right. Whit our Bhoo to your foot. tutrantu that they will look hot- " '- II butler sud wear better than ' ' am 81100 yothnn get tor the I. Thty should remember um i0 is this demo and humiliation that they. noldion of the (goon and ol the Brltinh empire, no Add glory In. W0 unruly hollow uh Iuifotuod ooldim of the Unltod Sula would count out but to mm In the colo- `bniiou of thoir daft at Qaoonlton J `ghh. Lndy'I Lung or (hrysleth lam --ounly Om:-Moo Ioldlan have no loss ru- upocl for Ihomsolvu and lift nnilonn. ' M II` Oml llnlinnnl clnunnhnsnaunnn upucu lot Inomsnlvu and theft other actions! douohnlnuou In the United Blob: In the colobnnon `II! which Ouudhn Ioldiul night pfolltdi ad. and we would liko Iona: `III do oolnsllh-bndlinoughlhpw car, 110!` 2;.'.'.$'.2'.'u'3"3.{;. 'i'i ."..'. ."... 5'.1 ; ."'-5".- "'7 ""' -'Y" W`, TI 'h0.|h:r|i:lm;3iI 7:"."n,.$1oT"" gs at '0 A--"-n- tho hunumou ol uni: own lag ! V % Duct Doctor: Yong. ' Inc. [I In Q -4-. ..__:LK- .1 u 1-`. `L. g IJVIIU v luv \JuIII'l0. It In of com-teepleuenn thing tone the increased good will which exiete be- tween the people of thle country and the United Btetee. end the lriendly mennet In which they mingle to oelebrete netiouel occeeione. But we Illh to oer our pro- teet egeinet our city hettnlion going eoroee the line to enlist in the celebration of "in- dependence day, e protest which le ehered 5' I oltium Ihn hAvn A wanna: -A-u---- upuuuuuea any," protect which In by citizen: who have n ptopor conoap hon of who oomtitmbu om-mun onnrl -y nu ululuul wno mvo [ion pun-iotlc good um. On July Mb the Amoricml colo- hnto the dots of Briuinhnnnannd the humiliation of tho sg borne And the uni- zlrtn worn by the Briniah militia of On- 0. V i dd "Abernethrs name Is an the shoe. 1! ilwgo thud; the 81100 in all 0 t An`-an:-inning mg; on... ..m 1.... 1...; (hndlnn loldlon Asked to Oololu-no Do- lcnt ol Btitiuh Arms. nnununn. n..o...o.. Bclleville Ontario. 'A 1, _n IIIIH BUN.lIC|'lu Only one really noticeable blunder wee made during the nearly two houre the men were obliged to drill. Altogether the hettellon ehowed up to eplendid edventage. going through the many Innmruvree with intelligence end precision. They rrqulre more practice in e fee forming move. month, end will douhtleee receive It at the two drills they have between now end the time they leeve lor Rochester. The Nth in All right end will do credit to the old Emeetone city when they get ewey from one. nu ma rnnxr The bugo and brass bands rendered good not-vice, their music being about: as much app:-ooiatpd by who apectnnorn u by the soldiers. (1-1- ....- ---Il- _-:-__|_I- LI,_ 1, war II! uruuury pun Jllflnlnlil. A gran mnny man have boon refund admittance Into the ranks of the variant eom ion. In mtiolpctlon of obs trip to Roc other would-be recruits have been un- nlunlly nnmerons,bub owing to their ignor- ance of drill they hnve boon denied a place In the rank mt... L...__ -__x L--__ L,,,. n . CIIITKU In IIII Imnullum corps. It can put nun o'clock when the man. tor nbutlllory puk jormlnatod. A nmnh mnnv man In-n ham. ..l....A xuuuuu upon ouu uolanciloll POODII X Anon the Inn` ocers on ponds not provion y Inononod won Onph. Moo- noo, aching qunrootmubot; Onph. Blnolnlr. psymutor. and Surgeon -Llouu. Harald. In charge of the unhnlnuoo corps. II '1: null: nun (fnlnnk Dhn lm Inna. UUHIIIIIDIII WDIIC on '00. It wns unnsing to see bhs hsbbsiion while in skirmish lino sbtsok lbs ssssmbisd popalsco with xsd lnyonots and drive then clear scross Barrio strssb. And with wine vigorous Inr whoops Ibo men of war rushed upon bbs dsfsncolon psopis I Among Iha ma nimn nn nnrntln mu. CD. Music! Kent : hone bulked on tho old sad the oioor colnmnndlng could do nonh- lng with the snlnul. The major was ob- liged ho dinnounb and give the run o! his commnndu while on loch. In --. ...._.|.... 5- -.. `L- |._u_n__ nun: [our ncrgoluu um uwonoy-tour lulu. l'" company--Cnpt. Sklnncrz Llonh. Sbnngo; four nu-gonna and hwonbyvnino A "D" oompan1-LienlL Mount; four cox-.u gunk and thirty mun. E" !mnnnnv._.gnh. Rnnnrh 11...; SUIIIC Illll l1I'.|lI'Uy In."- "E compnny - Onpl. Bogart. Liont. Bum {our ouguotn and twonby-four "I" O0llIDInV--C|nI_ Snnme Ll-nh uguu man. "0" oompnny--Capb. BM-Ange. Limb.- Sonn; throo urgunlo nod twenty-vo men. "B" ompwy - Capt. Cunninghun. 1 Menu. Funll; hhroo urgent: and sweaty- eigho men. "0" nnmnnnu_f!.nh Rb.p.....- I:_.;. WII II IUIIUWI Z "A" oomptuy'-Lionb. Obulou Low In command; bins oorgonnu and twenty- lou: non. nun ......-_- n-_; n__,,y ,- pllu. Thcn won on panda u stud oioou. ulna company oioou. four out! urgoanhc. thirty-four member: 0! tho bnu Mud, olovon members of tho buclo Iund. eleven member: 0! bho unbulnnoo oorpo nnd 15! of rank And lo. The showing on pundo by nompmleo In: It follows I DU IIIUWI II All ...-_-.-_ nnannuun. anon Inly W010 Inarquod nail in column and nu-oar column. lnaj >r Keno commanding. txo ioliowad a law humi- ion nnovoinanhu. concluding with the new method 0! ablaok which Gan. Hutton has lntrodnoad into bhn Canadian militia. The manual and ring oxoroiaan worn than gone through with. Olph. Whiba; noting adju- bani), commanding. The battalion ad- vanced in roviaw order. giving the general aalntl. A march wan than made no anil- Iary park, where a gonaral nnsoar took nlann. noun. rpunon ma non mun long gun. The booullon. in chug! of ninja: Kent. roohivnd Llnnb. Ool. Montlumboto with n gnnnnl ulna. Tho rumor bud been oir cnlnbod tlnl Onl. one: who so oondncb the lnapootlon. but oh report In: nnlonndod. [Phat mllihuy gonhlomnn in acting gcnnnl oeor commanding uh uh. Nlngnr: military camp. mnklng lb qnlto impossible {or him to ho pt-aunt. bloat. -Ool. Montiumborb, D 0.0.. inn and the Irnopu, duo on 3 lnthnllnn. hon they Into Innrqhod aunrhnr column. Inni yr Kano Ldok_ Bgoro You and uuuhdto the ruin: 0-:n'_d. ruoh than at 8:30 p Ill. The y run with I nfruhiog bran A 1 numhot ol optohlon on onl dduud wuclud tho vulom un- nuanvrol WHII inborn. The cricket eld mks an odulnblo panda ground, bung level. Ipooion and Inc from long btbhllon. in dhnttl of mninr Kant. tronndod tho 60 d. xcimwwm -"-" "` Ihonnu`nl'InoI in has poo through vmhon u Butbhld common, ban this illuhonlborllbuook 5 more nndhlg VIBI I` Kllll And an A -an-It Annnnh. yutunuannonilool noun; lvlov ol Ihunuot and u I null conduct? an! hhnlnnnuu.nnnnI....l.|..o. Ad; 15.` ' -wk-~ .Td&>(V<,,_.v.:a;r- cu. suntan-uun.o.a.a."onianoia and " 0 ! Mi-nouns:-Io: up Ionnuon n lhDnInAg_An..--n--nggngnmu , lt411}nani"ub7s"i - Z' `IX -Iii II-lupin--AOuInIluutu unl- luring. V..A._A-_ :_ n-___-.:__ .1 , n .u, GOING TOO FAR. NI" 9 J|Y||I`H|| lf Qclnonl III l0I.'_Il infant from IIIOVO Iron `nu! _' lnnin` al- h:ivI0liI.oIc- .h- nun` anti 9 diiaohngod and . . _,_, I -n-If!` apnea in scold QM `IIQOOIII Mg to an cul- 'I:Iundp),:ynIcino.thz-ough when .5 J.0"...@m_inI n npwly and python Ll. `._a........ .:..n.. y'"dur orden at " Iulttt Advloi nu `lo Inn. The WI_ulg_|_o nquogeod to pnblinh the Iouowlngzaunionwjup no nanoiu nod dcbllltapgd or who _u-0 ullu-in: turn any of vu-log; ttouhlgn Insulting from ngryocl. _0xgsQ`_or yoluhhl otrolI.'Iro sun that non uqdteu lugs admitting to can Dingo aoqiilouo cannot In ulipd upon. Kg. Gnlnli. axuoob of London. W .. - I ` .. . `*`*%-a'.;.* *Z*E:`...."'~m*.~..'.'A.': In Not In favor. yon is nob ln {nor of changing notion holldayn or other observance day: just Inlo the business world. HI holds obs ho tool signicance of non day In loan 6 obootvod on nhopropor data. Even If domlnioo dny doc: lull on Suurdny. olnh lino rouon why in should be olnngod ho Jlnodoy. HI: worship think: we the pooplo ohould look those days in odoop-L or manner Hun nlmply A holiday. and than than would be lou doom for o_ clnngo, Ho would ouphnlcnlly ulna to non I further chnu in tho dominion on holiday to July 4-. One of the pubic Chloegoie having trouble with the elzreev nilwey company ebouble ing nile norou ohe perk boule- nrdl. i be perk calnpeny objaeo oonhe ne being laid Imloee under condiblone then no inconvenience will be canned ho bieyclieue end cu-riegee by a tough road. The reilwey relneee to grede `end level we tech end there Se much baonble over in. President J. W. Budderd. of the park management, I brother o! E S. Buddud, Elm street. he mformed the nilvuy that tome will be and no stop any openhlom nnleee they 1: to hhe henna eubmiobed. f',.-_' . No Limit `to llnpplnou. Tbolols no llmio to osrohly happlnou afoot: rhznmuhio nnfforer bu ouoo mod Dr. Hall : Rbeumnblo `Cure. Mr. John Clnrko. Pittsburgh. 0`nu., ouorod with Muncnlu Rhonmumm in bi: log: [or ten months. Ho mod doctors and nnmoronn pnooub modiclnu wluhonu roliof. One hot- mlo at Dr. Hull's Rhouunbio Ours cured him oomplobly. Ha ha not Iutfarod with the diuuo ulnoo. Thu propnnnion In mod inmouy. Ono homo oonwnn ton dsyu hronmonh, prico 50 canto. Fot sale ah Wade : sod nll dmgglnoo. Dru. McDado, Bull) and Sims. than of tho moon omloonh Amorloun doctors. In a nor! of articles o_nt:llnod I tonic brou- monb onlcnlnod 00 euro a nu number of dloonu. Their nnggualom were unbo- dlod In a formula which In dlnponaod b n Ilon{lI'n Bnntlord dliil and called Synon Tonic. o In I rollnblo and plouanb (study for ntouuoh. bowol and kidney discus Sold ch 600. 5 hotels. Sold by all ludlng drugeu. 4 ,, _'_._,, , Ionnj Indy lnngglere. Much material lrom the Amoricon aide entered Klngeton lut nl ht Inn 0! duty. It wot certainly lrnpoo-i le for cutoms oioeru to doteoo there nrtiolee about the persona of ptatongerl coming ed the then- tner Oolumblnn. Two young ladle: were in laden with material thsb they hnd dIi- onltry In walking, and when they boarded a street car on Ontario street. proceeded to bring out many hidden articles. Others on hhn our lnnknd nn in nilnnh an-nan. .5 Ll... unup; uuu nanny unuuuu nrvlulul. uunen on bhe car looked on in rilonb wonder sh bbo Iomnlo Imngglers. A womnm la a mystery ! u- n._.. -_ -.__._..__-_ I-I-I nullull UIIIIIIIII, Moan. Wnch Bron. Loioauoz. Eng. urocpropnrod to mull free to any uddrou In anudn, plhhorm and sol!-meuumnonh form: of their 87.50 brood and warned wins, and gnu-snoeo I high-olul Ila. Good: 020 who value of 87.60 Ind upward: we pay carriage on. The Brim]: profor- oncisl bait! reduce: the cannon olnrgu no I mean bria. For full particular! writs Maura. Waoh Bron. u sbou. wuu-nuown Ill nmgooon. no nod in "B" field lmrtory u I oornob plnyor under Iundmuoor Trondoll. Thorn are nanny In the any who lieu kindly romombnnoo 0! him. Alfred Whunloy. an Amorloun Ioldior. who died nooutly from favor oonorueood in the Philippines. nun nsblvo of Ottawa. And I brobhor to Riohnnl Whouloy. of tho mum. ahoru. Dooouod us: Also well-known in Klngooon. Ho urvod in lld Ilnhtnlv An A nnrnnh nlnnmn nn1l-. Un;letuh'ing and Furniture. lawn: Crawford : and uuvlen. A IIQOI III III]. What In mots mnoyi g than plnaplol. boil: or blooohon on the me. A bunmnl complexion In ofoon onhugod by them. Bo- lero "Climax" Iron Tonic Pull; have been and lot 9 month. inch akin nronblu will hnvo onblroly diuppurod. Thu no I can blood maker and nerve Ibronubhonor. 60 pill: in a box lot 25, sh Wade : drug utoro. up II not GOIIIDIO. A newly [and directory, purporting ho contain 3 comm Hub of who Roman Catho- lic popnlnion of Kinglbn. bu onnood n little wonder to uvorol people of tabs Pro- toaoano ioioh, whose name: an included Among thou oi their Catholic lriondn. lb sumo Lint rho directory wn not published in kingotoo, and in in error in man than one nlnnn. In uuuguou one place. 3771? '"(3.T2'$'&'u loud g drngglrgg; ..u--- -----I -vvuuq XCUIIQIICI A peuon who tool: a clutch on Mt throat: and cinch to in I had condition. A low due: oi Your 'I"u, the gnu gunn- lood cough euro. roliovu Mm "grip" and locate: the wag. In owo days the pauono in w u. on o m. to day. Bald by .11 3 drnazlnln. uwilll.-UH. HDIIIIIIIIIXI. II llllvii youuday. noogutubtod Inau-motor Ouoy on hhono Ignition and good nude of Na bpnd. '1' colon! was vary mound In his mnuh yntordny. The bind burn- od out In good numbers and rally daun- ed the palm they rooclvod. In ____ ____ ..,. - I non-ad lno- urn '~.... & 'A'.':.,% pl Nuvilu e il_ uvarhllioc so an sun. at xhunoud. u. cramps. pain: In his luck and lids. hun - go. do. We bu-my command II. r__._ .,_._.. oongnlulnud no land. Llouh.-0:1. Ilonthunct. at lnlpcoiiou vutuday. nountulohd Inakneinr nun ' Inn-at u Yuk" at IZEOI. `un- Iu. I03. .I_i_arriot} Co. Trouble About Inna; Bulls. . .1 AL. ...--I.- I- nL1--._- :_ L. (I-ouohn`o.4 `I . ._.'___.i L_'w,, horn than Bola: loudbnggod nary-in -0.1. l.gI- - -I_A_L -A Illa lngllnh Clothing, I wh n-an I'.|`..L. I Oonunlbtlon IOIG. -I'\..l- I'IA_L , ,1 11` emu Wall Known lion. l1L___|,_ V.-ur -._.__._ ..._ II II lot IOIIOIDIO. . I -._-.l )n_-_._, , IIIMII mun upqjltt Ihclruolu . _ 1 knugoollho yr 910900 he ITIIIIIW _XIIlUl hlii C ['1' nuueuml olnurloioy. bu panda .: l.iQ&II, not high hum npl; ha I. nun... an A... .1 Juli. hugs. Wovu! Wire Camp Bed. IIW lnopvunnvu runuvuu vuu II IIII|xI"' untolonnl this In lnlho Inch! penal at its community. In. J. W. POIII, who huhuoin lovYork lot lhqpsnhovcttulps tnlnlngqobool lorlnunn. Ioib n- pun! , ox-, Aninnnn can link honor: and` in _. _ __...._--.---___ one or use you nova or ooonuporuy nu... Indian -am. It 1. called "Tho on Exter[n|nator.&3:`...._ Hones nndthc qndolng ch or In also number for July 1. is :5 3: our S';'33l2.1`1?.L`.'${.'If.`E!$`.'f`.%"a'1'...`3 .nBob Bco d"! ' O I.I.:I`I2IlnI$IId:n y` y .._ unit. we - e--my moo` 3|"?5!- my ;':`. ."i.,-,`2",.t'.'..:..?.`.`.`.':.:. 3'.'.`.:'.f.s$."..'s."' rodo . nnuounndruunlnnvoobum ' . . md~{ :o_m__` wt, ,5, M, "U 'l'bl?ickIult no-an (3.. nylon` nilu inywo hours and fty-dglno niacin . =: Bub farm accldcnbon tho mud they would ban made much honor no. 3 lento: Bun. ol Ibo Ion ml sunny. uni In the Review of _ ontlogtowinguoolhickpn Oh who smaller cities of the skid wan. Fat` paoplo bun realised vlnt II inptr nniolnnmt this In inlhn mdgl nun-mm P or nunlon an pnoucnuy unmmua. The arm Matnolion of the Living Ago for Mo cannot. will be 3 story by "Nun," on at the but have at cootcnponty Imllnn Irhan. In In nnlln "Th. Old am In! moru gooa man All Inc IGI. J. Higgins. Prion Eriwnrd county. who spent some aims in tvbo Yukon. hurohnrn- ed. fully oonvincod than tlunia no phat lilo home. He, upon: that than 390 many out than yho would gladly roburn home it they hid the rhesus Empor9r_Williun bu Addod two oi - phnntg ho biI_ pouoqniooa. who and n Iheiuporinl panda. Ono of the duod- nnuagu of being so ompgror in than 3 inn : oprurbuniuios for making I circus oi himuoi pnohicnlly unlimited. Th: ngrinl numnnlinn nf n Living Ann uonley. mono. '- w Mn. Charla Smith, ol Jimoo, Ohio. wrihoo: I have and ovary remedy for nlck heudncho I could but of for the put fooon yuan, bun Cum : Limo Lint Pills did no mbn good than all the not. J. Himrlnl. Pa-Inna Exlinrd nnnnln, -ha mlawu I IIIII uao II psruyua. The can-out lune of `rho Flaming Sword. publlnhod an Ohloago. oonltlnl In article on "Cellular 000:! may in Can- ndn. by M. 8. Burnout, w lob originally nppeuod in the Whig. so which jonnnl lb is credited. N-.AL I7]..- I--_-- 1-- n_,_L_:n_ n , ll l'.'l'U(1lTuu North King loans for Brockvillo Sun- days 50,9 a.m.. and {or Roohubor II) 6:46 p m. Stunner Hero Iuvu Tuesday: and Thursdays At. 3p.m. monnocungnb Brighton with North King {or Roohonoor. J. P. Honley. agent. Mn. nhn-In Rman. Al 14...... nu- on lump! Oil) 00 uupomoa Vlbh. A. E. Ormlnooa, woman 0! the Goorgo Gnllu :.ompsny I woth. Oonnnoqno, wu United with a parulyoic otroko Saturday And Halo 0 orlhleslooodiaion. Mr. Or- miuton'I Ma aide in panlyud. Thu cnrnnl Inn: at Th. I'I.ma.... n'u.sv.".;-5 T nun DOW UWIIIII Ill AUONOQ. By their naolou on lab: stomach. Iivcr. nnd bowels. Miller : Worm Powdon cor- rect: nll snob Iroublu u luck of oppooibo. blllounnou. drovuinon, allow complex- ion. ebc. ; nloo to take. I `Do hluc Ant`: ll `I D nL_AX__ -.__I AAAA ~ 74 uuu. euc. ; moi to Ian. ( Au ohu oubor (LT. R. station and rub: - nun there In: bun no olooarioli hblng nl Inn suck when lightning In-no the III . Anoohor week will olnpu baton the coal oil lumpo can be ullpomod with. Ormllmn. Innnnnn nl Mm {lanya- lllllllll umporr "Roan Bonhour and Ho; Work" In on article by Ernst: Knnutfa in the Roviow oi Revlon. Reproduction: no given 9! several French nuimnl painters works now owned In America. II uuvurll nruucn Illlln: America. R1 hhnlr nnnn nan LI Whon u New York paper blond! wlulau Mt. Kipling. on his dopu-taro or Eng- land. a note complete recovery, " II shore nu:-antic him: no the uonhlcmuh dlnblod Mmpor? "R11 Bnnhnnr nnll I! Input" I. .- DIIUIIL Ohio! Bynn. (hmnoquo. rocolnd notion yum-day thno than young boy: mmod Honda:-Ion. Hondrio and Honld more lulu- ulnu from Klngooon and won Iuppoaod to be thorl. Wk... . \Y-_ v__|_ --..__ LL- VII - I - Jfnvo no sq Jun a prompt and poamvo lot nlok > udubo, bilionlnou. calml- pl on. pain in we side. and all Mn: IIOIINOI. Outer : Lmlo Llvu Pills. Ifry uhom. ` IVLIAI D_.- I` - - - - -- V ' ' Inn on or loroy nouo- war. Pooplo who are dobl loaned sud who lack energy so ulrunlo of overwork. euro and nnxloh wil rocovor uickly by n lllllvryo Oouponnd Iro:?Plllr. U 8 The name 0! Mn young Fronchmnn. dookhund on the Ihounor Porch, who dlod uh Brockvlo I day or own lg, wu Eloiu El). Mlohul. Hi: home in .0. n 'I\(.-main an nrucuvmo any own Elofu Michal. Hiaibomo Ina nzgt. Timobho, I Que. uuxou. no VII not much injured. Two moro drill: for the Mill: Inlmnlion have boon ordered for this week, one on Wognudny night and nnothor on Friday oi la. . G. Johnston, Duoronbo. hu boon op- poinbod oluk of tho Iovonbl: division court of Huhingacounby. in room oi E. J. Ed~ wnrdl, rooiguod. fl in the intention oi the mnnngon of tho Kingston hooiory will no place in the build- inz no oioobrio lighting punt. The engine will be 0! ion; hour Poanln who on rum n.n..a ...A -L-- I---- .. 7- --we-u--un -uu I'IIlIlI'll- VIII)` -_-, - Sondny. roturnlo Tuesday by Itounor Toronto. J. P. nnloy. ogooh. Yubordoy sloornoon nbonb (our o'clock a mu. boy toll of! I touch our on I`:-inoou moot. Ho urn not much Injurod. for oh. man. |..m.n.... umy so no noenulcr had room In; Yuhordly clhornoon Ahnnh lam mung you nnvolro road We are having n big uln for |lnrrill I 8 non Tonic and the 4"!` cough mixture. nLood`a drug coon. Only 83 to Roehulor nnd robnrn. Going returning Tuesday In nonmal- I: I0! uer OWII 3000. Info In no inch thing on an old nevu- popor: Ihooldeabono In print: contain: tomo- ehinq you havon'o road. Wn an In-aha . M. ..|. n._ n_--n-L` y now. :1. turns. The girl who can trim bun like I ll- linor hu too much uoighborhood popular- it for her own good. Inn In no nmh lhinu .. .. .14 ---- Icy I IIOOI Ilo. Home obhoru my be good, but witlnub doubt Miller : Compound Iron Pill: no obi bout. In in rank lolly 3o olicvo (Inf: lnarrhao Ab Bonovma yuurduy mu mam. Fletcher And Justin Kelly Inn nnniod by Rn. E. Harris. Th: nu :-I -54 n... 5.1. L-L- In - H. Cunningham. piano tuner from Ohnckorlngh. Ordou roodvod st IloAu- III'- A lot 0 In-unor in olrnnc up in from 01 tho an 0 Ihunblu ndvctmng uh. Km. non hlr. II l'\___x__L _ nun ya. "wanna. nanny. agent. Inbound vlnruul vlvuluy fallow sh; no oi Illa : Oonpunud Inn Pills. no othodlm ol Pitelbutg an holding a M t flank to Kingston MIMI to-day. E ` Btjou cleaning lnld In mill] at Island`: dug nan. Ho. pt , A don ol lulu : Worn Powders non- donally will hop thy uhdzcl hulthy. Tho Indian! summer union untim- tionuu Qun'I uulvouluy conoludod oo- uy. Thutunu Oolnmblua arrived back from Ozdcmburg shortly that nine o'clock lul night. A I-PIA uh-n--xg. I- -|..-__ __ :_ n__ . n ":',3"-1""~'rh ` Iona unto. Home A ....--':..--'-..:r no 0 in nu o 395- no mo bufvsluo we d nrlm. In-uunnonuuuuusu;.n,..u..,_ tion Bu. `Donna. Halo . L Inhaled that and .;.hI$'2.....- .5. 'W3'I i--U7- II---U-ZDYI M. . eomblnnuon o! the qulolutnovll 0043:: powerful lnuotlcklou known. and woe: uppllcttlolli an Inalolans to ondinlo all ofl pasta. 1 lnnlnlaanndht g:?a'omo:1.v:"tmna ` . . It. IR Juno 1:37 A. utndnn and an it St Ilvn.-I|o-n____A'. on. .o\.__,_ A, n-.,, *,-A Tllvwordu 1- mad" `cut 1 Ptirzty sud ...".n2"A {. mark are standard and warranted [or lnnnhlr anhnn nil ZPUIIGM1 nu..`.' Exterminator-w. - - of anlninntndlna and 32.1: HID lIOII$W|lU'I llffll V333 There in lots of wood that is not good re wood. We select the best and de- liver the beat. They lay our wood burns better and lasts longer. Try some. `J 'BO0TH.& co. Foot of West Wood To Burn. . _ _-q:'- -' 56-57 Bu-not Strut. TELEPHONE I09. O\G`\`OO4I\Qv`UVU gpm : QUALITY. g QUANTITY. Always luglt. S non O. 1.. In the coal end wood buuiueee` simply because we give good input weight end meeeure end up I `lithe beet gredee of ooel and bed; We ere` pretty mire ilefwo deserve your patronage. n'.'.15~"" I1?` ----:----:2--.ij l'ulnu-r No. .`II. TIN Inlay u Whtn vaur lumhulnr Ivh Also Wood. Llmo .-. no. .u. um uluy Auwnyn orlou loadut your bachelor mend taken to: run you. V _.. vvwy -uuuu anvd Lath P. WALSH, 55.57 R nun-uni -Oh-A0 The houaekeepeu bent fuel. Swift's` V. Scranton` Coal always givo bi =. MS. SWIFT & C0. z-:"'n" o"'z '1'X ";dlrect train I"l')IJ * 7 III luyn orlou Imadqn, Tlaml lnknu IA: -uL sly. A general; `ooh or nu hlull nn.. -; on -I : ll IIIJIITII1 WNIK 0| onhlud. Why who .w0oI onnonth. ilcvcuss. -_`--w- V - 1 'roN STREET. I LRPSNT. 'l`l\`l t\Il\I'| vs vs: `J0 I o l\' c\ation to 1!, _ ,.,. '7 A road ttibivdii Infmot. 2:-5-- *I'@IllIUOIUlI.QIIOIUllI 5 '|'IIIl.l_'!`'. "`... | u.h""_"-. 1'.'..'.".J.';.' III III llIjlUI III VIIICI I pUI'zIUIV. uudicinoh onllod for Dr. Hamilton`: Pills Ilny in I! W?! Ithly and udnfwtlon. Tboyounho hhlnlih bythunondolh utopuuncgjnlld at by the o&oog.u they contain noithu ulna-all not undo or dol_ouriou_nulutaneu; their use any In lugualoyul without the ponllbilloy ol ullnihnprany of chain units no In- quqnly ultndiog tho In of pills connin- II[ that; nbocnou. Hnnillolfu Pill; III an and mild. you Sold by.` ti and dad: in and On H ` T . IIIIIIIGIIIU. DIII HQ GIIIIIKIIIK DUO CPOOQ. Ru Portage has been in ext-stance for muiy yearn, `bub only within the pun Iwuln you: In: in reached the lmporttooo of I town. In in u buy pluoo at about 6 000 or 7,000 population. In in tho but of Iupplla for All tho Rainy Rivet diuiaricb. To-non-ow In go out upon the Lake of tho Woods. nboundlng In inlmdu. laid to rlvll the Thousand ielnnda. Agood um thorny --n Imn-~onyI the nulnllur ol inlnndn villus 15,000. Alutlhooonntry hubunoxpiondlt in pa-opoaodhohkoa run in Wlnninnn. Th: nnlnnnnw I: warn nappy; IIII (I'D! II Ilrloln. IIIIIO DBO Oll- hthinnont in sll tint on be doIixod.-E. = Staiberries, > from the [ Growers. Ilnlllonh Balsamic Plus pro llolonl. ' ` Illdnld Vontnhu. In All dinuu In which I purgnivo madicinoh Hnmmnnh Pm- IIIIZIIIXPWIITIIII II mwj run to Winnipeg. The con yin very happy; the cnnoin bracing. 1! lo the hnrlninnlnnl in All than Ann ln .I..i..a _I'. TIT; .-V ,` lrlpuruyl IIIIIIII ulurl IIII Inna II I}! `C unto; tho land ll oully cultlntod. he grant no luxnrlnnt and cumin thrive upon lt. We found no delightful meadows u-nuylnlrontonutorhonnox. B.E Aylu- wortb.M P. P.. of I.onnox._ln his uddrou at Port Wllllun upoko plowlngly of the sol tlomont. Tho loglnlnton uro gonurully convluood thnt` luornu nun yield good lnndu, nnd the doc ntlono ol many settlers from Ihottorn portion: ol the provinou no moot encouraging. Th urn lull of hopes: to the future. In t in country daylight Into longer thnn In Kingston, oonucquoutly vugotntiou is rapid. At 9:30 .111. It In at light here u ub7p.In. no one. The Inn in busy nlcurlng uny bho mints no 4 mm. Struwborry blouomt are in bloom. nod ut Blah rlvurwo roliuhod tuba box-rlel equal touuyulliug from Wood- row : gurdouu. rum, howover, is not nhundnnt. tho fronts dumuglng the trans. RI! Portuuru bu bean in nrluhnnna fnr Iuu npouuu upon. Ion Williun in 5 thriving born; its bulnuo henna no nubutanml, it: real- damn nut pad oomnodlou. Hero to onlninoti tho [rub clusters of the O. P. R. Ono oi than in on tho steel tank principle. Inch II who :0 En! ptopoud for the Iloooru propoy. Thin uyotom in not an noctu- hi on oxpooeod. I not tho roprountativo of Rwhudnon Brut, G. G. Oobpor, I thir- riog huiuun mm. H0 in looking for Oh: oohouietioo oi indopoodonll olouton oilhot at For! Wiliiun or Port Arthur. Houuhlnl In oooonnhud AI Ion Wil- llnnmgtuountinoio uding tho town. Mount lucky in 1.] high and in a rocky oioniion. Upon in top it Loch Lomond. 3 Into similar to that at Glonon. u IOIIPOOII cqully u unkno an thol oi Prlnoo Idiom : curiosity. and tho monnioinn an Inn ngrionituui loo On Tooldoy u Inga pony drove 00 r`: fun in the Blue river voila . II Inn on iinonimnucnnboiound In tho Ioulod portion of Onhrlo. The hnda. buildings and crapnnn n revolution to the oom- pnny--inoind|og many In-man. Thoy bod not nniioipntod lacing such 4 plooc. Ilr. Pipor up Ihnhe clan the loud at 83 Inn Ann: hhn km! in mail: nnlhlnnhnll --~~ M- Wjl UliIH'IU.WI'a ET. Ill`. INKC IF urlou point: 01 himtol! M invar- i tho build 03 of trunk roads i township to township with obtu- rotdt nth nootnitloo nquiro. He also {non any aoat Inch u the one at Bpllnvillo. when pronpooton on: have their oruonminod sod thoir ulna do~ clued. 110 also born to have mining Iohooln intMtutod- n the meantime ha nntioipntul that tin Kinglton and otbot about will put nvonl hundred man into the laid and the roots critically euminod and to tad upon. rnlhgillinm In I hhrivlmr hnwn- Th- %B;liZLIA%RbS. P001, ' .0P'Nl3.RON BICYCLES, . 1 AiR.:10P.| IT. Thowholo country sboundl with null lake: and man. which crop up on all Ildu. The unit: have laid tholt olsiuu In opooilo tonal before who gout-uncut. Tho not made to an uncut polnu. roOI|oIunoh this out! Ibuool tho nvoou than out of tho harlot should In mama! to than my Iuvo largo nutln. but my on wulln that improve- nuum Vnhould be [min but of 1 par- unonb ohnnchr. Hon. Mr. Ron at -nun-A nah`). no-u-on-AA |ul--.Il .- I--.._ &Il'llIlImIlI. CIIIIIIIIIVIO 073' E0 PIC` of Algonn. Drydon lo thin-can milu lulu! and in In bhooootro olroc agricultural ocntn. The oxpuiuuonl bun. Innlltubod by the minister at ugrienh tuto,blocM.od no this point and In well oonduotod. Tho crops mull oxcollout. `llydon bu an lnutang lnlun bolero or Iva-p. nun umppun muuu urea 5 ulna Md Ionublod tor unr oolnn. W In a mining noun. la in In Hum lnhluting punt. About two In old. It 1:13,: popot. tho But. do and by It. Innby. and I: quit: nndnblo. `rho papcr wan louitahd nix nah am the "town In: nu-sod. The owner in 3 btighb Engllohnnu. ouuhuiuolo our the proc- noon at Alnonn. Drvdon In milu --- -vov-- uvwvug so - . vlalouol po|nt'nd In lu:;od-.03 : vnIIk;y I10! . I ' Ippowo Idllnnllrod :1-cg Anpll Int Illvnr nnlnn, WAT Il-I--t'u tinny Iowa of Ian IIIIhn-tIoInu lb- vucnu no 0 2.3. in Ponual. Oat. Juno ll.--We nuhd than analog town this ovals; nlntllllldnyrilo a ho 0.P.B. hon an: Walmn. in mind bud all day. ` M9 in nlicvod by ollnunno. IO. Ignace. Wnllgion and don. when udtunu nu uodoud to. `limp It not out loullunl I In in nation mm-ad. no otity at tho tu- rliotyliwildlaodeovu wllllhckpiu mil Iooond porch. II. {gun It I di- point and loonnd on a uuhoy an nun-n, K-ihlnnn-1 lnllhntnri A Acnnhunopuun. nnclnlm. ` ` L. 32': `I59 Iiltanonbod Itch it In "Auburn" ll. A. ABERNETHY 1271?nmunsa EDI; Tbooounty pony oommmounu - tudny In con; who npnin |honld .b.o donor! on court home. It won dccldod Io [huh 0 low change: in she jndph. Iho riEunndolcrt I ooao. non particu- larly In tho mun Tho India of tin building {I badly In mood of painting. but only 3 onlllporou oflhh villiodonosf The grI_uO&InQ'I..w_ill ho undo in con- ihh go nooylou supply. . Undorlho mph Qylbu. whom; an ollloo quin- I. lit ulna Hllonuhonl Iln when. Welland Canal Report Pom D.u.nousu:, Oub.. J nos 26 --Pun- ad up: Shulmr H. R. Junonlonwogo no Glliago. cool; Ihosmet "`BmnockIIuru, Kingston to Ohiongo. light; barge Minno- dcm. Kilwton to Chicago. light: lingo D anon. Kingthou Io Ohimqo. light. In: Boboonu B. H. Dunn, Tolodo to Kingston, timber. pnn-Iv f`nv.nnnuu _'nnA on T\.__. W llllglwll, IIUDOI . Pour Couaonxn. Juno 96.-Down: Shulllpr BB. Andnwl. Fort William to Klngnton. when. `concur-nu Iolnvo an A: no Donn nuguuunng [or we pllronlllo or one noncon- or Burton. which WI! dunngod no the hosiery mill dock lpu lull. The schooner Burton has been lying no the Ipilo dock out since. Illll Illlnllllll PGIMIIVQIL The bug Walker lnd hbla morning been rnleod on oho onrrisge of take M31`. com- ny'l merino rnilwny. There in little 0! be hug Info. The euenmcr Colnmbien made the run of eevonby-bwo miles no Ogdonnlmrg yester- dny in four hour: and hhreoqunrhen. in- cluding ehoppngeo eh river porno. The hm: Rrnnmn hm-U hnnn nnnl-Iv nninn. omumg uwpplgu nu rlvor porno. Tho hug Bromon but` been nu:-ly pump- Cd OI III`) night: and $118 hug II_|%_5-Hg ggg to pull aha wreck from its grogndod posi- tion only Iihla mornlng. In who expeotaod bhnb-the (mg: would be hero this after- noon. WMIHGAPEEY, DOUB- Junu Oliver. of mo Ichoonar Pilot, in negotiating for the purchase of the nchoon- nr Burton- think in: rhmga-I .9. n.. wluu tour grnludnucn. The euazunere Algerian end Hemillson will be here this evening from Montreal end Hunllbon respectively. Thl III!!! Walker hul Mill mnrnlnn hnnn 303` Inc UOYHWIII. The tag Thomson srrivod from Montreal with eight: light hargoa Ind cleared ho-day with four gnln-lsdon. Th: nhnrunnn Akin!-Inn gnd Il ....:lIm.. uuyu nu urugu wnnn uu mgnn. The Ihounor Bpuho puood down this mocnlug. and the Ilzounor Golnmbinn up this nlutnoon. Tbdaunmu Oolumblnn goes so Nlngun on Thnndny to bring troop: back no Proa- coto and Oormnll. ML- s.... ll1I..._-.... --.:_-.I 1.... u __._-_n win In rnupmng In lIn(|toII no at mun Pohco. Tho Ioboooot Mlry Ann Lydon olonnd tub night. The Iohoooor Flnohwlng clurod Int 1:! In for Oungo. be shown Alberto, lrom Ootun, din- ohnrgod a cargo of bu-dvnro. Th: lnhnnunr Tnhinh nrrivn nu R-Ht. - I)-any WIHI UKI "Om UIWOI0. Tho Itouma Aloxnudrin. from Ohnrlotte, called At Craig : wharf lull night. The Ingmar Bnnhn nuuui rln-n thin onnrgiu I ougo 0`! narawno. Th schooner Fnbioh arrived uh Swift : to-dty with coal {ram Ouwogo. TIII llln Alnvnnrlrin [mm mnnllnln noun one nun llllfilll or an anon hero. Ohulu Cummings. of Wol o Inland, was the Iunpln. and nobody dilputod his doci- nlonl. IBl'lII IIIIW DIII III VIII. Although aha game was udvertiud be than :0 hull-pub (mo, in was I quarto: to four what: It oounnonood. Many complain about the Inc loaning 0! all here. Chnlm CuInmln1n_ nl Wnl A Inlgnd un- mun wuu IIIIIII line on: 1000!] I'll). Lamont. who played uoond hue nod nloo utobor during who lnboorput ol bbo gum. in the III!!! Roddy" with whom Alo Ploroo ulunyn qunnllod when Queen : and `Ynraihy loobball bum played, and when than rival nnuooh BIDO bo- gohhcr. "Roddy" in A vuy good bull playonaod Inn the non popnlu plsyor on uboold with tho upocoanou. 'Vnnnv mnld Inn Inmnd q lnnhlnll UIC IIUIQ WIDE IIII Ipoomnou. "Vunny could lnvo bsoood I football bother than I huohnll. Sullivan cmld utrlh than out no will. Llhluunn-In ah- .--....- _-- _.l___L:-_.l m- 123466789 Toll] 'Vsru| . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 00U00l000 l Klngnton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I8IH3uI0x 10 . Bunch onb-Bul|iun. I2; Gloulord. 3. Errol-I--K|ngI0on. 6; VqniIy l0. Hl|a--KInguoo. 6; 'v-um. 3. McDonald. `Val-slay`: thorn-ut.op,wu bho mm who undo the out lonely run. Lunonh. who nlnvld nnnnd Inn. and -uuulg. I. I. Tho iirot lnniogo ohowod 'Vorolty'o wonk- nou. out! four runs wore Ioorod by King- oton. Tho homo boom ployod to tho ond oi tho lth inoiugo whon ilicoon runo bod boon ooontl. oud thou oottlod down into o In] pit. `Vanity would hovo not Ioorod ot oil had not "Choueot" Elliott prooontod thorn with o run. b throwing wildly to Iooond bozo whoa t throw woo not ro- qoirod. Thoro woro no iootnroo about the whole gum. And tho crowd who uquiot on o ohnroh oongrogulou. Kingnon did oono vory hoovy hntting ot timoo. and two- woro quito iteqnout. The oooro by inoiogo woo : In*)Axn-ran ow-..n-:, r.| suuuuoru. p. Kingston--'l`ntmlo. r. ; Robinson. 0.3.: Bulhnn. p ; Elliott.` ; Dohonoy. 21).; Union. 0.! ; E. Bulllnn. 1b.; Onion. 3b.; Kdhln. I I. II , VI IDUIU IKIIQII -1'3 I'll` touxx than oanpoud : F.` Wndty-Pouloolo. 2b.; McDonald. 0.1.; Malacca 85.: Obrlutnu. 0.! : Sinclair. lb-: HoKAy, c; Bhnbboo, 1.1; Inmoub, Ll ;Glu|ford. p. KInDIf.on--Tnhtiln, r I 2 Rnhinuu. n n . u_p_IIIII IIIIII Int [II Illpply. Undo! Ibo Input .hq.Il-opt . Ullwhout unwhou Min n':ln1 .Iodqqlb|tlno nun Iuuuuuululiivlxl I any`: BOND. Vuul,ty should numb at homo until they snoblolo Into a that! udnotdln tho of their looull zgunplu. The hunt 0&0 than ozunnnnd 2 yw uupu DI! UKIIII D3. QIQFI turnouts lnrbofht him than tho on which won buoya- `l'onoIo,n Iogndynudoou douoon sang`: notion. V II nllouldnmdnnhnmn nnlllhhnu I-W II-1 -IIIIIIA ,uvl'yIvuro Inoy now I bu olruok thou. Q33 ; turn an I In both: him nu... Mn won, v--`.3... Qua money. Iluryjvulllurvta llIII.liV3 but ' J an `vim lb; ll H. AI`` n(!n?ndn:: "7' WT 5. T`I V m ..`...--.........`;_-__;g,:-'a`*',_.;Ej .3: 0| Lib ' Aubundol nbolnaingo ) IIllKl@hu:anouIol&o'=:;`li:: vu dunno lthlghpaguu, bun -nun.-..n - -' *~ 3; luau in u u.n-vIn5-ordain! nh-n-g CHANGED BEING MADE. MARINE INT ELLIOENOE. W A; ` " ' . can 3 A la :- '_ h -hrlayl