DEG] all.` A Ausc- Yard No. I--0nuu~io Street. " ` I-Clarence Street Wharf. ` 8-8t. Lawrence Wharf arscom doling before hrkon weather Iota in. me! 0 co -St. Lawrence Wharf. Branch 0IrIce-Corner KI and Clarence SL. op ite British American otel. mm and satisfactory delivery uapeclahy. (`Anal all under cover end well Ioreeuod l"l`elephnne Comlnuniolon. ` 1 A `turn n1!rt`II"l` & On When Baby In: lick, in gun horCII&h. When ahowunchlld. ihooriod !_orC|uII'| When nhohunnnliu. Iuolughuutah, Whonn|nh'adCh||dlII.IInanthonCAnuh Dill I turn. euer wlllcu more wlluul IUIIIII . You m,u|.| wary of reading. eoonur than 1 of Irritin . il l were to describe "The \\'env- : in ." `he liuildiu ." The i'|'i0l|i|nl." " he |'.,...u-ark," " he Clay modelling," uni The I-`olding" which it" out the attrac- tlve round: of occupntionl. and the object- leeeone. which are given every week : oi the kuoulgdge of new I end plants. which in imputed by nundry wallu In autumn days to gethermoedn of, perhaps. maple trees, which are plentcd in pnu, `and are ntmolly owing before their eight ; oi the itllllnll, which were` tint nnuiu the nuhjeot J an oh- ject-leuon before they were start-~-l.' and of the daily miuiou oi watering lilo plenta. which in given to the children in turn : of the visits to the ferneiy. where our from ere pain the winter in Ielene and safe re who are engage: at mine portions of the morning in "free-hnnd drawing" at the inev- ernl hlecltboerils. indeed. I verily believe there in no limit. to the dolighteuf A true Kimlergnrtc-n, kept :u'cur:iiIIg tn the teach ing of Proebel. by 1: teacher such as I have made my model in this letter. 1 mm! not forget to say here that every- thing umde by the children is net nqiurt. from its tirut in-;;innin;;, I8 :1 gift of love to deer momma." or gnunlum," or num~." . or some loved nine, and one of tho prettieu. light: imaginable in to ace these little mid- get: `carrying home their completed works of arts. e fold_ed Inf, 3 priclunl card. or n wenvin leaf. l"rnelu=l inainu that the true wey to earn generosity in by doing the gen- crouu deedl. I I....... I...-.. 3.... cl... l\luI -:.. ......_:I.- _ i tirncy : the rullpl of embryo nrtintsi. IIII Cllllll lllll lluuuug II In llIlll|llvE ll ul IN loft unnoticed lsy him. Hall an hour quick- ly passer, wuilo "Thu lull mum: round in meat nu," "My ball, I want to catch you," and the e\'or~fm-urine I-Ir uf Who'll buy` out 3" are each plufec ti I every child hu , ha`! 1 turn. that w nich horoluuonu lolluw. ....... ..I.I ......n-u nf I`--Jinn -nnnnr lhnn uwlullry colors. Fm-bIl'I llrolotlonl In very precise as to the uquonud In which thou shall In used ; I primary color should \ H followed` by I Iecondily color. connect- ing it with another color. So clrefi hu he ti boon In all that perulnl to the edu on of the child that nothing in :0 minute as to be lgh n.uu.oi.-ml Im lniln "A" An Iunn-uni;-Ic. WI IIITIIIUIIIUIII CIIIIIPIUZIIK ; Inu IIUIIUII ll 1 or many ear: I had boun interested In scoounu (iermnn kindergarten. and had ....I ...:oI. . .0.-nu... I`-\`4'inn1Ln;O3nn in hm-up at COLLIERY CATASTHOPHE A noon and u megunn. __ __J A L|...:.... A- ...-_|.:..'.I ~Cutu-rh In Nair England |.....s _....._4).. 0.0.1:. -._ _..- G. THURSDAY. JAN. '36. I I0 II'|III|lIvC II [0 D0 I `slur "Who'll . til In-an-u ohihl n: HARD AND SOFT WOOD.` If u want a DI-lest. Cheapest. and Ben! ` I Mnplo an Bench Cordwood. Oak. Birch Ash. Elm or Hemlock Conlwood Sawegl or Un unwed. 01' W tKidll \V'ood.(Dr). St ......_ xJ.`{c...`.`:'.` Nun! c'.`.;`... son cod .,?'m..`L'k Received sud oeued out to-day `I0 Bale; Grey Cottonl, GCIIII Whih Cotton.` 2 ch 1.-my P1-intlfor only Ipring won, 200 Piece: Handsome Enhoidoriop ind Inor tionn, W) Plooa Mulinn. . . _ .. ,'._. nu..- m...|.. -n r~......... n..:.... ...a 11...... -III lb nnnd -A Wlnla-In v--`.'- r*""'`- * 0 THE OlNTMENT'{`n &'3:ef.;"&n':;X&:':'3;h`in'"'u U1: j s:::,2.~a;*o:';a`::u;*:.a .*;..::.*:.-:a?.:'s2..u.s..rn:. ..... sun " 0 nmugggmgd only by Thomas Bollowsy. 78 New Oxlbxd St... Inc 638 he Label sh Box a P m n " I %%%n s'3mn'r.LoN1ou.moy=-::pun3u an (0 9 PILLS AND OINTMENT. 3: IHE BOWES & BISONETTE These Handkerchiefs were bought for the Xmas trade, but arrived too late. To close them out before Stock-Taking we will offer them Very Much Below the Regular Price. " Ladies Handkerchiefs worth 250, for 75c. Ladieb' Handkerchiefs worth 300. for 200. ` Gents Handkemhiefrworth 50c, for 30. --L|NEN_ HEM - STITCHED HANDKERCH|EFS,-- "1`O%O"LATE I LTOUTATISTI 00 TO ANu1.uv'a For Chen Lumber. Wood and Coal. where , ou wlll nd tho In at Monument of Dry umber in the city: tho In-you mock otv yr: `I /'9d .nd,=:Ie_'s: ..T2*:':.*.'-..*. :`LP.`.`'.;..,". MINNES&BURNS . 'mGTr;y and White Cotton Sale now going on. Special Low Prices. Clotigfacial Prices on Blankets and other Heavy Everything in Winter Woolens at Cost and Unden Ono gehtleman said he wanted to select I pair for ouch member of his family. II it would pay to keep thom`tili wanted. ' A lady bought I pair each foy have grown up how, and I pm` each for two girls ; also . two pure for herself. She was a mi.-so, pnulvnt hodnekeeper and recoqninexl as chance to Save Money. A __.|.__ _-_A_- ._.|.-Al..... 4.-.. .... l_...-I.. nu.` .L-II -.5 en" 5...] L ..- nfbaun `Lu-\-Inns` lnl n1IV U IVIIIIIU Another party. whether mn:e or female we shall not to", had bison ollon deceived by advertisements, would not In-lieve til _ saw the Bargnlnn. -- saw them. was that onvinced. and bought. b WALSH & STEACY S SALE WINTER - WUULEN - GOODS "3" This Sale will continue until our Immense `Stock of Roots and Shoes in the Three Large stores. Kingston. Belleville and Trenton. amounting to fully Fifty Thousand Dollars. has been cleared of All` Remnants of Lots and Odds and Ends, LUMBER. WOOD AND UUAL DEPUT. 7 ' I , { The Interest steadily/growing. The_P_eop|e Convinced that Genu- ine urgains are being Offered. ; )7 Boots, Shoes `and Moccasins. icon. \ -` . . nmanue Ape ; Chock Muslim Io, worth 7c. Rich Elhln-oidoriol 2, 3, 4. 60. ' |||' ll 1'19? llliluaqunn For the nut Two Wash All Cotton, lfrintu sad Muslin! will N 050161! at Wholonjo V 3 THE PILLS 9 2-x.:r'..i:*::*:::.::;.'~.*;-:.. Are at All DQ030113 of the year I rolinblo I~emJdy for ounce and for mutating I h - Disorder of (`he D the organs. my action to the 8'l'0MnAn8ll And mwnna uixlfgtgct on the Liver and Kidney: with ol All 980! ,_. uuv__.._.|_ &'.`.i" J.`.'l';'x9u'I'.`a'.'vW.u..` (\_.n-. I'.|__n_._ __.I 13....-- Call and secure your initial before theyare all picked over. We have just received a. Consignment of For Ladies and Gentlemen. Initials Embroidered in Hand Work. OUR GREAT REMNANT` SALE HAIN ES LOCKETT. .Z.l.-null; \J.l.n. vu .-- `c -. - _._ Whdrngers. Vessel 01(\)onta an Wholesale and Retail Cord and W Dealers. Coal: of the very best description. under cover. well screen od and promptly dollvured. Buncn wood and Hard and Soft C-ordwood of nut quality on solicited and utlafactlor guaranteed. YAltD-Comer Ontario and West Streets. nice--(laronce and Ontario su-oo1s- ` Foot 0! (`laronoe Sn-cot. IIORDI-IRS lofts: the utorea or Mr. James Redden,Prlncesu an-eonnnd Messrs. McKul\'c'/ I. Birch. Brock Street. will be promptly Illleu. telephone Communication. Anna Block Dhmond Line. B00"`H L W. BRECK. I. A. RELIABLE AND OLUSE-PRIGED DRY 80110830083. Cor. Princess and Baffgot Sts.. Kingaton. Will last just Eight Days Longer. ESIURE RFMNANTS ARRIVINU 'I`0;M()RRO\\'.`l`l INCIDENTS OF THE SALE. WALSH & STEACY. Gents Handkerchiefs Zoom: 75., for 50: omsm ma wnlnsok non; nnv MILL woon AND suss ! Itho moatconu-u yam Ill uu uu; nuu .. .. now prowud to supply the publlo with all kind: at uni Wood an way nu-ed. and all kinds olsoft Wood. e would lndly Ioll oltncall. 1 1!` Remember the Yard. at the F001` OF I!` the 1 IRINCESS S |`R|!`.lT. BBECIKI In ZBOOTI-I -n...-..n.......-. V.-nal Auuntaan Wholesaleand pullut IIGCLCIC uu ;. vuv Du-ocuu 0 rrack Gate. W are he will be glad to meet all his old cu bmon and as many new once as will honor him yith their |)IlT0ll_K0. lie will nonamuuy keep on hand `El BEST QRY HARD WOOD. I ft. lung` SOFT WOOD. BLABB. KINDLING AND BAWID WOOD. ..u n IIIIDAII A-I-_ Jas. Cari1w;)vt-1;ai'|.';*.--\I-\I'ood Yard. ~ if on want Kindllng Wood. (Dr L or Stove ut Conl. No. 4 Coal. or Black ` uni 'I(.`on\l. K0 to 1:. CRAWFORD & co.. - `rooeordueensn CAPT. JOSEPH PAH:suNa In bouziht It. 'llll|mu` Wnod Buslneu on the ` tlnnuu luck at the foot of Princess street. It. a the most central yard In the city and he is pro supply pubo Ilntln nl ml Wood any way reqnlrgd. u_x_d WOOD ! WOOD I! WOOD I! ! THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully to an- unce to his numerous tr ends and customers at he has removed his old and established Wood Yard from the Ferry wharf lo the old I. k P. Ihllwu Depo at the foot of Ontario Su-cot. tad Directly omzositc the Tet:-. u'u Pout rrack XII R. E. SPARKS. D.I).S., LD.S.. l)l:.V'rIs1'. 0lce-l rinceaa 81.. between Mun urea and Sydenhnm Su-outs. Residence .\o. `.'l (`hnrlea Slruot. Umce hours. zhun. In 6 .m.. nml on Saturday uvcnlngu 7 Lo 10 o'clock. `vie- nhmw I!!! j J. H Ul.AKI\, M.U., u.u..~s., 1..u.n., ~ l)ItN1'In-r. Gmduntoo! New York College of V Dentistry. 0tce-WuUlngton Std-out.botwm.-v incest and Brook Su-oats. Particular atten- on mm to the nrewrvution of the natural ~ ROBERT SHAW. ~BARltl!1IR. SoI.Ic|1-nit. ('o.w|.:uxcnn. an. Olco-Corner KIM and Brouk stream over Wade`: Drug Store DR. l1`.LlZABE'l`H SMl'l`HSHOR'I'l`, C.M.. M.C.P. &s.0.. Halon! llnmlllonl. 1!) West. Street. lnmsen Women yd Children. ........gL\c.. nu` HUMUSUIULI ll 1 . C. I. (`-mma. l.n.. successor to Dr. Jarvis. ` I-'hyulclnn.Snrgeon.l:o. (Mice and Residence mail: as pump the Pool. Olloo. Wolunumn Slruut. Lullsln the clue: oouulry promptly nllumllvd m REMOVED MAKIUN LIV INIIDIURVIS. m.u..u. L! . Orruru: no lunmucwn--2ll Baum: H: rm-t tween (`Ian-nve and Johnson Hm. llhwauws nf \\'unwu and (`hilclron A apevlully. ` nu... nvuun xv n L I . McVE |'\'. M.D.. ('.l\I.. M.R.C.8.F. Ccl:--II Wallln ton Struol lwodoorl north ` `PI-lnounu BL. Into y occupied by Dr. unrruu. lophonu No. ans. ""m<;ALu:1-2 .\muL1.|v|<.\\`. Dllouon of Wumun and (`hlldron A lIpeCh\ll)f Oloe-1!) Pulscnsu stnncr. at Ur. sparks ` old sand. Tuluphuno No. IN. - ._.._ ..-..____4 .n.\nvu A: n :1 1: ` -. . ....... . -io"u.v. N.B.-Orders loft u':Te Grocery amt-e of am Crawford. Princes Street. will receive promvt nmntion. 1I'l`ulouhouo communication s.\I\'1`m; AND s.\:i rH'.' 9oI.I(`.I1oIuI. lto.. 193 Ontario Street. IL`. l.l..l). 7()|_us. I-`uo.~:n:x:u:HuI1-II ..... . ..n.."'uv . x vv .2.JAI_7.I..a.. na- .|. - OFFICE--Cor. Barrack and Olltlnzrll. SE w. (i. A`NuuN. M.R.(}.s.. 0vncu-.`n [ml Street. non Inna Tole oootnmunloauon _..___..._.._ _____.. Jill-III H'I`DA\YllIJ' I I ll 1 IIUEIII DI IVANUIE. IAIA. D. 80 I: . 0 .- ~ 8 ...u';"E`n'. .:5`o. `i:mo.`3m%z':E`4`4 o 'nC3K.\:"`: OWQI Ollffl NRC. WALK]-`.M c xvii]: i-:I\i . A1-lonxlv Boll It in. Klucnw . poliwthe l'o:t omog. m` L " 0' manna IALIII. I Joann-u n. wuaum. ` .......-.. . -..--.. v- ~-~ - ---~-~~-r~- n. M. Ltux-mm . ' BAmus1'tn. Souolmu. UIWVIWANCIR RC. no:-lag Block. Bmok Street. Kin:-tor um II .._._...,._........__,_ .._.. _:, an .1 my: on! an IL 11 [I ll '1 (`LI LV oltneall. um NCESS STRIQIET. u u uuuuu -nu . u. ., . W. . NEWL R. cn_rrRcr. corner of Brook and King Street. ` avu Wade`: l|ruy`~Sluro. Entranoo on Kine . in . mm lo the 'Inn Utlim .. ....... _AUI- UFANIIII Awournurr. mmon. t.c.. . mu KIM 1.. bl.ol'.lU\lB. Dlsrln. dirodlly oppmlto the Font Omoo :Lo'|llnzton Btroot. lnuhlhhad In Klmmon. It-uwtoru. I attention. `rincuiand Particular nuen- on paid to the preservation mm. __ 4 II l|`llIll`l us TJ. MWCLARK, M.l)., 0.0.3., L.n.s..' n-u-nu-r nnuhmmn! New York Cullmeo CAPT. JOSEPH PARSONS ,. . ,,,_l. u- nvun-....'\ Rnnlnnnn on th Illl Isnuu. - uuu yuunu... - vu -w-. MARION LlVlN(lS `ONE. I\l.l)..U. M. l'hnunu- .l\lI\ |ht.AII\Ir\h`l.-`1Il nautnl Hirin- Uqlg II c Ivvvvv-"I ' " " BEST IN THE MARKET. ._g \v. | 1\.o-u-Inll-ant. 00 'A.uncnnI.m~I utvcyorn. .,_4.-. _1_>Ronf1_I:as1o1uL cums. "Mm W on. rules. EIIYIIGIAH. Bvnnuox. Cc. (mice--No. Ci. uzhn Tort-no/p. I-`rlnoou Age-iii-" Diamond Lino. Tom Mn W90.-, WOOD AND COAL fl ; F1-Viiu.-can will receive prow n. . 00 T0 T'aL1N's Inn Lillllhl mono Uomlnumcmon. . JAMES SWIFT &_Co Joan: srmxun. 1.1.3.. ' l`l`0lL kn. 0nn.-(!lAl-nnnn HIM! ":1 UIIDU III [III IGUK UH UUIO` M. MALLEN. iLJ.3. co .I:a\J~.a.L..... 3. conta l '1 um-rinlhm. undo!` screen ".}n7i3i'IA'iI""?i u lunar Alvin-lnnla hp (M " iIdSI{6I-Xrai was u n mnnonnf I :0: s;;m;;'a:.u .;.i m..e; Quality; Also Hard Wood ` - ....I van 1'rr.....I nn Jvaluan vv a-a vv `V- --COLD GIIIAP A'l'- W. B. & S. ANGLIN. .- wwn ....`. `L cnnml-:N'1~s. Hmmlv nnnrnlm Hm nllo with all lLlll`ed. lndlv loll ! IIIDCD. . " Lunch is over. the ` tiny bukots are I ennptioththo unto of ntizhction which is inspired by food. eaten in due uuon and in soon! am-rounding, makes everyone of good humor. and the signal being being gi ring is formed and one og. the on him- dred plsyu" with the ball. which Fmhel -calla tho arlieutfriond of the ehilti," is = played to the rhythm of a song Adapted to each play.` .1'ho balls eductte more than more skill of hand. They are six ln.num- ' ? van the - her, of the thr.~e primary and the three ` ; I 3 I and troopxug wney come; lulu, wum; cue gentle and sym thstic cure of the teacher makes an uir o posee surround the little group, the luncheon is eaten, and my Apple and golden orange. luscious grape or jute)?" pesr, with bread or its substitutes, `forms at . feast which seems a sort of sngellc picnic : i and hsp y. merry tones bear witness to the f houlthfuleifect of the social feature of the 1 l......|. llllllullll _ lunch. I .._..l young tmnge may IE` once receive, permis- aion is iven to invent" forms, and then each chi d starts oil` on its own hobby ; the dilfurencee in the bent of each child begin to be seen whenever free invention is the order of the hour. The vivid imagination of the child will see a likeness to many things in the aim lo forms it can create from these few an simple, materielngand, I speak from a careful obeervation of children under both conditions. there in far greater plea- sure to the child in this exercise of its in- ventive `faculties than can ever be obtained from the moat elaborate toys, which are often broken by children, simply from the desire for material to war out their own invention: with. But our careful kiudergurtener is ever watchful leet this occupation, no light and rendered so cheer- ful from theorderly interchange of opinions and ideas ainong these inventors, should overteek the little ones; and now the luncheon. tenipornrily hidden in various ` tin receptacles, await: the busy little bees. i an troopiug they come; and. while the I mmtln and avmnathetic care of the teacher method. If you will look in at Another time you will nd your child and his little compen- ions lttpplly occupied with two, three. four or ve, or perhaps ten little smooth sticks, which they Arrange, according to directions given, on the lines on their tables. When as much knowledge has been given as the things may at` once receive. permis- ninn in uivan to invent" forms. then Ill rcrerence In OUJECIB aruuuu nun. At another hour in slate and pencil are given to the child, for the thawing lesson is in progress now. You will observe that the slate is ruled into squares of II quarter of an inch by lines cut in the surface of the slate. and here again vertical lines of one squsre s length are made. These lessons go `on re- gularly, week after week, until lines of two, three, four snd ve squares in length are made perfectly. This is the foundation for s system of drswing. so beautiful in its self- developing character, ss to seem to those who have obsenfed it to be the only true method. I: ...... ...:n I....I. .'.. .9 ..mol....- Hm- mu. mnaergnrwn. A card, with holes ricked at the distance of s`quarter of an inc) sport. is iven to the little one, with a thread of brig t-color- ed worsted and a needle. He`h-shown how to put the needle back and forth so as to form straight lines in series. He is told the; those are verticnl." and when this lesson, by frequent repetition. hss been ful- ly taken in, he is shown ho\v to form "hori- zontul" lines, and before you are -wrare. that he has learned anything at the Kinder gurten, he is using these terms intelligently in reference to objects around him. At. nnnthnr hnur n slam and nencil are yesru nu ma uvea In our wonu . He has lenrned to walk, to run, to climb. He has learned to judge very correctly of the qunlitiee of meny ings and ttteehee I value to apples end omngee indirect ropor~ tion to their size. He is quite an IA ept in natural hintory, knows many enimnle, has learned to speak and untleniand the English Inn e. He is, Willlll, an Accomplished dip omat and will lobby through" is doubtful bill with A skill quite Amazing And amusing to an impartial observer. Now. hit us see vi-lint he in doing at the (|llll'E. Your little pet of three years who lnis never passed as mornin out of the light of his mother : eyes, has )0!!!) deposited in the Kinder arten. The genial Kindergartener, whose s ill has been attained through hith- ful study of her subject, .ose tenderness thrills in her voice, and whose sincere love for ClllllllI00(l hiss led her to devote herselt to his work. cannot fail to attract the little Ann one. Did you ever realize how much know- ledge your child has mastered in the three he has lived in our world 8 I1. I11: lonrnnd tn Illk. tn run. to climb. i alnuung to an lmpllrual ollervor. Now. Int us see what doing Kindergarten. A and, with holes nriclxed M the nr inem. From the first happy hour that the ch`.ld enters the "Pnrmlise of Childhood." as the Kindergarten hus justly been called. hands and brain. in work and [;lay, preserve a happy equilibrium, and it Iecolncs apparent to all who observe thnt man a law of high significance to the child's future develop ment has become in panel his consciousness and that, too, without any strain of the mind, lillv WPtll`ilIe8l of the body. but with only the joy which use gives in the exercise of all the facilities given us by the Creator. Nor is the awakening of the religious senti- ment in any was: neglected. Haw in all t in A.('l"lnl\liIIlIRI] V" mm in- Inc"! In Illy '5 lIUgIUClL'll. How is I I. is accomplished 1"` you in- quire. Your little net of three venra (`()lll|Il'CllUll(I llII`vL'llUll. 1 I! all uuw |I r "ri1h!."nul lo.-ft,` urn illu-tmu.-.1 by nu-min of these bqllarvs. But. do you teach such obstructions to a child three year: old 1"` perhaps you Ask; in it not cruel tocounpol ouch as mere baby ` to sit at a. desk and learn things 3" Were i this A primary school of tho uuunl kind. this would is pertinent inquiry, And it In` ht parhaqis, come within the scope of- thawin- veeti unions of Mr. liergli. But I"ru-bel has foun that by combining knowing nncl do- ing, a very young child II made capable of receiving im reuium. which become. by degrees. the in ofideu, and the chum from the unknown to the known. from the concrete to the abstract. in bridged over Iuoceuiully by the vurioun occupation: of the Kinder nrten and in the Instruction which the indorgartener gives by main: l.`....... L- 5:..-o I.-.`-... Ln..- vino 0|... ..|.=|.l In . ll`ho desk: are covered with line: which make nquuru of nu luch ; thin touches the child to arrange his material! in nu `orderly manner ; and an inlet are given for ouch occupation, in I few dcya you will no the little t.l|ree~\'eur-old as intently countidglthe Iquaraa. to lumw on which line to place his hloclu or slicks, as if he had been burn to aid nothing else ; this enahleo the child to comprehend direction. Up" and down /" right/' and l:ft," ..6' oh.-..... 5......-..n ZBZest'nnd Cheapest mtho city. Rot of Glgrence and Barrack Streets, rgmme K`. wnxppw. The most etrikiug contrast between the preeent rimury echool eyetem and that 9f the Kim ergerlun coneieu in the utilintiou, In t.h~- Inter, of the neturel treite and eati- v ty of youn children. Fru-hel eeeme to heve mede 9. e discovery of certein lew- which govern the development of children, end to have. In the meet wonderful. bunti- ful,`end eimple method. efleptell meuue to this end. 'I`L.. ..I.:|.| I. elupan u-an nhl Anal nuv nun end. The child it Nine years old, and Jilly now attend B Kinder nuvten ; we will. how- evoy;'my here, that I. no furniture and ar- nuigeunentn for n Kindergarten mun hue I : Ipecinl mlaptation to this method of teach- ing. `Hm .la.h Ara cow-rml with line: which A Striking (`outrun Ilutwbou It AMI (ho ` Present Primary Srhonln--A llotlnor on 3 the Eaurulnn of Llltlo (Inn-l'la-slum llondlng. Emma ('. Whipple. 'I'|__ __..... _...:I.X.... ....nh-nut, Imln-nan 0|". AND A GRAPHIC DESCR|hl6N OF WHAT IT MEANS. r: KlNI)ER(}A3{TEN. THE BRITISH WH I G IIFIICIQ [Or cltlrfll UVUl' UKUIUQ III. PHI! ' It In: iven ntigfnction in ovary cue. ` 1 Bush &` ., dmgginb. Woroaltqr. Mun. ; emu . dufncu. crlmpc, contrlouau com: and nmenesl. Procnre it of your draught. ! urugglu, aprulguuu, muss. ; Those who use it speak, highly of it.-- `e Georgo A. Hill. druggiut, Springeld, 5 hlua. ; Mass. _ `I believe Ely : Cretvn` Balm is the lieet. article for cntenh ever offened the puhio. 'ven cue.-- | n...|.n: A'|._llfIIQiIh.wDI'l1tAl'.MIII. vunuenun-I 7`? IHIIHI HADIYW ll BIIIIII -III: I lilvlilllo A boon and a blessing to mnnkiud is n; yurd`a.Yellow Oil. the great pain destroyer and healing remedy for extomll ud inbr- ml nae. Yellow Oil curs All what And F pains, rhoumatinm. lune hock. some throot. a~mnn_ dufnau. cnmnc. contracted cord: I puns, rhonnntum. lune owl, lore unuu, ` 1-roar. dufncu. ` Ann` nuunnnnl Pro.-um it of vnnr drulni. 1 I IUUYKI Alas. till`. 1118 noise wmcn uctulnplulcu use lu- losion was similar to the report of a arge cannon, and investigation showed that the fan house had been destroyed, as well as the woodwork in the shaft. The fan house was quickly repaired and the fun started. The sbafttimbcrs wereso bsdlydsmaued that the cages could not he used. but pulleys and ropes were immediately prepared for the work of rescue. The first. man to come out of the pit had climbed by means of a cage wire cable through the shattered timbers to within 100 feet or the top. A rope was then lowered to him, and he reached the surface, in an exhausted condition. A second miner was also rescued by this method. but the third, when within fty leet of the surface suddenly let go and fell to certain death at the bottom of the pit. Two men were then lowered as a search rty, and they re- thmed stating that not ing could be heard from below. Fortunately the mine had not tired so that danger from that source was averted. A temporary c e was made and lowered a consldersb e de th. the miners climbing to it by` means .of adders, so that by one o`clocIr`l03 of the IBD men in the mine had been rescued. One white rnsn-the unfortunate who tell back into the pit-was taken out dead. The ex- plosion took place in the last level, and in this twenty-ve white miners and a number of Chinese were imprisoned. At ve o'clock this mornin all the white nieu who were-at work in this level were carried to the sur- face dead. and the work of taking out the Chinese began. Ml. ` ' An article otronl merit.-'(L }L.AIden, d t S ' eld MISS} Eglg ' wlfguilz local: hinhlv nf it.-- \.-nunnun nu nun nu-Inuu. "The heat remedy for its put I have old.-John_Hoo|:er, druggiut, pringeld, Mun. !lnn-ellonu Rescuer rm; Liven L`!- Some Very Sui Scene: Oeeur. Vltrronu. B. C., Jan. 26.~An explosion V occurred in No. 5. pit of the Wellington col- liery yesterday. by which upwards of fifty lives were lost. When theexploeion occurred a dense mess of smoke and dust. shot. into the air. The noise which accompanied then- nlmainn um. -imilu tn the rnnnrt nf A Account! 01 \lUl'IIlI IIIIIIUTKITDUHI` Illll XI rad with I strong prediu ition in favor of the Iyuom nil that I can d nd in English, I did not begin In undonund the benuty of the theory, nor the happy Idnpution of tho methods. until I became I pupil nt the training-school CTUUI HUGH` Ihave been for the past six months a daily attendant on the normal training- school for kindergarteners. What I have in this imperfect sketch attempted to de- scribe I have daily seen and have been rt 0!. lcannot be considered as a yout lul visionary ; I am the mother of bearded men and the grandmother of several grand- children. and! have conataatlv felt great regret that my practical --ll`1[llIlllCIlICO with I"m-bel's system came too late to he of avail in training my own children. My grand children, Goal willing. shall not lose some lnenetit from the late iu;quired knowledge I have gained. If this statement of mine. which is a hasty picture of one day in Miss Kriege's kindergarten. shall determine one mother to neck suchn school for her children. or inspire some young woman with u. love for the work of u kimleruartcner which shall induce her to study the method theoretically and practically. I shall console myself for my iumlequate description. I must run the risk of making my letter wdiously long by continuing to any thatl do not think any person ought to attempt to keepa kimlerg-srten without a training under a skilled teacher. For the aim is not merely to amuse the children and to keep them busy. or to make them imitate me- chanically these occupations, but to truly develop their dormant- faculties in all-clirec- tions. Thereforea thorough knowledge ot the scientic principles on which they are based is nacannarv in order to become an IUU ICIUIIIIUC PTIHCIPIUI UII W'I|ICll INC ITU based in neceaury in order to become an intelligent, conscientious and aucceuful kinderguroen to.-Acher. `The nyutom of l-`rmbol into buutifully dovelopod. from in tint principles. thus missing link mould mar nu humoninul complotenou : and Although for nmnv vnnrn I Ind hnnn lnurnntul In L`\ 1'I-nl3' dio In-you Imcx on food and Skin. This In the only in 0 city hnvln`g three Steam Mach! or saw- Conlwmx : also hnvh the only Steam ood Sulmin Machine in L 0 city. Having pure mu-d the Lumber in the Noon & Tynor Yard we would Invite an` inn Hon 0! sumo. as we are selling at a light. A Vance on lost.