av nvv-u uunuucan ul unit, an--A Use Dr. Dorenu-unl`s Great German Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free from dandruff. and promotes the growth of the hair. It revents premature grayness and stops all ulling out of the hair. On bald hemla, where the roots have not perish- ed, it will invigorate them and force as new growth of hair. Ask for Hair Magic. It is the only reliable. For sale. by J. G. King, A. l`. Chown and all tlruggists. I was troubled win catarrh for seven vears pu;-vious to commencing the use of l'Il{'s (`ream Balm, some five months ago. It as alone for me what other so-called cures hiled to do, cured me. The e'ect of the Balm seemed nmgical. ---('I:u~ence L. Huff. Biddefnnl, Me. r.m., QIIIUIIUCIIIWIICIU . .1. I \ -.u_y - uuwuunn .----u. I have been troubled with catarrh for the t ten years and lmvo tried a number of remedies but found no relief until I purcha- ed a bottlqof Ely}; Cream Balm. I consider it the most reliable reparation for catarrh and cold in the hemt --George E. ('randall.` l .M., Qunnochuwntang, RI. I |l'AI lrnnlnlml mil: nntnrrlu fnr an:-an - --v \ u-av cu-uuuvun in the case of Allan \'s. l-`lynn. tried on the `. 3rd Dec. at Perth. was on Wednesday decided lny Judne Senlrler in favor of the of the plaintitl. Thomas Allan, l'erth. The lointilf, as will he remembered. sued {obert Flynn. of Mountain Grove. for breech of coutrnrt to deliver certain maple lumber m-lured from him. The defendant contended that the plaiutitl should hnve accepted the lumber at an eorlier period than he wished to take it. And that on plaintiffs rcfuul the lumber was resold. Judgment Vwa: given for the plaintiff for $l99. the amount claimed. The Itutnueo ltxunlnnllouo. Following an the name: ol the uucceulul I cnudinlutu at Nspunoe and Bath, out of 99 who tried 2 Scnh 4-\n|rin.5|nry J. Bullnnql. Edith Ilurran, ('l|rn.lohunon. Adollu Mc- Hniuniu, Kate Swwnrt. Mollie Wright, (`hula W. Anderson, Harry Bolt. Wesley (fullic-r. William l"riu.e1l. Fm-I ll. Howard. Funk Keller, l-`nmk, .\lellow, Gcorgo Ste`-la. John T. Wilson, lubelln Bowen, .\la\n~l ('ur-l, Lanna Ho\rnrcl,l-Inuna Jackson. l.c-nl.\'ills, Ella \\'lu-Ian. Lottie Warner. Rr`glIulll .~\lvu|nbravk, .\'nmncI Blew-1!. (`lnulx-s (`Ilium-r_v. I-Ialwnnl l-`e-nnell. Nialney l\'iu~ln~n. \\'nltrr l.uu-, William Morrow. Ihuurl \\ lwlnn. .\t .\'-nl-urg, out of Ni wlmlric--l, llnr ful- "|-miuu pass:-I; lithe-I Anselstinc-, Susan Ilunn |`Tlli-.Iu\-ma \!:nn.l Innis \!nnvan-I When Baby In slot. wo gnu her Catch Whonshowu uciild. uhocriodlocculodn. Whoa IIIO hooano Inn. on clung to Captain, Whoa obs had Chudnn. she gun than Cutorlg Jun Where He Makes 5 Mistake. .._s.. ll..n To Avoid Baldness or Gray Hair _.. I\.. I\,..._._... _, I`- I`_....A l`__.__..._ `_ CHESTER S CURE *. suum PRICE. . A POSITIVE CURE SICK HEADACHE: Who does the best by the people is he who will do the boat trade with them. and in this belief I have spared no undaavor to meet smu. ` DOSE. SMALL PILL. FOR ""1 ' 'J"'r Red Sgrpce Gum mu2s| Q\)(`: \-\S. \.\3 SQ Ely`: Cnl nlm. .-_. A__,,I I. I .__:.|. -_.. hThVo (`uni Eottlod`. : All In THE V MZLE Sold by all Druaglsts. or Free by Post on receipt of $1.00. W. E. CHESTER: 401 St. ` Jvlontreal Announcements. ti l nu-I Lenin, Mnrgarrl Eu-line Thornton, ll- ..._.... I-.....- LBS), ac.` IPAIILBI oou WIS ".103 ILID or Uuorroou: $5131! I F; JOHNsTON S f gnum am Wu. H Al I I In, I`.C.8. Annlyucal Chunk! to the Irldnh Govern an 1- II In an ol the nut Food: I Inc an ensued." ` W" menu. u.,...,,,,,. coon rnxnuixs GENU\lN I-I. Trade Matt on every huh--Iuury. Ion II Au. Dluoouu. TIII H647 (HUM HE. ix`-an1nh'ft;5: ?"l Yonga 8t., Tumnfc J C9CK|.E'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. 'f_o`r::llnnid than hu . n m n7o3"1'rA:.H`o a nun :1 until to A V y Ll`l-J IL A A.qv,,o when uyounldonot mun mu-sly` tolloptlun `x.`z'i':S'.``]a-7';'i;`i';'-`1.`.`c;`ir:':.:'- 'C.ROBIN8ON.` 4 We]1ingtonSt,,2.DoorsfromPrinoosssL menu aunt Olnr. :. v :;nu I I .Ill`Jl..l \r| |IAI1\vq x;vvuxv n-AJI/vvndll An` u guys- All Colors in Plain Goods. Fancy Stri s and Checks, Double Fold Checks |ndStripea. l Double Fold Plain Goods, Single and louble Fold Tweed Pattern Suitinga. Every material in Black Dress Goods, whether Single or Double Fold, willollo be reduced during this sale. 1).... ........ l\....-.. l'.....l. ..o o|.:. nu. \lm.o L`..s-.....:u.. \`..l.. -6 I1"... [Em-ul. nvnr huh! I. Duy yuur 1111355 KVIIJUH ill [HIS LII`: LIIUHII I.'A.\llIlI\'U \.`i Kingston. ET he Carpet. and Curtain Sale to be continued by RICHMOND, ORB & co- 200 Doz. New Kid Gloves for New Year. TE rirma. Our long experience in the business and other facilities we poueu enable us to supply our customer: with the very best goods at the lowest. possible prices. Our business (as before) will be conducted strictly on the One Price System. A good dollar`: worth i\ en for every dollar received. n.Cnll a inspect the goods and the store. Showing a large stock of Boots. Shoes, Trunks, Valisea. Bags And Satchel: of every do- scriptinn from the best houses in the Dominion, including the Superior Manufacture: of J. D. King &'(.`o., J. & T. ll-ell, (`ooper at Smith, H. E. Clarke & Co., and other reliobk I~`i|-Inn U . I . I` Firms. ll...` A ne range of New Goods to select from at prices ranging from 8 cents to 60 cents a yard, in the leading styles and colors at ALEX. ROSS , -- Carpet and Millinery Warehouse. Dress Goods! Dress Goods ll mo THEY wuu. WEAR TWICE As LONG. SHORE LOYNES & CO W- J-DECK SON Ladies` Tan Shades Mosquetairc Kid Gloves, l6~Rutton, SI. Ladies Tan Shades Stitch Buck _Mosquet.aire Kid Gloves 81.25. Ladies` 4-Button Dogskin Gloves, Stitch Back, 45c. , Ladies` 4-Button Dogakin Gloves. Stitch Back. 8l.25. Ladies Cream, White, `on and Black Silk Gloves, 22 in. long. only 800. Ladies Colored Silk Lace Mitts, Beautiful, 60, 750. S]. Gents Lined Kid Gloves, Fur Top. 750, $1.00, 8l.50, Gents Lined Kid Mitts, Fur Top, 75c, 81.00, OL50. Gents` Scotch Worsted Gloves 30, 35. 40, 50, 600. Gents Muiera, Scarfa, Squares, Silk Handkerchiefs, White and Colored. I" 33 N0- /duced Prices. R. WALDRON. Uur noel ll complete 1n every ae rtmenu and ronsmre or Beavers, Meltone, N31 e. Freizee, oreteda. Tweeda and Fancy Troueeringe. It in our Aim to plan all int favor us with u call, and we consider it No trouble to about goods. whether you intend to purchase or not. Second to none in workmanship and qunlity. On inspection you will be tempted to place nu order, and Nobby in at lo end t are the nrmenta produced by us. _. _ EOE `S FURNQSHING. IN VARIETY. `LATEST NOVlII.TIES.`I'l r L; Come where you can secure beat goolia At Lowest Prices. Rue assortment of all the latest and choicest goods in the market. Our dock in oompleta in very do rtment and consists of Bmven. Malmn; Nu n. F`:-nixu. ontnda. Tweed: and lmncv Tm a sale. Buy your Dress Goods in this the Most Extensive Sale of Dress Goods ever held in mnton. or FALLING BIUKN st IINI can I bun lull no reason ml at out {or I tru blo tenth. Gin I` RUBBERS _\\` K "55; Punooldlaavsmua. PnnOoldnua.I..unon. PmvGoldlu.Rstolbs. Panoldlnu. Winn:-zroon. Pure Gold In. Plno Apple. Punaoldln. strawberry. ' Bu-o Gold Eu. Rupberry EVERY PIECE OF DRESS GOODS REDUCED IN PRICE. `I r\||tVI,I ON YOUR ml, um] NEW STORE (at the 01$: Stand), RICHMOND 62; CO- PLATE ]G\LA_SS. uouismaus. aouvm I oo. } ASTHMA, IIONCHITII, CA'l"ARIH,OUGHI, COLDI, ac. UU E- L) E.A|' Puck's Podonflmprovod Cuahionerlln Drum PERFIOTLY RESTORE TB] HEARING. no mum-whothuduheu In and by ooldn. (eve:-a.oI-1 urientothe tutu drums. Alwnn ':r?,|luon. '~l'IIV`b`l`:.to mam con- a sub pen and distinctly. o role:-0:5 `u. .Sondfllltnud k! :m.""'A13"r.u 1!-.n1'c6"x.a5s ur.f'."y' IS A PURZE FRUII` ACID POWDER. `. ......e.Im namau alum. limo. nor nmmon: |GROCERS' Auunlfl |ou.s luongm. PLAVORINC Iuvvgv-v SUIDRIES. ll.F.ARMS1`RONG S, Princess Street. To be had at A RAMSAY & SON, Agcnd. We are now selling Goods for CASH ONLY. Weareconvinced we can sell 10 Per Cent. Cheaper by so doing. `coacu coLou mu-:unu's vamususs FIBEMENE A IEW IATEBML XXIIJQI. ALL 01/R " OHAA/GE. 5W"'oTHERs & 00., """"";.,".;;:....'`"-':;:;.. W No `d.di{n-rlmnlo name : 5 highly ondonod by the .\|v4liml Profession hm wonderful unnuivc .-rrwu produvvd n moon of Pulmonary Consumption. Chronic Oounh Bronchitis and Throat Abctlona. Asthma. Scrotum. Wanting. and Diseases of Women and Children. In mu: -1 un- Nervous System, In Mental Anxiety General Dobmty. Loss of Vigor. Want 0 Rnorty. Lnnzuid Appetite, PnmIys1s,und .hemau1y discauws due to insulin irnl sum-I3 ul Nervous Force. : v~ . IIv,.__.,._ ,, 2 (`Lila i5imNR's And Pun Gold Spices of all kinds at nnnnnlhllll 1'IllII\I'\I\ll|I Wlll pmve invn nl-Iv. hnuurhnnt Canada. I'\I'|t\fC?" I-II-\4\:-I-II PUTTNER S EMULSION 0.09. LIVER OIL % .E.TC~- A I Family I-`lour $2.18. Dingma.n's Soap (Electricb. .'n 1 rnts. Laundry Soup 2 cents. Family Soup 2.} cents. ' ` Black Tea, tcanntut he o.-quallil at 60c). 11.. Japan Tea at 25 and 30 is a Bargain. WILL CURB OR RILI EVE Imouu-. Dr-v-uh. luuguuon. Jnundloo. HVHDOIII. Halt Rheum. Ilmr burn. Ilndnclo Dlllllcu Drolny. Fluttorlru ohhe llunrt. AQ dycltbosunnch. ulchol the Skin. and won Ipacluot dunno u-Mn; froudbonia-red Liver. Kidneys. stomach. novels or mood. 1'. IILBURN I (`0.. l`ro|'nr1elorI. Totonlo. Anchor Flour 82.35. Corner Princess and .110- Iroal Sire:-ts. _4j_. .__...-- . THE OELEBRATEB GO0K'8` FRIEND BAKING` POWDER .,___ 4-.-. -u . -.....-. eR00EBI'r%s_L19URs-% OUR PRICE LIST: Vholcnlo In Kllumun by U. S. IIUIIAIIT. ii ntoorvu-intio nuns: _.._ __.-.o-\ in (`I'!\VIVI l)I(l.'(:Gl\N. Hu.|r.\x .\'.S JWIJ'-r'%H{ mszmomms. AImIm1-:'u'rs- UUII. AUIU FUVV UB5. 5 limo. ammonia I the man dallmta magma nuotunoumnon nu` Ionununo nup wootnuoh. _.._:_L_`___ A_-._. Is A rulli EIVUIL l'\`JIlI IUVV IJILD. ,I_:,.<;s-M1,-.V-=.*....**=..', _:';...2.jar$.;m3.: - "3 pg-(got o . moons: ,"",.6"g.`.`,`.g 1? RH InayrlnsIon.lE.?l`AHE ans? n1. 1: In on '0 In 01:; gounvnnuottluo kitchen ` SE9. ..-an-an Iminunuotannmo annn juuunnuu. "lHf`mo)|I. h 0 wave. IE0 Ital y-veto-I nu.-vn of Ibo vlul tnu."-Dr. `blur-'0. A an Iumn-n cm I "l\, IMIIIII D00! lnmv tu no ropmu than ltun otQnIu no, I'll tllllt. C`; H..Il..-I I-.l--- L`... Sui Uwurllu. he Iodlr-I Intuit Pnv IO 5 .001! `lwl rdulj II lhO.:Of'IL .. 2 Dash BL. Gmvouv z. ` uounon. 1 "lniuna and tutor ; 30 sub: nvnl In nun . Ouubouuuhnlo nu OMV nun I "- hush; I'F| I l\IU` or Minoan Ioov Alllilllltltts. llpllknco Ieic-n- IIO nnnlnu nvul In no In uuuujwuuu un In-vi. IIIBIDIIT. I H). Ih._|.- In I......... I- :- \\'omen um! Child- EMULSION Sold by all Deal:-Is HE"/55?} i"/9'02!"/BISWS. DOOM. AKIIIWHTI 00`! 'l\H. lhnnn hnll Inna .56??? Us nnnu an mull] II_ uuu; Ill u'|lI].lll1_Illg l'l`|(`Ilh`1`lI can so their homo. It they~l:.-n'o my. Eighty dollars was tnkpn In out: any to -Now York Comnleldal A1l\'u:rtiar. . IIIU Ial`Illl- I IIU I-I`I.Ill T llllg Ill UK PCT of tony miles an hour when the accident . limnrnvI,--NAD Vnr-L Rnn To Traverse GI-1 -onlnml. The director of the public museum ut Ber- 'gen, Norway, Scientist Nansen, is about to mnk n voyago of exploration of n pm-uliar kind. He wants to tnveno Greenland from east to west. Landing at Cape Dan he will on skates to the intarionnttmnpting to ranch the ivesfbrn coast near the [night of Dlrko. Two Lnplnndon and one Norwegian will accompany him. Bmvislom will be _ on sleds. The distance of 40) |nllnNuna`n expequ ..to trivel in lcsqthnn twenty days. The expenses at tlm undertak- lngwill be ruined by public subam-iption.- Chicago Nows. U00 IIIWEIIIIII I IJIIZII Illll W33, S(`l\'GllllII` like I shell from A cnnnon, through the lug- gagocnr, the smoking car, and a mwengnr couch without doing injury to any pustin on ' the train. Thai train wu running at the rats of fnrtv milm an hmur whnn lhu m-r-itlnn on may mus an uour Wu obcurmd.-New York Sun. ~11 gvuuuxl Ul IIIOIIOYII III?!) III Dy penitentiary nu tie: at Columbia, 8. 0.. W Chlm--.. In cents for show- `in: them through the illtutiim. vnnnav in nmd in h-nanny-ting n.|....~...I nah. `III! EIIIUIII, II. UIIU Pill`! VIHILHJI W the lineman`: head and passed, lika A shall from A mnnnn. thrnnuh thu ham Away until I_ knock the bottom out _ot high rice: and bunk Groceries down to hard inn. rain) to keep arenlnr supply of D-sir ro- duou and Table Do icncies for city lami nes. so that everybody`: table mav be supplied within zhontoro. IAllf'l'\ l'|f"Rl\l'lI ,II I vvullpu lnullliltl lpitlllvllh A driving wheel of a lommotirv that ill dnwing I` passenger trhln burst recently .nou' Milford, Pa. One piece whizml put than namnnh hand and nnsamd, snisunminn Inge-nlnun Method of Snmgglq-rs. Adolph Silvelxtcin. said to In` at New Yorker, and two partners wom trial in Lon; don on Tuesday or smuggling. and lhoe\`i- dence disvlusvd un ingenious plan {urn-vzuling the English duty. The tobacco in qm-stioll was valued nt .l,70ll. and tho luty on it ` would hau-'l~<-u 1,011). It was put up in ; cotton bales and shipped ns mttun. Holes ` were mxulu in the halos and little tufts nf cot- ton plauxl in them to better curry uul the de caption. On the voyage over the llnlvs wore ` widened by rats, and the customs inspm-tors at Liverpool probed them and Ills(`u\`vre\l tho tobacco. They allowed the nhipmvnttogo onto London and t|n~n`nrrmtnl tho thnao men who claimed the cottun."-Chicugo Herald. lllllvl u IB uw u1'Iu'IuruII In ll` l`|k`lI. Iultl [U0 rich would clm1.ruy-society as it existx The guardizuis of occultism do not |l`l`llllt a mighty power such as Kmly has ulixwam-rivd to exist in sound to become the pmpx-rl_\' of I nee until it is further udvanu-din things` spiritual than is our: Hnnmnity will have to travel furunnl thousands of _\'a~nw l-More sound-one vi the gmritost pom-rs in nature -is fully l`hlllpl'l`l.|\'ll(ll\l, and liwly ill have ' to be ruinmrnmod ngnin, and pa-rlmps .~>uu-ral dozen times before he can ruulizrtlu~prac- ticul uses of vibratory .-_\'u11n1tli_v.~.\'e\v York Sun. -119! X or: "1'hoBdho! UolnnK_:rcl.ll :11 pa tonhht. V Money for Bologna PI-luouon. uigooddul of moneyin am in bythn nenltanthrv Illthofitill At Pnlnrnhin, R (1- Keely and the Ooi-alt Pow"-rs. Mina BIa\'atsk_v`s opinion of Keely and his motor ought to he as good as anylxxiy'2L She wrote substantially this about them two you! ago: Keely is a psychic`. and has (I18- covemd something of the power luu-lainm, but he relates it to the wrong suurw. and is, and will be, unable to (`0llllnllni<':1lu it to others. Wen he In s\nx~u~l he would be knnwn ns tho lrcm-factor n[ the rich. and the lmstmy-s0ciut_)' rniuhvv nnwnr cur-h as Km-lv lune alien-n\`.\r.vI II I.` i`\ . .|'Z!l llllll Ill"-`w' ('1: ll`, \\ `.'" I. `K " _,(`Il by l`llf'I|IIllliIkl'2i In Inmt. (`aw--~ lI;- rn.>l'2I haw (alien in mid lhu Shh` u.-nH~ ha . -- x'.al;u-n outwanl. Time has dnsinia-gm!---l lhu ad--he hlovks, and the rains have .~;-n-.-i-I Ibo nnterinlaoevonly that tho lsuildimxs an` in- dicnud only by slight. irregularities in tho mrfnvt-. Tim work of oxcnvntic-u in mnply to clear any the surface material. That tho ritiq wen suddenly on-rthmwn is proved by the nding of skeletons under the (Allen roof: and WIN: in puuitions indititiug violent death. Ono skeleton. phutngnphed ufouud, show! that the man \\-'as (`taught under the falling roof and ihmwn upon his ~ hoe. His (`best is pushed furwunl bytho weight, and his right hand, stn:u'hvd nut. an he tell, iscrushed and mu-mu. The hu-go number of lxxlivs lound prun-.e that tho calamity was widesptud and complain.- Cor. New York Sun. \ lVJlIl`ll' I!'lll(|Ill.` Ill .!l`llll`.l, lmpnusion of luulnvxs that haw DUI`?! I. ';u}.].}}:. them ha \`u (u 2:"-CW |ll1 lC"II`l II\l ICK'rI.8"8 [II "IQ Iouritu and rumbon. Tn-nty~tvm largo bluchol buildings have been IIlIt'o\`el'IVd, and than our load: of nlivs have been sum to Baton. Theo nllaconxisn of pottery, im- plement: Andskolc-tons. One ml the ruined building! masurm 44.0 by 37? (wt. unother httllteot I-an-,;,nnd mnnyuf ")0 buildings u-o Ill) (wt square. Tho Id:-ho \\nlL1 um lometunos an-w-n {wt um-3: nxnl tn.-~h-riea high. Connr~ch-I Wllh ouch bull-1111,; 1.4 Q pyral mouud,;m~uul Iholme ulumrln an the funrral urrw mntzumng lh<- n.~h- s of cro- nutal Toluw. I-.'ntr:\nm to H1. I-:1.)-ling! won: aolnotinzvs lhrnugb lmrn aye mnl mums tiniest through h-=!~-4 in lf.-- nmfa. Em-h bulldm; \\..~` liwlml hlu-;x `,rv:x! L1llIIlIc`l' of lilnall r---u.~, 1.-x-1..-.-mu`; u l.n'_'_- |-u;mh|- non to (`He'll U4\t`k. Tlw l`I-bf. \v-rm-.' mn- \ 1 KIIU II JAMES REDDEN, CHINA TEA STORE. - PRl.\'CESb ST. ll lxllil III uluuluuuu In l.'Il`\. The ruin: u! Lm Nut-rm: an luring Ihol~ oughly ouminui. human they am typical, and also bevluno they have ban buried. and u-nlon pnnwtal {mm the ravages of lime, emu-inn Anal I-mu-horn Tn:-nh-.hn-u Inna. Ilk VICRTII` III? III! Il'Il|HV'l. The [mph who um! In um Mlkl run not Ann`. :0 bu In:-u mutual Tl-_v ton of lbw rum that prvvulu-I I Aztn -j. and had upon this mutin-at n m-ninuun "MIT than the pyruuhls This in prove-I by th-- humnn tunniuuul rrliu found In the lawns`: tint haw hon dug out. Ethulugic-nl nuuvh prmu-uud by Mr. Cashing by uh wup.Irl- uve nu-thculck-an--utrntn that than lvu-an of the plain wt-rs Tulmv. And that tiny ` nu-he-I I high data of Nrill-Oiull may ccmurhu hvfuro tho Anew appuml. 'l'ln-y warn pmlnlsly of Astana origin, but not Ioqolold. Tho Indian ol th--l*n-uh-can uppuntolmhlungnlokl and an lute-r immi- grant. from Auk. The up ol the Tullcc min In Noland In lhmnuuin of ymn. `I35; I-ulna 1.! In: `Inn!-tn: an: Inning Hun; I`llll$ lllill Uluv I\Ivr|\1| Ill!` \u~1v IIHWC aw |I|lu'!uI`l| hurl-~|rilin-s In lhu ml: Ills-er \'n|l3~_\` alum, and loan MIN-rtm, nlnvh Iuid I |l0|||llINhIl' of I! last l0,t'llI, In nntr ul [ho Imnllwt. Theontlna roll:-3' mu onm I nym- tom 0! man with uljuwal. hum. nml up II x the Iuonuhlm an articial run and pueblo: of done. may at which lIv\'c-t Inn hen oxplurul and an entirely unknown In the Vanda-lug ward and dghux-r. `I"Inn nnnnln lnn Hr-I In lh.-n NH1 rum ' I\- I an `ant the-an cilia thn HI. `I Iml lbw I".. 'I` lulu 0! u Hvlllulluu MM nu I`; maids. ,A Peculiar Bull-cu! Accident. .I-I.-h... -.|u...l 4.0 - I...u.._..o:.... 41...: IURIEO CITIES OF ARIZONA. `. lvv tn u purunlig ul-nun Hm m that "Ir . I. ,._ l._ F ru} III In! Iii I`| FIICV-I"I I I the I. explurwl nu `.9 .- ..l ..u..... HVUIII lhedw I III!` lo AIIMIJOO` l\ Il`l"I V-U` in r Ill;-`I Ll Ulla-no II. .,. [H lL.,.I.|.. l`H Ii BRl'l`lSH WHIH. TUESDAY. JAN- HI. 'I'oI I '.l2l(`i |_I\.. Rain 0! . ln..A_ oat uncouraqing success. Josh Billings has mid. "To may in to win." and I have made up my mind In 3-2-F%U.`?3EER. _. . L llul-IO In-Ins. All cues of \iosk`or lune Incl; backache. rheumntium, will nd rdia! b Inning one of Carter : Smart. '33:! and Hal ndnnnn ack ll 0% 0| W0.` or IIIHC DICK. IECIICDC. using one Carter : Smut food and Bel ndonnu Buck cola- Dlnnh-. D.-3.. all put. 'l`-u 0|.-- ` |IIl'IBl'I OIIIIFB VVKQ Illa IIOIIIIIUIIIII IVICK ` achp Pluto:-. Prico.25-cents. Try them. A Full! Attack. A fntnl ntuck of croup in a frequent oc- curronoo among children. Every household nhouid ho nrdod by he 3 Hngudh Poo Blmnt land. It In eolda, coughs. cxonp, uthmn and bronchitis I re- nt: 5510 Innnner. W. ulnuon; cntpllln, I1. mumuougn; ` recording secretary, Norman W. Webster ; mmoi eecretnry, C. A. Bradley; tfeuurer, John R. Boo rey ; director of oeremonlep, A. Comett. ; ecturer. E. R. Bradley ; com- mitteemen. Jame: Douglen. Erutns Lon- don. W. N. Bowun, John R. Johmton and Thomas Landon. At the anmnl meetin . on Dec. 28th, of boys! OI-sage Lodge o. 8, Lnnadowno, $0 glloaing ofgcers wort` duly installed . .. onry ml}. ; n mater,` . W. Lndon; chspl n, %cCullough; roconlimr aecrehrv. Nnrlnnn W. Webster : 1 Toronto MIMI. If Mr. King's story is.tu'xo--and it is not ' satiefactorilyaieiiieml-Mr. Baird is no or- dinary politician. In fact. he in a`o.extraor- dinary that parliament is not the place for him. M r. Baird thought last session ill. a /man could fairly represent the dpeople in parliament though not elected to 0 I0. He now imagine: that a seat in the common in a legitimlte article of commerce. V In: I` :1 II: Toronto Mall. It I` Kin-n I Iuuunuwuu I The old or the young may at all times and all seasons of the your take Burdock Blood Bitters with benet when requiring A blood purifying tonic, or a re nlntor of the sto- mach, bowels, liver or ki neys. 1 ____.__. . l Their approbation in the selection of goods in tho oovoiul lings. whether Staple or in Spocinl Lies. My aim 15' to try and please. and thus far I have met with _TIECE