% POWDER H LA-..-`ALA nnnnn GREAT RUSH TUTHE GMHEAPSIDWE Some uf the Lhoicest liomls still left to select fn-m. Leave your ouler in season and secure A Bargain C- ROBINSON. Sweeping Redu%ctior1sTWBaT1r1_e of Spring & Summer Stogk Ac. ROBINSONS The most comfortable foot wear for this hot weather. ` D. F. ARMSTRONG nun RIG [Al .nl.llDl|lnndh fl` ILTIO 90! '13: 3%? 8Ill5 lJ o'I:`3|O |.(:ulI|ud"P:rI. coma: ll Alzxind: '13: not morning. `PM: In the only luucnger Steamer mouth: the nnmd trip. A: III! In ouch um III Cum! mod ion in II] . MI gIEL'1`3.":nmlw1;::a:il:lno mp 3. `Only 3:`! %'I"-tho"4':\n'I'\d 1%? i a-3 Mays. us. swzfr. Atom. sz. hwnngo What. lilngstqn. VVn Qltlu ZZQIZL - Will commence hot I! In Wooka Ixcunlon `Trip INK`! Islh Shy (run KINGSTON to I10 TRIAL. lhonoo mturm by the turn and Rlduu mute. runnln all the` Raw and throu In tho nuuchlea uconory ol the Ridun lakeo and MD Id 5 by dn ` I. Tho ROI will remain our Sunday II the LCM hind Purl. Au-xnndr ` the only luwnner making trip. moon null WIGWAM SHOES Aug. 2. ` 7-'br Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and 0/u'Idren. lhrilmpnrohuod the Iludwaro, 3l0\'.0llI1d/ nnn uIlneuot'l1aon. lnaunon we will any on the business. Hnnlvmn. Paints. at u-lento onmmnwith nnv homo In an e h`. . .\'.B.-.\'ole .-\ge`nt for Knight of Labor Emblems. Aug. I. """==eeoaee ou.n=r". % [um um wooo mosuss, agnernl ea!` Eda Agent. n. ....u 111......` L. L. - `-Jjly '7. White and Oolornd Dress Uuslins. only Five Cents. Chambrays, Secisuckcrs. lawns, Drillcts. all Reduced in Price. Big Drive: in Due: Goods, llo_sq'gry. corset: and Glows. Our Great cheap Sale is still going on. .. McCo|l Bros. & Co.,% Toronto, %AB%o `t J":I:' CAIRPETQ ram mom umon meanness srunm In order to make room for Fall Purchases. the humans. uuuwu-e. Hunts. at ` to compare with houuo in the c ty. very description 0! Tin. heel Iron and Con ` 5:-nwuv mnnnhcturod. I-`Int.-chm: workman \ HEADQUARTER. SHOE `STORE. 1 I PRINCESS STREET. RICHMOND, 033 any Bowms & BIsoN:a:"I-'1:-13:- `w'.oAnu1.'1' " .'usria.' . - _ . _ . . V , . :3- :M:f:E'AUJ:.. ---.-\'l'-- Wellingtoh St, I doorfrom Princess St. 770 PRINCESS STREET. - v- uvu VIIVVIUH % _"iiIf"MA'LLEN. Call and see my of the above goods. which we an now oerlng much elow Regular 3.`--- Murray & Tay|or s, - .--_wy:-q -' mm cppodto `nmzi oh} smut ` _. Mn hand km` and -and mini:-`k M Irina`. Go:-ndlunoui und'.\'I'Boon In this department we a Complete Stock o! the following goods : In colnootlon will the ubovpv l to thank my friend: in the on country for o Innonnnonnn extend to me since ME/V 8DEPAI?TMENT| OOLLARS, GUI-`F8, HANDKEREHIEFS, Braces, Dress Shirts, Ovonlls, Cot- ton Working Shirts, FhnnalWork- ing Shirts, Fine Flannel Shirts, - fl, 1-; Murray & Taylor's. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, nu ache. in vm. A nun-S} or 3'o'-'}o'&a"7'm mug!` and o? m In oulnpnrluu mkwnulno '"'.m.'"&"` `K E'>'f;'u'1.'B'.`':`:'. '~g_'m"w n 00.. |a`v.n sum. wn {INCH RlNCESS` STREET, I|.I__.;I.. A-_..JA_ I'I.-LI.lII!- II J A-_J otD.l`.Arnutrou|. lnformhh E331. that he huopono(`ln:'li:4;l|ud8hoo ARK H'PI-ien always the Lowest at 178 PRINOES '8'l'REE'1`. '.:..:.;'po...." 7.; xv. srmxrs Gdohntod A.p.caow.\'.(:)uan:-and _ I In-nknn - Atent. Italy It GENTLEMEN, BIBBY -GLTIIRTUE. __-Apglutoly Puts: L` 6Iv.OcIu. mum GONFEGTIONEBY and CIGARS. _ All thevery but and ehenpnt. 7 wn. vm1',cL r for 1-. 0. Rudd. ~ won-use oxunaou unce rdwgn. Stoves and `flu busi- . recommend the new nun an rnnndnnng IIU IIIIYUVI [U IIIIIK In the oil country 9 I. Stovm And Tin bunt. ;.-=-:...~' --'.:':.::' . I - #3`; Vanna - .Tc. I 1-...) .....|pI_- 0...... hub . nnuulglou Hahn on I utockol oo'.Gon oullvu-lct.loI.nlso [nder- lltlglllowulll ltmllrniulrul comiduupn. From St. Louhlzo New 0rlunI.;`howIj1`d-. thou-umc mun Vim-. mennnthjdbnsypgnnouuun lu-gostum- cuaweek purregnlnrlytroln 8t.Lou_iIUo llanphb and mtnnuand the Memphis and 8t.I4>uiIPucket4o5ompany:tillcurI1eudown` ncu-lxwo tonnof might you-ly,u|deu~; nut u.-pu ,0 I wopreuwtul nag:-aving.i_s.orvvn.tIno!a:-gutwninnron tutu-nvvnhn-plyingon tholgwprlhb pl-and no hwouly tbgl II-avulultviudbiu-punalddullt And `tboelouottlncounntyycnn otdovolop nous and decllboizomu unIhbhi0u:t:u uunumu lallI.I'hIel\ uaa rairlglvovcr. tzumw-nun I `laced. m: ;-vmry uncut .Iuay_ln. - put on Anthony. and an mu. Anson Korthnpmndo regular trip: `ennui rxvumntollaniuuln. Thanh now ndnoaatolllghtdnnghtuumu-sonlower Rallrivir. Luke Wlnnlpq and H13 Sh- htclmnn; baton thonppur Ihinipplnnd Iinourl the nllI50b.0m..thotnquent mn- mdh-iagu uuovum unnlnu are a muuulgl-vl!|l|n'InKIllIIL Fain Bk Innhln Ilivvw .--on `.w---nag.--an can any uouwuvunn :- llidalppkund on: may now stnyuoveral dnyoin thonuon ns0m|ha.Yanhonor othornp river cities Irithoutseeixuauauner had. Aaenliynllhaowainnimniengo tndoat&.Pnul;`not long nnutbosh wen sou pun-u up w aatqwu nun nscurn. Now tin summer volnnn of tho Wa- buh at the above city is ucnrceb in ex- oen onto rah reqnlumum, and the whistle otucoenmu-lnrudy lcudAbovoTen~o Hum. Thonnroudukilldd all the Ichemes tor lmpmvanenn . The lipid rulllnnul development-a phe- .. nounnon which gmvn more wonderful the momitis suldlcd-has struck ntaqrfnl hlowutrlvercommeron tbomuonri and ll:_J-4-I. --.| an. ---- _..- .3... ........I IWJILTNQII UT. III KITKU CUIIIK-y, III 3) after to Iafuotte. the head of navigation. We ndounoto mile in the old law: and orders which show what immense ilnp-u-hum the pioneols of Indiana attached to their wnu-r routesmuoconld not en-ct a ism on any creel: near the river till he had applied to ' the court, got View-en nppoiuwdnnd teoordod theirvonlict that his dam would not (I)- struet navigation." Now It is almost impou- sihlotogetn listener to any proposition tow improvothoriver. For thirty years, though ` thouuonolboatinggnw shoreerutho}. countrywIaekarodo(_Iinber,thtnll|owu` immcuo;umuyuI|xIymomenononeu- HIl|lIn'n'tA"k and nnhu-n 5IIWI.IE3I`BIlUI IJIU VJIIIU CIIIIICE aippl below Cairo, exciting everywhere the wildcat enthusiasm. On the wqtern river! the progress. was amazing. and in the old records we nd mat- hertorwondar at the amount o! trac on veryamall atn.-ams-Wabash and Gneen river: for instance. Early In 1% the Florence whised a reveillo to tho squatters when now stands the city of New Harmony. and in the May rise` of that year she landed I big cargo at Term Hauto, exciting great en- thusiasm In 1% the Ploughboy commenced legular trips on tho Wabash, :;ud in the rise of 189-Ithoeboatwant up to the month of Raccoon ctaak. in Parks county, and soon Afbr tn Infniqth. tho hand nf nawinnrlnn IJ, T III SIC IIVCW-IE IIIIIWCIKT IIl'I volopment ol steamboat male was bowllden hair HIM _, In 1811 Fulton and Liv commenced building summer: at mu urg; In 1813 the Comet commoncodrogulnr tripnonthemydo, In Scotland, and In lslnhrgestnmer want `chowhoaeunguaot thoOhioandthe uni. ninnl halo: (`Ail-A nrninn nvarvu-ham Hm WIZEI: III II" T`-3 Ilx may yet aver. that theyever new lntlnlr lives. in 1633-8 eteaanre Inalthrlieuleveu ontheunalleatrlvereol theweet; and river tuuu grew up hyeteanhoat tnlnc where Iowtheeteamerbwhhtbie neverheani. The Inaltipliv.-atlon of unhoata val almost aerapld.onee the eyeteuwu p|~ovedasuc- eeeaaethatot ruined: hauinoe been; yet Dill weeea lea; tine elperinnnting helote they pin-d moon. ddle wheel! (12 propelling vaele were used before the Christin era; but thent re- oonled attempt to employ ate-arn {or the pun was in me by Blaevode Ga`-ay. William enry, of Chester county, Pa.. put a model steamboat on the Conatoga river in 1768; and D`Auxiron and Peder achieved quite a I moceae in France in l`"a'~l-5. The lluquia do Jouroy continued their experiments ten year: with some woven: and in 1786 Jamee Runteey ran a boat four milee an houron the Potomac. John I-`itch got his first experi- mental steam:-r on the Delaware in 1790. and in 1790 ex:-ital general astnnlslnm-ut by 1nriug- . in; her speed up to eereu and a half miles an hour. Meanwhile many successes had been attainal in Great Britain. and Robert Fulton rana steamboat on the Seine in 1&3. He soon returned to America and began that eerie: of labor: which resulted in starting the Clermont. Aug. 7. 1817. from New York for Albany, and making the trip with` im average Ipeed of five miles per hour. llaukiml were apparently nntso enthusiastic then as now (and much scanner in America); yet they made a great to-do over h:lton`s success, and very justly pronounced it the inauguration of uneven. Theoranvaellllteet loug.vrith 18 teethearn. 7 feet depthand lmtona onrdenzthe paddle wheels were ill teet in diameter and the boiler was I) feet law, after 'lhet&eplIId8ledIinhl DIN` in Hnmnlx In nut m|-A altlnwlnnl lJlIllVIl'lUuw;Iulu lqru-nu. vuuulu. nnmam-kt Cut Work spa nnvanueunazn'a'nnt?imo'ia:w'q`:'r"I 7 $47 In} -IIIOITWIXI Hf` they Pbmnix was put ou-a tide wheel uhuner-and utter a hip near NawYork went bynato tho Dolunu. Tbunafur wade- nnlnnmnnt nl mnmhnnt tmin was hnwllnn Iulxluulu unml nnplluuu ull IDU lllr rlvvr. _|nd tho New York, `whlc_I henna] undo waxy-tourmllu cnhouontho Iinduomh hulnnrl A nnnrvnlnnn nnlwnnnno unit It Inna Dunn I$jlIIl$lI$Vf$lVI`IX "INTI?" Inudiwithlntho ncmoryollnnuotlllvln . Old:-Iunnuol Iouthornlndluu nndtho Joann! pans of Kentucky sun tan with bl-lghtnuadqyootthnvoodnrtuldnylnlslo whnntlnnliutunu-pnnddownlhelower Ohio: how the now: that she was coming wu Ipucd through the country a week baton, how bullion mm: in wagons hnrn thn dawn` h-anal rlhtnnf. nml law`-, uuw lllllulu than all V|I`VIll nun two days` tnvol dhunt and mmpdontbdvclnnhcudhowuuuw loan footed population nearby crowded to . Burl outing on small WOIIOPiI sen:-n., on: `fat in Dooilno lot Forth- `lw llopnnltuiin Blur 3.900-Tho Gnu ugpubl_Ie_ and the New York. Frourtho primitive Ciarmouturith which Fuitonwuhd thcchoaolthoiludnn high- lqn_iIin)&i'I,|_nd whuieron Illlilwllllim JOIN `QC`!I|0IIGlVIIBD|)Il' o onthointturinr. Ann`! [ha Nan York, "hh6I rnnnntlv Innnln IWIIII"IUIll' II: III IIUI' I Will. - lndndumnolou udvgnco; uyzlthuboon lnnah within (In nnmnrv nf man still "vino. Iourmmo "ABOUT rrs ms: AND ITS PRESENT oecuus. RIVER NA VIGATION. w"i`llE |}Rl'Fl$li V\\'Hl(.` 'l`lll..7 l{Sl).-\Y. .-\L'Li.A"4. NEW BQQT AND SHOE STORE. urgnuler geutrlll. Inllslnwnmulo `dint of Thoohlo .I Egln J1...-`AI -.. \'UWU'Jw' III"`* _ `I _l .1 ` ward was mnlb axxmauuzsu. coxpv. , nluktnr rsldeuz for tho Uliitevl states at Dunn. `Jpun [ah narum ho n-:z::ul di- tinl claclcv - I 71:9 ';'u_edn C5`l:u:.:1 31 ....'. l hIlla_'<"l:r! Ir:..~u-l Zrfo !?\h i 0 -. wit u uu\l.n..-n~r.\.O ~ ` | ncury Lonny, wuucuuu William hm: in 1089. `robuinod In Oolulnbnngl Inland to tho bur N ` --.I 0-.` "magic I-tan ~I IUIIK Ul IITIITIIIIII color? command- ing Fony-thud Ohio V0lu'_nbaI'l. Bythoclan ol tho ulhuunnut Ninnnnding ti o I vulva `IIIIIVJ VIII). bmnltad mks --nu.-.I MK II ,llFI IIIIIO KI Shh` Journal, and tho vvmn nlhn. I Illa lW0y!ll`l lIw"nocuunuu mun Union nnnyu n pnvn`uu*Ho aopn ton to n lientenllio and Inter to th rank :3! lieutenant ..I....I. .o...-....-_A CIXUKIIIIIXINIIT. commanding II: 0 Twenty -tllifd ONO. nlill .InQ hnnmnlhnl Death of 00!. Comly. The late Gui. Junta ll. Cdmly. editor '0! The Tohdo, 0.. Commerchl, was Que of the bghtut Iigh In Ohio journaliau. He was ` hernia Perry county.0hio. lluch 3.183, hdngadlnet E from the Quaker. ' Ham-v Pmnlt Ilmnnmn m Phihdelnhin with w_M. R6_i3 IN_s ___ II- -__ I5- --_ _ hdngudlnc danominnt Henry Comly, wlaocomo tonilndelphia with William hum in mm H]: education In: Illlll VVIEII Q lIIlIIIIIIIl'Il`llI Jlvli IV ` among the am manna Int bythoenblo` wagon to than trom_him luthcnawonlla `Band me the straight jacket. Ir. Km-hing wuborn in England in 1813, umotothollnlud sum in 18$-Landau early age developed unusual basilica ability, establishing me-xuntileennnoctlou with Eag- lnnd and Cuba. He did much to develop suburban property about New York city. and was a very valuable cltlnn.` He had six nhlld:-an, of whom an, J, I-Inrnnl Kit:-hinl IX WIS ll WEI" VIIIIIIIUIU L`ll.l%ll/. LII` lltl Ill children. of whom Gen. J. Ronni Kit:-hing was killed at the hItt.|o.otCedu' Cmek. 7 I ll IE1`. Illll A V W In attempting to Jon: I. xx-mnnco. gvdd nnlneoming nu.-I tho It-lcnonwu turned broadside to thowlnd, conned and Inuit. carrying llr. ` KiN:Mu|"I fortune with bar. Ho was tar non uuoantul in promoting the Atlantic able. puttinghlsmomyin it ndlnducing othcntodoso. Hhaglatdoudshughod nth]: cntlmdasm when he nttpponlodoo huntonldtbe pmjocgnnd jotvnolythrlnb emdhimwithc lun(t|c`uu-ulghtjacketuo nnnnnn Hm r- magnum 119. hr 9):: nnhh Wfltftrtinwt _ | 3%`. C...`_` _'.` \..`;- J: _ The lluloncr of BI-lesson. John B. Kltchlng, who died In New York city recently, was once A very noted and lu<.~ eedul memhant and enterprinr. Indeed, ho ` bu made and spent tavern! fortunes. ghfays to the gun benet of his community and adopted Ionntry. though uometiuws to his on loss, as in the can of the noted Ericson motor. Mr. Kitching was from the first I rm believer in tho Ericsson theory, and spent 3 for- tune in construct- in: the ship Eh hmnn _. Qhn mu Ixu!-lnely Juuy. III! to (v\1r war I L The young traveler is M year: old. He will sit near the captain :1! the my over and will have A cabin all to Llnnnell. lloreova-, he will show John Bull how they order thing: over here. ll LU IE nu I'll.Tl lllElII Ill L25` I 'l\V.'. Varloua interesting personage Tr}-hi at the pierto are young Sanger oil. lie \\`.1e ele- gantly raparisuned in blue nml I-run. and has some personal beauty be-sidee. His fellow measen rs, to the number ofnezn-ly ility, headevl y a file and drum. were then to see him off. Sowaahis mother and no end of other interested persona And he. the hero of the houI~-weil. if he wasn`t Iloniaed no wary haired boy ever was No. l.`.'`.'`.! is hia number; but what use ha a lion for a number! In fact. he had sud- denly risen above numlverl. Ho wn.a_ intro- duced to may or the penenzere, and enriched by numerous Ron-el de\'i<'ea. Before the ship sailed the young hem was taken up to the eaptain`s bridge in order that all might use him as the ship moved down the river into the bay. The other messengers kept the apirltl of the aaaemhlage in-m lagging by exuding great volumes of choerl in boy soprano They whoo;-ed up at a lively rate as the ahip moved 01! . That wan not because theyfall extxemely jolly. but to cover their feelings Tb. \-nnaur ll-nx-vlnr in II Venn: nlal, HA I-HI IT- Tboboyb lunch impugn Bangor. 80 and uwny. not exactly at break of day, on the Germanic, on July 21. hut tnienbiy only for 1 nwsaeugvr boy to be starting 0!. The experiment is to test the :1-warn! the New York nu-sseuger boy. Ht-is to pron how quickly a district mt-song-r x"-in do ` errands in London and nmrn. it n:i~,-he In I said to be an experiment in pytzlii: hive. l \'Al-Inna Inhsracna nnnnrmnnnn u:--hi :1? than TIIUIIU II II!!! I'E`l!IEllI WEI` Ill AVUW llllln Anoon u the boygotu his pockagudo livend he wall take the ant Ihlp hack to New York. His tirkez, tinned by those who 11- oelvcd oonvenin, will boqulto I souvvnir in ; Ifnnl I ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. Jenna In we play. . dellvorlnq tho non- Low`u Exchange will no that the boylo well ml (or durlng his vdyngo arms: and ' nturmng. On` landing In Liverpool he will home by John D. Curtis, gonoul , mgvr of tho dlnncl railroad. will: will whoop him along in a Qoclnl carriage to the {Inc mun for the clty. lu Lon- don he will at once lhrt on his round vonln. Edmund _ V Yum, Henry Ir- vlnp. Ellen Terry. Iran: I. uson. 3 Bnlhlo am. Hm a.I.`mry, Emily mm Nat Goodwin. Toole, Clement. Soon. a many others will ncolvo them. The list has grown unul It la u long as I telegraph pola ' Each will sign the little tlckot. just u would boddno II the recipient won in New York. An mnn I] on. how an M: nnoknnnndon He Got: over to. Deliver Parable to Home Aetnrvreople. _ v . nletlillll has been done to elevate the messenger boy. Perhepe it win eleobe the mean: 4.}! lx'1\~h-rating his` speed. `It lent prom \ in; thatit ie no diegraw to heceught moving rapidly. Tho thing which ha been done in to and an Amcriczm district Ineueuger boy of New York to London to deliver eouvenirl and ecmzretuletoty letter: to the. surviving writtrroi the play entitled "The Highest Bidder" and other: in London. Ogineiiy thle play we: entitled" "'l`red_o." and In written lg the Ohio: Bothern. Illddnlon " lei-T61? 'am1'n6tsa=r Du` FrohuunandEd.sothorn.olthei.,vs olhm theetn. prepared the eouvenir, which comm: o! e numbel-of eheeh oi heavy aeun and chocolate colored pepet bound to- gether with ribbon. The iiretpege hen pho- togreph of E. A. Bothern. At the bottom in thelegend in the writing of them: He dun`: do it very well. but he it.` It in by Bothom. The tour tollovringpegee ~ Iilld are lledwith eketchee made by Bothnrh from . Ieenee in the play. Inn`: R2:-henna will no that the bOVh A`f.1ESSENO'R TO LONDON} I In rlulluupuuu u nul ` an education ;In 18!! he was the mpremo court, `ho enlisted in the Inga. , II`. an-Mum nun. ""\ 5. once (we. T-Stan; e Sauna can-a ex on. Put ollln ` . thoaein stookataRed\1otioof25peroent.' " . 4` ` \, ---oou1-: AND.sl-in % Ratherthsncanyanyovertosnothoraebsonweivlseil no Real V hula naauemcuoi mm 4.9:. `Mad 0,," `H ,*i;;h;;;_"% % n')L'sls'A'I`o nnu-. . rmaxts ' roman - - . nununnc 1:'N tm Foot of claremiand Barrack 8trect,, 5;: 1"o7-.';y"u'..ng`v":.u;"7'nf f1?x~?'Fnsr cruxun % o11.s sud Mncluno` om. .u MCo|l Bliros. 84 Co.,`To`ronto. l__:I ll III HQICWQIO. SIOVS Illd Till Dull- ncun. would wonky at every eoundonoo. Jul: 15. mos. LEXMOX. sun loud in MACHINE on.s. oa. on. haw Itgod the em for yeAn.""ind u. now used ~ by all Leulilig Ihnufuctnnn in the Dominion. GOLD AEND SILVER MEDALS have bun awarded our Oil: wherever exhibited. Mnnnfacmron and Shuubont owners wil __, \-__: ___ 1.. __e_.. -.._ IIIDII Dfbln UIIIPLWB l'\\I I\7nl.|` nit n ___x \n_ ,1 , l\II A. J. NcNAIION. Aug. 1. DLARDINE MACHINE Gff. `Ag (.:ooda must be cleared out to make room for Fall LACE CURTAIN [Go TO A. J. MeMAHoT Kovp constantly in monk the Lnton Putnam: of Byzantine Carpets, Brussels Cupeta Tnpontry Cnrpots, Wool Carpets. Union Cu-pots, Mnttingu. Borden to match Cnrpen. Hall Pattern, with Suit Cu-pot no match. Linoleum, Floor Oil-Cloth and all Home Furnishing Goods. . 4 ' Ill-`i\'oper cent. taken of all cash pnrchuec and thirty lay Accounts by 7 For Genuine Bargains in Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets. Gloves. Gents` Furnishings, &.c. `RICHMOND, ORR . & co. I erchant Tailoring and Gents`!-'urnishings. NEW STAND;