J. S. Henderson. Agent at Kingston. pun u_y run to ml-nu-nppl. The swam John Hagnznrh ha been loaded by J. Dnonno. 0..hnwu, for nine neuron. from Seeley Mulhb, Perth, And will run on oho Ouhawn M mtroal route. 1'}... --..|. l`....m n-...... (L... I!` 1--.; KIW DHIU HBI 0Ver COCDC HIDO LIN! port The 88 K04-omounb sud consort: Mel- rono and Selkirk nrrlved to day wlbh `JIM,- (NIO buebola 0! one and corn from Fm Willinm. ._ Fin... n,..L.__ n.__. n: u, :, 7' IIII-Illa The sloop Two Brothers, from W'ulfe in- land, unlomdod n <~:~..-loud of hay an the mu- lunl what! bhis m1rning.nnd in was ship- ped by rail La Min-in-ippn. The summer Jnhn HAUULPH has Mann `J --en. ,g:. pa :.u.n`..x. n L ail! 5.34 South & Co : whnrl last evening. Thu H1`, Rnnnmnnnnr nnd rnnun uwllu cl. uu a wulrl mar. evonlng. The SS. Roeemount nod rumorto. wibh `.!lU,0Ht) bushels of urnin, lorm the largest) bow nmo has over moo this port. The SS Rm-amnunh Llld nnnsnrtn Mal. CIWIIU ` `J3. The abosmbnrgo .1. Charlotte to Cnrdinnl. down Iub evening. Thnllnllsuu [turn I) ` uuwu IIID BVHJIIIK. Tholloupn Lsuru l). and Mgcnp from buy porn unloaded UILI and when at; Rncbnrdaorfn elevator 00 dny. The Ioeunor John Milne, coal laden, )--..-.,4;-.'. LJ Smi ..L'n 1211!, Luuhud ub| Hnllh A: no : uh-rl|n. Aunnlnn The ochooner Flootwing nmved {mm Oawogn yesterday nfnrnoou with con! hr IJ. Snafu I CB. `PL- -o--...L__.... I u \v...L.,_I_ a_.,, ! IIIUI Hill`. I King. The propeller Lxko Michigan, on ronlo ` '0 M`"l`I-L boucnod A . Craig's what! has evening. Tn. .n;-mun. A....:- u........ ..|-4..,a 1.- UVUDIU`. The sci.-ooncr Annie Mmnos eluted hr Wellington lalc evening to land gram fur thin porn. Tho nhonmnr P.-nz. .m.l.>nn m Mnm Pcrslatic Dog Wash llll IJIIIK. The -Ionmer Hamilton. from Hnmi|Lon 00 Montreal, vouched ab Sw.t'.'a wbu! bhin morning. Thn n1-hnnnnr vlnbinn -nnund 'l1\rn I J : LIIIW IJUTD. Tho auenmor Peruin, Humlzon on Mom. rml. coached at `Trng N. Cu`;-. whirl this llhifllllnl LIID ncuuonor nth: murmn ll moored 1'.` who um Atlantic 2.-levntur dock uuiung a cuga. Tn. nmn.lIn. I .|.- u.`..|.:,.... .. -....... ll kl ) There will be no change in the R. D. 0. nnvigntion oompmfa Lune cublo thin BOl~ non. IULI. The echooner El? While 'f'1for Char- lotte 00-day to load can! (or J. Richardson R` Q \nn Iovouonu of Vuooln In and Anna! tho Ilnrbur -Io-0 Ilonu l'uah:a to Ocean charters -l! ltooo-want`: Lu-nu Ouuo. Ondnn Inc utrobchod on the ochooncr Grantham yococrday. Thu nloou Mlnnm nn-had from Rnd/I . uruuuuun 3 ococraay. Thu Iloop Mannie arrived from Rudd : qunrry yutordny with sand. I Thl Amhnnnnr FrA4|v\nn nlnnrnd In: D. I qulrry yoltoruly with land. The o-choonor Froemm clu d {or Oa- wogo lub evouiuu to load con (or Boalh & Co fl||.-__ _:II L- _, n z .n,n an MARKING CHANNEL FOR NEW UTEAMER TORONTO. ) wrm lARlS'KREDOINC. - sTR59:1:s~,`$- - -I -1,, g, _;._, 5. HJHI. The ocbormor Ella Mutton in moored :3 ha. I I .ioI-..:i.. ..n...._..,- .a....|. --_.....,. A SPORTVING PA;AGRAPH8. 8. Nnchola. from , with con], puood I If&`&II BBC KI?` 0| IX HT` .53`- bux, unlochod the chat. droppod in tho hunt. and sounded tho alarm for tho pooumm to and on i: No . lvUy~ cure in in bli-siul to to icrnonn: unam- iug some chines. and not on 11! occuiana hitbllytohvin [`ano_.l2h...lu..-._.. L.n...I:...._ An Amusing tight um: withstood yum- dny nlumooo I-hon a hdy. all I00-cquLinG- Id w-th Canada's oval hcxlnsiee. unapo- od to pooh a loner the lira Hum 50: on tho \'.Il C.A. comet 8&0 pnnlorl band! he name mm: in: frnhh-n nndgvnr In CC: I `K L;-S. Tlj QC]. PUZIICVI $1 for acme tune in: frame: ondavul to God Ibo lather drop A mu. boy,sh0f wstching tbs attempt wivh gnu! gum ht a low munnv. dnrectod bot to the drop louor box Bsd no 000 comolnboru .$_o--.- uh. I.1Io _....I.I ......L_.Ll- L-.. -l6I.)lI,V'DZVT L..u-tu-uses.-a--n hilodhun Bcwbvilh. Tlhoeunh fail. Detective Gruor, on ivutlgsbion, dir covered that minor Pure and Roldan or cnpad they cook I freight tnin for the can and continued out in a manner qme uncomerned until shay nnh-ed at (Janna, in tho Ilternoon. Cottau is the j-xncuirm of tho Canada Atlumc and the ` Grand Trunk, and I! I very popnlu run: he tramps. Thorn the uul Inc lone. Tho detective sdd that they could have been rccnpuxrvd without dxtculayou the day sfrpr than at-caps, it com: penon bad Lakon tho trouble to chad thun, but no pcnon train a omglo movement. The) are taco now and zone to any. Ha me no idea what. they an 1% TX E.I(IIIIIKK'|.xn$`)I'u sienna tho Indy would probably have auuhod Lin 3!: ol the n slum Ln! nnlnt-ind lhn rim-no th-nnnnrl in ch. l`np~r On smallpox. There wt: 3 largo attendance In the re- gnhr meeting 0! the morhcal and mrgical soviet] Inn: evening when Dr. Ohvw round an instructive paper on n-cnallpnx. In hi: treatise he deal: with no symptoms at the dimuo, the dingnooia And the trontmont. Ho related come of his oxporionceo vnbh tho dxsouo, hum; In one Inounm ha riled over 900 cues. During his talk he made tolerance 00 she notnt ocuo In the cuty. md heid than the exieuog cue Inc one of nmxllpox. A Inna A-`u~nIoinn lnnnnd ILA nnnnr Ru! Estate And Loan Agency. 333 KING s1'm-u~:'r FY Ellw- A long d q:u.-nion followed the pnpot. during which nvenl dccbora diepltod Dr. Olnmfa etabcmouu u to tho Cit case. I 1.x- $5l .`_ :'z7`< The Yearly lnpundlmro. Hon. Dr. Borden hua lud on the table in the hours 'C0|."DOI'l'I statement 0! the rxpnrdnzure for much you from I`-576 to H349 of the R rynl mllnmrv collezr, thu-.' I.-7r._:m-.3; H77. 394;`.-s.'n; ma. 3:20, I H3; HIE! $4! 13; : l'4\l|. 8-"`H*7: Nil, smcm; nu, 3.-s9:.~z; IAN, s'..1r.79.,' Iv: 9:7.6:n; Ins, 85:: 3.11; law, 357,. rm; rm, $')l_5=-8; Iwa, s:;5,n~_'; 1350,} (El -V?` Ilnpruvln `lhe rnrk. Tho some in Mncdonnld pnk were paint- ei yoamrclsy nlbernoou, and eight-peer: and quiet roekere we.-o obliged no me the rocky ledge along the lake in place 0! bet cbee. Several trees were plnnted In the western end 0! the park fronting the mud. and the place Inn ocherwu-e beeutted. The chair mm rf the parka committee, Dr. Bell. was around in the afternoon looking over the I work. lhlppul Bank In Chicago. The seventy bundles 0! wire, ordorod for the Kzngetou penibonbinry by ex-convict: Charles Howard undor tho name 01 chief onginecr Derry. and which nrrivod bore Int. week. has been ordered to be shipped bnck to tho rm, In Chic.\go.dupod by Howard. The Cb'c.\go people stand the upouoo. We don't, rlvortiao lat mare effect. but for buamees We know that, if you are unbjccb to cramps, that you should huvo a mumps, tirieuh remedy on hand. Nani- hr.o-norve pnlu curo-hsa n wondotful And immodinte curtain power. In roliovu in one minute: in euro: m ve. Ploucnb to the mate sud we beat: kno .vn remody for pun. wu - - van: 1- uuuv. Those pill: no not nmll. bun they are not dunbvc-Irnuling cnt.harLico_ an small pills must: noodn be. They contain ncuvo vegetable extracts which have direct remo- lml ncbion upon tho stomach, lnvor And bowels-. Avmd lrrltablug drastic pills by using fhmiltorfu. Sold by all dealers. (Ieoil I-Nluort. tho bmyclo ndor. gob a verdict ul H50 dnm-Luau lor wrongln| dvo mi-unl by the Uamlron bucrclu colnpluy. Tho 1hnnuuAI lnllnwnd n mp V In Mun mtv .----. uu ..n. The folhwlng theological grudunboa of Queen`: college have been taken on pubhc probationary trial lor licence by the Prea- Wtotinu synod: nl Kvngvton and Toronto; nrvov Foir. B A ; Jame: Shorth, M A ; W H. Cram. BA; J. McNeil`, U R Lowe, W. M. Foe, William MIIIAI and D. A. Voluma. __ , , ,..___,.,.__ CHIIIIII Dy LUU IIOIHITUH l.I|K"'C|O CUIKIPIIIY. The duuraul lollowad n mu in this city two yearn ago. Seven! Kn-y-Lonlnnn gave evulonco on the one. The (ntario (man: of lppell yesterday nu.-tamed tho vordlcc. No use lrying to go through the world in 3 hand to mouth style. Too many people do that. 'I'lley are content to pay rent. flrever. and have notbingtonbow for it. If you have tavodenougb to make a small pay- unm. we Wlll take the balance m monthly payments until the debt is cleared. Its may. Cnllat. U\'Cu`J'Uu U] llll-5. I)CI. LIIU IIIU WDU ncnrnd by the cxplociou (fa lump The room in which the lump bmoa Iru badly damnged by re, water and smoke. `III ._ \.\rlII--nulcllvln .-u... Tho bishop ol 0 mwa mourned to dsy from Bollevnllo. Thund-xy Lo pr-eoir oa ul, inontirmnmn eerviccs ut. 0.40 and Sharboh Lnka. Friday night: has woll dalnvor An nddrou In St) Paul's church and on Sutur- dny ho will have hero for lrc-1-min. Thence be wall 30 on ll hour 0! his diucepo. "Miro lul. Nlxul. An eleven o'r:1ock lub night the 6.1 do- pmrtmenb wn culled out to extinguish: blue m the dwelling on Cnnubam screen occup-od by Mrs. Buck. The fire In: rnnrn in wlninh Lhn Inrnn hnrnw I'Al hnzllv the rpm unJ mil 0000 be plncud In port- ` um. The wulla have nnw reached a n- p-r`.u`v|e helghc, ml mo bmlhug, I: In i .'lpCCi0d, vull be completed by September 110. ..... ..-- .,......- ` \\'-Iomn Hut all the umucv for liqu 7| hcon-nu is to be pc I bhia week, an the In` Ppac'.('.r in eipu` ed lo make hue returns be~ fora Huturdny. Those who naglecn may upoct. u-answer A charge 0! sell-ng the ounu of Uannda" wllhouc Incense. Thlny Year: 430. R Mrlnloo, 0! New York city, viulblng hue niece. Mrs. J. Lovebc. Enl lumen. 10- turuod boma yo-terdny. I Is (hirby your: mum Mr Mclauc Int. vmtml Kingnton. He likes the nppeannoe of the any. `Ibo llucpllsluroundl. The general ho-puts! gnrdoua have ngnin umcnnd their aumner bouncy. Tho gn-nu in \-or, vordanh and lhl mon In probe; bod: are ranching Ibo blooming poriod. The around: us: well cured for. A Grout Dlnpmy In llu Ihlow. Provooc o! the New Yuri clonbmg won bu A great: dupluy ol no brood for sun.- Iugn In hm wtudow. He ohoun a 0 londud Inna [or $13 50 I tutu undo Do or or. A ne elm: no (unnnwod. -uv uuuwuu -... .--..u. Thu iron baam- In T F H u'n'ion'n new un.x u'e nstnbhrhmeub have arrived on he um. Thu: u~-.Hn hnvu nnw ra\m\hn.{ u n. CIYY IND VICINITY. MCCANNS my unncuct so Iar as ur. am 3 mood and Nerve lls arc conwmcd has been enlirrly rrmoved. They are a splendid blood builder and strengt rcstoncr. and an invaluable medicine for weak. encr- vnled people. This has been my 1: ` cnce. they hnviuaggxix-en me of body and strong thy blood. lZ.-_44l\ D-1--3 I .--.--.1-2- IIY"|l\ xvmll) J IL.-me-9 on tho local .-treob rnilwny lira continues lmr. Mntnrmon o-bull have the gnp, while conducmrn cuntinuo to have A -'mr\g pull. I'M-angers h-no thou mm charm of up: and down: to contend with. Hubert A Croll. den !-on. l`n|morI'.nn, MN :`'I take grew pleasure n.. recom- memimg MiI'or'n Compound Iron l'.llo Io nuyono nqumng a home. Have and them Iith good tunlra. As an Ippatite producer may no unmrpuocd." Sold by E. C. Mnrcholl and Henry \VsdC. wuxu IIHI Ulnar new l -WI PVIIB porno. Muller`: Compound Iron Pulls. only 25:. hr (`my amen. Sold by E. C Mitchell and Htmrv \V,.1.\ GsNn.Iul.N,-I have for a long time needed something to make blood and [maid up my system. My blood was water and lhm, lacking strength and \italily. Lu! January a mend said :-" Tw no! tr)` Dr. \\'ard 1 Blood and Nerve mu? Th-_v vnll supply the oxygen our blood need` and we you health a strength." I mid him fwas very skepucal as to any benet Ihu could be derived from any propnelary medncnne and had no fauh in them. There the manor reslcd umul four mumtu ago. when rrudnng so much About what Dr. \\'ard`s mood and Nerve Pull) have done for so many people with "un- yoverishcd mood. I concluded to gin them a (rial. I have taken {our boxes and lnr nnhu-hf on far an IE \l'np.J`. DL._._J mrm an (nan. I nave ultra lour boxes and my unclief so far as Dr. Ward`: Blood nn.l Von`: PHI` nrn J 5-1: Ivan- uuvury pumlc, 1. unronce DWOGD. Lu: nights :0 bnltput. seven o'clock, from the Wnndoor hotol, two young `(outlo- men, with their lady lriooda, bud on 1 njoy- cl-Ea driving puny. The names 0! the neu- Llamow are, A. Ford and J. Reeves. lnn.h`I- In... nu--- .. ...... 5....-- .-..o. Llama`) Ire, AI. lord and J. rseevoo. Lumber from Oiuwa us now boung cent: to [M-oronbo by boat, wI.ere it in u ed In tha various mill! at that point. Ship moon no Alpo bmng mndo to Clayton. 0'- wegn md other New York Hare porn. MI|'cr'a Comnnnnd lmn Pull: nnlv 95>. u.. x.. Jlucneu sou uonry wmo. Owners and captain: cf steamers Ind nmnz vouch should note that tho dnr ing of marine protests und avenge bonds is made a opecxalty by J P. (hlderaloovo, notary pubhc, 4; Clarence atreeb. [Ant ninhh mm L. r-An! -nvnn n nI4u~l- Ill DIIUIT W'UI'I. The been of: vegoberian bombs on en average le}-eigbb to the minute; mm of the mono enter Iovonby-ve. This rop reoenta I dnlloreoce of 20000 been lo cm.-my-(our hours. "Yea. " and the lovely girl. we hove one 0! thooe perfectly deluciouu prnyor rugs lromlhe on-t. bub oomehow. when papa comu home late And atmnbloo over It, he does not pray. " The Bey of Qnlnuo R'y new short line for Tweed. Na . Donoroubo end all local points. uln Ieevel Clby Ball depot: no :10 p.|n. R. J. Wilson. 0.l'.R. ble- grauh oioe. Clennco attest .\lille1-`n Worm Powder: are I wonderful medmine lor nilmonho of childron. Sold by E. (7. MIfChO" and Henry Wade. Owner: and onnrnlnn rf gunman nntl F 150 Prlin Worhu. STREIBIH For the fhyticnl wo.., -`TIIIII F"NOII.Wonu ..act.;u... IT'S YOURS. TAKE IT. Illu IIUIII, IV Du The Brockvnllo Recorder thinh shut it U c probnbnlmoa could be given u the Whig cuggoabo by whistle aignulo in would prove a welcome guide to tho ngriculluriaba in their work. 1'5.` L---A Al- _-_-g__:__ L_.g- -- __ mucus. .13. a moon. ucuoouoarug onoro. Renidonoo of Wellmgbon screen north are wondoring when the cny engineer in going to comply with me wnhoc 01 (who council` nbd order thou thoroughfare oprmklod. Nan I: `I'll 1 nnnrlnr I.li"Ar'n mam. DLUIVBWIII uncnvuu ulou. Wall people do nob worry. Tnh MH- ler'n Compound Iron Pills and be well. 50 does! for I uluxrber. Sold by E U MID- choll and hunry Wade. Larva nhnntn tar nnnnr nnhnrnhnvl lth IYIHIIUU. New lilo for n quarter. Miller : Com- pound Iron Pnlll. bold by E. C. Mitchell and Henry \Vsde Thu Rn-nohvulln RA:-snnlnr this-`Ln thnl H ----.v -- --v--5 ----'1 (Signod),PnnLawuuuWlrn, 9@uenSLW,1`a@o.0f'. `All wm t, vi 333. meyboxssbrnfair oo.'IIlDOc nnCounIv.l.ip`ud.`1`cnIb.0'l.~ Sold by Jan. B. Ichood. Gym. K1:-n; IIU U\NI|U\l IJUU F U- 0 dny us the bhlrhylourth mnivonary ol who olpburo of Jzlfaroou Davie; nnd In was thirty 9: your: mg) yoaberdny tun Stonovull Jackson dnoa. lllgll .n.n..I- An nap. _....-.. 'I"-|.- nu CIIUII IULI nunry VVIUC. Lnrgo sheen tar paper nburnbod with moth onmpbor ;juela the thing for proton- ing winter gurmontu lrom dcnsrncuou by mocha. .31. I ahoeo. McLeod : drug oooro. Rnnirinnhn nl Mfnllunurnn nlrnnn nnnh UIUUIIU UI yUUT IIUUU IIII UH. Ar] IL. Unbxu, tofu nnd pliant; so lino, liio Dome cnrul I-Lone-, no cully cut when tiulcquanlod, bub pom become hard as ndnmano. l_n... l.`_:-|_ L_. _,.__.1 ._. 1 .1 . I vs... -`IDLLIIKIU. John Frink hn urchuod cho farm, SIM ncreo, of H. J. Mconnv. two nnloc want. of Cullmn Ba). lot 3100!). Duncan Cay: nogotiotod bho ate. Jgn -. IL- pkl-L.. l....-cL -_._;..-----.. Illlll I WUILI IF IJW. Mnllod Worm Powders cum all ulmontn of clnldron lake Insane mm by E (.2. Man well rtd Henry Wade. The summer hotels lb Thoupand Inland moons wdl be nu the hen ol we oucul {my when the warm weather nrrlvoc. A ten cent package of .\lnguoLc Dyer- nud very llullo work WI make 1 now blouse ul your lndcd till one. Try IL. llnhlll muff: And nlinnl. .n Ii:-uh Hhn LIIIU PHI IUI. A who paront should be u cnrolul of the now:-pnpern his children road :0 ol the campus)` obey hoop. \Nnumn nuuhn hn lnnkn anml Inuinln. UUILIPIU" uuuy lUU|`. Women ought on unis good legisla- tora. Mmy n mm cm beauty that: I we. man`: word I! haw. \l.Il-_ 4 II'A___ lIA_.I_,. _,_,- ,Il , .I_,,,. IIUIIIJ IIBLIU. Some women : chic! object in Me afou- mnrriago In to lnvo to no we pulur furni- ture pmd lor. A Iuinn nnrnnr shnnlrl ha An Al|A'|Il nl oh. LIVUYIJ LWUIIIIUK MIllar a We children Sui: Henry \\'ndJ. H. nun wnm-1 lUI' UIWPKU DU IUIU Coll. For cloamlnt lurmuan try our Iurnitnro Iooloror II Juno Reid's. Solomon told co many trubhn ubnuu wounu bocnvuu be In bnvo i II the pennmuu had hi: way Hunt in- tter. \\(.uld,bO an hour as vinoanr. Love may not make the world go round, but It mahos ll luv, of people giddy. Uaut. put. your true: In richer; it pl)": bcuer Lu puL 3t-ur riches In nu-L9 Wtcn n mm. In um-ed that ha undo a minute nu murrymg he Info uuuod. ham) body um our lurnuuro restoxer fur bcusu cleaumg, (or angle so Juno: Reid's AI.H-.'- u.',.-... I .... L.-- A .._,. .41.. :.. IHIIIU HIV` PI-INCH. Ansdnruntnono which oootc lmlo in um-nlly worth hbllo Thn M`) nrlnnr Hun (`mush nlnnrn h(\.I`|I U?\IIIVy WUTBU IIUIIU The not uouor Wave Cruc cloned bo-day lo: Oowego to load coal. Fur r-lauunn lurnllurn hr: nur lnrnilnrn Whnuoos-or I mm rap: some one main havo pluxtod. An mlvnrmnmnnnh uhioh nnnhn llhtln in PARAGRAPHS PIOKID UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTIRI thu lulu cl Ivor] DA) l.Ila-lIAO Ibo lbopla Arc `falling boll--lolbInq In some ma non cu at run Inna! Ian: Hutu. ` Awhito lit in Ono toid by uotnobody WI hit. um-.- -..-- _ _-_ _-_..- --__ .._- L`-clay:-u-u u-sou, Paint. :1! guanine. nun THE PRO0f! [moms or mg 05?. I HIIU DU UIILIUU IHUIII I! I xwdern ruro lit! in y E. U. Mnzcholl anal Sales Sollcited. Our Gain Is Your Gain. Wood Bros`. Metal Valves BDIPB `II All kinds Sf`I{1-r1;j_ling, Soft Woodvand Hardwood, cut or uncu`L '1*om_y:>'s, Sat1s1ac:_ti<:;ri Io ih;l)`1:1yer and For ll by A. SYRACH.\`.I . Amugdagenfms` 156-0; gum It's a pleasure to pay out your ` ___IV\_()NE.Y For vs/5c$<)_d`tr`o}nWB'c)oTH a CO., foot of West Street, because it O\\*\\r$`\ `\v\\/UOCO 3 muorc, M E V , ways O Ql A|.H'\. RI`ht` QUANTITY 3 O`\&\vQ`US9Q4\\r\vO ` TELEPHONE loo. You will need gooilrcsh Lime. l have it for building and plaster- ing. Can alsa supply you with Lznh. P. WALSH. [House Cleaners! You will want Coal, Wood and Lime for your spring work. I can supply you. sv"&"i"ft's Scranton Coal. 3990990900993 [House Builders ! 83 Palaccu Strrct. Tm. J. u. Trncsdell. me 0! Dlcton. In charge 01 this department. J. R. C. DOBB &_ C0,, looooooooooooo ; SERIOUS LOOKS. 3 ERAWFUHII, Foot Queen St. 1 I I uni O rmnu-r NO I Il)u'lIh III In uplulon unI.|l you lmva-hoard both uldru -41-` `pl In Ha cal: oral. drum. .! . . ` 3'1` Positive`! sat.-. cum` Les: 3 Pvlnnwm 3%.. Rlnotog 55-57 Barrack St. co/vu=T<)R*'r JAS. SWIFT & Ell. You will save money. t I E 5? 5 E E E I WIIU `.1-IUIIUIIC W)}JIUo \ ' "A deputetlon eleo waited upon the Hon. Mr. Hefty end explained to him, run they had done to Sir Willrid, the o.jacta wli-ch the promoters of the convention had In view. They assured him thntlt wee not celled in Any hoetile or criticel eplrit. but in the bet interests 0! the liberal petty. They recognized the splendid eer- vicee which he bed rendereddnring; hie ten- ure oi oilice. end assured him Lhnbiiho found it poeeible to remeln et hie poet he would have their confidence end loyal eup- port. They conzretuleted him on the ohivelroue end nnweiah spirit he bed ihown in etending by hie friends at n criticel time, end, in spite of inlinnltiee which would have driven a lean brine and generooe men into ptinte life. throwing himeell into the thick ol the fight et the general election. He had not only oerriod his own constituency, but to him wee due. in e meeauro. the victory ol the Herdv government et the lat gonernl election. ll he lound it ueceeeery to retire they did not presume to dictate to the government who hie encceeeor should be. but pointed out thet one choeen with the approve! of A representative Cetholie liberel convention would be more likely to prove rs routes of strength to the perty then A choice lroin motives nl expediency. The executive did not wish their motives to be misno- derstood ; they did not ~eek to e-tehlieh my new principle, but merely as devoted Csthnlic liberele to advice their lenders concerning the bent intoroete oi the liberel party. "\Nih|\ roaervl In the vnneu-n uhinh new, [$350 Is what we ghe you. Try us and see. Best coal. Best grices. Syccinl attt-ntinn given to Rush ()rders Dry slabwoodxut 10 inclua long. COAH B R I N_G`S {Heavy Bill. 3 We bought %"'[`?!`. 7 2 1.1 fresh: Home yucau. p You can hue I" you Pwnnt of It :1. 5c I bunch. G at it cheap. It's jnicy. tender And VIXQDI ' Pflayu "Wibh regard to the motives which nur- rnlou and envious persona had attributed to them in Ina necessary to any but little. l-Ivory moment: of this kind provokes crin- cvam. and they only uh nah it be fnir. Ilr. Hnrty. in reply, noted D ) bhe deputation l than be in: convinced Hut, the genaleman interested in promoting the convention were scanned by the kind lieah motive: to` `uni: him. and thus he would give any in- lotrnnt-on he could to pro mote the rucceu ol the convention. which. be hopod, would be 0! benet both to aha libenl Catholics ol Ontario and tho libenl potty. " Thu nammiatno Ara not in 1 nneihinn to I We a lot of SNAP Der Cord. ASPAHAEIJS. Ionn Wnch Bram. lacuna. Eng, u-oprqnrvdlonnil free to my addnn in Canada. pnturna and loll-nouuurwlule lornoolthoif $7.50 tuned and won-nod min, and gunnntco I high-clan t. Hood: in tho vslnn of S7 50 and upward: to pay carnngo on. Too Bnu-ah preta- onzisl Inri ndneu the canon cbugsn an nuncota. F full particulars write Mann. Wuks Bros. as above. UI EIUUHKIU `III! Ir IIIETII PIKE . Pb: commiatae It . now in a position to nun. as n nanlb of info -nation received (rota prominent (Jnhohc llbcnla In nu puts of the province. than the coovoaoion will be no unqualied success, lunch as re- gnrda the chtrnctor ol Mu dologncon And the number unending. Fin hundrud gin- nlovnou in nnou parts 0! the province bun boon communicate-I with and roplioo recavivud from unny mashing than organisi- axon would to nndortskon in their riding: 15 once. The was 0! thn nplicn in every mnuoco junaiu the onion I|I BId] baton." Both these remedies are combined in Scott : Emul- sign. Therefore, take it for nervousness, neuralgia, sciatica, insomnia and -brain }}3'1I}' ;{}s-;',731'"'1'i{,lL pophosphitcs are generally , acknoklcdgcd as valuable ` nC"f fbnics." ..-~'- -3*"-"`\'d>r Probably no single drug is employed in nervous dis- eases with effects so mark- edly benecial as those of cociii-iivcr oil. T -v _ _ kU\I'llVwI uln. " These are I the 'words of an eminent medical teacher. \JI|-UUIIC UFIIUUUYIIU OI Klllllflf). "Sir Wi|lrid'e recophion of the delegn olou was extremely cordial. and the inter- view cennoo In] no enhance the aucceu ol the couvenoion. He l'OC0D|l.8d the desire. more oepeclnlly 01 Ixhe Irish Cntholm lub- eula, for A leader of whom may would be proud. and commended the embihion no 3 laudable one. Convention-I 0! this klnd hed on other occnlons brought forward nhle, but up than time unrecognuzxl men. He give eome valuable Ind kindly ndvice. and hoped than bhe convention would be a success. and that my roeuloo would be In the Inherent: 0! both the liberal party end ohe Csnholic people. \ ! "A dnnnhghlnn Alan unifnrl nnnn than \/. U. ITIXT Ill!-I III . LIII'Uy. `u Ill 09` `*.:'2='ed tha V,``h7 i7 nhm-1| r:!':':'nrq no moon in convention and bring lorwnrd Lhoir very boob men. The dopuunuon also pointed out bhah nho do:-irnbnhtv 0! having {or the roproooncuivo of tho Uublrio Ca- nhulicn an Octuu n mambor of tube houae ol commons. And. I! ponlblo. I-ll eloquent: and nblo oxpononb of thoir intone-m-one who. In the cabinet: oonncila. on obo that of the house And nn public plntlormn would be :m honor and I cradit. to the liberal Cntbnlic alocoornto of Ontnrio. nu... ll.';ll_.'J'. _,-...u-- .1 AL- 1-1-..- 0uI:Ta|ki_rgAPoint} U0. W TUIIIIU IIUUII CJIIUUUKIUU. "Tbeillneaa olMr. Harby and big do- bonnmnbiou 00 lay drum obo burdom 0! otce nude In lmpemuvo than an nble mm should be choauu Do /succeed him Mr. Huty. obey pmubod ta, had nhe entire oonleuoo of the Cu olic people. and it he could rennin hm post. nochmg batter could be decired. Only an able man could credibebly succeed such leaders as C. F. Fruer and Mr. Hnny. And In bo- :"7r'nd `bu f`a`}:'tli~ nhnrml I\""!\!'l tn VUDIICIUIDCI 2 During the recent vhlh ol tho Right Hon. Sir Willrid Lmrior to wound Lbi innullnlon of his gnca one nrchbinhop of Toronoo. I depunulon ropruonbing oho oxoouuvo commioooo bnving in ohnrgo uho coming Uwholic libonl convuls- Oion united upm the hooornblo gonblomnn tor oho purpose of explnluing oo bun obs muons hr cxlliug Ibo oonvomlon mud to not lor his co opornton In mnllnz the gathering I Inccooo. They pointoi out Do him bbn since aha conuorvnsivo puny in Onbnrno bud nbmdonod their Anti-Catholic sown in And won andoavorlng to undo the mischief that attitude had cuuod them. chore wu danger than many 0! the Oabho he oloccon who lormorly vo -ed Vtibb the conservative mtny, bub who [or name your: pub have oupporbod bbe hbornl gav- ommonn in Oahu-nu. might return so their formar nllogunco 1! vomathmg were not: dono 00 remain choir cmdenoe. ull|L.-;I|..-_- -1 M- Ll.-.... ...A LA. .I- nu... - -vv-nu... u Illgloot Iruudnnl |'roronv.o (Hobe. lvlvll 4v \lI\I|.rI4. The lullovlng Ihuounnt rogurdlng tho formoommg convention of libornl Clhholncn ha been truumiobod be the Globe for publicsuiou: During thn rammh villa nl thn Right they Douro Ioproun touvu In the Iodenl ` _-.c D-..-_-|-n nL.-.---.........n- "1 Ihnl CATHOLIC LIBERALB OFFICIALLY DEFINE THEIR POSITION. ICATHOLICSWANHHE new IIIO IIIIIII CIOCVIIDQ. II'--I._ II--- I ._.._A- Wnlloco luthevo. about Iwnobovoa you 0! An. couuiuod nicico an M30- myby:ak'ngudIulludnIun- A most effective and re- freshing applicant for dogs and domestic aniffialp g -n erally. Destroys eas, Ii ,-- ticks and bacteria, puts the chili in a healthy condition andimprovca the coat, At all (lruggiotn. an an uuuugn so none granny. Sun hot and you wl dincavor that the uni ht squint] n -on gusty nor huulhnnpoxnuuduzhnao man i: HI T undated ueily dizuotvbk Ind Uh Oink! in the Grape-Natl furnish | -& nhahh nourishment ior uhkto-y an vol! no invdidn 33-110 Dy the Pautlln Ca , nnlllnlbmb H30 : suun IIUCU Ill ! llll. "The climate here is simply (nod. in sheet! 0! than which we heve In the era The Ieeoher en the tune of writing in very Venn. We are still wearing winner drew, but should bne been supplied with mm not uniform at least. on April In. You can judge (or youroell bow mild the all mebeia and how only the warm Iveelhcr tote in. The ice is breelmgnp fun and will poon he out ol the river. We expect e mail here tomorrow night [mm the nnulide world, but I em in doubts whebhcr or not we will be able to [es one out. At. my nte we will noo be able to mend onl eny more meil nor unll we receive any until the bout: are run- ning. which may be two month: yet. We all exp:-ca e bony mul by tho n: neenet. Iklil . "II it expected hero thst the uujrity of bio Yukon force will loan for the out only 1113: summer. Inn nob run of ro- aninlng. Tbolnombsn ol tho forco no I in componzively good health. I Inc plouod Ioloun mun Ds. Rynn hsd been cleaned ma-vor. Remember no to my Klngnou triads." Pllnlillhpioaolbultutoulopoloaeh vflluylandhbocooo dry, but do &I1@otlhIo1knpo-snow, Miiwwwm Cf: uoluncnoughtonntog-nay. Stvihotudvog -1" am." I-'Hl:non IDAVOI. K ` will A low And &vvry Ihvot. Chop Incl. amazon or pod mm 3 Inah. Ttionqumcity c! nape-Nuns equal to hall :50 uno-znl of mean. In inm the Gnpo-Nncnsnv egg and win! In"|k il II" Oslo up. ` Salt and pappot to 14-Ct Nov sbatotghly mi: most and .n into us hat. for: ium pun-c his noon sud pha III 3 ho: ptnlln Inst: only umngh butt on bottom to ptoveno ouvckuog. Pbel ecvw over the .-title: and chat until L nuv anon Art VVUII. A loom from hoepctal Scrub. Mclntoab. \nLon old force, Fort Solkuk, Yukon. Ina received yocnerdny by n lriond In thin city. The letter wn dated April 9 h snd Ina unctly one month In tnmsit. The winter intnmltoa lhst. on Febnmry `.!. nd Me-urn Frank Huxley, Joseph Sam and party srrivod nc Selkirk from luvs-on on their way home. Saran. Mrlntooh upon: 3 portion ol the day And evening wibh them and repute hnving had I moon en joyablo time. I: Inc 1 areas lot the nnldion no 000 the hmiliu faces 0! the Kings- toninnr. `FL- _;_g__ _4_ , I- The wintot um-4 c-xcoedincly qaioh st Selkirk. There Ina vary hula (Lung to occupy the attention 0! the noldvon md no place {or them to go ho. Tune hung heavily on their hard: nnd uinonco in mm: monotonous. Rm; hnd not troubled chum since Inn (All. I-1`l...I;_...L._. :_ ,- - I - nuccuea Inu nnpplnou. Oscar McEwon, lstoly connocbod with tho Nth bnzbalion band. is now 3 member 0! n Wntortown, N.Y., band, and will visit: this city on the `Hub inst, with the 39:h nparsto company. His many friends here are p!euIod to hear 0! his success and will exhend the "glad hnud" upon his N'- rivnl here so I visitor. Ll--- .....-.`.. I..___. _l l.r:-_-;__ _:n _, The ROYAL ,i GORDON blend KIVII HUI! DC I VllICUI'- lhny music lovers of King:-hon will re- mombar F. W. Wodcll, now a landing vocal voucher oi Iioaton, once conductor of I fine philhurmonic eocieoy In this city. Mr. Wodoll in no viaib Dhll noighborbood In June and July. and some of our leading musicians as planning bo invite him L0 do POIDO touching and concoto work while Mara Inow tron llonplul llornt. IclnIooh- Th. -.- An- -_u LUCY Will TUCIUD ID `V HDQTDOWH. Rev. Robert Young, B A., the Presby- terian minister who will soon vacate his charge no Bnzh. was in the city yeaterrhv and the day bolero. Mr. Young. before qccapblng another charge. WI lor n time rennin no In: home can Treason. llinn alga \.l.n.-...o \l`:II.'_... -A-...A I..-` KUIIIIIII EU IIIU IIUIKIU DB1! Ilonbon. Mira Helen Magnet, William street, lash ovomng onbercnined 3 number of Manda on the occasion of her birthday llll)iV0l'- nary. The evening was ploncanlly npont. in azsmea and varied amusemonu, and when aha guests dopsrted in van with the vary but wishes for Min Mignon : {nburo success nnd hnppinoea. Oscar McEwnn, lgtnlv nnnnnnhnd -EM: moovlnsz on mny mm In mm clay. J. I`) Anderson. Johnston amroeh, will leave tomorrow (or British Columbia. whom he will ppcnd three or (our mouth: in one interest: 0! boitch Bros, Winnipeg, which rm he reproeeuca. On Mnndnv nivyhr. Jr-hn Moll:-my W-Mr. Iuvllviuliu lJr L001!` l'PCBpUl0D lhborn Mock for I) noon atzroob. and W. I). Urnveq hr Prim-ooa auoec Mobbodleb churches, are the delegnboa to the diatnct meeting on May l'.'l.b in this ciny. J. E Amlarann .l.\hnn.nn an-nah will IIUIIU UIITU. Lawrence Locket!) and brido are exponb edto return to the city nbour. tho Nth imb 'l'ho(r new home in being elegantly lnrnilbod far Lboir rvcepbion R lborb Monk fvwr Hunnn -hvnnh And W gnn:vr_V. Mrs H. F. Wilrnob and family loan to- I morrow for Vernon, B 0.. to jam Mr. WH- mrw. formerly of the pa-teal in-.poctor n chaff hero. I__.._.. I .._n_-.. __; LA.-.|- --_ __--_. Ullly, WHDYB H8 Will YBUHIVII YOI' HOUII WIIIO. Mr. and Mrs Jup=r E nbon, Kvngabun, no baking up their re-mlcnce in Athens. They will occupy the 1 mt. over W. T. Earl`: mu nun uor -racer. mu uuagu Funk Hanloy oxpocoa to I wnclnu fbeon days to return ta Clby, where he I! remmn for an Mr and Mr: 'nnv\1r l`.vmn Good Value. KING OF Ill ITUIII Ill ILUICI U] Uleurlly. Frank Nncbo'a m, }'..\rt.amoutb lolo bho other day {or Colhngwood. where he bu neared om loymouu in a shipyard. J J. Bo nn, inpprccor of Ivolghtl and meuuroa, drove mm the cauntry I/J dny for the pnrpueo of m-pecbmg rcrler. Mn. Thompson and daughter returned to their home At. Omngevrllo to day, slur I abort van: to Manda at Poroamouuh. M.. 0.... .....l t_....|.. 1-1. ... .1-.. 1-- VII K IIIVUIKII IAI1 .y I Bulls Gruh. Hick (hi #1 (Imp Nuts. I IUUKU VIIIU I-U lrlanu E5 FOIDGIIJ Mn. Cney nnd (nmulv lulu 1 Prince Alboro, N.W.'I, where 5 will with hot amber. Mu (iudgn FIAHR Hanlav Airlhl tn n f|lIIII.U`\VI?lI)- F. Vunlltino. winning frlonda no the man: 0 T.R wmm.rosurncd 09 bu home in Nopunoo yulordny. Jnnanh Brnnhu mrurnad in tha nitv vn. vn nnpnuvt yuloruny. Jnuph Brophy rammed to the city you- Nrdny lrnm New York. Ho WI 1-pond tho mmmer munch: ham. 1).... i` ll l\.L.L._ ......p.\. ._l LI. l.L..'.. UUU IIIIIIUIUT TUUUOH utru. Kw. F. W. Ibbbn, rector of 1 Anglican church, Porbnmoubh, Ina from un ntonck ol uleumy. Frnnk Nmh'1'n \n Partnnnrunfl "II III UHIIUTIII [Ur `II. ('9 Ella`. Mn. W. Bram, Boston. In visiting her Inobhcr, Mn. Bogg, Lwwor Union ohroob. Dun Lsudor. Ocouu. arrived In the clay to day And will lpond 3 low dnyo born. Mn .l, A Hnndnrnnn in nnnnnd In nhn CID, LU UI, IUU Wlll Ipunu I IUW UIYI LID Mn J. A Hondonon in conuod In I Khgabon gonornl hospital suffering fr! rhoum-ubilln. I` \ ...-|-.:__ _:...:_- :-A-_..I- -. s HKIKYOVU I UlC,Cl' HVIII. Non week cblol ol polioO Bulllo will I put in nmlorm for tho no Luna. Mn. W. Rmnn, R.nn.un_ In vlnlhinn I Joooph Burden lefb yocbcrday for Win- uipog C. Whoolor bu secured I ponibioo In H. Angrovda bicyelo hnry. Nnxo wank nhlnl nl nnlinn Bnllla will II )- SCORCHER BICYCLES. REPAIR WIORK ' run: Pnrugrnpu About Portal AI Inn. And Ahmad. J. VnnOrdor, Porbunoutb, in Iorlouuly all II I". I FROM FORT SELKIRK. A FAMOUS DISH. PERSONAL HENHON. run DAILY me. Wxsnnnsmn. MAY 10. 1859. Wll'l I[Uy. UI LINE Rono Mcllroy, Irnw. nmhtnrnsn, IIJII VIII) I {(1 Mcuulro. ` Iowa bore (20 Ihwoon - _......- 5.....- IUJUUUU. I tndny for Mrs Cnoy ll Mrllulrn 1 H ). John : SPRING WANTS fro ll Another Inga-o Lou Inc Data An on;-.na For the C P. R . No. 723, Ida I50 loconot-to worn the ucrning coda its own nan. II w-I oath TOIUSCII 3593 K0 rcud.nndwill ash in pg N nb flu Boctoyuu lnunalaoq Thomembon olthe Fmrfonnc hockey club wen omortaim-d by who preoidenl. alderman J. M. Shaw, at his residence on Wellington unoo last atoning. A die- cn-nion on hockey topic: and prngnos-in euchro forms! the prngnmmo for the evening, the letting hours being merrily spout Hr. Hhaw provided three hnod gone pr-r.-.-9 hr the result at the onchn guns. `I . A Murphy gearing who adored lot the mono gunmen woo; J.l Snamrhnd hr the (runes! number 0! lane handy, nod "Jq{z!r" Rnlvinooq the D005] urn. In the eenci "Jvggac" only second on (800 And that In Ibo Inn payed. He nppor oady cannot handle the curd: no tell no he can who hockey stick. Lian: rulruhnontn were carved, md tho cuupwy ol uxtmn duper-ad u an only Inn. with rcrnu than the hour of cuputaru had arrived. Reno. Ahd Bureau To day Wanna & Walton. on hobo nl btmdbolden md ohnroldcrll. Inna! wriu Acpinn Ibo dzrcczon of that defines Kings. loan which -uunoam.-ntuo us: has I Iccano at the had: 0! 050 company. I UTUEII IINI C)Y.I'v5m. The logg delsyed intermediate chun- pionahip medah unrdcd to the Fronte- nac hockey team by the 0 H.A arrived this morning. The mods! ul -`mils: In de- Bign to thsc given Q icon 9. In is undo 0! ateriing nlver. I httlo larger man 3 ton- coot piece, oncirchd by n wrath. On the from lltflc in a pair of gilb wing: with the Iottzrs O H A., ucd on the back the Irordn "Inn-rmoduwo Frontooaca are in ocribod. The who! as monuhod on two gold plated hockey sticks. IIIIIIIIIUIJ. A E M:Dona`d. Ircqnoin, On.` , made 1 remarkable -tandvng huzh j Imp M for'y 1-Ix Inches on 6co. Mchonald xn snxmm to meet. all chsllongers nut. Inntnr Thn prninn in IL- no-an at bk- _-..LA meet: all cnnuongers nut. Innrnr Tho Pnine is the mane of the ynchc building at Ogdonpburg, N Y , for the Herrick Thoma Morgan my ndu-Mo 0! Chi- csgo M n competitor in the trial mm to select I challenger lor the Canadn cup She mun designed by W. P. Stephens, 0! Form: md Scream. Tl... I...-.. A..I-.._.I :_..._-1:-.- -L-__ UI . NIB) Ux.U. John Fisher. ytcbor for the Beaver bveball tum. `Mn yomcrday frr (fnecxgn hr permanent: rendenra. The Beaver.- have lo-5 a runr player Tran l.4(`l .\-I9 tnnmn hair] I lu'.l nr.:n`h~.\ IIRVU IU' I Vkr P.-`yer THO I4Cl .)L-e toama hold I lu'.l prac`ica IA-h evenmg. Among the old pl-er: up were Frank Rmey, Samuel and Wlinm Hamilton. A I` \l..'\-_-'l4I I-,_ ,,:_ l\ . ,1, ocnvoou nuuoan rum mu touch. The oecrctary of the Queen's cricket, c!nb hut nrnnged lor 1 vcntch mate-h be- tween the local and cadets tum {or Svur. day. May `2l).h. John Puhnr m'r.-kg: has Aha Ilggogp Scotch Whisky; What In Going on In Tho Sporting Aron: -990? Union. The caietn` cnckob Mun play hho lbs- eronto tum on Mny `24',h. In is probable than the Kvngotona nnd Ponien wxll meet on Snturday. T08 Tnrnnr!) (Hahn ninth: Eh \f up IL: v l min! wxll maec on auuruay. Tne Tnronm Globe cubes uh \t Mt Du: gun has dungned acontro busrd boat for the Canada's cup. Iiannro Rrxnn And 9 Rmirh rl Inn ulu \l(lIl'll H Clip, tiaorgo Emma and S. Smith. cf Inc year's Princess Sweets. Inn phy wich Rockwood bnabail tum {bu Th. .......s.... .t .1... n..-....-- -_:_|.-. |uILuIl'.'l'. Down : Steamer Roaem mob and bsrroa Selkirk nnd Molroso, Chvcnpo no Kim:-tod. one and corn; steamer Par-sis, Sn. (Isthm- rines to Montreal. gonenl cargo. DU KJIUVUIIHU. IIRHU. Down : Soouner Huron. Chicago to Proacoub. corn; rchooner Q-neon ol the Lain, Toledo to Kingston. corn; steamer W. B. Morley, Chicngo to l`ro-coho. corn; steamer Byron WblI,aler,Chicngo to King- ston. corn; steamer Melbourne, Clovolnod to Montreal, general cargo. PIJRT r)Al Huron: 0.1!. Man 0 _.D.u-ml W moncroau, general Pom` DAI.u<>rsII, Oar... May 9.-P.\-pod up: Steamer Queen 0! the W050. King- nnon to Duluth, light; etosmcf Ssmoa, Proacobobo Chicago, lulu; Humor (bar- don Jerry, Toronto to SD. Csbhninen, lertilixer. I\..__ n.-__-,n,., . I A ln\lIll,III7ll llU|l.l IJIU I ICIJJU Wly Dllll '0el` and non week bout. bolh II" be ensured In An utemutto min the tug Walker, gunk in lsko Ontarno off N:cho|a~m n xeland. Vellum Canal Bopon. [Mm Cul.IOR.\l, Ont... May `.>-Up: Steamer Saturn and barges. Collins Bay to Clovolnnd. lighb. l).)-n- Rhnnnmnr Nun-an nhlnqnn in "V IUUIITJ Ulll WT`- Sails were bent to dny on the uchonner Urnntnum. The steamer Eurydico WI bo launched Irom the Picton ways this week. and nexh wank hnhh hash: -III ha nnagnnul wm Iuu on one uunawa M moron roubo. Thin week Uapb. Baotou. Cnph. Elord nnd Capt. Hiuclley, ol tho R. & U. navi~ gnhion compunyh wall, were down the nver muting out; I amtnhle chnnnel for the now abonmer Torouoo. Sovornl buoys will be located chin week. 1.1.4]. _--- I.-..:. A- 4-- -_ .1- -_|...__.- The finest that Scot- land produces. '