ALLAN LINE ROYAL .\l;\IL STEAMbHIPS RUBBER STAMPS 07 Ml kinds. Hal!-Intern Linen Mark:-rn, haters, Hrnlu, Hlrnrml, Wnk, ]"|nkQI a unit tnmpu, -In. lwpalrn prom]-1. hllunnlminn. rm-ri Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Worcester; Crease 5: Blarkwell. Ltd..!m; zmd Export Oilmcn gu-.:(-r:H'\'. A(.'I?N'TS: J. M. Ilouglu & (70. LEA AN ?EP;%i*% ouwsxns wnzunpzzn of every /30!!/c of the ORIGINAL YVORCESTERSHIRE RETAIL EVERYVVHERE. TRAVFLLING. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUINI`. CHLORODYNE .T... ?iTI"..1.'.1"\'.157`;. .'.`1' `.'.'I.'.".n".ll.l35I'...'1`."' `" CHLORODYNE ` CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE :2; 7- H l'i|"i'V'j|`['"_: 1';"il`L-I'M-" |"::'k* "4 VI"i"I"~}'. H) cmoaonma . POINT S. YVORCESTERSHIRE Jriemrs I . :. A RE. .Ll-3 BROUUNE'S Kingston 3 Pembroke and Canadian Pacific Railways. I auoro pm. Yawn: Pv,opuon' I Hun lmx. For pnrrmsri 07 W ""711 `DJ Shin! EIIDUBLZ ML svuuovv uuu IVQIII-lily LIGSS KS3 D.\f'.`71' I -IAS ()PE.V?-Zh A 1(`SX(` L And Thu:-mg (um (hw-tr-n`: I`.-amen saoro 1 ov1nPv,opnon' human in pven nrplv Fnnmr Wslluxnn inujliifi an V./ll\J.) .' Pnokbin_dery, Ct`-I . Rrnck and Raznt Streets I `Music and Dancing Class f\|(.~`B RAH HPFZVE-in \ vrqrr l.".... ..--. , ;mvi.;`.s.~` Ms *"~ ' | FAST TRAIN SERVICL`. .l;:-\--(`ivy '3. ' '.` ". I U0]lHi0Li8S=iB?i!HShlDS} xu'|n||< liardey, 1 ran` 1. T u an Y (,'r)l2-ml `HT. (I.'I.IL .`.A|-IUD O')\n"";C|` {#7. /1H`.;\ .\'\'F. a (1).. Gonerm Agruu. Mun vm. 1 4 ,` . :. yrs , _ J 3 I I I _ CORSET g,"\";*`v\_()~! yy I-`||v`| |'lH|(`!` .`\H1-pll|gl .|r.- CAPE VINCENT AND NEW YORK. hin-4-I I4)...rI l`....r-. '45 .. /N [t/E /N/( D/AGONALLY ACROSS THE " D. a A." consrr ROYAL MAIL .' hvl. npplv In J. I . Ollderllecu, m 1-3.-. .-.... ` Monuoul. Huron: in 'nn:ar W tuna |L I m dvipepam becurwl \e9' K. H C. In A pdoinivo euro. "1 Dale care." A complete cu ~a." "n marvellous curo.' he-u run, ".3 Limrcuxh cure, and n znar-nneoclcura. Sou u.~`.vmonn.x2a. 53M h. L 1' \l.-_L n I xuar-nneon cum. I u, 2" u mung; um: n um.-no or | .'. runs Khan: limo cured hlm completely` Thu: ; non n.- tnkan x.:?e-rmvly Sch 3 I mnuxnmz tan dun treanrn-ms. :5 all drug scarce in Krn.-.=t:)n. UNITAED A-b T/\TV|ES acnn . . - uluuluz not`. The mum mth rbeumatmm must: hml; I nvgbn nnd In wutb pawn. But: what: nu 1 .9 uend nf In whoa Ur HaH'n Rheumatic Cure mil make him well learn " The rheum-arm -uarer can gen V for we .1 : my rim: -rare. Why delay lwqer " Charla- ind 19, (Armor. S rncne I-lnnd, mffered w.t.h muscular rheurr~..tx=m for eight year` mu . bow. of D.-. Hall's Rheumanc | Puma nnrnd him>-l.. TL , , A (bolacn Ioddlng Anniversary of a Couple- u llzlbnrn I PA I ln[ Monday vi; 0. MARRIED LONG ACIO. THI DAILY 7 `aT.?p;; hnrrln ~< u-1 vs Wnfed I For Grippe and DUHSL WHIB. THURSDAY. FEBRUAR! 16. 18949. N J rna rge Ill I")HHI`f`II'|H W1` `A The St. lawrem limwteanbvnl ($0., I.|nit4-d. mnecr snomie ro NIAGARA FALLS. ....`... z-xv -av %m......_...,.:.-;.,;.M.4.A-;,,-...a.;;..;.a,s,;+.-.=.-,..L.2; Baby s Own Soa p ERIE MEDICAL C0., 64 Niagara St.. l`~'cd by Thousands of \\'. ESIROYEU BY FIRE. mun` r.-.1 from t .11, _.r Moth;-rs. fnrlw unc :.\l vnuru '58 Auavrmna E: .-txnck an-J NWYHK[[NTHA[[ Euzatment for (esh Men. T/"JAI. WITHOUT EXPENSE. ':1lcT IU _ u szckom-, ;.. Bualo, N. Y. ; -.u-mu, -nl , pun! n.. t ; bu(, vmkay-v. perlh , Ha. Iv r.- rn :- - ha Der rn|! .t..out and Hudson River RR., !n rnnnvvllun wt` H the ., ____`---u-1u mo \VL`LLlNG1`0N ;."nu;1;1`.l % j BOWLING AHEYS, EBILLIARDS AND POOL I ; GENDRON BICYCLE : , REPAIR snonj Both know than tbeu. Hardware needs are [ bean sazzeed here` Mrs. Mater Mr. Pater F. IV [S E? E T ,1 he Corner Bookstore Corbett s Hardware, l'nr Dr1nn.m. nnyl u.'..ln.. u __- F. A. PARENT. OHLORODYNQWMJ NEW BOOKS. /w McKelvey & Birch, 1'--vwousa --us-\AvVlAI\u (fur. Print-om and W'PlHmztnn Hlraets. I)(`)CTOI-f THERNIZ," by I]. kidrr II.'1gg;1r.J A (IOLONI.-\L TI\'.`\M} ," by Hume Nisl..t. I-INNX{T_ by Grant Allen. "TH}`l l\'l.\ F.`5 RH ALB," by C. N. Burrow. ` IOHN SPLEN DID," by Neil Munro. WILD lI;`Lh\'," by William Black. J I _ ,H 4-Mutt M_\r`r unn H I... r\...: V` AL4l./ L.L.L.Ln, Hy VVIIIIJIH DIECTK. "'NI".IL M.-\CLEOD." by David Lyall. `HIE COLYNTE DE LA Ml IiTT.'Z," by Bernard Capes. 69 and 7| Brock Street. I Bccame-v<'e'va everything ` rerguired and '.;-nir.y in the eaten: cam. my. {STAMPS |' 66009990 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Q , , ORIGINAL AID T nwn woowwwwnww if Need Electric lights? f ? 0 I run hnw vnn unnu- aniinar s Real Estate& Insxiranoo Brass and Japanned I I-mccs, Lots and Farms Fot Sale and To-Let. Several styles and sizes in both jmozvevw LOAN Fire Insurance in 5 Companies it lowest rates. Wire Spark \\ Guards 4'; Per Cent and upwards I5! Wellington Street. BERM UDA. NOW I` \ R.i` \ urn nrnv