\'Au.\'rn;s 1.}: row": 1'37 Quota Nina. i 1 I I .\'r:\\' Yon-.x, Nov. l'1. --l'.ru:s?ua \\'inmn has written Joseph (`lialiiberluin 8. letter, drawing his uttention to the resolutions of the recent Cunudinn interprovincial confer once in favor of commercial union l)el.\\`eCll the United States and Canada. Mr. Wi- nmu say: : No event in the recent history of (`unmla bears a signicance comparable with this resolution from as body so cucu- tiadly l'epresentt\ti\`e. so fully informed of the pea le's desires. yet so well qualied tr` jndgeo what is best for the interests of the country. The conclusions thus reached are 3 fitting culmination of a movement toward A desire` for a changed condition of relations between the two countries. the rapidity and growth of which has had no parallel in the history of any country. Your attention is drawn to the strong sentiments of loyalty to British institutions which pervades the resolutions, and the absence of any fear that the connection between the colony and the mother country will in any degree be im- run-illaal " 1 l`|uen~`n '-u"llo/ an End to It so to the Mootlnn In Tntnljnr Square. l.o.\`no.~z, Nov. 12. ~- A deputation of west end tmdeamon `waited on Mr. Mut- thews, home secretary. yeeterduy and urged him to maintain the prohibition of meetings in Trafalgar Square and to alord lncreued Hrotection to. the tradesmen and other resi- euts of the vicinity-. Mr. Muttllowu said the government was most unwilling to in- terfere with open air meetings. but that it was convinced that no useful urpose was served by the meetings in Trufa gar Square. On the contrary the gathering! there had heen tumultuous and disorderly. He re- commended that the re-idente in the neigh- borhood swear out information that the meetings nre dangerous to the public pence. V 5 some ofltn nlomberi Accused of n Desire ` to Revive Fenlonlnn. '~ ' l)rn|.|.\', Nov. l2.--A'complete disnnion U nf the Gaelic athletic association hu taken i place. After a meeting M: Thnrlaa, Father H1-'unlon and the delgetu from 'l`i{)pei-ary. E iiilkenny, \\'ickiow,~ Wexford an Dublin I witlidrew from the urgnniutiou. nccusing ` 3 the other members of an intention toeclagh nuocintion. Afcllbinhop Croke has also resigned, The Fireman : Journal depre- cuten the diannion and says, urions mic- > 1--.o..'.. '9..." ....'_.-.u N. 1, ,`\.:\ u H ._ ` with the national lesgne end form A fenian 3 "I0! HUI` L1 perilled.` FUNERAL! O.= i'i-cs` I'iiNAaoH7-stwres. ~la in. ONLY $2.00 DELIVERED. A umon Gone` To SMASH. ------L T- \VI|I'o Tclopluono Number. III. Rosulutlom Passed bv the lnter- I'm- vlnelnl Convention. " \' In l.......o.... \\'.-nun WIMAN TO CHAMBEELAIN. I.\|I|l-Z2-I I'M nur Fallnml (`In m|u- light. pluuwmt wurk nu uh `I tn pl-I'ulo\_\ run hr mm-ll u_-ul ls) mall any disulnnn-. I .\n wuavmuln . Adclnnn at ` .\|.Y I`u,. ll? .\ ill: M. Human. FREE SPEECH IN LBEDOM spur an THE CABIIQET. KINGHTIIN. ONT. KlNGh`T()N. (TI Foot OI lick l;troI IIIIVUIIUIIJII. l2.-~}'.msIus I`|......|\..-|..n n lnffpr `o.a.'n-mun:-I. I hlrgoc III Ihuul I . [nos-Lt-3 ATTENTION noun up wum ONE cuncuusnuct. - -_V__- T\\`u..~l`ul{\` STlL\'I\'. ll()l SI-I AND .\ l..\HUI-I LUT. with roach house. slnhlo and `oils and cialorn : wood shul. lwo spriuf I .-norm sash for all the w nrlows. The house is mutual immediately outside oily limits. wool ` rind of Jolunon Sm-ct. Apply to l)o.\'n.n ` \ X l husnn. I-100.. King 81.. Klncaton. -:b-.\'l-2`llF?l2-EIC.\l m'1'vu I-2| . lll'.~`l.\` I-2.~`.+ I-`S in Toronlu. silunlml on the beat (`ash buai~ nix-ss slrcol in the Nth; woll mlnbliahed and doing a big trmlo : I` sell or lease will uml v\`0rylhlnu apporlninimz lo the uainess u-hmp. Henson foroelling-owm-rlnlomlsxoimz ` In Fnllloruin. Aulclrosa all romlnunimllons to .~'. 'I`. .\'_l:I.sux. 2| Wood 81.. Toronto. AN}wA{-sA?13t11tt;AY EVIJN|N(:. N:)\'. 1-. E (Ill|l)A(:0 IN A F|.l'l{R\'. "..;-.;.-,';.::`;*:::-::u.`:.. n.....| n 2.10. um Pu `,"'.l|II. `-`UV- I.` alum-rihocl llu Int anon.` ml mu`: llvu. u-1.-.. us.-..m \I.nnnn 1 In-can 01-curring om Ibo Inn llurluu u I-:.'u-uuuu The lluw (Inc \|.m nIuo-uo-in .1 Ibo Donal nu.-u Ian ` IlI|-l|'IuvIu'o Inoolnor full:-. -. . , ` on] men`: llvu. Wluu Shot! Maw-n,,Ini-local lunch \\-urunt In Spie the In uh! : horll. you I now I unit. I jucliukl munler." Ho Itq hum his call chmtmna . 1.. , hidden In tho while I ml. watch lroon MI pouket roquc -blbvoncl to NI mu-the A at halt wan than pun--I um! I curvly fulaniug hi: all n urn when 3 pair 0! brlglsl. Intel [1 clan behind him (auteur Na wri |"hc-her III mom inn forum "0 WM llw Ihorilf lhn he WI murclorcr. He no-M:-I 0 S It | him how he hit. Hpi up! I ntrnte. |.`......I 5...-.| nlu-ml 1 u! H} ullerl wuru. .1 u-u . utululing lnuiulo Spit-I \\`ollY" an if tn inquire Anal Fischer n-plied by llmhlillg. Qlun. l'.n-nun: hm! I rs!-rue. lingol hnnl lh u-ml ran! with Iwliul III ...n_.. - n-..n.I A fun Ilmlcllllg. Slur: l'.u`ounn In-p `(S Nglllly [mm M imu untnrlly It (hr 1-ix |_v looking gure-s nlu Again he Ilrrpctl out. I Ix-tiam-e. lunl mo li, Inc lure and nuke nu mi the deputy aheli mm- and one um` uf the urn he rvlulrkmf ill! it I nwly. I..- ulnar furinill Juut nlter fanning four anarchists ht`-Mlw` 1 H10? at the irnn nlnur Inf n.. o...-.. lI|naiI'. AI rflvlllce Hi the ac \'\`hWn|n z wt-ll min ` n,.x.... . ` usml lay the nnuntmx vn-an-r anu ...... the caps haul In-vn Ill-Hi . over their humln. A moment lmfnre Iir. Murphy, ll young ||l|_\'!lt`illll, stun-ling has--kvol Hngrl, whisper- inuly t`I`lM`|tecl II jnkp aq Engm-I`: cur. The auarchist lauglwd outright. with tho nope around his neclt. and 'hile nnotln-.r was being fastened on Parso by his ni-Ir. Iht the rotcaque [an In stopponl in an instant. and 'l|l`S0lI meek? cut his eyes upmirul at the dangling line I mvc him. The execution was delayed from I0 to I`: to permit of the gcvernor giving an answer to Capt. Black`: tinul appeal. The sheritl dial "not let. the anarchists speak. lest What they said, in xulclition to written statements, might Add to the public cxcitoluent. The drop of the gullowa nnule A noise as if ll house were full- iug. some of `the police on guard at the mul drop ed their guns and clnppcal their lands. (n all sides a sense of relief was felt. V\\'.un-rs .\|.\.\`DRAKI-2 LIVER 1-1m.s are n 3: m-ly an \`:~golahlo Cathartio. being onun.-ly free .ruIII (`alumni or any Metallic substance. In mac of Liver Connpluinls. lliliousn Dyspep- sm. llwuinche. &c.. they give univo smisfuo -coated. Ono inn dose. In linn. Thoyam Suva: Iloulm :51-.. M \ Al)E`s DRUG STORI-2. R-|l't`il.lll\' all u ma-n mu they n-su mrridnr an-I into uppcaning like gl g.o|lm\s. I`|u- I~.-umilm VA luv! Iulugu nlwe of the I Sell lay the ; caps A Innlnmlt 1 M-vrrnl Eu-Inn; scum--. A t't`0Wll0f about Ill) people an-1semhle.l ` in front of the store formerly kept by Huge! and was lmrrcmgnesl by the brother of hnlned man in Iungliah and (iermnn. He protested against the bulging of his brother, , and called it the murder of an innocent man. Ashe spoke ten or twelve policemen cleureal ` the place, pushed Hngcl into his stone, look- ...I um nlnon nn and nut out the lights. the ` i 1 4 x I 4 l place, pushed hngcl nuo nu lulac, un .. etl the place up end put lights. The moment the tra fell. and the wunl reached the outsiders. t Here was a scene of the wildest. excitement. A: the throngs were clmnouring for n coulirluation of the the news the East Chicago avenue patrol waggon, with gong at full play,dashed down Clark street. Fire 3" Look out fur the MM .1 mm. make wnv I" and .._...3.....n I" \vaggon. with tull p|ay.nasneu uuvnu Fire 2" out engines 2" Make way. make way I the crowd rushed with crushing force upon i the walks. .\t the corner of lxinzie street the waggon encountered a nmss of strug~ gling beings. In the centre at lmlf dozen I licezncn were struggling with a prisoner. who had attracted attention by loud and in- surrectiona.ry remarks. Utlicer (larrity seized the orstor by the shoulders and told him to move on." As he did so the otccr struck the man across the hips with his club. Instantly he whipped a revolver from his hip mcket. As quickly Utlicer Smith wrenchec it from his hand and hit him on the ear. In the rigorous clutches of the ollicer the man was dragged to the patrol box. It was in response to this that the patrol wsggon dashed up. The prisoner, who was locked up,.ssid his name was I-Id~ ward Lnce, of Logmsport. n freight l`0ll\l\.lC~ tor by occupstion. ' Another exciting event was the arrest of Mrs. Parsons. With red glistening eves sud dressed in widow's weeds. scoom ied by her two children. and closely fo lowed by M-. 11.1.... ....lit.mv of Tim Alarm. Mrs. and closely folloneu by Mrs. Holmes, ex-editor of The Alarm. l"ische'r, Mieallngel and one other women, 1 she nppeued before the police at the corner of Clark and Michigan etreeta. Mrs. Pun none was etoppod by the police, who gently informed her thnt she could go no further. ` She cried : 1 ul man an in her dirk OVOI uhecl \ can (nly be had at Dearborn street." with :3 determined elfort she darted under I the ropes. In an inutnnt four stalwart. oili- c.:rs had her in hand. She was lifted over the ropes and again stood outeide the lines. You must obey the law. they said, or I ir unw herd Wltllfoll." 3 "The aw," she ye led. what do I care f -r the luv and my husband being murder- I will go, excI'-sinueal Mrs. Parsons; end` l ...n n u|.....+_ Inn kill me. if vou will." She. the law and uusuanu oemg lIIuruvr- 1 nally nuccnmbed and turned to go. Her .-win nionl. with the exception of Mrs. I. Ilou en, left her. but together the two wo. .. .... 1.... little nhildmn wnlkedulown Clark ml ! Shoot me, kill me, if you . Iloulea, but together the two wn. u.en. her little children walked down xlered to Kinzie and thence around to Dear- l~lorn gvunno. On she went until aha met ` uuothr_g>rdon of police and another rope. Her I-"eaiatanco here was no atubbnrn that ('n.pt. Buckley I'll lut compelled to order lmr arrut. Finally a call was lull in for the East Chicago avenue patrol wauzou. Little Albert Parnns, jr.. and his smaller nigger ........I:l'o...` '.. nu`. \l--: l`---w'~+ ~-3-3 nus? She I must. go, as her dirk eye: forth tire. I am Lucy Puraone. These are my children. We must go to the gum]. They must see their father." can :- :...m...:hln," nxnlnimad two oicela ,,_. ___._______ A I-`INK HOMls`.s'l`l'1.\l) !`.\li\l in the Town- ` ship I Kingston. ve mile: from the city. can ` mining :4) u-rec : slono n~a'n|onu- and excellent in he 1 mil) huildinnsuuiol-chad. This pmpur\{ w sulul clwa ms mo uwumr is going was . A lull. M. OWAT. Solicitor. lime. SL. I\in- ` -non. Mn)" 27. All)! rura u \I'(\D'\ ,~.` '.` N their father." It is impossible," exulaiunedjwo ` in chorus. No one can mas here. Entrance bad Dear rn streat." I "I will no. excl-.\'ime-l and` IAIN) 3. Thu Izaugalu. .... C OIu- lxu L`un'mu. Now I...l AL.` I-nl 31-\`fl`ll` Eu-lung scan. I - 1 ,. man. _, ging M lire-J ` language rt- "O lllhlclml u H )! ufoll. IM)|iI| 1` J. A fun ulna Iiulo I"iu`3 Cir I r Him; Lrluun Mug lllly lnun H. h 0` HI I) (hr tigurvs ulu ,- ) ml ' VA " li t." h nuke kc. un-It Iluunnilnl-lwcl rumlimg llw ) cloovuul oslitnr about no mm mler. " nhppod quickly Ihulcl plnlom-cl anal hltc `liking lab oukct roquouod II. to In strong Intim- sllml bio body. :0 hi: Al` ursigln clown lu bright lckelplnu-I unus- htcuc wrhu togpllsor. on an Hpioa. ill` Wu I jmliclol no-lclnl 0 Slate: and union! I that he fell ng in double tile (In- :-l hr tho gallows. .-\ the cages gave lhll r heads in the-. lire:-(inn y and hid good bye lu ... L.-..|:..n `urn, .\`In~4*t. and mo Lpl .~'tn~1`X. Tho Bl an` almost now. am: ` Inn hliitisl fruits. pre `alt-I h_V tnv uurr ` ` am-I tn have been N ha au~rlu_\', and aftvr ` mw I Dr. \ | _: |.`.._...I ...l\ian.>r. rlI'H. kllilu mnol t'orI'II}In|-lent hu ` x`tI ol the muoluunn 1 M u_\'. He 1 but drew but } the lhroa glmalr uh-cl In-fule him. with A |l|0k of I he ni|, nml kc-." l'u\rvums haul un-It-r lho -shrmul , 1. 'l|ml`x In-Hrr." _:I , n........ I ...., u the lath war * nee. lml dial not uulun later, while HM her, has ui-I. lulmgl. Spies ing cheerly and ml by the latter .,._I ... L...-.. ha.-n lucid Mr nu.-u..i's.'Z'o-E - hlmlicuuulu .ln lludhn out no loullcu. '|'lw bodies no! spin. Finch: and Punuu non khan Iron the at h Ifohoh. |\`ur Spin I burl! Iwl T50 corpus man than to til I origin`: shop. clwuo-I. uul Iuowotl to NI! Ill! MIC! W Ilue lwluu ul Illllltol. Fully as hundred pct-um: lullourul llu uugguu that Irnolc-rn-I Susi`: remain in lun IAN hone V009 Bltl IHOVOJ In `at 5 night of the lukdoc ol the non In w Inch Linn`: body lay while u uuloruhr ltd hie haul Iomnto an uuaglod boo more Ilhllk II III some hour! that I-lap!`- hody y In sum in his olal uulculoi nuuhu were placed huhlo it. A! the undertaker": Ibu|I.\\`hero the In-dir- at Hpiu. Panama. and I-who: won and for. Mn. Panom via the most noticeable poruou. A little uuman clothed In black. with her Incl mum! In .\ huvy vol]. held Mn |'u'IoIu` hunch. `M: II! Mn. Van Zunll. A null howonl gure at dune in I corner. It VII Mn. Spin. the anarchist`: 1 number. She rm-had to uni lm in nu quay i no 1~?)w.u |'i't`s. Ho haaalldozcns to c owe nckviis._IET"sC. .`.;1..., from. Tim. 2 fur 5 coats. ul grief. ; A! the: Aurors Turuur hall I liq wu lull ` must, and in the Icon beluv gruupo ul men expruu-I their uliupprovll of the huuing. The hoaligza of I" the uuru.-Isiah were cm- XPMK` I) Inalmeul. The I lmal been vuunng u: Inc` gun to tile in._ Duly [lu- uuul I-'iu'|u-r were In-fl lu uriusily of the uuml, H1 and Huge! having nlnw \ . If,-in .. ... oh. .l.mrc 1 .` V I.lII. um u- lmlf hnur later the ` the rusiuh-men of ll: ..a... ....o nnouu. Inn Ill!` IIIIUII I'| Inc menu. In which the l: rhinu uvre ukeu. we o'clock this umming. hml been wniling tu .. -.. A:n.. in llulp | ` tel`. I "No sir. I nun not, In.-nuts: I dun`! knms C wlmt zuurchiun in. but 1 Au: I Inmunrvh'|:.t. ' and I ho the time is nut far n when Nu. country -cmm-s u muuzu-chy. [There mill lnonomo uuch A thin ll juntico then, and there in nut now. fhooo men were tried for murder nuul fuuml guilty of unrchislu. The fact: brought up against them would not mplnort the charge uf murder. but they nclmow edged that thry were umrchiau and were hung for it. I7`, `IIII IIKlI\ V\ g u - - :- Ilnyluulml Il|ll|`\ll` Y" Hf course I do. Th! hilnself .5-lmilu--I that In- lhut. they threw the I-uml-a." Are you um uumruhisl Y" one. A reporter Viailecl .\Irn. Fielden at her home last evening. She was weighed down with grief and lid uul. wish to talk. Mrs. Sch Jr mu also visit:-cl, but begged to be excused mun talking of her huabunl or the fate of In.` {aur colnrulea. P l Srlnn-ab an-I he-lnlon liloomv. (`uIn`.u;n, Nov. I2. --.\'l-hwab and Fir.-lalen will be taken to Juliet tmlay. in charge ul several deputy shelilli, to begin their term ..c In`. imnrisnnment. While apparently . uv. - QV*V - I-`OI! ll\l`GH.~1 A.`-`D (`Ul.l|S.-.(`-map 1| Home of mo buxom Cuvuu I{liMl:D\'. The mat nlnse trvquvnlly amps :1 con h. (`om \\'ild (`h--rry. llnn-hnund. lloaxlnmne and ulhvr wxluahlo: imzn-olivms. l lu\aauit to lake. In bolllui-. and son. at WADES DRUG S 'l`l)R Isl. .,._.__~ - \\' A m-rs .\l AX DR A K E LIV ER PILLS ... . r.-I \` n vmmmblo l`athujLic._l_>_eing _onAu.|-fly tn. Winning the .;III_I`I`II|Iln' \\`l\'n. Clllvxuu. Nov. I`. .--Alnuul noon ye` , clay Nun Van Znndt put A picture of 3 ` in the frnnf wimluw uucl the fulnily In the doom sun`. rcfusel to open them to several deputy shelma, to begin Luau` u:IIu of life imprisonment. apparently congrntulnung themselves on their narrow a escape from the gallows the prisuners asppcanr ` ` gloomy and uluspomleul. over their present ` } situatiun and refuse to ulk. 4 A lh-nfrow Man \\ ho was Glad to Surren- dc-Ih.-lml lle l'i|yu III OI50. I-`ur weeks special constables have haul warrants for the arrest of Joseph Phauut, proprietor of the Dominion house, Renfrew . on charges of infraction of the Scott net. Most of the time he was avray, but paid Visits under cnvunof night. However, Mr. l'l:iunt found too much grip" in the law to be couifortahlc, so on Motnlay he sent. wonl offering -to give himself up, zuul pay the tines if one of the three cases agniust him was withdnuvn. Thin was agreed to and Mr. Plauut placed $I50 in his lmmls and now enioya freedom aguin. scan at I Cnhlnot Council. Puus, Nov. l2.--.-\ violent. scene occur- red at the cabinet council when President lrevy replied that he would not port with M. Wilson. "Burglar: have stolen ll quanti- ty of papers-bearing on the ooondul {mm the rnniulunca of M. Portails. on active agent in They Are l'ro\~InIonu|lv Let Loose. ` A l`.uus. Nov. l`.`.---'I`he court in which the N Cutlireltrinl has been roceeding has or- lured the provisional reuse of Gen. (.`nf- fnrel, M. Louiaim nml .\l. Lorentz, pending the results of the gorerninenfa inquiry into l the Allegations Against M. Wilson. `Y 0` papal!-nearing VIII I-ll! IUIIIIIII lll'llI tuv residence of M. Portails, agent the campaign against M. Wilson. El 5?: ,. yit. Ilia clothes wen: torn off and is i Accldout at the Piano Factory. Au accident occurred at Stephenson : piano factory this mornin . J. Aik.n. in the machine room. while` ooking after: l wing mnchine. um! his right nrm can } `arm tofribly lacented. _ . _ ` Winn` no PI-ouch A-out to. 2 Dcnux. Nov. l2.--'l`ho' municipal nutho rie: have adopted I resolution promoting against the -trontmeutof _D Bn'on in Tull |nm;o Linn]. ' Ixljllil um mnrv gun}. A SIl`0l[Ol` can nmnu nu Iinuwuun ` Lmznox, Nov. l2.- Right llon. Mr. Chil- ` clerk. at Kilmnrnoek hat eveing, said Mr. ` Balfour : recent speech indicnted that a new and stronger coercion act was wanted to 1 nu-mmnt narno/nu convicted luv magistrates lualvu vu..--_ -_ THE (`LASSES nro open in the rooms of the Mechanics` lnumulo` corner of Prim-ess and .\lonu'c ml Suoeu. TERMS. Color Clnls. (earl: mm-nin from II) to I2) we a lesson. or when 4 or more-xuona no taken in one week. 35 oneh lesson. Afternoon I):-nwina Class Mon Wednodnys nnd Friday: from I 3 to I m.. on r term. Even! Drawing Chan. ondnyn. \ 'odIwe(l|ys and W days from 32111093) p.m.. 83 per term. All fees payable In advance. . . Prlnciunl--(`nmI.|cs E. WRINRHALL .\sdnunI.- Muss Juxxu C. Snuw. Tho I/CSIIDIOII of RGOOIOIIIIIIOI. Rona. Nov. I2.--1`ho Italian royal fumi- f ly will pnopnt 3 golxlemchdice to the ` on the occasion or his jubilee. Thin la mm to indioauu desire fora reconciliation be- tween the vat.icn_n1nnalqui_rinol. ,coerc|on pct Wu wuuuu w EINVQIII pgrlons magistrates ` mm ubzuuing basil. 1 `C TIJ.!6lll(`ll\I'l "I uu .riu-Inenl Mt:-Inlul lnu-rvlow wllh Flu-lie-r`: III-ulher. \' \~u\ II.l.I. Nm: I`). -In cl vn||\1-run ` " .- I. .0! .. A Stronger cm melon Act Wankel. .... .. \v... in D:..I.o llnn Mr (`J LAW WAS-V S"I-';?ONGER- IIIIUOII III II wwv --n r Inch-I K: O The were re- `.|0. Nu. Hutu o-I wry \ awn-hunod. In mark uunnnho \'Dl`I \ !'\I ll. Inolivw lhrm 2 I J . 'I`|... l|\ lug . U10 do: |. F the unclc-rI.akiug ectnlalinlr | bodies 0! the den! unr- `en. were tluruwu rpm at III wing. and me cr.-ml. uhich mm \'it`\\' the nuunim. `It ` lxooliu uf |'|rounI ` >re Ir gnmfv the murhi-I .-uuml, the n-mains ul Spies 'ing.uln~u|_v lIt`I'I| reumu-cl. nun. .-I..nA.I Ann. I "I \\H .\r.\\ nun nu r wh. fnmliluz on |'ruu AIL [mm llw .\|ar|u~l \\-an-r. Mod I Hm I '1`:-rm-A may. 1`. (`ARTE lIIlIIl`I vurlv he lea-I nunrvulnta. MI the lrnmfc-r. , I887. Ila -undo to ur phonon Inn VIM I. 'I"L.u man: In. 1`l" |I\'.\ MIN no` l the repor- .. \'\\'I ( Spies Iv locked 1 ,_. ..-. ... MI pl 0\ 0 Illa` ._, H.\'l-2 |`l'l`\' ll0.\lE. The undersigned one for sale that DESIILKIRLI-2 H()l'Sl A.\'l)l.()'l` now ovoupiod by him on Ezirl Street. The whole is ow in one block. having about unu hundn ul lwumy foe! tmnmxe on Karl and tho Up r Int rnnsthmughlowest >'m-~2. Tho l.Dl.\`u.~`> on_ lh_u pr -anon lhlonlllnoluf INHI- .` A. wllhlurohl Ill. II In rvwudc-I by |m|\'lI| II II llln Wum om. or with In-. Jmn svm-v. I u- `l'hoIJO||O ISIIQ III! IQ (jit- rluhu It-on In-not and Win `Ito! Pu-toad -A um. cl unmunu lastly Randall loqouloud. lvouvcuuolydluvtovoru Tum-. I carbon! '1 min. Tho anal int n ludunnuhl Io Noun! Pain-s uul llulnot Ila:-mu ol the win \`nlu.uu-or. luau a Inn 3 OII. `I he Yarnmulh. . .H.. u|nn|-euu-u-vulva nave numlunwl `llnuu ll. Cnnby. unpr- uuv. as: their -uslbchu lot Ila noun out 'r|... ....o.n. nnllnnrlllnl ban ghoul qt ' uwo. their an-lb-bu III` In run: an. The union unthorluoa have `N I4-\in jrwrllery m the IIIOIIII of `ID. mm ed lulu (`nah by on I.-io Imam `VELEORAMI FROM THE EARTH`! FOUR OUAIYIRI GIVEN. bl hm. 1 '1' in no Iudpal Ita- ro " ha." 1! c } Auhlun-rlonuluorwilh 5.!!!) Inna nlon. uni: at Lunlne. Uhiu, \\'uIn0-Is) night. No Nvoo |<-nl. Hurry |-1. Mos. nuuulncuuvc nl clothing. a unignml. I..hN|ilk0. CNSJIII. Failure ' Inc In the nboooluling 0! I clerk in hi: em _|... ...m. can an III!!! II! II Iuuunuuu-5 uu - .. play with IIMIIIJ. .\1I\ k'C hum Mulckuhau IIIIIII haw can I Iho um sinus making I In rnilwny In- Kilvh. u- 1'... \l I uni`: 3| in; u! the .\'ntiuMl'|uguo in Inllnal. Im- al to Ann-rim. Hall tuna-r l|'I{mrlo. ol the New \'or rlul-. was ulmiltecl In the NF!` Huvon. ('onn.. I-our la:-I .\'AIunl)'. Mo expect: to pncticr ll Ilrhluepurt. where he llvn. Thr 1-n\r'n nnnoun-1-um-ut (II his inn-nlium tu \iIil W-rliu hu In-on mull mnlicllv n- u-in-I Ilr hu ukml Hlnpemr \\'i||'nIn. on | |:`\`IlIl|I of his age, not to I`lu)llII him at unuul In .`\lII('l`I\'it. In Hm ~\uslris\n -Ivlunu on the hl\'I| ` t-slinu\h~a(`oum |\'||no|s_\' niul it woulcll-v 1 wrullg not In carry out lho plum fur lhi` ' n-urguni/Minn uf lhs corp-In eet. although friemllier n~l.\li-vns 4-.\i.~u-.| lIl'l\\l`1`Il Austria and Italy. I) I.` \\`.-I. \r.n.n InAnnnuI Al IAIAYQCIO. .\H`.\llt.\` ns wmum. uho had ulefemlod mm n M: mun: euom_\. Pat-suns hul aged `)0 van nines the day and hour twelve month: hefon he trippoul lightlv into the court below Judgn Gory. llffllflllg that he was remlv to he trial for his life. The moment llll feet touched the ucntluhl he 3-omesl to completely` lose his i-In-ntity and In fool ll:-`t his I irit urn no longer put of hi: body. Ha I wrought himself to An ex-stacy of solemn Il!lf-glJtlf|l- tiou. Only In qthc out Amoricun oeolnecl to realize to the full that he must lie in I manner to impnsa if ponilnle on all future .........na..... 1): tlmluvln um ho mm a mar- EDUgA'I`ION~1V.. : m3~r}3i E57651 5r Ah? ...... n. . acne ..... nnnn in the rooms an-I lh\l_\'. ll. E. \\'arplc mu lunge-I at l.nf.yene, Oregon. fur the mur-It-r nt lhriql J. Cnrkel. The uvntlernnetl lo-vlnreal his hanging a jmlicial murder. He clennunoul the lnwvcr who had clefendod him his run: enem_\`. 1 u...._..- L-.I gun-.I `II wag!-n gin:-n (kl dl\` Iluw the Chic-ngo lino:-Itlou Arc Ro- gurdul In Eng|aml-StI-on; lbplllnua. \ \ 1 E Ln.\`nu.\`, Nov. I`. .-'l`ho I'M. in it: com- ments on the Chicago executions, tin-ls as parnllel between the deeds of the (`hicagu anarchists And the uttunpu nude in In-Ian-l and in London to rule by moh lav. Yenter day`: execution is A lesson which the English radicals may prot by. I Tho: I 'Annn.:'Io` nu: - \\'n hnIil!\`r thnl Wt` nullcus may prom ny. The ('hrnui`It` says : We believe that l`t`[\l`\`.\`n`lIt the general sentiment when we say that the civilivod word will breath a sigh ot rm-Iiof now that the lat pennlty of the law has heen visited upon the l`lXl'llll'|t|0tl crimi- nals " 1~|... c;.....1.....l M... . u~c......I...-. who `'1'; mus The Slnmlurd says : Saunolon. who was arrested In Trafalgar square ycstenlay. may wmgntulnto himself upon being a com lratunt. however humble. in the name causv I with (`hicngob just forfeited lives. A study I uftho L'hic4\gn tint: and their t-onnoquumwa may be specinllv ncommended to the atten- i tion of homo mien of all sorts. vm... D`|\:'1| ..I...:u:.... oI...u M... v U0 OK IIOIIIO llllefl 0! III MIT. The Times, while ulmittiug that lllv jurors. the judges und the governor of llIi~ nois showed commendable tirmneaa.an_\'s thnt it cannot altogether praise the celcrity or cerutinty of punishment in .-\meriu\. A feature that will specially strike English men is the stemuess of the AlllOl`iL`ln8 in re- pnuing oonces `Int luv and onler. It may anggut to r. lllldltone and his friends whether there is anything so esueu tially ineompttihlo with the liberty of anh- jects in the methods. in many respects mild- er. which an the object: of their vehement ileminciation. " A Good-\\'n,y oi Soc-In-lug Much - Needed Iixorcluo.--S\`0r:bod\v Wohoued. At the nnnunl meeting of tIIe'I`nunpn`nnow shoe club. held 'l`hut-aduy. I lnlnnce of funds to the credit of the club was reported. Ind the prospects for A I season ll`! promia ing. It Ill decid to commence trump- ing to-dny, um! after that on every Thurs- day evening (exoe t thanksgiving ls )uul ' every Sntunlay teruool ul 3:3!) oclock. the rendezvous being; the $1.11! in ,the`pu`k. Iznm .u.. mow coma nenhu will content unemaen-on vrun poueeuunum on country roads. TM: in A club which ll ' athletic feeling men should join. There is no formality ljuitcxl in order to become a member. The club knqws no chute of men; all that. is desired is rnunberolet lent fty. men on etch 2 when object inxecreetion. exercise or t .either all V oh... nr nub can of than mine surcoornyoueolsuun. unptuun muubersof thgclub will In glad to have- my one join them in their trqnpl, and will vonheart teleomotonll nowcononat t o guns. ext Tlullidly being tlnnkm giving day it was decided not to have the mud tnmp. '..- ._. -A-- L`4smrn1l:l;`"l::':';.;|:?`l-:'r;k' uemr, hliml and , 0 app ' - 60:1 for I ptmion to the .S. authorities luring torvd II the Inn: war. Before his claim In ptoven he died but the I:o\-ernmont ha just ordered V the pqyumn of 812.030 Incl passion to the 1|-hlnlr. '1' I-5-I\I\'--V. MRS. P0\VER is proptu-od lo we lessons in all the dltlbreuhbrnnehoa at having nd Palnt% Including: Ponmimro. Lustre. c- A lolnndGdsso ` tame one, water Color. Pu fulntirng. I-`or tonm. aux. apply at '.`2Sydon- , n. _._o the mmlexvous Deny; me n! In ,u|e punt. Until who snow coma content themselves `with potlutriuniam on ...-mun-u mud; Thin in A club rhinhv All (0 Impn-u ll punnl-Ir on an uuuu: generations the thought lhat_ho I I|l`ll. Mr. (Ru. .\l.l'.. nguihl whnm I vmnuu rn inane-I lur attempting provluinod an! In; `'|uunAl locus lulu-I` Ma L) g.. A_. lI|l' |ll."ll'\ llivu u. rant: to .-\nwrim. ~\ustrinu ._._.,.. I 2...... I.`.l \uwl II all will will c-u~n'i 3.`, agnitn ._.I In: Allnlnlllini Ifwllifd ARE YOU A WALKER ? A noun-"um. Wludhll. \r__, IA` I.\_-_L'I\4_I. ES$-V0.NV Ankicuy. ll my I50 TIMI: ml muck M the Run In-In ( lunljui In '\l,a'VliDlUAV (,1: mp}... .. ., .. _ THE Kimnton (`~homl Soviet y meets on 1 days at 3p.m., lumen! of Mondays. in rt |I`\erkMeuu. Rayner & Carey`; Holden 01` `. N0. ' (soul) ROOM far on nnlclun bnnnl in oumu smu, ul Earl Suvel. .4 I :-(noun 51.. Kinllul rluw .. ...... ...- - ,, , Sm vi. Bl"|l.lH.\'liS on tho properly hum! and lhn ganlvn ls vlanu-d with `luv rhniceal I-`or lcr,msupp ` lu TIIOS. MOI I R R. over I Block. \\'.\l. .\Ior$"room-:m'. sac Alfred Sung. Bmok. II pared Lessons on '\"ci.Jin at his &enco. muaiv furnish.- cd`fr:`mmll or large pnrlim. (`ailing or? it re- I on . . ed tor at quit-I. PROF. J. z. Busnocnmns. non nrmnu n'I'nlm'l`.---- . Fl\ It In .VuIu'I-Ir u w puh~|uu- my Alu\'IlI`A|ILII IATTIIAI-Ii. Ilnh-wt In lhvl nu-um. Hum llnnunlnruvor. I II III \`lIVI.`I s _______...___,...__._t__.___`___.__. K I NGS TON CIIQR .-I L S 0(."f -run Iflnunlnn (thorn! Society moels_on 7 IXIIIEIIID W Au ;a:u.a. \\`.\.\"|'ED-LAl)llu`.8 ft: our Full and Christ- mas Trade. to Into It` I. Ieuonr work at their own homes. 8| 0 `pol-`day can but cmhtl! mule. W05-_k son! by u_nall uggljnunm 71x : (HAL?! nun-Luna III! II mm Nrvu. m N l*rlnu-n King:-tun. >.|'l .~`|II\'(l mi! -1 ori- :~........m..l uinnum-o I `rims: 1`\\`u I-`l.\'|~`. Fl` r un In\"u-ilau .\`I.. jam uomplw Imnl and .~-uh I nu-r. mm In -.nn|nu_ Alnlh In J \VI`l C1 .._._... .\.\' icxl-o~:IuI:.\'vnn * mural c-Inn: tvlf U `nm .\'|~Z\\'7iIIlI(`I ..-I. (mmimr I`:- l'I\a\.'1' . U. Q. yaw--V -_____,. --,_@8 QUEEN S'l'RIE'l'.-- lNZI'\'NIN BAIIRIK A. I DIVISION ITRIETR \'()l. LVI Imnun. .\o-m.n~nun- from `I :-when rwelwal by 14. st. lmlupan uu I! put. -Q .\ ||uU.N`I'I vunln \ |'n-mu, \\'d-'5 .___.___.______._.__._.___ VIOLIN AND QUADRILLE MUSIC`. T||la.':` ."I`| mi; ital ART_LESSONS. ,_ _ ......pn-. ;_ __.._.....a In ulna lmnons . F03 jS:41+99?`_'1f9.:1+F`.T;_ A 'X(3"1i:T1 vsfIt~77ri:"i5'f .. . `um.-n u I I\ll-`R fnr nnr Fnllnnd` \>|.\I`tliI-I FIHIVT IKUOM. lurnuhul. ml 211 Que:-n .\'ln~rl. l`|{.\'H|H-Ill Aura SI r\~1-I. IQIWTW I \ ldln r pmuuscn. ur u SPECIAL MENTION. A uIEuIcKn. * -Ii\iA.i1} Inc who in; ulu p Al IIIIO. A ll $ Quinn Htrcel. lIl'.\'l||tli|l lIIILl..\R." I6l`|Il'o'l u ..ml.u~I nrinn Business and Tuo_ln_: I-`M RIHINDIRB. L?.~a|ou`I:i_ Eur.-ucxxnwocus to I nun-nu|.I mun ullul umuxu Ilnohu-an In Iugkeu. I`.N.uAn~ Ilouuntnrunr. I Mark Sena. , , _______.______ '.\'Ibltl-2|! lkILl..\ RS a M uring Tools : I-`nu N ~mmlm: onle r : no onptduon ; O l `.11 .n .u- mhlrnn 9: Yuri Su-got. FOR SALE. A.\'l)I.U'l' 4 I ~11-,d hunt o Uplmr l.I)l.\`U.\` properly .. nu! ma nmnla-n plnnn{ wagwrmu. HVK I|\\'l':l.LI.\'( .-nx rnulu< |'ruu~c-nu Slrm-I. 1.`: lllmns-.~' .4"|`Ilt\I l`2 hard and sun H m vrn ilII|ll'I\\'I.*lI|0lIlI '. (`Ak`I Iin. \\'|lI|mun\'Illu. - BOARD. lA1"Hu-A. Ibo III: In Inca mv-ow. Hula Iouuutu-lInr.1 Ium.\I.< 1`uI.I-:T. .\ppl_v I mi onptuuon ; u , or nuhlnns. I1 r`.-.11.`-..1_:3u I h'ul'k AI 1 " _ I l`| atnotu-Purw `Ann-ll: `Imus Hal IIOIQI. :Ih\\'l-Il.l.l.\'(:.~1..-nix r ....-.-.... .\`ln-N. ml: Illtlvln vu .-.-. in 01 . r.l|u` ~ Jroqlrouuny A mu Street. nullvn the A mum IIINIRALSRIKVAS1`. tin-nun: ll Mu runs!-n. Wdlhqtun nu. _. ...- .1.-.` VI lill. holding Iiocuol No t`\'I I0 (`0lI|~ HAP a. right) tron: inn. `ltvuuws Iuunumu-. - "r .=r1`u\'I-: ll(Il'.~`l-Is` .1.-ml ; 5 mums 4-urll. `r Iu \\'. II. huuuuu Term: mod:-ram-. nr 1' nllcmon : mn. .\;>$y lo ON ' \\'. I . Slnulfuntd. 'I`_ .. nuul.-r:n|n-, lzhrhlmzu Trude. lo I llu.-h"dvn`|u-mn~n. .i.-Ilr nuuIu_ '0;-k oroco 1 - salary. Auply to = 3 SHHI. lhvh` ` tM`VI` Ilulllrn. 'll ` lmulo. Work I omk-ulnrn two. I nv. \`KI("-V on-~-~, |'NIII(`l.\`Y ` Slum ux Mm. --(`-map mm . rs; I'|'-"IIlN'U llillnluv. n I'M-|IIAl|uI| ulvullamul Ilsa .\`ur-rylaon. In-hour. .\'.Y. 5 I-urn. rs-nt. Ola! pr!` Lllllll, tinnvur I uxru -_- noeis 'I`uea~ M8. rooms . Golden Lion ;.`?m`I.`.'. (335 ` :\`npI] lo ` |'%`\_ L" T Y. nr II a In-inl ` ,\ mil) ` iarmm r/bur Amer. THE 'l'I|0L'ANl) ISLAND ROUTE IV llama. Wucnowuhlldluobut MN. -1 u g 3, ;"..."'..1.;.;.;..1.,........;...... ?..a:.p.ruiniuu.|I.uuu-.uw|!I- 3 EA: AID --___I ':-L`I `n--O U: -u uvv----, -7... -- g General Ticket Agent. NN|'l|LlllI.\\'luI In _nmc| rlnu n~rl|lk`||u I3. Tumnplup of Plllshu . nwnrc Jan. Isl. N131. Slain Pnnu MH`.\I.|.l !4. Itn-In-r`u uuuv. n -._.-u.. ._ _,.-...__ To discs. Albatmlew M. Iiiuauen-a. Wuhlnmon. lhllluuq And all Hahn la Nun]: II New Yuri. u (L'l'.lL And N.\'.(`. Ru. :1 | 1. uA.K'1.:\'. --:-j1-Z ` Furry \\'ht!. They sun In You Imposing Alulru-Tho lllloronl (laden Aglutod. (`Ilium-. Nov. I`).--ArruagoImnu for the fauna]: 0! the dual Anarchists were mlnpleted A! I mutin n! the defence mm- miuoo last night. The riomln are rec nested to used At. the Immeu of I" the mute ninn at |.I..'..I....|. nn \`nn.I-v nnnn, Then: he .L..I$...l.'LJ.mo..L.2.n.w .n. .. Don`: Ml loud tn a [nail P0310! RATI- Hum: IILI. woun hall ! the run: cannon ` Itnm-in ul illesmuumn \ -u...r~ ... ........ ling In (`on neetlnn Willi (lie Outlay. ments are `daily expected. l'he split in tin- cabinet has grown serious, and rumors of dissolution are rife. Attorneyellenernl lliunilton in the out. has heen wire-cl tn ` l \\'Is.\|rr.q:, Nov. I2. ~lIn )0l't|nl(lc\'o:lup- {return at once, and Hon. .\lr. l.ari\'iMe, provincial treasurer. hm tendered hi: resi- ` gnntion. .-\ hreak up of the ministry is anticipated. It only succeeded in retaining wer lut session hy the vote of men not elected etuight ministerialistannd the major- ity even then was only four. A eliseolntion or change in government is bound lu come. The trouble has been brought to A heacl hy the failure of the Red River Valley railway scheme end char? Against the government eh. Hmlnnn lhv rnilvmv. 2- ...u.-uuxeinn n~lI I And char Against Ina governmem ` I in connection wit the Hudson lhy railway. The I":w l`rc.u has charged the provincial I gnvermnent with issuing $256,000 worth of ` provincial bonds to the contractors. Mann V and Pelt. nml with giving 250,000 ncros of lanai, without taking security. as )l`0\lll('nl in te provincial statutes. The lmninion V g0\'t`l`lllI|Q.'l|l has since refused to haml over ` the Imd grunt because the contractors lid ` not mmplete the work to the proper stan- lartl, and the province haul no security for the monov expennlexl. Rumors of homllin v in connection with this road am ilying, am a number of prominent inalividnnla ll'e mi-1 to be deeply implicated. [ Ilumoru 0| Illuulutlun .._, A ... ...........n.... - I-`N'l Ill .\IIIuu- un- Lulu .\lnnuhwt Buail ury In and running unlu- ' mouupuly. (`all III. lllldl