Anlnpwhnlsppolohontjulludoby thodouiniou gavunncuthhualh-on 0.JuIliu. Tuonto. u onnnhdour to Paris luiho vtld uLxpou'tionoll9(l). W. IeNanto..ol Rudy`: dryjoodu uuniuuauano hicrwuvlihilluunl Pfllh Ihe Th0uuI;l! Fina! ($nlfer-I bulmvo I can lonm mouoy getting out I 01: diolitznnry. Qnnnn llnlfnl-_Y}nn' (`n I vc ulu. Thnt which John had seen and with ` his own hands handled of the word of life could never be to uny other person just what it was to him. A preacher who put: hiimulf into his us.-rumn in as readily lot-ctvd in his sermon as any` who-re ui.~<~.. Even his nppruhcnsinn of truth. hi. wnyoflunkiugut. it.hn1 fu~`h- inn nf Ivhvuring it, in uli hin nwu. Let us n-pa-at it. Ilia Hfllill will be "signed all ovcr."-Homil-tin Review. wlllf II n Slgnnlurel Wlmn Uomstuble was requested to put his signature to oue of his pictures. he answered, Why, my dear air. it in aiguml all over. " Let the preacher pre- surve his personality. and his sermon uluu will be signed all over." A unm- berof Tliaukeray u pen and ink sketchel were sold not long since in London, and, although they bore no monogram or signature. no one disputed their new uiueness A true preacher also cannot be bid. ,-,,n.-_L `I_L_ | u, yl|nuAJluAn 1-n. (mu can forgive the woman who. ` gazing at Home renaissance lace, blund- ` ly remarks, "Ab, that in tho 'R9DHy- aunt, " but for the girl who uuaidunurr Iy studies French uud murderu English mvnuwbile, as Macbeth murdered nlcnp, thoro mrmun no possible exouie.-BulH- more News. uumn. Au vvunu nuun. uuuuuly UIIHUU United Status American English" be my ueglucted for the no culled accom- plishmuutn? lino nun In:-nhua oh- ...n..`.... ....|.,. I UlIl_Y ununlubuu QU- (Jumment in unnecessary, but one feels like asking, Is this a sign 0! the times? Is what Mme. Buttery called nnitnd Qlntnn Arnurinqn lTm.H.k" nu. `IIHCII Ill IILIIILIILUU UUUVUIIIHIAHHI. What (in you think I done today. Clnru?" said one. "I ununlared -IO page-a of French exoroinu. Warm ! that ue?" nun..- II , 1: AI ,.u ..w .._-v nu-nu-ru r lI`IllJIIo Four young woman were walking to` gather on Ubarles urns: wdny and en- gaged in uniruated conversation. --mu... .l.. ...\.. 4L..`..l. I 1...... .,.|___ nun Fiue." laid the other, "I Ihould say it was. I wish I had done as good. I only tranaluted 20. " ._.__-... ihlllla quolatlu auu IOU. So It the tail end of the crou exam- ination I paused, an if atruck by an aft- erthought, and said, `You are a stack- builtier, I believe? `Yes, air,` replied the witness. `Well, Iir.'I continued, `about how high can you build'-- I never got any further. A swift, inscru- table change ashed over the Herman's faoo, and he rose excitedly from his chair. `As high an der sky l he roared. `So high dose angels come around it Ilku birds! `'In five second: he was raving. You zoo. the man was a mouomnniac-nane on every subject but one, and my friend happened to know his weak spot. It in hnnlly necessary to any that his evie deuce in regard to the homicide wna promptly ruled out by the judge, and as there was no other Witness 0! impor- tance my man was cleared. The moon] ahould have been hanged and would have been but for the lanky reference to the stnok."-New Orleans Timon- Democrat. _ Jackal lo `lo-none` AI Indy ; uunuc Lu: II III` uuuuuuy. The old {allow wan perfectly honest and gave bl: evldenoo lu Inch 3 clear, straightforward manner that I felt my client was doomed unlasul could think of some way to break him down. Whlle I was cudgeling my brain: a friend whispered to me (0 null him how high he could bulld a nauk. `What do you mean?` I asked, lu Iurprlau. `Never unud,' Mild my frlsnd. `Just lllp in that question and me. Hun .o .5... o..ll .....| -5 an... .._._-- ..____ How llll Plane of Lunley Wu D00 vclopcl Du-Inc I Trlnl. "The: cell: to mind A queer experi- ence of my own," and I lawyer who had listened to 3 story. some year: :50 I defended 3 follow for murder in I lime southern town. and the worst wit- ueu we had nguurc us we: an old Ger- mau who wen u eluckbuilder by trade. A stuck, by the way. in merely another name for a big cblmuey. 'Fhn nit` lnllnuv In-n n.-lgnol-u hnnnnh treatment. we will send a course of re edies and appliance for a free trial of re onabie time to any man whose sexual vigor is gone or is going. Not a dollar to be paid the trial. N ORDER to show our implicit faith i our -2 if it is satisfactory then we are to paid. if unsatisfactory. send the outfit back at our expense. New medical book on request by mail. plain sealed. without charge. A MONOMAN IACAL WITNESS. ERIE FIEDICAL C0., 64.554331 : _St., Buffalo. N. Y. conld make cheap so]! I Can. Michal Annoohcff. Lb; diItinmn'Ih- rd Rnuion engineer _v(_bo constructed the Tnoooupian niluny. in}: Died at uyrlcnoo, N.Y. S\n.\-'rr~aI, N.Y , Jun. 2.`! --Goo. Fro- deric W. Pu-uidgo died yontotdny. aged annoy-u yous. Ho Inc in both the Mexican and cm ! Inn, sud eoolnl gooonl co Bnngkok. Siam. nooks Ilom strong. MnN1nw., Jun. 23.-Tbo Iocnl ncook Innrho In: the some of nounidonblo ox citomonb today on account 0! tho heavy crnding ol the Ilywnrd tendency of the loading atockl. Toronto rnilrond took 5 prominent: place nod Although the ulna amounted on 2,`.. U6 shun, the prince bold voty wondy opening nu H3}; [or n conplo of "null Inn 114 was noncbod huh at the clan prices Inagod back to 113.". one time u Sat.nrdAy n clot inn price. over 7000 chum ol Montreal gu worn cold and the price wont up lonr ponnla our Sntnrdny. In wu tho bvggon day in 3 int or more and our 10.000 about cbnogod bnndo. -_j_.jj $999 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 909999: wlru no nnu mu] rocoverod. The no {fewer In: June: Hodge, I lum- er of Waucouib-. Elder E W. Crofn, of Fond du Lac. prooidant of the Wisconsin conhnnnco of bbo lather dny ninht. pound oil upon tho nick mun : body and amend the accompanying prayers at in the duyu ol the old toatunonb. U\I|U. A Mormon older nnoi rod with oil I young mun who us: in 0. .o IMO stage: 0! pneumonia. Within two hours the Qnainn an out: of danger. Ind Izwalvo hour: I r- wnrd ho had lull] rocoverod. Tho Iuffnmr In Jlmnn min. . nun. cu no lU_VIIDy. lb was Emil Snnor, the grammar: living pianisb, who won from crmcnl Now \urk Man onhbualatm than has nob been witmeuud I-nno aha dnvn nl Rubenatonn. And hn deserved it: sll. Tboecone nbtbls clo-ow -uld beggar a dnctiahnry of its Id_]0CllVCI. There was cheering. mon nnd wo men waved lI"lll(`lkfCbll*.(Cll`l8, cane: and lmml, cheering brought: tho plnni-b bowing. and bnppy bocba front ol the stage. lb was! lllto I page of Wanner up_(rn, with all in favor nnd cumulllnive entzhuniasm an the cm]. Souor. seeing` no open 0, armubly cor`-en-ted bo play twiro_ the rah an unfsmlliu pwco. poulbly gin own capricious I-tudy. lull of breezy in r murn. His xuullile linhhnnn nl -rm uwu uupncmua I-Luuy, Hill 0! breezy Int)! exquisite linbnneu of wrinb made every tone like A tiny ball. A lull- ing mug and the vast: nudlonco rolncbantly lelo bhe opera house. U ._V.....v.. -uuuu --uni: UIUI Fmu M L xv. Jan. `:3 --Tbo wonderful rocovzry 0! Mrs. Lydia Piatb lrom I vpinnl disuse of bwenby yous sbnnding, conubnnb prayer being bba mono: employed. cnnood comment: lhrouszhoub the ccuucy, and now come: the story 0! another romuhblo cure. ` .u.u |'lIl\.|I|l`||iIl \| |Il|l'l. The Mebropolibm open house wan.- ed one of the moat: tenntional occnol Ill its hiuoory bbrough the magic of one mun. A huge naembly lingered long alher the regular progrnuuue wu ninhod--|ingored and rein-ed no go until thavirlumo made more music and than stayed on Do do the new comer a homage bhab is hardly acoc r-.l- ed bo roynloy. In win: Fmil Rnnnr I>~Ln .y...-o--. I;..;. .. unul IKIIHUU ma Will A. H. Arnold, of Kunna Ciby, ruched Chnbunbun lash nighb and After I comult>a- tion with (iilloth behind closed doors do- parted for the city of Mexico. where it: in nuppoaod ho wouo to confer with pronidont Dirz to endeavor bo oifccb the extradition of the fugitive. (ihnrlnv Hunt: Inlnl-not-I ha... I( .... ...(";n.. VI LIIU IUKIUIVU. Ubnrley Huub returned from Km-uCiLy Thursday night: and smbod soon shot him uriul that rxrtuulmbory nrrnugomenls had been made with 1.'nHoLb s creditors. and than the fugibive would return to bhe wales by February lab. New \ urk Mu nu 1. pnugu Innn pumunnun. MEX . lI{(! I Bhoritf Joseph Reed, Wicmba, an . and F. W. Patty. a Kansas banker, Ire hero to bnkaranb U. lhllebh back no the Umtod Staten. Uillotb eenb lot the United Santos consul u noon so be lenrnad man the aber- ilf intended bnkin him inco cuabody. A conaulbation was eld. am from I that could be lesrned (lillotb cannot) be taken back uzninlt Ina ml] A H A....~.M no 11-..--- ms- __.-L-~I IU III" I III!` UIPI, 82 regular. Bale prloe. SI 35 8 Choice Natural Oppoeum Math, 83 regular. Sale price. $l 65 3 Ladiee Black Gooey Muff: [very choice). 82 26 regular. Sale price, $l 40 4 Alaeka Sable Ruffe. Extra vnlue no 84. Sale price, $2 90 l Alaeha Sable Muff, Obeap an IIU. Sale price. $7 50 4 Greenland Seal Storm Collars, 85 regular. Sale price. $3.85 2 Grey Lamb Sborm Collars, 85 regular. Sale price, $3 75 I Pair Ladmt Anorachan (h unnleoe, 85 regular. Sale price. $3.50 I Ladies` Coon Jacks`. (up-bo dale) Worth 835. Bnle price. $26 More to follow. Oome early and secure a bargain. GRANT GILLETT RUN TO EARTH. Iuglllve Onttlo lllng In llcllro WIII Not lint-nun E1. }`..~m, Tenn, Jun. 23 A opccinl don patch lrmn Clnhusbun. Mex uv Hhnrifflnnnnh Rnnrl \Mi.o..o\. -- --A 1 uuwny 114 u The members ol D`-aeronbo public school board met _on Wodneudny and organ-zad by olocbmg A A Rnclmrdnon obmrmnu and W. J. Mnlloy uecreonry. E. J Ed curds was to eloctod no roprooono tho bonrd on obo high school board and E. Ar- Lhur Rixon Ina also Io-elected I member of the public librnry bond. gruuuuu 0! incl 0! properly quuhuonuou. Pcber R.uhobt9- \r.. Hunlorlurd. ngod ninoty yearn, died on the l7wh mob He had been mlmg for tho pub seventeen yurl. bub_'wu ab]!-['0 be around until [our town ago. uince wbnch ovme he hu been onnnod 00 mo bouu. Be an only In bed eiuoo Tuoodny 1m 0 Thu lnnrnhnrn nl 1|..--nnom n..b.I;. unuvuvl UI uuuu nuyol, UODUTODOD. A proton: bu been ouooud against: the olecmon of onunty councnllnr Abnm Huyck. of No 3 division, Prince Edward onunby. by A G McDonald, on the ground: 0! luck 0! quuhontion. Ruhobte. Ir. Hunnnrlnrd, nunrl uua Ina nocrvy. Timothy Hnyca. Tyondimgn, died [on Szsturduy, aged uxry eigho youn. Ho had been ailing from In gnppo bub wu only -enouply nll for seven [mun Ho Inc I brother 0! John Hayes. Dot-uroubo. DIOLQID hAl hnnn nnhnrntl Auvginnh EMA u.Illll1lJI|'I DI llllOl' 16030. Mr. and Mn. William Drmmny. Maryl- villo. both died on the 13.1: and lam no opootively from pneumomn. Tho buabnmfo ago wu mxby vo Ind the wile : ago my- ux yun. Jnhn R l(.o.m..... ..I..|. .1 n.- u..a.... Iu yolrl. John R. Kotoboun, clerk cl the Ihdoc township council, bu rec-umd. ulcer ny you: 0! oontluuou mum:-np.I uorvico. B0 Is now oiubly out years 0! ago and In mu hnlo and bocrby. Timothv Hnvnn Tvnndlnnan (`Had Inn uuu IWIIIIDIIIC. Hugh Monnghnn. Hilllu. dlod on Tues- d-y. aged uvonty-ve yous. B0 was no Onngemnnor you: one of the loading mambcn 0! Hilllor lodge. Ind Mrl. WiIIiAm I):-nnunw Mn:-in. ciao. Mills& C0,, l7I wn-.r l.l\n.vrnu urrnvn-tr Inn 0! the lvnnrlot Oondouod from `(In ` Olly : Ixoannaoo. Min Mu-y Luhv. Tyoodlnugo, diod on Woduudny. Ln grlppo wn tho onoo cl dumb. Michal Kano, Psoton. won ill fur 3` long time. did on Jnnuuy 17th. ogodl Ionnby-nina you-I. 1 An outbreak nl ninhnh-pa . -39. II` 11.4, ` wuuu ugo. nun nu nun gunlng newly. 8. Russell. M.P P.. Euo Hublngn. wlll movo one add:-on in reply to the npooch Iron: tho throne M: the coming mowing 0! the logiolnburo. Hh Mnnnahnn Hilllnr Rind nn Tuna. "VUUlI"llIllU ICU. oubbrut 0! diphtheria won 0! nenvnllo in reported. Two sdulbn been proalntod by tho dunno. fl. Frnmn nnulni nnatl n uuuu pruurllid 0] I00 GIOOIII. Mn. W. R. Freon. Huvloy, ngod Jill]- Ionr yun.wu ovrichoo with panlyuin two week: ago. 8110 bu bun gaining nlowly. Rnnall. M.P P . Eun Hnnhinam Illl Mormon lldor llo I Ilol . I _ 1. ...\ -.. Bnucr n Atnorlnnn Triumph. urlc \lI1~l:-nl ('..mI.-.~ osayuno} our-cu. II I 1, , nibed -5 oh. .I... HU- hlvo F. NlSBET.?_! We have junta commenced I solo of Fun --rich. up no-dale, luhioublo Fun--thno cannon ml no oruoo a big notation and annual: bu - n from all over bho city And county. ore no 1 luv 0! who many Bnriklng Bargain: (or Thursdny And lol- lowlng dnyuz IIX Ilg..|_ I`... IV... p;:,";*5;f \ - . Special lines at lc to 150 yard. Buyars wonder how we all them at such I low figure for such dainty work. I"I"AY\' Y` T_\Y"\A"|"I`III`|vDlV sTA1>LTf5 T1)_T1;1>/\ITzi`1(4L5%1J%T. Not many left but fairly well assorted in sizes and dolora. $6 Mantle: for $4, $5 Msntles for $8.83, 3!) Mantles for $0. I"YI\ /(\l\I'(` All reduced to less than wholesale prices. (}I.( )VIiS- A Woman's Iiingwood Gloves 26c, for 150 pair. Black and Colored Kid Gloves, some odd lines and makes. regular 60c and 750, reduced to 260 pair. 1.`R/I '[)Y)l'\YY\IT I) YT".(` Starr & Sutclie, We have arranged this climax period of the january Sale so that it would be hard to say any one counter was offering greater values than the others. Everything in Winter Goods is now as low as it will go. The drifts of White Underwear challenge com- parison by selling at the price you'll pay for thelrymatcr-J ials, Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, limbroiderics, Wool Underwear, Millinery, Matles, Dress Trimming Departments are all sparkling with chances to save money. `MIl.I.INl-2R\n;- /`\ Pretty and Sty|i;h Sula? Hats at 25c and 600, worth 500 to $1.26 each. ltig It Stylen in Walking Hats with deep Satin Band rtplar 81 and 01.26, `Jul 00, V` 1iMII{OIDIl{IES+ 1713 R'G0<>DS-l .-...... .--_,c. 10 Mon . Fur Cups, 32 rounlnr YM}\Nl`I.IS- Opportunjfies Do not r sk life and hcnllh by experimenting with other medl- cincs, and do On! take a sub.m'tute-uhey are worse tbln unolnn. See that the full name Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pqlo People." in on every package. If your deaier h as not got them they will bl lent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 02.50, by addrnsio; the Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brockville. Ont. nuu nu vuua ynuauuuuuu nu: Luu annual IIICVIIIDIO [Quill- There is only one medicine that can promptly and eeclivoly ro- store you to sound health. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills will drive every trace of the poisonous germs from your system ; they build up and enrich tne blood and strengthen the nerves. jj ;:- DAIRY BOOKS. - uvuu-uua Luiuuguuut uuulua ullc SUIWIBG l|'0l!l II `I ! CUT` ing the past few weeks and thousands of others no Itlll ltl otlme. Grippe is a treacherous disease. You think you are cund and the slightest cold brings on a relapse. ' Its victims are always left in a weakened condition, and euily fall a prey to its manifold complications. The blood in Ielt lnpure and impoverished ;the naive: shattered. Pneumonia. henrr "troubles and nervous prostrations are the almost inevitable iesult- 'rHnrn in nnlu run: --.-\.A.'..'... cl.-. A-.. _-...__.I-. __J _.'--A.'.,-L- -- ; They are honestly made of Pure Rubber. , Thin, Light, Elastic, Durable. "Extra tlnck at ball and heel. ` BC I ADI CVDNII - `gslch yea: Granby Rubber Co. add new p.|t-`A term to t all theslatcst shoe shapes therdoro _ - \ It is no wonder that rubbers which are not the me 1 `shape as the boot should be uncomfortnble. It coca ` money to employ skilled pattern makers but the rellllt I is I satisfactory t. D....L ..--- 4.1.- r`.....L-- 13--LL-_ re. .1: _ _ . . La (irippe s Victi1s: A Mid -Winter Sale or-* FUR5. FORMERLY RICHMOND a co. I18 and I20 Princess St:-out. Linen llnck Towels. Fringed Ends. 20x40 in. size. apooinbfl at 850 pair. Most Rubbers are Uncomfortable "ELEMENTS 01-` DAIRY FARMING," by Jana Long. "DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY." by Dr. Ed. Von Froadonronb. "CHEDDAR CHEESE MAKING,"b John W. Doctor. "MILK AND ms PRODUCTS." by enry H. Wing. "MILK TES'l'ING.'."hy Adolph Sohoonmm. "AMERICAN DAIRYI_"G." by .1. Gurler. "WOLF 8 DAIRY FARMING." Granbyw Rubbers Mr. Peter McAvonny. of Ohnrlowofnwn, P E I . -syn : I ooooldu Inf dulivorumo chrouub bbo non of Dr WuI|u.smn' Punk Pllll uoolo tho?! 0` In ruuloua. I run onion down wsmh n nuvoru Ar-uni of In grip which lulod {or six such. and which lob mu o`-mplotoly bruhn in hunt. Ital uubjootod lo night: nwoaumui ~|M'p.'enAuOIO. Mv uppumoo had vnnllhods my rboumch In dlsnrdorod, and n.) mm-:1 mm turuod wnhory. l'im|| I In {mood to but my bud, -n-I runove.-ry -mod alumni. nn impocllbll B , so nothing the dur M !w mu -u o.vo`:d tn pmdnne hwlolloinl null 00 dny I friend who Md rrrehmi bnmlw hum Hm mm of Dr. Willis!!! Pint Pull: induced mu m rry In-.\m_ mu ll .11; umm ('14:: mm y `Ont? hi H} y bun oomplwoly roamre rnv lIW\l;h. I I: 4. upon I) Hallo Pull HI I u I grout: blown; to mmhmd " Thousands throughout Canada have suffered from In dur- tl 1_e'paat_fcw weclgs The After Effects of La Grippe are Flore Dangerous Than the Disease Itself. > Gnnby Rubber: mar lllxo Inn. ARE ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE. Everywhere. ,fhEComr Bookst7I?c `C3 HAINBS & LOCKETT. ('7 (_0)@g Your Dollars we are offering; at Reduced Prices in order to close out prior to stock-taking. 6 0000000990-OOQOOOOOOOOOO ON THE CORNER. R;*,g vnu, 5:01.66. LADIES` FINE KID BUTTON AND LACE D{\l'\1H.l _......l.... __:_- on uuxxuu any LMIUD BOOTS. regular price 32, fnr II RH LADIES` FINE DON- GOLA KID BUTTONED BOOTS. extension soles, Goodyezu welt. kip tip regu- lar price 58, for 02.26. BOOTH & CO.. I-`not of West banal. SHOE DEALERS. -2. ---_---r\aov Loy.` HI WELL] NUTON HTRF.E'l'. Next door In \Vnldrun`s. See them in our windows. JIII Ii Will buy the best coal in the market here. Poor Coal into your Stoves when Don t Shovel whk-.h noun 5,000 panooo Inn pnoonn. tho Row. Fr. Doyle. Ibo Ilninont Paulina, innplyIohinho:.PotIc.uid the nlooo lwuuollhopoor ncu IcInb.nndIlnHbo EDITORIAL NOTES. A nnocoontnl pork pocket ooyo: We con- nob hovo good, vholooomo boeon nnlooo wo hovo it led loom tho dairy. Tho hog: lod on mutt no {or nporiot to thooo lod on com. thoroforo tho clootr to can gob tho dmy induuq ood tho hog-roioing indoo- Iry oonooclod tho honor for both. I ._v r..-.-- w-\ ---vv v uusIu. So then the iroue en to whether Quebec ehonld heve n minister ol edncnbiou, who shell eleo be e member ol the edminietrm V Lion. le only shelved lor the preeent. Hon. Mr. Flynn, lender ol the oppoeibion, reler- red to the metter he the "ehendonmeno of en evil principle, e Hon. Mr. Rohidonx corrected him by eeying theta the principle ol the bill rerneintd. that in III the dil- lnaion oi education. and then it use not evil. The superintendent of edncetion run. he eeid. eh" hccident of the hill. not . principle. Wu: uid : .1'here will bednfferencee ol opinion." remake the Montreal Henld. "en lo the edvieehility 01 this conceeeion by the gov. ennnenla. Bub ea the time in non you op~ portune for e decieive canteen with the irreeponeihie chember the minietere mine be given credit: {or the exerciee o! proper diecrelion. cnneidering their eaxieuy to prevent each relonne ee ue poeeihle under the preeenl exurntive eyebcm. Rn eh-eok-.'--..- -- .- _L-.L-_ l\ ,1, .. , .......... .. The upper chunber block: the way to progress in Quebec. The bill, providing lor oho miniubcriul lotderohip of the depart,- mono, Inn rejected by the Iogiuhr.ivocouu- oil, which is comornbnvo, hat: year, And in: this coneorutivo mnj )n't.y ngninat. the gvornmonb Itill. than was no reason no boliovu that In would be lcOptOd. The puttzm apirih of the council may be dor- mant. In in non dud. REASON FOR HIS ACTION. Hon. Mr. Robidoux, who introduced the umended education bill m obe Quebec ea. aembly. explained clearly why the Appoint- ment: 0!: minister 0! educaoiou bed nob been pereieted In. 0153.. ......-_ _L__|.-_ |.|--L_ .1 , - Ion: ar\.I\J -aaauuunvu. The arrival of the lloukhobors no Halt lax, the first 2,00) 0! the -8000 who are to settle in Canada. is an event of national importance` The transportation of so large a number of people in two ships marks a new era in human migration from one partcf the globe to another. They arrive under good auspices, says the Mon- treal Herald. Their bill ol health is clean and no tedious delay will, therelore, keep them on board to prolong a connement which has already lasted amsetith. Tneie is something at once pathetic and at. tractive in tho statement of the despntch that. as their ship came to anchor. this rst ship load 0! exiles lor conscience-sake sang in a language not understood in the country of their adoption. "God is with us. He has brought us through." For anything similar to this emigration spirit uue will look in vein in history since the arrival 0! that small ship load of our own race landing at Partsrnouth. The people of Canada are already favorably disposed to the new-comers, and as lor the great country to which ihey go to make them selves homes, it will take them to its broad bosom and give them that sus- tenance and peace which they were do uied in the dominions ol the (7. tr. Ah but Paulio0-ch;-rch. NOD Yotk. A3 .I.&.L .._- ln:\4\ _,--__- ,7, Irv . . . . V . V - . u - . u cu nu u-u5u| ul IIIDUU. Have bbo Montreal police nob been im .p0I0d upon? Are they rulferng from grlppo themselves, and under circum- stances which make in diicult, bo under- I nd or believe nll they any 1' _..- H u... --_- `II nrvwunvlnlll A good huh usually cook 1 womun from 1 no 2 dollnrl. Msny dislike apeudnnq Hm nmouno Ior bosdgou. considering in late in oouoo,oo mute your old one do bull Iprinu. We haw nbouh 100 now Ind lubiounblo Lsdiu Polo HIM in English Wnlking, Soft: Darby, Fm Sailors. Turpnm, Folo Fl:-pa nnd Ch-ldron'n Fmcioa which an nailed 3!: II. 8125, `L50 and Cl 75. ` lI7L'I_ AL-- I.-- _,,, I V...` -.n. -wuulvu -u uvvnuuuv. The Whig never dreamt: nbonb Inch an Abuse of its proocrlpcion. [J was innocent: enough to suppose that: bho patients would be indoors, and in bed and tlno they would be In the hands of lrlonda when they mnmgod to take too much whiskey. 1:. had no notion that; the alleged pxtleuls would be knocking nboub bown III a boczy condition. and so ln danger of arrest. 11...- AL. I] _ _ g _ --I __|:-_ ,, . L,, "rblolhonry in non uunonlnod by the upononco of we Montreal police, who hue ruontly reported than during the recent: opiiomic oho patrols have nrroatod A wry largo number of civzonl ol the moon rupoouable type. In I uncle of in noxnonloo. who had never been under urun {or A similar oonco before. They all told the nuns abory--I.hnb they hsd had the Inp . and bud Lriod hhe hon wbilkey cure no ncurod on overdone. an I v - -auux/nun Auu .|l.JAnIl. The Obuvu Free Prone quoubions the wisdom of the Whig ! proncription of hot: bath: and hobdrinh in oombnbbing grippe. In romuko: FIRE DRILL. Puplh In the publlc oohoola no put through their "ro drill ` occuionolly, the objtob btiog than in the event: ol on aub- bruh of Bro the buildlng can be promptly ompclod wlthoub Ion of time or injury to any pl tho pnpla. Tho H10 drill in I good thing, uyl the Hnnilcon Hen-Id, 40 good vhno lb might: be employed in own: building: thon schools. In largo Icoron And hocorlu where many people an employed. there in nlvuyn danger from pnnlc when on Mum of u ocean. I! A oyloom of fire drill for such place: were do- vlnd. 00 ohm each person In tho building would know junb whole to go and who to do ln aha ovouc of re, and if the dull wore pncllcod onco in a while to keep the employee: on the nlero. la would probably be tho moon: 0! nvortlng lou of life and lcu of proputy Also. THE DAILY wH1G.[ lubed aver) Tuumday mornlngat 81 a your. V Atuahcd In one of tho but Job Prluung Olou In Canada; npId_ uyllnh And cheap work ;n1noImpr- ed pruned. IPn'\. I R Puma: Dunno-Infnr DAILY WRITIH WHIO owning stilt-810 K n; H'n:el, dollvemd In we on]; 36 by I ndvnnoo. WELKl.Y MRITIHH wum ulvnnoo. W LKLY HRITIHH Wlll. 12 plgol. pulr Huh avu.ry1`uumlay Prluung I 7.119 TH!---f'h YEAR ovznuomu ri1 r:'i'E1N<:. -u 7-. V. .v, 'I.u\I -uu '1 [u While they Inn your cm on for `.15 cents each. Crumley Bros. T8i:VI)(i)(UKH0BORS. uoplflf I lIlvl" uu ylvivcl. Em. . J. B. Plxvu, Pm-prlotor. ' llblllhl 0 I'll ".!`.`.P:`,` {P..{3i.' published ch . st I6 nor your. uc Puwr Ilowlo uh the Kingston public In aid him in supplying the hoopiul. pom- hntiuy. jail, uylum. orphan homo and poor home. etc , with the Moody libnry olgoopol books. Who will hdp? Bub ncripliono nooind no the Y.l.C A. Ac knovlodgcd: Mr. R, twenty books. 82; Hr. M. (opocid), In boon. Il;lr. W., Iunbooh.8l. IOIIKII II Account-Ann. In in not impcobnblo that when Mary- uhvog in Itnvghtanod out sod put on: sound huia ngtin u new company may be lonnod no continua oho buoincu. Luylor, um I . W. sarong, innpccloro. Thorn mos loo of orders {or carrinnou on Mod and than no nl-o carriages near I` nished to 6d the orden. So in was I ought adviublo to work up and roll c at much I! pouiblo. While the shop in running J. B Abbott will connnuo in nu ooaiuon of lnAnAaor ....1 I: P u-I`-J mumug .1. us almost wm in poainon of Innnaaer and R. C. McCu| longh an accountant. In in nan i........|.-L|_ u__. _L_- V uuu urculnwl oanx. and B. M. Britten. Q C , VIC present. The cncumntuncu of the company won Inlly diocnncd, and in Int thought but in the inurou of In par tioa to put in in I qniduion. under the On- oorio nco. Thu Ina decided upon. and J 1`. Gran wu appoint:-d Fqnidutaor. with Moan. J. B. Abbobo, Dr. Bowen. George Tnylor, and F. W. Snronl. innpccton. Thff 0' mrlm-I (nr nnrv-inna- In oonuinly nob becoming to A Woman. Many Shnbby boon. however. are worn by woman. noo with a desire to look Shabby hub for the an 0! economy. A ..-...I |.-n ..-._-II_ `__A_ _ __, , n .u- v-In-gr wuruu. <&mmnn-gm` R(`|K7H(`l`. The Tnouuud Inlnnda outings company hpvolloon in financial dwtcululos lately. owing to the Action 0! the Merchant book in declining to nuke lnrohor Id- uncoo, and uh: works hnvo non been run- ning einco Cbriubmu. On Wodnudny 1 onl meeting ol the awckholdon Ina held. so which Mr. Hngno. gooornl mnnnger 0! mo Merchant: bank. and B. M. Bricton. U . WAC nrmnnh, TL. on-m..n.m-...... no nu Iununu uxprullon All we DIIDO. `I rejoice Do have bad Achol. oven {or so short uoimo, one 0! our circle and our inane. l`..-..II - .......: ____ _. A. -~ I |UlKIIU- Farewell. 3 wood voyngo to you. nnd the desire 0! your heart beyond! Fuewoll, libtlo soldier nino.'-I`num.~. lugs wuru L0 06 In canoe Ind WDIIQ. Ah Chriatmu. ill no he was. be none me a token of his necblonale regnrd, A pretty book of cardboard. tied with ribbonn, in which he hnd, with infinite pains, putod A number of views of Kingston. I never dreamed ho would be leaving as so soon, clue I would hue done I thonnnd things no Mauro him 0! my love. [think ih huh Ln ulm nn nnnh .e..|.. 1.. no nu-aura mm 0! my love. I think in but to take no much risk: In friendship. One should hve right up no in lulloab uprauion all the time. `I ruining hn haw: hgd Arhnl -..-.. I... .. uuu, vuuuun IU ms ruunu. carorul nana. Another inshanco 0! the dear lad : lovely solicitudo for other people was the bazaar ho, Wlbh the asnishsnce of some {hands hold in the autumn in aid of the Kingston hospital. Many ol the arhicles sold were made by his small, lrail hands. The Amount rrnlizsd was over one hundred dol lsrs, and with this sum a privabo ward has been lurniabcd to be known as the "Achol Room." In his letter. dated October Qllnh, be told me. so happily, that tho furnish- ings wore to be in corise and white. Ah nhri-Oman ill -. L. n.. L- -....a .._- - ruizcn upon me ueuli! or Drive men. Alhol possessed mother quality as not- able us his pluck. He was utterly unrsl. sh. Unlike mosh invalid: who, And most excuubly, become conbrcd upon bhem relvee, his Iihouizhbs burned conacanlly to sparing his friends broublo and brighten- ing other lives. Entirely by his own ol- foros he collected the largest: sum cent: in for Cisrolinds education. This he nccmu plisbed by being wheeled on his "well days" in his libtle lI'IVDi|d carriage no the houses 0! his friends. and by written up peels to others outside of King:-i,on. And Athol wrote with" peculiar ditliculcy. 8 low words at. 5 Lime. blie exercise being beyond his strength. How I sbiill treasure for over the small, new letters I received from him, written in his round. caroiul hand. Annrhnp inn\nnrIn nl oh. .1... |...n- i....-i.. i I came to know Alhol In a way ohariic teristic 0! him. He wrote me a ahort letter in October, apologizing for it: defects on the simple plea of his invalidism, and on closing ve dollara and a hall which he had collected amongst hia irlenda fir Caroline La Rose. At the aaine time he courteous- ly rtquested that his name might not be mentioned with the hat. It seemed on (X- traordinary a aell-ellaoement in a child that I immediately replied. pointing out to I him good reasons (or withdrawing his ob- Jection to publicity. Itold him that the ure of hie name in the circle might atiruu late othera to contribute to the reward ol (laroline. He wrote me a loving letter 0! consent at that. and our lriendshlp began But it was from another aource that I learned whata hero he was hiu..~4ill. Hie disease took a lorm which necessitated euigical dressinga of his poor little limbs every day. and the prooeaa was agony. It was his habit in these hard hours to make believe that lie was the central gure rf quite another drama. One day he would announce hiuiiell an a rcout fallen into the hands of Indiana and beinn tortured. He was received not to utter even a sigh. On another day he made pretence of being a wounded soldier on the battle eld. having beaten the enemy. And again he would aesuine the character of the plucky lmh piper who played up the feet of the (lor done at llargal. That famous charge took poueasion of his fancy` Sometimes he would blow upon his tnouthorgan, louder and louder, an the imaginary regiment ad- vanced, and his pain grew more intoler- able. And oiico. when the daily ordeal waa over. and the boy lay back, with white lipe, on his pillow. he called his mo ther and in a whisper begged her to write out !or him there ringing verses which he had just compoeed: Hurrah. hurrah for the (iordons. Hurrah. bunch, for they Fought for queen and country On Dargai s heights that day. The way they iao twi'xt tires- `Twixt tires of leaden bnlle-- They ran to the aid of the (lhourkas, Though many a brave man lalls. "Once there and the battle was over. The trihennen llod far away. Hurrah. hurrah hr the Gordon: Who fought in that glorious fray." There was something peculiarly tine in a spirit young as his which could ['0 sur- mnunt bodily pain. and in its own etrnggle nilact upon the deeds of brave Athnl nnnennnrl Annthnr nnalinn .. ....a Holy `Ila Inl|;to0v "l VIII Iivk nnd In prison and ye mint.-tiered Mn me." ueroul. y For Iovzrnl your: bin lilo had been one` 9! grub physical wenhmu and wbriug, but obxougb in I be displayed the cour- age of a soldier and the patience nod ml!- ucrioe of I uinb. \!......_ _-. I -._-..J-_ ._ __n _ _ _ . _ _ ___ : M i J. H. SUTHEHIAND & BBO. f 0 IIUFIIJUU U] I III!!!)- Never in: I prouder to call anyone my lr"ond. I _-...- ;..L_.._ `ILA. 1,, _ __,_ -1 ,, yl;ho hot]: Ind wu undo ct oho nut? 01' heron. ' I4`... ..--.-.I mg--- Li- I11. I...) L--- A..-` IX HUI . gnhol Knowlton Robinnou. 0! Kingubon. Onu , ugod eleven you-I. who joined our nah on November {M1, 1898, passed sway inbo the silent: lsnd on an lbch of Juan- Q UXUIIUUIOII CIUI$ I300` BBC WIKU XII)` on of New York could not ho deocribod. Tho Snndny `no no spun lor oh. vonbip 0! God And nob lor plenum snd dobauch- I 01']. I told bishop Panto: III I pulato 0! A grab And kind hunt, but am In crud in plnd ing for tho ulooou. The nuu-log And 1 dubitnoiou caused Among tho vngo can- I Ara nl Nan Vm-H nnnld nnl ha dnnnrihnd ` uloou should in ruwulnod. 80 nloo `-Plums" Of `rho `tomato Globo Pun `l`r|- ' Inna to A Longuot. { W0 mourn the Ian 0! another lnivhlul The Dun-Iago Works. ll` Rnnnrlnr IN MEMORIAM. mm 0411.? mun. Mommy. JANUABI as. 42.99. If Shabby Hat! unzip MIC: menu. The Munro mionuroln` tome hwonty.vo in nnmhor. will go to Nnpnnoo to perform on Friday night. I ur-uum-rmuna. below Awnnaru Bay. Mn. Wullism Adams. Univonity anon. hu gem to Obuvn Io vioih bar Ion-in-luv, John Bollard. Her ton William Accom- pnniod hot. H, Nnl... _n. ....a ..)..u n__.:. -. . yluvuu not. H. Nolan, wife And chuld. Brock shrub. I wore nearly uphyxintod by coal gu whilo uloop In: nigbo. I The hhnrn min-omglg um..- A.-._L- 4:..- (Ill! morning Ilia Enlino Booth. visiting no Mr. and Mn. Robert Hngumnnh, University nvonuo. nhnrnod to-day to her home on Grnondiorinlond. below Nonndria Bay. Aduna. Univonitv Avnnnn, `Ill IU IUU IUUIII UI K` IHlIL'U- Willin_m Nicaqllon. loromnn in Ibo blachomwh Ilopuumonu ol the locomotive works, who but jnoo rooovorod from n 3;. vefo ntuck of grippe, resumed hi! duties (hm mornlng. Elllin Rnnhh, vinihina -0: Mn and Muslin owns its name to Manon]. 0 fnrtned town in Turkey. in Asia. Tulle obtain: its name from that 01 I my in the aunt-h of France. III'II' -.. I . Them was only an edition of 750 0! Herbert Spencer's Social Station." It took I4 yearn to sell. 0! the Princi- plm of Psychology," also brought out at the author`: cost, only 660 were told in I2/lg yearn. The flrnraerioa of eunyl. 500 copies. took 103, years. ID ;VVV(lli "So in your Just place you were valet to a count? When did you have to call him in the morning?" A: ball past 7." "Call me as a quu-tot to 8!"--Fl|o- geudo Blntter. A '0:-Ix of the lmnglnnllon. You urn not looking at my face now II all," said the litter. "No," observed the painter. I'm Jnltillg in the expression now."-Chi- ago Tribune. |JlULlUlll.IIJ- Sacnud Uol!ar-D0u'I do it, man; don't doit. Do you wunt the sacred language of the game to become oom- mou?--Indinnnpnlin Jourml. 9990 09099999 00949 96 9094 Scc the ispccial Lines iof Shoes