.vvvu nu :--Ivy -' :11-:i-Uheapet' in ghovcity. Foot of Clarence and Barrack Streets, - M. MALLEN`. ' IUIII And hero my idea widens and! have to say not only to those who have made a min- tllte in solemn promise of marriage. but to than who have alroady at the altar been pro- nounced one when they aim two, or in liven- sity of times and likco and dislikes are neither one nor two but a doacu--malta the host you can of an awful mistake. And here let xnoauswcr lottersthat come from every state of the American Union, and from across the sea, and am coming yoaraltor i you from men and women who an Corrine i any nllinncod and titd together Ina hard knot, a very hlhd knot. Tho lottu-I run something like this: What ought I to do, my husband ina drunkanli" My wife in a gal about and will not my at home." "My companion is ignorant and hatubooh and! row] in them." `'1 like music and a piano .si~t.a my hiislnnml crazy." I am fond of social lilo and my companion is a recluse." I am trying to be good and my life long as- sociate is very bad. Wlint shall I do!" My answer is, there am certain good rwuons for divorcoment. The Bible n.-cognian them. 'iety rocogniu-s them. But it must bo the very last resort. and only after all rt-nwonnlrle attempts at l`(`(`l8lnIl.I0!l and ad- ju.~tm(`nl. have pmvc-l n dead lailuro. When sun-h am-mpts fail it is gu-nvrully L-ccaueo 0! lll(`tltl`3t)lll(' outsiders, and women tell the V|`l`Um.;t`1l Wlfl` how she might to stand on her rights, and men tt=ll"1llu`\\-ruiigeilhusband how lioought to stand on his rights. And lot lluslullld and wife in an unlinppy niar- ringo relation stand punctiliously on their rights, and there will be no readjustment, and only one thing will be sure to them, and that is a hell on earth. If you are unhappily married, in mmt i-nsvs I advise you to make the but you can of an awfully bad bargain. Do not project your peculiarities more than is necessary. Perhaps you may have some fault: of your own which the other party in the marital al- lianco may ban to suffer. You are in tho tune yoke. It you pull aside the yoke will only twist your neck. nutter pull ahead. The world is full of people who made mis- takes nl-out many things. anti among other thing about hetiuthal and mar- riage, and yet have been tolenhly happy and very useful in the strength nf Haul and hv tho xn-am: nmvniend I i V` ``"` `""! Iluvw Wllla II Il)9'lIIfIlIIt IOIILI ul tho number n! malpu he has taken onuwlll lloum wanna gm . wongu will no to a man about In lmpnmmt n mut- ter u u-at at a lth'l`l'lIll"l wo~ltprn~. tln-3' mll up ghnut 5 MI] 0! go-ulluud ll:-nlnnut tlmmou and lie nlutlt wfthlng. Hm-it-ty tmlny la lnrtmful 0! gnllnntn, anal -man ntllllnan. and tarp:-t lmightu, (uni l`nI|ltO\"l\-I Iml tln-In mnllt incl fmwakvn 0! all ulytdvluw-irts And {hey gu nbuut drawing nnuuamml the pnrlun If wutn-ring plan-s. r-lmpnrlug nml lmring. mat mm;-lmiz and whl-poring, and than I`!- tum to the club mom: ll they be men, or to their nu-vlnl nth:-ring: If they be women. to chnttvr and sink over wluut um: and to then In mntldenm. Condlgu puuluhnn-nt ln_ npt tn mum upon them. and H10)` gt-t [HIM in their own t`lIllI. I (`OHM Ilollll )'\)II to It 8(`ul`t.' whum mvi--ty lull lvt zlropvery Inn] in m turufnrthmr tween-atllcln hum.-m .hourt!t. Au tunu-h men. tho.-y walk nruuml lu tlwir mllhm-_\-, after their hair in streak:-cl wlth xrly. nml |Ih`lt'lltlIll].: they are naturally short-sighted when their t`}'('|lu`0 mold ln sin that they need the spa-tat-lea of I mp tulgmurlnn, an vyv;;lumt about No. R, and think they are trout:-hing tn their ntrlclo and l o\ el'pom=rlng In tlu-lr glances, although they . I we simply luuglning utm-ks hr all muultlml. And It then ham dc-uh-rs ln human hearts he teunlc-Va, they are left after`: whlle new-rely Ilono, strh-lug in I very (leiporltion of agony of coametlm to get hack to theat- tnctlvoneu they had when they u.-ml to brag . how many muculiuo nlfectaous they Ind Ilnughteral. Fbrukou of God and honest uuunndgood womenaruuro to bullmch lnucullno and female trlen with human und yet Immortal atfectlonl. Oh tnnnoh zoinun. having pllghtad your troth. Itlck tl A-) L... __ :.I.. -t.I...- -...| I 5-..- A- i I WINTER Ii6URs1oNs To California and Pacic Coast, Lon Angelou, San Francisco and Return, Loowo Kin ton EVERY MONDAY via Kan :. us Cm` an Southern Route. I no Kin IIEVERY FRIDAY vim Coun cf} Iul n_n Union Pacic. All 'l_`Iclxela good In return [or -x -rmzhs. Forxnu.-In general inlurwmhm .% to "THO - A-!;2.h`:'.::r:I.:".,":.:';r:*.:'-.'.;~f:.:;:"" Passenger Train leave the new City Pamen [or Depot. foot Johnnpn street. as follows :- . coma nrr oonm wlurr. No. I .... . st. 12:2) p.m. No. 2.. No. 5.. .It 1:45 p.m, No. 4 `No. 3. . .. .nt.l:I8 un. No. 0 GRAND TRUNK RA|L Y. run through to Portland`. I Last train to make connection with steamer leaving Halifax loaves Kingston every Thurs- dny nt_l:45 p.m. s1u1.I.\'as Irnou r`oR'rLA.\'b ` u.u.nr.\x Parluimn .. ..........Jnn.l2lh .Jan. Nth For Tickets and overv intormuuon apply to __--.-- ... -- --.--.-o ORA ND TRUNK CITY PAgB8'OER STATION Ivrrvnuu \a--vvlv- I\"r- .v--. Rates of (`abin Passage from Portland 0 iiaiifnx. 850. 865 and 875. according to the posi- tion of auueroom. Ron_trn-8i(l). I25 and 8150. Intermediate- Stli. iuer 0- ' sum or: nn passengers on the Railway wharf at Portland and Halifax. The last train to make connection with steam or ioiwing Portland loaves Kin ton every `Wednesday at l:-I5 p.m. Puilmun `urn will be through Portland; Lnnl. train Ln mnko A !)73.1{l'i.33. All rstmlnas Companies giving the highest ` security, the lowest rates. fnlr treatment. and nromnt set! lament of losses. _ J (I `Jill-C5, JJQQY 1.4121. 9 \v{n~u'. Ticket. Agent. Corner Johnwn um On mrio St:-ogu; :- J5.]*i.L.z-LIN :tjI`i`r:r:'. Royal Mail Steamships. wmnsn .95/ei/E5, 7887-7888. 1 l\_L)._ _-_,._.. _..... n....oI....A .-. 1 0111,. V Vl*`.RN().\' W. BRU\\'N &. C().. Or to J. I . Gilda:-sleeve. .-`\gent,. 42 (Slur- - once Street. inolnilod. No. 0 does not run on . Monday All Tickets good return {or ! vrmrhs. F J'IN3Illge1IoI`llil|lul"lInhul . I; '1'! (5 ~13` A 1\."`1=-. JV IT-AVI EU UP` KAUBAUII I ' Uahin--$6U, $80 nnd$l00. accordingto so 1 comnlodntrion. Intermediate pasange-$35. ` Stoerago at Very Low Rates. Steomgo I` icketa to and from London und Queens- tnwu and all other parts of Europe at low- ` I I eat rates. _ 'r|.........|. mu. ,.4' !..I:......:.-.... 6'..- R..lf..o ell. rates. Through Bill} of Luding given fur Belfast. ' Glas ow, Havre,` Antwerp and other point: on t e Continent and for Meditornlnonu POFCB. For freight and passage apply st Com- n{'s Otce. No. 4. Bowling Green, New v.E:.%{ , ' ROTHNIAM UMBRIA. .. SERVIA. `K (:AI.Ll.\. . .` { ICURANIA, ATRURIA. .\`ER\',lA. . .. U.\IHRI.\ . .. u..ng13ED.) NEW YORK AND From Pier No. 46,-N.R.. New York. I/`C |II'Il pmmxt M uuvv some mun, same woman, some Cluldl ` In that elfnrt you will forget. or he helped ` to hear your own trials, and in I little Irhllo God will take you up out 0! your disturbed and harrowing conjugal relation of earth into a heaven all the happier because of pn- ceding distress. When Queen Elizabeth of England Iru expiring it was arranged tho: the exact. moment of her death should bo signaled to the people by the dropping of I sapphire ring from is window into the hands of an omen-r, who carried it at the top 0! speed to King James of Scotland. But your duparturo {ruin the scene of your earthly V woes, if you are ready to go, will not be the dl"uppll|g urn sapphiro to tho ground, but tho setting of A jewel in Aking's coronet. Bltssed be His lorious name forever! 01/A/A/?1)} JUNE. l|_\ , CID H|l'lll."l bKl\"'l. Now, what Wu want in this work of walling luv}; the xx-mm ut ]rv\`-l`l)' and ulrunlu-Imam and impurity and sin is the help of more `womanly and manly lmnls.. Oh how the tides come in! Atlantiv surge of sorrow nttrr Atlantic nur o 0! sorrow, and tho tem- pest: of human ha and satanic fury are in full cry. Oh. woman of many troubles. wha`. are all the lehstsof worldly delight, if they were oered you, mmpared with the oppor- tunity of holgng hiilld and support barriers winch sonic-times mom giving way through mun`: tmaclwry an-I the world`: asaultl Oh woman, to the dylroslb Bring prayer, bring taara, bring cheering wonlsl Help! I-lolpl And having done all. Imorl with III on the ~ quakin; wall until the God of the wind and `tho Iaaahall hunt: the one andailancatho othar. To the dyhesl Slnara. motherl. wives, daughter: of America, to the dyhul 'l`ho,mightleat catholicon for all tho wounda . and wrong: of woman or man iacomplota abaorption in the work to nacuo other-a. Save some man, some woman, childl In that nnrt. VIII! will fur-ant. nr K4 lulu.-I \.Ji- -I-L5-o&V -L-Jul-II & "'3.:3.'.2}1n.TJ`3`..T'}?.3 T.`. ;iT;{;ff"' Wllll VIVIV lill llull IIII|'lIn lillll 1| IIX BIKE 1 mm. and null tho on-an man-d Itself fun-more awful strnlw, mad for um nverwlnelultng ol tlmuaamlu 0! live: In thu vlllngu-u. Now we have dolu all in 1-uu,"uald tho engine:-7; "clown on yciur knew. my men. and pray to God for help. And on the trembling and parting tlylws thcv prayed till the wind changed and the non kubnldedgnlul the vil- lngvs In-law, whit-h. lznnwiny; nothing of tho ]l`l`il, M-re full of rump and dance and hilar- ity. were gloriously savml. \'m- -Inn up-.. -no 1.. cm. _...|. -1-.m-... INIVU `lull III "1' (`u ony`o'ur knot-u.: help." ( [2 1 Inna: I..:Inn- n~l\i.~|u l~nn I.`lllIlI17l . Kill` UH UH!" I'll '\I|I.'l III with than amp tho holed in the wall." And It). In tho clalll and dark- ness and surf It was docs. and with the workmen`: apparel the openings in the wall woro partially llllml. But dill tholldo frx and uh" Ohn no:-nu nnnnnl Man" fun-nvun .n';in'.5.;r. lh wall. A ..__. -..A FAST Ex/>/?s7M/L ssm//c. ' """ "7' vvj 7`? o '-` "-U" WI! In full wrath. hunting against the dyiu, and Ms Inl--I and the u-prur wen mu 1 I thing. -`Shall I go tuthe tent," uyl th 3 ongiuwr, "ur ulmll lgnnnd In-lp My warh- ` nu-n Ink:-1-nrquf we o|_V|MII" "Tukocui-nf tlsmI\'km,"he laid tu'|unm-ll ; I malt and will. 4.\-o ho nppenrd on the wall the nu-n wnrkjm; Itww wc-n~ 1-xbaustul And nhnulml: ll;-I - (-mum the engineer. 'l`\~nnk um]! Than umu" The wall was giving way, stone by none. and the engineer bad a rope hit-nod umulul III body. and some 0! the workman Ind mgau {am-ma nmuml u-Ir bodlel and were In clowninlhl the NIH lurch that In-at u-wall. Everything was givlm: way. -`l\lnr:- ntnm-.-of" vrlecl tho mm. "".u>.. n......n....I" II..n Al... ........ .......... Liverpool And London And Globe INSURANCE C0'Y.` In wrn Ind thu ning. 1 also vurqq the dvln-5," hm will. ha I VRATES OFTEASSAGE ; . can hm....lcInn ...\.....-.lim. ICALLING A1` CORK IIARBORJ to coma wlurr. . . 2 ..... "II 3:50 pm. ..... . .at 2:10 run. ..nt.l:20 ..... . .at 5:10 run, Mata.-10a.m. Mixed .... ..M1:`!H\.m. Mlxod.....uU:6 tn. "l`nlno.\'og.3.l'm1d6run$\1 n 1'11'.-).ii:4'.i"`1}Z`p':;'1.'Er. -- ~~rr~u ' __./n_____ I_L_. __ -_.1 . - \I In N by um. mu TRAV ELLIN G. III ' II "idktl |lll'. o . Shtunlay. Jan. l-lth . .Sltlll'\`1l\y, Jan. `llst. . utnlnlny, Jan. 28th ...\':mmlny, Feb. 4th .Sa|turdu\', Feb. llth ..\'Murday, Feb. I8th . .\`ntunlay, Feb. 25th` . . Saturday, Mch. 3rd :41; :40 British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Co. of London. Eng. ;Cupilal. I6.(l)\.(Il). A I71` I II In` UT III Illlfll 'l`hen, `hunt ..I. IIl3|I\l'r `V ""3 u, rrkul tlll rlnllul and Jn; in Ik- ' J. n. lummhrs. . Opp Wm qoui " atood Dow Ail kinda of goods cETn'ea and dyed wen wnluhed. ' I put. up and have for ale the "Jam Paella! " warranted to be! the best. in the market. Try t em. Agent: wumd. ` V _ IL IOIMOIIRY larch 4. Hut!!! Wu. [_ heated. by I hot. waver ', "'zi};'.Li{a_c':'.:.i 'n.'{:L L} Li n'J.r'.-..}""' I ONES ' TONSORIA L PABLO]: Brlunh Amorimn Hotel Block. Chu-once 81. N P-1`houo no the only Ruth: In the city bound. by steam the:-abv securing an all hoes, Ana 9. j DYEING wom " `PRINCESS ST:,___- KINGSTON. u. nuluuullmu DUO: n rzugckvim, ugmwsnn, - L0(`k'.Vll`hl. SAW-I-`nun AND Gmxtmu. Jon mm. Kc 's mted and looks renal ads or mcrent kinds ol keys I0 choose fro}: ewnmd second-hand goods bought! no 5: Princcu strut. Ion King red. Thou 41!./I/J 1.15441 .51 Norwich Accident. Insutunce Co. ; Cnpilul. )73.l{L'i.$L Companies isnnildiuigi llisiii. liirmafi. `Fought ABE '7' sold on comm! on ulco. with Strange .3 Stmngv Clarence St I opp. Pm! Olllvo !I SA_.A.O bAv:I:'J:>,- I nnx-Gui;-n Run-.I`n in nun lllrunnv Inn cLeg_ujLiuje;%_: s_u:mg3;ooLru:s Ihc Ga-m-ml Real Estate uent ll- ._._._ I /- H')l.`8l-is T0 RENT. - TENANTS FOUND Building hots. I-`arms. 8:0. bought um comml Kiuhvat-orln . N. STANLETS Golobntod Enh Spectacles. A. P. CROWN. (`henilat and twist.` Anni. 335 and 337 KING STREET. `H. BIBBY & VIRTUE. Scottish Union S. LV[IOH`\l Insurance xo. ; Iupitul.8.m'Lm(). Imperial Insurance ~00. of London. I-Zng.: Ia iul I7.78Ii.li. rltlsh America Assurance Co.; Capital. mmmn ` Before the rush commences. '0 have the Finest Stock and Prices are Right. Goods selected now can be laid aside nntil wan ted. Robertson Brothers, We have four of the Above on hand Ind range from $20 to $40 each. All Are First- Clun Instruments, but as they are outside of our line will be oered at Rednxd Prices. Cd] and select your ?-0/zr/Vstmas Presen ts- Eng}: CHOwN.(`.h `is: d t.'A nu. Kimmton. up an g`hJuly8l.6._f ACMESKATtS.ACMESKATES. Puwon Svrrzs Arm hocxoxs of every doa- cripuon mule to ozrler. Rrmnuxo promptly nltonded tn. Chairs reso led Mn-rlussu rammed or made to order. Cuu-rrs cleaned and laid. \ Ilnvluvnvluwua-nun lunuuuuincnluu wnx `smars. AND BRACIB: In In ' MUSICAL - BOXES: 5f MARSHALL, V UPHOLSTEREI? & CABINET MAKER. Iii itibii Wsfct T ;mcy.{ BEDROOM SUITES. PARLOR SUITES. AND SIDEBOARDS. tff E_"sAiiAuNs Prices gho Lpwest in the city. 7 Call early before they are All gone. m Yob WANT THE] 0/reapest& Bestfurniture 500 PAIRS ACM E SKATES just received w $1 Princes: Street oor. Sydonhun Strut. Kinglton. `Z*_`[9Y3"Y ':"r1d3r9- iii3h"i'i<'6i3` PAPER nnPm' 4. _"47T. j ""_'7'{' _`?"`f';'_` WE Aim NOT `Se//ing Gigs at Cost. We can't nuke m`oney`hu way, but i YOU sun! to 7 Buy your 1-`unxrrvmii from A. R. MARTIN. I`0Rl)'S BLOCK. BROOK S'l`.. l{I.\`GS'l`0.\'. Agent for the following Compauuos: my D I` llond. Du nut wnnfor tho 8pI'i!|I|'`3: 11 work can be done honor now. An OIQIIIC I0 or Hnnxinnuo Ialocl tron. Afwnn the but --!`I'd moutunh l tlnlnteon) fur`; ltu 0 cum-froI:., . W (-'n`\`u us A ml! and Inn): our om'Itool.' N0 lrmlhlo Io Ihow good: an: `R081NSON'S WALL PAPER DEPOT jm THE DULL SEASON _PAPERmXNGING l,'ARl'l`l`8 clumed and laid. 231 PRINQESS STREET. I)ON% TiWA'lT.% OF` A LL IDESCRI l"1'ION.\` CALL AT H. BRAME S, ` or ALL DE.\`CRIP l'l0Ns (mu. SAVE JMIOIQ EY EEERGE oLuT=T-'," -a:1 l'RI.N-CES8 s'mxn'r,_ 7 Cor. Bydonhun Street. ulvuw-1 IUIIIIV uvvvx.-u-u W. .\n.nl.~4. mnfr. .\!en`a work a sp0(`inlI_v. lI`m-Kory work on hand. Brock SL. near Murkcl. __._....:_._.1__-.-.T H-ENRY BRAMEL5 : Load Under-nkernnd ` hnlmar. F Telephone communication. iMISClILLNEOU8.7 Than over before In the city at .4.:---:-AJ-- _j___.__. FURNITURE. &c. A +...._._._.. _.._..... - I 8 7 PRINCESS ST. Have Your pawn` 53 mac: sr. FuI'lh7o"~u'. Aug 9._ IIUUIITII) , |IIU lUVIUI IIIIUS` llll ululllllluul, Aunu pmmxt R.'l`IN`8 REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Houses li`0_|' S ale and Tu-Le! ; Tenants found : mmrty nppmlsod ; rents colloclod. Money to n. Uuipda and tho United sums are Inger man one of any other Company. had It. has an un mlah rwoxd ed t?X'Icswxrr. Atom _ rm; Agent July I6._`,` ` nu gasnnu nu ;_ahono No.32. 4 Ivuvvu Ulvvl Svlrs Tunnum And made to order. In latest. humans at. Jon: SIux.\uA.v's. Mm-km sqmu-we: lI`nu l.A'r|c.~u' AIIIIICAN s1`\'|.xs. nnmrnnwcd SIux.uu.v's. Mtlrkol Sqmuai Fon Lnlcsr Aunulmx .~J1j\'|.2a. gumrnnuacd to fit. to A. 0 HRlKN'. rwincusa St..nbove ` slulnn am _ \ I. (O 4 syden am. U: vv. rut u ", \JU1VvVIvI\ - , no..-- Suuxa on at A um. Above cant. Now In the time for Barn-`ulna In Fanc Articles. See our handsome .1: Hon Vases. ilk Beta. Toilet Sou. Ton Sum. Ton sets from Onset. Drums. Dolls. Dolln` Carr|I|I'O. Crndles. Sluighs. &c.. on :1. Joxns`. SN Princess Street. Upbowu 7 Com mm. A Uwubwvvoy wuvu uwnv - lwuvvuvu J.G. lhsrow. nmctiml annimnn. Plumo gaannd noun mung. 319 King St. Tole nhono No. 62. yuvu: -2 Icvvvn JJUUVIIII -vu- R. .V':wLANns. Princess Street. dealer In mars. tnhaocoo. plpoa. ahlng tackle and pocket `books. Fin tussorlmonllnlhe city. Honnxn 1:03.. M. B. and F`. W.) dealers in bunks. Fin lnasorlmonllnlhe city. Momma nus.. (J. dealers clwicu cigar: and tuhnccoq. Pooluml billiard roum- lnconnocuon. tillage! St..nmr Princess - vvvuvvu Iwrruvnv u Yor Cu mrr Bumuss in (`hristnnuu (`arda and Phomcm Albums at J. W. I'owm.I.`z-I. the Photogmp . ll. lxotluiox. Phohonaphcr. I-I [urged Portraits and Views. suumuon Ruuupanleod Total Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . lm. W 5: London Insurance Co ' Capital ` .. ..."f.`$% . " ' J. `aw-.4: Scottish Union 8: Nalioml Insurance (`o. Lnitnl. IQJIDJIX). R. H. To. Market Sounre. Tn: BuuIvn-lI`lno groceries. line and do- mestic Imus. Joc. Hlsoocx. Masonic Bu'|ld~ inuu. Market Bqunm. I in-v-g \./v--I-mun-.u . ", .... H. H. 1`ovI:.-1`1-ythu .\lllk Rolls and Heath Buns manufactured at Ihv Kingslroel Bakery. R. H. Ton. Market Square. Tun Rnxmvl-.-l1'ino nrooeries. - y -----v`. .--v- (`Annmnlrns 11309.. I"lnan<`lul Agents. King Sumo}. Money to loan on real cumin and other 1011!` I .. Iecurilo Mom: Ions In large or small sums nl low rates of interest. on (`.ity and I-`arm Property Loans granted on City and County [)1-honturoa. Apply o Tnouu Bluooa. Mnmurn-r. I-`v-nntumn` Loan and lnvoatmont Socket)`. up 1- n as Uypw me am Put Omoo. IIVKWIIL IIIIJIJIIUI Flux. uquulu -uu vlnluu . Vl(`."l'0RlA \Vuu:novnl. admitted to be the bent plan: In the on! no buy grocorlomcrookory. china. ow. Tnoa. I Jomm Tllnur Enos. have removed to their new hen. Brook Street. Market. Squnre. when oy show the [urgent and noot Itock of Im- {chad fad Domenllo Liquors. Tau. Cigars. &c. cc ty. -_?___ Ouvwuli lull luwuujcy. A. M. Baocx. watohmnker. Jeweller and cm- gmvor. ha ovary hclllly for numufwlnrlnu and re II-Ina ewellery In all In bra `hus. Golden mun Watch Slim ll Prim-can t. --j-:-- -o-2--- -:-- -v~---- Ill Irv`. I own I-I-Iv l4II'I'\rv wu J. Hn.I.Io.m I (`o.. (3 Brock Street. Family groceries. Imported wines. liquor: and cigars. Vu-Innn \VAnnnnImI_ ndmlllntl In ha lhn ` Invented Funds. Uxo.ul).7uI. Net Income for the past. you was Thin monnoun Premium lnoowo ouum 1. DBlM'Ll W09D;AN!?E6 B9 __j III.-- yuruzr vl IIIIII IUWUIIUI . sill Dill rnrvuu. 1 J. A. LlIlll'l'. watch mnkrr.joWollor.QBrock 3!... dealer In wumchu. clock: and diamonds. aurrn Hum. 85 Klna 85.. hand uartorn for WM.h nu: ul I fro l . 8llv:rI:`ro .'lIuw:llo':'ry.c In 0 `m A II Ilnnnr -.in|un-b.;- IA:-II-n and. Ann. vv vw---cu." on-vs: vvuvwwvvu "- l'. W. 8!-Axonnnvnn. muuufncturor and im- porter of line iowellory. 341 King Street. ,I A LIII-Ivlb w-Ink Innbnr lnurnllno lluv-It -51 II. P. W:t.1.n' taunt. toot o! Prlnoou SI... In M the moat thoromrhly oqulpp at our In the city. Vin; ovory style of rm kept In rnbolnlu vary. poolul run to own and counnorchl non. Teluphouo No. In. Iodalnos mm-L. Kln can Home Exchange. UV and hoarding Hus loo. out-not otmvk and atroou. Anownndulhhoumto! volhlolu-and oxoollonl hornet node- n 0. II II I17... . ..' I n-C-nnnil '.1l\` 4' IHQQQQQ HI I. UIIIIOI llilllo [mun mun. New l.I\-or In mum.-Mlon with ISL lawnnoo Ilntol on lam: scrotal. I-`Int clan rip vlllnlwsnbuon Iumdoh the uhorlont ; In IVO- `l`. C. Wilma. I!) (`lnranoo 2-mom. um I: OM ontnhllnlled llvury In tho -1 1-`... `% I10. Vghlolon reauly pl A II I-.._.. n-.,-_ \v-.__ n.., __ A- ,._._...__u -... ---mug. .--sun nuuuun. rroprmwr. sum-r'u " I1'll.. our. men and Ontario am Inunlwtlon mm-an u liquor: and cl- nn. (loud yard and nuhllng. A. sun-no.-I. Axum-Amnuou HOTII. moot eonvvnlvnt and pnpulnrlmuvl In all .op|Ion6Iu ln(i.1`.I(. um lhuusd steamboat In Inn. Mn: SIIANANAN ...:..- .,,_.._.._...-.._~.._.L -,.. ~---- .#._-.--.---_:.._..---L.. .. _.._..- .. , ldvery Icntalsmurutu: Ir. A. am". It! In-out an -1. u - |~ um ` glwkmgnd llvory uublo In tho :-7!)-. "ll'uIt:| l`|`Iul|O 0 . vrruu mrrll. corner a Ontario url I out Btruotn. lv`|ru(~ulou awoomlnndnllon : J and nhbllng. JAIH Nououu. Prom-Iutor. Itvrlu-`an Ilrn--u an nu... --.I n...--x.. u -u.-nu -mun. W. uuvhl. uuuu uuuaw. llunu-n `torn onmln at. neared. nl 91.. hotel In 0.1` ..ml KJP. aluuons. 'r. IVIIJOI. Pronriolor. Autos H01`Il.. (`oi-nor Quoum and Momronl Ill tad. Ht IN MI NI . ......',-.::..:.::: ........'`...,z ` - "* Orruu llorrll. Onurlo and Prin- BLNIIIA. "III!-nlnll Il.HlIlnlnnn`Inlh|n - nu-cl `I . nnnnnnun tIl\\P\n Ilolcld iii! It:-;ull`oi.9`.I;|`t':.c. - Ill.AVl |"0l'II' Ha-cm-Inrnn 1| non .\l~a|: I! remain hours. W. Iunru. II at Iiuuan-. lllunln-n 'lnm.- n..n-.|.. u. -...... n_. Plumbing and Gen: Fc'lu`ug. I n I .nnn:\x|v ..-...\ol.u.l ......lnn-Inn Dlnm -Inauvo llocnmos nan Llnnnnd llnnnilnn lug ol Hnxtl Crot-Icrrpt, Glaxmva rc-, Ito. -I - run 'I--- -t - Inln nhcuuu anal Nni Wait. C0tI]"toKno7A-I:y[.,_l`;': I! ll\.;..- 'I\_.-ob... \IlI|: l).\ll.I nnrl I THE om nrnmorbizv. ',;m J. `I, __ A_,___,` _-g WalA`M-at and Jewellery}; 17 nnunnunnun -|n..n'-an-Inn.-n -n` '(7rT-ob-'IZaTa7oit `EJ754773-BL ' [An-nn.uAI`t\ IQII-nan` HI-An! F `(Cigars and Blllia rls.- rpnn .un.a D-.l...u... Go-nan Am. oats and shoes. `I , u, __.-_n. _ Alli! ICIIIK llivjovvx cw:--.-o` HAIKHFORD CONN. Gash Cz|p|u1l...'. ................ .. s4.ooo.ooo.oo `rots! Assn January Int. 1382.... 8.N.27i.$l) I-canon paid your: .......... .. Tholoudln to Insurance Cqnmmy on the Iontlnont. Pu Annual Pnmium olpls in Canada And the United Sutnlnro larger than $056 of any emlahod mould of yous. I II|. ;\;upIuu. vmvu-.1: A001 DEN T. Photograph :9.` fl-pun `)Alx1\ A-us.` in l`|.n-I. . . . . . .. u I. . ---,-.41o7.9ao..s|o THOMAS 11331008. Alwlll. Ttutoriug. mu `-4! ..._4l- on 4 Financial. ' Linc. Iu lulluw III F] R E. ., `v. -is mind i. I or smoke 8 drunk. B i treat. tot)` ; tnkenlrca | r0.~`pc<'tlNl 9 und think.` smnnun Asstrmus uumuii Ilihmrilnml 1'...n..| namnmn illlll l.Hll|K>Ill|l IIHIIJ II IIHVIZ IIIIIV `VIII never spin In your` urthly history ho a time when you no much mad ed. ~ It nunntoln` thnttjnworldonghn-: cast out tron Imdneu audit: and from good neizhborhootl thooo_w_lIo of tlnonumhu` anu rlguu'Uu.\ut ' Oh xvmnnn, _v have more need to pause be. fore 1nu!;in,; ` 1-huuim;x)rt.aIitpromi;;o than mgm, Ix-on ` if you make a misuxko (L is '~ of nmrriagu, 0'!` go on to an uufurzqi nrriago, he can spend his oveuiu ` ' y, and can gwto the qlub or gho Re-pub}: an or Deznocrutic hemlquarten, and absorb is in cjty or statool-national election, himself stupid. or drink lnimsill But then: is no plnde of regular ro- for you, oh woman, and you could not take narcotics on-`jntqxlmntl and keep your roeapcctubllity. Before ytou promise, pray and thlnkind study and WK. Tb!!! -will nnm-an nnuln In vnnn` nnrdv Inhhal-I In I you; ll`,a man blunder z;lm_m,m_ prpnux-Is lllllll cue uiyauu _y la auucu. _ J ac-kson`s Hollow, Brooklyn, was a part of i the city not built on for many years. and/, every time I crossed it I said to myself or otberu, why is not this land built 0 I fou'n out ufterward that the title the land was in controversy and no on to build there until that quostl cided. `Afterward I under: oettlecl, and now bnilcll gs over It. "Do not build y r ppiness for this world on a oharnoter, I line or fcminine, that has not a. settled :1 undisputed title to honor and truth. an sobriety and, kindness and rigliteousm - (II: n-nlnnn, \` going up ull hnvn innm mum! on mmm L... pernuy. But. sllpposo I should make nmistake, xuys some man or woman, um! I find it out nftcr the ongugc-nient and before the mar- riugz-." My answer is, you have no on-use for making a lnistuko on this subject. Them are so nmuy ways of nding out all about tho character and pl ('ft',rei)(`S and dislikes and habits of A man or woman, that it you have not brain enough to form I right. judgment. in rogord to him or her, you are not. so lit. a camliduw for t.ho.nu\trimoninl altaras you w are for an idiot asylum. Notice what society your special friend prefers, whether he is industrious or lazy, whether she is met or slutternly, what books are read, what; was the style or ancestry, noble or depraved, and if there be any unsolved mystery about the pe-non under consideration postpone all promise until the mystery is solved. .'lnnknnn`n Hollow. Brooklvn. was a nnrt of um l'L'll`,',lul|.`s gluly \u \|Al'l'Il A'.ul.uut.'I.ua reign 1-mum: blot. out from one of the most conepim-uoul pages of history her in- famous bolmvior toward Seymour and Philip and Melville and Leicester and others. All the e<-clesinsmcal robes that Dean Swift. ever rmtled through consecrated places cannot lmlo from intelligent people of all ages the fact. that by prmmses of mar- riage whivh ho never fullletl, he broke the heart of Jane Waring after an ongag-.-ment of seven years and the heartol Stella after an elnmgu-xnont. of fourteen years, and tho poetic stmmu ho declwutecl to their ".'.'(`(,`l- lcnces only make the more immortal 11.. own peraly. "But. sunnoso should amistake." I110 ms IUBIIIIIIU, Ivulwl tutu nus outrun! - issa. nut. realizing that it was the style of their (`Xlfg'llg(`lll(`llB that decided their happi- ness or wrotchednesx. their virtue or their [Il`0ignt')'. All tho literary and military and rchgiuus glory of Queen I-Ilizabctis hint. nut. frurn nun nf Hun nan -vn nn nn. .r W1 IIIIAJ lull Cjlic The trouble has ulwagi been um um whole subject of nlanc-o has been relegated to the realms of frivolity and joke,` and con- ` siduml nut. Worth a sermon or even as serious 1-arugmph. And some nuumcro of human lives has gums on and the devil has had it his own cruel way, and what. is mightily ueoalcd is that pulpit and plathrnn and printing press all speak a word of unmistakable and thunderous pron-at on this subject 0! in- finite intpurtnnoo. We put; clear out into thin p008) . and light. reading the marital en- gagements of Putrarch and his Laura, Dame and his Bq-utriu-, Chaucer and his Philippa, Lorenzo do M4-lici and his Lucretia, Sponsor and his Rnsulind, Waller and his Surchar- ....6 -nnhuinuv Olin} I! (van flux :Ovln l\' `ulli |lJrIUrKII IIIIIU DIIU IAIUI LIIIIII` lilblll Buppuseiiship captain um-rs his services totake a ship out to sea. Am-r ho gt-ts a lit- tle way he ('1 mien alongside at a Vi-Ssol with a more bcautifulag, and which has pt'I`III]JI`I richer cargo and is bound for II more at- triictivo port. Suppose he riugsa hell fortho engineer to slow up and the wliccl stops. Now I am the captain lieing lowered over the side of the vessel into a mill boat, and he cream to the gay!-r and wmltliicr craft, and climbs up the sides, and is sac-ii walking the bridge of the other ship. I pick up hll resigned spcaking trumpet and I shout through it: "Cziptziin, what does this mean! Did you not pminise to tako this ship to Bouthaniptnn, Fliiglanulr` Yea, aiiys the captain, "lint I have changed my IIIIIHI nndl have ioiiml l mu do hotter, and I am going to take clmrtzv lien-. I shall Iciiul back to _\.'nu l.III.I1(' lcttc-is I got while managing that ship and everything I got from your ship, and it will be all right." You tell me that the worst fate {or such a captain u that isoo good for him. But it is just what a man or woman does who promises to ulie ohe througli tho vuyageol life,acrtn tho Ocean 0! eurilily GXISINIICB, and then breaks the proinisi-. Tho suiiuling hack of all the letters and` rin,r:~i and in-ckleou and ttecpmku-s cannot make that right which is in this sight of God. and oughttobe in tho siglit of man, an everlasting wron-,;. \\'hnL .\lIlt'l`It'i|il society IIOLKIB to be taught is that licthrutliiil is an act so aolciiin and ll`t`lll0n(I1)ll that all men and woiiieii must stuiiil back from it until they are sure that it is right, and sure that it. is host, BINI siiro that no rctn-at will he (I(*aIr(' Ilefoiv that promise of IIIFIIIIIIV miiipaiiionsliiii any amount of toniiince that you wish, any ardor of friendship, any coming and going. But esponsal is a mite, a golden gate, which one should not past, unless he or she expucts never to return. Engagement in the porch of which ninrriageistbe castle, and you have no right in the porch if you do not mean to pan into thecantle. ` Th. tnnnhln Ina shuns-n Imnnn Hunt. thin ! llrh (`VI lulu. Thv l`|-In uxhuli on ` uwu hurl noel 'ln|ngt _\-ml m:uk- an |vl`nIIIi~u TIM-ru may In'1`llII'I I and at the tim-- at I nlmnry ril`-'llII|~'tt|lI.!l nut Mu-Hug, lull in II ufno um-4 nut 01 I I their Insurance In A Cow no porrecuy secure. - The company still nuunuslna its olnhn nu doing the Iargat. Fire Business in tho world. The Comm: llu actually paid since us In o 01`! Jo, uux-II. |IIuuu' when tun Int:-t u the I`mu|l_\' uf I laltlilyc-I the` I- dvulh lhn numlm ,.~. .. ,. . .. |-arty. n mlonml! h"'"C';` inn lhn I'll! IIIII title-I. "` It: AI... 4.... o...... - -_,.,. ` - 7. - anal Just an mrtnlnly If you do not lln. I luw Immm mm In-to---l,|mI tn lnvlng qgd gum! wnmnnhuu-I n~nl;:n1ng Nu-Ir u-ngagu-uncut un.| 1|... \1v|iuI swut Iluwll In hunt) cm.-ump- `Lu! ..I?.`I.. ....I.I....Iv Hm nu-nmnl. man I'nn|nI ill llI".\ H'|IllI V|l`lI| uuvu II III Illl`Il II-II` nu, whilv smlclo-nly llw rm-nmn nun v mm the ullv M n churvh In I-rjllinnt l ..... _...,| .n.- ...... .........:.....| ul .. Al" -. (`umlnued from page nix: II.` `||"lC'"l" III!` r"`I"lIl|l IIIIIII "ll"I n church I-rilliomt bu Mal ml the um prmuiuul "1 mil" with n y Iimt an-nu-d Im-xurunm of h llh-Unto ... [ml the nimplu mm was. (jut. Ilrnt nut p! n Hluuuvqmnn-an plqy on. l`:mu'n--tin. Shrew. lln found gut ` -lntvt mt be had not -married Into Hy Ilw (lrIw4" but Into the rum "Fun:-1." 'l`u`thu lay of hi; -Inunlrr uf Mu (Int. llowothul f0l- I TIN`) lil{l'l lS|l Wlllti. .\l().\'l)AY. JAN." W )the Net Income tor the past. This enormous ou ht :4` eon no emu:-ed of the doeimbilll _ of p awlnp Ihelr neunnoe In Co`y perfect y The Comnony `VIIIIIF 5 null! L. LI..I worurs muempnou. .. . . some parts of Holland keep out the ocean only by dykee or walls of sgout masonry. Theenzineer having theee dykes in charge was soon to be married to B maiden living in one of mg yijhges, the existence of whiclx. depended on the stmngth bf theee dybu. Andthnrn wnntoll n crentteutlnnno of `Alla Wlllluuuu grullcllflllllulluut T the vlngt-3 that approaching evening in ` honor of the coming bridegroom. That day, a great storm threatened the cleotmction of the dykz-I. and hence the destruction of thou- | . the sky! . _ Immerse yourself in some kind of outside usefulness, something that will enlist your prayers, your sympathies. your hand, your needle, your voice. Get your heart on fire ' with love to God and the disanthrallmontof the human race. and the troubles of your home will be blotted out in the glory"of your V consecrated life. I cry out to you, oh woman, as Paul exchims in his letter to the (`or- inthians: What knoweut thou, oh wile, whether thou shalt save thy hugband !" And if you cannot love him you can help in the grander, mi htier enterpx-in 0! help. g nape the world. tut of the awful mismk of your = mu-ringo rise into the su ' ' `of lei!- Iacricelor God and suffering humanity. lnstoanlof settling down wmope over your domestic woes. enlist your enorgiel for the I, /. \_ / n nut u world`: redemption. Ram): not-tn nf Holland km uepcnueu on we unmgu: on man cups. And was to he a great tenth ono of `us. 1) Ingram nmo. nnnrnnnl-mind nvnnlnn in CIIUFCD. Dylp XIIOVD 011 N5 llFBl'pl'l& 10 so much of the grace _of God in cart that all your home trials '1 1 insignicant. How little dierence -s it mnko what your unrighteous husband calls you, if God calls you his child and .you are an heiress of whole kingdoms beyond the sky! ` vournelf in D0 IIUU U101!` lllllx Ulll Illlll l!) Ul Guys. ' Now, my badly marric.-d_ friend of either sex, if Jub could stand iL,ljy the help of God, then you can stand jfby thcrsamo divine ro-enforcement. _Y9!i have other relations, on woman,be-side o wifelyrlation. If you are A mother, _` in up your children for God ` and heaven 1! you In I member of a church. 1: move on its enterprises. You run n-at/an much of the nrnna nf nal in 0lU`lll`l' rruu Ila: "So the Lord blessed the latter and of Job more than his beginning, for he had four- teen thousand sheep, nnd six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a_ thousand she asses. He had also seven sons and three daughters. And he called the name of the first Jemima, and the name of the second Kezia. and the name of the third Kerenhappuch. And in all the land were no, women found so fair as the daughters of Job, V and their father gave them inheritance an ng their brethren. After this lived J, ono 3 hundred and forty years. and uvghis sons, and his sons sons, even four gnerations. 80 Job died, being old and ful)'6l' days. Nnw Inu lmdlv mnrric-d In-lnml nf nitlmr Kll Rnmcnilicr tho patience of Job. What'a with he had! At. utime irbenho was one pzrcnt bloti h of eniptioiis, and his proparty wiis destroyed by I lorniiiln, and. more than 1|. livrt-nvuiiioiit. had cniiio and the poor man needed ull nise counsel, she advises him to go to cursing and swearing. She wanted him to pouliico his boils with blasphemy. But holivod right on through his maxitd disadvantages, recovered his health and for- tune and raised asple.-mlid family, and the closing paragraph of the Book of Job has such it Jul-ilancc that I wonder people do not ` oitener road it: J nu . 4|_,. I .._,I I..I........I cl... I_LA__ _.._I A 1-L ULul`I IJIIIIEN CLKIIIU lK'lI Ul Hal KIWI Illl" of God, and by the grace nromnsod iuovery time of need if those who seek it conquer the disadvantageous oircumstamvs. I am acquainted with lovely women married to oonmnptnble men, and gmnal men yoked with termagantsinsplrwl of the dm-ul. And yet uudt-r these dlsal\'nnta;:t~s my friends are useful and `happy. God helps people in other kinds of martyrdom and to sing in the ame, and he will help you in your lifelong misfor- bung Oxtotthe bentund Safest. companies doing Business In Canada. Insurances mama at As low team an) good 0 . '.5mod 1-*3:?3s.m.m at henna nut. you