v 1.4? ` To rut are not us duct as buckle- hrriosn tha mm. It }on van: 3; has thcnzh. we have n kw that Are` Innrpund for loan a nu! eon-` Vuillct in unuvgemonc. We all.` lint uni aching: All km : of realty; Ah the police own this morning Prun- eit Moon. on a charge om. unlcuneiiurn ned 85 sad cons mrh Ibo option 0! opondmc two month: in jail. 1`: I15}: Inlrslinn -III Lawn A nnrmln -p-mung um nouns no pun. Th Huh battalion will huvonpan-lo tomorrow night. The brass band will reader I nuoicnl progrunmo. I 1 Donlh 0! A Young Inn. Yesterday morning William. who eixh Runyon old -on of Thoma! Eamlnnd. gu-donu 0! Wnllmmnwnlle, dned nu the home of his parents on Regent unmet. Ha had been I" {or only but dnyn 0! inummsr lion nf who bowulq. Doctuod hm! been going no buninoso colleen. when he was asking 1 conunorcisl coono, huh had coated his studio: to ash: hm (nahor during the summer. h In his ;..s...pi-..un ..>..... .. AL- ...Il..... .. oh- ' C.`II_V. A I'XUI'(l UK in" FCUYU WI! HUI IU}|C I During Sunday`: hnobcll [I510 on the cricket field I bnplo play by the 1'-infill Strata was A non piece of work. King! ton player! vvrupod first nnd neond hues. with no men one. The bnutur knocked 3 lnobiy tn the pitcher, who seen ed tho ha". and thromrg H to ucond hue pm on` 'he mun running from second in bhird and clan caught the plnyot gonna [mm rst en -emnd. The mph play `I! Iouily ap- plnuded. Q8110 IITTIJ` III I In) 0 CIEKYI. Nmohnn bicyclist: vhoobd up to Napo- noa yesterday, the road being in ucollcnh condition. Tunney tin of Nnpaooda wboolmuo vinitod the city during ytntor dav. TL-.. _._- - l-_... A..____L .I _..II ...I.__.. HIV. Them In I largo human 0! go]! phyan uh uh Battleeld huh Snurdny nleornoon an the owning ol the notice 0! lonnomoo` Sumo ueollonb play in nude during the nlromoon. I.lLII__ K)_...- l`L--I..uA- KY \' L-..` A... Hill" Brut, Charlotte. N Y , have on the vnyn 1 tool sloop for the twenty-ve fuou clan of the Isle \' R A.. for James C. Dryer. 0! Rochester. She no intoudod for rarxrg on lnko Onurio. Annpnh L..4h.ll mam. nnn nhr.-rl .5 rarlrg 0" III` \II'I[II'|UV A scrub buobnll gnrno uu physd at I.\ko Ormum park on Suurdnv aomnon 1 auto beams from Pnroamoubh. The bantorml ` Hero Roan Ind Nichol-on um! Kerr ard Scnlly. A rocord of me some wu non hop: lnrina Qgfnr `guy : hnnnhgll nnrna nn Ihn I07 UUTVIIK IOU lllllnif. The Kingston hie) clo club will have its rth club run ol the union to Collin: Buy to Inotrow nigho. Inn-ma tho club roomn, Qaoon Ilrloc. Ah 7 L ) o'clock. Knnghnnn Linus-Inch. -LnAInI an On Nara. II|II' 00' 130 IV DIUUTTII I (Inc. Thoma McAn!oy Ind hm ounm Inunch out yootordny lot I run. going at hr :9 Kin Ion Millo. I] I`_-_-:_-- "'.-L_4_ _._-_..- :- -.._._ vonlcnven; l~l e-oamluu Hill!` 0) , 1`! Km; BI. RID XI] CHIC. . Frumiuco. Hnclnon avenue, in ovar- hnuling hi! arasmynchl Boadloos. And will hnvo but ready for ullmg in 1 for dnyu. Rnninnnd lnnnin olnh hm: In nronnhnd DIV` DUI [TU] l0l' IIIIIII Rockvood uoniu clul and Inn in eye on the club. A nation of gun for during tho summer. Th. Kinnnlnn Linn nla HI" I IIIp|,IJI'IoUI' UUQIIIU IIIU IX. With lnnbu pnocico the Princon Sancho will put up a comma guns. F. Motcnllo iujnrod Mn snklo whilo run- ning the 50100 ID Sunrduyh punt. Thoma MnAnlnv hurl Inn nmnm Ignnrh to Ian n um. Ooutuu. Tho annual nllo Innbchoo ol the Hth hotulioo, which nhould hue Mun place lab Ochobot, will hloly be hold out wank, oishor on tho lciah or l7bh. The urccri have decided to count n ooun-lon mou~- in the Cuudinn no league. Tho mnchoc will bogin shown Juno Ion. .n ...u uynou nu. --v--. W.Ctmotmu in an uctivo mod on! pitch- er`: nupporur behind the hub. Nth lnrmr nu-nation lhn Prinnnan IllICV1J IIUIII O-SUU UU .nk)l}. IIIU IHITFI |UI' the running moo win out down from 8200 no 8100 sad the race III Iocuhud and ro- nricuod to hone: owned in tho oouuu of Frontenac. Lennon sud Addiuglon. Tho othot porno were lofh no originally rebo- dulod. Tho -uhmnmmineo of Mm ganornl mm~ mluuoo having chnrgu of the bone run to he Hal ? "1". `n L-15.355 h`.:'?"?:\3mo" an Saturday nhzhb And nltand the panel ollghtly. The lmoior nll pane wt: in- orouod lrom 82.30 to 8350. The puns for tho rnnninu runs in put. ulnun lrnm 2110 I I Ill! 0'!` L)UlXUl- IV. VUIIII c-oboe. p; U.nou. l b; Wilton. :1 h- J l.\ird ... w L..`. ruzlov. p; ucriou. I 0; upon. ;: o; uorry, It b: J. Luird. I 5; W. Laird. Ll: Q)Ivor, c I; Uuny, r f. T. Monn noted an umpnro. uluululuuu ul [0011 DIIEUIH. Tho Ndml Into: KIngnbono-Ellio.h, r ; H. Chnn.u.mI. p; H Bulhun, I b; Robinson, L b: Kong, ii in Young. an; Mmuclfo, I 1, Human. (2.1: Mccng. r I. Priuro-a Sbroouo- W. Ubriutmu. c: Tur- ...>... .`.H....... I L l|'.I_.._ UL. Ix-__.. l.lD BIUFK HUINI. In J()NN1\.)N HT. Illh lI| mu-I-rn lmpnnw-menu; nlm R-~ mchna. newly n-nmrntoxl 11 W ullnm `tn:-G Tho buobxll In-on was pracuzcslly open- od cm Buunluy nnoyuoon by I gums bo- nwoon Ibo Kzngououu nod Princooo attens. The guno nu more lot puclnco and aid ` nun excel in brlllinuo rlayn Being the limb npponrnnm of come 0 the plunrt for min nouon the end 0! tho nluy lound than mnbu very sore. Ar :1 3:) o'clock n Inga number 0' I-pet-`,u-torn Ind gnlbend ll) Lbo om-ken eld, and shortly slur that near nho |`nr:cou Bureau wont: to use ban mth H (`.miotI:nu. one of their own pibchern, ugmnnb them For tho firth ve Innings 3 very small score nun nude on oibhot nde. but in who ouboequoob lnmngn the pitchorl noomnl to techno and turn bound lroely for throtbncgoru and home rum Wbon tho Princou Srrubc uinbod bbonr Inb Inning! tho more -tood nnnoteon to oighb in thur favor bun bolero t.l.e game endcd twenty to ninocoan unlnoo them. uinh lhsur oppo- ueuw do not: our: IL Inc: a vuy ummng much, lh0Ilb Icarcoly intandod u I do moo-tution of good bu-ebull. Th. mun. _. .-. L ......p......_ lu`II;4um ! The Flu! Baseball (lane of Thin onlon -1 ` I'M-'II! uuno ran up II] no .1.-.1-r Tn: I|-IInrn .. .p.- -n..n.|. u)... on ... nu pnaclnciiisiimt cm] [KINGSTON TEAM DEFEA18 THE ' PRINCESS ITREETI. .--_., cu-v (III vy II I-- cum: '!'euun-5uorn :1 (ho Inum: Wu u no I0 -Inuy low-uncut: In tho Iponlnc Aro- I2`. In the Iponlug Aron; Illllll III I [OW UI,I. a club has to orgnniud Unto`: Kingston game: may be looked In It L`H'U-'I)II"nIII|U'-II` H lb; Mnlhna pl . c:"I`ur~ ; Derry, nun turn AHOU I'|'RNI`HKD UR l'NFl'KNl"H- 1-d.|ll `nlnn Strut. nl mw-rnl or-ruplnl by Ir. Alhwurilm H10-an-Inna! unrv. Apply loll; llwlllmurner King an-I William his cut; 1 annual insurer! and 000'!!! toropnnall can of Hat-III in II: boils! ollhir pstroun. They objcw mugging Ihoeovmiunu-oihooyvtuninuuunrcoo iuilnigivouuhhctic. Thdh unthhlhhvclv pnnbuuunlhn cuI.IuIpwIIuQrvI'u'II. `Ila! |l&| in thin: They thin that if they hep` Ihu`rIInbhchu~.eovoclnnnndun good cundilhn. but tho nniunh Iultdfntlm Itcthliomd all vlohlalnt ml! il b all Ilu cucnoicnllylooxpuetodd than Thyhnolobjace no ngorlhgilhun in ltd? on human. in thy-yda o`jcIla nnnda Lnnleh inns:-`mu and ably`-uli `noun: Venn-ccnuc. Thnnilkvuthlido not objotllolnun inc their pension iupociol by city oa- ehhhljnutbo roan. Tldtpnnlion THC` clgin lhnh if (LG! Lno Dnpoudcnry and nourish: Too oltoo recall from cunts. tn the ho- ginuingr ouily unmixed. bu nctlnchd non cfffnll to nuove. The hvu. Allow- odto boeouo unrpid and inu.-Iivu.ptnI the my be a boat of discuui, connuiplion giving my to indignation. um ml Ian tho uufatmnslo vicanm ho to undergo :11 the honvirs 0! sun: dyvpopoia. No mud) to tpndnly and with such eorninly eunuch 3!! dinner :3! liver and stomach sad bov- ols no Bsaillnni PIHI of Iundnkt and Butunun. Vccslno in cunpouitioo and ulny-nh. Sold by duhncnryshn 000 pm 3 don gnu . -- -u - u----vwu Botb the city And Hncdonald pub Inc found very oomynblo yutorday for the large number of cnuvns who fa spont- od chem. Tao dxy wu vary rum. And the can! bran from uh: lain Ind: thou bountiful nouns rofruhiog upon in which to npcu. 0.1m ngun has nntnn in nll her mnlmna lo-elnnon nvulod horulf; bho ucud ngnn hu gm:-n groan. und Ihn mn- bngcouu trees lvok fresh and puny In anon now mantle of gran. The mag: and wnlh have been proporly notundcd lo. and patent overywhore I clean. not! appear- uco. Wihhanh thus rh the city`: bonny wcnld be inuiguilmnnn. A aoluala Mm. A. R. Bnnghacn. Liverpool. Eng . Inc in the not on Sun:-d.\y and unpacked the mill of the Frunteaac Imllmg company, prononrv ng ID the moat couplets nnd com an be hsd our man. `here I! 3 null nz irionboul, I-Z.ur., which turns out I thou- und butch cf llnnr duly, um! cu in couch. ed a modern mull. hub in nu conic u back can to aha local mxll. Mr. Bingbam l! on n tour for the purpon of pvckmg up new Mon, and say: that a nun Inn to lone Englaml {or this pnrpou. I |ll \ nuuua, puu-rnil uuu PEI! EIIIIQUIUIDOHI forms of their 57 in b4eod and wanted suits, in! uunrlufco -\ high clue (in Good: tn the value ml $7 5-! Ind upwnrda we pny urnuso on. The Brut.-h prefer ennui hunt} ruiurea the custom charge: no men: trth. I-In fnl! putnculna write Mantra. \\.'u-kn Hrnn, Al Ahnrn Flue` I;n;II7uVh Clul hing, Must-. Wacky Brm.. Lolccntu. Eng , In: pr:-puud to null free :3 any Address In Vnnada, pltrrrnn and Mi! measurement xx _|, _|-_. A- thlllnlon III: In llnndnni. This morning Jahn Sand-. romln, wlnlo wheohng uloog King canon In bho ncmiry oi the mulch rquuro. men Inch I nlnghb nccndenc. Ho Ina onrrymg 1 hand` uw when we wind caught: the blade nod Maw it. Into the -vpnkon of tho (roan whool. Mr. Sands an thrown c-Jmplowly over tho hsnrllo ma nnd f-.-H hcnvnly on the hard road. A n drmn upokca ul the wheel wtro broken. UFSB N0. 36. F2 \Rl. MTRF.-T. Mtilllltt lmpnwvmenla. [uud Irwv hour and Ilubln, Pu-urcmn I-I ll) Army in D. WALKII. (`null Hour. orJ. A IL .{lnL.ut.w. '\ UIETU LY'-1}. I' J` llll: `\`[[lCU Moan. Wnclu Bron. n Abovo. `lolrlcx The Province. P. (inlhno Jones and J. Clark. cf Tomo- Io. luahod tho city Snonrduy ouonmg. hning wheeled down from Toronto, which plnco they left on Fndny morning. They roporo tho road: In good nlnpo. oopoolully Inawron Toronto and Oobourg. The two gentleman no on the ny to Manual and other uutom pomu on I whaling hour They called an the local Y.M.C.A. to be directed be 3 suitable hotel. --_-_ u-u..v--1 nu Srurdav Afternoon I corporation Inher- ar named R. Mcrnnshnn. nothing with n amp 0! Iubaran on lower Quoou Itroot, wujtrickon mm a light form 0! pnrnlynio. Ho complocoly Bonn km ndonmy; could not tell who ha in or when he llvod. Police oonoublo Aiken oecnrnd I buck and had hm: conveyed to his home on Beverley street, when mcdicul and Inn occurod. vu--uu Iv -e-u-nan I-uuuy Upwnrdn of e yeer ago the ongegt-mono vne announced 0! e wealthy Iedy, well known in Lhie city, to e gsnblemen raiding in e lergo ciby in who New Eullnnd eueto-. The widow loaned him money with which to curry on his rpsculetnone. The money hes nab been returned end one lpoculnbor bu recently been merriod no enooher lady. An elbru in bonus: undo to recover the money loenod. nuvuu n uu-v vum puuru Tho son-mun want: to know why they hnvo not been invnood to mrmmpnbo In the mnlnonry renew on the Queen`: blrcbdny. They rounder ohm: obey hnvo boon alight)- ed. The ditforonu brnnchu of tabs boys `mg-Me ha--~ -`M Man Making for an :n vibnbion to mum on. but so far Ib bu not been :ux'u.lUlH|D. r u: sun--u-gu n-uvuv In-awn While Uoorgo Foster, aching Inrdon. was driving from the BrIbmh~Amoricun hotel to take ponitontinry yutordny nltor. noon the front axle of in curingo broke off no mo wheel, nlmooa bhrowmg tho occu- pants oub on the road But: for we excel- loob horeomnunhlp ol guard Toner, who hold the reins, ooonidenblo injury might lmvouuullad. Another curing. vs: no- cured. 1 uu--u IVlllllIll' ruuplrluul. Tho Wntoroown and Ulaytou papers bud oououiouul rturiu Lkmu Mu. A 1.0:, whoeo body muluunri in she HVOI uur Unnn noquo. had been murdered; Jun A grub gnu wu lound In nu bud. Thc jury at Lnnadowuo. however, on Fnday. brought: II] I VOHJICD of (lamb UOIHK cnulod by druwnutg. uuvu l|FIlI'II'Il III l\lIUllIll-IIIII-In TLC upplucntion of Nennhnc Anovorpnln cnro-which puuou-on nu:h msnououn power our I who pun, bu proved a munrknblo I-uccooa In rheunnmun And nou- ralgia. Nennhno ncta an the nerves. oooohu them. drums pun ouh, nnd no guvoo who! Try in and be convinced. IIISIZIII. a nu ulvuuu. The men in the we employment of we city were engaged on S-Luldny m onw- mmg the gun (routing the threats boldn- mg Mucoomld put Tho edge: 0! who uru.-d looked much nectar slut their work. An-I amp} ulo. tinting nuk. Wodnon | day, Thundny nnd Fndny. Mny lutb. ll-h nod lean. Dmnor nuvod ham 0 p In. mm] 7.30 pm. [had ouch ovoning. Uoxno And buy 3 good emu. CIAEIBUIIN FURIIRLY `PHI REI- a-uo nl lieu 0. A. I(|rIpnlr1ol,bosu!|- -Illinltnund. oppouln Iuvdonnld Park. Ap- ply lnxrummx 0 Roast. Ontario R _.._. A onu Display In In Inow. Provo ol ohe New York clothing than has a you due lny 0! duo (mood foe mic- Ingo in km v6 or. R0 than A nploudnd lmo for 313.51) I rule undo NI ordol. A first clue do gunnnuood. Thu (`an log; I lIl;I0 I? own. I- 1 ____ __ n,,._, ,.z Vuund Nulhlu; VI-nuplrlouo. \u_.-. ,....\ _...l .\| . _ . . . _ _ _. CITY AND VIOINITY. `llllnnlng the Qruund. ..__ a- .1- LI - ___._I-__-__ `lulu: suddenly III ._ ,:., _,, I To Icon-nu; money. - ._-__ _.__ -L. ,, ( n-"' `V Il('( . Ur c mtiuxng your Nothing purchuvoa to our qzuro you can follow Shakespeare`: ud vice uni mute. "Costly thy hnbm an (by puree can buy. wnhaun bnnkrn ting your oxchv-pact." Grand L'mcn Cb: mg com- pcnv In VII`! p~ln- (S. J. U900, graph 0500. Claranl nurses l..-H... - 'l`_|.- u.| n- 3 can-nhnoag ututdamlohnnlonstrod at n-to. oppn-no BI-hop`: Palace; Again ll(`lAvvou>. fool o(Qnaon strut. nervous. I Inn now taken three boxes of Dr. \\'u'\:l's Blood and Nerve Pills and ninmuking them I have not been away from my busines an hour. Before taking these pills it ran a frequent occurrence fatmolo be away from business. As: result ofuking Dr. \\'ard`: Pbmy heart is perfectly healthy and strong and we: are nodistruuor trouble whatever. flay removed all ncrvetroublmnnde unynervc.-3 strong and gave me healthy sleep. (beau pills Also made my blood rich and among and we no u henkhy uppeme. Dr. W '3 Pill: hnvegivenmeperfecl health, restori av lost strength. in place of cumin iii-henhh. weakness. bear! trouble and nervousnx. In justice I cannot speak mo ' of this Iroonhr Inedurme. ` N. Hilliard. Walton 51.. Port Hops; Out. I ): fnnfu nlm IXNQKMXI IllX\"U yllll. This mnrning the horn) ntcurhed to A. R. Martin : delivery run run nvny from In Iron! rf the Suanley house The li was trucked bdom mo Imzu-\l succoododnn gearing ncrou the mukeu. Tm. in. n! n..n..... n-- .... .L_... n... gr-un ')tVW*I|. l.IAl'v\l\(Q ll [.\dieq' Take M-l|ar`s Compound [rt-n Pnlla nfyon would have moo clear com nlunom Svll by E. C. Mitchell and Hv-rrr \\ in. I.'. . L` .-_ __,, _I_.|- ,| , =~onnya..,,n.n-xaun.m.pc;. Kixllllplly W. D .\lcR\a n-in on his trip: through we-`born nnd nonhorn cnunrieu tho the gnun crop no doing well. Unless aoma nhing union-eon occurs there will be u `urn-n xinl.l ggmng ncrou mo marten. The Hay nf Quinta R'y ncw abort line for Tron-1. Nnponoo. Deco:-oubo And I" locnl points. Train luvoa Cihy Hull depot II :10 pm. R. J. Wuuou, C.P.R. his nrnnk nmng Pl--gm`. -5.... nuu uuonl on coruam tumour Many upon: and pleasure Icahn from the city vroob up who Rldun yooterdny. Tho river wan dotted with whim nil: cud cannon. In In: no ndmlnblo day for nn owing. \'n.n....l... - __-- m-._L _. .L- n vr n C""lF-l|`u H quuhtv in app:-goiAt~od- 5! prices thn no romsrhblo in nboir lictloneo-~-hnvo any must to win when we are sum 0! a bumplt hon.-9. Gum! Union Clothing Cumpnny \\.' H \lnR..- Hml. ADI L;. p...'... n........L. MINI! IIIJIJI hug-o yiold. 1-5;. _A. Uurllll. Yootorduy I tutor bank In the ().T.R. onmt depot sprung u look and ooded the surrounding ground. Tho lock Ina ro psirod by: Mr. Mulhzsn, cuppa: for him cwmpun. NR HOVHI`. ON KING I-ITREET AT PRI- nI'n\ lII"1`llpI\I by (ful. M-rllllxxtlnlns. For [rm-uhlr; apply In lilo-In R WMKPIIL nu-hea]lh for nmc years, oemrv I com- menced uking Dr. Wad`: Blood And nerve Pills. my bean was weak and in an unhenlthv state. In nction was so much impmred'th.at I could not walk across the ` strt-ct without suv.-nng great dustnss, my hand uttering and beatingsdnpidiy that I could sure.-Iv hrealhe. cnusing fanntness. loss 0!" strength. and leaving my nerves all unxtrung. My sleep urn V2? much disturbed, had no appetite an that was hula strrngth ot vitality in an blood; I was always cxceuivtly -.-np.-nun Dr. 'nrd's Blood and Nerve Pills have done me an incalculablc amount ofgood. I thunk they are the best. sun-st And qxnckest acting cure for nervousness. unhealthy action of the bean. insomnia or slceplessneu. nncrma or impoverished- blood.lussofapp:-mugeneraldcbility and ` iu-heallb For ninc before I com- tna-nrnd lnkirnr Dr. annual. urnna umou Ulotmng company. Why not pm the market nouongor no she work umgnod him by Ina you : com znmoo on market: v picking up loooo paper and debris on certain morocco? Man: Atilkin .-ul .\I---__. -..|._-- 1--.. luuvnu. as I H1000. lI(`lA0d'I drll MOFO Ladies In ! gentlemen who hate Manor : Compound Iron Pllln dlnyn grow younger in nnpournnco And improve in npirlbc. Sold by E C. Muhcholl sud Henry Wndo. The nsonla ihn nnrohnuni nnr tmlnr 0y I. U. mm-non nna uenry wade. people who purchased our rulnr lnldo min: on Saturday was rcmu-kuble; three priool 33. SIO $l`. . lichh nnd duh ahsdou. (hood Union Clothing WV mm the marina nnnnmoqr Ah I\'lN'I. Whoa I woman`: Ion nmrrioo. the non: roclly forgiven mm until ha ha: Ind trnuhlo mob blo wife and come: back to bet Io`- comforh. In in bud bo roll which looks the vent in ohuo new column rhiru prevented by fubnon--tho girls who are shaped like cola or the ||"AI who uon b u bin. Th. h.n.l....-.. ..l 55.. Ian. |._u_|;.._ _;n or um guru: wuo noun DID. The bnndomon ol the Nth bnbhlion will keep open home no their auporb club rooms. nrtillory park, lnr their Amotican musical lriondaon the `Hub Inst. Lav-an -hggo. 5-- ..-...- -_L.._4L4.I _.u|.. uzuuuul l| lIl')(ll0l'I one `:4 an mar. [Argo shoot: tar paper uhurnhod with math oumpbor :jn1-0 the thing for pronu- ing wintor gnrmoohl lrom dootztucmon by mocha. .'-3 a chest. Mc[Aod'n drug More [Adina nnrl pant]--n... _L... A-I.- |.l.H-..|.. III`! ulluu IOU W000! WWO nun. You cnnnob d 0 I dark color light. but -hnulrl Ayn l-gh r~M_- dark for bnmo use Mumobic l)yu give excellent: rosulua Thn .`.'.nr.x.:n un.n\nn ....r....IIn k..?;_.._.. INCALCULABLE GOOD, 1 mm um-upunx n_ [lrurulun Apply ul vuuupox will no Glcuuod. Nature mun have boon pro occupied when the pub long hnir on hunting dog! sud Gllod hho wood: with nun. Van -.......m.I..- - .I-_L _-|_._ |:_L. L... nnuruumc uyu give excellent: rosulbo Tha znerago wumsn m.:LuIlIy buliovoo ohm If the had been in Eve : plnco Adun would will In the head gardener of Eden. A (`loan Al Milky . wnrrn Dn-A... mu..- cuuu Ion no can lower and ol mauu IIINOIL The laborer! union has: uncured the re .- ul of 5 room in the old Qnoon shoot: school home. while the union wlll moon ovary wok. `l'L-_ _ .__-.-- ' tllllll I mununy. The Amerlcuu troops I--I on we "_'4'h mun. Nmbu gram! (or chem. it in hnnnrl Ihg kn--A Al . IUYH DOG Zifli man` Tho um. bnoulnon wvll hue n -Irooc par ado nub week. Both bra-a md bug : bundl mll be In attendance Thn nnalnn-I and ......;-_| ---:-n.. ..:Il gm-u lur IJUIIID. It io hoped the board 0! works will hnva M-e otrocmu In tho homo paunblo repnir bu forth the `Nth inoh` 'I`|.- I |.|. L_.._|.,_ W, n n uunuu will no In nnrenaanco The xnulvoal and I-urgicol moiety will meet 1:0 mm (ow evening, when the oubjecb l of vmnllpox will be ducuaud. Nnlurn lnnnh H`... L`... ..... .-..\.......:-.I IJKUIUH Cw:-.nu are urged no doconto their phcos of buoxnou md looidouood lor tho queen : bhlhdny. Thu Anlrlnnn |l-nnnn -.H nu. Hcnnnbnn Iuu will IIIVIJ I cuurcn ptfti. Tho WIOO girl who Iunu tn ouch u but band always rum aha other way. When nmo reach the top they holp Do uc ( II the r-urrounding vacancy. (`jhlvll TludnII'n (` nu -an Artur} 5.1: A III? ( ll DOC PIIIPOUDCIHI Uhnvloa Tzudo|l'- c -w Inn struck by I K 61.1`. buinou Buturdny; at: log Inn broken (I . . . _ _ _ _ . __ ,,_,..n . 1 . .u ARIIR on w \u. lint -ic.-tn-n. an} or Tfblpl nu .\lcl'|nn'- Kan! A-Jute um! [nun OM09. 3.` Klug nlrwl L nluu IIIILI II.) III). For cluniuc turniburo try our furnituro rrmrar at June Raul ; n Q.....l.n Ul.n ... . -L- |n|. L_.._n fU`l'lI'll' Ila Illla HUN] I. On Sunday, 21.: 111-: . the Nah bnhol ion w||| have I church panda. Thu Inc unl whn -nnln In nunl. . L... PIIAGIAPHI PIOKID UP IV DUI IUIY REPORTER! Tho lpho 0! Ivory DA) ulo-IhnI Ibo Pooch An tuna. DOII-IODhl|[ In nan`: Inn Ilnnnlnn at raga. -s.. Inn | Two weoh from Wodn-odny is the `.'-I h Children`: lid Oxford 40:. an Kuhn .& Lo*Iott'u. In- n._-..I- _-. .L_-,,, .-., 1, n mcmms or nu: DAT. 4Ul'l In I; !. 10': oh: rulo. not who ucuptioo. for Gnnd 'mou win to tim II IXPIISSIOI OF FIIYI. r-ll own Ktngnton `nun -II ha Inn `KAT DEIIKAIILI RDIIIIIINUI UN TH` mrna-rollntmuoa and [Inn - mrx--\.< -- I 004-npled by In rxui`. -10: vmz. Rnmoann-I all mnvu-meats: hm-~m-1~ 1 I In. Do: mun: gum: in lllvmn; {.1 l()WAn ' ma ants s'ntIl'r. ""-J'- - --. I (99 connects _._4s.__ me. nuts, mean and LARD,5tBR0CK 5:. `Phone, , .__-.A- I-` `,__ D. LWEESB I 120;. I21 rnncasst 3 If them is one limo gmore than another that the hounewifo should not we :do her own baking it is at houstclonning limo. We cm relieve her by D taking fnll charge of the Y family `taking. ' , :,.E:. ..`:`;`I.`' .,'::';," ...';; ? spnmpt cu:-fuldolivery. 9 T O E S. WALL PAPER. All o1_K;n:1iog, SOf( Wood and Hardwood. cut or unCuL Arougdte Tt1-r_esiEe of such a .1; Satisfaczc-)1; the buyer and IFS 8 pleasure to pay out your For vvBc>-d'ron_BboTH a CO., toot 0! West Street. b6CauS8 75 A &JUARR PIANO. Wliu. CARR!) I Ihr. May be can at an um; Ad nu Ion at Wm Una. Always T 9 Q1`.-\l.IT\'. Right. 3 Ql'.\NTlT\' IQISWSOQSQQOQO TELEPHONE loo. You will need [:ood,lrcsh Lime. I have it for building and plaster- ing. Can also supply you with Lnth. P. WALSH. Ionse Cleaners! l[.3.`Y.[!1EP~ [House Builders! You will want Coal. Wood and Lime for your spring wojk. I can supply you. A SATISFIED MAN nnnm No -35. anmunouvum zminx-1% our moncunnu are unuul y nun--. allowed to Ipproprlth um . .0 `wk uuooyglmuis fI7=<>`oi (iI1'ee'|I-? CUIIIUILN nl lnrknnlnol. boson- 55-57 Barrack St. I\\`\/UU\`\r\\/SSISO I`! I `H. 2 {l I Alnpnun c9MF<>*iT BR! N_G_S "'/_Y3 P , teas cost. larger vu- ri.t_v, fresh every day. ,pn mp! cueful delivery. ) more not do `CAL... nau|;4uA I.-- L.- New '99 Paper. The Best at lllkl U\ vu-ul (`u- I I NM. IAINH IIIYI lAT"IlV\. rmrlvlrnrr, n I `W nmnrunun noun: (or iv n-fund monoy :1 ynn n ltolhl Huh! lhn-uzm llw l'm|a-I `Ml-1 n3 .nc.udIm.m-A ;uhad.|a.M.udnu. Always I]I_I.A 0990: Ail B00! OVER TKLIEUIIA PH OF- oo run, with nmnu mom uuxunlnx, It not hlgh. heated with hot `tutor and inn (is. -u|"~`\k~ an n Hurlolc.` Will 0 uphrugon--...soAul. Apply Wu.- WALIII. H.l.lAIlIi TAIILR. Al..\lUl' NFZW~ (bl llllllllt bqionnn Appbullm Don't you think in qbout time you were 1 buying a I`lana_l.an`o % Tavine Moth Bag and 1 pulling away that fur `coat before the Moths u s `ruin It SAY ! ublorl \\ Ill: an off!-mire brvllh. ` Not!-In; iun-cull] dinlnrhn the do-lk-Me Ml- gncuntlmn-. A nlluul irl tum: away from 1 young Inn with I ...mn. bmnh. I nor! hnlh- ` I-Y'% ..... E .. MITCH EL L. nuiamu nmcx no noniii E umnudau) ohnuonu-not n-Io. onnusno Blnhmfl Palace: v-wu-ui cu jir D in ----: tum:-I wm. dlqmt from an berths lov- ublorl Ill: o!Tonnh*e km-nth. Nmhinl nu-nnllv tlinlnrhn (ha rh-Ila-Atn hal- `R00 l`I'RNl`Hls`D HR IVNl l'RNl-AH- 1-d.|I\ Sln-ox. 1-n--rnl or-runlnl Many a Lover Has lnnu-al with alin-uni 'II|llI An nlhotilnn Ini- KAT DEIKAHLI RllIllNL.`! UN TH` earner ol Jntmunn nnd lhnx Mr-\.~n Desirable Houses Sold only by t _\`I1 I\1ll hnglnlrll. Ina \vlnH-s- ml Hm ins spurklinx; )nl|Fl our |-inn;-In chxupprnrvaml `ml nru all clean within. ch , 51 mbum N. 1bm-an. Ont. \\'Al.Vl'T Fll`KE`.\RD. DININU T.\~ l N. Ali P`! u( Fhuln In nIlYrh_ A pp!" it (\mo\1|g' nu-lnry. unmrm-1 re--I. `O Iuoenlclunndnukonounn ring he hcturinq sud telling his Inch. Aggy, In its lint. ontoruu-`ne -punt. His _ ' Icahn on "rnoluunh Century Iincht" 1 an vilh chrinexau -ciao. `-nu. uu urw 01' I1 [Ind In Amhtl. in. If v uuitrxuy now aundny. "W0 hon so much shout elm"-oianily liar-mg hold oltho pouplq." and Rn. I). ` lscru Int nuhn m Chalmers Pro-by `ration churrh. `I: I! non chrnuuuiuy 1 man; hold of the pmpuo. um um cu-nu ` Ion.-mg ho 0! chnumniuy. The npirin of onlnnncnoao and nhinki` ibnol! holior . man the world in iajomxg Rho church. lmtud ol this in should urotch one 1 :- :hnn.ls mhclp; itnhovald ans ncricoo. run uChn'oI undo an ucneo ol Hvnv all " I}-.. ?\-,,, rm nu, -u . .. A | In` -11! jli. ,` Thoohinnollho Fund: earrings mug gpnpngainnllmo 0 Hal-actuators `adjusts-`I by jndu0Pn`cn on Sahnloy. `I've IclIlucoIunn_v'-noes-candle-udngnfut Ilopl-inhcntuonnd|lonusin&>nIiuI ftbunrhuoiiaohtu A -not-gel oh 'el|Innvu|nHsIlvoo chcl\li-uh~ -ovddloocluiladlyihouoiaun. his `u-uduneuo-lthootulnvn pay svrlund `iihyequuonllnbbtto tho pix P""h*` I A ncuhvd p&\icn|j:h-It' phydu Irickuu a lacslnu-ieicn an Fridnylut WWO nnanuhgnlu-Q us. and liq eirvwuln I--at -lliulu-moms. ihiitvouhl. `linqlucann cunning unvih Inn. nun ! cxoecy and expand t nay-mnnanh underway. By uoxhvokiiio inpsdnoh-vclhi hhttclid cl I-niioqn nuniq II: ` slam `llnvpo : [ M hhmlbnlj UTICU In K` 3570, HI I Q. | Rev` J. E. Hunter rel-aired I call from tho lunar church in N'ow!oundl.-and, bun } decided not to own n. Raw I` I) `.'\4\r.A\\L L.-- ..4. .-..-.I uuuuuun 00! no ucoon 1:. Rev. I`. l) Wodcxk hu roughed Napxnu Mullah, him work .\D Itnn pjznn hr coming mo heavy m njdman to but othcr I pouch datum Rnu H.` II I`._-I..- |.l.._;_..| _.'n PIKIUU GU51- Rev. W. H. Bushy. Montreal. will |prmv`1 snnivonuy nrtnoun In Queen `-creoc Nah-i-u church mu : Sunday. Yetta-d.ny 8. ll. Briuon. ALP . cold aha cnngrcgsuon than the data on all the ` church property In 3`.'.vI)I>, non n burden ihy my mum Baa who Irnatoos imnd nu rcducod. and be crud the people to Aid libenlly new Sunday. I WI M! In mnnh gin-n a-).p.`.o.:...inn human and all hunts-h '2 I m. For ml-unnpmy to IlUDir.' IOWA! autumn Rlmos. I IIIIYIUIV. ` Rev. W. .\ Ihnnehl. eungoh -0. wall knovn an Kuunnon. hu taken up hm nu ` dance m R man, Mm. u-.. n p n__.._ _.._..,.L | UVZIKIW Run! Dun (`way mll day Cannon: :0 (`nation Thnrndnv. K) ... IL` K I \ . _ _ . AL Olnl-on Clunl aorvloo. Lu! ovoning Rov. lhvid Mocrno. of Dundee. Scollond, dolivgrod on oloqnono oonnoo Ill ChoImorI' church. A largo con` gngolion groohod tho giltod divune. ond tout arty with tho conclusion thou thoy had no liohouod Io ouch on ohlo mm for many 1 do]. Tho unhjoca of hio diocouno Ina hvo--Iovo no God. no hnnmily and to ooo-oll. [nu mount lulu: Iolshnou moan: donh. Ho to tho ho-no chriotim who no moo! llod vnlh tho spin ! cf lovo. Tho npirih ol the crust in tho opitil o( love And oocrico; in (col: lo: ochonin their nnoringo; in Inn quince oul hoconoo ovll Inn ogsinol not follow Into. L170 olono can full tho luv. I-Zvorything oloo Inna ho judgod in no rolunoo In it. Not dog- mo. not rilunliam. nol crud. not occlootos- auchn. hut lnvo. in tho spun at roligon. Chriouumy in low in in Mghoob. punoi nod noon dnvino fotu. Wu nut than our Noooingu if to lilh to hop then; if vocauotogwo to ohall can 00 luvs. Thin ia bho low 0! Ion. QOUICIIIUIIX OK In. XTVIX Yutorday fmorning Archbishop Gnu- thicr round: eho clone 0! Mo nddrou, sn- uonuocd than be '30 thou! to make his opocopcl viniuuon ol the Archdiocese. In comcquuuco ol which ho would be nhoonb from hunt for some time and and tho pnyon ol who novl conrmed md bl: pooplo {bu (Bad won! blou his labor: Mid pronoun bin. | IIMKU WIIU UT`-I II`. ] Than wu no! any npocnnl muuc. :4 though In-uni bounilul hymns won Inna by the chair. The ncoudonco In: very largo md many sum :1 won pntonc. Tho um wu hsndooun y doooutod. The young girl; Into nrruyod in whlho robu And voila. while tho young boys vero uh- Ihod in Muck with white favor: And badgu on chair breast: and nrmo. The moon In the vioiuiny of the octhodnl urn douuly bbnngod by pal-sou sud friend: Anxious to arena the young pooplo at tho conclusion of hho Iorvico. Vgnrgpdnu `--.....K.... .-~LLl-Ln.. 11-... ' 1 ond adhorunbo of thoir holy rolignon. They ' . would ovor romombor this unmenbnuo 0c 1 nu out Iinuloaulvu ul uuuu.-y u-nun-nu, (A The vorlouv oorvicov In St. Msry'o oopt ln co-ooof contagious dlvoaooo cr upon gntggdulygguggdgy you of nuumgl tutu. tho corhicoho of o phytiolon that inter ggu, 5.90 [(3. y ,)-grqggolon ggrvlcg montlo IUOOllllOly nohocoory. hold by bio gruou, orchblohop Ututhnor. TM `"1" 0' '"!bd7 l'l9""d In hlo oplooopol olty Muoo mg glguuiou no I ohould ho put forth to unto the place- oho archbiahopnu. An 7.30 o'clock tho , M hoauolful no pom blo. you there orchblnhop uolobrotod mun. durlng which j H0 mm! who tale Ipptrvnh delight in thooundldoloo I1 ho cootlrmod uocglvgd I dootroylng the boautlfyirg work of loving holy communion from his hauda. A : 1 h`"'l'- I05 '50 `UN Upon the city 0' tho` olovon o cloch man wu oolohrarod by Rov (16111 M I M00. cml rpot wherein to while Fr. Ho-\, tho urchhiol.op ptoolrflng. AI tho ' "I! I 50 wmm"'I d-3'. M-my main - omclunoo of mun. hlo graco being voabod procbuco of vlovblnx the oumetory on Sun- ig mg ponoul mo... gdmmmgnd tho ` Joya during tho numruor vuontho. (surging oooromonh of (Mnrmltion to ohout 310 j In vvhlohy nod ploymg cudo bhrnu out uho doy in I nhody upon. _\oung glrlo and boya. Tho occhbiohop Itmay aoom nurpming. bub froquontly oudlooaod the newly conrmod uh mm. gumh. po,ug.'nK mm [0 tho covotohor and hi: otoff Mo called upon thom tho importonco of who ucramont '10 P10 I Oopto Ipoodlnn boruoo In the ring-. Worhuaon hu-o lroquontly oom- ol conrmohion and tho oplrltuol unfho `Inch 9,. ,1, ho ,'mp.,v,d N, Apmm, l planned that amcloohavo boon otolon cm of ohonr coat pochotu vvhnlo ouch g-umonto Thoy bud btcumo oolcliora of Joouo Uhrloc have boon for o momont loft aithout uho pmboculon of their .ownoro In ooulon oud ln tho battloo of Me It would , 'm 0"" ON" "10 Rlfmonh bu-o been guru shom ronowod avronxch and mango ` """9d `7 3" "? '9 W 3!` `Wino D095 to proaa onwu-J to the otoruol goal of 9ul- ' *0 W-7` bi" *-"'" 0 3006`? "won. On thvo duyo. nloo, l(`\.`I.Il` tho grootost Thu opoohor thon turood hu attontion to noun 0' Vmdlllim. V1100 "ON"! IN the poronta ond guordiona of tho young NIUNOIOJY Pl"'d `` K"`V". Ind. M II pooplo. Ho urgod hhom no uuord and pro '`" "10 CMO. moo tho vory plnnoo no no. mm. m chuhh md 10,. "mm ,4 by carnod off If bhoou couooo woro not in ml. nr oumplo and loving iulhonco to loud WODINVII Ililclonl 00 warrant tho discon- ,.,.m on H, u pub. `hm, .0, min` Ilnuuncu of who custom of Sundoy funonlo, then In hhoir loving Bniour Joouo Chriou. "W" '3 "'0 `dd``` C W ' `"39 "J" Tho uddrooo won a touching and oloquonl ' ""'m `N 0'-'Pl0Y0d NW0 51) ! `D *0 we auxl uU'J lazy to ho I-.-u.\:m"3uxud by I ""5. nd A3-out wvll Y-3 :\r:v3rdod the 3,50,. '50 mud in ohtomono than dolvfog unong grovoo ond opocnul at- "-W`"" d`.Y"" '9 `"03 '3 00 hy Inna W0 "'0" 0500"" 0' "P`'- 3""! 050 1850!! In entitled no one day's root. lg.-- -...l .-.-n- .o--n.... --.. vunnnb ll mllhf. M fnnhnr nhnnvi hhgb All hhn ` VIEIUCL ` , bhom. and innnco the would In z~.~u.\:u.. Jumd Lhnan -kn hnnrd in I church In. (Major) Uullomxy tong "Tho Palace bl Tho Kmg' in ClI0lDOto' church Ina tn-`inn flan wan 1 Von Lnrco Donavon! of I Young rooplo to rule l'p :11 Tina Tho II..-- .0 ts. Inn----Ann. n-no --n- IIU!Z \' NLUA KIJI NT` 33?.` RN ll hr ulu-II on North and: o( Prlurwu runny hpl In use l`t. K. K. Ponwlrk wtnrv Indy nornplal by W. H Ha-nblv In! K ltlnhmr. Anoly Inlrlm'\`u: J )l'l.~ AROHIIIHOP OAUTHIER PRE- IIDEI FOR THE FIRIT TIME. comm n ST. mrs. v-pvt wt nun vuutvnvwuu cu-vv ---~` I In-Hug Hadron-The Various Iorncoa 1 _-n| pfQ\("`I ucevwon lint and Yukor -v- wu---my - -y -wu'--uv-I- IIIII Eur-~ hqrronioarl Inllnrq A kw much an: woven o'clock this naming the up-ri- of Mn. Thoma blc` Go-an cough rolcuo Iron in nu-hhly Inbcnscle. And refnruod In the God who pvt :0. In an oak on Thundny am I `X Qhl `Q oeunnhinal nf LARU1 1" and `Inn. 1: vn- our on lnununy evil 1 Sq tlallboeouplsinod of Doing 1| . and linen dun hut dual clninod lot so bio own. Hun hilnro nu Ibo nlwinsn can of clout, mean In Nrovtn had I--n Inili-g 4-...I...l|- .3... ball) -L._ uuuuunuupnnnyncnron I Danna use born In lhntovuohinol KingoInninl%`_`9_ndhd. Ilcnlonsjuo nnchodlhonnrtsllottorlby who pnluvu. Ictnnidnnusnn in Inmlun Punch. Inloholnnnlvnoicaon and 0 hrothcr. undv. In Lmeimt Cncoly. Yaric: In Jannflononon. Oh-nu. ad Wat- hula-tknaubsuut. Ila.-IL 0IAptiI III. hlyoitih yum-IItu.dt and can union to `hone McGowan Tho:-hihmm Innlal-n _ L-.L._.| ..._..._. man 111106 Thonu It.-(`rowan The ehildru. W n Iuoland. nrnvo 1. `hwy In : 0 A Iczouu. cigar Iunuheluur. thin city. and In D. A. Dnviun.` tho d K In. McGowan cu rdancind with had nrwuuutnuulnunrclgnndwanuocod fur hr bauuvohoeu and charity. `No hm-try t-yhnr um oaplind to be in u Cij A Ell In car] nu-ni - uurtry vuyvwir IVII oapuuu I'D K! II suhuco and um II Ind any. Bu Qhuityvudlanolthptuaticnl Bud, ndolnprncticdibhx-nnvnyou I'at| nun-anon-nnlmnrnnln uni Low hunch`.-I: :v I ! ;' I) "IRGV. Thoma Gdlouny, Yubrideu, Om- `pr-mnhod in Chdmnrf e.`. um): yuan:-day To buckle .,,,,;.` .1 gn 3,d._.u5...l pg... Mano but-its II Ch I Aiding churn m IF; owning. His naming & am` h_ h 3 ` n jam in, " vi To Make [M0 933: utuflhsndz tote lo:?;i.n eon~ ` "" 5" "Miuvhomo. lndivui-2aslisu:." . . . qm nu Hr. Gallows} turf-on-i fmu: npiml disouo _ _ ` lot Ihinyn : in as M m.'C; ,-'3'-3. g.':7;m o':.'.. >3: \ork urgoooo been both Iupn nn-l 3 , meander! in mum; him an Irtiriul Mp C `gun. the am of -5. had in Auction 0 Ion eneclc and Into M can I u..x..A L- |__. ,_.., jIXFKTTl|Ull)fjYITl IX! one-uncntoulymnolo mm) but ha-In--{A have eondhetd .s.meq. hours -0 x. 70' Prion-canal. 'l'|of-nunlwilneutuv -_.-`:. Lgi-- -.-Lani.-J gn uncut. an-vino hing uni-and OI Ilohuc lunlwill hhpiul Schooner lunar Down The Inpmn. The Inur muted nchnonor .1. ll Rutter. one 0! Ibo uppor lake vessels brought down lo.-u hll by the Atlnntuc trannporbocuoa company, not dtfanct, Ins tnkon dnurn also chain of rapid: from Valley eld Io Ln- chxoo on !`n'd.;y in now of the tug Huion,c.f the Siocoones .\lcNm;hron lune. hlanuronl The tour `to! In charge of pcloc George Flume: and bu pan The trip i4 roforrod to so one of Ibo moan o-bounding oxploibo in marina rrcordc by hho Manual prone. The J. H Rector in one 0! the voovols hold on Volloyeld bocnnoe of Ibo lotumon of tho -o-urn. Ker dimension: no 212 face m longnh and 38 foot boom. Some of tho Mona token down by Izhe lhnno&l_r nlvo no and vrorking companv I-uh fall Iron much Iorgor. such on the Ihmgond. `:4. feet m lo: mt: ououmer Knaohdin, `:39 hot: ooootn or Morphy. `:39 foo. Ind Ilooner llrogon. `Eu! foot: in lonauh and 12 hot 6 Inches Ioeum Tho piloeimr of Ibo hate: in o skilhl hot. for tho Sph Rock rapid has I ebonnol only Iurtyrtira foot in with. mud lone hll tho Iutor won fully oco ond 1 bolt Ron lower than on pronoun. cnunu or nuns, InoIu urn. mnnvtn Md bun mm. gnauny wince H93,-hon uh onlhnd 5 pnnlyaic mots Innmd wan hru-on In Ihapn-nahinnl In Charity: Ry Iced-booth This log`. n._ D.__ -_-_. Ln-.. IlH'lCx Tho ncoqmot Hunileon nacho-l Suits`: wharf Szhurdny night. on but way up from Montreal. boing om dny lane. The curve for delay vnn priucipslly A slow passage up L\chuuo lake on Ttmvodny nighnownng 30 the nb cum 0! no light nhfpz. She had an unmomo load of freiglw nnd Also cool A heavy ma nhnrd how. To: Hsmilion on new nrvice chm -anon rich 1 non Ax! \ chm appoarmco. And v- in cozumnnd nf her officer: 0! Lut year. nvnelv, Cspa. Bxlcr. Cnpt. (lavas, core: A. llsxcvl. steward. uuw nun` uwo nu Out. Tho light ship: had not been pllcod in poaiuion on Lschino lth lash Inch, n hen Ihn Instinct-I did not uppreci-nu. Nnvi gallon in dilcnll In come put: 0! the Inn. sad without the lnghu in in panties!- lyinpoulblo :0 ran the Ink: an ought: Bimo. 15;- -.-___.-_ n,_,n., ,1 I n -.- Tho clamor Queen of tho Won. lrom Chicago. dilchnrgod 39,()0I) bunch of corn an the 51.1` compwfn oloueor. and clear- Qd for tho nppot lulu to day. THO rlllf North Kinn nnhnrnrl nnrh cu tor non MIC! to day. naunor North King entered porh yutordny morning with than ying. In II-I hot Gm mum in the harbor since hll opening trip at the canon` Tho -nun Rn l.......I -rm... L.......a opening Inp 0! me The noun" Sir Loouanl Tilloy. bound lot Montreal will: `ruin. nu natound our tho Chuunguny abode in Inching Lnko on Thunday. She ran on puny rmly. her hot hoing two fun out. Th. Hahn nun. ha ....a 5.... ..|....4 ;. "(NR \' \l.UA FIJI WIN fkul h&-|nn In lho l'r. K. K. Ponwlrk uuvu mo nvor In 3 mun uoomyncnu. The mg Acbivo urivod hhh morning with {our light barges from Montrul. nnd returned satin with Ian: bugu. grsin I: don. W!` IIDII UIOIDIIIR. Tho I-choonon Molro-o and Selkirk loud- od com :8 Ohlcqrn on Friday Inn And are now on room no thin porn. En-|nlnvnnn nl My-K-I.mu L nirnL'; H... WIQK I!) worn on ma nounor Argylo. This morning Caph. Bnmo. Uapcn. En ford nod Cape. Hnuckloy took I crmoo down Ibo river in mun ocoomynchh. B N19 Aobivn Irrivod Mun vnnrnina l'\. \Jl'IWl0I'u. The ochoonor Pilot lrom bay pom un- Iocdoi (trio :0 Richnrd-con .\ 8000' eleva- hot this morning. Tho ushmmn Llnlr-nun ...a 51.15;. Innrl. now cu rouu no tall porn. Employoon of Mcliolvny & Birch`: * omitting do rtznona luv. lot Pucboo I week to wot the manner Argyle. This nmrnimr nnnh Rnhmnn (hut.- unn-go no-any no load coal for mu port. The nchoonor Wuo Crab arrived Imm Onngo yesterday wubh n cugu of cool lot R. Cnwlord. 'I'|L. _-L-__-_ n.-1.. 1 _ n _ . Tho Ionnontu of thou Oouoornod In tho Ihlpplng Qnnnon. The schooner Annio hloonor cloned to: Oowogo today to load coal for ohm pots. Ichonnn \Vnvn (`Inch nrrivnd from UIII Illlorifi III MIUIUOO D0 lily ! PSI. 1: night. 50 {number nnuod oh all tho city clorgyrnon won naked 00 oo~oponco with tho comolmy dlncborc in putting so and to Sunday funerals. and I bub one re colvod tho propooicion favorably. -__A, 7 JIVT. IIE C R rdanilitd or-u Mnhultn .L....s ....a ..- _.._; Olueeoe Ihoell Input?" the Dlneten ol IIO 00300071. ' In their exle to lump out vendeliun and den ("neon ol the urevel. bhe dnrectore [ of Cuenqul cemetery ocghn to receive the I hearty oo opere`.Iou of ..u clunes ol cm I um. With this end in view thedirectore I . ere taking edventege o! I cluuo In the Ilchnrter ol Incorporeunn. which pl'0VIdl! I hr one oxclueiou of Sunday lnuerlle, ex cube of e then ; The dhrle nl evenhmh ivnerented SOLID lllurli HUFNI. ll! Jl)llN.*4 n)N HT.. uvchna. newly 1 : Apt-by In Onmual Pun. Cinrenm ulrv-9', we Bunny A Bu-any MR3. nrcownd il(JiAD Maniif mruuaeuca. TO ITOP VAN DALIIH. `PHI DAILY W316. MONDAY. HAY 8. 1899. _ D tin- than --su. It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already atfected, and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there ` is still a strong probability of 1 a cure. \ Th`: on in the Emulsion if-eeds;` the hypophosphites `give power to the nerves; and the glycerine soothes and L _ . I- . It` there is I history of weak lungs in your family, ; take Scott's Emulsion. `T It nourishes and invigor- ZIKCS. JYITIIIK Ill. FUTUTQY. [1 W3! Ill.` inoomnn to return to the college to the full. Hi: In: a fumhar gnrt nbnn tha market when he utondod every male! day with his furhor. Two piston mud n brother. halides M` pu-outs, ourvlvi. Tho funernl ml! rate plan Iwmorrnw afternoon to (`.srunq~:i cemotery. The lumly fnln my lonely um Ion they have ouoaincd in the ninth rfn non who I'll jun verging into manhood. Much sympathy in extend- Od to Iheu. )0%UllI)N AT 0.\ (`lZ. N\\ `N! BRIKK Bin! ; -nlld hm-l rs-uI.|on<-o-; 1-In-lrh-llgul Irina In all ports: I" rnnnu; um-lrrn mn- vonlunven; 5-I ehoallllun Apply to II. II. . Inn