mm. Ir-l-mru Wuhan-n . . . . . . .. Wmlm.p-r.T I. [QTY lea'sBLEsl - : Prawns Street, -- - lam-bu. 1 llltn Mums-m: n noun. Han-bannin- any than"; Alum- BAX? t 00.. h I1 Wu am IJ. 3'31"; 7......- A lm... in; ugh-i dem AT MMILLANS Itng ' V Kingston. P07 43!. IB'IB. UULJ wuvvuwuq 'llmjlest Recommendntlo. IHKYK Ub AIIEU II THE IJHN'B "RIDE. Inchan, moo-tn! ol mm. Trill-porn lllln 10- ntrl. thud Hardin!!! - I-ullrn A-lllrmWJ NNINGIDIIO .- "WIPEUnd- cw a. of rum... a. stun rd nr "15 JAMEB man! In Manager Mario M A: 9 Rod]. \Vulliuxto: H Pnun Edward St. 7 Nruhurr Mul deal .1 llunmnmithl Imuhr mumsI: King Street, Kingston. JAMEE REID. .L:_-L AI.-- "LA'AA-A- -- '- VM. (In 1!) IM" bun-al ' """"" known? 94er 1| T. RIETIEY'B. din of UUFI'INU,UABKWI'5, HH I t} nmgnud; T0 LEN, Lug-(In Mnl Huh-nan lhrnv'nmilhl hum. In K k l' R Apply to JAMES McARIUR, llnlnriu M A: .Q Hon'v, Rondo. m unli- h... q I . $0... ' .troot. KINGSTON fipus not: hull-porn rod Head in full h LJ NNINGI DBIO . I. -,Y. [b huh-an: HICNRY (MUST, Uzi-um, Ont. up nil..- l'n- DID-n... n I I I A I I n . [Wm-u It. rout". M. Milk11 A" '0. "Am - I'uwumh . . . . u v" un MI) p m Htrrdrhl . . . . . . . . .. "1.30;; .. ||,I.':pu| Kiln-hr: and Rumba!) load-n. Wedne- d. u '. Indnyn. Hall-83;!) In; .7". n his... Ania. I am! Hullsm. nu- FIRBTQPBIZE. _AND_ 1 * SILVER MEDAL: < - - Tun muszorznoxvonze " AND DIPLOMA omumr Lumber Manufacturers, " or all Point, 0113.. m for Elle. foot 0! Queen Street, 3 .ALL DESCRIP- m'o'! 1.0an ud HANDIAOT RID MATERIAL ['03 HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. AGENTS 2 1H. B. RACEHHUN& SON, AGREE : OF ENGLAND Prio- mm of [naming e.- dopoud upon luv ram wd um donhng by trmting with the aw STRANGE & STRANGE Oioe, (lat-em Strut. Ann. rm and III". ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY 0!" EN GLAND. smug-Tunnel; Insurancicompavny [ HEAD OFFICE ~ - - - - TORONTO Chm-oh Stroot.(:omor of Court 8; .- ohwvllnm Munldmdoolldb .6 M.- ..u- wanna-solit- rst; tho m , ,, ._ _ . BOARD OF DIRECTORS (loo. Peniva Ridout, 511., Governor Polar Pntarwn, lug, Do at, Governor. E. H Butberfbtd, I ., on Wm Usyloy And Thou. D Harlin. Esq V AGINCLII IN ALL T. l urnqu All" VILLAG DA Harri- Tubs a: The Hon. Gaol! Aum,TboaStth; Sir Jan Lllin Robinson, Batt.,wd Geo, Boyd Enqs. In: or Hume De utment, Wm. tawnrd %T. . Birohnll, waging Director. Brita-h American Auurnuoe Company insure suit and steam Vowels, theirfreight or on ;by the tnp. month. season or your, 3 It in or than a by Fire or the tin-gm NM "gutting oweolrel'nnnmvermo 'l'lh spun; continue to Insure buildings udlo .mr dolori ions of Proport nggim Loner manage bf lreou the moat womb] tern-g, .1111 It the oven uncharged by any good Uompux y. JAE. SWIFT, Agent, 8:, Lawrenm WI: n l EHButheI-fbtd, El non wm unyloy lnu u-.. Ink Commercial Union Assurance Company nu ENGLAND AGAINST WIT FEET. (301.!) EX FREME- TIES AND HUDDY ROADS is now the! most popular Ind non aihlu denmud mule by I" uluwnof the oomununityold and youuanslo III minor 3nd Tory. __ ___.._.--- _n - l'lu .uv.--V. w..~.__r . Ln ull b wearing my New Styles of Bones, Shoes nu Leather Goodmlanignml for Hm Full And Win! truie of IBTBE', which haw luen munulnotumd of well banned and oiled mum ial.of workmuuhip (Int. mm be roHnd on. and with- View w wConnf()rt.. Em. Durability uud UnsupumA Wholesala and Retail Dealar 35 PRINCESS STREET. n. r. Minimum Nut Door-hove lieu (IIy lolrl. lluplon. } Prices Low than the Lowest. | Hum. ham. . lov- it ought to any out lelum. Whllcil in main. use om the Quantum, the bulk 0 (SW you, In every mummydy'n unduly m- Mupnul, in}ng mud itm, it M MD. tun u: Huston. . '01- u. rouindu III. In hi WM , that stun-mum Ill uppoinbd y m, Houu I: nun an no wlloot inlet-ion (to. Municipal Cour.th Ind iron I" parlou- him; an mutant. m Ibo unbjoct, . And In in: lbs: in uldiuou to obtaining - r A A 1,, , j UNDERTAKERJ tun. 'rI-l-l- A Hide-ha- Mnou. A . Koopa oonltuuly on bud nlugo Ind "Hod mnmom M Fumnnrb Undorukin attend-d soln all It: brunch". n Kapp-on h surge anon-lent at 11.11:... -...I n-_l.-L- vvmuu Wu vww-nv-u,l atom-whim don nutho hut an-em tha Dollluhm. & Funera- gunndedm Kn on, And muulry on thn mo rmmmhln Mal-ma. HY. BKAMK. AI I0 1117: !H-. 3.12MB! lappl on Ill I urge upon-mm m 1601111113 and Caskets, nnmAun-i-dn lutho I -.PURE Wmes and L1 uors, [Woman mmo mm | ill-tut rad. o! In... urn-Alan. Jeu 0c lana- Thoifiim .& ml I'll. Puma WILL ALIA" l'llD. [nod ohdu II All kind- 0! xwliv? II dlpnn'ao! tbfaty... .- q . one u npp .0 tho I. "mu-lb rug. ; MI m1- Il sum: u summon mun umznxns, hf W Illth Wyn IEM.D a" A I [I'D LL April 4. 1877. mm mm- m "cs: [bust-ruler, ol INC. Oldest Chartered Canadian Company. FIRE- 'wARINE , uon@ATuy." Hg, '9. 1810 J'lhi n... ' ' Ania. u- ; 4| Mani-y (10.! u 7 ;- : In!" u k' on v--~.'-~l Cor-u Prue dydcun- Iueou, lo. .Illuul.0nt. -. I... of the bot uninvode n m- lurk. Ann C 3)., muloldvoy k IN'M. glucd r I ,, ._..VV-V_. , m. A. r. Klll', LL Mich-M "In. Dru-lla- Oh. 00.. Al- I II I". [on II .I ll]. nut lull Tole-ring. I very ntqu uuoh. I snug-o G In I..- -1 n. I... .vuinu-mlnmd I: I mum... _____r..,__._.7 r- -r 477777 7'7-~.W irAi v If NS/R ANWCEJT: 7' Assets - - - -"T'825,ooo.ooo.u -_AA I-J-I Pno'rno'non Gnu-{TED , u,_. u;..|,.- .J nun (Sumac-or i. tun-no in. lurk. "PROTECTION" Sa'biJQFEZEEF u-1'v u. ._.. . w. c. a. J. Eiii. R. CRAWFORD & CO. I that". hllmhn.hlhbu Ito-'0. 0 pm. Can-dign- um Cumin:- pop nun-ant! QWorldl hit muesli to than: tho was aunt-uh- tMrthhnu-hunv I Nor. I-Mlhi 9? ms. ,w. 'lHE underniguad um Inc-pared to dulwm Cnul of Hm bent. quality. SUREENEI) A1) DRY. l dulwm A: cheap as any House in the Trade. m1 The Largest. Mosl Stylish and Best Stock for all l'ur- chm;ch ill the City. Merchant Tailor, Clothier B. Crawford & Cajl lFurnishing Goods ! DI) I mrlvuu U'IIPLLW ._ __._..~,erc -7 - 7 .r PRINCESS STREET, (Nrmly Oppnule (In. Guy Hutu, King!!! .1) may I115, Bnimbla for thn present mason. - IN READY-MAI)! the Stark is most el- tonMveJmrLt-Ims in nlyln and qualitmel It var Ilmlnmm u'im-n GK H FURNISIHNG GUODR of alldas oripuona nnd nu urn-M. variuty, unnutunly on hind. THUS SEALR, uni. ('luoo II 1. pm- 3| llzw tn, nut-d Mul- nll k chard ublb'n: Vb l-v Yoda-wry Mg II I 9.. P. n..- ~ not I :2 ounce B THE URDER DEPARTMENT contains an mummm I'nemrlnmm. ol' Gouda of the I ..4....4 .--..l .md IL- .I.l......l.ln The Largest. Cllonpcslnd Best Selection: 0! qummm I Hurummu 01 um! "I um Latest and Most Fashlonahla Styles, urmmnb munn (7- nmzsr: 1 illz.(l|n1.ilv DIIYnPAInNT qu, ROOM PA PE R. And Room Paper Depot, BAGOT STREET, HFTWEEN PRINCESS IAN!) QUEEN HTREKTSJ all IALllllD ll m: U I all doll l......:.-:..::.'z.. YEMMROBINRON Capital and Surplus 06.546264 Ion-u Illd In I! Irlfl our - Ls-.000 of whleh was pllll for Ike d'hl- can. nul Ion.- Ium In um. EtnalnsuranceCoy., 01 II A RTFHIH) CUNNA THIS COMPANY hu I'm-n doing lmninm in Cumin My 55 yFlll and IIIIHDK Hut linm his hound that public muluh-nca l-yprouw. Iml libernl nuttlcumnlnfm mme t. Inn... ('u null-n [mllcvlmldon norm-um! hyulapoait M .60. um to Government at Oil-um. Po lloia bro written a thin Agent: and raid on run In favorable In any at or ntrlm Company. , Jm IP77. JAN SVHWF. Arm-IN SNOW DBOP, LILY' &0-, &c. I "III I Iv--v-----', COLOIIIOJYAUMINIIO t PATll .Mg and pun! Mag has sod . gun-m mum to .II that will but In- with their wart Yoq am] not um; u, Carp or Flt-nun. W. JON. l HYACINTHS, Double and Single Caryn-or JONES. (byte 'o-l: If: Indole- kal. Purim M. . lmt (gnu Joun' Ih- y- In thnix Fire Insurance! unies!) A m l nun-M CAIA It. I. alum-01. ilbs for Fall Plantig I And "nu-m (inltun. MEDICAL HALL! w w umdl- Line. "on Thur-u, u to... m as my I 1am. to luhlo I'm. Id-co- M. for. boon c Oct M. L'I . l April 0 I378 THos.EALE, Room Paper. U..." Jul-I7. "IIUU UV 0F HARTFORD, CUN N. .-H O'- I V "VI Aml wummsmuc; III!) Illl'nIlLlI I 'Al'l vmimnx. NJ 'My In llll u no Ientrnl Canada "I ANUSIGN PAINTING. (In lil'. lnpnr Hanging mind (In! nun. du- . dan in Hm I: The I'Iuryv In M. THUS. SEALE. Prinmu- 0. I. HOBART. F, A. humus. do \ 8 HT. In III I LIVERPOOL M V NEE Sailing on Liverpool 06" U Y ad in- Hallfu 8V0?! a! DAY, WinhrArmnth8W| Peruvhn. . . Sardiniuu. . . Polyneainn. . Ssrmntian . . ircaaaiun IL..niun Munan . . . . , . . . ... loo. In. l'rruviuL ... . . .... . .... Fab. 8th Sudinian . Feb. 15th lulynesiln. . . _ _ . . . Fob. 22nd Th1- xsmem :1 :lm Glasgow Lino vill pan from Haliil for bo Clyde an at About our] lhunuluy. Nun Sootian......r . . 24th. Hibernian... _ . .Jul. 7th. 3.-- l -.o.... - mull rml TONI-Ia Per-ou- wmnng to can: for that [rand-cu obtain PWoCenitmm At Iowa run. The ticket): are good for one you and the mount ll refunded lama small dulumal. it not mad. Fuil mfurnmtiou u to roturn oan And III ninth-Wall hut-Ibo IM lat lama mod. manure of pump will be given by the Agent. unaccoun- osmium-whoome In or dor to be emit ed to tth bout; Fnr Tiukuta and run Ilnher imam-hon Ipn ~szuon to [Averpnol or Mmohdbll'] 66, '79 and W. luwnuedmte to Liverpool, Londondarry or Gianni; $46. I Lo 1 d a swerueto Iver , mu or , I . Quail-townmfut nr (u'di . pug. ' RETURN TICKETS: 1 lulu-medium. . . . . . . . . Strange \in Halil'u . Non Wham..." Mm. Hibernian . . . . . . . . . . . Run Plunge from Kinglwn : Cnbin-szmn to Liverpool [Andandon'y .66, ' TICKETS. Cabin-Kingdom m Lived-molar Londoudorry and Rem-u. 31-34, .142, mum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0 any imam-mm up ply to H. BUUHLUJB. (la-on! Axum. 'l:~ runny, r Kingston, (Tape Vincent, (inr- (lon Island, Wolfe lslnml & Galluumquc Steamboat lluIIIo. Maud. Pierrebgi ind Geneva. "inn (urn Emu. and 'eat. IE'IURNING-W|'llauv5 Capo Vincent on nrrimlul' Trail! at 99455.1.ounnootiugwith (L '1'. IL and Bay- of Quinta Btoanmn at, Kinunlun. Leave for Wolfe & Garden Islands, hmh. m Rzilhmd I hm: "L, mul 3:1) ||.In. EmuTnnhp.Th-rd n I (1....- H; luau In In. no), . sud (syn tho idtonmzlun, thin summit. chained inlmmuiun nth would 10 win! In. been done In uthev cuunmu. d! 0! which will mblo the Unwrnment to dene nub-it sum mmnro which ho think. till moot the diliculliu 0' the can und [in malnctwu In rl pnrtiul. Tm men-Into in gun uni-faction to pmm in mt-ro lhlh doubtful, for than in - wide divrnily of npinion u to Illlt aha-cool pr prrlv lhoultl be tlxod Old Ihsv. chum L h osllllpl. The chief phllll. however. an 21 Mr. "0'". Inn at length rrcog .A/rd the Intel}, 0! inking mum nutI-ru nu the quu'i. It unmv n.| W." m... .. I... Will ll-nvn Kinmhm FOB GANANUQUE, daily. ('nllinu nL Itwre Islandmtzim Inn. RHIII'IIiIIu h-nw Guinnmluedailym sm. Nov I.rlh. .n. v. nun-u nut" I.(\n\lll rough 'n \Vlmrf.0mmuoqua, lor K ing- num \o-rv MONDAY, TUKRDAY, THUR ~ my. AND HA1 mum? mnmhm n 7 ..m. NE of Hm abovu Steameu will leave Kingston for Cape Vinoont. idly; un~ lnym-xreptml) m J Wu linking loco oonneo [long with the ILW. GM). Rnilroad. Nurtham Run-mum Railroad mid N. Y. C. Railmml. Pull. 0 RHEPEJ v ' ' U- ' _ m. u. Myrtlqu llmngh'n King- vwrv MONDAY. TUEKDAY. M Kiviggie_t_& TUKRDA'Y, THURS nu. 8A1 manning (-nlling at Hir .lnhn' Inland. Noni: Ride. on A man Niki-Wilt "J- -O .b- uAILwn', | No uu-liun ul tlu- mmlr nonpmip intend- ing In rlmnyn Hwir rnic um annh HIV-nume- u may I"- "bu-1m: In the bountiful VALLEY OF llllc ARKANIMH, henna" Hula Rock and For! nnn. Whiln tha Scull-bu Inland hrrll-Ir from uickmudunz u a mat nummpv 4 NEAT \llTlNO mans, l ul ol Fort-nu Tamra Emil. I push I Trirk ('lhlm All will tho-timid for Ni. lunar 'I'RL' VK 401m lint ('lhln poath for "h ollver Ind 34- Imp, Add". BRYANT & 00., Olav-mar. Novfolk Cm, "It. 30mm: (Jada, dunno; 5i: [Mun I... lt J. 2 E9911 .- ._, .- 4-.-. Ml. A. .m, vain-rm. D. v-tWM-JJ A 1. III. A a A --.l. "ROCK VILLE. Hn Friday wnll leave lhmuzlnn Whirl, Gr- mmmlnn. for Brut-Inll" nl 0" n m, Returning 1mva rm-k villl- uu-mmallmg whom mquimi H u-n for Churwr, Exuurnionn.dw.,on Wod- mw up For lurwr particular! Apply to A 0an h Cu .ur to IL C. Rnthwoll. on hoard. and For! Hunts. Whlln um 50th bu Inland nil-lit uickmudun a. put uumme' W'O-nll-l nArImmn [In new" .n mun be.th Land. nuI-l on Main! (emu. Ivnr mlwhkh nml further in l'urmldon n ml to W' LSLACK Inn-l ({nnumumner. bill a l, Ark. lll'f'll mnwnnm Land Commkdcn'rl ITAH'I lJlNAW Ill'll 22" ._. V ___.__ A. _-. ' l a I 00 Hm Chm-no (I 20 mm. a. a. .L m... m! and. IV. M Inn-mil Ciro-o M. with only It. pupa. a... l. land In 00.. luau. IV. rAlcicXiI-l. C . "an... I! 25 rnr Inmrlmulun lnnteang I! v I PINE AND PARKING LANDS} I l'uNTIlAI Illl'llllilu 1.... -_I- I... .L- ...wu claw-v Haul-An! Ill ln (YENTKAI. MICHIGAN. lor at. by the '_|I'Hm and Pam Inr Mu! lewny Cunp y Auk-M- HINTS 'AN TED A For m h. d tum: u-lling Pklari-l Bani-and "lbl'l. Frioal Mum-d 31! par not. A. 1'. PULC. ID-III, Pa. .7 A my m A , u. naval-inhumane nun/m: mmu. Tann- sod um I'llL AMIP. 0 VlCln'.Au-a. .7 DAY mtg-ill form unt {m Minimal". VWIIILAW lube VianaanueARsl ........m.~ ww- M'9,t1:gm.,.!;msl Leave 101' "Due U uaruen 181311 lun. REll'RNlNHWill hmm Wolln Inland daily M! ":l n. and 1 pm. . HUNDA .5 Will lmn'a Kingston at 9:30 m.m,,l|:m mu. and lzlI p.m. returning at |0;.'W mm 1 ll) mull! [LII]. ,lhni hon vol-pool over ' "can Dunn IIALIIAX. H. AND SA'I running ling .lnhn'a nulnyund Thnmlny. and at the Bonn. undo I Ilnhmw a, Wall]: Island, on lueuluy nml mrduv. GENT}; WANTED ~ For the but an! nllinn Bouhud lhhbl. :: rsmaam n. n; mun Pun-[e rel-(Ileana m... mnhmu u. nan-I fnr than [new | the KW. 51 U. Rtilroad. Northern vuiw N. Railroad. Pull. (nrn and Want. IJzill) and 1! [LII]. ll Kinzmv .c-nllingut. I we ,___ ._. -_._._..._._ 7.- if?! 05E? 3 I ants 45"_.v."".":," 3' Ivl IIVIII hnl Fur information rout-enmg ! nun 'AD'IIIII Y A- I : vuw IRE], cni Ana-cum ntnvn.Belf-nt 01rd. TICK m. mnum Livunoolut h: urr r4n_ruu fOI-mmxga! r... II: III IIIA IIOLGER h HANLE. Ann. 08100. loot 01'3er Street. 1R7 K J n- human. .1. Iov- 1.06 o .ppoinbd lb; count mum. m Ibo bind. mug Iha HOLIDAYBdispnu M 100 ml} ()RGANH It 91":th IIIer Low mull, SPLENDII) ORGANS 2 LL A-(ln SM. 2! so" with Bull Run and I Lin. and lzlI 1 3:2) 0 F0 will 19mm A. (lunn k. [to pm..culling whnm reqnired. HROCKVILLE. will luum Ihmmlnn Wlmrf, - Jul. 1 Fob. 1 mm. a JI. J an. I I nu ma. mm.n.m ugh-JON Ame-Jamil. Mani-5|. @nmu. mm.um I ADI Jul. lit. 1.. mu. m mo, HI! A II mm p.m 1,|I.ll. 0 ml)... Anot- .13; m. m, . M Ju. l. [879, Anon Jul. 1st. 78 Anot- Ju. ht, In | . I Aqua Ju. lot. ll", mu .1... nu. ma. Anon Jln. In, lm. Anot- Ju. Int, "77. This [,nm y now sund- in line In: ml man; the mun-anon Colulllhbi of this ml- try. 000-! yon-lord mmumuw in Policy bolt on, tot is null hold. to the pl! of smiling all bnno- mm. m- mam-ad busing- In 1853. And In" roe-III: plmd in the land of an Cmulluu Gonna- nout smog? fur the pmumlon o! Clldhll Pollov III I. glad hue loco-unload Inni- nru in CID-d.- "Talmud ownnn ol Rankine!- cud, your own {menu and null upon u under signed. when you onu luwo you-flown, insured by experienced Agenu. an on the melt Maul tor-n. Inlinlu mound sad I" inn-hau- done In con- Maid lolicw lunod uoolion with the above Comp: n thll 0.10., run nannnn b um VAL! HUN-Ana- - ". gnu [Caner-l Agmu for Cant!!! Dom. OFFICE190 Ontno Sheet. Dec 7th; 1378. unlcs' a. BENTLEMEIS Cast-Wearing Apparel New and Second Ilund Goodsl I _..-_.. a-___..x..u... I..._-I.- -.ul -41.] A LARGE STOCK OF NEW (IWTH'B now on hnnd for ulo w NOTE THE ADDRESS w v at w w i H ' V "nu-d for not-hull PA. 1 BJN l bluan dovoMJde ml or athar nom nndu. onus-anal dnlfmt trqu mun. II) Inhaln. Cunt. All a- nmnu. [hum-routes. APMIII, Ellh hr n- {u muontnuml I mun main under tho PA ENT LA '8, promptly um 01! u. uuwuumunun mun-l! uvu nuns! Irmn W Illllllwl. IN V EN TORS;::.r-..: lieu-h of your dovloa; we nuke axunllmuou [we u/chargr. Ind ulvm u w Maulglllty. mks oxunllmuou n u/charr. kw ublllty. Auwldcnu-Inollyoonl mlhl. Pun- low, lnl NO CHARGE UNLW Plum 3 REC BED. W9 ruler m nMoInll tn the Patent MM to our elk-u In ovor sum ohbo Oman-ad w {our Son-tor anal apmcnutlu h: Owl poohl rome than than M. Add. C. A. SHOW ECO. 0991! GnomW-Hlm DC. g l I0pm. ml)... 3:10pm wm gun. . LNyLI 7m;l| lvuluvw vavv OPPOSITE wnwns olARBLl Inor PRINCESS stun. Invnnuvnu lunl nnvn u. hv the ant REJ EOThldg 11.3.. .., mm, in motto-.00.! um ya I own. the hum 01303,." on nuke clog mambo. and ammo Mum mom pto-ptly,ud vlth h".de chum, than than who no roman from Wuhmgwn. TYtrnu1mnh (1.--; -- . lanL_DEPOT| I 0 "IV. Wilt! BTJA ENC]! WBARF.KINGBTOI m_n._ - -_4I I)-.. M. I. ' Bl.h '7 annual " u"-1AVUIV- Whol-lc d mun M! l. A" Detonation. of calf] lor Boo-I InrmJlut-M-l m- Inuuo. The ban Myths-{80mm hamm- hum undercover. unaudva ThmeuumW mun mumummmm Cell uion will ' at if. "7 "rm. Iowiivml PATENTSmrsmzw ml nr nthnr nomnonudu. (Io-um: _ _-_ . ,A_.-_____...__. 1812 "Pg-Islam. ICAN HUIBL NN HOTEL M vary rlhn: publiv and Um Ill Hu- ('ily. 000d Wholesale and f J. REIDS . clown OAIDIII "MW-mam on with the Luovo Uompuny u um one: VAN DOWLTBR & 33m. .n-.-_.l A--...- 0... (Mutual lnO-Hn 7" I'll DWI/VII um. uw of ovary damrlptlun bought and laid. u-un. u. "u, luv-urn, _.v....v.. w. mvumloxs THAT HAVE Bin \ 'nmnhl, 4|,~ nAAA. - {glues Swift. . WHABF.K1NGB m_n._l- smoasoom m Luomoabo $1,050,621) Sl,050.l57.00 mmmjau A- _ mmo 3 Magoo ' mmugoo tau-Wren _ 5.30.700 [Wm u- : III-4| m-.J._ w -_L-, , ;.- rrcoguud not:me at taking In to be hoprd llul whlchever club. tau undid-le- m Eur 'lunnlo in laud ho Ill] use hll Inuence m the laulunn tag! I: much Irhul in MI. mum 0' I. nhulltiv-n u! dummiqu u pullible. Tammi 7'Innrll. a V "1 7T? multimilde mailman 1m "_ flue. Plated Ware. DIAIAI. IIAII D-NIIUI'I r..u llai'irinw st. Nov. E gru- qI BWI. ' a. do. ' Punt-.1 011- 1.1 0-1- ununnun much]. I 1 IIl__ _ _ __ a; DYEING TO LIVE. the old: Imam Dye! Bulibllnlhen't In Ililton mum-ed L... mt. RA ILWA 1' I "USE 'ANTINO LACE CURTAIN! and Curl-r t vlunad should and them to HIII nld mull Mlllhh n.\lhlh. ulna- I "USE '4 NTINO LACE CURTAIN! nm old Illll mum. Mublhhmnt. VII-om thaw cm In and: to look lull-l h In.- In An they ho mode to look equal to now In 48 hour. notion. Ind I kind- ofGoodn tun be montlonod CLEANED All) DY D I oolon in the but atyle an on the thou-tau "no. The Lidia-will plane III-kn uooo hul an the onlv Cup. Dycrl tho any. .R. MONTGOMERY "Chum Dvor- IA' II, Im lLiverpoollsLondoanobe 2:0 no mane-xx mudalu 0 [ms ' on u _ g! A lug. III-cl tuba nu. lam of 1mm 1n low at run!- 0 no. Tim Compqu I. second to no unur- Mice (Who In the vor (1. Appllutknu mind at UM" of THOR. BIGGI,A(-O. Clarence M Oppduhlam Bapt 6.1377 - J. they mode look cqul In 48 mythoqu gll ofoadn 1!: can Insurance Total ,4. 0,000 Invested in o.m;..mozo.ooo [mm as It. Joll'l. l.l.. IIM Juno. ll" . "UKlNlN. .I'l Mun-gar mm: III "Um-u "NW loom John' LI um Jun. ll" cums-Joana Ian-namely ' an" Ila VII. Ill... aim-III or Int Assurance Company [OI unmmu, thannln In. :50 Much. purifylnnm Blood. bull-Mn: Du do "Im, In. 4mm. Illr ll .lAn Downin- int." mu .m- a nan-cud shut m VITAL?!th- wbll mun form . LDMst m. Ant! In Tilt snubs! ETHIOPIG ElleR I le loud buoan nd a - , --- U. u.'u.vw-- For ntdln DI Ion, non-In: Tel-pk] Hun an Incl v loom-u; autumnal-l.- In. :5. Heroic. purifylnho Blood. bull-Mu: Dun. "Im, 4mm. Boot of Median.- aid!" DIMbI. Iron-In: 'l'mlil Prob-nor 0|:th- nlon 01 an Above and Md... . undxoucou- POUND.anqu 'r I ho in! than m.- oln Tsmmwnn n If I! "f:"""i.. a. " n 0 oo- t on 'l'ooh 03mm. (in If an! II'IIIOPIC Inf. uxl luv. lulu- hlhloh v [ct-No. "pup Stew... "3'... int. no . I blag-unboqu On: In. nummwmm. [kiln-nub than! moduli-Mm-f-unh. 7" "1i: 3. Donna W&W.M1Wq m... I return- 1:. sun) In the woman b'bO- I: II m mm ~ I-w '-- In, ad a. one ILIXII M b w h humu- can, you II to tho pills I- m. on m - molt-Ivan", I l'be Glyn log: 3-041: nah Innin- 1-! In. bu 80v :0. I m"-I - J IA: II. 1378. M1 l'llln m. lrtl) p,- 79")..- Impa. 7:!) p.- uu- wuvv vv-III" [or wxnon, auun. GUARDIAN YOU GAIN BUY may! mkmuu won mud. n In CW old Mmbahlu Company. I "III-g Iro- nd Sta-cl. . L ., , r. I. I'ldh-n. ii I021 5m. I:.A I: II It) yin Itwnm {twpm Wm pllr "Jinan s T017118, Mn -Mn Aw lIIlA , Alva): "mall! Ill opportunity for same Ihnsml and Incly uprmwr to null. I hnndnnmu pr-m morn. Lawrence & (Tm. Hindu-rs. N Y.. have olublhhod Hm new r-um-Inalmu nylwm {or upon!- uvg m an. 3, Hunt guild in In] KMJIID can he used prumnbly :1. any tum: that may Iuit lb. cuuulner My punhng the order! of thou-andlufluuuns mm on immun- num, and uprru'ing lholn u A mighty whulu, ulnhvr llm m: at experienced nkill, nut pr-tiuarr lnmIn, which could be gum-d m m. :Hn'r lay, Thole Ire (llvulmi pru mm aumznu Ibuuhnlden m .-f 110 return: llnmm. [rum 851:. .|L. 1.. .....,.:n H' Ml hum-lion given to llntingnl Dwell and Public Buildin with u-nm. wild b. Waugh- ,dmbui nus I-h- hapha [All SAVER-FOITJIIIS WINTER. THE SISEENDID Canadian Stove De wt. ~. __,___.._.___ Ihuse the Best smii} H_A_NDSOI1E, IPIJII I Befor- VI nth 3 solution Anywhere. The "plen Id" II. and all quoaon. the oral Hull Ind Pub! 10 over invautml, [meant m1 nubmll improvement: and advantages ovor anym feeder now in mm. 3' (vnlyrall And no. It baton you purchm you. LUEU. CLIFF. on an mm em 1535" (full Illd we theCrovn Jewel Hetertiblo Flue "ALI. AND PABLOR HEATING MOVE, the wail, Harmful [have sold. w EVrry sum gunman}. Also um croWIl-g Glory Wood Cook Stove, |u:.|_ I---_ haLI- I-lnnluh-1 mumm- Ha...- STOVEE. SEOVES. up; llrcly n hllidltlln" M 0., itlllll, Y. cumhinnlmn In:ku u th 8510335! pmubly cuuoluer puulll Mun-.m- f nulrunl law ' I With In portable >lan|nhnl copper Ranger volr; mm Ines mm m Mum Matures Hun. mvollwr Huermi! Coo in]; Stove. Ind in Ilm only luvurorhblo Reservoir Cooking stove in the war with warming own under the re. Examine my 814w More buying ulmwherm WM- BUNN, , STREET. IPALAEE EUAL VASES.| Suitable for Drawing Room, Library and Dining Room. They nre lled with In inside Renorvuir, which an be removed and replaced at plenum. Call Ind see them at HOB 'S,| (nun-u A Dln In |sr6171=sz| |Hall, Parlour and [look Stove] 'Mlnwtk llntingnl Dismal-and Blith will! 819mg. AN H935: congnm 53; 00s., Wu m ullln I" our ETDVE. TEN PER CENT CHM? than may bonsaln the oily, A Luge trek of m NAILS (0! Ohio cbsap 0v 9'. _ A urn-nu! vrl'vntvussb TO WIN A FORTUNE. m gr HAND DISTIIMIONJYI.A&~I A. A NEW (DB LKANS. TUESDAY. JANUARY th. mu, "all lanthly hunting ."zL; "" L-v-1"- I Cull-id this Stock ndpalhtnu M The Louisiana SJIottery Company I Mimi-1h mil-n" hwnnnraml bull VIM-Aw know *bhvll walla-u] 1 mm. r hmxorawl I0 lhtum I'er mum Edmn'iuu I And Chuihblo rpm in 156. with a (upltnlufm. tn whivh it hm aim-n kid! I roll-"e fund of Wi. l'l uplhlufl.lm.m whirh it has rum-w liWll ITS t-IKANI) SINGLE NI'MHHK IHS'I'HHIU- Avv- Iv. an, 1373. IIWHI". l'l LHAND SINGLE NI'MIKHH TIUN will b plum mnnthly un lhr y-onml Tun-uh . It t" wah-nur [mullqu-s. lnmk Al tlu- olln'lu dlnniun . mu. PRIZE 3mm. mow TWWU limb: HM'II m . . mu: DOLLAR 0 AE Dunn-u IN: r"... III-III. w . . . . . . . .. 'IIU,1uu "W Min. mun ruled u all proximal! fol-u, lo whom - libel-u! pupal-CI. it! h pail. A Ila.th '0! I allbu abold only N J h a. II..- b In um. H01" EL. __GUIDE. Oct. 4th. 1878. wwwnvn nr' urn-ml 'mu NI drm, {at f: r that umb.uludonw I A DAI'PHIN, I .'.0. lot .3. 0' Orhnn, Loom-n. i or In a" IIIvi]. II! llWl | A." an 0n lxmmbaviop nn 1 n 1' $5. I run noun! .13. T. I Ullnn, All! Jmla nut. I Of m Ida. no. and cab mm. nu.- _ Inna-m In". '01. L'll him 0' 51 Print of III Pm of APPE ptIu vu- ' Jun (Ma-an -_u. hi. an .44.... r... r 1 U-Il'I-DW unvch ' "w" they Id] to Kim tuneup. 87 Klnc Stroot. .0an III STOVE?! TEN PER (fl-INT CHEAP may hon-1min vitv, APPIUIIIATE I'KIZI'LH' " Approximation Prim M .1!!! J Amman-uh- an o! 201.. 'J Appnxi-uhl Pm of ML. GRAND Who I In; Mwumbur ullqll 1'... llId. Useful and ornamental. FUBZTHE CHEAPEST AND BEST A BPL'INDID OPPORTUNITY n wnl A inn'rumi: \ mun mun lo. 5 .nu - O Ammonium:- Pun- ol 2m ' App-annel vv-' . oomnn non nLooxT AL nmAL 23130388 STRIP ' Palm! [MESH-