RUBBER STAMPS OI ` all Hnda. Rolf-lnken nen glarh.-tn, lhsen, 7 , In. laneils, link. `Hole: A Oak-o Btunpu, `..... 1`."."2'." ':. $`!'.!L" QAH solos fnv (Lash Phone 50. E C. Fljt,chl_|'s, Q!-fie!-l>Iv(>(>I>Elvil>l>(;G{>E(I>(>(; Men '9 _ _-u----r-u `c7Iemlt'and Graduate (Jpuc an, Consumption in the urror of the weak and run down. Low vitality tngoth.-r with coughs and colds is conducive to tuberculnr affections and consump- tion makes rapid nroarrnlnwhnnthmm Q . You can almost get: two pmrn If Shrug now for the humor muse I.! one` We want. room on our H-Dlve for newer goods, and they are duo to arnve an an narly. d.n.o The clearing mu`-L be rnpv 0. Here are a few mluoa [huh will amrtlo bhe shoe worl :1 0! many atmospheric c`1anqtr:f One put of Shoo: wxll nub pro tech your feet) at all L-mos. mu] you should have changes lm boat, cold and dampness. We rm you on opporbunity to provide for bhom conumona so our WARM WRAPS. IIUIIICIN. Pamphlets frev to any "\`l"V`RU. I `u Wood Company, \\'and.sor,0nt- | lIWood'o I`ho- hodino In mm In Kingnhon by W. . Modlcy nnd Hanry Waco. drnnmiabo. 124 PRLNCEB3 :5 FRICEIT $5.00 5-; my $.`.m) $2 I50 Wood : Phosphodine, Thu (Swat I`nnl|`:h l.`:-nuvh. mu qx`1x1.w.. wl.l\ . nu-1: nuuux. nu-vi-u W. H. Graham, who for yum has reprunenlod Roberta severed hm ct-nnottnon Wllh 1 nccopfod I similar paexilon Kenn & ('0 . Toronto. 1"}... r`...I..-.... M. 1\lI t'......-I.` now: at l o 'l')l'0lVtO. The Cmlctuu Place Cmadmn 9:39: Mr, Eiy name L0 Lnwn Friday. after an absence HDCO June. In the imelval he has true! led extensively in the Umted States. He in now tnvcvllinp for Skinner & Co.,whnle- Isle drupgmta, Kingaborn. and is mvnnq the business now vimonn and new impulee-.. Inntoo-A Thu:-970-Vliny }_i;uIun. | Tho munoy cnuncil seem to have made A-very Fair Hum for the Wnah: man for` wudon. The rstepayors would be pleased I if EOIIIQ ona innlrl Qnnnr thnm nn tn! WDIUIYII. AIJU YIIIEPI) OFF WOIIHI ['96 `H0355 some one would Spoor them on t Moaio r a little tutor and Toner down I A three dajloeejan. ___.J_..v_ non`: A Ulmnco I For the nut` thirty day! pll kind! of ` boots and about at cost so AbOI DO3,"9I| 127 Ptinoun strut. I `Inc Board 0! Wang Will Report 1- Conn. on `rune Il-.|.A- 1. l`nn nu..- on-nun..- vv vvu Th! Grmt l,`n_r7lI'.th Rrmrdu. Sold and remname-nd-I by all druggls in Cnnndn Unl relu- Iblo medicina mwovv-r - up --naruvnoauv, 6'1`: xkagn {ruarant-at In our} all ` Iotlll Sexuarwv-dgnesa. IH onnots xv! abuse or excess. Mental Worry. F'.xcmza1\'r- use o{ l'o~ Iuooo. Opium or Sumulnntq. Mnllvd nn real??- 0! price. mo 1 xv 3!. :1 x. 85. (hm will 1-uvaae, dzualcurc. mphlots n-Mrvsn. Connnnv. \\ mdmr. om. } I i I I THE BY-LAW T0 Bk STRICI LY EN- FORCED. ._---:_j_.- SHOVEL THEIR OWN SNOW. ` .3, : Doro ; A Ohnnco .._A .L,-,. - I II]! Boulvon To lo lulu-I4! Ilnuun ] And obbnoo no `to church. John Sdchduater. the Hremnn who yuter ] day pleaded guuby to ueahug article. :5 the liro. mu up bolus the ummetmro `, f Again this mcrumg. When cubed that be < Lad Do my hr bun-elf he lpllbd than he i ; Wm! under the lrucnco A hquor us that ` tune Ami was Ilsa mck. The things were on the llmr. The lnquor ht-1 been gzvml : buhlm bv Eascrnl (LIT-_s(enl: lmrnen, Ha! A LIGHT PUNISHMENT. THE DAILY W318. FRIDAY. JANiIARX 97. 1899. :':: :_'f:'::;__W A COMMITTEE wm seaucuf P E O I E hu'v'`.`,",..,m, `mm THE Fun-;;4:I:. ASPECT or 9 1 e roman wt _ 1 H, . ` ' j I-Leallug ul UL'l(_'a IL THL. Y` ) hr`: lbs nmm-.'LmIc:" _ y COMMHEEWVJLL SEARCH ,' Heated lnnuwlun liver Churgeg Hula Bruuanllu-slllllof Thou: Inning Ar. I rnuntlnun Illnnlnl u.. 111...... A I-l..-..| I !!! nr ntnonn, Mann] u\l i won C. LIVINGSTONKSC BRO., \\ il| purch;1sC :;1~`n, 1: V I _ \ I How we can aord to sell our goods so much cheaper than other stores. Never mind the reason. Goods are here exactly as advertised. All this month you can get them still cheaper. l\ cmeml)er our SUIT SALE is now on. Merchant Tailors, 75 and 77 Brock Street. $20 NET CASH .1 Suit to order during this month. I{egLxl;1r value $25 to $2 nish, \\ orl (}u;1r:1ntccd. bho Conn _ A__.1.. U"U CUIIH In A bwiy Ad}ouru- r`h\liron'H I _ I._..,J nlugiwn lay W. drngaiabe. "I`lUU \rI|I(HI. Mrs. '1'_yxol| and Miss Msncpherenn. of Km,-zntou, give it ynumz people's tea on h`a'uumy afcu-noon ut the roeizlonco 0! bits. Tyrroll, Tnrl)"V0. Hnnhnrn'n (`.nn..vh Hrnnn Arn nnlrl lh Hills forn . an-1. Lyn tun, Lnru"vu. }lepburn'e Uolxgh Drops are sold sb Sills Muir .-Kl:-n ltlDEN i`S OF THE DAY. u u: I, \n nee what, M lhoir wim ..| ,,.. ,,, WONDER on new neighbors bo- kind 0! Curtains they mown. ... ,..\ l.`..... ..........-..A.. \. xxu nu!` one half. `clothing Mock I AH l|")W |(n(d=_ _.__l_It 1-,.,,) I` HIU UVUI (` lH\.H Uzmkrupb stuck. g In Business For Your Heltln gm 11-, Grand Lecture In Porumorllh: The Rev. J. T. Kine. medical pioneer miniomry of North China. ne e very in- structive end intaroet-inll lecture on Chin I, their hebibe. mennere ucd ooetnlnel. lo-I0 night: in the Orsnge hull, Pollnolth. The lecturer vns dressed in oriental coe- tume end displayed 3 large and veried oo|- loctmn of Chineee erhiclee. Mr. Kim is A very ueno lecturer end keep lulu endi- eocee greedy iobreeted by He witty gy. inan of the doing: 0! Ohimlnll. He will deliver nnnhhnl Innis:-nah Ad geek A-IA min on uno (lung! or umlulnun. III II deliver naoohot IIIIO. BOOTH, & co.. ]Ygur Dollars 55-57 Barrack Street. |D0n t Shove? zwoidcd had you ordered from I . Wzllsh, Barrack Street. \Vc guarantee you ('}()( )1) ,,CQ.I\I. for 1899. Cash wmiprder $4.35 Per Ton. In Kingston, during IE-398,51 large sum ofmoncy by buying poor coal. his would have been 6000 OOOO6 W. A. SAWYER iooooooooooooo [UST Goo u nn....... "Gt .s-Il 3 ms. SWIFT & co. : O0OOgOO9 I l t I I > l l F ll `Gold air-Vkuainu In L I, I l)on'L experiment withpoor fuel. YOURENEEDS ARE MANY THIS WEATHER J I I I \.v $1` Full Of \V-`\l Bl-ITO . TILL. -0 BEST Will buy the best coal in the market here. Poor Coal into your Stoves when FIRST. Alwaysmghtl , \`{ PRIVE U.-.x.f'rY, q, ANTITY. \ un am`! 3coAL ITHAT .suI1s. learing Sale of Men's Boots. lll\IIlVI ' " In `M -I-Juaa)))nuuaanssn"' n. `T L! ) `J 3 I `