sincere mp-thy common ed them to L: 4.3-! 1 shot \umn (ups: ur-I lhru ml auulhc-r in L. I -. Hulligxm I, and on otfn-red A If thank`:- Z. 1 ro\'oet,'at the Nair .\'orl( lothing el store, has every facility for manufacturing ordered work. Hsving mule Addition: to his "net! of workmen he is prepared to menu- fecture I mil. on ten houre notice, s veit and sent: in six lnoura. well made, And 3 t guaranteed. He in now showing Ill shaman of air-nhln nnndn_ ' 5." '" :;:...?"3im "".=1......."2:t'..'-`l .u.:........:.' , IECDUT. ' American jonmplists, on account of their rooted propensity todeocrihe what they see. are not popular in the Dominion. Some of them were nearly mohhed a few months ago on the occasion of 'Mr. William 0`Brien`s visit. But we suspect thatit was nther as a. professed "heothen that M r. Wong was -interfered with. Kingston Toronto sml other towns of the dominion are full of heathen who rsge, curse. riot, throw stones, and mliechnrge pistols when an orator comes ~ Among them with whose" opinions they do not ulna. But it is onlv in religion that IIIIUIIE INCH` WIUII WIIKEC UPIIIIUIIU IUy (I0 not agree. But it is only in nligion that Mr. Wang in as heathen; In manners and in `mo:-all the Canndiul mughs are much info- rior to him. . Mr. Wong (`hin Foo, isadistinguishelljour- nslist, wit, essayist and philosopher. I-`ew Americans have a nicer appreciation than he of the subtleties of the American language and the riqh resources of American slang. He is the only person of Chinese birth who thoroughly` enjoys smfptactices with dis- tinction Americsn wit and humor. What `could be better than his remark that he paid mole than 50 cents a pound for this heathen esh 3" In manners. customs, and language M r. Wong is thoroughly American. We trust that his naturalization papers are all right, and that it will be in his power to sit with all the avoirdupois of. incensed American citizenship upon that Cauuck col- lector. ' a.......:...... :...._....l:-a- .... ............. ..4- .IL.:.`. `V UIIC ISIIIICI. I\),`HII U Clearances - Schr. 6.328 bush. lmrluy; :1 Uswego, 59,000 feet. 1 feet ash lumber. A Fine uiproclntlon of the I./Injlln Lan- xnngo-'l'l|o Collector to be Quartet]. , New York Sun. :1 un :u- r\ - \- .- .. .- XIII`, VIIII LN: NIIBCU` [WWI VIFCIS. The steamer (iranthaun. with `22,000 hushels of grain from Toronto, arrived on .\,'umlay morning. Capt. Thomas llonnelly. says that on Friday night he encountered very hoistcruus weather while near Long Point. Au nusually heavy sea mlled, and wn.shexl over the lock of the schooner. The lnulwarks haal to be chopped away to let the water away. It was one of the worst blows I ever experienced," said the captain. A rrivaln - Svhr Hrnnllmm, Tnrnntn, `)9 . who I UIUHS I C\I.'I' UXPCIVICIILTII, Blll ll: CIIIICIIII. Arrivals - .\`chr. (irantlmm, Toronto, `2`. .- , EH3 bush. wheat; Sloopa Idle \\'il Siulcoo \ lhlaml. 2,000 bushels of barley; Minnie, ` Wolfe Island, l.'),000 bushels barley. ("Ienrnnm-A .\':-hr, H:-nrimr, ()s\n-,-Jn, I. III (IU|lI||o "I III`: BHULYSU UI lull`? URIJCI IIIIUIII4 The steam yachts (iipsy. from Morris- tnwn, Anal R. 1 . Flower. from Alexandria Hay, and the sailing yacht llunkcy Dory, from Alexandria Bay, with sailing parties on board, went (l0\\`_I) the Rideau uunnl this mur_ning. Un the Flower are !\l'::sara. J. .\'tmclmn. Auchinvole, Routley and Kent. They will be absent two weeks. 1`lu\ its-ninnr (Ir-nnilnnn \ritlu 9`) [II] V ll\|IIIClIU(I UH 4\Il\. ISL. The schr. Loretta Iloumsy is in port and I having re in made to her cm-nm~|oard in jured whi as working across to ()swcgu. in a gale. TImnrnn- '.rnun `29 0|]! lmuh wlnmt - Thu prop: Bruno, `Z`. .00I) bush. wheat; schr. Laun. 24,!!!) hush. wheat, and schr. Mcae. 23.000 bush. corn have been char- tered in Chic '0 to bring rain to Kingston. A correakrom ent of the . ontreal ll [nun ...._.._l..... ...... Al... `Al: ..._. -3 `I... ..........II_.. tclcu III \. lll\ `U Lu In In` in alu up I\lIlB\Ull. corres m lontreal wundero w iy the oliicera of the propeller (nlifnrnia did not use oil to calm the tron lnled waterson thestraits of Mackinaw. There in nn doubt of the moves: of the experiment The mean: \':mht.a llimun frmn nrrin. ` l'he new steamship now hllih.lillp.{ ut Dru. erontn, and tube named the Fibula. will he Inuuchml on Km . lat. 'I`I... ....L.. I ......AL.. I\......,... X. 2.. ......a .... l 'l'|u- prup. Lima-In .m-I ruII~m!'l A at! Iii; Island in Ho.-urginu d_\'. The achr. }" ID. Rlfkvl`. |mi'l tun, Wu wreckctl nu S rider I-Inn days agn. She is l mu loss. The uthr. Uliu-r .\luwat, will go & .\l\-I-'nr|Anc.-`a lry dock, at Usvn-g ` lnlo-rd-ullug lla- IQ`! IIILW thunk w OCT 1 I. nun I" u\.I.I`c!I, lu vet through 'I`\`I HM! '. I L.. . II. "Il$| EIIETKIIIC I'll ~lluru`uor John J. hllrr to the (Imoml ` I-I Pius Q! ('Mrngo. K III UIITIIUIIU IIW. Uuvorno-' avor, nl l'cumyI\'nnia. inn lorbiuldcn the mcmhtrn ul his uni! to indulge V in intoxicating liquor: at gnicinl liunoru. This in I uunpio lu net om (kmdinu huvcn. ' Wmuau'-a Juuruul. l "liulfclo lilii" (Colonel Cody) aye : "Our sooplo an nbouinoro gvuenslly. lheit hour- 0 in work requiring nolnplo all-rm-union at In times. All the gran mu` men of the world are nlnuinorl. the me 0! Ilium luau |-ting {AMI tn them prulouiounlly." SAM (`hula ll. Lin-hmnu. mun-rnl uncre- Mr. lieu-her was once uhoIT "Haw long to drink ~lu tango the mmmullity 9" "Jun :3 long an lhoifhtiutiu chutoh talcum It." ` he answered. \ nu.-- - Ix....__ ,1-_|_._ -_u_ _ 1-... ,_ um..- 1 IIUII IHIII IIIII I` Said (`hula H. I tury ol the knighu c rmnlunulnonf, \'.AI`I In I lA,)ln[|n!(H-out Ion-` The (`clout A "U QIIIWEIZI When 5 Ihiuor-dc law." In mum on Nun. This In prim h u ucollenlt law. I 1 ..... .g..._ I .... ..... Good lunutnctul-infFtclljtln. -- - . L. . `. . THE TAX notes on rzrdnmmcs. MARENE PARAGRAPHS. III|IVl'IXINr`Uu Ha lhn clcocrilneal the wurlul clue) were c-nleriu v -5 luoliah. cuureilml n-junlioesl uld um I that cliul not know the nl Jesus (`hrint when He cum. uul lid not know Him non` Iilh its fnhiunn, up weul mu clfll of neluh nucceu. inlmcuunrtsll-ustomu. uuglm pmpriotien. in vcncrnhlo and awful runvtntionnlilien. just wuimlg to (the them while plnlllc uul soft. and Kueanl lllelll and null them anal hate them lbwlll and hnr-I inln nice little crnckur nu-u anal women uf the A )l`()\'O:1l llI\'\Il' uni form. They would In` tulll hmv to Iran from lllr sole of their least to the cruun cut their haul. what In at. wh.-u tn re-ml, how in talk, what; In aim 1!. luv to succx-e-I. what to thinks`: hat to In gt`! life muly. mnnlurubly and c`I'l`Illll|lcl\ r-dulor call: I luv a "blue I one that makes him (col { .rim /Mic ovhlooco tint it I ON UUSIIUIB U1l`IQ."'- r. Utml`il|,L!. Oswego, schr. British (Juno.-n. ` basswood and 52,873 3 IIIUIII Pl- lI." o . lduvhmau, general were- I ll Inlmr. to 3 "coin 4 -Wurh|u|IIIu'n(`urIo P of lbvuo. I" bur llll u nruu: Uswegn, for re- . um I. cu Inlnml, .1 Maria \VodIlIor Problbllllloo. West to north-weafgnlou, partly cloudy cotder wuthor, with snow urriu. We urq Alvnyu suunoa With (_.`-ruu-ford`: sweet potatoes. sweet cider, crunberrius,.Cambrid Images, npd hip tine table gs gm] app on. preuerving qninoea, sweet. potatoes, linaloou gI,cook- ing apples, table apples. huge cabbage, lem- |onsund anngos. .. - -. I .__.___l;-. _, mu Irun II lllily uuutlt not, and ' "new wine mags put into new bottle." New truths, new role-nun. new work must lnv committal to the young. llo congratu- late-I thenvlore hi: ho-cum on their youth. They were not yet nd in opinion: and character. not yet more bundiu 0! habit. not 'ct It-ttlcnl in *0 nuts. not yc-too ucitotl in Ii e- a race that t oy clicl not are whether um piitu mu worth `tho Itnmglo ; lilo`: glorious possibilities won not yet a forfeited iiiliorituico. II.. nI.4.. .I-..,._iI__ I `L4 ..,,_I I .I ,, ,, Away In the \VoIt. I r _ The .|Ioni(or, of Springeld, Nebraska, ` says : Mn. (.3. Anglin, Kingston, Ont., who has been visiting her znn, Dr. R. S. Anglia, for the past three weeks, left last Thursday ' evening for the south. She intends visiting her brothers in Memphis for 3 couple of weeks and will then return home by way of New \ ork." Pnntorul of Illuhnp (`lenry Anent the .\r- tlun of the Public School lI(n|rd_ His lordship the llishnpnf Kingston has issued ll mutoral touching the resolution of the schoo board in ordering the expulsion of Roman Catholic scholars from the schools. He claims that the expelling of pupils is not only severe but illegal. Pupils can only - be u-xpelled for being refrecto or when their presence is injurious to ot ers. Fur- thermore, the action of the board is a Inisde meunour in common law, and any parent of children affected can sue and obtain dam ages from the board. He thanked God the board had drawn 11. line beyond which even the most was] or imlierent Cnthomli-3 pu- rent cannot pass again. The word expel led would be u warning to them not, to withdraw their otfspring from the inllu- ence of religion and place them under the care of men notorious for their hostility to the Catholic name. In com~luding- he said, he was assured that the action of the . bohrd was not in accord with the sentiments of the great body of the liroteetant oom- munitv_ vn Inn. 5: I munity. Illll) IIIIH KUIIIIUIHHII BHUUIII "HIKE II INPIU Ul this and call on him at his show rooms. in the British ..nn.=ricun hotel ou_ .\lumla_y and Tuvsulny (kt. `Nth and `. .'th. .\u.-ennui. _ Retumctl from Europe, Mill will he at the llritish Anierican hotel nn .\Iomla_v null Tueeulay Oct. 24th and 25th. Prof. [Foren- weinl, the well known hair goods` inanufnc tnrer, nf the Paris lnir works, Toronto. has Visitecl the principal cities of Europe. `Lon don, Paris, lierlin, etc. The tour was prin cipully nude for the hen:-tit of his business. He has returned with new iulens, And has now, in mltlitiun to his well assorted stock nflmlies' hnir goods, the newest an-l most lwcoining f.-nntpieves for huliea that ever were shown on the .\tm-rivnn continent. In gentlemen`: wigs and tonpces the Prof. lugs inspecu-cl the principal nuumfactures and : has nnule iinprovomenta n in them. 1-I\'er_v t lady nncl gentleman shuulu make ll note 4-! tliia nn.l mall nn luivn If his nhnu` rrvuna In ! I'll lll(Il5|llI) lllgllt. (`nl. nln'I`t(i. lngorsnll. in thirty -threw [ham-s, on The Agnostic .\`ilo." will rt-pl) in Th .\'m-II: .~lmar{`an l; n'inr for .\'m'-u.- her to the Open Letter," by Rev. llr. Field, of the l}mn;;.I.'I. It is the most rulical essay Ingenoll has ever written. There will Ills`) he articles by Hall Hamil. ton, on the "Amlover (`nntrovt-rsy": by Gen. Bryon, on ".-\m\r1-llism" : anal on Eng- lish Taxation in AInexic:t,`.' by Thmnus F. Meghan. ' ....._.. I t_... I.`......-.. ...:i| L. ... .n.. 3|!" 8. ()u \\'-dnes-lay the euto.-In association of rhnrch will usselublo: in liulml churrh and Hal um days. 'l'|u-rc ill I F on Tlmmlny night. N nln-rt G; Inger: .......... .. u'l`I... |.......: fI.\'vIm:.\"rs or Tm: n.u . c`l"` Ilu. U |l-l`Uu c-ranges. lemnna, (tide and ( fresh butter. fuexh cg-,;II. Huwnr-I nml an-nuun-1 Ju. 1 i| ll"sI\.\ nul His cl--lu ` mlltllml inn \' ,... I. . unlwv luau, HUI enuwuu H IIO IIIIIO h-`mutual cud cunt unnr`;-. mlvmuu, "Jun... .\m that up uocounanly hrwgln. prltifu-~ tiuu. Then Ion wl-i men with the burn n! In . The truth Iran I: I that old gull: :nu:!:`hl lint oltwolhcy would :2: 'omuI bill as Iulioodu` liouli bl: I. M: 4-pinion: unulter;bh:, his In. itluprm nlole. till he run deal. The diwiuenl e omen! in our l-ting. the ~ru\ru I on; |. . nmltydwlu the onnntl:auou:,unclvl:ma| p gr: 't_)' at-coming cc In-I ' . Bu man mturnlly.n I gem`:-:1 llnilngfglrta wa-I-t Iloal to 0 wnyn. No nun In. mg dunk nlal who nu-nilntvay uuuth now," and Illllll naw him in nu: inn. mu: hunk. " l'\U"IIIK I. IIIICIIKI III" Ill-Jul `luv-II"" III I the city hall. liuley hu nah.-nlceql in prim (rum Ii. -c tn 70 per I-uuhel. This clusnge ou:urn~l:in Hu- l'nilul Stun-u Imnlu-l luring: tho Int fuur Jum- V I Vlllux. Artluleaoun Jones ha: written a: feeling ol-ltuary nl the Ian Mn. Macaulay fur the lIouu'm'ou Phurrhmuu. The lint nu-ting lo-r relu-areal lor the Mullah I Yhorue" will om.-u'r un Wedueeulay mcuiuu. See ghu advurtlaezuem. Next Sunday evening a service, memorial uf the late Dr. Nellea, will he held in line Queen ntrcel Mutlnodin church. II. llarria went to l to-day fur anaull lug Ma Ml:-. '1 he at er da he Wu lino-l 8.3 and can [or heating his one. For the Imemorial aervice. held in the Third Methodint ('llll|"('lI Int evening. tlw pulpil and organ were draped with crape. All the trade unions in the city are c-\ pertml to hear Mr. F. .\l. I-`ugg on .\louda_\' u\'ani|n1Inulim-nuu Hu- lnlnnnr nun-nlinn in '1':e meeting. at St. Jwm` church tonn- ponnce mcloty I all be resumed on `I uunlny awning. `In-I|l|AAA\n|n Janna lln um-hluu -. '.n":n.- \N~I "Cl"- Anollwr o: u Inn-I our arrived ) 0Alt'|`Il I"t|u' the I: cool, also Imltlll mod coal ylrul. A._nnI....- .. I "U ll-I uul Ilrgm UVVMX IIII Ila Tho Ihmul arunuiug fu Iioaor.-mu Hus people I Knmhu 01 their hull at bllf. I I hlhlllum The llplrn ul I-Ivory Day l.Ifo~~I'hn "IO l'h||r arr Talking Abnnl- Nothllj ICI oops-A llw .\Ih-nlluu col `Hm-0 `We no TIIIICI Nut. 4 (`Kart--n will In: light-ul by electricity alter I|..... fnh , rmnaonapns woken up mi oun ausv naponrcns. The Inivcnuy urmom in mum.-lion with the Ryullulum SI. Motlnodiu Sabbath bdul yuniaa won . ` Rnv. I-.3 rig. pauor. uuneslno A mu 5:! Ion-hen in Ibo morn: : l|cv."\`\. 'l'iuul-orlakuzoh to an rhildotu the slut, noun : and v. H. H. luau] In the creating. llin ulclnu vu clinch-I in young puoplo. Ila ul-I It was u can In: uuuklulnun that there wow. nmlalxuynuouhl ha, young pwple in the rude]. Youth uncut opumou to new Idea, Iron erltid-an ol the time h.nnnr.u| ulna. .-uni nun-u ..lu_...._ ...l....... 1.; `Q \` i Illlvrlii IIIK III .\II'. 'HsmI. I. ,. .....lI' _. THE ACTION WAS ll II`. Mr. I'M . l.IK_I.. hlluluun mm ny will builclnuur gvr hunt for I la Huunuque-(`hy lull / . mt. \'..\l.lf.\.. guilt: in the - mm 0! a woman`: auxiliary iuvtiur hi: Ma-Mk ' I [UT IIII I|'l' VIII`. mu ck-nunuln public lmllulinat. nle an wry Amlrmouu. an uflaim um requested to man in I 7 o :-lo.-In mu nut .\lmu|ny oven` IICHT .\I I". I`. .\l. TU llll JIUIIIIJ ulincuua thr lubour qut-lliun all b:I`I`.'I..'lll|1il}` u! Renown awn- lor I-Zugllnh (Nouvutlo) Nu-ls I n? I-maul mm: 30 to gun lath u ui then. Ma 1 .I ..-.|.....I.... ..A I.l-...I Anulvonnry on-uluno--Talk l`poI `Ibo Iurlnl (,`u-tuna-`Ibo lloulth of tho [Poop cl cu-on Importance - Ilud Words 0! `HQ Decal. I'I V l'I\ lI |. lU\'Y.'llII_y Il|]u I'a|i|u;I}'. uucl unt npcvtvu ml ill lhr til)` Lust neck. :1 he-.slllI r:upi.ll\'. , H\ in; at Clltslu--gin`, h Isl H` hum Inhh tires this sum! I .1 mun!-o-r nf ulual-le a I III III.` IIIU` I-clay an Howl the clergy men of the nf the (Tongregntionnl e the First Cungregr umlinue in session fur In: a public meeting ILLEGAL. zceutly i |(`."IlV`.\l'l. . lulwle l`.\iahL~`. llurki IIDPIFS, cnhlvuw-. cauli- (`nnr unl. uh! lhnuld 1 1|" ull iritiah .-\Int-ricnn _._,l -......4. . work: land In `egivin lauully Lulryt `hump I FIIUVI. H nu ellin It-ft THE SPECIAL SERVICES HELD IN SOME OF THE CHURCHES. \ IIIIVI ll) tho vmrl-l. III! Ilvl` In l`hris!. v lunged ac;-voa. agu nature nor. ueaul am: I'll heunl inging I hymn, and her Int words, ,-eporud y` on_e of the crew, wen : I gun not Afraid todlo." They could not doubt am the is during more away! now than aha did on the but or inxho c arch `w ' 0 upon `n Her ltaemic cimdnct should a - co pooplo o wot more some y ihu(3`.|oonoo, and live on they would like .. .n. ~. 1`. (In lnnnved blue axmmlnd the \'Hl(`H HF THE l l'l.l lT. 1* gr {sh 1` -TIA;-I -nu ~_'u\'4, Imxllu, llnfzilll 10 u with His lvl:-uiu.; on then: u funh tn satisfy the needs of alone knew the sm-wt uf man`- I. and vhristiannily menu! sur- .-i..o I no n|....._. .1` cl .... .. .1... I (`III I5! II-I Let than ul the VIDI IUlIII,{.h'lUW WWI` mung wuouth now. in! bottles. :1 K.) IIIVCIII Dllr` of them then ' cloned fox: nova OVUT IIICI uuruulgl ril hours. on Couldn't Opon nip. Savurdn night J. Huligun crouod to Wolf: Inland {hole to 3 nd Sundny with hi: fungi . Ho _:n-ied I 0 shop keys with him. '11: morning the winds were so heavy and eontru-y . that the boot could not come our And, an 9 result, the store rolnnlnod nlnnul fnr navnrnl hnnrn CIPKIIII I)! luv _bIllI0l'llll, [III WIIE, Ill the paste rs and members of the crew hul Ueoti tohor ureeuneu of spirit and christian chnncter. She died as she lived. \\'hendAi\,gercun e she was calm and re- served. Just before her. death the was I...-J -3-uniiur A Innnn, nnrl Innr IA-Q - mnnln, `U6 nL'3$IIY 0! Illlilly IINIIUU Ill uruer I0 live just as long as Goal permits. He assail- . ed parents for pampering their children. for allowi them indulgeneee calculated to injurengiem physically. He genernlly con~ damned the social customs, the keeping of people up until the small hours! of the mom mg and at eleven or twelve o'clock feeding them upon things that no one could thrive on. He was faprorable to social enjoyments but people should gather earlier-at them lpd disperse at eleven o'clock. and then only psrtiei tejn the lightest kinds of food. He concln ed by de ' all kinds of self- indnlgenoes. such as dr` ing liquor. strong tea, or smoking. He admitted that none . were perfect, no not one. l\l.`\'o G. Ll. nuuu, Ill VUUUII unset AVIUIIIO` ' dist church yo.-sterda morning, talked upon I the necessity of be: thy bodies in order to Iivn inn. nu Inna A: llnnl narmitn Ha ninnil. [Ur HY` .\('lIl`B, (|IIlI U.lUI`|' IIUIIIS 3`, lultllfsscll him thus: Yours is the most slmcking case of drunkenness I IIi\\' llzul to dcul with. shocking because a boy of 'our tender years purchasing whiskey and necoming in- toxicated by it, and shocking because ll per- son so young can get liquor so easily in the city. That we. worth of whiskev you got \-my nearly ended your life: if the '.ice hml not` found you you might have died. If you had perished under the cir- cunistouces ldon`t know what the verdict of the coron'er's jury would have been. but I know what it should have been. It in in- deed I\ and state of Affairs that children can 'buy whiskey in the citv. and I hope that persons guilty of. such it thing will be detect- ed and brought to juutioef; The 0"once|of Which Ila `VI: (`onvu-ted- _ Ailtlross olltha Mnglsl rate. Some days ago ('z\\'.ui O'Toole, II boy thirteen years of age. was found by the police in a drunken stupor in as yard otf Un- tario street. This mnruing the magistrate sentenced him to the Uutario reformntoi y for live years. and before doing so addressed ` Minn Nina ~ \'nhra in tin: nun! Inn-Izinn The Maximum Ilonchod I-Early This Morn` Inn -(`onsldonbIo Damage Reported. In reply tom enquiry .\|r. Knight. u_ue- nhblugical ohserver, said : At I0 ul-lock last night the wind blew steadily. '25 miles an hour; hut of course in the gusts it ex- ceeded 3.3 miles. So far as Icui judge the mind reached its maximum velocity lnetween 3 and 4 o'clock this morning. when it must lmve attained a rate of fully 4.`: miles an hour. The highest rate I luve registered in 3 _\`eau$ is 52 miles." The lighthouse situated on the long pier at Portsnnouth was wrecked. In the city fences were laid low. and chimne_vs. tele- graph and electrict light poles were serious- ly knocked out of position. The iron arms on the electric light poles were in some cases loosened and swung out of position. in the country fences were levelled in every direc- tion. A dairymun woke u I this morning to nd his milk waggon tossed about the yard. Hay and straw attacks were lnlnvrn over and ] farmers were fearful for the safety of their I barns and sheds. I Ill`! !![ll!'l'U1l |I|1UIl ll!!! uuuy Ul lllellllillll`. Mr. R. T. Dunlop, lute n! the Hotel La- fn_\'ol`.c. Philndelphin. and Hon-I .\n-lemon. l'itt.slmrg, is now chief clerk of the (`harks- tnn Hon-I. Snuth Curolims. The hotel is } one of the most modern in the United i t:Itt`~x. I IV `CV53 III IIHIC Cll . .\lr. .v\. ll Vulu-, su-Imuraplwr. f-v|'nu~;'l_y N of this city. is nuw privue M-cmtnry of the superintendent uf the American Tale phone .1 Telegraph compnny. New York. I c has nlau nnmtriculatml at the Long ldllllcl college anal entered upon the study of Inedicim-. Mr, R, T, Hnnlnn, In. nf thn Hntnl I4- L IIVI "IIl\'lI|8 l`ll`I IIIVIIVIS III ` the put mouth. left fur her usv wu .\'.uur-lay. Nu: win: :4 her intlwr Mr. I`. I'iilcauley,I A few Ievluin that citr. \I.- \ II \'.... .,. . . -.. -uq uuun ` p.utnrMe of salary of tha- nt the mm In- Ru!-I hor parents a the mm A nun nn \'nhn `ll llltll, UNI IIII Mr. F. .\I. Pu; speaks In the V this meuing, Ia ntutioli to-dam) . III] II Izlll JCIUEI l.lll'lS. Reference was also made to the death of Mr. Snddanl, young man, laten member of the rlmmh. For :1 long time before his alehth he had been I\ christian sutlerer. yet he bore his loath with becoming resi 'nation, and last words were : Let the Lon `s will he done." Hi: friend: hadthe sympathy of >1-lit` church in their bereavement. Another member of thefehnreh had met her death lay, the wreck of the steamer Cali- fornia. He"referred to the late Miss Hlln Papp I. \\'here\-er she yrns known she wins loved. Early in life she `attended the Sun- day school, and was Rhere * instructed in spiritual things. Her teachers, M r. Bell and .\lre. Atigustns. entertained the highest regard for her. At the nge of H she was o.-onverted and jqined theehnreh. and from that ti_me to her death was a consistent member of it. The speaker had learned to '1-even her on account of her christian vir- tues. Hie ex riehee in crossing the ocean had enabled im to realize more full` the horroraofa n'hip\vnck. and althoug he had nnvar knnuvn Hm nlacanmd Inn wu nltcvnlu` auvnul you-cu-Inc S. G. Bum], in Queen street Metho- ia nluuroh vnnfnrnu nun:-Inn tall-at] III-nun PIWIIICIIII-T) . E. Sinclair let! for Rnvhenu-r In slay. when` he ha locum-ml I situation in u `urge Imrbelim; utdl-lilhilwlll. (`aqst I-`unrr. of \'milh's Falls, was unit:-cl in In uringu to Miss .\hmi- Keith nu \\'el~ neulny hut. Thu-_\ lune uuue to New` York. The Rm. .\'tn[Tur-I Brooke has nninu-miun. hr at '3. of la-avin the pulpit fur the pa-liIi~ vnl p ntfurm. I'u iticinm m-eel his minis- tvrinl vmunseln. It in uial that Jon:-pl: I'ulil7--r l`Q1't"lll'_\` of- fn-rc-I June: Russell l.a-well SIHJIII) an year In In-4*-une liu-rau'_\' mlitur uf lhv .\'-w Yolk ,.m/:/, but III F. L4!!! dl`('hII\-J. \I.. L` \I .1... \I.'..L:._.. ...I. , l.leuI.-(`u|. Smith nu fur (innit. ` \\'. .\`ul|i\'an. of Ohio, i Ik-put)` \\'nleu sulliu pm,-uitantinry. II: Siumlair lull fur SENT TO THE REFORMATORY. Pooplo WI:-so Vlovouu-ulo. Rnylngn and ` Dalila Allru-C AN:-uuluu. IINI U|I`IIIf TUIIIVNL III. ""'| I107` or. n oeuuul all (mm u um: quarter 1| lint dclock. Thin time the mo! ul the old Imiloling on the `mrncr -1 Wellington Anal Williun stunt wu think." A Ipatls haul I--Igr-I in it while than tin: tin was in ~~ lull. In thin-Jul I-uihli neural "In-no wereexc-ileal. hm I 0 Inl-ring 0 - Iinguinlu-cl lln-' In-mum calm. The build- ing: lenlmym where an! iunnrocL It In likely than men anal Iuunclsmue building: will be around on the like at those burnoul yntenlny. III! IUII II "` liner: in no ~ \ imvudiary. I....... - ...... .. > Thru Bonus on Wlllluu and Maury}- od Icy l'|ru-Th-J Won Inns. \'oo!c~r-lay muruiug I-u\n-onunu and two at clock a bu nmlml nlung Willlnln ulrool. lump it Iy us from ul I row ul lruuuo clinp owned by Dr. hulllvuu. and and may yuan an uublu by the luv portal trotrp. ` which was tumul uh-ml and all! ruotulod the occupant yelled ` I"m~, I"-to I ' in a wry high key. The dam nut: ruidulu in the vicinity. Then out Inmlso iuuin Iran: one at the sulliun uvnc-menu. ho lingo: urlnd y with the chemical ongiuo. Hurry :'oaldo||-:._ ..I.X_l` ..I ll... I... _-.l- -.. .._..l_n....I..,I %I"'III`IIK- U W. -UIIVVVI `I 'o\i|Jou._ shit! 0! the Indgado. III rlntonclo-I u working M" iv. Munull. It did uccllonl nor\1.p. The tin. hul ever. got too hot [or it n.n.I Ila. I `hglhnnu naming nvnn Igrnunhl nn, WUIIIII; I" I5 "I3"-II. `III II I-ICII UIEWIIUIII r re. lluiu-or. it and the (`hslhnm engine was brought up. and continual the lawn to than ulwoll * which rune-ououmod: one Iuurl I'll y cluuoyoul. The blur dwelling wu tho and on orcuphd. In H. lived Jnurph lira vel . I urpenlor. Ilia fm-ninue VII ro- muvosl. I-gully uluungml lay water. The tire mum-I in ullr of llw uuorcupio-I honnu. anal uluuloc that it I'll the not 0! on ._..4...l.-.. I- _.._... __ AI... 5I-..._- L-_ M a manner or we cnurcn Inc was unsaoa [null . And her loss was still greater when the epnrtod wuone from whom they might expect years of successful aer_vice. She via a loving dzughter uni; deeply nnxiousto ntfoni all possible comfort to her parents. In society she was cheerful and plot aunt. yet modest and ms -tful. The cgpuin of the _CalifomIa, in wife, And the muennem member: the SENATOR SULLIVAN3 PROPERTY vELc}iI or THEWWIND. Attacking Social Canons. Q I` l)I-...I 3.. f\........ -L....-s I II II" IIUIIIII KUUII II `II IV -{'5 III C mliuy. An noun 5: the dunes ha-I ` nppnremly uliniuuuislwcl the Iircmou angina retinal. They ncuivoul. how- . the NI) ing ul Jinn ml in it whihn Hm lint lira in in nu. u I . .'I. Illl"l"Il. VII K"\'\\ II PIT. '3' ouul Hf ill-hmlth, Al-uut to rcsigll his we Knox church. \\'innipn-g. The church hr lean-s is ..\`I.lI|l|, and .. I... ........ 0.. an '.nn PERSONAL MEIQTKVDN. nr guts Lu cl.-Iuu. -I-L I51.-\n-_\`, M ho had I-u-n \`i.~itin_v a anal friends in the city luring mulh, hmuc in .\`_\`ra lxxr-lay. She awcolnpnlliml In)` Kilcault-y,vrho will spend km in that nin- A`ll. IIUWVII `II'\`IIII"`I. ;;:. the .\lichig;\n urutur.wlIu unkingmon in the Ail) hall met by A cmumiu:-c at the , H .n..e.1 um. Md. I>n-u- J IIIU Hr`! HT` WI. III W`'` I moi . nl, rolning ex- emnw chin}. The |.Ii|d~ ...-.. ....n .... .._..I In K. .-ll kmm n In ,.l AA` 1..., IIUVGT IIIOWII "IO UOCOISBCI I19 W 3 ti} pained to hour of her untiiuely, engl. roe in member of the church she mined L..." .. A....*a I.-. I--- .....- -m| ............ ...|.-.. lpridp have nil;-d IIICIII` l nf the 3 his fuhcr. e K ingstun 'l`Hl~I l!R|'l`lh`H \\'llI(;. .\I().\'l)A\'. ~ Show on that Hills. 4_ John Wright. foremul of the pnbljd works, hu rt-ceivod {letter trqm his brother- in-luv in Ballast. Ireland. in which it I; said tint on the llth inlhnt than was not on the clue to the city. names, CI Cnwfonl; nun Ia-u all-JD uut Ccmbrid sausages, Kingston nusga, -fresh print utter, eggs, largo fat. Lsbrulor herringu, cu-I rose pontoon, choice crnn-' berries, can ' mun. and cabbcge.-Ju. Cnwfonl." . QIIITCG I0!` IIOIIIB In I nappy HIHIG OI llllll. When opposite Pill`: Ferrv, Howe Island. the boat ran upon a shoal. Two men, Donuelly and Burke, were left to watch the hoat dur- ing Friday night : the rest started for home. two of them takin the train at Ballantyne station, and the `at era a farmer`: wagigon. On Saturday ropes and tackles. to re ease the steamer, were forwarded to it. but up to four o`elock the boat was on the shoal. It is no doubt oil` by this time. Let it be said that the boiler worked satisfactorily. mem ll_plCllFlIlll Ill Ply 9| IVITCSIIIIIBIIIS. The start occurnu at or about 8:30 mm. and at 11 o`clock they had lnndod in Ganinotue. At 3 o clock the excuraionists started or-`home in I happy frame of mind. 3 \\' hen nmmnnite Pill`: F`arrv_ Howe IaInnd_ A Nice ltun Down the Rlvel-G1-ittlng On n Shoal (In the \Vay to Kingston. .\lcl'Iwen & Son Immufactillexl l\ bgiler for the new steamer A. I . Davis. It was plac- ed in position. and on Friday the boat was fiveu 3 trial trip, maimed by Mr. J.` Mc- Iwen and a number of elnployeem, Besides Mr. Egan, engineer, there were on board 2 Measure. J. Ried. A. Simmons, A. llonnelly, ; 'A. Strong, G. Johnson, T. Ward, J. Clyde, R. Burns. J. and W. Burke and J. Hunter.` They intended while Away to spend as pleasant 3 time as pouible. and took with them a plentiful an ply `of refreshments. The shirt occnrroa at `or Shout 8:30 IIOFIDIIOI B IIIIPITVCK. nun IlU)0lIgll ue Ind never known the decoued he was .-_.-5Iuo nginml on I.....- at In... ....o:L....I.. -...I Mary .\la\gdaleue was at the sepulchre in the morning of the rst d&_\'. and Jesus ap- peared to her after that. In the I-lth verse we read, Afterwanl He appeared unto the eleven as the ' sat at meat. "- en :5 .......o ....... I....... L. cl... .........:.... .. } l'|l`\"n II! IIIU ' 331$ HF [Hulk ' So it must nwe been in the morning of ` of the first day he appeared unto his 1lisci- 1 plea.--Yours, I. H. T HnR.\`l-`.. Mary .\III"lliIICHP. ` ` Now this was after .\lzu'y .\!a.gxlalcne hml 3 been to the scpulchrc, for she would not go to the sepulchrc if she knew Jesus was risen. ` ing of the rst lay. lIIlL'I|l ICVJIIIC Hllll CUUIIII IIIIII. And very early in the nmrning, (now this was not in the evening), the tint day of the week, they came unto the sopnlchre at the rising of the sun." Now` Marv Magxhxlene did not know that ` Jesus was risen. and this mm in the m0rn- ` Read the 9th verse 2 Joan: wan risen unrlv (ha \'n\\' ur luau Ills UK (If "XII UK)`. IWCKII ("C }'`n \'Cr`e N0\\` when Jesus was risen early the lirst clay of the week he appeared first to Mary .\la-qgulalene." \'n\\' this was nfn-r \Inrv Umnlnlmm Inn] IR.` IHHIIJ l C{lll JIIIVK .\\ I. I Hull :3 "And when the Sabbath was put (this may have been in the evening) M ary Mag- ; dnlene and Mary the mother of James and ` Satlolne had bought sweet spices that they might come and anoint him." Anil vsxrv nnrlv lnnw in 0 ha nun-nin l' (`urinating up Ir. In-oom. l\'|.\`o;-1\\, Uct. '.*.. .-~('l'o the Editor): [ Since .\I r. lirx-om gave his clmllengo several ` luttc-.nha\`e failed Io ulisfy him. \\'oul:l he kindly read .\hrk M I. I and 2: ` ",-\mI whnn thn Snlsluvlu I-nu nan! (thin \ Un Tmx-|a_v, l-`c-la. Sill. Ih~u-c-tin-. lied at his residence in (`lo-\'-lrnml, the same -lute Hm-ernor Fornkcr rt-war-I of 810,0!!! for the arrest of the lee- perndocs. ' This in not the only murder at the lnnala ` of this gang. \'heritl' Lynch. of Alpena, .\Iich., where Morgan was captured. was slain while arnnting his man. Mc.\lunn Iunl Morgan were once in thu.Kingstnn nenitentinry and escaped by lmrrnwing out \ mm under the walls, digging thruugh fnar [ feet of wall anal eleven feetof clay. The L evidence okfereal shows Morgan to he a deo-N 1 peruse criminal. TIC." Ohio Huh. I 5.. n lIl.`|l' I |lll'IIll'ill CAI! IIIUUIIIV (`apt Hun.-lm Im-I ruct-Iwnl .11 the wrist. tho hull;-I pa.uiIn.{ I.` the luus-`lea to the ellnuw, mnl QLI .I. XIL. I.,_. I .. , | , IL. .\ Tribute In the Dead. lit-v. .\lr. Filiilncrlake. pastor of the Third .\lcth.)list clmrch. lll.`ll\'l`\l uu e.\'cellent u-lulrosa in the Thinl .\lz-tho-list church last creiiiiig. His ten was Psalm xv. I2 : So D.'Ju`lI us to number our thy: that we may apply uur lmtrts unto wisdom." After dwelling at length on his subject the speaker said he couhl not tllnw the occasion to witlmut refering to the grmt loss the Me- thu-list church had sustained in the death at Dr. Ncllus. He was ceruinly one of the Hunt gifted preachers in the church, and one If tho most able men in the country. In him lkunula haul lost one of its ahlest sup- puiu-is of higher education. lt mu true uc spent the must of his life in college work, - hut Ill this Iphvre he acconiplisliul much for God and chnstnnlty. As I preacher he had nu equal in the church since the death of Dr. Ryerson. The calmness of his lust hours. his selecting of the burial hymn and the making of the burial arrangements, showed the siucerety of his life and his faith lu the Lord Jesus Christ. l.)..I........... ....-.. I-.. ..._.l.. 4.. :1... ,l.\..n|. .J` IIWI. The interiur of the var presented a ter- rible \ Lncv. the nut: lacing t`0\($l"QII uith l 00-]. The other pun-ngerl in the car had crawl:-cl under the neutn. And the munlerorywithtlu-ir relented nl."lmocltel claim the lamps unl molly VI king out on the plntforlu. jumped into the ulurklwu Mlll escaped. When it l-ovum: known what hml lutppt-nod other puungen nu the train ruulneal intu the smulting car. lmt tlu-_\` mint tun late. The tuin vus utnppe-l. the alarm given. and 3 posse of men 8|`I||l| l`1l the mun try. The I'0tlIInlx`l men of? mmle an cum- lurtalnle u [In-nilnle nu-I taken tn (`levvlun-l. uln.-rr n nu-.lic:Al enmimstinu slmwt--l tlm l`...c II._..|... I... I .._.... ,. A`: .. .. 1.. \n uumnuuuu we rueauu ol umr "pm. Tho dekctiven though over wares! show- I light. '1' hey duo juunpec to their hot. but bolum they mul-I beginhootililiu the ` attacking rty opened tin at nhurt range. (`wt Room in shot twice, once in the-. uhoulaler and once in the thigh. He fell and was brutally kickml hm in-sensibility. During this time tome on of the retelling ty had hit Ik-toctive llullignn A terrible plow over the had with I con nling pin. 'l he blow lnicl hi: unl : o n um rendered him unounu-ioun. A uni:-Io mu npenoal upan him, and when be (all to the oor (hero wen sewn bullet holes in hit body. He was then kicked llltl beau-n about the haul. 'l`|., :..g._: ._ .1 .| ,_ _._., ., I llllll rI!I.:uIII nluuwe, Imlu. W! on: I|\" nwu I-oanlonl the train. They marched the train. and in the smoking cu` (nun-I the l.I`u_ clu- Im:li\'sI and the prinoncr. T hey then` at lawn in the tune our and smoked and o- Iuulod to sleep until the (rd reached - ve-mu. thirty-eight mile: from fleveluual. Here the tin IIIOII, by n pronoun.-crud plan. jumped to thvir foot. and till: dawn rcmlv \-on Jouusndod the releanu 0! their pa|." rho dehclivm llmuuh m'nrnnwm.I nhnw. Dr. LITOII In upec-to-I to Arrive homo to-IA II-one RIVIIIIM. Uhio. when be In: Men (yin; lSlhkoy" Mar on u 5 lonmr uuuvicc In the pouiuntinry ere. Mr is on uh! than lot the man during recent ol n prinunor um roconlo-I In crlmlul history. The lack ol tin can an very lnhnutlng. Hurry Hc.\lunn vru nrmuul in Pimlogfg after a long chain. change-I with complicity in the rubbery in (`levohuu|. He vu huul~ vain] and put aboard the Hovcluul uul ` Pithburg train. All went well until the 1 train nsI.:h0II Allinnre. Uhiu. WI liw 1 |...-_l_.I ah- o...L.. 11-.. _._..._.|...,| .|._. .__r_ W ` `u loot Darla; Int-no ul 3 Prlnonot \ MORGAN STANDING IN THE SHA- DOW OF THE OALLOWS. 1\ RA|l.|{().\l) .\ll'IIl)El{ER. w.'l "I IUtI\ 3.5"`. ` Nu- io for the u LETTER TO THE EOTTOR. olor lloeollod-runner ltoenpod -Con- viola from Ilngutuu tho (`blot Oleand- ".\'ot with the crowd In In-spent. .\`ut u ilhmu aim to go nnuul In an 1-duly of pnrpus--less dust ` vihn ln:lie\'etl religion was something more th.m an ens) -g.)ilIg, .-nun-ntiuual. chnmh gt-in_-4 wowllinoss, something more than nu.-rv soul insnrauice against. future harm, yin-lul tl|L'llISL`l\`e8 n to Lhriat to be usual by Him in any way e willed. inging aside the false crnvinv for showy or rmnnnlic work. and all w lining about toil or self- lu-ninl, but with invincible nineteenth cen- turv enthusiasm aunl enterprise carlying on the ;,'r-.-at kingdom of the liecleemer. ltnr Kltilufho Mary of the lur- THE TRIP or A337. You can Alwayc Got `_. --..__ -__~ I7!._,,_AA_ u I `..:..LA I _ _ , A , - _ _ |'Vl'UIlI'l I I Brllt`-lit" D'_l\ ICITVI ' I. III(X'KUi vlrkuing I I-rune ungeru 1 ing "as \ I Ivlnf, Ull|.1' III U"! ml a nine `Q Hullimnn A nu-rihln , H (`Xe-velannl. r n e I l! ;l \l.\H"l)slI L"'HlI' nI l`1ttshurghr.nil- mk Rl'llI`_\', $l.lI|0: . linking a total 0! ....-.l ..u-...- .JI'..-.;.I in I l'\l'l ll ' criminal 1 (`hi is Ih1'\`