,.- ANNOUNCEMENT: Alva a `void hunh Sn-gstivo pills. They first ms 0 you sick an then leave, on con- --..o_al l7`,.n0-.`.- - tun- Iinnp [)5 In I-Ann. uunc In uvllrlnla l'l'Il|lI1l'I]- The property on the corner of Princess and King strum, occupied by R. Patterson, will be sold by auction, at Murnyb, mar- ket buildings. on Jun. 25th. . --:@---'----4: Ialllll HUI!- :...`. Can be cured by Norman`: Eloctgic in- `aolu. They are benecial in all kind: of `Agent, "Tho Pharmacy. diuuon because they tape, strengthen. and build up the nervous system. W. J. Wilson, King l.I\-er Rules the worlql, for, given a people` amongst whom liver complaint, dyspepsia, or indigestion is the rule. rather than the exception. and you will find It people with- " out ambition, progress. or prosperity When your. friends fall into the halnt of taking a. `gloomy. view of things, are hard_ to please, shorbtempercd is not. positively cross, don`t scold them. for it is only King Liver that is riled as little `and requires appeusinp. l ropi- tietory sacrice may successlully be mu.de through 5 box of Hamilton`: Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. They-go 9!: once to the root of the trouble, liver soon nets cheer- fully: digestion improves. and happiness brightens up the face of" `tho bllious one. `If bilioul, or likely to` be. buy Hamilton : ` Pills of Mandrake at all druggistei Ulul n u duul llcu. If the connervntiveu winted the sympathy nf honest men in their new light for Queen's, they should have put forward somebody else than Baird. l'lvcr_vthiug that comes out. about the man shows him to be a small- aouled thing. ` (I :1: lottmm Journal. In .u I3. U! C Sunduy. L Iuzu llulnlu. The New York Sun says that the Sabbr tarian idea of keeping Sundsy is anti-(,`hriI- tian, but does not dene what its idea. of the true Christian observance of Sunday is. Of course. to the Sun, evcryduy in .\`u n .n.u\' T-2! 'lhe Opponents l5on'f Think So. Utica llemld on: \v 1' I .v .1 . .|, _ u, Secretary Lltehmnn Says Thorearo 500,000 Members In Good Standing. l llll.AD!:LPlllA. Jan. 9.-Res nses to the notice of General-Secretary Litc man for the yment by the local assemblies. knights of abor, of the January tax. are pouring in to the several otlices of the order. Theshowing thus made by our organization," said Mr. Litchmsn today, is an excellent one and furnishes a complete _nuswer to the people who are continually shouting over the fanci- ed clisinteuration of the order. Thnt is all nonsense. We are in us good,if not a better, condition to-lay than we ever were, aml these responses show it. \\'herc there has been a falling off in one direction there has been steady growth in another. Assemlilies - that don't pay their dues are. of course, cut off. Of the 2.'. 0() assemblies suspemlexl for this cause last July L200 have been rem- stated by the settlement oftheir arrears. \\'e lmve nearly . )00,|)IIO members how, and all in good standing. Now these are facts, and the talk of men opposed to us won't alter them. We are read for a new year under. the very brightest 0 prospects." run Iatua uuu p;I.uu:A nu ullurllllulull Qlpply [0 TIEIOS- IIANLE Aonnl rnh 'l`v-nnlr Dnll-guy ....-....... No need to point to 1iernmny.for evidence of religious degeneracy. It can be found in my American city, And is the result of get- ting too far away from the despised customs of the Puritan fathers. And even in (`cur dinn cities, and in Kingston. there is need of A better uhservance of the Sabbath. '1 he late Dr. Mair is much missed in the com- munity, for while he lived a protest was raised egsinst practices which the scripture and reason did not Inrrsnt. think nf the bent-tic:-uce of I I make: them indifferent to the hi seventh day rest? What do th the uninterrupted tail that the Sabbath brings in its trail 3" \', _,_ . I ., .,_:_A ._ A`__._.._..` up. any true new But lreln the lurhldcling eel!-torture ol purltanietuoa the eeventh day the New eaye there appear: a tendency in all ,the large oltlee to ewlng to the other extreme of eeneuality. aulrnallem, aaul dleelpation. -4'5. turelgu-born citlzene tr-om a clay ol reettul eaee. quiet enjoyment. or ploue rellectlon, would tranelorni it tonne of noiay activity and unreetrainctl indulgence. With the liherty to indulge in every deecriptlon at public amusement that the open `Sunday lu~er-gur-leuaug;.veete. there haa l-allow.-l a readineee in (lermany to work eeven day: in the week. Thia reedincse hae been eelzed on hy eonlid employer: to keo-p their lacto- rie: running every clay in the year. From return: obtainorl from thirty~ti\'e province: or department: containing . l(ll,- llitl manufacturing eetahliahmente and I. ."u'l'. ..'l9l workmen. the l`rueeian government by inveetigatiqn ha: louml that 57.75 per cent. of the laotoriee kept at work on ilun` day. The majority ol the work men. or 9lll.5M. rented on Sunday. Thin would leave out hall a million of them who did not so reet. 'l'hle etate 0! thing: led to a ole. rnand in Prneeia for legielation aheolutely prohibiting Sunday labour. A canvaae of than directly lntereeted. both employer: and employedmae made. 'l'he.reeult show- ed that in the great lactoriee or etore: only I3 per cent. ol the employer: and 18 per cent. of the employed were in favor of total prohibition. and that in the emaller indue_ triee the percentage in favor of it wa: only I8 and 2| reepectively. l'he demoraliling intlucnce of unreetraincd amuecmente had gone :0 far a: to make the great majority of the employed unmindful of the (lehneing cl foot of unintermitted labour. . ... ,..-.. .-. ..-. .. Slblml h.." the No on r .... .. .- ..... .. ..... ......., .. ,--. V--. to grmit In people not to ujoy All that than k ol glndueu and Iunnhluo Ihnbrlghv \ an the worldon Sunday at importlallyutlny do the not 0! the week. Humlny lun hu. thorolorc. vary properly cuood to be I day for tho apllntlon ol the owl, thomortlom than at the lnocly. and tho slnoluu repression ol tho npiritn." II... I____ AL- I, -l X,I.Il.... _-I' 6..-A...` Pu, union long up gruluatod beyond the 007010 and gloomy Purl an Idea 0! Ilia which mu)! Sumluy O dny ol dread to chlldron and of especial uuuurily to theiu olden. "UM hu `can too good to thin land," It 3000 0". In nan--nit HA nnnnl- nut in g-(nu A" IMAI, is that it is fur the 1 men. \\'hnt do A STRENGTH OF1"iI'l-`GE KNIGHTS. COMMENT/S OF THE PRESS- saw otnufnmo importi- __-__...A_. _~ .1 , ._.__.. -1 I). No. 1.. No. 6.. Yo. ` . ......,._. ......v.. ......V... . 'l'|u~ plea fur liermnniziug the American ll .I. 1-.|_, 1' _____.,I._ :.. ._.__,l.._: .. A Drop 4 he .'\'ur.~ renmrka in cnnrluaiunv L: benet of the working. mt American workingmen zbeneccnce liberty that I imlitfereut blessings of I ` `rest? they think of _..__A-,l ._1I .I...s AL- l'..-...-..L..`.l 5'" IInv _ Cold Foot ` I Around. 77 GEOEGE 6En=1-3' M 1 no General Real Eitaee. Agent , . ` , FOU2;`D "?`. .*. .`..." ;`.`.!'."}~'......".'`.?`5. .`.`.'.'."n.. um scoND- HAND BOOKS I Sbooond-Handnookl bought. and sold h] A. - .sIuHoND.$, A .._ A .._-...-_g- ggnnn-J F. NISBET, Ebon y Photograph Frames AT COS_T. IWORK - BOXES, No. 6. .. No.3... L1lxud.. ROSEWOOD WRITING DESKS AI12. 9. J0l1nHenderson&Uo., We wish our customers, that is the public at large, to feel that, even if they buy nothing, we are glad to see them in our store and know they are interested in books. Books approach so closely to luxuries that Shall 8 Purchase be Made" is often a question 01 whether or not the Bookstore is an inviting place. They should invite those thirst- ing for knowledge, and those whose appetites need to be etimu lated by a tempting display or books, to come in, make them- selves at home. and buy only to the extent they may please. ` MOST AGREEABLEOFPLACES , Plush and Imitation. P0/VE PR/0E & PM/N FIGURES. Passenger Trains leave the new (`ily Pnsscn yer Depot. toot Johnson Street.` as follows :- aoma us? coma w:s1-. BOOK STORES of TEN PER CENT. off all Dress Goods and Cashmeres 20 cents and over. During our Sale, pre- vious to extensive altera- tions.we give a Discount `B0638 AND MAGAZINES. -HARDY S.- REME M 131+: RI CASHMERES DRESS GOODS conm-m BOOKSTORE. Princess Street. vv -... --_-- -..--v u'ovleo\JOI&I To ('aIo'form'a and Pm~o']Ir- (Yon.-st, Lou A ngelos, San l":'anris'o and Return, Loavo Kin ton EVERY M0.\'D.\\' via, Kan ` ans City an Southern Home. ` Leave Ki|mntoul'2\'lvIllY I-`RIl)A\' \-in Cnun I JUST OPENED UP AT CREAM Should be the DRY GOODS. oommlnlon . 9 a scrap (nuance an. rnnicnaa rrnnm-' AND- cu---:--v-:--:. A LIST of 1.!!!) non pe divided Into ITATES ANDSECTION will be sent on up- pllcntlo FREE. Tom owho want their ndvertluln to pa we can obr no better modlum for 1. owns` and elective work than the various section: ofour Select Lnonl Lllt. ' , 4 ` GEO. P. KOWELL A 00.- J. R. RATTENBURYS, 7 Opp. Windsor Hotel. A 19.15 oy=` t%*~is7e.Ls*s. City and Southern Home. Kin mn I-LVERY I-`RIDAY Vin Conn on Blus an Union Pacific. ' rl Iuca, uu pun lcu u|l`L'-(`L IUI` uur UWII l.l1lu!:. Gentlemen can depend on getting Relmb Goods from . . up,n.___ run FINE mzcxwe/tn, unnsnwun, --- -an-..w- - uvovovnninnoniil Havana Has the host nssoruuentofBa1brim_ran Under wear. Hosiery. Gloves. Sclu, Umbrollu. Col Ian. Handkerchiefs. &c.. for men. at Cash Prices. imported direct for our own trade. flgnoln-an-. ...\-. A......_.l -.. ....na:..... Dnllnl. T51: _4L4vURN!H1IIv arm The aubscrIber_is now prepared to show complete assortment of the LATEST FALL and Wl.\'TER GOODS in Suitlngs. Overcoat lugs and Trouao.-rings. which he will make up ` in rsuzlus style at reasonable prices. nu; mm In nurvulus n'mdu1|lH|:.axl, Add: 53', "0 '0 c. FOWIJR, 3304338, C031]. : ' T L Inbrlngom thoooota ol youthful cl-mn, an- dconyarn wonI.nuI.loutmnuhuod,e o.,x , VII b l 11 Ta... .4"... ...'.3.?. ,5...$'.. . ..i'3`. f'_`. "-`.' wun.nou.loumnuhuod,e af.!wil, and nvulmb lronlile (aulea) couu aim, in pa-ucuhn mt homo um. 51 .9 ._ . gland India! war: :.n!\:nh`>n:~x:'1 l"_:8:vaf: an who In norvcnza urn! 11 l1|lHI\'-ad. 3.` I'0Wl.Ln. H:u:':lI. (`nun TTJTHE PUBLIC. T T Iullbrlngnom |gggy,wnuI;gwulncII. loot xnnnhuod. e o..l wt ; nuvuu I.-nuuv Auucrvt 3, Mord`: Block. - - - Brock Street. F`lR|~1--City and County Agent for the Glas- gow and London lnsumncc Company. LlFl}.--Gencr ll Agent from Kinnrstnn to Pres- one male. made up In American Fashions. guaranteed. Remember the mac: P- B- KENNEDY J'OS-- B- SINEI'I`I-I II In IIIIIIIJIII-III-IDA V, Vrru uuood Goods. Low acea. j A splendid nmortmont of I-`ALL SUITINGD \ and UVERCOATINGS: also Nobby TROU- IERINGS that would please the moat mum- taste. made un In the Latest Emrllsh um iiwiitISG'6a1'v}.HifSlaE"?1&"Ez'E:3t 5o.'a'u"nii- Lancet E sh And and II l-`lrat- has Fit nnmnteod. GREAT CL]-2ARl.\'G SALE FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY. commencing Sntul-day. Dec. 1711:. Great Bargains. Prices Away Down on our entire stock of (`lothlnm Gents` Furnishing Goods. Huts. I-`ur Cnpa.Gcntlcmen'sNockwear, Trunks and Valisca. Come early and lacun- yqur supply at the n._,nn `I II l\I\l\' A. ?t';IrEgt h?;1;uHouse, 93 Princess St., "`-u:. .'I.`.\-.. |.._I..... II` .__ __ n. _,__ , _,,, ,, . . . _ --, -- . -vwwu Two doors below Wellington St. H. W0l.l-`. - Pnorn and London lnsumncc A em Kingston Pres- ootl. for the British Empire Mutual Life Insur- nnce Co. of England. May 14 JUST ARRIVED I FACTS, AND NO HUMBUG-! `81"P`Ri'N`5E'"ST.% The way is plain : see OALLOWATS Furl. There neither can nkln. sheep. not cure. But Just the thing to keep your warm : To keep you free from cold and storm. N Which must bring peace in this cold climc. ` And make your Christmas I happy time. 3 I f 3 I I I Q 1 Q Q Qj guaranteed. Remember the place: Mnncnmr TAILOR. - mkma Srunn. II should lead us think how bout to bring The ban!!! smile. the cheerful ring Of laughter to the checrleaa hearth. And thus make glad this dreary earth. VVHITE SHIRTS. COLLARS. (SUITS AND BRACE5. R0 to . V.-- `... ..... ..., ..,v.... .. ... -.. ..... .... ...-..u 15 the theme of our earthly song; Ponce on earth. good will towards men. Should mould our actions All dny long. Peace on earth, good will towards men. GALLOWAY SGREETlNG J. B. PAGE & 00., 138 PRINCESS STREET. Sac i5rices. FINE FURS For The Balance of The saaaol UL'll I-I.\"l`lRE .`H'()('K 01-` AS _A. CAP- AS A B01`! NET. j V a` ---.-.- KING S'l`.. 2 doors from Wma ollco. (Lalo Cutter for Mr. Z. Provost). LANSDOWN E uu1uu.unu nuuuuvnuuu uununxua Subscribed (`nuilul . . . . . . . . . 41 .. ....`. .(lI),lI)0 Total Invested I-`unda ll|JWI|l`d-I of .;s.9m.ouo Tousl Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 768.000 Insurances against Loss by Fire accept~ ed at the lowest. current rates and claims elgtgad without. reference to the Board at D on. =.i`ll Udlllla 3'] bill! IIIUQI 4' Iv!/Irv". J.G. BAs`Jvi; 11..-otlod nnniutrlan. Plumo HR Rvunnu steam mung. an King at. Tue photo No.02. ` FURS OPP. CITY HOTEL. KI.\'(:S'I`ON. Leading Hatters and Furriers, IT j Tho Popular Shirt Maker. um Pnmnnas Srnnn. .?..-._j-. Qllflf nruamsmnos. In Bed and Pordan Lunb. (mu. 1 . KOWELL J 00.. '.\`owapa 3' Advertising Bureau` no pr-uoe_ street. New Yo: \ Locnl Lin. GEO. ROWELL 8 00., ovvananer Advertlslmr Bm-mm. Will be sold 3! Pnormrron. settled W London. \v, H WLRDIAN ASSURANCE [}UiIPANY. nl'lIt`rihad (`nnilnl 0" NH Ill Cash (`npiml . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 4.(lI|.lIl).m Total Assvls. Jnnunry lat. I382. .. 8.!lL .:."'2.!l) bosses paid in ti`%yc:|rs . . . . . . . . . .. 53.|ll|. All 'l`hc-lmdin I-`iro lnsumncu (`um any on lho Continent. rm Annual Premium iccoipls in Canada and the United States are larger llnun those of any other Company. and it has an un- blemished recon! of zlxcnrs. J M ESSVVIFT. Azem ALFRED R. MARTIN` Included. ' No. 6 does not run on Monday. All Ttckota good to return for six months. For rates and general Information apply to '1'I"f\ '1' A 1\'rw- -211,- THE ETNA INSIIKANUE UOMPANY. II IIPTLYIDII l`l| ` ' their lnsuranm: In A (`o')' so perfectly secure. The Company still maintains its claim to doing the htrgusl Fire Buslnea In the world. Tho Comgm ' has actually paid since Ls in formation t e olluwlnu In sumo`- For Fire losses . . . . . . . 000.385 1'` or Life lnsws . . . . . . . . 25.8).25 -----3Im',Il 5m Invested Funds. 835.al).'iIl). Net Income (or the put year was 88.Ml..'{l). This enomlous Premium Income ou hi to convince assured of the dosirabilit of paving their lnsuranm: in (`o'y perfect 3' secure. Company to ---a----=--- rzmoaggg -`nu: Gm 1`mu`n. _ n n D..-.- Air: .. ...oln.l -nlnn-Inn, Plum names: In Canaan. lnnumncea emzcted at as low ntesu any othergood (`am In . Invested Fnntf: .l).7lI). Net income the out van: was numsqn. .I.m.:.s..-..-.\.a _-_- - _.j' Locxaxrrn. SAW'Fll.lR um Gunman. Jo; BIB. 50` lined and locks repaired.` Thou . ands 1 I a H: h Newttnd scum` m'.'1`-I3x'.`d'good_ l:()'I?g(itt::3m - sol Liverpool And Lundonlnd Globe INSURANCE (.`0'\'. R 0x_I ohhe beutnnd Safest companies (`icing buainesu in Cuudn. Innnrnnnan ahctntl At. an Inn rung-1 nun mu [)0 mm In the (`nunvn (`Immnor on `H HS- IIAY I`Z\'l-2.\'I.\'(}. l0th inn!" Ml 7:1!) tfvlork. to plan unicorn for the ensuing )1-arnnd yr the Iramuwlion 0! general business. By order. THIIMAI-`u .\lll.L`1..`~'m"\'~'l`ro.-cs. TIIE Anmml .\l1-cling 0! Ilw Ilnnnl of Trmlv will be held In the (`nunvil (`number 1'l'I'2S- II` V ICVI-f\'l\'ll IIIII inn! ul T'TII n'nlna~I.` In lNTl'2NDl.\'(l uplln are rm-quoatod to enter promptly. The (actor WI be at the Svlum to-lnorrow unlll 3p.m. lo mus-iw new pupil and give l|0(`1`!|lhIl') lnfnrnmllmn. (`la-`mas hmo boon formed for rnnlriculamon lnlo Ilm l'ni- verulllcn and (`oll~guu. and for all gnuluu of Teachers" (`crl lllcnlv.-4. Tulllnn L : `)5 nur lhrm J::I.\.JI9- ..:L.a.J.V .|._u:1 .1 Agent. Grand Trunk Railway. corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. ~ BELLS - ovr-' - SHANDON I " --\ unnvn vr Iuuu nouulnu.-i H|'ooo 10. 25 and 36. No exlrnrlmrgo {or rue:-Vina acnut. :K_I*NES-'l()_N' 6L1E(;1m Insmnfm -vw--:--_ 2. -.'___- Supported I: ma own I)rMm\lI' (`am n . in n Konrtolroo IDRAIAIIAND LOMIC Ills. I?!) IILIOKI nnu locus rupuunau. [HUI . Inndso 1 mg I: xewmaa soon`".'1`.Iix'.`d t 'o'3g'n33T. I._l:_' I`iIx(:.:IlI}__.3tr_eot, in; . Nnppoftod In limmnllv (:nm lw IDRAIAH AND I `L WINTER E_xBURsIoNs 00IH2'IVEI}lb Tuojvnja r. JAN. `sup. wm be performed by Member: of II`: tloly. Dool-I open 7:!) p.m.. to continence II II HUI?`- Qfl |Lou~&5nnl 15-onu :1-My be mm: Al ` & ltcynorb Iludc store. onuny r hot 0! an Hoctoly. nT1AR'i-ms 7.0153731 J Houri. By order. TH: ).\l A H M I LL. 3401") ~'l`r<\-cs. Kingston. Jan. 6th. I888. GRAND o0mon7| V Mendelssohn : Hymn of Praise AND nm-I-:1.I.A.\`r:o1-ea. (`ON Dl'C`I'0ll.- Haydn : celebrated Joy Symphony DORAN &`WRIGH'I` 00., (uumm) numb. Du-nln And pl-nvlninn l"Imn.lnuu KINGSTON cuomu sobnm. OITYH LL, THURSDAY, AN. 12th. Nu-I. mun-u. Inn. nmuumn Mun F`uunl:M. mu A. mm-ro.v. Mn. J. 1`. ()Iu.Ic.\m'(x)u. Jan. 6th. I Reopens on M0.\'l)\\'. JAN. 9111.41! 9 A.M. lbllI.I`lIIUIll. UI |u'.1 .lIII R. o B E R '1' ii. "3 X"i"i'2f "15, u..-_..-....a 5.. LI. ....... n-_...... -......__..- .. _ 10011. W. H. GODWIN, Agent for Kingston. Burrlsn Wmu Ornct. 'ro-23031`- Flrnl limu how. the Ural Irish Drn|mI.' Iinguemont of tho I-Jmlm-at vomodlun. B I'\ I'D III I`) III If I) A T I ) IN NO ..al 12:20 p.m. .al [:45 p.m. .n\l l:2.5 n.m. .nt 6:l0a.m. I Pun up capmu s1oo.'o7o. to be lhcreasod to lonoaunnbr of a million -at the next annual mem ' rs of tho N.Y. Cnnnolldnted Stock and trolcun. Exohnngo. And of Chlollo Boards MI 1 . - Insurance Agency, llnnlr . _ , nnnnb BOARD OF TRADE. IXARTFORD C0.\'.\'. INSURANCE. )3 .. 15.Wl.% ----8lUl.\.. 0 THOMAS BRIGGS. Axum. -AB'B'l'I8- mu It: In. G. A. KlRKl`.\TRl(`K. Hmirnmn. WVEST. ` No. 2 . . . . . . .M 3:50 p.m. No. 4 . . . . . . .13: 2:10 n.m. `No. 6. . .. . . .nl .`5:l0 n..m Mixed. ...\ .ul 7:?!) :\.m. Mixod..... at 7:55 .111. 4 and 6 run Sun an VIN TIMI? Mu. lloeunt It DIVN PDIIOIOIIII. ot 'l`I-Mo obmlnul llnnn up An: in-In, THEEERMAN 433.} 7'11. 'I'he_Chica.go New Inc an editorlnl article which ubootbingly interests. It not! out ` with the announcement thnt American _ci1i- _l - - - w u u - Ivnv no u-uuvvuu-5 uuu nu uuu uuunvljs The order has'only such secrecy ns shields it froth the curiosity and interference of these not belonging to it. It does not em- brace in its ceremonies anything pertaining to masonry, it make no man to make oath or. pledge that toucheshiI religion, or duty _to the state, and at the meetings, nothing in permitted that is "contrary to religion, to justice, to charity or state." All this in well known, and so the mnndement (lees not ` ntfect the standing of any knight of lqbou r. If the Quebec printers are doing wrong, end 1 the orderia backing them,` thnt in nnother mutter. but `one not injurious to\the prin- ciples of the labour party. lU(7l8[y ll! qlllCKI_V ES PUESIINU. 4. All threats made to any one re- main in or anger the society, or commit an injustice, must. be booked upon as an at ` "tempt against personal liberty and as a proof I tlnpt there is something bad in the society. TL- n-.I..- L-..'....I.. -....L _............. .. .L:..I.l_ UTUZLKS. 3. `If. in at meeting of the society, any member, and, what is still more. anv head [her-.ol', gives nttcrance to priiiciples con- trary toreligion, to justice`. to charity or state. and he is not called to order and blamed, this tacit anal indirect npprnlmtion of false and uusonud principles should be looked in on by every sincere Catholic as an insult to is faith. and an intimation or in- vimtion given him to withdraw from the` society as quickly as possible. I. All lhro-Aha mmln tn nnv mm rn- ECKC. `2. A Catholic cannot enter or remain in a society which exacts of its members an oath,` or even is simpie promise. blindly to be nll the orders of the directors, or rules con- trary to the laws of justice or state, as too N often happens during the strikes or out.- breaks. ') `If 1.. .. ._..4A:_.,_ ..I .LI._ 1 A,_ ,,,-, .. ...... ......... ".5 -1 ....... u Iyollvvvv . 1. A Catholic cannot remain in the society W of the knights of labour if in the reception of a member there are ceremonina resembling or having the a pearance of Frenniasonry, condemned abso utely in every form it may take. (I A t'...|...l: . . _ . .._n. .__L... ._ ___.__:_ L, . The Inanclement of ('au`uliuu.l Taschercuu, affcctilw the knights nf labour, and road in All the Catholic churches in Quebec on Sun` day, may stop the strike now in progress, and it may not. It certainly cannot serious- ly check the order, which does not offend in any of the following specied respects : I A l`..ol..\!:.. ..........L ..........:.. 2. `L. _--:-._. The lielleville Inn//.'g;rm~'r cannot uccount for the appeal of llr. Plan from the ch-cisiun_ of Judge Patterson in the election court, to the supreme count, except on the hypothesis that he wants another sessioual allowance to enable him to fight the next election, and to prevent the electors from expressing an honest opinion upon the question of the day." Now this is the sort of lying which cannot be too soundly denounced. It` has no justification in fact. It has never paid Dr. Platt to be a member of parliament. His practice has sutlered by his nhsence and to an extent which it is doubtful the savings from his allowance has covered. He does not appeal the case for the sake of the few dollars he may act nt Ottawa, hut if he did so he could not hope to parallel the mean- ness of James .\'teplIcusuu-l Ruhcrt lhicul whose appropriation of puhlic money has been defended by the conservatives though shameless in the extreme. The Inlr/Ii_v/a [l(`t)` should not revive unpleasant memories. who 0pp0sc1l(i('llL'l`i\l Laurie in .\'helhurne. The other was .\l r. ('r0aln_\ , :\ mnser\`nti\'e, who opposed .\l r. Lovitt in \'ar|noul.h. llnth were uh-feate~|,an:l evidence is furnish ml that lDO'h't'|(` puliticul panties been truer to hnctioualiam than they are to prim-iplc~ Well, we have not lucl in this nlistrict an muvh deception on the part of the temper- ance liberals as of the temperance cons:-r_\'a~ tires. But we Ire likely to have a test cu" in year hcncc if the present numim-c uf the pruhihitiou party hulds his ground. ISAAC DA.`VI1f), u -__-_-__._ n....I:1...... ..n. nnu-n.- IA- The Berlin .\'ur< hnlcln that both the old politivul parties only tall: lempertncc, and it in apparently impauilplo to persuulc them to uhnnclon their politics] lines on |:e_ ` half of an telnpernnce candiclnte. Two un- cliclates, vrlm were temperance men, ran re rrntly in twn Nova Scotia comtitlleuviea. Thv one was Mr. Rnlrensnn. B reformer, u ho opposed (lam-rnl Ills` il'.4.\' `S Il.4(`K. 'i`ho (Nola: says that a small number I ptmnincut Ruunm Catlmlim met at the Run- ain lmuao. Torontn. on We-lneulay alter noun for the purpose 0! pauiug tt resolution re-luoating Sir John Nacnlonahl to prevail on Hon. I"ranlt Smith not to press the re- aignation of his neat in the cabinet. The in laronca may ha unfair. but to many people it look: it llnn. Frank Smith has med of his action, that ha ha: got over tho hull` cer~ taln judicial appointment: aorded him, and that he aoelu a ruuml-about way, to wit. the intern-onions of a committee oi his iricnda. to secure reconciliation with Sir John Macdoualtl. Poor Smith, he ha: hoen greatlrhumlnlml. He has been aurpriaccl to find that the government was as strong without him as M ith him. and that he never ` would he missed. Tm: Nlllu Wum In ublulmi every oven- ` um. II 5 Km; rm-on . Klnpuoo. Oululo. i M on uouuun mt] VIAII. urjelly ` In advnnco. ` For four Man. on or Iwo Inn:-Hons. . . , .. For tour linen. on-h luhtoquont tnuruon. ` Our low llnumllrcl Inn:-Hon. noon Koch nu uonloonuuutlvolu. . .. lo Onoos w subsequent IN _'l'wioo| uni, Iulau-quont In. lo nwookmu ucnl!u....... Co hallnnnnlirlhn. nrrhnnmdbulh IVIIUIWKI. Iulnnguuut . .... -.. at .01: non! " hotlcuolllin A uxdbullulla. ouch. ad. Iv nil llohu-god. I-lpueld modem In rudlnu columnar. chug- od A! Must: cent: pet Mn to- on-h Inurtlon. Oalvon of unlnmrpnrau-d Association: or Badlauu will bo_ur.|d nationally rolpolulblo tor nll union the) [In ` and are WIHZKLY BRITISH WHIO. I Dl M In publhhod ovary Thuntlny mm-ulna ul In Ru-mvel In udnncmolhorwhe CL. wl I be c urged. Auwhou mm paper one oltho bout Job name In (`nnuln up . stylish and cheap work : eluhl Impmvod no-Inning pain; All rlnryru fur mlrrlahm. nulmt-H'ph'uu umguh prmlin 1 an nuynhlz in mlmm-r ; Min be aln'uh'nJIp um`l-ruluoal. I.`I|\lI I II IDUUIE I llIll|QllI' TxTzD?mi} Wale; an l. Dl.\'A L15` ' iii 3' 1:1:.T11;.\' T. I)In`._l'l..-1 1"/`s .1 } l l:`._~l 1.. no ru .4 /.-r: .4 1'7 .40I{'E1;. -m`x`pd|:ieI.e Tmlns Nos. 9 Na. 6 dam not run nn `. ANNOUNCEMENT. "oPM' IN? Orhrm Diror." "h'Kll'll`ll' unru rnuruu. ICIDW. J. M. l'Ic.\':4I. Proprietor. A u\'r.u:nm|cu1'a. ~-- A- ...._ l_.`.-ol.\-- uuuun I'll] nu In advuzco. THE *::.:-L- ..' . 3. . low!" BRITISH WHIG. 'I`l7ESI)AY. JAN. 10. Iupuwu water : maze uver nun raga- lnto the bowel: and make you `well. Dou- one pill. tin'2':'.'a: '."y'o:".i":'|'x';'.'. 't?n5;I`1Lll'eva.:";-`_.`,;ru`;.s`t': - stlpatad Caner Little Liver Pt II rogu- Intn Hm hovaln And main wm well. Don- yvuz. _. .. _-_.. _ --., \__._--a-my Stocks. Grain Provision Damion. R. J. EILBECK, Ign I - OFFICE-Clarence St-