~ 150! of Princess Street. THE Rink In now open for Shun; nigh tho `Eleni;-lcIQl|hL'&.Id@oouwok, g'~A.1mb- 'I|cI-&;:undl!ycin.5c. 3. 110333. - ~ PROPRI`l-TQR A um. land on an `hunt. conoeuou. Nuv Yon. Jun. 80;-A unit for uhnoluto divorce has jun been commenced in the Q... nrunnl in -nal: Inn -.II.I-uni.` nu... rnnlly `Surly lllled Ill leaking lulu- Ole Tllld II I (`l'Il|t'lI COIIIIIOI. Own` Sorxn. Jun. !(1-Enrly this morn- ing. through the leakage of the street gas main, gas began running into an old drain. md thence found its way into I call under : tenement house on Wnersueet. A family 0! four persons nnlnod Million were partly as- phyxialed. Fortunately one of the nlit uitchuien I'll in the vicinity, and smelling the gas traced up. mule tn ant:-aucointo the house and an-iod the family out; lad is been diaeoun.-d- a few minutes later they [might line been beyond nmrety. Aaitin, one child is not yet on: of dungu. The kind ofguuaodheuiaknownuvntu-nu. I Noticn is given by the Toronto Boon! of Trade of applic:\ti~m for amendments to cl:.\r~ tun. changmsr of membership. and giving power to the chnnnnn of the Board of Arbi- trators of the Board of Trade. or any commit- tee of arbitration thereof. to issue subuu-na and compel the attendance of witnesses. and also that any award nude by the arbitrators of the Board of T1idemu' be lo-I and entorej in the High Court of Justice In Ontario u I judgment than-ol. . ....._, ..-..._ _ . ......-.._,. Nntnca is given of Ip|nI_`ic:|li0n to incorponlo the St. L.-|wrt\nce and A-lirumhck Railvt:\_\', to run from Valk-yelxl, l`.Q..to the boundary. \',..__. __.,_._ I... .|_- VI` _,.. n 2 p -.._..,.- -._~. ~.._, .. -...,-....J. The Kincardine and Tc-wave: Railway Comxnny gin: nntico of apphc.-nion furauu-ml- Iunlll to the cmrtar nducinc the capital stuck amount to be subscribed md qmlnlicar tionoi dinsctnno. and extending the tune lur the rommonet-moat and completion of the rnulvrny. .uu\-xv n lira: an-0 out aunt nlolllll. I'|I' huh and \\'e~slc-ru lhilway Con:|u\ny.. incs-r~ pornled lay Act ol the Onuno Lcqislumn-. will apply at In-xt sessinn ul Pnrliuuent fur an act of mcon-onmon with novel` to count-ct It the boundary line with the Duluth uul Imu Range Railxuy (X-mmny. Nulice is (inn 0! application forletlen patent iucornunting the Hnlihx and New- foundlnnd Steamship Oouznnuy. capu.-ul $30.- (ID: In-nclqllarlem. Halifax. Nuucv in ;:i\en that the Port Anlnn . Du I..aI. _.. I \l' ..A,,_.. I_I_.`I_.__ l`V ..... ,.._ Notice is given of application fnrl0llv`l`J [mam incurpontiug Tin Oonsuuxive As- sociation oi the District ol Xolnnul. fur the: pnrposoolorocnnu bnildmczobe uu-I as a place of meeting. nodinc. debuting. l~cuu.~ and amusement rooms. uublidaing newspapers. pntiodicdn and pllphku. twain; a liluu'y.' nuI|nun,ng|!ktyuluIsunuhli:hiIu, bnnchen Ihroulout the Dominion. 003.; head olcr, Montreal: apiul. 0,Ml): cor- ponk members. Francois Benoit. Hon. A. Lacuna. Hon. J. Rolland. George A. Drum- Iuond. Louis Allard. Richud \\'hiug J. M. Loranger. Edward Murphy and Charles J. Doll:-rt)`. all of the city of Montreal. .. A. . . , .. _. , \'I|I'l!'\A IIIIII III] III LRWIFIU I TIL `J - III IX drama! to h:u'- rt-luau-I it, nnd the Amount wall bu` paid to the company. The list puls- lialuul enubrnces can-my-Ii\'o pnlicies (or ulna! Iliiilll. the uurrender ulna ol Ihich us about $15.11!). The Intent pulley-holder in the (.`nsiaou' lnounnco Oununny nl Muum-cl. which In: Iowa policien. unountiu to 8:1.- ll. the nine of Irluch ii 873. Tho Sn]:-riutandonl ul lnnnnce given no- lion in the matter nl Ihe Lilo Asnu\:|ntiu.". ul (`sunk that the .\lmiu4-r 01 Finance has In! - ticn-at mots to my the hull equitable not sur~ n-ndcr nine of outstanding policies, and that any policy-hold:-r not nctvlmng the amount urnd him not or In-loro Feb. 3.) will be uTc%Hz,*rXE}faEnsL GARDENEITSZ` Dninm nvnnll Ima angina: hr tim-ma. Hlllh. ` . _..__._ 'l`u-moi-mu`: (`main hustle will ennui: nncicv ol ox [In)prinlion of coruin lands on the River DnLiovn n-qniml lot public purposes by the .\linister ol Pubhc Wotlu. 11:0 sulnonl cl circulation and ammo shows the aawuu! outstanding on Dec. 3|. In Imus been 013303.101. nu incnuo ol 04.33.0316 over up ulna mouth lost your. Th oxen: ol upacir uudguuautood dohntunu IO! 81.- } H<|.I& ). I `nu and MI I-`mo [nu-In \'U9VI`6-F` III |II\IuIlLY II I-IIII1 PIKE!!!` Tho lulluwing in tho uumm-at nl an--uh ~lIblOIr'1Il.InuIIm|'\ll0lI duriu the nmnth ol Ig_.__,L_, , ru-Utiwll II-' llocnuhor: llullnhlo 9 .. (`ah and ulllou I-`nu mu-In ii "35. V '2: '..'.'..T" !`l.ol0.2H in ptudue at nlhoc nonunion 11.- n.n___:_,- ;. .1... -n_.-__,,_. 1 - roam. .. um: 373.-ni3 For the nk half ul dw Ia! war the mu! up-uh hum an I5-nuinnou um-um tn \ I-uueod the ulnar, . I`:-odms ruma l'Nduoo nu . A IIIIIIM uul Huh` pull! Agricultural 5-n-ha-In .\I-uuulucmnu Miscellaneous um`-loo. I-`UR (`0L'GllSANIH`()Ll)S.--Graspa Home 3! the Dunogu Corun Rxsatnt. l`he`tilrstf, one tmqnont slope R H) . `ompos 0 Wild (`horr . Ho:-ehound.!`.locanIpnno and other rulun 0 ingredients. Plassam to lake. in homes. 25 and aoc. M. W103`: Dgcru Sums. THE DEADLY WATER GAS. 0l`u\\'.|. Jun. .'!l 'l'|n lullowing nabs:-ul ul up-uh (mm in Domino. "R tho south ul Dwrualu-I I , ` Ylo up .IuOul|II of (hood.- 1 N! ozcsuacn sunucm 6! IX- PORTS mom jut oommon. Tnlnl . . .. Dmy eollcdol T||_li l)H`l1`l.\I. G.\ZE'[TE. all Ic-wlunmllund Inonnllp Ihupuny ~ Ibnuuo loud I! 7tI0r- Hues I Ion-at um! [nu Iuml clunn I-`0U.\'l) A1` LAS l`-A remedy warranted to can hard uni son Curns. Humans. Callouses. ole. Han:ann's,.\lngic Corn Salvo. in b xea. lit. at Wade`: Drug Store. $1.0-5.83 FKIIT 9 as; N: I-Illlfll .m dur- `IE IL!!! `CI 11.1 Nlw YOIK. Jun. .-'l`ho bncineu fnilnnu oecurrinig slumwhont the country, 3. mpg; to Dnu,p\ViInan & 00.. number dnriq ago has nun day: for the Uniud%3hu-o 8.1 3.1] for(knadn38.otnhoulol814,ug..n,d with ntohl ol&`lut'vek and) 3|. wukinnviuu. Feirlh oonuuonding nut olllnyeu-ftlu ammo Inn :01, an. .5 Uuitcd Shiva and B in f`.--gals ' An lulemuu (`an to Idol-lager: I Mo.\`1'nnL, Jun. 20.-1720 Superior Oonrt was occupied yesterday with the one of C. 8. Motion of Inndtin. Englusd, who chill! HIM hiuroom in the \Vindaor Hon-1 wllcnhnd undhiuwntchnndolninnndnonnllonoy stolen. olthoocouionofbn vicitlnnin Hay. 1887. The hotel is dolondiu oI_I tlnjgtound that Morton did nocbolt hju door. and am they luduodovory menu in theiu-pore!-to yuhotthoproponyohhdrgunh. :g--- Ill "'7 `(CCU III ?'I'IUll nuxethanlullbpouplo. Postal Telozrnpiy. \\'Asxin.\'<:1`oN. Jan. :20.-11:-tore t|.o Sonata Colnmiwee on Postal Tel:-tznunlny, to-day, Preoient Gnonof the \V-tn-rn Uuiun, in th course of argument in om-mision Iugovonh mom. competition, stated that he dcairedto contradict the pobulu error whipla LSIIIIIQKI dial the` Western Union Wu owned by one man personally. Never in its history Ind this been the one. The entire board of thirty dincton oimed `no: more than that-oiqhtln of theuookvhilotlnoothoi-ve-,oi;h_tIn wuowud in ovary mac and '1! tho Union-by AL... Clllll n-a-L ' VIIIIK ' Mr. Chamberlain gave a large dinner party ` It the Arlington U0-night. Cl`, C` I -'3rlII III V` `II"lKIlI'I. Among: tlm othc-r. (`.~uuadi.1us in Ihe citr an- Mr. Kotclnum, of the Chignwtto ship i;ui2n`ay ` scheme. and Mr. Chi}-man. Q. C. of Kvnl- villa ' in, nu u u - u `I-`l.A.\I.\'Is`.l. snmfs made m order in any style at W. Rnnvu`. King street. Iuhlx IIIIIIUII. Mr. Cut-kburn, M. I`.. and .\[r9. (`ocklurn an at [arm-ut in \\':nlnugtun. .\-...A-... II... IL..- I"...__.I:._..- L. -L- -2`- ___ I III ul aIlI.`umi\ The ni.-mager of one 0! the Toronto papers arrived here a few Jars since and suosoqueimy there appeared in his paper what purports! to he a history of the Fisheries Couferwioe. The 0-l'?|\(`a|`,t`d miuuu-niont nl dis.-un-eeliwut be tween Sir. (.`!:a\rh~.a Tapper and .\Ir. Chamber- lain is the uni) one calculaud to do much in- jury. and en-n it has no ohm been denied by those in I position to know that it should be rather harmless. It. any be well. him nor, to -me that this description of the all-gged position of IEJIFI is wholly the Production of inianinauon. \I_ 11 _||_,,,, 1: n n 1: , n II W A!Nl.\`GYO.\`, Jan. m--A do-It-cation [mm St. Johns, Quebec. no hora tmrin-_' tlw Iv]-uy~ ment of duties on pnmod hay. The-V nlloge that under :\ Intsunustructton oi the law the 'Unit.I Stat:-s custunn otn-n at St. Allan: for aeternl years ill:-gnllv cull"-tnl duty on all pressed h.1\- ~him-ml from St. Johns acmss the frtlntief. l'-.- a nulxusque-nt tulinyz --f the authorities In-r. this practice was ubulislml and the slain-e-rs x..m- claim n-ts.-t_nm~ttt of tha duties paid pwviuus to that that. They state that they an n-cumin! every p-wstblo guts!- wee {mm the Canadian Minister: who an at present In Wuhiugton. and apprarquitn hope- ful nl nllnnna |I|ru'IIl fulol: CANADIANS IN WASHINGTON. A It-legullon hon M. Johu-`lhe l`I.-In-In (`nun-nice--v-Ir. (`Isabel-lulu Ilnu-ruin. -uuuu uuuu-v jvuwul. UPI nuuuqy Kl . Moleier hold I nuptial: ol his compnu-iota at ` his hotel. and cloud I Input dinner to all the French Gnholic priest: in the city." n-vuaw in (up: u. Om J the city [up-`rt in authority for u..- lulluvinx story in cnnnacuon with the Quobrc ` l`romIer'I any III New Yutk: .\Ir. .\l-man : ` first can on In: nrnvnl in .\'z`\Ir Yurk was to attend llugh .\hu in the hula church uo flith unset, whuch us the ronduvuus of the I"rvmch- Canulun colony. Man was re-In-bntod III the occasion by Hus Lonluhip Mgr. Grnndin, tho venerable lhshop nl Prmer All:-rt, who happened to be in New Yuck. The Que Inc l`n-mitt and his party In-nv shown Io son: of honor. After mug Rev. (`un- Tom-nu iuuud Mr. Menu-r and his friends into the weary, when they conwnrd fut game time with the bishop, the Inca! Horn and I number of notables. Amour the liai~ taunt Gabriel Dunont, the Men`: Chid. who not reside: on Staten Inland. but coutu- ovety Sunday to divine union with the Panel: Canadian. ` Kin entrance ptoducod 3 tannins. and Mgr. Gnndinnd u--1 lolnuluon of tho pnitiu changed some wuda in the Geo lnngugo hdun tho comer mkinn I-nn-g an-a-I II. Il._J-_ ll... - -u-u-urn gu uunv nu Irwvnnw Ill Qoohvo ngunluuud at tho V luktulionnl inhibition ul l$. Why. llloplo In asking. zouldbot this unouneononl Inn hon huh none. vitbouno much uneasy and pro- ` nnenuoaP Alotlootsturyiu to than clout um the ptiocnual object ol Mr. Morxoic-r`: \ mt on fat the purpno ol uunginq with the I":-anal: Gowrnwnt for the Phvuneo ol Qlt `-11 to In rqnuaavd at also Fro-ch Ishma- tmul Exhibition programs! to ho bold ll 1131!). It will In nmeunhn-H-d that tho lnporiul Govnauom ulunrd to us any part odi- cully in tho nlnlnlion, on the pound that non your ruuld ho [ho cc-ummy --I u..~ gm-ct Fveucln rmoluliou uf I. '!|. uh! the l|uauu.uu Gororumonl [allowed unit. A: sun! A: we dolonuuliou ol Ibo hunt wu known. Mr. Member. u on aid, look as... to hound Inn nuluuonrn on Ibo nnhjwt. and when he an- nouneodhil nnlauiun of oonnuunanting with the French Uovunuont on an oubjnct ol tho province talingun noun put in tloouhibition. he urn ouumniuticalgy cm-pnnal by the |eod~ in; men? of hi: {any as well u by the Fn-nch Chamber oi Commune: and it in aid that heink-Ind: not only to us: nll hit in Gnome to develop intomouno button the Inn eounuien. but be hope: to place on n unecon- lul luuxtingnoclnonun of Ftonch mlunuuxiuu on unneulmt Icnnlu lines In lhn pmpuno-I by .\lr. (`hay-Ia-cu. his in Mr. .\l-rent`: Em mp tn I.-Iumpr. uni wall |\rohnNy occupy | ` mouth 0: an IBOKL A: noon at the Premier return: he will mue Inn for the dnrrvnt by- elecuons, Ind will. II is upumml. much the [loan in April. I\_.. -1 AI... -2`- . -_.__ :, ,,,.l `. I lrIIvdu|>'uIIloI|nPub- thud Ibo Inow n,&obuoIIn IINIIIIOO. Ilu.'t1|\IH`Jln. :-.\lm spd deal ul the ridaculuuo`vu.q. posing uuddogiglu luv which nuluoolllr. .\loccm'n Mood! and nrxaunuv Iu.\uI!.it u now unsound this we-suing In LA Putrw--thu he actually India! Hun Nov York luv Fnaoo ou \Valnvday. .bnhenomml`uintouou Oou musontt cl (imam Lads Hanna. and um the um`.-c ul his trip a on uh no-uurn lure the Pnvinco M L.._L_- ___,__--A._.l . A `Ito lnllulu l"e.b, 4. QUEBEC ! PRIME MINISTER. u-up nu 0 E 1: mn lynuuy Pnvo nu-A nun" In Gupta Vat-ytulnlhl lqlulou. l.`..I- ALI. I__ - _...-.. ..-_ In, nus 5 umvlcuoll clllllot DO nu! In IIIQ` hing) beer" ones, when it iurcll known that hot ed do is really tho article used. menu: uongucc wo wnnanw me on and stand trial.w|IiclI hodid sad goto Two qthen offend to plead guilty 1! made an n Gm otfeuoo. This was declined. They hood trial Md also got oil` free. It seams Itnnge that 3 conviction eunnot he had in than ` hnn In-or" mun. -Inn it I.-.II |.-...... n.-. | new no could not convict. A peculiar in~ cident occurred when lb: hotel-It-eper had landed gull and wu advised by name rind: to withdnw the and Aland um, -hm. In an ....a ..... .. 1-... l Scott Act Excitement in Perth- now other criminal: Escaped Punlehuent. Pxkl. Jan. :!0.-l olioe Magistrate Ki_p~ pen held court here, and as some eeventy ' witnesses had been eummoncd a good deal of excitement existed and the court room wan lled. Only two conviction: were had,. Charlee Devlin and Jamee Young being ned $50 each. All the net of the caaee were dis~ miaeed. Many of the witneoee were re~ eponeible partial. but an nearly all yho had drank anything had asked tor hop beer and as theyyonld not aay that it hadany intnxieetin eect on them. themagiatrate heldheeond not convict. A peculiar in- .-:.l....o ......._...I _.L.... L- L.....| a...__-_ 1. a FINE (`l1'\' HOME. The nndoulgnod obts hr sale that DESIRABLE HOUSE ANDL01` now occupied by him on Earl Street. The whole is om-rod in one block, having about one hundred and twenty feet frontage on Earl Street. and the Up In: runsthmugh to West Street. The BL l.Dl.\'uS on the pmpen ' an almost now. and the gunk-n is lnntcd wit the choices! truiln. For terms up In THUS. Il0()RE. A Widow And Her hull: Kaela! a Sher- Irs Potuenileveral Killed. SA! Dntno, (`ala.. Jan. `0.--A year ago a rancher in Moon Canyon, named Lewis Stone. went east. During his absence a family named Goen, consisting of a widow, tvro sons and a daughter, took `ion of his ranch and cabin. On Stone: return he instituted legal proceeding: to eject the llartien. Hi: title to the property was con- tmneil and last Wodneeulay. when Sheriff lireidlon-went to takepoetessions, the whole faunil_v of (ioens faced the` ollit-era with re- \'ol\'era. Breidlove suatrhed n revolver from Mrs. Goon. who was at the door. She coined a gun and shot him in the face. In the melee citinen Reed was fatally wounded ; a mar- ried daughter of Mrs. (loan was accidently shot in the neck by her hmther and foil dead: Percy Gt-en was shot through the head and arm fatally ; his sister and brother. were dead when the oilicers retreated with their woundedund Mrs. Goen stillneld the fort. declaring the will-l not leave the place alive. H EVICTION SCENESTN` CALIFORNIA. unpe must no loll to can tub. The British government has declined to contribute 51 for an ulhrtio oxpodition u propnood by the Australian government. which promiaod to give a uhnihr sum. The ground for the refund is that such an expo` dition would ha mo sum]! to be uaeful. sue mun II III! noun on me lubjocl. Mn Cyrilla Ln no. lying in 3:01 at I`:-mbrokc for killinrglioutiu. at Nnthn. will unit her trial till the split? usiau She claims that hr 00. Igod 4 years. nd tlnonhot nndkillul Iona: an soon as he III the an ntrlh her. I-`in-nun raging In tlu Albion mines. Non Scotiu. 1'hut.iu the onhrnulopo could be extinguished with eight million llona of water, but then is no water to be I. and both it and the burning western slope must be left to thdrfnh. Thn `{l'I..;I_ Q-nun---`A-0 Lg- .I..I2_-.I ._ |K|lll!'lI||I()'. .\lr. Junieson. .\I.l'., leuler of the tom perauce [inrty in the house of common. any: the Dominion nllisnze. an the mouth I piece of the unpornce untimunt. Iril] settle whether it is prudent or not to but the some ol the bonus on the Inbjoct. Cvriul Ln-uonnm lvlna in ma] at urlgln 0! me [III II I llI_\'Blel' '. Bu Ian dole watches am other articles {mm Amen Berton. Srrutfonl, and John lhly sud Hoot-go Sole, were nrnuhd. olfa- ing the Articles for sale. The magiotnh sentenced them to two years each in the peniu-minn-. \Ir .'Aln`id~nn \l P I.u.I..- n` 0).- 0-.. lUI' III? W01.- Tho Lam: and outbuilding: of Goorge Exlvunls. near North Angustu. were com- pletely uleslroyc-I hy tire. together Vith grain nncl hay And fuming implements. The origin of lbs (in in I m_\-no l Rmml... `.1. _..o..|... -... .4].-- -_.:.|.. day with tribes Iriencllv to the English. .\hr_\' A. Brown. maiden lady of Norris tovm. Pm, poa-tuul uf vonaidonble roper I_\'. has been unmlled out of I&),( by n Philulelphia woman who mule investments ` for the women. `FL. I . _ _ _ __I .| ,-I n~ 1- 4 unuq,-rs mr r.-u. nu spent Inc money. The .\`oulnnu |m-o abandoned Hnmloub Incl nturnul to Tnhr. Seven of their Ieoden were killed in the ti hting on Tues ` day with tribes friencllv I e English. .\I|n' A. Brown. mniulpr. Indv nf X`:-u-rig TWO NEW BRICK DWELLINGS. nix rooms such. hunting on Princess street. 15 minutes walk (tom the Market ` uu-0: bud and soft water. and all the In em improvements forms may. 1`. (`ARTKIL \\'iIlia\ms\'ille. I1 K Illlllfr `K IIIOIIIIII. Minnie Ray. (-`ulutulo Springs, ('01.. llnrv.-Iwheruelf in from of mu on "no And wr- killecl. She had rented one her father'- cutugea {or $20. and spent the ` Souclnncao |Il\'Q Lhnndnnnl Hnmlnnln 1-: cu pl-r I.uuIl. Jack Davin. who recently challenge-I KU- nin. smam. sunim. and .i..~k Ashton. non nun that he will not he rculy to gnlcr the ring umler nix months. \Ii....i.. ll-.. l`..l..--_L. .-__.--4. 1-,: uauuuuu. mun-I. nurnoug omwr. At Lutmh Nownnrfu hcu . in News York. {.10 cijnmnhn. tlm-e-Mt I of them women. Itruck lacuna ol A reduction of N ll) per IJIII. Junk l'}g\-in -Inn nu.-unolu .\I..lI-.......I ln II Immn ulnolnll . In the !\'orlh(\'-at what i: -luwn I mm: a lnuhol Inloi` the price ruling in I market: can the America Iklc. TL. .46.}. 6... |l-I..... I. |...._.I u_._n_ marten ml "IO tuuencan INC . The it for Ilnltnu In banal. Nomlu \ lino. Jun. Slut : pohlnc. Feb. 7th. Solomon . lluunnt. Milton. returning otliovr. At Lutmh Nan-nnrl'. lapmm in K... `q:\`:l':In::Iul.lr(:mrp Tryon will waved Lon-ulli Bonn! I 'uior|onlol| llrivhhzlrlrlnlt onw P (. I.. ah. \`....n. V... ...|..... 1- n , . . _ _ . . __- W'{3'pu1.|ao um: mum nl 1`mu. lure cqutribnted SIAM to the industrial school luual. l.I...l__I &l._1I,,_.,, I`r- A "I IIIU Illlll. Iii; lieu-mhiol at the Frog Lsh mu sonnlinlu l\mnrlunhr'I warn. you ny. `PL- -..l.l:_ __L__| _LlI_I___ -1 -in , we unsung 0! we want! U In, Nun. The Ruulua and Austrian an gag {n.l"iIo:`5tI'I!IV an III fmation, noun; 9! In. I)... ,.|.:_l _A .L. n_, . I n, ...-- vqu-vs` V-CCU nnbu I`!-on Itnnpo nnd `jg. 1&3 Portoml-A Little of lvorythtnc llnlly Itond nnd Innnnbuod. U|ndI|oI|I'I lnnlth Ell 5000 urcntly hone titlul lay his continnntnl trip. The our participated in tin` vnnmny of the Manning 0! the want: I thy Nun. II Runnlnn Ill!` Auntrhn Inn-ma Am nnl A COIMODIOUS 730031!!!) HOUSE. with puatlmolotlm olocou. laud and non want. on. with can Ina. [upon-y. lawn. ow. pply to E. Monuun. Alhon Sn. near Union. `lhoulllo Things that AD (landll- I-I....L.. 3-`... n..___ , . _.,. _; A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. TELEGRAMS FROM THE KART!-1'8 FOUR OUAIIYER8 GIVEN- .\PF.\lRS or THE womm. LUCKY LAW BREAKERS. NO. I? IT" I "Ir THUSIC TWO I-`INE (`UT STONE HOUSES on Division SL. Just oompletul ; I rooms onch. Inn! and non. valor. llno lawn : rout. III) per ` snnum. Apply to Jana Cluvnronn. Grocer. Dunn lbuneon looms. lnclnulnt nun room an all modern Improvements. The Interior is lnluhod in natural woods. and the whole bulld- ing is thoroughly honed with hot vmu-r. For not-In nnnl! tolho undo!-Iltnod. on tho pro ATLANTIC SKATINE. V4 RINK, ; in; is thoroughly honed with hot I0!` undonigne-I. - A unison. nwu.-tun. JR. _ aoxon umm as Knnw noun snno anunr run c1.o- 3 vnnum 0'l'HY.8ERb. i D- FRXNKLIN, Pa}: 1 Ihnxrr Sauna. THAT $31.11) BRICK liI*.'Slllll\l`r. on Wstml. near Que:-n'n Fnivonity. cun mu neon lncludinc bath and `II nmrlnrn lmnmvnmenu A O0l'\'o mo l{|v;Vlsla`.h .~"I'A'l`l`Tl-:.~l 0|-` u.\'1'Muo.m: Volume: I and 2. as coo-I us new. no for ulu M I rodum-d |l'h`o. Ad-lrms M Wmo olllcc. u.\ E 0|-`1`lll9`. BEST IIUTCIIIZR lIl'sl.\'l-2.~`.~`- E3 in Toronto. situated on the but cash busi- umn ulrool In the oil! ; well established and doing A big Indo : V II sell or lease will and evorylhlmt apperulnlnu tn the usinc-sa chenn. Iluuon fur an-lllml -own:-r imnnclsguing and evurylhlnu nppenlnlnx In Inc nmunvzu cheap. nvlling illlu-luhmuing to hullfurnln .\ddruul-1 all muuuulm-animus In x H`. 'l'. .\'|s`.l.-ms. 2| \\'uud h'l.. Turomo. j.:;- c1 and pmouual. may obtain Autumn: to unn- cn ndverllning I-uronngo for us. Apply by , It-Ilor no um. I. Ito\uu.& (`u.. .\'owa per .\du-rating Bum: -. I0 pruuo 81.. New `urk. lull full puuoulu-s will out In return man. I wuu: ---`u--I u-cu: w----- [Noun Ayrshire Cows at the BAZAAR. n.:-. .\tilI2.\"l'.~| \\'ARTl.'l)tn l`aunwu tor .\d\ rI iulnu l'atroru\m~. .\ umull amount u! vmrk done with tact and tntulltm-nu-, any prod co n coutdunlo Income. Aunts an no out hundred dollars In odnnlutou In I dnglo am. uonnndinnr no punoul N-poulhtllt . lia- Itlro at the unrest newspaper olco learn t can In the best known and but equipped utnblhhmont (or phwtmt advortlneunentn In nunynpon and conn-yinx to wnlu-rtlu-rs the tnfunmtton which they to-run In urdortu make their lnrnotmontn who y und protably. Ian 0! good uuldnnn. or women. ltwoll tnturnr III and |'II'M'NlIl. may obtain Authority to unli- dt ndvortlu mttonuo Apply by .\\'\' I'|'2ll uunnug 1 chain or label-an will u nmu-a an-I n-Mn-u wilt unr hunter. ling-I unmet. 2' $1 : '5 33` -`-`- Ihot `soloo. ca mu sum Kins; atoll. an x ox wxu I8DAY.l.ho sun as o(lVobrnn.ry.I88's. far the innings of 01003138 m1"szoe`"x i.o`n':'a wiu be closed n-Em tho ssth ;z|m.zouao an of lh.-u-nu-y nut. both incl}!- mny order ol the Board of Directors. ' . . ` Ell. 800; 3:31:58`: co. _'l`llA`l souu BRICK nizslnntxvn-i on lmnm8tn\n|_ nonr um-n`. l'nivol-sin`. cun- A llIll)\\'.\' .il'A.\'llZl. lluh. A re-mm: I'|l| hour:-utnr nu-hlnfnrnuuon on wlllluml 1.. an rwovay by upplylni Al N UM Il`Iu .~'In-I. I } uncxnzmu. slCR\'A.\IT. ll. Cluwmuuh. (`Iona hr .. _. ,.. - -_,. .-. _._ C `ID13- (`um|.uu. At. hi: r-`ob-Ionic:-. \\'e_Bi mu Ntmt. on Suuniny moruluot. Jon. Int. ` .\|ona|or(`luolu'i. I68 yum + l"un0nl notice on M I)`. I L1$T5TICE VZGWCO I-to l'nuIl vum (Burl. V-In Kingston. Jan. I701. Ivy luv J. Month. Roi-crc 'l'homp-nu. In Rnn Au. only dn Mel` o! Kulmt Uh-n. all ol Amhonn ua..3. _1='oR on T0-LZET; LIAINI. H E A SPAN KL Illi. A I19!` ha-h-nnhr nnvh In H00 Q! will .. __ _, -._ ._ .\.\`\'|-r:n awn?` main or Inhonn will I - ls hcmhy given that the Annual General .\I a U: K 1 8: p.n'c .u`&`3':". :..".f.f`I"a.?.K'.`?.'.'..".:i n 1.. `$3.. Luann. Atlinnnnclg-vI:o`,|'7Ih Jun. 11! of 8. F. Lloyd. on non. . all-um. -M Vlhnuoo. I00: Ins. WU! of Sualmn (lllnon. County Rogmru. at u nan ' | SPECHAL m:i~rr1uN. VUI1 Busmnas oamcm. FOR SALE. WANTED. MARRIED. 3.5.. I.. L`:.....a.. Mun. conreouonmj. I-..LV .l.&I_l.l..I.1 lhnxrr Sqtunz. THE DAILY WHIG. DIED. LOST. N1`. Apply at Mm-. plum. __;_L....._.... .._,_ .5; _...._. -.. __ _ : Ibo ml-vim-9 of mo- Ionvo lhr ` I '. J. IIc\'xu.I.. I wIm..,."` "int. an-Dr. G. Btu-did um uol-ning at Buttlofotd. ` ' --Q - u-nu nu - vuuu tutu. In? the Ini-lhtnn today u pocitiou w_nn 3 presented by Mr. Notqnay praying the [A00- lnture to put 3 bill auxin; him, 3 _ ~ Tniu;n the C.P.R.. eutem vjiviuion, no Ignin neriomly dolqyud by new driu. To- s..`.:.. in 5-4}. |........ l-- III` III li|IUI ul mgauzru ncunu. The name nf Alubruso Lupine, who gu in connection with the fin: Rial rebellion, in mentiom-d as an opponent of Mr. Prndergut in Ln Vernudrru mad Jmnoo Peurme in I pmlzgldu caudidaiui for Kildoum. Attorney- Gemsral Murtiun will be oppooed in Portage ls Prniriu by Mr. Smith. Premier` Groonway In Mountain by Robert Roaorgand Mt. Smart in Brandon Uy Clie, adieu; of The Brun- inn hbil. -gun uetlmnuy uqsqyuu 0 Inc: `lay : trio in twelve hours late. 7" .n I I I`,., . S We hue made cit: no dz-nil ply In 0113. and trust gt vull bar: bengtftug he pubuou well as out-solves. :__jj_g. A u |\I| uiuuu us ulu L'|HlIl|l . .Ill. \lIIx`I|' `=|)' \\':H 8t`(`lI this murnimr and stated - r.uiLlv that it \\';i- nlnimt certain the House nould lw iinlm-diatisly (]isld\'Q`\l,:|S he pre- ` sinned "is lluuur n-mil-I grant the new Gov- -mment tlw cou~ititutiun:il right of appea.l_to his country. He was convinced that" tho muntry, in \\`t`" as the City of Winnipeg, was werwlioliiiiiiglv in f.'l\`l\l` of the Liberals It {nu-saint. Little doubt existed in his mind zhat his Mniistors would be returned anyway. out not pmpnuo giving the Concern- tivra an opportunity of concentrating all thir `urea: in in few con.-titui-ncioa The late Gov- irnnwnt. after getting the aairu of the coun- zry into :1 Imlpless muddle. threw up the ipoiu.-o. tliereliy uckuowledginqr their innbility Locopu with the aituxtion. They had moon- vnendrd that ho In called upon to form I Gun-mutant, and at the iery outset they proposed throwing obstacles in the Iny of h-voloping I policy to rescue the province. Uiider the circumstances the best thing to be ion-2 would be ngenoml upped. d tho\u'tlI ho wouldliura protein-cl tune on honut Ra- iistribution Bili punt] lint, Iuoli u the LII)- inlnhul all along boon pledgodto. Hov- aver. he did not fear the nnulu, even with the ` aid hill and the lists prepared under the di- rt-ctionof tholnte Go\-eminent. It is under- ituod thin ucurlygll Mr. Gunny`: lollo (In in favor otqncral action. 1 Th. Ilnlnun hf A...l._.... 74......` -I... .-._.4I --ac-u ouu pt.-Iuuu uuulnq Iur Ill! ICED!!! au- dressed to Gamble. Late Thurodny evening - I young man inquired at tho delivery vnckot ` It tho.>Deu-oi: poutoou for the letter. No In arrested. but intend ot boiug the right pernon it In: diooorered to be the fugitive`: brother Edward, who Iubseqm-nlly dlstlou-d his hiding place. This informuion they Im- unodinulyvlred to Toronto with the result that Gamble was arrested as already uzauxi. u-~ u LI)`. uw .---uuurxn, I.` Iia:uU_\` tlrcidul I {|\`:|I furlh\\`ith A Iblwalu-m I'M-l_v lo In I):-rlnlrsl OI- 3 an-ru -uvvug o Gamble`: whereabouts were discovered through the uzency of I lotto: written In him {run Detroit to an ooqininnnco miding hon. In that epictlc In ptolouod his innoccnco declaring tlnnhoyoug girl diet! has Ibo cleounl an opcntiu perfoundonhor to hide diugneo by I nhtivc. The detectives had an-ply penned. sad In the nine mail communicated with the authorities iii Detroit. nquauing them to ahadov the postollico and arms! thopenon calling for the letter ad- :I......I DA r1-...|.|- I .i. II-i...._.I-_ -..-..:__ uuuun u uclucl yuielly lllollll. Detectnrc Cuddy tuned for Rochester at 11!) yesterday nftenoon for the prisoner. Extradition pmceedingl will be innmutod un- modiatoly. ` 1:....u--_ -n.-_._n___..- -: , -` Iusllr. 'l'hurslay night. about ll o'clock his lmlmg place was revuled to the nuthomien how in 1 d...-mu from Detroit, the mam. [i on ban`: 1 "IN St. Puul-shoot. Rochester. N.Y. hu- Inodiumly inltnctions wen wind to the Reebok: authentic: to nu-cl him. which they did promptly. A dapctch containing the new: ol bu apptolnunou reached hon ubouk 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Ibtnohvn f`_nuInI- .o..n.4I I..- D..`L..A_- -n In um-. om! FLOUTR `STORE; , l`rtu- Allopd Murderer I um. llrll Cnuulll In ltuchutor uml IIOIJ Tlu-N. 'I`okn.\1n. Jan. 2'1.---lohl R. Ullabl. lb! ` young [mum puliahor and Allen-I In-t up-r nl the girl Liuio Buy. who died at In-r hunting hum. .\'u. out \\'ulton-aunt. in llm nty, cm the lam. --I Docrmllt Int, from the oocta I an nhomun. vu strand in Rocket:-t. N. at an early hour ycnhtdqy not-niu. The [I cuhuly suspicious cinnnntnnan under Ind Minn Buy did. it will In an ombend. resulted in I coroner`: inquest bu-- in bold. Du-tectivo John Cuddy worked u; the one. and troughs bdorc the jury ui doom thnt connncs-d them 0! U|mNe'r rt-nponuibility for the crime that caused her death. Gznqoquontly n verdict ol wilful Inuldtr In nturnod Quinn Gunblo by the jury. In the hnnti-o ho had docanapd. luring. no doubt. that tlr truth ol hu criminal relations with the uulohunatc young wonun mun nocounnly be exposed by the enquiry. Ho vu lint tncod to Bowman- valle-. but before the machinery of the luv could be at In motion to Iecllrv his amin- henuon hemuugod to get nvny from that town. covering hi: track: so uhnwdly that all ] eons to discover his when-nblonts proved i futile. I \\'1\-um: Wt; hope that pnnlen wanting HOOD BARN FIMISNR Mil 5.'i\`.~ an I call M Ihr HI)? Db` QUEEN BTIKIIT. 019121 I) A lII!!I)II`\Y I\I\ Io um; AIM. ibik, n;;.;.a..+.. ' ...,I.l-..o..- ....__. __A _II I..l-n_ 1- \...-nL u7..}.:.}.Io.; 6.}. ;..."..';;...%.1. {=Z.i.;L :3 3.75m on New York. vh O.1'.R. and .\`.Y.(.`. Rn. T. IIANLKY. t hi.` I"!ll\.hl- THE RATBBUN 00. nu: 'muc~u\xu INLASIJ kouu: uv Rome. Wolertown I Olieuburn Im. THE MANITOBA LEGISLATURE. BARN FRAMES: .7":'j";.:.;.;:;':n'...a;.;';;.n;e.... onutmtwhint b all Hollhl. upply It `-A Dunn... A IO'|,.l 0-Ia .._-_ .._ .. R.ZE'}_IE".` BROS- our -1: uvvwv-v' - [ 'r"."A'."r6"i3't"Ii'."T General Iaoke7XgZn:. I~'m,- \\'|ur.f'.. 'EI{ElM_L_ 7/0/(_:T l6'EN_0_Y: Whig`: Tokihouo .VQnbor. III. ma mass? or-' GAMBLE. mu .u my x'n|ll'lll. ulau u. nu: `I--(_'n`.n~rx\'ull\o` caucus yeah.-rday . r rm-I--mm.-u --f .\[r. (imenxuy and s. the new Uuwrnlncnt has prac- ul to (lissulm the Hume and ap- th to the country. Mr. Green- ... nI..`.. ........i.... .....l .o.o~I M. 7 - Foot 0! Brucl Svtroou KlhjUS'l`|)N. ONT. clown and : KINGS u at u u nu :19 p:n_-ml yvsto.`r~ Prime small hog can by tiorce. 511) lbs. Sc. lb ; kegs. 100 lbs. : halt kegs. 501113., Ola :anu\ll quantities. per lb. English sheep casings. kegs, of 50 In bund lea. oao:smal1quanmim.`&sc r bund e. Pure l-` -rmlinar. composed 0 blood. bone and neat. only) per Ion : tlno hone monl. his floor (oat: cou-so bone mm]. 835 per ton. I`. o. 1 rs- m on. r. BOWL/II a 00., -- HAMILTON UUIVIlLlIUg lrIlIlIll.IIU B ulillvuliullvn ` '00I.'l'|&O4 ..-,,;.-........~ ..... lull Tllllrsahly .,,z ._ .,: ...\ t:s'|` \'. v.\ .\'.\1).-T\ SATURDAY. I.-3VE.\'lN(:. .m.\'. 21,1355. memos: OI llllllllo runwi company. ponies veto Inuticd N1! 16. 1875, in this city. '11!!! have in children. Mn. Smith` says she has than been the practical Illpqnrt of her husband and hmilymnd nlnaclnuxes In III. 1-! I. ;n-I:ID lain; with indelity. uuneni ~DIl|IlllIll IIUIIIJ. . DIIO I II I niece of a*5 Vie-e-Clnunoellor Morn` of Toronto and trlnfldlulhter of ex- Mayor Moms of tlnnuno city. Hal Chrondon Smith is. the defendant and ion mambo: of llinnio W`! pguy. .....:.. _... ._.....'..I II ... In an: :.. .L:- IIIVUIT HI` JIIUI IRUII IXIIIIHUII III III? Supnno Court in which two welkkuuvrn pro- fessional: gure. ~' Tho plnintlll it In Rolinda Helen Smith in prints lifq and ` Helen Mount on the tinge. Tlleladyia ac- complished nu! connicttd with an ex- oellent. -Canadian family. She in u ..:-.. .1 ..&\r:__rI|.......n... n-_._. -3 P1!5!iK.?4 VP9{?f M