` DI880LUTION 0F PARTNERSHIP. `H13 urn ol Carnovbky & Andoi-nun bu jg boon dluolvod by mutual consult. human: will he curlod on by an uni lllll I?" III [U I WEI , IITKU Imoun, Did you know that Co: had obtained ncuuoua deposit. rocelpts!-I am not very sure. Dlrl rnn L-nnw nl Ilm Rm-non A.-.u.o I am ucpuuu. rucI:Iplsv-l am not Very Did you know of the Barnett drdu!-I did IIOI. ' A-) _.I... .11.! .... _..s 9. .L- 4- u,_,y:,. lllllu And why dld.you not tell the co-llquldntnx-I- all of these facts yoq know and thus an the expense of (his enqulry!-I bolloved they know the Innln Yum as wll as I did. \7.... ..I.I ___._ ..Ia-....._..I- In, 1. d u. PTUVIOIIDII KNOW (OHS. Mr. Footer: Speak for yourself. If you any they were'|movIn to you personally and Mr. Ly- that my be correct, but do not in- clude Menus. llowland And Goodrlnml KV.A....... `I I...-... IL-5 L. n...` u, ,, cmur xucnura. uuwunu IIIII uoouernun, Wntnc-In: I knew that the bunk`: money lud been used to 1 very large amount. ` nm vnn Irnmu that l"nI had n)u..a....a mu 1.1-..- ` Inxnnxmuxsv (noun poopw. ' on Jun. 12 you were familiar with the facts ipnd ru-cumstnncos which have been oliciiod nineo!-l am not aware of any important facts i mat have been elicited in the course of those , proceedings. The main facts of the case were previously known to us. KI. Ia`...A--. G.....I. I... .'._..___u I! uuuuu u.|~ uulug Iu un- IIlIK UL Ljulnlnl ml it \\ an paid. 3 _ . . Did _\-um Iv gum` m-|squulauors about unn- \-.. ` IIIIUHIILS. Then I! was not for nclnarinl advice. but to: crimlnnlqmm-d,lngsf-\'os. I knew umnny fncts than an I know now for taking proceed- lnmnxniun mono poople. ` lln Jun I9 vnn -Inna Camilla I-Ill. oh- I..-A- i llllllll III I ll!) uII'C(.`l0l'I 1-` I C8. If you hnd cone to tho Attomeyenoral what would you lmvo atnlod !-Thnt thou pnrtlqs were largely lndobtcd to the bunk. '\\ -- nun . M-x.....I Thou ..-...... ..-.... -....x....- puruqa W6? ll|l'|Z0l] IHIIIVOICG I0 U10 IIHIK. ' Wu that n crin1c1-Thcy were very serious amounts. ` an... 1. -_____- .__ ,,..._,,;,. . . . . . )U.\'l) A1` l.As'l'-A rem wnrruuon K0 can bud and Corn. Bun om. Cnuouseo. etc. Human`: Oonsdmhbxguc. I W140`: lkna Bun. ` \lI!llUlDI I3 I |R'KlllllllIK IUI IlllJS$J|I5lUII. To bo pmoocutpd for what l-Anylhlng wrong they had done. Taking money out of the bank 1- Yea. Evarybod! did that. Was lhil 1001' ON! [round for going to tho Anorney-Genornl5- Yon. You did not discuss other matters than the nmnunuu of indebtedno.ss1-.\'o. 'I`hn I-u!n|u...|....-, -0 l`l\\* I )--......n l\...l- GIIIIIIIHIUI 0| lI'llICllllKllIOS5 Y`.V0. The Indcblodncxs of Cox. Barnett. Davis. Allen and Iho directors l-\'cs. ll ...\.. 5.-.: ....-_ .. u... Au-__-_n-_-_-n IJII ulxvlsuuly Iul UIl Irv gv HI H10 l\IuMJI lIr1]' neral?-'I`hero were director: largely in- debted to the-hank. and I thought that this he: might safely In laid beforo the Attorney- Genonl as a beginning for urosecutiou. Tn Inn human:-an-4| fun ml-nn l#Aun<|l.l-up |lQIlllllKOI3!-I IIIIIIK IQ. Dld you dlucul tho inlormnuon nunlod by this sport with loan. lowland cnd0coIl~ hank! remarked um more In: nothing new In It. It Ind been stunt. talk. M II. I`..n.. :_ ..-:- .......I.s I IE` I` K 3 UITTI III`. 51,-`. Mr. Folut in vain nought for I more ex- plicit answer, and on the Matter putting the question witness repentod the above. 1:. Ii`...o... '3... an inn .-- n..`. :. ....:-|.. HVIZUIIJII WIEIIUCU IVWCTI IIIU Cl~`U.I r. Footer: Why did you any zlut it might. be eceaiary for you to go to the AI.toruny- n.-.lC_'f`I.-u-4. cu-.. cl}-.4-on. |._...|.. i... You were in perfect harmony with your bo- llqulduorskl lhlllk I0. Ylld Inn (II-tn: Oh: inlnvinnlhun nnnl-1| hp You my In your nldnvit that there never was any dltferutivo wlmlcror on the part of the liquidators as to Investigating the ncoounuI-l did not ohject to um investigation of the ac- &IIIIII HID Illlllll IIOII IL! WOII III I GIG. You sold Iomo diamonds. Mr. Campt':clll-- Ya. n th9&M=Lb E- E- KEKNEEY ivixvn an O 3-... A.._. Ilinon nnn Mr. Fuolvr the-n rend .\lr. Lye`: report, dnc-dJun.12, III wluch it wu stat-1| llaal. eutnu Ind been Imdn in hin bouh u-lnichdid not agree with the ideas ol the winding-up of I bank. The Account: indicalod I synlnm of pu.-fen-ntiul payments. Why wore _\'nu so much concerned as to what Mr. Lye had discurcrod. -lh|md been working and lnroullznling for Iwo or three weeks. I though! ll only proper tn know If he had din- covetod anything. He had had lwo or three weeka` opporl unit _\ . III `III I"`Iu Mr. Foster: You have spoken in your ul- duit About A muict. of opinion" lneweeu yourself and your cu-hquidltorl ?-Thc-to urn 1 dIcronco" of upinmn but no "couict." Il`L_ ____ _,,, _, __.._L ___-___, 1 _- ._ ._L_. (3:;i\'.\I)A. '1`l:1ssbA\'_EVEN{NG. man. 7, asss. in ynnuavv -v-.uyu-uvw- Did It not occur to you to nu`. I cannot he an ltquldntor. as I have been purchasing four or Ilvo 0! lhuo .drafu"l-l would hue been I very queer lhlng for no lo toll thorn. Mr. Foster: I think it would indeed. \\'n.nnn: I did nothing wrong. Mr. Bnin: It would have been I wry ex` trnotdinnry thing: if he had told them anything of the kind. \I, I3, . , \' ,, I ..__._ I,.,, :. .,,,_,, _t Wouldaltpt have been natural and business- llko to do ool-! did not do no or tell my co- llquldauon or the mocung of tho Ihnrohollers ouheno not.-epnnooa. l'\I.| 1. .__. __-.._ .. __.. 4. __ ..u _.__.g |.- _ Whin you took charge of the bunk did you motor to the books to and It thus ncccphm-on Ind boon eulorodt-I did not. i you.-nu-u U] 4-nu. - v-..., `.v. ` DH you oonvol-on with It. Ono. aceonnunt. 1 at tbovonlral Bank. with Inference to tho ac- ceptances Issued to Bu-nol.l!-l do not remem- Imp uu , lulu Alu. Auncnruuuuu, -gs. vuuuwu ow `- ; name Mr. Cumplwll on vumua uo_inI.uI ` ndfournmonz was made ns'.'u'clock lull tow ` marrow ternuon. AI l0.`. .' Mr. Campbell nwppod into the : witnoau box, nu! hi: cunt-Hnuninmtinun mu 1 continue-d by Mr. Footer. Q.C. -`ll - - ---~.~-A- ---AL` Il- l\:- ---A_...A-_| Tunosm IA`.~|. 7. Much inum; uhovn in llw precond- inxniouordny at tho mnnod cron--enninr Liun of Mr. Campbell, the nuponded Cellini V Bguk Iiquiduor. The ptoeudinm occupied ` uurly {our human. and tho I10-tar`: court VII thmnnd. The name counnl app:-and n on Sntunlnnaud nu Hm Illlncnt bu-lure the Chnncs-not hdd In-n tiled lot 11 o'dockto- ` day. (ml Mr. Mach-mum. Q.C., vi-Ina to ex- g-...- \l.. l`........I...II nu Illblnnlu nnintn all '1-`iiwil. snmrs ma. to ordor in Au} style nl"\\', luztyns`. King Street. 0 l The In In I'M unn-ru-man; one In Ic-Iutloun mu. In Who Won In-. I I Info! In the M-1-In of the Central Iunls-Ion A I In Pluldenn. none cuosa cnoss-exmmxnou or MR. cmpuu. mun mwnx .\10m~: OF IT. IUIZIC ' ` . _ and noun And can quay:-. Gcntlelnon to Avoid tho bad that of cold `weather upon hold Mada. And`, to V0 Hair mnpnnl uppoannoe on ld pmonn one of Ptof. -Donnw lmcoumon some or tonpqcl; uojuuho old-Q la :1 Oh` nliliil Allllfhll pmcnrovtz: ol rtol. -uonuw q{l1ljl)lllIl`Ill nu ton ` 3 In at 0 El . Calla! u..':ua. Amu-icon hotel on outlay and Tnudny. Fob. 13 and 14. V. CW3] III! l-lII. III` dIlI'- III!!! I WIU N31 to turn up tlsonamo of that indnvjdnal In any 6! the lodgers, not could In ten tl{o\mouuI of the indelmdneu, Tlyo ins-cstigutiolaiconl on and other account! womuhown to bo`mud- JIA4` 1 ` -. Illu nu d|od.1 133. `Ill $107. I?` I1 II". Q IJIVII owed the hmlr. but nu. ounangn wu unnble . up indnvidnl unv III`-IUUU?\lII% II `IQ! W M `I. 1| tied "A chfck for89(_ll)`ucuh qinoouoh, mm nu N... 1.: ma: 11.3.11 n.'.... n..:. .__..._. ._. Fl.\'ls`. CITY HOME. The undersigned otlbra for sale that Dls`.SlRABLE HOUSE ANDLOT now occupied by him` on Eu-I Shoot. The whole In om-rad In one block. having About one hundred and (want: foot hung on Earl street. And the U 1- Lot runsuno to \Ve|l. Street. The B IHNOS on the propertly; are almost new. In the [union is anlod wit the choicest truiu. I-`or mun: Q ` In 'l'l3(B. MOORE. l'ICI I U" `I luljiqjuquim I ma. cm Nov. 14. law`. Mrla mg... nus. .._..| u.- 3.... 1.... \I. n.....2t..n ..;. ...-u- _ .v--n. u. _. . ~.----_ u- vuuv ---un gun:-.1.-vu _ , [Allen's account was "next turned up, and it ~ nnpexu-ed slut l 3;: -were altogether three 3 M1-r-be |W0|l|I'-I `QM Iodjlnt the [metal Ieduor account oujy 6 rod small part ol his indebtedness. It also pponnd that luau- ._.'_.I ' _ -I.`_I. I`- Xlnll - -__I. _S..-_ \l___L ........... ... ...... ...... - ..,..., .... [TIM account was mined llplld Bu-nlott nu found to be indebted to the bank I3-151.55.] f AII....`- -..)-.5 ..-- '--..A n..__..I .|._ __.I :L IRIIIIIU WEI I IIEBIU IIIIIUIM What booido you require?-Severul. (The xenon! ledger. the deposit ledger And others were handed up.). ' ' ll. IPnn- l.h..-- -......\. \\!|.-A -.. ....... wurv uluucu up. 1` Mr. Factor (utters pause): What no you doing? Yuu`ro reudimr about sterling bill: of onclunge. Turn up the account lurked Bu-not: In plnin Englinh. Any such nuneu Bhrnett in the. hook!-! tlgnk no. "'11: nnmnnn! inn tnnnrl IIIQ and R.-lgth u-.- Mr. Campboll (manning): Barnett`: M- oount was 3 little mixed. II1I,_A L_,|.._|_ __,_ _-,,,!,,,q 0,, ,, I :1 Now, Mr. Cunpholl, um: i. the indebted; nest of Mr. Barnett? `What book now daiu require to show us! Of course this: system of bookkeeping is uimplo and you can mm It up ...- .................... .. ....... ............- . 115`: f fell. how, we will lot Mr. ox-Llquldntnr Campbell almw us how only It is to do thla. In paragraph A of your allldavlv. you my the \ system of bookkeeping of Ihovbank was the usual system of honkleoplng in the huslnoai of banklnur. and although several of the large ac- counts for lame halanoea wore ul the most} ex- traordinary character. all V the accounts. ln~ cludlnx than of tho directors. appeared to be entered up In the uannl way In the books. from whlch the halancod duo" In respect of ever_y ac- nount could be taken. 1 IXISHIIMD ID IIIIKC III". In asklng for accounts whlvh you couldn't make out! Anything: else!-They wen not suf- llclontly noqunlnled with tho work. Wore yonl- Yen. ` "I `never refused to give my co-llquldntnrs any utntemontn." you nnv. qnd. `nny at.-utemont menu-ed would be nlmply tnkon from the books. and reference mleht as well he mnda to the book: as the statements." Islt not true that transcripts of those accounts would be nluelons!-lt would show whether the parties were In debt or not. A.) In ........LI 5.. _--_ L. 4." 1-... .\.._ I.-..|.- W1`!!! Ill (IUD! 0|` TIDE- And It would be on] to tell from the books the Indebtedness of each wraon1-\'os. \|v_n .`_-_. .._- __.n| :4. II. -_ In__.:;,.__ TWO .\'l-IW BRICK DWls`.l.LlNGS. uixyooms ouch. fronting on I :-ineoss Street. 15 mmuus xvalk (tom the Market ` unre; html and soft water. and all the m cm impmvcmcnts `Penna easy. 1`. Currsn. Wulmmsville. Illnu uy you I - 1 es. guummcm What. work were they unor strangers toI-'l`o the liquld-u i.-n work. . As you were liqnidnlinltl -Any way. Did you know In-\1`. ~\'('l. Now. what did Ilu-ir (`hid lunomnro. comm In!-In making for nvvnllllls which ll maim- uossihlo to make mu. `:1 A-lvlnn `nth nnuuunnln n..I.I..I. _ A n 4 A ..IJ_'n llf I 03. They were utter ulrnnnen to banking as par lined by you I-Yen. ll.1umMcr.| \\'hnl I-nu-Ir Dan-A lhnn ul I-r -| .-..-nun-a ns)_'l`.\ nu.-- -~..---- u `auc--vu- [.\Ir.Cnmplx-ll road we book an lninutec and rt-Ivlicd that the liquidatoulud a(Med."] was not that the torn; you ndoatod younoln _\'m . I 1 w You my turlho-r that they appear to ho utter strangers in this kind of work. Is that nnI_ \'nn Auuns II um uxrnuu; Iuux IIIII IE1. Witness: Inoli and no younl.-ll. Do you nfuu-!-Yon. Then I upnenl to the court. The Hauler: I think Mr. Pampbcll that you must answer the question. III - IL___,|.-\I _-._| .| . | I, ._- _,-_, .. out-o J Walt`: an-g mu. IDIIII ]-l'llCIllIl'I.. You go on Ioany "they took no part In the practical duuoa llqnldnllon. What are the practical dulluof Ilquidallon Y To order. to direct. to demand I--Yen. I'\I4I Ilngu I|l\. all-4.; no small pp Anli-`Ag and I0 UIIUCL I0 IIOIIIIIMI I I 3. Did they not direct u well u uh-In and oId0t!-! don`t know. Then is the agenda: look and In. `17:A_..-. Y .__,I: -...I -_, _-.._..Il IIIII `flip 1` I IIU II IIlI(`I Ill IIQIIIUIII I0. '11:! an` they I-'l`he realizing of users and so forth. 1.1 1.. IL]- _A_A:_...l__ ...L- -_.-_..I bk- $I||)f$ll. Now. In this ml-(iq-nhr. who xmsnltha duties as liquid-nor. you or they!-l thlnkl did. I- nL-_. -_.. ..n.-_ --__ _._L-_- 1|.-- .I:.I_t. ' 0F run an... nrrunminh A Andunn Inn um III: In there any other case when they didn`t Imooaed In zgr-raping" their duties and you did! _. Van I II. Do you know that the "wlndlnz up law an- pllos Ibo name All over the Dominion l-Yeo. , Inn` in! Illll Inatnuulntl It -nn Inla-analog` [JIIUI IIII FIIIIO Ill 0YBl' (I10 IIIUIIIIIIOII l- I IS. And yet you pretended It was Interpreted . l dlllbnnllr In Quebec trom0nmrlo!--It In in some pnrtlculnn. van -nnn lnnnv lhnl "lhnr Innl: nn nap! In nuuuuj lu uu wun um uyulum. You nay lurlher. ".\'oilhor of llwm pretended to enmlnc tho bookl or [run the Important dntlon ofllqufdnunn." Is this your pht-unl- \'n1 IIQIIIIIIIIUII l`I IIIIIIK WK Whorodld you learn Io "m-nap"! |l.'\mzmer.l '33 it. In prior c-duration! \\ |'u\t duties did you "rup"!-The dunes of liqnldnlion. \l'|.-n n... on... I 'l`I... -....H.l.... I ......v. -_4I 'IlI. ` A good system to allow D. Mitchell Mur- domlld to carry (rnndulonl oInorP-'l'hat had nothlm to do with tho system. Vnn up In-|I.n.p "\'.HI..- ..I 0...... -.-...t--nhul Did ynu grasp Iho important duties of lIQu|d|Ilon"!-I think an. \\'|un-n .| In! u-nu In-nun In `ho--.-."D ll nu.-Loans I IIIIIIII (ll llllillu. Wu it nv1ry1-`l`l|oy might. as xcninm llqni-Inlon. haro nnnlod the-mains. - hhl wan nu-40:-ul In A-gnnn ah. nu-n\mI_ Illllu Here Again in you nldaril: ".\'olIh-rof them pretended to oxunlno tho uyalom of books` What do you mean by tlu\H-1`ho motln of bookkeeping. `VA: it nnn:nrvl_W`hAw ml-hi nninalnnn ` ` IIIII JUII ||I'UIUT Ill UIHIIIIIIU IIIII U"I||3llll* ` Yew. Wlmt kind or I Intern wall! - \ good sys- " -"""?` --*--?-`:j--- 1 THE Rl\`.8ll)l:.\'C-E on Simcoe Stmol. now oocn ted by Rev. A. W. Cooke : double house. of n no `roomr two collars; good yard and sutbllnn. Possession lay lat. A ply next loot-.01-to B. Robinson.` at Kings. `o`s Drug Qlnm. Now ynnr M-liqnlalntnr.-u nth-Ipdoll the board Inootingu. nd\'ismI. saw [maple \\ ho -BAIIO in: what did ynu want them to do fIIltboH-l dldu wusnhomto clonnnhlnc. Ilnuglnonl You snv nlsolluu they "never nu-tendon! to nnunjnotho books. Md you unison! to eh amino the bno|u\!--I have roforrotl to the books. uid you examine than l-l hue mhn-ed $0 I on. A-A II.` II... ..n.o -.0... 5- II.-. QAAI _ I J`-`Q lU$IIn And did lluoy not ruler to them too I-I don`! know. II... .__|_ 3.. __.__ _Q.|-__x.. u\v-n.L-__n Il'UIUI'rI I II! IIIIICIIIVIIL I W: Ilr. Ila n: What we have add bu-no. lover- nu-Ins. |!-_ .....- .. n....|.I..a.... -nA..-.l.:I ah- I...-I IINI I0 l0l'll|I I The Master: This In nan 9! an "rhetoric." tnforrl to tho nldnvll). I Illppmo. Ilr. In in \VImt we Imvn nkl hum. lawn- `lrrxi. What else wonrlod you and worried you! wanna [rt-nl montnlm-unto II-no lemon nmlnoforlhi Th- \l--l--. I'LL. I. -.-A .1 ah- M-L-Inn]. " Illul Ivlu I I-llllili I XIII II It Gluta- You um pnulon. you gave out um Iuuvrlnt gunner and wron lotion. Tut elm over * wlwlluoll your-I nu lnmuouonn to the .|...-l-- 5 You Inld nl llm Inn umm`|n.-u:on yum Imko-I that the malnrin-,; gunner. Why did I0 K0 _ on yonnol! nu nruuIIIIlluI'I duly!-llo had cough loclo wlllnoul It. \\'|.-I nlnn .-lhl nun Jul , I nnnnnl-II in mu-n-c. ZUIWII IIJIIU WIIIIUII II. \\ Iul clue: rllal you do! vl attended to mrn-m oondonoo. ~ ` Why clhl you take use Iuonlnl-y`u.dnly oI,, toumol-l thomh I could do It holler. \'nn gnu! nnpllnn Dnn nnun nan Ilun innin-lnb I 4 III! III)! IIIUIX` Y ample in nu uuny-mend uorunph J` oer `no an-Imlulnn and Ibhltlklllot tur- nillml lay yuu tn Mo-fl. Hoilllld Old GIIIl- ` irlum and that Lhoir nquul unit be taken u a (Air on-uh of how-tlquvolnd you. Did you pnpun um-on qutonull 3--AI Many ` u Fcould. l|]lllllII|ll"l. IIIYU II-l$I IIICWITIYIQ ' Did you pretend to examine the Intern!- V.- TH-lsl TWO l"l!`E (`UT 8`l`0.\ lt HOUSES on Divldon SL. just comp!e0ed;8 rooms each. hard and soft water. line lqurn ; -I-om. 8|!) per mnnum. Apply to Juuss Cnuwronn. Grocer. `WING nu MN thin. 50')! know.` `I .. I ~ u`. .I"(IIlf! IM;|id/ What ham at at 3-1` I ' \M Blllly IIKFIIOIII I meeting wan heldinlho Iltuipa gins)` of H em` up I portion In and Ilia: Lorvitt an ingood vain. prohibition chip." Short nddtmu `evil nnlti following the no lisgonvu-0 given. 0:0 0%, tr hdooou hen ulnrd dilute, - .J -__.-l._.4 nub `hlohuttlld loll """"n.*n'a."1?.':"-3 . Ill-. Wright tum P `Th `mo minor: woo wnmeu to go to worn at l{ohloy | Run to-dny couclndod not to ven- Iunfrom hunt fortonrolllolu-liven. The ten oolg-ywntcQdyto|t3_li1thutnovnrk t thbeblt 3:1: trlhiumnlntn Illllld.` av--.._, ----. . 1-umlaumiiluou. Rmnlsu. Pa... Feb. 6.-NoV. I colliery 'th belon `n to the Randi con ` or f1iI?t"'ii';n`II| If rnnniunv in !mH mII ea{h"i_ILi}ii n'.I 1017.2 IfZ.a}'.{'co'unZi."-' 2.? to iudividu sisrupniugi thus onln district to-dc exoipt th William Penn. lhominonw wanted to go to work I(nInIow n Run Inalgv rnnnln it tn VIII-' . . New County of lichen. GRA\`NIll'l8'I`. Fab. 6.- -Tho `government announcement that the MI-uhipu lllpl`il- ing the district of Munich will he erecbd into n regnlnr cmnty during the present loc- uiou at parliament. has created commotion in the throo principal businecl centtu of the district, aw. Gnvenlauut. Bncebri _ . and Hunt: 0. county seat. n...A...n.I._A-.I ul|..-_. as competitors for t e. til 2:!) p.m. SI` II: V Imtalntu 5 u|uou~ tion of the shoal or-blade. This in the third accident at this crossing within : your. . Hires: Archlonts In A Year on `she Salu- SM,-t at London. lnxwx. Feb. tL-Another fatal railway crosllll accident occurred to-day at the Grand `runk track at Burwell street. John- son Wilson and John Siggins, started lbr \\'estminstau- township to chop `wood. They turned o' York stnntat Burvoll. but a freight train was on Oh crossing. waitingnfew minutes the train was t. and although the railway people clx t the two men were repeatedly warned by thotlngman. they started to drive across. They saw their mistake shot the horse got 4 to the rails, but it was too late to get out` of the way of the Globc train. The horse clear- ed the track but the cnwcatcher caught the slsigh fairly in the middle and hurlsd its occupants into the air. They lighted about tvelvo feet down the track. Thsloigh was smashed into kindling wood. Wilson was picked up unconscious and blood was ow mg from wounds in his head and hand. lie was taken to the hospital. He lingorod un- til 2:3) Si snstainod a disloca- tinn nf than nhnnll nnhlnrln. This is ' 'i*n.u' oo;\u-*on'r.uaus`. sroxs House 1; ` Harrie Street. at present occupied by Geo. B. lncrodlo : pnooulon ls! April: rout moderate. Apply to RIcnAuu> Nnwuxns. Tubnoooniu. ox gmunu um can u,Iuu.uuu. houiu Royce, a school teacher. on of whose pupil! in Nobruh died in her runs during the neat blitnni, will lose in feet And a portion of one Ann. Nearly 84,000 has been contributed to the fund for the teachers. Min Freeman. Min Royce and Miss Shnttuck. The Inner lost both of her lower limbs. ` (Ill! morning. The term Scotland yud Vin tool: into the limbo of innocuous dollbtndo. new and handsome building on the Thames embulunent in rising rapidly toward com- pletion und`l.he police expect to move thither in the autumn. The qnu-ton cover an new of mvmml nnrl can ILCIIJIII lI'I UIQ Dllllllllll. IIIO (IIIIITUII G of ground and coat 8l.lI.(Xl). (cu ...I.__- _.._:I- :_ l'-L..-I.- .I:-.l snoapol lasting} 7 On hruoan .....i..;`._;.: ............ ...-"'.....mr:.."2 `O-`At cnerx. wuu owl: It nut, an onion, In coneequenoe of Captain Jack Pint}, Ottawa, who but his wife while the wt: dot with typhoid fever. and pounded MI brother-in~|aw with l skull cracker when the Iuother-in-law et- tempted to ` t hie deter. was lent. to the peniton for two yen: and a half this morning. Tim term Qnnlluul vnld tin nnnn Inn I0 .l"t.i.unc!erItood that I var)` colon old) of all tho tip-lop atoll: in Ludo: in to be formed noon, Inving out hlndrod Immhon .` only. with an anal uabcdpon of NI `""`hp.o.a' u. H J u an tiara t onry . otgu w` nuininanuqucncoolthcculiinotdocidol reducinghimtothonnk alt hound clue clerk. wnthlblcunlnnllnn before. in l'1!llll7lll`lllU|0IXI`II CI TI Gil clerk. Illh l) lea `hr, dun before, conorquonoo incnh:-ins. (K . 1 `I10 II `EC meu W s `Ir. Lumen. Il.I`.l for South Wzlipog. hunliyndtonnko mom for Mr. J the low provincial tnunrct. ud the I fordthe new oloction in upocbd to In id to- a . It in nndnrntnnnl unk A IQf\` nnln nlnh nf II: Inc Dlertvr rIl0rInII0l'\'. `I T {one of (`mgnvoi Im-wory own- to. no our tho fouryur child of (`hula Browning, Clinlou street, on Sutur- dnn and the little one died yubrdn I-_ Latina, II P I fnr Rnnth W nnlnnn, opening Ol I06 noun I-I Glw. Three hundred rigs: makers, mmnliing the employees of Eve large shops in Benin. refused to go to work owing In the propourl cut down in vugea. Anni: RAM, [hp |.'l.vpAr.nIl innnmlhrv THAT SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE on Goon`: street. near Queen's University. con- OMB! om-teen rooms. includimr bath room and all modern improvements. The Interior in II had In nnlunl woods. and the whole build"- : thoroughly nomad with hot WIMP. For zcrms aupl lotho undersigned. on the pro minus. \\ . Sxwuxns. Ju. `Tm: :I`::=-.3` `nd. CHI UUWII In W. Annie Rahl, the I3`yeAr~o[`ll inoendisry who burnt down Levi Sbgxoi Inn in \\'oolI`ich. but ban nntqmood "Lu you in the Mercer nforuutonn Ll..- Al I`..--. ...'- L_._-_.. -I.l_I.- 'l"....... `Ive. WUI IE IEKIIII. ' M r. Pnrnell has summoned his puny to I meeting in the purlinmenl buildings. [on don. at II o'clock, Thunday. prior to the upening of the house 14 comlm. Threat hnndrn riumr nuinl-n, nnmnninn u new nun uuncuuu uux.wu Ill uuuu on I single connignment of opium which val to reivotl by I `Ian I-`mnciloo rm from Hon; Kong I few days Thu Pulhngn Pnlnma .-Ar nvunngnu -nhr nun` I ll` ulyi The Pullman I'\IAc;s cu company enter the eld A: provider: of motive pgwer, And in I few wake the_ construction of an in menu plum for the mnnufuctur-e of locolno liven will be hogan. I `III "Arno" Inn: .I|II|Int\l|Anl Iain nnv-In tn n IIZ IYIIXHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKICTTIIQIII of (slrouanl and Hamlet. 3! Botait Tiirev.-ton of the Egchclieu & Lhtuio nnvi tion `om y. vo found lochgm in f:ceipuan oipuditnro. and menu will be an ted in van! it in futon. L'nc c Sun colulod $9.`!!! in duds on . ninnln h4\nn;nIuInAnO nf n-gin... _-L:..L -.- -4 Ill . nunu, N. l'. mr IIIOIICXKQI, I`. I5. h'u`rnrchuod all the mills and tinhor linlu` An-no (ll.-ans-p..I -n.I Il4....I-a .5 II.s.:- DIX. Mr. Cox. M I ., ha bean removed from hi: cell in Handel gal and neat to the intirmary. Ho hnkl to have lost NI Ip- petite. Mr. Bunu, N. I`. for lilouccotnr. N. IL. bl nnluthngnal All ILA 2"]: -nul Dinah`. Nu-I6. II Illlulxl to I III! IIT1. The Ilbnr coumtmon Inn dincovond grave shun: in Neutral c` factories In regud to the instance: of clu ran. lhnnrcmmnn Ilnnorn-nu-II. kn: inn:-u.ln....l Uougnnmm Buttertoh Iiu luu-mluuul I bill into congress providing (or MI and prucity laetwqn tho lfuiwl Sun: and Ca ' nah. u- 1`..- ll lb L--'| . . . _ _ _ . _ -1 3.... (l.\I OFTHE B331` BUTCHER ausuunw I-28 in Toronto. situated en the but cash busi- 2?uroo1lnu:onlt;vnIl Olhhlllhodnnd ouunhlxlndo: lulu-Iona win And overylhl appculning to the ulna: -cheap. Ramon n-ownu-lntendsuolng so California. At! all communication to *3. 'l`. .\':|.nox. 2| Wood 81.. Tomato. L. I . DTOWII, Ol'$III-Wl'Nl [NIDIW I'I_II'II in Muniloln. n tbolunwny government in outitlod to I air Iuppott. The labor commhnnon hmm ulinmvnnd `cw cnu nualllll lnvnuvr IIIWIII. Finoen Icahn have has causal b the :i.|I hotwoqa Spuhh troops and ut{klng 1 non. Llu |l'...._2_' ml... .._..a 9.. A.._A__n- _. "u'I:`\\'uio`, who wont go Auutnlh u Wtrmm to (`undq in round so on . C. P. VII, ox-uinhhtnf public 19th in Namibia. nun thnflnnnrnv nnnrunom Bun {maps were nut Int. wook to ~ew.-rsl Ruuhn In-nlior Iowan. .Ann .I-AlIn Ln-4 I.`-- .._.._..I k.. AL- 'l Iol.IuIo Tilly: that Albet (`uAIdhIo- flulnio from Sump. and Win `lit! Po:-tend -A Male ot:YI:yIIIn[ Qully lion! and Homo-In . TELEORAM8 FROM THE EARN-l'S FOUR QUART ERS GIVEN- Amms or THE \vo1:LIV. A E}&A1._R6snTric. Nt> :: I I. out! In the bust known and beet equip mtahlhhment for placing ndvurtleelnonta n newennoel-e end conveying to advertisers the infotmauon which they In order to make thdr Investments :33, protably. Men ol not! address. or women. 1! well inform- ed and pncdonl. may obtain authority to enli- K.-Jt advertising tmnue for he. Apply by tter to um. .I{ow:t.t.& Co.. New per Adveruelnz Bureau. to spruce 81.. New 'ork. ud full nuonlnn will be sent in return null. Inn at the nearest newspaper otllco and I?` AGE Ts WANTED lo (`nn\'o\a. for Advor riding I nnge. A small Amount 0! work alone with war. and Intelligence mu produce a considerable lnonme. Agent; urn uovorul hundred dollars In conunlulona In I single an t- 1 ton sad Inour no personal I-caponsibality. `n- min olco And I 1 null In the best known and equiv ANY PIRSON wanting the services of ma- chunk-0 or lnbom-I will please learn their mung: and nddruu with W. J. Mc.\':n.|.. |I`Innl- Dnnlnlt liruck Slrool. and uldrcu vmn I-`lonr Donlor. Brock Slnol. B\' TWO SINGLI 0 EN!` Ill E.\`. um fur- hhd oh! no 1 lb lbunl - 3! ` {oIntr`.IIl`;)uatlcn?u Addrenc Wmo omen. mu prclwnu A SMART. .\C`l'l\ ` YOUNG MA! a clerk ; must In-ilo I lumd and have good Manna. Apply to J. 5. llsxunmos. Bl`l`\\'EE!\' ho K. P. allot and thy xunu III]. II n. as ALI. BLA(?ls *A'l`C coat: I win 0! money. The Ilndor will row on roturuluglt lo Mus. Hovut. King sl.. :3 UNIV! Inn. FOR .\I\' NEW STORE. I Good salesmen and one Cutter. Apply to Jn. Jomnsmu. W Johnson nal. IJIIIIOIUIIIU oooam-om ' . ` E BI3`l'BU`l'OHER BlISlVE8- ` I-`.2I\nh'1`2l'1.::t'`x niuntad busi- (N THE I1`!-'.. button the onnd Bath on D`:-uluy moi-uI.... LIGHT URI I! Ill-2. `hm lndur will plane 71 It at III: at 1'0- burn it to an owner. |.UIi|:(?I.':(xlNOIlA||. Bath. HIKE: _ h`wu'r.~ AAI. (Johan . Feb. 6lln..Mrn. Jones Stilt. daughter s- the late James Coylc, of thin city. qod ll yarn. Funeral [mm the residence of Mn. llenry ` Coyle, lklnclu-3 tlttcet. to-morn-nu morn ing at 9o`cIotk. Frhndl and acquaint- ucu are rcqgoctfulb invited to utuud. N1'lI.Iw\'.-At. lb Angelou. (`nl.. on Jul. Nth, Juno: Mcllroy. Printer. forum-rly of {MI city. A Kl.AR0l l`l'R.\'lSlllll ROOM. without `sound. lane uddn.-an ntlhlloco. W0 ` Hr..N|m|ux ~0n Friday. Feb. :&nl. the wife 0! Rev. W. G. llomlonon. l`iI.ulnug. 0` win: -laughter-I. j - ulu cl:-nnn:` iv :-v--- i I KING ST.. [doors from Wma 0.00. than Cutter tot It. 1 Pnvut). Tl TUIL ` mun DIAIATH` Co. at Open House. I ' _l_.nL'rrn by Pat `sun at the lloclmnk-s` Inulno. . . Intuxo ol the I`:-ohlhluon "lab at I pan ` . \v:nn:nm\'. lntnua at (`curtail aunt-| lalllr. 7` FOR SALE QR TO-I._.E'TI`.- TIIVB hates: ii an}! or; r.-.4... mm-nl.... . mom um` noun`. :S?E914.3!i.F!NT{LN IKE CZXKUK CUTOUT -FOVTT Has the but uittnutotlnlhl-hum Undu- ` wear. Holloiry. Gloves. Sou-h. Col tut. Hnndketchiofl. &c.. `or lnOll..|I! (hlh _ Prices. Imported direct for our own undo. Gentlemen can depend on cutting Relldb nmuh Dunn. THE DAILY WHIG. The Popular shin Inkor. I! Punn Sula`. VOL LVII BU'INIB8W CHAN T OE. F9.8?%*_-T- REMINDER8; not 3. I. mngeovsn. nlmj. I.` L II. Eloounpnno and Is. Plounnt to take. Yum`: DRUG 81-03:. ll IIII IIOI . Notice vat given at I bylaw to gednee the humherot tavern and saloon licensee By tlneen and to nine their out. The Council decided to let the medical henna 6! the Western Unl- veruty have the Wetetho and ' You-k~Iu'eet ontnerohecentrll Selnoel nothderrleelu to:-tleplopeuelltvetlieeleolltcit _.__-.. `V--. v-_`u-um -uwnu I- -I_I[I-r-- `tint: and lulu: licenses. Inx\'Dox. Fob. &- At to-nl [hl`n ngootlng of tho ` Aldermen a npoclal oomnutleu Imported in tan-nr 0! boum-lnx" four of the on oily olclnla and pulling young: mu: In their plncrs. Thu-,u selected to: Jhughlon uocils Clerk Abluu. Sknxal Uomlnonlonor Ownul, Clerk 9! (`ommib . tom Kean and Cllr Hall Janitor Mnnpauoy. The report stuoll that thus mu only I prdinr `inu-y'a1ep In tho way of gelling more work ` done Mr less money. The mnua.-r was slaved 01? for a week and the Impmsuou numb that it will not airy. Malina -1-: .0 n Inl-nu nu. ..a.... n._ _..__._. lotion (Ont) OIeIn.II`IendI In 1 -.____ __,;.. - -4 Anus In um auusulllur ul ulu g\'lIl,I(`lIllll 8 communication. and if it turns wt to be cor- rect some of the truly M-cl paper: `will hm-o . to make 3 pretty sharp curw. 0_.\\\`_\, I":-Iv. Ii.- .\ g-~ntlo~m.ni in this city l'!`l`1`l\`!'(l In-d:n_\' n v`-vvi1~m'{?~.iti--`I frum a (lis- llll;..'lll.~`l'IP fri--ml In \\ Jrzitigtcm. Tlp lattvr ll-`l~ l` NI Wat: liiIr_.:. ;.\ rl-\<~l_\` .\.~ lhr r~`l`(`l`l`(`)` of izs Inrrtiupw \\ ill .'llln`-\`_ zhr \"\lll`.\l` of the nego- _li;uiuus now lwin: i-..rii wl mi l-`V lhv l"i.~hery (`uxniuiuinii-~r. llv elm-.~ n-.-: 1 nu-ml to han- nw-i\'el inf--rn_i;itiu:i from :m_\` on `ooium-to-(l \'-ilh the liq`;-ti;itn-:i~`: l-nt thv : he sx_\'.~g is [intuit in :| cl--~-~ I"-\~~"l`\'u'l`. .\t [In-.~u-nt. thv .~\ll)I`l'l&*ll u-viun|.\~i-nu 1-.` han- mku-n the gmunrl that (`:\n.-ul:i`.< ii:-lu rim .~4lInlll lw tlm -wn l|'1i`n to .\lllI`l`lI`1\ll li~h--rln-in, and that all rt`- .~lri(`tlIm.~` to trmlu l-4-mu-.-:1 tho hm onuntrimu in the shape of duties ml lI:\hll :\l and lumin- fM*tun'd Pl 0l`llIl`t..~I shnulvl lw l`t'lIl(1\`('-l. Sir Cliarlvs Tum:-`r hax. an far. up]-ueml this nwthoil nf st-ttlium-nt M the l%`.\~'luni of this (\IlxllIll.~.~'lulI. .\lr. L`h:u;il-u-rlaiii and Sir Lium-l S:u'l;\'illi`-\\'e\~t llaw fullowetl that policy, of allmring thc- (`anmliaxi mul .\mo-rimn com- niissium-N t`i`nrk uul their own N.',|l\:|tinlI." It is [nnjtt_\' \,\;u-ll knmvu. lumw-\`:-r. that Mr. Chunlnvrlnin Qhinks Ihu pmpus.|l of the .-\moric:\n C0lnllllSl0m`!`.~ is {hit mi:-, and that he has so infurmt-cl Sir (`lmrlos Tupperpri- nu-lg}. Sir Charles. cm the other hmd. ` kmnring hdw distasteful iinn~st`rict,(* trade would Inc` In his mllmgiios in Ottawa. who lI:I\`1- not only dz-nuuncvd what they designat- the ful" thvxniselws, but have given the [arty organs throughout the Dominion the wota ido likewise, in loath to adopt this nolutiouof (ht-dilculty. He will, however, ovonmally bolt the pill. All that is aimed at npwis to inaka the conotsaionts little like the hated Couupercial Union 9: possible`. , Thinia the mbtnnoo of the gentleman`: nuninnninglin-n ant` if it hu-u aunt An I... ..... mmxrm-m tum in .-.~'.':i:|gtam. I:-on \nntchin;.:. -Inn-ly Iuwtiugs Ihr (`~llll`.\l` 4-1 gi.-uiuns In-in; l lh inc-.~ rrlvl iufurnymun um- lILI`,.'(Ili;|!l-I2I~': tlw sit! fr Illxlrcl lo Scltlr I_Ie Nah!-I-In and all Olhrr Dlhpilrs. Ii.--.\ ~vIn1~1n'~.\tiun djr a htlglnu. 1 `NI um-ling 1!lI'1`-IlIl`sl`nfHIt`llPg1r .....,..__,,,_..I :, , , I I .n u~ I , ..,.`....... .\lr. .\]m-ediun: l'erh.nps'Ihc Government will luko up lhls question. The Inol ion was no! pm VI. i1_g:;__r{n_1.1_1os runmnm an -_.,, ,., . -nun,uL_i.._._ Ih_J.- ..< u-u.--. llr. .\loro:!|I|n nskul tho Pocnmllalouor 1! ho could Mule Ihc amountx Mr. Fruor: The total amount. paid con- trnclon up In duo In 8|m.07.5. Of this num II!!! had been pain! In DU}. hurl oll the balance In I237. ll- n_.I..... ._.....,.| n... .._ .|._ -_I_.|.._ -1 III IX`. Mr.Gmh.un mmw-I llml In the opinion of IN: Ilouse it In dmcirnhlo that the reporters for um press: has nllmrc-1 ln mean] the l'resa'Gal- Ix-rim durimx Iho reading of prayers by Mr. Speaker. us, nu -. . .. III `I l"IIlIIII|IX`, II I\ l` (|\'l`II X`3'|l`I III IcI\||I Ill I coulrnclom for Ilw new 1-nrlhuuoul and le- pnrlnlvnul lmihlin-,.--. and tho nun-um! c-x- pended Io date on -u~r.mnl of -mrh buildhlxs. The Conuui:-nium-r uf I IIb!iv \\'ur|u said lhul all umnuonoyllm haul hm-n p..iI| in l8~`4h\-us In I-o [mind In lho Pubiiv \(-v-muu 0! l&\`7. and MI mid during I.-\.~l 3:-:u` \\'uIIluI be found In Hm l'nIuic Amounts for lhia ymr. not helm: printed. 1-_ \n,_,n.n -,.. n.n .. ,,,r,,. , ,_ nu, Tho mullon was then alluxxn Mr. Meredith mm-ml fur House (or I rclnru nlmu-in: \ ul `r oslllumnu, luuv lm-n 2 V um-In un Inc Illlll lnerrul. ml-J-`V condo:-1| In the IMIII unelnem Mr. llnnl: said the oxnr~n.~ unuhl In very (real. If .\l:~. d--vIIIu(`n! I` inhlrnuliuun \\ M. lhuh'u\`t'rnmcnl lhc m;m~r \ i BARN" FRA1CE. v WE hope that Innia wnnll 000!) BARN Tho In--ml:-r fur r4..unl| (2 mnvillu sahl ho halo Mn mollon because he had become who ot a number of mocngm hing ragla- loud nquinu [arms In uni : prm-Iuco by on de- vbootmnnnlnclnnnol (arm utnchluory. A Illjulnuoh was prlnlod In very unan typo In the corner at nuvomcntn fur the punhuo or that nu-Macs which was practically I mort- ngc un llnu fnrmt-r'o land. The [armor did not uudnmnnul that he \A':Is giving a Inorlgngu on lulu propcy. Mr. I-`w-ml: did not thlnk that a mormngu ohlnlnuul in mm way should be recla- lorod. Tolho reporters in [no A may orono ol these sarcoma-nu. which roads: .... ........... .. ....-. laund.-. purl-nu-tin. :-- haw` `tn |Imcun- vndil nu Illu- when-l\y n pun-luv!-r uf y lent: that hr uwna m-um 1'ho("Iu--nnlwr for Saulll |..._.._ an -- of uu'Iu}\nr.~ \;`;uI nlhrr ! ul Iiw I4:-_|rialntnn-_\'-hula)`. uuv in llwir watt. .\ ml Mu aid the .\Iuni'i[nI Ac! \u' Mr. I"mu: In mo-Yul fall` In 9 (mm and: (hut-um n1i:-lrnr u H... .......I_ .. ,. l"s In all":- I' ... n.... ....n n. cu: Duloxn Couonlltnunr. ` e am. 3... E-gquenuy amp: I on . Compound of . a ho a 3.93. 9... . ...".1?.n.':.`:`: I-:.saan{"z'.'x."x".. FOR C-OIIG HS AN 1) lX)L%.-Gn.s I Iiotuq F; '..2}'-'2sIuJ.'e.'.'Jn'.,..'a.'..'..'.'.Z.:':.:.%.... Iution ponnhinc to all Routu..Ipp|yIo P I Pl P -A___I ?,'_I_-4 I, A I31:-nu you v---u rub` -'ru_yv -u r. A. rowm. 7Eon"e}i'Iiom A m. Furry \\'harf. - Foot of"Brock treat * KlNl:3'l`0N.0NT. u Inns of IIQX In Iona Pull (`on- Irurlors I p In Our. . `T 3 hope tlnlpanice wuntlu oooonum mmazswm men. all mu. I001` or nnn.~i-\- arnrr-I- `Ill IZIHG Ill jlvvu-II `nu -Q Illv rvvl U ' Wm "'"?i'1a 1u'rm3UN~oo. s:s~ie~zizi%`ri`o::r.~ ~_ci; SELECTED Eon SLAUGHTER. " 'r}=:'i>'. iu'Iaie"u`rii:}Con'ns's. UNRETRIC`TED TRADE. mu;-. Tolophono xuiu-1.5- :-, nu. .\ll hm tl `??.'a`:`i.``."n. :. f..'.: other nhnb o I ms. in bottles. 2'6 and in WA! Kl1\'GST(),\'. \u I xnalnnd. r an order 0! mo : wh.-nl, pnvgzrv.-cl. or `I i-sllul In falvuruf p urlhuuoul dc- II "I`I'l III! C I\l|l|l r of Tn-dn. nhmring ` $1.26.} I huugh tlw attend- r din: at the mining 3". nail the Miluin-N xllljl`, - Hf to |\'lI' x` m up. . . ,..I. .. l`..-' - -.u...... v u! Inch (I re! urn l"rom`b haul any .c-II lfo nmhl give mmlcl bu lo:-kc.l u `\}l|II-`y \'I _".|.`. ,,.l,,... |- 3---IL--4 no-nu loliulhl furvnd Ind 0II'.X' . .'Imiu:uiu-. \l-~ `I.`mm-In-ll aid "that Glljlil/I u..~r.- \ .-.4 hum m I/mud and on the ' gq|$M`.'.(ll$~ .....t that lie acoounguhorod ` }.u3.@-v . ,_ . i 1... . - .. -...--- , . . . U\l\lI UIlIIIIvjj u Aqplondid nnomnoutol l`Al..L'8Ul'l'l .\`(}a an UVERCOATINGS : . (ho xobhy TROU- S 08 that we cut the moat {nudi- 1.:.:*."e:.."'.`:.:..`:e."."3":.:`:"'n..':5't!i.:%`:.' \\'lmt he-cnlne znf the KW {I308 il III Iuunkmu Nov. uid? / . % 'l'hc-lluu-no Mr. can-pboll am 018.!!! . ` Ind U! III Mill 4 l .\u, ` X0\vr- n _\'-vu lo I! mu Ilm nmoum. ot money l`u:ui|'u-~l nil .\n\,..:.".'f ~ ` . Jlllll XVII ('\'I?l'_\ UIIIII )1 IIKK. ' In it nut ~|ollIn`|nIIIll)`7la|r:0 I-~'l`l|o hook; wm tell you all .u...-V u i'. . Wm; it I then Inn` 4 ul-m`l rcmomhot. fr. Furdv-I" |oI1|;iI:{VW! llu-_ roecuipt ind Mr. ` C.\lIl|)lII'H v4l.'|'2-'.l :II.Il it \\':u 'pai`d`-by `ht `-nrder lw ha! nu-1 Um-u\v_ Ho my-[maul tho , \,{Ill|I|L'\' \\.u~ ukam: In the liallk of, Commcroa ncuom--u am not occur [0 me. We had inmo oonvoranlium rolmlvo to the Bank of (`onnnutco 850.01!) dopnult rocolbl. dntod April 9. Iain. Wu Ilmt 'rocol|n taken up by you ?-l mm`; know. - vnn thug`! llnnnn` In`?! Hanan... '-I... __._..-: IIIIOII to "ID cnuu cnlry you mI\lIo1-No. , Wh! 911,10 notoyueru mlnuto of the lam- nctlonl--ll did not occur to `I71: I.g.I -'..-... ......---.-ul.... -_I_.n_- ._ .L_ U] IUII I`-I llll In KIIDIIH You don`! know! 151! bamuuo ilm amount .1 'l`I... I.._._|._ ._.n| lllll Nu, Iv .. . IJIII U16 IIIIIIIIOINIII-.VU. ' Did you direct the attention of your coIllqul- dawn to the credit entry you mndo1-N . `VIII IIIII vnn nnl `nnlnrn Inlnnn. no nm 5;... Whon1-About. Christmas wook. Did you make any entry of the fact that you sold the diamonds!-I cu`-edited the amount. nnlimd. ` I\..l _.... __-n.- -._._ _..p... _: .u _ p HNIIIIUII. Did you mnka nny_ ontrv of the fact that you sold the dlnmondo1~No. ' hhl -nu all-.....o n... ..n.mn.... -1 ._-.__ ,,.u_,,. FOUND A1` LAS'l`-A wu-nntod to an-_ I-Inn-m`: thmsvmhb xaslc.