}..E**':`-* g* ..2':.'.-..%.:*.=-;.:*'..t CnTg..8m 3 FT. 0 - ..9BVH' ` - golnxin-I| u wondu-ml m 8010;- ,...m`: : `i?.3'i%:u`'a :.?.`a% ...5'i-' cum I ovor undmovor tun to give Illld `Immediate rend. We oolddcn l homu- hold pooouitv. John Laidlaw & Son, PRINCESS STREET- b`O(`KS - AND - STOCKINGS. . -WOOLEN UN DERWEAR- All we ask the readers of this announcement is to call and inspect the Bargains we have prepared, and, without fear of contradiction, we say that such Great !Bargains were never offered before in the Old Limestone ' City. FLANNEL F. X. GUUSINEAU & 00. (/?emember our Stores Re-open To-marrow Morn- injat 9 0'0/oc/v 8/tarp. Grnnt Final Fznnnnnnll Sale in Kinnntnn! Our Stores are Closed and MR. COUSINEAU and all hands are busy making preparations for the opening of `their MOCCASINS FOR ALL AT Wbmn any cure I do not. mean unruly to amp than for u tummnd than have `hem reyurn mun. I mum ndicnl cure. I huve mm c thqdusenqe pl FITS. EPIL- GREAT MARKING DOWN` DAY. T0-DAY I T0-DAY I I IS OUR 'Remember'Genuine Wholesale Prices. All classes of Woolen Goods at Lowest Possible Prices. Extra Good Value in NAVY BLUE. GREY AND SMRLET. LHERIGAN AND BANADILN. AT LOWEST PRIUES. HAINES & LOCKETT S. For Ladies, Children and Men. E R S H O E S,- I32 and 134 Princess Street, The Leading Muunery Store. - . one IJAILILI-Ill! DA Lvluua First-(`lnss Elcnmnrary Education in Eng Huh. Mulhclmuics; Classics and Bookkeeping. 1u.fimjAN.1s.A., Principal. ::-: --.IN 'ro-nAY.-- .SI Color Class, (each mornln from 10 to 12) 400 :1 lemon. or where 4 or more cations are taken in one week. 250 each lesson. Afternoon Dmwimr Class, M1 ndnya. Wednesdays and Fridays from '2 to I p.m., 8641) r term. lslvenin Drawing Class. Mondays. 'odneaduys and Fr days Vrom 75!) to 9:1!) p.m.. 83 per term. All fees pay ublu tn advance. Prinoipul-Cnmucs E. WRl:Nnnu.1. Aaaiau\nI.-- Muss J mum: snnv. THE CLASSICS are open in the rooms ofe Mechanics` Institute. corner of Princess (1 Mont real SlI`UQ.'lB. ____'rmnMn /zimrom 8C HO0L of msmm liquidated` and"Acoonnts colloctled. Flannels, Blankets, Under-E wear, Tweeds, Wool Hosiery, Knit Wool Goods, Lined Mits, Lined Gloves and Dress Goods, Cloakings, Etc., all at Clearing Sale Prices. Inspection Invited and no trouble to show goods at Murray Iy]p_r s, _ Jae. . Gllxnout. of T. Glhnour &' 00.1 ` Wholefele Grocers. Brockville. says: "'ra.mua.o Elixir for a severe 11 used Oglvgand Ooutrh. wh1chnimmed1at.e1yx-a- | ueved Indcured Hiram Buker. Lumber and Cheese Do I . Nort.hAuuets. 0nt..savn- Tam- .-:; I`|~zII-"II I wondorml munch. for -Z Intho bus of so many lives um hero 1- I-lmro vunsko our great bout. our pulls cum it while other: do no (hrhfl Lmlo Liver Pllla ire wry small and no! Cabin VII ! CI] in cute. One or two pins wake u dnse. They no Itrictly Veehhlc- an-I do nu! gripes or pllrpo. but by their gentle nrlinll plmuo all whn unthom. In vmuz-as omm-; an r -r :1. Bull by drawing ourywhore. or sun by n....1. _.---- n--unaur l\!\ u, u,_- Aohn they would be nlmootprlce-lam to those who lulu! from thhdlltreulna complnlnt: but tortu- lohly Iholrgoodneun don notoud l1oI'o,|nl than who once try them wlll and than lmle pills uln- nblo In so many way: thu they will not be un- llng to do without them. But after Ill ulvk hood TCUBLEJTEAIFTSJ For the Month of January we will give -Special Olearing Prices in Every De-___ partment. `:1 7 I T I Z lnuhcho. yet Cutter`: Lmlo Liver P111: no qnnlly vnlusbla In Cnnntipuuun. curing And pro- QI thllnunnylnu cnnu-l||m.vlnla they duo oonocnlldlmnionn nI'un- n(u|uu'h.lum\I|lto the llvi and regulate the lmwell. Even If they only cured-njnj liver Iud |"tillllU}llIt1lmI(`l. Lvwu H u N" HEA . .; _ AL __ __ __n A L- -| ...-A...-L....I...- 5.. IN Dllllnnl, nnuu-0, I 1-sung. Pnln in tho 8 rt-mnktble Iuoce.-I I: L _ lick Uoodnrho nnd N-In-vo I" (ha Ironblon Inci- dent to n I-Ilium union! the nyuuuu. much an Dlnlnou, Nauu-A, Drownmuun. [mun-.-no um-r ..u.... man in tho lm.-, kn. Wlnle tho-u' must WT Ill`. 11- U- Branch om`Z"'7 Yongo St.. Toronto. -Stocl: Sale- Murray & Taylor's; Accountant. Auglitor, &o. V0 CAL CULT URE. I76 PHI`/V0l:'S.S' sr/}I. cAnr:niEoIhc:r4's co.. rm} v .- LOW PRICE STORE. EDUCATIONAL. `(SURE -. -ll ll... h-nnhl -1- 1.--...` -ti. J. 3. R McOANN,. lU WIIIIOIII Illlll. Du! luv: nu l`A H,` MIf`:`l'.~l mus [M (`II NIH II HI SIC ...4,...'_ I nu- `I hm- '-'rmnus.- :h mnrnimr f , Drowmumul. vI2ur\-nu unr- 9 Shin. kc. muol I In: been Ihuuvn in curing - L 1 1 .51`- ...4. -.j_. Asthma cured by the double truneni of Southern Asthma Cure_. in nu.-omlrnou romuk_ ` ___.__.:._.__.;.._ Greet]: Excited. People "are up: to get greatly excited in cue of eudden. accident and injury. It is well to be prepared for such emergencies. Hagyerrli 'ellow Oil is the lundieet [emedy known for burns, ucelde. bruises, lun.en_ee~. pain Inolull Iwounrle of the lluh. It is used internally and exteruelly. .. _,,_ `j. suw. lint I fclLr'tl1:tt I have :lll`t.`.\ lotuined you too long. Let IIIL` close by saying that I um in favor of no fadse issues. Do not he deceived, fellow citizens, by the L-hunor over this, that, or the other neighborhood ques- tion of turitl} in question which has been be- fore every debuting school and settled pro and con toy every debuting school exutpt congress, twenty years ago, but rise and ask that your think he protected from foreign interference. Insist that your in- fant Thinker shall not be compelled to com- ete with the old` and pauper Thinks of Europe. Above all. vote in that direction which will insure you the ri ht. while you live, to pxeserve in the safe deposit of your soul a comfortable opinion of your own. which it would not do to ex to the nip- pin and eager air of pa sr disapproval v per ape. or a tender en beautiful memory of some one whom the misglui-led multitude 1 has at n n. . p l As Isud. I am willing to go before the \ nu as: u n. - As I sand, williu go` phe ` people in I888 on the p Inform that no mun ` or party of men can ever successfully pry into or embezzle my Think. "BILL Nu; IHU great. \.l|lU5lIUll. I am not an eloquent man. I am a man of but a. few thousand wonls. I can not construct. beautiful sentences, but I can be earnest. I am In plain mnu. oh, so plain. I am so plain that sometimes it worries the artist to make a caricature of me. Nature mule so plain that I have to get up ni 'lIl8 and bnthe my fcmtlrcs. in cnmphor. Iain not deny tlmt I mu as plain as the tin nuti~ cnterpilliu` 0\'ct'skiI`t wogu lay the thus in Boston common. but I love libc.-rty. I nun ' the gientest. lmn-l for liberty tllzit you ever an I 232 PRINCESS ST. ; UHU llllus IHII lolllll I-UIyl|Cl' 2 Away with the matter of ml vnlorem unul specic duties. Away with the question of whether as a whole we are to be beueliteul ur injured by tariff reduction. Allow every local dcmuuogno to use the thing in his own school district as a atutfed club to knock the wavering into line. while we rise and tackle the great question. I bill} NH` nn lllllllt IIIZKII I All] A nnmn HICHIUCT UI IIIC \'(Dllb'VCb'HIaN3lI. I maintain that the thinker of 1-wry tu payer in Annerim should be barred In him- aelt. uml l au_n \nl'lmg tn gu In.-lore in people on that hmurm In IHSH. I-`nr w mt. (lid |'nlri-It Hr-nrv nun.-AI." It nip.- ` OH UNI! Pllllllflll Ill IN.`-1. For what did l'mrick Henry speak a piece stating that tho war was inuvituble. after which he gnu-e it perunissimi tn come ? For what did Washiu vton cums the [)ehiw.-u-e `_` Did he do it Iimp y to gel nu the other side? No ! He did it in order that every Ameri cm citizen might. be free to say what he Humuhr nr Imuor ntill tlmt Hm nnnnln nf lllll IIU U ll Ilulvly LU KIN UII |lI' UIIIVI HINT: Ameri \\ Int thuught. or better still. that the people of this country might be absolutely free to say one thing and think another ! Awnv with the nmtter of mi nilnrem nml A\I)\I CUIHCU I lllllll, \\ll\', III III "III." III science, proceeds to pry into the szrent nn knuvuble, and proposes to art In automatic ` register on the hnnmu think tank 3 Here is a person whose mnrhid curiosity is going to get him into trouble unless my good right urn: has fun-got her cunning. '1 he tron its in our country is, tnut when ll man declares himself to he I Icicntist we just give him the key to the front door and tell him to help himself. That should not be the one. Let the at-ientint keep to hie own legitimute tield. Here we are talking about the tnritl} tilting on both sides with equnl tlnency, in lect. while a man is sitting up nights to perfect a mlchine which can he titted to an entire con- gregation in tivc minutes no as to show that many of those who are humhly puttin up a gentle petition Linking to he delivered rum pride, vuinglory and inordinate desires. are really trying to gure how to In nnsp out the tnrkev when they get home an to give encli one of the family some of the light and some of the datlt, or rlmpe htying out in their minds in scheme ny which to put new run~ ning genre to the old groe grain. jerlt | new pair of sleeve: into it, drape the mersltirt another way, and to fool the nmst 1-ritit-A! member of the rongregation. I maintain Hut [hp thinker ni on-nrv nu \ nITl'IIOWo The time ieceruinly re iclly_ e proechlug when e men out not even no h I thonghu to himecll.` Prufeeeor Moeeo in doing much in his mistaken end illeclvieed encleevore In btiug lhie about. It in in nur home life A peeiully that this new end eppelling eo cell- ed Advancement in ecieuce ll being moot felt. I feel guetied. on behalf of many citizens. in ulting the World to use its in- uence in culling I halt. II he: elreedy er- rivecl at that euge where e large, powerful wuuuu can call her huebend eei-le After evening prayers anal confront him with I phnnngrmph thin he lune been uncnnuiouely walking into all lay, nncl. with the aid of I new scieulilic |>rL-nth-teeter, which will ll` my a ll`I\glIu`IIl. cl e nun)": bnuh in five minutes and tell at once what he bu been l..:..l.:.. . .. . - .....n;..-I.,t....p.......e.. l...._L.....__ IIUIIIIIQDB dull |L'll It UIILT VIIIII II! II uIu lriukinu cunneculivcly fur twenty-four hours. ` togeliner with the pedometer. whiuh has: been On [air [K'.r!ev.`to:l that when Iurrepii i tiuusly nttarln-cl In A man`: leg it will re- ` pleu-In every l`t'\'()il|li(Ill he has mule nrouml the lnllhml table. and every time he has rapped nn the ll:-or with the hull of his cue, Im mam is safe. I uimply urine and snhly ink in low. pas aionnte (ones. whither are we drifting? \ .. .-_ . ._.A._ .L_ , 1 III may IIIINKI TUIU UIII I HIOHUIIK IIIII XII nation. A lacing from I single ulee- I shows him whether the person le suing or not : two been nerve to deturmine whether the subject in A thinlsiu or n hoeedleu _oue, whether neluep or nun e, ml`! or wnrlu. Agitated or celm. The changing pulee even told him when I pruleeeuinnl friend wee tending Italian uni when (in-ck. tire great er eluu of the latter duly led!` the hlnod-ow. 1`- eh... I. ...-s-i..I.. ---.i.lI.. ---...-_Ll_.. IIMWJIIIUII I U. `I "IV lI`Vl "7 IWWUF TI" -miturtm with the lulu tlist the 51...: vnrion son ly in also with tho nnsouut ol hlood pnnont in it nt nny monaont Pmlsuot Musnu, tho ltnllnn physiologist. hnl Iunclo some most ssnrtlnn luvnstlgntionn In his lint upsrlnwntn s hntul wnl plnood in n clossnl vosssl ol wnur. when tho 1: in the uiwulnt-ion produoocl by tho slig toot nntlon ol hody or hrntn. tho smnllunt thought or movomsnt wns shown by n rise or lnll in tho liquid in the nnrrow nook ol the vunel. wm. 3 Int 0 hnhuwc on which tho hotlnon- tnl lmmnu Iy Iuny hs insd. lsohnn found that nno s thoughts mnv litutnlly woishocl. nml thnt dronms o tho olives or n ight sound during slum r turn tho inland to the hull: sulllcisntly to sink the hnlnuos nt the bond. When the ha-niu ol the hnlnncml person in rsluinu from thought tho llmv is townrd the foot. with n corrosponding ancil- lntlon. The lnvestigntor hns continued hin stuillns the cin.-uintion until it noosnn thnt i he may n moot rend ono's thotwhts nod non mulnnn A Inn-inn frnnn n ninuln -m|..,|...n A Cunuuduy u lluorvn Protection ll Anything lion A Qnuuou tuutlnrowl Tull Itohnu Inca the Ilhulolho HM- lonn on Which u llama:-In Glands. New York World. Hun l-on painfully shocked and din` Iurlaed by Nmliuu the lullowlng I in` lon.m.ion in uuo out my hvortlv new ni Shrtiu `with the Idea I _-_l-- --. , 1.. _z.._ ...xn. AL. .__.._.A .1 lnluwid hem unlq. inonnn ndic ll Ibo dnseue EPS 'or l~'Al.l.lMJ SICKNESS a li o-lonanmdy. I vnrnul my remedy toonro the worn. anon. Begum-0 others have tuner! is no reason {or not now receiving I qnro. sand at. once torn truths and I Fran Bonito! my infnllnblu remedy. Gin Expre and Poutoloo. It costs vnu nothing for 1 trial. and will nun you. Ad- dnn DR. H. 6. R001`. BILL mrs THINK 'r..\.\'x A Few THOUGHTS on THE uwssr Q / SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. I HJIIHIU I snhly 1' drifting '. wlyo. in the namenf ...-., ml... ......-;.... ' BILL Nu. I \ ` -Potutoos sell for 81.00 .\ |;uahol xt'.Cnpo M Vincent. " new year. IIIYPOFI 0| OTIIIIIIIICQB. in August of last year an urgent applica- tion waa received from Chilliwhack, an im- )rtant settlement on the Fraser rirer, above ew \\'eetminst.cr, .fur a minister. with It guarantee that the people would raise $600 a year for three years, with atipenj, and undertake during that time to erect a church and meme at acoat of ahout 00.000. and at the end of the three year: beeelf-auetainin . After conaidorahleidelay the Rev. G. L. Paterson, of Beavorton. I'll apointed -to this promising lielil. Since t at time a covnfortahle nmnse has been built anti in now occupied by the minister. and the church, which was begun hefore the arrival of t'he.missionnry. was nished before the. _ _ r BRITISH WHIU. MONDAY. JAN. 9. 0| OHIIHIIICC. After the separation of North Avin from Vancouver the; cm! vre ation when was uup~ plied for three m In a by nstudont and afterwards placed under the elm of the \ Rev. .1. Cormack. formerly of Llchmo. who l -an -nnninhul I... 5`- nun-u3o.g` in Jndn CV. 11. L0l'Illl|l.`K. l0I'IeI'l`\' OI IJCIIHIH. WIIU \ was 3 intml by te committee` in Jude ` Inst. 1` J: in one of the most active and \ liberal congregations.-Jaising 8700 for the Iu*\port of ordinulcea. _ ` veair ur apph_c_a- ....- ...-. ........:.....| c__`_._ n|.:n:... ....|. ... ..... coin: (6! tri DR. n..___ -1. n1n__ nn Tue \\`ork In which Three Graduates o, Queen`: l'nl\-ernlty Are Engaged. Some years ago Rev. John Chisholin was lent by the miss:-umuy board of the Presby- terian cluirch lo llritish Culutnbiii, and tor a time he liibm-ml owl; an extensive cattle nuiclzing district, with Nit-nlu for his centre. in` May last it was found that the growing impm-teuice of l\' unluo is, with `mirnnuuling distriuts, delnzinaenl is l`(`Illl)\`.\l lllt`I't`. Since his renuwal Mr. Chisholm and the comgregntion ut lxhunloops hue undertaken the erection of a lmndsnme church, which willcost about $5,000. Of this sum Mr Uhisholni has aln-zuly- secured subscriptions to tho amount of $3,500, 30 that, when lin- iahed; which will be in 3 short time. the debt on the building will be cop1parati\`el_)' ~ aimdl. `The field raises $700 for the support of ordinnnce. An... Al... .....--...:._.. -4 \Y....o|. huh. Cm... '2l|I"l'\'lI|.' CHIN I`ill'U.`Il Ull-'1 l1'liL\\'1I ll \ l`! 5 l v list-.\sv nrrt-stv:-I. 1l_\'It'Ilel_\' and Illil|'l'llIl`3 ` cured. these are their trophies. In fact they are imimig the gnu-l things of which we can- not have too nuuh. and although the im- port: at present are so large as almost to he incredible. still the demand keepe in ul- vnnve of the supplv. Furnished with those rem;-diu the ligger and the settler hnve little ueetl of nu-ducal advice. (on it seems beyond question that their curative ebcts cover the whole circle of disease: And a large portion of the chapter of Accidents. Of what use is success to the ligger if, when fortune is achieved. he die beside his hound ? and how many lives that were sac- riced in the early days of the gold discov- eries might have been saved by these inesti- \ unable prepnrntiuns.-7`he Digger. IU llI|I Illlll quarter 0| llI\' g|UlI!, II III lflnll writer has milled it. the mother wuntry sends many thing: its people do not want, and the nmswluemes too fnequently are an 0\'t'l`tIl0Cht'tl nmrket and a depressed trade. From lllla category we l-cg leave. howeser. to exclude two nrtivies, the two m`lelIritt(-cl rrnleclic-:4 of Hollolu)`. Through- out Australasia the) are at a remium. The Fill; and Uiutment aw comic erod the most prutituhle eommodilies that can he token to the nliggingu. as their etlicacy in the diueuca common in the gold region}: well known to everv nngge-thunter, and they are tlu-rt-ton eagerly bought up at any price hy those toilets after the manunon of unright- euuam.-a_e." For hiliona fever: and all die ordera of the liver and hotel: which prevail on the auriletoue `oils of the interior. the Pill: appear to be A Positive. immediate and invariable cure. \\ e have teen returned gold hunters from the li_uginga," and their reports on this head are uniform. Nor is the teetivnony tees conclusive in relation to the Ointment as u mean: of relieving rheu- tnatiun and uoutulgiu, and healing the wounds. abrasions, contusioua. etc.. incident to a hard life in the wilhlerneaa. In short every one in the bush" looks upon Hollo- way`: two preparations aa a Iutiicieut medi- cine cheat tor all the disorders of his outer and inner man. He knows. for he his win- telod with them and sumnu-red with them beyond the settlements, that they are hil surest relinm-o in-sickness at all season! and under all circumstances Almost every ` digger has some anecdote to relate of the run-s Hwy have performed. Limbs saved from mortitivaitiom ulcers preserved from gangrene, contratctml joints relaxed, liver aliu-.~aun nrl-nntml ilvnu-ntnrv uni` lli)aI`I"h|I`l Township Illclunoud. Reeve Thomas V. \`1-umith. `I3! votes ; Int ll. Huclgins. `I17. Iiepnty-Reeve - William Sexnnnith. 23'. ` um-I : I. Jackson. Lil). \ (`mum-illorc J. W. Hall. 231) votes: lbri Sills. '27! : Aleumler Ila-win. `.'|I5 : Roln-It ` Bone. I89; H. Vunknughnel. 9|. I HI. ] Councillor: -W. W. Pu I-`. .\`. Wilson. `lowuohlp of South lfnclorlelobqrgh. a Room -William (`harut-0. V Founoilloru 7- John Nillin . Thulford llama. .\lul.iu Iluugh. Ealwu-I 'mbory. 1 lf\'I*"l'UKT .0315": . (lmmcillon Jame: Ihrr. Janna Brown. Bonjumlu Uunoron. Alexander I-`orgnoon. Iownllp cl Athul. Run loin Vuwloal. |bputy~Rovo- -Luther Plan. Couwillon -l?lv-in Soon. Juno Noon, Mu I02. Young. founohl; ul_llI||lor. RA-l-vr ~ Luwolot Nether]. lleputrkoovo 1!. A. .\lc-l-`ml. (`ounc lion -R. L Hayes, I. I5. \\'i|liAmn, William Benton. Township M Doulujh. Ablngor 8 Ashby. Rum-c- G. W. Bwoouull. 50 mqjodly. Culllwillorc Krduun Nun until. U\II?-M ! sch. but-I lluglm. liuul '. lblno. v.` v:___.__- MISS KAI`l-2 MORRISON. Pupil of John O'Neil, New England (Jonservamry of Music. liosum. will ruceivu pupils for voice ruduc- don and cultlvmion. Hullnn method rivale hsaons or classes of 4 or muro. Children in- nrimlnd with streak cam; I-`nr rm-ms nnnlv nr Towuhl; :t Ilodlbrd. Run--John D. Wdhr. Cnunclllorl -Juno: Andonon. John Mu! ` clan. Juuplz 'l'Ay;u-t, jr.. Junta Wlhon. Inwublp 0! Alumnus. ` Rowe -8eophun Wlwlu. ; Couuolllnru - -Juan For noon. Tbocuu = Dillon, Fonllmnnl Kolcnack. Ml ! NW~ 1 Village 0! Wolllngtou. lhu-0-S. P. Kiln. ' * Gnu-illou -D. Bur huh. I. L. \ `Ion. Jehlol Tnunpour. A Jan Ilorxlvn. To thin Iifth quarter of I riull urritn-r L4: pnlhnl i I'Il"i IF` II"`ITVI I'\u \ IIIIIII CHI. abound Boput -KIO\'-J. W. n`|l'uIoou. Counoillon--h. L Wulterl. J. I-`. Yoru. Ivwu-t--yr vi nvruu I uvuwu cu-------u Ruvo-lrviuo Path. lhputy-Roovm J. H. Wsgnr. (ncclunr inn, 5 Township 0! .VI-I't OIOl'IcIlUIl [. I)_-..- I_..:..- lL.-I.- 'low|el|p.o_; lhllewell. Reeve -11. lmy. Pint. De .ty-Reeve R. (`unni bun. Hnnnnnl hnulu . Ilnnx-n ._l \\' nlnnll Tovuoulp cl lanai. l`hovo- - Pour. NeI'hsl. .. HI -- ll .. I...n. m 13723 nsT+'coLun-a-t3nA. lessons classes or 4 more. Children in- uwted great care; For terms mm)! M. Earl Street. Pianoforlo pupils rocciv . ALWAYS A f A PREMIUM. MUNIOIPAL OFFICERS- flhe globe," In an lhv 3 its :1 Inn fnnmnnllv I . \\' ll SPENGE & CRUMLEY, _-on our cw..-- Another Lot of 500 yards Heavy I`weed Dress Goods at 17c, in Fawn, Myrtle, Brown, Bronze and Black. . ( 300 yuds Heavy All-Wool Estfmine Dress Goods 17c, in Seal- Brown, Gold Brown and Bronze Green. Over 2.000 ml: of these sold within the last two weeks, and acknowledged by AI, who have seen em as the Chen It Goods ever shomrin the city. As this In the Lgn Lot we can get of them cell at on ; and get :1 choice. v Clouds, sham, % Ho; 2 `So; lie}, Mitvtsi, Blankets, Flan- nels, :Comforters. Ulster ngs, Jacket` Cloths, Wool Dress Goods, FA_ ers All Wooleh Goods at WHOLESALE PRICES. JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME -_ AT sPENQ;r.'z Q:g.gMLEY=s EINGS 1* ON ACADEMY 212 BARRIE STREET. I.`:....a In . .1-1`>-` _.. l..|... 2- 1.`-.-