`lh has Baa: lhntcnghty l'!O0\ Il-d DI bs nllvhr luau znptuwmenu she vllb lobar! all her ol-I rusuueu ll nnnznnrnrnmunnswtll lhvmhnr Stop I nlnlgrnclon. Wn||I.\'u1'm, May 10 ~CoInmiaoiooor- gononl Puwdorly. 0! (ho Immigration bureau, who has just: returned lrom New York, where for ten dnya he has been studying Immigration and the Inn gov- ormng 10,10 pucucally convinced that: law chopping immigration hr fifteen or bwenty Venn should be Mr Pvvdcrlv darling: tn r-nmmih him um puuuuu nu ma uomunon pro- h bwtion Alliance in its appeal hr 3 dmmmrm nature giving total pmlnbncion to the provuncoo doclnr mg icr Ibo name by an atmnlivo vows; Ind 33 n In dy of men mron-mod In the ma teriul. moul and religious uellave of the people 0! our land. renperdully and earnestly urge the govommo-nr no recon ride" in: Yohcy, and to give tlcb ma hr an prncticsh e to the voice of the people in thm matter " llVL_ _,___.:-_ _-_ z _,u , .-n ., A IIHU UIJIVIUF The question In freely ventilated. Some uproot-ed Lhouvolvoe ptroogly, sud doclnrod themselves so delenninod in the [Mun only Do aupporo the porllnmontnry candiduveo who will take a deuioo stand lot I Local probibitory luv. WIN! IlllIUII.UUIl|!|y IIIHEUU I "Whereas the government: I`! Cnntdn has declared It! Iubenmon not: Do fvllow the plebiscite "of September `.. 9.h. 1598, with any Action In the direction 0! the suppres- lion of Lbe lvquur lrntc: Resolved than we, the member: ol the Kmgotou bunch 0! the ovargellcul alllnnco expreu our prolouud regret. At: this course 0! the government, than we ullirm our conviction that: vhs|u1unr!r~i3in a green and ying evil which ought: (to be eupprooood; and elm bhab the majority voting In {ever of probi bmon on September `19.h Inn, when all the cnrcumuuncoe IIO considered. was ruicnerxtly large to claim 1!: least: some re cuumuon ol the green question anbunmed 00 the electorate, and some nubavontml Ad vnnce in the dnection 0! the aupprec-Mon 0! the liquor tn-ti]: We, lherrcloro, mppon rhe poeiuou of the dominion pro- hr I dnmnmrm ntemuln uivinn mm] Bceolnllone Adopted hy the Orxnnlnilol on Iueedey. A npecinl meeting cf ohe evenxelioel ellienoe wee celled end mob no 4 pm. yeaterdey in the Y.M.C.A. bhe rpociel olpce of which an bhe eonnideretion of the g)vernmenb'e emtnde on the queetion of prohibition. In wee expleined men the meehing bed been poeiponed e week pending importenb ibeme ti iniorunhion on Isbe eituezion. After the noun] opening exercieee the mnnter oi Sundey iunerele wee introduced and conudered. A: e result the iollowing wee adopcod by the meeting : "Thnh nun hhn mhrnhnrn nl hhn Avgn. Luv Kneeling "That: we. the mombcra of tube oun- gelicnl alliance, strongly hvor the cloning ol Cnhnruqui cemetery to funenlu on Sun days so most: desirable for the good 0! all concerned TL- ,,....-c.i.... II. bl... LA..- __- AL.-- CUUCUIUUU The 1|'lOlti0l) of the hour wu than brought. furwurd by the following resolu- mon. which, afoot com-uhrable dmcuuion. was unanimously paused "\K/hnrnnn [ha unvnrnrnnnh rl (`Justin EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Buravrlrnd A Blown. (\ . II in - 5" . 5 'I'~)Rn~a1'n, Mn, I0 -Pruidoot Dunn. -"' onho cxaeotruito club, nun non ho, 75` has mound loans from St: Charles Tag 1 vmrl punnd Hon. 1' C. Cugnn, Q (:..I 11,! 5- '0! Ioouonl. tempting inntnucao to but pronoun ulhndoenrulnu 0181:1059 A Inedondd noun-cIonJuno OIL Ar "3 wanna: hnbeun xeivotlbynho dub j lhgkunujunnnh n-nnl IL. nnpiw-illhn mnumuc mums tU.. uu.| .j T Wunncms, lay I0 --'lIo (ux B guionknlnn Qdonuu-mg putt to chuck: dupttnent apt! Its aim- oindIho(Ihsuuo' u&n' IdtnCIh. nned Again: frayed I01. I Lnsnonlny l01-AIn hating dtlo Ponnenoulhagtohoouighp-nyuivun nidfalhoodtnnundnlurvudonuh gnnvurcnl his Iallbgbin shoot it Tbiovuintadod httlo rutgilundiiug, neivudbyAbdnl [lucid hath Row, Jacph Pukukrgvb hand in,` n1-nn1-n('.r&.nll LI. l W XVC T lC"`T - 3: `K- thoxpontnuu and lb pnnyvillh pfunnllruuovuq povineuinlho dani- I put. uucnu-cw Inc puuluzuou 0! III M'- ; I uiclo mnum, heuoaod nu bu.-hnod, .._ lmmha at tho chamber ol deputies. u ; Onincr ll cull me-pucllmud by the then- ul mo wounds from pufonmng his nun] duties, Ind tho colnpunv an up tho novel I slkgsuon that Mac. Pullnicr Inn dnn- ; I aged the nine ol nu mk. I [ZIZIIHIG [lI'l)III DTKIVIIIC `Ill! 7' . I1. [Elly An Eoglieh lilo nuunnco company bu the newly elected member hon tint rid- htoughn no motion ngnnn Mme Pnrmior. I ing, who comes In Otnuva to his hit aunt who loco lino ago shot I. O.hviar, a tub T--j editor at the Pan Luann. by Iniuuko lot .'`I_ A _n" o"._'"' I Mnlloroye. the chic! odlur of u po- C" 9`7 "- ""5 ` W 0- "'" 1 P. h,.,og,b. pubhanon 0. `I, u._ V Capt Snou nnd Lreln, 8|n.ngo.-hod 3 ma. m..u.... |.....u ma 5.. |..-.....a . ' h-any tune alter bands In! mxln In ll-I BU .Cl`lII[U IITI III U1 unlnuy. The um oi the u-oopu Adyo opinu Cecil Rhodes Ind Dr. Jameson lor iniuiu moaned In the Trnnsvnl nid was mad in London Hondny. CIpL Coventry. who took part in the raid. wsuod that tho trooper: were informed of the nature 0! the expodmoo Alter they had puocudod 3. mile. The jury hand a verdict la the do ' hndnnlg I nan, Iu oopullnuor, wncu I110 rlllvly no Khartoum will he completed. Gen. Lord Kitchener will open tho Sondoo to Indeu nod otbal without runxiction. Foreign goods will be ndlnlltcd duly (no. but II mull rqnnuulioo he will be levied 1| Wsdy Halls. Europeans will ho Allowed to Acquire land in the country. A null nl [ha ll-nnnnr `Jun an-min-I I TIKIIII X I There II I comment interchange 0! friend- ly leuue between lord Cuvmn, vieetoy of India, and the smear ol Alghnniehn. nod tborelnuonn between the Indian govern- mnnn And Lhn rnlmv nl Alahnninh-n harm BIPJIUIIIIIIKII IKUIXII ld Ibullu KOV"l1- moon and tho rulur 0! Alghnninho warn nova more cordhl than an present. The Bntioh ndmirnlny has decided to nholiuh the torpedo noun with which the cruiser Crelcono. which in no he the og- ahip of the North American and War! Indies Iqnndroa. is equipped. The nnnunl naval mnnu-uvns will be small that your, being chiay conned ho drills by torpedo boat duu-cyan nod torpedo boobs. Rnrlw In Nnntnrnhnr -han Min r1il-nI Our own make of ne Dress Skirts are nding ready buyers. We make up fine materiale,Iine them well, make them well, and they fit perfect. Skirts $2, $2.50, $3, $3.75, $4 50, $4.75, $5.25. IIIIWI, VIIUIICU In Dufullu. In mply no.1. Iv`. Hognu Mr. Chamber- lain autcdin the Brunch house 0! com- mon: than representations on the uabjocu 0! mo Pacvc cable lrom colonial govern` menus would be carelully considered. Thu dnla nl Ynrl hnn hann rnnnnd in Illll WOIIIU IX CIIOIIIII, CODIIUQIOG. The duke 0! York he: been conned to his room: lor the put: two dnye with I cold, md is greatly unused us the solici- ande coneetmng his condition evinced by the nenpcpen "Really," be remuked. "I Inlghu be I Kipling." Them 1: n cnnnhnnh intnrnhnnnn nl friend. DIUII. An Anbdbow lrom Zmzibur with lly young clans on board. has been wrecked o Wnavom ialnnd, south of Mombua. Thu-my ol nbo occupants ol the vouol were drowned. A_..AL-_ :__g-__- _l A_--:_._ ._-_ --_ UIUWIl1J- Another instance of American iron com- panion boating English companies In pnco sud ouno Ina brought: to light in tho BI'|~ nah house 0! common: in the can 0! I rulvny vinduco in Bunnnh. In I-nnl-MI] Iv` I-Inn-n II: n).....|y.... UIIICIIII Illlllllxllull [Ur KJCIJIUIID `RN05 . It. In nndentood thnc the delognhoo 0! Utah Bnbom And the Umwd Sutton 00 the dloannunonb conference will support: etch other In advocating u echomo 0! Armin- Ialll "E I !":\'l WIYUTH ' (Jnmngrby Rnlph Dmrsoli, nephew of lord Beurwneeld, has been aevololy mjur ed In 3 bicycle ncmdeno The tax rate in Lmdon, Onb.. has been xed at nuvouty three mllla, which is nld to be the blghwta rum ever c nllec ed where In In wpnrxe-1 Lbnt John Innglnin, M I` I for N-pm -mg,w H resign his Deal. to nccept the puncxon of puhce magistrate 0! M.nIuu_ ' JI'I'lIWH. Nunmm Hum; nnd b~a olden I-on. ngad auweu year-. of Sanford, N S , were drowned wamrdny wtulzu engaged in |ol> aver ti-hung. 1`hu H..:nhnra Amnrinnn -hgnn-`shin Rn: Ell I."lIlllK. The H-mburg American aroomahip Bn 3 La, nhnch nrrwcd yesterday at. Halifax. N.S . from Hamburg. had on board I 400 Uollclnu unmuguuu for Canadian point. It. In nndnrnlnml Ihnn than tlnlnanlnn nl IJIIIIU - ALI UT c)KU Thmy lwc-a were logo by the wreck 0! tbs Loch Eloy on Kangaroo Island in Au- ` wmhnn wnlnrn DU um uolunuua Ul IUIIJITII EIOWIBDD. The decmon as to `ho revmon in the Droyfua cue WI probably be given About: Juno `J A or 3rd 'I"L..... I.....- .....-- I..-L I... -L- -....|. Al lI.4DY& 6'0( on: .-u-- - nun... Bmnllpt x is rproadmg in Germany. Dr. Jameson I! About: to sure {or Soubh Alncu. K. ....I.. -....'II. --.. IL..I.. 4.. L. L--.IA Qultllc-II DU IIJ ID I lllllpplnol. The govern menu 0! Mnmac-J hue! ncaodod Lotbe domnuda ol admural Bowman. "'3... A . . . _ . B _ _- 1.. pl..- _ 4 _ . . . . _ 1.. IL- MA! 10. 1899. llJllNIlENSElI_P_ARA[RAPS.] TELEGRAMB FROM THE EARTH`! FOUR QUARTERB GIVEN. what Comcs to Us from All Quartcrs. ` nil \J ILIWI. Typnoud us nthcbiug the built of the Amencln troops in the Pbilnppnnu. Th unvnrn mnnh nl Mann;--n hm: umodnd I [NEWS IIF IHE WHRLM Lltuo Intern that Interact lvor1body-- Notes From All 0vor-l.ltuo of Ivory- thing l'.n|Iy Bond um ltemonberod by ihn II-n' Pnhllm Hill) utlxuyerl IOU KIWI`) TRUE. Euly In tioptounbor, when 0110 rnilvly IL Khartoum IIII ha nnannlnnnrl, an lnrd One case Rustic Sailors opened to- day. latest Shapes. IIIICI. New pulp mill: are likely to be bmlb our 0 .lAw:, I III]. |. O1'MwA.0nt. Mny I0 -A dclogntion - of nboul 100 people nnind beta I0 my |h-om Brochvnllo Iilh W. H. Connect. .7 kl- n--I- gl-mongol ungnnhgp I-n- ohgo phi, ill` IIIIII I610?! lal [DC Cit , 11'; T xbndhoao nbprnnod as vital: "unto nnyofn court. I Blx.rnw1'ux|, Ohio, lny II) vlnyot John Uanody vu lmno-hvppod yutudny Ln HI-I Ilnnm "rm-lard A nnllinnn nn ' ...-----yyuu --w --;v-- n bCiI|0')' VII ncnuwnvpqyl ywutuny by Ira Imam Cnulord,n nvliinu, an human: uueoa cf the city. bronco tho whndhxn rnhI.rnnad nu: nilnxn incl` and use actuating. Coopmy "I." I nIcI- 8Inogo-bd j happy time panda Inn night in ; Iidnfa ruununnu when mppcr VII spread. I The limo Ina open) in eonvuuuoo. rough `I And opoechea A proposal '3: undo Io had (`)0 comp-any : mania and Iluintnin n .cIub room dunng the winter. The non` will giro noun: shortly. I: in tho purpcso to! than tonxhclhomnpunylhohul in the rqimanu. Bnn<'x\'u.u:, Ont. lay I0.-A Ipccin emu Ion bore for Obtain this morn- ing mrrytog W. H. Coupotock, the new l.P. lor thin county. and 1 large crowd oi friends and Iupporun. Ilr. Com stock will be introduced to the bone to- day. . n-.-. n... II.. In A 4l-l....o:.... U" I] (DIX DI ICIUI IIICIIIIU IIIIIIIZI He managed ho goo uny [tom them, but on the mourn Irlp, an hour or In labor, hbo umo crowd attacked him. 000 of the crowd uuunptod to atop hip bone, while all the \iIno the rouuindu of the lawlan one: were polling him wish stones. The young cizen Ina nruck uovcnl times nod badly cut. His right um VII rendered Almost union by n blow Iron: I stone. Hadrovololo tho city as soon II he could got (no and had hit wound: 'dnIaodby|u Hoinalllouto { neconnl for n r for tho snack. A young men employed at Jenkine llvry eleble. Princeee abreel. complained to the police ho~dey theb leeh nighu while driving out the Perth roed end when in the vicinity ol the loll poo he wee no up on by three or Ion: men end unsalted "I nennnnd In ugh n-nn linen khnen BIAAG Ilntlog Cotton. L190 winter A commibtoo of obs WC 1' U. oarod prvzu lot the boob broAd undo by the Atudonbc in Al.toodAnoA Ah the locAl school of domestic science. I: wu dA~ cidod Ac Grub ho pub the print up for com- petition Among the mambo" d 50 Marco school-girls clans; Alcorwudn it no Ar rAnQd to dunno A prize for the bolt brad undo by A member ol the free clAoA. The girls obi: week will nuke tboir brad. And on 8A|urdAy Alutnoon in will be oxunluod Ah the Icbool by the commlbto . And tho prison Awudod. Ilia Moon bu donned A npochl pn The public in coI'diAlly in` vilod to the school on the Afternoon ol BA:-urday no no the rooulno ol '.hA young ladies work. I: would be cruel to my Mum the committee Aaked for broAd And um they will be given A Alone! The goods displayed on 8AturdAy Aro upoctod to pub the city bA|Ara no AhAmo. urn-r. (hf who'll] Ion! -at!-do Q high-eh. run-Ivlgullnnl-otcrtnhnlllrnvvcu lj all-I-a::`_wonu1\s-nor. ounhlnhlulvy. h)lt.CIlA& IIQLI-. frllj. IIII1 11.1. EIVOU The rlmouod lady Inn born on Wntor town. N Y.. but open!) nearly all her dlye in this r-lty She WIOI dnughbor of the lane 1 C Hwon. prints bunker, Ind I niece ol the late Willvam Ford She tun married the second Limo. her first: hu-band being the late Dr. Edvnrd Honey. lormorly ol King:-hon. hub latterly 0! Chicago. She Inn A woman ol uncnm moo beauty nod hriahu intellect. The lunonl will be privoooly condnctod on Fridav olorrnooo. norvir-o beloz held so two o'clock by Very Rev Dasu Blnich. Mn Carma in the luv. 0! | hmily who long held on hooorod name in tho cIhy., -.... ..--v -.- `w. , -.....-. A0 Ion o rloc| bhio mnrnlng Frnnooo H: van. boluvod mfo of hr 0. l. Cnrml. psnod away that An illnou 0! ton dsy. During the Inn nix day: her lllnooo. through double pnoumonil, tool a zzrvoro turn, and {our phy-icinno, Mm hruiuod nnrnu snd the hrnuhold ltrvlnta were ongngod in commnu Abundance Bub the courts 0! the discus could not: be atuod TL- J _ . _ . __4I I_.l_ ___ L--- _A TI7_A-_ l'\lPICy, IUTUIIIIJ. 8ocrotuy Scbulto bu utod me to writo you re our Annual excursion 00 King noon on civic holiday. Mondny,Angnu 7th. Thin would not: coo co win!) the world`: ohunplouohip moon :0 Montreal, u Ibo proluninnry boson no non run all ull Wod- noodny. 91b inch We could arrange an oxcun.-ion and neon no 6: in With your do monntanlion sud mute I good thing in you. An only reply will oblige Mr run will In: nhn mnmnr hnlnln Lhn I yuu. All can] ruply Inn onuuu Mr. Bong will lay the mutual boloro the local club, which will oomidor whcb Lemon un be taken. In in uloogohhor Ilholy thut tho excurolon will come down on Auguno 7oh And the great: noon will be called 0!! in Kingston. Ila llolnlon |Il-on Toronto On Clvle llollday. ll|'III Til. The Canadian road club has pnouully decided to nbsndoo the mount nos :0 Orillin on Toronto : civic holiday. sad in stand. no oonhlnno the uuuloxcnrsion to this city. than I big road oonoono will be bold F:-|nkJ Bong. eontnnon lot thin diwriob, bu roooivod the lollowing com- municnlon lrom chic! conturion Ralph C. Ripley. Toronho. Rant-nrgrv H1-hnlln has mind mg to THE C.R.C. RACES HERE. \JC'Vj$I I; 53- Il- U Euurn log-0-~AI Providoa I: '1'. rooms A: Woman: ll; Roost I0. Anpiogold 7; Hanan). Alulhd .I3.- Slain:-1 `I nuvurijy. ` National lIo-AI Pitbbutg 2: Cia- clnonui 5. AI Phi b2; Behind! 4: AI New York I9; uhingloo 1. LI Clnvnhnrl I- Rn I1-in R 3; s,ncuu2 `I21-II Vi IIZCCWVU. '1] I- uuxt Into made known to the -sup-mt: but nocvithouoding a neck: ol wwinta -urunllovod oodoncund in in. What our the bocou Ihocngo ulna! and Gillhhll roIboI>oOtoIn.|dIu|oeool(X)bO. TIC body In honihly Iuubod. 33.1. A;Tn;lnlhIO0IIoI Noun! Brunt. In] I0 -A hint named Uvllin In incfuuly killed yut- [clay nu Dsninion No. I solitary and cov- `anl olhcn narrowly orcspod. Tbm: Ilsa nlnnli -an dnl-cling and CL` `..-J -- ..n-u-uvu nvw. - vuuuvu, uu-u scy- ` an! arc spud. Tho in l the dull vu ddcclivc. and tho rcnon I--t'n L-an-5 on 5).. un- A srnmn UIITI 11$ IKTII Ll'HIKWI'I IlI- 'pI'Iu' 'P bureau novuudtboopuoingollholhrio upaumon. hardly ball the Auurienu who -mono vim union win bosbltto Ind ouunohip neeuunodnlioo. This in one an- cvulothogotemoogburd fmnlino to time, than the peoph ol Ibo Unitod Mala ne inking link or no hunt! in his pal Freud: alnbiuoo. - I0z:2z:1_x .`Lx`.`7x1_r .`1._r9!: .':1 Wanted -Ion lien-clip. Luxoo.-4. Hay l0.-Roliblo and count- vnivo ouulnllu would soon to allow Ibo union come (nub tnnnpon lino npriul up buwmn nnuuuithnm-nninanlnhnP.:in Ifll Ina Ill nuuolu no Dqii. Illll nndhnpnclicnlly proud tho hypotblo orininallv nu-mm:-rl In Dr. Hanan Ihnh Iuu uni! priclunuy [IUVUI It ll"ll}lI originally propccod by Dr. Ionian that tholnooqmaoin dincbly eoocunod III I50 tnnuniuiou ol this dinouo. IJDNIHLV, -lay IU -aIIrg0onIIIa] DQ- nld R in. nl lho medical lh of the Bdlloh army in Indus. bu ban sppolnbd prdot IOI ol the newly ctonlod lchool nnd hapl- ul lot tropiul diuuoo. which own in origin to colonial occntan Chamberlain. Ho Inn jut arrived lrom India to Into up she appointment. During Ibo last that yuan ho bu boon undying tho ubjccl ol unluia sad in rulniou no norquiloa. and hnn nrnccnllv nnnvnrl dun hunnnah ..__:-w_- ' 0()K~BlN[)EHN APPIKENTICE WITH 20!! 8 Pam vxpv-rlrn ~a Bnokbln llnl. bllto class 0 wnrk capahlouldulng. Bnx X " . DRESS 'l'.\I.\uv;Is l.'lJl'l'\(il. SEVEN ROOMS. OH x In--.-44. [Awreucn Blvenulx lnl|es lrom lha (`u{l; run-mar and Bingo eounoruno. Apply at . (;x`uI.~r`s Emu. hrrxrl Anlnuv. _ CI'u1'I.~| lo Kingston, 0.11 May l0.`.h, I899, Frnnooo Havoc, oho Inland min of Dr. Curtis. Fnoonl on Fridsy, prince. GENERAL NERVANT; N0 WA`HlNU. Apply In Mn. Ulouul Yorsa. IO Uni- venlly Aw. T .IUY('n:vIl..l.l|:. Rl.A(7K-IIITH I- unul l`rwmI. Puurnuiun given It Apply In J. W. I)uxAI.Ivso2I. Joy:-evlllo. .j `EENERAI. HIRVANT; H.\lAl.L FAMILY. I33 Uulou am-u-1, no-nr Btrwt Railway Juncuun. All our end: of Tapestry, Brussels, Wool, Axminater and Union Carpets will be disposed of at one-half regular prices. Come early and have first choice. [Tuesday Morning, Three Days Remnant Salc K 5.`WmL_ #31 Ladies Hats. nd hjdj 1 ::t:x_l:='I?=~F=G'~_,'F:`I'."F_IiI;V_1 'l'.\I.\1FZB COT!` \(iI. SEVEN ROOMS, ON hswreucn Jver.ulx mllas lrmn lhn looqunooo And lnluh [,o:um.-c, May 10 -8lII'[O00~lII8iG Doo- .Id R 14 n! Min mndipnl nh nl lm Rrhhh `T .uwi1:vu.LII:. Rl.A(YK-Ill'l'H--I-lrlllil` TNHI. liven M. ones. {xi-rmui I-7'41`)!-`\.(\\'>l1'l?I.l0N8 cuuw I in un1I1`Ir\ed mm; .\lnv no mean ul VIRI. FUR H()i'8EWURK. APPLY. III`! I W.AnIu:\',(`o_-mnr..~noHAL|. Ottawa and BL Iawnnoo (Ippor) 3 10 mm. - l'noo. unlonuy 0: I little higher lnmpontnzo. NTIQI I-.' 9-10)-`K. WITH LIONS gm] 4-an-ed mmn. : Iumvsxv I-`.u_'rurn'_ (rnmzlo MI-mt. ml. FUN H()l'HltWUKK. Al W.uuu:\'_ ('0.-mama; HALL. VWEATHIR Pl;OBAI|LlTlII- Peacemaker. I Commencing 4 P.M. EDITION. May 9th. #653 anus. "WXii"'ri:'bT ;T0AliE7NTl'-. THE DAELY BRITISH VVHIG. 66'! H Insist on being supplied with KINGSTON. A. B. CAMPBELL. sK1RTs.[ AND Tun :coI!ctvuuu.vvsIi'u.I.Il l$ -l:rnl and Tux- II Lu wl. `I1!!! ['."D|IlI!lG3!I\, II} 1!) A3- -on-nlolhl-Puit Ital vv have can uhylnkouotvtlhevvl-knorII'\oIIx1'noAn.~ tcljnli` llhllul tlunud imm- fhunltvul Iocnnhdrn byll Chin:-I Ind 1&1 lnpotunl cage: have has 1io:Ivvlhn|Iuvr.uIuurvn.-I unauth- `limit: n-uxonxnl I In .3 pm. wxnxxs DAL Iny 1.`r.L_ a'- ochre o( m umbr- Mcuul. int?! Hans and Eptdtnlloos may be non. BICYCLES FOR sAu=.| znjl -I-we 5-:1-.11). not L.- gulul lur n. It CIIRIFTTI T F. CHAN Elll.\l.V. JIIFS KOXOS. Ins;-o~x-us --( .\~yl-nun, Pnwm and Public Chanzhm, rnrtumenl Bnihilzgs. Tnnmln. `ay \`ln.I"|. EKDEIE AIIK LVVITTII FUR I.\.H).V'RY 3. ul Dnrvrnln Work. Punch`. 11!: l`!'I?lllL`_ I`!-or-mg. Ban-I-Unknng, [And can! 0ar~lrmng_ tile. in (nouns-tron with Ilnvhwunennzg In -1. MAR" Chmolcrv. ST. MARY'S CEMETERY TO (2211 RACFORS. -u-um:--xx . iv`-rub`. -n.n `J .nr.u-wsr l I`! `III Iuruluv-`III-% DKIE ARK l_\'\'ITKlI FUR I.\.).V'RY ` Iunl III`nho Pun:-inw Run-Lnklnn IAn.I 1:95 Iona mny um I) and Frbmnry mu Au II- Io: Hnn|colI.l, `vim s!0n~ $110, In lulu nlvuux run nu-urns. uuuuuu. R4*ynolds\|l 9 mn vnnl scn~c.-nlmzs or run nr mum lump. IJIII Inns; N tons -nova aln-_ I0 I01 lirlnr lllll voal. Alylln for lug-c, Broctvlllo. Hun] r-o|l.l_.`I`!| lnnu burg!` 9`: an, I'D 9on1 alow slut. 2!) [nun small :11. on the Above lunsvut-~4lnut alto; sufl coal 5;!) lull-I Iur gnu.-s urlm-'.'..`lIIIons mu mny nnl be rv~..u|r-ad ull ` Jnnuury, um. nlsufun (um .~4~runlon egg. ` Auylnln For lacuna, llngnou \ Hnnl u---nl_|,:l`xu mu-~ lurg-~ vu; 5 /v-, 2'0 mus. rum: Le-:1 Alt `.5! lI!l|~41`lH1\llllll `In-. Ian In x` run) my :6: hnrxiumxl. HONDAV, 22nd May.I8oo,| 82 2'53. DROBERTSON BROS.l . . . _ _ _ ..,.,r We have a special line, six differ- ent. colors, Cobalt. Blue, Indnago Blue, Mulberry. Punk, Brown, Green. Etc. the beat English quality. Very dainty; several shapes. They are good value at $3.26. 11.1 .u- I 1 HF. ['.\'l)ER\\lllNEh \V|l.l. RIC`El\'E I`Is derslwlw mltlrrsm-I In lllrlll ul llnir nll|r-- In Hm Purlhun--nL Ilull-llnun 'l runxu You want 8 nice new Toilet Set. to brighten up your room alter house- cleaning. s-no Tcndcrs For C0al-- 1899. Al Anchor Banding, lurk . sauna. -: - uuu I-:1-yaw: or Btounor Juno: Britt for Oboun ovary Iloodny and Thnndny sodmm. Juno: Bwllb & Co. Agents. Tn: nnllnnmr Thnmnonn viva: notion ha- nwuu 4: U0. ugvu . Tu 00O 3v0I Thompoon given notice 00- dny um wurnnu Inll he iuuod Ab onco {or all nrran of bus lot 1898. 'I`L;. -..-....... D...A.- -.ul ..unnI- --Ll Powcll s New Studio. LOCAL MEMORANDI the nut: Icon 37: us win; noun-u IO? Ill Il'l'IIl'I Ul DIIX IOU IOUU. Thin ovoniog-Poooor and ample exhi- bioion, yschh club woolly dnnoo. meaning 0! the cigu union And known` unions. TOILET SETS, -.. ---__. Aunrmnln son`; in catsuit Iug-2 1 LL. X PINK IlCTiI`l.l`; _ v,._ . We ran them this week and next at n up V The Allen : Hand-Scwcd shoe, 1, made to H1. $5 pair. H. ALLEN& SON, Gcll|Bool.84BnckSm:u. nuts lAry'- Lrmqeg. h'\\I\.~I .3 KD."`L r 1.`r.L. I TAXES. HENRY P KIITH. Althilett . lurk. _-I.-nuns. as J. rowxu. tax our LA'n\' Plolounphn in the Poly. lnleunh opus- ug In use. no: PIu3(`l.ns`u"|'ILET_, on TZAFIIZVIKI. IIVUW nndtuunnyinollhocnvvuudrov-ad.` '1 -Pd Ihjln Innaullhn -L-n :31:-I W-:WITU.-UK. Iujigiulhoiuh. ... _.... Lnxrm--<, lay I0 -Mt. Armour`! rcpt} -cum-u in Landon rlelivedl lolegnni ynuwdq dauyilg uh! P D. Ann-Jar, ol ` Change. in land: uuotool npoplexy. Thdupnuhndcb Illa: Ir. Arno`: in luau Nahum. shout he nilu ht Humbug. in! uteri! dnyu. inking Ill, -uumandtlnlhncmditiouina mu:-i-[ nlly imp:-ova`! lines in units! that I Ar~n.uvI. south Autnlis. lay I0- 1'ho8-mnh dn'pl.a:hSloy. Capt. Nneoll. I'm-Clydt. llhncty Sxlltr Adido and Hdh-!IA -an -I-rind an I nu-uyuu. I-un-ry as-III nation :ndIdbaIrIo.uuvncIdu|K.|ngntoo H 1 `III '31!` in rnjaxn uuu GUI! lnown nan singer van In III- eomo at n-on $25.00 no $30,000 pa snuuxn. Step! III?! been also for Ihn Anon ol Hntiua. To Dc-ant Oil (load Iibjodn. N.-Jr Yoxx. lay I0 --The London cor- xsepnndenu o! n lnruing papa qua-an Andnw Cnncgin. in An inaernov. an up I mg, in IIIIIU to I question rrzsrding Ibo ` dz-ponlioo ol hi- lotlnno ol $`_\]I_!l?0,()|.I>: ' I mum ! to compluo the dmnbuuon ol my tnllh. relating only I ptormoo l nguinou my saucy for tho hum of my dough"! She will no! in Agra! Laura.-I. I My has mll Ila span in catching on! good objccb. both in Antics and Grant` Rtilnin And in writing " gwu oopucu. sou: In an Britain and in writing WEDNESDAY, May loth. nun:-11.`, any IU -5 ruxlvw VII Ip pointed In Ibo bankruptcy court today lot R. A Us-kin, a snippet, vboon Iub.h- ueIu'n8l25 (ll). According to I auto- mcnl nude in court, Hahn: nhecondod. sailing for New York on Apnl 8:.h. having pnviocoly dnrn from the bunk npvnrdn al8I.'>_ll)l), lull ol which be remitted to hi: wlfnm New Yalk. to Show belnlo tnnnlenoj bu auto 5: Bqronk. Spin. Kuhn : wile iocoodncting an open: company in the Unitcd Sumo, mod in her call toll known can singu run an in- para; nl Inn... I)-'. {Kin Ian R\tY`.a\ ._. IIIVKK Ill IIIIIT UI 050' cTp`n'.. Sir Wilfrid Lnnrier moved tbso when the house Idj0Il'lIl on Wednesday it adpurn until Fridny non, which I ll cmnhd, mvur runny company : am. Mr. Brinou introdneod 1 bill ko unood Ohoucl rotpocting pint nook companies, which was given a mu rcndmg. The bill desk with the point: ol the companion to invest in abuse 0! other companies. Sir Wilfrid Lnnrinr mnvnd Hun -L... 0% Cl 0| DIX). `U .51. Mr. Blair laid upon the table the ra- Izurns naked for by Mr. Footer. showing the oumnga at who govcrnmen: nilwnyo. Uunn motion nl Mr lliinnnh an aim. g-mung: 0: mo guvvrnlnenn nmnyo. Upon motion 0! Mr. Dymont. the time for receiving pcinto bull: Ill extended. in no In u it applies to the Onluio & Rainy Rivet nuny company bill. Mr. Britton intrnrlnnnrl a hill In nunnrul TUIIKB Ul ll.IIJ]$7|1D' Hon. Mr. Bleir, who replied on the two yeere cnlnmniee oi the opposition, showed nun by the end ol the you the manage- ment olthe lhnmmond county extension would hue been shown to be thoroughly bneinee--hie. and that the bnemees er- rengemente between the government end the C P RV would meal! in I laugh: booi- oene deal or none en :11. Ll- DI-;- |-;.a _...._ 5L- A_LI- .L- _- 0'l'l'A\\ A, May 9 -Hr. Blur bo~dny movod she resolution fur the purchuo of the Drummond county nil-Iuy In on cxhnuauvo and convincing rpecch of thrao hours From nbree o'clock unul nine bbo motion to go Into oommmeo on the resolution Ill re-Ietod bocnuao certmn in- fornntion which Mr. Blur could non poo- anbiy obunin had not been lud on the Ioblo Snr Chulod Topper. who lod at? in the do- nate. roundly nbnvod the minister and his colleagues. And then boll 1 dounolhin followers undo opoochoa covering snide none 0! subjects- Hnn Hr I-{lnir nhn rnnligd on DI`; t-n -ll `J!-IICW u Loxhuu, Mn 10 -'I`he Chronicle an I!) up not surprised by the sononnmmonn chm the nonotubiona between the [famed Santos and Cnnndn will not: be resumed lo doclnroo man the amtemono nun who Ammcnnu are nnoorly duacourogod in Ibllfd. and says the hen in the Amonuna an discouraged because they could not: not all they wanted lmm Cmsdn without giving anything In return thus Ina worth Inning. In holds ohm Canndn mtdo I per- fectly hit offer on every point. IUK Ul DUB C'HlI'lI!'PlU" In no and 'he United Svaton commission on are thoroughly d-ac mugod no rho tune consuming manner in which VIPIUIIO pro ponmona hhnn have beon put forward no bsndvod buck Ind forub between London and Oohuu. I ... . ...., 1].- In IIIL- IVL___:_|- _.__ IUIIIUUI -IIU UUUUUITY IIIIBHITIUKI. 'I'uoj)int commission Adymruod 00 most in Auguab wath the undurananding than rnoanmno bbo government: 0! tabs cwo oounuiu would toot. public nomi- manh I: use also hoped nbnn some of the dnliiculuon chm had pron-outed chom- wlvoa In she vuy 01 I conclumon Q! the work 0! the conference muzbn In them- borim be removed by dnplumnnc relations Iohn now been dernonrrntued, however, than the oompsr of novthor a-do bu ymldod outanonu townrrnnt the expoccaolon of Any euccoac-lul rovulu attending bbo to convon mg of obs cnmrns-Mon ' In m -uni lhn l!..inA.l qlnfnn an-..-.i...nn Manager. A L L G ROG E R8. -g u `-In an. Iv u--uuw nun - nu. - .- unrcd (or I`Iun-Tho Lumber [legals- uonn mood In tho Wnv. \\',unI~'wro.~', May lU.-Al| hope of re- convomng one American-Cnundian commis- BIO!) In August has been abandoned. The conference adjourned albor hnving mnde good hondwny,n in WI! thought: no the Mme. toward: the draining 0! an agree mono, owing to An unexpected and incur- mountable ob:-cnclo In the ohnpe of the lambs: and boundary quesbion. The ivinl nnmminnnn Adurunrnnd In mnnh [nus PUBLIC sermmml WHEN TESTED, DOES NOT WAR- RANT IT. HILL mm: nsnuunmanj Of the Joint High Commission Rc-convening. Amarlcnno lay They Were Dllxuolod n The Bnudylng linen and foul: Between I......... -...1 ano-_- n-.....n-..- I-1.- Aboctndod `to A-cues. Lox!-ox, Mn} 10 -A runiver minim! In Ihn Lnnhrnnh`-u 1-t-rI -` ___\.__ t\,- nu _ In . n,-. KINGSTON. ON TAILJU. W1! DNESDAY. Paragon Th Qling about Otto arrival at -ctoria.BC.IitIthoucInollho&uvu- iugdlhnnnao by tho spanning cl: houbdnaghrgtolholthooocr Isy`l'uy- la. J. Enoch. lb nut; J-ct luun and-othaunntundrovnd. A tvclwyut-old dncgltu d 'an'Il Snith,Bu-rinltrvli. Ion Prion-9. in nuawdin Ihoguunlh-nib! yuturdsy infnnzhj hhziunlbux XIII m ijuiunchkdymwvnhed - ----- --.-- --VIIVIC I Tn: 85-41:, May l6l-An any of? cnnn 6: atnody hoginovng to stun ham 5 1-,, am: pm!!! oehelneo to pubcnil to tho can 0' .5, sidcnt-anal tbs peach esrixnnca. 5.," [n-c ght conhuoco will hover X D. ,. inn: 1:! AL; -n- . .. ` gxhnillina III?` WEI '9 Cilm -III 10` E udnixung nwhoouunn of the pun. ALrnnx~:, In. May l0.-In Alunndot Aunts. club lunuog irubh-In yesterday. not in to ha dun Bananas trough uuounen. in not ntiloholulhaunrio-ly burned Ha hinij Ann Iiii 1 llllun [A911 I _._.. ._.. kheexetpuon cf we drill, were [on in use " T? I of the men to nuke the cmpuny the but note There had been Iain from Natl "' '` ' """"'-' ""53 ~-'- -I-c~--uh --ow ._ ..':'*:.".::;; :::.z.'.`. .:......... "".:.:.;'":.- -..-....%...... 70 TIN ll-90111 to. crowded mm Udvcune enigrucrng to Car ; Nzw Ynnx, May I0 -'l'he grand jury Brrruo, Shy I ) -1'be Kate up . node end United State: in conuqeeoceoli hired to lino an Indictment egeinu R0 The P-n~Amencen uecuuive committee; oppteea-ion end home :1 bone. Felby, leod B Iohncex on the chergeol boring i'bia u'u< DCl.'|0 will recommend to the` 50,000 are on then eeyor pupenngloi rcnspoieen through the gala to Berry ;bouvdul din,-econ then the Runway rite, Scare The Puncze, the lane eteenebip Cornish. Hohneex VII lulu: before ' sdjzining the D-zhlnre put end colnptn lot New York, look ;' 500 and the Uni j judge Mclehoo and ell once dn-charged "mg nu: ol It, to nice. end in nciuon will ! Wnldenee wall can] 2 500 more. The} tie Iv. however. II once reerreetcd on be nppruved ea 5 director! meeting on I bmtirg- for luuue -ulmgp ue Illed. end ' A charge 0! During uenellcd Coreieh. 1 Saturday. x::dd;-n Lloyd linen ere was-' _.__---?--__m_ n_ __ __ ,9 Hey wleyor Pence Innate Fight 1: free; I _ LI -\ , Om , Hay I0 -'I'holOlJlo of` 1'. Ann. grocer. In vidtod Ins night by burglun who obtained cutnnco by bruk I mg the lock :3 the front duo: with I jum- I my. All they eecnnd. boiovet, wu any cool: in un.-all charge, no they wen dio- tnrbed in tho work 01 drxllina the tale and compelled to leave. The (col: uod with the uetpuon cf mo drill. loll Ibo nttrn Thoma hm] Loon lghnn lnun N.-ch, -u- -u---- on--nu. Tbomiliuin geoonl orders mohin no- tice of Ibo cooeoulnsion to Kingston cf the `lxd Artillery hngndo from June thin to 17th. The brigade cut? will count: 0! Loon Col. Drnry. RC.A.. commanding; DA A I} , major Bounoo; brixndo mnjar, msjor J. A. (3 Hndoo; pciucvpal Intdlctl otoor. umnon major Dn; ptiucip ntorinnry oieor. veterinary nnjot Hume; superintendent of clan: and puymutu. (3:91. I` Scrmgo The corp! Iobudrillod An: "A" battery KC A., the 2nd, 5th, Hub and Hch eld batteries. The {ah Hagan. hnlongiog to the 2nd cavulxy tn - gsdo. will Irniu M Kvoglton. Lord DCIIIIIIU `Id TING Ollllvch. Lo.\`iuw, Hay l0.-Lord Salisbury. ro plying no I oorronpoudooo who hud written to him rqzurding the church question, ouyr: "I lnlly nvmpuhhln with you in your suxiety rounding the groan dangers and evil: bolero no unless it in louod poni- blu to restore the dioclplino which hu been so seriously impaired. The Archbishop And bishops, upon whom the primury rum pomihiliny lies. no doing their uunool to bring hho church hack to I sounds condi- tion. In this respect their etfonn to re- ahore respect lor the law of the church. which in come quutun has been forgotten. deserve the hearty aupporu ol all church- UWEVII, ,'l'II"! EUUUIII I1 M. Mr Pwrderly declines to commit him tell nbcolutely {or publication, hub in is known that treasury ofchla have undo up unit minds to recommend to onozrou we pa-saga of such I luv. The looling in Administration circles in thna something muotbqdan to rt,-rue the innnigntxon. Flour manufactured by the