Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1887, p. 1

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EVENING. .QLASb`E(S: WILL BI OPINID AT THE"BlIHI_0N `BUSINESS MILLEGET `-A.-- . on .g,; n...-us-.-un "*"_ 1 An Encounter With Notlouallnts. llrLr.is'r, Sept. 18.-A rty of Orange men, while passing throu Eabreen Castle, ll town near Belfast, lust `n ght. had an en- counter with nationalist residents. Three policemen who tried to quell the disturbance were stoned and driven away. The local authorities. being unable to restore order, sent a dispatch to this city asking for aid, and I force of police was sent to (lreen (fas- tle. The arrival of the reinforcement: had the effect of swing the rioters. and peace was soon established. Ten of the principal participants in the affray were nrrestecl. UK IIIKIIIII III II: P89 MC. Archbis op Walsh, II; a letter to the Dub- lin I'rpren., says that us the hmdlorda at I meeting failed to adopt A mnnful attitude on the question of A conference between landlord: And tenants, he fears tht the op- portunity to euct I settlement is now lost. ! \I'"|IllI UL` CCFDKIII IU ICIU U` IIWDMUIU. 11 Wll positive tlmt if the lllll cnuunuliuners gave only inzuleqimte jucliviul nulnctionn the .\`nliehur\` cnhinvt wuuhl nal thelnseln-3 face to face with a Cunullllull of things un- pnrallelml in thr histur_\' Hf lrehunl. The` ` cmmniuiuncu in the put two )1.-urn lune ,hoen just, hut there vnL~4 every reuun to fear the result of the later tury appoint.- lmeuts. ln tlut respect there Wu much danger in the sllllallull. The government nppoarc-I to he deterlnined to force an out hurst. ul crime. If .\lr. O'Brien, after the trial, was treated as a common felon, there would he violent indignation not only throughout Ireland, hut in America. Refer- ring morally to the causes of dlaturhnncea, .\lr. illon said that the reliilensnngistracy. as A body, were gt-only lncornpent. end tlnt the couutabulnry, though I I len-lid hody of men, were political agent: 0 an un- popular government md in A constant state of hoetilit to the people. on Walsh. In A views or THE ANARCHlSTS- IIIIUIUIVC Illl ilmd: t {net nnnnninninn Pl'|'lIIIA!l||.'U Ill UIHU wuulnl be ccruuu to I t nnlv ilmnlmnlntu i | IIICIUIIIII IIIIIIIUII, `BIB IULIIIU lllllg VIII` um. Mr. lhllourhod been in Duhliucun suiting with the nugintnlca. That looked likeuclion, but Mr. Baslluur nlwayn nun"!- lecl then: by hauling prochnnuinxjlutu their midst unl then ying from the cunn- try inum.-dinwly lning unweholllive per` ; Imps, for his own safety. '11- go\'crnlnent'a 1 pwsistolncu in cufurciug UM: coercion act, \l'n|Ilal Im m-rtgin tn Inn] in lrnulnla, Hp wan Interview Willi llr. llllleu. Mr. Dillon, in en interview to-clay, said that it was impossible to deny the gravity I! the Igiteliuu. The mull ulillrbuldim triut mu South Uelwey. where e um! agent had been appointed who IiilplO)'0\i great activity. uni uuuhlo night he expected there. The outlook for thu coming winter wne gloomy one. Mr. Mull-nur win up- purently determined to not all the Innit- uliul leeclerl into the cilll.4:iu'l of the luv, lllll he (Dillon) would not he an rind if in n niumh or two the nmjurity uf 8 e leaders, including himwll, were found picking unk- I um Xlr Rellnnr hm] hogan in Dublin mm NIUIIIC LUUIIEI III \4IfTll`IllVIIU- I "U I-Iulioh home rule dopu lion rocoivul an uvnuou AI lloulyh. Her mulm Incl other plans. A dupuzuion M the Somerset lib- eral auovintion in making a tour 0! the .\liu:heluuwn uul Uunrlck Jami.-u fur the pulpuu ol inquiring Into lhr mu 0! the pwlplu. IIIIIIUII. III IKE ITIT|$l II CIICIIIHIIAIUD. In wcordnoo with the Illllillovlllclll 3 meeting 0! nnioaollna Ill Owl-I at Hand In-db]. A pungent rcporut nu J um. and use not uol-cod. hut remnants- than 0! tho Cork Co-Idlulu-u and the Lou- doa llluuruml New were wughly hutllul until the speaker: on the pinion inur- vvnd in their lnohslf. Mull. Ilrunnor uul Hoop. nmnbon n! parliament. ud- alrod the meeting. Ihmnnntndnnn. nnamlml luv Innlinn 'l`0 mm: PACl{El{S-lghest Cash Price uid {or pork blade bones. umkngokand forti- izing materials delivered at our war 5. H 1]- Ion. Rowux &Co.. Fox-mixers. Hamilton. urtuu uulnu . 1 lbouonundou. ubuudod In I-Julian member: of iuuont. wane he I mu. 5: `Mount M Sci and Unrrigmhuuo. o I.'_..li.L I...-.. ....I.. .I--...n..oi..n n-.....i.....I -- `IC- 3 DUIILII. Kept. lN.--.\!r. Manda-illo. who { Wu Ihljol UNI vloluilm tho (`rimn wt` at tho none that U'Iltkn'- utlc-new In mm mmml. Inn boon nnuud at Iltchofaunwn. '- g....._.I_-A. -Ink AI.` nnnannu-....._...A _ MR. DILLON ONES SOMI INLlGHT- * ENMKNT ON THE SITUATION. `w upper! null: at n Ioulouoonl With the Iaudhnlo In none l urovor-`l'Iu Tonal Ruthie It llcllul-u Pooplo Aal- Vllod IO Halal to Cululllutlollul Agua- `U I L'H|"rL'Ills |HC "\1ll'IUII `CK, lend to Lrnuble. He was: 1 I. ........._ .... ..... . :r .I..l,...l .. ` At BuImo-Bu1mos. 5: Wuninu-ru. 0. * At. Tomato mm 3-n.m-!'oroutoo. 8; New- .uk 3. At...'1`onouto4nooond mnob-- mo. :\A I IUNAIA hnuauuln At Dutmit4Dotmlta.12; VV'n\ahIn ons. 3. ` [t I{:7dinnnpolis-IndlanapoIls. : Philadel- p ns. . v ` At Pillab u'g-Pm b . I : Boom 6. At Chlon:;o - mum 5: Now Rarka, 5 ; darkness. + nnmmn ASIOOIATION. ue orgnmzea uy an means." There is trouble in the ranks of the De- trois hue-ball club. as the directors counter- mand nearlv all of the orders given by Manager Watkins, whiclihan Avery demon- lizingetfect. If he nes apla er-it don't go and the players know it, an al they hve to` do in to go to the directors with a cock-nnd- bull story andrthe fine is remitted. WDUIU 1' IF DEWEY lllllllclllly I8 H1011`! IUCII interest would be manifested. Let a league be organized by all means." Thnrn in trnnhla In the ranks! of tha De- Ul'Bll- The Peterboro Review 3 in for thg Cey- tral league and say: : he clubs are near each other, more evenly matchednncl besides a great uvin of railway fare, the Ame would rfault tter ns cinlly as more ocal inmrmut would he mnnifnnrml, Lat n lamina I-`Ol'.\'D A1` LAS'l`-A remod warranted to cure hnrd and soft Corns. Bun ons. Callouses` .\'v. Hanson`: Magic Com Salve. in boxes. 150 at Wade's Dun: Store. UL] `V UUuEl(lI)'. Chic 0 has signed Spmgue, a youn pitcher rom Rutlnnd. Vt.. who he: plnye also with the Lynn club. He has won eigh- teen out of twenty games lnyed this season. As a elder this season e has in record of fty-eight chances accepted out of sixty of- fared. "I`|... D..-_L-_A DA...'...- .....-- 3.. 3.... Al... I `...., To-morrow, at A fair to be held at Belle- ville, the Park Nine base lmll ultlh will play against the Bellevilles, guarantee 850. The same clubs will play during the provincial exhibition at Ottawa. The game will nccur on Wednemlay. Chimum has uicrnml gnrm:nm_ n vmina mug 3. Ax...'roaout.o4oooou mnq--awe: 5 ; own-kn. I. At Rooheotex--RocheuterI. I : Sum. ll. -.-._ Ell-III Ilullluug * 4 PHI] LIICHI UH LlIlIl'3\lII]- On Sutunla the leaders were defeated in two games. `he results were : First game -Tnrontoa, 15 runs. 16 base hit, no errors ; Ne-wnrka, 3 runs, 9 base hits. I error. Se- cond gum--Torontos, 5 runs, I2 base hits, ` 3 erron ; Newnrks, 4 runs, 8 base hits, 3 arr-nrn narxnesa. nnnmcuv ASSOCIATION. AI. Brookl{_n---Brooklyna, l ; Baltimores! 5. At , New ork-MeIropolltnns. 4 ; Alh cues. I : called by darkness, At St. Louis-St. Louis. 9: Cleveland: 7. At ClnclnMu-ClnclnnaLls. I ; Louinvloa. 2. INTIRNATIONAL Luoul. ' 12 - 8. numo- oi," 'a':' 3-V In. Toronto lrlt. n.mob-_Totontoo. 16: WICII IIVUUT. The Park Rina club invnted the Malone men to come to the city on Thursday. No answer being recoivecl arrangements were imnnecliatel made with the Gordons, of Montreal, or a game, mind the Parks will play them on Thursday. On Sntunlnv than lander: were (L-fagtml in IIIIII. The proposition to organize a western lea- gue, to take the Chico on. the St. Louis club and organize first-c us clubs in Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul and l)cn\'cr, meets with favour. l`L.. IJ_...I. \':...` ..I..l. l....1L...I AI... \l..I.\.... C] II U0. A base ball match occurred on Saturday I afternoon on the Park Nine grounds. The Blouoma" defeated .\'lattery'a nine" by It score of 16 m 3`. Detroit. ohrud $lt),000 for Anson, of Chi- ....un lmo .\`nnl.lin n nnl.' nno Int him an IVEITUII; uuuruu IU,'J`ll XUT l\lI3U, Ul LIN` ` (Ago, but Sp\lliu,; would not let him gu. He said Chicago was well satised with him. 'I"l.- .....\.-. A- .. .. .......s...... L... GO TO \\'. REEVES. Kin SL. to buy "our Ti.-3. Ho hzuwdonens to c ooee trom. 6 Tics. 2 for 5 cents. DIIU IIIUUKIII UI um II.IIW IIUCIIU HIUTI. After the cluunpionnhip union in omlocl V the Toronto: will play exhibition games on , the home ground: with Detroit and other clubs. A l...-.. I...lI ......o..l. ..,..\.._.....l .\.. u........l.... ltlltl Plly III IV. \ It would be I ood idea to have I footlnll ` on every bne- I eld. no that the kick- ers" might enjoy their propensity in 8 ra- tional way. 'I`nI-nnh. inn`: in tin: lntnrnntinnnl Innnun |IUuC| WI . Toronw leads in the International 1 e ` by a few iuta, And the citiunl Are \n'luf:t the thoug t of the pennnnt oating there. After llmuhnnminnnhin nnnnnn in nmlml {Kl FIIUIIUT I\IIUWIIUu. Rochester will hnvo 1 club next year and. it in mid. Sutton, of Boston, will mnnago and plny in it. It. would ha A (mod idea tn hnrn A fnnmlnll Mnnngor Chnpnuua, of Bunlo, hu relen- ed Pitcher Knowllon. D-_L..A-_ ...:II I.-.._ '. -l..|. ._..._. .._-._ __.) nuns uarucal -rnrk .\nm-. .1 bulb Pnrk Nun:-. `J; l|ul|e\ ill: - ('"ihMll. 62': Ih':Inlun_ I7. 1 ban. I0: In-o|r1ion,5. Strikes .-37 ; |(mrdon.. |0. Left on bus: Houuvilluo. 9. Two lune hi '|"hreo bane hits 7 llnox. Pmw lmn. 2: Morrison. I. Time of game -Two hours. l'mpirc ~-l". L`. Suxomlorll. Human. 1-.t I-`nrrull. r I l)"s|0l|. IL! Jam-I. Sh rum Nlxic. l`. Fallllhull. L! Mvllnle u 9 .... .. Knox. 25 ` \\'. (lllihun. It ' T. (`:\lHlmu. (' J Little. lb J. Cnlllhnn, 1' I \\'nlkcr. 3h 1'. Little. r.! III HUI II nu IIII IIXYIIIIIII. IV . \4IIIIIl.II lmmglat nu: in Is A but: hit uni scored on M: brother : sit uul I-`arr-ell.`u error. Knox Also mule 6 run In the sixth. In the ninth W. and T. ('uIllhsn loom! on FM- n~l|'o wild throw to tho homo ate. Hmon- -lurtl umpirod. and his devil on: on strikes and lull: won unsatisfactory to both oiulu, hut dial not contribute to the defeat of tho liellavlllea. Thin in the first time the home `team hn Inated defeat on their own uruumlu and the crowd took it bully. I` 5'" ll UT` III" nlurriltll Ill "3' `IUIIII IV . L'allihAu'I pitching not only punlod the hat RA-rt Inn MI im-urvu cAmnAo uAplAAAAntly must on up cunt than to Income bully rA- tlv-I. Indeed he did Atrih Knuuu A uvou lnlmr on which ho Knot MA hue. For the l'uI'|U. J. Little Ancl J. ('AlllhAn Amml In the u-ooncl : Knox. W. (.`AlllhAn. T. (`A|IlhAa. 1. Links And \\'Alkor in the thlnl. In the (aunt: Knox mode A clou three I on A MI Along tho third but: line. It oohul \ like A foul And no the um In mllocl II. but did not ughold bin loci: in. W. CAllihAn luau: I Am] brother {sit I-'Arre!l'A ..2..AL II! ...J '1` l';.I|lL-.. ._.._..I .... I`..- miles from Market Square. and mu! mite n-om Portsmouth. containing 75 or lllucrcs : plentiful supply ut \\'l\l0l` : large und good house. and all . necessary outbuildings. I-`Inc orchard, close ` proximity to the lake. I-`oi-terms and particul- uhi apply on the preiiiiscs to JOHN GRAIIAM. I;-puvunuy - nu nuuvult [lI,Il'I Iuvrv holly Inland. fbuit oppuuoun unbal- ml. outrun uul muuioldml thou. The gum: nu lnlorutlu enough mun the min! In- ni ,I'Iwa Im-u huu MCI and llmly} hm error: wruuiuocl tho Purlu to arm: the plus llvelnwn. On! in the tint In-oin~ I ma ulhl the lkllovll oucummlnun dnlll it t tin! and Morrison In the Iocoml I '..IIl.-..'- _ln_Ll.... ....a ....I.. .......I-.I sh- |.-A Huu.uu.|.r., Rein. I7-Unly I wall It- Icudwco new-I Ibo uhlhmou [um ho ` tutu um 3 Nina smiths home an um \ clay. As the can the Iltlhif In clout And lwlghl. bulk lacuna coal am: It lot the: Ipoouwn I-clan: u gum coood., nape;-lolly in nu llullovlo pluyon sum tlduud. mi! l...I uulrgn Anul ..unh.l.l...I Khhl 'I'I|n anunn `u llollwlllu Donated on `Piotr on nundnsllow `tutu 09:5. I . Total struck by bit urn I |.`l'll I n-.. Home-null Gannon Yesterday." Gun-ml llnueball l Iu-Igruplu. luldny go-4| Athln The Olrlal Score. Imunlun. I;. struck on! nun- ion.5. culled (`nllihnn. 0. bu-noo~~Purk Nine. 5: hits-\\'. (`ullIlu\n. 3 -Ilnox. Pmtaod bulls-T. (`nlli~ unnl -l'ou*k Nine. 5. I 1'. iHm4.E Ihmrulnn I7 SH-I \\'ADE'S E.u:nnAKE LIVER PILLS a urel v tabl Cnthnnic.beIngentlrelyt1 mn."&u.)i"i.`. ;1 dreamy Mogallic aubsmgce. I cnllul ` ed balls ('ulli- l nllihnn expedition In on route to Iii: I-gene, loufnd himohliknllhu-tR_' '11Iolnouon- rn Into the mnln '1 old enemy. the in; of Ugndn; had In t I'II"Vitli the pooplo of Unyoro; badly whip pod.` agill. Entuuoutobonubloto go? out onho country sltho in kg nah: occu- uionhulls _ im .1.-lldldoqum tor . IIOn`l. ' I roam llmlllllf I'D IIIOTID mnun BO, III GIIDlOy'I way xjoutg hi; lgnnd him my I35. All...-I. 37...`... 11.. Threatened Upon 'i'ltIweWBook~.lgontl By the lndlgnnnt 'loInn-people. Bl'(`Kl.`l0KAll, Sept. 17.--So time ago a book agent visited Buckingha ollerlng an history of Cumin for 60 cents. umber: of th farmers and others subscribed signing, an order for it. A few duye Ago ve men (`tine around to collect payment, and the people discovered ` that the little bill wee only $21.60. Their wrath at being ewindled was beyond descriptiondnd culminated in acrowd of the victimized ones and sympathizere col- lectin ' and inviting the bunk agents to hand :m-n- t xe notes. Thin the agents refused to do end were set u and three of them honndly thrashed. umlly, the agents, still ohdurnte, the. crowd rocured I rope and threatened to . nch_ tgenn unless the nets were roeured utedletely." Amed by the ui t of the rope the Inlortu agent: promptly landed our the nqulned notn. i nuun nu nouns. . Losnox, 19.-1! -out ;_Zunzibut to orln Emil: Boy I Smiley : exnodition In an rank to his 1-acne. found |'|m.\|-ru-nu. Sent. IT. [him and Inst :ln_\' Hf thr (hi C\:|rIli|U0ll at llwa-lie all one M the` lriumplml nr-In-1 (`In-sum! 2-In-c-t um Jinpla) en ta-ra the famous words of . ".\]| u: L'l\'iHlod \\`uyl\l. ll I slam in it must I`<`;.'ard the (`VI l.lu- must important in the an An-I this necmal In I: the | ` HISIIVUIG. IUIIII. IIIC IUITIIIO Dilltl "ICU terminated the exercises by rendering in march of their composition. I-Ht` lIlll`(NlllCKa0fy 8(llll'(`SS 01 Int) HR)`. )1 rs. Cleveland sat almost in front of the speskes position. and was the cyuosure of 8 l eyes. She was neatly and handsomely attired in A close littin dress of cream and brown colored plnid sil , and wore I stylish bonnet of o drnh color with ribbon trim unings. Ex-.\linister Kasson then escorted the president to the s a|ter`a chair, who mode in ten minutes` Adi less. which was re- ceived with thunderous applause. \\'hen thcprcsidcnt was in the midst of his re- marks the liberty bell rang out the hour of twelve, and another rousin chccr went up from the chorus. The presient was uhliged to stop tslking for a few seconds, and sur- veyed the scene about him, which was in deed An impressive one. After the presi- dent's remarks Justice 8. 1-`. Miller, of the United Ststos supreme court. delivered his memorial orntion. As Justice Miller tools his seat the band struck up Hdl (`clum- his," as an accompaniment to the chorus. The new words written by Oliver Wendell Holmes were used. and the popular airywas caught by the crowd. The new national hymn by F. Marion Harland was then re- cited by Prof. Murdock, with a chorus of 200 men`: voices_..;n,d the Miriue hand ac- companying. Cardinal Gibbons than otfer-" ed prayer after which the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Jere Wetherspoon, of the Cumberland Presb teriitn church of \l-.L.pIlI.. "Tn-.- `PI... I--J..- I.-....l L-...' :'I}"L".}'.IftSLr"1i1..i"iirelii":e}}.i"IhE Nashville. Tenn. The nu--nlnnogol 1|.` nwr:-an J. rch urine band than .......I....:-... - LAKE \ lE\\'.n beautiful suburban farm residuum mat half of Lot part 15. situated 3 Market Square. and half mile from Portsmouth. conlainim: nlentiful um 'R||'I_\ LUUK L':|rrIllge3 lur Inc In-unurlal meeting in Independence square. At ll:25 Bishop Potter I-ade the opening pravor. Just after the hilhop bud conclud- ed Lient.~Henarn| Sheridan. with his aides. fuiiu\\'o:d closely by ('ardiunl (iiblxons. Arch bishop Ryan and ii numlner nf (`ntholic clergyman, marched down the aisle. cheered to the echo. When they had been scaled i Hon. John A. Knnon, I8 president of the ~ constitutional centouid commission. nmde the introductory address of the hay. M rs. ('le\ alnnd sat nlmnnt in fmnt nf vh IIUUKICY I` LIKE. During the pr:-siclenfa reception om- hnudsomely dneue-l luly of About 35 years 0. Age threw hor arm around his neck and kiuml him, At I05!) o'clock tho presialen tin! party took carriage: {or the nmmnrial Ac I`.s'I'_ l):-LA__ II.A.-__ _ ,_ `L, ,_,__,:_,; v IlH'lll. I At tlw frnnx u-f Nu` smnal hung n phuln glznpbiv top)` of the uriginanl cxnmtitllthna. At thr out side of the Iluld ntmd the 5 quaint highlnckcslclmirocnrupiocl by leor - \\ ashinghuu an the presiding ntlim-r uf I It` c uhichmluptu-l that In-Imu-I and venerntml document. The .\lsrim- Mu-I. for hulfnn hour |'fuf!' the owrriso cum- mence-l_ oliacnlll`sed music. At half past ten the (hut!!! of 2.0!!) children. with `$11! . leading, sang a patriotic air. which hr--u In them romuluof npphmae. Among the (is- tin uinhod guests wens Hannibal lhmlin. u- resilem Hayoc and wife, and (`Mel Justice \\':|' e. L l|.. ..:...- .. -._, ,I,__.A'_ _--, _..:_., LYNCHING IN BUCKINGHAM. ` IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL Z SERVICE Lust Gnu In] In funlnorlloln with tho (`nuennlnl Ilronl In Imllaulolplnln. I|.. . . . _ _.. 1- 'l`I:, A1 .1 IIUIII III II. IIIHII I\':.'Il'\I [Ill I] .l"'- The Thistle -_\'mlh-ate" at New Yuull in aid to ho willlnu lo wager e`|(l),llI) on tho Svotcll yu-ht vrinul the American`: cup. Bockercnf the Tank a on the produce e\~ clunge want 850 ngalnut their 340, lmt tho.-_v at Im ulnar. .-\ law bets lune l-eon (`I`)h`Il mm London. hut in small nums. mu In the muann rncmc runway mm . which has a chariot from (.'ul'lIIt to 3:3. The board 0! trade 0! 001130 bu decide-I to hol-I A meeting up clincun commercial union. and have iuviucl I-Jrutnn Wimnu. Hcnulillieanjaunnin liuttorvmrth and others lv HUI]. I` `I up:-_Al. I-"L\'F. (`ITY HO.\Il-I. The underulgnod otfcrs for sale.-llmt Ill-.'Sll{.-\BLE HOUSE ANIJLUT now om-upiud by him on Earl Stmet. The whole is um-red in one block. having about I one htuulrod and twenty feet frontage on Karl 4 Street. and the Up I Lot runsthrough to West Street. The Bl Ll)l.\'US on the propertv are almost now. and the warden is Inntod with the ohuiu.-at fruits. For terms app ' tn THOS. MOORE. I Iuuuu. , A run will he and in Uornwnil on Oct. flrol upon a |_-y-law ranting n honm of 31.3, ml) tn the (Marin `genie nihuy ctuuwnny. u-MLJ. I..- - -1,--a- O...._. l`.._.--I| A. WU - Arthur P`. Iloekviok. the Inurclour of W. \'udoruuck. who ncspoi to Condo- frum Aunterllu and In ulnallk-I. ha been unbound to bug on (bl. Nth. A Winnipeg dupltch an 1 it will n-quirc tluve tniu per any Int 96 days toast`-1 \ the lunch: what {or upon alum Ihb i $1)` mu-us nuts 11:31 I IIIIZIIC. Mn. llerrel. I nomulnbulht. wclhd of n Grad Trunk ted: near Lsneuur. and um picked up uncouu-ion: and seriously wuumloal. A-AL.._ I.` Il_.|....X_L -L_ __._._l_____ .1 ` UNI. at VI mu. Th lull: luau-In lung` nun: lhnl .HInpror \\'|lIhm ,|.nrd the out will meet an `Futurity u Bwhcudo. Mn. Iherml. A uunnmnhnlln, nmllnl nl III` C'hI,Illl.llIl INN I3! yl . Thu Touch uhlhcl noun! $0.00. 0: an lm-run on tho nodpo, onr that ol 1 l'N$. ol L103. 1}... `null: In-`A4 ........_ '.1A....._ -.....A- u l.mlo Things that ADI! (.`uudIuu-- I-`Icahn rm: lnnponod What `III: l'l0oII-A IMHO 0! -VCYICIII` f ood and launch. Poiuco Napoleon will but I nullcuo In wply to that I tblbull cl Iirh. , For-unto`: unnunat am not In likoly to \ lav !|3.(lK).(ll) over hi! you. ` Thu Tannin nnhlnn an-.l Ian mm In 1m.:onms moan `mt nnrws roun ouurrms owtu. Km`.\m.x' or THE WORIJ). Bin In Found. Q.-.5 I!) \l....__... Lll|' lllullllllldl llIlIIl`N WIIIFII F `HH ml in Inn 1-! Juhn Hriglnt. who lave free nint u um: or annals of nwn." n I popular sq-nli- mun: co'r1'.w1r;v-uh ohm ncrc around. stocked with apples. pours. unmet-abs. Inw- hcrrics. rm-rants. Rome as and grapes. An ` over-living well on the promises. L`U|`IIt'l' Divi- sion and John 813. 5. I III! -I3 - thir-I (`Mlle -I Iiluerly. -In-I Illirh .. .I I.. I II NO. `:18. |I|t' ninl A l"l.\'El{0.\lES1`l2.\D I'AR\l In the Town ship of Kingston. the miles from the city, mn- mlnlng ti) acres ; stone residence and excellent buildings and orchard. This property will be ` sold ch ~ M the owner is (col 3 W I. A pl to n... ow.n'. Solicitor. '1'aroefSn.. xng". uon. Ma) 27. l J BUTCHERS AND SAUSAGE HAKERS- nrime new small hour castnn: by tlerce. 5]) lbs. MONDAY. 8:11 S ` t T ht--Ponnnnhl Tel 1'\rIt..I:`::'mtIc. Phonon: . Balloon- lug. Typo-wrlunc. max men nnid fur not-E hlndt AT ll.\I.l-` ITS \'ALl'l-2. within ten days. 2| tirs-I-class Manon at much Pm!-o : nonrly new : Cu.-Ah ur cn-dil znlso ono canon lqp can and one lop buggy at a bargain. A dream Piano. ` Wmu otce. THE SHOP AN lb lIW'W.|Nli now orcupiud by W. J. Dick 5-. `km on ellinglon Slrrut. Isl door (mm I l'inrmu sir:-cl. A;-ply In .\|R-4. WI. i4\lu.1.r..\i. Dix-ham mum. oppuuw Au a'umu' ` Inn` 1. Tlllthil-1 'l`\\'0 x~"I'uIt\' BRICK ll0l :l-Isl, no. on I-Earl Hlron-I. nlnnve Bnrriv : alt ruomo ` in 9-urh. wlllrr works. 1-In-nslnn kin-he-n. An ` pl)` In ll. ltmxu . tho | riuu-as ."lr1.'cl. or on [he l|2`rlllit`S. 'I`llI-2 liL'Sl.\` I-SSH PIN-Z.\1l:-W39 and Dwelling. nmuh side of |'ri|u~.~ts 31.. adjoining I mu. known .~u "| nrkhi|I'n."nt present occupied by James Killnrv-n. I-290.. as l\Ul`1I`t`l`)' : Dom-u-ssiun Isl of 1`Il.\1' 1`n.\l.\IuhIUl`.-' lm I-.'l.LlNu. .\`u. 20. \\`il|iuu #1.. hclwn-n (`bray and Barrie Stu: l'(`lI| nmdenue; ponwnion inunodinu-ly. AD- pl)` to Mus. Nom.r.. .\u. {xx \\ r.I.l. Ilricli Inn-Ilium; hot and void mu hut history mums N on ni M Iory given. Add:-cu W. . . -L Emil. Torunlu. WASTI-III. for Kings-um. .\'upunc-e And nokhv borhood. on Human of gruuul midroiu and energy In uolcll -mlnwriplh-nu for (`nnadxu National He-ulrc. "I-`mlu-run! (`uufudc-rnlion." ltvvr huuwhuldc-r lulu-realm-d In ('ou\uinI and in umry ni ht. Hx~|uul\-u M \\'.\nuu.i. 8 Ni lint Tn!-unlu. All I other uuoxraazuu `ROM Cnmraqul. on Sunday` 18th Sept ` Black and Tan 'lerrier Bitch mil. A s_uituble reward will be given for any informa- non luildin to the roobvory. ,Any person found with or in their possession. that this dam: will be prosecuted. Jonx H.uuuuAx. Cnlamuui. 1 . LA Ill`)! tnrnnt lallund (`h luau Train. Io tutu lulu. plenum mark an I Ir urn II Ion;-vr day Mn In uulell mule. `ark IOIII by mail any all-uuwo. snh-ulu-I (no. -No mun-I . Add:-on at -1-. (June arr Ant ('u.. H? ilk SL. Bunion. . us. In 10. Klnmm -mhum Nnlinunl I'|a-Miro "Valli: :.j___. AT u.\'t`I -A H0! aw. Aunt: an (`m.n.~u:|. U|.n'n`I. U amen. UIlUA.\lH`I' AM) rnum HART! (Geo `u Cnlhodnl. For duuu am. the `bun-h Wan! uxurr ll0\ 7 S `l"n.usanr`A Brock Hunt. lhw-. Nut Caurnqul. on the ml: Sept. ( hu|otiu 'l'|\uroId. the holovocl wile M M Jame: Hymll. G3 yous. The lunonl will vs hot late runhlcneo In-umrtmv at I tfclock. I"rhmuh and M" .,un:nuum an nnpociully Invlud to at- I I-`u-nu.~ -M Sunsh. Nu... Aug. 2709:. urah. mliot ol the Isle John Fuuor. (or mrr|_V ol L|nu'k'. OIL. 5301! Q yous. \'nA\|'. Al Hln|lIn'| I-`.11., Ana. Illh, Har- llri.- Ilu.-llinu Illrumn-An ?'OR SALEb.R; T0-LET`. 0I!(iA.\`l.'l`l' AND VHO"! MA.'l'I'lZll for 8!. lh-urn-`n(`nl|mtllnI_ I|`nr dung: mun, nnnlv kn Anuon. III:l.lAm.l. Iruawa-my woman an amoral serum In I lnmlly ol (hm: no nhm--. need npp:;. Apply to Ilium. J. Is'.m.n':n. mun: will | > Cnmmqui. lIII`l l_I` Ul Ilil. UII-. IxUII X ITI- mw. At Smith`: I-`Alla. Aug. lllh. Ibr- lmu. wife 0! K. (E. Slur. Aged '24 yearn. SPE`(73I7A>Li ia-:'i*1ON. W - ._,- ,.__- .__r_.-_. 7-. II ZOO! I'm... Ln: Mud an the nu-non llnuu. FM 9. an llnorn-A at Pryntnl Palm-0 II 0 um _ \'ul.. l.\'l. Z%pAma=:;e: |`.'4q.. on a (iron-r_\' pm \ .\|||1l)' xu .\. .\|d`o|mIu\. _ `'i'bLmN' REHINDIR8. WANTED. TO-LET. .\llsS JENNIE C. SHAW will resume her (-lusws in l AlN'l`l.\'G AND DRAWING on l\I0.\`DA Y. SEPT. 19:11. at 135 William Street. (lnle-rs taken for painting on Silk. satin or Plush. ao.. executed on short notice. - _ uxinu. park. nnnd luuh room with THE DAILY WHIG. us luv 5:. . Appvy to -uv H`: J!!! had tn-Veppear befnizevtlie -1.1:":-gistrnte nhd ' `pa ne of 810 end coin. The principal used to resign. as requested, and the trus- \ID ....V-.. . .vv-nus ` tees, locked the dam: sud ulurtlsed far :2 new teacher. A petition, signed by thirty- ,seven of the students, has pbeenpprsentegi tn the board requesting tliem not to dismiss the pl-incl or ask him to resign. They in icit condence in him and ray or his oontlnunce. "lfhe snistsnt, Mr. it- chsll. scmptod 850`snd resigned. \ The Outcome of the F1-sen. San-rn s Fans, Sept. l9.-A: an outcome of the school frncu here Principal Robort- ` :3`: ':`2n'.f .:`."'i.?{.`:..., :;.`E "-i~`..'i.':iE..,:`.i':} [I05 COIIHHBH H) LIIU IUWCT UIKIFCH. lnre la rent misery among the people. The grave 1 lggere refuse to pursue their cnllingwugptll compelled to by the troupe. The epidmic hu is poured in the prilona. The true state of nsirs huve not yet beeii published. It is reported that many new cues are occurring in Rome daily. .' 1 "*-_` 5 The Sfonrngo of Cholera. R0313, Sept. l9.-The cholera ntilicting` ` the inhabitants of Meuins is of the` most violent character. death fr uently ensuing an hour after the attack. he mortality is not conned to the lower clauses. There in ......no n\:::nI-II nrnnnm u: I'\nnn`n 'l`l.n .......-.. Put out at Last. . DL'HLl.\', Sept. 19.--The sheriff and as party of police sailed in the yacht Shannoh and surprised Burke, Lord Clnnricarde s tenant. who occupied Clondengo` castle and evicted him instantly. After the eviction the castle was barricaded and twenty men were left to defend it. When the news of the lI`I`i\'ll of the sheriff spread 3,000 per- sons gathered up resist the service of that write. but they were too late to prevent Burke from being evicted. table CR! nnrnc. DOIIIR OIIUPOII ` urely ll vogo ` co. 1: rom (`nlomul or any Metallic subs ~ case of Liv Cnxnplnims. Biliousn spop- sin. llemlac . &c.. they give unlve satisfac- tion. 'l`|u-yarcsnwar-coated. Oneisndose. In Bottles 25. (ll V ADES DRUG STORE. A Water I-`amine In \Vuhlngton. \\'As|1|.\'u1'u.\', Sept. l7.-Another water faxniue is upon the greater portion of this city, caused by the third breuk within A short time of 36 inch water main, which supplies all of Washington north of L" street. The break is the most serious which has yet occurred. It is feared in northern part of the city will be without water for some days. The Amorlnnn ('hlr.eoe unk. Lu,\'n0.\', Sept. 19 ~Jl`he SIamlarvI`.- cor- respondent an Slmnlmi says the American , Chinese bank syin icatv has accepted Li ` Hung ('hang's conditions. An American oiciul will depart for China inmnedintely to complete arrangements. The bank will probably be started in Shanghai and Tian- tsiu, and branches will be opened in l hihulel- phia. and London in the spring. Ilrlbory III Vlctorla I-Ilevtlun. H.\l.Ir.\\, Sept. l? trial of the Vic- turia. C.B., election case is proceeding. Yesterday seven witnesses swore thnt they had been paid to vote for Mcllonnld, conscl`: vntivo candidate. One witness uted he had been oercd 33 by one of .\lcDoImld's agents and another said the respondent`: brother oercd to fnrego a debt of 810 if he wonld vote for the conservative. The Way He (lot OH. 1 IAJXDON. Se t. l9.-I'homu W. Logh, a member of par iument for Lnncashire. while shooting in the mountains near Sofia, was claptured by A party of hrigauuls. Mr. Lcgh i ormod hi: captors that he was a servant. that he had no valuables, and` that there wu no chance of securing a ransom for him. The brignnds then released him. He has reached Soa. VIIIIIIIIWVV II,` IIl'P"l`- J Losuux, Sept. l9.-Tlxe Nurtlunberlzmd Miners` Mutmslusocintiou comprising 12,000 member: hn decided by 5 lnr e Imjority to dineontinue its support of homu Burt. rulicnl melnlner of parliament for Mnrpeth, and Charles I-`enwick. liberal member for \\`ansbeck division of Northumberland. Both gentlemen will wobbly, retire. \Vho`Il Get the Poultlouu `.' 'l1uw\1*u. Sept. 19. Therein cnllsiqlablc talk at I).ugnn hull about W. l{. Mart-dith. M.P.l`. . luring n polluted chief justice in I I|lL'\.`08llnH tn the ante .\`ir Matthew C. Cann- emu. Another re wrt in that Judge Ar< l mour will get the c xieljustircsllip, and that l J udge Usler will succeed Chief Justice Wil` The Annnln Polnlc-led. >1:-r.\('l'I'\`, IL, Se t It). -The jury in tlw use of the state u low: against Fre-I Muuclnrath. jr.. chu-god with clue murder of Rev. .\Ir. Huldnck lnve brought in a \'er I die! of mnnulnughtor. The cxtremo penalty 1 in ei ht Vn-.~u's in the penitentiary. sentence ; vrillue pr--nnuuu-d Sept. 26. ` ~-- I lul' ('ll_\' umrl. I III. IIIHIU "IN 1-very lay since Mundny. hut nnswwrod. Ho sud the nlher have been ne-I 8l0lI each by Jun ` -nuuu_v x-vs-.5v' u-up--uu u l `I-f am, appears upon 1 the city wurt. This In .,.. .... I.. ` . -.....- \I.... I. . ...,..--.... Nrw Ye-nu. Sepr. Henry George, labour I 1.5 nun nnno-art unnn I FOR (`OUGHS ANDCOLDS.-0rn.sp a Bottle of the Dunoxn Couou mum-. The mat dqse frequently no A no . of \\ild Chcrr . Rom ound. ooampano d other valuab ingredients. Plesunnt to NA 0. In boillos. 250. and 60c.`. at W'ADE'S DRUG S'I`l)Rls`.. ()1'ruu, Sept. I9. Today in (he lay find for Prof. \\'iggim' big ntorm which in H) an-up ncrun the Atlantic and do great dun? along the coat. lie in cunlcllt ol the In ti lhncut of his prediction. - uvwyvu 1 vv no-v-U -V VUIICUIIIII-o l.n.1nm. Sept. I9. ~-The Duke 4:! De\~nn~ shine. in I written mumom in relation to ; the rumor that he has hull onnvortod tn the Irhh policy ofllr. Hlnduouo. lay: the re- pur! in without fmnulntlon. \\_'hnI II ung-Loo. Fuuzum, Sept. I9.- -Lat night the police , arnohd ninol -on cololthln at namlnon \ 3'29 and 205 C ark strout where they were playing hung-loo. I bounding Illa ;|I;or'n lhnor. l`AIls. Sept. l92--.\huriou Bernhardt to- day uvenly Imumled an uuqontut nomad Aluil. who lad wrltlun an utfwlo rvlloctllg on Mmllo. Earnhardt. Dun`! nu ow an-Q Inpply 0! nun. Il'.\"u IILI. WOOD bob! the run: uunn on .\'-w York. N: 0.'l'.R. and N.Y.C. Ru. 1'. IIANLIY. - - 00:. `H080! Altai IMPORTANT? To Utica. Mhany,Now York, e..w.. : Wuluton. lhlu;on and All lllllll Noni Till-1 THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE BY Rona. Vhurtown C Wcnohu |m._ In home: STORE. '>Ih-lllnh I'll.`-" Io-Iauhono In nuulnr ONLY $2.00 DELIVERED. Tcuanarmc rusn; ... p... In Y`L., \\'lllulre\v ltu Suivport. V _..|. Ila-nryr (ieoiio _l`lnod I I 00. \' . -,_.__ In 'l'n. L no.3}: wm-`J: roudknnun. ..... L`__| In 'L_ l\..I._ I I\ ....-.... . ...-.. -.. I9. ~ The nominee fol as the panel 0 llllm: ha I: '0u.`l'lctuAu1. sI~1l"l`. 19, 1357. .,_i.. 7..-, ------.---._.a_,, .. Q ...._...._._._., ._._ KlN(:ST()N. (`.\1\'AlL\. MUN DAY EVENLNG. W Row M %nIs1'nuu:I5 l.\' II{i:L..x\'iI T 1 3*1~3*'"' Doubun hm. '0 vuur _._ 1, _ SAUSAGE MAKERS- prime new small h casings; by Ho. per lb ; kegs. I lbs. mo. per lb : halt kegs. 8l0.50; in w English shoe oasln k , 50 prbxtlilgs. 833; snlallerpqtlantmm . l per `lzumlle. Rowux & Co. Hamilton. `fur secretary -I of jurnru of nu been called he has not deliu-lm.-ntl ` ulgo l`lII'll('. Hula. the opnmin. has arrived st Guoklullg New Znlnnd. ' UIUIISI II IUIIUWU I The question of theirbloodehed is not settled yet. Let every one do his duty. end it never will be. Life to the eoldier: ! Hail the I0ehsl~'l'VQlufl0lI:` ' - " hVitll'.h_ nf lh 711111421 Olin -A. [Q0 "'7 ' A ' ` Editor Shoviuch, of the Leader. the no- s:iulhtlo.ngnp|per up il:.nnnnot.be nu:-tad . that tho condemned men, had any connection with the throwing of the bomb. ueueve men: men wru non oe Hanged I" No, only I am assured of it by letter: I. 3 have received from ople I have met all ` over the country. W 1y, humanity will not allow this murder." But what if they are hinged, anyway." Well, if they are hange -" she paused, looked out of a window and tapped her foot on the carpet, if ,they are hanged, why, the revolution in so much nearer at hand. And what does as revolutioniat care for death? New YHBl\ ,, Sept. 18. -Hex-r M out. in Die Freihert, has an editorial asking that no stone be left. unturned to secure the freedom of the condemned Chicago anarchists. He close`: In follows: . 30"... nu--6:...` Al 6LA8_.LI;..\.l-L...l 1. __n IIIUSU IIIUII LU UU miugeu. Are there any other renons why you believe these men will not be hanged 2" "No. onlv I am Assured it In: lenau-g I aux: cum uun Juulclll llluruur. one says: These men could have been han ed when the jury found them guilty. At t at time the world would have permitted, but not- now. The poo le of America will at allow it. I have faith in the Americanispirit of fair playnml justice, and that will 0: allow V these men to be hanged. Are there anv nmhnr l`e.L8()l1R u.-In. vnn Lsuu Hopolul That. the Chlopllo Cdiidelnnod '11! Not. In put to Death. ()mc.u:o, Sept. 18.-Mn. Parsons, wife of the condemned Anarchist, says in relation to the decision of the supreme court that she does not believe the people will permit what she calls this judicial murder." She says: could have been hnmmd when EHO W35 BIHIIIFIHK. .\Ir. Condon, member of parliament, lis- approved of P`nt.her U'Lear_v'n remarks, ,:\ud advised the people to continue in theconsti- tution\l pnth now pursued for the redroan ` of their grievances. \ . Reception of Father 0'Leury. MI`H'llI:L.`1'1`HW_\', Sept. l8.--At a public meeting of the national league held here to- lay. Fnther0 Lenry~, of St. Louis, was in- troduced to the assemblage as I cler man who ll-Ml sent ten of thousands of (ollars from America to help the dense in which the league was engaged. The reverend gentleman announced himself it helieveriu 'the doctrines of Henry (George and urged that no rent should be paid. At the Chica- go convention he had expressed his readi- ness to become as ch lain in uny army raised to relieve Irslunil from the slavery she vus enduring. \.Ir (`nnrinn mnmhnr nf nnrlinnnnnt all-. v...... ...v ..- ,, ._,, ,, 50 laIr1::J -Bundles. amallcr' quanl per bundle.

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