Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1888, p. 2

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This wi1l_bethe Great Opportunity for securing Cottons for Spring use. F. X. GUUSINEAU & G0. STRAIGHT MILL PRIUES. GREY canons! WH!TE oonous ! I AGRRATRR e BARGAINS - TRAN -SPECIAL OFFERINGS- Pemember Genuine Wholesal PHI-ices. COTTONS AND LINENS New Goods Arriving Daily. ._-..--< . _ _ _ . -7, -_,--_._ _,__, FOR BEGIXNBIIR also advanced you list. Shh! Rmdinal. `Punch Phruinlr. HA! `In .le~ olunlnu. (`acme `a Velocity. Unmet`: ndes. But horolfn uni Noun`: Sonatas. mm-l her with own! celebrated wurks and cnullinsilions J tho neat nuutan. First -011: lcstimonlnls. THIS WEEK. IN BLACK. The Leading All Over the House. By the Piece at -- u.L' REDUCED nY- B- IM,I F.A.`U'_I%.-% +rN T0-DAY.-- I32 and 134 Princess Street. an L`l4n_` EVER with other celebrated vturls and mnwnsmons of the [not I`ll'~I0l'l. I-`Ira!-clam Ins Aunt: Jomnnmx. Sm mi Earl SI. a..mm..; mm. (hoot-Ivzrlunnonamo. do not (tip: or rgontloundnn plonnnu who . vhhutcnuh; Ivofortl. dlnqicvu-yvlu\otu|IbynAIl. lslhohnoduonnullvu lint huh than tounloourulnout. thrpillncuutwulo olhcn do not. chug. Lin]. Ilium Dill: urn v-v nmnll And moholhcywoIllhnlucaIpI%IoInouvho gala: (mu ninja` eouphht: but nub Iholtgnonlnoudmu Iocoudhuqud vlonncouythonvlll Ind Ihcunlltth [anionic- shloinoonu: lhnI.IoyIillnotIowil~ V lIuI\)doI'iI.I|oI| . Bulllhrllhlcllold LT Zjt Ic:lhl;h\ !|C(=lII`u uubllvar 2:13:10 VIIDUIU Chil-"Flt! II"- =nIh than on-phlntvub the the count-ulldhnulon thotlouu.-Lida tho Inrunlnnuhhlhcboweln. Ivonlltherollr ool'ncuIlhnulu!ollhotlo.ncl.IlInuhh III Inrutllunhhllelmweh. Ivenutheyolly l.\nd--jQj 1 Au AT HALF PRICE 1] Ivar and legible the l-oven. Sven 11 u: M HEAD lnhnihav 1-IdIannI-an-II-Ijkulfu Remember this is a Genuine Remnant Sale Regardless of Cost at DRY GOODS. ALL mus WEEK! Murray & Taylor's, Ilunnutn llnu Boodn. lamnsnu mm a satin. Iamnnta cloakings. Bamnmta heads. bl 1 III} lluohhowhi iuiniuolclrbyr 1..sn(uo.v1>s. ` I A mp jaunt`. -3--m lmntnts Flannola. Remnants Ilinghms. can Lino: Underwear. Murray 8: Taylor's} LOW PRICE STORE. b$..\nv\ 1:. `anslovermud 1:` . Inmonlzd not and In 1:eo:r:a":% 9 . umunonssl nag. Tana `T iEo{cInE Brig}; vac; REM/I/ANT SALE VOCAL CULTURE. I76` PRINCESS STREEI. EDUCATIONAL nu unulvui turns. a-unua-tr: nu AGHE _- -1 _. _.-__ n.... AL-A \.- I. Tun: AL. I--LI MUSICAL ART. sIcK" --A l\--L.-'- Ilblln `I-3- aunocitnac \'-av ncczrj-c - 812 BARBIE STREET. lint-(`Jun ltlomcnlu-y Education in Eng 1,55. Inthunnuua. Clndeu and, Bookkeeping. n nvnv am 9.-c..q...| IE1 Lu?` CIT IKXCKKPIII : aux. mum. la In laeothun I I from nggl l_nnt.|l'II: n-nnJ (`III '!W'III.. KW TKTW In `D. WIINII. II his life smiled ex mnuhy the Iutth ofhinhunhinioiinll. Iolullolnul, hocking. though he bu] the virtue: oftlo OI `I10 I|Ill'I|' OI RIIQIIIQQ k\llU.II Illll lIll'IlI* with pared ..for the page. She called hone Adelaide Moon. and 58 the proton: timoia wandering gombvllen about the I-'orld it in to act. and inno doubt nyidly dhsiputl gt 0 lihacmnnutof Old `mien- 'tinn'n fnl-tn; Wink A lllnlll fnr Innli IIEIFKIIIK K". W v""lInClIl OI UICI 'I"IIf V` tine`: fortune. Whu I moral for men F money gutters! rho lllll who Iccuumlnud ` tluin'foI-tuna. new nentuvod to the winds. in Ida R`: 3.3314. Anni nun: In. OK. mi rernaps. Lne younger or) rnncruerr rrom his father a Inisera e constitution. and rorn his mother a tem r and qualities that may curse ,hiI life i he lives. .1 he other fell desperately in love with the daughter of a poor country parsou and mar- ried her. It. was not longlill thin domly coun girl"hlouoIned into a line faahion~ ahle y. and camelehair shawls," seala- skin eaoqueo, diamonrlq pearl: and rnhiu. "galore. proclaimed her wealth to the worlal. Then she made the grand tour of Europe. and while abroad made the acquaintance of Adelaide Neileon. the artnea. She la\~inh~ od prenenu upon her vhich tho actress was not loth to receive. and followed her from Klaoe to lace likoa poodle dog. till .\liea 'eileo`n led on a Paria houlovard. Then Mn. Valentine im `nod herulf" ofthe spirit of Adel Q Noiloon and forth- iwithnnnrnrndjnrlhnnhng Slmmllnd Ininnm-J fgtlur A mini nnu-son man. But whnt of the money he left? Ave them : the rub." Wellrit ruined the wiuldw nu-l limllv killed hbr. She lied more mioenbly than Valentino. for she was do- aertoil b every friend the had on earth. Oxcepl t doctor. and he in no terried an he atood by her bedside that he sent out for four phyucinns and the coroner. to bear witness thnt he had not murdered her. But he left no boys. Surely they will enjoy it? Perhaps.` The younger {J inherited from I` Q Nnnntihn inn IIICIII IWCIVB DUCK! I "C?K. At last her conduct became so tlagnmt aith the doctor thit the relatives of .\Ir. Valentine declared she was on until person to have charge at her son, and the court was appealed to on the bo_\ "s behalf. and he was finally taken from her custody. As they tore the child from her arms it `was one of the most heart-rcnding scenes ever seen in at court of justice. `The buy was carried on` screaming for his mother, and the mother was carried out in hysterics. She then deeded the house she lived in to the doctor. but the atfair caused such ll scaudad that he was compelled to deed it back; however he succeeded in getting her to deed it to him again There is no doubt the conrr `\}_li_l declare the deed invalid on account of fraud and undue inuence. Tliia week she was suddenly wine I with hemorrhage, and he fure anything could he done for her she was dead. And so ends thg..u-conl, of a colossal fortune and a stormy life. Mr. Valentine did what thuuisnds have done before him and what thousands more are doing to- lay. lie was a close, hard tisted, haul-headed man: he grubhed away through sixty years. tuck to business night and day. He ha I no sympathy for the poor fuuls who fritu-r awa_v\the time in pleasure. This lift-`s not made for pleasure." said Mr. Valentine; its made for work; I work and other folks should work." And he did Work. and his dollars rolled up to hundreds of thousands. Then ll: Inarriled the l`ido\\`hanldedsft:l' four years 0 super tive -nisery e 1 i ma token- hearted man. ? ` D... ..|._a .4` AL- ....._... L- I-h \ u A ..- very II.`lI\'e l`I\'ll In nruuliyll. ` lbeathatepped in to aettle I law tllltl which for the past four years has lnrniahed work for the oou-I. izoenip for the town. and abun- dant fees for the lawyere. who have waxed fat thereon. and whose riot in bitterer than Rachel'I as there are stl I two hundred than and dallara left on I hieh they ne\`er`got their clawe. In Brooklyn lived an old mer- chant named Valentine who had euceee-led in making a fortune of about half a million of dollan in urk, lard and bacon :and after he had laid .\ re. Valentine No. I to rent. he- neath the daisies he hethou ht him that he \rou|dha\`e a good time. and ieing Ill|_\' him- self fell head over lleela in love vitha bloom- ing widow of thirty. While in weeds for her tiist beloved nho was the nieoet, mitdeat. nI'0(`lOS! creature that ever run: a widow'a cap. Like Bonnie Annie [JUNO her voice was low and sweet, and when Valentine did a wooing go he got a new a-`rateh wig, dyed his C_\`elIl`III', put on his .\`unda_\' amt ; and. to makea long story altort. in lean than a month she wan cmvmod with orange hlos sums, and Valentino thought himselt in para dine. lt did not take him twentyfour hours to tind out that he had made a gigantic mis- take. A luau may he a vet y good judge of pork and ham, he may he sound on homo and sausages, and yet get fooled on a widow. Well, that was just Valentine`: ease ;and from that time to the day of his death, which oegurred just four year: after. he sat on the stool of repentance and never got oil`. No salty tears were wasted on Valentine`: grave. Um: child. a son. was the result of this un- fortunate nuiou, and hlr. Valentine had an. other son by his tint wife to whom he left 3200.000 : to the widow the house atie lived in and the income at 8l0l).(Xl). She sent for her father, mother and brother, and the family get along very well till one Doctor Riehartappeared upon the ecene, and from that hour there was tronhle in the Valentine family. This eeltlwilled woman. who had driven two hnehanda in eorrov to their graves. heume aa putty in the hand: of this wily doctor. and at laat eo aoandalone did their conduct become that her mother van foruad to rernonatrate with her. and then in her ra she drove her father and mother out of the one to atarve. An appeal was inside to the court: and she was compelled to pay them twelve dollars a week. \sl--a L-.. .u....l....e I........... .... II..........a no noun. .\?auy of the lines! watering nlu-en in the vmrld cm but found Along than 3 Island In-aches. an-l_,.while New York will ulwuyu remain I gft mmmercinl centre in point of population. the next decade will show I ~ active rival in lirooklyn. IL..ol. .3--un-I in In untlln A In: unit uhinh D. RILEY, VIOLINIST 150 33001: sat. in. max; um mun: wnrl. W ila I write the city in holn triclirono-I in gvor direction uith olevntec malt. and it in o to any that when all 0! them Are 1 cs-mplotul. A: II is hoped they will be before ~ the clone 0! I883. that the following your will show a transportation rouonl 0! at lent sixty million: 0! pawn`:-rs, or shout equal to tho eutin population 0! the Unite-l State; Long lulnml in itching to I new lilo. It in possible thnt the eaten: and of it may he mule the tonuiul point turn new llli ul tnnutlnntic gnyhoumlo. iwllich. built upnuly 9r axon. carry In; no Insight. and provl-ed with every luxury anal muvcnhuco than modern imptuvonnuu augment. it in hope-l-will nah the voyage to thc nuns! point 0! the Irish mat Ill four ` law. anal them-o by nil and rapid noun to 1 Ho` haul. _.... I Ch. n45. up-D-pins: nlgnnn In IL` A Law Bill `that lldod In lioocl season A l Any \\'nclo.l Completely -IonOy Dlcl No Good to the Aloha: Who WA: on roll: Ilollolhrd Tlnv-A [I no lo- cnnlop Anal nu and. at Yicyn. NI` \'unn. JAa. l--RAnicl Inuit in `e! in its iulauwy in our Amer city oflirouh yn. but I An in A lulu report {ht A Ihqlo IIIIO going Ihmull not the must log. purtu ol Brunt yn (`Atrial in ltmuthip b u-on milliounol pun fl. And the dentin loy Ax-vi-Ion! were Ian I All one in A million. ` An-I the ilfonncl from All man: not one in A \ Ixumlml t ouuncl. Not A hAd buzinninu ` tint. And one IRA! Apouskl mom than Mr ; Iunm for tho are And Alsill uorcined in ` this rilnun work. \I` II. I nu-in` IIAA oi In hnhuo aI~LIin\lAn.I THE TOUCHES 3' SOME ASPECTS OF NEW YORK LIFE. Bl{0.-\|)Bl{IM'>SVl.L'l'H2l{. BRITISH wu1u.MuNu.u'; JAN. 23. _{ Arum muck. . -~ ` A fatal stack of :ronp in a fnvqncut so cu-nnot among childnn. Every household sluld In guudod b topping ` Pectonl st and. 1: u 1 colic, croup. utlmu and In-uclli 1 in A mnn nhln unannou- I-C _I.-U IICIICT. I: long distanced by 3 10 cent bottle of Poison`: Nervilino, the newest sad but pain l Ql||Qd_\`. It cure: colds, crun colic, pain in the head. sciatica, vain in e\cheIt ; in fact it inoqually omcaciou u an external on; internal remedy. Try I I0 cent ample bottle of the gun pdu nmody. Ndn-ilino. Sold by dnggiub. Lu-go bottles only 95 can. `In 1 umplo bottle of Norvilinc, only 10 outs. Take no substitute. KIIO"Il nnlouy I0!" (IICTTIIVQK Wnemer ITIIIII8 from tootliin or othofnusol. `Twenty-ve cents: hot 0. Beuutoundukfor Mn] \\`:.._I..-J. Q....sL:__o.._.._ -...l o-I.-.... nu.-- me cnuu mun . um un auto cnerun unkonn brig t an I button." It in ploauntto the time. It soothe: the chi] . soften: the` gums. allay: all pain, tblievu wind. ngnhtel the htwols. nndiathoheot known nmody for diarrhors. whether arising frnm hntliinn m- nth.-`iunnnq 'I`I'nntv.\~n Mn. Winslow`: Syrup should nlwgyn ho uaonl when children an cutting teeth. It relieves the little nonr at once ;' it pmdueeunstunl, ` ulapby relic` the child from .rs.:n.hd the am. chem .-.L.. .. u|..:.. . -- _ 1...... " lo 3. men cono - HAND [Books IXIIII I IIDIIIE X III!` IIIUKI I0!` Alli`: ' Winslow`: Soothipgsyrup. and tnkenoothor kind. - "IIKC Ulll. ` I vhus guing along uler shtreet sometimes ` und I full: clown nun an awful cllah. May- `pe lot praka my luck. but oofery person \ uhtops und cries 1-01", Hz ! ha 2 In I like I it \-ha let but fun he enter air. 1 cu)`: gake oudt vhero some la` comes in. I knpn lnlnn almv rhnndt nnv nlnmy who I guea mit der mixer to buynlouf ofbmul, and there vhu A big hole in der louf. uml he dour` any nothings. Dot bukercome in my place to buy nglos of beer. und pecnuse dam vhu mm truth ou_hor he Brit`! oud don I shyrinullo him. SIIIC olllll \'lICl'0 IIYIIIC II" COIIICS III. I keep mum dog rbondt nu phce who run under der table if oomoponfy shakes his tist at him, und uforypody laughs und up I vhu I fool. I trade him for I dog who shows his teeth uud Vhu randy to bite aomepouly if he move his foot. uml safer)`- ` nnrlv urn I \-Ina ; 1-illiuu nud dnt dmv must wt-n\.v...cuxL.uousoaror.(-uum`, Wbonnbobou-ollinquooluglocuhrh K Whuohhdiluuhpnlhuthnu (I00 I IOTK II III II I I)'I III! IIIUIII). I go unit dcr theater oomelinu-a in see 1 dot eminent .-\meri:-an actor." Below he 1 vhu half alone I vhas glml I vhns not clot eunnem ole Dutclmuus." If I vluu I kill nuyiself. -_._. I... .I..o In salt. see In uler papers at election time dot. I och an soocni mans vluu morul. hum-at, ........:..|.p -..I.... .....l Cull l\' ......_l..-m. A ` ' 000 `ll 300(`ll'I ["5113 VII lllurll. HQIIIVCUI. ` 0 upright, whet uud full of goodness. A ; few days after he d-'-an` get elected I see luv. ` cler is n Ovlullll uml eaiurygxxly says it. was all right. How do! conu-3 umundt. I alum` make oudt. ' I ..I_ . _ ,___i_,. .I.,_. ._ J-.. _I..._.-A .._ _,.AJ.....,. on `W0 `KKK I can`! unto oudt how it moss vhu dot I nun who works I d don`: Inf some money. while nomepu don`! Iork at all ||wn_\`s hnf plenty. I an unit Jar lhaula-r nnlnolinnu Whoa hbywuu|ck,vo3|vobctCu&'A` 1un__ _n_ __, _ on ... . ,_~-z ;_n-_-.__n_ -\rI-ac\po.- -.-u-- IR. HORACE REYN CW8 Students msnnr Oil uludiu Jun. Out. Then an: atom vacan- dol. for which curly application is necessary. :0:-tu1n?au:3xl.{`nll`ktI|.neoIoI:.ol Moan. Raynor YIIII HUI" IITI l'II'IIIlIl I`. I don't no how in v as do: if I owe nomaponly I leedle bill he comen Around! on an thump slur lint thing .\lomhy morning And In! two noun at der bank to pay, but if somepody owes me I must wuit and go uoundl oisatuniay. and then In put: me o"II`o week: .....h _..I.. -.. In L-.. :A ......-. _I...-_- I d m`! sea hmv he vlunnlot coma woman`: i take uop um tannin Iur uhtreet cu` uud , clout` pal mom uh ntnnepody who has to ride on or bind! platform ml: min falling low: not back of his nook. but mnypo is vital that hunt Puiulu lo. Inlnlflnnn hnlr Inn 1: An nlnl if I nu`: \ ` Soho Thing: Ilo fan`! l'r.d-raand About luau: .\`nturv-l`au You Illplllu ? lL.a-. n L\... II_... VCTIUTIIIIIICE "I ("U ~`1`lI\IllUII Il'lI|_\. l'I_vm0u!h chuu-h so.-lllcd Dr. .\l!u`s salnry at Ii,.'x'l|. This is umu-!.hiu,; of u imp fmm the )`. .'i.1IlD paid .\1r. Beecher, but Dr. Alrlum. i: Mlulio.-J. l 5yummh church is utielio-I, In the rust of the world will hue to be.--Blm.\lIlIIll!l. Zinnia nun-Ir- D1-llo.l Pu-o Prvss. lull IIIIIIGI Dy ("50. lhrry Hill. Iho keeps the thin-cu` resort on lileecher sweet, And who cane In grid with the urine board because I-0 would not allow I polioemnu to lnlnckmnil him. hu Iomnuu whiskey unlothorclelmli ng-hints uni now keep: I bury on the 01-! lpul rughl under tho non of Nu: pulmo luounl. There IN ucrulconwruun Sun-lay m ht. Innue- whnt htferout fmm lhune uf the '. .\I.(.`..\`. but. ne\'erIhlv:ss. hnghly mliuhccl by the audic-me. and me fullv equal to the host. ` perfnnmsnce: of the .\`.1l\'at|on urmy. I"\~mn|nh nlun.-In u-lllml Ilr \hh.slI'q HIT: In this city than no thouasndu of uueriu from cold and hunger whale I write. on half of tho olforl. vu undo tor them that in mule to an thin murder- ous rulliiun. it might dloviuo much misery in hundruh ut human which have never boon ntuiuonl by cmo. "Al`l'\' Hi" Ivhu L.-one Hun thinvnu` n-can-I Ivtry IIIIT, "III QUIIO)` LHIIIII I-III]. Wins! a ll mat. the uioumn 5 man in proved In In I munknr and 3 rnllian and ll nuanced to tho gallant. such clupunh cloth an undo lo awn his vouhlo-n met. Hunt in Dunn Dtinoullplhc chic! oi the Whyo scum: mu whoa me from cluluihood so mogullovnlinbuuonolougnoonlul inluuy. In uuompcing In unuoiulo an` other rulcn at In: uwu Ilripe In tho! his puumour, Ilroolv liuulun. He in mud, convicted and umouwl to be hung. Wlnlo in pmou he planned and almost. succeeded in camping. ud later kid 3 plan to uni than the union. No sooner I! lull known than the governor in nppoolonl to to can him. I.. L1. .25.. LA_- __. .L_..___.l_ -3 ____2- couuulluou up Inn a wry long you v-r chuilitl nut in jun [IOU Ml`! Fl hauled. the uvokuouo M`! II!` `but nvroty. Wuu. utmvq l t and cruelty. uutho alums which I inuoIi`uui`1Id nlotu. l3ud_ 5019 `$0 um are oooupuod to clllln ill W`- M: N |'.qIMiII||m.'I turned, up lhll `I003 .31", `fog; Ila Jul, when and IDIIII the Vdmuo u to St. l'nu|'| some years tun. Like Dr. My \\ cllser ulna pulse:-nd punt: In skirts. and a lick cut! in math and I waist. the was urn-um! than not for Ilia` rf may I lined k-I ulolhu. ET wheel: :90 uuv:::nd was it III her oI'II muulnclun duo in uiawhugul. she in IOI tilngulhor luv-sly lo luok M . and you have slimy: lulu (maul of syn puhy (or not for tho bravo mum: in vmqh oyb bu `Might the ham. ul Me. HI: bu washed for but huulund and MI children an wk on womcu in I lumdnd um-and hn dune. anaugh yummy opal oouuauuly am In: uruulonl on lur yum IIMI though upunod and wuptul by pouury uni unt in` so low women not have boon. no linolh oi sandal our touctheal hit. and that in man than thousand: of lino luhu can an when hluhuda have uumruudo-I them with nary luxury than uluuoy cu-uld buy. \\'I|Al u n. lh-I nu. nimnnnl A mnn in and clhll I brotun loaned INCI- M Harm in I that in the sitltl 01 olll` nil chin. and our oinoo |_II_ MI hut in ouo ho luau stirring the dllhlll :r:.".*.:"-`".. .....::*..:.`:': a 2:2 .':..':. .`. .".' KINGSTON ACADEMY` A-.. -u . an-- nuns-.-v-: Angel (iohtiol. and the lhlollll 01 I Doumthuun and liquor oumhino-L "F M r. Vslullno In in ol locum-uni. \ 0| he n.du...uy. llllonl his gold hunt. and dhd btohn hand nch. lI-_.. II`.-nu X. .. pl. .._ in sh` nigh 0! FPO, I1 I19 Ill! IOOI, Illlll DIlBI'y 7 says I vhns an villiul and dot dog must kn! CARL OUNCER SPEAKS. no Illulu nu-n::. I:-A__-__I l_ _ `v` .-.5 Advtco to lotion. always all der time V, amuepo-ly who um Inf nlonnt Offers All/AWof)|en Goods at WHOLESALE PRICES. Etc. j I White Cottons. splendid mac. `any comm at um I-mm G-my or mice sum ng 3, plain or twillcd. all width: Reduced. Feather Ticking. V9"! '~`h|P- Linen T0Wl8. -nu. Linen`, nu; Napkin, Towelliugs of .u u..a., .u ahead in pm. " Q1`lie(}arpe\andCuIinSdostilleonti{:uodby , , ` ` ORB 36 CO. Clouds. `I.-l`o;ieir. T `Mavis. Blankefs. Flan- nels, comfongrs. Ulsterings, Jacket Cloths. Vlool Dress Good. EA- vv \r:- to---o lm KATE MORltlS0.\'. Pupil 0| John O'Neil. .\`ow Iin and (`onu-tutor; of .\Iusio. Boston. will hire vo [mm]: for nnce II'01llll`~ undrnltlvnuon. Italian method imto or classes of I or mare. Children in~ mad with arm: one. For terms cuppa` at SAN Slrqg. Phsnoluwo punlla rocoiva . `RIGHMOND, ORB &; co- srencs & cnumsv, IIFOIIIU IIIII DIICK. Il yard: Heavy A|l~\\'oo| Estnmine Dress Goods l'.'c, in; Seal Brown, Gold Brown and Bronze Green. l\..._.I nnn ......I- -l AL... ..I.I ...:AI.:_ AL- I_-A .A._. .....|._ -...l --L..-...I-_I_.j L... -I| wu DEERE IIIECII. ` 1 Over 31!!) ml; of these sold within the last two weeks. and acknowledged hv cl ` who have seen In an the Cheapest Goods over shown in the city. As this ll thflan Lot we can get of them gnu at once and get n choice. Another Lot of 5(1) yards He.u-y tweed Dress Goods at 17c, in Fury, Myrtle, Brown, R . Bronze and Black. `I'll ..-_.l- I.I..-.. All Il`....I I`.`..A__.:.._ I'\ lV.._.a.. I-.. :.. 0..-] D__.__ (1-!) D_..__ John Laidlaw & Son, PRINCESS STREET. \. T JUST INWTHEWJNICKT OF TIME SPENCE ;gz_Q%RUMLEY s FINE DOUBLE WIDTH SAXONY FLANNELS, IN WHITE. WHITE SHAKER F LANNELS, COLORED OPERA F LANN ELS. FINE L SHETLAND CLOUDS, isicir. ranmmmmm -n-rs l\E\4'\I\v\' --

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