0PP08ITION' GRAIN WARE HOUSE ` xmas-ron. ` I .l`ll ICIIOII 0| DITICT I IJIIIU IAIVOT run I. plenum. mild And uatnnl. They gently utimuhh the liver, and mgulnh the bowels. but do not purge. They an auto to plan. Try them. - A ium. morphinegohlonl, Iohecoo. And A` kin mid hnbiu. The medicine Innybegiven in tea or oolfee without the knowledge of the person taking It if so desired. Send In in sum for book and testimonial: from those w o have been cured. Address M.V. Lubon, 46 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. 'Cut thin out. for future refennce. ` When writing mention thin paper _ A Onu-tor of n Century. For more thnn.I:wan'ty-ve years has Hag- yu-d e -Yellow Oil been sold by druggltu. and it he: never et felled to give lumino- tion ea 3 houeeho d remod for pain. lune- neee and eoreneee of the null. for external Incl internal qee ln ell pninlnl oomplnintu. uccnrlc uluu Illll Insoles. W. J. W mon ll agent, sud from him you can procure tutimoniuln and circular: relating to my of your complaints. Try And Be Cured. Lame back and nervous dehility. Associat- ed with rheumatism. is sometimes met with in every day life, but as a rule we nd not more than two these complaints in the some party. Be this an it any. The only sure and perfect cure in electricity and the best form of administering it in by Norman`; . olectricboltl and insoles. W. J. Wilson in `anon! gnu` Cum. Iulm `inn nan -........... II `III I I'|X.'U rlI DCIIH ntnlsfung remedy in ue. ` The notion of Cnurtori Little Liver I;illn in nlnhnht Innt` Ant` nninu-ml An gig-tlu Public speakers and' singers nre often troubled with none throat and hosraeuou and are liable to severe bronchitl attacks, which might be prevented and cured by the use of H nrd a Poctond BAlnam-the beat. throat An. nntr rnnunlu In no. I \\'1ll prove inval able. Sold by nll DC4\lt`l`8 hruughuut Canada. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., .u nvulu Isnluulla Ill` Kiri] I'IIll' Use Dr. Dorenw.nd's Great (ienmm Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free from alamlrutl`. ahd promotes the growth of the hair. It reventa prelmtum grayuess and stops all ailing out of the hair. On bald hemls, whom the roots have not perish- ed, it will invigorate them and force a new growth of hair. Ask for Hair Magic. It in the only reliable. For sale by J. G. King, A. l . Lhown and all dmggints. 4. -urquvuo nuuw)-urr. Who in them that is not frequently annoy- ed by aliatreasiu v hocdachea? Sufferers from sick or nervous endacho will find as perfect cure in Burdofk Blood Bitten. Sold by all dealers in medicine. | Dyapopala. I Much will necmsaarily lop:-ml u in tho care exercised in the 8ele<.-lion of foot , \\ hivh is all im rtant to the d_\`s ptic. llam- ilton'n Pi ls may he used witllethe greatest I-netit. in t'l|8t.`8 where liver and bowel com- plicutions are produced by or are a result of dyspepsia. Commence with one pill e\-any second day immediate-l_\' after dinner. and reducg the dose gradually until until une~ quarter of a pill. only is taken.which_vrill be 3 found autcient to atiuiulute the liver and an- siat in the mom perfect assimilation of food i in the stomach. Dy: tics. try Hamilton`; Pills of l\l_gndrake an utteruut. ll -.u....u.u lruu` nu Iuutuua I (I0 lllx` (H11; shop. l.stuly llu-theatrical mmnumw-xuonts I` in tho lu~\\`.~pu]k'l\` every Innrning. rm-ling saw that I shall lmvu to (`lll{vl\[\' the know- lml-,::~ thus attained` many tiuu-s during the d.-Iyiu ullcviunn;,' tho mental and nervous cllsural.\:~s which will mum uuulcr my noun; 1 try to nd plays (bit will c-lxbvr make my patients luugh ur w ill st-t up a train of thought in them wry dim-rout {rum that in which they have engaged during the day. Fortu- nately. them is not in New \'urkun_ (lurch of ]Iln_\`s suitable for my purputun. and the 1-u-t upon the man who had overworked his hum is always notimablo and is sometime! -rondez-tul.-nr. Williun A. llmumoud. lie-on-ntlon for Bunsen Ion. Tho`-o ma-u Huor less In the brain and nets \ mus s)'.~2!vm\I'|1u um nblo to vast aside All thoughts at lmsinu-:u the moment the mm for waning work has count`. 1!. is thus who carry their Wmsino-.u home with them. and who nllowit tn till their minds when thvy should he an-lu'n;: rcvmatiuu. who sum-r the most. It is [bum whu APO nblo to cast 1-if all bu.\iIu~xs' (`nn-e whvll thenr 0m(\`:I are rltmil, and \`.1m spnl thvi: evenings in work of I lirrn-Int vlmr:u'tor from that in wlch lhoy haw |I'1'lIt'lI',j:|`.\| through tho day, or, be!- tcr mu, whu pa. bL`\'\`X'll` [mum in rational mnu~x~xm-uts, uh: :aro lnmt l1kvl_\`tuea1`apo In-unhu-|n~s, h:.~u..uua and ill\'| .:t_\` and to die 11{t<`rulnu,,' I.:`- In full |-.,-.~casa'un uf their ` ,,,,.,,,_.,| r,.. .0-..._ "nH\V\,n\ .. u... .t.....n ;.. To Avoid Baldness or Gray llulr `..- n.. n._...u... ...n-- n.....- n.......... I A can lhr DI-unlonlou. _ _, no :1 ,_I .u A requont Annoyance. I- 51...... nI..A :. _... t__._._-_.| GI-AlVE%%$TER S cum: uh (I luau L-In. '\\'nrkl1asl-r i>ffJjjITN fs EMULSION, On the Platform. FOR Gray FSyrup Spruceum jj *.?.::`J cmtiis} Jonvusrows % { '7 I :;_E mfg ;FLUlD mar SMALL M E pmcs. . A POSITIVE IIIIIIE FUR SICK HEADACHE. Im25|| Pg R \`\3\ Q\)Q QC)` u`v suu nuruuu (L3 (I HRVI um us much as I do the r the thmtrioal annuunn-u I` . n|Iu\l\\ ...-nun ...n.. Sold {,7 k I!` highly endorsed by tho .\l(~di-al Profession for its wundcrtul vuralivo effects produced in vn.so:I of Pulmonary Consumption. Chronic Cough. Bronchitis and Throat Aifections. Asthma. Scrotum. Wasting. and Diseases of Women and Children. In cases of the Nervous System. as Mental Anxiety General Debulty, Loss of Vigor, Want. 0 Energy. Lonculd Appetite. Paralysis, nnd the many diseases due to lnsuk-icnl supply of Nervous Fame. I.`.... .......|. .....a .:..ns,.. tvv-._.-_ . H. u . `IIU nu! 0!. t of tho fl T T * T1? TXIF'IU`U"" ' all l7:'LIrr:.'ists. or Free by Post on receipt of $.00. _ W. E. CHESTER. 4 LBS` v_V(`.._ Montreal Announcements. I Iu\Cl\. l\'ll3 IIIVCIJS ut into whivh [us . nu is the lhuntte. , .. ,. .. .... VI luau: con can IISII Ill \ l\Il3 e mmx-rm-1, ` tI\\`uHt`I S In .\-vonhng I3UTTN'El? S%LEI/IULSIFON COD LIVE}? OIL, ETC.. Q\( 5. e \ 47 c\ \ I unmet \, \\ mu, III and Black 1..as..~c.:"3. Gents` Lined Kid Gloves. hr Top. 7 Goats` Lined Kid Mitts. For 750, Gents` Scotch Wound Glows . Gout Mullen. Surfs, Squano. Silk undhloluiofn. Whit: and ducqd'PI-ion. e G10 12` . , Silk Luau Mina. Bcutifnl. on has my 80` 1!), 8|. -__.:r 200 Doz. N ewkjiiaves for Christmas. A ne range of New Goods to select `from at prices ranging from 8 cents to 60 cents a yard, in E the leading styles and colors at I Wu. H A at run. F.C.S. Analylncnl CMIH hill NIH Gunman I 1-It B Clo ol the mod hails lhvc aver ennnlnul " urIwrI'lI rver cuniltd.` `PM!!! C IIIIIEVIIJ. I . nnnsnl as ROCKWELL. 1nsruouuaunu.,nutoan:rowon~aahuog:_u?oh A pure "CREW; in-.'Iv-In-nl, and Fun mu luxury. Ion u an Dnuoonnh. _ ..`... u-nu nu. l)i7.zin.x-I, llmpsy. I-`luttorlrg uf lhu Ha-nrl. Aci dil_\` uf llu- .~`u.nuwh. Drymsus u! lho Skin. and 3\ er)` 2-pm-ics of disease arising frmn dlsnrdcred l.i\'ur. Kldm-ya. Slonmch. How:-l.< nr lllood. In x... . . . . . . . . _ .. Our long exlzorionco in the business and other facilities to pose: enable In to : our customers with the very but good: at the lowest` ponihlo prison. I Our business (a before) will be conducted strictly on tho'0no Prim System. A dollar`: worth van for every dollar nooived. n.Cnll an innate! um munch and an nhnnn Showing a large stock of Boots. Shoes. Trunks. _ Vnliseo. ` acription from the best home: in tho Dominion. iucludin ' I 1 .g. 1). King & ($0., J. c I. Roll. (`ooper a Smith, H. 1; Eu: `irnn. Il. U. l\ Firms. ll. HLEX. nossi, COC|(|.E'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. Dress Goods! Dfess Goods l! `I'M Gnu Itllllll CNUR W. J, p1gK gggscm .n-up, u t.-Ix (`.\ l"I`l0.\" \'i-v (`luatuwlltxr . r lmw \\'t--I-ntatul that llr. J. (`ot.t.I< HRI\WV!:I'.ti unoluuht ully llw inn-ntor ot (`ttLnotut\'xx tluuttw s!t\r_\` ut ttw tlvfvncltllll Prwnun was dt~lih\~t~.tln-1,)" un true. whit-h. he nwwttul to sun)`. had bu-n -4 turn In. .~`- "'l`inu~:g`Jttl_\' L! IN. Sold in huttlus ttl Is. l}d.. X ht. Os. GIL. and llx |\`\l`h. .\'unr is gm-nttine Wilhnut the run]: Int J. (`nt.t.t.~t Ihmv.\*:`s (`ttt.mtot-\'.\'nun Nu` Gnu-rutnutt Stnnm. Overwhelntuc manual tuna. mull)` uvoutpaniu each bottle. (`A l"l'l0.\'- lhlil` M l`inw_\` and Imitation. , Solo .\lutttf.u'tun\.r. T. J. ll.\\'II.\'l 0l{`l`. 1| (ltwtt lhtsuull Stunt. llloonnsbury. London 3311 ......-. pm. an.-v on uppucuzon. ""` ""' :{s"l:};)I" the co1_I_nNY' Extract. and see ""` "' .l \ h.-mush. that It bear`s-`Baron Llebig`s Signature _\..:;`;_'T`,,`.`_'_`;`.;`,;`_ in Blue in "across the Label. '-'- Fr-ch-vvi -N-~ * \\'ll.l.(`l'lH`IHl( l(l`2!.Il'I\'l-T liifiulmmxm l).\'.-pepsin. lllllh{<'iliUll. Jn |':f`_\`!~ i]u`l`|~I, rial! lHu~uIu. Ila-ur hnrn. ll: uuueu un annuu uouqluun Kid Gloves. .l6~Buthn. 8|-. ladies` Tun Shula Stitch Bgck Mouqnehiiv Kid Glove: SIJS. Ladies 4~Buuon Doglkin Glovu. Stitch Buck, 750. India 4-Button Doglkin Glenn. Stiteh Buck. 81.23. - M Lidia` L White, `lb and Black Silk GlovcI{`!! in. long. ilk l3ndieg'_ _ _ __il_k_ yil. Nc. 8|. Ladies` Tan Shula llouquohin Kid Glows. .16-Button. Stitch Bank hlomnenin Kid Glnvgn 3| _ memo CQMPANY S nu-u worm van tor every aouur noeived. Cpl! uafinnpect the good: and the non. I lIl.l'l\"IlI \f .\|HI!lN\ l`ll|.Ul{I|l|\'.Vl-I .\h-umznis. .\'.-. IDA J. 00///S Browne '3 0/7/orody/E] ---.u~ 'rm:-- ~ ..P.A.LA.CIB3 BOOT 68 SHOE STORE _ APwLmd .AND H1383 803001-BOOTS In `iftahn Ab. Irlthoutdouht. `tic Fina _OILO0A'l' $01` FOR I-LDIX T T 1. 1 Havb opened their NEW STORE (at the Old Stand), wI`nn n Inn-an -onnlu -0 I)...A- UL--- 'I\_...,|, , Coat? Pooh but Im on application. Aelv fnn ohn rnhnnnvvo r-_---- _- . 1'lll.ulmlb\'.\'K u I'l`\ . IVIFA vvun arvlvv. I-`or wcuk and (lulimtc Women and Child- Man rr). i`lll.l|lN)li\'.\'I |lNt THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. MI l\'I` n I In -uni) |n\Hinliu' i {Fufc icfLis'sf :\ charm in I uouamans, QOIVIN A CD. I356? l'L.\ . muxo.` Ilrlu. nnucn J '|`. Mll.lH'RN & (.`().. Prnurivlu Caipet and Millinery Warhouse. marl all qtll.-lurk u! Il|-ilr|n_\. ll_\`.~lrr \ lliarrlmxi. and is l . ASTHMA, Inoucmns. cAnmm,coucuo,coLos, I II) I` nun!-culhltn ;- ____ !_'*..". OH !-I |o"ITs IGROCER? nnnnnnnrl H.Jm:l01 |u(`1uuIu' mo superior Manufacture: of 1., xmoa Ca, and other ..u.u. SUIDIIES. nu-uuunuu. AuuuN.I cl. w. T Duka Sh, Crorvonor Sq., I ONDON. \\'h-h.-mlv in KiI|ws'l H()H.\l('l'. . Itlnrulnnl n.-In .\!.- .\\'!-III 3 r (`at at an! lira l I`u. 51* thulank -ly` 1?. hand 3 l`-.. 9. Ft-uchurh Awnuo. Landon. Rnchll. Rain and Suchela answer: 1' 0 Superior - uu- man 1 ans hW\'llI`\ mum at llrm N`n(ulul,\' I1` own In that |Il\nlwN\II and -l u( any uuwr than mm. Rm:-nu-`s in n 7| . 71) l`ll`R|IIR .\\'li l`.\TIK.\'T ALIKI. H.` l`h.\nn.-nry Sorivl)` ul Gruu Brilnin. --ts uncut" `I KIIIIUBU Tu `o in! nl all Stun in pen, lil nu-I .-|n.~qnsI-. . n-fnuhiug slnxx two (mm hwulu-ho war) an-`hings ul nmlnwluldinnn-m In WEST ME 3 {WEST HE}: FLAVW OI8 ST-J K PM 80993. HIE -Q SIUGES. 'r.. I- \-.l ..o _`I c. _- x, . n-Inumnx slvogx ve (mm nu-hiars pn-nu-ml dinmnnx In [.H_\:lI*5Il llw huh. um um nun-id. EXTRACT m':i. .~'iInla. Jan. .\ l.\`l\ Tu J. 1. on. Ilmr Sir. \\`c -Iulunmr min on Hull Hun fnslh rsln-nnul In.-H.~i... lo tulnwnln. ll) NUT ICLAY. If your hair 1; condition sl nbolllu M mu-.~. I-`or ulu ,9` J. 0. King. .\. I`. (`in drnwuhu. Auk torn. A hnn-ultrnrn n - clunol l'NL:ss wlc on'rA_m vkrnxr. ' We rotor. hora. lo the Poalmnater. lhp Su - of Money Order Di\'.. and to olciala of the 8. Patent 011100. For circular. ndvlce. terms and references to actual clients in your own state or county. write to . C. A. 8NOW& 00.. Opp Patent Onion. Washington DC. ;46Iunnol'nouu-est... ~ nub s|l\`i lh` A. Rmsav afsou. Agents. coacuouons W|l.ET|NE'S !\..-`I AT. Vanna-I. I FIBEMEIE TQECELWEI . llloomsliury. vamqsnas unvgtsun. OF u c c-munmr um 3 I!~ lI\'lIIul Iuuhrimt. -Lil. but I" nu-r Ihv imnnnnl inn.` :1... . (`um-r. Tum luu-hr - in (`lmltrn and ID nu. um um IIIVIIII clue Amu . nlivd the |IhIlI'x~`5lbl| lo . I`.|l|vihuiun I n-nu.` nu. 1 .\.\.\H.\. A. liuronweml lulho Ioullnu tmumlmmm-r on! Hair Hood: In (`undo-. nu-um sIImnIl\ In null no Amn . mum: ALI. ul uyjlnln. All III! II. A. DORINWIND 'rmmx'h Wl he found lnuuunhlo forlho hnlrauul nmlp ll alumna the wnlpufall lhndrulf. lnvlcomtun Ibo [rowlh of the Mir. and In mum of bnldno-ca when than are the ullxhtua-I mom 1! main I.-n It will |If1IIIuw will cruponf Imlr. ll roll on- *y' but (u Ila orlulnnl volor. and La an unwel- M Inn-In `I .\'( 1` ". If rnur hull In in n u-nu}; u u-u llllbil 0 III was Knlvoa. Forks, spoons. om. L:-Hols burl thin Trude In are Genuine rs Goo. I uluvl LIUIIIIII GIIIUI TIIIU Exquh-no Don unrivalled Durnbluty nu ;|lao Inn n.-... n.-- n 'rIne\i EIectm smlau ' Emu]:-Ha no-um. n--I-II-A mono remote from "ARlllNG1'0N. Send Moon. on Dmwmo. We advise as to pwontablllty troo ot charge : gmd we make No l"A1'lIN'l`. l 0fl`I`. here. to the Pnnlmnnlnr, Hm Sun. [):u::u1s'rs. HALIFAX. N.S. .1-mlel ban 1 V vuuuuulq uuu llllllll {Ill I847 ows Bros. KIIJVOO. Forkn. 8lI'III_ AM. TOR. DORENWEND'S AIzMxm1:Czz'1'3Sm NWIND - F 1`u|m.\"l`0. (`.\.\'.\ ....._.I A`.\.., I, ,. 1 , MEDICINES. AKHHKECHTU COP` WINE, lhoulh more tunn- II: In roponlol than Iron o:Qu1n no, IEVE-'l COISTIPITES. 300 Medical ROViPWI. For IIIO In leunlnng druggnll throng soul the world. Amnmm-mm in: anal u an FOR SALE OHAP, 5.000 BUSHELS, PEAS-} III. IIIOII DOIQPHII futon-r All rm` A Jinn! nmnlu. It ((`oon)Iu, In A word, the moot powerful of the vital hmon."-l).-_ r H I I \l V E or MIND MID Ioov IIIOIHPLIIIIESS. * "lxpol-(nu and talen- Ila unlyull 1070:! In u in Goa Ibo noel unto hut in IBOY Iohlo K "- In hmnlu. "It l(`oanHn. In 3 -l|lI4I '"im"'"um'E'in'136'fa co. `I I`\..L . B: $310. ARKBRECHTS COPA VINE. Imm- '0 I FATIGU rlluun Ann an fynur in In A wen,k* ' Turonl o. Jnundlce. ~ Manufac`-r. L tout Olllce attended to for MODERATE I"Ia:7sL W ` Our olce is opposite the U 8. Patent Ofce. and we can obtain Pntents `In less Limo than thou remote from "ARHlNG1`0N. Dmwnm_ Wn .x.h-i.n .. 9.. muluvlw 13' An Orlontnf Tale. There once was agay `1`urklsh.Pnshn. Who winked-what on earth could be rusha!-H At the sumo`: best wife. " And for that lost Us 1110. The Inonlh: /Donftbonnuh! ' _.I ll; nu is An` lllllffo ' Dennis (to street car driver)-0`iman a big hurry to racho Farty-cicond strato, Kelly. .-, Driver--Thin Oi wud advaiso ye, Dennis. ` totnke the nixt car bohoind. Thin: bu-no 0 lm drivin' be no good. Dennia-Bo gobbs, Oi wull, Koh_v.-Ne_w York Sum. M . migzengur boy (feebly)-No. air; the wire: gre all right, but I tun in bad condition my ulf."--_ 1'ho Epoch. A Not Fooling weir. Gentleman meueqger boy)--How is this, boy! I should have received this dil- patch hours ago. Are the wires in had our ` ditionf ll.-.._...... L--. .n._|.u__\ `v, . .. The Smnll Boy ! View. Ah, my son," said the nnniswr; I'm glad to see you in the Sunday school at last. I: this your first Sunday? Yes, sir." How do you like it?" Oh, guess! kin stand it until after the Christmas tree.-Tid Bits. The Bench for Dry. The word sec- or `_`seobo." as upplie to wines, is u_l-`much adjective meaning dry. Alnkgi The arm of Alaska is 53,401) squam miles. or about nm~fth the arm of the United States. ` .a__I__l_..I_'.IJ_V J...L:| Obuilnod and all other business lnthe U.S. Pa Onlce I-`ma. onnoslte II. S. Pnmm nmm-, The Inventor of Postage Stamps. The invonmr of the postage stamp was , Rowland Hill, the founder of the English ostal system. First ['30 of llrlt-ks. Bricks were first used in England by the Romans, and in 16:35 Charles I xed their regular size. nu-uuuuu nu tnu IIIIIOOII. Air balloons won invented by Gnsmuc. I Jesuit, in1T.`. 9. and rv\'i\'0d lay Montgnler in Framje in 1783. ' ' The Father of History. Herodotus, the first Greek historum, and ` father of histnry, lived, according to Cicero. about I50 B. C. The I-`II-at Lager. Lager beer was first brewed in the United States in 184:}, when a German named Wag- ner made it in Philadelphia punt`, an uuugury. It Is 3 (`I111 solute triumph of pure logic. Chlrlng Crt. Chnring Crou, Eng. was so called from the erection of a memo:-in emu n:. (`l nriug, to tho good Queen Eleanor, who dial on an expedition to Scotland in 12390. War III 1 A-N :ur. uancroft G i 000 whit:-3, ),0(X) colored. . .....u-nun ox American Colonies. The population of tho Ant-ri-an mlnnios at the beginning of the French ulrl lndnau war in 17.3} Mr. Bancroft eltlnmtusat l.l65,- whit:-3. WLOIX) colored. ` tlnnncia 15:0 . I.-` WIEFWCTRY mwlho Inn :2 nun-and In !4I;`l wAm.llrcunn hoe:-on. .l UNI Illlfl`. The math zuxnivomnry or th. , un lhv '.':!(b I? thus month. H: Vim`:-nt Martin pn~.<--ntul an H" wmrh runt.'1inml a new I.-mw bnounw pnpulur. This damn u Mr. nolmer Muterpk-co. The Ono Haas Shay" is not, as so.-ue sup- nose. on aogory. It is chronicle of an ab- olute triumnh of hum Inoin ` nuuny I.-mg1|agus. ' uI"uIIl1l l0 F01 R1-inn'crt' do Vnm," or ' Fox," I satirical pm-nu, written Wllhun Van L'tt-uhuvun, 4: [ml burg, was for centuries the workover written. It was tn . I Next _\'.-:2 1' u this nvupm-L- which muuu A ('lr('um.~:nu I century. or ovorylll_\-u fnlh Ann! Inn: < IUIU CHI l[ nachml. \ vvury nu _\wII`.4. IL! II {ore Anntho-r Hut-0 1 In-n|u..I TIC l`r0cldoI'I Qlbodo. Tho \\'hiw Homo" in nn'uollul from tho color whlvb It has always bu.-n puinlml. T strut-mnr in u! fnvutonu. Tho hulkn! the [|t`l)lE< of Ibo Whiw Hausa Am paid by tl plnldnnt uutn! his ralary. Thom is a con- ungenc fund uppmpriatod by _ which pl'u\`hlu~n fur the cum of the grounds and tbi'I'iH\T` of the public employed about thy plnvv. Population of American (` Hm n......I-o.'.... ..n .L_ A- - an-nu...--u an uuu-y Illu lllull'|'|l\l'|l|ll'IU!I 1 grain. Aim! grmhmlly In apply Ilw prllwiplol < uf Inn tmlo tn nuunulw-tunxu |luI4Wt'I')' db Irriptkrn uf prnalun-. W11]; zu--uuppnof ` tlw Ann was law Imguo. he-adv-d bycohden and Hrighc. um um pain-nu! the lamina 0! common: May 13. and on July 31. II -III. wu luau-fully mrrk-1| lhruugh Um lu-um of ' lords. viii-y by the inuenm of tho Duh of 'e|lhulon. 10 Va the In! gust pltohcd homo (ought. bytho pmm-uuuuu In Gnu nu-mu-. I .j...- . PATENTS Obu/Lined and MI nnmr hmlnm. In um I! 9 n... I In January. l. ` laud (H3? .KuIl'l1 I'M tlunvtl I hill tn nlu llmitalf-`m M mm`) `u hut Mtruulo (or Ft- liuylud. the govern! l'-I. prlmu ml tn holly ubnuulm Iliniinlinn ..l oi.....\||... ..._.a,. Invention of the Balloon. nllnnnn ....\.... -...._-A , I 1 ,, : In 3 Bl; Hurry. cfllnn nan 1-In-{nun-\ I llirlhplnmv uf llnmc-:'. ` the pool Hum-`r wh-yw l-.r. L-sh-11 by sou-11 vitici nlnv towns v--me-nd for l'lu.-nu-r I` \\`lu'ch tho h\'I`u_-: Hum.-r In`,- 1! I Ht CURIOSITY CKHOP. llryuurd the Fox. 9 .|.. 1'...` -v [low and Vlulrt .\ :1 Old Danro. I`:-rnllarlty o! I888. (HSH) will ho a pa-ulinr oneln -that tho but um-u nalmirals unsu it will ho Um sumo '.'Iu'eI. go which can 0L'l'|ll` nub` once in r, mum strictly spanking. once in ` mu. M It will be HI yours bo- nf a kind" (WW) will be 1 .-. uumum o wwumwu nu uau opwuwwa. A. I`. (`HUW.\'. Chemist and E1-uggist. Agent. Kingston. July 16. ""H' . ~I um! I hr!` rx`p!_" t I u \n~j[v_(. svnds th;no owers : it. In Inn nnulmx-o.....| .1. Wm," lb-ynard the Mn, alum! l:.'.'n0 by nuvcn, priest of Aonlon- tnn-lnu Hm n... ......--I-- ` 9.111.!`-1 . -.., - la u an \'I Ill`! ul'|l' :lll'it`I mart popular tnmalau-J into n nnlll NI INN` Il\II1l,`lS DH! 1' twill that I110 sought. nftvr. Prutc-rllnn all: I 1.. .\ IX(`.vt_\', 1 when I L'HdL`|'li1r' } I she o\'i- ` I... ..|. . .' PHE BRlTlh`H WHIH. 'l`Hl;'l{Slh\ Y. DE(`- `:2 . N. ST ANLEY S Celebrated En __ fh-umrist. Asrenl, lish Spectacles.