ALEX. O'BRIEN; ms Aimmoox EVENTS. CHIEF BENOIT HE RE. 1:1]. DAILY Wblu. wnoxssngrylmnavaluz 1, 1899. . 0 Ethel real council 1 ?`3n,u-0 In tie u m nppnumxren I C0110 $7.000 I heard btfua It-Ewen sued i()pemltynn- I alleging than n mm named , v Pane In Poor llnllh. N.\I'.\.\':l-1 Fab. 1.-lo in reported that PM-a. me nmportana pnn-01 er nod rune-p m the Iunnua bank robbery cue. is in vsrv pxr health. hip and ht-no he in nu!- . lniv from a com 1. :-union of diseases. ' I II P , J , ._ . ;ne runny mno ycnnol ago. Tn pope tecairod uthlmbop Inland at noon to day. ' 1 Cups: Schiller, Mucotnzh. m. in dad I Ho lnenlly biccoughod himself to death Illa -uhy nine ychnol 9 none remind nllahhmhnn I.-.1...-I .n 1 Donn: m An lnmn. E An infmt member of rho farmly 0! J. L `I (hH:\;zhar. Li I P, H-umwamnh,dEod yta 'ovd\y. Ernie Imogher wens cu : to his . I told home to day. ._._ ______._ I WE! |I.I\ I I "Kmguon ctt 7.m.- want the fair mmnv. ` el back to lhei-cry !romH rr0w!mIrh,And_' | depukmron cmnorrad 0! P McC-Hum. K. i ~lcCalIum, J. McGlr b, J.C Shuk nod 1%., H. Fair '3 to Lie Pinzor house to buckle I the logieljzuro fonhyith .~ ......-u um c. r uuIn(l~l]. Aamrdzv 2 to the Tnronto \Vmld bho renl mu: 0 1 0! th nauk deputation to has cut) I was ulna n-L ....-..-- - A ` " ' ' "SKA TES i VZJVHEBU pr.ze now. The Kvng-;-mu club exprscza to send awo rinks to Oatawa on Tuesday to piny for be honspiel and C -`edonisn mednl Against J the O.;uwa rlnkl. ,j_,, I wcvrll p-um-; nut. unppon. thirteen pomnn; Robert: (jreighbon, ten points This compiztes the rth round of plnylrg for the xmdnl. J. B. Wnlkem holds the rravated prize Thu Kmrnrnn ..l..L. ..-......_ s- --_.I . -IJIU The Cape Vincent. club cannot. chnlleuge mgnin this winter. Another club may. 4 mo: The Curlers Tum r-ing`e handed curling matctea far the Canu'bers gold medal occurred at the lam! rink la-C night. and reunited an bl Iowa: J. B Wulkcm, Q C , thirteen point`; Mr. M"Kav, ()ueei. a atudert, -wevon pin'7-'-; Pnui. (jnppon. thirteen poms: (Iminhnnn Inn mm.- "` l""" J""' grumh, 3 lat md stoma In`) D) be gmng r gre-a cannot aver. llanmiz up. Alhuug zle a mill` III the urea n00 lnlph Che cnunw: as the rote tum! growth Kvngntou In :1 Mat complain you In And \ cm.:li'1'.n 0! 1 only u pwzmy r .-in... hm... .. . ,uv Kuluo u -um . Thu nee vma czlled ab ..:I>u clnck on the course (ff H3cd:)na|d park. 19 us- , nnanggular and was twelva mules In length. ` The boom canned as `$230. o cloclr. The nish Inn: Jack Froeb. 3:4.`-1 ..`.3I0ck; Bl/,7.ud. ?(;U.3; Broom, 3~_u.',_n|; lhrb, .'.'_Ii.45;' Sprite, 3.I)7:.`}U; Shark. [3419 ~|'u pl-pu v Incer Kmart on hosts the name t.(-day. ` r|..\ .......-- .n- I] ,,..m-, H: u-muu com, and 0! than-, own exoremves I think We rs: menlinnnd applnea to Kingston. l) my lravela l lxmu luuml nnly two places In Cmmtlu that urn really advancing. 0.19 in Omawa, and me ntaher S mrhroolxo. Qua. l)u i lg 'ho past: year there has been a nolncmblu large more.-use in both dwollmgu those places. and they :-eem riuhn nheml. ulbhough tho pro- be dc--lured a `boom. How- llanmln generally wantaaahalzing Alhhuugh Lhe authorities mlghn sec mnllmu nnvluarnoue nmmgrnntn gru-an norlh wash, they would zmprove aha coadmon of cnuwuy no the same rlegrzo retention u! the country}: na growth. IllI(ll.l)l1-ll! not being (lone I nob the only place in Canada complalnn of the exnrlua of young men vnzzr nut. and as lung ma thus` nlvlllzm axissa Cunnda Wlll be n;\'.i0n; a handful of strug- gling pa -p e In :1 bounrllenn domain. I do not llK8 to my Llaeve bhlng.-I.!but they are, ue\"orLbuloa=. true lll'lIlU.'l Won Hy KIn[;lon Bonn. Kurtgncorl Ice yachn club has i Walker trnphy an n rculh 0! its airh Cnpe Vmcenh toaza. O.) M m ksnca nu hngta Gn.4L.,..I 53...: m uu : 1;u1Ln'I`.Iy nuc no a Fume-ant 110, ,-re; tn vacuum for tho grout. lumber I not.u~ed I.` A may die non p'(~grua< 10 must: retro grasp; no mvmoh Maud still, and of theme mormnun I rhi'nI: Hm r. .......o .. .n Wnntod The ilI r Cnniarxc-d. `-3.. rr >,.nL_'I~,_, .- II` nu- At A. su-ac:han's .j A8 01 HERS SEE US. lru'_, hug .. n`__. mu LuJ',a. U.) .\ mebod int. "'3 CUIIIQVNV lmday the They did `vista of some of are ...`5 .. .....uuux ul pucuurea, we "pro- dacto of his amen. The pzupriaod i uavo An*~K_nkutuInn:eIal. I R. W. Wilson, of Clergy rtrooo. outcr- ; named 3 (av fcxendo at K chardnonfa photo- graph gallery luu nighu. by \j}hIbi|l~ mg 1 number of pictures, 0 bro. `met: 1'hoIy_o1upn'aod `wian Al ...__ -1 As. .__.- ..... yuqvnl In! In nu-IILUHOD lOI' HOD man : now. In inotitnzicn whvch he know novbmg cf and leave hi: relamwa without. a sauna Mr. Brown r~{b i-urruovimq with ` 3 any law rm to ten the legnhry of the ` will. CH\Tll.\\l, Onb , Feb. 1 -W. W. Brown lab for his home In Kama City yo-tordny. Before leaving be uxd that if the property had been Info to thin city`; bcapirnla the Inll would not have been contented, bub he felt that his brother Inn nob doing rigbh to leave h-is property to en in-tituryioo for rich .' men's soon. In'rnr.inn .b....I. I... L...- 1} Brother Contents I he Will. I E: am as... _`!RATHER FOR THE POLITICAL `\ rnnn nun I n-u-una-u n u n A: . 1-1 IRATHER * PULL ENJDYEO. Sweeping Reductions in {here In ludlgnnuon at the (`nplhll (hnr lha At-llnn n0 nu- L---.n.-... 1-.. ;--..-._ WHITE KID GLOVES. BLACK KID GLOVES. uvuI.- nu .\w-ure Innlnn uf Pouvo Trenty Win In- u..m In a. A special bargain in French Kid Gloves. These Glov_ea were good value at $1, $51.25, $150 pair. Sizes 55%;, 534, 6, 61/2. Your choice while: they last 250, 50c pair. | R. UUALDRON. Size (3 (only) 23. Our Trade is Increasing The Txme to crnca is When the Iron H Hot. Many a man will buy a Business Suit ready made, although he will go to his tailor far a Black Suit. Our Black goods `ate a special feature of our business. Black Coats and Vests, made from English Venetian Cloth, A I in every way, $9 lo: Sack, $10 for rkin Coat. I We are selling goods for cash ; we use no premium or hire gift schemes to attract trade ; we have no credit losses cr expenses for the cash customer to pay ; we have exceptional advantages in buying and allow no accumulation ofold goods. " g THE GREATEST BARGAIN? OF rm: SEASON. p LJ0HNLA|DLAW&SUN % Al| Sales for'CASH. f. D. _BIBBY `\v'\v\ \\/QSIVQ/S\\`\`%`\'\`C`\`U`U `Q/\#`v`\ CO/`GOG I27 woEX5. 500* `*\#\*\\\`\r\\\ \vU\Q'\v OG%GWVWSO&\/V`/$00 lolltllll. PIODIJOI IAIIIII Mnntnnl. um. IN-h, l.. 11...; n...._. 4 sizes longer at proportionate prices. We have just received a special pur- chase and will have it ready for To-morrow. l6|9 'sL`i%`s3, FINE BLACK COATS AND VESTS. Soft make. heavy weight, Regular Price for single Blankets (not pairs) $l.50. Sale Price To-morrow Made from extra good quality cotton. 3 sizes-medium. large and extra large. starting at Made of a high grade cotton,soft finish, seams all filled. edges corded, and broad hem. 36 in. long by 36 in, wide. Price only r\Il 886 KING STREET. KI*!-i;}STON. ;40 Pieces All Woowcrd QQQQQQQ-QQQIIQQQQQQO1 {New Apron Muslins. Union Bank Bunk otcomm nroo. .` Nonbwesl [And 00.. Ilontreu 0uv.l.nn O0. . Una. Colored Cotton . Domlnltm oouon . ... Wu Eagle ....... . . {Special Values in Corsets `HEM-STITCHED PILLOW SLIPS. wilh tucked borders, 15c, 190. 20c`, 23c`. 25c. R. & G., D. & A., Yatiai, Mag- netic, Coraline, Crest and others. Prices always the lowest. Suitable for Men : and Boys wear, regular 60.`, 75c, 900 good, your choice at 50:: per yard. 1 Each. 8]/2C Each. B011 TB h0l10........... Bank of onul. .. Jnzarto Bnul ...... . Mellon`: Bank . . . . . . . . .. Bnnk0( lVoronw . Jnoqum Cartier BInk.. lomtnnld Bank . ,. .. I-It-rchAnlu Bank of Hnllbx. Eastern Towuunp . . . . . . . .. < Quebec . . . . ` . . . . . . . .. WIIHKIII DECKS NCW IVBVE WILD EELIN (bnum Pacino llnuwny Duluth Duluth Prat. . Richelieu NIV. Co . . . . . . . Montreal Street Runway Montrmu.-H. KR. new line . Hnmu Eimtrlo kulvuy Ibronlu Rnnwu Montreal (ill .0. . r"::.E.`T`1` "we 03 0 0019 Ball Ta hone- .. Bnnkor onuul Jnmrtnnni _. .'.n'qa .'.. 1_`.-`_.' . 1 (tic; ...2m [in V`I`ID9|O9 999909999 95% 0 William Bach's New Novel 1 A 1 3{9jt:ir1gSAand Overcoatings 9 -ONTIIIAL I100` -LIIIIII. All. (urn. King-Ium'u L4-runny Book, Stationery v and Funny Hoods lAl.a\)1lImnenL. ` R-U31]9W&nC0-~ Paper 756. Cloth $1.25. J 0909 5 I-G-M4444-H611 4414 fv&5:t I[)l'h'v-- "`|L{h I |\"Iln-~.` tho Iopoth Ihhnllll. nnnllnnhnnpu .._-..a _k-__ LIVIIPOOI. I and II... xx n. Nut Mao Mu POICIIWO coin coma Mn -um Inn thy rinkpnddodnolhu Intumbhn of "aha link Ihingfvill to salt Bcclioltboxolmloo. ohonld have Iuthntodlnucl Tiny ato.:;h:-an dooehlili in Knglan` und vent Mun udvlid guns 2).. I~............ n By will;/aha Black, Now READY. A. 1vI'I'oHwzLL j Constipation and Hemorrhoids .'-uyo'a\ynp0\p4\ ah 4|`I4 Hun adi Janosf Natural Llnllvo Water ,.__ '-"'2--= ,:~.'~.m-.=~`- ls, envy I ; M. an ; Envy-ta-w.<':ncu-- nausea; K fa: Wort? .' opufafzbn .' Juper/hr! /`y COMMERCIAL. Prices moderate and all garments tailored in mg moot approved styles. 1 ! 5-3: _j_ A compfete stack of English and Scotch .--no nun nu non (DO Wunvuclhonllubnd? IT 15 uyzxcsusp. Beware of_ Substitutes I --Whonl.N. 'No.l(hL 0: ml- `-Ahow. Am.. Dr" at sq m'; Zjnkf: Nd: ve-'. ' Y 9 Q%)1J&D CC>C7DDC . W to | 'ii'g:.:`:uo Po ) a on Hard. 7d1n Water 11:; sh 741 no; Ill) nu-on-nt ;~nnnn. (XII-"Inga! Prhcuunnai Bigot suuu. u-c -nuputw -Ilnnllll. The ponltuniuy guard olnrgod Inch lnilluiog Inn bu nn oxallool defunct. Ho -not to Bollovillo with his mlo ma lunily. Thou hi: child lacuna eeriously ill and Ibo phylicim in chug. would noi con-out com runonl. Tho guard than unto lorutonnioool Inn and remind it `tho public In ion in elm he had have lot illnou of in ova and you went on! ieobosting. but this In an mun mi uppnhuxoion and quit: unhir. ' ' ... vv. ruvur, ucnnncn, not to Pichon ' on In-inn: this nherucon. He will return no 3 day or two. u-cw-uuv s.v3-IIll.lIl I. Prinoo Edvnrd- Herbal Mcbopald. Inch: Lucio. John D. (hlberh. At`IdinoInn_.l-nag. ...l.._-_ A It -an:- Lscno, Juan D. I-Ilbtrh. AddingIon--Junoo Hotcbvmer. Albert Wesley Benjamin. John Mcrnh. .......`... ... -. ru--pa.-. A very proooy wcddmg occurred no St, Paul : church Lb!!! Luorning, Lho happy young couple being Mun Bertha Holder, I Qo-an ubrv-on,nnd Harry 8 Hindu, 1,! Hum ha-moon, N. Y. Rev. rurnl dean (uey peuormoa the Ioberesbnng ccramony In the presence of the Inuumue lnuudu and velar uvoo 0! the bride and groom. and a num- ber of Apccoctou. The brldoloohed nary prebby m I tai.'o: made co.-lurue of can norebnio of box clonhmnmmed wnnh ducbear brousdn. Mm Nellie CJOrk, brndmaumirl, IIaLAl" Inrnnnlrlu nnnrgd in n.n..n hub. .....s Oonocrt AI 9:. PnuI'l. There was 3 hhly good nctondance hub evening so I high be: And conccrc held in Ihonchool mom connected with So. Pnnl e church. Altar uuppor had been served a splendid pmgnmmo an rondorad. Ibo contributors being: Mrs. McLeod. Mus Sutherland. Muss Wniunr. Mum Daria. Ileaen. Nah-on. Way. Spencer. Ind Rxughton. At the clues ol the evonb R1. W. B Cuoy returned thanks to all .-Ihobadueiahd in the evening : POLO!` ` Ininmonn. '*,'m_4LP. m. Ennmn. ..- uuouuru ans ralol. The young man an Irish Creek. suffering from mull pox, has died. He uaken ill with cho daaouo on Saburdny nig c and tnstei for grippe: than that four dnya a doctor treated him lot chicken pox; uhreo day: later. 1 doctor cune along and said in cu Ian)! pot. and be In at. last uutod for that disease. But: the local doctors 200 n fright nnd four daya Inter a chctor came down from Toronto and uhcnded bun. On Saturday he dnod. The woods: is thnn ho dic|n`r. die toonor. nllu -uII.ll Bill! uourne. ` This morning an (en o'clock fourteen ' otlicerlznaembled nb uhemilirnry college to enter upon the stall course of four months. The oicera nboenb wore major \Vceh. of Charlottetown. and Cepo.VVood, of Quebec. bbe latter being down with grippe Gen. Hubcon gave a long opening nddrean, and Col. Kim-on lollnwed with the rau lecbnre. The olcera will saeemble each day no ten o'clock (or clean work. The nlbernoon will be given up to atuoy. This evening the officers will dine no A" I buttery mesa. winh the/ggernl. Why no Bantu: The Cnnndinn Mute, Belleville. up. John E Keno. recently appointed engi neer ol the den! and dumb inetitnlze. has resigned. to he thought his work ooo mrd, the neemnnnce insufficient. and the remun- arntion too small. He in 1 good mechanic. nu obliging end genie] men, and would have lled the pooicion ulzielectorily. Churlee J. Peppin, who has been in the employlnenb ol the departments of public works, parlinmenn bnildingn. Toronto, for eight years. bnkee hit place. " FOR. J. W. Power. uchincu, wen: go pgcwn n this Af;arnnnn_ H. -m .-...._ Clags Ioring. ;J ylonalllg Spam. 1.00-. B.-Jckvillo, also arrivovl at noon to-day and will ncn an accompanist lot Mlle. Trobolli bovnluhb. .-wuvuu II CHI?` MI!e. Antoinette Trebelln and company arrived In the city so noon to day and reginbered no the Bribieh-Ann ericm hotol Mlle. Trebelli in) n fucinaning Hmle French woman, vivnc ms. penm in nature but: wiuh a remarkably perlecb gure. Sbeian charming conver- aationaliav, her silvery voice vmging into musical rlpplm and mdences dellgholully ` planing s .~ln...... I run R-\nIz...'Il.. _u.- ,_,-, ,- - s--v--. ruuumu-. A mo-lb nucceealul assembly was hall last evening in the A.O.H ball under the Huiplclfi on the "Iuiiper.denf` I-nciulcir ole." owing no the energorir 0ff)I"D of the lad nu II-e commibtoer -Min~oa Brennan, (Jayne and Homerlobte. James on-`ieetra wait in nbmudnnce. The company nii|u'y ed In the light: fantastic" until about: twelve o'clock. when refreehmonta were rerved. The neblea were arranged with erliatic tum nnd bonntilnily supplied. After relreahmenta wcro nervevi dmmiuiz was again resumed in the hall. One of tbeleaturea of the evening was I "calm walk." participated in by four cnuplen, ntfordinu iuuch nmusemenb to the crowd. The evening was cloeod bv a vary a; pro p.-into address by James (iulhvnn. uuu uuulpnuy. After the ceremony at Sb. } uul'4 this morneng tho pnrtzy repaired to the home 0! the bride's bruthervmla w, . Cun-H. Queen ntreou, where n suibable dinner wu enj)yod. The }0uug couple left hhis afbernoon for their lunure home an Ringhnmluu, N. \ ., going by way 0! Cap! Vmconb. , uruuoun. ullll LIUIIIB l;$l'I,l:U0 Dflllllllllilfl, Iwmschurmluuly nbured in green cloth eunr, Fwnh ullk trumrngn Umulen Bum an. grilled the groom. Mn, Hlnda was Dr |rumv yearn I member of the choir of Se. l nul o church, and her departure wall menu bho loss of one 0! their best singer. Her husband is I former Kingeluu buy. having only I low years ago been a hook- lroopor for who local branch of the Hath- bun company. Alher [ha mu-nmwnu at Q Paul`. okz. Ilu Borlhn Homer and Harry n-A In nnnnnnu 1 the most fashionable: `Inn Doctor: not Perfect. ....._.__-_ ,-r-n n . V-VVE-[)H|.ED7l7\W1' 1 . mugs; The -IIIIII Glut! Courts. _ _LA_, I- - ~ gnu uvuruunui WI! IIVOII In G? V to rwmvur cow:-. Plaiumf poqtgd 3 (mini! ; ol$.'I)0. and our. of um mm the cone null] {V-oobzuned Tbahnia unto oua cf Hm ` Oatunoohctiona hold on Much I20, 139'). , xunvieu. 3 I The p'Ainf'! f.3tlr`E-ton. did to: put inn` f In Lppeurnr rs no me It Ll, For thu pro f incu'mnT R vo'|s, Mia Fuvellt-, J.u:ue.- ` {Meek-. And I loll of Rovoe were ex lnvrned. Fer Ibo defonco than new at ` lmnioed W. I`. Purou. W. Noibon. J S-vulno-. wseon and w. B:beock ! The defendant -no given order Plninmlf m..o..u . a..-x-:- ,,, _ ._ - u... . mu` uuuuu I-U ubclld k . . h ,, C. I` can". logxela uro fonhjm. An interesting cue Ina bt bra 7 judge I`:-Ice to day. {use Mt-Ewen sued W. F P-rrozr. Wiltomfut 8`.. f,l0 pemltynn- Ind der :he Ontario election ac . the defendant had bnbod A "` Revel! by paying him 3; hr Lia vow. jlnivg computation Tr-are wen Innny vrinre-no. cgned. 1'1 3 M M..,3n `.3 digmlyed `in, Co. ..mmt Onvlo-u B4-Iunn for JA_n'unr'y `,I,' hr Smynhv-. Q L,` _ prn;um_ ` Face 5:-)-Ids nmpn`-md. .`$ l6. ;b: ourv".-dtrle fwd H M. (mocha. wt . Nlpunco. do MW`! 'mP0r:eB. :vH,M)b; Irr-rprv. M-*.- g,,,,,w'_ 3-193; duty collected, 811,089 Ila! expo:-.u, f_ !lr'E-ton. no : out in I 5'- .t'>5`l ` Iuuy -aver v v mug vunnvn reach. lime! Hanoi: and alderman Toys, cbavr mm: of me C xmmnttce on tire. wmtr and lmzbh. bud a lung conlzronce, m whxch (kc ch-at gun but news of that ho com-ider ed in necrzenry to be done tofthel Imgado on n proprr fuoirg. of Mo Hrenl recently voted $`30,l`lI0 H brigade f vr Lha punch no r f not Ono re ghUa:}L' tuner nlone DUO". . 0! cnurse,he visited the fire 5-nations and laughed no the lack of prociencv fcunr: there. He conversed with chief Youldon and considers bun D practical, lavel-hezxd- ed mm, but thinks hens sadly handicamied by lack of proper appliances The few lib ale lad fern in aervwe here are nonhing more than toys. For I city of Klup non`: importance ab leash ono modcrr ladder and truck nhuuld be provulul There is also an maulciency of hose. The clay should have thousands of lean instead 0! hundrrds. The brigade is also in too small. Chief Benoit has more than dou- ble the number 0! men in one station than comprises the whole 01 Kingston's bri~ gade. Ila th`n|UI it in liuule ahsra oi unrvallou-1 then when 3 big the nuns here. such as man which destroyed the Oddfel- Iowa buildinv. ID (lacs non `pleld and dte trov evervebing winhin reach. Illa! lirnnvr and n'r.nrv--->< |"-- -l Bus 1 Poor Upmlnn of Klngnonw Fin lirtgnde Ind Applln-moi. F. Boazoic, chief of the Montreal re bri- gadmwnaxn the city this morning. He purchased a horse from I . [lather and I6 turned to Monrrenl with the animal -2` noon. UU" 1.'||'H Illiewle CMVDH. F. One, 8 represonhativa of the I) - mnnion permanent: loan company. of Torr n- co, in the cnby for A couple of months sell. imz debentures, was oblnged to return to his home m that city to-day owirg; 3 a severe attack of neuralgia. IVY". IIHI `.300. The Pelerbnrn colts not In few knock at their meeting with aha Frontenac-, and they have felt: no uied up aim-o than Ihey are now mlkmz of I-oekmz the expul-ion of the Fmntenacs from the 0 HA. Thr- colfa nra hkewme calvon. F n_,___ _ ___,___,_._.- , 1 .u v. WHY !- Ba sure and see I'aof Forri-, the world`:- groutoer hypnotiau, and Ina Yaudevnllo Co. at the Vmnnrin nheatre to-mghu. Pnico. Inn. and `.250. PK 1)..---.__- -,u, - - . rad W|nIcr.un:I old iillwd; new nah; ludlDu.\d' cnla. heunr El Qfll. [IUD Wlbll lll Epur. There was no Ice yacht race yeaterrhy afternoon owing to lack of wind. The race was! called for this morning but again pmrponed for a like renron. ID will take- place this afternoon Ifthere is sufficient wind. I)- _.__- --J ,, n ,- n Illll IIKHU. lfe sure and me Prol. Fc\rri=. the world : greatest hypnti, and his Vandevao (1.). an the Victoria Lbeabre to-nigbn. Prices. 10c. and 25. The military college cadets were out for riding exerciro yenterday. One 0! the horses sbved an I! azrenb car and the rider's foot) was nru-hod. Tho horse's aide Wu: cut with the Epurn. Than: wan nn Inn uaohn .-M... .-n..9...,l.... I '.'UULf. Alderman Tnyo has 1-nm'e ntartling in- formation touohmg the fire brigade, bu! he will noh nmke in public unml the I 0'.` mnntirur oltbecomvnitvtoo on tire, water and Iighb. HA uurn nnr` tnn Inn! l.`n...;,. H... ...... IJ - Mmnu nu ma r6HIr1I=nr`8 HIM morn-ng. Bo euro and :90 Prof I-`erri-. the world`: prenrmzh hypnntmm, and his Vaudeville (') ah the Var-boria theatre to night. Prices, Mr` and `.353. I 2.: . II IIKUV 1' Jllllulbbuu J. E Hnpkirk. Kmglnn. visiting: in To ronto, had his vutoh and bagg-go checks- Ibolon by Ammo Darocho. They wore fmnd on the pmooner'u portion. A line moms hour! arrived from P! m- broke than mnrning M be ln )Unf8d by :1 local fruiduminta. Tho hem! is tho proper` ty of H. A lirmhmn. Pembrolie. Thoums1S. McIn.'.<~e. n prnminenb rnerr chant: and owner of hho cnnning [actnry at Burfnrd, Onu. died very nuldcniy 0! heart hlluro A`: his renidenr-9 thin morning. sum and man Pm! I-`nnin Hm |rnI-Ir": UVLV "l"I'T I|IV, H. M. Beck, Montreal, representing {Le Canadian rubber cnmpany. in in the (`Hv orymg to sell horse to the tire. water and light) mmxnittae. J, E H.wvxkivh I-(umanvnn 1-isivinn in FA Iuc. DIV VI .3 H`. W. H. l .'ent0n, Sfeilu; Mr. nnd Mrs N E. Flynn, Caluaquu, and (3 S Wukeioul, lhbterven, were among tho visitors In the cvtv ynnfvrdrnv, H M RA/-Ix \fnnrrnnl n.nyn...n1innn|.. -van uu\':c|Iu('zuIll HM luu I~.'ll"1UVB|'}' Ho r-nra and see Prof Ferris, the wnr|4|'P grammar hypuocinh, and hm Vaudeville (.'a In tho Vwrrmn llxautra to night. Pru-aw, lUc. nrd `J50. II? II II, n.,2v II n In \r n pluvllltmnl. 1:=JH-'Ur\'IulV() !-1`.H1 [nlP moxnmg than Thomxua (`. Sunk. }'|bu-bang, War: A hcpeful ramhllsm '0: the 5-Hrxevnhy Hn sum and um Prnf I-`urrin Hm u-1..-M`. ' U11" U66 IH bl)! (`|'>y LN" 11 W) '1 ly. The firm drain 0! numxnibhees of bonrvl ofoducution wull have to be in revised 60 pass bbe etmhing committee. A nrncnvmnr r-:\n-mrmahun grin! nu; mnugm Roller 40 to $11!: Extra, 10 zukplgar, .-+upornna.s1$lu> 32.60: am) 3%.- smi) no 54.-4); Unurio Buy. .70 to (.`rnln-Whcal. Hm I an toot Hard. 76 `mo; Corn,Mo to4oc:Pt-ua.7uom 720; on . 31 toxic; mrle ' lo57o;R!o 56 Iobt; Buckwheat an m.- ;ou.mau, 1370 to 31.30; mmmenl. $1 In .10 Provision-o- .s1.ino to 315.30; IAIII, `Ic- gg 39; |0nmlb'!-lulu. lontolh; one-us. Do to manna: iowunapuoa come; :;:rn.uono1.'ac:Iinho I016 ; nun. aao IVIIILUI UVK)Il}U"'1 \lIIIll I/!Il('l . An In-ue of Klngntou It Pembroke bands will take place In a few days uudu ebniute pause?! at the hub aenaion. Hurry Langlner, agent, Mr J. Bvuco I .syno mbnvcu (~wmp.u;y, (lranby. (J40 mu been In the (`My hr fulv days. The rh drnfu nl numvninfnan nf Hyr UIUIIII Ululcu njmn DCOI. J. J. Fallon, (lornwull, arrived in Ho r"'1v to day to vmih his parents. Mr. and Mun l?`..IInn us: :.m..iu. Ill` '- HllI|UlI, V` II Tnureduy vnll bankrupt u.-tuck {on winter ovelconh. An .._.... ..l h .... LIIIHLIUII. Germany has: matured the Unibed Bhutan ulna she will inveabignte the ccudiuon 0! her agents in Snomn. Rudyard K-puny : national hymn "Re coauonak" no no nd A place In a Congrega- nionnl (hutch h'.`mn book. uvauuuml In bu uuu I plllfl hymn book. I I L`.lI.... 1`..- ...II VIIU ulfvur. J. T. Middleton has been nppoimed abenol Weuulorth. George Hurt: Wu kil'od in the woods in the vicmiry of I)-mphin F`ur(."nlarrh and Cold in the Head une (Ihuv.-a Caourh ru`e. Sold :0 Balls l):`\.Ig Store. |.1....._ _-___ L n_.-,| u u 1. v. I QHHU. Mapr r-.r.unt Enbethrzy has lelt Paris hp the .\'orthern nilruad lor nu unknown dee- Llnnnnn I The Vary latent Iran: On} And Continua -'l'ho Ouhoroa` Lines by lug,-unor- and Inn Would`: Howl Inca to tho Csundlnn I :-cu I-:0 loeon inches thick in being cut) H) the harbor. I 'l\ |l.'..I.l|-.-_ L,_ L-., _,, ,: - I AND THE NEW! TOLD IN BRIEF FASHION. -us-up-nu r-uuuul -AIIITI. Mnntnnl, Que. Feb. I.- nonr~-lhoel nuuoom; mun.-I quiet. quouuona: Winter 5;{&)to 54.00; Patent ng, gm 2); Straight Roller $1 0 ; )- . to ; n... 23(.-..33':PF