,..'L`' _`$a'2..'{.'2.23u .3` no mud: n 1 "1 011430.059" R" xu- mu! '_\'t-I Jv1r@tre,a1 Annun9 Ill |v\. .I|nIll1v`i II II 'Ilh'l| fur Ihn .\lnlum | pm-1., .\Ir. J. (iro-o-II- wilt Um funmtnng "RULE 003! 0012 I "POI gljll n-.\]-u-(`I .`\' Ilulr. \\'|:;l! [HI] I Willll. u lxllotr to TE`[I5W' i `iJOHNSTON; ;FLU|D BEEF] W In. Inf ("Kl um enninodf Wu. llauxu III. l".C.S. Annlyucnl Chcllbt to tho Britilh (Zovemnmn, on 1-" II is on ollhcmod Foodtlhn 5 INN Yqohwc |n';mJicut, and I Ion H ALI: Dnuoun. Ill! mar (UNION it. C9CK|.E S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. no and Strength aim. uauurxy, Lbuluu aypuuuv. 1 union; ago, nu the many diseases due to insumcicnt supply at Nervous Fame. N For weak and dellvate Women und.lOh1ld- is highly endorsed by the Medical Profession for its wonderful euraltivo effects produced in cases of Pulmonary Consumption. Chronic Cough. Bronchitis and Throat Aoctlons. Asthma. Scromla. Wasting. and Diseases of Women and Children. In cases of the Nervous System. as Mehtal Anxiety General Debility. Loss of Vigor, Want. 0% 1 Energy. Lsnzuid Appetite. Paralysis. and ` Hm vnnnv din:-um (Inn In lnuuh-inn! snnnlv nf `HAm%MAc%i`o: _vv'm-'p;o; Que. sold 1;, uni Dealer: I (hronx_hout Canada. I _ BROWN BROTHERS &, 00.. ` --v---u--w-- --r---v-- -- 9n:u1I'n:o'r1.Y 2333331! `mm HEARING. % I and by ooldl. 2:)v1.::.t::-rI`u:i"i1.}tlhe:rt::1thon.:I?u|?u`drumL AJVIIYI I EUUHE "g UEHTJ i Pock s Patent Improved Cushioned hr mm 1 ___ __ __- _ -:--turn; nurrtn GQA D1191: I H0 mntterwneuner ulsnuluu us unu-vu u; \nnIu-. fever: or urleuothonnlunldrumn. Alwayn n position. utln blo tuoothera and con- `formhlo to wear. ualc; c_-Vouverunuon. ova whispers hoard distinctly. Wt roterto than using them. Bend forlllununwd book otprooh ` free. A,ddreaIl'.H1BO0X.B63Brondway.N.Y, ..--:- '1"iJTTNER s EMULs10N PUTTNER S_EMULSION COD L1VERf?.1L._ETC-~ Nubhy in style and 1:: are the gnrlm-nts prmluceu uy us. lJ'(lEN'l.\` FURNl.\`HIX(l.\` IN \'.~\RIl`I'l'\'. L.-\'l`E.\"l` NUVl'Il.'l'l 1-2.\`.'u C. ROBINSON. - We1lingtonSt.,2Doors1`romPrinoessSt. roun (7! June: 8 him an Firms. Dur long experience in the lmsim-ss nml other facilities we pos.~ess enable us to supply our customers with the very best goods at the lU\\'t`.Sl possible prices. Our business (as before) will he umoluctml strictly on the One Price System. A good dollar's worth iveu for every -lollar l`t`Ct`l\'t`1l. (`Cull am inspect. the goods and the store. A ne range of New Goods to select from at prices ranging from 8 cents to 60 cents a yard, in the leading styles and colors at ALEX. ROSS , -- Carpet and Millinery Warehouse. : "'-" \ -. Showing a lnrgv stock of Boom. Shoes. Trunks. Valisrs, Hugs and Satchels of e\ cry de- acriptinn from the host houses in the Dominion. incliuling the Superior Manufactun-s of J. D. King & (.`o., & 1'. Bell. ('ooper & Smith, H. 1-}. (`larke & (0., and other relianble Firms, rho iron Dress Goods! Dress Goods H Vv.J.D1cK &SON AND THEY WILL WEAR TWICE AS LONG. Come where you can secure best goods at Lowest Prices.` Rare sssortment of all the latest and choicest goods in the market. Our stock is complete in every de mrtment and mnsists of Beavers, Meltons. Nnls. Freizes, Vorsteds. Tweeds and luxury 'l'ruuserings. It is our nim to pliame all that favor us with stall, and we consider it No trouble to show goods. whether you intend to purchase or not. Second to none in workmanship nud quality. On inspection you will be tempted to place an order, and Nobhy in style and ii: the garments produced by us. as-P I-`.N'ls l`I1R.`\'l.\`HIXl:.\` IN \'ARlE'l`\'. l\'U\'l'Il.'l'Il~2.\'.'In1 RUBBERS I I 1 v :--nl.nu 14lqIIul.uI`oIHqy 1 I lied! t h tril d la n A gin: #io:po at F):-?:%st;"?by H331 yu- gi. we. ELY BROS", Greenwich bt.. 0 III . Dnuucxsm. HALIFAX. N3. Piithor dentnou is caused by oouu. In-lea to the nnluraldrunn. ut. Invisible to others I . SAW'Fll.lR Arm GINIRAL Jon untied and lock: npdnd. Thou ern.\_NI<.lI 0` !93'.'_'3_2 !._'3 LI _`\\' K "53; In-I-6 --r 1-- - 1 % 3 - o Jon i..$'..'3n.'Zu`fnmm. ON YOUR NEW STORE (at the Old Stand), PLATE _qu_ss. uoudtnaus. aouvm l ca CATAIJIII --A hm of the lnundronln who hvoboonuncceulully tnmlul by Dr. Wuh` wan`: now method : . lorey. Acton. um . glove munuInotun~r. cured of calm-rh ol tho tlnrual. after being liven ugh noted: -I-nlluuu. It-I.JQn 0 {ul\`t')`. .lnpmn.um..(`mnrrh Ind (.`o-mnmptlcun. Icliclvuy. Kinmlun. (Vunrrla. A. llonpln. do. llmlwho Cuununnplinn. Soon. do. Cuum-h. head and Ilu-ml. Ma A. Ronllmunz. (`Mm-rvlllc-'. 0nI., (hm _ haul and lhmnl. '0'"! CEFV`-I |. ASTHMA, IRONCHITII. CA`l ARRH,COUCHI,OI.DI, Ac. |GROClS' nnnulrl H.Jnn&0u. OILS l'l.A\'0X`.lNC IX?!-AC1`l "Monica 3 Why do you poison your blood and injure your stomschn by the use of strong drop. ivhich seldom cure uad alwsyu do more or lggg `harm. .You can be curod without I possibility of injory by the use 0 A. NOR-` MAN'S Electra-Cuntivo Bolt, Insulin and Trnnu. Write for Circular `giving full puicnzuu. Connnltutionhound privuh. 4 Stout Rut. Tannin. , W. J. WILSON. Sch Aunt. loom- IJLI cl, x\uun.,; u. Ii ............ ._ - `F. MILBUHN & C0,. Pnppriolors. `Toronto. __:_::,.:- %oov31A7i2%tqrvI1!? Take no other. cum per bottle. in n `I t .0. rfoprlililnl muuuu... I The Union Iodicino 00.. -h Elia/is an4NrLMN A T---m - . ..--. .... uleau coxc:.~:1-mun. PLEASANT. urrtcruu. AND nu. nu: ma -, __...... nnnrnn I7 11 I : To be had at I). F. AR 1\?|.\`Tl{lh\ G'S. _ Princess Street. wwwv-v- ~~ gom Price. $081105 no. P190 ;-iowunnd Ihnutnctnnrl. - _ n_:-_ Il.J:.n. n _ Tam Ch- LI`!-I -run HODDEIPS c3nIi3o UND. o Sold everywhere. Price. 75 per bottle. DR. HODDER'S IIL\TG-1 A Rmsav & Sou. Agonts. Autumn and Punummllon. M.-so lung or San Thtuat I-lnluncol Tuuulll. Polypun I cannot . : Ocov 116 Yomro ln-cl. Tomato. u ht nuuouhru. COACH COLOII Ivnteurlurs vamusucs FIBEMENE I IEW IATERIIL onun-o-I467 ALI. Coll hnu. (`tmau-1.-n'rIn.-I lfmua. s."..."."' .`..'..".'5': '%""!'."' "` '}t``'`` '3'?` . `I I I `ll Imus ' mun. rum` I - and Uumumpllon. .\l.-so loan at den. Son Thnnl. lalnlnnmd Tumnlll. l'o|)'Dul T \\'hu\csI1Ie in Kingston by C. S. H()IL~\IlT. _.__ _-, ,. _..__..__V._?.__.._______..._ .\ -rl Hui! lu liluuxluu. ll'uIm'n- lug/ml I'Imr-sclay. Jun. `.`JIIo mad with. at llrluuh Amr- rlc-mo Muir). iiiiul. 0. wow. % lnlloh M00. 8'IYoIIe8t..1'onnto. .. ...u v u.-mnuml N. WASHINGTON. H.D.. L.U.P.8.0. on: ooa`e~wsrgjq-gs,` " "' than have then return ujun . I mun: L cure. Inn mule the about of FITS SP. or ruin. a BIOKNEBS ~. mo-Io-mind . may toenro thzwout out-. Iuoun nuon or not now nothing I -% -`-*.`r.-,T *"- :,:..~=r.*%.+.-..-3r..m-.."..-::%~'.: a trial. udl cu0'NI- Ad- lminout 111m: and Lunfsnrgoon. IS WORTH "AR"MnR1-:(`:H'r`_sV nlAI.n-J A4-nvvf 0 I do not mean merely to stop then In th I E: vs Olll nturnlcun mum 2.-2v.=:.:.'.'-.:-.'...'..F.:..;;'F..`3. . ME12I95m=s- lwonmn nr Child RN11`! :1 Liquid orsmqf ruin nnnh nnnfrn null In I |uREm BALM ELY S Buennc from W oriu (no louuwmg rcuauua nu au uuurc',. The torms lady and gentleman have been and are so misu as to have grown almost meaningless, and their con_stant. application to all mnrliti-ms of life almost vulgar. Hence tho lcrm lady friend does not convey Kny im- pi'c;\~'inn, as a rule, beyond that the friend is a feminino one. If intended to qualify, it can only bear the inference that the person speaking of n1_','.la.lly friend" has others he or sho does not consider ladies. Every re- spectable woman or girl is presumed to be a lady, and every reputable man a gentleman, until ho or she proves himselfor herself to be ~ otherwise. Among rened and cultivated. people, whose use of languago is tho best test of its correctness. the moment: a word or term becomes misused and meaningless it is dropped. Hence the reaction of late years among rened people in favor of the old Saxon terms, man and woman. Lady and gentleman in other days carried an idea. of person; ot good breeding and position. (The desire of many people to have these terms applied to them is due to the impression that their assumption of them, or reeentment when they are not applied, wilhgivo to them qualities and position they do not possess. Disreputable persons of either sex are often vehement in their claims to be called "lady" or "gentleman" l ' must do all that. AVON] I I'Il I_V eunu--an It is in the worst possible taste, according to Eu-per`: Baza-r, for a lady to concern her- self about a gentleman`: hat, the seat he has chosen, the lenmh of a call, or anything about him. She eimply smiles," bows, gives him her hand when he comes in to make a. dull, and puts him at his ease by her tactful con- i veraation, as he makes an effort to be agree- able to her. ` She does not urge him to come again or to proloiig his call; her manner v......... ......' -.... ..m.mInlh.- nmmmrl at All`? must (10 ill tlill. Young men are esgecially annoyed at any exhibition of madness on the part of their entertainers. -' I wish Mrs. Brown would let ' moettonen nnoomtorablo chair it I wish to," Ii the remark of more than one young mu when he comes out ofnmefussy presence. Young men can take care of themselves in 3 parlor, and It It not an uncommon fault of American women that they on too nnxiou: co take an ol men. \ . _ Manners and (`ustoms P1-actlced In Polite Soclety. An authority on etiqnottu, objecting strongly to the terms lady friend" nnd gventlc-man friend," gives through The World the following reasons for so doing: 'n...o....m._- I...lu nml mmtlumnn lmvn hum . cw Yo`:-k. ' .____._..__ loo for Slck Stomach. Whonaperson is sick at. the stomach, ice taken into the mouth in small pieces. ind .allowed' to melt lx!fom swallowing. will in very many inst.-mves relieve the discomfort. Cleaning the Hair and Scalp. For cleaning and softening the hair A popular means is u beaten:-_:g rubbed well into the hair and nnitho scalp, and thor- oughly rinsed out Wllll . waters. It does not leave the skin harsh and dry, as soap, ammonia, etc, sometimes do. (`nrbonau-Al Waters Dr. H(`l`Z0`,`,', a German pliysiciaxi, valls A0- tentiou 00 an evil results of a continuum use of carbonated waters. A daily use of such beverages will in consequence of the disten- sion of the digestive orgnns, caused by the carbonic neid- gas. produce nervousness. ; numbness, irritation, and aveurupturu of u vmel. These, like powerful medicinal, should only be employed under Che advice of 3 physician. Treatment of Burnl. For simple burn: on or the white 0! an egg can be used. One part of cu-boliv acid to six parts olxvo oil is found to be invalu- able in most one: of burns. slight or severo, and the rst layer of lint should not be re- moval till the cure iscomplete. but snturntod from tinm to time luy the application of fresh outside layers. lIl'I \" CL Il\'l l)lVl.~i will yu-M working 1n a P1 nbuvu the 1-I:u'v 11 little .~p:1t't` lo mlltinm t`.n- luu ion with n In-Iv ; ___ .. .__. .|.,, .. pn-wnt lhv s..x':~ fr any surfan-, or it 4. (`nroml Nu:-ting. When a sick person is obliged tolio con- stantly in one position, as is the can with 5 broken leg, bed sores must. begunnlod against. The lower part of tho luck is most frequently attacked. says Uoncl ll<)u.9L-kn-oping, And the numu should p(L"\S luvr lmuxl undur it at least. twice a day to see that tho -lraw sheet is {rm from wrinkles and creusz-.i. Morning and night she mu.~t lxitliu it with is small sponge alipp-Hi in alcohol or a soluimn of tannic acid, uni who-n in la dry rub it ill! corn sturvh or lmclmlic-at nur. It may sm-In inipu.~.~.iblo in ` lIl`l` in get In-r lmnd nude-rm-uth, but niust. ` u liltlo no pn-wurc, and by mil at old Unvn uml<-rllm bark tn he lunthosl. she will obtain work in. If in spite 0! pro- lurk bO(`0ll)('i suro, nn air cush- in the middle nmst be used to ~ -1`v fmxrivnliiiilg in vuzitnvt with n- -;. ,4-.. .L,,.I IIGTY 1.Il'I|lgllKo. ` largo dunes are described an ptoduciug I quiet stupor gnd additional ones I profound ` la-lhngic slumber which last: in some can twenty-!our hours. Ilullfl. Another cans rm: that u! in man who bought I {out ouncu butuo every morning and drunk in content: by noon. Ho craved the uni? In nnlently am he was unable toga about his business until he Ind not the Inn- chiuery of his stomach in opontion and started the circulation of the blood with thh Ilery dnught. Ln-an An-an nan ulna-I-ihml an nlndm-inn I ITIUL The authority um-mioned relates tho lu- suuco 0! I woman whu,t'unIl'l(`l0d tho habit through employing the ginger on an-wrnl oc- oujonn for nuunu'hi<- mint. Tho relic! it Ilfonlod bar In: no gran-ful that she took to it upon any recurrenm at hot trnubla Bho ` luuncl, um. that the slight oxhlnrnuon of the ~ alcohol banished mmud dopreuwn. In this wny Ibo got. tn using it n-guhrly. sad nally to Inch nu am. that aha was ottan zronly tutoxlcnunt A...\n.-- A... _--.. 0|.-no nl A nnnn -Iu\ ~ \\'l' '.. CURE OR RELII-`.\'l~`. Biiiiiiisiiua; Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Jnunclice; l.r3`sipi~l:L=. Sail Rheum. Hoar hurn. llcudnchc Dizziness. l)rnp.~xy. I-`iuiicrirg of the Heart. Aci dity of the Stomach. Drympss of vie Skin. and every species of disease arising from disordered Liver. Kidneys. Slonmch. Bowuis or.Biood. . . . . . . . . ...v - nu r\_......:..o.-nu "Tn:-anon mm In) uruygguu. llnvmg unm awquiml :1 liking (urn, up. - mun M nmvh u nlnvo to his uppe- tn-ontor ur the voury of co J'J"1kH mu nu no n vmlm. In In am it it much the munt. lnjr ` riuu.-a of all Iuh pnvtuw, for in the mall '0! Unit It dmfmyl Um muting u! (bu sawm- hl victim w 5 slow and |go- * uh an inning dcuth. Thu ulrugght up that on gin- gt-r u:~m\- uontaim abnat NI) pnr cont. alm- hul. and whisky 14-an (Jun 50 per mm... the former In tbonron twice an intoxicating. In (mt, thin in tho I-Iutiu why. it is mad by hu- tbnodoldtoponwhouo utomlcluuono ` longer capable of lnmxiontlng stimulation from whllky. The-y mod the more powerful agency oi the pure nlmhol In tho ginger ex- tract IIIL- _..n_.-_n.. ........x....,..I .....I.o... Mm In. u1`llwulI'. lIII'uIII\I~ giIr,;s-r. ortho ulmbol : mm by druszghu. lluvlng acquit yang: as mu lit-vuu t on !`01 |N` mine. its cglmt m _ :2! pram. 0! M dfIfl'd)`I 0!! win vmi M Tbmlru mar man-nan nnntnin-A nh Pl-'YS.QLOGV mo nvmcnz`. I'll ll I21 ll!) ILIU IL \\llJl YU neat in umlc-rm-ut ll pr-~~| ;; uuu ht` hhf.` 5; :4 I n mus .~.- - Tana nr it nnnnnf HA-1| Avold 0 I-`ugly Manner. nu. urn:-:1". nnmihla taste. a SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. L I Jlfl running It I cannot. heal. hm umwnsn wum. xvnnxnsun. MN. n. \I|'u"`lI luufi mily mall- I \.. -._l.. 1 n nunu. oondmonge-I ubuulv nl -.\nv'I`. For min by J. U. King. A. I . (`hown and 311 drugxiatu. Ask (or it. _ _.__....._..g .-_u_ nn-___n_-n__ ..`_-"L19 III nun:-rllr lllY'f v pvopll in-nu!-I ll. ma-I'5t|I 5"! torn tul. . A ram Athcki A fntal attack of oroup is a freq'uent oc- currogce among children. Every household nhoul Poctonl at hind. It mks up colds, ........I.. nnnnn nhnng nn hl-nnnlliltin In I v-. be ed by kee ing HagyAnl" I plllu uluupu, um ' cut or nn-cut. To Avoid Baldness or any Hair ~ Use Dr. Dorenwe.nd'a Great German Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free from dnndru`, and promotes the gmwth of the hair. It 1-`events premature gt-ayness and stops I oiling out of the hair. On 'bnld heads, where the root: have not perish- ed, it will invigorate them and force a new growth of hair, Ask for Hair Magic. It in `V the only rolioblo. For nle by J. U. King, A I Chnnm And all drnmrintl. Cold--l'aet Um` be cured by Normufs Electric in- soles. They are benecial in All kinds of diseases becnuee they tone, strengthen. and build up the nervous eyetem. W. -J. Wilspn, ngeut, The Pharmacy. . \ Ullllllutwun The ohl or the young may at All limos and | all seasons of the your uke Burdock Blood 1 `Bitter: with benefit when requiring 8 blood purifying tonic. or In re ulntor of the sto- mach, bowelu, liver or H neya. L. DORINWEND - Bola Msnumdr. 1`()Iu).\"I`u. \`A.\`.\UA. Brok I. Booth : it the can I t. `p non for pine Bloch. bllnchvrond. hm or softwoo mt . . ' Ely`: Cream l|nIm._ l have been troubled with catnrrh for the ` past ten years and have tried a number of remedies but found no relief until I purchas- ed a bottle of l~Ilv`s Cream Balm. I consider it the most reliable reparation for catarrh and cold in the hea(l1.--George E. Crnndall, l .M., Quonoclmwntam , R.I. I was troubled wit I cntarrh for seven years previous to commencing the use of l.l `s (`ream llalm, some ve months ago. I t as done `for me what other so-called cures failed to do, cured me. The ei.-ct of the Balm seemed mzLgicnl.--Clarence L. Hu, Biddelurd, Me. -- I the only rauuno. ror lulu uy u A._1 . Chown md all druggiats. ollowny`s I'I"l|. When first the nerves feel unstruug, and listlessness allppllmta energy, it is the right time to tske some slterative as Holloway`s Pills to prevent disorder running into dis- ease. These excellent Pills correct all irre~ gulnrities snd weaknesses. They act so kindly, yet so energetlcallymn the functions of digestion and assimilation, that the whole body is revived, the blood is rendered richer nnd purer, the muscles become rmer nnd stronger end the nervous sud absorbent sys- tems are invigomted. These Pills are suit- able for all classes and all ages. They have a most marvellous e'ect on persons who are out of condition ; they soon rectify whatever is in fault. restore strength to the body and 3 condence to the mind. V I \A|ll|II|")'l nu but ol 1 hitch Inn u x nru ...u .. % Quin-d tlm In Ihn nun! Iounnl `nu ru nu. the cc-nllo-Imln men: "\.'...|. II...\ .V.' u... ..... Inc nulelgu u'mu- u, Murgnro-1'4 Ivy z\m-n:-..n hv An III-Acripliun_ [rum 1!- Lowc-ll. um! um C.l\lnIl u the umnuvrn 1.! la-nulnn, wnuo-n fur u. by Imrcl und Rule-igln liu bum--I in 1 III! Am! mlum clnlw! nl In recorded In tlw mnrrmu C II'I-I" Cnunlrymnn (tn sh Iuwe yuu gut. III nil:-r: [iv-ra'-Iv Inrlnvnnt \\' When Baby waa nick. we mm but Caatona When the via a Cbd, aha cried for Caatorig When aha bocuna llaa. ana clung to Canada, Whoa also had Chndnan. aha gava than Caatorlg A. Dorenwend lathe lending nmnufnctllrcr or Ilair Uoods in Cullmhn. "I'r."in|}ni In none of Josh: mun. from The Lomlnn Tum-n. A uucnicom min.-d |:L\-n window in man oryol Milton will uhnrlly be plan-d inst `taunt : Church. It iv tho gilt of Mr. G. W. Child: of l'hIl:uIelphi.'g who prmu-vlted the drinking luuuz.-un cu Slrulhml-nu-Avon and the beautiful wlnnluw HI lmnur nl Hrrberl And Cowper lu \\'n-slnulnm-r .-\|-In-bv. At. the reqnoat. uf tho I1.-cmr M St. .\I..r.m.-L`... iuncnptmn has bow-n wrnnvn f-n .\lnlu;| Mimlnw hy the Ann--ncan Urn-0-Ir lvul \Vlul.urr, wlm Inn flIIl\\ll| |...__ . "Thu: Nrw 'orhl Fol Hngxlumlls I I|IfD_ Iuxw IIDIIK. I Th:-Ir vom-_- omlun-. xtonl nsunm an ulna. u. area In coma, 1111:. cronp. uthmn and bronchitis in a te- r Ahla mnnner. ' ' cH'Es'n-:n's cum: SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. smnu, mu. A rusinve CURE run sncx mnncne.` Will ho hum! invulunhlc fnrlhn lmirnnd scalp It t'I\`ull.*~I lhv M'z|l|M2[uH l|:uulrull', invigomlua the gruulh ufvhu lmir. nml in names 0! lmldncsa \-`lu-ru` the-rv are the sliulxluwl .-urns of Nuts '9 It will prudm-u nml cmp.-ms Imir. ll restores -3` hair to Its original vulor. und in an excel- rnl drmuninu. Ix) N01` In-2l..\\'. If your hair is in a weak `W-"ll Gray )FSyrup Red Spruce Gum FOR S $ >'lIHIII 3 I\ [I f nny rulur` nwn Iinh? .I `I'l'|Ic- Ilrru-unable-. \\'l... nu gun. [)9-re : u luilrlu I, mm: \\'loil- I-all? Ir. .. llL\|' u ` Sold by all Drugclsts. or Free by Post on receipt of 81.00. W. E. CHESTER: 46! Luanciouoro St. ' IIHIIIKKIVI KI OIDIJIIIIII` xfnl u : .-\|-I--y F .\l;|I .4 I - . vnlm mt Unllmlted. lcnl DO .\'()'I` lll'IL.\\'. yuur O0I|(Nl|0l|('l ubolllv by Kink. I`.