_______.___________ MARIUN LIVINGSTONE. H.D.. 0.1!.` (`I abs l\.n__ln THEMINOHITY IN IRELAND. % . A MURDER AND OUTRAGE. SPORTING INTEELIGENCE. Clan of (luv league Ionian. ' ` - ~l __Ll_ ----.._ Han-Bull `5IlIl-fl. Tuesday. .-gnu .. Luna :Ila.uu -llnmwin and lialy. UUUUUIJZA L I ..|200`202- I0 1! ml: and K inxulow. (nllnuru I \ nuonuuauuun u_. . u~xMbltom- 000000 24 A'lI]lI`)0`.!_ KING rimc new small hg casings; by Herve. 5(1) lbs. Rc.lor lb : kc-gs.l $10.. : prime new English sheep casings. 3) large bundles. 332' smaller quantities -. per bundle. Rowux C0. Hamilton. * -V- -- , u-1-..`- RUTCHERS AND SAUSAGE MAKERS- lbs. Dc. per lb: halt kegs. ` itllll I nur B I Hsuelhntch v's Seghreeze "a plate at New- aml Trim`: lI_....IL..a.J. [}S'l`I v - and inspired sppro rieteneee. lnen DP an me I ed; i`he ring of reeees. First Mrs. rles James read an address of weiceme from the local to the provincial union. Mrs. James put her soul into the words she used and rrverylxuly felt the thrill of hos itulity. Then Mrs. (Rev.) B. B. Keefer, of oronto, re-plied in it most captivating manner, show- ing thnt the temperance cause owed innch to women, who, hitherto. resting under the curse of sin, were now claiming the benets anti privile of the emancipation which dawned eig teen centuries ago in the Holy Sepulchre garden, in the command ($0, . , my disciples.-~' Next 15:. WW. T. Thompson, supported 5 the `retired-list war horses, Willisms end ' y, presented an address of welcome by the Good 'l'emp|nr`s, the points in which were that the order was ghe lergest temperance organization end lruul cw: nun:--v -u----u ------~w --v- --~- - - - - up I Iuboommltloe. 'I"n cummiiloul were then Appointed. The roll 0! nlli.-an anal member: wt: callevl by Mrs. J. B. Converse. About 900 Indie: responded. - Rgv_ Mr_ or |nnI RQV. Mr. Hllllic _.._|...__...I .I.- ....l.m I . \';uum-4-, Hr: Perrv KQV. Ml . llllff Inll IWV. .ur. l":I|IlI|-' welcomed thc union to .\';Lpmu-c. Mr: Perry was iutroducocl an I Iran-rnul delegate from Winnipeg. Mn. \\`lley.oorruupomlin r so- crcurv. nul lotton nl greeting {rum .\ ml tubs. Quebec snd lurltimo unlunu. Mn Youmuu moved. seconded by Mn. lln-thour, I letter of oomlolenco he sent Mrs. J. B. Finch lu this time of her grut ba- ... _ ....--_-O bound to conquer 1:. null, Iuuccu, u mun. . some is that handsome love, what nnhla-r ~ lnemity need one look for than illuminzttwl 1 souls with a great purpose? Still honesty compels the verdict that the rule was not a high type of beauty. How heir-l to die nre the habits of thought I We are taught to look tirat at the style nf u woman's beauty, anal the ladies help on the growth of the habit until we readily shout applause under the dazzling beams of 1: pretty face with little lmsin back of it, and silently u`itici:-c the plain setting of a wcll-developed brain and count the throbs of .1 tender heart. But the world moves, and twenty years hence the woman with A pretty face and (left tin- gers only will he badly left. Such inc tings us these are helping forward to thutrstuge ' the society of to-day. Deeds, not ooks, will be the future gate to favor. n-.. "l\IL-lIl\lIII .m-ai.lml. in little nervous will he the tuture gate to nu-or. Mrs. Chisholm presided, a little nerruus and prayer meeting-y, for she called the` meeting It congregation." but after the ministers had gotten through with the de- votions she settled` down to ll the place she occupied. . :2... Mr lotlmalev read the Good Samari- -tan occupied. ` Rev. M r. Elmsley read ruble with an unction and eniphasi which made its application self-e\"ilent and gave it A new meaning. while Rev. Mr. Baker led in a prayer of power and nlmnst npprodpriateneu. Then he an the liriiur of ad `harlep 0}V8 II. II. I |u\.u rm-moment. A4 oh. nl N.-\r.\.VI:. Oct. l|.~The evening meeting of the Ontario \\'.L'.T.l'. displayed the con vention in full swing. Around the gallery front were hung the local union banners ~ tasteful mysteries of silk and embroidery, of gold leaf and silver fringe-all attest- ing than the component parts of the wln-le were women, Christianity, temperance and unity. There was a preponderance of wo- men in the church of ('0lll`S not the pretti- nesa of the ball-room nor its inanity either -lnut rather the features of exalted \mnmn hood. face to face with A great evil and bound to it. And, indeed, if hand- dove, what u r,,, -1, 1II.`._.2._..A .1 we TEMPERANCE women m sas- SION m NAPANEE. ruvemem. At the durnoon Iouit-II .\lru. dominion precident. took charge mtionnl meeting. 11.. m-..i.l..m`g uhlreu Ira N 1 muonu meeting. 'l'hs president's sdclreu vsry enter- tulnln . Alter rexlowing the year's work Mrs. fhisholm discussed the present out- look snd presented twelve suggestions: (I) Revision of the constitutions, loo-sl, county sud provincinl ; (2) prepsrstion of sn snnnsl lesllet in which the olfect sml simsol the provincisl union ore p sinly noted und the duties of the general superintendents csre- fully defined : (.1) establishment and orgnni union of 1 lecture hurenu consisting of Can- mlisn W.(`.T. U. women only : H) employ- ment 0! minionsrios in the lumber csmps :2 45) creation of in department on Sublnnth observance : (6) appointment of I superin- temlent of_ *'-umlsy school work ; (7) circu- lation of A petition for s ulsy of prayer dur- ing the annual week ul prayer in the rlmrvhes : (I0) appointment of I1-ls-gates I to the l)<.miniun vunnoifs christian conven- .: . .i|. ......,.i..o.....no hf \\' (' 'l' l', r|n|'e- l in that province. At the close of the session the members of the committee and visitors were invited by the Indies of Nnpanee to the lecture room of the church where a bountiful sud subuni- tial an r had been repered for them. The.ta)en were rich _v spread in regal mode-,with dishes piled Lnd meats of noblest sort and savour." Full justice was done to the excellent reput and a most enjoyable hour and a half were upent, the ladies evi- dently ahariug the opinion of Ulivcr Wen- dell Hulmes that it is not a sin to glad` -len this vale of aorrnw with a whuleaonu: laugh." i the l)<.InlIuon vsmnon s cnrlauun (.'UlI\l'Il` iiun ; (ll) appointment of W.('.'l'.l'. rrpre- 4` mrntativoa LopI`i:st'n! the world`: petitions i In ail women : missionary society general N hoards ; (I2! steps uken tnwnr-In securing ; an lvuiiding fund in iuiticil-Ilinn of prm'in('ia| , lnemlqiiurtt-H. It was Al-xi-leul to publish ..... ,_._.- .4" .l... -.l.l.....n i liertilqllurlt-ii. II. was IIl.`\|IIru u. ,....,...~.. 4" mpiea of the mhhuss. .\Irn. Yuunmns spoke un (hr -lutios nf wn men duly elualitied to vute It Svilnlll rim-lions and the necessity for lady mevnhcrs of 8\iIO0i lmnrils. 'l'h(-corrm-spon:li::-av ae. rvur_\='a re-port show- wl :1 hr 'e amount of wnrk nccnmpliahod in every e-partment. The membenhip is 4,368!) in I60 unions. There were 3!) union: not heard from. There are 96 hand: of lmpe with a membership of IILTN. Over IWD churches in the province are u nn fermented wine. .\`e\'enty newspapers nre supplied with temperance in-Ina and over lill}.0(X)pa of temperance iiusruturc are liilbut . rt-1.- ....-.......-'. mnm-9 nhnwad foul re- 1 distributed. - The treasurer`: report showed total re- cei ta of 8l,334.tL', against an expenditure ..c m -u of 8981.34. A letter from Miss Bowes, provincisll \ l thnt utinfsctory progress wu being made province. At the plan of the organizer from British Columbia. stated` show [0 vnmura u_Iu ......w ......, .. .. - ...._ RA.\'GES and STOVESat our Warm-ooms. N0 so vm.\'c1-Iss s'r1u-:1-:'r. ` R. M HORSEY 8:. CO. FIl{|.\'(: ()|~` .-\|)l)RE.\`SHS. my flaw at the Ih'1`I'|ll|Illl M-rvlrr tn Ibo Qnlnrlo IV. C. 1`. I --`Their Mano Ioouu to ho "Wu Mn-h True l'u|u" .\ Young Woman: `nrlmul Au Amllrolu-0. .. nu, . .| . The Evening Seulon. WEl.)NESl).\ Y EV'I'}N|N(i. HUI`. IL , 1887. . Youmum, of the do ` ' ' Milking I uid on \\'|dy Haifa. _ | C~.nnn. 0..-2. l2.-An oicial an atch un- nounccn thnt there are 5,000 to ml: with seven guns at Sarras. It is believed the rebels intend to surround Wady Halfu and sever all means of communication. pm III! lmlrwlu w F II` led none:-nun'y. u ch Mu. Vummuu than van a feeling iutuonn-I lnh-nu imuc-mlmrnm uilil uf Ht. (fntlurlnol. cl unlulruu mnrthyul G on to it: matter. that 1-! his vlgur uu|_ out mol 1 new line. trot , ...... _-|. |.:........ ....l wtzuxuluv. Manama ul (`nunuull laduu M 3 pm: um l.I:;rnm MI:In.\`n or um Knights c hor nu 8 gun. than-h choir. \ '10-mo:-row the young ladiea have their lnnlnge. and expectation baa been eo rained 1 |-y urn ht'e eumeea that they are euro of a I-umper nee 0! temperance and general ` pr,inciple euthueiaeta. Attempt to Criul: the League. ` _ l.n.\'no.\', Oct. l`2.-'l`l|e Daily NuI.'a' Dublin correspondent felcgraplis tlmt he: has received information from an influential ` quarter tlut the government will, within a. ` W fortnight, totally suppress the league. The I natiunnlists, he says, are prepared for my u N such emergency. 3 Th 0" Montreal Collectorshlp. I JOHN, N.B., Oct. ll.--'l`he G107-v gives currency to a_rumour that Hon. Mr Costignnin to he 3 imed collector at Motreal. and thnt Adams, recent- ly defeated by Hon. Peter Mitchell in Xortlmmberlnnd, will content Gloucester. } Avoub Parish" of III: Wounds. Tutu-`.n.nr, Oct. 12.-'l`he atatemnt is con rmed that Ayoub Khan has perished in the euert. His .du.th.lmnultezl from wounclsi received in the recent battle with the u.meer s troops. ' " hm! first enlisted the aid of women. Mn. Youuuu briey roplbd. sckuuwlodglug the hen, and topooing A partnership in future. 3: Ihnugh 359 women were now out-stripping by 010 men. Nani mu nu uhlruo cl nurumul wukomo by tho Noni mu nu MHND purumul alo Mr}. ('||iuIw|m. which did not seem to ii! in wall, but Mn. Youmuu cum to the. rescue! the mmlenc president and oponod the way for Mn. Nymin n to roaol 3 well- rud MI-iron tn w ich Mn. Chisholm ` ..~nR:4I uenemun v. dividing the honor: ` pie ` iniunu ` irwin the licensing power .ngI 1-`pied dividing with Mn. Yummmu. When thin was over of relic! which uitiecl leuuro. and ripenod inm o-min-mm uuil nation at in Phnlpu. of ram-c ritl utlrul I0 wmcn nu. \ um-um. ` clolivorod a tempo the Ink Jnhn H. Finch, In thou h Iv.-kin the charm Int uuium. `Nina Phelpl ihr-ungh hiuwry. III!` I wing that inh- umn iuul mover nurrondcmi the power to 3-rnhihit. or over dam inure than to wlcruo .- privilege. Ii. mu really an incision! murthyof the um: century in do grnK~ lunircdlnon enioying and I luuulin t 0 mlm.i ed nrwumontofqgir slung cpl lines. or mntion wan: ly line. though want In; unmowhn the tin of rho- toric. The music was supplied Ivy the choir. 'I...-...._.... 0.. mm: Indian \ Will in lock on tho Viol! 0! Prince Albert Hour to Nonluupton. l.4No-ox, Oct. l'2.-A lurgo meeting ol mcinlinu tools place at Nortlnmpton on Sunday. It VII unnnirnounly decided to nuke I public dernonutrltion on are oceuion of Prince Albert Victor : visit next week for the purpose 0! laying the foundution none nl tho 'ubi|ee nunexeu ol the Northnm Ion uener imlirmury. It wu determine: to have I rocenion of socinliua. heeded by 3 land Iv ich ehoulxl play the lien! Much in Haul. They nuluncrilned funds lot A large black u; with the following inecriptiun: "Put not your trust in prince:-. " 'l'lu.- chair- man) said it was an insult to the people of Northampton in bring lovrn I uripliug like 1 the prince for the ceremony. vestenlay Mr. Ununberlaun emu no ieureu : it would impossible now to etfect in union of ` liberals. He referred at length to the right: i of the minority And claimed that Ulster was the centre of intelligence of the country. A GQIIIPII Rlelulppclol of Work. : Prmsnvm, Oct. 12. -A general resump- } tion of work in the window glus Inctoriep ` of the west is expected today, and 5,000 , ` men`, who have been idle since July lst, will i x l ` be given employment. .._._ \\'u.u.n~I)n. -Un lo Uuln ville. Robert J. \\`hdey. tol slum: |`u:rr.- -AI Nnpumc-, I .\lauu, to I-Emu`: M. Poll. " L-_,. I.,_:_ I...I...-.. . Cllolern It New York. NEW Yomt, Oct. l2.-Another death from cholere occurred et Swinburne Inland today. It was a child of ei hteen months whose recovery wee hoped or yesterday. Nine patient: still remain on the blend. ` A Biol (M-curs in Soils. Soru, Oct. l'2.--A riot that almost cul- minated in a revolt occurred at Rutlevitza nn Sunday. A newly arrived Russian priest led a party of peanuts in an attack upon the government otces. The gend'a.rmeI red upon the mob, but it was found neces- sary to call out A lxuly of cavalry to lis- 1 perse the rioters. Many were injured. The Centre of high intelligence. L0_\'Du.\`, Oct. l2.-Spo.-aking at Belfast. vesterdsy Mr. Chaunberlain said he feared r ..m.I.l immmihle now > '1`. Corbett, deputy mevo, Ganunoqxie, V had one of his eye: injured by apiece of ntoel, at the bin shop on Thuuda . Fur wu ontarhin that he might one the` !,,I_L > yiveo necusary. PARIS, Uri. l`2.- A Iuummry of the plan for the molnilimtiou of the 17th army corps, which Ins divulged lpy the f'a';/urn, has been found in the house of `it`lll`l`I\i ('u1m-l. .\ memnrnnnlum of sums of mouoy re-ceivc-ul. lvretmmnhly from the sales of lo-corntion-. 3 hu been found in (ion. .-\nllnn's house. It i in reported that Gen. Andlnn Iuu rms to llruuois or Berlin. He let-lured he x in! not wish to be cnnnecl in prison previous to his trial. t A (mp on High Soclety. 1 l`ARx.-z, Oct. l`. .-A lady belongin tog hi vh family has been arrested on the c urge of yeing implicated in the (`nernl scandal. The police fouml some bumed paper: in ` Count nl'Au-llon`s house. A warrant has l hoen issuccl for the count : arrest. I ........~ 1| 9 I-D ,1: in rnnnrfml from 'l'IH'lA>.`5. UN. l`:.- I! ll rupmu-u .'-.000 troops will In: (`0|'I\`8I|ll'!ll(`Il her he held in readiness fur immediate an-I vase events in .\l0I ru`-cw u-nah-r thui Meeting of the League. lvl'm.l.\'. Oct. l'. .~-At the regular fort ' htly meeting of the National league, Mr. ` Ili ' ` Dlon Iuggestod the appointment of a com- penom governing Ireland. ` tenants not `to pay mission toeuquire into the capacity of the He advised their rent until they knew the extent of reduction the landlord: ; were prepared to make, and if these reduc- tion: were inadequate a movement would arise the like of which was never seen in RTISC Ill! lmlnnal. issued tor the count`: arrest. 1 Lu.\'Im.\ , (M. I2. -It is reported from Paris that {jaunt d'Auol(m has committed elliinl, ,.-__ __.__ -._. l.AIIl|-Ix lnr nur Fall and 'hri:Itmon Trade. In lltkt: lluln. pk-auanl work in their mun humus. II m8Jpc~rula_\` mm he quiz-ll nlmle. Work men! by mail om)` cliutalncv. Iuruculln ftoo. kddruon M unro. (`uxnclsf .\'u runvnutnillf. . ART (`u.. ll? .\ ilk 5!. Iiualon. .\lnM. Ho! M70 SOCIACIE? oemonsmnoon. Thing: Looking Shaky In ,\Iorrot-on. TuY`l.H.`3. Ort. l`.. .~ It is rt-.pnrt4`l ll .4... ., _- ._;II I... ............o.-.o...| Imrn n that . . I llllh. Mr. Housed : lllnou umlnntod {sully 0:1` Tuesday nltornoon. Ho vub you: nu mu. Tlnlun nus Alb can-dl-M- Fluhu Fran lumps and What Thai l'oruml-A Llttlo of Ivornhllg lull! hood and Hannah. Mn; Llu: and Queen Natalie. of Son-vb. h.~u-lnoconn roconolhd. n- |.'uI_--....... kl DI! In. llnnlmhnn, Iml DONE! NCOBOIKG. .\lr. Vllhuuvn. ILPP. for Iioolulcp. I uh hfilio b u. `:unn`ll:w! nrlnh Inray hyn::`.nmund In I nuul I or . NA .....'.'" ......" ..`.'. 'i. ..'.."".:'....a Egypt by . dccit 0! 300,000 In an mm. ucl. I. The Brltlah government bu dochlod to largely tho mllnbor cl Hoop: in Bill - mnh. u- u--...|-- nu-.. a....|..oul hullv "ll 1 Old. "I`I` mmln. Mr. Dnvitt in aid to hnvo visited sud ad ironed the knight: of lnlmur princely st Minnugoliu. The Edwin Booth-Lawrence lhrrdtt com- pany drew the Imulnomo mm of IQMXI) In seven porformuwu at Minna: lio. Tun Mnntrnl bunch of the doll Nation- TII||*l'._I \\ U r | w on Iliviuiun FL. jusx I haul and mm mm-r. ,nn|IlIII. .\IvuI3' In J] The Atnhentn \Vlun the Laure-I.-c uf llle Du)` --'l`ho ltulr uf I'l`0('('(ll|l`I'. Ni:\\'ru`i:'r, Oct. l2.--'l`he `torpedo attack on the cruiser rltuliumn took place but night. It wo._s an ideal night for the at- tack. The rules adopted mfudgod any tor- pedo boat out of action W on sufficiently lon under fire to receive three round: from the ig guns. The attacking force consisted of nix uteem hunches and four pulling bontl. armed with Iper taorpedoe, and of other light pulling boetl under the ommnnd of Com mender Chem: of the G lone. As soon In I search light had been played upon one of the hosts for fteen second: the wee counted out and A red signal li t fired in her direc- tion. Thu: beet efter t was diecovered. until by 8:46 .In. all the etteok been were coneide by the umpire: ea troy- od; and the Alente, carrying away the laurel: for the day, sounded the retreat. poormuaou ll Illnllul Ill. Tne Montroal brunch ol noqnnh al luuuc hu um In Invitation to Sir Thoma (3r|t.v.nn l'I:monde and Mr. Arthur U'(.`mmnr toviuit Montreal. A ._:_.. ..............I .... 0..-..I.u no Dlnrnn alnr. tclescopin the sleeper auu Iour coucucu. nu fur fourt. 11 bodies have been thken from the wreck." A doctur from Huntingdon, lml., is the only `passenger identied-. T he rcpt are burned beyond reeogn 0-ion, and twenty-`ve or thirty are wounled. The enginee and fireman of~the stock -train warn div hurt. and are not expected to live. `.\H`All{S OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAMS mom THE-EARTI-1'8 roun Quurrgna emu. U'(Ionuor IOVIIII Montreal. A riot occunotl on Sundny at Plovm dur- the elections inr member: of the Hulmrinn nobranjo. mul during the disturbance 24 person: were killed and fl) wounded. France and ltatly lmve Accepted S '11`: invitation to bold in 1-nnferonco in 3 ndrinl on the Mnrroccu queutiun. It is expected Iinlnncl will participate. I mrv In-inu Imsclocialenl. in conuzquence l Great Rleetlnuat Dublin to rflltst Axnlnst I'l'I`M'lIt (iIl\ l'l'lllIl!`lIl Prmleeutlou. l)rm.|.\`, (let. l'. .~An immense meeting was held here to protest against prosecutions directed by the government against the press. Mr. Sexton presided, and .se\'ertl English journalists were present. After an address by Mr. William O'Brien, resolutions were read declaring that the struggle for the freedom of the press must he continued. The resolution were carried amid great on- thusiasm. Mr. Elliott, of Columbus, Ohio, seconded the- resolution condnmninq the govcmmenfs attempt to destroy the liberty of the press. He said those in America who had been mlvocates of the use of dynamite had changed their views, and were now union; Mr. (lla.ilstone's warmest supporters. Mr. Ullrieu elmllenged Ur. llulfuur to sup- press the National league us long as reports of the roeeedings of the league meetings were pu lished in newspapers. .\l r. Balfour, he declared, could not su press the national press of Ireland until he md sup ressed the n lnrnn section of the English. Velsh and (`Mu'.u:n, Ovt. ll.-'l`he passenger train eastbound on the Chicago & Atlantic mil- way, leaving Hxunmmnd at 8:l.') last night. broke down near l\'outs_ station. The en yine started ahead, leaving the train, and stopped for water at aawitch. The en inc got on the centre and could not get bac to the train. ` A stock train following, running on special time, crashed into the sleeper, telescopin the sleeper and four couches. So far 5..."-t. n India: have when r.n Inna mu paruupue. I my Irving llD\S|lQClll0ll, consequence M the uiioccuuf his provincial tour with FnuIt," to represent that play during his five weelu' engagement in l\ew York. George Perkins, of Bathurut. while work ing in I wall nt Maherly was fatally injured. A utnne vroiuhinu 500 lbs. fell u n him crushing And breaking hi: honu. e lived only three huuu nftoru mule. Rt-\'. .\'2\lII Snmll. tlu-evangelist. in Toron- tu, nleclimul tn liacum; the labour question. llo still held that the lnlmurer wine the Vic tim nf 1l('lllI},:0g|lt.`R,l|l|ll the utterances which gmv Iuulrrsge an a previous occasion hml l .-..f...~nn.-an in Iluun 1.; w. J. In: x dnnr from |.riI'I\`l n : nu. lbiriaiuc he declared. could not press me muluuun of a lurac section English. \'c0tcl1 press. The priest and the people were united, and they llml pletlgexl them selves to thwart and ridicule all attempts at coercion, and to l`.0lLl Mr. Balfour up to pub- lic hatred and contempt. lnu cumplowly rvonvonn. - Then was 5 all M full 0! snow 35 Anlr Imnd, (`hipp_ow:o hull, and Applowu, Wil- grass: UL-orgc Muck, of I-`armeruville, in dead. About three mouths l 0 one uf hi: dun vh- ters wu nttm-kc-`l with typhoid fever, but by unremittin v attention the recovered. In wnitiug uponbher one after another of the family cuutrawted the disease which nully resulted in Mr. Stack`: death. A relapse occurred au on Tueaday morning. 0| I. `The Dachau d (lumhorluul. who run ul. low An inane uylum wmc month: ago in completely noonvorod. Then an I nllnht lull NVSI. At the llluernl mufereucc at Hnwarden it was cleciulcul tn zu-cu-dc to the nleumndo of the Welsllliheruls and make the cIisestahlish- ` ment of the church in Wale: A plank of ` the platform at the liberal federation cun \ Hrll .~`\ Tc-rrllulo lnsnster an the Chicago & Al- luuuc Rull\vny-'l`ho Death Lint. n ,. I I 'l`l... .\....-._........- `t.~..3.. A NAVAL DISPLAY AT NEWPORT. THE Lnrirv or THE PRESS. llllll: lSllIl\I'II)'--lnu uvuwu uu-o. ll.-'1`he passengerfruin .....|........l nn Hm (`himmn & Atlamric mil- won. Chin Foo, City mu. dot. mu. .\I.I.l!~. L`hun'h. mean an aurmme CARS. 3: and nronmn ormo uocx -L`ru.uI dly e}pe-cted MI HUI. l U) H than 8,000 people-. ul Inlllu HI`:-I \l`Pl`l` N0: ': slup M lumpw mining .1) Mr": building-I um! 11 sold uhoa M K m II. M. .l()\\' Princess an uon paid I teeth. LAKE \'IE\\'.`` A beautiful suburban lurm roshlc-nu-. mu! half of L0! part 15. sitmm-d 3 miles frmn Market Sqmnre. and half mlle tmlu Porlamoulh. containing 7.`: urlllncn-I: plentiful supply of water : lame and nod house, and all necessary outbuildings. I- Inc orvlmrd. close -~-1-.. -.. .5.` l..I:.. I-`nr mrmn and Ql'HC|ll- lame anu 5:-nu m....w, ...... .... proximity to the Ink. I-`or terms particul- .-nn apply on the premises to Join: l}RAH.\.\I. - - ; -a4__. '._1' , , 00 TO K REEV IS. Kin St... to buy our Tios. He has Swdozcnu to c louse from. ood Tics. 2 for 5 cents. a FIRE KINalRl 4 SIZES. ! -- x .~` and lbw:-llimz. lhnlknnwn Ihy Jruuu-4 'l`|lI-I Hl,'.\`l.\'l-238 PIN-2.\ll.~`|". snulh side of I rinu-as 51.. adjoining Au | nrkhill's." in present ovrupim Iiilluren. I-lsq.. as a (inx~1~ry : pus-M (k'l()|M`l'. .\|-pl)` In A. .\h`l`ulu|I( K. -ssiun Isl of , ..-an.-..._, -.. , ,, _:___ |"|.\' I-2 (`ITY ll0.\ll'1. The undcnsignod oeru for can-that I)!-:Sl|{ABl.I'2 H0l'SI-I A.\ l)LU'l` now occupied` by him on Earl Street. The whole is otrerod in ope block. hnvmg about one hundred and twenty feet frontage on I-_`.Arl street. and the Urror Lot. runauu-ouch to V\ out Street. The B LDLVGS on tho properl ` urn almost new. and gho gnu-den is pl;nnxu_x_i_'\'va3ln BL`Iuu.\ am almost the a the clmioesl. truils. For t MOORE. the (`lumen M001! I-Z. I n-1-;-m`iu >.\i.|-zx one-Too. an line-qtmlled nduntuuu "IL .\urnuryIm:n. |(uL-hotter. N.Y. \\'Al)E`S .\l.\.\'l)R.\KE LIVER PILLS are urn.-ly a vegetable cathartic. being entirely free .rom (`nlumcl or any Metallic substance. In case of Liver Complaints. Bllinusn`?;i Dyga p- sla. Hesdachc. &o.. they give unive sat IS c- lion. Thu)` art.-.\'ug:\r-coated. One isndose. In Bottles all \\ Al)ls`.'S DRUG STOIIE. Karl .~'lrt*1.`l. 'I m- nw Hr! wlaszs cumin inn. la! us. I tuxlumx. I.-grin Slrot-l. is 1-`1.\7lE IE1. i;.~3?r;.:I) I-`..| ship of Klmpmn. ve lllrs 1 minim! ?i)ucr--:4 ; stony |'_(_~_vgi-_l< These Reliable Stoves are for sale only at !hc aw s'I'0\1: DEPOT. , BIBBY & VIRTUE, Full`! ` H ran! -1` _ `or! II. ,. -zm|c.\'I:Iu;..~ucm'Ax'r: mm. Ap- ly m Mu. Tum. SIILIA. I30 ydouluuu mm: t nurcl)` ve(;( |.A|IlI-;.-4 wnnumi hum! an an nd colnlurhsb c quart:-r M\lII`l'h. In Kings-tun, 4.: WHO: uf '. (.||Ill"h.'k, 111: Isl-: .T\\'V`>` _H"I m IIi\'i\i(|l| Just t ,V._ _ .,___,,,-- TIII-I Slll II` AX ID l)\\'I-2l.l.l.\' now 01-cupiwl '.\' `V. J. Ilirk x `on on Wellinlnn Hln-1-I. ls! lnur |`rin-1-su .~`lrm-cl. App y In .\lu.-A. WI. -- . .-a..a..n sen-L ounusilo All a`n'1||ls' .1. H CLARK. .\l.D., ll.D.$., L.U.a.. DENTIST, Gradunloof New York College of Dentistry. 0moe--\\'cllington Street, between and Brock Strains. Putlculu atten- Hon mid to the preservation of tho natural .\I|I|rI. I." l'4ll||I|I Freclerix Lslnugln Are the Leuing Stoves of the day ; also the new Vul. L\'l .'l`\\'l)-.~`TU|{\' I"I{.\ .\_i E H()l'>'I'T. 'uiI runlni and A In.-W slnblv ndjul _ FOR SAg!_Q_R TO-LET. 335 I I. IIIIA \\ -vu \P . . . . . . . . _. Jl|| .\m)Ty .\lI( , lbiviaiuu Street. opposite 1 K`T\\'U I"l"I'L ('1 I` -`lU.\I'. II\lL arm inn x`0lll|)|\"l'd ; 8 rnulnn Nu-II. lmn ue lawn : rent. 8|!) pa-r Apply Junzs Cluwruun. umcor. ,_..._ , .`.___. l-`OR (`0UGHS.A.\'l)(`ULDS.--Gmsp A Bottle of the I)l.ulOND Comm lu-:.\ur.m'. The llrsv. (lose frequently alone a cou h. tiomposcd of Wild Cherry. llorchound. Ilocmnpanc and other valuable ingrmlivms. l le'L~mnt I0 mks. ADl`b` DRUG ln` boulus. and we" at \\ ' STORE. - --- - -nun nvi I Q ....- ll: ll().\ll-;.~`Tl-LAD l-`.\lt\1 In the T: Zlmpmn. lull:-s from the oily. our--:4 stone residence and C300 -1 nrrlmrd. 'l`hi.-4 properly vri x the owner is going west. A` l0\\'.\T. Soiicllor. Brow: >`t.. I: - .\hn) ind Brick Putlculu ; . ` and 33 7 King Street, _:_j_______?_. ` PILLS ......m.w..uharu'c. beinsz trpe ` REMINDER8. I .\||-ZN at once. sultry from mm. ` llnuvn lsuomnu; . n.-.L..mnr K,Y_ \ i and nc `_ Thv lmuse In 1 `ml :1 Ta-rm MARE! ED. F01; ALE. 7 WTANTE_D.T Owing to the rush of business on ncoonnt. of the large number of Sloyes and Ranges which we are selling. we nd gt impossible to exhibit . .. . . ,,- __.- _u...n I..- nlnnnnl` In .. PA(`Kl-ZRS-lllghcst (`ash Price blndo bones. umkmge. and {eni- ls delivered at our works. Hamil- &Co.. Fen ilixers. Hamilton. :__..._--___.__ 'u~ in u now mm mm nun. Tc-rm} Inudcruu-. : |mux.|.. Ihulwuy Collages `BOARD. FOUND. TO-LET: gbim. ` and turnl-shed mum. -c quart:-ru through than M- hi lnmud war: a tanns app 3' to THOS. ____.__.______ 3 T-.\ remedy warranted to Cnrns, Bunions. (`n|louscs' c Corn Salve. in boxes. 15c nu -0 ggiung, nu uuu 3:. ----..-vu--4--v ~- -----7 at. `he Central l-`nir. bln we shall be plen.;so`d'lo show to visitors the lame array of GB R3 H 32 , _-_.- . nmn|r:aa-A ......\l,'..u-nu-nnvna NU ; '.'l'\.~"'I:l-).\ l-2 I .......|.-Ind : 11 mo tit runalhmugn to vs cat. [NOS emu-denis lamud wit 1' 0 lawn n. U: '. , U11. Int, \ '. , I-olh M North ` ,.. at H impa- > lawn ll`. Data. 1 I... I-o \ E HUCSI-I. mun mu-II. -.\l`:.| lung 321'. 3rd, the mnmz. on -and in in 1-. Ap y mgcs. n~ oil)`. con- vxoellenl y will llm I. A py -`L. l\Ping- Mm. 27. u Iol l.u_- 0|-`I-'l(`ll'. 1.\'n~ :sInidtct-2ll Baum Slrct bc tween (`lawn and Johnson Sta. lIDiseavsos 0 Women and Children a Ipo~ ctnlty. - . , Town- I\' l`l|' '(`ll pivd net . ls! Horrible Crime (`onunltted in the (`ounty of C||atonuguay--Facts of the Case. .\lo.\'rlu'..\|., (lot. I2.--A horrible story of murder and outrage comes from St. l'hilo nu-ue, county of ('lIo.te:u1gun_\'. An old mu pic uulned Lefehvre reside in a lonely spot outside the village. with an adopted daugh- ter, a girl of sercuteen. t\lr. Lefehvrc is ninety two years of age and his wife ninety- six. On Saturday night a mun named Jo- seph Pitt, aged thirty, knocked at the door and told them that four thieves were coming to break into the house and he had come to protect them. They refused to admit him. whereupon he started to break open the door. The girl escaped from :1 back window, and running to the village got some of the neighbours to come to their assistance. They got. Pitt, who was drunk. to go with them, and one of the men took him into his house until he had sobered up. About midnight this man sent Pitt home, but instead of go- ing there he returned to the Lefeb\'re s house and again attempted to force an en- trance by a window. rs. Lefebvre picked up an axe, but the villain threw a stone at ht-`r and knocked her down. He then jump- ed in at the window, and as Mr. Lefebvre entered the room with a knife in his hand, Pitt struck him with the axe and knocked him over. Finding that the young girl was one he assaulted M rs. Lefebvre, and, on er resisting, stabbed her several times with the knife. He afterwards returned to his family, and it only when the young girl re turned home next day that the horrible crime was discovered. Pitt was arrested and lodged in Beauharnois gaol. Mr. Lefelr vro is fatally injured, and his ante-mortem deposition has been taken, but it is believed ' his wife will recover... _ - II01`Il|0l(lOl'I I0 IOIII Qzu uu xvii II-Iv am the purpose of paying all lualobudncu nual rating I Imnll ourpluu fur next year. I! the pmpouilion I: declined the franclsioe Irlll I be put upon the Imlut. ITIIIIO III III! I49-[MU -vs-uuu. The luguo chnmpiomhl union of I887 l closed on Snuuhy, and euidcnt _\'onng ` nnnounooul that none ol the pouponotl or ~ lie gaunu could Ina played all. Consequent- ly, no chm PI will - mule In the fullnwing ublo. showing the work ol the club: lot the llr. Clunnbe rlaln Claim: Jinn. Their Right: Hand Not` Boon Considered. Bm.\i1:muA_M, Oct. l`2.--In a speech at the train door Mr. Chamberlain said that the home rulefs hul refnined altogether ` from considering the feelings, wishes and 1 rights of the minority in Ireland, which minority was respectable in numbers and character, md which had 3 ti ht. to be heard As well as the majority. W an it was ro d `to inter the constitution of the un tad iii? om he could not understand how the liberal: had given) impomnco to the views of the sedition: pu'ty,nnd Ind not connider : ed the views of those who had nlways been .....I Tho Inca-lull uouip--ItanIIng ul u Loaguu-Gonna! Iporuug Noun. ` New York`: prots on the nouns are uti- ' mum! at about OTJJIIJ. I\..A....lh I- ma`-an In hnin Oh ullnnl [Kl]- matml at ahuul U.u,IJlIuI. Detroit la going to no the tallaat :- nant la la the coutry. It will 50 Plu fut h It la to-he bu I that the loaguo will Also- liah the ghost it. A Iaaaoun balla ahoulcl rank what lt . really in. an error [or the pitcher. D The Cornwall Iacmaao club in ham: [or a challenge (roan tlla Toronto club to p a a match to tut tho malls of the toama. "lw Cornwall club will guarantee 0250 In the Toronto: for their axpenael tn Comwall. 1`|.- n...)...c...- luuaabhlll clnb aka the Tomutm lor Inmr expenses in 1.-uruwuu. The Rochester lsuelnll club uh utookholclorn to loan 320 on such Ihre fur sue: \|'urld`u (`luunplnmnhlp Gnmeu. NT. l.ur|~, 00!. IL The attemlnncu was IILUUO at the game of the wt-rial": rhnlnpinn ship series here. The l(`Hli|i returns show that 1033 than IOJIIK) penplc vrv.-re present. The weather wu hotter and the gain more interesting. Uunzell. the vhnn e cats.-hm-r nf the league champions, nu-ukniw Iiruutherf [mince at first. and Deacon Vhite resume-l I in old position It third. Manly Richard- ... urluu nl..w~.l thin] ventenlav. went out AS \'()'.;'.l-2 tuning Inn! A rrii-rn-u berr Colored Heifer mn In-our ut nu some by nus]: In; An lhlo mm. It not clAhnud|l_w|ll bu-ml . I \'Cl'lllC`8 RFC I10! pllyllllg hull II] Inc nl._)'Ic U1 do" the Browns. They are lepcmling on their ability to win victories by lust- ting them out. uhile the llmuns uru taking all thu chances. Batting. elding, base running, everything in lune with It vim that utonishel the league ulu vers. fho rank mil lay: of Lnthnm at (Mr and Boyle, who wn hind the bat. in piece of Bunhonu. gave the \ictory to Detroit. Rowe dial splendid work for the visitors as short stop, while Thompson, Bennett anal Han- lon were superior in the use nf the stick. Contrary to the ideas generally held the St. Louis men showed little verse in base running. end in thin:-as ct were fairly outdone by the visitors. Bot pitchers were hit freely. SI. Innis . .0 In-er-nil n 000120--. 00010.0 \ IIII Old poallnon It uum. nanny uluuuw son, who played third ycsterxlay, to left eld and Conway pitched. The uhln was much better lralancecl than yn-st:-rulnny. Yet it. can hardly be disputed than the '01- ` verines not playing hall in the style to --.I.." who Izmu-ma l`hm- are loucmliln! third. .. At 3 meeting of the committee of the Ut- tavn football club, it was decided that the team visit Kingston on Saturday. It is ex ted that the Ottawa: will be able to send ll good fteen to complete with the Kings- tnns. I-sun -an A At Washington I .\I-In . Wnahinmon l I Hhrellnnoous Nun-1. \ u The race for the Middllepark plum: llllkel was won by Johns-urn `Balsam: Lord Lnnlnmlerr_v'a HA1. raecoml; and Lunl (`ulthorpe's Se third. ` \p .. ..\....oin.u 1\` than nnnuuiQQnn nf \ uu nuuru - lkallerh-5'--lh|lh\'in l;al'_\`.' .*`nTilh um! Baldwin. 4 At lndInnapolin-- n. n. L (`la-vulnml. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U I .1 lmliunnyxzlis . . ..l I I 2 7 000- I! 7 0 llnncrim (`rovn-ll Illld Suyclcr. llo_\|q~:\nxl .\1Ke`rs. lllmore-Brooklyn gmm: postponed. rain. 00 `III oyul. .u an - Al (`inc Vhicngo l'im-innnl u nun--n-uvu Haueriuu Ly nrl: H nu-Ii _ L I DU! Douulx... .. Phlhdolphxn (`bl ' . New urk. Boston -uubuu. Li ' hlnglou. . In lxnapolls ..._.-____.*____ Fl)l'.\'l) A1` LAST-A WI cum hard and son 81-. Hanson's .\h\g1'c at. Wade's Drug Store. ______:___.__?_. T0 PORK P.\(`Kl-2RS-lHghest I aid for pork bones. umkagc izing lm\u.-rials won (on. Rowux Fertilizers. Ha __.__%_____._____