as it overcome by loll` or Inunc. The eutenee I Am them , to ronounce hpoueyou, nmnrked his lordeh p, may, -by some. he coneidered lenient. There were clrcnlnnuneee connected `with your de- fence, I do not mean] on` the per: of your eounlel, but your mode of defence that would tend toteggravete your offence. Hnve you mythi to my 3" - No i ," replied the prisoner, raising his face to the judge. U "The eentenoe is tlnt. you be conned in the pol for the space of three month." June Middleton. an elderly mm from prizes will be oneroa. Donn & Wright opened a brunch commit lion houne at Ummoque to-day. It will in clurge of Mr. Mclven, with Llr. Haley`, of this city, as opergtor. A -...I. from m.mnrhv n amecill service PARAGRAPHS ncxzo up av oun-' ausv REPORTERS. -. "11- I6:-Ire or It-my my mo wnuuo l'ubI'r Are Talking About - Su. -. ' rapes III! Allnllnnu of Thgqq no `'9 N Tnllng Solon. _ - } The pulim teroi led to-J . I0 b-K>h0l0I'I 0!, vivenrs `hall on Thutruiuy. I`--. l`..sI.|..-l :_ n...:| I: .. _ -._ .. __ AL--. cut or Illrclll. A new sloop of the Aulantfa (Jan in hik- ed of in Rochuur tor the owner of the Aris- din. n..--. 1--.... :1... r....... .l.... ...`.-..:....l n For best Scranton tune cool, and for Eng Iish (Newcastle) blu-hmithn` coal. at lowest rs es. go to tho Iorh conl ynrd. Loni; Curran. Iry Curnn. and Jon nk. was charged with drunkenness in morning. They were found guilty anal do cinion rooorved. ll`- .....o ...;I muul nnr 1-nbon an I0. ' pond in lunguon. cllln HTVKI. We rout nnd gnd our coees on the * premises twice every week. which insures it i being fresh and fugrnut. Hendry & I'homp eon The merchants are talking of driving out in procession. It in expected that arrange- ment; for the e\'en_t will be completed shortly. A ml].-r nae between J. R. Decker and shortly. ` A roller nee I-etvccn George Clnrke. distance two miles In con- teslrd on Snturdiy en-ning. (`lurks won by one lap. At St, (Tnhm-Ines are beiun reonired the mcmms or inn DAY. Capt. '(:IIthhcr in building no or _three pngl crdt. at 1 renum. ' R:-nuoalnn -A.._.4I- ..IZ.I. ....:Il -_..--.. The `lretnlug I s-me reroute I-Ivtcleutlv Very luck in |"nule-A plemluet And .... `cteompgpglug lreetun--Arr-eete Shy _ fallow Fun-tlu-r Dleobeolioltro. Yeetetdeyi Qfternuutl I mldier called at the police etetion and lute-I that three girth were on this ice at the rear of the hornn-its acting .in I very disorderly manner with `gone golqlion. .\`urgt. xleloill end Ollllr (Tnig went After the lrls. On seeing the policemen they etuteu for Berrieeld akin: their couree ecroee the ice. The uillcerl ram ml euoceede-I in cut:-hing the cirle. They were brought before the niaigietrete this murnin I, and clurge-l with vugrency. Amy \\ aid ehe we: A general ner- veut. and worked `la the city. Sergeeut Neslnitt Mid the girl: had hul ltpllllllnltlti, and Amy Whiting was not long out of tho relormetory. Jemee O'Donnell, the eoldier who led the police to believe the girls were terribly renk. refused. when put in the box, to say enythlng.thet would injure them. He more they were ree hle girls`. and lucid he could get eeve of his comredee ` in the berreath to teetiiy to their good he lnviout`. The girl named Robinson in I ' stranger here. uni when the mme to the cit two month: ego enquired tor Am W iting. The other girl`: name in Sure Brown. The meidene ere young but very wicked. (in helng epohen to they presented a hrezen front and looked eeucily at the megietrete. He dienleeed then end warned , them to mend their ways. They would he watched end eneeted if they ected unbe- coming. After they left court. ()`lInnnell met them and had e parley with them. He hugged of the evidence he lied given in l.lIll' ievoor. The glrle penned on end ueed profane language in their conversation. _I WI crnuu II I YVIIIKWI. ' The Killgnon uremdo clinln will uppur I` .~`,ydenInm on due l3\h. "Tun nh.-an of III: Ilth hnlhnlinn Am Altar III! Tlfdlll IIIIIIBIIIIICK III "II KIWI". If you are not Ieuod with the mice you ` am using. try lcnjfy & Thompson : zit shun ivu utisfwuon. 'I`|u. ......rL.-:ll. 1-unnnil Inna Inn.-hang.` n uwlyl Iran Iuumcuuu. . The rucivillo council has nurchuod I atone l_:l'IllhI' And engine in I \lle\'ille fm 9| mn Iwuu |_;r 8l.4(X_1. ` \'|I Iel`\'lt`l!8 In I nlclloulll ullurcn. TM frugtuco of Hon-lrg & Thompson`; in now ummrpuunl. Try it uul you will use no other. . n_..I. L n.....|.'- 1. oh- ..n........o n no: im- n 30 OKIICT. Bnqk I Booth`: in the cue: t p no for pjnablockl, buncbwood. In at I0". Wood cut un-cut. ` A ....._ -|...... -6 IL4. A n-I-..o.'- n'unn in tall. lb. lion`: forgot. the fancy dtcu cirnivnl at the Citizenfrinlt, Regio Ii: grounds. on Friday evoning. Feb. I0! . ' The Baird comedy company Inn arrived from Smith`: Fulb. It will appear at the ` open house all this week. C1114 Hnllavilla Ontario thinks it n cold dav ' uooqueawo nolu mum prizes will be offered. nnrnn & 'ri1lht om of this city, operator. A week fromio-rnoriw 3 Ipecitl vill be held by the Salvation army. A major will he preunt from the hudquuten st Tomato nod nod the new rain. 11.... Ma-.. ......o..I o._.I.u uul will hp. at Toronto and nu: me new nuu. Pun eoee. routed to-day. and will be ground fresh tomorrow morning, the End cafes in the city. 35. per ID. at Handcr- sonichehp grocery home to-marrow. has not gnr from nick headache I mo even . Mr. jns said : We would not have cared to much shout the lsd's running lwsy lllfl it not been the! he started uitli boys whn would be liable to get. \\ ill into trouble. His cnnpmioiis were l tough Int. regular `street gsmins. They were live in number when Ifouml them at Snckets, and it is pmhebls when in a short time the gang would have increesed considerably. I guess the boys heal been hauling lime novels, end thus :40! [else ideas. \\'illia.Ins parents will pro~ hebly let the boy learn s trlde. This is the second time than Anderson he: left. his home. The last time he went to Toronto, but was 3.-lzul tn retum. solfecheip nonee w-mormw. Do not ener from ment longer. Itlie not necenery. _CeI1eI'\ Little Livgr Pills will can you. Doee, one little pill Smell price. Snell doee. Snell nill M I` ~`.yucII"-I" "II `"9 ll"n. Twu nicenpf the Nth battalion no Altar the uncut Iiontaubcial In "N buttery. If inn urn nnl nlnnnul I-ikllun nnlfnn \-nn au.wu. . It is laid lhtt Iovonl luly evangelists will viuil. Kingston shortly to eondu_c`l re\`i~ rd services in I Methodiu church. 'l`L`- l'__......_.._ at liq- Inn 5 Thnnnn-nu`- IIII-IU pill. 'r.. pilL Toho free from sick hecdmcha. billion!- .-__ ..__A:..-:.... -5- nan I`.--far : Ijllb PERSONAL MENTION. After ltoncllng Dime Novolt `llu-_\~ Io Iilllut Cl. SOCIIIPI Ilnrlnmr. \\'utoI1ovn Times. |In||2,__ A_ 1-..-.. .. ...._.. I`.....I..I...I l` \'Ei{i'LJ7\\%}Ei{E%\s'M iving lialnu lquor wu ADVOCEATE 'Oi>:vCREMAT|ON- -_--.-----._--- unsung tho Llooiu In-Motor. .4 .___|.n..lL..I IL.-nu Hm bind CANAb|AN sco-aoofqa ovs. -l'- WIIIIII Ildrlirrwu. Kl.\ GS'l 0N, Feb. B`.--(To the Editor) : In your ieene of Feb. 4th on employee of the cotton mill contrediote A statement re rted to hue been mule by me before the yel eton cotton mill compeny. In reply I have to eey thet I did not Innke the statement et- tributed to me, end the reporter certeinly miehnderetood me. whet I did eey wee this : Thet the employeee oi certein mille in thin loonli worked 61} honr_e1r week last year. en not 60 home ee ted by some witneeeee. I cetteinly did not In Y anything `ebout the` nninbet of honre d 4 for, end did not mention the cotton in ee reported. Ipnngeleoeny tbetee nmember of orgpnixed`lebor I wee very well eetieed with the evidence given by the mennger of the Kingeton button Inill.-'l`rnly yours, 1. \\'u.xIxs'. 'I'-C NOW Dlilliln Th Baird in ' h , and - W. m._:.`n .`Z"' n ?~n.Z"z"'.. E.u.n...'."-~ Thqeompuny ildoddodly the butoflll that hue apposed hen. at the ndnood raga. duingtlnuuon. Ith pt-ouhdn The Order of I-`us-esters. KL\'os'm.\', Feb. 4.-(To the Editor): in. answer to Ssturday's inquire-r."I would any that Forestry is peculiarly adapted to the wants of mankind, let it be A.(l.l". C.O.l"., or l.0 I". It teaches in the most forcible snd beautiful manner the important lesson of liberty, benevolence and concord. The name is revered and loved by those especially whose hearts hsve been made glad by their relieving inuence. For near s century and a hslf our good name has been sustsined without taint or blemish in our fatherlsnds. and now count our great wealth to be 5,000.(l)0 sterling. and as many millions relieved from their funds. `Our Csnndian order is wholly a Cansdisn institution. the only national society of the kind in the count . and therefore claims 5 plsce in our mi st. We hsvs fourteen courts in Toronto, seven in London. and most other cities. towns and villages are represented by us, to the number of two hundred courts in Ontario, and several in Quebec and Manitoba provisees. Our re serve fund for endowment is,850.(IXl. end for vreekl and funersl benets shout 845,- 000, and both rapidly increasing. '0ur.ds- fences are proof sgainstths Toronto Globe's journalistic blizzard 'ng sgsisst friendly societies atx reseut,~an we are just waiting and resdy or. the legislature to re us a chsnce to sdd another seal to our corpore- tiou, sud then show at lesst one society union; the friendlies thst hss brsved M5 ears the battle and the breeze. A good eature is our locsl court: when it is stsrtsd ' will prosper sud ourish. Yours truly. n . S'l'l_WAB`l', Prov. Organiser. i no l'r|ne the People ol It lAl )`I Cathe- - . drlldo be Yen` Charitable. A lecture in eid 'ef the funde ol the St. Vincent de l`eul eneiety one given in St. ry'e (utlicdrel. leet evening. by the ltev. Tether 'l'wohe . of 'trrt. The llljh eeteun in whic he lewd 1 thepetiple of l(ingnv.o'n`i could be eeeily eeee. every pew i the church being econ led. 'lhe dleeeeree was en excellent eee eheeee from Net- thew ll. I-l2. Every word uttered by the `lecturer could he dietlnctly heerd by thine I eeuted in the fertheet end of the building. ' In he-ginning Fether Twohey stetecl thet he wee preeent et the requeet of the St. Vincent de l'eul society. en inritetien heving been extended to him throu h the clergy of the city. He haul eccept heceuse.for the men ' years he hed lebored here. he hed reoei their cheerful co-operetiou in eneieting thoee in need of tlnirity. end under theee ctreunr etencee it would here been nngeueroue if he hed refused to lecture. ` Althou h he wee lnhoring in enother pert of the 1 ioceee the greeteet herniooy end good-will. which llltl elweye exieted between them in Kingston. still exisue. He hed no epolog to oler for having come to lecture. end oped the people hed not exp:-ted to heer en - thing extreordinery. ethought the tnig t have been gled to see end heer him ceuee he heal lehored ep long emonget them in deye of edvereity end in deye of proeperity. Alter stetingthut he wee eleo gled to eee them, he eeid he would epeek on the goepel which wee reed on the feeet of the lupi- pheny of Our Lord. When Jesus wee horn in Bethlehem of Judee, there eppeered e eter in the cut end the people innnedietel knew thet the hleeeieh we: horn. Sltephe e left their flocks end went in eeerch of the Seviour. end wise men from the out. guid- ed by the eter. went to Jerueelem end edored Him. Kin Herod heerin thin. wee troubled end all lcrueelem wi ihim. He entuired of the chief prieete where Chriet ould be born end. pnvetely hing the wiee men, learned of the eter which ep- ed to them. end sending them into thlehem inetructed them to inquire efter the child. end when they bed found Him to return end let him know so thet he might also go end edore Him. They follow- ed the eter until it ceme end stood over where the child wee. On entering they found the child with Mery his mother end felling down they edored him. Openin their treeenree they otiered him gifte gold. etc. The wise men. while eeleep. re ceived e messege that they ehould not re- turn to Herod. end eccording they went bv nnother way into their own country. The lecturer elso spoke of the deluge. showing why God had so punished his peo le. em made reference to the number who were now owing to the Holy See end leying their offerings at the feet of the heed of the church on this eerth. He elso mede reference to the manner in which God cheetised his children, saying thet the femine which hed been sent upon lrelend had been ebenet to her. It lied forced meny of her children to leeve the piece of their birth end go to other countries. This enebled those who renieined to nnelie e livelihood from their fnrme while those who hui left grew up en honor to the lend end nere now eenieting her in her struggle, eided by God : hende, to ee- cure e perltement of her own. He next _ showed how the (Ietholic church pro~ tected her poor. In every perish where there were people who needed eeeietence men end women were formed together to eid end relieve them. end in other pieces in- etitutione were built to tect them. `He urged upon the people to re the spirit of Christ ebont then end b no doing they would be hleeeed by eene Chriet. In conclusion heexhorted upon thoee pre- eent to enoou the noble work of relieving dietreeeed poop e in the ci . Thoee onteide the eociety hed little know edge of the noble work which they were doing. He eeked the eociety mu utne Inowteuge or the noun they doi . He the congregation to Iuhecribe iberelly when the euhecription was teken up. It was the tiret time he had naked 5 [evor since he hetl left Kingeton, and he hoped they would great it. The benediction (1! the Bleeeed Secriement followed the lecture. The col lection we: 3 lerge one end. it is said, amounted to eeverel hundred uullnre. i. ..._._ _._. _ rarntn `|'\_VOHEY`S LECTURE- :'-:_-. ETTERS TO THE 5IToH. In-. wnuni llbu-1| no-. ,, In I n 11!- AL- 13125.- TIC New Kathlonn. ',,I_ L_. Tm-3 BRITISH wmc. MONDAY. FEB. 6 ...__.__.4.._.r ...._<&_ will be `mu-cunt to me. ` - A, . . )'oun," add the ind , in a moat pain- ful one. 1 have meal I peutiou signed by you: ndgihon. giving you 5 good chu- nclor and `fol clemency. Th a tan- tcnoo in that _ connod in the provin- - - _A_-.._ -.. I... O-glvn Inn-n uation ho!!!`- - nu uvuuuunnuuu ' -|:v- ----. `When the rot;.r:oil-I'l;o Ichd morc dino 6|-ly than bolore And nal] the plohadtocullintho polioo. r r- nottonmoandattomphd to ad, may to keep quiet. She intrndon told In togo svnynnd thaws olq Jfboillng ntsr At him. It. an-In nun: II III Inhi- gouwaynnumnwaununuu wnternhim. Boa: tlolnool nur inoncofhhhud|;wlclIiIhdl":nIdod. Hothutnltuudhcnndhvlgi .vlth tlnenuhtdonof Omen Ilecullochtotlu 4.18.- L... A Scene In I llutanront 9| Sildli--1'11-l AI AI-not Follows. Two weeks ago I young woman went into the employ of 3 koopor of I ruuqrmt, on Princes: street. She came from Ireland four yum mo. .Bcforo_ coming to Kinglton she worked in Brockvillo and mum tho: _Iho roooivod wlllo: there Oll por month. Ycourdny morning_ the crentod g nonunion in her new quutgn by threutonin; to an tho life of a. woman. she went to the police station And oom- lninod thwtho woman would my her orheroorvica. She was d U. to no book to tin manna: and ;ko0p 1135.0` Ilntil to-d . When returned: the .n...!. ..I.. on... 1.2.`. ..-.I null. an non. telcnlr. I. van: ; total llIll'II ouuuunulc, ` 254 : Charla Hickey, 195 : Frank Pttch, I91 ; Ronnld Skinner: I73: Fred.` Hahn h- lin, I68 ; Albert ',`ha.rlotoa, 163 ; Wi ie Kelly, 100: Willie Crothorn. I55: He il Mclul, l.'r2 ; Fwd. Jenkins, M7 :-Io n Conley. IE); Jack Muckerru. I44: Mol- ville Robinson. H2 : Alkn Dirry, I39; \\ illie Angrove, IN; Chtrlio Chnpmsn, Isu - mm-Ii. Birch, I34 9 Harlin Rags. I32 : I-nu pu-uwuu. DI; Ssmuctsquiu. 50; ` Oborndogr, 52; Ge Kelly. II. , ,'`` 'lh`o Result it the tuna! Ionthly 'rnnp- I Pupils to the Front. A Result of thc monthly examination of the uniofhird clns, Wcllington Itnot school ; tench . M. Duvia total Inlrkl obttiuble, n.-.4 . l`I...~I.. l1:..|.... NB - Ii`:-nah Fitch Wune Angrove, HIS; untrue Lnnpmnu, I34 ; Clnrlio Birch. 134 ; Hex-bio Rea, 132; June: Yuma, 131 :'l`homu Dunlap. I23; Hulluray Waddell, 122 ; Willio Births. H8 ; Chin Fnnnell; II8 ; POI Olinr, 116: Foster Donnolly. ll3;NormuI itchell.ll3; Robert Ihjnl. H2; Albert IlcAu|cy. 109: Sunday Porter. I02 ; Ed Mclivon. 97 ; 'Wuloy Millidnn, 87; It V1110 Horny. 85 ; Franks! vill - bio Hoppinn."9; ll`.-no I:-n'.En - :`:.8..`.'.Eu.`Qmnhunnd- 7'5 : ..... ....,. ..., W. . \l ..n.._. .- . Fran` Upper, 70; Join lrondonoa, 69; Edwud Prune. 69 ; Matthew Donnolly. 66; Fred Cuvdnll, 64; Melville Thonnzn. 59_: Samuel Squire. \Villio-Slnil. 59: F011! m..._..|;.n-.. :0. (2..-..... .~'.I'- Jnhn `A sfm-use om: sacuneo av! ms cow wzxmm Iclvr XIII hence rial puma ""}T:'h'o"coil}io& "me for train yours. can noun. - - The hum selected by the Kinptou club to moot forth are :3 follow: : No. l, Liout. (fol. Cotton. Juno Stewart. ('. H. Carbon. Capt. Hamilton. (ski ) No. 2, W. R. M: Ronnie. Capt. Pnnl, V. (.2 Carrutlnn, J. B. \\'nlkem, (Ikip.) Th. r-Q nunad in connection with the wuxcm v. 1. nonunion. * Thin week the second round will be - ed bntween the fcllovin : W. C. Carm- therl v. Stewart ; Suther ml \'. McRode ; (.`u t. Puul \'. Col. (`otzon ; Dr. Watson v. J Wdkenn. ,, E Tnhlo Part II I friendly And IlI|ul|or|l- In Co-peuuu tn Arngpnltlll Ildo for the loloplnl Whirl 010!" 7" uonow-1'ho `l'cn-u Ioloelod. n.n_n_-. the winners or \\ oanoeuay on uulruuay. ` On Wedneedey evening the visitor: will ` he tendered I banquet at the British Ameri- ; hotel. ` - } 'l'I.. 5.`..- ..I...e.A `\|) II.` Klan-inn A-In`: 11. \\ slum, uup.) The first named incolmeclion with (,`arruthen' gold medal resulted :1 follows. The n! nuned Are the winner: : W. C. Cerruthen vi Hamilton, dcfsult ; Suva-t v. Corbett, default ; Sutherland v. F. Fra- ser ; V. Stru-hul ; Capt. Pllll v. Major \\'ileon ; Col. Cotton v. J. B. Carm- then: Dr. Wnbon v. W. Dnlton ; J. 11. Walkem T. Robertson. " * 'lL:- .....I. OL. -.....-ul -Ann.` -I" L. nllv. 1UI'Ivw-u Cw - --u--- nu-us u--~ "llurnh lot Ila curl!-` trap mrvn no Surllu" llurnhfnrlhe lulu wt` the bosom nndglllu snondyrxo! Booplt up! (`|npnlIlI\i- 31006)` 0eI=?l'QIII|Io n` Iho|nmuu.n'uhu !" A-) .1 -n .L_ _.z_..A _-.... uni nan rim UI,'IIl"l|I'IDIlIO I IBCWIIIIU-v ~ And 0! all the with! game: may one yho has ever upcrioocal tlu joy: ol curling will undoubudly it for-51 priuapu. . how 3 body cu-Ion vie with ouch ohlnt in the friendly and gxhllerning competition 2 Look at the keen gliltllnin-v_ nf olv-3r 910: while they survey the ponclerouu curling none: as the go booming down the icy rinks. Car in; not only enliven their Ipiriu braces their new .501 llflll` am ud enluxun the nphere of twill `illlcr course by bri ing into vnnuct any 3 kindred spirit I` o, but for such occasions, would never mooton this side the gnu. `PL- .._...n A-L9. in --turn AI` 1 -I `H would motion thin nan no gun. The nun light: in nmro no aid In In I lead donkey ulrl I tinker`: fluonl : but who our board ol I nick curler? [Al I can In wincing nmlor the switch uf rheumatism. or roaring with GIN ujonies uf gout. `or Mr der any of the Ilmorotu ill: that ash is heir to. let him- "Go: stuns: and n broom. uh` .1 season 0' curl- And-Ig}: min: a diamuc In a jilfv) Ml`! c." A- _..a ....._n- |._.._. n||-I:IIlI in - nnrk 1|` new :3 uncles lol' me rounu. Fuur plnyen form 5 side. headed by I skip" or director. The principle of the pure is simple. The stone: of either party played from one tee to the other and found at the concluliun of the round to he nearest the tee count u ehou. A game is generally reckoned u twenty-one shots. In 3 hon~ spiel or match. when the number of players in great. the content is often for the grentent number of nhotl within 1 given time If on; Jun.-ant u-nnkhnr nnnnn lh number or anon vitmn given uuue If the meson! weather continua tho bon- Ipiel. which open: Len to-moov, will be 3 lively niir. The rink is locnod on Barrie street, mat the court lining. and two rink: cu: be played at I tiie. The dnwing for the bonapiel is as follows : Tuudny. 9Ll'l`I. ~Csrleton Place vs. Al- monte. Tuesday. I p.m. ~Arnprior VI. Ronfnw. Tuulhy. 7 p.m.-Counnt beqwoe the | .IAu'- winnari .\ (irntlulio of the ltoyalcolle :c- \\'r|tes as I hook on the snluoct. ` llr. Hugo Erichsen. graduate of the Royal Fullege. Kingston. living in Detroit. has written a work on The cremation of the dead. considered from an ust-hetic. sanitary religious, historical and economical stan point. " He was s member of the committee of organization of the first cremation con- gress, and is prominently connected with several organizations favorable to this mode of disposing of the dead. He attached him- self to the cause when its prospects of secur- ing approval from physicians and hygien- ists were much more meagre thm they are to-dap, and when as yet no clergyman of pram nence had venturedto oppose the po u- lur feeling against it. Sir T. Spencer \ `elk. Bart, F. R. S., ex-President of the Royal allege of surgeons. end surgeontothe queen's household, in the introduction gives his cor- disl sanction to Dr. Erichsen in undertaking to place an important ssnitarv reform in its true light before the pie. While he con- fesses that in Englan the disposition to re- gnrd it as he does himself is conned to com- paratively few he mentions among those who have answered the religious objections to it the late Bishop of Manchester. Canon hidden and the late Earl of Shsftesbury. VV aunesuny, :1 l. III. *1 cuunvn: vs. uuuuu - Falls. . ` \\'odnuday, l p.m.~l erLh rs. Kingnion. ` The winner: of Tuolduy will 1 of with ` the winners of Wednesday on 1 nroday. i nu. \\'-.lnu.I.r nvnninn the visitor: till \ Aml llw ptuneo unswasc Ill r-._um; wm utt. Ae mnet plo know curling is a sort of hoIla" p nyed upon an ice rink. and main atria` po lar among the Soon," but like many anol r good pine that oouea from Scotlaml -- notably. porhope, ho!"~-it is vary popular omen` Cana- dian: and hide lair to continue only non eo. Each curler is provided with two eooau cut from granite or iron and epherical in form, nely polished on the under eide. and lor- niehod with a handle on the upper The weight of each none in from thirty to lorty poundeormoro. accerdingtothetaueor etrength of the player. In addition tothe uane" each player line a hoorn" or broom to "eoop her up vi." The rink ie about lortydwo yarda In I by eome ten yard: hmul, At each _ lhirtv-Gill)! vardn lorty-two yam: III I ny none uu yntun hrond. At each zzmthirty-eight yard: | cut teeeor witten, round which are circles to guide the eye in eetilnting the nouition of the stone: when loyal. One line is drawn Across the middlie and one seven yards before each tee. The line in the middle of the rink mark: the where sweeping may commence : the lines ` before each tee are the hog-ncoree, which must he passed by the running etone-l! not it is removed from the rink u n hog, and held uncles for the rouml. I.`A_.... ..I-..-- 6..-.... - .i.'- I.-gxlncl luv A ._ .._________..-_:_.__ WEEOMING BQXSPIEI. n '3 runners. ; Yednendny, 9 am. Ll`embroke vs. Smith : h` H SCHOOL EXAM|NA:|ONS `6'.. ,f.{,7`o Q 3'1! (ID.-nu. Rn.- TOO LIVELY av HALF- .09; Wllul-lllllll, cw; rulx 2; McKay, 514': Joh llilflill IAJIlUuuu--- Soiuuhoud from tho! , were the collections yesterday in the chi for the hl: St. Pull : church; 835 ; Chal- mcn'c N05,; nelnnmh, 58.; Q J.-an nI|nleh_ _7 3 S1; Oqn-`Q'- ,SENTENClNGPR|SONERS- The Way Bunponl Wu `hosted In Toronto __I\.-.. 1.. on- D-nlmntlnu-I. WJOIIOIII -IslI r-Inn: nu-u-v---v---..---. About lion. Edward Blake. Yesterdsy Rev. Father Kelly, bishn e secretsry, resd s lengthy letter from is lordship. the bishop of Kingston, written in Rome snd oontsnning much interesting informstiu. The document will henisde public to-morrow. One clsnee msde mention of the lste lesder of the lihersl in Fang)- --1` -nn an - "I fl) ustenoo that we are more It noun In ulu ci ofpopatlnnhe. Accordingly wohotb di onrielvu tlpe plenum of vilihng him and enjoying half , an hour : into:-eating conver- nntinn with him. Thu honorable nndonln I -cone-u nus Public `lo-.orrow-Cl`nIue ng__A 2-- IrJ___| Illglyg Canal: and was as louows: "1 cuulouu so see Hon. Edward Blskson the stnstsnd we wire very glsd. ss fellow countrymen slsnys ue, tomcat onssnothsrfsrfroln home. ' We exchugotl cards of szldrsu snd Igsvohinnslsotlaosddrs-oltlxoliishsp of London I Mr. Blsks wished to all on each of us st) our lodgings, but yielded to my in- sistence thst more at homo in the ..:... -3 ......... 5L-.. L- A...-lip-In an Imus enjoying nut noun uuuunng unnu- ntion with him. The honorable look: well mdhxpocn to bozfnlly nlnshnd in hulth u_Id lady for ncvo work baton n IIIIIIHIQI. men church, nu: St. Juan church, 3.37 ...|...n..I mam. IN"; 1 louowu to tne Lupin : The speed attained by ice boat: on the St Lawrence ia indeed very remarkable. With a favorable wind one of these lnoate can travel at the rate of speed that will unke a limited expreea trnin blush with shame. A fax-onhle wind. by the way. dou not mean a wind over the stern; a wind on the beam in much preferable to that. With a stern wind the boat, of course, cannot travel on later than the wind, but with the wind from a morefavorahle quarter it can. The uninitiated will doubt this as- nertion, but it is true, and has been proved to he ID. If the uninitiated will stop to con eider the fact that, except when running before the wind, the motion of the boat is made by the wind sliding 03 the Iaila, not pushing from behind, that the icehoat in very light and ita- friction in paning over the ice is almoet nothing. they will nee how it can travel faster than the force that pro- pelsit. If thenilhoatw-ta notab led to much by iriction with the water it eou d. on the same tracks, travel at the same rate of speed as the ice boat. The wind wasnot innking Iixty Inilu an hour when I travelled tin In: in: wacllt Wild Fire. of (:Il'dOlI - Pooplo Ycuorday lotus`. ~ Rn. Ilr. _Wulkor. the nu pastor at no i lhptiu church. punched youunlny morn- ing loalunlludicnco. He in all any and Q uent upnkor. His tut wu hunt] in Full : lint epiulo hi Timothy, u II . "A.qnn1Iinu In (In; rIn|HnIll ll F at. `If. luuuductlou to lug Tlnt-no penon, corpontion, body or club. shall be exempt from the payment of my tax which is levied on the rent of the com mnlnty. Thu glmu hg nnnngl lenkimr the estab- the glol for the space or nurse monml. Junou Middleton. elderly \\'oodlu-idv. convicted of hnvmg` rnviahed his young uuglgter. was; naked 1f he had nnythlngto my. _ V ` . - "It was I put up ;ob on me. our lord- shi - I nm In Iunogent man,` and hope you wil `be yoercifol to me." - . I |I\'tn-In " lh `lid... ii Illin- nlmy. , Thus I law be panel mnking the estab- lishment of Armed and uniformed prints police sud debctive hodieu illogsl. 1 lnnklng sixty Inna All nonr wnen 1 IIIVIEIIIBII | on my ice ynchg Wild Fire, of Island, 0nt., eight miles in eight minutes. ` Yet thnt I did no in a fact. My boat is ...oo--...I .30.: 9|`: C-at vat-lit ".1; 1|` Ih `)0: man GIIIIJIIIIICI. my noun 1: turned that the fun ncht Haas. of the when River eet, and` her nutt.-rid is of ~ the best." ` 0! mo nu lane!` or we uucr Cumin and fallout: `'1 `-.. F4I-.-I `ll-kn An Hm Tor the menu Ill runs IIIII I1IIIuI us asusuuuy. I. ll ; According to tho lotions `us pol of the lnlesssd Lord whie was com- mitted to my trust. llonid tho eonbof his test were especially sppropriote on which to foe`?! at thoulistr tist people t cit . n v` once of God he and tho hayd beeneal!`iugether pa ring soul: In earning int their midst he felt the great res - hility resting upon him. thst of proachta Christ. and His crueified. For some days hitutind had been absorbed in this l-Ieuod theme: The glorious gospel of Christ which hastbeon committed to my trurt." l`his gospel was always lorionsno matter from that standpoint they beheld it. It was glorious because it brou nod news, telling them of their salvation from hell. if the obeyonl their later. The gospel came to egrautod souls. sunk deep in Inise and sis. and lifted them up from their t condition to the light which (God gives. The word of God was the friend of men in their worst ntrouhles, trials. and temptations. and given them 5 most wonderful power over sin. The gospel had been in existence from the beginning, and althougn it had experienced greet u[tp08l- tiou it triumphed over it All. This gospel ens given heesuse it had been proclaimed by the lord Jesus Christ and the angels of heaven. l_t '1! this ;:re.\t meets,-ge of God that the speaker lied come to proclaim audits hoped he would receive aid from tied to enable him to em: hi mission faith- fully. end that their efforts would be crown- ed with sueeen. He would not dare to and before thorn and preach the gospel on God's ssrvnnt were it not fur the tirm as- suranee that he had been called to the work. He was determined to give his undivided time nnd sttention to the gospel and the work which he had been called upon to du. panel 8 glut tn mar -3nd -I-w ~.---nvu --nu. e..- .-... ..-- .... _-_..- V... to ho tried by 3 jury Tint inutnnch as the passage 3114 en- iorcemeut of more strin` vent laws for the re- guluion of f3ctorie3 39 workshops in some rorincu thnn in other: is L-3lcuI3t.ed tn pne- )ndici3lly 3il'oct the inanuhcturen of the province luring the stricter luvs. the psu ~ 3geof 3 Dominion fm.-tory 3ct is nlosinhle nocuury. T||3t it in dainble 3nd neeesnry to pan 3 hi e3t3bl`3hi3g nnnhood 3ul!'r3ge in 3H election. 'I`L-3 :. :. .I..:_.|.l. --A ` - n..o 9|.- CIQCUOIL That it isdeuinhle und necunry that the dominion government should issue all money for tho pupae ol 5 circnluing medium. to ha I legal vendor for all debts, public aucl R private. Tint no mum- cornontion. bodv lee Bogus; on the st. Lnwnnt-e-Inklng Vary Inn `an. A Mr. George Dix. of Kingston, writes as follows to the Empire "'l`luu unoml Angina] Iw in-Q hint: nn thc Petition to 5080:! to Parliament by tho Dohlnlon labor Congrats. `_ \'o\'enl petitions. hue-l upon resolution: at the lat Duminiou lulaor concreu, nvo been tent to parliament thus : `or the better protection of life lllll pro- perty it in desirable that n luv be passed compelling nll vmela. wlnethu noun or nail, nmrignting the inlnncl \ut=.n of Camila, to carry competent crews of scam n ; making it necenury to line lmllxi an rigging pro` porly ilupoctcql by mmpetent men. Appoint- od for that pu . and mnlsi it I pnnialr Able oencc to and vessels be or a certain mnrk, to be designated by said inspocmr. Thu 60 in nnil-nliln nnl mart`! In nmeml lnlrk, to In ueslgnawnl by IIII Inlpocwr. That it in dcsirulslc md necessary tntmend thcSenmen'I Agreement act by ing the clnude refusing the right to that con- viction for my oem-e. nrl also to give all persons charge! umlu-r the said not the right in In tried In 1 inrv. 'l IIO WI, I5U1|ICIIl `VII IIUIIUH Ill n unv-nu -'I`o|-In In tho Ponlhntlnry. Julius Rnmponl. the/attractive and Iris- tocrntic-looking Itslinn, convicted of having stolen": silver cigarette holder from Arthur_ Benrdmoro, was the Int rilonor on the list. He unkind the dock in oronto on Satur- lny with buiod head and trembling hands, if overcome by fear or Ihune. "Tim ngtnnnn I Am nhmt. M) nronounce rulnacnugu I That innmnn LETTFI3 FROM HIS LORDSHIP. FASTER THAN mnfwmo. THE VOICE OF LABOR. amwouluu ssanmu. uupuuoouoou ._ |_.__.I t..... oh. Calla-Gm nervousness, um glicurcugun nuu Inn. On Thursdnv evening last I patty was held at Mr. sud Mrs. John s resi- dence. Elginburg. A pleuant time wns spent. The Kingston aeronnde band sup- plied the music, and Mr. P. Bridtow was prompeer. It is said that nromotiona will occur in the It is said that promotions willoecur post qico inspector '3 oioe And than young mm. formerly ill the oio. and who VII trinaferred to the ocenn mail service, will be reappointed us the otlicen of the steam- uhieo have been withdrawn. _. :- .......:.I...I.I. mmnntitinn Anmmv un lnve been wunnuwn. are is considerable competition Among vclnntber oicen over the ten or twelve w-cenciee in the permanent militie force. Rumour ha it that one of the fevonred ep- pliconta ie an ex-Kingston caulet who foiled to pee: his nal nnd who will hove `to hack to school to qnnlify for his (reportcs "promised cornminion. Ivuuv, Iavnuuu, us--a u-.- ...v _..a _ ' time ago. - J. Gnllaher, of Nspunee, llu been oapgod to travel {or I wholeulo shtionuy homo In London. , ` ~ 0 dc`! that G.` W. Webb, Colborne. vi! be ippointod Scott act mugintnu, Vice R. (u-k, lI.P.P., resigned. RH nun... will visit Ontario in I fur THEY ACT vsmr adLoLv aaroni: ma POLICE MAGISTRATE. pmoo. < Dr. Plat, the nnsettod member for Prince Edwud, his abandoned the spphnl to the suprome court. owing to the cost of Mign- I show an-nu, Imaerwox (0 you, an: unu- coodod in Inakillu hid my through thtlnor. though it won "knee deep most of the (lil- tunco (spun rnilel) and" in flue: no drifted that he had toonvlondl ours. V To be true mom suck neeancns. oun0III- ness, constipstion. etc" use Carter : Litth Liver Pills. Strictly `vegetable. hey stimulate the liver sud free the Itolnsc fmn bile. ' Rev. R. Whiting, of Queen street Nethe- dist church, is delivering s series of sermons upon Joshne s exhortstion st Shscheln. last evening : sermon I'l_l nddreued to the Ilesds of households. ed old '1' ourdry ginge,82.50perc ; d pine locks, 83 r cord gdry osk cordwooay. as ' i as or inery hsrdwuod, $5.50 ` co . delivered throughout the city. . Crswford, foot of Qneennreet .\ ..v.....n Irhn in rank, rim-1-nns and glean- Ponplo `When Ilovononu. Saying: und Dolnn Attract Attention}. Jay Gould`: yonngut son is seriously sick with I fcveriu Egypt. ' Chan . the fumonn Chinese ginntghu not up in S nghai II 3 ha hnqker. I . Donn hntpurchuod the stock of R. Wolfe, clothiet, who left the city 9 uhon than nun Crurforu, loot or Queenlueeu A woman who is wash, nervous and sleep- less, and who has cold hands and feet, can not feel and set like A well person. Csrtss I run Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength snd rest. n 'l`|uu-ulnv nlmnina [Ill I mrtv nouns nu um wen. The Belleville Ontario day whgu some new railway scheme is not` pro- jectod in Kingston. For best Scnnton coal. Eu by lap. At St. Cathorllzt`-.3 being repnired uchra. Augusta, Sylvester Noclon, 'l. R. Merritt. J, R. Bengon, and the ateambl Dtrninion. - 'I`-... l|`&|..-.0-p-n will In in 1-noun in-Inn? , lkrmnion. Tun ()'Shnntern will be in vogue to-mot row. \\'heu you run upon A fellow with one of them and a fur coat, please don't uk him if he in curling. The proposition to hold noes on the (`star ui drivi g rli was defentegl, It is deoid to hohl` t em on the ice `Good -_.__. .-III I.. AN.-`(I `V IIUITUWII lllllfe Williem Anderson. a very irecltled (`ana- dian lad, was found by hie hrother-in-law. Philip Bajue. at Sacketti Harbour yeeter Ir. Young Anderson attended school in leville. Unt., in nccordamee with the Wiehee of hia me. but against hia own inclinations. lc argued with his parents about the matter. but they still maintained that the boy was better at school than learn inga trade. Then he arranged with some other boy: of that place to leave town for the went. Two of the boys had no money, but they stole ridee until Watertown was reached. The boys neemed to have obtained no idea that they might enlist in the United States regular army at .\`acltet:`a Harbour, and be taken at their request to the west at the government`: expense. where it would he convenient for them to kill and scalp In- diana. Coneequently they procured pan sages to Sat.-|tett's. and proceeded to the hnrrnclu. lmt ten: disappointed to nd that no such arrangements could be made. Jut at this juncture. Mr. Bnjus, of Kingston, put in an appearance, and upon threatening the boy with the lock-up. if he refused to go with him. succeeded in exacting a promise from yonn- Andereon to l`t,`llll`ll to his home. if it could I that he might be ap- prentiued to a tram e. The boy arrived in this city iu.charge of his hrother-in-law last . na-nnlnn