. ` , I ` .3'dn Lion in! orSn MI 1` ` ed Into em-h nostril and is , . I ` C -' . [Greenwich Sn. ` . ` \_\ -.?~. A much. bowels, liver or ki ya. -_.`l*-II-n_a'ITe:l-..`-` - ' The old or the young may at all limos and all actions of the your take Burdock Blood Bitten with benet whoa requirlngm blood purifying tonic, or` n Into: of the am` Amino. to lotion. Mn. Winslow`: Southing Syrup uhon nlwnyn be used when chiluln-u are cutting teeth. ll n`lien:s the little sutfonst at once; it pnnlnws natural. apict sleep by relic.-\' tho chi!-I fmm rain, And the little chem nukes ts luiglt as 3 button." It is var plecsnnt to the tan`. It snothes the ehilu . softens the gums. alluys all pain. relieves wind. regulates the In vrels, and in the heat . , known remedy for diarrhum. whethoru-ismg I l [mm hnthinnv nr nflmr nuns; 'l`nnnhr.\-n ; IIJVJWTI IUllIV|l_\ IIIT lll-`lrr'IllQg WIIVIIIUT } from tooth` or other cause; Tvanty-live ` cent: A hot 9. Be sum and ask for Mn. Winslow`: Soodningsymp. and uliono other kind. All who of weak or lnmihnck. hlcltehe, hnnnnnfinun 1-in n.` n-H. Ln nninn nag nf Iv I ll \\'ou|tI nmw \\ Ink your lawn! h. Twene dcliviuua \- cold ,\\'hiIo your arms n..uiunnln~ In -1.! mgul : . .\luna In: lillu l.|:l Ii 1 ! \\'nn .1 run mu-a\ ` When Baby in sick. to gun buCuOlIu When |b_ovu|CH|d. shornonl forfalh When the bean: Kin. we clung to Cuhth. WbIIboh.|dCNHI'ILIhogtvollnnCuIuh llrvlul rim! .-\\m-:.\ :1 en with winc: Anal Ilhouxhl user uh uh i `fl. ` Fl unhul u p I vherk. \'.-ur nnna I ' \`un Haul me? any hen-I had droopod low nu our brad Wi a fvell of shelter and inllnilc not. \\'h||o nu` y cum! on: my tungme dlnd not In I Iununy. Ilvlnn. llI'Il.. tuun (buplt John` r d\'oy. aolan`.(`\lurh. 9 II. . llmnr um on. f Hum. 40. bed mm lb: MA A. an III`; l`\~Iluni||n-. (ML. (`cu . Mal |m`Mmt. Julia bowl. Hauler. .\-`Ion. 011.. (blurb. :1 us! unmnv. Ilratlolhuy -hug. N. Jumbo, mm. (`un- 1`uu?.nHor. llhonldd. 0ul.. taunt. had ulln Cam`. PL llwonl. 0nI.. Aullunu. Jgsucn dusty. Iul . Out. lhluth. `, In. .~lu-muuh-r. . I.` glua 1 intlh. Out. Nahuatl `hula. . . EL. (`Mu-ti. had. llonrv nu. hot Anhum. unit! you com` I lot. as lbs-ll! :1 If Illll nu-rv In rnmn n rustlw "Elli you: \ unr I4 Ill l_m.~`4\ night : mm In: I coqdonnlng cold Mu-ago. anon-Ilnnnnnnohnihninnf CHESTER S CURE *. FOR Gray yrup Bed Sgruce Gum A msinvs GIIBE it sncx uunacae. Ism2s||. an-. I`. Hunt-r. near l|ol'|I'\. nunrru. Inn at on r. .1. `alnrr , | I u7n':n."-= .lu>oII.( hluuind ah:-nu. t xmws` \.U M) p likv 1 dunno In YOU KISSED ME- Sold by an Drugglsts. or Pro: by Post on receipt of $1.00. W. I. CHESTER: OBI unucihn St. ' - uuuhl 3 on Kiss` me again .' Jusm'III\`|: T. Ilrxt. WTER.WJbHN;fBi S I1"I'l I` X \ uuhl Elsi again Juutl'llI\`|: JV-Iontreal Announc_e;:1_gnts. - -_..-.._.~ ._ . V . I l'.- I (KL. Cnlllfl. I2. our)`-M ME: A M. Man. I`. Wngnrr. `Ii-\. vaurrln. hood and Ihrnnl. nus` m.` but 3 might grow Iwnnoou can "'muu Unnoouu nah-u-nl my heart lo my is so di\ilI1' `tsh mun drunk day an-I li~l`\i( given Ihc lhml if v I xhmugh : Cm. cveuniu"_ IUHI -lw.lo \\I.IIII I-IJIVIIN I Imnuun Tuunnn ruurid uh I Yunni. (bunks! Inches. (`Inuk- c`go. Autumn and (`mum -um. M- ann Ti 5: l Tuvuun 0!? win: I And C \ 31.5 V uh` Slhw I. Tu!- Wrun tut nu-uunan. Wu. lluxnu. F.C.S. Analyucal Check! to tho Ili (Bow.-cuuent, an r-ll b no .nL....... n...|.IL... (6;e':{;c`a:.~-a_'-v-':'7'l`I of the not loud: I Inc DOD! nunpingl ` A N" "ION-Io up-alum, Uh! huh: Ina-y. Ion iv an Duuuu. FLUID scar} Tl(XAFX$8Xll. COCKLES ANTI BILIOUS PILLS. _Why do you poison your blood and injury you: Itomuclnbytho annotation; dl-tip. wllichulclouncuuand dwnyndomonor le hum. Yononn hociredwithout I` `pouibilityofinjurybythonloo NOE `particular. ` {Quq&I0%E'n|t, _ In. . _ _ ` w,_ J. wnsox. son 3'. Kingston M0153 and a~r/71551524,` nocnustnuliivcr. .1`!!! arms}: '. IN) _\'01` bl-2l..\ Y. wuulil inn um! - Inn: 1 In mu n-;.;.; ..}I in. ,T.u`5.I;Z.. zlnmlutmnds tanown BnoTnz:ns_._; 00.. p\___ Is highly endorsed by tho Medical Profession for its womierfu|_ci1rMi\'e effects produced In cases of Pulmonury Oonsumpuon. chronic Oounh. Bronchitis ma Throat Amactlons. Asthma. Scrotum. Wasting. and Diseases of Women and Children. In cases ottho Nervous System. as Mental Anxiety General Dobnity. Loss of Visor. Want 0 &:ory.I.sntu!;dADDOt1to.Pnrsly8i8.und.[ Llm mnnr ulinnnsnn dun In lnnumnh-nl nunnlv nf . I1">imNER's EMULSION; uuuljy. spujuqu nypuuuq r-xuquln, nun the many diseases due to lnsulllcicnt supply of Nervous Fume. " I-`gr weak and delicate Womonnnd Child- ,_,_ ____ __,___I | . Z i ` N . . Showing a large stock of Boots, Shoes. Trunks. \ alums. Bags and Satchels of every do- scriptinn fmm the host houses in the Dominion. including the Superior Manufwtnres of J. ll. King & Cu, J. & T. ll-ell, (`oopcr & Smith, H. E. Clarke & ($0.. `and other reliable I-`irms. n..- 1...... ........-:......'. :. n... |....:...... ....i ...|..... :....:|:.:.. _- _____-_. ,,.. ,1 I ._ . ,, , . }PUTTNER S _EMULS|ONm; 0.0.9. LIVER. 9.1% .F.TC.-- I ` our t`tlSlt`|llnt:I S with the wry lu-at goods at the lowest I` ITIIIS. `Jur long oxperienc in the businetu llltl other facilities we posses enable us to supply possible prices. Our business (as hefonr) will he oonuluctul strictly on the One Prim -V. .~u~m. tlu!lar`s worth vi\ en for every dollar received. fall nil insflnect the goods and the store. A good 1 A ne range of New Goods to select from at ` prices ranging from 8 cents to 60 cents a yard, in l the leading styles and colors at i ALEX. ROSS , -- Carpet and lllillinery Warehouse. Dress Goods! Dress Goods I! TWICE _A T? N. YASBDIGTUI. `!.Il.."L0.P.8.0 AND THEY WILL W. J;I)1 3K & SON E E llmls all nu-nl Wmmd Cuts. Bruiscsnnd Sprnuu and is a mtlnin cum mt All Ll-2138. S0l{lC>. Cl.- (`I-IRS and ul.lI \\'Ul`.\'lb& It has noequnl (or the run: of ltrunohma..8ore Throat. Coughs. Cums. lihrum:uisn\, Gout. Glandular Swelling: and All Skin Ihnellu. UXl'Dl"d EL London at Purchuom should look totho Label on the Boxes and Does. It the addmu is not 583 oxx-om) STREET. LONDON. they are spurious. ._..___. .___,.._ TH E Are In all rrutmns of the year a rt-liable remuly fur cornvll any lllsurdut of the [Dim-.~Ii\*e unnns. and fur n~sl0.'in|: A hon ~ thy avtinn In the .\`TU.\l.\l'll and BOW}-2I.& The`: not onlhe Liver and Kidney: with n ` r\ -!l - n; -If:-cl. and b ` giving unmnh and mm! s Ibeqe im ul us create: 1`I.lr\|x`.\!`ix;lI` 1:! pun and comb: Noon. l>'c-umlw u! n." I800 m Pi invaluable. Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway. 78 New Oxford st... ha 588 Oxtbrd SL London ta Puxrohnnnm nhnnld Inn) nch. [Aha] nn aha ora: Anal H.-1.. II ch. - jaw`: Q Q-$.30 Dnucoms. Ihhnx. 31.8. RUBBERS PILLS AND OINTMENT. I` \'|'AIJ! mg... 1.. n.u..: _\\' K H5!` ON YOUR NEW STORE (at the o1-c1ca.x), LONG. PLITE (BLISS. uoudcuaas. com a co. WEAR ;. ASTHMA. IIONCHITIO. CA'l'AIIH,COIlCI'|l,OOI.DI,Ac. |oTfs memo? DR <.>R.E~_i~EN;s ..CEIgu |I'l.A\'UZ`.l.`l UUHE 7}}; IJEAI` % Peck : Patent Improved cushiond In Drum : I.-Antwan:-uni V BD|IV'\D- ICED `ll -A non... uvvnu IDIUIII .--r.---_ v--.---,-- an P3RFDCTLY RRSTORI TED Ellli. no nunuorwhothc denlhou Ill`. 3` . fave:-nor lniurim tounnatn nunuorwhothc acumen In united by cold]: Hon, lit IDVIIUIO D0`0hO1`I and con. gu. to year. Indy. convonnuou, on. ~ ui|Im tothonatunldrnlns. Always ll whhn-n hand dinilctlw. We rdnp mu... -g !IsAA.o DAVID, 1 1 .;...--n D.-LC.--.. ..._ 4u_.__, IIKI XCIIUIRVL I10; MW WT` liholinnldidnoa. - % Tuontolhn. `ht; no other. Sold evorywhote. Price. 75 cent: per bottle. _ 1 ` n n 1:: n n r\ In n v n ... l-. Iuuur L...._ {m l-ul U, IIA. I\:|~n' '1?" "*;':..::.;.. .... M . WU . \'Q Ell! II? nial caunrrh M {In umm snot huh: ` laud -tannin ll n u dny. lnmun.0nL.(luvl I OGIIII |)(`l' IINIIIC. - DR. HODDER'S i comm AND Lane 01135 | , , _ Sold 1. Pride. sac-mane hot u. p.:.'..'P.2.:".`;..: llnuhotuxul. "' ll._ n_:-_ ll..I:.:..- II. |IL.....4- IL- - - -v---- v-v-- -- ` lllGll|.Y(X)NbIH'I'llA'l"lIll. l`l.F.ARA.\"l`.l\`.I`l`lt,'l`t7AI. 1 ` AND IAFI. ASK FOR M DR. `HOD-i)ER S COJIIZOUND.` ` "'I'I>"I'I:s |).F.Al{;MSTl{UNG S. Princess Street. To be had at A RIMSAV hgon. Agents. |'| K(`H'lI 1:o~1IiWf`s7r' icoacu GOLOII *munus vanugsuas FIBEMENE I ncwmun. ALI. TWUVII III VGIITV ;*_.j;.;.":.:ss.:'.t hnnnnnn .3 *...'T..,..' ':.'...T.:; em mu IAILV. 1`u.~:-ruanox run. .._.. ....._ 3.... ._.... ILA-..` _n .L, II_..A - AIm_mc.~;rH'r's N\\\'rlIl islhr ! uls m l`nu.ml.a MEDICINES. `2 Duko Sh. Grosvonor Sq... Lonool. Anununuurs (XWA ` WINE, lhouqh more Ionic` 1 In in rlopuuu than lrun orQIIn no, XIII lnnntflnlvro nun wuolrluu. Ravi;-It For II 0 on in; marsh thronggoul the world. IIIIEIIIVVI III\I 1 m `Ii " and mu- Ile udyuo unul In uh bunvlho=:lItluhplnIIn the 0 Ingdou.` "- Bantu. lI(Ooou)iu, In I word. the not powerful nolonr or the vital hunt."--Dr. wall. Anxnnncnrs (DCA TU` I I393 or Imo no Boov I nnnnnnmtnnrn "cA+;.;.:u EIWHGREH BALM An an IIIJII tuna-1 -IIIPI uvuj "-'i.uu-. . an. (Ian. (Blair! uuvuguuu I Inc Iruniln LRIBIIEITJRIJDIIW. ~Q fL.L_ O: D._....__. Q- T Illlflljiu and coin- Iln ndvun rand is min PINK. than-h more I\nix~ `Cl IIlllU' IIVEI fllt Rn. Ilulhnl 11..."... I` Ibulnou. (`hunk |lnIIrM- rum-an M-o Inn at Lila! l`uvuuL Mal] pun rA1"i'E:u: nlIfm'lIll't~r M ~ xanuthdr. \ _ na weak `PILL CURE OR REl.lE\'h`. [;`.;i.,u,;m:5, |\y.~xf\oxx~si;\. Imliguslion. Jmnndicc; Er)-sipcha. Salt Rho:-In. Hoar burn. llmdacho E)ht.*uv.-5. Dm]\s`;'. Fllllterirg of the Heart. Ad xmy of the Slonmeh. Drym-as of the Skin. and -x-cry spvclos of disease arising from disordorod Li\`cr.'Kidnoys, Slonnich. Bowel: or Blood. 1`. )I1l.BL'R.\' O 00.. Proprietors. 'Dorontq. I and All IT 5! ate` am am]. I ' u. ruggnnn, m.r.r., DI vlcwnl. IL}-., I ' ;-.,..'": .:::."::,::.:.".:.....'"" -.`:..%":.:.*'..;":" III I am In nnnind I commiuiou on indie: m:'.:'...'.':':.":."'.:...'-.;..{ 1:. a lothing coon-act. _ I x | { nlivlrlvlsyu 7 The war of olootrilty in cnringdiseue is won erful. Norman`: Ilectric Bolts and inuolu hm Chit wet. and will cnio rheu- mstiln. lltvou obillthoold feet, etc. W. J. Wilson. ug'o`nt. Tho. annoy. ` lnrollgn ` [XIX 0` IIUIIIIIHHII I'IIlI 01 allu- drake unl Butternut They go At once to the room! thc tllul. liver noon acts cheer- fully. cligutiou impmvon. tad hnppineu , brighten; up tlw {too of the hilious one. If A hiliouo. nr lihy to ho. buy Hamilton`: Pill: of Muldluh It all druggis/la`. ' loolny YIUW 0| Illlllxl` II` IIUITI C0 PIUIX. ' -tempered in not the cross. don : cold them. for it is on y King 'ver that in riled u little and nquinisppoui . Propi-, tintory aorico aucceuinll \ mule through 5 box of unilton`I HI I of Mn- .l-nlm uni Rnttnnmt Thnvnn um... tn tune: we worm. tor. 5:01: I pcoplo am twhom liver comp! 8, dyspepsia, or in igaatiou is the rule. nther than the exception. and you will find I people with- out amhition.'progI-can. or prosperity. When your friend: on into the hint of toting 1 loomy view of thingu, on hard to plane. A .3-mayor! in not nndtiinlv nuns. dnnim "IVJOIIQI Guy, lljl INN-\`"`lIll a'f]I'l` zinc` ; .\lohannnelamismin Africa. .\'o'uc!cu(lo (.'ruhn'y : Loni .\la(-nulny and .\|adume I)`Arbln\`. Nnlaonal Rcrieot: A Dnmnic` Eect. B1url`wood`s : The Future of the No: gm, Spa-lnlor: Early English Navigators, 8!. Hanan` Gazcm : New Ngmeu for New Staten, Spectator; Old Silver. St. James` Ga :em, with choice poetry and miacollany. \'unnne-~uu- one hundred and seventy-sulll 1 - of that standard weekly magazine. As periodical literature nmwa in extent and importance, the Lia-iuy Am` has gone on in crwnsing in value. It is a 'neceasily tn the American mauler who would keep pace with the host literary work of the time. _ The Immlrer for Jan. '.'lh contains :'l'he Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. from (.'ouIempor- my In`: via ; The Magic Fan, by author of "liootlda Baby." b`uylo'.Ja l!Iu.-hum! .lInyn- -ins - Xlnhanunmlnnimn in Afr-in-a .\'iu.~I.puJL New Volume Opcnodg * ldli-/l`-~* Living Age in: begun a new ` \'ulumo~the huudnd And seventy-sixth l nfllmt stnndnnl I'eokTv mnnnxim-, An} sum, um 1" Nu nu, Jr.. in Iallnyelw, lndiuu, shot 5 match of I00 live birds each. for a stake of $.'.'ma side, _\jcstcnlay. Erb killed 93 birds and was declareul mo winner. lBn;;a\nlus killed 77. I llljl I AVE` ITI. L`-hark-V Rowe]! says hv will llul (`mne to ` New York tuconlplvte intbe .\lndisun Sc uarv six days go as _)'ou~plc-use. He wanna` SL- 500 for upenson which lhe muuugenmnl thinks is too much. Capt. A. H. Buguxlns, dlazxnmxx wing` shut, and From! Eris, jr., uf your, lmlinln. shut A Imnnh of III) lira hinla Am-h u uuuugwu Anny. , Nomnn I. Baker. lass! year of the To \ runtos. will pitch for lhnniltuu next season instead of Newark. l`L-..I.... l).......II ....._. l.,. ...:H .. . . _... _ ._ II`l'nlI. _ Uram,- liullltluk fmlmux mlun-J second baseman, is h be m.\rrie\l in .\|ar:h to`: Washington lady. Nnrnun I. link.-r but \'unr nf Ihn Tn jlt Fri . IIF' -ITUUIQ Pitcher Mlett, cf Inulinnnpolis. will Sign with 'l`oronco Fho Volunteo.-r will not. enter for (L0 yavht um.-3 in England next sunmu-r. Kilmin will pmlubly strange I light , I`i h Jack Burke. the Austrnlinn clnunpiou. . Bromhera will take the plans of (`ounon of the New York tum. nmr pla_\`im,; in ;`ali~ furnin. :`_....A l,|..nI`.I .`. f_... ... . I .. , I - . _,_. I VXIIWUIIUI l'!|lll ICIIIIUI} IIUlIIlIs \`U|lI.('r on him. win selling him to n.-umin aloft without imnl llur upinula I si\ lu-ms, iuul i otherwise ilhrolting him. The public ` feeling against the otliu.-rs uf tlm elup rum strong. unlit. it altogether likely Que pri- auucrs will luv coinuiitlo-l for ti ial. - """ " Whulmnlo In Kingston by G. S. NORA RT. `V I` IIIIII I\ IIHI"'\ . I"'lIl.`\` illllg NIIKI l\\`IR`I I llnia, ucunual inutv. 'l`hcu- are chargv-I with Ill Iggr.i\'nlc~l Assault urn: him. by bx-sling him Iilh ropes`. with I -el.c_\ing pin. in` jumping on him and kicking him In All psirla of the ho-ly, panicuiuly on the head and face, knocking um teeth out, braking anotin-r. lIIll_u|lll|R`"ilIg the other men nf the `crew to ding him nmund the dwl; with st:-cl pancers. can-ring him with Mr. mm- pelling him to go shunt the sink naked in extremely cola! vrenther. clashing oululwuter nu him nnlnunnllinn him I.\ ...u....I.. ..I..h WIT!` pruln-`r~| u [y Fmnk Kinn In ...:- .._._ .....I III-: IOIVCI 1 Rule: the world. for. nnAn:- nvluun `Ivar nnmnl \ I u ~ u uv-uu u-u Sr. JuII\".'4. N IL.Jau. cry nan-inaliuu in the \`:\ the Ynnlloullh ship \'m with brnulity to sailun. I neptnue inluruuuic-mt lune Hm pria-mien. The com "uni-.. nf I1nulnn .. in fn \ [ale nl Ilrulnlllv Iuld I-_\ Una of w (`r- I l'n|vIk- Imllguallun. .-_ I... . \ II I - -ru :- um Inc nor. J. .5. bud) (uulnuuu and ucilaullhl winch oeourml lllvt Um no! lloccl than ob- .".d Q, 35; mm: In tlw bud:-It out In nu fujgd m In: Mr "0, hornet, ha: linen gughal thus by stating that it III the hunt o,,, 9... pm] ow! mu-1| Imam: Hugh. ggd "I0 h:mlv~ "3. '~`' ` M` "'0'? 3"?- 'h ,1". pus-pn'on nl the content vnth Guulgur on no 1'h.muI. Ha ndnulc Nut 50 In uxod up hm um.-4 to hulxl llanhn at hay; and nmmgtu lhn Gnuulnur race mu palm]-I mote . .,. .0 pl... n`...:_l. . .. .- . .0 _ .. ..._ A. I .3` U-CUT`? ICIU Z ihqhiu I shun: h Iotflnu-ly dunmrl h,- ung Inch the nun. wu V pica. and not I ha: -6 clot 3 to I. 'l`lw:r N9 that I . n I .1 ...a.'u Ilse skin. llnnhm rum-.I III Hull -`-_ " Dbl. Which In bud! njvmuly I"! `h `\"|_"' Riva. "Fl Imam. u 31 It: ""_"- `N :`-I hoiqlnl. a..m..|. :4 ilL..|||n`d" -- -I M- Gouuc enlist. lhnla lunl`. """` ""l-"J lllldrd durum llw inch: Ir) 3:` '5" `l`I* D the Int-had tally unri- n..-|. _-_ _ _.. .... .......m-. and Im mien Cu'UELTY av st-inns ornctns. us run u-u-nun-an nuns your -can -. -.- ""'! V stand by up-rmls -4 two |-tum. lhdl Ikuch uni Ilaulm ION m the but Ind! Qt-l-wnu. AIIII lmlnl II no N! hi I Icqduu. Each nu ma] uodouulidc-uni onnnupd In ouuuctiun that but-mild vii Howl: voted in u... .u.-n Tun mac. and!` Initial cl Ilnoll an In In-Howl: ` II (ad. I 50.; Inna, I0; in: d-pun. unJ"W ` RI 1.. ._ __n OI .._ . _.......I-I KC` A |x\.u|2A\.n -- - T T To GOIAW ! V I-1.` -I 3 -u.. I nnovs 4 It Hi bright nl u-ml ;I__ .l.... ll... tuna than-and I've,-uh fan a Gnnlaln ll.\\'l..\V.\".\` l..\.\"[_x l|Hl~`E.\T. THE GREAT RACL ON THF NEPEAN RIVER ON NOV. 27. Menu on Nuns-u the tn.-u..n Olouphu and lunch in 0 I|IflI\lIIu- In IIO0l|l| It-on-. at` no saw I .4 at helu-1 um I nun c` I` Lulu Sporting Ilrnls. \I-`,_n. A` I_. Will bv found imulunhle lotllm haimn. It '3.-~un.~'uI the Rrulylufull Ir.-unln.n`_ 1| . `l v |. l`u\\lh of Ilw l|.-air. uml lu um. ~ u I N v urru (In-l'1'nrt'llK` sll):hl.-.~! .~u:u~ M M !l will pnnlnvu guuul rmp.-nu! l1.ur. l. P1 any hair to NO original color. .1 ml is an mm drmull . A DO NOT r)II'ZL.\\'. H umr J: .." i~ In .1 lloolrlclty. p ,|--A_.:.`.I;.. 2.. lung` Llvor I -, -_I I D-.. "tnhm ll. Bu I "111 `I OH?` 7` N,` ,_",,,m-, onion h . u Child. THO `MC ..,-_-w I on tho chau- , "go mulwlu-at enough In . ..~;.- new law heavy jib Illy` \'I.'sK|ll Htl Ll lure In-1-II huh - comphinl 1-! us forlh that our_\' during (hr lu\:Ilul\*:Ain nn.I ,.I-|-._7`.-m'}:;|;1Ix-lillliln- rage of If e nth. on of vAluVhIl\'vI` .~h1l-an.` Sim - Imple 8. dvauemin. III IIITV. mu laicl 1 .-L DORINVNEND. 'n n:n\'1' III IKIIII-`I , usimlvon n I \I.'-n, rm; BRITISH wmu. .\lu1\'l)AY..I,\N.9, 1 an anal or wet: or lune Incl. _Incxu:ne, ` ; rheumatism, will nd relic! _b using one of .` (Xrtr'I8nu-t\\"ood and a Back .aohPluter. Prieootlh` Iiytheln. { 1 &~ A lhtal Attack. A:\ fun! attack of croup is I frequent oo- curronco among childniu. livery houehold should bu ad by-he ` Hound`: con! at hand. It nqzcoldl, nhh -`IKE. amp. utlunn and bhruchitioim a I!- To Avold llalnlm-ss pr Gray llulr Use Dr. Don\n\un.l`s (in-at '1}:-rman Hair` .\IIgic. -> It keeps the scalp clout and in from clanalntll. and proinmes the growth of the lnir. It Irc\`\`nts premature grnyneu Anal stops all alling out of the hair. Ou hnld heals. where the roots have not perish- ed. it Will invigorau-. them and force a new wtll of Mir. Ask for Hair Magic. It is t no only reliable. For sale by J. 1:. King, A. I . Lhown and all druggists ` tuna:-uja-`nuanc---.`- Oraua gmwai-a on tho Phcinc as can- dunalag cold nu-ago ta-on-aues.aho tho ldgel-atortl-aumltationacta-thactlnw Ink Thoymainhinthal thotrajtiatxl. while under the lnuanoeottho low tun- pa-atun-.but. claim that it hegimtodusay instantly when remove-Invmthatinnuama, I and that largo, loses an thereby made.- nma... mama ' I .-\ Iiuua rlnbla Cane. Fmletick Wiezc. of .\|imlcn. ()ut.. unn- cxl with running sun: on both legs which the heat of physicians failed to cure. Two hot ties of Burdock Rlnml Bitters cured him compltel_\'. .\`cruful:c always due to `bu! blood. is curable when timely tre:\ to:l with R ll R Ill _\U'I' lH`.'l..\ Y. H )()'.II' J: mndiuon n nbuulr M nun-. For .~..h- 1 J. H. Kills. .\. I`. viruggiulu. Ask for ll.