"'.`:'fh%fr}&`.:; gnu Oolda. I-ougnud acm- G hwlth:I`1|:!dou tlg`? madl- dm -l 31$ Wu 3%.. It n.2m"`-'.'. [FANCY GOODS. WWE - OFFER - THIS - WEEK, EVERYBODY THE LASTCALL. GOING! GOING M ALL MUST GO THIS WEEK. Regardless of Price, Cost or Value, the Balance of our Stock of RELIABLE AND OLOSE-PRIOEO DRY GOODS HOUSE. i>1h9nn1z3L mm T nritmnmns HELP AYOUR` OWN TOWN. ON YOUR .A.'I' TEE OHEAPSIDE- Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts.. Kingston. D. F.ARMSTRONG S, Princess Street. To be had at Elf you can't come and for samplca. Murray & Taylor's, 176 PRINCESS STREET. You are invited to inspect the` Greatest Bargains in Dress Goods ever brought into this city. Heavy All-Wool Ottoman cords. Heavy All-Wool Fuules. A WONDERFUL SURPRISB FUR EVLBYBDDY AT Murray & Taylor's LOW PRICE STORE. DRESS 00008. Princess St, Carnot of Gordo1Z17S'trVuo;.` See for yourself at Hot. and Cold Bath: at all Hour: at W JONES 1'oNso1uA 1. PARLOR British American Hotel Block. Cluronco St. N P -1'huse an the only Both: in the on nonwd by noun thumbv nocurlnz at all hmm hot water L A us: 9. This Powder nan: vulu. A marvel o . Ithaca: Ind uomonuu. I lm Ilunlh `.0. kinds. and not no sold In oonnpuluu w u: the multitude I In an nhort I. II o! c gowdzn. ow oxtvdgchcnn:-R0\&h.':Ko Nu Powmm 00.. not want amen. mu; York. LADIES ! n0o1dl.'l'l: null. Oom-' hwlthout don thoboo m sud nova ml: to who L" W0 opnaiaor I impu- POYl_D_ER -Abso|utelywP-;;e_. THE TOILET." 5,000 YARDS FORMER PRICE , nnAl1kIinda or goods cleaned and dyed and wgll . I I . - ` I ;u`:'up nud luwo or sale the Jam Package 09. wan-nntod'lo tho hutln the market. them. Agent: wan ' R. on mnulanv Y . Ml`; O dEBya. uuu uwu xuunum. u scam: to Do ably to travel in the -air of woven. and thus to pass xtroxn bonus no homo; to rho tnrtho `alnnstlonltnomput.-id pri and ccmpools. Itcan also. umloubtodly. infect foods. X1221]: and wctar. am.) with thom,on:or tho lath: . of t2`J_ldn-a.-Pbnnnylru:ln Sign Boa:-,_l of . Honl`_h. ` ~ A nun uvrllu ol Lnplltlolllu Diphtheria is believed to hocanned by I special poison (contngium) "which may be conveyed to poison: previously unaocted, by personal contact, by inloblaed clothing, rugs, hair or pnpar,or by any` of the dis- chnrguottho body otnpouon sick or tho dllenlo. Tholoodlor gonna of this terrible dunno may ho roceived from anything which has touhhd the sick pcmon, up air. food. clothing, shoots. blankets, furniture. toys, books. wall paper, om-taint, cats, dogs and Ilia. Thodlnchnrgu from the throat, noon and mouth are believed most frequently to contain the germ : of tho disonsamd to com- municate it to othorl, but the discharges tromtho kidney: and thou: thobowels are also dangerous The. dlphtborio poison has gm: vitality, and my no dormant in how- ing, blonftotz, paper and homo: for mock:-, and oven months. It seam! who `able to ' trnvr-I in than -nip n! um... and 45.... a- L... vuuununu In growing clues. Among the speakers at t evening meet- ing was Eon. C. 8. Noy of. Boston, speaker of the Massachusetts houso of rop- ranentnuveu, 3 pondcrous man of immense , chest and a head Itnrtllngl like that or the has Brigham Young. nun. C. 3.` SOYII. The tmtum of the Ilrst evening was tho speech at Cooper Institute of Hon. John R. Lynch, of Mississippi. Ho is a slender and slightly `dolicato looking quadroon, with a high forehead and intelligent taco, and is now, probably, the most prominent colored man in the nation, or equaled only by Hons. Frederick Douglmn and John M. Langston He is a thorough business man.` and has no, cuxnnlnhd n largo fortune by judlcioin in- vemnenh in 21-awiilm pith: cuunulwu u Larga xormno veotmenta In growzg cities. An.-mm: tho sxnnnlmrc at Ohh uinu uxplunr I irlp uuvugn we nocxy [I191]!!- tdns; hownulnouCnl1fornin pioneernndn very successful one. Ex-Gov. Foster 0! Ohio gured quietly in tho throng, but confedad that just at present his mind is more intent on the natural gas developemont in Ohio than politics. And. there woro also Stephen B. and J. Halo Sypherol Iaouisianu. uuuvu nuu umcnu men or we eoulorenco (theytsko somspsinstosayittsnots nstionsl convention) there are many men worth seeing. Hon. John A. Ksnon, of lows. and Hon. John B. Henderson. of ' show that they have lost none of their youth- fulrtx Ja.mesG. Blslno,Jr., cumin letotho llrst sttornoon, and could not well escape st- tentlon, as ho is six feat tall. straight of form snd {sir 0! face, with n noticeable rum blnnoo to his father. Gen. E. F. Beale, of ` Washington. president of the Republimn . Nstlonnl lesg-no, was conspicuous among tho I,` vstersns. Hewuwith Fnemont in one of ` thnt explorer : trip through the Rocky thins: X WI! lid) A (".lHfnI"nin ninnnnr and n uuuucxurunuuuoluec. 10. wan- unrkod. however. that two or three data were but slightly rvprananmd, Indians`. probably, having the (swat while Tonneuoo and both Virginia: sent many representatives, and tho rnpldly growing mm: of the northwest were well ropresnntod both In numbers and on- thuslnsm. The total number pita! toll but little short of 1.800, mpraontlng some 3!) ~ clubs. The occasion was wonderfully llko ` thntol I national convention. Baida the active and omcinl men of the conference RJIAV hh nnnm nah... on ..- :4 I. _..L - Klllllll-ll1UIII'u- while Daniel J. Ryan. ot Ohio. on A temporary chdh ` man. and I hole of ~ youngiuh men Jolll. LTIOI. from the middle wd sumciontly rap ` canted tho coming party unnoguu. Field llnruhni Murat Hnhhnd, of Tho Cincinnnti Commccioi-Gums, In: con- Qicuoun among tho litu-cry light: plu- dn.lookingnolndnyoldarhnninhiIlnb- pondonldayu M187`) or thcuboun Tho Ohio dolcgntion nppund to ho compound ul- mootontimly or now 1nsn;hutnllthooi.hu' moo cont enough of tho oldor olunonh Ion noticonblo unong thaooldor middlo aged Repuhlicnnl won ox-Speaker Gllllllll A. Grow. ox~8oontu-y William Windan,ox- Governor Wotmoro, of Rhoda Inland: Col. George W. Hooker, of Vormontnx-Governor R A. Alger, of hlichignn; Hon. George D. Lovering, 0! Munchusocu, and ox-Governor Thotnu A. Osborne, of Emma If one could have doubted tint the young men of the pnrtyuro expected todo tho work of `E, that doubt would have been dispelled by nnding the long lint of vim pruidenunnd member: of various committees. In All thus therenronotilvomonol nnynoton.sRepub- licans in N10. This wu emphatically n goth- oring of Clubs. and the work of clubs must ho done by tho young And Ardent. Twenty` an states and territories were represented at the organization edocted in Chiclmring hail onthofnrnnnon nfnn-_ 1.! It-gun. Wm u-uu purluuun chairman, and Sumter William lChndler,oM.ho` uoondgonontlon. chairman of the oommlmoonrnlu. -hlIn n...a..n .1 Wlluun I. Burn. 0! the vow-um, Inn -n-4|- -......-.....A `uuupunywuti thug however, and a law who Inna nan-n -`_L .- non.puuue.uotnovumasmu,us- In; hyorgnnlud duh. hovojnuhodn "n|l,y"ln1(oIvYoI-B dtythu ronlndn tho votannohnu-vcnlthowonringoldumu cl onrL('2Ioy.oI-at tho In non nu-tout though noisy gnthong ot 1850, which orgnnlud thoporty. Thorowu cm! on- thunionn when John R. Lynch nddnnd tho an evening nnoungot thoconvcntlon in tho hi; hi! of Cooper Union. Ono oltholnousnoueonhlolontnuuotthlnnnd on theuuhnaqoont mcotlnp III tho nhnoncn at tho old umorn Tho young mond E lhn nan-In 1`..- The Corn: of Diphtheria. Minn!-In Ia Knllnvmi 6.. I......... A ouhu-In. Ullqulln Political usual; and In Which the on non Won lhllhlly About-51:30 at the Procl- ___. --_ --. SKETCHES MAD! AT THEIR NEW YORK CONVENTION. nulw (Ion-(1 Who Wuo T8010. REl l'BI.ICAN CLUBS. PHE BRl'l`lb'll WHIG. WEDNESDAY. DEC 28. % PRINCESS s'r oYEiTNG%v?6RKS, - KINGSTONW` I a curiocity ln`.thoL-shupoot (twin orange is on c:!:ibit19:I at Anthony. u. It wastoun-.1 in !.I:. Striplr.nd`a grpvo; Many . old Inhabitants say they nova;-_ aw anything pmoundbcton. .. nsu ugnu muwuuug um um uIu'm oozes and the green lights of the police patrol signal barn; -Nmv York Trihn nu . I-I10 `KY3 H8055 OI Ill!) IXJH4 boxm.-New York Tribune. Colon of street Lamps. It may be necessary for our policemen to undergo tests for cglor blindnes if the colon of tho stmot lamps are multiplied. On I-`mh avenue, for inhnce. blue the golden gu- lights. the diamond glittering an: lights, tho mrl lkrhfs imllcntinw thn n: nlnrm hnrul: -ml Il`IIl3. Ian uuunonu KIKITFIIW ll`: red lights indicating the are Alum boxes and 1 Hun trnnan Hnhfa nf flan nnna nah-AI -I.-n-I I ` uuuuugu full! 10!` ulelr EWVICB, llI6yVWBl'B ` not in competition with any American work- ` mon.-Chicago News. ` lloxloan Ecilcox-s Colnislslnt. Mexican editor: complain of the arrest in Texas of gum of their countryman for vio lating the congressional enactment against ` the importation of labour: under contact, claiming that the Meximm created the Rio Grnndo at the request of American itnrmon and plantar: to assist them in their harvest, `us has been oustomu-ytox-yenn,nndthnt, although paid for their services, theyvwore not in nnmnntitinvn with an`? Amnrimn -m-b- Alllgntore in Household Pete. The latmt craze in household pets this winter is keeping young alligators. They exhibit considerable intelligence and can be trainedto do many tricks. Dr. Fairehild I Richards of East New Brunswick has brought 5 number of them from Florida to supply the curious dcmnml for the reptiles. Five hun- dmd little fellows have arrived from Florida and bear the journey well. The little beasts are none of them more than a foot over `all. and most of them are considerably` under that measure, varying from four to six inches in length. The countenance 0! I young alligator is most gullelees and inno- cent. The, reptiles are docile when young And easily cared for; but they are sensitive to cold. and in this climate can he kept only in a warm room. Cold kill: them quickly.-- , New York Evening Sun. 5; wmuu nu no mgur. on mo last day or Octo- ber, and three strong vleplmnts taking fright, run off in tho dnrection of the prison. The elephants, running up the narrow road shut 0!! from the surroundings by rails, g found themselves in front of the heavy iron gates lending to the outer yard of the prison. Their threo heads were sumciently hard enough to unbolt the locks, and the gates swung open. There was another short rond~ wny with railing on either side, and the pon- derom trio walked on until they stood before the nocond gate cloned ngnimt them. Again thoy hogan pushing, and some guards nd their guns at them. Although not wounded, tuolephnnts won more frightened, And In ' endeavor: to get through the gate added their loud trumnatimn nf on-immmo A9 I uuuuuvorl w [SIB uxrougn the gate added , trumpeting! of excitement. At * last their keepers came up and the Animus turned against them. It was after midnight when the clophnnuwero pacied and led ` nwnv to their nmmr lIv|nrtn|\1_f`}n'n4.... ` ciemmtss IS NEXT T0 eonuusss wucu uuu cuq.vuunu.wem pacmeu and led away their proper qunrtel-s-Chicugo News.. News. _ uurpu-IIII outrun I ITIIOII. An attnmpt to storm :1 prison, undertaken I by elephants. is something new, and it is Russia that has supplied thus new sensation. A menagerie arrived at the depot of Clurko toward 10 at night on tho last day of Octo- &r. lld strong nlnnhnnta tubing .... `Ivan an uvuu. wuurll mu I105 Ellfll out 30 be luccestul. Ho nlootriod togotn living by his pen. but he found it bird, and after some yonrsol pinched circnnunnca he unturned to Puts under tho amnesty luv. When hero horn I gaunt And grizzled man. verging upon 60, but his wife was a pretty and piqunnt Pnrisienno. who. amid all lnrdships, kept his quarters full of sunshine. He had boon known in Pun`: as the "Ange Pitou of the Commune. ._- ___.,- V. -.-o ullbvl nu aA'll.'|y. Eugene Pottier, the notable French Com- munist who recently died In Paris and whose funeral was the ocoasion of a red ag demon- Itrntion at Peru in Chaise. was for some years a resident of New York city. to which he ed after the fall of the commune in 1571. His domicile was in the rear of mo eecond story of e tenement in upper Broadway. He was the author of uvernl works on incu- tion, and while hue he established e kinder- garten Ichool, which did not turn out to be living lulu us... 5...; L . 5-..-.. 1- . r uvuu u. um wnnnm uovkefeller, the old millionaires. lnvor short working hours, both for tlnonuolvas and their clerks. William is the more regular in his uttelnlmlm at his omco. Ho lITl\'eS there about 0 o'clock every morning. exvept. Saturday. and seldom leave: before}! o`clock in tho afternoon. With him Snturday is Always A holiday. John D. seldom appear: before. I051), and is ran-ly to be found in his oino nftor3. Keith:-r care: the map 0! his nger for society. EmvnnnPnni-. n... ....._L._ _, . .-. A The quaint Brooklyn humorist In pros: and pootry. Si Slocum, I: so old son dog who knows the Me of Jnvk tar from the fore mule to the topmost, and often mm occasion to brnst the stormy vnva in I pilot boat. Ho In: no other nun. thual ~ Slocum. In looks he is not gunk; Abrnhnm Lincoln! fnvorito humorist, Petroleum V. In. Bailey, wlfe of the editor of The Utlce Observer. ls one o( the row women who hue Invented anything of I rneclunlul nature Bbe Int recently devised end petented an or- rengunent to be etuched mo hon (tel beds, by mean of which e pptlent la web to nun end lower hlnnel! without the euluenco of e nune. widow, 1 mother. ,, r~-,,,-v--u-v--uIIUvI uupwbwrnar. ln.GcrtrndoGaddcn,o! Phlhdelphlgh nbloomlng lmlo wounnot 33,nnd yon! huboontwicuwtdownndhngnndmotlnr; BlIowunArrIodwhonuluwul5,nndwhcn lcwutholnothorol nnloolmlo glrlbaby. Aulhhowuuvddow. AC3! tho married 11,313! on the `TM dnyher daughter, 10 years old. mu-rind. RI: Innnlhn Solon]: received with favor from the `lands of G. M. Weber. who in again superintend- lng the workmanship. Mwldow, undn!owweohugobocnmo|zrund- * .__..v.. -.-u-vIuII1 ZIIUIJ Elder Evan. the well known Bhnkor lesdnr, in 0 man of utnmoly tlmplo mm When vldung III lull`: studio In New York city howulnvllod Oonunintohs Ilonxroonl Iodouolthhhadc-could tunluhhhn with bmwnhnndnndhotwsar. Thlnrunuho wumd for Iuppur. Charles Dickens. tho younger. wu ovu- comobythonuduurol Nhganfuln. Bo nlmubognnd upoutho cannot: Why. think uomechlu uvtul. My lumbar. In No `Auction NouI.'qnnh ol Nlqun an 5 phooolpuooudnd ldou uowhatho ooulullunbunlhlnungahout Powoand rut! Whyomolthonool Abjocncrror. In (Ia-t.nuI.n..|.|._ .1 In---A--_u~ -- ----".7 --cu. Mn. Inf! Ilclahomoi Vlulud, 3.1., In \ bnlkllnu hon-9. udmpoouuu-uy mm Ill 15:" work honnloctlng II ` TF0 . Dllltnr ad labour. hotlfyonnold. . My [blag D-__- AL- _.n |__.__ on , u , """ ""F""I -"`*" Qua Vlceorh kupudnyl In hot prints qnnmonuatuuom at the haunted John Brown. whlchgoun when-our clan Queen lnr ` alt cards. It: mun! phat: on her prince wrmngduk. ...".........."""':'m.!"......."""."'......r." '7.":'..: ` 0|!-vi Rankin. um l\...... ln.;._n_ ;, ,, _n_,,__ . . Tho Baronou Burden-Coutu unjust to cum! 3 bequest ol cu,wu,ooo In-om_ mum Juan 1 Randall, who wrote `land. hnhoutloroturnlolary Mn. "xlm amamn. Ibo English Tory loulnr, |H(l'\hlEIldnmn tnnlnlnnnnnm-I [nun I-Zleplnnu storm 3 Prison. Hnmno on 4-: - _._z.._ N I A `lilo Qnngo. uc.Ia..d`ou In 6Iin'-I.- Having urchued Iho nook and material of G. W. we r & (`o.. the above Factor is are- tarod to offer at VERY LOW PRIC IS FOR `ASH the UPRIGHT PIANOS i- _- - - Jvunnntl Inll. . and William Rovkefeller, nae 'lIn\p- ..l.....4 ....-..I.:._- L - - PERSONAL \CETl0N. nmn} no:h-rene}, r Id F in In: -M.a.\.|....... -5 A.;. I.BJiVE8 4 it/sox'rr, Grantl Gift Shle Bbomlns. Imgnen9e'Diapla.y ot Fancy Goods. Store crowgled daily with Cheerful [Buyers scouring Pu-oela, clelichted with the Bargains. and albo with the Gift: they receive. . jg. .__,...._ ._.._.;_..__..,..___&__.___:. 'Greaf VBargaiIi~sFw Year's Novelties 4v uuu_v nu a nun an In: ulu nu.-nu ll|lO0 t In Dy III. ' nun:N'f's FU1zN1$mm:'1rN VARIls."I`\'. LATEST NOVI. I'IEs.'I:. O.ROBIN_SON, . W_el1ington8t.,2`l)b6rsV`om`PrinomSVt.. mo THEY mL_L WEAR TWICE As LONG. Examine our stosk on its merits. Look well to the Quality and Finish of our Goods and then you can fully appreciate our Bargains. Stoiq ope 10 6 oIook every nichto '8a.turdny 12 ulna} up/2/0+/7 P/A mos. `TH_E G. M. WEFER FACTORY` 'Grand Sacricing Sale Now Going On. PERFECTION IN STYLE AND ASSORTMENT, SATISFACTION IN QUALITY AND PRICE. We back this claim of ours with proofs in the shape of Good and Reliable Goods at WONOERFULLY LOW PRICES during our MINNES&BURNS "HERE IS OUR CLAIM FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. ls anxious to sell Winter Dry Goods, and it only remains for you to decide ` where you can get the Most for your Money. nenvers, meuons, nap. nuns. worsteds. '1`weeds`and Fancy Trousel It is our Aim to plans All that favor us with I call. and we consider is No trouble to show goods, whether you intend to pumhue or not. Second to none in wu'lmunshipa.u(l quality. On inspection you will be tsmyisd to place an order. -and Nobby in s.tllo and fit us the menu producod by us. L CGEN `S FURNISIHDIG-. IN NOVl_EI.Tl Come where you can secure best goods st Lowest Prices. .Roro,s.seortanen of All the latest-sud choicest goods in the market. Our stock is complete in every (I tment sud consists of ` Besvcrs, Mehone, Nsgs. Frsises. on-suds. Tweeds `sud Fancy Trouserings. 1; plesse coll. consider it V \ Come and buy something for a New Year's Present. F. X. GUUSINEAU & 00. Vo Largo Assortment Still to Choose From. RUBBERS SJORDERS FOR REPAIRSand`RE.\'0V A ION promptly and pkilfully lled