Ih'y `HI ! .~|u~ unythinsz <-l~u-. (Ht0n(inn.A 1-hildrr-I with 4.. .nn nu nntl l l l IIOIII LOOITQ nun- St. Petcrsbnra, Jan. 2'. - The Nan nd in an article criticizing the recent, nnci~Rnnninn spec-chm oi lord (hark-n Bereaiord, any: it nnticipnten no re- sults in the direction oi obtaining British alliances with Germany nnd the United States and declares that England would do better to look to- ward Ruslia for such A relation. En} 3 1...: ..m lnlnll the in-em-at In nu n such relation. n.nx~ land In Japan lclng cnmmercll competltore 0! Germany and tho Unlted States have no ccnav lor enmity tovnrd Run:-in. Therelore the paper says, the chlmorn 0! an Alll-A|Tl`l'l(`l|l'I nlllnnm ngnlnst RUE nla mny he relegated to the realm nl unfullled wlah. in Halo to nine uooumu nuuwu u. _ Iburp um through them nu Tran; -a_. II"... ` AWFUL INHUMANITY. 2..---.%___- Ilocnboottoluuh - --~L--- V-.. 9: ` 1~ nu II quul, nu. tho r1rmr_ and up again thv [ha-m do not ha A Remarkable UIII. I1,,.. I...` QR _ manor Thnn Anlmull for Doc- | To llporlmo-nt Upon I an 'l'I`.. \' I.-nnn rnl - nnl hu\'(\ :1 any kind d TI qullt, H .u... am. .. '7W_eHaveHittheMaIk.' hmrs or mm-n and M nluhl hivh thc-y call a 1 ~ ]"'p nn that, ` nnxt morning. ....~.. 11 "V11 " no (`K vnf .- I1-I` n "_V()_ ' Nu nr Willmlll. A llllplno Boproooutntlvo Inn loan the country Inn ute. Wm-mun<:r-us, Jun. `.:6.--Tho IHIIO cf Agounllo. or an ofciul oommsnd to him than beloavo tlm oouolry within I {ow dnyo, may boelpoctod u the nut. pohbicnl Ionuuon This II" undoubtedly he follows- od b A rt {neon 0! one Umtod Sum 00 E03 and, France, China and Jupnn thl obs Flllpiuo jvmu be ordered 00 lone onoso leSpClIVO juriudicciouc. The pro- codenu for such ncuon was lsid down in the can of iho Spanish spiel. Duboec and Unrrsuu, In Canada. 1u.........n.. . .....m.m..imuinn waalardav to N Carranza, lganaaa. Ajgoncnllda communication yesterday bho some department, in which be prolon- ed against: the freedom Q! anmon 0! this government: an to in army and uavy in the Philippines. baa irribnbod blue pruidenb and the stabs department) 00 Inch a degree bhau summary acuon is expeoood ngainuh ; him. probably within bhe next: {army ovgho ' hnnrn 'lllI LIDOTIII '|.Il P'IluI'I (in H.111. 000. Jun. '31} ~Tho liberals 1 South Wellington met: in convoumon \ , 7 here yesterday afternoon. and elected oth- A-.. '11!` Ihn nnmlnu (Ar : Plclldt`. nddrou on we Uanuamn norm-wbar. In the evening I bauqueb. under the Iuepicu oi bbo youn hbenl_ club 0! Bquth Wellington. was he d in the `R031! hotel. Preaidonb Fowko rounded. Hon. Obnrlen Fitzpaurlck repli no the toast: of "Camdn and the Empire," nnd nude 3 very bnl linnh address. Speeches worn delnvered alon by Mr. Barnum. M l` ; Capo Johns- hon. James Innee, ex M.l ; Dr. Temple. M I ; Mcbdulleu, M I- .; major Muuuie, M I .}`.; Dr. Burton, C. l.. Duly, Unwed Sbaben coneul. And otborn The bnuqueo broke up by 2:30 I m. IIODIIU Dluwulu, lurlluuu, lv\.uw~---J. Alonndor Soownrh, Guelph; treasurer. William Lsidlnw. l a'n-lay Block. (}..H. Bertram. M.[ .. of Toronto, delivered an nddrou the Canadian north-wont. I.-. pk- nugninu A hnnnunh. undnr lh here yesterday nltornoon. um ousccou um- ' corn for the coming your : Presndenb. John Mitchell, Guelph; vlco-prenidonh, Donald Stowarb, Purlinoh; eocroury. u---...a-.. um-..-t. Hnnlnhu trnauror. Thonnndl To llotnrn. OTTAWA, Jun 26 -- Mauro. Fuding, Paboonon and Silton left: this morning for Wutotloo, Quo., 00 Attend a banquet: there bonnghh to Hon. Sidney Finhor. W .1 White. of tho Immizncion do` I2 Block Bur Oonoy Ilnv. regular price 8: . halo prioo 31 50- 12 Black Hair Ooncy Storm Count . '0- gnln pm 84. -lo prion 83- 2 nu.-J. `mg emu. mulu Drico 815. ho mghb non. bulooy lunar. W. J. White. of unmigncion pnrbment. ulbor referring Do the good im- preuion created by the Donhhobors. lubed nbnt: the spring will see Lho muurn of ab least: 7,000 French-Onnndinnn [mm the weahorn autos to nbe Camdian north-Iroab, an ths resale of the lnduoomenta bold cub by the agents established in the vnrinua autos. "Tho auccara nhtondinsz our labor: hue surpass.-ed our higbonh expoobntionn," acnbed Mr. White. New Spools: or `ll-out. Q: ncnm, Jan. `. 6.-A new apt-cues of tnrouo nu boeu discovered on the Tourilh sh and game club waters. This trouo vnnl nn In fnur and 1 ha nnundn in USU Ina RHINO UIUU WIIUIT. Lulu lluull tuna up to four and 3 hnl! pounds in weight and is the mono beaubilul and ga- moy of the salmon family. A apecnmen has been sent: to the Sminbaoninn mutilate sud has awakened a great: deal of inbor- oab amongst I-cienbiats. It: is genornlly auppoaod to ho bhe very rare nud much coveted ulmon Inubonu. Ah Lho nqnoob oftbo honorublo commluionor ol laud.-, forum snd tiaberloe an oil painbin of bho tiuh, And n mouubed specimen wil be for- warded to nhe u-portamen o exhibimon to be held in New York next moutzb. Y. VA Ouuvenllon nR(H'l\\H.|.lC, Onb._ Jan. `:6 The \' M O A convonmon tor Ontario and Quebec district: opened hero to-day Wllh n vtry largo attendance. Among the delegate: are anumber Mlndien who will hold Icon (chance 0! auxiliary workon. A number of papers on the work done during bhe pub your were round am the opening union by dulegatoo lrom dnurenh dim-nets. No im- poronnb bueinau has been trnnucbod In yet. I loo lsnlplld I-'ro( rum B|ciu,i.~', Jan `. 6.~Throo ofliceru belong- ing to the u -omuuo section of aha lmuorinl army lmvejuoh undo I balloon trip lrom Berlin beyond the Russian frontier. Ah hhe Runnian station at the little town 0! (lrombocuchien where hho balloon oamu to uhe earth the puny was cordially rocoived by the oiliaern of the cur. During I porn ol bho trip which consumed five and a hall hours bbe balloon travelled on the nu: ol eighty miles an hour. /'3?" `W `- 7"?` l)o`nod. Rho Tool Poloon. Oxnard Snmw, Jan. `Z6.-MrI. Davin. ol Sydentmm, commibbod suicide by drinking cnrbohc ncid wbe cempornrily insane. In in and bhnb rha wan deserted by her bun- bnnd, and loan her ronon by worrying about her broubles. The coroner decided It wun clear one of suicide. und chub an inquest: wu unneceeury. -nnuwu nu; - -v-no P:1`nm.n, 0oo.. Jm. 26 -WH|Inm Tos- Ioll. omployod no the Imperial oil com- pany : works, bud occuinn lash night to 0 on top of the stills where in come way Ea slipped und !oll no the ground. He was picked up immediately but: Me In: oxbinch. Mr. Touill leaves a wile and one child. nu lI-IC - uuunuruuuzv. TnRnNTo, Oub . Jun. 26.-MIyor Shaw nu called a conloronco on obo brnutporbt tion conference qneaoion to be held an hbo ciby hall on February Rah nu Np.ln., to which doleantu have been invited from bho vnionu lake port: cooking 1 shorts route ho Toronto. vvvu FERVESCENT SALT is thul best known regulstor of health. It's daily use will keep your spirits bright and your health good '1' -l:eep you in a money-' making mood. All drug; %' gists sell this standard Eng- ' lish preparation at 63c at Luge bottle: trial size, 239% .2 A COMING IENSAIION. `cl DIICI III Ulfi, Iv:--nu yllyv gnu. ash prioo $10. Aucuo__n sale ol Manila, whltcwur. Waterproofs, Etc, every Monday. Wcdnudny and Friday at 2 p m. `Ibo Llbornlo Iongnther A - I up TL- Klllod By I IIII. n,- 1.- nu I IUPIIIIUII; rD\;|vuu J , -.-|.... nnml. n H WE HAVE OPENED OUT Zalesreyntluns Zllases While Prices will range from lc to Sc per yard less than regular prices. V*5 Iuspection invited. ISTEAGY&STEA[ BRAKE EB'.l.'A\'.l`l. _ HE nrsxnrcuts or Tun: LATE Humg Bram, Undertaker and Uplmlutarer, 1711. be oarnud nn u(.LheoIdu1.andnn bent]! of ma octave. E. BRAII. Admlnlutrnlrlx. ___%._.___.___._._..___. '1` F. HANBIUUN Uumrnu 1 . ["llDl1RTAl(IlH AND Eun.u.uIna mum II Print-emu strum. 'Pbonu:-WnroroomI. 90: Ruldeuoo. 91. Open day and night. ._:___________________. JAB. lumu, TI ! LILDING Unnnnnxn.-iM-I50 Pnnoou SI. Telephone HTA. Open Day And Night THOMAS` HILLS 5: co. H. 5. uuzwnau. FUNERAL 1)1RE('I`0R. 141 PR.IN0lI&! 81' Klugnwu, successor to W. M. Dronnnn. DIIU. 'I`I'1'1'I.v.~-On Jan. `lbhb Mlnnio A. Tubhlo, dnughter ol John Tntble. ago! 21 yours. 6 months and 25 dn a. Funeral from her In r a rolldouco. B00- warl aorooh. Friday, no 2:30 M|`MANl`H - Ab Porbomoubh. Jun. 26%. 1899. no on rulduoo of III! hummu- law, P. Kennedy. Ihry Juno Monnnu. Funonl notice Inner. " (Uhiongo pIpOl'l plouo oopy.) -lIlIllnI.r H.\m-:u.~um (M: mucAL'- In Boabon, Mum, by the Rev. Father Bchlovtor. 0! Sb. Elizabeth : ohnpol, on January 231d. l!-99. Honrz B. Handel-Ion nnd Von: Gandrenu, out: of Kingston, Onb. ? _ ` LII |'UR'l'AliEHTK!\ll`HWIl`HI|T' CASH puld. In-k up Il(l lam-nu on rain I ~yn. Nuw lunuo wuumd A an Wrlln WJI WEA- TnlRB`I()N. 26 Whlwhnll SI... Now York. ___ __.._______.__.____________. )l.lCAHAN'I` Hull WORK FOR MEN OR women, day or evening ; $ln$|l weekly; nocunvauulng or ex nonne needed; plain In- ulrucuonn and W0! mnlu-d on nppllcauou. Ml.'.\l0H|Al. Cn.. I ondon. OM. TwnlN1`El.l.lUl.'NT, NERllF2'l`IOYOUN(J _\lo'I\. Mm-I have In r 0-Iuoallon. Thom mun umnlexl)q'r`|0n(`lV an ulemmn mete-rn-xl. THE REuIl)l:N(1E I-`()lnuslu.\ Uuuurlnu hymeumderntgnod, south-out corner or King nnd Went. su-cola; also the ono anoin- Ing. In each there Iron Don mrnaoo. mod- ern Improvemanu md unitary tr- rangemonun Apply to JOHN MUDII. I mu fn|r o-Iuoatlrm. Thom uhunmoexpq-rlom-n preivrml. (.nml pay In um-onnful |plk'.|\nM. Apply "ridnyfrutnmlztnnn. W. IHIIM`. Wlmlwr Hull-I -D I J for. Mu be see: dmnu left at Wnm Omce. fr_You Want Bargains FURNIRHEI) ROCKS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. M No. II) Prlnuu Btnot.V|u[hn Tonnes. -?-- FURNIREED ROOMS WITH BOARD. CEN- trally locsud ; nu. hot. wntor henna` and all modern oonvonlances. Apply nt 11.:-as-I.. IIQII. tn Y.M.C.A. oonvonlonces iuroet, next to Y.M.C.A. R Othnmd It. Iawnnu (Ippu) '3 10 n.n-RluIog nomponlnro with ____) light: mow. Friday. burning cold- or with wouotly (Ila. I H.l.lAI>lVl_b 'I`AlH.l4'.. ALMOST Nmw- or gmxlnmke. Euy (arms. Apply N. am Umu 'Z Ulllb' blllll We are going to sell out some 1847 Rogers Bros. Fancy Pattern SPOONS. FORKS, ETC.. at exactly Half Price. These are the remainder of nice patterns, which we will clean out en- tirely Friday and Saturday. MN A. G.Johnston& Bro. JEWELERS. Gun: cl .h-nun III ldlutl It'll: \~\~\~|.o-swswssa All in Mill Ends. lengths run from Tmm wnw: mm: (HRLWA. El) AT I mm-r Hmllun lwrwhlnlnluul. Room. Apply .lnu-awor, WE ITHIII PROIAIl|.lT|II- in Envelopes. Pcpchnk Books or Genonl Shtionu-y all st Waco : a L}. ---I- HEI R00! WITHOEWITKOUT F N)a[r?i.ltI)`0. grmuustnokvnughn -:-- FURNIREED BOARD. CEN- trnllv locntad : us. heating TO I2 YARDS. _ l`nN(`FT. A FIRST-4.`l.AHR ,\'PI*`.lIIl`.!\`t'lclI l,nun<|r_\` Wmnun. Apply uL BIll'l'l'4Il wuu .\ K.` HUT!-1].. E2 DAYS` SNAP. . MEN OE WO.\llCN. IN l`I\'ERY . uumh owll In 1-H-r_y house; Mu ..k_.:____.____..__._. T F. HARRISON COMPANY. ......... ..--u AunI?`IlnAI ullul `HIAIIA ---?_.__...._.-.......__.... A SQUARE PIANO. WELL CARIID Mu soon at In] ulna. left 4 1'. M. EDITION. - BRAKE ESTATE. nun-uu um man` I I1 n'.'X. \'ivEEsE & co.. :-`(>3 '1`i<:murcn non, wrr II hrml` \A'l'I\l~ (`1)lIlTlIllIl'|U'd Enth- S. B. UORBBTT. I\ll)I1`lVI'|4\I.) an DR! _F'OR SALE. j w`m"1~a`o.% EN WOUICN. IN rzvmn mmh (`wry `urn:-ulnrn and numpwn rrwr, um H, m wuulnmon rsueut, JAB. I lV....-n- X TERRIER DOG, WITH ml; collar murlu-d `-nr H mm to B. EAHTUN BURNS. I, BOARET `LOST? MSTH YEAR. NO. 2). ;uIu pnoo u. can pnco M , 2 mm; 1' cgpu, ngulu pnco -1- n-Inn `In llll `OBI. Best Photos and Fneo. nnnruuuun nawvuu-n .-ug--.-.J 42.4'6 PRINCESS STREET. .nt- 1 I. There is hardly anything In Furnhhingn that you can't find here an... |!nII.n (Salk, onn'a nna nore Shims, Uollnrn. Cni, Tia. Snub, Underwear. ulovov, HAM, Capo. Etc. `I .-an nntmhnn in nbvla. (nova, rnu, bupl. me. Top noochu in style. bunny. wear _und ut.i-lnc- 0 inn l{ E E`\TrI"|zN%1I|En 12!)! and mu Prlnceus Mr1~ol.. HlC.\"T'H Ibo Dally lob Book for Wm] lcnlotl In Pool flnmoolvou Iv Musicale ID V Ml.` A. thin ovening. Another of Sutherland : bnrgnlu dnyu Friday. Royul Arcunum menu ho-Inorrow night: Inn! slUI0lJ ol unicorn. Trobolli, Trobolli. Trobelll, Trobolli 5:. Co . aim; in Ciby bull Fob. lat. Minion oorviooo M: So. Jnmu church daily (ucoph Suburduy). so 4 15 And 8 p.m. Annlinn nla ol lurmtnro. etc , nub tn |.m.. by Mun-. HoIno()urc|e. No. [05, Amergonb moch- In tonight. 8 pm.. to Chosen Friend: in I. R J. Mclhwall, Iendur. Remember Sb. l'au1'a high to: and con- cern Tueodev evening non. Tea from 6:4.'bo7:3U o'clock. Admission bo bobb. OK- No better opportunity will present itself this year than this last week of our January Sale. We are nearing the day when stock is to be written in. As the measuring goes on all short lengths of Dress Goods and Silks are put out in one lot. dmly (ucopu uunuranp. In a nu Iuu u y.|u. Auction ale 0! McLood'a drug wore on Friduy an 10:53!) by Md`:-. unmnlhmln, No. 105. Ameruonb 91.: 25c `Ibo Umoabono lodge. No. 9|, A.O.l'.W.. means in tin: City Hull :0 7 11!) o'clock on Thuroduv evening. Ab 8:15 o clock the lodge Adjourns and I concern will be bold. Admionion by invihnhion 0! we mambou. Nn hi:-ink: nuuuuuuu I No bickobs. We are showing some handsome Fruit and Salad Sets, Ete., decorated with Gold Edge on Green Glass. A very pretty effect, Prices low. ROBERTSON BROS. EWIFERALD AND GOLD --- 4U??.`9P...3.'C 9` *..`"`."`~ publu-hen mo louovnng uoovucn IIDIII Cairo: "A Iqnnonhu boon canlcf l.hn mnnnnmmah In I indno of Ibo inlaid IPHAT Pl.l-1/\k4I\NTl.\' BITFATED RICFL come, kuuwn tu no Harris Htrml ; huh-d wllh hm wnlvr. HM ten romnn, bath room, Km: and III mmlorn |mprnveIn`nIM. Then he- lng nu boll:-r n|luulim\ln131oully, mnlmu mm nverv plmmnl. home tor a mm_1rMe|_v um-.1 rmnlly. Tormn wry rmsunublo by applying lonmowner. W. J. FAIIL. ::_ Cairo: "A nqneelvonnu neen ulueulvy the umonnoemeh by judge tribune}: than be oeonoe poetpone cei ether Febmery 28nh. The ennnuuoemue leede tn the belief hhao England inteade ho abolish the cspibulnbion." The espion- lebion are erticlee by which the sublime gone he [rented lareianere residing in urhey end uhe dependencies ol'l`nrhey. 0! which Egypc in nominal. 0! extra lerritorisl righee end immunime-. each no trial by conoul or course. in Eszypb by mixed uti- bunnle in ones when Tuxhieh enbjeche no no! concerned. |On Friday I` \.III 9715-53- HF.HFlHl .\I\lHINl`.\'GTHE MlZR('llAN'l'S Bunion Wvlllnxmn Him:-L. Apply L0 J. I4 \wnv.N_ HM ()nIarm6lrm-I Bennbor Duvloe lyaaha. WAslllNI:T()N, Jan. `)6 -Speaking in M10 aanale laao awning. senator DIVIQ! refer- rod to the nevapapu reporta from lnndon amredlvlug him with an axpneaiou favora- abla Ian alliance ol the United States will Oll Btitaln and Japan. He had IIIVO. Quid. `dvoatad and: an alliance lot the protect. Int he would nos aay than the the nicks not come in which an alli- --.--.-I.IL.I...;h-i-g-nalatjru Ina- "In Do au_oihoa: lnxzmx, Jun. `J6 --Tho Morning Louder publiohu H10 lollowing doopntch {tom n.am- "Ann-Monhu onnudb! K" S. 33'.` 0? TC III WUWI HI Illn- uoo would 50 both who had lot thopnurntionoloutrig undama- Hng A T \J[` I'lIiEu ;`I.\'l-I 'l`HNl'Zli HQYYARE PIANO. HAND- . ruI1lII'M~I\. .-\l:.nrguln. Anlvlr-`x~H."||1.~s 7|-73 PRINCESS STREET. rr\I \Jl rI\l\.r\I\;u~uw. 'M(?Nl-Ill, IHCHH T1) lNl"1|R.M TIIURIC . \vlMh|n;'NI nu` A "IIll'\ (~10 . lhul Ihvx FOR 8AL77E74('7)|7`lAT*OTI`2\1%'. PAY UP ACCOUNTS. v\vI.~. xD\l 'l"I LOCAL MEMORANDA we will place on two large tables the entire collection. You are safe to believe that the sav- ing will pretty nearly equal the purchase. Come and see. Th. nah.-r rlnnnrtlnents have .a- hold M thv nnhw or the (`nu ~-nm.mn,nn1'1'l~:rslvAY. Hlh u I u'n'lu<'k n.m. IV\/ I lg/L-. \NNU;\L .\lEETlN(j()l"TlIlHI|ARI`)- .I.l.-r~4nI"l'ha (`nlvln ('-IIn|I;\:.\. Hvnllq-I, TUITION. YDENT IN '(l'FIFZ.\"I-I W()l'l.l\ l.l|\'I<'. vulve l.r~~mn~ ulmlv 1~`I\\'v`-'u ntnv un-ll NOTICE? c I \lI.`|4"I'l\l1: nI? l`I FOR SALE. .nmun- n FOR SALE. i HQYYARE A lmrguln. gun. ANTIIUNY M.\ I .').\'l:, Hm-rv'I:\r$ IIHE FIHIJRE RELMIBNS} Icnu BE Njcmj SEHLEIL! W I`) do the best. work. WE call for and deliver laundry. WE gnnmnteo satisfaction. WE nuke a specialty of COLLAR5 and CU FFS. Are you one of our patrons? If not why 2 Lot ua know your od- ('08. 3nd driver will call. York Llmol Luie muriiiii 4 L Jan `Z5.-In my Sunday letter ol Deeeinber llth I informed you thatapro` posal vitally allecting the future relations of England and Ireland was before the gov ernment. I explained this proposal as lully as 1 lelt at libertv to do without betray- ing condence. lcabled: "Only two in- spired but vague articles in the Englioh press have hinted at the very remarkable movement toward the satisfaction of very natural Irish demands. The mat- ter has been kept a profound secret, but I may say that the government has received conclusive communications showing that the hotlydisputed queetioii olaCatholic university in Ireland could be settled in a manner to satisfy both non conlormists and Catholic: and con- ciliate all reasonable interests. The pro pnsal is to establish open universitien. one in the south at Ilublin. which would at tract Catholics. the other in the north at Belfast. to attract Protestants. Each would have its teaching. or internal and examining, or external, side, and be equally endowed by the govern ment although theological teaching per se is not endowed. Thus, de facto. but not do jure. the universities would be re spectively Catholic and Protestant. The Belfast institution is to be called Q'ieen'l university, thatat Dublin St. I`at- ricli a. At present both the Irish Piotes tant and Catholic youths areizravelvhandi. capped iiimodern competitive careers by the absence ol higher education. The Preabyterians are feeling this pinch no less than the (fitliolics. Such an opportunity was never opened to any government before. I! or-mphed the question will be settled lorevor. `zreat lear existi-,however. that the government may not dare to grasp the opportunity." This mmahinn ll nnw ahniih in receive Bctwccn England and Ireland Under Condcration. TWO UN|VER5|T|E8 SUGGESTED! AS THE COMPHOMISE. nuu I`I()ll'| IU nvralvu Iluvrlunuuu-.-n -nu - feeling the Pinch llcouuuo of the Ab- Ionoo ol llllhlr lducullou. Nun \'>I:K. Jan. `. 6 -The following um` porg uh npeoml cable apponn in she New Yor T111100 this morning 2 I nuunu 'nn `)5 -[n mv Rundav Innfnr may nun unru uu Kiury uuo uppunuuuiug. This queabiun in now about to receive univorealand vigorous discussion. A. J. Balfour has definitely adopted the scheme blue I oublined, and one provincial and several London newspapers will to- morrow publish 3 long lebher from him ad- dreraod to tibe electors in Plano Manchester. In is needless be say then nbia new depar- ture will monopolize public abtenbiou here lnrtumo time. No aneteemnn 0! Mr. Bal- fn-.r a poaibion bu ever ventured bo ldonoiiy himself frankly ma publicly with I pro- posal whose reception by English and 8r:o'ch Protestantism is an uncertain. A large number of non-confarmlata are cernain bi) oppose this scheme bibber- ly. their nranmenb being that: while they are demanding bhe diaeebablinlirnenb of the Proheebenn (`liurch in England, they cim'b pm-mbly I-upporo the eraonbliabmenb of Ho- imm Lliatholirtw-m in Ireland. A. ...;H L... M-.. M.- n.Hm.r namminllu \Intnonr:'am1n xreumu. As will be neon, Mr. Balfour onpecinlly moons this Ol`j8CEl0n in his lower dated yesterday. He says: I Lhinkl am not. mistaken in eupuoaing that no in the relvgious mnect of the unlverpiby <|uoa>ion ` whvln elm Ily d-vquuotn my friend an Euab Mnnclxeater and elsewhere. Tboy four chab nny ntbempo for further dovelopmonb l of lughor education {or Lbs Roman (lawm- he-. however excellent: In nun inbenbian, may in lLB rooulca augmenh bhe powur of blue lrinl) priesthood and depress the cause cl l'r-mtosoantmm in lrolund.nnd they naturnlly Objc co the public money, which II in para bheir money. being employed in bho lurbhomnco of A scheme whose come- quencu obey dianruso and dinhko In in to mic Aspect. of the case and b0 Lyn only hbnhl propose tn addreu myself in bbo present. ltcter." Mr Hallnur nrocaods ho diacuaa bbo nou- preaenr. uuer. Mr Balfour proceeds non- conlormist 0b]6OLl0ll mentioned Ib0V0 and declares thnt no scheme, even though its adoption would leevo the balance of tho religious parties unaffected. is likely to be pllrshsble which confers on one particular demoninotion privileges refused to all others. and adds : The plnn which seems been to solve the university problem, both for the1 rasby- oerinns and for other 1'roteatsnbe in the north and for the Irish Roman Gtholicu geneully, Ind which does so yithout revolutionizing Trinity college or vlolotlng any Accepted leginlntive principle, is to establish by A single ecu two new toechimz universities. one in Dublin and one in Bel- lest. precisely on similar linos, and differ- ing in no psrtirular excepting in the names at the goublemen tirst appointed to serve on their respective governing bodies. us. sh- unlunu-low in Rgllnnh wnnlrl gh- bodies. "Au hhe univouity in Belfast: would ab- uoxhgho uioting Queen : ooll-an the gov- erning body ol one new inalzinumon should be no cououitubod as 00 continue the bra- dition` ol the old. A: the Dubhn univer- sityia deoigced to nborlct. shone Roman Catholics who now hold aloof Iron: unher- aivy lilo Altogether. in governing body. to first conuoibutod. should no doubt bo in bho main of choir own vny of bhinking. Both nnivonioles would be rigidly subject: to tho an sou. LIAN -aknl.--Linn nnrl lallnwlhinn nnirl {no an com. "All ooholarshxpc And fellowships paid 30 of Oh public funds would ho open to Olnipotion. irrespective ol mood. No F5 in ondowlnonta would be given bochniru in philooophy. unoology or modern bietcry. The ptolouon would have the right: of Ip- l cgninao unjulb diomhul and the mun- of clorgy en the governing body would ho nu-icoly luniood. --A nnivnrlihv no oonntisnhd wonll. I be etncnly Iumuea. "A univerelhy no constituted would . believe. meets bhe noedn ol the Roman Ce- tholicl. but in would not be I Romeo Cl- hbolio university. Thin hue hen a well understood meaning. on the universities properly answering to it new be found in Belgium. in Swulzstlend end ebewhere. v-. _.- ....A nnh dinnnm Allnnh -nrd: The Imperial Steam Laundry 00., A ) AA DRINTTIZHII RTRKRT Belgium. In awuluruuna nun ullwuere. You In need not diopubo nbouo words sad it nnyono about to bnnd the in- utruobion so `Roman Cnbholic, I will not quarrel with him. provided only club in common oonoinucncy be upplioo pcnllel laognsqo to other universities in And on of Irelnnd. If the nninrsihy in Dublin, coo- uituhod u I hue stated, in to bodoocrilud on Route Gnhholic, hhon mun Trinity collage and Ibnoow uninrlitv in Bolhn L. dam-.1-ibml u Pnnuoant. There will ho oollogo 50 III out unwuruw III nuu-I llwodueribodulhotuhnt. Thtnwil|bo_ KINGSTON. ONTARIO. TuUusuA , JANUARY 20. 1899. 9 thus in Ireland uwo Prohoobnno unnveraimu to one at the Roman Untholion. which no there sre nearly three Romsn Uuhhohca in lhlb counory to one Probeounnb, nouns non unfair 00 the Protooounha. Thu: the scheme Lhun nkatchod vnulntu no no- copood pnnciplo 0! logulnmoo, tblh IL conlern no excepoiouul pnmlego upon my pnmculu donornlro ion 1 hold to be Incon- Lrovortiblo 19 ohms anything in no wmcu wou!d gnvo umbugo no In an Pnutoobcmha? Is no nun rubber on Prolesoanla nun we ought: Ipecally to welcome ml` Wu clulm. And ju-ably, Do have beau me pIo~ [nears of bulerauuu. Leo us not: porn-D ...I..... .m nan-nla.n.lu |uuL'l`IV (-I IIGOFS OI IAJIQTBDIUU. Lav ua uuv yvlzrv In u polncy no perllumly :uu,goe'Ivo cl intolerance. We chum, nnd jzatly, Lbub one relurmnuuu ecuce am more tur one punticnuon of rel.gIun nhnu tor mo na- vnucemenb ul lturunug. L50 uo I-bow z.:ul for one-halt mo work by huscrnung me other. We have nob bme. be in rumour borod,| propaul for mnkmg Roman Camo- lnca, bub on`)! I propmal for educating chem Tho scheme neither coulero on one Romnn Catholic priesthood power: they hnva nob got nor augments those they al- ready Qpou-us. On the conbrMy.un|e a we Prncoabnnta are strangely misouken, what- soever of evil hhe prioably Inuence cnrnua In its orrun, in much auroly be mmgntod by the broadening of (he knowlodge and A more ohorougb culture. Ruh thnuioh I [IS] I`-`lllfd that Dh onorougn cun urn. Bub. though 1 Ice! ncaurod blue plan here akatcned in outline is not: open to objection ember from the l'roLeatmub point. nl ulnw nr lrnm than 0! nndeuomluamonnl nbjscmon owner lrum cue I ruwuunuu yum 0! now or from that education, as undonominamonal educcmon is exompherl in our umverenby aysbom, I am mm aware lamb in labara under new. I8 exompimeu Ill uui ULIIVUIUIIJ n_,HvvIu, . am well aware pecu- liar diicultiea and dlnbihbiois. In the first: place wu may nob receive any satisfac- bory assurance that: in will satisfy the wiebea ul abuse {or whose education bom- u it I! i-pocmlly designed. If so, it: seems UBMBM and worse than uaeleisa fur the friends of higher educitioml here i-..i....,I tn v\rnll in hunhar no It 1-poclany uaaiguuu. ll 1-u,Iu ovum educmenal in Ireland to preu io larbher. In the second place the iiuenbion which ID endeavors tau solve divides opinion so deep ly, you so little in conformity with ordinary Earoy dizoinctiona rihab it cannot: be treabed y oiilinary party mothodn,oor ion develop- ment) furthered by ordinary party orgaiir 1..ition. Yub ohia hob. wheober we deplore ID or r(-j)ico an in, does bub throw upon each oueril us who comp ae the Protea- biiino majority ol the u ibed kingdom heavier roaponaibiliby. We have ic in our power bo give or no wituhold. II: II! lor uri to decide how long the existing condition of buinga iii no he auilered ho con- tinue ; whether Ireland is to have an ade- quate univerniby system granted to her. and il P0, how soon? For myself ljiope in will be granted and I hopoiu will be granti- ml unnn o. BARGAINS: ed 6-oon. "I hope no as I unionist). because other wise I know nob bow to claim {or bhe Bri- bieh parliament: than to can do for Ireland n||,and more than all hhah Ireland could do {or herself. I hope so an A lover of educm tion, bmause otherwise educational inbor- s-nsu, In 1h 0! the Iriuh l'rooeeoante and Irish Iio. mn Cabholicn,mueb pzrievouuly suf- Ior,nnd auor in club depnrhmenb of educa- Lion blue national importance of which in from day to day more fully recognized. I hope so no I Proooebnnb, because onherwiu nooo may oooulon In given (or the banana ohm, in hhe judgment: of Prohonbenbe them- selvea. Probeetmioiam has something no fear from bhe spread of knowledge. HAO. nnmnb nn rlnnhh rhnir rllnhn A ll'0l'u uua Ipflllll ul Iuuvuuusu. "Ab pruonb, no doubt), their niche a wrong uunnhurnl prnjudice ngsinnb we grew odncstinnal reform, duoin part) to the Lxtravugnnb claims formerly advanced by the loaders: of Roman (fanholic opimnn and the unlmppy cnulrovernica thence arising. UTE.` nnur nnhomn nu hhun in tlnnunr nf unsung. Tho new Ichemo I! thus ln (lnngor of mndemnctiun. not: lor its own faults, bub for those of its predecessors. Huh if in bo rruo than, m the opinion of thrwe mom . 'competonb lo judge and most deeply m- ` tereatod, thin ancxent problem can now be lnolved in alnch accordance with bhn pnncu. plea adopted by parluunmm in deal- muu with univermbica elnawhore. than I rofuna to believe that: any long tune wuil slap:-e before we we lreely accorded to Ireland what Scotland and England have so long enpyod-n system of higher Bllll cablnn up to its npccual ruluvrevmtnlsa I nnhln hhia ah mmh lanahh. hrnb. buoauro v carinn to In Ipcriul l(l]I,lII'l)t'lH4U 1 cable tibia ac such length. bran. benauro Mme future 0! Ireland in her relation-hip with England Inbound upwithic;aecond,becnuve in will provoh hero I dilcuvion unequal lad for u long time. in interest), possibly in hitherueu, third, because the rocepbion of the prnpoul in Americn. and conu`-yuentrly nhe Americnn advice given no bhe [nah poi - plo will necessarily play a large. almost: dociaivo pnrh in determining their atm- Dude It the rchome should be finally re- jocbed Mr. B|llanr a pvhlibical ponitinn might be :unoualy comprnmicod, bub ha would have ucrfood hirmoll by one of the mono qallmt. and mngnmimonn political new of modern times. Dr. Ilald. I.I'.. Ilarr-lad. HAun.ToN, Jan. 20% -l)r. John 1). Reid. ardinal. 0nu., member {or South (Iren- lle in the dominion pnrliamonh, was mer- rlod in this city bo-da to Mill Ephie [.1- babmomer of R. H ninth and niece of John Labatn, London. The bride has been residing with her mobher here since her return from Germany 3 year ago, where she spent) some uime in bhe conrervahory 0! music. Leipeic. The oeremony wan perfumed by Rev. Canon Fornerou. Mrs Reid is an accomplished and a beeutniui young lady. and her many friends in Hamiloon. London. Toronto and eaahorn Canada Wilb her and her popular hnabend much happineu. The happy nnnplalefh on an extended hour to New York. Waahington and use aontheru suntan. and on their romrn will live an bhoir bolllblful home on the So. Lnwranoe atCardinal. A (Inn in not. Mmlun, Jan. 526 ~--The Spanish oolonisl oico which in soon no go out of exiobooco will close wiuh I docihol 40_000,000 poohu (88,000,000 due to the Sptnilh coldiou who have been blougbh buck to Spin. This debt: will be nuumod by the Ill oico. El Liberul urge: senor Gimm, minister of the colonies. taohako shops to rucover the trust money dopooibod in the Peron Rlcnn and Cuban hrouuria And b1- longing to public luuotionurien. Thou funds amount on mnny millions of peeou snd are non included in the provinom of the irony at peace. _ 1 , _Ln__ A --_-.---I ...... ......-, -- , , A Working Acroonont. Loxom`. Jsn. 25.-Ia is rumored born that s working Agreement: ha been ruch- ed boom.-on bonh hues of the Inbercoloniol md tho Gnnd Trunk with A viur bound the annual formation at I new Cnmdin hunt oontinnhl I0! 00. 'l`O LCTU I turn on Va`. .7..- Tnkn LAXATNI Bnmm Quuum: `l",un.:-rs Au dl'\1(l remud the money In: mm to nun 1'ocnn-e a and no one nay - . - _..._ Ilnnuan onnnun 'I"A|u.:11 IHEYHnV_E_ll_EEL|JE]. See our ne quality Embroid- enes, narrow and wide. As To Inc {met who Got Inc` Notes. IHE PL|CEjEL|EVE II. EVERY EFFORT MADE TO TRACE DOWN INDIVIDUALS. Horn Than One Trultod Employee End To no Booaulu Ho UuubIod- one of Theno ._ ..-.- .. nu... u..-n-an Knnun lo I Ohdron Ohu not 1 mum `I`n ll thvm \|`l1(`II llIr_y nu... tn r-N` us. and nnnu-Him`.-4 they are so afraid (I! nu that they will CT)`. hut, thvy Hnnn nd nut [hut '9 nro thvir lrin-nt.~4 nnd thnt no l tht-m. Ttwy urn nnwh plvnrmd with tho plvturr` 'nl Il.'4 we pztvv than-, h~<-any-w they nu-wr an nnvthtnu like them before. 'l`ht`.~r- cnrlln have hihlv \':*rH-H writ- ten in Knru-an nn thn hunk, whirh va- - .._ ,x_ ......`..o. win rmd --ur_ "\'n` UH taking it `nit Iurnuulr Hwy HPN n V " nn mntht-rn luring thvir thvm when they runn- V lrivndx ` Remarkable ualo. Hmtnn. Mow:-`.. Jun. 26. -- Clifford Lamont was arraigned in the munioi mi court. today on a. complaint vhnrizing him with making threata ` mminst Mm. Annie Aapinwnil. oi Now ` York. The vompiniunnnt in this vvrv xinnuinr row is reported to to wort millions, and she is n woman oi social ntiinding. She vinimod with a .-i.wte.r she had taken Lanmnt irom an iniani nsyiuni .`0nl(' twenty years ago and had always supporled him. Lntci , however. he has ht-an making (lemon 3 ior monvfr. and on Monday, upcn Mrs. Aspinwn i`.-a relumi. he threai.<-ned her with bcriiiy harm. The delendant. said he aiwnys thought Mrs. Aapin wall was his mother. She never edu- cnned him nor pvrniitt:-vi him to learn ii trade. The only thn-at he ever made was to vompei her to no to court and to proie whether or not she was his mother. The case wan continued and Lamont h(`id in (2,000 hail. BAEEE;