tion of com nleuon pendulum enu 6lcIpe- ` mente. we as the combining of ,iron and brain. Graham`: mercurinl and Harrison : gridiron pendulnmn; end the fourth ego wee the detlnhui eecapementn invented in the middle of the century. But the moat correct eeonpemout I'll that of Sir Edmund `Beckett Dennison, who uuperintended the erection of-the greet clock in the Victoria tower of "`* . ` III. VIUIIII 0UI.l0 I -`IIVHCUI V` IIHJII I mug. "Stan ol Elrth." to be sung by Mia . Alice Brillnll. oi the Klnglton rlnul l0Ci(:' ty'n concert on 'l`|mndAy. I A tnnrn nf Inn-no-, nu-nu] In: Hr, (H5131-r. I Ill. IIIIUIK Tho lruluur 0! tho Orphan Home ac- knowlodgn. with thanks. the nun M 0-10. kindly donated to that Institution by the county council ol l"ununu~.\ Thu! linml, hnmlinl In-ling and Jun howl ~ `caucus. ` Dr. Clark has kindly comemo-I to play the violin ohgclo In Michael Watson`: puns "KIA!-Q nl Earth," In Inn Inna In: Mill men. 1150 up" from the country II M noun! tag. The human boom ought In In in non. ' Thu Sacha Brwbou. owner ol the Ari- adne. will brl out I new yacht In the ' which ill be goodonough to down t duh. TL- a._-..._.- _.l AL- l\...I.-..- `Inn... ... `mu u on cancer. The Sum an campaign has |-Mn mono-I with 5 turns on Nuulon. than In war only 3 (nut and ol u more ocpshlo mango meat. 1`. ....-..l _....-n 1...... AL- ...n_A-nu In nl X I!) UIIICT N. \\'uli'. but-I VIIIQNI Imlnlo who I evening. 1`: L-nah! Hlhnl lnl my. `I you MI not with the cuuo you an lady. to lulry I Tboupnofnilw always an utlduuoo. Hhlnr Ikunn. uhmnhh-r ul John I'.ultmI. IIWIVI `IV: Iugtu`. Hillel Patton. uh M4-r ul John I'.nttm|, I u-.. will unveil at I o nmwlug HM "z-.3 :- uou any IN: evening. previous to young to In-ti an on ocor. 1-5. a... -... --...__|.. I.-- L..- ........I awning. The `at-ht Ethel. lunnuly of Ucwugo. Ian ` has by H. (3. [pan to I. A. sun-gun. \ Null! Point. i > TN: morning Nayc (hnon `,;I\'C llw gru- } than {rum Smith`: Full: I hire about the ` nil.- A LECTURE OF GREAT INTEREST IO SCIENCE LOVERS. j A cnlmmn I'M lhIotl- C3 Incl cool: fur lvn-sling the calm -luv today. , The Ingram lloulty I 'l`Immpuoa'u M in now uumpun-I. Try II and _\uu will nah nn mks! NH! Pnn-nplo Pickett l'p by our ur- umnonn tn Thou liuuhlu. "III, WHICH Cl |"KIUIH.`.U Tim and` languid (:13 and dull hunt I who is \'crx |.,._C:l.`l`l'I`1'l|;"L. u":;!.'x: [W0 U! '.'.`.r DIVISION. cduaf clses MEETING OF CATTLE MEN- mc:oNu`or me on. ."f',`f".`t`.`t. .':?". rlnyur. found I Jory -mot. `ha! l`he Bnrnsu \VllI0. hu pth In t oiruhtiouiq Contnl. Can A, in the at mninm fnr Aolvnrlnv in ' Woutlm; _l';-obg|.mu.:: Strong wont to north-wen} winds, `fair colder weuthor. The talnponturo wili fall ` near to or below zero to I/night. I'rnC. [Inputs ign-tutu 1 OIIOIIIIIIOII ll LOIIFIII. \/II ` medium for ulvortising in; AI lsluuuuu III vuuvwnuu At the annual Ineoti of Cum-nqui dis triot lodges No. 9. hold Portsmouth, the following olceru was eluted for the ensuing your : ' District Mum---C. Bnbobok. Dept. Mater--W. S nor. Trounrer--C. Boutri . Scent: -J. Gillespie. Flannel SOON -J. Mills. Chaplain -W. C. I. D. of C.--J. Nlokluon. I I ....ou u-an-_.' .qp_gIIu_ 1 Those lloldlug Pluceu fur the Ennuhu; ` \'oIr--'I'ho lmutallntlun of Tlgem. The following otlicers of Center ui lodge No. I0. 1.0.0. F., were elected and xnstnlld for the ensuing term : J.P.U.-J. S. R. McCann. `N.(}.--N. T. Greenwood. V.G.-K. Mclver. RS.--W. J. Moore. nu I 1` n.........m...l Blll`e(ll_V D8 gl\'lI. At ll o'clock to-day the council of the board of trade, the provisional directors of the nilwny company,und the deputation had 3 private meeting. SIICII Illlllglu The other gentlemen expreued thank: and urged the schema. Mr. (Inns nying that while large bonuses need not be expected from ll: townships. yet somellolp would As~ auredly be given. -It ll n`nlnnL- m..hw thn r-mmnil nf tho 01 [HO lK3Hr. I-`. I-`. Frost accepted the honor conferred, and would endeavor to co-opornu with tho boanl in pushing the mud through. Hu- was more than ever impressed with the fear sihility of the scheme. Owing to the round- about way of getting good: into the section Kingston was losing trade and Montreal was securing it. The road would change such things. 'I`|u: nunr uantlmnnn n\-nrnnnml thnnlrn nun] ICCIITQQL Maura. R. J. Carson and H. Cun inghum touched on the ulvuntnuee the would be to them end the city. The council of the bound of trnde Wu empowered to confer with the do utation mud to present the mat- ter to the city council. Amid nppluune the gentlemen were elected honorary members nf Hub Iurmnl l7llllBlllUl.I II ` of the board. I.` I.` I.`....- s "`3:~ '\III8'K()II UllI"|Il|l IN,` I! IITDIII U? ZKU on an shoulder: burden: in order to reap I lI|f\`B8t of trade. It the Ichcmc wan foul- ble he urged speedy work. Secure. bonuses, then the govermncnt would he! , and th. necessary onuiclo capital would quickly secured, \l.._.._ D I n__.-____Ix1 n......:._..L.__ um penny uuuncsn. Hon. U. A. Kirkpatrick acid it was emi neatly duirnblo to have connootiom by nil- ` W13 ! Wilh all the growing town: hereubuut. ` '1 inn is the cm of railway development, and ` lending tuwun must not hqnbelund in the ` IAAQ, Kinnni4.n nhnnlal uni A`-QM in hdrn l|'lI {H Ilclt. llllf wuuul nearuly I|lp|I.|l'l Illc wholne. Mr. Robertson was fnvoruhle to all rnilwnys. If it had nocheen for the K. & l'- R- he would not have been in King ICOII 30418] unlou he was utinliul with a CV0 penny business. "an I: A "ir`rI\-fl-:15`: --In` it urn: Anni _uiIu7.} 11-11;!`-IHIVI-3; l"'\}$B'(l"'xH 111} race. kinguwn ohnuld not Afraid wake ill nhnuhlarn lmnienn in nnhr M man A I). 0! U.-0. Iuuuuox Lecturer--!. `Sully. -`I"I\II I IVCIII. Menu. Jnmuu .\liunca ml I}. W. Robert sou. \Vh0|IIlers. were auuimu In retain the eMU~'|`l| llhh`. the best part of their buai nan: `rho-\.' u-nnhl Ix...-Oiln nunnnr! `Inn nu nulcallnclu. Ul uclrly {,|l,\AN.|AlL J. M. (`lurk uni-I gn-at uls-mugs Ivuuld accrue to Kinguou by the building of the road. Smith`: Fl! was nlno fully Alive tn iu interecu in the matter There was room for lhe rxwl. an-I if Kingston let the oppur (unity slip he Cnllltl unsure it `hat trulc woulal be alivertc-I rlscnlu.-re. The enter- prise would be suppuru~l by the people of Smith": Fullu. ` \I..-_.._. l.... \|: , , I 1- nv In,.I,..._. U.ll.-- l. J. l\0gUfIu J.G. -J. Uochnme. `D B \Y I! IV I(:-.... um. v'. u. -~n . nrou lea R..S.S.--I". Moxley. 1.as.-w. D. Gum. / . District DoleguteI--N. T.,(irceuwood, J. L R. .)lcC|nn. ' Clnpl|in---W.,K Rontloy. l hysicinn-\\'. H. Henderson. WIUU. ` I I". I". Front, 0! Smith`: Fella. he and hie colleague: came to Kingelaon to eecurc information. ll they found the echemc fee eible .\`milli'u Fella. he wee sure. would be prepared to contribute toward it b we ol 3 bonnie. Hareomlly he would 0 el he could to further the echenie. Coueu uctlon would not be diicult. The chief olntaclee would be found between Kinglton and Smith`: l-`Alla. If the propoeed roed wu houafclc then they were prapered to go lie- [ore the people with propoeele. The med wuuld he 2! heuetil. tu Smith`: Fell: and of greater bouetit to Kingston. They deeired tn trule here. Smith`: Fell: wu program ing. having now u population of 3,(XJU uul nu ueeuluem ul nenrly $l,(lX.l.(IN. J (`Lurk Ihlll Ill`In.IA' ml:-nnlgnnn Ilnnlai Iu`.-'-VV . ll. L00l'U- l'.S.-J. 0. Greenwood. 'l`reuurur-A. Mlcaliutcr. \\'ar(len--I`. Haywurd. Conductor--G. Sine. III! 'I` \' Dan.-- 1] .\I. --U - \zUClIl'IIlCn R.S. N.G.-W. King. LS. NJ}. ---'1`. Shnrmax IlUVl unnprchru pl In mum- .5. LS. D Q l.4.\`. IV .ll. --1. DIIITIIIEII. R. S. V. G. ---W. . Rollimon. L.R.V'.G.-~H. Brouse. D Q Q 4'!` Mad.`- I\IlI"'lI IU"II_)' lllxI,llI\'U ITI IIUIIIIIU I Ibo. The uuotiolu.-Ior_v character o! tho Iuduu cuul wuiilptul out. It can not than than on much Cu lunhor from (mun to Kingston to mm Klnguun Iouuugo. Prugrou through {on -own locks on var slow. Iblwcol K can And SIuiLl|'I I" II. the latter the venue of 0 him! populous `wution. them In 5 line mnntry. Two u~'-N-s hero p-nuiblo, one through Salty`: May. the other through Ihturou uul Slorrington. The Inner though the mocha. in the uhonat. A!- lor punmg Jum.~u' Foil! s most lo-rtilo coun- try was found. The Ipoolu-r dwelt on the gran oocuoity {or K too to nuln the trade oi the con] and I dad that limnchlly Kinpton In well Able to min the ante: prise. I-`. I-'. Front. of !'lmith'n I-`Alla, nial hp and ' I The subject of the prujacu-cl uilu any hum Klupfun tn Utuwn. as wluulou (M which wu non-rod at tbs lul nation at puuuumt vu count-Iorcd at the hon-cl ul trade lut evening. A clopaulknn 0! utlumn from Numb! l"u||I. uouohshg 0 Mann. I". I . Front. .`npt..I~`untor. (uh (`nu ndJ. I. ('l|rl. was in utcuduacc and took A lively hm-n-so in Hue Ii-xmlonmb C. F. Glider- uluon introduced on jut. 1 out that if Kin won tlolncl In mma po- oluon II he to uooogtho nuompt. mule by UN umuc muou III 550 nut Vilh Old WC! wt ruilvny. -to divert the cutout tmlo mm Kingston. A nllwuy from Klaplou to Own an away the lint to In ` I ed in (`uwkhy chhb Thoma trick. and if It Iwl In-on curried outtbn Klnguton today llllhl.,hl\'I been double ill nhn. Thu unnnlinlu-unrv clnrnchr nl llm ` A noun THAT won. as or GREAT ADVAN use `ro xmasron. `Um Vuln-our I'n-nun-I la Ibo Mucus! M `l'nndc--.\ llopulnuuu (nun aunt : Fall- I`I-ounu--Jinppotl KII.|I|II Inulv Mun A I! A I I.\\'.\ Y | l{U.l I-]1? l'l'I|). Able to Lulu Ibo Inlrrpuu-. ELEC;ihG ;!'HE OFFICERS. Au lilootlnl of Olooru. ,__-_I __--u_.. ..'l r`-c-..- S.-\\'lN(: 'l`l|H SE(.`H.\'|).\`. || 155"; HIE U03! pin. 0! I'll!!!` Dllll 'l`|u-_y would heartily support the Is. Rnln-rtnnn u-an fnvnrnhle to (`II V Hmuwlally Arilln-~nu-Mn he Inll; Ilw Ir I'\\`r' II. K53 Dlllll rlhl .| wnrth) suhjev intn nIf\||I.A. 1 |l'lI"I 1 up the cunt`; I Bl.` u I '5] (U\|I\|\III" II 1 luulimblo in - if u in Innu- 1 Hunt! Thu! 60 About I609. Lne Ieconu age win we um- eover of the pendulum by Gullilio in 1640. But nyghetl: showed thntulilleo was not correct in his views of the pendulum, but that the pendulum varied with latitude and won the means odiecovery of the form of the earth. In 1680 the anchor encepement was invented by Clement. of London. The sources of error were still quite numerous; the priuci ml one was the changingdength of the pent ulum, owing to the the expnusiou by heat and the contraction by cold. A clock with an iron, rod for its pendulum which would be correct in summer would ain ehout thirt seconds daily in winter. fhe [accuracy ,0 all time-keepers depended `on `the construction of their escepementu and regnhtorl. The third 9 won the inveu-, ` i d - 2222` `?..2`.;'...".".`. .f.'.;`.'.';`.`.'l".?:'T 1.3. 331 um they I my of life. 1 my men- Fhisnue K certainly ` rlicru had 1 rs wander , ` "l'ln- Boats That `VIII be liunnlug on the ltldenu Canal During Next Year. There will be lively time: on the Rideeu canal next summer if all the passenger and freight boats expected to ply on that route enters the iielcl. The following is a list of them : Str. Nellie Rose, Montreal to King- ston, Cnpt.'W. Garrett, weekly ; tr. Ida, Capt. Eerie. Montreal to Kiwnton, weekly ; new iron boat, buildin by . Bejue, Men- tresl to Kingston. wee ly ; etr. Olive, Cspt. Fnrgie. Weet rt to:l\Ie'ntreel, weekly ; etr. Getinean, '0. urrie, rebuildin at Ottawa. for frei ht and passengers. Veetport to Montree , weekly ; atr. Welshman, Hull Broe., Wee It to Montreal, weekly ; etr. Rldeau Bel e..D. Noonan, owner, Kingston to Smith : Fella, three trim a week ; new steamer building in Perth by Seeley & Moi fntt. will likely run from Kingston to Perth three tri s I week elternetely with the atr. Rideen lle. With I fpir proe ct of It railroad line from Kingeton to t eeepital the fqcilitiee for. reaching the shing round on the big Rldeen lnke will be maple. and no doubt, willdraw A large number of tn- , vellere in that locality. George Harrie. fonverder. of Ottawa. II in the 0? emu ~ in for e new engine of in power for h f t I_teemet, with I v unto incneeing In tor I new engine on 1: In utoumor. v 1 her Ipepd. . npuorea nnu reapunueu W. At midnight. after teuderinga hearty vote of thanks to the host, and hostess and wishing them iong lifumd prosperity the 1 party left for their respective homes after ` spending a most enjoyable time. ~ nan. Prentice Hays Responded to by `.\'. ' Jackson. rm... um I .....n L-..........:...1 I... w u|........ t. V IIIUCHI. HI: I zIlI|~`u.cnltvII\Iv.:u Lu U u. O'Brien. `- (.`. L. A.-Responded to by F. (Jrinnnenu The lumhelors, ladies and press were duly hpuored and respuncled to. At. mi.lnlnhr._' after tanderinnrn henrtv JIICKIOII. The Old Luml -Reapopded by W. .\`hana~ ham` and M. Neville. ` D :-|..... 1'I........ l)mmm.ln.I on lmD...- A (`umpllmentury Ihmquc-t -Toasls Drank ` nnd Henrtlly lh-spomlt-I To, Mr. and Mrs. William Shanahan, Prin- cess street. gave a complimentary banquet to a number of their friends lust e\`cnin_g. Rev. l-`nther Mclirath occupied the chair. And surrounding the tail-les in the long din- iug hall were about an hundred old and vonng men of all nationalities and creeds. lt is needless to attempt to descrilne the na- ture of the spread prepared for the-. guests. as the excellent reputation which .\I r. Shan- ahan bears is too well known. It might be i said, however. that plenty of the best was within reach of all. After the appetite had been uppeasetl, trusts, songs and speeches were in order, und among those proposed |l'I'l\ : ` ham. 7 D- 1. U. I). U. -~- ncapuuuuu uu u u Walsh. (hlulfellous -Responded to lnyA. H. Innr 33 lollrce OI Crror. \ ery IIHICH [HE mum: ind of difficulty had arisen in the cndexr vors to measure time. The meaaurern of time were natural and articial. Tho lirst natural measure of a day was the sun's ris- ing and setting. but there were en ore owing to the ditferent seasons and different li|1 tildes. Then there wan the taking of obser- \'ations of the sun at noon, the compass, and north star. By means of diagrams the pro foseor explained tne meaning of the equa- tion of time, by a properly regulated clock, meridian the cause oi the varied length of day and night, the eidereal day and the diurnal day ; the daily motions of the earth afforded the _moet uniformity known to us in nature, and must from the neoeeeitiea of the one be the standard for all measures of time. The articial mea- eurere of time were tirst the clepsydra or water clock bftlie Egyptian|,eu4l hour glue. _ There were four age: of clocks. The most ancient clock was that of Dewycke, invent- ed about 1386. The second age was the die- uumny :1? than nnnrlnlnm lw Gallilin in l6In0. mm mm: m. nevum. Bishop (.'|cary Responded to by Rev. Father ;\lc(h-nth. I 1` I2 I` D.....m..l.`.l on In. 1....-..-. : nuuuny. John Walter, the founder of the London Time -, has at length got the peerage he no long expected, the occasion being the cen tennnr of the Thnw. Sir John Mawnlumsld not only attended a i revival nioe.-ling on .\`umla_\' evening in O! tnwn, conducted by Megan. (`mssley and Hunter, but rcnmined over for the enquiry meeting nfler\\'urda. lNL'\. J`. ` Sumlny. H`.'..., . I. Invmmtlull nl I-i|lauu~r.v-. uv (`Hl|L'llIll0ll uy nu- -:-rving that the - Iuvk -Wu one oi the must ` | an-vnlmlr aimed ul uuuluuaiotll that ho-I cw!` ;' been wot need by IIIC IIMIIII 0` MII. Incl . prululnl) no utlnr Iuuhhu uwpt tho noun ` _ ; eugixuf _lud and new ouch! thought and V uuemme upulnuu uruuslonl \I It. and although 5 \:0`I'ItlVd` In-In I look I in um-Mae It uuw_ rlv I that IIOIIII engine 5 in in uwluluun In the would. Fur upvnnln _io! (:00 your: It-pa-orou hul luau the 1 can 0! halulndn ' scientic non, II 2 well u at mu-huakvnsuo and hvomon. I so great in lbw wcuru-y ul the pruvut Il- ' Imumuicul ch-ck my uclor normal olrqunr It.-uweu I! would nul gas u an Ian I miuuu In i a you Think at n nun-Hm tannin; day ml umlu. lluuugh all mums: and all iuthou. lur MIMI!) uuiuum without getting on single mlnulo utray umlthey Iwl an In- nlrunmut wlnlulx Appruxinntu even to the uuilunaity ol the motion: 0! than huvnnly |umNOI thomulva. A: lot In utility the clack wuintorwovon villas not mnnhpr ul Icieutilic uuhioveznum. '1' 9 {mm ol the earth and in loan duuoity won determined by tho slack. The program oi` hu:!du- lrumuuy wu uonmupouuoouu w 1 I in- cuvery u! the and clock. A largo part 0! the ipplicnllou of u-tmootny in (today mu] nA\`hnAnII dcnouclul |lIl)II IO `IOW- IVIVIIHVINIIII \lIi|II| NB UUIl|II|lIll'|| Il'I IIIL` mn-le-z.il-n.-hip of the next general mIM`Illi|i)' 1 in)` the Tnrunto I`:-cal-ytcry. i Rm`. Auutin Smith, lately ordained dea- ` can I, th Biuhup of Ontario. bu been ap- pniuteil to St. Juhn`s church, .\imlou. ` i Rev.J. R. 'lhompoon. a graduate of` Queen)`: :~ollege.Kim:ntuu.is president tn the ` lerritmi:il'coum-ilnf Washington territory. 1 u.... 1 I; u..u,..:.... |..h On .1. (M m. I lerrlull |i|| \'Inuu'u Rev. J. K. My-.\ tnwa section pu u l!...- A \` In-nr I'up|o Whnuo Monomonu. Hnylngn and lbulntn Altrnct Attoullnn. H.-nr a Thoulpcnn. the new In t'n"0(`l-tr, ` took ufhvu this morning. Mr. llalc-y, who ha been living in Mun heal for M Vern] m0nlluI.|u\a returnml to the uh`. I) \' \I..nL-.a-. ...-..r In] nrinr uni.` n ` vine. Rum` lk-an linker auul RH`. A. Elliot ` nrvlhu Anglu-an Inisn|mmr_\ delegates to` Kiuralun. Robert .\'e-Ilt-rs, ugeal 97. Kingston}, \'eri- l Lchlv Jules! inlmhit mt. in ultfrnilng {mm the Nfu-rts of a fall. I u n.n. .......:......l \ol...l 1... |.,..... Iruuou lllclr lrlcllul um III! wunun w IIIU umurveye-I um! tmvklt-um`N|n, wu largo- I duo tame cuucloucu which they knew I no nnriner re?-and in his compun and hi: chronomotor. I` he lm-cure wu listened to with great Attention and Mr. R. T. Wnl hm. in behalf n! the audience. thnnkonl the professor for hi: mu.-renting and moat in` Itrm-li\'e lecture. ll-'1-IOU, rum nuulstuuu M3 \:\cu Iuuuuuug of on uuthority upon everything which per- tained to Homer or Homeric lore. llc cmne before them that night with u physica- mcchunical subject which, whether it might prove interesting to them or not it had for .c_ges elicited the careful attention ul educa red and scientic men, and u knoulcdgc of \\'hiclI haul sppenredtu many in th: put to be nllt` nfthecondiriousof advance in the lutui c. 'l he lecturer then proceeded to slum nnd cxpluin the various methods of measuring -listunces, namely by walking. ptciny and xhe sur\'eyor's chains, but in these methods llu:l`8 were several sources of error such as unevenness of ground, elasticity, and vary- iug length of chain l`t\ll'39(.l by temperature. In a mile s surveyor`: rhsin would make a difference of three and a half feet between a hot summer`s day and it cold winter s day, yet that process was more accurate then the former, und was the process followed in .\II common operations, as measuring land. These were to some extent overcome by the use of xed bars, whose ends were brought together under it microscope, and which were carefully corrected for temperature by means of thermometers placed in the her. By means of a base line, telescope, and cal- culations of the angles. the great trigono- metrical surveys were male of large areas of the earth`s surface with some degree of correctness, but it was difficult to secure entire sccurac ', there always being more or sources 0 error. Very much the same {ml nf .Ii6Rnnhu- hm] m-innn in than mism- , UNI uppucumnl DI Uluunulny Ill [vainly i uul uni anion depouclocl upon the ledge u! I 0 position: from day I dny of the um uul moon ma! certain sun. but the plum: 0! than co-uhl not be determined I illmul the ultomnueri clock. To the M- Ironouner uml. therulore, to navigation the clock In more important. {hm I I uluco . Anal the nod faith with WHO sll Iruptoc their lricn I and their wealth to the ..................l .....I n~...I.l.....m~nmn mg: Ignrn. ner. _ St. Vincent de l'aul--Responded to by L. YR:-3:1: .- EN TERr1i'A|'N!NG FRIENDS. PLENTY OF STEAMERS. .. \'. .\|Mlu-wn, pm I to King lialdwin I PERSONAL MENTION. lC\lI"IW. . U. Responded to by James -Resp0u.lcd to by J. J. Be- "II "I \\ Illulglull wr rlulry. u-Marine left to -lay for 0(- I ll week's missionary tour. r will ulciutc for him on 'u\'iIIci&l prior. paid a 1 l'ren-ptorv. in mm:- II"! I. ('IIIll\' |lIlIJ \ Uu|uIxL nu ll an Inn, nu all men, even those who lulmw prof:-saiuxul an-l other int:-llectnzul pnrsnits,nre the better for heing tnmed out of the run mm: for themselves in the higllwuy 'l`lu.-re might be somu who could mar :ally us St. Paul dial spiritually. l`his oue lhingldo," but llu: number is few, and the grcatu.-at llhlllhll wurkcrl founvl it a recreation to M tinn.-s away into some new tielcls. .\|an_y were the profeasionnl men n ho Lad written uuu:eas- tully npuu subject-1 outside of their profer ` nimutl culling. llilrucli found rent from his ` oncrunw political lnties in writing works of ti~-tiou, Hlltl (il&ll8!0l)B` was even ummthiug .5 III. -nnlunrhu nnnn pr.-rx-thinnr wlniu-li In~r- : THE BRI'I`l8H'WHlG. WED.\'l'}Sl)A\'. JAN. ll. I` PUWUF II)! [III r | DUI COIIIIIIIIIIOII IIICI I7y'lIWI l\l|' I of the club. The meeting than ndjoqmul. IIIUIIU IIIIIUUI Ila Wu Ill. IIP CU UIIV UU-l He asked thdoe who `ml put down their mines as members to pay their iuitintion fee. 50. each. ' It was moved and carried that the eloc~ tlion of olcqrl of the club he tpouod un~ t,il_.t.ho next. meeting. to be h d 9: the hp. ofxwb weoih. "and h oomn the nu M props!` ti}: '<`:ou:ti`tlutlon and \n {at tlngnidunco I n I. an n ` ' ' woum neve won the eleouon. Mr. Sherlock said they needed money to corry on any organization. It was only the other day thet he wee celled u nvtao pay I printer`: bill. incurred during t 0 Int Scott act oempeign. He would in future refuse` tone: in any temperance matter requiring money unless it wee at up It` the Itin- He ed nnngnun mnmlnn fa nnv Iheiriuitietion totll or 40. * ` Mr. Dunlop aid that a grant dad of N3 was done sometime: by `P0P'9. 5| `V503 actual work wu wtntaea they were found wanting. If they had had more good work- er: during the lat Soon act cunpuixn they would have won the election. M... _u|....l....|. .-m .3... main! nnnm-v In now was an acuvo am my cluo. The roll was pound around for signature: and fteen new momben added, making 1 total of 45. ` \l_ Tl...-.I--. .-:.I AI.-o n nun.-I. an` 1|` Elli M30? the CHI!) 18 0l'h'&n|l(l. Mr. A. Chown uicl there vru not time to be wasted if it was intends! no submit tho not to the people. It must be done After May 21st. if at I. Raw Mr. Rlnntl mnnidorod there Wu any 213:. It It all. Rev. Mr. Bland connidond plenty of time to tnlk up the runbminion of the Scott act. What the city wanted active and livo club. 'I"|.- ....II um. ........I nlnnnntl far niulmtnrun who nave noun the movers In me manor .' Mr. Fraaer--'l`ho matter has uot_ been been dealt with vet, but will be considered after the club is lxrnnized. Ms A l`.Im.... ...:.I than `an Inn time In lllll Ilblyllfu. UIIIIT !.e|l'lgenl|y.|n-I to hvcomu .3 up mauuulnfrecr cltilrll ; fur the \ follmu unuw routine `mm 1:1 uucl no-ver utvpu side In iuhnil nccruilies of his higher Inc. Hun hltu Ilun Inna-Iuilm with wh Lu I. Inn members in the club. not uronos. Mr. Drury anidthere was no need of can- vnasin the city in behulf of the club. There would re enough soliciting when it wade- ciuled to submit. the Scott not to the people. He hoped aomethin would be no at the meeting regardin t e reauhmi on of the Scott net to the e ectors of Kingston in the nnri nu 'I`||nrn u-nu nn Qimn to lube. acou net to me electors OK l\lllbllN spring. There was no tune to lose. I)r_ .\`narkn__Hn- it been decided aprmg. 1 nere no mm: to mac. ])r. .\`parka-~Hu it been decided to sub- mitythe soon: not so the pouplm N1" if 00. who have been the in the matter ? ` u. l.`.......- 'm.- .....u-- Inn nnl ha.-n \Il\| `VI u-us. rs.-uvu-u vvwuuw Mr. George remarked thut public tempor- ance meetings (llll much to get people ex- cited, but when the excitement passed over their interest dietl out. He was willing to resign his oilice. Mr. Hull thmmht it I'll bent to begin in l'C8lgll Ills OIIICC. Mr. Hull thought it was best to . in a small wny and have oicen. even i they ` were elected fol only three months. Mr. She:-lm-l: um thav wanted worlnllll ; enecteu mu only tnree mourns. Mr. Sherlock said they wanted working 1 members in the club. not drones. ll: D-uru on LI than u-nu nn noon} nf ann- was wining I0 resign I! once. The chairman said they were willing to do anything that would promote the intereats of the organization. They were willing to submit to any arrangement arrived at. Mr. Jones said that In-in meetimn were IIIUIIIIC EU Ill] nrltulgulueul rrI\l"I II: Mr. Jones said that largo meetings `ere held in the city hall duruxg the last Scott act campaign. and committees n inked to work in the interest of the act. _ he mem- bers of these committees did nothing. There were some people who talked I grant deal but did very little personal work ' \I- l!.......... .......-..I....l o|.;o -.uI.H.\ IAn\nAr_ HICIHUCFIIIIP lll UIIU UIIIU II UIIVC. Capt. Dounelly said the first notice he receivecl of the club being formed was the announcement. of his mine as one of the oicers in the papers. The city should have been canvusexl in order to nd out how many perlom coul-I be induced to join the club. u- .\ l`l..\..~.. -- .... ..n:.... ..r oh- .\l..|. Mr. A. (Shown, an un.niccr of the club. l Cllll). } willing to resign at once. 'I`hn 1-hgirmnu nah] Ihnv uuarn wilmm tn ` IICCTDUIIIUH UI IIII Ills! lilm: like the Imwhim: 4 mere tool to guiule lm meclmnic uf mvmc '. womlen-I if 3 mulao 0 .,IL. . ' B Clul) Will lllfllfll 1 Mr. A. Chown thought oicersahoulcl be chonon at once, And ladies invite.-d to join the cluli. An active Indy uuuld nuke I able secretary. Hrnrv mm: in fnvnr nf inoronninn the .lr. Drury mm in favor of increasing the 1 ; membership of the club At once. (`ant Dnnmallv amid Hm firnt notice he ` an we le('l`Ql.It')'. 1 5 now I pnunc moeuug. Mr. Sherlock was positive that the Tor- onto men coulal not mum to Kingston until I-`elmmry, and that would be too long to wait for organization. He thought men born for the club ahoulcl be received, and n! I public` Iueetin . if it wu closired. ofllcers could be elec The speedy fornution ol as club was dehirnblo. u.. A 1`|.....,.. oI.......|.o ..n`...... .I.....I.I I.` "l'IlI (U `nu l"'.N-IKlUlII |.`\lll|-UIIIFCI I- IIIII rt-soluti-ml curried at the Imtetinp held in the city hall. Rm: S.(l.|lland naid ho was in sympathy with the renuirh made by pieviuun Iptlk` era. The formation of I prohibition cluh was un excellent ululc-ruling. and the idea uf establishing nut-h an institution win A credit to than whu lir t cm.cei\'ed it. It was going to luau.-urn a.- I new era in the ta-mpenntive cause in the city, hut he thought the nrgnnimtiuti should he started in I more public form tlnn it would he uhle to do on the present ocmsiun. The party should sea-ure .\Ir. 3 nu` and Mayor Hmrlnnd to mlalrcns tl \l)llt.` met-ting iind nu create I healthy [in liv interest in the nutter of tem Il`l`1lllt`(`. After` this had been done it won d be the proper time to elect otiict-rs. '1 he future success of the club would be de- terminod it great deal by the way in v_I_hih the club was introduced to the citizens. The best way to begin the undertaking Iran to hold ublic meeting. Mr. .tm-lock inn noeitive thut the Tor- Ina IIIKK `Cu K" Jlnlllry. Capt. Donuelly uinl he uttcmlod the pub lic tcmponuco muting in the city hall. lllll hanl lat! it with the unduntamling thut unthing would be clone townnll forlulnz I l club until titer unother ublic Inooti had been held and lll\llllOl by the out cmcn from foronto. He nu Ill!` rises to lean ufterwunll that niuern hm boon olectotl. He thought. the tuungx-rvmcelneul should have lu-l-I to the propmitiom contained ln the uh. pin: lull I0. IIIGI Ill IIIIIYT ll. l The clulnuun paid that at the link moot ` iug. hold to on-pain the club. it had been unusual that the gentlemen: nlcrroul In he iumod to come to the city M2! ulclroun n moeli . .\Ir.Juuuuidho||mldnadyIrituu , to the ' orouto gentlemen and had lounoulg ` that they euuld not come to the city null ` the lnlur and of Jlmlnry. N Punt. Dnnnellv ndnl In Atlnmlnd the nub llll Ill! llllllujl 0| um I Iuuuu: cull: wan adopt`. The I-ml cluh had nun:-cl at the Into music-lpol hummus-nu 5 cnnclidbh. Capt. Unkln. who would run for the olive ul c-Mel uuqhtulc of [he rily In llll. The chnhnuu rnnuhulcd than pa--not taut II in. van their lulu the clear: to! the club slob!- oul at In Ilnt Inotlni. which In not very lugoly nnuulo-I. would ruiuu. It won the umnhnoun vhh at all Mend: al companies. he VII um, that the club uhould ho repu- oelmstivc II elurucu-rand luuonlhl in (very I'll. L- ...._.Ah..n-.. --.I Lu I--n nu ..I.._n..I [HF -`DUDE IV`: Dr. An ll Iuteul that at I temp-rnnco lll0t.`UI\ . eld Ln the city lull. same time gnu, itnd bun docitlod Mn! hdou ucmro uepu tounnlu um lo:-mutton ol 5 club won uken 5 public mooliu should I hold. and Mlyur owlnnd and . r. Spence. of Turna- lo. ukod to ullreu it. 'l`I.- ..|..l..-.-.. ._LI .|.-a -a LL- ll...o .....o ..- -V-- --,-..-V._, Lu: owning a lotuponuwo manila _nm|er the auspices ul the Klnguuu Ibiliou club was held In the Minion Ital . "fillwu unut. lloulal VI-not add that Al the mood hold nouily tho clulnrll uulalhh ` ed. an olcon olocml pmvulnully. The rule: Ind nlnlluu 0! Mn Tomnw club I lop:-1 ocnnclidbh. ul .-Mal mnulntrup of the MW in The ware road. Ibovlq that the objects ol the newnrgamhulon would be to hmlncl the ` uauu ol'-smhibltiou. and to talc II active lnusrutiu 5 cnnpnlgn lot the pangs ol ; (ha 500%} Id. II- A....H- .n..A..I a|.-o .9 - 9-...-...-...... I '.l|;o cnuoulutlon uul bylaw: an adopted .VL'l0l|I.'n iuri nut an; uw IL|uII\.\', -....t.. dorky and who the upluiution oi the Inc- chuthal opornliona, and thojrt, which ya: the prutlrul our him out thus open- tioun. Now, whie In-nth 0! them ware en- ucntiul tn the rull etlicient iuccliuuic. the latter alone would Ire found to cover the whole 0! too muuy mochuiit-u` eduvutiun. Thu explanation 0! that win cuny enough. The art won more easily learned than tho science. lur ull the Art required an rulllllltl knowledge. cmubinotl withuuinuul dexterity. and them were acquired by prnt-lice alone. liut the science required thuuglit uud study and intellectual work, things uuich, unfor- tunutel , fmiud luvor with ultugetlu-r too few. rt from the uuimrior kuuwledgo of hi: on ling which the Itllllilll` education would give tn the um-chutiic. it would be of grant benet ta him utln-rum-. It would llllurull. and ciuruse the int:-llt-utuul aide of Mn nature, cause him to t ink and ml in telligeully. Ilttl tn axtigetlicr it uuloler .. . L... .... ,, I, L. _..:.., .L,. _..I,....... ..-I... ` A MEETING run wan: NOT PRO- 1 DUCTIVF OFA DECISION. III AN-null DI 'l'nlI|u[ as (Incl lloul Ah-nu Toupouneo But Not lulu luck 1 Fur lIAIIuwool Wu \\'nu0o'd -AuoIIu- Asd I laljcr Iconic `I : ll: Hold ~lIIn- ruulo-u 0! H50 Iivoulnj. I .\ | ROHlB|Tl1?.`H`|.l'B. "o",,`..`..`."-i'~';.'3.'i`.7'"\'-'.' w. C.-Venn \-. .1. u 5 =M~=-:.:.**.-..:..' ."':.`:;: ltlltf t or . 'pDvidnon Donnta. v. D. W. Bull v. 3. l)uvh-nitfor.`8l93.90. Judgmcntfor plnlntil`. . ~ J. Donna.-lly v. D. W. 3:11 at nl--8n|t for CINL75. Verdict for plnlllti against D. W. 3111 fo"|"1U.'75. note. Verdict for plninun. R. Crawford v. N. Cave:-ly. ct ul--Snit U for 86.35. Judgment for lninti. A. Lnvorty eta] V. G. `.- RR. Co.-~Suit | for 837. Va ct tor plnintli (or 82!. ' June: Dr. V. Thoma Mills-Action for . 37.8.). Set out of court. _ I R. Shaw v. A. Anderlon--Suit for 8?5.53. 3 n `edict for phintlf. I nu-an 'l`lu-nav V. W. C.-Venn a `Or IIIIHIIIII. ' Front & Wood \'. Richard Davis--Actin `ham mi A for W5.0l. settled out of court. . R. sum v. D. %l1-Suit for moo on at note. Verdict for plnintll R Crawford v. N. Cnverly. y .'..';"...".`i-...?s." Funk 4}. A Long SOlIIOI-'l'l|O 0:000 That Occupied the Attention of the Judge. 'lheofllo\\'in in `at list of the cue: dia- poood onto my Lternoon : I Sn&t.hey & Smith V. J. & W. Thompson and . I'n-A_ unit for 8100., Judgment fnr nlninl ouuy nuou wnoq (man up. With than considerations, and being of neat _nnd handmmo aylnmetry. they are well axlnulatod to improve the common dairy cattle of the eonntr . -In the Av nhire breed of cuttle hunt to economy Arc combined. which cannot said of any other breed of duh-an nan-I Lu! uvauhu the lira! uf n (:0-.u-uo .1 |...-. 3 turn. under mu zmuplcn of `he umch.\uh." ` immutr. won Juliveml by Pruh-um` l)upuh`4 un`l`hue and In Mumreru." an the Iunmule I mom It pfvvoshs om.-can-. J. .\|. Mu-luv. j allot II} lilting the object 4:! the cllrwt n and the institute In preparing the ammo | "1 IWIIIWI. Ioluukuul Nut the lullguuul) I illdohlu-ltu (In: pruhsnwrn v(QImel|'I ml ; lap. who had guuormuly ouuau to tlwlr u- uhtwro. Mal than intrnuucotl the lecturer. who. that rift-rring to that he thought at ntouuouci ilulnluyv should ho. and he dial not new to saw. how;-var, that An humu- than much as he Iwl supposes! this tube duck not In oi use or lumen to my other than to prulouuv-I Imn-hnniun. for lilcrsry and prolnlioul man are oomcumn the lineal unatcur moclunlu Am] the moat uuorunful Inventors. All ucrq morvor lou mechaunm. and tho Iucu-ulug nupply pl nwclnuuh.-Al eunlrivwcu being Intro-lucml into the mm- l1Il1`mKhDIIlu nl fol roml-arm] il Illf. WHICH CIIIIIU dairy cows. Ayranuu or Ayranue greuea. T here are, doubtless, in every breed. phe- nomenal cows which. when crammed to exceee, produce extraordinary results. So thenue in eveiy breed some indiiferent enitnele thet never pay for their keeping. and some persons come to luuty conclusions by their In re experience with either the one close or t is other. There is no breed of now: no generelly uniform in their produc- tivenees an the Avn-hires. There is no breed of dairy cows so hardy an the Ayrehires, and, being industrious foregers. there are none to easily kept in good condition nor so easily fetted when dried up. being The Cnnuln Aynhlre Breeders Will (`ome Together at tlie Ieind of the Month. The Canada A rshire breeders` social- cintion will meet n Kingston on the 3|st of January. at I0 o'clock, act the `\\'in-lsor hotel. The two henhbooks are now nm:\l gamated. and the headquarters of this asso- ciation are in Tomato. In connection with the-Ontario Agricultural and Arts associa- tion. There is. however, a branch useocia tion being formed in each of the provinces. The extravagant booming of other breeds has in aome meaaure. for n time, kept this long-celebrated dairy hreed of cattle some- what in the background. But it in gratify- ing to know that their genuine merits are again bringingthem be the front. Experience haa taught ractical dairymen that in order to obtain 0 best return: in milk, butter -and cheese. for the amount of food con- sumed, and taking all other things into consideration. the must rely chiey on the ` Ayrehime or Ayn ire grades. Than am. alnnhtlaaa. in even: breed. nhe- "&|,ll.I.| I'U(|llIl'E(I` (fol. Oliver`: scheme that the course mum through by culeu in the Royal military \ collcgv Ih0|llll In lll0I`0\l tooount in the arts couno in the universities ha been talk- ed of by the otlicisla of the militia deput- mom. and it meets with much favour. In {net the iunpurunce of a military tniniu cannot in their oyos be too hi hly estimates as is evidenced by the remu ' of 3 promi ncnt otlicor to s repurtor: A nulitcry training is worth all the university course: ` in the world. IIIVI III`! IIITII IITICIJ IIIIIIIIEITL At the meeting of the temperunw meu last evening l-I. (Thou-n mill he hoped the ruporteu would nv that the conference vi-as an inlluontinl one. N`. U. Hlllhl quietly mule A neat remark : "'1 he l`I'p0l`l.el'I ul way: tell the tiuth." ll:-any laughter lol~ luwenl. Active cum: ul mtawa fur subscrip- 'tiom to the Queen`: uui\'er.~ity cmlovruwut. fund has been lnogun hy Rev. Mnlcolun Mc- Iiillivrny. Of the gure! of &l.':(),(l)l) not by Principal (Brut, 8'I1|.").(Ill)lia\`e lveen railed. Ottnu-1 null the uurmundiug diltrict no Asked to do their ll'|lI'O tomu-xln ruining the I2.'i.(ll) required. (,'ol. llliwnri nchemo that the oounn noun unm me nprllg. The plus of mourn-I WI`! for the choral mnccn in the city hall on Thursday even in in now u n in Care & Rayner": star-~. .>\l pc-mum Kving purcgmood rroeru-I neat ticket: will kimll ' call u only as lbtmsimti and hI\'O their tic cu mnnborod. As cl.` ......A:.... .J sh- 5-...-.np..n.... nun: .1u1urr_\'. Nut \\`odnonday a meeting of the q:ricul~ tun! uoociuion will be helul. for the trim Action of gene-rnl business. It will he Ie ziuloul whether any further progress in the erocliou at new buildings on the grouunlu will be male thin winter. ur the work delnyml ` until the nprilg. Thu nlnn nl rnnarrml nuts for the choral I U I-`(EXIT (NI Illufily. x A bun 0! bonus. owned by Mr. Uluier. nu at: on Pine d` Anna. fri toned I - the In of A" battery. and 1 Mod wilt: A lamp pout. One ol the horn: wan so Inui- ly injunxl that i! land to be shot by (Min-er ` .\lc1iarr_\'. x \'--a |\`-.I_.._)_.. - .....o:.... .J 3}... an-:1\n'. p;'cnalo|oohn'o grand work. the "Hymn of Praia.` will be given on Thurtclny nifln, in the city lull. by the Kingston chon oo- ckty. Bo can and hear it. Tickeh .15 and `)5 outs. I5 l`I-..I. I.-- |.:_.II.. ......-....A-_| on ls'n|l 3"? |` \`4.`I`3 l~'c.l|a"l`l`l`?U$lL. IKSKU I`\ 0 U1 \.s'-I` at`: Little Lint Pill: hnloro rotlrin . and :lIm`ld nlkf. They uo\'Ir hi to do UUIIITIVIIIIT UUIII` Illll|rII|u.l'Il IIIIII |llw - ---u mou ounvcnicun-on nl life renulzrml it man Ind now account; than over person Ihnuld lnvo tome Iuechunival oducuaoll i! he I Mind to avoid being at the mercy ul the utiun. A me:l.zm|cu! eJm.'.'.liuu clnvidul at.-elf intu u :vL'i0l|I.`c am! An art 1 the ociolwo, whk-h un- ` out uontial really `c-lcienl ... I ..... ..I 0.. ....u...- Dlun