V-n .................. -. -uDulv, Uvuvu ' wow [03 8A1?! CHILI . u.ou"nuas tonnn . I '5. Run`: utuxn 8hrbov."l':k.=" 0. to .ma;..xomu.,. 9 _ I , uh. , mm: rocnrmwmrn or man. I RUARY mm will he the last day for lnuodm l cin Private ll): In the House. 1 T IIJRHDAY. l.bo`li'lRS'l` 01" HARCHJIOII. . i-'a'~ n`1 . in'?1'z`34""'en3-i!}'i1a'"i)'1~"uAncn ` Q-ul both hgduy for 1;:-`amlin um;-'.'.`.{{ Lommutoea Min to rate ~ . - muuu.ns 1.01 on. \ Tlllrfllla IIIU ll] , -, ouzruoufu ROPEWORK co., . , J. Unnvu J. V. .\'.B.--.`l'b' Quomllqgs Given Lean Than to Tom. Dealers can have samples und_all lnforrnnuol by addressing the `, _ --:nA;nAnJ~nl nnnlllnlllu llll } The Danigiiwbpwork 00., ` HALIFAX. NOVA BCOTIA. I BINDER TWINE 1, POI` Inn.-sunu 'l:l|t`l'l|l Imurumuuu um-I; nu 'I'I-ICJS- HANLEY . p.vI|xe4l..... nl Lao un. Express Trains X99. 3, 4 and 6 run Sum nun ` Included. No. 6 does nnt run on Monday. All Tickets gnod I0 return for six months. For uucsuml gun.-ml infurnuuiun um-I)` In n-I-aw--1-ran:-u 1-? A 'lcl"l" 179'?` ` UI'I4"`lgE T. Ulla! Clev qfthc laalaliw Au Doc. 15110. 1887. . - IL ll. Tovlt. Mu-kol Squnn-.. Tn: Bx;nI\'I-lI`Ino groceries. fine And do- muslin trams. Jog llnwoux. Mnuonic Build hug Market Square. Cigars and Bimurcls. It. Nnwuxus. Princess Street. dealer in cigars. tub\ocun,pixn3~\. flahinslncklennd pockul , looks. I-`imp! muort men! in the M1)`. llnwltn llnux. (J. IL and I-`. WJ dealers in \ h'`i'`I)(`iRl|l'S and lohncooa. Poolnml lsillizml Ioum- inoonnocliuu. Zlilhsxol 81.. nu.-nr I`rIIwm\~ \ 4 ._ ,_ _. -..___._ I Passenger Trains leave the new City Pusan [er Depot. foot Johnson kiln-.1-I. us fulluws :- GOING EAST uolxu WIC8'l`._ ;>.-... To Cctliforuiawloovl I an'.- Coast, . Lox Angclos, San l"ram.'o'sco and Return. Leave Kin Ion EV!-IRY MONDAY via Kan ans City an SouLho.-rn Houlc. . Leave Kimmon LVI-ZRY I-`IHDAY \'la (`mm 1 City and Southern Home. Kin ton on lllua `an Union Paclllc. MI. 3. .. Mixcd.. GRAND TRUNK RAlLTY.[ suE7i{fo_:i TO"lLL oust. .- ' No. 5 Exgrcss 1cm`:-s Kingston in H5 p.m. . nrrives at .,`lm1-bot Lake at 7:10 11.11:. : Rcutnw 1:110:45 .m. . \'n_ 7 lxnmsa lam-os Kimmton at :45 11.10.. .\'n. 7 Jxpresslenvos Kingston ":15 m.. cunnc-cling with (`.l .lL Night Expmus min In Sluu-but Lake for all points cast and west. J. H. 'l`.un.ou, I-`.(`o.~zwAv. B. W. I-`owtm Asst. Sum Ass. C-en. Puss. Am. Sum. bot Lake. No. 3 Express lomes Kin um at 12:10 p.m Arrives forunto 8:1!) p.m.: Hunt. 5:25 p.m. Montreal. B:l5 p.m. :Renfrow_. 5:10 p.m. Passen- gers leaving by this wall reach Winnipeg in IE0 hours. No. I mixed lmvod inu~atoa'.':ma.m. znrrivcs hours. {`_ No. I Mixed lmvod lng~sto:a7:ma.m. at Shnrbot [Aka l0:(l) n.m.. and Ronfrew 2:45 p.m.. connecting with C.P.lL Expnn for points ` QTKSL33. - _ _ All Ilratclaan Companies mung Ibo highest oecurll.)'. lhe lowosl rates. fair Lmnmenl. and pump: settlement of losses. \lAIl'l'!hY'Q REAL IIn'I'A'rI nlnnn Ldrnv rr oxen: AND \'ou WILLTAKI: N0 UTHIR Elegant Drawing Room (`urn nro rim on all Express 1`:-Mus between Kinuilton and Shar- Lake. Kn. 3 I-txnmss lam-an Kinaamn am um. m~:s'1` ANDTHL-:AH:s'r noun. Bel ween Klngsmn. Potcrboro. `I'm-unto. St. Tho- mas. London. umnvn. Montreal. Quebec. and all poiulaeau and west. Elumnt Drawimr (JANA DA 9462.?) RA/moms. run through to Portlnnd. Last train to make connection with steamer leaving Halifax lcuvo.-s Kingston every 'l`hurs< day at M5 p.m. 1 GR.\.\'D TRUNK (`ITY PASS'Gl'IR STATION \ New. Direct. Shortest. Quickest. Cheapest and Best Equipped All Rml Home to MM-itobu. Ihu North Wat. and British (`ulum-~ his points. UVIIIILII \ILllUIIlh' -v-. .'--. Rates of (`nbln luasngo from Portland 0 Halifax. 050. Ii : and 075. according no mo pool- lion 0! auuemom. lto|urn- two. 8125 and 3150. Intermediate- OZI). Sn-eragu-O). Slcnnu.-rs lund passengers on the Railway wharf at Porn lund and Hulinu. The bus! train to mnkc connection withau-nm- er lcnylng Portland lunveu Kingston every \Vo-dnesdny an M5 gun. Pullmon Cars will be Portland. Lust [ruin } *-W: ~- *~-- r"" s.uLI.\'na FROM l`0RTl.A.\'D HALIFAX ! Pnrirlan ` . Jan. l'. lh ... . .. .Jnn. Nth I-`ur Tickets and even Information apply to nvv--I-4.--- Norwich Accident Insurance Co. ; Capital. ` giving \\'orld'a Ticket Am-m. (`nrner Johnson And On- mrio Streets. KINGSTON&PEMBROK_lE Sle(~ragu- 8!). pnsscmzvrs lund and Hulinu. Thu Inn! lrnin In nmku-vonncvllon \' K. . or-J-'4 VERNON 3!. BROWN & 00.. Or toJ. P. Gilderlloovo. Agent, 42 Clu- onoo Street. 4-It rlllol. Through Bills of Llding given for Belfut, G] \v, Havre, Antwerp and other point: on o (.`ontineI|$ and for Moalitaerl-anon parts. For freight and passage apply at nAnv'| (M513. No. C. BIOWHIIII UTOISII. NOW AWi37|"_UEi'IB BON I oommounnon. ulwrmuuuw punnn v-1-nu. Ntecrage at Very Low tea. Mderngo Ticket: to and from Loud And Queeni- towu and In other parts 0! uropo at low- nt mun. 'l`I.........|\ hill: ul Lulinu nvlvun lnr nalflll. I Royal Mail Steamships. wmrm 35/M55. 13.97.1383. I ____ L`_: In-A n\ Cahin-Q00. 880 dnclslfl). acconlingto no oommodntion. lntermeclintao pun -835. Steumuo At Verv Rates. . tderngo .\`ER\'lA. .. GALLIA. . .. ICURANIA. .\'I'RU RIA. SERVIA. . . ` UMBRIA. .. AURANIA. I-I'l'|{URlA.. Liverpool And London And Globe IIYQIYI) A IYIVIB l'V\I\' (LaIl9:l:ED.) ` /vw ran/r/woj LIVERPOOL ccAi.I.1.\'n 31- ("1_oRK umnuu. From Pier No . 463?. R.. New York. `0l//VA /20 z/Mr; )H_INTER EXCURSION S `Agent, Grand Trunk Railway. ooruur Johnsnn and Ontario Stnaels. T: SI-IOUI_.D USE NO OTVHERS. See that Each Bu! II Bound.With rasr cxpnrs-in/L 35/: W05. '1}. :n'oi~z7-i Benn; was-r. TORONTO. \v'_`1\_._A-.n-_.. ru..-.. I .... 11.:-u III _o-rxcm. -, , nwsuv-unvmri A_..nI.\nn or Insight and pungo apply at unn- {'I Oica. No. 4. Bowling Green, -4- - -4- Brltlsh I-Implro Mutual Life Assunucs Co. of London. Eng. :Cnpiml. .(l) l.lll). A CC`! DENT. -. . . 1`, r\__3.-| R.A'm;:s o1i7FAssAGm : xo . .al 12:20 p.m. ...al l:45 p.m. ...nt l:`.'.`3 a.m. ...nt 6:l0u.m. BLUE RIBBON l'II().Il.:l S H A N LE 1'. llnnufacturod by tEi: 1;L1N. % I. I .\o. 6. .. . .\lixu-(L. Mixel.. ; fl 1 null . ._\'u. L. . .\t_1.6.. Ilhvml . . .SatunIn_v. Jam. 28th ....\'|t.urday. Feb. vlth ..Samnlny, Feb. lllh . ntnnluy, Feb. 18th .. Snlunluy. Feb. 25th . . utunluy. Mull. tfrd atunlny .\lch. l0t.h . .SInunlay. Md). l7th `ICST. I 3:50 p.m. I 2210 nlm. I 5:10 mm 1 7:20 mm. .__._._ _ .___.._.........__._. CITY FLOU I "-. CHOICE FAKILIX HA! I 7% 5 A 3255 -g- Lo. 13- J.=r'1=eX1~1'.KLIN, ran. 1. . Imlrr Bomu. I Fl/79-5`/T171 /Firilfb"/?FA7ii . "7-'lbTkoga. I710 ibs, ":31 f! k"' 77) Iii :IumlI quuntillm. awpcrnlb. an En Ish shot-p onslu . kegs, of so I b Ton. zanull quantil es. 650 nor bun 0. Pure lI`urmliwr. command of mood. bong lea. Ill : nmul quantities. 860 bundle. Pure For! her. composed of blood. bone and` neat only pen-ton; no bone meal r (on :'coax-so no maul, Qspor mu. 1, mulon. F. I?_0WLIIV & 00., -'- HMIIUON U-JIVIILllU' llIIuuI.IIV \lu UllIIIIl.llLlIUo . l'l1lI| all]! h I lllba. 8.` ...:*:.u..*:s..'.".;;*;;.!,:.':.ma....... quum II Io. nor lb. .. ---....-- . ._._-_. fms Enos- Al-n I V;.-l...Al..-n- mcnms. mamas & eanoauznsi |`r-Inna -mAlI Iml main: in Hun-N. slink- umco. with St opp. Pm: omco A J no-.1- Soomah Union & Natioml Insurance Co.; Qplhd. san.uuo.ooo. Imnerlnl Insurance Co. of Ldndon. Eng; sands of dimrcnt kinds (-1 keys Io choose In I New n d somnd-hand good: bmighumd gal ll PI-I su-cot. noun` Ring ISAAC ID.A.'V'II), I.n:-vnlnrrn RACJPHI-n nun flan:-ant IA` ' IJl|Cl(l`Hl'l', VV`l'|I4El| AND UINIHIL J. um. Re armed and locks repaired. `H-ow stands 0! imrcnl kinda 1'-(keys chooco I s And nomad-hnndnooda botlnhl. and In ;--j.___.7 -:-2 v :j I.ocxmn'rn. SAW-FILER AND G-lnuul. Jon tenured. `Hm: ` of keys - * ` ` * * ' ' ` I Inc Gage:-at Real Estate Agent H')l.`Sl`.b' T0 RENT. - TENANTS FOUND uuildh 3 Lots. I arms. are. bought and _ sold on `comm on v. smucrs coxabxkua mush spams A. I`. CliUW.\`. (`hemiut and runudsl. Anon! A. l . Cu Kingston. 335 an}: 337 KING STUPREET. From Ayrshire Cow; at the BAZAAR. We have made Arm month for A daily} inp- ply In Glut. and trust 3. ml] be 3 bone!!! to no public up you u`ourcelvu.' _:-`_---A-a tn.-2`- dl 8).llD.|lIL lmperlnl Capital O7.7!!i.i. British America Assurance Co.; Capital, (Mm w & [.ondon Insurance (`(1. ; Capital. .. ....: . VBIBBY & VIRTUE. We hnve four of the shove on hand and range frnm $20 to $40 each. All are First- Cluau Instruments, but as they no ouuide of our line will be offered at Reduced Price! Call and u'ecI. your Before the rush commences. We huvc the Finest Stock and Prices are Rig. Goods selected now can be bid aside until wunted. Robertson Brothers, -0/7risz`mas Presen ts- _IWE'sTTts.AcMLsKATE's`. 500 PAIRS LCM E SKATES jut reuiII6' Iv _ oloo. with Strange .5 Strange Clarence 3. MID. Puu.on SI'rn:a AND l.ovsoI:s of every da- cri Lion made to order. tmlnlso promptiy attended to. Chub reoe ted MUSICAL - BOXES; |A_Nvw%~ -J59,I1IZ1998r- > F. C. MARSHALL, UPHOLSIERER & GAB/NET MAKER. r. cu-nun: o vluulunwu all will DpWIlIl@- I CliUW.\`. (`hcmiut ruxgm. Ann! Kimzston. - July 16. IDIIIIIN IIUIII uvuuvn n. \V. Annls. mn `r. .\lun`s work A specially`. Factory work un hand. Brook 51.. must .\lar|u-I. -_: BEDROOM SUITES. PARLOR SUITES. AND SIDEBOARDB. BE-TjT*EAR- BARGAINS IF` Y06 WANT THE 0/:eapest& Bestfurniture Carnovsky & VAnder`% Prices the Lowest in the cj}.y'.. (`all early before they are I" gene: 3| Princou Street. cor. Sydpnhun Sm` . Kinglton. ; WE ARE Now " Se//ing Gooafs at 0032`. Buy your FURNITURE from We can't mnklo money tint wiy, but YOU want to - * I Mom-. Du nut unit for an sprlnl 7035- 1'50 wnrk mun he done honor Know. An eloklllt D0 of Ihnnulnuuo select (rum. Alvuyl tho h sch-(`led and Ill ulyllnh ock In luuu OI" urlulo choose from. (`Iva In u call um! look v at noel. K5 truuubletouhmv nonduu 0 "0" hnB'.l':\lIIn III A I I n. nun on-gaunt tN'URA_NQE.T IHEIEADING msunnuctz AGENCY. A. 1; _:R'rIN. 8a`vWAiilliia't:?ainfyTEHEr?:Boilen inn RALI nnnnn i(iEi`i{"sdfi` 'Wi. .m1m om ! ' 1 ? 7 Baaoc Sgreif. ?_j_.__ ,.j, rese ted MA'l"l'RA88EB resumed or made to order. Cuwrrs cleaned and laid. I\ 4 u 'l\I'\'1 l\l!I7\!E|!!|l'l'I `IN THE DULL SEASON .E.AEBf:?HlN9 nah DON'T WAIT. \4llll'l3 UIIDIIIIIVI I II I 241 PRIN(3'.f`}S`Sw STREET. IF'+'."""'i'"/\ I}l%'i_"" . OF A'LL DESCRIPTIONS. CALL AT SAVE Mo1\*EY GEORGE CLIFF,- lV-_.-.._.l ')-._l ZV-A_.A_ $10 so. --_--___. IORIYS Bl40(`K. BROCK ST.. Kl.\`uS'l`ON. _A|'e nt. for the following C-olmuxnlenr 1.`: u I` --251 PRINCESS 'rm:1-:T,- A... n...I-..I.-... na...... 2 HENRY BRAME,f I AQAI-up fingunglrnn --ul _7uu nuvu.vvu n-.--nun Cor. Sydonhun Stroot. E Tolcphue oolnmrnlcutlon. MSCELLANEOU8.v Thun ever before in the city nl _._-... ._g..-. a" Undertaker and banner, "FURNITURE. Q9. _ I37 PRINCESS ST. Have Your shin! Plmnbiug ml (Ins I-`owing. .l.(l. l%.\smw. prm-lion! aaniuu-inn. Plumo nu xuanml slenuu tilting. 859 King SI. Tole phuno No. 1).. -.a_. .. .1 sun`... I-J-V 0 ML 'Tb" e. rm, Ann J nly --8` .sm..-no ` THOMAS l!RlGGtf".\uenl. House: For Sale and 'l`u~l..o`t ;'l'enun.a found : Lriu-porly appraised ; rent: collected. Money to n. I IIUUWII IIIVO Surrw Tunnnzn and nude to ordoi-, in laws! . lnhlous M .l0||NSIumuI.w's. Market \`quure. Fun I.nns1' Auunu-A.v .`5'l'\'l.RS, xun\mn_lm-d hic{ns Jon.v.~`|I.\.v.\u,w`s.Market ~iquan:. ` I-`on Ln-:31` Io Ill. to A. 0 lhun.\`s.&iI r'rlncusa 3l..nbo\'e \ Syden tun. L I"IV>'l|I'.'l'g "U1"'V'I'III n 9 -.-no Suusu on Al I ulna shave cunt. Now is the lime to: Bargain: In Fun` Articles. See our handsome Jubilee Vues. X ilk Sets. Toilet San. Tea Sets. Tea Sela (mm (in am, llrumm 1`-l;`iil;i|ilKInlO Jbilee Milk Sets. Toilet Sela. Tm set. Dolls. Dolla` Carrhqzoo. Crndlos. Sluishs. &c.. M II. Joan`. 1!!) I`rim:oss Sm.-cl. Uptuwn 7l`euL mum. Ii. JON Store. . """'vl VI IlVI' I You (`As (her l!umu.\'s in (`lurlstnuu (`:\r1h ` and Plmlugmph Albums at J. W. l'UWKl.L'R. die Photugmplwr. u llpunnuanu Dlnnlnnrnnhc-.l'_ Enlnl-Rod u unuuuuu nuuunnu uu uuls an n Oubscribod (`anlml . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 2.(llI.lIl) ` ' `Nu! Invested Funds upwu-ds of .... ..:8.Wl.lllU 1 lnoomo.:....; . . . . . . . ......... .. 1&1!!! ; unurnncu against Lou` by [In nooppt I 011 at the lowest current rates and claims . mltildoaimwjthgut reference to the Board at W-. H. GODWI.`<'. Axon; for Kingston. Ban-rm: WIIIO (PPFIOI. I '\|l'llPl Iliulilllullt UI Era. l(ARTIN'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE Houses For Sale and To-Le`! ;'l`em\m.a found nvunnrlv nnnrnined : mun uullocted. Mme: to lo Plnomgmplwr. H. lllmnnusox. lmmmmpher. Enlarged ; Porlralla and Views. anlhfwllon quau-gnu:-ed ______ SI l`t`0l. Ml u'(`nril|es.I Mnmcv T iuitsemi ' Moan` -ro lam in large or mull sums an low . mum umerusl. on City and I|`a\rIu I`nbperl)' Imam granted on (`13 and County [Doha-nlurm Apnly to THOMAS Bluons. .\1nnm:v-r. I-`mnlen.-u~ Lam and Invosunont So:-Iely u.-rn p. Um... in iho Phat Oman. l'I'III. pun] (`I nun: . ", u .- IL II. TOY!--Try lhu Milk Rolls and Ilnlh Buns Innnufnrlurcd M the King Street Baker)". Tn: Bu::un'|-lI`lno xnxcrlen. ne e\n_j gt- I` II!!! lItIIII9 (`ARRFTIIRIIR BR . l'1Iunc|-d Agents. King Street. Money to :33}. on real uulnle and other N`lIfll``B.: Bllverwnn AMI Jewellery. A. M. Bnoox. wntohmaker. Jeweller and en- ` grant. has every bu-Iluy for manufacturing And to may owollory In All In bnuu-hon. Ioldou Iaunol. Watch Sun. I)PrIIcou st. :.-Q;-3.7 and L'u}}aTriu." J. u.l.Imu O (`o.. .5: Brock Stnct. hmlly nooorlon. Imported wines. liquor: and cigars. Vlcmnu Ivutinovnn. admitted to be the hut place In the en to buy noou-Ion. crockery. dlna. ole. Tuos. I Jollxu. TIIRNIY Duos. have removed to their new minus. Brock Slrool. Nnrke! Square, where K3, show the largest and anal stock of Im- od-Mnd Domestic Uquotls Tons. Citln. &c.. 1 ha cit v. Bt. dealer In wowcnen. cum-nu umu uuuuum... Sun-II lino-1.. M5 Klu 81.. head unrton for :';.:*:..:.."::x`::.'::..':';? ""' '*= A n 13-....- -uanhmnhm Installer and on- II CIUTIIFH IIIIII uvvrv -us v -I I`. W. SI-Asouslnno. Iunufnqmmr and tar 3 uorler of llnn luwullory. 8|? Klan Street. J. A. Lnlllv r. watch mnkcrJowo|I1~r. I8 Brock BL. dealer In wau-he-I. clock: and dhmondn. on.-- Iulnna nu Inna SI hgdgmu-(org lilo. H. P. Wuuu` Lwxur. foot of Princess BL. Is the not thoroughly equlpd unu in the city. gvlug ave`-{`||.yIo ol u out In an tlfolwlun spar I rule: to open um; commerchl Imry. nun. Telephone No. Io. utulunm nhnorihnrl (`n uh ..I as! IIII III`. Icm anon mun. KI: on Ilone Exchange. In M umnr - rumor. u:I'I'zu:m mmu.""'.\n`:w :3d3:"'x7:h':uun: ol vohlcla Ind excellent boron. C Inodcr nntn, BM vohlcla Inonllnouco. ICl.l)II\ `Ilium. N w Liver In connection with 8!. lawnnccl Mel on K In: Hum-I. I-inn my wnlulvuysbuon human use srmul n.n. ....... It-A4 uh.-.n.m llm-no ltxclnnno. U0. I57. `I . (1. Wluou. In (`lnl-once Rt rem . no human! Old Ioijuil utnlblhhdl llvornln um 1-Hy`. folouhono No. ITO. Vohloloo sly at mano- ltonlinotlcc. u-...-.. 11...... u.... lumpy In mnnoctlon ` Z! ltlulllug. all-1 niuuu-. I nun Ifivlu Bom1*`nll-rrIu..oor. men and Ontario Sn. hllnfu-Hnn [unnnl HIM liquor-uuul vi- pn. um-I yard and-ouhuu. A. sum-no.1. AunI1LA|l-Illlul aunt- mm! nmvenn-nl pun yunn nun:--u-uuug. n. on-u -um .imIna::nI:-in`! lilmlhvorlumt euu_n'yinc-nt pout 01 not .09 l loll. . ..-um Iocund ununhont Iamilnp. mi ; !4nnuI.w - IIVTTI " Ivivcuuunavrvvv rvv-vu I` A. Buuw. I'.'II mock 81$-I. lhu lm-ling `ht-'I`nd Ilrory unbloln the my. 'l\~lu~pPumo II. . WIZJN` I'I"lIII"lII|I'c ALIIOI Ilmtl. corner Queen and Moan-ml lions. well situated. with uni and uushlinu. V Nlunon suntan. Prop:-hoot. . \ Ornvu Ilmll. corner 0 Ontario and l'r|n- { In lrmln. l*`lrI|-inn m-communist km: run! an cabling. Juli Nonlun. luurlqcor. n....`.. ll--_. -.. n..... __.I n......a.. HI- -I Iuuuuu uunuu. vv. In-I uvq -u-aqua. -_-qu-um. Dunn-rr Ilnml. Outuln st. nun: Ilru hotel L) u.1' `L and K. n 1-. an-um. 4`. Incl. n_mr|olor. A._._.. II..." .._-_n...._ --.I Il..-u...-I Tlllolalafuucl Renlanruls. ' V lnuvnllmvu Ileotclnnndll non )IenlI.4` at regular hours. W. llovu. In at Hquiuro. I -..-..j-. Ilnpugnn ILA--In CI --no-I II-an T jQQIK BOI$CTjIVf TT--- CUCVOI f - HARPFORD CONN. ' Iuh Capital...` ............. u.ouo.mo.on `hut .\-owls. January Int, 1882.. .. 8.D)2.1n'2.!l) (moon paid tn&1)'enn...v ....... .. 5l.|4lI.Illlll); Tholondl Fire Insurance Com yonlhe Continent. ta Annual Premium pm It. Canada and the Unllnd Shin no larger um: \ nrten-ma n thoclty. crockery, Ola.-::u`va:-e, Eh.-. ... . ..... 1|-- -| - npln nhnvn nun], N01 THE CITY DIRECTORY. Fruit. Cantu-huue-ru, .l`c. .. .u.__._ m_...... unb null. and I l|'ulrIu-n and oleuw-llcrw. mu n_..--...._.._.. --....l_.n-u-no an . -____ _, I.Irrrp;`Eac-iabllulgmru In. x n... ma n.....|. m......a M... l.. `Boots amt .{h:;v. _ \u.._.-.. .-._._|. - I `II or ;uph i r. .... n . nu mug in Pl.-I. Tu iloro` ug. ..n .. ...I .....An in r WI;`ii;uuca al. Continent. In Annual Premium ltooelpls It. and the Unluod mam lnrxor inane of any other Company. in has an un blemished record oft! aux. ' - JXMRSSWIIH`. ARON LIF J. IU Illlluillll ' F1 R E. I lllQ'_\ llllkl llllll Ulll'l$l IIIIII ILIlll\'l lllv lllUW' I himself making up and down and calling for help tillexbaustal. Hethen crept in beside `his boy and by over him to sheleerhim. Next morning 1 marching party discovered thotwo In the-snow. The tuba-wudeud,tho son but slightly mean. And then wee } many other incidumu pstlnc-1`nlny, too, ` that will never ho hid. - _ \ .Eva'uinout.hopnlrhnlonwu oocuphd M byisilinduntlnultuun has but ro- `.3 u-mu AND non. N1-nr IIunn|. D. 'l`., Robert Chambers and ` his son Johnnie were lost lntho storm. The mum wrapped hisuon in the only henvycoat they had and buried him under thp mow, him:-If Irnllrinr Inn and (Iain And onlllmr for Hill I St:-nun mono-3 nro nxmnlul. At one place the men tied themszylvm in line to; long rope ` and worked their way along tho railroad tniiik luring the storm, taking their bearings by the uulugmph poles, the man in front shouting wbeliiwor hefouud the pole and the winch line then advancing as sect-ion-thus they I`\`.'|ClI0(] and rescued tho pasovngers of an imprisoned train. a _ up (U! I In H u\1lul\`. '-\\'ln_v, 3011 mulsl we towns. lakes and little hills titty miles away." says one survivor. Inunigmnls {mm mom southern localities s.-xixl that D:ll{1|l.'\ was at last to hnve a Jan- .\ur_v l'.l:|\\ , and an unusu-illy lnr~,:u number xvrm n\\'a_\' [mm homo. Al-out noun a low hank nf black cloud appeared in the north- \l`\'5;t., and soul) spread from north around to west; an hour later all the sky was black and the snow falling. A3111/in mother hour the hlizzunl was raging. llnur after hour its pnngnw could be traced eastwnnl and south- wanl from town to town when helm-graph lines t-oulalgimwarning. So most of Min- newm and Iowa were warned in time. but to all wostern Kansas. Nehmsh. the Indian tnrritury and Texas no such warning was |\1Ii\`llIlI`. \V'hon the hlixmnl hallo!- hanstul its fury and :1 cold, Ivar morning ll.-uvm-cl. them wens many sad anal vurioul si,r;'IiL-L [Iva-r_v nnilmul train lny \vhv-r~ the storm hazl szruvk inn hendlnml of a lung mnrninu of snow which hlll pilwl up hi-hind it. liven-_v fem-c and rock was mu:-lied in like ` manner as the beginning of I drift, while hem and them over the wide expanse of dztzliug whitv is little mound nmrkexl when-o sumo haplos man or beast had made his hat halt |_`A-._.__ .`...-mg. _-_ -.....__I._.I I A __- ._IA_- ll.` `\I`l, llIl' lIIllI- s'.'lll'l'.II)' (`all If. The late bliunnl was unusually sudden. Ou tho morning pn-u-ding its appearance all Dnkum l1`jui(`8d in a lovely calm. The air was soft. the sky clinlingly clear. A few wise uhl srttlvm n-marked that them was ,dang\~r. the air Wu too clear and tho mirage ` ton nut icoublu. uII'|... ... . . I 1"-`II-`I|l`I l IlI|l IIBL *_ ` Fur such s:-units D:\!~;ut.a has im meal the lppmpriatu nunio ut l-lizard. lt. dlllurl from the urdinarv into-r slurnl in two |-ointn-it rises with thv unddc-nnc-cu of ntornndo and continues a lung time. and hy an pcculilr whirling motion ut the wind tho air lnso filled with a dry pumlory snow that. one can- nnt suoa _\':\nl hi-tum him. Often the lino pnrtivlm uf snmv striko the (am with the sharp iniinu-t of stwl llalu-.-; in such It msn no aninml run he driven ll;I`l|llIh1lllt'I'l(L hut drifts In-lr-h-sxly In-fora it till Q-xliallncd in n snow bank, and the rind cute tlm-ugh tho thirkc-st woolen clothing. Lanmmgo vrmnnt dmcribo tho paralyzing terror which N-in-S on all snvothavary noutett hearts. and the vitality of most pcoplo an sustain the luulil)` heat. but a few hours in suvh n iatrirzzzl--. Unla. shelter is reachnl tha- ll'll'N are at froaen. than thovhill of death (in -run-hue the vital organs And at this st.i-:v wt fnvting st:-unto sylnptniiis oftvn rip- pmr; usthe l-lood n-tirvs {ruin the surface It congwsts in the heart and lirnin; then do- lirium minus on and with it n d--lush-0 sensa- tion nt smuthx-rin;: hunt. The vivtim's Inst exertinm an to thmw nff his (`Inthm and rr~ move all \\'mp;-lungs {mm his throat: nfton tho my-gm ii I --und with nook m>inpletvl_\' tum nn-I izian lttittulu indicating tlhthis lri.-at stru-,:2h-s WFH` tor fn-sli uirl Even at?-r tlle st.-mgr ul delirhuii ls rwuohed one can he mstoraltulih-; and painful experipnm has taught the pooplo of the cold northwest n regular .~x-ionw of mstciring the frozen. For- merly tho vi:-tim wu hrought at once to the u`; this thawed tho frnzi-ti oxtn~miti(-s be fore (`in-nlatinn was nvstnml, and so tho limha Inortitled and had to ho ampuhted. Now they-rm-lino in to leave the tron.-none in A will mum, and by the npplk-atlon of snow and rapid friction n`Rtnl`:_\ tho circulatou. ` the thaw ,4-xtu-ndinx slowly fmm the vital ct-ntoni tn !he0K[l`Pll|lI.lt\~3; thus. it the life can be savul, the limbs generally can lie. Thu Intn hlivinlsl rm: nnunualln nIu'.`an IlI\VlI\ `lIlli"I-I3 lKll$`l'_\ I I ITIVVIU-`I, |-|rl -I unal-~r ho snow, I`.-irmers lying within II few male `or their own doors. chi}- cln-n Imam still on the way liomo from Ivhml and dmncstic nniiuuls dying by thou- nnuls; nml, lullowin-,: the mm in western Kansas thvm is starvalimi. till wliolo !Iun~ iii: an axial to ho porisliim; in their frail ohl-ins With the czilaunlty. too, minu tlius~ actions Mucli 1-nuoblo hu- ` nuuiity--lu-role ml! I.-xvi-illuo in many forms. .'l`lm father has vln-orfully yielded his own lifo to ww his chi!-I, noighhor risks life and limb to nsm-.9 llt`l].{illI0l'. and in many Q tuwn the liorolo citiuenn turned out and can-lml thmngli the 'long, dismal night for tho lust. t_\'iu;; them:-Iv:-s lumsly `in group with Imp-_: nnhI,sothnl they might limbo Icylirati-I can-l hm. I-`nr mu-In u'nl-Ina I'\l-no. bum in. ....A...I 'aI'.. .\'(`E mun the country is appnllcxl at lho Npurts of widoqnnad death and winery in tho nnrthwmt; ` _`; but In its mngo nudtillcr ` - ~-._, Rructlvo intensity '3 `&'*` GNII wan mnxuws all hnlu-rtu Iwnnlcgl. I-`mm I .' . R- C. ` l2:- .\th.-nluvavu tothu l{iuGr:uulu.nnl wt ull l.'w plains alulprairws [mm the Ruvky 1.:--ulmzuim to the linnh--ml hills _nlong thn Masxinippl. mines the suuuwnil of nmunlmmus Inisvry: Tran-Ion burial the n.-In-.\I -n.I .L.u..\.-H.` nui.....l.. .In-i-... I... oh-.. In A mu msumus comm, :1 A I)-II|.v\l'xI'\ lV|\'\| A SORT OF STORM ENOUS TO THE I ` at misery in _ its ,_ _-___u;'._ , ` "' Oi) HIV!` huh:-rtn nu I V Io-min I AS "|`l).'|'|l|~I Van-` of I I2: Deathly Stray. `F. We xzxluun All It: mory xx- . Though .*oI:Ir||IIIlIu -II In 'Iho (Duo Jpn Punt. It Ex. A; n,, au,___, \ m.r/.z.\*nn. u THAT`lS {Nona- NORTHWEST. their lnmnuxoo in A Co'y so perfectly nocuro. The Company still maintain: its claim to. I l h I"! B 5! In th H. 91"}: E:h m"mt:d%mmM anZ-"'25. In Ioru ti lowing untur- f`l)|Il"I"?Pl;' 1403000.. . l`m- Lita Imam. . . 3&3 'rm~; BRmsH~mvp11Q:E1g1DAY. JA -7. wlueunm l!II]|ll'\K[l3r (or I wnuquuu lnthokmgmnhowhontlnllknnvuat workvjpuylhom. . 4 JHZILIU lulu IV KIELIIUESUII l4L`ITh.lIl"l(`?$, Ho has since been chief of the mineral di- `K vision of the land olce. In both thosb places. he has acquired A minute lznowlodge of the public lnnda It wggn very high compliment to Kr. Lo Bm-nu to ho retained so long after tho date when a change would urdlnarlly have been made, nnd an cqu high one to Judge Wright to be chosen an is auecauor. 0 UFO! Ill UIU` ' ' ' ` ' ` " ` spoktm opponent of elven-ything ihne savored 0! ropudiatiim. Ho was clmlrmnn of the In-' dinn commissin in the not"!1*w est in 18% and 1587, and us suz-`.1 cmzcludcrl treaties with the ` Indians giving the nation title to nearly` N,- mn mo nrvroa nf lnnd In Dnlrnrn llr'mf.nmL \ ulqruus gn lug `uu uuuuu uuu In m.'u,ny all,- 000,000 acres of land in Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Washington territories: Wu Inna nlnnn Ivnnn hinf nf fn I-.-uhun-nl I". H1131 I-LIIYU LUII` aecutivo terms. In . l8S0hewastbereg- ulnrnomluceottho Democracy for governor of Ten- I ncmco, but was de- foated` by the split gnmbd party _on the state debt question, A": In was an nut. when hot. 27 year: old, he was chosen ()0 lllllll. Hon. John V. Wright. who succeeds Mr. 143 Bams as law adviser of the land 011100, is a prominent lawyer of Tennessee, formerly a ' member of the supremo court, and later a ` circuit judge and chancellor. He is a son of an olcer of the war of 1812 and grandson of an olcer in the Revolution, mm] was himself colonel of the Thinenth Tbnnoseo infantry ln the Confederate nmny, as well u ,1 mem- ber of the Confederate congress. In 1855, to represent the Memphis district In nnntrnom, and I'Ioll.V\.I Illl bad to henlugnutnf tlw in and snow wltl: pivlcx`. Tlloluss of life`. however, was mm pri.~in;;ly small. Slum then vwry winter ha: Illu\\'ll u fc-wmsua of frwzin;:, as some art imprm-icl--nt. nnul mznv are unoxpochedly crux-,'ht; and the visitnr to an old Dakota l':mnl_\' will hear many n gnawaoxno tale or md disnstvr. many a story of hmv tho family hurnnl -very article of furniturp to prnlnny: lift`, and then died he- fnru hvlp muld ram-ll llu-m. In January, l\`7:t, .1 :lllVl\'ll wuvn of wlxl swept. down norms llnknta and Minn!-sum, bringing the mvn-uryi.-1 A few hours to IO dogs. below rpm; tho, roginnlt trawl`.-`v in the territory was then uninhabited, but in Minnesota seventy persons perished in a day and night. Such are the awful northwest. Yet the ii is of inexhaustible fm-filitv, nml Dn|rntn`hIu'rhinl nnnnlntlnn AI: ~il-ilities of the cold ` l'I Illl IIII III ; I" l'IIll\'Il`_ -mild mm-[1 I'llV(\ Mi mvn-ury in lm mginn `it mu uninhubltm perishc pt IIUIUU. I.` Btlll lR?lll,lL(`l UL III IV GSLIILIBI-KILL .\lr. Lo Barnes himself gives the very reo- sunablo xxplanaion that ho was not so much rmuoved proxnnturoly as retained lx-yoxnl the usual time, for he had held 0n]L'0 nearly thirteen years and had Icon informed that Mr. Lnmnr `contem- plnteql his rcmovnl some time ago.` Mr. Lo Barnes was iimt employed in the general land office in 1875, and was made law clerk in ISHJ; thus he held the place under Secniaries Schurz, Kirkwood and Teller, Repub- `. licans, and nearly " \ three years under Secretary Lamar, and acquired such _ ' :1 standing that ho a. w. u mm In all cases involving land grants and the \ claims of ruilmnds, Mr. In Barnes is said to havo been a vigilant defender ,0! the right: of ` settlers and tho govemmout; hence it was, tllought important to retain him in the 011160 until an equally competent succesor could be found. Y1... VAL... `Y -Ink} -J... ..........l.. I! - NGI. Illullllu Iur u uylul. Jul was 'u.A)I..1uU. This normouo mium. ncomo ou hi `.0 mnvlinoo uaurotii ofg: demrnhi: of p lug Ihi nmmnoo nu ynnpu-foo ynocuro. -H. (`onmnny N the and Ill: l re1lec_-nor. The reoent. removal of J. W. Lo Barnes. law clerk nnd adviser of the general land nmc.-, is still lneiugalked of in Washington. \h- In Rnrnptz himmhlf rivnc Hun vnl-v,l-an. 'Wiekednaa mnyprospor for 3 w!mo,but nuulnno `nun he who min all known It ' IIUITUWFSB. 1!": [DU 3)" IS UK IIIIXIIIXWCIDIC . fertility, and Dakotn'hu'giined populntlon faster for ten years past than did any other auction of" the country; all her townsuo alive with energy, and to one who visits them at ordinary seasons, thcse hyper ` bormns am-n1 among the h:1')piest and most ` comentedpeuplo in the wot-H. Tho Luv Clerk at that General Land 0!- ll |lll'l|I (III!!! nun |NlI(| VIN Vllllll III II! Mm:-h ux;ho!heu (allowed tho lino of the winulu'llhoreucher|,I'l0tlemI1t. and may tho uvxt morning a nnrulng party found um Iml glil ltill alive and not uerioully. in- jI_uINl. Tho Inst lulu ut. which then was much sulforing out of the Miminrippi was ilno I eels-brutal Cold -New Year's"--Jul. I, 1804. Be-twwn durkind duvlight tho mu-cury at am-em! points In Illinois full 70 degl. At. Camp Duuglnn. my Chicago, all the guard-x abandoned their [-31% and the OM!) Con- lodorntu prlmnom were nppurently {ran to 30. (Jan Inll squad did go; but hetero get- ungullllbfroluvunup all turned back but two. Winn: nurm nbnted than two wen found lnithcolnllmnwnxgfronnlulid. Ono 0fthdIoI'Iontunnodni that bnathlngon thopnlrbtlttnlg-ht wan just like taking sulphuric and late tho lung: From the lakes to the gulf the inating that night was guest in every munp. and soldiers on guard from or chillul ta death as far south. as \'|cksbI1rg., The next memorable winter was `. that of 1521- ? , when thp Union Pacic mil- roudwashhx-lam! for the weeks, and trains \ \ . forty yearngo the data-u':~tion in ncrthern Illinois wt.-1 sometimes onougli to exalt; mm.--xii compulsion. But with ls-zumul ll-ttlenwnt lento grown `lmvo grown up, bnxgking tho form of the wind; tlw -ountry. aim, is thickly settled. the roads run lntwet n {cums which miiclo the Irimlorvrs. and home: am so tlnivk that it in rare imhul tn hear of my mm I-vim; |.x fruza-n in lliinuis. But. Inuw of the um--lute: of the curly day: an t-lniiling non-;h. Alnut thirty-ilvu ynruago an old man muuml Carter `VII cumin; lho ;;r:m-I |vrnirz'u~ ' 0' l`t'lIll`Il Illinolu, with two little cfnllddnughwrs, in a wagon drawn by 5 yak! 0! oxen; I bliunrtl elno on suddenly, thooxun nu betom tlm wind till ox haustal,nnd tho tiara pvrlonat Inn lost at night on the opm pnlrlo. The Hltl mun ltnwkul tho oxen In tho head. Pu} than open and plural one (`NM ll! tho body 1 0' Inn}: 151- ha Hill! {nlhwul tho llnn of [ha WRIGI-_lT AND LE BARNES. ` -y:._-: ' , nvxmaa TE;RU av ::Es .` r'*~xrv'; #312-2 ?"'- """'xus-u?uCEE'Eo~E"' Oslo! the hot And Sdost companies doing hualucu In Canals Insurances obctod urn low r-nouns any othol-good Com Invested Fun 5. 311.7111 Net. Income for thlopuv. 3' was 83.31.30. enormous ium. o -mvlnm unurod of the desirability I: Inc