now a; "frag sit; wn. mvw. rr-u not llllu v Kingun. I nun'rf v? , FROM NEW YQRK. FROM NE! ABYSSINIA .. ..Welneadny, Oct. 30th 'RUSSIA. . . . . Wo ROTHNIA . . . . . .Wednesdny, Nnv. 6. SO Y'I'IIIA . . . . . Wm ALGERIA . . . . . ..Wedueaday, Nov 13. And ovary Iollowulg Wodnudny hon New York. Raton of Passage : n- n...-...-.. nun. imam". no. And 8100 uo'nl. according to Mmmm *Nn mago. Jy Steamers not. carrying 001150.90le und om. gold. moonlan m acmmmmlntlnn. Ticket. iuned M. a n cial rate of $60 gold. during the Fall and Winter season. a. (0 Pull 5.00, ()0 ', udditioml. Return Tinkau on favorable mm... 80. me very low m mange l'lokeu hom Liverpool [and Queen-mun and 31] other put: at an: n lowest rum. Th In of Mn; given lor Balfut.Glugow, Hum,Anlworp nnd other pom on no Comiuont; Ind for Ioditernnoul pom, For Freight wd Pmompply at Company} 0mm. No. 4. Bowlan Groom an York, CHAS G FBANCKLYN.Azom 0 WITH the new 01 diminishan the channel of oollilion,the gunman of thin Line take a npmlad course lor I muons of the year. On the ()uumrd Punge from neonaan m Nov York or Eamon. crooning Meridian of .50 38 43 Lot. .or numbing to the North 0 43. On the Homeward Punpmrouiug the Enride 0'50 3: 42 Lamar nothing to tho North 0! 42] The Cuardeteamship Gompany,(Limited) New York and CALLING AT Ehina E House.) 50 IMPUR THERE IS NOTHING A [QUALITY" IN GBOGEBIES. I" IUU WM! I You VI no. Ilod ml 06. to CH EA 1' 52am And nothing provu n mlity like public appm~ cIItion, And noQLlng prove-n public Ipprociniuu like , Teas and General Groceries. "- vl-vvuu . My rapidly int-ruling nah-v- iu Ten..- thrn in my mum-In in favor ol thy Impuriur ex- vellum: of my IJ. BEDDEN,| 3' l0!" COMPETITION IN PRICE AND WORKMNSHIP. 0331mm THE Low men: , ........... .5; 5.00 unwards. nun--1... 6- hm imm ELEGANT DESIGNS "UH/U DIM Shins nd Drawers- A lnrvn Rnwk nl FLANNHL Toilet Sou tad Vuu, Ont. Glass and Gilt Toilet Bottles, lorocco 'l'olm Cues, and I Iplrndul munch: of Lubin'l, Pivor'l, Condnyn, Rimund, IUmmel'l. Alkinwn'a And Hendnu' DEDIIY-EH ' [ lANUl-AUTUHKKD' rum, Epllpylji 25 per Gent. by 03.11ng at Livingstnns- - mu -1 nuuw mum. mnTnlN in now. Fubinmshlv Cut, I'll WM quu LIV rut uuuun IIJ vw.-D . __._..a,,, Please, take notice that his Swok of READY-[ADE CLOTHING is new. ,Ivoll mule, and equu in every respect In any GUSTO! WORK nude in the any. UUULKVI. [HIS hUW Overcoaurrom ................................... .. Mens Good Working Pants from......... Good Canadian Tweed Suits, all Wool. Fine Pants ................... .. Tweed Vesu........................ White Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (lid-4 oul nun-mar. shirts Drawers... . A lune Bun-k ol FLANNHL SHIRTS constantly on hands EXTRA SIZE CLOTHINGZFUR LARGE MEN If Don 1 {mil m mmember the place to secure Hargniun. THEHTIfi-glrm's CLOTHING HOUSE, . 1.417- ___ I. Dhudu'n \ 3911-1-11 .3 comm. t NE W IA] a Luwvullu'mg nta. mug-in cfdmiic c. Livingston, 2| Brock Stret, .,. mm... H nu.nvult\l7' mn'rumu AT LOWER ____ '_'_.. 7, l8 DETERMINED 3'0 SELL READYoMADE CLOTHING A'I LOWER who. and in mm nluo an: any other More in the city. as he unuufurtures all hit Goods, and you bnve the Advantage of buying them It IANUFACTDHKRB' PRICES. n 1" A I'_'__'_.._L-..I_ I unitll". I SPECIALLY PWCIIAKED FOR THE HUUI)A\'S,BY |mn TEARMACYI 3' him ltmt. I n.- Kelh's_$c;a{pngqovalm! Du. II. VI. UAI . I DWI-0.0. unmhlanoe. Dr. Ramp- m'l elem. mmnr of Mn; nud Willinm ltmumrgI-lw DL Ynm'. Jul- 6. I. I. E. SPIBIS. 0.0.8.. L.D.S' Dunn-r. _ TH! [ARREST 8706K 0F CUTIE AID ILEIIHS II KIIOSTUI . -..n nullvlulI nliDVV cm: Al. Intui- Kato- 0! run gkm-mon mrryimx Stool-age. $80. 8100 go'd 0 Jv carrying smmgo. $80,3l00 |Nw FEATHER BEDS 1| lBoBmsows CARRIAGEWWORKS. 0 ct. 30th. CHINA TIA HOUSE. Nov 28th. I". lull-5'! 'qun I" vvu --v "u -__-_--- --- __-_V,, STYLISH PLEASURE SLEIGHB. EQUAL TO ANY IN THE PROVINCE. FURTY NE W IADE CUIIEBB 0F REIT SPYLE AND QUALITY. 5r Luwval miner-tan. All work (IA-ranked. Repairing in nll In bunches. I lit-NIL a... Q;;' OVFIUE AND REMDENCE, Prim-o Rt , helwoon Inntmlnml Bydonhum Hum. Cantu! hum-Hon until to the corn-cling of n; nod-rm or the new. JLIWI. ISAAC DAVID", BROKER. ~ANl;- Dulcr in New and Second Hand Ololinz of all Kinda. Dre 1211:. 18433 QUALIT} I QUALITY! And Beautlml Colors. EXTENSIVE SALES! ' DRU( m ISTS. ""_v-w-'- GIVE THE! A TRIAL. nmownn I. Allin-4m I um [I PINKI'ITI EH ! v Inmnll Aul'n l -HU-- vv___V 21 Brook Street, (next to McKelvey& Birch's.)i CHARLES LIVINGSTON. kw. which we will nlIChMp GREAT I "II I. llmouof Imqu M .' All vat 3nd. In our Map uni Inn-ad. KINGSTON. CANADA. FRlUAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27. 1878. 0" WI. DAVID! LDE CUIIEBS'OF AND QUALITY. git-ranked. Repairing I A HAPPY NEW YEAR VIETUHIAMHEHUUSE PARKHILLS PARKHILL'B PARKHILLB PARKHILLS THE LARGEST AhD CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ()F Holiday Groceries and llqumsl MOLLOYS IE'E?_1'9FEP!'_'!_'F" Always Ready. I l have cone do nun-clyon PIICII Iror tho Holidays. ...-..._ ..... -- s. MMWWdW C. l.. IOLLOY, w of Nation- ]. PRINCESS STRIII'. CHIml '0'... A?!" I h. mun on. A" |A MERRY CHRISTM'A'S i bhtmt 9W0". BEEW ' SWBBOW 8| Doc Huh. PARKHILLS. use I )nl. according mmmmmlatlon, FBI m Iii" In. some OI. I'Vl I Blln vv , ARIIIH'BR. ATTORNEY-A LAW, Bl) LICITOHLG. UFVIUCIrinceutrm on r Dr. Ski-nor- Drum ' numb. l A}, . NE W YORK. LJMA- I-.. \T For Genuine Liqum s. Lu II I urwuuun. W. ROBINSON. Liverpool For Cheap Fruit. 101' Pure Coffee. 1V 1': '7 1 Hun. .. Wednemlay Nov 20- Wedneadny, NM" 27- For Pine TEAS. CORK HARBOR. ..$ 5.00 upwards. 9-00 In A ll!!! him 3. mm aw Year." l ENTI.EMEN,A tho Nqut of n num- ber of mv friendl. 1ellow Electors of the Wnrd. I now be: rwpeotfully to Delhi. your mum and inumu-u In tho Ionboomllg M dermuxic Plactlun. If lulu-nu! I will do my duty to the Ward mm! the city pier-"v. ALPRIII MARTIN, ENTLENEN,l rnl'wntfully wish on in form ynn tint l wlll he locmlidata for L 96-3! at Hm Ounan Bond IA mpremuuuve of your Ward. Imav not. he solo to atmth voter personnlly. hut. notwithstanding all that l nmicipntn a liberal lupport (tom the elbow of Cntaruqui Wnrd, Your obedient nrvnnt.' u unn DTIA To the Electors of Frontenac W'ard. / -I rst Prim and the Gold Bled-l To the Mlectord of Cataraqul Ward. "ruled w my MACHINE OILS st the Provin Elblhitiun hehl in TM. 137x, [1 hn denim 3 6M run-on A law gun- will 0'! N. in my EXTRA XX ml Thu-(HI- willmy Enid bu mun new-re ould rather. I u.. n-.._:. n... .... nuns-.1 mm To me Electors or RIdII} Ward. ENTLEMEN.l N'lmpt the kind invita- ] tion of n large nululmr of vour bodv. Ind hum lleuum |n pluiug mymlf in your binds a Altermunio camhdnm lor INS). EDWARD LAW. u . nd 1 IUYD ' cum Irv-omen My Bunk but myorlghlltndanprk WOH Sun to D0- Blvq. Ind Vic-Ch Ola. H Church punt. Tenth. GEORGE B. STOCK. 15h h- - hr]. mum. UEN'ILLHEN, Having been m uutod by n lnrxe And inuential number of n :5 Element [1) represen this city in the next Parliament M Ont-r10. have very great pleasure in Wdlll to tha mqnmt. and ilelmtml pledge myself m I! I n my powor to ndvnnoe the but inwrum of this my nntve mtv. Soliciting the auh'rngeo Ind inuence :7! every 1 l-JNTI.EM EFLHelm: rec netted hvn lama uumln-r of inuential Elwturn of Cuban: qul Ward irresum-Live nfpnrty or politics, to hamqu 3 rundldnu for Aldermlldo honors for llln running year. I lmva [mat plenum ln cum-ding to their request. Illl there!an nulimtllw nu'rauuu nml inuomw of all the (IIPIMII'N. xuul ifeltclt-d pledge myselle do all that lion in my poww- fnr the lmnet of the Wunl. of whlvh I ham been a realdont for the hut. thirty-tour years. I m..." ln mun Inmnn To the Electors of Rich-ml Ward. G ENTLEMEN.At tho m neat of I large number o! my Maude in t a erd. 1 bell leave m uor m wll'u aCnndIdste [on mt at lba Council mrd (or l879. should I hIVO the honour 0! being returned. I shall um my Council Bonn-d (or 1579. Should I nnvo being best endeavours to mm in the proper .dmluh- truinn 01 our olvlo nnirs. Inumsrgi GIFT8.! A: the Election {or the Loot! Lexi-lune will take plm within A few monuu. I laugh inform the Elm-lair or the City at Kiupum that. [will again be nCuudidam for the pouldon [now hair]. and that I will oommeuoe spar- lollll nmvm of the city in afar dnyl. I rest my claim to tho poaluon on whit l hvo nl- l~endy done. and when electod 1 follow on in the nine Itnightforwlnl our-o I have ulwuva pursued. lining n on Ilngla to the pmnpurily of the Provinm, the ulvnutemont ofthe city. Ind spool-11v to tho welfare of my fellow workmen. WI. BOBIISOI. .... . n . . Imn To the Elector of the Clty 0! Kingston. naive Solwiting auh'rugeo a! citizen favorable to bone Ind pure Govern- ment 1707]: Electors of Catamqul Ward. ---"-~" -- "~- C: 1'.- hLduhkh (mu-u mul- .u., a. lune-ha [nu-"IL -; I'hree Residences and' Lots d- W U W I m. Irma. Album, haul and Inna. Md Intranet, cm and m ILLCub . F Pun-I a". \clrv or KINGSTON.I w To the lied-rs at the (my 0! Kingston. GENTLE! EN I be; to notion your W .- MAYOR FOR 1&9. Kingfnn. 00.14, W78. Nov W. Kingston. Nov 15 "378. J 1- n II. I Kinguwn, Sept. 23. I878 .RJ-crb ulhpbddg rnnlcun l n. the non- T0 Tllll microns I l have the honor to be. Your obedient urvunt, ,l A II [1% IL I It'll, f: GILBERSLEEVE. J AM ES II. II E'ICAI.FEa L... 0! MR? JOHN J. MALONEY. (BN1 ll "16 0, eIBfIIIV. arm mum. WM. SNOWDEN. MTVIDL M. MORRISON. BY. SKINNER, Amt. Kingston. I Gold Penn. Poncn. Pen sud Pencil rombinnl. w-. _ -~,, 7-, "IIAI. In. I KCJJ. Datum . all Quinn (Ia-hat out. dCol lap of Phylum-n: ud kin-u 0! do 3 M) [y-win. lineal. Amalgam Ola : I'd-all Show! Hobart. Drug am- OdllJm. II. J. sk'uums'uf 1...... n. I'll M'lb MLLMI Work Box, \"nmu Inl] Funcy 000th. lelnnouhyelvn l-runu. Hustle Inmu Chm Ken. Dommou. Plnyin. Clldl,Cf"lbI[B Bonds. Can be bought cheap. hm. of Lot No. 29, fronting on York And Chntblm Streets oontalving over onmqut- nor of an acre. 'lo ho had at n buguln. Apply to J. I. GILIDERSLIJEVE. A_I 174-." A ._.... Annunla of all kinda. ! immoan variaty. Indra Comnsniono in Silhhtln und Luther. l 6mm of Pool. Autlmra and Quotatiuu. mun, Pr- or Boob, Hyman. Iv uu- - Tlm Flnl ovm Mm-lhmnellh Mndie's Of an. Clmuoe Stroat, mljmning Mourns! Te- legnph00100.00anng amin rcom. with [utmdiniug ")0!"on bed rooms sad. in- vhen, will: nu :bonnlu in nach: water Isl-C pot- mmmm Iulm Ill kitcln-n: wrnnduh in tour A moat aligibla mudmu'u wlmre situation nan lhr. water in (lo-ram". The alum on tha much hide ofKinu Street. I v-n urn-nu . Ilm prnpnrly IHIIIiIIR [ho Gore, beth Barrie. ()nlnnnrn unol You k sums, mnuinb luur mnemth dwnllingn. Asa ouod for '1,& Will be: sold for H.000. The twin awn brick dwnlllnz. belnl No. 9. WI H.000. UV awry dwnlllng. bean 9, Snbumml Ternme, King Street. A brick dwelling home on the norm) mid. of Street, near the Mann bridle. Lots Nos. 9!! and 2". north side of Sixth SUMO. containing ll fmma dwelling home. with an rooms,bo-Mea klmhen. Good well. homing Stump. View:- nml licronoopa. I Engrnvlngl, Engliul. ChermI, Malian-split: Der-p Coon, Album, Autograph. Flor-15nd D'lh. CHRISTI! 'AID NEW YEAR CARDS of "or, Itylo. CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKH In Cloth loroooo. lver And Gold Pinball. THE UNIJERSIGNED WHILE WISHING hia numerqu ell-wan of 25:) cent. until ! MARTIN'S BLOCK. Land geny. vv WI! "1 in dean-am". ulmp ofKing third door below Spungeuburg's Jewellery Stun. and oelhm Ind Mme sable. ( Bandung lots Not. 6% And the bridle. nor-p Goon, Album, Autograph. non plnh. Va. run. Bijoulerirnnqumnu. I w India-ad (anti-non "quirk. ole..- Pn-ula an always be moo-modded and our prim an [autumn In] nimilu nut-bulimia." In the city. 0" US A CALL. Elihu-intone: and pro-p. mud-nos. U IOIb. WATER 001403. INDIA I!" [In 0' AI. 'IIT'EII I sMi'fiWBibefns,[ 2H5 Kim! Strn mama-pug; A MERRY CHRISTMAS& HAPPY NEW "Ail Sabnampol Tun-me. King Street. north I Prinoou Street, Williumaville. alum. : Ind Mme labia. Good I [THENEWBUUKA-STW ,~ l!i!%!9%fh9*9@'1i WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE nnl unfullv I!le stock of Gold and Silver Watches. and Chains. III..I _4I I?- FOR THE HOLIDAYS, which we will loll n ' the Iowan. pus-Hue prion. Wa take plexuan in she ling our Stock,th- lhor you buy or not. and only uk you to all Ind alumina {or youmlvu. ---_4- -_--n-- PHOTOS n A REDUCED anal v-u, "nu-Iv wwu. IA-vu- nu OR PLAIN FINISH ! AI Wuhan-eye... l DIVA). o- vh'. In rumours Ill. A; 14.; H,11"ENDERSON. 1 lwmcuisaimsl 10.35an Nwm mm \ T. J. DOMIUI. I- Id . SAUNDERS u 0., I nnn ov-m o! It: on, W. ulmcz AID Rummy-mu lmot. .mr "y m Will-u and Emu Thu m FRESH. well undo (I warned to Dutch-en. 9'1:le BATTER!) .uw FURRllBS. Caner Princes. and Bum! 8cm. IFURS! EMPLOYEES WORKING EIGHT 5nd DIY to supply the dual for Immense Hales Despite the Bull Times! in AS VIVIVIS; w an STORE u u. re mired um 00 16th . MILLS BROS. Dec. 11th. BOOKS oj/Au. KINDS 1 " EL-Tum ' WWWEM Notice. udlea' and Gentle-or: 11" III-lg Lywuvvwn ' NILWatches Ind Clock: Ikillfnlly 'ed and wuruuwd. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A U In awfully .took - - 11-- -v A n . 20th. 1873. Efium lingo! III . I. 'I 'II'l-I- 345 King Street. I! R ._.w-hnhnl null (nai- .l S. WOODS. Cdek :7 FOR SALE : IL" I 'l0_I:E'I : In. Um" awasva no Pan 0.00 Imm rm In W r then] that ha will give J. KINDS OF I than "at. mun-ll, Pluln um Fancy I, Sund-y Sahuol Books in v. I the and of thin m:onth. 1, corner of [antral and W. P. BILL. , Church Ionic. Ind u-w-uu u up Roll Eltlte Agent. | I mlxor Ind muddler ol ngum, mu mr pllty and per-om! muons it. dnuhrleu regreu in ippmt charmterimtiun, for he in noviu political ally, wd by de- veloped nclplcity fur limnce which it did not drum lay lnloul in the young - Connerntivo member fur Lenuux. llo wunUoqu-nclve in than dip, and And the hot hu been pitched in hll tooth full Inna]: time And all. But. he an Il'lyl. rutlou Conlervnlivn. Ho um one of I In: who once ntly told Mr. John A. Mwlomld that" ho did not land I more reputable lilo thnn lbs: with Ithll be In than mudnlizinu Ottawa tho, would withdraw their support. And ondouor to rourgnnize the party under the lender-hip o! the Hon. Alex. Camp- bolL Sir John never lurgavo him for this not of inlubordimtion, and lrum tint. day fonurd there In nu love but bohemith wmowhnt rigid Mr. Curt- rrigln sad the loau Ind otreleu Gou unuiuohbnin. Henminod In in- dlpondont ipper! o! the Oonurvntivo Gourmnonl until Sir Francis Hinclu Iuooudod Sir John ROIO u Mini-bar ol Fin-no. in 1869, when he announced in Sir John Mudunsld 1h he could no longer give him his uupport. The rouon for this atop. hi: opponent. pannbemly uurt, Ill diuppomtment u not bun-r shown Fianna. Mini-tot him-all; but. M. Apt-night In. Inui- nuhlin thn unr- m. umnngne nu me punnu me our- ree udeeoe ehieh pueed , betaeon him An Sir John on the euhject. from 'hlch it In deer thet he bunk! not he rmmrdul u I repreemh'ive ol the lidurm mp- porteI-e ol the (Monument. end Ilut eeneeqnontly the hum urn-pact umle et the time o! Couledoreliou wee Violnwd by hie entry into the Cnhinet. Hit Juhn he been very welul tn ebetein from meking eny Inch large in the "muse. however bleteet on the e-lbjeot when i on the slum indulging in the mwdy rhetoric oft a new, In Mr. Diane. once called it. Whether dinppointed or not, the mpondeeee shove no treoe o! peremnlehegrtn. hie eeid by none wet the neLaeuee of the eeoeeeion In en heredlwy lend between Sir French inch end the Certwrighte, Solicitor Heoml Mrht yeen ego reei ninl Lie at in the Cebine'. on woount of the woe-ton of If. I. And it in hint; ed by etill othel'l tbet the necret cause he the knowledge poeeeued by Mr. Gunght thet it wee hopele- fnr e third Kine-tonne: tonmete nortlolio in e Mm about! l'mmoo ammu- mum"; Mt. Oahu-lam. hu nude public the 1 r-mnd-nm lhioh nuud I ummgm In ll napole- mr I uuru [Mocha to up. I portlolio Inky. No Inn-bu at which are nl< I My adduc- d M city. It i- m! 1.9mm. lo- M John in up- W .1 I. I. .M", that the I A_Ll_A _..._.- A... ht - 4.15.5- Imam. mu Jun- ll lllp- subject-quip! u a... mu. quantum-Paul- my Man to hunt HEW clu- bi- alleged in- Bdoln . It hid. b pndiot in such an L hill! u Ont-in. lhu will Whiu he. I Insular Mm Io than Hons, palliny innn baa-it] coupon MI lqliah mbbiohi M Ir. WI Injmltudo, but ; on redid ll an. Wm [Di-Dd. nod-o to tho INO- w by 3 on. huh I Ouch W In... i to mph I. d I - bandit-r] - o- h d not ' the "on! row. Al. the what of his politicd career Mr. Cartwright devoted much ntwmiml to the Militit Quentin, than A nutter of [in importance which had docided, directly nr indirectly. the [Me of morn than one Govunmom. But. he lonll vim covered lhu hil but: were bout u. I'm direction of nnoe, md his npeocheu In Fullment has since been almost ex- clnnivoly nn Inbject- connected with that Girl I. doom-Eb a: thudilmal mum' Wuiuwrl your-u u nsnoiul hick dubbed Mr. gnrtwri ht mixor And In ddleruf gure-f hut or n-rlw .na mnnnl raunnu it. dnubllau \ uUIu-vl' "um "w .1 Mr. CAI-wright might in I Iuouurc be lled on hereditth logillntor. Ilia mudhthor. the Hon. Richard Curt- vrigh', at in the rst. lulinmonl of Cundn, which me! n Niogam when the one of thin city vs. 1 timber wi'dernou. 3nd continued 5 member of the Legall- .tivo Council (tour 1893 down to hu death in 1816. His undo, the Hon _Johu Solomon Gunght, rcpmantod Lonnox in the name Anemny for mouy you", like hm huh" before him. concur hotly (ii-clinging the dutioc of low-giver and III-Ink", both holding lost: on .0 Bench while member- uf Im-linuan Born to unplo melon, and thoroughly uninod cud diwipliued, it seemed but. Im- tunl that young Cnrtwright chould who up the [uni-Incl" mouth 0! hi: Ancestors and look n at in Puliunent of his On. mglllltl" mum. OI nu quuwru And 0k wt country with the early history of which the man in intiuntaly interwoven. When con-ldmbly on the lunuy aide nt ihi ,' Mr. meght In returned {or nnox out th- in Mr. Angus- tun Hooper. broth-t of the mutant member for tint countr , nnd that u profuse oxpendituroo money, with- out which no contented election onuld bu fought in than good old dnyl; hi. per- son] ohnrmter Illd his talenin ail combin- ing to iorwu'd him in the punuic of politicnl dictiuctiun. He enriy formed In intimacy with Sir Albnndor Ulll,nnd an" the Inurrieft tho Gonmmni in 1867 up w the timo of his Abandoning Pnrliulont in 1872 the two might tiny: when in theomobe lean littin In. the um. duk in the nonuoioixl hoe ion of the hon! A. Hm nut-at nf hi. nniiLinAi cnrnnr lav-I'm In"- W at Minn-at aili- til... Autumn-udth ind] Mb.,j'uiq in with 1.1-JB-llhoin-nl-L (715m Nov 30m. All than who W. m-oml Cluthinx'or nlhpr oodlit)th of. wil| plum all on (thong: Jul. who VIII pa (ha high": pm-o for [ham Inqhod, him to. a mum 3m) RM. 3 Huh (:5 ho. "MAO AV"). {lunar-ll Bruin, mod run-mu. Primal Blrmt. Kinuum. Nov 5th. CHEAP JACK, U but check: u nuklon felt lull! ' blulbu II- Shu Oook him or her kl l'ul hub Tn :hnn he! vh-l m Uh; -v-hy 8 ' hid h. l mu th' 1 ilk: mo. m Should uh little girl to "I;- What would tho III-Io? be 3 '11an dmpnbcrliquid 7 Her Ine- with blushes uni-go Whyuokhohb Irving You-"Mum. lambda? . I o1 Hadlv' deed: e hm. Maul- Our happy liven spun. ho! All! You-Io AM I. - 1!. uomy I [Ammagdr xtmmm _._..._..-__-, ,_~_4. mu) 3m. uml. 1m _. ..-__. She Oook him for her hithlul In To shun hot what] or wins Should uh mu: am ul- POLITICAL IOBI'BAII. 1-,FWD. dwalcthodan-dnb- L54.- m M... s... (London jjmw.) -_|_I_LA Enid In . ..... N0. IUGOY RIDING. 4.. ' > no nut and In... mods. I" CHI-dim" Mummnu Ibo Had-i cum: 7 lullaaorn-udothuvvu I n I Marvin. . ,[d candid-M Annu- II-n y."qu and I cdnmnxn: u"; Doro 'l'hlolL I! nnvur In]. In Cmup It will run I 001-! or rough In tin-Inn -four to {any right lmmu Una hauls hu rum] Brunei-ilk weight yun' tundra]: n-N-m one. In: cum! n lhrM to In 'II;:. It Inn-I "mm-ad tlm vohe whrro - prrann Ind lml Ipoknu .buvn I whhpar III are gun. An un outward applieulou mull can" of pain I [alumna-a, hothlnl like It in "or hm. known. 0n- houlo will can my mm- ul [mun Ila-k or (,rlclhl lbs Hu-I For uh- mol tho plne Ind Cnntru-Mon u! llw Mum-In- " |II nnoqlullnd. In K! "nu-H.- up my other pmn the u! appliulmn aim-n \ nu good. I! uan usr Ar'm um! Hm [-qu M . 1mm in than mun-tan. Md In duly-ll. llw a but mdcheupu! [nadir-hm two-r othw-nl lu EMT-Allan In Ibo load. (to. tuck I burn out v mum": mud. In hvlng and I'm-3r Ikin Ull hr Illa dnyl, Mthml the lowland, l hue hum mmplotol; cam] .m huh only mod In" I bottle TM: 1 an mm {v Indn out: If you wish "luw. J. lsllnry. W 0min .N.Y.,wrim; 'Dr Thou-u ulnlnu (M's-n nun! nmnrlmu In nun wool ' luvnlnr I mum-n ~Ank In Dh'omu ' v-l Du. '. mm a. hymn m Ulovn h the hunts, and nu l0 mun. MM by sll mum. locum. Prtm I'm Iona-m t ln-u. Tmtn.0u.. random but. Mum lacuna. Price In Ila-ruin! Inn- l'mm.0u..mrhmh Mum 1mm arthritic-low [ham-M I llurn In chum In dungullwr lbs hoopla-c Ibo uhanpo. born!- in. Him m lmlo m M you [out It In compound at .u m the but. on: known. Ind nothing but min, In wnnh In val m In (on. Why no: buy u lu~ d" fA. B. Illa: wn, uni-hm po- "um-u Anbnbukulfla. PQ . writ": " Mrtun m I in. mm! b :- nun mm. or {hon-ulna . Im- which I In" II'IIDDWIIVIJG, I'V '3? 'lllfl. " Tblrlfll null-In . cum-mm MI" hvln. and Dr.'l'homu Echoing 0. Mo um tho Almolll. N. Mu h on no- 'nppor. ut"...- m mm b lam-I blown h the bum, 1 0|! an! Inn! "mm-Inm- I 1nd I In modicum Plvuono ll lamInn who. plum- Mr wMunllvm hlsynnv lurhu M hlm$lfhlld on which has and an In- or my vduablo hon-a. a pig: n u ash-oar Wuhan ill-nasty". M the I. all. M. ul .' u Isl-o Iva-tau lb Iona notion h'uu [nor-lush .- dun-,whunbbuthnw u W b I nail-bovth um twain-pull Ih Woks-due Ino- Du. KINu'u wa lhm-nvunv fur Unn- nulnpuun in cortnmly Hm grout: mwhcnl remedy evar phde withmg the rnnch nf lu'uriug huunmty. 'Ilmuumuls --f (mm hupeleu In'eruru now lmully mucl .un tlwir pruiw lur thin wonderful I) muvory. to whnch they mm thmr ln'us Not nnly dual it [mutinth nun: Um munull nu. but Cumzhn, Culxlr, Mill-um, lirnnchItu, Hay Fevur. Hulrnmnnn and all nll'euuunn uf the 'lhrunl, Chou! and Lungs yield at once to in wonderful our-Live paworu a if by magic. Wu do not uk you in buy until you knnw whu you um am; We therafuro mrvmtlu "qua! Um \nu umuyuu Know wnu gullmx Mrvmtly "qua! that. y. cull on your druuilt and an: n tnu huLllejH'c of tlmryc, which vull cmmm lhe Iumt nkrpucnl ul I'll wumlurh Ineriln,and Ihu-v yuu what a lullllf mu- dollar nizo lunqu will do. Fur lulu by J H. King, Kingston. .u I vl IIIIII I! Cnn the ovum griuy tooth pnwlorn llltl tooth dew-nyng chvmionl uid: liml n PIIOOUYI the Milan 0! nnnuihle pquu. lhe (raunnt And prewrvnuvo HUZH DUNT hu lupenwlod than) A. I. Inn- W In lab. It! will rmmfm travel-nod...- It Mound unmovde .- unwitt- anhuu mm Al swans uuutuuuu. nu! will. um L'unsorVILlVil are in power, the bent abused man uf tin- lut live years will be Able to hell: wall I re on the 119841 of MI opponmta. ll revenge will b. Impla, fur not. only WI Mr. Tioy be ultorly uuhblo to cope With his rubun And ablu critic. but. the fuels them-elven, such .- the hiluro of the ra- cent luau M cumpareil with thnm for which Mr. Unrlwriuht mu m rlllliy Ahmed. Will, in all pmbAbilin. Irinui- pluntly \ilidicatu the ux~M|mllvr Hf Finance, and inn-trans the nuiligmmi. cruelly with whivh he has been pur- sued. M. i...i........l.i .u . i. a ,. 1 Iv Mr. Cartwngh. is A run-lent of ng- atun, wheromm of the [mully A". In! him lived fur well on to a hundred yelrn. R- liowd n! the care! Illd dutie- of othcu he leads n life of nohnlnrly one mm-g hm bookl. Hu II in the prime of phylum] A well u mam-l vigor, In outhuulnlh' po- deolrinn, And in ardent duuteu of lhn during sport of yachting. He hun u charming cutuga and mall lwpt dawn!- on the hanks of the St. [mun-anon, whun- he ruaiden during lhu auunnar muulhn. 1nd whvre Im unlexmiuacl Lnrd Dutfm-m en [Irina in IHTIL Mr. Cartwright WM Hm unly Mini-fur during Iha Elm-Hr V at.) in lnnmm to Hand to HII L w' Ihlp tha Loapltuliliu 0! his ramf. and none mu muru tted to in him elegant Ind an, ant: rminmont. u uauu. Mr. Cut-righth not whut in ullml n popnlu- mun. And never will be, 1min; more ul- madam and n mluso llmn a hail fellow well not. H. in an industri oul radar, um! I can a! lluluf-ulunhld energy, delixhting in bud sud Iucesanul Work. He 'II In) drum in the hive, lull. lowtodhimnolf with unwenrying mnhluny to his olliuial dune; His elacunu lur Centre Huron, nfler lm dulvul III Leunux, to which cuumtuency ho give little Mention. lunoylng him-ll necuro, Ind lighting the battle for nlher- olnwharo. nu ulnar for public culh gnlulnliuu. u hi: union wore urgently ueodod in the Hun-o to lend the linmcml criticiama of tha Governmout'u policy. Nu nthor man in the cuuntrvh no mmnownt crlucuma n! ma uuvernmoul'l policy. Au countryh competent for the Important tank, and ho will (hunt)!- lou acquit hiuuelf u! it with vigor and dincretiuu. Nail that. tho (,unsurvntivvn urn: in nuwnr Hm lune nl\AI-.:A| n... .J H. an very In: pin. on. Um- dicnm no Indol- at W Mould, min 3 y _or lucid and my in style. a panor- al In wan-out. I. the and" rho bu lino mum to pouch-l skin for Ibo Lat In, nun out his huh 'oul: u M touch. of no. and, Elnoh. so at 'nuq. mi 1.. um and non. of thin oqIIl. in point of u, alumni, [cup of whim. or compu- houinnoo. to say out of Mr. Ont- uiuht'n lat thm and. sm It in given tofu! men lo 50 ublo to an! - linmchl tumour manning tn the [metal under or to tho indilhhut Huan- or. Mr. (Mal-tom In. the lnppy quck; Sir . T. Gull in Monbly oectivo, but I. Gunght in lunch non h: py and nudmbmho dun hi. Cu) is frundn. It may b9 um tho neutral in due to the imputation into In. Budget Spunk-o! phuolophioul con-Manhun- of tho relnivo merit. uf viul utm- nyuonn, And ant they An no longer Iimply dusty diquhiuom on dry tigunsn; but whutevrr the muon. the ilplrllbl politiod Ituden: will innit thn uune ul ulll' recent Fin-non Mini-torn hu oqnnllrd Mr. Ont-right in Ability tn mnk; nu vx~ pooiou of the country's mnmnic con union at. one. Intel-mung and yet minute in detail. II. {hmAda Ln :_ __n.n . ,J _L_A Plum" ll In' Mr Lune-Manny buy-n" nun: Th0 (in-aim! lumedy Know". WINE BRICK COTTAGE on Alfrml aimed, .. numb. tn mum: Aurel m. Everylhm Mm. lfln. 30 1mm. C [AVIAI .0. than in Dal-m -tclm-low gnaw-.4. Nevermore A. n NV to thirty |.. I'I mm 1 Lll'll ul nlruum n! I Kl mama-1mm um I M A agella-r um h. In HIM", hm; l- !" mm. hm n I... 1.....- mr'l um 3nd Harms nerad go 10 mluu DAVID'I Duper og. IF YOU WANT. n- un] other ltd a Tool: Kmuml [n to MAC DAVID 26.5. .__.: ,__._._..__. - -- 'm h WALK" mum. mum-mu. u. I!!! L-mmnw I HAVE ROW IN UlR SHOW I. Much-taunt ol ' in: rmmn. -um.- A. mum! hu r1 II. :- vqn S. C. McGlLL, RnL bun AMI-T. mun llnot, opposite Pout once. nonm SIIAW. nun-In: AffliV. LAY ' ' ood- WILL BE SOLD on mmnnbla torn. Hm dim Dwelling- on (Minion mgbmwoen hr! and Johnson Stmu. Km. 139. 234 Ind an. Thoma no 0! line nppoulnm. one no for .ll) per you, sad bu nine nmlnn. chi-cu. punry Ind cellar. 'Nm ollmu Ion mania-d hnvo nix rooml, hum" "no pm Ind 00".". Them h a Chl h Ohm. Ild hard and soft. w:- w'sunmim. nod Bhl'du m I] Inlnnlmd n a. dud-n m Mrl: lml N'. All) lb 0.0 Ky!!! mm b u-u-xln Mum hm, y I Thu-y rnnmm 7 room. ouch. bullion rloootl,pAnIIIn-.N~l||u uul good rui- Milli. [Am I In (rat. loop. ! __A[E. ,_._..V.-; _. __ It"!!! i. DICK. um Mlmmtltlkthlw Ink-I .lm ruin . Ml hbu nn. 3. w. m. -l_nl Hahn-Manon. r l. W. DWI I. GO. II" YOU WANT n- I an! ad, a Bl". L bu romovod unl IIIMH. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. W. OSBORN, 137.88. 150.. {167 Wellington Street, WATCHES AND JEWELERV 7 '00 WANT THE BR" CIDER tn the world I) llIoHluA.Qlurlur Gallon, go to I UAAC DA )3, 265 Prlucm ll! mt. Silver Ware. Brmnzes and Bo- hemian Goods Great Reduction: in :11 my Stock LHR (ARH FUR CHEAP (MUS THIS SEASON .hml ("rm-n nun l g... . u... ...K W... up. KrRKl'ATlilCK'S FANCY IZTORE. Doc loch. Princo- Street. Ham on choczv'mn I NPR SALE. 1 PE KTY un Unmrm nth GRAHAM IIJUSE A buildinx.wnh Britk from: with nmul Muur Sui-Inna. Aml nmku- vnnr purrhnm {rum um- u! the h 53ka Klngnhm ha- rvtr mean. A ummlim-rnt Stock of (IRAIIAM ILIL'SE A lullillnllll atone building. wnh from uul In! 2mm feel. Wi'h gin-ll Std-lung Th0 onllnllll on: Hotel wulh wMur mul gm, 3nd 1. on the bout lmnmon, yum l-f 0.1!.an0 ntmtmlou lo the Ihippbn; nml Kinnmn Gt Pembroke lull vuy Hutu-n. TIM unluputable. Fur [unkn- llrl enqumoi (Lo mum on the premium AID"! DRAMA- U mh (Mum-union (I! this 'I'u'llp d [In]- "NIL rnnlailning .30 Ana. 1.! good mldvnul Land. Than-an an: two Dwelling Haunts. (0c- culuiuH {uur \Vv! uf Ilh-L And 4Auzm 0! In Land. 'l'horw (-upiaH n hard. in v in nu. an- ll' YOU WANT Your'l at Harms rapnimd In INAAF op. rnlu-.' ou- elsGla... LATHANKRUI'I PRICES. 134 Princess 51. Nuv. 4th. GAGEBROSJ k1 RKFATREIFS ('uI-iaH Wan I Inn-r, And 0 Aaron 0! On '00:] mmlhion, with fruit. Than in no any hum. IM huilLIhe 40149, ho hm in u... 'l..wn.hsp lhi- vduhlo Property in niuutul war the For: Ito-L In mile hum Km km. 111:: pmpeny no. In ad by myu uut- lhinl lawn Fur (a el pt! doubt: .- 9- terms nr ulharwbo. Apply a: than an", an. "A Hu. than lulu. rum-n amt. tumb- llTY AfRKH nl gnu-d cultiva Land, mun! m-u Oh.- l'rrth and. En mu- hum King-tun Thu-nun m KI. buiklinul I'll shunt "arm-arm ul In Orchard In and M. and". Im bru- uldv to the fuller); l'hllml are. Sleigh lit-Ila, Cut Mulls, Iron and Steel, 1... 00. l [FRASEREMOWMSJ Martin Luther Pumamy All! It. in Inbr "Mend HM the Mid Do- fandwt. Martin Luther Pomonynlo on or befon thu IS: an of February non, nun-or ur nh-Inur tn lb. hill of complaint in Iii. I v' I vnIuv An'lll) lll'ul FA, ant-III. shout mohndudulmyum Mb 3... an Dvolnn. thereon. Far W hlho-ut. w wx. DAVID. - I), WI! 7 rloooumum I Iurollnrn lull WM; I Maul-n on Application lo \VM SNOWIH'ZN, Johnmn Strut. I VH1 In" the Building. Ilngly or lltogalher Dan hi. Um tho nppestior. d the Above and Walnut. null upo- Iouln; read the dri- ou o! the nbuvo named thondnuz. mm lieu- E. l'ouomy. unl upon beam; the So- liriwr {or the npplimnhll In 0111"de the let-vim of In olco my of ['10 In" loon- phlntgnduned in ncrorchnce with the Innl onbn a! thin Com. And I copy of) ordar noon [ha anpudunl. Tiluntheul E. Pomoroy. upon antndnul. E Pomoroy. be dormant! and unit-o upon the Delondnu. Lu! nor Pumemy 3111' LUTHER roman, Timothou 0. Pomcroy, sud Christopher Strum, DEPEKDANTS. VOL. XLVL im 03530331.; I! chn1| m Idiom" _u_ ; [Inn 2 u! Ion-- CRAIIBIJ. her. All, II? ..._.. (slur Tn u. w. l)ec lHLh. Ipplleuior. the Above nunall Pl-Inlil. upon dgpod- N the Smith want trunk-r nl Lot 94 In the hlh lunmi-m n the TUMIP 0 King- m mnbininx I. I". "VI- loom,th onQWn straetmouMning 'J loom. Buhroom. Wood Shad. 0m Doublo hum Tonomm Noun on eroon (amt, qllw It. a ll. mi 1 half Acre. on Regent strut nimble for 3 union. palm. I. ann "OlllI.Iilh manuanl roof. on comr ofJuhh-on Ind Alfred u-rmu How sad line Ana 0! Im]. jun beyond an Vllm Mal "gun-ovum DAVID. WM Baht, Fun. I. Kw. 4" rm. mm). ThCNwMi-Jnmlhlm 0(1 Stork Ln rhmnm fun. A call will ran a yun Hm! I sun wl'mg my 0004!. (.hup. .vrnnnp.. n . \wnv .mAl\I rmqun mum. IlluLl 0.0m In". l Ilr.;\l' hUUllh [NIH Brut don I. long-c that 1 am mukmg All. PROM 'Al'lo III. hlnnhII-Ibdhhvh-M FOR SALE, FANCY STOIE. rimi 19 naut f'GKGff-i 5nd nine new 0| I anm Mill WILLIAM DAVID. him- 3L. King-hm: FOR SALE. III Ill'ull HAIR! _Q-I.I.- .5... Iaaetu ll. Ith PLAIIIIF: 7.9:. KEjfL MOVE (IN UR AiIUUT THE In OF JANUARY TO YUL CAN BL'Y CALL AT I: n complainti Ill bu'c-wlinxly lnw pricel. .- - THE BEST CIDER in the [HAAC ID",