Xlhi JIILIJII I-` CD21-lA\JJ&. I pooh! anontion \':n to Junior Clan! Salut- hy that-noon. I Gordon roet. I LIABLE AID 01:08!-_PRI0l_]l_ DRY 909118 110333. % At Lowest Possible ' Prices. 2, 3, -an GENTS- SOME SPLEIVD/D VALUES`. V -'- an Rxnucn 31- Gor. Pfince and Bagot Sta. Kingston. T: T T T Inducing ydmrhzu um. Liver Pillnuu vhllo echo - oqmlly valuable in Oompstlo cu-In And pn- Vu $3 ungchbsnno eon ourtuoulldbothn u Imnnh tbs IJFGRI IAIIII IJVIK run: utv I-nlcng you In 0 duo Ivumdlugnhhllpbuwdh lnntheiolll cured - nj 3 L Inn` And " HERE" A.-)..n.... can-uh] hgnlvnnnl I-h lb Clupection invited and no trouble to nhow goods at TTZZ Sick Headache and relieve dl the troubles Ind- dut to ullllou abbot tho nyuumnuch an Dllslnc-I. luau. Drowatmul. Dhtnn mo: nnn|.PIInIn tho II he. While tholrmoot rum-halo uounnlu shown in caring g - L - I We guuntoo this one of tho Ben Corsets mule. hnving Stockinet Side Sections. and if slur ten day: wont do not prove s2ntis fnciory. they can be returned and money refunded. Price 81.25. Murray & Taylor's, Our Guarantee Corset I4 We II`! thawing 5 Complete Range of UORSITS. commencing st 2. ) cent: per psir . 7-41 "we enilsptiau Amuuou to the urn. RAY a TAYLOR Suyad End Coutollo Cornet for 8l.lI0. ' Ill. HUKAUI I15! Nlilfa utuaenu ruunr ' *.";.;"'...'a.'* "~ .:~..-.:*~.m..."~*-,, w car I on on n . term: I uzihop of Heap. Rayner & Ou~oy., Murray 8: Taylor's. GORSETS I mes ANNIE FRALIOK. LI llnnlnn f`nn-n-anon-o nf Ilnnhl In I D. RILEY. VIOLINIST. IUBROOKBI. (Mr. Chnncoh.) ALwA\'s~A1' Lownsr mucm AT 776 Pl?!/VOES8 STREEI. 25 Different Makes, _-EDUOA'l`IOY*1AL. VOCAL CULTURE. IIAIDIP Ilf\I)DI$\\1 Dunn" . KINGSTON ACADEMY, an Juana B'1'BIl'l`. Firm-Cluu Elementary Eduonon in Eng- lish, Ilntlanattoo. Glunland Book-Keeping. K DVAN -R A %hu-Inn] "Kali? __A .J .A _.-__ ll... IL-6 Lg-g I. Elia: .-.I-ALA --.3 ngll-... I ah. Lqnnlnl MUSICAL ART. 'I""K -at l\-pin- .1 IJIIIA [Joni- SPECIAL! (Jilin-II I)uIlIr|\uv}uIl I. RYAN.'B.A.. Principal. * ALSO A woman who it took. ncrvopl and nice];- loat. and HM hu cold hand: and fact, can- not fooluduct onto! poriun. 'Cirhr'd Iron ring 01] the `_ . remove In-vouuun, mfglvuohugrl Id not lonvuuiuuuu wuxagooy ms worm, In q:viu':.l.l00tohiI wife for her up t. 0 cl thh moon}. is in _,_u_> prcyo hi: mind than he committgd nuicldo. \ onnvgtth Inn lmiod to-day. V \I\Jl14l.l \l\Jd.JA \-ILUJ-'lu MISS KATE MORRISLN. Pupil of John` O'Neil. New England Uonaervmnry-of Music, Boston. will receive pupils for vmco uc~ nndouluvalion. Italian method lvate no or chaos of I or mum. Children in- oud with t one. For terms any at `End Plnnoto:-to pualla rocolv . DOT. Wllll IIII WEI KVIIIKIIIII, IX IIIII Vllllg, I tho cuntenta of I bu-tile contniniug oorroulve uuhllmatn. Medial uaintunce wuiocurod and enrything done toooun- tenet the poison, but tlnwongh the lugs hi. lit; llulhd on Hand. ninht at half- quantity unllo\nd`itvuimpouihl'o to ..v`.'= nnnuuy Iwulowon Ii vuunplm me to save` q I u mama. llodhdon s us.r.mh.u. an to: o'clock. 8 hour: tor the poison- `. Family ufouhlo noun to Inn been the sole emu of the rash wt. Ho Ind Ierioul ttulblt Vitll NI family in Tun worth, which was could tweak ago by his nnvinn lljhnhh wifo for her mnnm-L Unulonul `nu rlrnlu. WU.` DIVE miy W in return 2'` E192}: hnllomothing, beynnrfou doubt. The but will berqnito nsdy to take M: may from aithor of the two nt. I The W0;-nworth Family Ahlr In I Incl uoquol at Anna. Annlx. Jun. 30.--0n Saturday morning. 28th, Wlntthw J. \Voryngorth, hto of Tam-, -nM|n -rhn ha: . -5.}: vnahlnal `nu WHO "II, D31. ._l$II( I Vj CIIIIIKU the present upoot. of tiirl. Gluiwono. Churchill and Psrnqll. wlnt have they t In --g-ua 9" [nL\L `L-n'nnInAi||=nn Lnunn n = um, ulasuliw 1!. vv urfggggonu, uxool Jun-, worth. who hu !ot"'i6vInl . wash raided hero with hit -on Nathaniel, of this Village, `II:-uni tln mutant: of n hullla cnntninina Iumpou I Inuwr. neruaugru |l new on eluuy. hut he Ind: eubordinete oiee. Perhepu he will help to ewolenle the Il'l`l\`ll of the day of judgment. which muet overtake de~ putmenu crammed lth johbervmnd cor- rnpllon. Meanwhile he hee mule ineny new enemies end last IOIIIO old friends. Thu: we sand weitingfor the eignnl to begin. Roma dnnhinu oomhnhnn will bite the 50'n lining OOIIIXQIIKI Will (MUG HID dun! before six months are. over. Thorn are men whose plan: are shrouded in myutory. and who may bring about I van: change m thn nraumt nnnnl nf Afnirn. Hluinnnn uollot. um III! will uerqumv muay his one from either of the two nt. a`..?.".{..".'.`-.'..'.'.. I" .-A;1-;"l`)-)1-1.;-"v:h<;'i'o.u_\:-ea-i_t `L i stamped a lnitor. Berosfqrd in let 0!! easily. ` Imo ho Iut x nnhnrdinnlp ninq Pm-hnun -_v---j _-____-. ...-_---:_ _, 7 ` l FOR BEGINNERS. also advanced pugils. Sch! Rcndilu. Touch Phruilla. Plaid `I . e~ chnlun. Clo:-no '5 Velocity. Cmmen-`s nudes. lkdthovenh an Menu-1': sonata. together with other celebrated works and oompmitions olthognat nnntou. I-`int-clan testimonials. Miss ADDII Jonssron. No. 185 Eu-I St. C03` `"9 uoulltry UVUT .I'J,lKl}.\I.lI II-Illlllly`. Bud contmcta and john run away with as msuv million more. Who will clean out this Augean stable? Not Ehipoopl who nd snug quarters in it. T home who resign ITO set upon by oil the oicinl chat and rty luck: And driven into the wilderness. Rh ministry. in entrenched behind the un ion question. Anybody who leave: it in numued n u-aitor. Beronford 0!? enilv. ICIHC. or course the(`-lndatonien perty all erouml will watch the Beresforll incident closely Naval men are greatly stirred up about it. The main body of the public ere quite leth- argue. Uuly a very thinly attended meeting could be brought together to hear Lord Uhurlea in the very heart of London. and in his own constituency. The chairman` and leauling men of his own committee were all ebeeut. Ominoue_aignn, these. as Beresfonl would find if he haul to seek re~elect.ion. 11.. ...........l -up 1.33.... ..I.-.in.i.o-ohm Wolllu llml ll U LID VJ UQEI IU`UIK:|vIUIlu Thu navy and war oice aulminiatration are rotten no the core. We npend our half million pounds a year in clerks for thou de~ tmenta The work could be lntttor done or quarter of the money. Lord Randol h know all this. and tried to gel reform. 13 was thwarted, and ractically driven from oice. The admi ty in never ready for war, but we luve 223 admiral: on the retired list, drawing close upon 133.!!!) annually for doing nothing. Our nuxmpenaionera cost the country over 8l0,0(l) annually-. Rm! nnntrnrtn and iohn r-m awav with an IIIIIU lUl' ll! IIIUIII "IIIII I0 IKTIKIT. \\'e i-hull llullrilllvllly have great excite- Im-ut. over the lriuuiphsnt recepfiun of the release-l Irish prisoners. I have hesnl some radicals express a ho` that there will be as row, even a rin't. `hey were mistslsen Public liaonler in cousin to help the minis~ try sud dsrnage their opponents. 'I'refsl- er Square would hsve won the election ed the ministry dieeulved lest month. It. will be very haul for the Nstiunslists if the session begins with broken heeds and looked ahope. l`esce-ful processions, heeded by William 0`Brien sud Timothy Sullivan. ere hoped for by the Irish lesdere. Bus they msy srouee opposition, end Londnn roughn cannot be hridled. when once they broke loose. I: is whispered the: Mr. Parnell declines to countenance these dem- onstrations. not seeing thss they ere likely to do say good. They will be held ell the llllll |uIIIu|IuLI'nLInlIS. no: Vflll wnlcu I0!` llllle crac-Ics which may posailnly he :ome yawning clmslns. The tury country gentlemen may rehel. ur if they are soothed tno libenl \ unionists must be otfendecl. Then will be the time for the silent man to strike. I III! IUUIIIIK Ul IIIO CUIIHIIY II T! not WW ehstruv.-tiun. Thst he done all it can. Now it is in brittle weapon. Tl.e government will brnnlt it up. Parnell liss foresight and never vnstm time on useless strn les. He invent- ed obstruction, and knows ttsr than some of his ti:-ry followers the in where his in- vention must. be supe I) new appli- isnces. 'l' he rules, then. `will hetightsned. and Inemluers who create disorders will l-e annunnrily and severely punished. But peo ple who suppose that Parnell will be able to summon the lrish spectre upon the oor of the house whenever its nppennsnct may be deemed requisite little know the man they have to (lenl with. His main object now is n to drive in ii wedge between the various sec- tiuns of the uni-vniste. This session his motto will be Divide et impera." Hie skirmishes will harass the ministers anal vet outdoor lunmn.-xtmti--ns. He will write for little 'si'.'...`3.:`L'.'`.`-'..I';f I.'....'L'i.'.'.`f"-`n-`ii "n`."u.. lnnt lmfnm nix month: an over. Then Ara IIOW some poople_l.hink he no Iongur bu my in- uence with his rty. Wasil tilftho bull opens and you wi lace. even in that talking days, that it is often the silent mm in the luwkground who makes the pu pen dnnce. The fooling of the country in rug hot against. obstruction. That hn (Iona all it mm. Nun Mr. Parnell. is against olntrygctiou. und- |-rogremme or the 0p 0II||0II'roapoctI ' of the ('|nenre-Ne Ion late lIt(Inp- lllr. l'arnel|`a Tnet|ee--`Ila -III Ohject to spin up the Fntontete-Chane-e AgaInet- the War oce and Admiralty. Nae` Yultl Jan. 20.--A Meinbernf Par Iiament" cablee ae followe to the lleneld : "Tho Uladetoniane are getting ready to pour in a raking re upon the tninietry. -By an old cuetom both houeee of patlienentpreeent an addreee to the queen in reennnee to her epeech. An hour or two Ittlloel forthie for- mality. In the honee of lorde e ehert niht'e debate need to eatiefy. In the hoaee of mm- mone 1:: `on over three tneke :0!` coneun . e o ition te eep the debate go q'n:lI)::ae|onl::"t"Ei.:;ear. ue illtpriaoullttltt o Irieh mennbere. the interfer- ence with meetings in Trafalgar equare. and the mlenianagetnent of the navy will all be brought forward in time. Ireland alone its expected to en allow up three weehe before any real bueineee in even approached. Such is the opposition pa-ugrammc. I have good reneuu to believe that it will not be carried out. The minieterialiete will rally in force. They have their clear majority of over a hundred. and clnenre can be put in action on the very iiret night of the eenion if the minietry chooee. It ie more than No that the eecnml night at furtheet vi I one it aleecend on the opposition. and away will go, all plane of locking the wheels of the (gov ernment machinery. Hut Ivhat next 3 an not the nationalist: bring up their grievan- cee any night 9 Well. under the preeeut rules they could. but mine ewee ' altera~ tione are to be proposed, reduci t e num- bers neeeeeary to enforce the culture. and giving the epeakcr greater authority than he DOW . Mr, Parnell in amainnt nlntrnctinm and EIMPERIAL PAIKLWIBNT. Iusxcni 1'u1'r1ou,1Ns'rRmm1m1I, -unn uuanrlvnnna - -- _.I...._...4I -nu. . A PR1 :-.nMmAm sunvtv or me earn: onouno. pousoman rgmsur. Hndiiono. t .b"'!'f.- RITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. JAN. 3]. who use it upon! n|gnIy`mu.- I'D} Gqougo A. Hill. druggiu. Sp:-mgol . Ilsa. I hollow Bly. s Crown Bnllnhlliuhalt crude for ciurrh ever ofhod the` mic. It ha van Iutiihction ip -- Dasha Wut5h'I', M@. II I IIU IIIIIIIIPUFI l'l'Il- vvuuuuupnuuu, Scrolnh and Uonenl Dobility win try Sonnimuluion of Codljvor Oilmith hy phouphmo, they will nd immediate d and u.pormsnent. benet.` Dr. H. V. Mutt, Bnntvood. CAL, writes: "I have med Scotti emulsion with glut Advantage _in -sebum emumou Imn gr-I uuvunugu In angel hthiuin. Icroflh and wasting din- ` onto." 8 inwory palntahlg. Put upin lelldlnixo. ` I IIITG DOC OOIIVOFIGJ Ilul` (BY erctwenty years of age, 099 on of every LG!) minleeere weneoonverted below twenty elm. Mr. Hunter then uked All who edheen cnnverted between 3! year: end 40 to shut! up. Some thirty pereone re- nponded. He then asked III who had been convened between 20 end 30 you-e of Age to etcml up. Nouly IN rupomled. The Ipttker than naked all in the congregation who can nnhvm-tul hnlnm thaw I -'n tinny at man IIKCO an In ml who won oohvorud belore thcy I'C'O tn-any yuan of we no uund up. Immediately; on minister in the oongngntionusd some \ rm nnrntl nthnn mnnnndnd In tho on. J warm in" all his Iuuwr in me wngnguuonnnu Ium an In l ve unrod other; responded to the all.- ~ Cntarrl In New Englallo ' The belt 1-emedy for it: p I have L(;ld.-.]o|an Hooker, druggilt. 850. as. an union. of mu aha:-it.-C. 1'. Alden, ` ru t, Id, uh. ' 1% who no is upuk hixl-I101-it- n........ n....a...n.u A It .I.__...I-5 Ir. Hunter`; Demonetrntlon ol the DuI_ `er of Daley In Being I Christan. ()'rr.u'.l. Jen. 30.-Few person: are con- verted after they are over 40 year! of ego," were the words thet rang through Domin- ion church from the lipe of Rev. Mr. Hnn~ ter. Don t take my word: for it." said gheevengeliet; let youreelvee be the jury to decide. Anal then looking upon the large '0 tion ft lb mend` none - Z..L`.`f.'n3'b..:o.. ..s..'I:..i`. .aa= -'- .uu.c.r2 ienoonvereed after they were loyeere of we pleeee stand up. A nillneee like death Inn in the church, end people looked utouiehed that onl About eight such per: euueoould be founcf I knew that I we: telkin shout." the epeeker aid; moot have been converted before they an-ntnnnliv Hagen nf man 01 nut nf aware: Polltlca Entering Intu the Naturallaatlo !luve|nent-.\ Few Good Points. (`IIIv.\uo, Jan. 3Il.-.\`hortly after the municipal election of last spring the (`IDEA dlan residents of Uncugo began to agitate the subject of naturalization, their exxunplo being followed by the English, Scotch and Welsh subjects of the queen. A British- Americau league was formed, and as an adjunct in Cmudimn-Aineric.sn le ue was organized. l'ne claim is made tlat the intention of the movers in the scheme is siunplyto interest the foreign element in the atlairs of the country in which they live. but there is is belief that there is a political reason for the agitation. Not long there was a bitter wrangie between ex- Uonureesman John J. l-`inerty. who was en in the I-`enian movement to eon uer Canada. and A. Gordon Murray, former f a member of the Canadian Queen's Own regh ment, who`took part in repelling the inva- aion, and this wordy war intenaitled the feeling which has existed between the Irish and Canadians here. The English contin- gent has never nought recognition in Chica- go because it had no votes. Inupector Bon- held, of the police force, is a Nova Sootian, but there are few other Engliehmen or for- mer Eaulieh su hjects who are prominent in atfairs here. Ex-School Board lnepector Frank Collier. who was sent from here to deliver the jubilee address to Queen Victo- ria, is also interested in the naturalizin movement, and it is believed he has ha: political ambitions. There iea large Irish republican element here, tho h the ma jority are democrats. As at w ole, then. the English and Canadians would be repub licans. for there would be no ailiation `between the Celts and Saxons. Finerty, however, is. training with the republicans now and holds a fat oioe under the present city administration. The work of naturali- zation is going on rapidly. I IICXVIIIIII, WHO UIIITIOH IIOIIIJXJYI (IOWD. ring the tire .\liche\ol McC|rthy, the olevuor boy. Wu overcome by nmoko. And fell into the elevator pit. He was 1IiIcover- ed than by Miss Stu-Anger. A young waitress in the hospital, who olmggedhim out into the 1 uir. where he revived. not not I would I . uuruou up Ton unold nx Schwartz. vhoin suf- fering tom hip discus. tried to carry out John A. Burke, I little deal And dumb crip- pic, but he nu too heavy. Ho when drug- ged him out to the hull wuy. when he met I policeman, who carried both boys down. During Hm n \linhnnI Mnu-thv, than U IIIDI IIIZUUC. `nu .331?! II I WI IIUI [DUI in Daugherty, perhaps Ihe and e veryone else might have been burned." W but did l you do usher you told her 3" I went. into my dormitor und cold Minnie Johnson. She is I cripp c. you know, and cm never get out of bed without being carried. She ukod me not to leave her. and I took hold of her land: and said I wouldn't, but when I new the smoke beginning on come up to our oor . and hennl every one ocresming and shouting. I felt In druid that I could not any then. I tried to carry Minnie out oi bed. but I could not lift her. I0 I kind her good bye, uni nu DWI) . She told me not to unit for four I would t. burned up " ' Tan van-I nlal uz Qt-h'Artx_ who in unf- IOII II A uilnbor of citizen: olrrlvll Ina cun- duu from the burning building. The guest: in the Vundcrblll hoogl opposite gave up their Ioqmn. Aid. `N3 0! the little micron won put. to bed there. Tho othen found shelter In prlnto houses in the vicinity. Thorn wu lunch excitement. among the spec- taton in the ltreet. among whom It. ran ru mot-ed Iovenl childwn hid been bllrlwd lo dc-nth. I"ort.unItol_y however all the t-hildnsn were removed in safety. Mannwhllo the rcmon nub-luod the ames. When the tire had been vninguishecl. the lifeless body "of Mary Doumlly, 5 cuok, was found.- Littlo Louisa Fehlig was naked why IIIOV did not run sun 3- uheu she` diacovered thut lire. I could not run vety fur. I have diuue. and besides if I had not told in: mink--In ....-I.-um Aha And nun-unnn If The Balaton from Oonumptlon. n___n_I_ -._.j n ,___l 7\-L:I:A.. _:'II C. `I110 Children In n New York llnopllnl [Io urnnuncnl In ttnvlng Mun) Lino. ` Nlw You. In. `29.~-ln the hospital at Lnlncton wanna than urn I03 crippled chdnn. This evening the ybungnt child- ud Mary Groolev, I0. started to to hell. On the Iocoad oor thpy were an ion- ly enveloped in u-nuke. They no ouering ftgln uplnal cliieu. Without Icl-tuning or nnnlfuthg high: in any ms . the hut-rind to the third oor, and found Illon uglier zy. I nune.nnd told her the buildin was on lire. Thenune told them not to te any * of thichlldnll anal um! them to thoir rooms. She then not wonl by nn uoiltnnt to Ms- 'v' 'b50l'. Who in turn notied Dr. Uib nay, through whom An alum III um. out. The doctor,` Ilnrles, lice and remen. n : well u unmbor ol Cllilehl carried the chil- ` .I-- 1.... 9L. |..._..;-.. Luihlinu Tlnn nrnnntn an '.r. in my `ad l.40lliII `Pd 3 1 T 1. 1T Intholnnnoloonlnylhuhnthubhwhuo we nun our out boat. out plllncnn it run. omen do not. Cunt : Lmlo Hut Plus we vq and vary-nytohlos Gnwtnrm alone. They uoltrlotlyvqlbhk do not (run or ' pumqbntbythdr lbuotim plulotllvho ' Inches. Invlub Iollbglnhr. I3 iydruuhbcvu-yvhusorlntbylnn. CAITEI IDICIIIE 00.. In Yeti. A REWMARKABLE ;CENE- CH|CAGO'S CAN A IANS. TWO Hrioac canvass % wme couim. Iplendhl n_ln.' Grey comm um um 1-nu Guy e; White Sheet- ..., pkh or twilletl, .11 width aoaua. Paths! man... my cup. ua.'rma.,~ 1&6 Llion. 'l`abl_Nspklni, rowcninqa 0! an klndl, an hdueul In ar'ru.cup.s..aeuut-s.1.fnmo.nu.a.a_ny \ Rxdnimonn "d:a.1=a .5: co. :EaIc~J:EI:MoN:D, ORR 3:00. I These Handkerchiefs were bought for the Xmas trade, but arrived too late. To close them out before Stock-Taking we will obr them Very Much Below the Regular Price. Ladioa' Handltcmloicja worth 250, for 750. Ladies llandluemlaiafa worth 800. fbr 20. V com` Ifandlwmhlefs worth 500, for sac. Gents Ilandhrchlcfa worth 760, fprdqc - .` can andaeoure your betorethoym all picked over; MINNES& BURNS" -LINEN HEM-STITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS,-- IT00 LATE! TOOIATE I! FINE WHlT_E oorrous. HEAVY wu-am: COTTONS. . , TWILLED WHITE COTTONS. SHEET/N08, P/LLUW OAS/A/08, A7"/0l(//I/6'8, John Laidlaw & Son.` -j- -v Achothoywolltllonlmottwldciohouwho win: from thinlntnnlngoouqldnt: butterm- uu-Iy thou-gnodnoudou hound luqndthnu vhoonoo try them will Ind than um. pub uln- nblo in nolnnny warn that they will not be wil- ung ma. vithont dun. But uthrnlluck head 1 LI` A FINE EMBROIDERY 5, 6, 76.. ' A WIDE EMBROIDERY 10121-2, 156. `A USEFUL EMBROIDERY, F. X. UUUSINEAU & GU. Many Lines of Beautiful Brocades, Fancy Silks; Flushes and Velvets at AHALF PRICES duringthis week. H6 inch Plush at 606. 18 inchPlush at 750. 24 inch Plush at $1.25. CLEARING SALE PRIGES FOR THIS WEEK. 'oTTo,Ns A1TITLINENs We have just neoeived n. Consignment of For Ladies and Gentlemen. Initials Embroidered in Hand Work. EXrrR_AoRDiARY HR. HORACE RIYNER3 Studentl raullr` ot.udIoIJuL.. h. T|I0l`OlI'.0IN'Vncan.- mg for which at Annllmlioh is noocahury.