% Peacemake-r.l men A? :05. each. CHUN- ART~BLl.\lDS- 25", gm`. 35*. 45v. snc each. ` ART BLIND5 by _\'arJ. 30, 42, 45,48 in. wide. Lace and 1 assels to match. When shopping laok for the sign. (me a yatd. LACE CURTAINS-15c, 40. 50:`. 75C, 3!. SI 5010 3m .1 pair. TAPESTRY CURTAlNS-$2 50, $3 50, $5, $610 810 a pair. TAPJLE COVERS in Linen, Chenille and Tapestry-5oc to $4 ICRUMLEY BROS. C Is not of necessity a City or Country mansion. Many cozy homcsare to be found with little e.\terniI appearance, but inside werything ne:1t, clean, tidy and in a' ply-pic order: Many more homes would be m dc cozy but r0` the fell` thit a new Carpet or Curtain which is really neccsaaty when cleaning house can not be af- forded. To those who anticipate moving. housecleauing or fixing up a bit this Spring let us sav, make your Home cozy and we will do our best to beautify the same at sm:.ll cost. I`ADDI.`Tu .. ...~ us Ian Hi nan acr arr An- Ar` Kn!` UUI UV3t IU UCGUIIIJ tllt. DJIlI\- us gun CARPET5 at xcc, 13c, 15c, xSz`:',- ~2\;:`.'25c, 55c, 65c. 75c a }:|rd. FLOOR and STAIR OILCl.OTHS--xoc, r Those Black Sateen ` Shirt Waists` Are here at last. Four styIcs._ Some with pleated fronts. Some tucked fronts. Others with front, b;.ck and sleeves tucked. All are made with detachallc \[OCk collars. Prices, $1, $1 25, $I.5n, $2 50. NIC.K\-VI_i_/r\I\ _ I7(_)R WUI\H_".I\ -- I r0b;1hlytliclar;;c:.xt varicty and ;iv.~:nrtment you ever saw in any one dcpirtmt-nt at one time. lawn wows and string tic\_ 5c C(|(l` Satin string tin, inc cach. Lawn hows at 15c I . K, Satin, Silk and \'vl- vct stock collars at 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25. Silk bows at 25c. Silk bmvs and comiiinution stocks, 40. i'\'nvcltic_~; at 75c, $1, 33: 25, $1.50 to $2 75. I I I .,.L . I)l`l'l`t` l\-l2,, __ I) `A. -l\. I.`..__..-- Insist on being supplied with A Cozxvm T" 1* iv "~v'-/J- . -..._...-_.., ,,.. ._ Bl3l.'l`S~I olishcd l.<:;1thcr Bulls, 20c. lmcy Leather or Pcbblcd Leather at 25c. Belt Buckles, tick Pins`, II;1t Pins, Cyrano Chains, Shirt Waist Sets, Bclt Grips, in new styles and large variety. Starr & Sutclie, Ifveryhndy Needs a Tunic Tied down to ` houscwor|L.lo the unnbbins brush In I...L..n on nk- U I II I II I H U I ~ lnuckehlo the W W 1 / dish pan and " houaedolh. Li lho condition of the woman who sun u .-1 soap in her cleaning. ()n the uhu hand the woman who use-5 (AM Dust bu her wurk all done by noon. 1 duel as she I: Lacs in the affL'r~ --.._ um. 4 ,..l.l n.... 4|... .1 ...- L... (..~ld Dust . "`- ", no )n, W sh P she in a I r noon. Wit (mid lJu:.t she d.cs he! cleaning with 1lf.lho cort. In hall the nme and at h..lf me out 9.3 with map or my other cleaner. Vol greatest cwnomy buy our Inge pJLk.'AgC. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY H8 and I20 Princess Street. 501.1-1 AGENT}; run CANADA. L/\\VRl{N(jIi A. WII.S()N & (i()., Montrcal. It tones up the stomach. Gives healthy. vigourous action to body and Brain. [nriches the blood. steadies the nerves and energizes the whole system. Sold by Druggists everywhere. is pre-eminently the tonic stimulant of the age. 4.. in Springtime. Revitalize your System and ward of diseases. On the Corner. Montreal Chicago New York Boston 35: 40?; 45C, SOC, `SC. 35C. 40c, 50c, A. 3 CAMPBELL..-/1 AND -9* `.1 . \ ~\ I..;`\ Hose Reels, . x i of Same Color Wrapper, _________j__.___jj. `OOOCOOOOOOOCOCOOOOCOQO Q g More than the Mcjals won at! Expositions do we prize the re- Jntation held by C.-\RLlNG': He and Porter throughout th- Dominian. The verdict of the pie who want the best is in Favor of Catling's. j. S. Henderson. selling ` 11:, Kingston. GENUINE Paragon McKe|vey& Birch. LAWN HUSH Sure you on ma 69 and '11 Brook Street Grass Clippers, Lawn Bakes. In :1] sizes of the beat mute. Nothing WOOD Cut and Uncut- ,A_1_L_ GROCERS7 -v--- --v- -v-v-'--vvv ---yi-U `II nlinnd pohey.unn upclinul. itvu pubis-i on that tho tum uiphuslfue. oodntioulynhonothn coun|ry.Iln it niglthoinjuriou uoriuid kudos. In Intro? ol the eli CIII III Ila """ """ "I'Y"""` From nun In can it gained that Cw- Lda has foovcd Ibo vino! eourn 0! Ian"!- trg the prodncttol Ibo nokinr nanny by Indian in the pnluuxcu which the no much duinn. Usudur A annuuvuivo duo puunuon thumb to but would burn ban Ibo nun up than whvch bu Ion ad-Inn _'d In Ibo Allltnhnn enloniu. which pr ..__.-.,.... ....... .... .......... w.......,. The libonls. 5 few months After they mad bum callod co the ndmioinurnion cf public nthin, ndopusd n prohroutinl unrf. no giving to England I docidod sdvm ago. in attack the caries dumb (or 3 nine. hn. recovering their Snub. tho} rdlogod than can libenlu did not: gnu (mm 0150 old bod Dbl! obey should has done. man I gmuino pnlonnual Inn, such so nhoy Ind Inlkod ol. involnd preferences Gt. Cuudn in the msrkcu ol the old land. and than for such they would hsvo pruned caudally. I. L-_ ,,-- L_, In bu not hen undo Ipparuah nm the our lriouds. Ibo Doria. denuded i. `Who has thing Ihnl canld have been wrought about Vnctoriu nod South Aunnlia. pron-ting sgninoh the propocd inaouo 0! wine duties in Grant Brihin. Inn been given Io Indonund by chases!- lor Hair Bach than their nppul nun In In Quinn 5|.-. LA ._n_;I- auL_ :_--_..__- ,1 , -- .-.-..- -_.... ..... ...... .,.,,_. ....u u- `n ma, than in manila "the inception at I obtain in the Brilith nal Iyuun cl gran xnponnneqondhodidnoo nowbynpro fauna should to undo in tumor 0! coin _;-- _L: ,3 min: which lovy high pmtecrzivo land. upon Btiuilh nnnuhcuunl." And Ibo an nonncunonl, In an inlcnnod. Ill gnotrd with land npplsuo. I`_._. .-__ .- __- L- -,.x_ ..n ..u -..... v-an-*'I -v_:--ovu- The Bwchville Times relers to the Whip is A dyed-in the-wool in-it newspaper, end Allegee then "it is A pretty tough doctrine which it cennot end irso." That is A douhu ful compliment to uy the leest ol it. I is A ststement which done not 6) the Whig And does not describe its true poer rion. It is liherel. by choice And incline uion. And her; given to liberel principles A loysl And generous support. I. hes, how ever, cllared A cendid end lsir criticism ol politicslevente. And hAe not hesiteteii Cl` diseppmve ol liherAl prcceedings silen they lid not suit it. [1 has Acted on the pres-uniption thet (Air criticism is not A bed thing, thAt men will Appreciate it when they see how puhlc opinion hes been ex prwod through A medium wh-ch can not he considered hostile. The press oi :odAy is not diepo.ed to eey yes And men to everything ehich the perty does We function is not to re echo the semi inente ol the psrty leedeie, end to endorse them whether they be right or wrong. I In the feeling Iheh it did this in the hog yeers Ago that [Ave rise to the chsrgi. then the press wee suheidizvd or ii tliencen my party petronege. Thet leelirg ha pIll0d Away, never to return. The pron. muservetive And lihei-Al. end eepeciAll_\ the lihenl, nun! lete been inclined to discuss public issues on iheir merits, And it is lot the good ol the people. The Whig off re no Apology for the cendid criticisn in which it hes indulged. Iii. deeirnu then the libenle, its friends, shell 50 As consistent es csn he, thet in power they shell give elfoct. is possible. to the professions they nude while in oppositicn, And it reserves to iteell the right 0! peeeirig rnnrh upon the points where these diverge. TALKING TO THE POINT. The oppoeilion hu not ceaeed no declare when Cunde hu fexlod co secure 1 mn Eoglnnd whet it: Imghn hue done in the any of A preferenuiel Ientf. When the. coneocnnivee were in purer they pnted e green deel show when uhey were going to to, end they 7000 one 0! otce mthonv daing enyuhing uowerde cloeer husineee relenione wioh the mother country. Th- l:L.--I. _ 1-- _-_.L- -1.-- -L__ Wood ans`. Meg! Valves CALL OUTTHE FORCES. The propoeed trip ol the Nzh hettelion to Brockvilleon May 24 h hu iucreeled the vieh ol the public that the cedete of the mllitery college ehonld join in the militery perede on thet dey. elong with "A" better]. Without theee tau oorpe there will he no showing ol Cane- dien drill. A hettelion like the I4 h, et eny rule, having only e emell num- ber ol drilln. in not eble to compete with independent compeniee tehen lrom hi; citlee end, therefore. npiohed lot. ltle prohnble A very elrong request will he oeni to Gen. Hutton, eating for the parade ol the two corpe here. In the Brit place it in the proper thing And e mentor too long ne- glected. ln lormer duye the imperiel regimente here mode the qneen'e hint- dny the greet dey ol the you. The Uinedinn pnhlic celehnte heeruly, but Cenudien pelmenent oorpe teem to alight it. Beeidee this visit 0! the uni- ted corpe ll national in cherecoer, And the minister ol militia should lee thet there in eorne ntumpt on the pert ol Canedieo (own to nhow them the courted] ol e meeting. It would be e very nice thing, indeed, il one or other ol the two bend: ol the force came to Kinaeton to tote port in the very warm recop:|on thnt will be ten iered. N DAILY BRITISH V310 publlulnd cub waning III!-l|0 King Slant, 5: 30 pl! you. Edmoo-o A113) and odcloox. WIIKAJ nuuflntl W11). 12 Ill. Dub M 11) and odcloux. IIKAJ nnu`1`Lnu wulu. . pub 11 ed 0 Tuuruuy morning 51 I you. Anna in one of the but 1 Prinunq Once: In Canada; rapid, uyluh And chap work ; nine Ilnpmvedpnuu. Inc, ,I ll Pnnnn Pinurlntr. THE DAILY wHxG.; rue WHIG---66th YEAR. 'rHE\v7va1<;'`1-bsTr10N. ortrpc Orb. Dior. In yrvVuu`yrv-I-I . lbw. J. 8. Plain. Prvorlnol. ms nun: wmo. wnonnnut. nu. 3. mm j Flour Manufactured IIII Ilvutncu unnn gong. ur--uruu uy lb nilwuy enuuuiltto ol no booed ol eonnonauobopheod in position so the Collin Bay arousing ol tho Grand Trunk rsilvny. bu bun cnetod and low Ioudn vuniqn: vbonpptucholdl trains. KN) Kujy DC I. LFXIIICII, Bf IC'3Up'I- od Ibo pmition nu manna innpochor for the Want` and Bncioh Auction urnr once czlnpomol. Fran hi: long (non- ooco ' In Iurvoyinq and in bundl- in damund vu-eels nu in conudond iv norm: man that tho companion bun uucund tho nrvncu M 5 man coup-um ` intpoetnr; through when they vvll dorivo can-donblo uncvnl bcnot. Hm duh- uuomn ol Inspecting bull: and eugou dunurod by accident on which tho con panic hold noko. with I Vita in towing properly. Cup". Donndly in bald in Man man by um-mo ago on both aids: of no inland nut mun. l"'F"WWIIlII,nu'IuIuIuuuu -i-In-In-uu-uydo-nun. uovorly -nun. Soc Urumhy Bron . ndvn. ixfto narrow : pnpor. They In giving a double hiding sump ulu for run dayu. couuncciog cn um rh. W'on'P than it at. The DuI|nolIy Islngn nod wrecking com puny : unsure! Eurydnco will min from Picoon nun rock. and with tho wrecker Gnnthun also V1" pmcood to the venue of the Wnllor inch o Nicholson : hhnd. Timbers, pumps and other nqrmitu no hdng placed on the Gnnlhun. In nddnaxmu In his dunno up unanoohnr fur ,IUCU\l 0 Inc IITIIIUII-1. In nddmon to his dunno no Ioapector for inland Lloyd`: And uuniner of outer! und anus. Capt. '1'. Donnell} bu IC'.20p'I- nhn Hanson nntl Rntinh Amnrinnn nanny- so `nu: net 3 puuuaunu pulugu. The plnnhinr of hose about the city comes undo: the supervision 0! lbs com manna on parka. Than body should con udder the nduubilicy ol encoding the- Kina -Proeb brahwnler (teen on u hr ll " D-...-l.. man`: I '\'R IVYUBYA lJ|'El i Beverly man. .514. I Yvnunlni ` VIII IUIPKHUIID Ill Illnlil 07" HITICUAOCL The old ndngo, than "love laughs uh lccksmithn." wnll hlvt to bemodormxad md amended so u to include the cue of Hnidon nnd Pun { K`.-A..-.-L ll7.l|.-__ ___n-__ _-__-_-_A_ Bll. `J! V` 0|) I [DID DC HBO. An off: :er of the Hub butnlion and A populu youna lady ro-(dung on Eul canon will he married on June 5;h. Cards ` us out announcing the Affair. T 1. nnhlin lnh.-up` nu planar` and nill pg COCIOANUTS... SIP nun IIZIIIODIICIDK IDO Inll . Tic public llbftfy no closed sud will re l main no lo: no wuh, during which man a new cnuloguo will be pnpured. The reading room of the libnry still running` op-n. l Mlnlllnmnntn Inlh ah nnnn cmdnw fnr II II. i v;1in()lamonta `lulu At noon today for Vnciont. B (3.. when she mll npond some mouth: vimhing relatives. A lugs nun: bar 0! her friend: unolnhkd at tho nation to with her 3 plenum puugo. ' Tho nlnnhino AC has: Ahnnh Eh` nihs KIIYIIIITR U09. Only one open car Inn in service on the root rnilwny no-day, running on the Wnl liunnvulle bunch. I`... ......I.A...- _--- .'_;..-n-| -; .|- U KIZVV IE [III Y.I'I[IlC WPFIVVITU Tho ti )II| horn the new Frontenac mzll in aoen in qnnntmu on the inland lernu nnd for -hnpxnonn m ulmouo ovary dirucmon. Thn nld nrignn than "Inna Ignnhn uh l'l""|lU'I nnu I `TU Fztdenck Williams, western rrprooentn tin lot (3. A McGoIun I cigu factory. 1 loin yontonhy, f u Victoria, B.C. Hi: round urip who coon him SH8. Ru (`.nunI.v Ru..' Inn in an Innnrnn . uflp UV! ICU VUPU lllm Il`. - See Crumloy Bros . sdvb. in to-molrofa` pnpu. They no giving I double tnding ' nump sale for ten days. commoocing on, the Lt: Won : than be ne. ` 1.. A511..- -1` sL_ IlgL L_sA_I.'__ __J _ IN) Iii`.- Tho rcboonor W. Y. Emery, Cupu. A. Mncholh lulu Toronto today for Oswegu no load coal `FL. I!.___.._ I _ _ _ . . _- ;--_ L,.I , 1, I M) Iu&u (R3 The Kunguon lacrouo hum bad 3 In I practico luc waning. all Ibo old plsycn turning onb. an]! (Inn nnnn nap in: in nnvvit-n An Ihn IIIIIIIVIIIC nrlllcn. I Four cmdndaooa were initmtod at No! rt-gnlnr meeting 0! Cuanqui lodgn, No It), I O O. F. In: cvomng. f`. P R nrninn nrnina Dnnhnnl-J I-Lrnnnh IU, I K) LI. .0 IIIF BVUIIIH. C. P. R. nnina gain: wuuvurd through Sborboh Lalo no nearly all in two aocnouo. no honvv in the tnic wurnnrd. TL. 5! ._- l-.._ .L__-_ lI`_.._A--_- _.|I ;_ Lots of than. only 5 cents. Oranges, Lemons pineapples ` Bananas I'lll\|lV\:l Ill UIIU Clly. A labor union II he ionnod in the city on Thursday nigh ). nn-A nlnnninn -n- in nvnnvann in N. LIII Illllflllly Illxlljn Hon-o cleaning was in progreta in NA- pnnoe jnll Monday nigho. Hull-nrlldlv In:-gnarl hnnh hnnnnn tn rtnh app! uuvou cl. uU., IUUU UK "In; IYJQIL ' A Inge number lrom this dmncb no leaving almost dnily tor wolaom pl 0VllJCOG to locum. TL- . -L;.A_A- Kl. \' F_._.__ f`,__ A How banter the cmneornmvo press has become towards Hon. John Coetngnn. One psper rulers Lo bun u I mun who ldf uuwury years has ntood clean up to (he! Tgublu: trough " He is non ch. only man ` who has lnmd well in public Me. A few ` of the gentle mm on the from benches, bx- lore Mr. Contlgnn, look lac sud click an a ro-ulo of than long feeding an the publnc axpome. funk Raid 1: ridirg 5 new Cleveland wheel ma year Klnn P. A Mnralnn 1Nnt.\n in -ininiru Ina!!! una )eur Mrs. E A. Motden. Picton. II viaiuirg rul-mveo in the cny. A lghnr nninn -all ha Inn-mgd in thn nip: W109 JIII UIUIITIIY "IRON. splendidly locnnod bow homes to non Apply Booth :1 Co., loot of Wu; urogc. A IAIDI nnmhar In-nun I.hia than-.nn gm I In : I" very fine hr the London News Do 3 any man thus should not. be my Iucthcienh 1 ciwl Iolvnab. I I olhor wall: 0! Info 1! Al mun Ilnnob compotonb ho II timed. Bun politics no not evuyllnng "in other mm, of Mo," nod man no not duplncod for the nine! the party sud the couvennenco of ` In office huntaon. lousy Pnnnqnsplu Plnlod Op II] on Benonorn on Thovlr llonndc. In England the woman`: nurngo move mom II I dud lmlnn. 0! the women who were cl-gnblo no vozo in the In! mumcipcl olocuoa non ova: I lonnh used the balloa. Wunu in the inforenco? Thus the women, an A rule, do noo wnnb Ibo lrnuchino and will bun uoabing to do with In 8.) tho govunuom to not dloponod to lboudon any ol la nouutoo Noun tho OPPOIIUOII objnol to them. And the con aoruulvu, In oonuqnonoo. Ibrulon to 3- moo cnmp for the summer. loan at Hull: Iunh I vacation. and bboy any ma non lpond H. in Oounu. II the B ochvillo Timon won an indepen- dooo u bno Wing. at M onndnd, it would I audio out and do mouthing lot I puny. ' In ludu II novu know 0b to in tune he took 5 wall whllo in and othu pupon Inn 10 no dt-paood Io Iuoohot their nlho biom. njnlodot In the spirit IMGI pnvoo in oountnllvo circles to dny duplto the probation: cl loysliy and ad longing lot pnlonnuol undo. Tao cd omcu ol the htonla tn their in I nlonn much ho nppnclnod "II hour." And to n trout much gnaw than words inn oxpn n. IDITORIAL NOTES. U the Mclnooc bill bocolnu law at 00b~ In only the much sod cmdidutoo for tho ouloaunl only can out an ontnnoo into Briliuh Columbit. And judging we pro vinco by some ol In nopn Oahuvol in In ` ooh 3 new odition ol the holy Imd. oncnorenriwbr Ir-n DAY. Uitlnoln-nlnctoi _I-_-.1-_I _I,,_, _ ; Whtl Wu I'II IIIIWI III: II. The people 0! Kvmr-ton bug to than} Dunn Col Hath. M I`. I . for being deprived M hho volunteer camp thii year. Tho choice at time tell no lnnhhof dmricu snd in mptprod Juno, no Kincnton ip. `-nrich Du ion:-ad ho It-cam Sopmmlnr. Tho Inc camp horn in Sqpvauhor no highly noes-olnl and boot. Col. Hughes vnooocfthu ceen who nloetod lhu Mun. Nah being cmnuhod on lo the Soptunhcr COOP this you ho hichtd tad In canunnmvdinn more iououcu with the gunman! Ihnn nfonnco. Gol. Hughes had new vuiahl than tho lihunlo of thus di-met Ind haunt the chap chcnmd In Nionn. The can of taking the troop! In): this dinner: to Nngnn wll be much grain . but upnnao in no! to ho conoidond whcn Col. Hvghon hu Duo Ianppod upon. Tho riqhu of tha pooph o! thin diucrictnro olno account in such cuts. mad money in no object. TBIIDIIOQVII entry`: visa unnu- onncn Anoolianndenuuvu iI|pnI~ ad, mlhthooptionolgoiuglojnillorou -nl|IL X'..'CIIT-'\.l.Df$IllKllI much In the son. in charged with drunk- .---_ A I-g 1|. 1 gnd an-In nan inn-in. the | HIIIIIEIAE Mlllll ($0.. lld.i Nlw BI-zumuu, Mum. Mny 3-Aunt Mnry Spoouor. I06 your: old, dvod sudden I] whllo to copper. Aunt Mnry hu long been hand no mo oldoec resident 0! Mn- nchunom-, u roll no the Host memhot 0! mo Duugbtou 0! tho American rovo luoion. lo us: her diotiucuon to h-vr Men an "own" duaghzu-_bor hthor, Miooh Spoonor, hnmg been one ol the minute moo summoned to the dolonco 0! Boston char tho bnnnlo oi Lumgton Aunt Nu} Ind unothur dnatmctnon. She III the oldest "oId mnid. " no hr u her nslutuvov could uncertain. in the Uutbod Socloo. la npvtol hcr grout: ago one rouinod most other lnculunu unul I (aw month: ago Payoicnlly, however. rho hn nmnner nboub an mun! up N) Inthnu I let: day- nnd hot sudden oolhptc wu nnlnuko-I tn by nor hunly Dunng recenb vonra Au- Mary hn rocoive1 much atlontnon iron I the Unughhlrn of tho Rnvulutxon and LL. llhughoerll of the Amancmn Rovo|nLioIL `and among aha pou-ea-Juno whlrh pl. lpwlevl moat h-ghly were the certicate- of momberahlp In these orgunnuuua. IDCIIIGIDK mum COUPO. The oroopo and mvnl ronrvu will no bilnn no Oawogo uud II unbuk aboard the otumor North King so eleven o'clock on tho nlgho ol the 23rd inn, arriving at Kvmnbon no nix o'clock an ab: morning ol the `M h luau. I A Otnndlnn Uluh Whnrh In: I Uurprllo lo major wanunuaano. n x . unmanne- lu` aha 3rd battalion. N.(}., N.\' . lining than above Iniha 0! lm command would wait Kingaaon on the 24th ton. to aaanau nn Ilxo `Military ravlaw ho ho bald hero on that day : Oungo com- pany, I25 man; Syracuse company, 00 man; Auburn company. 60 man; Enmlra company. 60 man Thaaa ioclnda all ranla and band. Major Walhar will ba accompanied by hi: abalf In addition to than companiaa will ba the cadacn ol Sh John : academy. Syn lcnao. N Y., 100 an-aux, band cxcluelvo; naval naarvacadata. Roohaabr, llauong, Including drum cotpa. Than nrnnnn and naval rnnnrvnn I'll] mo. `I'D: troop (hula; - VIII AI-rho Inn At Ill Woloot In `tho Inning. This not-ulng L!onb.AOol. Drououz. loo- ruory ol the quota`: birthdny oolobnuon qomniutoo. mound n conmnmon un Iron major Wnllot, Ounao. N Y comnnod Inn aha .1:-d hnhhnllnn NI} . H.Y . llinl anon WALKER m oomuuo % t an Inn lpoonu in `tho Oldest "Old 1-1.0` I. III._ I`-`I044 II-Inn. -nun. ChtluWdhuwunbIdon the In- .z.a_n. ._ .L. .n..-..lJ-.._L.--. IT was "Eaten mama.` For Constipation