ILAIIIOV'IB-I-Uo- [nun-no- _|I (By Telegraph 70-day.) Ottawa, Dec. 27.~Lut evening the temperance people of the Capital present ed Hon. Mr. TIIley, Minister nf Finenca, with In address of welcome on his return to Ottawa. The ueremuny took place in the Dominiun Methodist Church, in the] presence of about 700 persons, many of them old temperunce udvocntee, and all of them independent uf clue, creed, or ne- Lionelity, hut. warm admirer: of the honoreble gentlemen. av w: "unu- vy "w my... .. ".3. l Dun Slll,-lt is somewhat surprising that. any newspaper should so fit. forget its plain duty towards the public general- ly and its own patrons in particular as to lend itself to the dishonest and contemp- tible act of publishing garbled reports of my proceedings whatever. But such is the feet. se is evidenced by the report in lest nights News of the conversetion which took piece in the Judge's Oham- bers thet morning es to whether the re- porters should be permitted to remain end teke notes of Mr. Gunn's eumins. tion or that they copy the Judge's notes eech day after the examination. The insiuustion of the Nam, that His llutmr acted through a motive of favoritism to wsrds Mr. Uunn, is one of the meanest ettempts to injure the reputation of the Judge Among political friends that has ever come under my notice. The New; editor seys that the reporter informed him "thst counsel did not mske enyj forms] "objection, end he is of the opinion thst the intimstion on the subject from the Bench wee the result of shin! from one of the interested parties." Why doesn't the News come out atfooted" end tell his suhscribers that the'Judge, being before his Appointment apolitical friend of Mr. (lunn, it is the editor'n belief he still retsins on the Bench the some snxious desire to see his former polities] emcistes successful, which chsrscteriud him when in public life. Ngy, he insinuetes more; thst the Judge In eegsr in his olciel capacity to be of eny service he could toMr. (lunn, whe ther honestly or not, end thst sll thst use required use a mere hint, end he In uld eoe thst everything worked like a chsrm. If We were to socept the opinion of the New: it would be much safer for Conservatives to bring their Actions (if they ere unlucky enough to have guy) in some county other then Frontensc if the rty on the other side of the reoord mppene to be e Libel-s1. But Judge Price needs no defenders to bolster up his cherseter. He stands, sir, high up , some; the very best men of the dsy. snn neither the venom of pert] intolerance nor the wheedling constantly displsyed II)! the News men will ever s'ect His non! of his high sundinn nith .ll I'D'PNI'IIMENOII to "on. Mr. Tilley. 70 the Editur of u British Whig. r\_._ a... n ._ ......,....L .5 m... b 'n. new: III 'III IV" In! "I. onouu or bi: high lundina Iilh l" honest man ins-pectin of party The New; up that Mr. Much-r objected to the reporter: remnininu during the on- minniun, and Lhut the Judge mummy] [hp objection. Thin in onlinly untrue, md i. . gratuitous ldubood which Mr. Shah" Ii" 001,1 linlmcoopl, The [at In that Hr. Mach-r unruly montionod tho nth! lorth. nonunion. 0! LI. "Pom, u n I "nerd convu- -m won Ibo oponing 0! Ch. a... I. would 3990-3, how-vat, thu .- Mr. cuin hid no bun 1N. to elicit uny- ghm' from the lumber (or King-um m. N" 'u very mum)- to emu; n grior gna- or Jun oncoming to Unto .hqut in ammtion nth tho present anointing. It In apparently mu: Uln in via- a. and mu! nun-dd Oh- I! My not-in. till, a bout-l, q. cal Wm not to run- amt mid-in at! murmur. mot." Inlahuwoknogulwwtinuu who than Ir. Wain did. 1'5. m gmb'nun WWI-ouan "Who'hobou gunk-ulst- "a... y. MM Ih On! A) d _ , Introduced the sub- 0 #77... (77 THEAFGHALCMPAIGI. Ir. Gunns Exnmlnlllon. (By Telegraph Tu-duy) AA" n..,. 01. A nnrrnnnnn mm new-A of Parnaan m 9313f mun-unv- '8l56', and u Togjro. any; mm London, Du: 27.A Munich from (him up 00 um: pdluof m Rho- din of Egypt, at Abdin, Inn boon Almost dam, by . mambo. Out In I the building in in min. A number n! immorth Addition. In M the mmmng n m mun. A number 0! important addition- no English any will be made "21 nhnrdv. Earl Cnmn'on wu Ina-tied youel'dny to Lady Elibelh Hound. I: III 3 mod brilliant Alli}. I In round to. i-poo on - liery urike in othhin, n correspondent at undo] 1!. tin: perhnpc the men never befon "hood Inch I determination to min. The Union lenders. who fnvound mndlhtion in pmvionl disputel, no! Id'ilo mint- Inco. Thruugln their Earn the deputa- Ii .n chit-h in In mml Hm cull owner! at 1 "rung" lnell eunru I04 li a: which in to meet the cull 1 Shefeld m-day will Ipeak in the whole hundred thounud m I'octod. A (lung-nun nnmhina A'mw I Income. A dupmte pouhing n'ny In. occul- red on the estate of Lord Lurpn In which seven] of the purlicipwts were [1841'] wounded. Add. (nun P...-;. .nu n! n muint woundod. Advice: from Paris any Hut n conict. between France nml Tums is regarded u imminent. The Tunisian Government olden-ed some land which had been grmtod to Frenchmen for nevernl year- to b. wind, and this has been done delpih the protects of the French consul. London. Dac. 27. The Iteamuhip Stale delpilo the protecll oi the French con-In. London. Iteamuhip of Louiliulu is null on the rock: 1n Lough Lorne, Inland. The veuel hnd only Ibout. 20 paslengcrs then aha Itruck, principally in the steeragc. They have been sent 00 Glasgow. The ship is mak- ing later fat, and it is feared she will be a total wreck. A great portion of the cargo has been recovered. The Vessel and marchnndize are fully imured. The wrecker: were driven ulf yesterday by boisterous weather. InnAnn IL... "'7 _A dounlnh from boisterous weather. London, Dec. 27.A despntch from Lahore nyl Yuknub Khnn hu united at Jail-Ikbud. Thins regarded as an act of Iubmiuiun. noun-lnhnu 'I'nl Ilnmr Knmr rmmrt n w-w -w." - , pfllIClph'l at. ptiulully hm] der. qumuawn. Despttchen from Hung Kong report n aariuua conagrainn in that city on Chrialmaa Day. The dvstrucliun of prm party was immense. (By TvIvg/ruph To-Duy) The Fulton inquest. was resumed this morning. One of the jun-urn ()bjt'cbed tu Dr. U'Lenry'a hum; heun nllpuillted analyatin this one by the Government, inumnch as he is employed Uy the :19an Life Insurance Company which hm the risk of $3.0an on the life nf decenn- ed. Dr. U'Lenry intimated that Dr. Uerdwnod had conducted the analysis With him. Dr. Hardwood stated that in view of lhn- healthy cundiLiun of the body deoeneul had came to his death from an over dune of morphine. 'lhs nnnn m in nrmvrnnn um, I'LATRILWOII Christmas morning, Ii! mile: west of Vulnlrvnil Station, the (1. 'I.R driver of No. 1) freight, train noticed the dead hme u-f n nmn lying an the truck. The trmn was stopped, and the body, which mm (hut nf n man of very relpeclablo nppenrance, was found to be fri htfully mangled. ha inunenl on lhu remain: of Richard Ihc Iulton InqumI-uBurglar Cum/hind the Bench. one 13 m progl'e. A burglar was caught in [locka jewelry slum hut Htcknbmther. who covered with his ruvulvur until the! rived. TI. 11.. ,.ll.:u|h..-LnlIAin'Jnui 1 rneu. ] The (in rM'MthkM'I of the Unurl uf Appvnl: his judgment whivh jndgmentof Judge Jul to dissolve the writ. nf in behalf of Duncan 1 the Local (luvernmcm road wnr. The Bench v including the thf of tin, yaw IIIBBILBU lmululluc. It is stated that the Etna Insurance Company will (mutant, thu clunn nf the duceused's family, Ml llm ground that the jury was picked. ll umnngemunt demo: that Dr. (D'lmary Is Ill their employ. , r m 77,7" tn lmully mangled. he inquest Patton resulted in n verdict of (lgnlh from exhaustion and grief, nntwilhntand- ing the positive declnmtxun of analysts that it. resulted {rum mnrplnne. Hnu :tf the jury even inaintmtad IlmL (lnn unal- ym inserted mmluhlne. inn: wun niuhml ll nmnmmnmnt (lama: u 3' ICIIIJ. l|L\I'lH \l'lllllb|(7ll 10" arrests Lave rm'vnlly Imen Illmlu, lllullld In a cousin of tho mnruleror Munlnyu. lnnnma, llac 137. 'lh0 norm at A:- pinwnll, altar mama eight dnya, has aub- Iidul. Total damage is Hunted at $200,000. The lulluwimg are the louea Two veuelp sunk and um uhme; all the whuvea bully damaged Ind the Pacific Mail whnrl in ruml ; mm ullur wnl killed. n..:. . 0.. .nmn min-uninnlnndinu hu- llllw. Owing to some minum tween the Leuulaluvu l'renidunt Corn-um, the hi: ruixnnlmn lny n unan Thull- II nullmw n! In uv. . __r .. a.-774.4__..4 Lat but min; luullll tho Madguclu- ed that nothlng but. Im- hundred unwri- ty for M rrln wuu|d :lr fwr key-note of Countuuva victory It I m crmin. 0n- uno general "leclllml. Tim urhlll In junty of m- | unguumd, but nl-lutod, Muncubun v... Hurry four-Wm! I full 7 v' mum n..." (By Trlmruph Tu-tluy.) Quebec, Dec LTA during burglnry And hauy rubbery w'currod on Chriumu Eva In St. Francii. Sf. RochH, It the residence of Mr. Simpson. While the hmily were nut nponding the evening the house IIIGII'OICII nul prnporty stolen to I. value of about. 8300, Including two gold wulchu,nn nIncb-n Cll,"u fur up, gilver "mm", and van'om uticlu oi clothing. coon ScrumAnon! In. necked dron- orion ind jnvidinun dillinclionl. 3 mr- rupondant nyl Win (In. lnturo Io Ill-ll not. Mid more admire the nu tact had Ian! M lnrd Dn'erin. Juli think 0! It, be lived Iilh us ve year: Ind our; htnvolled the mum" out; In an honght ink: cunt-ct with our very mixed popnluinn ud be newt undo I min- ute, Alin did the right thin n the, m... u... no ammo. all manual mo, III-,- on the nuns mm It mu rid lilo, dopawd, ll notion. Hug in harmony with hm. ~ 0.0. 7 l'eru, Dec. 27.~ again-t [he unnsmn do are brim: nctlv [All rlllxlmllml Hy n mmnuuuu Them In nnthuuz Inlpnl the inurinr of tho Repuhlm. I-vhak' Bonk mo. in. do 6" udiv.lll1 101 mmon.- MMUIL07171 Hol'l'mnnnnLlMlllla. C M 4514,5014. w: lx. iv. 6!. I .H6 1. u $233M nm In I :1 Hammad1.1! I! 25.4 J IndHu " . Im-(10s 10! u rdwrerr - piuu'ull. . Darin Rubber on (Iu-iulman Ere. (My Trlrgrn; ILM 0" X {cum Eric; WIS HUI quuu u. .n. .u -....- ... ,W. Dr. Haney, Aw] yet 1: up not. I word about Kh- reJucllun Iu Eut Toronto of the Tory ma} ynty by Jun. 375 vol... line. luL Seilezmm' The {not Hut Monok u n'prrnnnlr-i J the Common! by Mr Muck :Hum ( Fur); Ind that now A R.- lr-rmor hug bueu cleclcd m the Locul monjjf raunckIniefJlmlicelhurinn, Appvnls, in reference In It set aside the Juhnurm,whn refused ne injunctinn issued McDmmld again-t uvernmcm during the rail no was divided, three. a Justice, against "035E? , Judicial proceedings m nf Dun Manual Par- Ivuly ('unduclml New My u _'Ilm nmrm Ill A:- Full]! Tu-nluy ) L. Mashed. Dcc.!7.. III. 5 u Storm a! AN- .f'l', min-landing be- Alnembly Ind Ian tenth-rm! 0 'BG" 3 bohnlf uf Inn-n nhn DODIII Ul men Ibo n Summer night by the thief y police at unannounced Fan! Whoa nun-4. QII umuuofm. iimmnmmri [3mm am am |0n Thursday, January 2nd.| A FULL PBOOIAIIE of Vaughn.- ltrumennl lute. selected from Von WOW. Hnydon. luv-en Randal. Spolonh. Cnmh mum Motion willbo pron-ted. lntonpen od with select Winn. To. larval! It 7 slurp. Tickets 250. to be Ind It the Book-tom. I)- II Lh ...... -- ---__ _ __, organist or the Im: foams:- tlonnl Church, , ,,,'L A- ~1 luu w Ill'llvu - nun-w uniw- '- .u pm . Pupil. on the Pm xll and Dunn. Tor-l In known on up liuntiun. (bmmuiuoul Ion! through tho not promptly loaded to. RemdeutmAreh Sheet. Dan 27. I578. lo pmpumd w rm-em I limlled number of mule mmliunliun Communiutloul n ..u.-, m; the Maui hm the Raf lrm ~I ICON lhux Mr RR. HEEL has uncommodnlon for FIVE gentleman boarders. Terms modern. Ruuidoncn Wellington street, upped"! the st. Georges Hall. Doo 2|. HOLIDAY GOODS 1| A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HOODS smruu u Irnn 1 Christmas Gifts 1 W- I. ,_ A large Ntockt A large Stnck 1 A large Stock n prlcos. Customs $513. my... mu-.- IN Tm: our swam] 1.." In Me Ana-n lhmm. R-&.J-__GAEDI.NER| |Munday,_ Snixhan Instant, A uaa'am';a{v;iuamamuml I ll'lll DD llnlln Inqu, -- "ul- Ill [he Tut) ma (H) 705. UV Lockets. Rings, Brooches, Chain- Ear-rings. Studs and other things, All nt 1|: I'lle LIIYAIJTY. A. or 1|: Ill. QUAI. I. Also, a lot of Spoons, Spectacles, aw, &c. Also, one BOLT CUTTER. IIAHKI lmnr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......muuu. FRANK FOhItEHTER. . . .Buniuu do POPULAR PHIUEB Aalmi-Ilnnba; [Uh MHNI 3mm: 500. W Illn of Hm Hull now upon at Ml-Aulj'u Buoknzornyhorn mum.) In: mum! v: Ilhuut our- chino. hm- 'Lird. Ior Caren Poor W In till it gin- Thur-clay a: Friday "or. 26Ih nnd 21th. Lane'spera HuuseEu.l L:le Haunchback of Notro Dame, I ,......... ..-.......-l.- ...innu.| fnr - "Guru. "UVIVI l v With now Sm-xmryaxpronly pninlul far in prod uctmn. v I OIL, WATER oown, BIA INK 0R PLMN FINISH ! Thrle ha been hr lm- muvn of Ihu nor! uf lhmg m the run uf the prunncol w (u Idmuwd. And lurh A policy Abould on no Account be "pelted In the case '0! N-uiuudlwd Sull, In acuptinu the numbko there in n) ma indulging in 1 ho d awndont mo xi, And the Nut-null MV3ul .ecrumg {rum Conden- -uo lhould u-M b0 ovoflookod. Bapvr-nuunn by plnpululou, I" vuomuuly fought (or Ind ruined by nu inn-uh and nppononu n:- npucnvoly, Inuld, In I prohbtliry. not" hI'. bun uluuml hyl u not been wand u and by man- ol Cooled".- tioa. To be tun the principk in not can on very In Iron ldrly. Th [Oupbd Brimh Colnnbh, laminating, in All. ghoul nu choc:qu whim. or Mly ~-uul'gh lo dummy poop .- AW e um, m Uuwm. being-corded in nowher- m m Common. Bun q. 0! ouch rpm. unnu- 1W in tho upphuu-m u! lb. pump). '0 ban d but u: !le to u Iboli- h-nl puny .z 0M Cumin Iwhnu, Mluln um Than tho-U nth. m It I. in. caudal h 0.- W. Ibo bon- d local M Q l punish b can m 00 by and Ilw d in o'- hm M5 nghu" Itd-o not uid-cc and! but ll Mind in tho W B'th Am An. Thu. gunman-animvu AilinA iA Ih&d mn- thin on Ha. I ~01 a. . HENDERSON. 756 Presents fur tiny duliara. lKelly'sSteamHenumlm NEW FEATHER BEDS!| BI'ZRIDICS BEING DOUBLED IN BULK, Fputhrrn III-5gb! sand Inland lune day F U NEW "HUM OFF WM. DAVID8| I. ROAR. AI hmuuwuthlu uiuniiows [!P!9a'i!19l9gtvh Ar. iuaperlion hwitbd. Salas [or mull. Btriclly oua prim Semen-abet l l .l.....| crn I02l'rlncess Streel. Dec. 23rd, 1878. IN THE LECTURE 300' 0" TH. CHURCH. King-um. Nov 1', IR". (IRON "m. 0 I. lllla VAUIIAI mlunm Nut to his Auction Room, Brock street, _4|u.._ lls. IDIIIIII IIIII'UI u. ' n nv-w (Ir-mutilation of Vicwr Hugo'- 1hrihinu Nomi nrge IL and :3 BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Ily J. I:. Haul-rum. Ammo-nor, . ._-- u. u" n 1 A 1'- nmnnn To LET on m nu, VIII COI'OIIAIIIIICI WI! - lulu. no uni-o in. on AT EXTREME LOW PRICES. The Mammal llrruld, recently Llluding to the prulmlde mi-unl nl Nolfuuudlmd mm tho: (rumm an L' nlwlnrljlnu, look I ratlmr duo-nrngmg new of the whole Stimulus] u rmlvm no the co.- pm- upucuon ul Church And 8w... It in tho only "no principlo ol gnarl-ll" Ind never an tho ponka ol Bumped- loct this Mom nil b. anything lit. 3 ounbiut'wn a! "no; .01th nulo doubly so by pnhli: coolant-out. In Cumin, laden-My [or w, thin.- hue long since ruched lhu happy pun. Hot. to hu- no gazablnhml, not do I. In: my. ll u fur ch dammit-um Io uth null us much u I! chooou on. much u It can. but. .11 In"? M: equal chum no [u .55 Sun patent In con- urnod. When u.- political nillcnin- dull b. utharud In, the couple unr- m at Church And Sm. Iill In on. 0! Q. ardinal connnwlu ol the lap new in m on m we, unv m-IOI'I'AIIJ Ill 0"] MIR. BARRY IIABVIW .. "f \innu- "my "Law", vvu... v_. At hill-punt, seven in the I! A I r I] I I I J A N ID ID'III ER 0008. (LEAN ANII IIIEAL'I'IY, CITY HALL! MB. J. SMITH, u. -l' 1|.- Dlni lnn CARD NAKEH OLD AND I.\lll'l UaLv-unuhu.~ Lulu-[Inn Hm wnlmnpuruy vary pror perly ohycu tn the huge Iyuom of bflbory Imuued by Ku- John Mmdondd in the Ihlp. of olpellllVd ru'lllyl. pro- vmcul Intuition. etc , by which tho out- lymg pruuncu, al the upon of III. )on do u! nu] tnnnda, mum on in" o! I 9C I n...--.. b. u... h... .mauml mm cun'odlrl' I-t Am VAIDIIAII- t III'I'I. Wh- anu. .uf Black Silk: at. low prices. :nf Cnlor'd Silk: At lowprioen uf Real Irish PJplina It low Fur all from [to etch up to H PIANOS PIANO " I'OBTIIS AND ORG-ANSI no. autism-hand by. HuttonFULLY Gamma-am nil It Mo-hilly now rmm lid .- m mm m.- - l_n-_Jl__ _....L.__ -h_ II n! M n. LIVERPOOL HOUSE, FANOR DRESS 00303 from 10c, Inna! Winn-I 3'- k Fonc Wm h'o- so, Loiqu Squad. I" colon, ot out, Mid Wool Cloudschap, Indiu Wool Chiba. Idlu' Wool md Outh Hod , Ladle" Silk Hondhnhiob Luliu' Kid Glenn, d1 uh- ud With, In. '50. Lndiel' J scion md Shawl. on be bought with), chop. HENRY LOWNDES. .\ A. .u- . , ,u n n. n In. n_.l____ In-l C 1.... -L.-- W.Ill_.A._ a; FE STIVALI Catarnqul Lodge, No. 92, AJ. and LI. l VIllI-I HBETHBEN of Umlul Lodge. No. 92,G.R.(L. In hereby summoned 1: tom! the Rogulu Commando-non of no Loan It the uonio Hull, King strut. m .n .u, , n-rL I_UA__O VII I'llqu III-U N's-n n..u-, AT 6:30 o'cuocx; lam, For tho pur woof [mulling the Worshiplul Muster an Inventing the Omoon for [he ennuing lmnlo you. J ILEH . A C . LII! 'II-IIIID an", an... unw- on Friday. the 2701 Instant, AT 6:30 n'nmcx; P.l.. mumm Lona. N0. 253,] I HE REGULAR MEETING lor lultalld- lion and luvs-uncut of Okwon will be held In HINDEN HALL, on the Futlvnlof 8:. John the vagelht. .. In .-,,n,___|.__.n~a|. IWIQI. ngjgllus Auction Room. ISaturday. the 28th lbeccnllwr I AT 1!!! AJL. The Sun will consist of a quantity of House- hnld goudu Ind Hurdwnn, Illo I lot of Gun Han and Naomi: 'lwoodl. There wlll alsova one Melodaon. In the but of ordur. portaqu (Yale, and a number of Sleigh and Cutmrn w u n A Vin The nublcribor hn roceind I lugs con- Iignment of I F w Howl. H an. un v nu. Dec 26th. Auctiuneer. Highly Important Unreserved Aucnon SALE l of New York I inhumanh, l faxed Mr I m PIANO- oonlint o! 5 Square- nnd 3 Upright; The Squnre. no ne Boxwood Cam. The l.' right: no Rouewood Cue- inluid with Alum, nu! Al'- vnrv lm in-tmmonh. vrmnu "I! 00017000 UIIOI "Illlu van that. und u. very ne inummwu. The Utgnnl are of the nut nuke, and no from 7 h 17 nopa. Th. nhnvn nlo meant- In onnortunitl Ham 1 n u Ilopl. Th. Ibo" Ill. prounu oprrtunity for intending purchuon o! rutch- Iiano- And 0mm. of supplying them. when with I nt clnu Instrument u priool hr blow their rotl ulna. .- they must. be l0|d to OOVOI Idunou. I m... mum. u. inunul h. "in 0):. In. mull. be mm to nauuou. The public no (mind to gin the In- Itiumonu Ln inlpocuon. Thu will b. on via. on guard" Till "HIST STOCK OP JIWILLIIY, W120 Ind lcusmmnsaununms.) Nine Magnicent Hanoi and Three I'lnc Organs, Ion MONDAY, 30th or 1320114 Itrumonu Inlpocuon. Th" will Huturdly [mm H Am. w 4 pm. And up to the hour nf uh- on Mono. 2 Tnmu al u]. m. known It. (in. oil Houm codnsi | .nn nocom- 70 nm em wn ' ovum 001' u in the Inrgo Itoro nut to Hath & (lunn'l, Prinoou Strut, mt. 2:10 o'clock In the Jul-noon. uuau V " "w, Doc. 27. Linton Bolus," 106 Prlnoo- Blunt. 3 doors thou WM 8;. u- 1 Games. By order of tha W-M., A. LIRICHEUX. Kiagnwn, 006 26th, 1878. Socroury ST. JOHN THE EVIIGELIST. Ivv'lwul- -~. Lllwrnl In! l. auuu uni nun-5o..- On Friday, Dwmber 27th, m- 7 nmmx. Itmr of uh! Monday. . Term- 0! Id. undo known all NUK Um uwua mm A Fun 82:"... I} l Ahn' Wnnl (mull luv UWI--- _---- _.___ (Murray's Old Stand, Iarkot square.) AUCTION SALE 161i? ' make, and I rstclu- nll nl which will be 0!- r ulo by Public Auc- tion A SHORT Sinuso. J. l. IILICHIIOI, Anode-oer. Golidi MOI 3m. '01 gunm AL Inn All uuw n'n cum-w. 0. Ann any prove cu I'm "cry doubtful. I Ilo rlnalu hi dungnn an t third r wwuhl be quite continent with .tg n-mcny u! purpole, but the poo- u! llu: lmtcd Slnlel, HUI that tho mun Law A lllht ulvnnugo in tho mung ul pamu, will hudly lend a! "mi agnm t: lhu Whim "uuw. .- ----- HiVin wm. J. A. CHARLES. Boomury pnu (an. will]. uuu uunwrn WM. DAVID. A uann-m null-touts. '1 t s. lBBBS. Ilnk. -AIM- HM, Iln-la v WISHING OUR PIIINDI AND GUSTO!!!" A HAPPY NEW YEAR, Everything that is Wanted A POUND O! PURE COFFEE. NewYears Day CONFEDIRATIOI A Bottle ol the Beat Sparkling WINE. GOLDEN LION GROCIIRY. With which to cover your hqu for receiving your vititon, W. R. McRAE & 00. Butchers Stalls, The 3131; Dacpppmjtlnatant, cm orvitistou. The Public Shambles. lurks! Bulldlnp. WILL BE LET BY FOB 0N! YIAIJrom H). In My of JUL. 79. Term- I Illa. ' {Kingston SEeetHailway _,.-..,u 'wdhdmhw ,. can l... I. t- Pan-Jul- .1: l. I. I OIIIICIIO IIIDAY, Nil Dost-bu, l '1!" III-alum hvlllluu William , ville Jot nun-u n! In" noun, {ho- II.-.u9:Np-. Ill [Iv-CPO! -u.ryovoryhltboufro-9;-. blupl. ; 0n- n Dunn's. P m. no! u Ila-H. 0-b- m. ud links-nu out: hour. Oman Put our, I out] but bour- hu lam gob; w Pallth nd 54 minus hr oi hour. Pun mu go .uWMM-lulllo u in! a slum W on but. FRED. OUVII, n In- Inna. m i ulcsm MY 1 School of [Man Lama. l "I'ml um, Luna I l .14.. I. By order. Kingston, D on. 96. Wt Doc 26th. PIIBLIEMAUOTIOII, BEST QUALLTY. Nation In hereby (Ivan Hut tho "cu, the expense 0! l upocillly in Men unlml mlo cunlodorl- And in; m mm um we hvo MOI 0' m and 0mm I. rune. . on; Clark. H! In l 'IIU llllllllll "I ull' I I... '1: [lie Duke ol Cumber- lws lhn mlemlwl murderer Ill mplnmm the Import of m by mrh Inc-an! to plunge um: and n lnynl people from .1 ul a puhlu- rejoicing into 'f public [mourning Thin m the lives 0! Europe": 1 l: h'mly Lu emua in home m-mml precnutiun and de- .- uf them will be lure to be 'abllln of the nucietiel whole I maxiona mspiro tho-e lusu Illcmnu ll. king mur- ' nube use: it; 57,3371 ' in; amounts. "IBCLIUHI. Ann m n-u ur umguumd, .5 \ uuuymon, Since than n trying In expluju Lily unnwry In Wullaml on the Han-nun} majority of 116 . mun] In that of the lite A_J .- -.- .- \clde wnnhun u the rr_ nu Ihu life 0! the KID] of 'h In turn, the prince. uf Europe are being made .. "om hull-t- Than u] -n(y on Dan mun, .. - ll.'.'. the Tory vnculry (J 4 to be fullulod by I I. fur the Local Legu- at 1.- Mb pI-t-u- my amdwhlwabh qudiiMWb why boll-W H the 3. I Moo m bl hub-y, H an OD nah-1w- Aida-bin m w}. A lung-Ivy viii-ll inhumy m ouch- ..thluh-tho'l'ory lads: m-l _, Vi, - w ntHDh-oTwy haunt-rho;th hibng M! the Crown I-do-mmd tho high-u j__..._ ._ AL- L-) PI..- Inn In. U'llll- ll ul- "-1. un- u..- w. puiuhl bunthohy to the Ihoh 01$!an Mon-1d. Lupirod I... 1. _-_ _.J.J ._ L- h k- in. l-U-l. Ill llllI-IWIIIIII- yvv'v- . cornea-meted the grendeet job over perpetnted in the Britieh Empire." And to recover the poeition which. thet crime eoet him in 1873 he uneclupulnuely clun- bered bee! to ulee egnin by meane of the leddet ol impouible promieee end lelee prome- in 1878. But u all thing: mundane meet here In end, eo muet the political weer olthe Tory Chieftein. ed the extinction of thetcereer been lelt to Ink .0th liegee in thin long- tesated pocket borough of Sir Johu,~hil quietee would here been edniinietered It the lat election. Lured into 3 {Mel were by hie pleulible protection cry, however, the voice of the mejority rewr- rected him from the political death to which the oleetore of thin city eo jnltly oonu'gned him, end todey he is again perched on the pinnecle 0! power. llew in; hie meet erdent wish thne gratied, end he he cleime hie political crime. condoned, he in now credited with I deeire to withdrew lrom political life We here no notion thnt he retire (rum the Premierehip of hie own mere motion. 11y thin remark we do not man that hie rolleeguee are at All in- clined to ehele him 01!. Ambitioue u name of them any be to eupplant him, hie powere of etretegy have been indie- peneible to their party Iuocees, and they our ill e'ord u yet to loee hie services. Hie retirement will be en involuntary one, from the hot thet he will nd it ut- terly impoeeible to give etl'ect to llii'ite wild pledgee of pereonel edventege and gene nl prmperity by means of which he won hie wey back to power,end equally out of the qneetion to humanize tho-e conict- ing intereete which here been involved in eueh u inextrioeble enerl by his in- triguee end ohicmery. The Abolition of our revenue teri, the diemiunl til the Libero] Lieutenent Governors of Quebec end 0nterio(lor e bitter Attack is now being mule on Governor D. A. Mncdun- eld, u well u upon (lovernor Letollici) the repeel of the Scott Periniuive Liquor Lew, end the wholeeele iii-mine] of lio- lorm Appointed in the Civil Service end on public worke, ere l few epecimene of will the demende which Sir John's nupportere ere juet now melting with e vigor and a pereiltence thet will take no denial, eepecielly in view of the {not that he pro- mieed to do All these outrageous tliinge if only he were repleced in utiice. Thu: herrueed by perty iiupnrtunity, it ie no wonder Sir John Mncduualil in declered at last to be outing a willing eye upon the Chief Jueticeehip of the Sn. preme Court. He will leave the activities end the tonnoil ol politic-l life with ex- treme reluetenee, end we cannot believe thet enything Ihort of the ineu'ernble worry 0! hie own eupporters wull t'ver drive him out of II. There I! no doubt, however, that he he: raised a tempee' wbiah he cannot ley, end to escape from ell the-e diicultiee of hie own creation, he mey reg-rd the poeitiun we have mentioned u e welcome refuge (mm the perplexltlee end enxiotiee which now our- round him"; Aueiu we uy that Sir .lnllll deoneld Iill not quit political life until in embelrulmente render the puni- tien inwlenble even to hie peculiarly devil-mey-cere temperament. The indi- cetionsi ere eertpinly multiplying that the ineuereble point ie ell but reached in tin- ceee, end thet he will ere long trmielete himeell out 0! trouble, end leave either to Tilley or Tupper thet legecy u! dii culty whidi hie unpenllelod double (leel - in; hee ineeperebly connected with the TA... InAnhin IU-vv- Inns-r. unu- .v "7"". hol, We: dinnpuublo. to stain Blood. To mun biahold on poier In .A_____-A.j .k- l-_..J- :nh a... m u Illrunw- Tory [Monmo- 'l-nua'loi In W p... mun-UPD- Dnlu cl Auk It JG We draw ulwndou lo the letter of 'Juntiee' in Another column, very lyrn' parly taking :he local Tory orpn to tank for tho eoum i9. In. men t to In Imam. the pnblionion o! the oxnuinuliou cri- A-.. .4 oh. .mmlm- for Kingston. (no pDDlIuIlou uI um u..- done. 0! lha mambo:- King-tun. Tho lolinnu'um ch Judge lricu could b. aplblo of noting in lhi: mum: on I him from one of the imar- outed putlu" in no only In undenervcd reoction on th- oiciul recmude n! n Judy. in whom All rupocubln Conn-rm- uval, "on, have dun ulmnu condence, but 'unothing Ihort nf - Iunpla LXhiblli 1: ol dinnpuubh journdmu. Further to WI. it would b. to dignin H vilh not. "cognition lhlu the contumpt which i! dunno. I loud I, Ili- u. IIIDer ro- Iind, d# I I chl-mlcnl col-tic- IO. I, the bu and couplddy dunk. IL 11:. In: x. than you! HI... 1 uri- ol n-IIorn. subject! tn buy pun-Inn, and lined. huh-d ad pol-bod, caning out I ma Among tho mt rec-M iii-comma In the world ol invomion in one lur the mmnfmunol lu-hor out. 0! who urn. Whom" it Iilleo-o into pncuu-l um nr not I. m unable In any, but tho follow- ioginulm 0 hi it u done 811.. (II In. bond, wth u n. .ul... 3-- non-ill. no placed 8h... cl my luv mm, wen u If. I. ll a] "I Dill, placed up. out a. Ibis-tor tun. gav- M h MHd O Inbet ro- 'I hul um um. g" 1 the n maul... lylk NIB, 9) *V W", In In um. hunk-d pol-bod, M last out dry link! m4, In: an The hm W dill M the chemical dub- ll. in II. It. ol (I. Md-hhhmloibbr I. I Ibr- 0! II- I had-dinin' hme-o "m' ' aunt untidy-AI Imuuw --_ all... Iqu In "all nun-u. u I '- 01 n... nu. ml Iunnp J I. I an Inn an Dumual u an 9... and Won-pt "u" 1" I in nil about the qldio" m .5. inn-u.- till probably hm AsAM the [uni- hnvodn s-m Inn-non. DISIEPITABLE. L .pruool no I'm-r Dunn lode! .5: About choc-anon no will IU-DOI' TO- .L- n... and . 77.4- -....... Gnut'l run-unluamn [at tho Prui- doncy In And tn be rcwlorod more prob- sblo by the Mud run] at Sengtor Conk- ling'l name, and tho ruponed mum {mm mao. )lunel gIhod wn. lbnt ha In not and m the In]. Crowned with All the glnry um] ulut ul European travel, Gum'l chance. 0! Republican luumlnulun may be good inumuch u bin tuur year- of absence {rum 'h. country may hnvu Iobed [u dull lhu romain- bnuce uf lhuna things for which his mum luful lu- uwmg an who: nynunym lowudl lhu clule nf hu lut lrelidentiul .. .u. --.... mm. hw- oh-ncel of than 16 mill. ml Imam. Bone Aldo! in. Idvoubd in Can- cil n in I taxation, .- tho only nomad (0 when no. ul a. Wily; multivitamin.ij- ty, luv. still kept tho III-mom u the 16 silk. Noni- .y opiniouho .0- jotity hu- man-6' hut yd th- majority hue not [on - ton-n] out my mum 0! WI, so am both 0nd- an be and. to no, on beneath. W. .11 bio-Ind (eel than KIWII, u it is niuuud, nnd tho uy hou- mt, cannot stand I higher nte of muion, (or when tho lima uni": (In: our tuu I" out 16 higher of Mutton, lot when we lime uni": lhn milk, become- obvimu to All {but proper- ty will become lea valuable. Then the qua-lion grim. how our our Corpuntiuu go to work and no out darn in upon. md inctouo it: meant. that 16 milk on the dollar will no I in mumm- l The rst thing, I think. it to Ippoint a nun!!! nun-or. or nun-on. an o! proper m. or m, ebilily end judgment. who will llIOI no pmllllty, inc-pectin o! politie- ; end not a on previous once-ions, put in men of certain politic-l stripe. .0 II to nuke vote: for both putiee, juet u it m were the mun int to be glined, Ind making that their study more then Inlklng - uniform and hit nee-went. And if this were done, In it should be.our We! would ehol e diennt reeult. Just take one ample: The mutant of 1878 wee only WAX more than 1877; Ind we ell knot thlt thm III about $150,000 worth of buildiugl put up during that time, which goes to prove that they hue not performed their dutiee concisely. The next pomt in nlnriel. I notice that in London. Ottuu and other places, on account. of the ueceui~ [y of the cue, there ha: been I reduc- tions in that direction. No doubt we have some very eicieut oi- aerl, end it would go herd with some of them toluve to beer I reduction, but they Inuit beer in mind tlut King- stun ie not like other citiee thet hue been doubling their populntionl. Every body in feeling the e'ech of the herd Limel, proviniom of every kind hue gone down in value, end one dollar will buy as much now In one dollar and 3 half could three years lgn. To come {town to facts, the uluriel the city in [my . . llulnn 1.5 nlIr nll'u-nr- i- mun! than the uown facts, the ulunee the City u [my mg mine of our nllicere is muru than aim of the place can warlant. The next thing to help our revenue would be to try and get mine rent for our market buildiug, for they bring in very little rent on account of the butcher: being ll- Iowed to sell meet Ill eround the city, lenviug the etnlll neerly recent, end that cauning the city to lone this source of re- venue. l observe there hes been a by- law carried lately in Council compelling butchers tn return to the market. I hope this will be carried out. If no it will increase our revenue some 82,000. The next thing I would mention n being an evil in the preeent ayetem of nerd up proprietioue. In the put the member- of each ward, regerdleu of the conne- qnencel, have endeavoured in get In large an appropriation A: tiny could for their own ward. end. an it often happened, did appropriation tiny Could [or men ward. and' happened, work that was not returned for your: to come. I would euggeet thet a Board of Works Committee, ny e man from each wanl, should decide on all work before undertaken, and that the Engineer eee that no work in undertaken un- lese en authorized. Then this commit- tee would be reepunlible to the Council for all work done, levuuritiern would be abolished, end no work done unleu it was required. 8] this errengement the city would nve e Inge Amount of money if properly carried out. An! then u to the collection of lens, I think there ll mom for 1 great improvement. II' the law were carried out, orl in other words, if the taxee were collected as the law de- mouth, and return: mule u the lew li- rectn, n large amount might be uved tn the city, as we pay is lerge amount of in- tereat which might be uved. There are a greet menv other sugges- terear. which mlgm no uveu. There are greet mlny sugges- liunl I could make whereby money could be saved end revenue lmreuod. but I fear 1 up troupe-ling too much on your culnmnI, I0 to conclude 1 would lay thet it in the duty of every tapeyor to encor- taiu the opinion of the cendidatoe on these matters, end if they dcn'l: go in for all they are worth to carry Inch retrench- went M will bring thu expenlm of the city within the revenue, vote for those tlut wnll. This \Illlllllln in now in the hands of (he taxpaycra,1|nd if they fnil to do their duty they need not cuxnplnm hernller. Vnunr ~wv- (ngduurorrupomhmc Qf the Nawbuvg Reporter.) In the luwnahlp of King-ton there an two candidate- at lent in cbv eld for the Item-camp, Amun Vanluven and Char- In. Hlmuuer The latter is Deputy Reeve ulccuun may prm Tu I tonn' Rvavoahlp, Annun Vanluven anu whar- lu .pouuer. is Deputy and Warden of the Cuum , Ind tho for- mer, Reeve of the Towm ip. It. in gener- nlly expected that. Mr. leuvon II he re~u|ected by n lune majority. Mr. Momllo will 000000 Mr. Robin~ reulected by lug. mIJomy. Mr. Mom". will 0 pooo Ion for the Prnvincill gun-moot in the city. The nppmitiun, honour, will not nmnnnL to much. Even the Con-orn- Hle them-r1: any thsl Mr. Rubi!!- mn, the prv-ent member, will be le turneul by I much Inger unjnrl'ty than he hul at the hut election In: the Local um. hero 0! Into mung to ma Acuon nun u, our Schoul Bond u. 3 Into mating. Several oltho Inch": in the King-ton Ichuull, who were other-in considered moi... hue boon dinniqu [or Inn: 0! the mount, quulicuionn. A low in- ten-de pull-:- all in nation the noon: :ctiun of the Board,m "on menu mm. 0! the trustee. n! pundit, in tho mn- Lor. It Appears to u- very unrommblo to cumurs th Baud lordnmiuing touch- en 'th were not duly qutliod. The mum ukrn by the School llmhl In the only proper one nndor the dreamt-non, And one lhll should command in." to ovary mapon in tho city. Jcn Llll Ontllo.Cdilonil bu duqude - Ichaol lands] 0 gigantic prupntimu. Among tho niaqu In than. In Motion to tho Isl. ol Wad tom. 0! question. [at Applicants noting minim-n when. Juli who no (Ila mes-rm '- unu- Ioco par- no- eon-09nd via whool thumb-nod .....r...-c. l... mm It nun-u! npploanu lot mm In W aooumpmu-mi- Ibo Pub school. nae-nab, hot-n '0' am, lama-Mighty!- Huh-Haldwpyuu m: I... nan-it n- . to ma! tho mug Mensa-0mm clamp-human. The in- MM-muhow by There haul been oonndonom commuuuu hero of lute nuing to the Hon ion by ,...r thnul Hand mocking. In! lppllullll mung pmitimuu told Im. Inn of nation. Joan not upon, than. question do. not npmr, but lho invu m condo in Sun had-cola vellum. maro- ulc N'an '- Mm no.0 pur- m managed doe! tubal-Mal and ... - _. WW J pl. limtm Dommnu Laue: bnlsuumg px Gnu! ngntn panama-u when. JulI wnu u- quotient. appear, but [In innth dual lull. There hu been oomidonbla commotion .m. .r In- "in" m u... Action Men by Hume latter: Dust-used. Youn, A Per [1" ann. I M: 331113}! wnm. mun: DECEMBER 27, um. Imbd. DJ in Im-n Loo-in. Thin-dam. 3:. m up: an 0 hockinth vdk neatly I nil. um! I qumr to I lriond'l homo, uul Inn badly fmun. Kr OBtion In tho MI] ftoun. Ha (By felogmpb 70-day.) 0m". Dec. 26.It in Mad from n Connervn'iyo some. that the corn-pon- denco rupocti the Angel: menial-ill Iron: the Hon. r. Labellin- nud hi1 por- nocumn will be no long eon-idered It a meeting of the Council, resided over by the Governor Gallon]. I thin rumour be "unworthy. it in "ideal that the matter bu bun pronoun-l, diam-0d u a moot- iog of I. Council when tho Governor In not .1an Thu In! rruIcIde [mlkd nllmulvl Denmark Kw}: and potenlawn the urge! for ('t.lhlnlln|lllc bullou. The time (or thin luu duurdly tempt In moat uuhlppily cnuun by tho would-b0 mamiu, hung In tha midst of the gone- ml rrj rlLlIIgl M llw nuptuln of the Prin- -_ 'l..... uh II. ulna u- not gluon. Tho nut number 0! the Gama. or III utn hand bolou the an: a! December, will ptobohly eonuin the ml Announce- moot ol the culling together of Pufn- mont. murning 0'. a war: or nulng luDDea Chalet O'Nu. .viumu night. In View of the {not 1.....1. the priwner had fir-t been tucked the mlgmrne viewed the matter 8! an nuault Ind ned him 821 and com. M. . mmtino of Knox Chulch concre- Asaault-Mini:t;naI--Cau!o- count of Ballots. TOIOIt', Due. 27.Duid McLoi-ch In broubm up n! t'w Folios Cou lhil morning 0 ulnar" uf having subbed Chulel night. 8:1 and com. Al. I meeting 0! Knnx congre- gation. Rev. A.V. Mulligan wu unmi- mounly elected u I colleague of the Rev. Dr. anp. The recount of the bsllota in the Eut Dr. anp. The Toronto election in postponed until the: 3rd of Jamar]. owing to the absence of Hon. Mr. Morris. \[)y lClCVIuJIA lu'ully.) London, Dec. 26.A correspondent at Kurum up an Afghnn soldier in the British service in: bulged for ring his rie to wun bll countrymen of the ad- vance on Poiwu Pm. Eighteen other- woro sentenced to tenn- of from 7 to 14 yonrl' penhl Iervitude for deserlion. A oorreloondont at Kurum any: a pro- Ererulilm and Punishment of liltmry Traitors. your: penu Iervuuuo [or unleruuu. oorreupondent any: pro- clamation uf the Amser of Afghanistan: has baon discovered, dated November llth. It show. that. he had declared n holy war .gninu tha British. up. .1. Innd. Dva'lwa II new! I! wuuld rm hu not were he by n the Rrylll man an the axclwment the wrmw of pub plotting nynnu tm mmmrchn m In I ., o..