Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1899, p. 9

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O ' ` `J "'I"""_ "' """""' Nervous prostration, exhaustion, depression, irritability and sleeplessness, brain fag, loss of appetite, lack of energy, ambition and nerve force; aralysis and locomotor` ataxia; thin, watery and diseased lood; pale, sallow cognplexion, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, cold hands and feet, female troubles, leucorrhea (whites), painful, profuse. or suppressed menstruation, tardy development of girls, sexual debility, loss of vital forces. premature decay, heart affections, neuralgia, rheumatism, la grippe, and all diseases of the brain and nerves. The Great Food Cure for Diseases of the Nervous System and Weak Watery Blood. Through the medium of the nervous system and the circulation ol the blood, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food im- parts new lile and strength to every organ of the body, creates new brain and nerve tissue, and makes it impossible for the following diseases and symptoms of diseases to exist. lY_,_,- _ _ . .' I `. l`I'. Mr. E. W.-Day. 62 Close Ave., Toronto, writes: THE GREATEST` DISCOVERY OF MODERN SCIENCE Dr. A. W. Chase s Nerve Food. School Girls Nerves. Yours very respectfully, E. B-\Y'. ' 1. Brain Fag. This great food cure is accomplishing marvellous results and affecting prompt and permanent cures of nervous diseases which physicians pronounced incurable before its discovery. .' .1-i ` Away with strong, poisonous drugs. Return to N ature s method of building up the system ' and lling the body with the vitality that throws oft` disease. Dr. A. W. Chase s Nerve Food cures by restoring and revitalizing the tissues wasted by disease or overwork or worry. It is not a stimulant. It does not give false hope. It does create new, rich blood and nerve cells, and through the medium of the nervous system and circulation of the blood imparts new life and energy to the whole system. The Last and Favorite Prescription of Dr. Alvin W. Chase, "W W"d`8 Most Famous Physician- Vt \_\\~,\\l EXSU)ODlI) .x` :L XUXIQI _ w. CHASE n g 'm.( D. A o)O@ o;O0.-)OOO q mmmm;oxuqrm .cnn1mxb\\xn6n1a@n6xsxsxirm omaman JCM Incas: assull ll\l `La. Dr. A. W . Chases Nerve Food makes pale, weak men and women `strong and healthy. It gives-to the thin and emaciated a round form which tells of a steady advance in health. The victim of thin, watery blood nds the color returning to the cheek and the brightness to the eye. LUll\lIllUII Wlullku IIIHQCB IIIC IIIIXIHUIC. There is no preparation known which will so quickly create new, rich blood as Dr. .-\. W. Chase's Nerve Food. It contains the life-giving ptinciples that entitle the blood to be called the vital fluid." It is a condensed food which by nourishiug'- the blood builds up new, rm flesh and steady nerves. IL. A ll r`|.-....'.. \r_._-_.. L`...-..! .....l..... ....I.. ...-_|_ _-_ _...: _._.-.. Let the blood get thin and watery and there arek endless troubles. The complexion becomes pole and sallow, and there is a lack of ambition. loss of sleep and appetite. depressed spirits and a general mn-down condition which life miserable. I`L___ __ 4- h, 1` I Thin, Watery and Diseasgd Blood . 0),0)3}\o;(o/{ago\o`igixo1o o n o.o 0 o,c.o.o Q O,'0_.o;o)qx_'o o o`o:I . o\ ` The nervous system includes the brain. the spinal cord ? and the nerves. It is composed of grey and white matter. The grey cel s produce nervous_ force and the white nerve bres conduct it. The bres correspond to the wires of the telegraph system. Nervous diseases are caused by the nerves being improperly nourished by the blood. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food cures all diseases of the nerves because it enriches the blood, feeds the nerves and strengthens the nervous system. 1-In .DAlL! WHIG, sumnnu. APRIL uh. um. us. A. w. cunsrs umv man, I `rm: NERVOUS SYSTEM. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS AT 50c. A LARGE BOX. s momog ggxom ox o,.o,o(joI_o;o/9j0J\o` (I` DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE CO., ?3QJ\hn?l\ Ann? ___ QQIDQ-I1: .-u v 2--- : .v--:---- TOR6'NTO. ONT. Ann IUFFALO. NJ. As you value your life and health beware of these worthless imitations. On every box of the genuine will be found a portrait and fac-simile of signature of Dr. A. W. `Chase, the best guarantee/as to quality which any pqeparation can possibly have. Insist on having the genuine, and do not, under any circumstances, accept substi- tutes of any description. The wonderful success of Dr. W. ' Chases Nerve Food, and the consequent popularity which it has attained has given rise to numberless imitations ; but, instead of bein genuine food cures, these preparations contain poisonous drugs, such as morphine, cocaine, and aconite, which relieve by deadening the nerves, but do not nourish them back to health and build up new nerve tissue as does [)r_ A_ w_ Chase's Nerve Food. . /- Nursing mothers instead of being weakened by the period of lactation will gmn strength and be able to nurse their children properly by usmg Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. . By enriching the blood and building up new nerve tissue, this great Rood cure makes the peculiarly feminine organism, strong and lwalthy, and insures proper nourishment for the child. Ioannot commend your medicine too highly for xvzik ; men, women and children. I have the honor to be, Bvery mother owes it as a duty to hersell` and olllspring to he in perfect health during the expectant period. The mind should be kept cheerlul, the bowels regular, the blood rich and pure, and the nervous system well nourished. In robust health the pain of maternity will be largely avoided and the little one will enter on life with :1 healthy, well- nourished body. `\ 1 1| 1 an Any irregularities of the monthly uterine action is sutlicient re.'ison_lor women to be alarmed about their health. \\/hethor p.iinlul, suppresserl or profuse menstruation, the cause can he directly lF."tC("tl to exhausted nerve force and the cure lound in Dr. A. \V. Chase's Nerve Food which restores the wasted nerve fluid, :1nd,'l)y strevigtlieiiiiig, the nerves gives them full control of the female 0rg."uis_. Mr. Frank Ii. Shcpznd, proprietor of the Rochester Lead \\'o:`ks, Rochester, N.Y., writes: "I have been taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for the past six months and have used about twelve boxes in that time with marked benet. VVhen I commented I was troubled with .1 very severe case of nervous and am no\v completely restored to health and strc-n;;t|i. ' (Nervous Exhaustion and Nervous Depression). The rational tr(-atment for this complete exhaustion of the nervous system is to leed the blood and nerves with Dr. A. VV. Chase's Nerve Food. Under such conditions of the nervoussystem the digestive organs are unable to perform their functions even if one could take a sutlicient quantity of food. l)r. A. \V. Chase's Nerve Food nourishes the weakened and exhausted nervous system back to health and strength_ and through the nerve bres which extend to the remotest parts of the body, semls new vitality through the whole human system. The gradual increase in weight will tell of the building up process \\'l]l(`l] is taking place in the body. EDMANSON, BATES C CO Proprietors. Nervous Prostrations. Nervous % Depression. Expectant Mothers. Female Troubles. A We r_njng. Gr-:Nn.miE.N,-~-l wish to voluntaril add to the many testimonials presented you in favor of the Dr. A. VV. Chase remedies. Last spring my eldest daughter, aged `eight, be- came very much run down. Her lretlul, nervous, sleepless condition greatly alarmed her parents. She was taken from school, and notwithstanding the rest, nursing, patient care and various treatments, the thin," weakened, bloodless lace w painfully worse. Fortunately we tried one box of Dr. hase's Nerve Food. An improvement was apparent in a few days, it continued and in a few weeks she returned to school, built up anew, and greatly to our joy fully. restored to` health. _ __ A _ _ K _ I _I The great crisis of a girl's life comes when she isa school girl of twelve or fifteen, just merging into wbmanhood. Mothers if you; darling daughter is of any account, as you love her and would render her loveable and happy through all her future life, see that she passes through this trying ordeal just right. At no time in life is nature so much ` need of the very assistance which can best be given by r. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, the great food cure which creates new, rich blood and new nerve tissue. just at this time, when she is growing most rapidly, just when she is exerting her mind with studies and is over-anxious to rank high at examinations, there comes the drain on the system caused by the new functions of the feminine organs which are just beginning to assert themselves. A; u 4- . I"'l"` "' Dr_ A. VV. Chase's Nerve Food creates new brain and nerve tissue, and produces rich, red blood, the vital uid" of the body. All brain workers quickly recognize the merits of this great food cure, and after a few doses, find that they enter on their work with new energy and ambition. Business and professional mcn, accountants, stenograph- ers, students, teachers and all brain workers know what it is to have the brain so tired out that concentration ofthought is almost impossible. One-fth of all the blood in the human body is found in the brain, and unless the blood is pure and rich, the brain tires out for want of proper nourishment. I\ A II! I`! I xv r` 1

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