O0-O0OOO\OOOOOQ9OOO } Shccpskln Kid 0 between men company. Davunuua um um "fixed." and en bhe men ohep nil they will bring their rloa no hhe "shoulder Otll rern will take posh three paces in from of their cnmpamee. When an ten pace! lrum the eeluting point hhe olcen WI salute. baklug time {mm the rlghb. A: the lelh [om comoato the ground hhe sword will be ruined hyexhendlmnhe rlghlerm and h e clnuler motlon hroughh he the "reenver (the hilr brnnghh M a level with the broom) the puma being then lowered. the um amend. ed downwards hy the elde. The heed an turned to the right end the salute in com pleoed ln nix pscee. When no nix pecee beyond the eehnbing point, as the lelh foot coume no the ground. the clhcere ncover" ewordn, make a pure 0! one pace. and come to the carry. Ab twenty paces beyond the calming point: ollicenn resume theur placea in mar of the compmlee. pus mg by the rvghb. -*1 tnlnmn In then formed on the leading TMI DRILL AMILRIOAN TIOOPI WILL PERFOi HIRI. .___- by the Nghb. UnIumn" In then leading company the companies closing nu The vroopa than tum to the right about and re hre over the same ground just cm-and Thin tune the omveva romnm in rear cl bhmr companies and do not Int. If Hm m-low in nor. uivnn N3 "retire in Dnlr COIDPIHIQF III (IU UV; EIIIILVV. [Him ordain not given In "retire columo,lhe men wheel to the lull and rate up origmal poemcn on the ground In "review onier In the royal alum." the men come to the ehnulder.and at the word ol com mam! advance their I m horinnmlly in front nt them by three motions. The band: phy the first pix ban: 0! the "Queen." ' Adxunnn in ran-inw nnlnr" ll nimnlv ndv (.)vI3on." Advance in review onler" In nimplv vancing in line, double file, the bands planing A quirk march Thane linln dnnuln am an cimnle an "A - plV'\l\R q\'llI`l l'nll'Cl'| These little detmln are pimple A R C." and Kvnw-tonlzmn hum no fear bnt than we Amenctmn will quickly gr-`mm who neceasry knowledge of the Rnmh army dnll to enable them to perform the qnlfd movement! in the spectacular re- wha- VYEW. Lurt your the .'l\-h roparme company. Wnteroowu. wvnh through the entire per- formance without: making a I-nale min. take. Pltlod Away Ian Ironing at anunt-A Devon! Oh:-hush. Them pasted away In: evening nt cun- Iteb nnothtr old landmark in Hm penon of Jcmcn V|nOrder. He wn born woven yeah-. ago within um maa of the ray um raided them ever nines. following the no cnpction of farming Ho mun n man Irhn always look! out the hand of friendohip to Nu followmnn. and never turned any (mm his door. About six month: ago he met whh an uccmenb, having been thmvm (mm bin waggon and algimng upon Mn head. The shark aiponducod dinheheo. which renulved in death He Inn. 3 patient nau during his Illnoea and tnnatod fully in his Saviour. I)- |--..... pk...` -5... Yunnan gm.` Ru.-. in his saviour. He lower than COIN, James and R;y~ mood, in Bnndon. Mm. !"rodu-iclx. M: home. and mum tlnghhen-. Mn. I`. F. Graham, Alwinglou avenue. and lives Hand. no homo. I\.......l -g. . Ilgrluuiinh Sn hie}. u-M 1 Ilnd, no name. l)mau-ad was a Ilethodi-h in Iaith Mn! a devout utoondunt st the l`ott-,mouth Ila ' thoniin church. ` J. H. SUTHERUIII MRO. One non of impoverished Mood in cold hands and lust, tad psim in me back. N there on nqhcttd uorimn coon-quom-on ml! follow. A! u trvmg eqonoa (,`Yiunx" Iron Tonic Pills will ponihvvaly urn thou tumble by nothing new rich Mood sud bouiq up who ayv-rem guxcnlly. As 1 Hood muht sud mu-a utruwgthuvor. may ham no eqtd. 5|) pills m I box fot `25 cents st \\'..9n drug mom - Pain Disanbcars` WHEN YOU USE -sow Liniment. inn unru Slum-In Ca. Mk`. u--...._._1 25: a home Everywhere. A Liniudnx (35:45. 3.1 .Il.lvn I.` lolnsni . . A Drill ulouluyw II I! V ahnooi. I Provost of the Now \'or clothing non | In: I grant an ||y at line brood luv mm Inge In M: win ow. u than 3 Ipllodld Iuno lot (I360 5 nib undo Io ntdu. A r also: In gnnnbd. Inc To Ivonbody. Cltiuunro nekin ll I tee in to be charged for admission mm b 0 [nir ground: on who morning 0! the 24th In. to wltnuo tho mmury mnow. In nply It ml in In stated that the morning crank in I I Mr around no free to ovorybody. Tho gnu will be thrown opou lot gononl ndniuton sad the grand wands will also In nnilnblo (roe 0! ch: rgv "-` - V :1 lion To no Into vamp. The Clmrch Boys` llriqsdo" will burn out on blue 24 h tum. Nil) wrong. under command ul major (I. L. Bean. 0 0 0 ol bhe bgld. lshroughouh Uaunwln. The boys will be him into camp bore poms time during who summer holidays und will alto serve undor cont 3' Toronbo 0|` Ni gar: an the [maul annual camp. Win The Bone uhnnged. In ia ho oil Lieub -Cal. Moublumborb. ll 0 U . m I change the order for one lino oi march nu the queen`: hlrblnlay. In is uuggeaterl that bhe roam be down Princes: nlreel , King street to Battle strut. down Exrl arms! to B ugnii street`. when :0 the corner ul Brook street: the troupe could dipper:-e to bhelr private parades. _` Iudula Ind Iunlgh Olin . I um . hoadmho powders rs hudnbo Ind nonnlginin an or luon ISMIII. Uuutmu no opium G Inc. .ThfIO1 powder: In n pncloh-- Me. clncd a drum l 0001`. 3' SHOES SHh\'ED FREE nun. \Iuv - nun.-. Oomtlpsllon, than lmldloua enemy 0| health, "h0l\` be rvrognlzsd u an evidence .1! `\II I ;:, `M -`m"`v1 -W `W: "mr and howelln. Do not neglect lb. Hunilton a l`llI-, M Mnndu-in and BuH0l`IviIll have cured Ihouaando. Hamilton's Pulls any vwgetnblo. never grlpo. certain to cum. At all dealers in medmlno. VI;o Iglloh clmhlng. Men-nu. \\'acka llrnn , lance:-oer. Rug , am prepnled to mml hoe tn my numrun Ill Vsnadn, pnternn And oelt measurement furmn olthmr $7 5!! uwwed and wanted PHIUI, and guurnuue 5 Drgh clue b. Hoods M Ihe value of $7 51' and upwards we pay carriage on. The Hun-h [safer- emnal tam! mdnovn the cu-mm charge: to nmrro trv-.. Fol` lull pal'%I(`\ll&rF write Movers. Wnclu me an nbvwn. nunlltouru nnnenaut mm M vonotlpr u_... an...` _ lhgnn III! In Iur Ivuuu I l('I!lII This morning Jnmoa North-. of the Own- wa howl. Ieoewod In latter lrmn hm hm that in law, Rmhard O linen, who is on In: way to luwmn City. The letter wan dated ab Snguny. May lust, and the writer `ummuted than there In: an nbundsnce of snow there ab that Limo The entin land at-apo wen a man 0! dazzling whimneu. and its was upecmd Mao mow would not deparb lor at Ian! a month. On the `Ind in. the writer started over the Whlto Paco en route (:0 Isle Bonnotb. A W|;;fI-II To 1`lnVA1"on rher Min Mary McNeil. n ucbool rancher at McK:nmn n Hnrbm, C B . nvened what might have been a venous accident on the In--..ml.\..i.I rqiltnlv n he dgnn nun llllgllf "HVU VEISII II IIHIUIIH uL'\,'l'II!u\ I.'Il luv Ir"arc0|~mia| nilwny a few days ago When returning from rcbool she noticed a wnhmn u s dmnunm action 0| Ilze road next Jnmtn ulle, and wont n connidanblo distance on of but way in mm" n anion- man. Baton the nxpnu came along ne- pgirn were chem! The umhotmeo we rnqnvlod hot thnnqhllmsoi by use pmoont M n r-hcqum lot Mun l'\ID[III7lIlIuI I no ur-vs -nu. A wtimmown cmun to whom the \ M C A. to imlebtui in the extant vi NIW . ior rum.-nt 0I|29I\l0I has made a wot) i gouomun oet. Ho inc inimmoni ii\O no I retmry that ii the Inumtutinn can nun Q-JMI by the em! oi the month, he will balance up ncmunbq at that, thin pnchcnliy giving them the lump mm oi $60. Kingamninm are rniliing nobly to the tupport oi tbin '0-LiG9Ef\'Il)g institution for young men. uni this merchant`, whom bump oi gene money and good `in is no largely de~ velopexi. has many eympothinern. the M John`: (knoll. Thi- momma l,ieut.JCol. Iirennsn, rec- retary oi the queen`: birthday celebration mmmmen. n-t'e1'\-ed a communication irum \\'i||tun Verbevl. commanding the ca-iota 80. John`: academy. Manliun, N, \'., no- turning ihnnla iv! the ilwiinuon to tbe:a.-ietc' tn Vin! here on the 24th, and conveying the information ant his command con-mad oi revonty-than non- commineiotmi oicorl and privates, Ii! oi- cen tn! tweotymvo bandsmon. The en- .t..n. .-all gnu:-n he run M Oat-mm with and twenty nne Iwluusuvuu. nun: cu- deun will man In ray 9! Oawego wllh mayor Hall`: command. A `what complnlun. The momma of the chairman of the property mmmntlno. under whose jam-duo tiou the market rcarenmor la placed, is called to the disgraceful condition 01 PH. coca street. A merchant pointed out tlm ' morning pile- of mfu.-re. hm-a Iron h90p!, puporr. etc.,lb\t had nae I!-ten removed hr month. At the venue: of Ptinam and 1 { Wellington street: the untdy sppunnco A. 5!.` O-Donn-nuuahfnrn hfh from M \\O|lll\(1ZOII lH'$UI H!!! uuwuy uppvuluuuw 0! we thoroughfares detract-C. from the beauty of the envy. A trip up that way by um marten rcuungst once I month would i be vety eectivo. : __ i-.., _ | I III! Inunn-us. nwvuvu u. The names and dates of appontmom M 1 the guards and kaepern on the King-1-Mn penitentiary and! who have waived notice _ that after Jy let that ran-iv.-an wl no`; longer in rvqmrad, an on Mae given. I `Ttmmn Uankv. Jtmusrv '2'I)tb. I; A Camera Thomas Uonny. dnuuvury tutu, I?`-; Jammy B. Matehowwon. September 26-h. IR62; Jumcn En; Jmnsry I615, IWS8; Edward Mooney. Sopmmbsr Tth. ISIH; Iliahgnl flu-an-van {M-r\Vnr 131`. `W! John lidlrd M0000]. DopfV!l|o9r aw. Iavn; Michael Bmmn, Ocmbot ML um; Jon. } Mm. June lTth, H174; Wmim Hunk; November lfuh, H77; L-wanes `nI!b.3 Dueamlnt I`-uh, Ixm; Wulligm Newman.` t\_A..L4_ I.; I\\..u`L-gt... \\` \\7a-ad 2 liaeamnur IHHL I-Sm; nuns!!! murmur.` Ocwber lot. H; (`heave W. Wood. ' Jmuuy l-t. IMH: Ahnndot Spuveo. \ JIBQ `Ind. l\`.4'Z; lane liocalhen. Docvem. . but In, last. ; ._ Z 4 I lnokhor -UM; lmhnto. Au unoucrgwic had of mm had worked for Haven! thy: with c-hot-itnbh iupuluumbringvbn pooh: hirmautw an-kl terminntwo. my van gnawed on 1 unuomuy -om nd Iriundn am in: Innuouynpnthy license at the huhva`*.f the uluir. you know. Well, we Indie! ol L rL..a.Inn.' I.nnountmnudqv.nem'wd' mourns-. you laow. wen, we nmul on ; nL__....-oghnannghgn-n.nnonrn nl Ihndliuml momma: lloillo-ucyvuw-ruuy.ru:uvv-nu Iilenparnh-omtbounuunn M than-j uotIIbkO.b-aesnd(\3ntcm`sundIo'tln| nu-uvumvose oexpm-mtuuvutd` and 8%) was left as prots um can-I rd huh one-Yunnan 31% to cue. for n hvhro in ii non balmy. :_.s LL- uh. L.L&.g at M` Oi In I VIHVITU II 11 um: nu-nuy. just Me an habits 3! the home` has wuionvmiuvutuhboadot thwartin- n;.... ....... L. .......I.4I Lg;-on Anna`:-nIh|A. 1!oIt'oVl'u`I|IKIO$aot luau!-uvm Won my In recorded hearty coon-nuk- ma. one c_o:l-ihlion-. the o-nsvvh rhdeodo Erma Z ` B. 5.1.. DJ-n.-L-Ln:-n .9...-L1 e::IiIu!onI.taoc-at-Eswnwtzoma-cnurm NO -JVIl*|'\O!'F Enni- wulv. gunyeoou "Kg hodty nt- Inuuhuuuauo hvnvA.l`oIg-or. nuamaxucmauunguuuy. Brings a wealth of enjoyment --it goes with you when you travel and brings home the landscape. the beauty spots. It will show your far-nway Manda just how you look in your home. for pictures are taken indoors as well as om. no rvqmraa, an an Wm I\`1'"`- sugar Thomas (hunky. Jnuusry `Nth, I.-an ll Mgbohu-nan Earioml SW1. OITV AID VIOIIITV. Klan!-mun: An uonu-an ... _..._,__ ., _|___ the Routing Knuuo. PAIAOIAPHI MOK`D UP IV DUI I IUIY IIPOI1 III pnmmo. no on um. Tum was n blunt donut ml the palms court this naming. Hulk. Imunln lmn. Navel: lnlolon and thin morning. Bum. hlcyolo has Noyclo uvontou as Out lhl |l-...`- -..LL- An In in nnHK' nnhbrnl Ant` tll wool. Unnd Union. Thanh mu a million pound: 01 Ian yon : combing wool In Omuh. A nnnnnn nl tho bond cl wotlo Ill yum combing Vool In Ulntun. A union; 0! sh board 9! culled for four o'clock thin nltumnon. lV..I.u...l .|;l-mg .uII nnnhlnnn In M mm Ill culled lot mu o'oIoc| nu uurnnou. Colored chino null continue to 50 one In the loading louuno at lilnelnlrn, .143! Km; run. I |...1..- 5.. 05.: non nu! an R: II rlnhl Evorythmg that`: simplest forumteuro. Union Uluunng U0. Now Info for n quuhl`. Miller`: Con- pouud lrou l n||I. sold by I. C. Mitchell sud Henry Wndo Trulnvlnlnhinn nrlmn on mm`: mils. nuu nenry n M10 Tndovlotclnng prior on Tailor-mado Inns. 8%, {(0 Only II bho Grand Union. |.~...n. .4-.. 5.1.`... 5.. u.|.n man` A. um rin- urnnu Union. limb day bring: to Iighl mom 0! the do- mlmon of Canada 8| countull Milo o|r~ culntod In Monuoal. I:`.._..nL|...n ml .5 m anon-`ml In AIIIL Inn. CIIIIOG In MOQIIOQI. Everything at at us con-och in nylo. mn- l-uul Ind color in beta ab nho lowest prices. Bunelnlfo, M`) King shrub. .~4..n. um mu I-nnlntx rnclub nlainl boys Bunvzmro, .'H`l lung canon. Butte that wall rum: ruchb ruining boys are made 3 specialty In the Hnnd Union. 122 Princou abnob. mm. L... .5- n....s n-nLhnAI nunnhn. I'll ITIDCUIO IMVOU. We but the nal nociwur unattac- tuml, ull the Mr elude: and ohnpu no now in stock. On Hull. -mu. i\h\>1`D`.Q Ik.... A Han nhlnnndn coforvd or whim. ll us! run. The beam remedy [or nvrolula in Miller ! Compound lmn Pulls. (50 doses 26. Sold by E. 0. Mitchell and Henry Wado. Thu nmnmntbnn cm ro and ham will nun. Honing to the on and an 3: II right with ah: punt. Our non : um. Grand Union Ululhlng U0. New Info for 1 nuuhr. in stool. Un tun. TM-1 mnming lhvm R. Ron phlppod A water tube boiler for a steam vnchu to PM In lhy, B C . on tho Iuzulic ofopo. Yum mn hnv nlmncl An! kind 0' I Ol In Iuy, is U use Imemc amps. Ynu can buy clmou any 0! chin you vocal in otnctly u to uni goody m coforul white. I! On all. `IN... Lung -unnnnh Lu nnrnlnlg In MIIIDWI E. C. MITCHELL. by Is`. U. Mlbchell mu Henry H M10. The cummmaoo on hghl meet tomorrow nlhrnoon and the finance mmmmoo ol tho my council In the even- my u.mnn.u-nu-I unnlhnr rnmlrec In Ilv my Huoemworl weather mpnlru brella handy. We Inn 5 hm hm 0! them M handy pncot. Grand Umon Cleaning l`..\ In Ipbn cl loan on: um-wnuu In No no hlllu bout-Iunhg 3; upon an noun: or IIOOO Inc AM | [ulna Iona. Tin. in Int Now Yul nylon II . IhmIMr'L BinclA'r`o. I`n|.\-all n UII Utll Hm`: mu :0 to in nobby pclbmo And all wool. Grand Unton. ML-.- I- -A.II A nnllllnbt nnnntll nl IAAI U0. The neoromry 0! the q-seen : Mrthdny colebntion committee in buy Nlloun troops tlnl Mo mum hora units. `)4: inns. u'_ I.-.... \\'l.cn-.nm~.`. -mlinh (:1 All We have \\'bmomon`a polish n nll simian, Imam heather. mu Edge, Dandy. Nobby, Brown and Yncbot. Haimo .1: I Dbtlo. Miller`: Worn Powder: an the but laxative modncino for chuldnn ; so Men as sugar. Sold by R C. Mubchell and Hoary Wndo. Thu morning Capo. Gnu-kin dlopooed 0! one 0! the II T. 00`: drnugha horns lot $l.$. lo had become old in the compmyu _..ninn ` I pin`. ' The pu-arts or rehooi chdnu chock!` vim the various -chanln on 'l"Ivohy nfmr . ` nom next, Empire day. and encour-no QM co-Iebnhom made to create a Ipirih ol u\*riot,r'pm. All the rnchmh will have ' poncv. recitation: and avMrv-aces. '1 H. F. (km . No. I Vorl `ms Im- don, pay: : y danahtet. d lhrtvaeux ' `V01r'!.I'\linV`wy noorhenltr Smooch 1 ilnlefu Compound Ir-on [Wu and kIQ.r r-Apr-Hy ufmry and healrhy "' Sold by E. ' C. Nutshell and Henry Wade. { Binclun. Colored ohlru 500.. Mo . 760.. II. putty Oak lldl. 'I`nuu nun n hlnnk dental I. DGNOO Lawn Mowers, Ball Dump. 11` hockoht. Pure Fwd in nomemry On perfect health, and them ! no better medvcmo to pumy 1% than Niocbelh Magic Blood |`Ir(oh 5%- ubnbtlo. nn|..-I- nu... |\......a.... Ar. u.. hunt 1-onuco. Minor : Worm Powder: for renblaomons an-J vsolmm-9. Sold by E C. Mubcholl um! louty Wade Bmployno M the aunt railway com- pany are no work in Lalo Onmrho purl. games; it in nmiinoee hr Mn opening on `tho `llhh hm \I;n-..`- 1174.... I\.u-Anna nu;-a hvnr `H KIWIWVIN-VI uvvvj. | i Bolhvillc ti-van noted to Imp n `loo!-ant for e Shrv. tn eleven-yeah on Ring-mu boy who nu any from his , home. We rened than naming. having > accompanied samba lad dawn to BNO!` . .m. I u I I the `. IN\ mu, ` MiIlor`e Worm lkxwdon cure favor in dnldmn. Sold by F. C. Mwcholl M! Henrv Wade vu `n u.n..... 1. rm -L..I...I.. .Imgahu. Henry v\ we I N. C. l`.\|wm\ & (`n . wholooah thug MA `i hue opened np a laboratory at 33-.` in! lutmez. Their buoinon in summing Inge pmporuonn. ` A nmmln vmnm Kinontoo ladv will wed ' pmporuom. A popular young Kingston lad n roeudontnl Onlha, a former mast-my :... mu- ......a.:.... L. ...\|....l..|.-rl Int IL: rwudontnl Unlha, mrmer l\Inuun inn The wedding 69 rcbululvd M the early part. (I Jana. `mm mm: bookonlna arm: at uuaiiuon, oariy p\rt. u JBIVQ. The three beckoning quamioo, variation and piicw newer beckoned with Qrvatvr gram and rooulm than at ptuotw. | Grand Union Clothing 00. um rkannn and all aemmamna condi- ' Ht-and limon umtmng U0. am rhemn and all erzomnmu tiom \f the skin me cum! Iv the no nl \hllM'n (wnpound Imn l`\llA Sold by R. I` Mwcheli and Henry Wadm u. .- L_...u -n u.- A......'..... .,i.imn uill I` .\HcheIi and Maury \\ mm. It In hnpo-I all the American mum vi be Iuxdod born on the `zuh mom in time to wllnem the milumr parade. which than from the lair emu at Ivmlm o`cIocl. IrI.;- ............. .:.hr..s u-amnion I`nnhn:_ M The World loves [mm the Ian gmunm u uwuw l)l`IocI. Thin mommg nctmg warden Factor. 0! the Kmgnton ponimnbinry, "mm on a -ummmw for A young man named R. F. rI.rb.oI| a charm ot supplying oobscco to muvlctu. \|.....I..-..o. ..... .-.-......o.-.I On damn:-Ah munct-. Merrhqntn am rvqnentml M dumnh Hm-r n nrw and cilizmo their pkcco of re p;.:..oa on visa qmufa birthday. so an to make the city Dock an pnwy an ponibh Bunting ehonld not be ntntvd in its du- nlnr mcmms nu. I I) II I/I pin. TM Min Lmq. no Mug at tlnpovQo<\bna1 Idocme-I to mama to Woe lvhuad. to him mm at bu smur. hwnehohl the Ru ' Mr Lang. than wife rvcoay Min Long bu bun exceedingly poruhsrwkim, . `mum! and qqunblo. and Ba thpurtum will be ornid the univunl regnb. 1 . vino. nIT=:V1u: H IVUI! In-urn 1 Awelmtdmnw-ioumwelawrgrmuvlo T` 1 In rm any with every unit o! .n.'..;... s...nb..~r'. as m. (Emmi Union Twill In (Win mm "try new 0| \eDc'v/than pvwehaqri 0 no Grand Union ! (,`IaO.Uivqz 0o`: man Sulunhy and maul mg ' -Nth ol Hay. _.._ i I "VIVII It vrwuuyws j Go am! here the eI~|ann`nennhln6\\ launch them 8-why u.-chow! hull was ` Prichy uwhh. May INA at eight okioti. Aami-won I5 emu '\H`Yu-h |'lW(`|` ` Rh '\'4I`N . Ccmeru from $2.50 to $40. To low 1' WM?! Ibllhk `Whit fa Giuuvw .L,|;_-..b. . ruin: strum In K 7 M` K Enmnugnoknu-?hu'huuou:~r.:l:t ll ulm-9 wnnnl (mm )`I)\l. vmmlmnywlurns nu mu |nn|nun' up nluml T W. AR. WAITING wuul In_\ whum uur pr: w ll rtunuumnw um our nummvv plum . We elm not lwluaw All \h\nu v~m\n|uI9rv\| `mu pun can get muvnl nearly ml wel I smyw u-rv elue uuwrunn, E You`ll Find - Quli FM Falconer Has an- rived with a cargo of SCRAN TON COAL. P. WALSH. Cimnlu A GI-taunts Optlclnl. Ill PRINCX BTRKl.'l'. mm. m But you will find tlnt Oanede in still on top. Although it in my up you will nd that we eon tell you A deeireble spot of it on reasonable price. Do you own your home? If not you should, Or poeeibly we can interest you in form property `P If there is anything in the reel estate line you went all end see us. There in lots of wood that in not od re wood. We celect t e but and de- liver the beat. They say our wood burns better and lasts longer. Try some. - g`_ 3 OurTa||(ing i>o'int Good Value. `KinguI$cp[cheI BOOTH & co. V T Podwut. 1.1. R.(:.DOBBS& co.. an ILj__...4A Chngnb 1 ll!-1l`.\ll% ~WORK'-'Mr. J. IL `l\\m1- Ml. Iulv of Prctiel. in in ahrge of this depcnnaut. mlnmu IV-uuulludbdlllauhh-at Mboinst xmutamalmwm I omouanuiholshun i ovqnovlketlev-IkvoAIAvQvhaNvnualr\ imumim; ` Buy from as.u Il\lVII'& IIIVVI CASH COUPONS. |ou.untgIIp;" Zolil decan- this IIC. l nuuun OTTOS 'i=Joi 'duiee'n't'. ' nlbtllnll. Home In no no N Il| I\uI"f|CQ\l0l'.`III'X0uP|\ ..u.:I".. I I I I? II I h:||1\u an x mm. 55-57 Barrack St. IcvcLE.s. I \JIfTIrj:- 1 uvcmuugsmu. I I II1$ cur nnnlhor nn r M mu. no Anna; [M mm uur In rauunnblo In-I lump. in-In-vn-_ ` Looltonaiorthe boatof it u all times. At present we have choice t `Phone three hundred if you would like some had `on ! get dovm town. K Pineapples, Strawberries, Bananas, Oranges. KIM] STRRIT. JCT IIUI-I pnliminnry the nonl I Rev. r. Mu Moon bud be miolchoro. T do," wore dul` bot oerod pr Lord J owe Cl prouchorvq of coudidaoee we W. H Cru. the parish ol 1 the pmebybor were then go: being deliver! Rev J. Mm the pnlpib am` the Clndldu thing. he Plit than onbn; humes. The of Mn ninelno pullmg down the iconocluou ocnlpmr. Re two grew one phul wophy than rml T1 amp the holy Jorunlom, bub may um ulvmu uu|IvIn- nnco. John um couuod no the rooty isle of I`..!..uua. The p.r\;ur ~"'~ri-" 6'! u-it bohnll wu nnuvorod. We do not run Ibo risk of being inn rinouod. Duh we any be tackled by she on 0! one and bound by the bond: of luditfomnoo. ms... .u..a..|.. manhn Inn bum hnlan the bond: 0! luumoronoo. The diooiploc migln have boon taken out of the world by donbh. Wu.h tho uoopblon of John hhey nll dlod a violent death. No one In romovod lrom who Ichivo mugs of late nubil hll work In done. The progress ol who church is not ntnyod or checked by bholr diuppocnnco. Chrlnu forbldu n rs` luolllon ol our olfu-no until our divlno Inla- Iiou is fulfilled. In In the conncm. IIJXIG Non. hlrdohipmobo. , whlch we pus through bhn bring our hlghonl virtues nnd moot: develop our ch-anchors. Throughoub the whole uroop ol hlabory we hue only one who in acne! and pure and He was made porfocb through suffering. The ma wnnb ol Iho world and also church has n men .1 .|-......n .....l-|.n nn-nl Ah ohnrnnhnr. Ila Vovo. Tho oorvieoo In oonnocuon .w|oh tho ordmnion ol ooo condlduo lot min- iooty lnoo Ibo l roohyoor_ou church and tho lioohotng ol throo oohoco ocournd loco ovomnn In Bu. Androw'o church. Tho loot oundadoooo on: A J Ioonl, Jomoo Bhutto, 8. Mel. Foo sud W. H Oum. Prol. Torguoon. oi Qaoon o. rood tho ooriphuro loooono And look on hio an oho wordohuud in John A\'ll, I5, punching thonlrom o pncolool dmooutoo. In Chrlofo union lot mo Jon ulooy Ho onmnolod their to oho can 0! oho Inhhor. odd bho o hot. You and I hovo boon oondod to ( od'o wotohlulnud vendor euro. Why.t.hon. ohould wo ho Lronhlod sud unouy? Ho will guido no Iron: nll ill. Ho will not) bo uumlndlul o! no. 'I"|n-4 --A. ...:n-ml -L'I III which Uh. uumndlul of Then wore nvonl Iuyn by which Ibo d||c| loo might Inn bun him out of tho worl . Ah ovary mop In choir mlniamnul cursor thoy lnonrrod hho diophuuro and blbtnrnon 0! vhoir oonnorymon. Thur po- aillon Inn dulftroul from um of modern minhhorn; their out III mono dieconrngp lng. We Ire In no danger of ning mm 3 mnnntrinl non. I movomom bhnb Real Estate And Loan Olflco. 332 KING BTRIII`. given In we would eerneeuy uo. The dhciplu ughu buwe been taken oub ol the world by imprisonment. Some 0! them were out Into prison befote leaving Jerusalem. but: they bud divine deliver- Inhn nan onnnml M1 TOOUV '0 Ann` AID THIII NIW PIIIIYTIRIAN MINIITERI LIOINIID. We In danger 0| nnclug Iuvu 3 monutrinl room, gronbly rooordod the progress of the obno- NM) church. Bub we have fun of an- other kind. The mission which Unmo hn ehould urneutly do. Th: dlnniulol mmhb 0! I00 worm anu nun cnuruu nu uuuu luv 0! devout, upright. unsolnh chnnobor. The most convincing punching bonny no the Godly. irreprooohsblo lives o( devout cbrietianu. It. is oh: gospel illuuhntod m the school, bbo otco nnd olvowhere than us rugaind. - -u .L.a x. .......I In. nu daily wall m ulna. III that in sacred let: us dsily wall In t 0 path 0! the martyr! who mad for Christ`: uh. The calm will be sweet be us that the norm, and also rest that the stnuglo. lo Sn been lo` us no pun hhmugh when not-ugglu ; but for us to have loved and lost 1).. u- \l'aI|.i... 1`...no.m glut of Mn Iona CANDlDATE_ oamno and lose Rev. Mr. Wilkins. Trenton. clerk of the pnehytery. said than the cendi` lube: bed encoeeefnlly passed the enmineblun reqmred by eeeembly. He requeeted bheu Mecllo. efher the neceeeery quee~ been pub. ebnnld liceneo the The cusoomery enanere "We duly made. door which the par prayer. In the creme ol the Jame Christ be welcomed them 920 be the gospel of Uhneb. The were then given thelr licensee. III II l`.-an-\ u-kn Inga rnnnivnri A null tn being uenvereo oy me puuor. Maclie afterwards ancendod to and gave words 0! ldvlce ho candvdazee. In wae a rolemn paid. to enter me mimszry In onhrageoualy oxcmng. stirring restless, revoiuhionary rpm: ninebenth century exhibitse lbeell In down and punmg up. The workpl in far eaoier than that ol the He called their attormon an the enermee of reMion--.-cvence and philwophy They were more illummary real Take the bible an it in. I! you ncrxpturee 0! inspiration. and me Saviour of Hie diviniuy, you leave in a dry hunk with the kernel gone. a nyebem wibhonu a hearb Preaching is nothing If not practical. If you do not reach the heart and mould arighh the Me, there in failure. uh. _..L'9 A-.5:-.-..I Ila Ilpniig In unanunuea were (non xlvuu uwur Imvuuua. Crnm. who has rocoivod u call to Bub. was nloo ordained by pmebybory. The ordinnlmn oervicoe gone through with. the prayer delivered by the pastor. Ran J Marlin nlrnrwnrda nmondorl mmro. Do not. continued Mr. Mocha in vehement bones. open ynur pnlpib to every wondering pmuchor with 3 good cannoin his mnuth mod 1 good collechion in his eye Neva nuorl bolho advertising page to nd I eongrwaoion. h is the Ian macro to eueuin n dying canto. In never hut bean and in noh now counuanuced by our church." I).. B7 II f\_..... L.. Lg.` ggllgd In O OOOO6000OOOO6 50'. W. [I UTIE DI! UI |IUll [0 ml the charge eh Beth, made vacant. by the re-Igmtion cl Rev. them Young. Rev. June: shone will take chute of Goon`! church services, this city, Ior three months. Rev. J. McNo|| will have hon-Iv for his home In C-we Breton. and Rev. 8 Ilcl. Fee will rennin in the city and Oendon But, his home. [up than In pups: unturned with moth euupbot gjun the thing for pro-erv. Ing wines: gunonh from doetttcon by mosh. 5e. nuhoob. Ichood`o drug store. GANANOQUE `Many People of this town being Cured by Doan's Kidney Pllls. XVWYKWI |Vl\\\(`rl('\ `|\ lI\|il H -"` `-\K L` IN pain mm of nrhmq harks, made` \\'`\k barks Mnmz. and |z|\m\ now hie and hope In ludnv-_\' .-nrk svzowvn Hum nl our mwnsuhlk Pm prunes this r9med_\ for the (nod 11 has done is Mr \\n|1nco Ilosuslup. of the Ro I-nu-Inc-" nlvo nlxn 5.n\s - ' Donn : IS MI lH`|(`Q` IIPEISIIP. (`I I??? l\Q 1-orlor" olve. ho 5.2\_\S Iman's K|dn(~_\' Pills hme N-nunvd the pzun In my hark nml done me nmre mmd than am` other rvmody I nor look .-And Oh--u f.u- \iJr~or Or-nn_. I --no man an)` outer Wmm)` | mor um. I nwc\n\m-nd them for ki-ire) INHI- Nos. urmnry dnmculties` sl*pN*&tn6*s%. di77irN-as. lirwuin-on~mn fooling Thm roman-d all IN kidney and urmnr} dilrullies {mm which I sufk*n\|. nr-:1 km: _made me feel lwuer m eu~r_\ r.-. IV` IWTICO. HUI`. 3 D0` 01' -S Inf `\|V'_;,)_ 1Vn Donn Kidney Pill 00.. Tnnmlo. Ont. AA for Dean`: uni rwlse all align. ax. ' ' Donn`: Kiulmw nus aw sold hy {U1 1 dnurmsul or wnt h_\ maul on YT'I`1>\|\ .4 I-inn KID a hat nr 2! fur S1 `IS Iv I I. Cram unlulnod Into the Inn. inn 0! (ha Proclnurlnn uhun:n-frul Ian. at ououvo. rrooonon nu Lilo ..-....-.._u.. .1 Anon: unvo Inn! McCANN S Iotnou-Io! J in Ward: M AdvIu-0omIIdIuc All tn- 5L- u-_- 11 Gram ha been called to .. .. I).|L ...-.I` ....._> L. \|I( 00` rm dun? up. Ron a\)S umvni r me shvmi i_\` P\ PI for \i*.re_\' .. a`.s.\I\`4\4-eb\r\eQ than town. Bolloville Iubelligoncer : Mnjor Blggnr has earned the nppoinomonu by his Intelli- gent dovotolou oo bho iuoeroabs of our cm- zon aoldiery. J, A l}.1ndnnrh\_ nf Min fern omen. '00h ponou. Junoo Taylor. lube 0! this ally. In now locned ah An-ow Hod.N.W.T. He In In the Imploymonh 0! the U ! .R. com puny. H. T. McGary. 0! Canton, N Y.. I: In the clay. Fa la hero for the purpose 0! picking up mlhable borne: in the surround- in country. an-I Rnnnv. In: M hhn Hr-and Unlon mcouncry. any Ronoy, lab: of tube Hrand clothing house. has gone on Deoornnbo ho ecbnbllah n branch of the (hand Union In that town. n-u-...-n- I..;.In..-...... . u.:m- Rlnmu aolalery. J. A. Uoodenrlo. of who ferry omce. 0! Brock ubrooc. Ion yesterday [or n trip through the wash. Ha will visit: Dohrolo hn`-.- rd-to---st-nu ' hv_~"`.~w r-`n.-M-g_ Police msgietrnto but! returned blm uwnaiug houn Tm mun). wlmae he In-I been an guest ol Bir Oliver Mowob. lieutenant govornor 0! Ontario. _I R, R Mnnnn hu dimmed of two or ununo. J. B. R. Mc()cnn bu diopo-wed residences on Hora ntvreoh. those owned by Mn. Molvlllo sud John Percy. One man purcbnod them bobh. Kmannr Mnmdmmnll. of (tho miaou ol ho nod In. B hurl. moon canon. Edward Adamo. OJIWI, superintendent ol Impocbon ol halls. in in the city. .14.-oh Hnlmer is mounting to unto him Tqyas, nentoa nu omen Data In l!`l`l.I!!llIlBl|UU. Rev. E`. W. dchuondor. Donlngh. has me- oopood a unanimous mll [mm the Lu~ bhoran oougrognblou ab Vmo Hill, Illinois. ll Mnl`.nmlnnn. mun nlnrl nl (hnnnnuuo. IIIOFIII oouprvgluuu II) V mu nun, lllluuln. B. McCammoo.bown clerk ol (hmnoquo, In connod to his home. and u I recall Ibo council mooning there had to be poet- ponod. Jnmon Tnlor. ultv. purcnnea mom noon. Keeper Mucdonnoll, of (mo priaon Iutinnin hhn King-non penitentiary. will retire from the service. He Ins been I long time I member 0! hbo atn. b. H. McCrosdy, I humor and hide Ion hung member 0| we wan. McCrosdy, dealer 0! Brochvillo. was In use city your hard: on bnninonn. Ho vmto tho day porl Ictlly ho make pnrchuoc of Mdoo. Mnthhnu Hnnnnllninnnlvar 0! S. Obern. ponoanculy no mus pnrcun-on on uvuun. Mathew l)onneIly.mnn|gor of dorofa up town cigar wore. In conned to his home with illness. Murcna Oborndort. for has taken over his duties for me time being. Thu vnnnn Ind Vnnln. Iniumd T\l0Q\inV '1`. Porter. Ponouonh, In very Ill. Duid Lulu. Bellonlo, II ban to talc a summer court: I! Quinn - 1). 1.`. Finale . Bulk, no the gunk of Mr. nod In. B ark. Brook non. I'.l..--.-l A.4..... no-.. mnarlnnndcnb ol Impocton ol ulllll. ll I!) we uuy. Jscob Helmet is propuiug hob! In Wllliuuvillo. Ho will return to Wuortown. NY. n. nu... nu... .---um Ln HA" nltl Wuortown. N Y. Dr. Abbott. noting nrgeon to "A" Bold Minty. bu boon ordorod Io rennin in camp with tho buttery. Nnnnn Nu. I-Lnnlmw. who mnborloullv Inna uni uuory. Norton Nay. Roulrow, who mynborlounly dlunpuotrod In Apl, while an roubo from Dohroita, has not yol boon loomed. \.VulI|;|n Nnnlgndn. AI-nhltnnh. Inn ditdd uohronu, In: no you new Io-nun. Wnllmn Nowlnnds. nchltocb, bu docidod to remain nu Brit/uh Oolumbln. Ho bu nentod hln ofoo bore in muuqnenco. D..- I` I nhunulgr Ilnnlnnh, hlj ln. _______~~__- $1 $5?! or than 1,". Die: ` `hing `-3- `Iain 3% being. The young lad Voalo. Injured Tuoodny uiqho by cononch wibh as live alactric light win. in able he be nronnd. bu? us will nu! forlng aomewhnb from the elhcte ol the shock. nu-.. u..D-_ I\-.-..:.....l :.. oh. aim lmm uumulton mm. Anthony Nicholas Brndy. mentioned as successor of Roswell I`. Flowor as director 0! bho numerous Flower proporbi:-9 nnd on- rorpriaoo. is reputed to be worth 15 000. mu. Kin ru rogulnr employment: was an cuhior in the barber shop ol the Delnvun home to Albany. Ila Ina already 1 rich mun when he wonb into `:55. u-_ r.`....;- |-...... I.`...... um um Jnlm T Iovonuh 0! in Peoria - when not ._-an And noun IDOCI. Allan McR-so bu arrived in the city from Roavorbon. Ont. He will remain unbll Juno lbh. during whlch time he will play raven games of ball with the Klnm-hone. Be in captain of A beam in Beaver!-on. Th: nnonnnmnnh in nnnnnnnod 0' I98 no In cepbeln of beam In Denver:-on. The engagement is announced 0! Mm: Lucy M. Ghent, deugbhor of 8. ll. Ghent. ream:-er ot the I-nrrogahe court and clerk n! the crown. Hamilton. to Heome E Feat. ol Boebon. Mme. Mr. Feast in n llumilton A..nL4..... \Y..L..I-. Dpgtlu unnnnnmi Al when no wont: mm gun. Mm. Ennis. Jumoe Enma and Mrs. John HAgerty_ of Chicsqo, arrived in the city yoaberdsy to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. M 1`-urvun, which occur: to-mormw morning. Mrs. Garvin returned from Chi. csgn only tum weeks ago. whom the st bonded Mic Ynnoral of hor eiabar, Miss Jon nio Ennis. Ihvn S anus` nry me: Mr rupurn. The schooner Acacia. Osweqo, in din- chnmlng a cargo of cool at Crawford & CJ '9 wharf. `PL- -I..g.\ u`AnAI\ (`cs-incur 0n.u.nI7 din. IIIIIUI I Inn:- The steamer Denver cleared for Out-ego no land coal lot upper lake ports. TL` inn I-I-nngnn nrrix-mi Irnm Monk-nnl land coal lot Ina ports. The tag Brom.-on arrived from Montreal luh niqhu with two lighb barges. The nrmmer James Swill: WI" omuer nu! & Sous dry inch lot ropura. 1%.- nn|\m\n|-r Anntnn n.m..,.x in dit- U) '0 whul. The sloop Madcap. Conway, to-day dis- charged 2.!!!) bushels of can at Riclnrd- eon & Boos` olovnbor. The M. 1'. Co : barge law: were oated out ol Uavlo &. Bone dry dock ho-day. The tug Edmund oueomd for repairs. Arrival: at the ll/l`. oornpnny"! elevator -~Slnmor Denver. Chicago. 35,00 bushels ol och; steamer Arabian lightvemd `23,\,\Il bushels of com and proceeded on Mona-ml; summer Talbot and consort Myulric. Chica- go. 0|\,0tl) bushels ol com: steamer Bun- noekbum with cannon-In Dunmon und Winnipeg. Fort William, 20l\,t)II) Mahala oi when. - VSTRACI--IAN S. -- TRADING STAMPS GAQII I*lIIIi\HC Inn ll Trunplx _ln Klnuton And 3! ! ll|L- Danna. FTIICIIC I1II-I IIVFCII Pour Cmsonsa, Oul. Inlay l'.'.- Up: Sinner Sn 3. L` Tilley, Moon-ul ho I\a- tron. (moon! came; stunner A Ilc\'ouio. Ogdouoburl to Chictto. gone!-ul cargo. l\.\-:n- Rv-manna: Ihnnm~lImrn_ Port liemly mgno. Pun DAl.In[,"Il., May l7.-L'p : Schoo- uur Annundnlo, Denerouto to 'l\otold, rall- mnd tie-; atocmot Rocket, [huh-veal to Port Oo!bomo. light; obamor lolbonmo, Moat:-eul no Cleveland, guxonl argo; steamer Cadillue, Kinggtvon ho Iluqtowo. I.*..n, Wnlham oo lungamn. `boat. The tutu l'I'Ql midontly to oat who ooeamor Bconoclburn to the denim on Tierdny night. Pnnv Du Inrul AI I7 -l'n: Schoo- c. Down > Summer Deane. Chicago to } Kingnoon, och; mama Topeka, Chic-we to Pnvcou. corn: account Toltec. ()hic-up to Kingston. wheat; Rumor At-nHcn,Fort Willinn to Neutral, I cargo: bugs Winuili. Fort Wil inn to Kiunoon. vrlpotz ht-go lhnuag Port Willmn to Kingston. wheat; stunner Bumockbum. Porn Wimun to Kbcnton, when. 1 too`: funds. Se!-at-AI notehmh tn eouphiniug HI. Curly ugdmc tin onpmul ol poms citilen! Io ox! out In?! moods. edhhcouovy none and rdnsbuuw parhn in canal M Ito non! plan on Printout art. no. would Isoconduetod but for one dny-th neon`: Irinbdny. `Dune merchants who 0 n ml lnnca 3" through the year than with Mo: 0pm the ouodny Inbmsn dropping in Mid sppvopriooz lothfnnlltbo Indool we beat hr-inn thy. Owocnotnennutma on Driven: gun but neoind offers to ram I-hair plums Io: Oh one day mentioned. I: won! in u for urn nuuhemry my Var Iboouduy u-uduconas n boonahin the hit grouvdo. nod the glue help in can ` uihtiog toward the colon-ution commit ! I : ugdouoourz no umcspo. gunanu cargo. Down: S"0IlIOI Bmnockbum. Fort Wuhan 00 Kingston. wheat Th: main: I-nlcgl lnnnfllr NI ank M10 Alnhlslcukbcltnqt nun. he th patina uudlujut utoelol uwuou-uinuhovuduauowuu A. Il_I MARIPAIEYEITELLIGENCE. .&--._ PIIIONAL IIVITION. In the material which a great many Canadian Shoe Dealers assure you in the strongest terms is "Genuine Kid." To those who are looking for cheap Bhoeu we say : Be careful that you don`t get "Sheep Show-." Better buy from a reliable rm which has a reputation to sue. Gain. a rm that has never handled one inch of Sheepskin in over fty years h-isiuess ex- perieuce. For your next Shoes try Wolhnd canal llopon I` .\ A nn._ I 1-an" Jilin M1 going I) gel Inrougu wuu rugruunnu. An obey urn guns: or honor 5..., will In upoohd no load o in nll tho muwnvru, come ncntly In name his baking uIvnu~ M34 5.? than not to glvn them some culmin- oumoul an to tho muumg 0! the arm: and and also 0! what no inquired of them. "Knvlni nrrlnr" In rhn Unnndmn eoldior and Moo 0! what: roqulrou 0| mun. Kuhn order" to the Unnndun soldier mum than he must appear on panda with holmoo (chin nnp luvnred), tumc. Inlb. unmunmon pouch. bayou. Bronson, leg. glam. boobs and no, sud ho mun wear gloves. Arrlvlnn nnnn lhn ald. tha [mom lino guovoa. Arriving upon tho eld, the troop: up in review order. or donbio lo. than in rank! two deep, band: [thing up poni- tiouo in him resr ui their ncpecbive com- mander. The nrbillory. ntnbioned on him right oi the iufnnbry lino, iiroe I anluh oi cwouty-one gum, novou cnnucublveiv. than on interrnl oinpnon in which the ininntry roe she rob round oi the "ten da jiio, than sovon mom rounds by the nrcnlery, mother round by use ininniry, than tho Inn aovon munda by the artillery nmi nal- ly Min nishing round by the ininnhry. Thu ward: fun rln min" in Q Frauch ly DBO numnnp round by too Inunury. The words fen do join" 63 French term. meaning "a thin 0! guns lnlmkon ol joy." the nyatom lu lowed II Iur me man on bho olbrmno rlghb ol the lnlunrv lane to abort the firing. Mme volley running don him from line to the exonme Ian. and b on back up the roar rank to who ex tremo right. Each man in the [mob rank res imvnediabely minor the man on hluighr; lnthe rear run! It is vice verso. The n-so remnin M. obs shoulder uml she bumla have phytd the Mist nil ban of the nnhmn al nnbhom, "God Save Mme Queen " Ar who and of the third round the Anthem 83 plnved In Ice entslnby. I-`.u~h bahhlion or aonnnbe company than ;'v.a;a..J.3:a..1a-`Lianne:-aau-au=..~. =. ,______. It In You Ilnplo And Ioully lneu\od-A l Tluuly HIM lot In! American: to Pro- Ih by-IooIIn[ ol the ulennl `hymn - The Prognmno Ixv|n|uod. Oawogo nunpapon now the hub bhnl tho Inullt oollpnulol 0! Now Yuri nun Mm no to participant in the lllllihllx` ro- viow ban on lhaqno0n I bmhdny on rocolnd copies of the xononl onion Inund by Lveub.-Uol Monhlumborh. dlonticl olii cot cumnnndlug. in! tho oicaro an 5| I Inn to know the meaning 0! tho hum nod. The bonus no annual} lnrclqn to any In Mn Uultod Buns dnll naulsuoun. and the nicern no wondering how they going to get through ch: roqnmmo. An Ishnv nu-n uunnm nl Imnnr E 8! I). plnved In In enblnoy. I~`.mh bahhlion or oopnnbe company receives the commtnd "form loura, turns to the right and msrchoa tn the righb of the parade ground, when the mmpanien cometo the fronb." hi-using "coIumn;' each company forming two ranks. nicorn In ran 0! each unib. The troupe than wheel in column on the enrqvne Ida ol the nlubing base nnd mpare to "march past in quarter co umn" - hen paces between each company. Bayonou; wxll be "nal " am! an Mm man Anon n their mm mm am To no.4 h N