4) J. 11' M ay 9. -uuuuu. Ready R ed Palgt 01-36 I cnllon. mx . M. IV-_lO_RVSE,Y &.co. A o.A.g_:ING-. Krupp .4 sor/.7mmIr/5L0. ll lllll HHII5. The city can make a \'ery'comideral)le re- duction in the water rates paid by consum- ers and still realize enou hfrofn them to pay tho tnttl cool: of the wor 9, and I very con- Iidenblo sum baideI.which.|um will go in to the general fund of the city and benet 1 all thy uxpayermyhether consumer: of wa- I tor gr nqt. ' K- ...... .._.. I... ..-._.._-u-) .- . |__ _..--__ l aunvugv A_uIIvIn If the beer uclmcner in M indication _of. xnntinni fn|ulnnninn~ IO. nun It` In II. I|' In llllll lllf IIICUHIC `VH5 5`-L",uNJH. 5: . If the city takes the works nml keeps the rates as they are at present, it will only have to pay $0,000 per year, and will re- ceive $l5.3|9.95 to mike such payment. The dierence of $9.000 would go into the ` genonlfnndathc city and reduce the , taxes of every ratepayer by nearly one and a half mills. 'l`L.. -=A-. -.._. ._._I-_ _ ..-___ '.,__: )__-|,I, ,,_ IIICIYUII. For the year ending last. May, !SR7, mu , company made a net prot of over I2 per ` cent on $120,000 or $15,319.95 above all m:- ` Penel ` Thou; oirnonual Tin! vnnr \roro SW) 023 Q! 1 These expenses fast year were 9,`. 3S.98, and the income waa`$`24,558.89. H II... nlou 9-].-. ob... trnnlvn ....l l......\.. pl... uul. cl |U.UUu 10! we nctlltl working plant. The city can borrow money on its forty- ycnr debentures at about 4 per cent., and will only have to pay About !6,0(X)a year 1 in ordnr to pay off the 31,20,000 and interest thereon. L`-.. -L, ._-_., .,, I.-, , I 4 1| Innn .1 Fur the $l20,0U0 which the city pays it gate, in addition to the actual working plant of the company,` $4,000 worth of new , pipe and SL500 worth of new brus fittings, and $4,500, the city`: share in the. capital ztock of the com 1:)`. These make as good as 3115000 in cu. `and leave the city to pay ` but $110,000 for the actual working plant. citv borrow monev on in fnrt\`- -_.___- .._-.._v vv r-J. All manner of miuutementa Are circu~ lntiou in regard to the liability the purchase of the work: will incur, an-l.notwitlntanding Anything that may be said to the contrary. ihey will continue in circulation until voting dny. The nnncial aspect of the question can not he more plainly put "than by Mr. Whiting. one of the corporation`: couml, who, in I correspnmleuce to the finance committee , nid : n . | A{;... 5.... ..... ..J ,v.-- unvi ava u nu:-uvuw uvu--wvun The objectora-theee who can defeat the by-law if they will-are the property own- ers. and holders of leaaee which cover It period u long an that over which the debt incurred by the purchnae of the water ayr tem is calculated to run. Some of theee peo- ple are hostile to the by-law and may vote agaiuet it; and if they do they will have much to repent. In vdting for the by-law they do not approve of the addition of one mill to the rate of taxation. but they do give themaedvee the guarantee that the tire eer- ` vice will be improved. that thereby the cost of inanrance will be limited if not reduced, and that eventually every eue will be pro- vided with good water at a pribe which they cannot decline to pay. 9 All -.a-....-.. ..l` _.:-,.a-a-....._a- -... -_ -:._-.. Au oppoeition to the w:s`tcr worlu pur- chue hy-luv` in being in-lustrioualy worked up; and under circ1unn`tnncee,':vhich are: {imply lnekplicuble. it in inconcehjable why the cityjhould not buy the water Iyetem when it cm acquire the property at - it: own price. The oer of 8!i0.()00 originally mule_by the council for the work: we: nominel in character; it nu expected that the company would nafuu it, and that an arbitration (I to value Would follow. The |Tl i"`*\tl|! did qrgur, but in the mentirne the city had the inter work: examined by expert: whoee opinion was that the city would be fortunate enough in getting pom eeuionof them for Sl20,000. That the Arbitrator: should have named` this llguvrejn their award was a fortunnte coincidence, and that the people would endorse it unani- Imouuly Jvu not for e moment. doubted. 'l`|._ -L:-_A-._- .L_,. ___L_ ___. )_t__. .|_- lillolnmm. 1-`re-uh I-imp, Lard and Hutu,-r nlwaA)'u on hand. MRS. J. K. OLIVER. pounrsp mom THE mass. s'o u|eIpomlcnt, and-tlmt the ljhuz'a!p thouhl I...-.. ._I.. .'..!,!I....- L. he currenponding1_\' jubilum.. 7'rIw u'.'1'i:1: u'o/:k.s' sr.s'r1:.v.- ---i jun!-0 '11:-, llfl. llw-hn8n'1q_in Ghana. Jon- n:x+nm:I -::-.:'..'..e.""'?*- lPrlnc-an Bt.nt,uu` tit ` . Thou I 'S`.AAC-` ;t".%oT.%.T.s.x7"./ii: Inn:-`nu-u IAm.'lvIn `slit. discus . n `An, oanooulldonuyolumtnntmrchnrutea-a.nd I uuortmont. our stock is taxed] in the City at PRICES WITHIN REA 0!` ALL. A CHEAP TEA & BRMHASP A SPECIALTY. DAIBY 000113. at the choicest on wall the received d-Olly. ` OANNID GOODS crown and: at ~ We have lhmutlnfnouon of numberln with our [Btrom man now ouulomon. W ARE {`.5.`.f`.P.o.."` mg:.%`.....'.:`:.%"`k' o o in can ooundomy claim out for chum: ma . nnortmont. notoxoolled cm unnm ; mm - In - nouns. nit-hash: -I-oumm N}. .aa"Iei;'%o"v';."-E?53n no the simgle name: T _ X coo/rs FR/END /3, agmu/N5, Ginger Ale, Lemon Soda, Birch Beer and Cream So:`.n-lh0 nes: in [he oily. Davies Gold Medal Ale in pints and quarts. ~ 1'3.-\lso a ne stock of choice Wines and Uquors. JAMES THOMPSON, June 1. $1 and 883 Kink St 5 A I"UIV.l'4 EIVU11 llblll IV UDIV It contains neither Alum. lime. nor ammonia ; rind may be used by the most. delicate oonautu- i uona with perfect nfetmgu Trtucsu ST . arts! from lube vAE`(;` E IN THE KET, wells: or ouchly adapted to the em: 0 `the kitchen has excited envious lmltn ofits Mme ant! up I peannce. Beware at such. ' No addition 32- variation tron; OLA -3011: In nnnnnu "mam 3/ /va mos FLUID COFFEE. mm oanur OONVENIEN 1:: AND LUXURY or'1'_a;:`pa . _, j ` Rich and full avoured. wholesome. at ,.- lating. may 0 use.` economical. the gen l favourite. no I: p substitute of peas. wheat or barley. b `ulna Mocha and Old Govern- ment Java. t:1?'l-`or sale bly Grocers and Druggiats in lb.. 1b.. i l b. Bot: cs. Trial size. 5 cents. " aa I LYMAN'S a.onaa.:AI.A.A.l A-Ia; COOKS` 53; END , LY']5AI.A]NS concentrated Extract of Oafee .' / "\` 1-`on 'ru:'susms.- `II L I-`OR I'lC.VlCKI.\'G. \ .' r / 1-\ \(-`:0- llnnnnunvun nu-n Ityon are fastidious about your (`up of Ten we think our ENGLISH CONGOU will suit you. Fresh Roasted and Ground. July 18. AILLaLAA]u A V II yaaot IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. Ii nnvnnlnn nnhlmr Alum. Hm; nnr Ammnnln ennnod Mutt. Vegetables, Pg-ults. Gold Dust cornmeal, Wheat Ger-mi. Rolled Oats. &c. . Freshm Butter Always on Hand. JUST- Annuviti AT bias. 1. K. ouvenfs I-`me Ilums, Pic-m'c Hams 100., Bologna, Baron, fr. There in tide in {he .a'airs of men which, lakep at the flood. loads on to fortune. HENDRY & THOMPSON, Trade Mark on i;\:e_r;-p0_`dl4I8& GROCERIES ! P/usheshje/uets and Full Stock of New Trimmings open- ing up daily at -HARDY S.-J; V PRICES LOWER, A VAMETY LARGER, M STYLES semen, and W QUALITYAWAYAHEAD 4 [FALL DRESS GO0DS `l'(.`. cnoxcz FAMILY &~ 1uKmzs' FLOUR SEED GRAIN. PRESSED HAY. CLO- ` VER AND TIMOTHY SEED. Four Hundred and Twenty-Five ` Pieces New July 27'. ii6bER1Es, L-IQUORS. COFFEE I Fancy` and Staple Grocers`; 425. THE CELEBRATED awvllu--v 1-uv\vvn1 -.u.w.u's ARRl\'l.\ G- OF LAST SEASON. Opened and rady for inspection. % C- D- FRANKLIN, Po}. I \lAuvr-r I-I 1 n I - . nu y_.._y -.-._-. BAKING `I30WDER- uvnn nnvv Afh 1'). .DR'Y GOODS. . Intuutthmbrllinh __.....-.._ .. .,.........,. . 1unurmu:c;Aacni`:y, _ _ Ford : Block. - - - Baook Street... .h._--- 1I'tnIc.cnyamd'<. `auntie:-the G!ns~ . . wu dlllwzl - M n puny. - - u :olvIr L `- M" . Aurel}... n-1 tuazmntt, ALF.RED R. ..l(A_RTIN, 'nAnAnn1nmn J a-gain.- """" "" ""' ` 9 Cash Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I.M).(lX).(l) .'l,otalA-ou"JAnnuI.ry llr!z888.... 8.I)I.fl2.w Loses paid nyoan .......... .. a:.4no.ono.oo The] Fire Innu-an Common the continent. ta Annual um lpta in , Cumin and the United States larger than thooootpnyother Gompumnnd than noun blemished:-ooord in can. uguua... JXu:ssw1n.uun. mm mm ntsumun mm, HARTFORD CONN. _ ' - Subscribed 041 mu ............ ....;..2.ooo.ooo ` Total Invested unds u wu-daot .... . .aa.so1.onu \ Tom] Income . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . 7684]. Insurances t by accept- E11`! 01;! at the low current rates A settled without rafarnnna toi amnun Ass3n_Lnan comm. ___ Nearly` all the litigation and resisted settle- ments in Life Assurance arise from clauses .uul conditions in the policies. They often read "indisputable utter two years from any cause whatever." "provided onl ." thntthe conditions arekent intact. The S `X" isahoolutel l'.\f- (-oxnt-rloxn. and therefore absolutely ndis- `1;Iixtnl;le_atter two years. We have no "provid on y. '` L :'`. .I-15` ."`.`.i'1} ""l.'xa' "' o s us 0 c o e .r . ' Assets . . . . . . . .; . . . . . .. .. I.573t027.l0 New Life business for 18% 3.llI.788.40\ Lnrs: Axn AocIn|c.\"r. For rates spply to I!` (`V `D11 1 in l}....-..\.. .........-.. JUST T/ZIE THING F0}? P/0-N/08. ro.iZ.:`u`. ;'.'T5i`.?'1o1'i.`3`u1-:`z`.}';`}""" .'.'IT.i..:'1 . 1- Fire bosses . . . . . . .. 040.285 -' r Ufa Losses . . . . . . . . 25.30.15 , Lnmr Insurance In a L`o'y so pertoqtly secure. The Company still maintains its claim to - doing the largest Fire Business In the world. The Commny has actually mid since its in- sun LIFE .;ssgn_mcE comm. This enormous Premium Income out , convince naurod otthe desirnblm of p l their Insurance in Co's` perfect y secure at; nuuuulu nu ur: pnal. gas was (mung! I ( doing the largest Fire Business In the world. Comgmg actually mid since its in- formation 1 e ollowingl summ- .For LiNv'a.1BHoli-And London am am TXT.CIfPA IYIVF IVl'UI' aavnrvavc-4v IJJJ \J\I It Own of the but and Safest bompnniea doing buslneu in Ccnsda. Insurances ellbcbed at no-low rateaas any ` 'P::.::r?.3 .::::.*;::;.-.mm Net income for the past you In: 88.85! 200. o in :0 at the dad:-nhlmv at n mains! lllll UIIUTIIIUIII l"l'Elll.lI.llll IXIXIIIC 0 HI; 3 cm Co`y perfoqt y Company 1 SEC.0ND -. HAND BOOKS ' t th 1 OCT. I tOI_ olnuna $tt1`do`;1n.vvI!:>utrofomcu":oer:'o mm .. ,, % w. H. GODWIN.Axent for Kingston. ` Men. 18. Rm-nan Wruo Orncxz. -FLOUR STORE. Preliminary Report of the (`dmmiosion ap pointed by the University of Pennsylvania to investigate MODERN SPlRITL`ALlS.\l in ac- cordance with the request otthe late Henry Seyhg.-rx, 81$). PROGRESS AND ROBBERY, Ml answer to Henry George. by J. B. 3-llcr, so cents. . id . Henderson & 00., I i S p/"r/'z`u.a//sm Exposed. F. NISBETS, Princess Street. May Court House. Citroen`: Unlverlig. I omnn Catholic hutch. Royal Military College. {on enry. ere e Pom Barrack Gate. Kingtton Mllln. Jones` Falls. St. George : Church. Merchants` Bunk. Con egntlond Church. \\ at more Iuimble mrmt L`on uonu Church. \\ at more suitable memento than .1 few the above sc-nt(}o an absent friend. ` aoo. (`Ry Build _ New Queen lroct .\h-lhodnst Church. Rockwood Anylum. Court House. Onm~n`n l'nIvnI-nhv, . A SPECIAL (H-Z.\'l-ZRAL MEE'l`l.\'G of the Hhart-holders of the Kin ton Electric ' in Co. 1Limited>,for consider I: and sanction ng By-law No. 1. I by l 0 Directors Julg Ulli'. {E751 rar hlflno 6! IEO l:abili1 toe " of the said Company. will he held at the (`am- A 11!. 9. We harem ewck A collection of Beautiful PhoIo|'raphs~-elxo. 8x10 lnchee- uskcn by Henry Honda!-Ion. Photo Artlel which for Artistic Excellence and Superior finish cannot be aur mued. We append n partial list ofluhjecu :- rd'I I e View 0! City from Fort Henry. ' Mu-ket uu-e ion a Saturday) from City Hall doe. August 9. ViewsofKingstonand Vicinity? July 18. her or lh0 Montreal Btu. Price In coma.- H 0 you read the New Book by the author of `n Hur." ontltlod "The Fair God." PTICI.` in paper. 50c;. cloth. 70. Leave your order! now for tho Jubilee .\'um of the Montreal star. Price is Hua mu rend tho New Book by (let a co y and bocomevfamiliur with the Airl and! on before the preuexiution hero on June In and 2nd. Vocal Score-PrlcO|1. Plano 8ooro-Prlc 76. L1brett,o~PHco 25. WIJII-P1100 Qt THE wncws cunsi, 0AI.IFl_]B.N[._A B}1}TIl@1"_ yams: Gilbert and Su|lIvan s `RUFDDIGORE, Second-Hand Books bought a nd sold by B90KND MAGniEs~ nut sq: domo. Iv Build] NEW OPERA. r -u. -w-`van INST!-IEANCE _c53T`. -1 AL- |._.4 -_.I a-n__. _ ,___-_, ,, A. SIZIIJIIONDS, El. Pmxcn-3: . 'IlV1e Corner Bookstore. ` Inn . 1837."? fU\'Tl of_ Com: n{'s oicolnt A '_ THE El.l`. Oran '03. Lemons, Cocoanuts, Apples,&c., at the %AZAAR. -!REEs BRos"-,` Julv I9. Man. Confectioners. BOOKSELLERS, INSURANCE. $3 25. l THOMAS BRIG (3 97,930,510 Acnml r ur nuns apply (U 304 Gonnox S1-man - UR`. Kingston Agent. onnga sand uolnanf. mu . held In the (`am- Ba{x'solcoint o `it o! in ton. on T Es- '. THE ELEVE. TH DA OF AUGUST NEXT at tho: lmnr nf Inn n'nln(-I: n,m, DA Y. THE.` l'.'LE\'l'.'N'l`Il DA \' UI-' ALUL : NEXT. at {he hour of ten o'clock n.m. Dated this lat day of August. A.D. 188.`. J. M. CAMPBELL. Sec) . :- As far as Alexandria Bar. stopping at IWO ls- land Park both ways. Silvinx excursionists one hour at I e Park. To-marrow (Wednesday) Afternoon. Lunllles and have A good time. Sports And umuemenu of all kinds have been arranged for. F111!-olnll Qundrllle Band,lc. There will be n match between the Wolfe ls- MAUbs" CHEAP E X 0!//?8/0/V H0!!! l0V$ P0130!` 8 wnurr Ill 1un.m.. I21} I11` 3 p.m. W. Irl'.\'.\'. J. .\lASslE. (`lminnan o!(`om. Secretary J. l.ATL'RNEY. Treasurer. - Julv `IR Feb. 4, A use Supply o!FR38E OY8'I'ER8. ' 1-'azsa`aoLoaNA. siusnans. cmcxam, HAM 65 roxauz. _ Lfmp Goods, Plated Ware, Cutlery, &c., ' wart can_ in nu Bout: In)~ :1 (`Manda M ullden.` . *7 Um I - n5u':'fx"J unmenerui" Apr-1113. * Channel Grove: Wednesday, Hg. 3rd. Eveiyboddy come and bring your wives and mmilies n have good time. Snort: kinds arranged fol`. Hm.-onus Quudrule l:|and,lc. Is- land and Barrieeld Base-Ball Hubs. l.f'l`io|mt|-15o. Chllrlran, I51`. ANQIETNT onusniiiurzn WORKMEN mu m city. uJ-U'i July 19.- Elector: 0% to tho By-law. as well as lhole {Avon e to II. are reaueslod ,to be prt-~ sent. in order that I full an (air ducuasion of ll`w Iumoot nu be had in the lnm-osu of the c tr. GRAND Ul_9l_|(_)N PIC-NIC HIDEAU WARD--Wez1needIy Evening, Aux. 8rd. Rosebud tun. cor. and Gordon Streets. ` FRONTENAC WARD-Thux-eds`; Even- ing. Ans. uh, in front of the Centre] School. on Sydenhun Strpeti VICTORIA WARD-Fdly Even . Aug, 5th.`e.t.'the Grove Inn, King St. West. Prchld dToauh;I|lmqoo! `on; ygnreuig Nu In n33 at l`o" pan. 2: follows : -3 / ' T- \ A a St _ of Pk-aa'ur Rmunnd Shooglng snug man anddq.-oer! mom for rule. No walk can exceed In nu-cnm nlld n-aIlni.~-~- Stennmr lcnvvs I-`olgcr`s Wharf at 1230 31.111. Id !-`are for round trip 25 cents. A no -`I In` A I.`l"Ill2l.`l) PL/31/E ' M`EET//V68` WATE R WORKS `BY-LAW 'ITIEl!}_LY ANNOUNGEMENT. AUB- ihnmhnldnri of the Kimntnn lI`.lm-I.ri- Liaht _ Ilprurl nn4'l Wholesale Dealer: In 4 Mud and uomcnelu Haw-Hau nuns. \ icketI-25c. Children. 1.50. V I 30:11 leaves Folgefs wharf at 10 a.m.. 1:2!) and n.m. ` JOHN CARBON. .\lyor. Kingston. lat Au.. I87. Will have a day`: recreation and upon at sum or : work can llnnn I: 95150-r` No'J;;oE- AMONG THE l.(XJO ISLANDS. _AM`IB_CELLAN'EOUS. - -.__._ ._.__._____ _-, _ Very ne. at the I .-\ZA.-XR. srtor. Iootli-um Preston. Lawn , Hose Reels, Garden Hqo, mm III lint: A13` `Han. and Eng.- 0! those enuud1.o vote on the | III I ITIIBIIIU FIIKIIIFIIIU Bum u`: coed sujcngt nu an); Ilylc; second to none In nllderu. ' USE lhcfasn 0! 1.1 `ngan twill . he xl `xt l.l1`.\'lI. 1'}! DA -llWIl`I, nvuv {Ivan}, unnucu 10339 U011 Boan.Door,.,Hate. A_nte Ron and Brush In nnannu, I. lace--u'cruu Unvfltarlqui Ldr - ' -nu-o. J. KNAPP is 301?. cram . itv nf -I-J in V T X}- Man. Confectioners. MAHKIT Hqrucs. F. FOLGER. /(N/GI-I78 III. Ituuu |`II3lII _n_u - uu--u \vn -u-`J -~- Vdnwed in thin light it in imI_ Inrprining that the conservatives of Quebec ulii'>iil?T1'~'.' tnemseuzou than me mercior-mcannne uvj ernmeut haveall the element: bf stab ity before joining their f`0l'tl'll|l*_I with thou of lhe ministry. The teuuleucyf event: will decide the course of tho` wavering. Had it is` safe to redict that the pg-'ece'nt ndminiIti_a_- tirsmwi remiin "in oice with iinnjoritryof at lent Iwenty _i;i`u tram of uixty-ve.` tr:........: 3.. .|.:. u..|.. n a. '...g .........a.:m- vernmeut or me (nary. . Tho capture 0 gnirle. Temiscouata. Ottawa, Nicolet,_ and aakinonge will make a diereuce of ten vote: on a division, or with only.1Laprairle, Temiacouataanll Ottawa plunging taco. a difference of aix votes. But the ovemmenti gain will not and here. In the egialativa IlIlIl_b_ly there are aewral members who are morelywaitin to aatiafy 1 themaelvoa that the Me_I`"oi6r~.\lcghane ov: .............. i._....~..n .1... ..I-........o. `.6 an}. int TfEvV'6()'b"T HAonsEv's%Hb"WAnE HOUSE. A In WHICH lney are lllllulllllfly HILIU. Lairairie panes under the banner of the llercler-Mcblhane govemment, making a difference of two on a division in the legisla- tiye auembl . Temiacouata in about to do the same`. t elected Mr. Deachenea, con. Iervntive, last year, buthe ha: been obliged to resign,` and will aupport:the candidate of the government, to thatthe seat is practi- cally won. The teat: taken by the con- aer\ atlvea in Nicolet and Maakinonge, last year. are also being vacated for` violation of the law. Maalxinonge was carried by a small majority. and there is little doubt of the country now declaring` for the government. Mr. Coftnier, who was elected for Ottawa county, has been obliged to resign, and itis pretty safe to redict that n maprity of the elec.-wra willv found aupportlng the go- `vernment of the da . A u'l'I.- .....o..... n Ihnwi-in Tnnniannnavn u.-.J.....l v. VIII -_v.-J- `r\I vv...~...l.-v..-.4 It in well-known that several doubtful comtituencies in which rovincial elections are presently to be held ave been watching Lnpmirie with intense interest. `It was be- lieved that if this conservative stronghold` could be ruptured by the new provincial go- vernment it would settle the complexion of many others, much as Temiscouatu, Ottawa, Nicolet, .\lukinongu.~, etc. The decision of Luprnirie. under the circumstances, is most important, and may well lend the conserva- tive: to ask thcmselven whether there is really any constituency in Quebec province in w ich they are uheolutely safe. Lnnrnirin mum: under the hnnner n? the LA PRA [RIB ELECTIO.\'. The .\Io_ntreal_ lhrnld states why so much signicance is attached to the La- prairie election, which occurred qtraturday unl.renultel iii the return of r. Goyette, Lupporler of the .\lercier};yzrI`1I|ient by as mnjority of 9. ). Says on contemporary : An!` 2. ..._II I........} AL; -_..-_.I .l....LA..I . experience gained injhe use of the. dietary , hot weather. In the use of proper diet the ` protection of the young from sickness prin- lt has been mend,` says the Journal of Ru`0Il~II'VII'fiI'H, that the gastrointestinal complaints so prevalent with children, espe- cially in the summer, are intreclueut in those from whose dietary meat has been omitted. and who are fed largely on milk. Dr. (`ions-ton, after saying that he agrees with lir. Keith, who has preached an antiesh crusade in the bringing of all children up to eight or ten years. continues : "I believe that by a proper diet and regimen. more than in any other way, we can tight against and counteract inherited ncumtic tendencies in children, and tide them safe-ly over the periods of puberty and adolt-scen.-e." A few facts are worth more than any a priu.-`i reasoning. These may be `gleaned from the of the `orphans home and asylum of New York, which has been used without any material change for the past twenty-seven years. During this time the rarity of dis- turbances of the digestive. organs has been remarkable, and the recovery otthe child- ren suering from other diseases. such as scarlet fever, has been exceptionally rapid. Especially would it seem that this diet was suitable for those who show any tendency to disturbances of the `nervous systeln, either_ inherited or acquired The death rate in the institution has been extremely low. The number of children is about H5. Quilti- rsn are not admitted under three years of age. Only those over eight years old have meat, and these only three or four times a week with their dinner, and at those meals milk is omitted. An acquaintance with these facts may lead some people to more successfully care for their children in this cipally lies. __ A correspondent of the umllton 7)'uis points out thnt..in recognition of the service rendered by .\l r. :~'yl\'ester'Neelun, to the government candidate at the last election his vessels are locked through the Welland from either or both ends to St. Cetharines whenever they arrive at the same on Sun- day. No other vessel `man is so well treat- ed, and the ,-ircumstance is exciting re- mark. \\'hy'_',should` Mr. Neelon beio spe~ oially accouimodated on the Welland or any other canal! He has not been any more subservient of the ' govermnent than the host owners in the east. He hss certainly never issued a circular-letter to his em- ployoes, telling them how paternal the government had been in ite care of the for- warders` interests, ,.nnd how necessary it is that that paternal government should he sustained. If he did issue such a document none of those receiving the same was so im- prudent as to hand it to the press for publi- cation. Mr. Neelon, Indeed, has not been so useful to the party in power as some men we know of, and why they, the nutocrsts of the water, paying an hundred cents to the dollar," should -submit to this discrimina- tion against them. in one of. those `things = which no one is able to understand. N. u an `ear. Ann ind to the paper In one of the boot Job olcel In Canada: xvii]. Ilyllnh and ch;-np_ work ; aim raved r tlngareues. E W. J. . PE. E. Proprietor. Tm~:'IImrml \\ m_n In n`l{\liahq-d every even. ` hm. ul. it'll King :~lIrcv . lnustnn. Ontnrlo. njnlx |oLLAuu 1-It-R YEAR. A\I)u;u'r"iic.\u:.\ 1-ii. For four lines. one or two Inneniona . . . . .10 50 50!` four llnel. each uubooquell lnaortlon. . 25 ver four lines. that insertion . . . . .. loo porlino Each Iubooauontoonncuuvoln so " Uncoawoe Inbooquent Int. . 100 'v` Twice I week. nuhnequunt inn. so " '0: Throonweekzou uemlno . . . . .3 Go Mm Inn: at lllrun. on-rlnnan And Death: 500. The wxcxcxnv mcfsn .wmo. 3 pages as oolumno. 0 published every Thnfdnynm-ning at 01 l `oar. I WICUII VIII. Iullnvnquulll. nun . . . . .. cu Go Notice: of Births. Mr and Death! 50. ouchmnleu when "-booked. when 01 lnchnrged. \ Special notice: In rounding column: are churc- od at nun rates. TI1E_1_3AIi~3r Wiiic-` Crockery, China, G|ass`ware,% -Qj ju-A-an-p -- -- I " Opi/`er per Orbem Dicor." J! Ix . .\'l.'E1. 0.V'S FA 3'0 URS. FOOD FOR CIIlL1)RE.\'. ANNOUNCEME-NTS.` \ J . TH! Bl{I'I`l.\`lI "\%\t1II1;. '1`l`I:.<|>.\,\'. up was mcunm somebody the Nov l.:'_n Too We}. M ...."`-.17 `r "an I NonScoi:. V ennnipectca lgztttulil 1:, in naming moiutun um boxqnua lp: ` mmahodv the. ' A :.Thero in no part of.0ntu'io`"which would- _derivo greater but from commercial. \auion,"' ' ` I L7_`f_P`r:hoess ;S;t., lbw V if sclmoper nmicd taeudenuien it we a 1 well to ` -n-Onlu 41.- l.L- gm..- . IA. nolugn Inn...--.~ \ nnuucu IBll0I|l.IIII II WONG DI WGII I ` watch the [sh venue): fbr other b_ood!0rI.' I 4 Why may 3 me Luna 9 [ Chlcdco 'l`_hneI. It IL). L... -..|...-__- :- -_` 3-)}... ` Banging |t_.|IQ Pi:-Cy; - V 3:. cnmmnu Journal. 'nu,,,,, 2, _, _.,_. ,p:x,.__~- u___I_: -......-`.. -.... ..... vn ..-... -mm -- ---- -- ,J J :- To ,\'otae for the by-law is to roxoct ones interest and "keep down ta tion ;-to Vote sgninst it mean; ntin tion of the pre- sent qrder of thi and creaqd-uxntion._ Iince t_he corp ny fl be sure to Imkq it: charges against the ity -sJzi,';h the law will permit it to 1 ' unu SUI. IIU Tlflllrll IUl' IE. Let. the electors ponder over these facts before they vote on the by-law on Ahguay 10th. Let those in the upper part of the city especially become familiar with ail the - dntn, before attending the meeting tt/ hiclx `the wager system of the city in tg"be din- cusseul. The dzgty of every \'o_t}/in plain. 'l`.. ...-.1... 4'..- AL- I.-. I-... .1- A- ........s ......| uu: puu:c|,|Uu Ul ll! Elly IFUIII llflf, IIIHBSI the city [')y_e- 8 per cent annually on the - outlay. [he city can borrow the money to. do the some for about 4 per cent. The re unit of the negotiations with the company wu that it demanded $4,000 a year for water at the hydrants end for improving the eer- vice for re protection. This exection forced the city to the arbitration which has result- ed ao favorably to the city. If the city does ' not now purchase, it will have to pay in the future $4,000 3 year to the company, inetegd of $275 as in the past, and this will come out of the pockets of all the taxpayers, whether consumers of water or not. The city will also have to pay the cost of the arbitration and get no retnm for it. lpf. flea nlootnrn nnnnlnr nvnr tlu-an fut-tn BUM WIIICII I'll! go "IEO me general Hint]. If the works are not purchued, the com- pany has demanded from the city $1,500 1; year for the use of water at the twent new hydrants, and 875 a year for every ad ition- ll hhlrnnt, The nnlnnnnv hnn Al-n I-ofnnml uyulgnula, am: am a year mr every unmou- al hvdnnt. Theycompany has also refused to make any im rovement to in work: for the pyotectjou o the city from re, unless the citv nnvl.-IH her pent nnnnnllv nn thn un" or nqli. No one can be compelled to take water and pay for it unless he wishes to do so. In cities where this is done it is because they have special acta, giving the power We have no special act. Those who now take the water will be benetted`by the probable reduction oftheir rates. and by the application of all surplus moneys id by them, after meeting the or- dinary orking cxpenaes and the annual chargeof $6,000 to the general funds of this city. which will lighten their ordinary us- sesament. Thou who do not now take the water can not be compelled to do no, and n will not have to pay anything towards the i S6,(X)(l a ea`:-=or th5`-*'works. They will, neverthe ess, receive the benet of any pur- pluu/ever the 86,000 paid by the conlnmeh, and which will go into the general fund. If the work: Ara nnt. nnrehn.nad_ tho r-nm- R6HEfs%dj1%Brofhrs, 4