an we gospel ox Lnnst tor society today." This in certainly strong language, and yet no whit Itronger than that used by our great Canadian organ, the Toronto Globe, in view of the crisis. In an editorial bearing the startling titleIs it to be A new reformation?" we read : dill..- ALI..- 3- _._,4,r .1 . I\ -`h ---- u. 1 euievoel, In an open letter : The speaker of the pivotal truth upon which civilizzition will shortly turn sud start in s new direction ; the adapter `of the principles oi the truth seeker, Jesus, to social science. to the present and through that the future welfare of men, Henry George. ' ' ' Paul the greatest of the apostles, gave direction to christinnity in the first century. Henry George is giving direction to it in this century. And whether ministers agree with the doctrine of the new crusade or not :hey can hardly be ex- cused if they do not at least study it until they understand it. If. understanding it, they also believe it, they can hardly be ex- cused if, new thst the battle is open, they do not proclaim it ; not as I side issue, but as the gospel of Christ for society today." certsiulv stromz lanaunuc-._ luul vat l\'|.\':~"rn.\`, Oct. H. {To the Editor) : I am not prophesying now," says our once too condent Broaclhriln as he cmnes a little nearer the conflict of Nov. Nth in New York and New York state, for L-rnzy" Mc- Glynn, mad" George, the "alisorgnnizexl" United Labor party. and the tooting" rah- hle of anti-povertyites seem somehow to have rallied round them a new and formid- able political movement. But what is` r- ticularly diaturbing to the old-time po iti- cian in this movement is not its rapidly de- veloping voting an-ength, nor its more and more perfect organization. but the persist- ence and spread of the accompanying and to him inexplicable reli ious enthusiasm. Thou- sands pack the academy of music in New York of a Sunday evening to hear the Rev. Dr. Molilynn preach the religion of the new crusade. and break out into cheers that ahake the building as they catch a new meaning and a larger hope in the old prayer, Our Father." l-Iarneat divines have placed themaelves at the servim of the campaign committee. and are stumping the state on week days. And surelf it is no ordinary campaign that could ca I out from a promi- nent evangelist the lollowin appeal to his brother clergylnen. Says t e Rev. Hugh 0. Pentecost. in an letter The sneaker nf Hm ni\`nn' o....n. ....._- , _....-..... ..u--. \'lII \lIllZD. IHIIIU thesr rcquirt-Im-ma I lnliuqlm-u u! L leads to an incrc.'m- in mortality, I conic-luc-nt irrntiunul increase of pa; in the cit)` :1 the lethal. Henry George in .\uw Compared With an. Paul-8-nlluenu 0! the l'reu. \- ...-......- In uuurl unit Men h|\'e been III the outbreak of II:\`l`{`. the psuic ha auhoiclenl old trunk: and lay the cruptinn of cliu-aw. ing, an proper n_\ slell prompt rclumnl xuul ll vying uuinml rcfuru-." tymotic and |u'u-lml banished from our c BRITISH \\1H(.'. 'l`HI;R:s'I)AY. ()("I`. '.m_ .______.`__ A Cancel-t nt'l'm- nm'3'uOhL u..l.-..a:..... 4.... .4__ ~A hr - _, .. r.v-v~yuv- a- urn, Ia-I mI-lI PIV- tectlon an the wise men ol the country can conceive o! and practically apply. The law in not yet eocnprehoulve enough. It loee aotpaovl-le lorthe appointment of lmpec ton of huilclinge. an-l the clothing of them with powur .to iueint upon the conetruction ol houeee substantially and Iltha regard to: hygiene. Theee thingl are taught in the public echoola anal collagen, and cettainly with tho expectation that the more the people know 0! them the more careful they will be in olaerviug the aame. No queetion ha: been lllvtc aliacuuo-i in the prone. and with n0 subject the people elnould he more familiar, and yet. with a reckleuneu that is inexpli- rahlo, they will not turn from the old metho-ll in order that they might live. `Inn Innlua I-..... -a...aI..I _4.--. V II I .- wwu .IVIuwI - u`UIi\VI lll London Lam: were me but can unplug lhcu fevers. \\'Mch the MI chill cuumt oumolimu chock - hill] 0' I colcrctu out` Stud (9) In out All In! pfpo or having according to scientic principle: 11.. _.. LII n . rnmo small h casings. by tierco. 5(1) lbs.. `. 3c.[Berlb: kegs. 1 lbs, 330 ; half kegs. 50 lbs.. 315. - small qmmlilles. ic per lb. Ln fish nhccp cuaimzs. s. of 5 ) l 0 bund- les - small quantities. 6. get bund 0. liurc i?`ex-mlizor, composed 0 blood. Bone and meat. only8_w per ton ; ne bone meal. :15 M.- . uu Ivul ul um: In laden ll toad than in 5 chuiu pun ranging the gauntlet successfully. and than than capo lot tllom the wonder I: I tnlny b not gutter. Accox GOSPQEOVF EW CKUSADE. uuuuu as am the manual oummsc Ian I nlauhhlo ecl upon the Iuhull. ohould u! IN! by pnllutotl ;ll\a! It nctmlly draw: the newer and brings the tour `an `IV! I-910 houu ; (but it Iilu Into activity all l the pohnnouu go:-an lawn! in an onlnnll, ` lid no the Home becomes n perloeo (cs-or . ...-u -.-`J --u.un luv. :: Ilutleul ocouiunnlly by I epiolomics, hut when 1 they continue In the :-I fmmulntion far A new - -.~...vv IO\wuuIwv u Ho till: us that I .... ..._ ....u~.u-am, uuv alentructiom 0! I le- u says I cunlemporuy, ml llCiLM'l could he cities." lilimlneu to ||~ n - "\\' ith eiciem plumb- In of sewn-mg:-, the uv ' "' " " -"` I I i s z when the venu- uim 0! the own- BUTGHERS, FARMERS & GARDENERS. i , and the yopul`atiou J , nunuzub WAN`;-U. I , J" ,_ I WAN'l`lD-LADll:Sforom-Fnllund chm:-. " `* "'""~ ""` -~"~'-' :'I`zlrT;nd'lntou.o uku"'r:" diywm 1:; ii n'~1-' ' " 1 ' -- 0 in: can ' -.-`-in .-..- ' ulouy made. \Vorkoentbymzl'n dhunoo. I`!-M1!-' 3- '~- : -Hr-~. utlculu-0 boo. No runnntn . ddnu at - _ aw: -.; run.) once. Cancun Ala Co..}I1 ll 8t..Douton, Oniu. v.::. . Mun. Box 5110. n.l`-.-I-'...u ..A.,;\; .`iI`np`I', l'!.'o A REWARD 015` will be naidlor lnfor mntion that will i to tho conviction of any party or parties stealing lines of any ot the ` e ootrio light poles in the city. and especially for the conviction of the party who stole the row]: oi! the poles on Union and Stewart Sta. ' 9 Company will not be responsible for any injury lhli. may happen to portion intu-faring ` with any of the apparatus. By order. sEcoND- HAND `BOOKS soouuzma Books bougth and told by A . SIHMONDS, Ana. 9. rmxmcss wrnnnvr 1-.'p1souesIn a Life of Adventure, by 1.m.u-once Ullmnt. 8l.50. Sobasto . by Count Folstor. one. Things C en. by Victor u we. The Silence of Dean MnllJII,n . 500. Thc`(l`I;3sude oftho Excelsior. by Bret Harte. Mia PM-l\'n's New Cook Book. $1.50. in Bad Hands. F. W. Robinson. me. Essnx\"ts I!-om :1 . oto Book, by George Elliott. F. NISBETS, Corner Brook and \\'ellinnmn Rn A Short History of the Camdinn People. by Rev. G. Brynei 02.50 The Earth Tromb ed by Rev. E. P. Roe. mo. 1`heA(?jatu7oIgeLwn. y the author of the Gates R1`. - . . Episodes In Life of Adventure. ` _ 0llpha_nt_. &i'l`he finest stock in the city to select from. " THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, OR`. l).......... .. L-.....__ Ashort History of the l_e\'._9._Bryn_e, I_2.5_0 V own N R \\X K \ QR \ J. Hende}on & 00., PRINCESS STREET. `In fact ever, {Jan "A Erasers, (`A Slates, Corner Brook And Wellington Sta. _j_ BIOLOGY , ` FRE.\'(`}*.l. /17 T W0 DOLLARS PEI? P/1//?. COM l OSITIO.\'. \.LIa`Il \Jx`I 1 IU.` ALGI-ZRRA, TRIGOI\ 0.\ll-JTRY. I A 'I`l\' .\l l.'.\'lL'. (SEUHRAI HY. DR.~\\\'I.Vl:_ '| Our stook of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds is large and varied. We have 5 complete assortment in all the following branches : RI-IADlN( ., \\' I) IT! \`|! AGENTS WANTED. Il'l'I!n__l'. A DIIEQ am. A... Ihll --.n . VSCHOOL BOOKS ! `y or me I By order?` Winn: |J. c. HARDY & 00., Best and Cheapest in the city. c__.._._._ Everything new. good and use- an in Drama Materials, with suit- able Trimmings, will be found with ugat Lowest Living Prices. Boongs AND!_MAGAZINES. , -.,- anmif Fine Dress Goods, Plnid Dress Goods, Coxnbinztion, Stripe and Plaid Dress Goods DRESS GOODS yo/253.9 0000.9. DRESS nouns F U R s Knees-rox Eucnuc Lon'r Co. CostumoCloths121-2c.15o. Suit-, ings15, 18. 20c. . t ired by ctheegggylgrn clzgilatlr. `All-Wool Goods 12 1-9; 15. I86 ATTENTION! J --0.\'l-.` I Rl(,'I-.`.S'T()Rl'.', - 88 PRINCESS STREET. A Gnnd'I.ine for School Dresses. (`HE.\!I:~"I`RY. Comma . ET(.`.. E11.` V) Crayons, "Tl2.\l Pl-2RA.\`("l-I. \l'I)l Pencils, 11..-Al 1.l\.1.\ 0 .aT:'R'1cL'LrL'm:, EL()('L'TION, ` l\D'I`lII\l.`|)\ In : R.\ .\l .\1 A 1:, GERM.-\.\', 77`/05 . CUNNINGHAM WRITING, Day @0608. L'A'TI.\', IAV Ala) PRINCESS !Ul`llHI"T Compasses, `.ll'\l. Commercial Cou rs '~ my ~ aauv {_.-LL "ARI1 H.\l I-Z'l`IL' `'rm' "uRTHon \'. gow and London Inuumno Cmpnny. LIFE.-UenenlAent from Klnyrslun to Pros.` volt for the British `mpiro Mutual Life Insur nnce Co. of England. May 14. Rules, PHYSICS Hl.\'T()R Y, GREEK . uuzu. uupunuu uu`(`L'l K01` 0ll.l' Gentlemen can `depend on ; Goods from A 4--n:-j.?. ` uvuuu n In uclu . uuuury. moves, DCnl'l'B. Umbrellas. Ian. Handkerchiefs. &c.. for men. It ( Pricesmportod direct for our own trade. Gentlemen mnn`:!.-nnna an n.u THE PALACE FURNISHIN/I} STORE Ll..- .I...;,_. _.__._--------- - Has the at asaortmentolBalbrlmrnn Under- wear. Hosiery. Gloves. Bcnrfn. Umbrellas. Col Handkerchief; kn.` fnr lnnn r rv....\. The subscriber is now prepared to show complete assortment of the LATEST FALL and Wll\"!`EI GOODS in Suitlngs. Overcoat ings and Trousctlnga. which he will make up in rat-elm :.= style at reasonable prices. 3;; - -- Prime small hog I30. oar lb: km.-n I4 [J_os- A. B. SMITH, j;_j.______._._______..____ TO THE_PUBLlC. V R.RATTENBUR% When you can buy fur Litilc Money lhc Best Goods in smms A.\'DPA!\`TS. GLOVES and BUTTS. (`.-\ RDICvA.\' JACKETS. SOFKS AND KNIT- TED UAPS. A new and large stock In Very Low (`ash I riccs at the right place. !wHv SUFFEIVFJROM cow ment. Lille sure and can u chasing elsewhere. It cu... .- H. '01.!-`. I.-S`!-`inc Neckties ~ My 250. - Just think nfit : am Won`: Suits from 50 up. 150 Boy:-rand Children`: Suit: !rom 2.2.5 up. 51!) Men's. Huys'and ('hildren's Overcoat: from 83.!!! up. 5(1) Men's and Boys Puma from Lup. Genta'l`urnlshings. Hats. Fur (`nps. `ur Cuata, Gloves. Trunks and Valises M Sur prising Low Prices. See our Street Ad\`L~rtisc- ment. Lllrncmm-TuLon.. '- 259Kmg S-rmn:-r. ___.___._._________.______ #5:. FIRE-City and County Agent for the Glns nnd London Insurance LIlg`E.Uqnor1lAgent from Kimrslun Prof Yen! czudn . 05 80 cu. Addnu ., Bolton, Qua, on,om 10. r:.( xmnun-I New I Bigger Bargains n;a.; Eve} Th{s wek Is the place and 84 Princess St. the number. And the work will be better done. If it prevents the moths from get- ting into them for the next two months it will be money saved. Remember then GALLOWAYS Send to Galloway before the rush comes any Furs you may want repaired or altered in shape and have it done while there is plenty of time. In DON'T cosr ANY MORE T GTEO RGECL:lAF,N NOW IS 'l`HETLIJ\TiE7 vc._ AT THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. 8'3 PRINCESS STREET. 1.1, 3. PAGE & 00., 138 PRINCESS STREET. (j- _-_.- -nu. aunasv Insurance Agency, Ford's Block. - - - Brock fmnl. SLE/GH /?06 S & 000/V 00/4 78 an MASSE. The bloat. Must St)-liuln I Heulgeu ever pmuluu--I. I In I'ilhoutnn'. '\.~ uhr run u and A "mini! M tlw (in F1 NIC I`1f%1~:s AS A CAP; -j-------gI--0.1-1-! The l`upulm~ shin Maker. I25} Mu.\'+:a.~1 Srlrnm`. OPP. WINDSOR` HOTEL. ld'l'lu- AS .A. BONNET. But It for L4 ALFRED R. %n&Aii7r'i'i UH`. (TITY HUT!-Il.. KlN(:ST().\'. Leading Hatters and Furriers LAN SDOWN E In Bal md`Pcra1an Lamb. gyms` FURNISHINGS. ~'r- Imulnle V [1 at the STAR before pur- -u vvvu uuutf 1 getting P.e.Hnbl `.\.\"r`.< !~'uU.\'D . Irv: uh: and ` mm! lnrunw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V768.V(llJ Insurances as-dust Loss by Flro accept ed at the lowest current rates and claim: settled without. reference to the Board at London. w, n nnnww Am... 4.... m.......-_ )'liI'| anal Fulhimnume ml. N0 Indy Ihonld wear both 0 (`ap ~. 1. ! Y PR0!-:ur_m:: A gout. I Total lnveslctl Tom] lnrunw. Inaumnma : Subscribed (`:1 Am] . . . . . . . . . . . Total Invested `undu upwards Hf " Tqml Income . . . . . . . . .. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE UDMPANY. uosaoa mm In tiilyoars . . . . . . . . . .. 53,m.ouo.oo 'l`holend1'nf Fire Insurance (`om ny on the (`onunenm I: Annual Premium {ocelpla in (`nnadn and the United States-are larger than those of any other Company. sad it has an un blemished record of mioars. August I. J MESSWIFT. Allen! TOUII Assets. J` bosses paid in The lendinzl THE ER] msumcn comm. HARTFORD CONN. LIIPII` Insurance In A (`o'y so perfectly 8(`('lIr('. The Company mu maintain: its clnim Io doing the largest Fire Bnalneu in the world. The Comnn has actually paid since 2;: In- formnlion I. e ollowing In summ- Por I-`ire Loews . . . . . .$.!g?l0.&3-5 For Life Losses. 25.t).5 mm sun :md;0ur Big Tana to Agent} Fm. send up of nger-and l1ch.IhIn forum`. 90 Lovely8a-np- look Pictmund I6 umfult promou. your name on,onlyl0o- Pi:.06)I.u1'e Rich Xmnnan-I N-w ..u-vu-u-nx no \.\r I . ONE of the boot and Safest. cumpuuius Join; business In Cunnda. Insurances affected at as low run-ans am) other good (`om . Invested Fun . 111.7113. Net Income for the put you was 88.86l.!l). This enormous Premium Income ouiht :0 convince luuured oftho dooirnbilll of p 4-wing LhFll" Insurance In (`o`y perfect y 8(`('ll| ('. _ The Connpany claim to W H Mch. is. Is now selling a very large stock of l:l4`\"l`l Du Dxrvu I nw: IHv%erpool.A_1/1`i1_L.t_J'I;_qIJ`lI_1`(__;.`r1d 91666 sun LIFE gggyguncg comm 1. u. wumii. (`ommlulonen .\'un:. l`nrH1-ulnruu lo locality and dour! - non of limits. IPGA. em. and lurnn and on I- Ilona of Mlo. will lm turn!-ha-d un umxlirutiun (nationally. or by letter to the lbepulmunl of `town Lands. |-.._.._,.n,- --- \ nvvvu l4IlIllI- .\'o unuulhm-i:rvl .IrIrerl.'xrmrn! uflhr a-`am-r ` will In pail! fur. - Iwumm mu Penn`!-u luu.vcn.; Toronw. mu ()1-tuba. I817. .\'0`I'l(,- llhcoby van that uudor Odd In Conn-ll labor Ilort In the lulloviu Town- nhl vim: lJvlnIlone.Ilr(`llnlock.LnwI-Onoo. Mo ugwln. Humor. luuhop. Dovlne. Bun. muar. llhn. llallantyno. Phhholm. (`anh- lnly. |'enIlnnd and lloulwr. will ho all for nu e by Public Micllon on TIICRSDA . the run-mm In of Do:-omber Next. at 12 o'clock noon. at the pnruncnl of (`rain lnndu. Tor- onto. .`\ltIlSlu . .. New Life lmnhwnu fur IN} LII-`E xxn .\('1'll>K.\l'. Fm B. ('. H I LL. - 304 lbl-Il'.\RT.\IENT til ;{0\\'.\' L.-\\'lI.~'. nngu-a.na11cu.nuIn rormun. no I 1 3... Pictunund nutlfnltfhromotirog; ...m': nn,onl 100- P .05)g:ve Xmtunnd Inn: on ad: .1. I5 Addnu L BA ._ lolmn, Dun _ Auction Sale of Timber Berths. Ivan l4l'IIlIlUl"I'I"'UI-l\.`I'II"IVI HI III I\\ ll um h.\'.D hold their Annual Rule 0! Nuodln Watt and (.`ahlr"* `W Thursday, Oct. 27, in St. Andrew`: Hall. Iuuunu nxnvv Ail! .. In :1 _, .-.---:>~{----.... , ._._,._....._. .571? or NEEDLE womu I THE l.AI)l|'I.'HDl-'81`. ANIIIH-.'\\".~`('H l'l((`ll , . Founprln "I Nd I r:.:*'ur3:* '.E:?:' ..!.'%"*'*.`E* ?.~ '35` na Ala ........;'.`i....a c-umce".n'3u. "' "' 3" I I II O`IZlI Apt 0 115104: nu -Inn: nuyrlnllll III: I lIlu'Il'lI'| AHIII. BILLY (LINEGAR) LYONS. `Plus I(lnu.lun '.tnl1'Iql mul. .. .... .... lb vv usual nil Ull-W. "a~";m'aoams- SPECTACULAR MINSTRELS. I nu.-.-.-l..l_.. -lI AL- ..|.I ._.....L__ Zl:'.'o6i{s om-:.\' A1 Dinner and Tea will be new lIAdmlulau~ Ton (`MIL , . . _ . . .... .. ...., ....5. an/U (:ENTEPIMEN'S LONG FELT BOOTS TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT. i...r-.. .7 .- ___.<...-<-.--..--_. _. V--..-_. -_gV, op HOUSE, l"IHlD.l Y El'I .'.\'I.\'(:', (H"I'. '. lu!. I (Wul'l'I5lItOd O yenrs) I 29-|Jll`.'!_ 5)0k of Choia N.` Card Sum leI,IAtfOCAnV|sung I mum of Nonmg. n'ld,'0I.If lg Twin to Agent: hen. nger-and l1ch.AvunnI forum. Lovelvnm... f `--qu--viwv, 1. ZCVX The Kuumau um um -um 1-3175 aum"3u;. `W #Pu-Icon ~21 and me. Reserved sun. 75:`. `Ian own. LA IDIICH ()l"i'. A .\'l)IUII\\"n'(`lI l ' l((`ll .LIl .ln 1' A l...I.-I aI._l... A......_| u..I.. -3 \-0-4-, .Tms I8 [7 Roled Gold Pluto Inn; 2111) 20-pue Bur fnrnnnnvnuiniw b '. GODWIN. Agent for Kingston. Bnrrlsu Wmu on-`mu. ~ - - TllI'.' IIICHT Till WORLD 'a\I'l"URl)I|. 1'31 IIAIIID A `van ml ('1 H INSURANCE. r cnairjgs. K) : ken. 501113.. DI . . . . . . . . Z\'B.Ql.`5 1`HOM.\s mucus. `Agent. V _. -. ... -`nu -uwuvu, 267 I m.\'cn.~;~1 STREET. `V run In; (warranted 6 yarn) 1 8:: Inplo|.IAtlOCgnv|su'n'g H (1 `Bank `g LI ll. Ii in. Chromoo. {ich 5.. Bolton. On. up .1.IH.788.l0 For rule-5 apply to 304 (;uunox .\`-ruu:'r T. B. PARIIII. ( `om mlnnlnn` `---V", Street M The prevalence of typhoid fever all over .- the province has challenged public stten~ tion. The opinion or leading physicians in 8 England and Canada coincides that the dis- eese is the offspring of foul airs which the I occupants of many houses are compelled to hresthe. Dr. O'Reilly. the superintendent 3 of the Toronto general hospital, unhesitm tingly attributes the increase in typhoid fever to had drainage and the location of I improperly srrsngsd water closets, sspecisl- ` i ly in thehssemsnts Dr. Niven. the phblio health oioer of Oldhem, shows the ne.;es~ ; sity of ventilation as sn Aid to heslth, and . ' argues thst when fresh sir is excluded. ss` it 3 is by bsttenod doors and windows in the J J inclement lf|.Ioll,'*thII'e must he sickness l : ', with serious and fetal results. .\loreovs.'i l -.... ....n.... .u --u-.`.. mnunuu. The Gould syndicate might object to the establishment of o telegraph system by the government. In that case the struggle for supremacy would he a desperate one. The inuence of money cannot be accurately es~ timnted, but `unless it is admitted that Could controls the will power of the people l as he doeq the electric power or the country I I the and would be freedom`; victory. ` ter in the stock is as-:crt.uined. .v --vsnu \. ulvu nuvvllvlllvllq England is pointed to for evidence of the success of the postal telegraph, and the service is cheaper and more efficient than that of any privste company. Of course the desire of the government is simply to meet expenses and cost of improvements, while the monopoly aims at rolling up di- vidends, the ma.gnit.ude of which can never be realized until the actual amount of Wu- nn (1 I I I- _ . _ _ . _ _ t . . . . . V V nu.-J. Some might claim that the government should have a monopoly, as it has now, of the postal system, but this is not necessary. "A government telegraph, says the Journal Q/' Commuw, would not so entirely occu- py the field thnt smart vompetitimx could i not pick up 1 living. llut that is no buli- ness of ours. We are not writing to console Western Union atoclsholders." D__L_,. . .. . .- ~ being upplzunle-l all along the line for its declaration ugninst the nmnopolizing tan lenvies of the times. lt him said that the aggressive course 0! the Western Union teleurnph cuinpnny is slowly but surely re- conciling to the iilen of s governnwnt tele- graph 1: great many~persuna who have hither- to opposed it As I principle and A policy. The recent acquisition of the Bsltimore & Ohio line by the Western Union still further sml more formidnbly enlarges the sphere snd tightens the grip of the monopoly. l'eo. ple ask, Whet next 9" Am|.the question aupplien its owns answer. A posts! telo. graph." For it is assumed that the Western Union will not fail to prot by the advan- tages 0` his situstion, and that higher rates for telegraphic service will soon be adopted. And whether this fear is realized or not, the possible iulvnnce will hang as is threat over the common y, increasing the volume and momentum 0 that public opinion which dc~ nmnds the postal telegraph as It check on private ambition and greed. Only the Aims and methods of the Western Union could huie overcome the sntipathy of the public mind to a postal telegraph. Anal the pur- chase of the Western L'nim{`s lines cannot be thought of. No scheme could be more damning on its face. A postal telegraph work must be entirely original. leaving the Western Union to compete for the telegraph business of the country. Q:-nun -mi..I. ..l...'... 4L_A `I. , The New York ./u. being I :1 dam-ien V Foot of Clarence and Barrack Streets, M. MAL.LEN._ . ..._... .. u...-. \.unIu-III nu I IlIIluII.'IIl Hlllll 0! levying A tax nu an A nmriwul citizen who ` hml btron burn in England oriicrmuly or .\'nl|lh-rll .-\frica " Certainly not. Whv, then. Ihoulul 1 naturalized ('him\Im\n be im- priemnwl em-l rublx-cl.` The duty of the ` Into: department in this manner in plain. Ann.-rican ritizcuuhip must be \'imIi\-nu-1|. .......... -- nunuu unpcvll, mica Dy JIMIKO Huyt. int-c then ha ha heal: a luv-chick lug Anal reputable citizen 0! the Fulton!` Stntu. II: in nut in ('hinnmn in the neon tut the new Canadian law lmpliu. He will It uncv phwe hi: can hcinro tho Into cloportlnunt at Wuhington. in the hop: that jultico may In done him Anal the dignity an! American altinonohip he maintniled. Hi: can in important item various utunlpointm It in tho lirnt u! the kiwi tu occllr. it wil. be mule I test can at 01100, am! on its out- como hung certain important iuuoa involv- ing the nlltlmu 0! this cuuntry and (`an- Adn. u American c"ttaonnhlp no import- mco in the cycle! the Dotnininn govern- ment ? Tho incident at Clifton wuuhi seem to nnnn-r thin question in the negutive. The hurt that Wnng ('hiIt Poo mu horn in l7hinn has absolutely nothing to do with the cue. \\'oulul (Tannin for I moment think ..I I .....:_, , 7 A - i ' ' ` ` WANT 919' mu: V. norm. ._____-<-.. _.... .-.;.. ..._.. 7`.1.\'l.\'u or '/IR] mm . `Hm New \'-wk llinivl uhor nvloviug the (Act: In the Wong (`Iain I"u0 can, say: : "Fifteen yuan Ago Wongalu Foo wu natu- rnlizml It lirlnd Ihploli, Mich by Judge ` Hurt sun... I}... 5.- n.-- 5..-- - n... .1 n I THE DAILY WHIG. `vow-uncut uni. . Q nu... on -7 uc:.:.|i(whuh'."hookout.l;wIscu.n:l`|:oht:I.'I:4|; Ml`! ad 3 tun mu. _ 0 no-orponml Anon-ml us or of anal nd;-Ila will held porwmlly n-wail efvr ull onion they also. - A uvmucuuxn. M four lines. one nu luomom .. tour Hun. cub uhnquont lunemo Ovutlour 11 Int Iuoruoa. loops n.oa.un:C::oo...eum.n.. .. as thuvonw oulnuquut Inn... . In mrmlu um 06 held all union meat. onlysw purl 1} ho ` boat; coarse bone mggl. Vigeper nt?)n'.n:.atl>'. m on. FKROWI./N& 00., -- H4,u./[ram Tu u-ru Wuuo Ir. Med wary -un In. at Q `In; Ouuno. At an uou.uu I-In vuu. wt: Y mu?` :1 * >0Tllhl.tII. II nu`:-v 'l 1 '.-I [SE 0!` . " D0` Or'6en'Domr-' '. ANNOUNCEMENT: umm-unl | Mm`. J. ...- .. - . ..- F.---u. izcuuhip return that $30 auessnwutfi it does nnt What may vh- -rlnration of war Y Am! how hefort Wang (`hem anal the 2 swoop down upon u T .V0.\'bPOL Y. l;"`." ..'3u2'.":'.!.". .'i.2 nnv MILL woon AND suui , mrual of Cumnlen- u um mm a :"r5'p'u.o':}Iu Jun on-39 . Y.'_`.'.`( ..l'P";.f..".......... . Pmptlotor. I W Hgg" ~ "*'~'h..-g 'rm-; _ what is 49` FCC C One thing is certain that Dr. Sfc(}ly*nn, Rev. Mr. Pentecost, and u number of other American cler men, Protestant and (Fatho- lic, are preaching. with the burning fervor of convinced eloquence, that the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ is sound political economy as well as God's revelation. There can he no doubt that this extraordinary politico-ethical movement of the anti poverty society teaches thousands and`tens of thou- sands as a mighty religious revivnl, gives them solid grounds to hope for the fixture of humanity in this world. causes them to look upward to the Creator with ratitude, and induces them to see in man s lindness and - misdoing the real causes of the sorrows and miseries of the world. Henry (leorge is the writer who has reconciled political econ \ omy with the new testament, and we ap ar tobe upon the eve of such a re-preac ing and practical application of hristianity as has never yet been heard since the Roman em ire disappeared before the economical nnti)social bearings of the Christ's teaching. No clergyman can aord.1.o remain ignorant going on, for if those men he ri ht they should be supported from every ptilpit ; and if they be wron 1, it is most necessary for the clergy to s ow wherein the wromr consists." Hunk - nu.u-u.'..-..a .'...... um \uumu.'mIullIl." I V Such, I movement may well puzzle the most pructisetf politician. But is it not strange thutitjhould go, even for as day, begging the attention of the intelli ent citi- zen 2 Siurely the dnllut can now ear` the trtmpo the gather-in houtuo I sociu re \'olution,.~-R. BALIl%- ` S Pure Fermlizor, of 861-10 meal ton zcocrle meal. 8'15 per ton. f. 0'. mmon.